#summi rambles
atrial-ofhorror-if · 6 months
I have no idea why this gargoyle sex scene is so hard to write but I will prevail ☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿!!
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maboroshi-if · 9 months
Hii are you still writing this?
Short answer, yes.
Long answer is down below in the cut 👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿
I'm working on another game called A trial of horror, or ATOH for short, and trying to prepare it for release for this November hopefully 🤞🏿🤞🏿 with that being said, I've only started writing a teeny bit for Maboroshi. Like maybe 100 words? Nothing substantial ya know?
I'm not gonna give a release date just for my mental health, but I can say that its probably gonna be either the end of the year of Q1 of 2024 😬😬
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kasey-writes-stuff · 11 months
Pairing: Punznap
Set-up: Punz feeling super playful, but Sapnap is not playing along. So the tickle monster comes out to get him out of his shell.
Tools: Punz hands and also his chin rawr
Like I just want to see Punz being a tickle monster so bad and who could write that better than you?
🥺 gahhh that means the world /gen
Tickle monster
Sapnap and Punz were currently sat in the living room if the dteam house. They were lounging on opposite ends of the couch doing parallel play in the sense they were both on their phones but together. Punz began to grow playful and a tad energetic though and scooted beside sapnap playfully knocking the boys bill of his hat over his eyes.
Sapnap huffed in slight annoyance “dude what’s that about”
Punz shrugs “I don’t know just feeling kinda energetic and playful”
Sapnap rolled his eyes as he fixed his hat “Okay then go play with patches or something”
Punz now rolled his eyes as he flipped sapnaps bill down over his eyes again “no why can’t we just do something?”
Sapnap groaned softly fixing his hat once more “Because I don’t want to”
Punz scoffed softly and then smirked an idea coming to mind “alright maybe you won’t play with me but I know someone you’ll have no choice but to play with..”
Sapnap glanced at Punz curiously with confusion “What? What does that mean?”
Punz snickers and turns his hands to claws “Oh you know no one special just the… TICKLE MONSTER!”
Sapnaps eyes widen as he darts them around as he starts stammering out “P-punz punz no nonono!”
Punz laughs having the younger easily cornered to the arm of the couch “I’m not Punz anymore I’m the tickle monster and I want your giggles!”
Sapnap squeaks bursting into giggles before Punz’s hands have even landed anywhere “EEK! Nohoho plheheahashehee!”
Punz shakes his head holding back giggles of his own “hmm now where do I want my giggles from today…”
Spanap shakes his head “Nowherehehehe! Youuuu wahannttt thehemm frohohomm nohowhwheherrhehe!”
Punz tsks softly “nono I definitely want them from somewhere but there’s just so many choices, so many different kinds of giggles I could get!”
By this point sapnaps face is bright red and he’s already been giggling so much he couldn’t even hope to fight back “juhuhussttt shuhusshhh ahahandddd pihihicckkk ahaha spohohottt plehehehahahasahehe!”
Punz sighs deciding to have minimal mercy on the younger “Alright fine! I’ll go here!”
Sapnap squeals bursting into loud giggles as Punz scribbles along his chest “EEP BAHAHAnahhhahahaha shHIHIzz nohOHOT theherrhHEHEH!”
Punz laughs softly “What you told me to pick a spot and now you’re telling me to not tickle here geeze make up your mind dude!”
Sapnaps blush gets even brighter as he shakes his head “pleheAHAHAhehe sohommeehwwhehHEHRRHEHE ehehelllSSHEHEHE nohOHOTT sohoho bahHAHADDD!”
Punz slows to a stop looking over the younger a spot instantly comes to mind and he quickly pulls the younger into him and pulls the two of them so he’s against the arm of the couch with sapnap basically on top of him “Alright are you comfy?”
Sapnap nods giggling residually a bit “yehehaha thank yoouuu…”
Punz nods as one arm curls around the younger protectively his hand from his other beginning to gently tickle under his chin “you’re welcome, is this spot okay?”
Sapnap instantly begins to melt soft tittery giggles leaving his mouth as he softly nods “yehehahah thihisss ihiss gohodd”
Well the tickle monster maybe didn’t quite do as much playing as he wanted but Punz will take sapnaps melty giggles any chance he can get
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chribby · 4 months
Pluto Square = internet observations
The World Wide Web was created on 6 August 1991, in Geneva, Switzerland.
According to the astro-databank, Tim Berners-Lee formally introduced his project to the world on the alt.hypertext newsgroup. This date marked the debut of the Web as a publicly available service. I am going with this date as this is the main … thing for … the world wide web lol.
