#talking about that ramadan anon
ox1-lovesick · 1 year
a small compilation of some writers losing their minds over feedback so you all can see how far a few nice words go
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jellyluchi · 1 year
I remember you mentioned Muslim Risotto, and I never liked Risotto that much bc he was boring. But maybe he's one of those that are really intimidating but is actually really nice? Others are surprised to find out he's really devoted. He probably takes things really seriously. I can imagine him being hard on himself at times.
KJABS I'm sorry I literally cackled a bit, I don't think I've ever heard from someone who thought Risotto was boring and it's a bit refreshing because it seems like he's a fan favorite and it's rare to find someone who doesn't enjoy him anyway I can't remember if it was me who made a post about Muslim Risotto or someone else but I did like the idea very much.
But yes! In my general HCs if you're civil with him he will be civil with you. And sometimes even kind to you. He's definitely very intimidating but his looks aren't' everything! Yes! I do see him as someone who is privately very devout and has a lot of faith. Maybe its because he needs something to ground him and when he has nothing he turned to faith. Yeah exactly!!! I know his work directly goes against the teachings but that's exactly why he's so hard on himself and keeps turning to his faith to repent 😔
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apollos-olives · 6 months
i really liked hearing you talking about the geography of the west bank. id love to hear more about what you love about palestine if you want to talk about it. if not i hope u have a good day! i’m sorry anons are being so weird to you and i hope this ask doesn’t cross any boundaries
i've talked about a lottt of different things i love about palestine, but i can talk a bit more about the old city in nablus if you'd like :)
the old city is where you go if you want to find anything and everything. there are hundreds of shops and vendors and you get to meet so many different people and experience so many different things, it's so cool. over the shops and buildings are decorations and long cloths and banners that are colored in so many different ways, and they provide shade on hot days and sometimes the colors reflect off of the buildings and the ground so everywhere you go you're engulfed in bright and beautiful colors as you walk through the streets.
you can find a lot of different shops there, and they usually have huge portions of their products on display so you can pick and choose personally and serve yourself on what you'd like to buy. people who sell spices or nuts have HUGE bags of them and you get to grab a plastic kilo bag and fill up as much as you'd like. people who sell candy and gummies do the same thing, so you get to choose however much you want to fill up your bag. my family almost never is able to eat gummies where we live because it's not halal, so whenever we're in palestine we fill up kilos upon kilos of gummies in bags so we can take them back home and eat them :)) my uncle says the gummies they sell in palestine aren't halal either but whatever man where is the whimsy 😔😔 let us have this. the last time my dad went, he came back with a kilo bag of gummies after i asked him to bring some when he returned, so for months i kept the bag of gummies and slowly ate them. i finished the bag a while ago but i loveeeee gummies and whenever i find ones i'm allowed to eat, i'm very excited about it. i cannot escape my inner child.
there are many refreshments that you can find too. in the summers lots of vendors sell ice cream and slushies (as most places do, i assume) and different juices, one of them is 'tamar hindi' which is a drink you'll often see around ramadan and eid. there are stores that sell different pickled vegetables in barrels, and they'll even let you take some out directly and eat them so you can taste and choose which ones you prefer. of course there are lots of food places, but ohhhh my god there was one shawarma place in nablus that i went to that had the BEST shawarma i've ever eaten in my life. like by FAR it was one of the most delicious things i've ever eaten in my entire life and i'm not exaggerating. i yearn for a shawarma as good as the one i had in nablus. wallahi it was genuinely mind blowing. yall don't understand how good it was. i cry and sob over it all the time.
you can also find lots of clothes!! from our traditional palestinian abayas to modern t-shirts, you can find tons. a lot of the stuff that is sold in palestinian territories is bootleg, because real brands are hard to find their way in through the occupation. because of that, some of the more "modern" stuff is really low quality. i bought a belt from the old city and only was able to wear it once before it literally crumbled in my hands. it CRUMBLED. for 50 shekel too 😭😭😭 absolute shame. that's why i think it's more reliable to buy the traditional stuff, like tatreez designs, because at least that stuff is actually real.
there are jewlery shops too!! they're full of gorgeous designs and you can often find evil eye jewelry in a lot of places. i absolutely love the evil eye design and i have a lotttt of evil eye jewelry. some muslims disapprove though, but whatever. i just think it looks nice. i like its meaning too. interesting stuff to me.
palestinians use different types of currencies too!! we often use the israeli shekel, but that's slowly becoming out of use 🤷‍♂️ but we also use the jordanian dinar, and we even use american dollars, usd, to buy stuff.
