#sxf meta
tare-anime · 11 months
One thing that I like about sxf is that despite being a shonen (with not a teenager protagonist), Endo makes Twilight hot and very capable, but at the same time, make it hard for fans to give him harem.
Like, Endo does create lots of awesome women, but it is clear that Twilight has no (romantic) interest at them at all.
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Twilight didn't even bat an eye. Dumped her just like that
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Twilight clearly never see her more than colleague and mentee. He even despise the idea of their cover story as married couple
How about older woman? Handler??
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Twilight clearly afraid respects her as older sister boss and mentor. And that's that.
The City Hall women who swoon at him?
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Twilight imagine them as evil and despicable.
The only woman who can make him making lots of expressions, such as:
Devastated and confused
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Lovestruck Skipping a heartbeat
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And truly smile
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Is just Yor.
Love it 🥰
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piracytheorist · 6 months
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No but I'm going feral about this. It was that moment that made Yor believe she's found someone who will understand her and accept her. An equal, who doesn't owe his survival to her, and who can see her face-to-face and be honest and impartial on his view about her. Yor was searching for someone to acknowledge her, for someone to understand her struggle, and she has no idea how much he really understands.
She now believes that Loid would not begrudge her, if he knew the reason why she's done all she's done. And she doesn't yet know that he would not just understand, but he'd fully sympathize with her, because it's what he has been doing all along. Sacrificing himself, his happiness and his future, dirtying his hands so that someone else could live in peace. And that all along, he's never received the acknowledgement he may have craved for.
And so she'll get to see that she can provide for him what he's been providing for her all along. A hand, just as rough and blood-stained as his, but a hand nonetheless to help each other walk through a sea of pain, judgment and prejudice.
(Anime only fan here, don't spoil me for the manga)
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yumeka-sxf · 1 month
Japanese Linguistic Observations in Spy x Family - part 2
Part 2 - Anya's "Anya-isms"
I think Anya has one of the most interesting ways of speaking out of all the SxF characters. But like with Twilight's dialogue that I previously discussed, it can only be fully appreciated in the Japanese version. Probably the most noticeable thing about her dialogue is how it's written compared to the other characters.
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Written Japanese is comprised of three different alphabets: ひらがな (hiragana) and カタカナ (katakana), which together are referred to as "kana," and 漢字 (kanji). Kanji are the characters that hold the meaning of words, while kana simply represent the various Japanese syllable sounds and don't have any meaning on their own (much like the letters of the English alphabet). There are only about 100-ish total unique kana symbols, however, there are over 2,000 kanji in common use today. So Japanese children will start out learning kana and then learn kanji gradually during their school years. This is why Japanese children's books are typically written only or mostly in kana. This is also why manga and books aimed at a younger audience will have kana "translations" of kanji written above kanji characters, which are called furigana.
With that in mind, it's not surprising that all of Anya's dialogue in the Japanese version of the SxF manga is written entirely in kana. Even though using kanji in her dialogue wouldn't necessarily mean she knows kanji, reading a character's dialogue only in kana definitely gives off childish vibes – it conveys feelings of youthfulness and innocence, like "they're speaking only in kana because they don't know the kanji for these words…they're just a little kid, after all." At least, that's the feeling I get when I read Anya's dialogue. Though I haven't read enough manga in Japanese to say for sure, it seems like this concept of making little kids speak only in kana is not unusual, as there's at least one other example I know of: a manga from the mid-2000s called Yotsuba also has a titular 5-year old whose dialogue is written only in kana.
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What's also interesting is that all of the other Eden kids speak "normally," using kana and kanji properly in their dialogue. This helps to convey the fact that, despite Anya being roughly the same age as them, their "rich family" upbringing has forced them to grow up faster. In the below panel, you can see how Damian's dialogue uses kanji (with furigana translations) while Anya's uses only kana, even for words that have kanji.
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Interestingly, I found at least two cases where Anya does use kanji in her dialogue: when she's calling out the name of her big "Arrow of Light, Seize the Star" move during the dodgeball game, and when she calls out her "Lighting Bolt, Deliver my Aid" move when she tries to throw Yor's weapon back on the deck in the cruise arc. As you can see in the below panels, the names of these "moves" is written in kanji (with furigana translations). This makes sense not only because this is parodying shonen series where the characters shout out the names of their moves, but because it emphasizes how determined Anya was at these moments.