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The internet, as we know it, is a largely Aquarian thing, with the dot-com bubble following as Pluto entered Sagittarius. But since we’re talking about Pluto, we’re going to look at the Internet. I think this is the most important example of what happens during a Pluto square. NOW, we have quite some time before Pluto perfects that square. Something that I am noticing about Plutonian energy is that yes, it is intense in nature. Naturally, you will start to feel the more intense things first, right? It’s how we’re beginning to see the effects of Pluto in Aquarius without it not actually being there yet.
Another thing I’m noticing is that pluto – though intense – likes to ease its way into signs. It usually stops in a sign for a few months, then most of the year, then it starts its 20 year path. That’s what I’m seeing with Pluto – we will spend 80% of the year with Pluto in Aquarius.
Except, of course, September 18th and November 18th. You know. During an election year. Very good news.
[I will write about Pluto in Capricorn thoughts later as this is turning into a ramble, but with Pluto relating to power and Capricorn relating to power structures built – this literally manifesting into power in the corporations and money making interests – I think that will be a very interesting look at those last few months during the election. At this point, I have given up on electoral politics entirely, but! I wonder how that last hurrah in Pluto in Capricorn will feel after spending 80% of the year with the Power materializing into the People.]
Back to what I was saying. Pluto will not yet be at 17 degrees Aquarius for some time, but I can already see changes brewing within the internet sphere.
People are exhausted with the social media sites. The draw of them was to help connect with people you knew in a different, more meaningful way – different than the forums, ircs and Bbs of the time. This was back when anonymity was valued, your art getting posted everywhere meant you made it big, AND there was little financial incentive to tie yourself to your online identity.
I will not pretend I understood the original draw of all of the social medias – I can’t even fathom an inference. I mean, it seemed obvious facebook was about sharing memories and making friends, creating groups and talking to people. IG was about sharing pics quick. YouTube was about recording yourself with rudimentary software and Twitter was about talking about what you were up to.
What. The hell. Happened?
As Pluto has been dipping its toe into Aquarius, I have been seeing a lot more complaints about this. I predicted this, but let’s elaborate in a more meaningful way so that you’re able to apply this with you and your friends.
There’s a lot to think about when it comes to the way that we use the internet. I believe it was Summie who said that gifs used to be just gifs, but now they’re all advertisements in some way. Like a Fresh Prince gif used to be a Fresh Prince gif. But now, it’s a Fresh Prince gif along with Paramount+, so you create that mental connection instantly to know where you *could* watch it if for some reason this dancing image of carlton spurred you into that.
Reminds me of when I watched Fresh Prince on TBS and I noticed that everything was so much faster, and then a few years later there was a reddit post about how all syndicated shows on TBS are like, xyz faster to fit in more ads.
Speaking of GIFs, GIFs used to be artful. 256 colors or less, a beautiful dither. We did so much more with so much less, and I think that’s what I’m trying to get at here.
Of course, with time, things change. That’s what Pluto squares kinda examine if we’re looking at it from an as above, so below perspective. But I don’t think it’s ever been this, shitty…
So many apps have hired psychologists to pick the right colors, use the right hand movements to keep us hooked. The algorithms are trended towards whatever the user is most likely to interact with – good or bad. People are being rewarded for spreading misinformation, DISinformation. Almost all socials (idk about tungle) are feeding every bit of UGC into their own personal LLMs to create … chat bots. Connecting any of these accounts shares data between the socials, and enhances each consumer profile to sell to advertisers.
And don’t get me started about this app listening shit.
No, what’s really infuriating is the apps that intentionally get shittier and then force you to pay for shit you already had previously. The ones that are baiting you into feeling miserable. The bird app is unusable because you have to block 10 people a day, mute 5 words, and lock comments in order to get a semblance of peace. Like, why do I want to use an app that does that? Why do I want to feed into this garbage? Why do I want to constantly get trapped into this machine?
I think in 2024, we’re standing on business as far as understanding the types of stimuli we let ourselves engage with. I feel like this square is helping us understand how far we strayed away – and I believe that with the Aquarius aspect, we’re going back to our roots as far as the internet goes. I see reddit being hyped up, and every time I see it it’s because of its forum like aspects. We could just go to a forum.
