#arty escapades
artnerd1123 · 3 months
I continue to be broke! With rent and the phone bill coming up </3
2/6/24 update: will be getting paid tomorrow, thanks so much for the support!
Would appreciate any comms or ko-fis in these trying times :’)
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silverhallow · 2 months
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Every Breath You Take
Violet Bridgerton II x Edward Becker (OC) Love Story
Chapter 1: Wonderstruck
Summer 1838
Edward had been to My Cottage before, he stopped regularly on his way to Eton to collect William Bridgerton but it was the summer of 1838 that would forever stick in his mind.
He was 16 years old and was becoming more aware of what was to become him in a few short years. He was the only son of the Duke of Somerset and he was 10 years younger than his older sisters and he had been unexpected but to his father, a welcome relief but now at 16, his father was actually taking an interest in him and preparing him for inheriting the Dukedom.
He’d spent a lot of time alone or with his cousin, the future Earl of Devon, Thomas Shuffield before he reached Eton where within days he’d become best friends with William Bridgerton.
William had everything that Edward had wanted in his family and often found himself jealous of the stories that William would tell him about his escapades with his cousins and siblings during their breaks from school and whilst he had heard a lot about William’s younger sister, he had never met her.
Over the last few years when he had stopped at My Cottage, Violet Bridgerton had often not been at My Cottage, having been either at Romney Hall or visiting her aunt and uncle at the parsonage but that fateful day, she had been home.
Edward had meant to spend the night at My Cottage as was custom before he would set off with William to collect Thomas on their return to the school but the weather had been bad and it had meant that he had to sleep on the road and arrived just after when the Bridgerton’s would break their fast.
He had sent a man ahead on horseback to let William and his parents know and he knew Mrs Bridgerton would worry about him if he was not there by the evening, when he arrived Mrs Bridgerton welcomed him at the doorstep and gave him a motherly hug and explained she’d prepared a bath for him if he wished to freshen up and eat before they departed.
He thanked her profusely, feeling awful from sleeping in the carriage and desperately hungry, so he made his way through the comfortable country home towards the guest room he would usually reside in and as he made his way onto the landing, thinking longingly of the hot water and Mrs Bridgerton’s cooks biscuits, there was a commotion and he heard the bark of the Bridgerton family dog Arthur and as a door opened he heard a girls voice “No Artie! Give that back!” and then the dog appeared with a rag in his mouth as he made a bid for freedom down the hall.
Edward chuckled and carried on walking only to find himself being crashed into not even two seconds later and he felt a cold wetness spill across his chest and as he looked down he saw a blur of blonde hair and the greenest eyes he had ever seen.
“Ooops! I am so sorry!!!” said the girl and all Edward could do was just stare, blinking like an idiot as his brain seemed to stall as he took in the girl.
“Vivi! Artie’s down the hall with your painting rag, if he gets in Dad’s stuff he’ll… well he’ll not murder you but he won’t be happy” came Will’s voice as he appeared around the corner “Lord, what happened to you Ed? Vivi you need to watch where you’re going”
“Right, yes sorry… I’ll go get Artie, sorry again” Vivi said to Edward before running off around the corner before his brain could mutter any words.
“It’s not a problem” he said half-stupidly as he looked at the space and just blinked.
Will just laughed and clapped him on the shoulder “sorry about Violet, she doesn’t look here she is going sometimes, especially when Artie is involved. Come here, I think i’ve got a spare waistcoat. Mrs C will get that cleaned up and send it down to us at school…”
Whatever else happened that afternoon Edward had no idea, it was all a blur as he swapped his waistcoat and put on one of his best friends, but he didn’t see Violet again as he was in the carriage within an hour but he was certain of one thing as he climbed into the carriage…
He was almost 99% sure he had just met the woman he wanted to marry…
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tournament-of-x · 6 months
The Hole
Round 4 will begin in two days on Wednesday, October 25th, at 8AM EST! Round 4 will consist of 32 matches posted over the course of one day, and each match will be open to voting for one week.