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But going back to how Anya's speech compares to the other kids, another thing that stands out is that she speaks very "plainly." Her grammar is (mostly) correct, except for a few mistakes you'd expect a little kid to make. But she uses pretty much no colloquialisms, almost as if she knows the language but lacks the experience for using it in normal social interactions. I don't think this is unusual for a kid her age who's still learning, but it definitely stands out when compared to her classmates. For example, in the below panel, Becky uses normal interjections and other colloquialisms in her speech, like "ne" (ね), "wa" (わ), and "yo" (よ), which are all standard Japanese linguistic devices for softening or emphasizing your sentences. However, Anya doesn't use things like this in her speech. Again, this makes her speech come off as very plain and abrupt, almost like she's not a native speaker.
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She also refers to herself in third person all the time in the Japanese version. In fact, I don't recall her ever using an "I" or "me" pronoun. I don't know why the English version of the manga doesn't keep this characteristic of her speech. I think it's very important in highlighting the childish aspect of her personality.
Putting all this together – the fact that she doesn't use typical colloquial speech and refers to herself in third person – really emphasizes the childish, naive, and almost baby-like nature of her character. I'm curious if Endo made her speak this way simply to show what a little kid she is compared to her classmates, or if it will somehow tie back to whatever roots she has in classical languages that he keeps hinting at. Regardless, as I mentioned in my full Anya analysis, what she lacks in speech and school smarts, she makes up for in empathy and resourcefulness.
Besides all this, Anya does make typical speech mistakes a normal kid would make, like mishearing words or saying things wrong. She mostly uses casual speech, but does try to use keigo (polite speech) on occasion, though not always correctly. For example, she says "ohayaimasu" (おはやいます) for "good morning" instead of "ohaiyou gozaimasu" (おはようございます).
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But the most consistent "mistake" she makes (though it's not really a mistake) is what she calls Loid and Yor – "chichi" (ちち) and "haha" (はは) respectively.
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Japanese has many different words for relatives depending on whether you're talking about your own relatives or someone else's, and whether you're talking to them or about them. "Chichi" and "haha" are the general, neutral terms for "father" and "mother," and are also used when talking about your parents to someone else. However, they're not used when talking directly to your mother and father. There are many other words for that, the usual ones being "o-tou-san" (お父さん) and "o-kaa-san" (お母さん), or some variations of these with different honorifics. Damian refers to his dad as "chichi-ue" (父上) which is very formal, while Becky calls her dad the actual English word "papa" (パパ) which is very informal and normal for kids to use. But again, "chichi" and "haha" are typically only used when talking about your parents, not to them the way Anya uses them. This started from the very first chapter where Loid asks her to call him something that sounds "elite." He originally suggests the very formal "o-tou-sama" (お父さま), but when Anya says "chichi," he doesn't bother to correct her.
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Hearing a little kid call her dad and mom "chichi" and "haha" is kind of like calling them "my father" and "my mother" even when speaking to them directly – it's not wrong necessarily, just strange. But again, this serves to further emphasize the childlike nature of Anya's character.
<- Return to Part 1
Continue to Part 3 ->
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just-1other-nerd · 1 month
I know it's a running gag that Anya is kind of a dumbass because she's literally 4 years old and while it is true that she views certain things with a naivety that only a child can have and that she's not very academically smart compared to her classmates, it's totally overlooked how intelligent she actually is.
At this age she's not only able to read and write, she's trying to keep up with children who are two years older and basically have been trained to go to an elite school since birth.
Anya is very clever when it comes to hiding her psychic abilities, she knows exactly what will draw suspicion upon herself and avoids saying it, especially in front of adults. An example for this is how she acts in order to save the kid that's drowning in the hospital pool, she know she can't just tell her dad that someone is drowning so she just runs away with an excuse that seems logical enough for a first grader and it works! Mr chronic anxiety and paranoia himself didn't suspect her. Damian only suspects her being able to read minds because she's less carful around her peers. All of this is clearly a trauma response because she is afraid of rejection and of abuse, both things that caused lots of suffering in her past.