OH LET ME TELL YOU ABOUT THE KNAFEH SHOP !! nablus is famous for knafeh. we're like. THE knafeh city. there's a very VERY famous old white-bearded man who owns the famous knafeh shop of nablus and you can almost always find him every day making knafeh. his place always has a huge amount of people there, watching him as he makes the knafeh right in front of them and then serves it out to everyone. genuinely THE knafeh of all time. him and his knafeh are a very cherished part of our city.
i'm sure there are MANY more things i can go on about, but i hope this was interesting to you! thank you for asking :)
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atopcat · 3 months
There's this weird thing going on Reddit right now where people are claiming that legally, Rhaenyra children are not bastards. And I was wondering if you agree or disagree. I think that people are just making up their own canon lore at this point.
Sorry for the late reply anon, Ramadan’s come and it’s hard to think on an empty stomach lol.
It’s complicated as technically they’re right, on paper Rhaenyra’s kids are legitimate: House Velaryon acknowledges them and Laenor never rejected them. It’s not about reinventing canon but more understanding the intricacies of legitimacy and social practice. It’s not a black and white issue because there is no definitive way to prove Rhaenyra’s sons aren’t Laenor’s.
Dark hair? It’s a recessive gene from Rhaenys Targaryen (she has dark hair in the books) and Aemma Arryn.
Brown eyes? Plenty of Targaryens don’t have Valyrian purple eyes: Alysanne’s were blue and Alyssa had one green eye.
Pug nose? The boys are 6, 5 and 3 of course they’ll have baby noses, they’re children. Besides, we don’t get a description of Rhaenyra’s features only Laenor’s, so there’s nothing to suggest they didn’t simply inherit their mother’s nose.
people are just making up their own canon lore
Not entirely true, the Greens themselves were willing to acknowledge Jace, Luke and Joffrey as Laenor’s sons as part of their peace terms. Aegon II was ready to give Dragonstone to Rhaenyra with Jace, not Aegon the Younger, as her heir apparent, plus they agreed to acknowledge Luke as the rightful heir to Driftmark also. Legitimacy is subjective, despite calling them bastards for 14 years Team Green was ready to recognise them as true Velaryons if it meant keeping the throne. By making this offer they reaffirmed the legitimacy of Rhaenyra’s sons.
(Important to note also in the original draft Rhaenyra was married to Harwin but there was still a civil war because at the end of the day she’s a woman and Aegon’s a man.)
The only way JL&J could be made bastards is if Rhaenyra comes out and admits to it.
Same way how Ned only knew for certainty about JM&T’s paternity because Cersei openly admitted to it. We all know her kids are illegitimate but you can’t actually prove this in canon because there’s no such thing as DNA testing. Robert fathering a dozen black haired bastards means nothing, besides it sets a dangerous precedent; what if men across Westeros decide to abandon children using Robert’s ruling as justification? Catelyn gave Ned four auburn haired kids who look nothing like him, what if somewhere down the line people start claiming Robb can’t be Ned’s using the same logic as Ned had used to prove Joffrey’s illegitimacy.
I have talked about how Jace’s questionable paternity will have long term repercussions once he’s King, think Daeron II vs. Daemon Blackfyre or Joffrey I vs. Stannis I but that’s a discussion for another time.