I go on forums all the time still. I plan on running one in 2024. I can’t STAND discord (which also uses LLMs) … Skype was always horrible too. Voice chatting, hmmm… well we’ll have to think ab this entirely bc of how GenA/I is working with voices… hmmm…
I feel like Streaming will be big. Public Access is coming back – I feel like there’s a lot of Power to the People and Power to the Demagoguery ass shit going on. Independent music (no spotify/apple music), independent videos (youtube, other apps ARE coming out though. Could YouTube be unseated? In 20 years, YES.) Independent creativity. The problem will *seem* to be the lack of funding, but just like I said earlier – we can do so much, with so little.
But Public Access TV shows are coming. If you haven’t started your stream or your YouTube or whatever, you should! Right now!
We’re straying away from algorithm based trends and aspects and we’re rebuilding our muscles into seeking out the things we believe we will like. I’m going to go back on soundcloud and I’m handcrafting my music tastes again, no algorithms.
[Sorry, another rant: there was nothing worse than me listening to a song and thinking I’m the only one in the world listening to it, and then I would hear it on numerous coworkers spotify radios without our accounts ever interacting. Like I couldn’t even bop to the song. As an Aquarius Venus this is so serious to me.]
Another thing is – we’re going back to internet safety. Four years ago, I had a dream that I needed to change my passwords. I changed them all immediately and told all my friends to do so as well. I’m not sure what happened after – I guess I could look it up. But, that restarted my journey into caring about my digital hygiene. I think that’s a big word in 2024. Digital Hygiene.
But, one thing to watch out for? Tech accelerationism. I am not sure why people are so vested into the end of humanity as we know it. Why do people want to transcend humanity when we haven’t even begun to understand the different parts of ourselves yet? I feel like research into humans is still deeply in its infancy to give up on humanity and the earth like this.
I think for my last little piece, one thing I’ve noticed is that when Pluto goes into a Sign, the connotation of the sign changes RADICALLY from what it used to. I saw this in a tweet (I’ll edit this post with the tweet when I find it) where Capricorns used to be seen as broke and miserable but now they’re seen as money makers, methodical, etc.
Aquarius is seen as futuristic, nostalgic, technological. People and the self. In the book I use for most of my correspondences, The Rulership Book by Rex Bills, and Capricorn and Aquarius had the least amount of rulerships. I think it’s because the outers didn’t really touch either of these signs until the late 20th century, so there wasn’t a lot of things to reference besides the inner planet stuff.
Pluto is the last of the outers to complete this most recent Aquarius transit. I feel like during this time, we will be looking at tech accelerationism and pushing future nostalgia to its limits. As I come up with more theories, I’ll let you know, but I’m excited!
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sasssydaddy123 · 3 years
late summer thunderstorms <<33
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ithaerielbrenagh · 6 years
Changes...(Part IV)
Autumnhold, Northern Elwynn Forest, Kingdom of Stormwind, Five Months After the Fall of the Burning Throne
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Ithaeriel smiled softly to himself watching the construction of the sixth and final of the concentric walls around his new barony, noting that once again the gate of the wall had changed location from that of the previous gate.  There were times he could not help but marvel at the efficiency of the Dwarven Clans and the ingenuity of the Gnomes.  Despite its age...Autumnhold had remained in surprisingly good shape...sure the wall needed repairs...the portcullis of each of the six walls and their respective ironshod doors needed replacing.  Yes, the yett (massive iron gates) of the first wall would need to be rewrought...and the merlons restructured, the murder holes maintained...and don’t get me started on restocking the keep’s armory...but still...progress was progress.
Ith shook his head ruefully, there were times when he was thankful of the resources placed at his disposal, under normal circumstances a keep such as this would be considered...somewhat of a burden to maintain and upkeep.  However, at times, holding a high militant rank came in handy.  Fort Integra had...perhaps the better word would be being...overcrowded.  The influx of new recruits during the Legion’s invasion, had bolstered ranks to an all-time high.  It had become near common practice to have companies break camp outside the Fort itself...making what at one time had been a humble military outpost, look more akin to an army massing for war. 
He chuckled to himself recalling Marshal Bennas’s, “gift.”  Oh yes...join the peerage they said...have a barony they said...it will be fun they said...no no it’s in great shape they said.  He smiled shaking his head as he continued to watch the men and women of the 10th Company work alongside Bronze beards, Dark Irons, Wildhammers, and men and women of Gnomeregan on the restoration of hold and its surrounding territory.  He smiled as he walked through what could only be referred to as a small city unto itself, passing through gates with wall over fifteen feet thick...yes, he thought to himself.  He had spared no expense in the restoration of Autumnhold.  In part because it would act as the northern choke point into the duchy of Summerfast, securing Duke Theodore’s northern borders, and partly due to the fact that it was the first true new home for the men and women of the 10th since the fall of Gilneas.  It had to be perfect, it needed to be impregnable, well-armed, provisioned, able to undergo a siege for years if need be.  Most importantly...it had to be self-sufficient.  This was the reason for the construction of the greater outer wall which surrounded the entity of the borders of his land.  Expensive...yes, but then what was cost, when it ensured the protection of your people, the insurance that raiding the outer farming settlements would be damned near impossible, and that in the unlikely event of an invasion, his civilians would have more than enough time to seek refuge within the greater walls.