But those aren't the only instances when she shows her intelligence: she escaped a probably heavily guarded research facility on her own, when the terrorists plan to explode the building her dad is about to enter she comes up with a plan to stop the bomb from going off, she keeps track of everything that's going on during the missions (like the cruise ship), she covers for her mum and dad and she distracts adults in order to be able to do the stuff she needs to do.
She manipulates people based on the information she's gathered from mind reading. She's a bit clumsy at hiding this because what she's saying always seems out of nowhere but her being a first grader covers that up. Examples: she uses Loid's thoughts to fill out the crossword puzzle in order to get adopted, she tells her mum how much she loves her and never wants to be apart from her in front of Fiona, she tells Yuri she wants to get better at school for her mum's sake, she provokes Damian into meeting his dad when he has doubts, the list goes on.
Tldr: Anya is actually really smart for a four year old.
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amozon28 · 1 year
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for all the comedy, Spy x Family is actually a really good deconstruction and commentary about how War is nothing but useless violence and how propaganda is so dangerous to the dehumanization of “the other”. and there are SO MANY good moments that stick out (the Handlers speech to the terrorist students, Franky talking about psychology in the war , Twilight own thoughts after the war etc...)
but personally this is one of my favorites in both its simplicity and symbolism. Here you have a Man from Westalia, and a Woman from Ostania, both orphaned during the war, and have committed incredible acts of violence to survive in that world and provide for the people in their lives they want to protect, turned into weapons by their governments to commit further acts of violence in the name of peace, all while both were raised on propaganda to believe the other country is full of nothing but horrible monsters.
and yet, and yet
beyond the war and violence and bigotry and arbitrary state lines and nationalism, they were both sung the same children lullaby by their mothers as children.
its so simple in its message, were all the same when it comes down to it. we were all children once, we all played with toys and hung out with friends and listened to our mothers sing us to sleep.
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whateversawesome · 17 days
Spy x Family Code: White Analysis
I finally saw the Spy x family movie Code: White!!
It was fantastic. I loved it 💖
Here's what I think (spoilers below the picture 😉):
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It's super evident Twilight cares A LOT about his family. As soon as Handler tells him someone else will take over Operation Strix, he's worried and, during the movie, he goes around like a crazy man doing all sorts of crazy things to keep his family. Nevertheless, the biggest giveaway about this happens when:
Twilight puts Anya before his mission!! Yes, you read right: Agent Twilight receives a direct order from WISE telling him that recovering the microfilm had priority over rescuing Anya and Mr. Spy puts his daughter's safety first and goes to her rescue (which eventually led to getting the microfilm back, but still).
Yor is a total mom here. She protects her baby and plays with her too 😌 She acts like a mom too because she's always trying to keep the family together; she's the one who reminds that to Loid when he's all frantic working. Here, Yor displays one of her best quality: emotional intelligence. And of course, during the movie at the big fight scene she looks like a total badass.
Now about the big Twiyor moment...
Like I mentioned before here, there's a fake and a real Twiyor moment in the movie. The fake Twiyor moment happens when Yor gets drunk and asks Loid to tell her how he really feels about her (!!!)...before passing out 🫤 You've probably seen plenty of images about that:
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The real Twiyor moment happens later, thanks to the captain of the Twiyor ship 🫡 Anya Forger, who pushes her parents to ride the Ferris wheel alone so they can flirt. Here, Yor tells him (crying) that she saw him with his "girlfriend" and Loid clarifies it was just a random stranger (it was Nightfall) asking for directions. This is when the real Twiyor moment happens:
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Listen, we could argue that Twilight here was being a liar and trying to fix the situation between them "for the mission", but I choose to believe something different. In my opinion, Twilight was being sincere and he wanted not only to reassure Yor but to pour his heart out and reassure himself. Come on, the man repeated their wedding vows! He was getting carried away (it was too much for our shy Yor) and if it wasn't for Yor punching him out of the Ferris wheel, I think this would have ended in the Twiyor kiss we've all been waiting 😆 (maybe one day!).
Something worth mentioning is that when Twilight and Yor get off the Ferris wheel, Anya reads their minds, but we don't get to know what her parents are thinking 😏 she just smiles and that's how she knows everything is okay between her parents. Little sus, right? I am sure Anya knows what's really going on between those two (read about that here).