Sorry if my rambling doesn’t make a lot of sense, I wrote this at 4 am when I woke up for Sehri 😅
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ohmtoff · 3 months
omg ur muslim??? can u write nick x muslim bf fic or hc anything
OMG???? ANON ILY LMFAAOO I LAUGHED SO HARD AT THIS BUT I IMMEDIATELY STARTED THINKING AB IT BC I DID HAVE AN EX WHO’s HINDU. important to note that im indonesian so my muslim experiences are probably gna be kinda different than others but ill try to make it as general as possible
- When you first started talking to him he was so confused on whether you were actually flirting with him or were you just overly friendly. When you mentioned in passing that you’re muslim he was convinced you’re straight bc he thought no way you could be muslim and gay (he’s white american so i’m 80% convinced he actually thinks like this lol)
- You flirt and flirt and flirt but the idiot convinces himself you were just really comfortable with your masculinity that you can compliment him, caress his face, touch his hair, stare at him for hours, and go on little dates with him without being gay💀 He would laugh off all your advances and you would just get so defeated and think damn he’s rlly not into me when actually he would scream and kick his footsies into the air everytime he sees a picture of you.
- You were in the middle of staring into his ocean blue eyes when you can feel both your and his breath hitching in the space between. Nick was blushing and nervously look around the room and you can’t help but think he’s just the prettiest boy ever so you thought “fuck it” and confessed. he was so shocked but so so sooo happy when you confessed, he excitedly said yes he definitely wants to be your boyfriend.
- it was in the middle of watching a series with him when you excused yourself to go pray. atp he was still confused on how does being muslim while queer work but he doesn’t know how to bring it up, he’s scared of being offensive. You also knew he was curious from how he has this thinking face whenever you mention anything islam related so you decide to explain to him that you did struggle a lot with faith crisis when discovering your sexuality.
you explained more on how you did have a phase where you hated religion and how it’s hateful. that was before you learned Islam and read the Qur’an on your own, without the interpretation of hateful people and privileged men who skew the teachings to benefit them. so, you learned that your relationship with God is personal and intimate, never one to be judged by any mortal, and more. now, your relationship with Islam is better than ever. (yes this is a self projection of my own relationship with religion lmao) He understands and from that moment on he would try to get out of his way to learn more about Islam and your culture so that he could understand you better.
- You regularly say “Wallahi” “Inshallah” “Alhamdulillah” everyday and he would adopt it too eventually and you would giggle and think it’s the funniest shit ever bc more often than not he would get the use of the phrase wrong, he would just think it’s like random arabic filler words😭
- Ramadan arrives he’s the most supportive partner you can think of during Ramadhan. He’d try to help you cook and order food for suhoor and iftar, and he’d try to support you by not eating in front of you.
“Babe, it’s okay for you to eat in front of me, that’s literally the point of Ramadhan”
“No, it’s fine, I’m not hungry anyways”
- Nick was, actually, fucking starving.
- The first week of Ramadhan passes and he doesn’t feel as fatigued and hungry anymore. He doesn’t even remember to eat sometimes, basically he fasts with you. Fasting became a routine for him and he quite enjoys it eventually.
“I’m gonna be so skinny at the end of the month”
- He gained weight😭 the huge iftar meals with your parents/ friends or just both of you going to a restaurant did more thickening than slimming his body. If you’re close with your parents, you introduce Nick to your parents during iftar and your mom forces the boy to try and eat all the food. He’s not mad though bc your family’s food is like nothing he’s ever had before and he EATS IT UPPP.
- Whenever you try to be sneaky and break your fast he would scold you😭😭😭 pulling out hadiths and out-muslim you
“Nick, you’re not even muslim!”
“So? That’s not halal! Astaghfirullah”
- The hardest thing for him during the month is not gossiping with you. You know he’s a natural hater at heart so when he sees gossipable activities he is CLENCHING trying not to tell you. When it’s iftar he screamssss and pulls out the whole tea with bulletpoints and a powerpoint slide
a/n: that’s all i got for now hope you enjoy it anon i did enjoy thinking ab this its so funny
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babyjakes · 5 months
I know you’re on a kinkmas grind (I’ve been loving it!) but I can’t help but think about Willa at the holidays! You may have done this before (I may have been the one to even suggest it even lol) but imagine Willa learning about the various holidays. Steve teaches her about Christmas and gets Thor to dress up like Santa. She learns about Hanukkah from Bucky and they light candles together. Idk I just love coming up with Willa fluff.
