#sydney sweeney and glen powell were amazing
Okay, I just watched ‘Anyone but you’ and I absolutely loved it. It was great, made me laugh and warmed my heart
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Listen. I am not a hater. I never wish ill upon anyone. I truly want everyone in the world to be happy and healthy. I love cheering people on and watching people succeed, even people who I don’t know. I love when good things happen.
I am in love with Glen Powell, I am a complete girls girl and was therefore cheering for Sydney Sweeney (even though I’ve never actually watched anything with her in it), and I ADORE romcoms
That being said, I am actively rooting against that ‘Anyone But You’ movie
In part because of the whole PR thing. WHY did they think spreading rumors of an affair would look good for them or the production? Poor choice. I know that some people have the idea that there’s no such thing as bad press, but I disagree. That affair thing may have worked well in the early 2000s but I think that Gen Z is different and that just made us annoyed or even stop liking them. I don’t think they were expecting that, this is one of the first times that an adult romcom is being targeted for a Gen Z audience. They had to learn that the PR tactics that worked on older generations won’t work on us. It was an extremely poor choice.
And in part because that trailer looks so bad. The stiff acting, they have no chemistry, Sydney Sweeney over acting (I’m so sorry girl you are still amazing and wonderful and talented!!), why are they trying to make it look like a 50 shades thing - it’s making me cringe. Who the FUCK was in charge of casting?? They do not remotely look like they were in college together. Did they even have a chemistry test? I feel like they just picked two hot people that Gen Z/millennials liked and casted them. Literally, everything that I’ve been seeing being pushed by the film has been about how hot Glen Powell (and Sydney too, but less so) is and that’s why you should see it. ALSO OMG GLENS COSTUMES? The scene with the balloons where he was wearing headphones around his neck gave me the ick because I could tell they were trying to make him look younger. What age are they saying these characters are? Is Sydney’s character supposed to be 35 (glens age), is Glen supposed to be 25 (Sydney’s age while filming), are they meeting in the middle and saying they’re 30???
When Glens character said “how are we supposed to convince people that we like each other” I thought the exact same thing because I wanted to turn off the trailer by that point.
Also…. WHY are they fake dating? What’s the point?
I’m almost embarrassed FOR everyone involved. Also, please please please don’t come after me I’m just ranting! Everyone can have their own opinions and you are totally right to love the trailer and be excited for the movie! Maybe I’m wrong and the movie will be wonderful and a masterpiece! (I won’t watch it though so I’ll take someone’s word for it) I just wanted to rant! :)💗
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