This happens again, when Twilight rescues Anya from the kidnappers. We all know Mr. Spy is bad at expressing his emotions, so when he's finally reunited with his daughter, he doesn't show much of anything. Anya hugs him, picks her head up and reads his mind. Just like the last time, we don't get to know what Anya reads inside her papa's mind, but she smiles. Funny how this only happens twice in the movie, in both occasions related to his wife and daughter 🤔
So now, the big question: Is this movie canon?
In this case, every person who sees the movie can form their own opinion about that. In my opinion, since there was no identity reveal nor anything that would change the plot in the manga, I think it's okay to consider it canon. So, until the author says it's not canon, I'm going to consider it part of it.
Overall, it was a fantastic movie, very funny, with plenty of Forger family moments and that something that makes Spy x family so special 💖
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spencer-is-dead · 5 months
okay, so, you guys know how yor’s theme is also the lullaby from episode 24? Well, I’ve come to realize something.
so, the lullaby represents Loid’s childhood, and the peace that came with it. Its all the things he lost when the war took them away. and since it’s Yor’s theme, that means Yor also represents that.
meaning that Yor is peace.
Yor is the peace Loid needs in his life. The calm and kindness that he’s been missing since he was a child.
Yor is peace
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cuchufletapl · 1 year
Every day I am rewarded for having Mr Henderson as one of my favourite SxF characters.
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He's such a good man who genuinely, sincerely cares so much for his students.
Not only does he go personally to the place where the bus has been detained as soon as possible, but he doesn't hesitate to put his own life on the line to bring food and water to the children and try to put them at ease — and then he decides to take an unwell colleague's place and stay in the bus.
(Look at how the students react when they see him! They're scared and tired and I'm sure seeing any adult they know would prompt a similar reaction, but still — that girl says that they missed him. He's a teacher they know to be fair and to help them when they need it (see Short Mission #4 or Chapter 64 for instance), so it makes sense that they'd feel particularly comforted by his presence. He's not just an adult they know, he's an adult they trust, and Henderson knows this.)
This man has the moral backbone of a steel beam and a true dedication for education and I appreciate him so much.
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crunchcrunchteacakes · 9 months
The Power of the Mind: Speculating Yor’s Super Strength
This is going to be long post on how I think Yor’s strength works after reading the events of Chapter 85.
In the fandom the topic of Yor’s strength is a common topic with with two main conclusions. Yor’s is a test subject of Ostania’s super-soldier experiment projects or her strength is exaggerated for the sake of comic relief or an Anime trope. I attribute Yor’s Skills to her assassin training that began at a young age which become ingrained in the form off Muscle memory. It is developed through repetitive practice of specific skills or movements over time. When a skill is practiced repeatedly, the brain creates neural pathways that strengthen the connections between the brain and the relevant muscle groups, making the movements more efficient and precise. But know I think it is more, efficiency and precision is one thing but elevated amount of strength and speed is another.  Yor’s powers seem far-fetched in reality, After Chapter 85 I wanted to explore a speculative concept that suggests a connection between mindfulness meditation and the potential manifestation of super strength.
The reason I never associated Yor’s with any human experimentation was because super-soldiers are not in style with Ostania’s Human experimentation which focus on creating higher-intelligence subjects. Project Apple and Anya’s secret organization both produced subjects that are associated with neurology resulting in psychic super powers of precognition and telepathy, Super speed, endurance and strength just don't fit in their. Besides Ostania can always employ Blackbell industries to make mechanical suits armors that would achieve the same results. (Chapter 25).  
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Anya, Bond and Yor’s power which I earlier separated on the basis of mind-body are not so distinct after all, the below panel provides a unique connection between checks on mental inhibitors and the manifestation of super strength in individuals.
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The technical term for Yor’s strength is Hysterical Strength : In real-world scenarios, cases of "hysterical strength" have been reported where individuals have displayed astonishing feats of physical strength during life-threatening situations. It is believed that adrenaline release and the "fight or flight" response may temporarily override mental inhibitors, enabling individuals to access greater strength. It is also reported to be present during situations of altered states of consciousness. (Source)
An altered state of consciousness (ASC) refers to any mental state that differs significantly from a person's usual waking awareness. In these states, the individual's thoughts, perceptions, emotions, and sense of self may be altered or modified, leading to a different experience of reality. Altered states of consciousness can be induced by various factors, including meditation, Yoga, spacing out (Source). The practice disengaging yourself convoluted emotions of mind by not denying or burring them but to simply step and and observe them from a different perspective in mindfulness to foster inner peace and self awareness. This concept was first introduced to us by Mr. Green in Chapter 39.