hey sweet friend, happy holidays! i was indeed very busy with kinkmas when i received this but i still wanted to give a little answer about willa's holiday season as you and a few anons sent in asks about it 🫶
note: i wanted to include willa learning about a wide variety of religions and cultures, but i'm not an expert on anything so if i got anything wrong or anything should be adjusted please let me know!! i will be so happy and grateful to learn more 💕
the end of the year is a crazy time for willa-bug, she's so busy! i didn't know bucky was jewish (and a quick google search wasn't very helpful on confirming this) but if he is, i love that!! and then yes he definitely does hanukkah stuff with her, lighting the candles and maybe she even makes him little presents for each night of hanukkah 🥺 she also wants some of the other friends (peter, thor, wanda, clint...) to come celebrate with bucky too, and bring gifts and participate in all the festivities with him!
i bet she and peter do advent calendars together, he gets her an avenger themed one and she finds him a spiderman one lol 🥺 maybe steve invites peter and wanda to stay over for the first 25 days of december and makes a big deal about them and willa getting to experience "christmas-time in a proper home" 💕 they do all sorts of traditional stuff that steve loves: baking and cooking, decorating the house, fun little crafts, putting up a christmas tree, etc. maybe the whole team comes over one night to help decorate the tree, and they all bring some ornaments to contribute so that willa and steve can have a nice selection for every year 🥺 christmas eve is super fun, she sets out cookies and milk for santa- then in the morning, steve and the kids all gather around the christmas tree and santa brought sooo many presents! (wanda and peter made sure to bring willa out to get lots for steve too ofc 🫶)
a silly little side note: willa's letter to santa is so precious 🥺 at five, she's just learning to write and can't spell yet, so she asks steve to write it out for her so she can copy it down onto her paper. the first part of the letter is just her talking to santa, asking how he is and how all the reindeer are and if he has to wear a bunch of coats in the north pole lol. she asks for a few things for herself but then she asks for a present for each of her friends too, bc thor told her that grown-ups don't write letters to santa and she wants to make sure santa knows exactly what they would like!! so if she's the only one writing to him, she's gotta put in a word for them herself 🥺 she also writes "please" after each thing so santa can see she's using her manners 😭 steve is already tearing up as he listens to her and writes it out for her in big, easy to read letters. then when he sees it written out in her own five-year-old script, he's practically clutching his heart he can't take the cuteness 😭 he definitely saves it, tucks it away somewhere safe to show her when she grows up
willa isn't ready for proper preschool but steve does bring her to an early childhood education program where parents stay and play 💕 she makes lots of friends, many who have different backgrounds that she gets to learn about! she gets to learn about ramadan and eid ul-fitr, as well as eid ul-adha from one classmate whose mom invites her and steve to come join them for iftar! another friend tells her all about chinese new year and shows pictures from the festival she went to last year with her family.
steve definitely raises her to be interested in and respectful of all other cultures and religions! he teaches her what traditions and holidays he celebrates, but also encourages her to find out what other important people in her life believe in and celebrate, and to value those things as well. maybe he gets her a big calendar to hang on the wall where they can mark all their holidays, and their friends' holidays too! so they can remember to celebrate along with them in ways they find meaningful 💕
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tamlindair · 3 months
if you get this, answer with three random facts about yourself and send it to the last seven blogs in your notifs! anon or not, doesn’t matter, let’s get to know the person behind the blog 🖤🖤🖤
Thanks for the ask! I’m blanking on stuff to say about me lol but here’s goes nothing.
I grew up in Qatar and I hope to go back there some day ❤️
A story about how my childhood bff became my bff: My teachers at school complained I don’t interact with others enough and made me sit next to a girl who talked a lot. She became my best friend and made me talkative enough that my teachers had to complain about me to my parents in a few weeks lol. She’s in California now and I’m gonna meet her again in July after many years 😍
I have started decorating my home for Ramadan and I’m so happy with it 🥰
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masonreds · 2 months
Hi I’m new to your blog, I sometimes saw your posts in the Mason tag and occasionally checked your blog. I didn’t realize you were as active as you are and I’m so happy about that. So glad I found your blog!
