stephanisincere · 2 years
I had a dream that I was hanging out with the MCYT’s, and we were talking about things we like to do. And I mentioned that I used to work for a music website taking pictures of bands. & Ranboo told me that he used to be in a band. So I asked the name and he told me and it was a band I had seen MANY times before so I was like “oh shit no way. I love *band name*” and this bitch went “I know.” AND PULLED HIS MASK OFF AND REVEALED HE WAS SOMEONE I’VE BEEN REAL LIFE FRIENDS WITH FOR FUCKING 8+ YEARS. This caused me to wake up in pure fucking panic. I hate my dreams
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sincerefakeahcau · 5 years
It wasn’t easy being a teenager. Even less so being a short, gymnast who was openly gay in a not so nice area. But Jeremy was used to it, after all this was the life he had lived for the past eighteen years and it will get better right?
The phrase was a mantra in his head as he tried to ignore the hand of Michael, a roided, should be graduated, twenty year old who seemed to think Jeremy was his punching bag, even though being a gymnast gave him a strength he rarely showed. He only had to make it through the year and then he would graduate, seven and a half months until he wasn’t a walking punching bag to idiots anymore. I’m
“What are you gonna do squirt? Find a real man to take care of you like the little bitch you are.”
Despite knowing he shouldn’t Jeremy snaps not caring for his own safety for a moment.
“If you don’t leave me alone I’m going to fuck your dad.”
Michael’s face grows purple and he shoves Jeremy again before walking off with his group of minions, brainless roided bodies the group of them.
“Would you really?”
That’s Gavin, Jeremy’s best friend who was a foreign exchange student from England, staying with the family next door.
“I mean... have you seen his dad?”
Jeremy raises his eyebrows a smirk falling onto his face and Gavin just chuckles before wrapping an arm around the shorter boy.
“One of these days your mouth is gonna get you in trouble.”
“One of these days? As if it hasn’t already.”
“True.... now show me a picture of his dad.”
“If he made a son that looks like that he’s got to be attractive. Stupid as hell but attractive.”
“Gavin he was a model. But now he works with computers. I think he’s hot and smart.”
Jeremy pulls up Instagram, opening it to the mans page and when Gavin sees it he nods in agreement.
“He’s your type. Tall, bearded, dad. Now again would you really fuck him just to get back to Michael?”
“I don’t know. Maybe? Or maybe just cause he’s hot and smart and he is my type.”
“Have you ever met him in person Jeremy. Also he’s obviously straight, after all he is Michael’s dad. Speaking of what about his mom?”
“I don’t think they are together because he posted on Mother’s Day and was like ‘while it wasn’t magic for us you gave me the best gift ever. Thanks for being the best mom to our son.’ And look at this picture and tell me he’s straight Gavin. Look at it.”
“Mr. Dooley!”
Hearing the voice of his math teacher he looks up and realizes that his entire class is looking at him, and he’s looking at his phone.
“What was so interesting on your phone that you just had to show Mr. Free in the middle of my class?”
“Than maybe you should put it away.”
“Yes sir.”
He puts his phone away and motions to Gavin that he’ll show him later. Math class finally ends and Jeremy pulls his phone right back out showing showing Gavin the picture he had been trying to show him before.
“Maybe he’s just a really into himself straight man.”
“I doubt it. But I’ve never met him so like will it matter honestly? I’ll just admire him from afar.”
“I vote you slide into his DMs.”
“Jeremy I say you shoot your shot. You are amazing and confident and of the legal age of 18. So why not.”
“What if he’s not gay?”
“So? It never hurts to ask. Besides how can you tell Michael you would fuck his dad and then not even try to follow through.”
“So you’re saying if nothing else I should try because I could hold it over Michael.”
“Yes. But also like you said he is hot and hopefully smart. And if he is smart he’ll get it.”
Jeremy bites his lip before looking at his phone and clicking the paper airplane to send him a message. He debates for a second before just sending a simple hi and then puts his phone in his pocket.
“I want to die.”
“I could help with that.”
Hearing Michael’s voice Jeremy is instantly glad about his decision. He doesn’t respond instead just sending Gavin a small smirk ignoring the boy. The rest of the school day passes uneventfully and when he and Gavin walk to his car to drive home he pulls his phone out. He stops his walk at the notification that he had a message back from Michael’s dad.
“He messaged me back.”
Gavin is too loud and multiple people stop to stare at the pair, if either was easily embarrassed they would be red, but they weren’t. Jeremy just rolls his eyes continuing their walk and once they are in his car he speaks.