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(Mr. Green is definitely a member of Garden, but that is an topic for another day)
Yor is spaced out all the time, it’s like her personality trait, what we call ditzy and brain empty no thoughts, forgetful is literally her way of channeling her super strength. She is disengaged from her conscious mind. In this speculative narrative, she might temporarily enter altered states of consciousness where mental inhibitors are temporarily suspended or tweaked to channel her strength in any way she wants.. 
This means that Yor is in autopilot most of the time and her brain is at wakeful rest. No wonder her character was inspired by Little Briar Rose, a.k.a the Sleeping Beauty. This autopilot mode also made her seem more robot like to her colleagues who often say terms like “come back to earth Yor”. The autopilot mode also is an result of her training that has developed her muscle memory mentioned before, thus she has excellent mind-body coordination. We see her in the state of deep contemplation mostly when she is alone or outside the Forger family, Anya and Loid bring out Yor from this trance back to reality as seen in the clip below.
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Honestly Thorn Princesses blank glazed eye feature should be every bit as popular as Twilights Sharp focused one.
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This kind of contemplative state can be achieved by Yoga, and I am talking about the philosophy of Yoga that is part of the Indian and Buddhist cultures, not the western version of exercise. In yoga philosophy, it is believed that energy, or prana, flows through the body. When this energy is blocked or stagnant, it can lead to physical and mental discomfort. Yoga practices, including asanas and breathwork, aim to unblock and balance the flow of prana, promoting vitality and clarity of mind. The existence of inner energy reserves (e.g., prana, chi) that, when harnessed through meditation, can lead to enhanced physical abilities. Yeah Yor wasn’t lying here when she said she learned it through Yoga.
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Fiona trained her body not her mind, we see her break her mental barriers but she achieved this because of hysteria a state of great emotional distress and not something that she could just tap into, thus it cost her 3 out of 4 limbs. Yor does it through mindfulness, it encourages observing thoughts and emotions as they arise without attaching judgments or becoming entangled in them. So even though she is enraged and distressed when harm comes to Anya she does not become entangled in her emotions and maintains control over her strength by not overtly harming herself or others. Emotions come and go they are part of what makes us human. What's important is not to give into them but to channel them into positive actions. And at the end this is what Wheeler and Fiona are unable to do. He lacks any emotions this can never attain true strength and she doesn’t reign in her emotions thus making herself vulnerable.
I will follow up on the nature Garden it’s relationship with Ostania and government in another post, but for this is how I think Yor’s powers work.
TL;DR: Yor strength is connected to neuroscience of mindfulness, her extraordinary strength results from her extreme control of her consciousness which she can tap into to tweak the mental blocks.
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nanuuiy · 1 year
Spy x family chapter 71 ❗❗❗spoilers❗❗❗
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I love this moment and at the same time I hate it so much, why? because this part shows that despite everything, anya is still a little girl who doesn't understand very well the seriousness of the situation she is involved in
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We had already been shown before how sometimes Anya has a hard time differentiating between a waku waku moment and a real situation of danger (like in the first chapter but at least we had already been shown how anya was learning how to take things more seriously )
But this time anya acted so badly
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Anya acted badly, she could just calm down and wait for everything to happen but no, anya made her classmates, Damian and Becky even more scared by playing with the fake bomb
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Anya acted in an extremely immature way (because obviously the poor girl is 4 years old)
Yeah,maybe she knew that the bomb was fake but her classmates don't know that, Anya ended up making the situation worse by not considering the feelings of others and wanting to play the brave one
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And I love and hate this because it's extremely realistic, a lot of times kids don't know the difference between something serious and they think they'll look cool if they act brave, obviously this is completely immature and shows us that anya still has a lot to learn because she is just a child
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this moment reminded me a lot of the part where twilight asks her mom what will happen to the school and the town fair, it's a moment where we are shown the innocence and ignorance of when one is a child, one doesn't understand the situation and thinks that in the end maybe everything will be fine ...