Aw this is so sweet anon thank you! I tried - keyword being tried to take a break for Ramadan and then when Mason scored I cracked and have been posting ever since, but people have been sending me asks and talking to me and it makes me feel liked as weird as that sounds I used to think my blog was one of those that was boring but now people are talking to me I feel a little better about my blog and is also one of the reasons why I post as much as I do now. I’ve been gaining loads of followers from the past week too so thank you to all who’s followed me but I’ll try to be even more active now ❤️
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rainofthetwilight · 2 months
hi hi there! this ask doesn’t have much question stuff in it tbh, i’m just super excited to realise that someone else on ninjago tumblr is muslim and speaks arabic! (i’m not that good at it tbh:( but like a lot of muslims i know a lot of terms that r common in th Qur’an — i’m def trying to learn the language itself, though, instead of just the pronunciation of it, it’s such an interesting language!). idk if i’m just following the wrong people, but i’d always thought the fandom was rlly usa centric — which is cool, just a bit weird for me sometimes, since i also live in africa, just a lot more south:D
i hope that ramadaan has been going ok for you, despite everything that’s going on all around the world. and i hope that you have an awesome eid!
this is also so random but i was in egypt early last year, and i honestly have not stopped thinking abt koshary since, like it was one of my favourite things that i’ve ever tried!! y’all have such epic food :))
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would you believe me if I said I had also doubted that I'd find not alot of muslim and/or arab ninjago fans on here? I also thought the fandom was pretty usamerican-centric too 😭 now I'm mutuals with like a good bunch of them, and it's honestly really really cool!!! even though you don't think there's actually any, trust me, there are 👀
also I wish you alot of luck on learning more arabic!!! :DD that fact you already know alot of terms in the quran will really help, trust me sometimes even when I myself read it I don't even understand what an ayah is talking about 😭
AAAJDJJS thank you!!! I hope that ramadan has been going okay for you aswell!!! :DDD <33 and I hope you have an amazing eid too inshallah! <3
also you've been to egypt?? JSHDJAK that's so neat!! :O I hope you enjoyed your visit there!!
AAAAAA I'm literally so glad you liked koshary!!! :DD it's one of my fav meals of ours, I literally have a ghobashy (a koshary restuarant) right down my apartment block lol, I think I get koshary from there like weekly lmao (sad that egypt's prices are currently wack af rn)
tho, I'm planning to have iftar with it once I get back to egypt on tuesday inshallah!!! thank you so much :DDD you're really kind!! <333
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rusquared · 3 months
i forgot my bad :p
~sleep anon
nah ur good i was just talking w my mom about how everything else about ramadan is easy but. you really gotta sleep at 9pm, or sleep after 5am, to feel rested enough
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almaasi · 2 years
also, same kukalaka anon here: is that a real quote from siddig el fadil?? have you interacted with him??
if you mean the quote in my sidebar--?
"[Elmie is] not an un-charming person." - Siddig el Fadil, July 2nd 2021
the answer is yes to both - it's a real quote, and yes, i've interacted with him multiple times on zoom over the last two and a bit years.
he was talking to my mother when he said that. he actually said "she's not an uncharming person" and then corrected his pronoun usage to "they" but i truncated the quote for clarity purposes. c:
i met him through the sid city social club, which are free weekly zoom meetings he and his friend mel host, to talk to fans. he'll chat for 15 minutes to one fan at a time, and ask about their life, interests, and whatever sociological curiosity he's obsessed with at the time. (these last few weeks it's been "what's the best idea you've ever had?")
the meetings are still running if you'd like to join! anyone is welcome. the next meeting is on july 5th 2022, 9pm eastern time. they used to fill up in seconds, but there's usually plenty of space these days!
fic link: Kukalaka POV (27k, fluff, Julian and Garak observe Ramadan together and explore Julian's Muslim heritage - drawing from my own experiences with Islam)
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abimee · 1 year
ive followed you over three blogs now and ive been around since you were an undertale blog and i dont know much about ff14 but i still love following you. your passion and love for art and creation is something i appreciate so much and i love how you talk about things like there is a little soul in everything and you cradle it and cherish it. it is so refreshing. ramadan mubarak!
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aouuuuu thank you so much anon :,( for both the kind words and continued support. im really bad at wording how much this means to me but i think of every kind anon ever sent to me and this one is getting hung up on the fridge inside of my heart to look at for the coming months. ramadan mubarak!!!
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imabillyami · 6 months
4 and 15 for the fic ask game?
