#tasmania kid
thelastgherkin · 4 months
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LEGACY UNITED Core Beast Wars II Universe Tasmania Kid
Come to Tasmania – we mean YOU!
More like this:
Legacy Evolution Voyager Class Leo Prime
War for Cybertron Trilogy Voyager Class Optimus Primal with Rattrap
Kingdom Battle Across Time Skywarp
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pandacronic-art · 5 months
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Team bee.
A rag tag group where every member has been deemed unsuited for the front lines.
They've been stationed on earth do to it's out of the way location, to monitor the natives and to look out for possible decepticon activity in the nearby area of space.
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therobotmonster · 7 months
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I haven't done a Transformers digibash in awhile, but Legacy brought in Tasmania Kid, and an opportunity arose in the form of Sky-Byte's minion, Stinkbomb.
Presumably, the resculpt for the tail would come with cyborg detailing on the beast mode and a new chest.
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driver270 · 1 month
He Tastes Feet In Almost Every Step 🤖☕️
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Puggle Swerve was made by @callykarishokka.
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plasticsparkphotos · 4 months
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Transformers: Legacy United - Core Class Tasmania Kid
A lovely little core class Beastie. I'm still shocked that we got some Beast Wars II love beyond Lio Convoy. :) Bring on more of the team!
#transformers #beastwarsii #beastwars
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transmetal-tk · 7 months
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Transformers Legacy United Beast Wars Universe Snarl
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maplesamurai · 1 month
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Started unboxing the Transformers I got at Comicon on Sunday and first up is Core Class Tasmania Kid, from the Beast Wars II anime. Posability's decent in robot mode, but virtually nonexistent in the beast mode. Also, I couldn't get that scalp piece to tab into the rest of the head.
The pose with the arms crossed is a homage to the imagine spot in the first episode where he hopes to scan something cool like a cheetah for his beast mode (imagining himself looking like Cheetor in the main series in the process), only for a tasmanian devil to pounce onto his face when he tried to scan a new mode.
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jazzluca · 2 months
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Come già detto spesso e volentieri, è bello che nei Generations ripropongano i personaggi Transformers più famosi e favoriti, ma ogni tanto vedere qualche faccia nuova o di nicchia aiuta il senso di novità e bilancia il già visto, ed il caso del buon TASMANIA KID qui, personaggio apparso nel cartone animato giapponese Beast Wars 2, ma anche contemporaneamente uno dei tanti della linea di giocattoli di BW che non si vide in tv, col nome di SNARL.
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La MODALITA' BESTIALE di DIAVOLO DELLA TASMANIA del Legacy ora ricorda decisamente di più la bestia reale, che il giocattolo originale pareva più una sorta di castoro piranha con la testa enorme, e non scomodiamo la versione cartoonesca che sembrava un incrocio fra un gatto e un cane. ^^'
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Anche con la forma più realistica, però, a non essere fedele alla natura è la colorazione, con i T.D. che sono neri con una striscia bianca orizzontale sul petto, mentre il nostro deve piegarsi almeno cromaticamente al personaggio e quindi è color marrone ma con una striscia verticale da testa e coda nera, così come le spalle e cosce sono grigio scuro.
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Se l'originale BW era ben snodato alle zampe anteriori mentre quelle posteriori potevano solo ruotare alle anche, beh, nel Legacy succede l'esatto opposto, a causa della trasformazione diversa fra i due modelli, così come il Core qui sarebbe idealmente in totale disguise non fosse per la finta mandibola scolpita sul petto.
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Non scordiamoci però della gimmick a molla del Basic Beast Wars, con la possibilità di, ehm, sparare l'animale prememdo un pulsante sulla coda! ^^'''
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E ovviamente la gimmick è assente nel Core, ma a parte l'effimerità di questa, la TRASFORMAZIONE di Snarl era quantomeno interessante, poichè, dopo aver aperto le parti laterali del corpo ( questa azione magari già vista in altri Basic mammiferi come Rattrap ), la testa della bestia si divideva in due diventando i due piedi del robot, ed ovviamente ribaltandosi verso indietro. La mandibola restante si abbassava a divenire il petto ( con tanto di decorazioni dei pettorali ed addominali sulla lingua!!! ^^'' ), mentre le zampe anteriori erano le braccia, e quelle posteriori si ripiegavano alla un po' nei pannelli.
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Anche nel Core si apre il corpo lateralmente, ma stavolta vi restano attaccare le zampe anteriori, mentre anche qui la testa si divide e si proiettano le gambe all'infuori, con le zampe posteriori che si proiettano verso l'alto a divenire le braccia, aiutate dalla possibilità di sollevare un po' la "pelliccia" dell'animale.
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Il ROBOT risultante è un'ottima rappresentazione del personaggio visto nei cartoni di BW2, anche se giocoforza non è stato possibile far sparire del tutto i due pannelli laterali sulla schiena, ma di sicuro qui sono meno ingrombranti che nel giocattolo originale.
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I piedi magari non sono così grandi, ed ora come talloni si trova l'effettiva mandibola, ma il resto è davvero ben riportato, con le lunghe braccia ed ovviamente il torso con la falsa ma più accomodante mandibola decorativa. E non scordiamoci la testa, con le orecchie più in evidenza!
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Il nostro ha balljoint su tutte le articolazioni, caviglie e polsi compresi, ma gli manca la rotazione del bacino a causa della trasformazione, vabbè.