But that's not how the world works
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At least in the end anya was able to redeem herself a little, calming down Damian and telling him that everything was going to be fine, it's funny and a little sad that even though anya is a telepath she still has problems reading and understanding others
My conclusion is that I hope that anya is at least scolded for doing that but still learns a good lesson, she is just a child in a horrible world, one that she doesn't yet understand, but a world where at least she can learn to improve things in the future
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rlbbackup · 2 years
About the Forger Family Potrait
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I have a rather sad headcanon about this.
In the original family photograph, the one that was taken in Episode 3 though in the Manga there is no specific date for this photograph as it usually includes Bond, there is something very specific about Loid's placement in the photo that just...always bothered me.
He is strategically positioned behind Anya and is standing. This oddity is that it makes everyone else much smaller than him in the photograph.
(To note: I am not a photographer. I have many family photos, including ones taken of relatives in the late sixties and this positioning was never seen by me). From my own experience and from samples of professional photographs I've seen, photographers try very hard to get everyone on the same level for these types of pictures. Usually, the tallest party (typically the husband/father) would be sitting, sometimes with the child in his lap and the shorter party/wife would be standing behind him with either her arms loosely draped over him or with her hands on his shoulders. It's a more intimate picture.
But the Forgers (probably Twilight's request) get this somewhat odd picture where they are mostly detached from each other and with Loid almost purposely just out of frame. Of course, we know that this is to show how distant and uncomfortable they are with each other. That they are thrown together misfit family with loose bonds at best.
But what is the in-universe reason? I think Twilight picked this style so that His face could easily be cut out of the picture once operation Strix finished or if he was burned (spy term for cover blown irreparably). To remove undeniable evidence of his appearance. With is terribly sad.
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tare-anime · 9 months
A classic marriage "mistake" has been done by the perfect Twilight.
Yor has been so insecure of "the usefullness" of herself for a loooonnggg time
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Twilight has to boost her confidence from time to time. Via words of affirmations.
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That is good.
However, the ever capable Twilight also does everything by himself
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Of course he does all of this with good intentions. He doesn't want Yor to be tired. He wants to give her the best of everything.
And that is the mistake.
When one does everything by oneself, it will make the other person feels that they are uneeded. Being a couple especially so.
So that's why this is a major growth, that Twilight finally finally asking for Yor's help.
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And that's makes her happy. Because she is now needed.
Being vulnerable in front of your spoused IS a good thing, Twilight.
I hope now you realize that 🥰🥰
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piracytheorist · 7 months
Considering Twilight's motivation to be a spy is to make a world where children can be happy, I think Anya saying she's happy in her family doesn't affect him that much because he's still separating the Loid Forger persona from who he truly is.
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And though this one of the moments that are strong enough to put a smile on his face that hides some true emotion behind it, he can still feel "secure" in thinking that Anya loves Loid Forger, the fake persona he's created, and not the real him, and thus he doesn't contribute Anya's happiness to his real self, and thus it doesn't really hit him that hard. He sees himself simply as a manipulating liar who just happened to make a child happy with his lies, not with genuine effort to make her happy.
So I think it will absolutely fucking gut him when he'll find out Anya was reading his mind from the first moment, chose to stay with him because she saw the real him, believed in his good heart and trusted that he truly cares. He'll realize that Anya's happiness was actually depended on Loid Forger, Twilight the spy, and the real man behind it all. He'll realize that he made a child happy directly, not just with his hard work as a spy, or the lies he said to manipulate situations, but as the real, empathetic and caring person he is, no matter how deeply he tried to not let that person show.
(Anime only fan here, don't spoil me for the manga please 😁)
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yumeka-sxf · 15 days
Japanese Linguistic Observations in Spy x Family - part 3
Part 3 - Yor's keigo
I discussed in part 1 about the different levels of speech in Japanese, particularly how Twilight changes his speech depending on the persona he's donning. He uses keigo, the standard polite form of speech, when he's acting as Loid Forger, but uses casual speech as Twilight. Yor, however, uses keigo all the time, to a degree that some would feel is excessive, but also makes sense for her character.
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Keigo is the most basic form of polite speech in Japanese. It's the speech that's taught in pretty much every beginner Japanese learning course because it's the "safest" for most situations. Without getting too technical, it basically involves using the polite conjugations of verbs. All verbs in Japanese have a "polite" conjugation form that's used in keigo. For example, the verb "to go," 行く (iku), will change to 行きます (ikimasu): change the く(ku) to き (ki) and add -ます (-masu). -masu itself is then conjugated further to show past tense, negative tense, etc. Likewise, one would use です (desu) as the "to be" verb instead of its casual equivalent だ (da). For example, saying 車です (kuruma desu), which means "there is a car" instead of 車だ (kuruma da). It's even more casual to leave out the "to be" verb altogether.