“I mean I haven’t looked yet Gav. I was just shocked he actually opened my message to begin with.”
“So open it.”
Jeremy bites his lip as he stares at the notification on his phone before doing just that, opening the message. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting but the hello handsome that greeted him was a happy surprise.
“He called me handsome Gav.”
“Huh maybe he is gay after all.”
“Seriously that’s your one thought?”
“No but I think you should keep it going. But I would make sure he knows you are younger.”
“Yea... I wonder how old he is. I mean Michael’s 20.”
“Talk to him a bit more and then just mention your age and be like I hope someone as worldly as you doesn’t mind talking to me. Maybe he’ll tell you then.”
The next few weeks pass with Jeremy casually messaging Michael’s dad, Ryan he should call him he supposed. They had talked about a lot, including age, Ryan was 36 twice Jeremy’s age but that wasn’t a deterrent. And then he opens his phone one morning to a text from Ryan, they had exchanged numbers after a week.
So how about a real date tonight?
Jeremy just stares before running from his house next door and knocking on the door, knowing Gavin would be home but the others probably wouldn’t.
Gavin was still half asleep, not surprising the boy would miss school like daily if not for Jeremy making him be on time.
“Gavin he asked me if I wanted to go on a date tonight.”
That wakes Gavin up fully and he opens the door letting Jeremy in.
“What do I do?”
“Jeremy you’ve been chatting with him for weeks, you told me you like him a lot, and for more than just his looks. You go on a fucking date with him.”
“But what Jeremy.”
“What if he expects something different than me?”
“I doubt it. Tell him yes, ask when and where and then let’s get you ready.”
Jeremy lets out a little breath but responds to the message.
I’d like that. Where are we going and when?
He pauses for a moment wondering if that’s the proper response when he gets a reply almost instantly.
I can’t tell you where it’s a surprise. But dress casually. And I’ll pick you up at 6.
“He says dress casually.”
“Ask how casual. Because you and I have a different idea of casual and you want to make sure.”
Knowing that what Gavin says is true he pauses before sending a new message.
How casual is casual?
He watches as he gets three dots pulled up as Ryan responds.
Maybe not a T-shirt but jeans and a nice shirt would work. Can’t wait to see you.
And now he is flushing slightly Jesus Christ how was this man doing this to him.
Can’t wait to see you either. x
The x at the end was a bit bold but he couldn’t help it he was actually stoked for his date. He heads back to his house. After all he had almost ten hours until his date and he was hungry and needed to shower and go through all his clothes. Five thirty rolls around and he’s dressed and ready to go, his parents had wondered where he was going but when he said out with a friend they just assumed it was someone from school and let it go. He was dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans cuffed at the bottom with a light blue button up and a pair of white sneakers. He’s nervous but ready, it wasn’t his first date with an older man his last boyfriend was 25 to his then 17 almost 18. He gets lost in his thoughts h til the doorbell rings and then he jumps from his seat wanting to make sure his parents don’t answer the door. When he spots Ryan standing there looking very much like the model he used to be in a black button up with a pair of jeans and sneakers his heart starts to beat a bit faster.
“Hi Jeremy.”
His voice is deeper than Jeremy had thought it would be and timber causes his body to warm.
“Hi Ryan.”
“So do I need to talk to your parents.”
The word comes quickly as Jeremy sets outside having grabbed a jacket from behind the door as he left.
“Are you embarrassed by me?”
Ryan’s question catches Jeremy off guard for a second and then he answers truthfully.
“No I’m embarrassed by them. They aren’t the most traditional parents and I try not to scare off the men I like before we’ve had an actual date by introducing them to my parents.”
“But I will get introduced?”
“I promise. Eventually you will. Once I’m certain they won’t scare you off.”
“And it has nothing to do with me being twice your age?”
“God no. My last boyfriend was eight years older than me. They know I like older. And they don’t mind. My dad is fifteen years older than my mom.”
By now they are in Ryan’s car and driving to their date spot and Jeremy has slightly relaxed. When they pull up to a building Jeremy’s never seen before he looks at Ryan.
“I hope you like Italian. I would have picked something else but I wanted it to be somewhere you hadn’t been before and few people have been here.”
“I love Italian and I have never been here you are right.”
The smile that breaks across Ryan’s face makes Jeremy’s heart swell a bit. After they have ordered and are waiting Ryan asks the question Jeremy had been expecting from the moment they started talking.
“So how did you even find my Instagram?”