He ran his hand across the seamless pale stones making up the greater gate, marveling at their magnificence.  He’d have to remember to thank Summy and Gereion for them input in regard to the mason workers they’d recommended for the restoration.  He’d never seen stones to tightly interlocked with one another, what wonders the dwarves could make when so inclined.  He shook his head withdrawing his hand from the cool stone and continued his walk, looking about as the Worgen of the 10th aided with the emplacement of the artillery at the top of each wall, spacing each heavy piece out at equal intervals, ensuring that at any point in time, two of the large canons would have overlapping ranges.  Ah what marvels the Master of the 9th’s Engineering Core could make when inspired to.  He shook his head noting men and women getting use to their new postings throughout the keep, walking the ramparts, working with carpenters to shore up older buildings and shops.  Yes...life would come back to this old place...slowly but surely Autumnhold would rise from the shadows to reclaim its past glories.  The thought made him smile uncontrollably as he continued his stroll through the tiered city and out to the encampment to where his sister Bonshi was staying.  
“Bon!  Is it done yet?  Ye’ve had damn year six months to work on it?” Ith shouted out as he approached his sister’s craft tent.
“Ah...Ith...as loud as ever I see.”
“Cut the shite Bon, I need to know if it’ll be ready for tonight...I’ve something special in mind and I’ve been putting it off for far ta feckin long.”
“I assume dear brother you’ve heard the phrase patience is a virtue?”
“Aye...it be me weakest...yer point.”
“Perfection requires time.”
“A fancy way o’ saying ye’ve had better things to do whilst I’ve had ta stall and wait.  Ye know e‘er since little Lori made her wee debut Lala’s had nae but babbies and family on her mind...and ye know how bloody persuasive that elf lass is.”
“Not really my problem.”
Bonshi shook her head before tossing a small ebony box inlayed with intricate knotwork.  She gestured for him to open it and examine the work a soft smile played at her face upon his expression.
“So...I did well?”
“Aye little sister...ye did damned well.”
Hours Later:
He was nervous, Allfather above he had never felt this way before, shaking his head as he whipped his hands off on his pants.  It had been a pleasant picnic under the stars.  The meal had been excellent, the wine superb, in truth, the perfect evening, and one he had been planning for near seven months.  With all the conflict with the Legion, the training of new recruits, the construction and restoration of Autumnhold...there had been little time to do this earlier.  Still, at times one had to wait for the perfect moment to present itself and Ith knew, his mate deserved nothing less. 
“You wanted to speak to me beloved...” came the sultry voice of Lala, his mate of near three years now.
“Aye...and I know this may be a bit sudden...or mayhap I’ve been putting it off ta long...but...with my new rank and station...and finally having lands of me own.  A means to provide...” he drawled on, each word a shaking and a bit unsteady...he’d faced down demons without so much as blinking but this...this evening had robbed him of his confidence...his courage.  His knees felt weak before the lass he viewed as Elune herself walking amongst we unworthy mortal.  Aye, he thought the world of his lady love...he honest had nae feckin’ idea what she saw in him...but he knew he was beyond ken in luck when it came to her.
Lala gave a teasing smile, “why Marshal Brenagh, is there a point to all of this, or like your brother, do you merely enjoy the sound of your voice so much that you choose to ramble on and on, that you might partake of it ever more?”  A soft twinkle lit her eye, she knew he was uneasy about something and as ever...moved to set his mind to rest with humor.
“Aye...I suppose Love, what I mean ta say...is,” he dropped to one knee and reached for the small ebony box, opening it slowly with shaking hands, “Miss Moondancer...I...I’d be honored...iff’n ye might consider...that is ta say...would ye marry me?”