Unlike Twilight, who changes his speech depending on who he's talking to or which facade he's using, Yor consistently uses keigo, whether she's talking to an adult like Loid, a child like Anya, and even an animal like Bond. She uses keigo with strangers as well, even those who are antagonistic to her, like the other assassins in the cruise arc.
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Even at times when using polite speech isn't warranted, like in her own thoughts, she still uses keigo regardless.
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In addition to using keigo with pretty much everyone, she also uses the polite -さん (-san) honorific with everyone's names as well. It's not unusual to do this with fellow adults like Loid, Camilla, and Franky, but when it comes to kids, especially when they're not your own kids, other honorifics are also an option. For example, adults can use the honorifics -ちゃん (-chan) for little girls and -くん (-kun) for little boys, both of which denote endearment to someone young/cute. Loid calls Damian "Damian-kun" and Fiona calls Anya "Anya-chan" for example. But Yor uses "-san" for Anya, Damian, Becky, and probably every other kid she hasn't met yet! She uses "-san" with animals as well, which isn't nearly as common. She's the only one who calls Bond "Bond-san" and she even called the cat Kopi from chapter 43, "Kopi-san."
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She also uses "-san" for people whose names she doesn't know, and in some cases, probably shouldn't show respect to. She calls the terrorists from the doggy crisis arc "terrorist-san", bad guys that she takes out on her missions "warumono-san," Olka's group "mafia-san," and the other assassins from the cruise arc "koroshiya-san."
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The only exception to Yor's excessive use of keigo is Yuri, which makes sense since it's standard practice to be more casual with a younger relative than an older relative or someone outside the family. He's the only person she refers to without "-san" (she just calls him "Yuri"). And while she does use the informal verb forms with him, she still uses "desu" and its conjugations. So overall, she's more casual with him, but not completely so.
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When talking about herself, Yor uses the standard, gender-neutral, polite word for "I"/"me," 私 (watashi). However, when talking to others, she never uses any form of "you." Like I mentioned in part 1 about how there's different ways of saying "I" and "me" in Japanese depending on the speech level, the same is true for "you." But it's always more polite to say someone's name or title instead of "you," and Yor does that all the time. Just like in part 2 how I couldn't recall any instance where Anya says "I" or "me" since she always refers to herself in third person, I can't recall any time Yor called someone "you" instead of saying their name or title.
While Loid uses the casual "you" word お前 (omae) when talking to Anya, Bond, Franky, and anyone else he doesn't have to be polite with, he doesn't use any form of "you" for Yor. He speaks to her the same way she does to him – saying her name plus "-san" instead of using "you."
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Unlike English, Japanese is a language where you don't have to say pronouns if it's understood by the context, which is why something like this is difficult to convey in a translation.
I think it's an interesting contrast that Twilight is constantly changing how he speaks depending on whether he's acting as Loid Forger, as a spy, whether he's conversing with a fellow spy like Fiona, a casual friend like Franky, someone he respects but can't be fully open with like Yor, and even how he talks to himself in his head…yet Yor is the total opposite. As I've discussed in this post, she's extremely consistent in her speech, never straying from being polite no matter who she's speaking to or whether she's in her Thorn Princess role or not, or even whether she's speaking to herself in her head or not. This just further proves that, while Yor has to keep her assassin job a secret, she doesn't have to create a fake persona for it. Unlike Twilight, who acts one way as a spy and another way as Loid Forger, and perhaps another as his "true" self, Yor doesn't feel the need to hide anything about herself other than her job as an assassin – Thorn Princess and Yor Forger are the same person who shows respect for others no matter what her relationship is with them.
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Such excessive use of keigo is odd for a fluent speaker, but it's not unheard of. There are plenty of examples of characters from other anime/manga who use keigo all the time too. I think it gives us an interesting, subtle look into their character. In Yor's case, I think her constant use of keigo comes from a combination of her sweet personality that never wants to offend anyone, but also her poor self-esteem. After all, keigo and other polite forms of Japanese speech are meant to elevate the listener while humbling the speaker. Yor speaks politely to everyone because she simply wants to be kind to everyone and make them feel comfortable, even those she has to kill, but at the same time, she often feels inferior to others.