Hi anon, thanks for asking! 💜 Hope you're having a great morning/day/night wherever you are!
4. What’s something you’ve researched but haven’t incorporated into your fic?
I recently did a lot of research on religion and religion based things for my characters that will be used later in my fic, so I should add *yet* to that question. The most recent ones are vegan Suhoor foods and sunrise and sunset on certain days during this year’s Ramadan. Since I’m not muslim myself, I’m trying to be as thorough and accurate in my research as I can possibly be.
15. Tell us a fun fact about your fic/wip!
Probably not a fun fact, but parts/chapters/whatever you wanna call them 5-12 are sitting in my docs almost completely finished and laughing at me while I’ve been rewriting chapter 4 sixteen times over the past four or so months since I last updated. Even the ending is all written and done while there’s double digit versions of chapter 4 by now and I’m pretty deep in a spiral about the quality of it. Whenever I attempt to post it, I talk myself right out of it, cause I feel like it isn’t good enough and everybody’s moved on from that fic anyway.
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apenitentialprayer · 2 years
hi! i’m a young catholic learning about islam in school. I think i remember you saying you considered converting, but you obviously eventually became catholic. I feel called, on some level, to the Islamic faith and am super curious about your experiences with it, especially since you are now a devout catholic. would you feel comfortable talking about your journey? if you feel this is too private of a subject and would like for me to reach out directly, please let me know. thank you!
When I was in high school, my first exposure to Islam beyond "Muslim is an identity some of my classmates have" was my global history class in sophomore year, where we learned the basics of the faith as part of the background for the rise of Islamicate civilization.
I was fascinated by the corporate and ascetic elements of the faith. One aspect of Islam that I feel Islam does a much better job than (Western) Christianity does is instilling a sense of both; while Islam may have abolished the priesthood and monastic orders, many of the strands of those ideas were mainstreamed in a way that they weren't in Christianity - in my experience, they either often disappeared entirely (Protestants), or were limited to certain classes within the Church (Catholics).
Ramadan in particular caught my interest. Catholics have Lent, but it was often incredibly tepid in my personal experience, not at all like the all-day fasting that an entire community participated in. So participating in Ramadan of 2012 was my first little toe-dip into Islam, if you will.
I purchased Qur'ans of several different translations; even after my disability meant I could no longer fast, I would still try to read through the book over the course of subsequent Ramadans. I would memorize my favorite verses (in English, not in Arabic, as real huffaz do), I started giving to charity more, and even after my re-dedication to Christianity I would continue to go to events sponsored by local Muslim student organizations.
But it was really the question of Jesus that kept me from making the full plunge. Muslims do love and respect Jesus as far as they know Him; but is that extent the fullness of what is true about Christ? I noticed that in all of my favorite Qur'an and Bible quote collections, I unconsciously but in hindsight very conspicuously avoided verses in both texts that dealt with the nature of Jesus. And I had to think to myself, 'what does Jesus mean?' What does it mean if Islam is right about Jesus, and what does it mean if Christianity is right?
I admire Islam's dedication to the transcendence of God, who is beyond whatever limited categories we could ascribe to Him, and in comparison to whose Greatness we are all made equals. But (and I realized this was the case with much of what I admired about Islam) that idea already existed in the religious tradition I was born into, with an added element: that this transcendent God nonetheless chose to anchor Himself into Creation permanently, that this God who was totally separate from Creation loved it so much that He became a part of it. And that idea, which is central to Christianity, pulled me back into the faith of my childhood.
Islam helped me to fall in love with the aspects that it shared with Christianity because it defamiliarized me with those aspects, allowing me to see them in a fresh light. And Islam helped me to more fully appreciate those ideas in Christianity that Islam did not share, because I didn't realize just how important they were to me.
If you want to come off anon and talk more, I would be happy to do so, anon. But regardless of what path you take, know that I am praying that you find God and are satisfied in Him.