“Well... I go to school with Michael. And he posted something with you in it a while ago. And I saw and clicked your screen name and instantly attracted to you so I followed you. But I was like 16 at the time? And then I got a boyfriend and I kind of just would occasionally like something you posted that I liked. You posted a picture of a view with some beautiful cherry blossoms one day and I wished I could see the cherry blossoms so I liked that. And then I broke up with the boyfriend after like 5 months? And just kinda stayed single. And I turned 18 and didn’t think you were attracted to men. So I didn’t think I had a chance or anything. But then I mentioned you to my best friend and he told me I should at least try. So I said hi and you know the rest.”
“Is it weird to you that you go to school with my son?”
“Is it weird for you? I’m not worried about it. And if I didn’t I would never have even met you so I’m kinda glad I do.”
“Me too.”
Their date continues with the pair talking about any and everything and then Ryan drives them to a small cafe.
“I don’t really like coffee but I don’t want this to end and I was hoping you would want to chat a bit longer.”
“I don’t like coffee either. Well I’ll drink it occasionally but it’s bitter so I tend not to but I absolutely want to keep chatting.”
And chat they do, for hours their conversation continues, past closing time of the cafe and into the early morning hours before Ryan makes his way back to Jeremy’s house.
“I had a great time. I’d really like to do this again.”
“Me too.”
Jeremy bites his lip as his eyes meet Ryan’s. They were parked out front of Jeremy’s house and Ryan pauses for a second before leaning across the center console and placing a kiss to the younger mans lips.
“So after I meet your parents I’ll take you to see the cherry blossoms.”
“Well I figure if we are going to go to Japan together I should at least try and reassure them I’m not going to kill you there.”
“While Washington D.C. has beautiful cherry blossoms, that’s where that picture was from, Japan’s are even better. But don’t worry they don’t bloom til the new year so we have a few months.”
“But I have school.”
“Spring break is in March right?”
“We can go then. But I’ve got to meet your parents first. They will be beautiful then and look amazing with your handsomeness.”
“March is a while away.”
“All the more time to get to know you better.”
Five months to be exact, and he doesn’t see how Ryan could put up with him for five months, his last boyfriend hadn’t ending it stating that Jeremy was too needy, too annoying, and too young.
October passes with little event, they went out on three more dates before Ryan had looked at Jeremy and told him he was so glad they were boyfriends. Jeremy had been wondering about their relationship but hadn’t wanted to bring it up so hearing that made his heart soar. And the following dates always lasted for hours, with the pair cuddling and kissing and just happy to be together.
November starts with Jeremy’s parents asking about his new boyfriend and if he’s like to come to Thanksgiving dinner. Jeremy asks Ryan but unfortunately the older man is unable to come, he had promised his own parents he would go home since Michael was with his mom for the holiday this year. They make plans to meet up for dinner before hand though and by some grace of god Jeremy’s parents don’t completely ruin his life. Ryan actually like them, and they like him as well. Their dates slowly end with Jeremy staying the night at Ryan’s usually nothing more than cuddling and sleeping going on because they both agree they want to take it slow.
December is full of dates, kisses and cuddles. Jeremy panics for a full week over what to get Ryan for his birthday and then Christmas which is right after. Ryan had bought Jeremy and himself tickets to Japan after that first date but still picked out a bunch of random little things along the way which he saw and instantly thought of Jeremy. Ryan invited Jeremy over on Christmas Eve because he knew the younger was spending the holiday with family, aunts and uncles came into town with their family, and introduced Jeremy to Michael as his boyfriend. Michael looks shocked for a moment before nodding his head. And despite the fact that Michael is rude to him every time they see each other at school their conversation is polite and Jeremy is glad he had picked up a gift for Michael when he was out as well.
January starts with an Instagram post. Three months after they started dating officially they both post the same picture, sharing a kiss as the new year is rung in, with identical captions as well. I’m so excited to start this year with you. The first week of January is spent exploring a new stage in their relationship. Jeremy started staying over nightly, and there was less sleep than there had been before. It had never felt as right before and Jeremy was glad they had waited, glad it was Ryan. He didn’t want to think that he loved the man but he knew already that he did. Michael started coming around to him as well, there were less incidents at school, in fact he could count on one hand all of them for the first time in years, opposed to the once a day attacks from before.
The first day of school in February starts a lot like his old days had, with Michael shoving him into a locker, but this time they are alone in the hall it was before hours.
“You aren’t just fucking with my dad to get back at me right?”
Jeremy sees the look in Michael’s eyes and knows he’s just being protective of his dad because he loves him.
“No Michael. I know I said I would fuck him to get back at you but honestly I wouldn’t have. I like him, a lot. He’s the first guy who hasn’t made me feel like I’m not worthy of affection and he makes me really happy.”