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However, there are rare exceptions where Yor stops using keigo which are, appropriately, during very suspenseful, high-stakes moments where politeness would be the least of her worries. For example, during her fight with Barnaby when she realizes she's holding back, she starts using casual speech. But she goes back to keigo before too long.
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But probably the most notable example of her completely dropping keigo is near the end of her big battle against the assassins on the cruise ship, where she finally comes to realize what she's fighting for. During her whole epiphany scene – starting from when she thinks of Yuri and herself as kids until she stands up and says she won't stop fighting – she switches completely to casual speech.
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There are many ways to interpret this, but I think it shows what an emotional revelation this was for her: she remembered that the suffering in the world is what caused her to want to protect Yuri from any kind of tragedy, and now the same can be said for Loid, Anya, and Bond. She remembered the words of acceptance she heard from Loid when they first met, words no one else had likely ever said to her before. She realized that she didn't care what happened to her as long as she could stop anything bad from happening to her loved ones – in that moment, no formalities were necessary with such intense self-reflection.
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<- Return to Part 2
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noxribles · 9 months
(sxf manga spoiler) nobody asked and im probably
stating the obvious here but since this current arc started ive had a lot of thoughts about the possibility of yuri figuring out that loid is twilight. and since today im blessed with the rare ability to form coherent thoughts, ill be dumping them here.
while i agree that yuri being the first to find out about loid's secret identity would lead to the juiciest plot development, i dont think yuri would be connecting the dots anytime soon, as evident in the latest chapter:
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concussion or not, loid and twilight pose as opposite images in yuri's head. while yuri may hate twilight's guts (thanks to sss conditioning), he considers twilight as something "great". twilight is this very competent spy whos been operating right under their nose, stealing information and undermining ostania's security for (what i assume) quite some time now. and he keeps evading capture, even when he's right in front of them, like in the doggy crisis arc before. the entire sss seem to acknowledge how great of a spy twilight is and why capturing him is a matter of utmost importance.
on the other hand, yuri hates loid forger because he's conviced that loid is an incompetent, lying, and cheating man who is inferior and undeserving of his sister. and while yuri has made a comment about loid being a spy to his superior before, i believe this is some kind of an offhand comment in a desperate attempt to find a reason to get the man who "stole" his sister out of the picture.
i think these opposing impressions would simply hinder yuri from superimposing twilight's legendary reputation onto the "loser" loid forger (not soon anyway). even if he were to notice loid's wounds from their fight, it would go over his head as something like "stupid loi-loi. of course he's an incompetent doctor, he doesnt deserve my sister. i should have him arrested."
it will, however, be something in the back of his mind, something he's not conscious of. but later on in the story progression, yuri's memory of how twilight chose to mimic him, twilight not finishing him off, and loid's wounds might be somehing that will finally allow the pieces to click together, and the suspicion and investigation begins. (hopefully it'll also kickstart his character development and freedom from sss brainwashing because, turns out, his brother-in-law is not that bad!)
but in the near future after this arc (and it better ends with yor successfully giving loid that welcome home kiss), i think loid forger will be somewhere in the bottom of yuri's list of "suspicious people around me who might be twilight" (somehow anya would be higher on that list than loid).
anyways, thank you for attending my ramblings and it will sure be funny if my thoughts turn out completely wrong
heres a peanut for a treat 🥜
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genia-caliber · 5 months
I don't trust the Authens and haven't from the very beginning. I find it extremely suspicious that Sigmund Authen just conveniently thinks in a manner that makes it so that Anya doesn't notice anything in addition to:
Move into the same building.
Yor commenting that they may become Anya's grandparent-figures.
Sigmund Authen used to be a researcher and just so happen to look like Einstein, a researcher who worked on the Manhattan Project, a war-related project, as well as coincidentally share a name with Sigmund Freud, a very famous psychiatrist when Anya's powers relates to the mind.
And now we get this Short Mission 11 immediately afterwards, where Anya seems to experience some emotional pain related to her name, topped off with this illustration?
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Anya arc here we come babyyyyy
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