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@integrabrenagh @summysparklesprocket @theodorebennas @gereionkingston @malien-moonray @vordasblackspire @rukunhouquanshi @oathswornvanguard
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❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥ ❥
(( Oof! This is gonna be a journey! ))
@risrielthron The pure amount of positivity you put out is amazing. You are one I find myself constantly looking up to in rp and in general is quite often. You are a constant source for positivity and joy. I’m not even sure if you have the ability to get angry honestly. Plus, hearing that I helped inspire you to make a gnome did make me fanboy a bit I won’t lie at all.
@theodorebennas Despite your two favorite words, you put up with so much shit that I, and kinda everyone else, gives you. And despite you becoming popular, you refused to acknowledge your popularity until it became irrefutable. You remain humble and Bennas is a great spin on the Lawful Good stereotype.
@wardennerd Easily the most connected person I know. You somehow know everyone on the server it seems (whether that’s good or bad is yet to be seen :P). You also always seem to be doing something for the server as well, always planning something for people to hop into and join. Even if it fails, you don’t care at all and just let it roll off. It’s honestly inspiring. Plus, you also put up with a lot of shit because it’s so much fun to screw with you.
@malien-moonray I like to annoy people a lot. As anyone who reads this by now I would hope has figured out if they didn’t already know it. However, you know this better than most, if not all. You always put a smile on my face and you never care with me screwing with you. And you’re probably tied with Bennas or damn close with how much I mess with you.
@enigmatic-elegance The differences between you and your characters is ridiculous. With how Masnira acts, you are probably one of the more intimidating people without trying. Then when someone talks to you, you are the complete opposite. So easy to talk to and you could care less when I, or someone, rambles at you endlessly. Although I’m still intimidated by your writing skill I won’t lie.
@integrabrenagh I don’t know how you do it every day and put up with your band of idiots. It’s already come in handy in real life so that’s something. Your patience is incredible and the willpower you have even more so. The amount you’ve dealt with in real life and you just keep going is always incredible to watch. You are one of the people I look up to, more than you think. 
@scarletlioness Don’t you think I forgot your ass. The amount of positivity and love you put out is incredible. Along with everyone always roasting you and screwing with you at the same time. You just roll with the jokes and keep it going. Then when it goes to writing you pull a 180 and get completely serious. It’s both hilarious and incredible. 
@wraithclaw You are always great to talk to. Your gayness is fun to watch and is adorable honestly. You also put up with me a lot, which is a lot to deal with in and of itself as a couple people on this list know. You are a lot of fun to write with and I’m glad that I met you.
@elaianna You are one of my favorites. Summy and Jules quickly became one of my favorite interactions with them screwing with each other and being sisters to each other. Plus, every character I see from you is always so different and you have so many that I have trouble keeping track of them. With how drastic each one is I tend to find myself amazed with the variety you’re able to pull off. You are so great, and I find myself looking up to you more and more.
(( Well that was fun. Thanks @grannyshanny ))
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astynomi · 7 years
Hi! I'm currently putting together a powerpoint on Tiberius for my Latin class and I was wondering if you could link me to a source for the quote from Tacitus's Annals 1.80 describing Tiberius? (‘talented and intelligent, but paralysed by lack of confidence’) I've looked at various online editions for the Annals (Perseus Digital Library, MIT Classics) but I haven't been able to find anything that resembles it. Thank you very much for your help!
Hello! Delighted to hear my ramblings are helping with an actual class presentation! :D Yes, of course. That description is actually my own paraphrase of what I think was Tacitus’ characterisation of Tiberius. It draws primarily on two passages from the Annals, one of which is the one you mention.
Annals 1.80, from: Goodyear, F.R.D. (1981), The Annals of Tacitus Books 1-6, edited with a commentary. Volume II: Annals 1.55-81 and Annals 2. Cambridge.
prorogatur Poppaeo Sabino provincia Moesia additis Achaia ac Macedonia. id quoque morum Tiberii fuit, continuare imperia ac plerosque ad finem vitae in idem exercitibus aut iurisdictionibus habere. causae variae traduntur: alii taedio novae curae semel placita pro aeternis servavisse; quidam invidia, ne plures fruerentur; sunt qui existent, ut callidum eius ingenium, ita anxium iudicium. neque enim eminentes virtutes sectabatur, et rursum vitia oderat: ex optimis periculum sibi, a pessimis dedecus publicum metuebat. qua haesitatione postremo eo provectus est ut mandaverit quibusdam provincias quos egredi urbe non erat passurus.