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papirouge · 10 months
Not the same football anon as before, but i wanted to stop in and say that I agree with you. I really like hearing Girioud talk about his faith so openly! It’s cringe whenever people (mostly muslims) call it a right wing dog whistle but if a muslim player prays on the field, they have no issue. Girioud is not apologizing for being Christian and I like to see it. Him and Benjamin seem to be close friends so I hope he could help him since it’s been reported how Pavard struggles with depression. :(
People hate grizemann were the same incels that hated Pavard too. They’re himbos - cute, skinny, sometimes awkward white boys with nice hair 😂 those incels wish they were half as hot. 😭
Yeah Muslim are so freaking fake anyway. They supported the Muslim players who made drama in the french football federation league because they wanted special treatment during the ramadan, and they lost their shit when people told them that their demand was edging on religious proselytism (the FFF paid them dust btw lol). But just because someone is Christian suddenly he's a far right agent....🤔 If only the Coran helped them understand what hypocrisy is....
At least Giroud* doesn't ask a religious prerogative, he keeps his religious takes outside the field. Christianism as a whole is a much more adaptative religion than Islam anyway, that's why there aren't stories of Christians asking for special treatment wherever they go and claim victimhood over it. Our religion isn't about performance, it's about what we are in our heart🩵 God is so based for that 🌟
Are you talking about Benjamin Pavard? as I said I'm no soccer head so I vaguely know him. I think he's in the France NT team?
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I digged for some info and it HE'S FROM MAUBEUGE??? I had a friend from there when I studied in the north of France !! I LOVE this place !! France North is infamously super poor and there's a lost of classism regarding this region (it's said they are all inbred degenerates bc there's been a lot of child abduction, incestuous & pedophilia scandals around there 😭). I'm sure the the Ch'tis (surname of France northern people) are proud of their boy! Benjamin doesn't have that much of a Ch'tis accent (though at some moment you can slightly hear it👀). He even admits that at the beginning of his career he had some hard time to be understood by his agent bc of his chtis dialect - ngl he's cute 🥹🩵
You last paragraph SENT ME lmaooooo (the "nice hair" is soooo specific GIRL I'm obsessed with men with good hair TOO 😭) But TEA. #teamhimbo aaaall the way. Them cute skinny soft boi Whities are those who save the France NT (Kyky is the exception & can stay tho 👀) Them ugly soccerbro incels have NOTHING on them💅🏾
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dream-critical · 2 years
My point wasn’t that racism can be dismissed because it’s normalized. My point was that framing Dream as an outlier is disingenuous because, if you dig into every ccs life and career and past the same way we seem to do with Dream, you’re bound to find ugly shit, especially if they’ve been on the Internet for a long time. InTheLittleWood was recently called out for a bunch of racist and misogynistic tweets from ten years ago. He apologized by saying yes that way of thinking was normalized but it wasn’t right and he’s sorry. Markiplier, a guy who no one would call violently bigoted nowadays, made a kkk edit 7 years ago! Quackity, again, not someone anyone would call violently racist now, has made more racist jokes than I can list and has those videos from like 7 years ago still on his channel! He did apologize, by saying “the Internet was different back then, but that didn’t make it okay.” And everyone moved on. Dream has said the exact same thing “I grew up thinking x was okay yada yada but it isn’t and it hurt people and I’m sorry.” But no one but Dream is held to a standard of having to “make up for it.” Do I think he should? If I did, I’d have to hold that standard to every cc and expecting that is just setting myself up for disappointment. I’m not going to monitor every white cc who’s done something racist and apologized for it to check if they’re being an activist on twitter or donating to causes that help poc.
Ok so let me explain this in an easier way since it seems that every other time we've talked about this wasn't enough for y'all to understand.
The difference between dream and these people isn't that dream is held to an impossible standard.
It's that dream 1) lashes out instead of owning up to it and 2) never fucking properly apologized and 3) half the shit he did happened at the beginning of his career+ he said fucked up shit about Muslims last Ramadan (which was three months ago) to seem woke and guess what!!!! That's way more recent than any of the other things you've mentioned!!!
Also we've mentioned that we think that quackity should do better as well. He should just delete the videos to show he's changed.
Neither of us are inthelittlewoods viewers or fans so why the fuck would we talk about that. I don't know the guy and I've only mentioned him once on this blog and that was when I was talking about misogyny.
So idk maybe go fuck yourself anon. We've explained our opinion on this multiple times. I've written detailed explanations.
If you're soooo protective of your favourite racist white boy maybe go to literary any stan account instead
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