“He is too. I just... his last boyfriend was an asshole and really hurt him.”
“I know what that’s like and that’s the last thing I want to do. I... I haven’t told him so I don’t know why I’m telling you. But I love him. He’s my heart and my soul and I’d probably be really lost without him.”
“I know we don’t really get along Michael, though it’s been better since you found out about us but no matter how I feel about you I wouldn’t fuck with someone else to get back at you. And we are better or I like to think we are.”
“He deserves to be happy.”
“And I want to help make him happy for as long as I can.”
Michael nods his head before moving away from Jeremy and then speaking again.
“So what are you getting him for Valentine’s Day?”
“I have no idea. Well I have an idea but I don’t know if he’ll think it’s as cool or useful as I do.”
“Need some help?”
Jeremy pauses before looking at Michael wide eyed.
“Really? You’d help me.”
“Yea. So what do you say?”
“That’s be great.”
And that’s how Michael almost completely got over being a dickbag to Jeremy. There was still the occasional moment when a bit of his former hatred popped out but for the most part they were fine. Valentine’s Day was a major success, Jeremy had been thrilled with his gifts from Ryan, stuff for their japan trip and a few more romantic things that they could enjoy together. And Ryan was beyond happy with the collection of custom Diet Coke bottles, that Michael helped him pick out, the luggage separators to improve space and a few little things that no one else needed to see, and of course the confession from Jeremy, tears in his eye as they eat dinner together of I love you. The words come softly and then bolder and Ryan can’t help but respond in the same. Somehow after four short months he knew he loved this man. And then there is the last minute panic and hurry to make sure they have everything for their trip in a month, between packing and buying and searching they manage to find time for dates and kisses and love galore.
March starts slow, they have two weeks before Japan and Jeremy is stressing about midterms, and has basically moved into Ryan’s house. Ryan has taken to making him dinner every night, helping him study and giving him massages when he’s super stressed. In return Jeremy helps Michael study, cooks breakfast for them all in the morning and peppers Ryan with love and affection at every turn. At the end of the second week they check their luggage one more time and get ready to be brought to the airport. Jeremy had stayed with Ryan that night, he had been fluttering between there and his own house, mainly because he missed Gavin’s bullshit and his parents own version of crazy, and when they woke up the next morning for Michael to drive them to the airport he’s jittery, texting Gavin the entire time.
I can’t believe this is real.
His words are more from a shocking bout of insecurity and Gavin sees right through them before responding.
It’s real. You deserve this and so much more. You have someone who loves you for exactly who you are and you are so blessed to love him in return. It’s something that many people hope for and you have it. Now have an amazing time in Japan with your love and tell me about it when you get home.
When they finally land in Japan, Jeremy is bouncing from the need to move, being on the plane so long was killing him.
“Calm down love.”
“I am calm. I’m just glad to not be on the plane anymore and I’m excited to spend the next week exploring with you.”
Ryan places a kiss to Jeremy’s forehead as they wait for their luggage. And they do spend that week exploring, though Ryan makes sure they visit the cherry blossoms every day. On their last day in Japan during their last visit to the cherry blossoms Jeremy looks around him, he could never have imagined anything better than this. He turns to say something to Ryan and his hands fly to his mouth spotting the man down on one knee.
“I know it’s only been a few months, and I know you are still young. But I was hoping you would be willing to make me even happier than I am now, happier than I thought was possible and marry me?”
His question is silent as he stares directly into Ryan’s eyes and he sees the love and sincerity in them.
Before Ryan can say anything else Jeremy has answered his own question, he knew he loved Ryan, knew Ryan loved him, knew this moment was perfect. He leans down kissing Ryan with all his mite, tears streaming down his cheeks.
“I’m so in love with you.”
“And I with you.”
“You did good Ry.”
Hearing the female voice Jeremy turns confused and then he sees a short blonde woman smiling at him with Michael behind her.
“I know this is unconventional but I wanted Michael to be here. He is my son after all. And he told me when I asked that he thought we would be great together so he gave me his blessing to propose. I asked your parents but they said they would celebrate with us when we got home.”
“I think the um was more about mom, dad than me being here. Jeremy this is my mom, mom this is Jeremy.”
“Hi hun. I’m sorry I know it’s your moment and all but I figured you guys might want some pictures, and Michael took a video as well. I’m just glad that Ryan has someone to love him like you do.”
“It’s so nice to meet you. Thank you for the pictures and video, Michael. I’m lucky that in marrying Ryan I get you both as part of my family.”