Poppaeus Sabinus had his command in the province of Moesia extended, and Achaea and Macedonia added to it. This was another of Tiberius’ practices, to maintain commands and keep many people in the same armies or jurisdiction until the end of their lives. Various causes are reported for this: some thought that he found it tiresome to redo tasks and therefore, once he had approved something, kept it that way permanently; some say that it was out of envy, to avoid numerous people enjoying [the honour]; there are those who think that, for all the brilliance of his mind, he was anxious about making decisions. [Lit. ‘As his mind was brilliant, so his judgement was anxious’.] For he did not pursue outstanding degrees of excellence, while on the other hand he hated vice: from the best men he feared danger to himself, from the worst, public disgrace. This hesitation led him to go so far as to assign provinces to men whom he had no intention of allowing to leave the city.
Annals 3.56, from Fisher, C.D. (1966), Cornelii Taciti Annalium ab Excessu Divi Augusti Libri. Oxford (Scriptorum Classicorum Bibliotheca Oxoniensis.)
This passage is about the succession of Augustus to Tiberius, and Tiberius’ attempt to establish Drusus as his successor (so he would have been the third emperor if he had not died young). I think it’s an important and overlooked passage: people usually focus on Tacitus’ more negative presentation of the succession in Annals 1.3. (It’s worth noting that even in Book 1, Tacitus is not negative towards Tiberius himself in his own voice.) Here Tacitus expresses Augustus’ motivation using indicative verbs, so it’s Tacitus’ own opinion of what happened. It’s the most convincing and balanced account I know; he’s saying that Augustus thought the purpose of the monarchy was to prevent civil strife occurring by multiple nobles fighting for supreme power, and that Augustus thought Tiberius’ character was such that he would not use the position for personal gain. Tacitus grants a lot of space to Tiberius’ argument that Drusus (and, by implication, Tiberius himself at the time) was a suitable heir. Tacitus also points out here that Tiberius treated Germanicus (his adopted heir) and Drusus (his own son) equally, even though elsewhere he reports contemporaries accusing Tiberius of favouring Drusus, and gives the reader a negative impression, as though Tiberius were being unfair to Germanicus, even though in book 1 Tacitus expresses outrage that Tiberius was made to adopt his nephew when he had a son of his own, who would thus be deprived of his position of Tiberius’ direct heir (since Germanicus was slightly older than Drusus).
Tiberius, fama moderationis parta quod ingruentis accusatores represserat, mittit litteras ad senatum quis potestatem tribuniciam Druso petebat. id summi fastigii vocabulum Augustus repperit, ne regis aut dictatoris nomen adsumeret ac tamen appellatione aliqua cetera imperia praemineret. Marcum deinde Agrippam socium eius potestatis, quo defuncto Tiberium Neronem delegit ne successor in incerto foret. sic cohiberi pravas aliorum spes rebatur; simul modestiae Neronis et suae magnitudini fidebat. quo tunc exemplo Tiberius Drusum summae rei admovit, cum incolumi Germanico integrum inter duos iudicium tenuisset. sed principio litterarum veneratus deos ut consilia sua rei publicae prosperarent, modica de moribus adulescentis neque in falsum aucta rettulit. esse illi coniugem et tres liberos eamque aetatem qua ipse quondam a divo Augusto ad capessendum hoc munus vocatus sit. neque nunc propere sed per octo annos capto experimento, compressis seditionibus, compositis bellis, triumphalem et bis consulem noti laboris participem sumi.
Tiberius, having obtained a reputation for moderation because he had put a check on the growing number of accusers, sent a letter to the senate in which he sought the tribunician power for Drusus. This was the phrase that Augustus had come up with for supreme power, to avoid taking the name of king or dictator while having some title that gave him pre-eminence over other forms of command. Then he chose Marcus Agrippa as his colleague in that power, and when Agrippa died, Tiberius (when he was called ‘Nero’), so that there would be no doubt about his successor. He thought that by this move, the twisted hopes of others could be thwarted: he trusted simultaneously in Nero’s modesty and his own greatness. It was by this example that Tiberius moved Drusus to the supreme position, though when Germanicus was alive he had shown no preference between the two of them. But at the start of the letter he prayed to the gods to make his decisions turn out well for the commonwealth, and he added a few moderate words on the young man’s character, without any false exaggeration in his favour. He noted that he had a wife and three children, and was of the same age as he himself had been when called to take up this duty by the divine Augustus. And it was not with undue haste, but with eight years of experience – putting down riots, settling wars – having won a triumph and been consul twice, that he was now being engaged to share in a labour that he already knew well.
Both of those translations are mine so feel free to link to them (and to the original post) if you use them!