The lineup for Round 4 is as follows:
Match 1: Boom-Boom vs. Dazzler
Match 2: Husk vs. John Greycrow
Match 3: Wolfsbane vs. Tempus
Match 4: Molly Hayes vs. Forge
Match 5: Mercury vs. Lourdes Chantel
Match 6: Beast vs. Anole
Match 7: Surge vs. Artie Maddicks
Match 8: Somnus vs. Thunderbird
Match 9: Cannonball vs. Lila Cheney
Match 10: Armor vs. Kwannon
Match 11: Banshee vs. Blink
Match 12: Synch vs. Warpath
Match 13: Khora of the Burning Heart vs. Morgan Red
Match 14: Chamber vs. Selene
Match 15: Leech vs. Toad
Match 16: Pyro vs. Frenzy
Match 17: Escapade vs. Cypher
Match 18: Klara Prast vs. Glob Herman
Match 19: Wind Dancer vs. Sunfire
Match 20: Callisto vs. Birdy
Match 21: Spyke vs. Akihiro
Match 22: Siryn vs. Marrow
Match 23: Hope Summers vs. Trinary
Match 24: Wolverine vs. Namor
Match 25: Legion vs. Gabby Kinney
Match 26: Bling! vs. Darwin
Match 27: Rachel Summers vs. Angel Salvadore
Match 28: Shatterstar vs. Stepford Cuckoos
Match 29: Warlock vs. Black Tom Cassidy
Match 30: Angel vs. Madelyne Pryor
Match 31: Hindsight vs. Catseye
Match 32: Elixir vs. Dust
Remember, this tournament is a contest of popularity, not a contest of abilities. As always, asks and propaganda are both welcomed and encouraged.
Contestants Index
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elphael · 1 year
highlights of the session
arty going alone to do recon, sitting in a locked bathroom while his familiar, locke, who was in Bird Form for the first time flew around an evil scientist lab, rolling a nat1 on stealth such that arty's former boss, our villian realized that finch that got into her lab was someone's familiar.
then proceeded to roll a 9 on a stealth check to vacate the premise as arty himself and decided 'fuck it' and just jumped off the floating island again instead of going the normal way down.
taking only 18 points of damage when he hit the ground and when a guard asked him if he was okay, arty, disguise self'd as a random guard said, "the guard shift was so fucking boring dude" before LEAVING
the above escapade is what landed arty in hot water with his not-girlfriend because she is so worried about how reckless he is and he is so bad at not having the thought process of "i can survive things no one else can so what's a little bit of pain to keep the people i love safe"
artylowe interactions of: barlowe taking arty's glass of whiskey upon realizing he, again, jumped off of a floating island and him going "stealing a man's whiskey is very lethal." the reply "testing a woman's patience is very lethal." and "noted, i'm sorry." // "you know i would've gone with you," "yeah but i didn't want to put anyone else in danger", "just you?", "well yea-" dm voice: you get the sense she intentionally leaves message range. // arty apologizing kind of and admitting that sometimes his lack of care for himself is a bit selfish & barlowe saying "i know it would take an act of god to kill you but it still worries me"
tfw arty 2.0 is roxy's brother
arty managing to knock lady seryan off of a 35 ft. ceiling bc of the bullshit that was his build + the magic item i took for the oneshot (a fire giant potion flavored as juicing himself LMAO)
roxy in her true changeling form and also telling arty that rusk is her brother. roxy threatening lady seryan and arty realizing how amoral & murderous roxy is atm and going "okay, i'll follow your lead, what can i do?" and covering roxy's back.
lady seryan being mouthy and sinister to roxy and arty dropping the pommel of his sword onto her jaw dealing 17 points of damage to her ☠️
roxy ripping lady seryan's throat out
my only nat20 of the night being arty's wolfhound familiar locke attacking and knocking arty 1.5 prone.
arty killing arty 1.5 by putting a shatterstick in its mouth and blowing it up
arty earnestly asking tashalaryx, a draco-lich who has taken the roof off of the building "hey can i help you" and then proceeding to get all of his people to safety, set the four remaining shattersticks to blow the entire vermishard up, surviving 40d6 and then 20d6 points of damage from the explosion and falling from the vermishard.
the reveal that the "dragon" tashalaryx was trying to find to kill is calliope, one of arty's closest friends and he never knew, and she's a changeling and "a good liar" and the story is one we will hear another time in our next episodical oneshot 👀
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misshiraethsworld · 9 months
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A SERVANT'S FRIENDSHIP ━ arthur pendragon ♔
Chapter Four - Good Luck Charm The blonde went on her tiptoes, hesitant at first, before she placed her chin on his shoulder. Arthur looked back at her, his blue eyes capturing her brown ones in a thoughtful gaze. She wrapped her arms around him, and Arthur sighed, all the tension leaving his body. Arthur leaned into her embrace, his head atop hers as they entered a calm silence. "What's wrong, Artie?" Lynette asked. Arthur closed his eyes, his forehead touching hers as he murmured, "Nothing, just thinking." Lynette didn’t believe him for a second. She let go of his shoulders and moved her hands to grab his face forcing him to look at her, “Arthur, that was not your nothing face." Upon hearing her call him by his full name, Arthur knew he would have to tell her what was on his mind. Lynette always knew when something bothered him; she only called him that when she worried about him. She could always tell when he wasn't himself. It was something Lynette had learned while growing up with him. Arthur should know that trying to hide anything from her was futile. She knew him the best, and Arthur would be a fool to think otherwise. "Arthur, are you nervous?" She asked, placing a comforting hand on his arm. "No, of course not!" Arthur said a little too forcefully. He nodded to emphasize his lie but stopped after seeing her raise 'an eyebrow.' "Maybe a little." "Arthur, you know you don't need to pretend when it's just us." She exclaimed. Arthur nodded and placed his hand on hers, "I know, Nanet."