They talk for a few minutes before Michael and his mom leave the newly engaged couple alone. Jeremy just smiles at Ryan nonstop and then his phone goes off with a message, he’s been tagged in a post by Michael. He opens his phone to Instagram and spots one of the pictures they had taken moments before. I’m glad you love my dad as much as he loves you. It features Ryan kissing Jeremy’s cheek as Jeremy smiles widely and has an arm wrapped around Michael.
“You know he’s a pain in the ass sometimes but I really am glad he’s your kid cause I wouldn’t know you otherwise.”
“You are preaching to the choir.”
Jeremy and Ryan both post pictures then, Jeremy posting one of the four of them, and Ryan posting one of everyone but himself, they share the same caption though a single word, Family. They hold off posting about their engagement until they are back in the states, mainly because Jeremy wanted to tell his parents and Gavin in person, even though his parents knew. Cuddled in bed with Ryan one day after they’ve been home for a few weeks Jeremy thinks back to that faithful day when he repeated his mantra of it gets better and a smile breaks onto his face. Because it was true and he was so grateful for that, because every day, every moment, every second with Ryan it really gets better.
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achievementblunder · 6 years
stephanisincere a réagi à votre billet “alright kids gimme requests for shitty warmups”
Can ya girl request some Lindsay cause it’s Mother’s Day here?
Anytime, sis 
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bara-kick · 6 years
Based on your tumblr, twitter and meeting you at RTX I would associate you with intense amounts of energy, like a pup who just wants to show all the love, also you have a very happy and yet kinda weird energy as well, I mean you told me I should claim my friends by peeing on them haha. Also like it goes without saying cause we all KNOW Jeremwood. And then colors your personality is bright and bold so I associate those with you. Okay byeeeeeeee
Also thank you!! AHHHH i love every word of this! I am indeed an over energized pup! ahhh I love bright colors too! 
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I was tagged by @beautifulletdownfics to post ten photos that represent me.
I’m a big traveler and explorer so I love discovering new places. I’m a proud auntie to three nephews who keep me pretty busy. My cats are my favorite animals in the world. I take a lot of random photos on my camera.
I’m taking @thefangirlingbarista, @stephanisincere, @zigzagsandzebras, and anyone else wants to do this.
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silverbliss · 10 years
literal tears just streamed down my face, thanks for that
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meikezane · 10 years
I'm forever proud of you and your work and grateful to have you in my life. Seeing you do what you love is inspiring. I love you.
Hi gorgeous! I love you too. ♥I’m still a bit in shock at my experiences last weekend. It’s just.. so insane. That someone as fantastic as Benedict Cumberbatch would actually offer to take time to do something for me. That just still doesn’t quite register in my brain. Forever in awe at his generosity.
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jimmy-vethey · 10 years
can laurel and stephi and I move in together already cause like the parties and hbb love and band boys and yessssss
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pandawashere · 12 years
Wait your Ben Meyers? Can I be either Zach or Dave. Like please. Though neither of those bitches have my awesome hair.
CLEARLY I am Ben Meyers XD
And yes. You can be one of them too! We will be professional MVG impostors! WOOOO~! :D
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buckybasrnes · 12 years
stephanisincere replied to your post: Sigh CMA is in the city on my birthday. But ATL at...
the CMA show in the city is a private party. That’s why they didn’t announce a place. #funfact
that's actually fantastic information. haha thanks for clarifying. I was wondering why it was like that.
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stephanisincere · 5 years
‪I haven’t watched Red Vs. Blue in a couple seasons but the sentence “Grif killed JFK” just popped into my head and now I’m going to binge it to make up for this. ‬
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So I guess I'll tell you why I love Joe. I love Joe because he always makes me feel at home. Even when he doesn't see me til after the boys play he still gets this huge smile and gives the biggest hug. I know if needed I can talk to him about anything, and we just have the most crazy and ridiculous conversations sometimes. And he's so packed full of sarcastic, crazy energy. And he's Joe. So what more could you ask for. :)
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bara-kick · 6 years
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Its about a month late but thank you @stephanisincere for the kofi! :DD here’s the bois from [x]
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stephanisincere · 5 years
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He do big yawn. He proud.
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stephanisincere · 6 years
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Legends. Never. Die.
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stephanisincere · 3 years
I had a dream that I was hanging out with BFF Sapnap. And someone was trying to kill him so we went on a road trip. We made a stop somewhere and I was on the phone. I told the person I was on the phone with that I was having fun with my fellow road tripper and walker Sapnap. And the person on the phone with me said “I don’t think he’s a walker texas ranger fan.” Ive never hated someone in a dream more.
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