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integrabrenagh · 6 years
Argus Log: Kippen’s Demise
It had been a long time coming. The Gnome Warlock that the Vanguard had tracked over the course of a year from Un’Goro crater, through three different territories of Northrend, hearing his name whispered through Draenor, finding evidence of him on the Broken Shore, and then finally cornering him in Argus. The information that Erralae, the Draenei resurrected as a Death Knight a few days prior, had given proved critical in not only finding the location of his ascension ritual, but getting to the location before it completed. Field Marshal Integra looked at the mangled, warped body of Kippen Felwire before her; crushed under a fel meteor as Tornauleus cut off it’s right ear to add to his collection. Faye, meanwhile, was waving her arms around eccentrically, insisting on a parade of stationary balloons. The serum had worn off shortly after the kill, and she was back to the insane Gnome that Kippen had a hand in creating through false incrimination.
Surprisingly, the Vanguard did not meet much resistance on the way to the ritual site, more than likely because they were not at all expected. Carving their way through a few demons and Eredar, quite literally as Ithaeriel had thrown a blade-spinning Kelrith Shalith into two of them, the ritualists were finally alerted to their presence. Summy quickly killed the four of them with a frost storm, but the deaths only served to finalize their task.
In an explosion of energy, sending dust everywhere, Kippen’s ascension had completed. The Gnome now stood as tall as an Eredar; his body warped and stretched into a demonic amalgamation of his former self. Lean muscle rippled across his new form, his veins showing very prominently from underneath his skin, fel blood pumping through his being. The only thing that kept him remotely recognizable was his face, and even that had been stretched. His cloven hooves touching the ground, his stretched out his arms and flesh-toned wings. “Finally…. I have finally… obtained… perfection….”, he said, pleased beyond measure at his new form. The Vanguard rushed in on the offensive, Kippen soon slamming a hoof down and nearly crushing one of the enlisted. As the attack continued, Kippen grabbed Bennas by a leg and proceeded to beat Parathrick senseless with the paladin.
After a good amount of time, it became clear to Kippen that he was not going to live through the encounter. The demonic Gnome spread his wings out to flee, only to be interrupted by Bennas. Golden wings spring out of Theodore's back as he lurches up into the air, "NOT SO FUCKING FAST". The paladin hurled the hammer at the flying former gnome, "You started this shit. Now fucking stay here!" Bennas manifested a golden hammer made of Light, which hit Kippen on the head, dropping him back to the ground, temporarily stunned. Tornauleus took the opportunity to leap to the demon’s back, asking Integra for permission to remove one of the wings before quickly shredding it off with a sickening snap of bone.
Kippen staggered back a bit as his wing was ripped off, but he managed to still stand, pushing the demon hunter away with a bit of a kick. Breathing heavily, he looked down at the Gnome approaching him. A look of concern briefly scrawled his face. “Faye, You know how powerful you are… they don’t even appreciate you, you could jo-“ “Shut it, Kippen. I already know they don’t appreciate me, but you….” Faye chuckled darkly, her eyes glowing. “You… can appreciate the fact that you’re going to die to me. After all this time.” The ground shook and began to crack as fel runes appeared under Faye, circling her as all the Vanguard members stepped back. Throwing her arms up, the Gnome ushered a hail of fel meteors at Kippen that pummeled him to the ground. Attempting to get up, Faye snapped a finger and a final massive meteor fell from the sky, pinning the ascended gnome in place. As she walked towards him, Faye rummaged through her pockets until she found and produced a green crystal; a soul crystal ‘borrowed’ from one of the demon hunters. “N-no, you can’t be serious! Have mercy!”, Kippen plead, to which Faye kicked him in the face. “Mercy? You? HAH! Where was the mercy for me?! You wretched fuck, you deserve everything that’s about to happen to you… And so much more!” A swirl of fel energy appeared in Faye’s hand, and Kippen knew it was over. Glaring with his final words, he shouted out, “The flower will kill you from within! She is already ours!” Faye raised an eyebrow at him before rolling her eyes at his theatrics before shooting the mass of energy point blank at Kippen, finally killing the monstrosity.  The soul crystal glowed quickly, absorbing Kippen’s now demonic essence, for Faye to torment until the end of her existence.