THE ALBION ESCAPADES read here: wattpad
tag family: @arrthurpendragon, @eddysocs, @darth-caillic, @dancingsunflowers-ocs, @kmc1989, @ocappreciation, @ocs-supporting-ocs if you want to be added to my family, all you have to do is ask!
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mysterysimblr · 7 months
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Artie snuck out for yet another nightly escapade with Cole Mann, his uncle of the same age. This time, the boys were accompanied by a pack leader. Wonder what they’re doing on those rides.
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jeongwoen · 5 days
3LITE; Mission for Kiyoshi Island Escapades
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Anggota Kelompok 3LITE
fumxya (Miya) - Ketua Kelompok
aerichant (Giselle)
lijenro (Jeno)
tennierubyten (Ten)
jeongwoen (Jungwon)
wangdydy (Dylan)
myungjah (Myung Jaehyun)
dhimjayoon (Yoon)
jeninessante (Yunjin)
pagetsoobin (Soobin)
Disini ada peta dunia avatar, dan ada jalur untuk sampai ke Suku Air Utara. Tugasnya, GAANG harus bisa keluar dari Pulau Kyoshi karena kejaran dari pasukan Laksamana Zhao. Dalam jalur, terdapat 5 check point yang bersisi sebuah pertanyaan mengenai:
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Checkpoint 1 (1.700p)
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Soal :
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Jawaban :
Pernyataan pada soal "Perdamaian dunia sama dengan perang dunia." Berhubungan dengan Avatar Kyoshi yang saat itu memisahkan wilayah kerajaan bumi saat menghadapi konflik dengan Chin dan membuat suatu wilayah teisolasi yang dinamakan pulau Kiyoshi dengan dalih menciptakan kedamaian.
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Namun ia terlalu mengabaikan permasalahan yang ada di luar wilayah Pulau Kiyoshi dan terlalu fokus hanya pada lingkup pulau Kyoshi yang bisa dibilang terisolasi. Sifat Avatar Kiyoshi yang keras juga seringkali membuatnya ditakuti dan tidak jarang menimbulkan perlawanan. Namun hal ini diperbaiki oleh Avatar Roku dengan menjadi sosok yang jauh lebih aktif dalam tugasnya sebagai Avatar meskipun keputusan Roku untuk tak mengakhiri hidup Raja Api Sozin malah mengakibatkan terjadinya perang besar dan dominasi dunia yang dilakukan oleh Negara Api.
Checkpoint 2 (1.900p)
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Kata yang ditemukan: hitler, nazi.
Jawaban :
Berdasarkan clue sandi yang diberikan, kami menemukan sebuah kata yang familiar yaitu hitler dan nazi, yang jika diibaratkan dengan sejarah Avatar Kiyoshi, yaitu organisasi kepolisian elit yang dibentuk oleh Avatar Kiyoshi untuk menangkap, menginterogasi, dan memenjarakan orang orang yang dianggap berbahaya bagi keseimbangan Kerajaan Bumi.
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Namun seiring berjalannya waktu, organisasi tersebut mulai menyimpang dari tujuan yang seharusnya dan memiliki rencana untuk melakukan kudeta terhadap Kerajaan bumi dan juga memenjarakan rakyat Ba Sing Se yang tidak tau apa apa mengenai perang yang terjadi di dalam sebuah pembatas berupa tembok tinggi yang memisahkan wilayah Ba Sing Se dengan wilayah sekitarnya sehingga Dai Li pada masa perang diibaratkan sebagai diktator di Kerajaan Bumi.
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Selain itu mereka pun secara diam-diam melakukan konspirasi dengan membantu Negara Api dalam upaya merebut Ba Sing Se.
Checkpoint 3 (1.500p)
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Soal :
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Jawaban :
Dari clue ini kami mendapatkan kalimat "pengendalian air yang menjadikan suatu unsur menjadi hidrokarbon". Hidrokarbon sendiri merupakan sebuah elemen yang terdiri dari Hidrogen dan Karbon yang juga berkaitan dengan elemen tanah. Seperti contoh pada pantroleum yang merupakan bahan bakar yang bersumber dari fosil dan lebih lanjut diklasifikasikan sebagai sumberdaya hidrokarbon.
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Kadar unsur karbon yang terkandung mencapai 50%-85%, sedangkan sisanya merupakan campuran unsur hydrogen (air) dan unsur-unsur lain. Sehingga air merupakan salah satu unsur dalam pembuatan senyawa hidrokarbon.
Checkpoint 4 (1.809p)
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Soal :
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Berdasarkan sandi yang diberikan, didapatkan sebuah petunjuk yang berisi "Penulis Novel, 2015 2014 2016". Dan setelah diberi petunjuk tambahan berupa "Novel Indonesia", dan "Tata Surya", petunjuk ini mengarah pada Novel seri Bumi dari Tere Liye, yang mana pada tahun 2014 rilis berjudul Bumi, 2015 berjudul Bulan dan 2016 berjudul Matahari.
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Berdasarkan urutan tahun rilis, urutannya menjadi Bulan (2015), Bumi (2014) dan Matahari (2016) yang dimana Bumi berada ditengah antara Matahari dan Bulan yang menyebabkan terjadinya Gerhana Bulan.
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Hubungannya dengan Waterbending ialah Gerhana bulan memperlemah pengendalian air dikarenakan sumber kekuatan dari waterbender adalah Bulan dan campur tangan roh bernama La dan Tui. Peristiwa Gerhana Bulan yang melemahkan kekuatan waterbenders juga pernah dimanfaatkan oleh tentara negara api untuk melakukan penyerangan pada Suku Air Utara.
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hazardously-unfunny · 7 months
Scoped In. Chapter 4 "Clock In, Clock out."
Arty woke to the sound of his clock ringing, excitedly he slammed the old clock. Jumping out of bed he took a shower before rushing to his closet. He picked out jeans, a nice button up, and a Irish tweed driving hat.
he grabbed a nickel for a cup of coffee and headed out the door. He walked with a strut whisltin' a tune and flipping his nickel as he walked. He turned the corner and stopped, staring at the sign he took a breath before walking in.
He smiled and waved to Ivy as he went over to the punch clock, punching his card he fired up the oven and awaited orders. While waiting he got a cup of coffee and the paper, he sat leisurely 15 minutes before opening he checked the back of the paper. His eyes widened with excitement. Miss M had put an ad in the paper about the Little Daisy's new cook and his special menu item. He felt proud, he felt like he belonged. he got up unlocked the café door and got to cooking. The orders were simple, bacon and egg's here and biscuit and gravy there, other just wanted coffee. That's when a scrawny lookin' guy waltzed his way in, Ivy greeted him. Arty caught his name "Rocky." What an odd fellow, he thought.
His thoughts were interrupted by Ivy calling to him "Get Rocky some pancakes please." Arty checked to his left, no more batter. "Got it." He yelled back. He noticed a not so quiet rocky asking questions to Ivy "Who is that?" "Did Mitzi hire him?"
The doors to the kitchen swung open, Arty looked behind him. A small blue suited rocky. Arty waved to him and continued his pancake making escapades. Rocky wasted no time examining the guy. "Soooo." Rocky spouted "Now I have to trust you to make my pancakes, HMMF!"
Rocky had said all that BEFORE Arty had put the batter on the griddle, He had made the pancakes cornbread style, and Ivy had forced Rocky out of the kitchen so he may cook in peace.
Arty opened the swinging doors putting the pancakes in front of Rocky. Rocky prodded at them with his fork "These seem different." "Well yes, I've made them like I make my cornbread, change things up." Rocky doused the pancakes in syrup before trying them. 5 minutes later Rocky was out the door and on his way to Nina's for some laundry service. Arty Clocked out happier than he did in the morning.
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artnerd1123 · 8 days
Everyone be proud of me ive gone into work all 3 days im scheduled even though anxiety and migraine have been kicking my ass and making me not want to get up in the morning
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artnerd1123 · 2 months
??? is anyone else's browser/laptop tumblr not showing posts after like... 4 down their dash......
like. i can still interact with posts i just- this is all i see
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artnerd1123 · 4 months
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Everyone look at my cat in his new Christmas collar RIGHT NOW
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artnerd1123 · 9 months
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artnerd1123 · 4 months
damn. i wrote a bit over 60k words of fic this year. wildin
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artnerd1123 · 4 months
Ouuuuugh. Blorbos
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artnerd1123 · 8 months
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Hi gang I’m alive, spent like 2 weeks in a depression hole but I’m climbing my way out now. Anyway look at my cat (ft. Stacking things on him, him on his favorite bag, and his new collar with a batty bowtie)
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artnerd1123 · 4 months
updated my carrd for fun and profit <3
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