Faye took a few steps back from the corpse, dropping to her knees. Her hands in fists, she looked at the soul crystal with burning hatred before her eyes widened suddenly, her hand going to her chest as the serum wore off, her sane mind disappearing within the dark recesses of insanity. Summy stood still for a few moments, paying Faye no attention as she began rambling about a parade. It seemed that even in this form she was aware of what had happened. “So... I can think of a few people with flowery names within the Vanguard, unless he was talking about a literal flower, which is improbably considering he gave it a gender”, Summy mused out loud. Bennas snapped to attention, “OH HELL NO”, as Summy began listing the immediate names that came to mind. Rose Kingston and Lilii being at the forefront. “We’ll question them, and go from there”, Inte looked down to Summy, who nodded, then looking to Malien as she began healing some of the wounded that had not been tended to already.
---- This is a write-up of a guild event, 11/5/2017. @ithaerielbrenagh @theodorebennas @snackpanda @summysparklesprocket @rukunhouquanshi @ tifalockheartffvii and all the other Vanguardian participants that don’t have a Tumblr or that I don’t have their info for.
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atrial-ofhorror-if · 6 months
I have no idea why this gargoyle sex scene is so hard to write but I will prevail ☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿☝🏿!!
Don't clink your pebbles about it, I'm sure you will come up with something rock solid!
(I'm sorry I was possessed by a Dad)
Its ok!! I definitely needed to hear this 🤎🤎
This year has been A LOT for me in terms of work (I've taken a new position at my job and am GOING CRAZY)
I've been so drained for the past couple of months. I'm taking a vacation in December so I'm hoping that my brain will reset enough to where I can come back better.
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atrial-ofhorror-if · 6 months
Alvarez, Moore, and Khalid would 100% wear the acclaimed "hoochie daddy" shorts.
That is all.
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atrial-ofhorror-if · 1 year
Named a character Osmosis, and all I've been thinking about for the past 2 hours is Osmosis Jones 🥴🥴🥴
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atrial-ofhorror-if · 1 year
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Hey, hey y'all 👐🏿👐🏿 I meant to post this on November 27th, but my mom ended up having to go to the ER, and I ended up getting swept up and forgot about posting.
So, this months post will contain two months worth of information.
Clerical Update
Sooo... my laptop broke and I was out of commission for a LOOONNGG time. But its finally fixed, so ya girl is doing a little dance 💃🏿💃🏿💃🏿.
I've been fiddling with Twine, and I think I FINALLY fixed the theme 🥴🥴 see 👇🏿👇🏿👇🏿
Of course, I have to fix the color scheme and figure out how to make the mobile UI setting box reflect the theme, but overall I feel like I'm moving in the semi-right direction? The one thing that is getting on my nerves so badly is the Theme! Like it feels so.... bland to me 😤😤!
What I wanted to do, was to have a little logo in the corner of the background for each theme. For example, Hunger Persists would have had some sort of serpent and a blood moon in the logo. I've been using HiEv's code + method of inputting images (and audio 👀👀) but for some reason it's not working??? This thing has been giving me a headache like no one's business. So, after I ran into this roadblock, I quit 😅😂.
Progress Update
Search and Destroy (Mark Route): 1%
To be Well (Alex’s Route): 39%
Intermission (TBA): 3%
I've officially reached 51k+ words 🎉🎉!!
I realized that most of the word count is stemming from the different choices that y'all can make. Alongside the different options based on personality/backgrounds.
I would say that I've gotten around 65% of the bones of Alex's route done. Once I get that done, I'll plump and fatten the rest of the route out. Mark's route will, hopefully, be easier to write since some scenes in Alex's route will be in Mark's (not the same content but similar enough so that I won't have to go too crazy with writing).
Hopefully next month, I can show you guys a lil sneak peek of the update 🤞🏿🤞🏿but we shall see.
I'm writing out the first spicy "read pentrative" sex scene between MC and Khalid, and as of now? I hate it 🥴🥴🥴 I have to keep reminding myself that it's just my first draft. It's gonna be ugly but I gotta keep going!
Next Month's Goal
Finish the Bones of Alex's route
Take a week break - I'm tired y'all, the burnout is real! 🥴🥴
Fix the Mobile UI and get those damn images to show up! Also fix the mp3 audio for the game.
I think thats it? If you guys have questions let me know! I'm still VERY slow to response so give me grace. Love y'all 🤎🤎
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atrial-ofhorror-if · 7 months
Trying to get this god-forsaken update out before BG3 comes to XBOX...
because if you think I've been missing now, wait til I get my clammy little hands on that jewel 🥴🥴🥴
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atrial-ofhorror-if · 8 months
Not me figuring out what was wrong with the code 2 hours after I rage quit 🥴🥴🥴
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atrial-ofhorror-if · 11 months
Had to stop writing for a minute cause something spooky just happened in my house 🥴🥴
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