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L'arma è sempre la coda, ora non così esagerata come dimensioni, e si può sistemare nei fori sotto gli avambracci, o volendo essere impugnata come … spada ( ^^' ) per via della spina sulla canna, anche se nel caso di T.K. qui non rende bene avendo i fori per le armine dei Core nei palmi della mano! ^^''
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Infine, una bella versione di un personaggio magari minore, ma che almeno va a far compagnia al povero Lio Convoy che sennò si sentiva solo soletto come unico BW 2, sempre nella speranza quindi che faranno altri Maximal di quel cartone, ma senza fretta, che personalmente prima vorrei vedere gli altri Biocombat occidentali visti in Tv. ^^
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nando161mando · 3 months
"If the kids are united they will never be divided, Goodnight white pride!" spotted in Ulverstone, Lutruwita Tasmania, Australia, 9-2-2024
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liaswritesrobots · 2 years
I've only seen 4 episodes of Beast Wars II so far but Tasmania Kid is my favorite
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smartchimpau · 2 years
Kids Ride On Electric Car In Tasmania
Kids love to play with cars and more so if they can ride them. Electric cars work great for such kids. You can get the best kids ride on electric car in Sydney. Such cars are absolutely safe and come in different designs and colors to attract the little munchkins. Strollers also come in attractive bike styles that would make the kids love their ride and give them the impetus to walk fast.
Just like you would get an electric car for your child, kids ride on electric car in Tasmania is also possible.
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radicalgraff · 3 months
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"11000 kids gone in 14 weeks"
Gaza solidarity mural seen in Nipaluna/Hobart, Tasmania
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afeelgoodblog · 11 months
The Best News of Last Week - June 13, 2023
1. U.S. judge blocks Florida ban on care for trans minors in narrow ruling, says ‘gender identity is real’
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A federal judge temporarily blocked portions of a new Florida law that bans transgender minors from receiving puberty blockers, ruling Tuesday that the state has no rational basis for denying patients treatment.
Transgender medical treatment for minors is increasingly under attack in many states and has been subject to restrictions or outright bans. But it has been available in the United States for more than a decade and is endorsed by major medical associations.
2. Eagle Who Thought Rock Was an Egg Finally Gets to Be a Dad
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A week after their introduction the cage where the little eaglet was put, was removed so the two could interact more closely. When they were given food, a whole fish for Murphy and bite-sized pieces for his young charge, rather than each eating their separate dish, Murphy took his portion and ripped it up to feed to the baby.
3. Little penguins to reclaim Tasmanian car park as city-based population thrives
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Not far from the centre of Tasmania's fourth largest city, a colony of the world's smallest penguins has been thriving, and their habitat is about to expand into an existing car park.
The bright lights and loud noises of Burnie have not been a deterrent for hundreds of penguins who set up home on the foreshore in the north-west Tasmanian city.
4. Latest population survey yields good news for endangered vaquita porpoise
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The resilient little vaquita marina appears determined to survive the illegal fishing that has brought it dangerously close to extinction, according to the latest population survey. Despite an estimated annual decline of 45% in 2018, the endangered porpoise appears to be holding steady over the last five years, according to a report published Wednesday by the International Union for Conservation of Nature.
5. 'Extinct' butterfly species reappears in UK
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The species, previously described as extinct in Britain for nearly 100 years, has suddenly appeared in countryside on the edge of London. Small numbers of black-veined whites have been spotted flying in fields and hedgerows in south-east London. First listed as a British species during the reign of King Charles II, they officially became extinct in Britain in 1925.
This month they have mysteriously appeared among their favourite habitat: hawthorn and blackthorn trees on the edge of London, where I and other naturalists watched them flitting between hedgerows.
6. Colombian is a hero in Peru: he rescued 25 puppies that were about to die in a fire
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During a structural fire that occurred in a residential area of ​​Lima in Peru, a young Colombian became a hero. The Colombian, identified as Sebastián Arias, climbed onto the roof where the puppies were and threw them towards the community, that was waiting for them with sheets and mattresses. "I love them, dogs fascinate me," said the young man.
7. World-first trial for pediatric brain cancer
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Researchers in Australia are conducting a world-first clinical trial for children diagnosed with ependymoma, a rare and devastating brain cancer. The trial aims to test a new drug called Deflexifol, which combines chemotherapy drugs 5-FU and leucovorin, offering potentially less toxic and more effective treatment compared to current options.
Ependymoma is the third most common brain tumor in children, and current treatments often lead to relapses, with a high fatality rate for those affected. The trial, led by researcher David Ziegler at the Kids Cancer Centre, has received support from the Kids with Cancer Foundation and the Cancer Institute NSW. The goal is to find a cure for every child diagnosed with ependymoma.
That's it for this week :)
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driver270 · 1 month
Transformers Legacy United Core Class Beast Wars II Universe Tasmania Kid
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This is my version of Loonatics unleashed. I decided to do my own version. So some major differences are.
1- The Loonatics take place in 2017 which makes it's a bit more relatable to us. I love the designs of the future but I have to admit I found it weird with all the new technology the phones still look very early 2000s 😂.
2- The looney tunes are there Great Grandparents not 300th Great grandparent.
3- Duck and Rev are Girls. I wonder how come there was only one girl in the team. There supposed to be descendants not carbon copies 😒. I mean we're they saying girls can't be descendants from boys.
4- Ace and Lexi are Fraternal twins. Guys I'm sorry I just can't seem to ship them. They are descendants of Lola and Bugs bunny who are in a canonical relationship. It's a cute ship don't get me wrong. But for me it's just weird.
5- The Loonatics are young adults. Wikipedia says there teenagers but these guys are in universitys?? There ages are. Slam and Tech 22, Ace and Lexi 20 , Rev and Danger 18.
6- Zadalvia is NICE to Danger.
7- There backstories. Starting with Slam Tasmanian.
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First off he can Talk. I never understood why they gave Wiles and Roadrunner descendants talking abilities but not him.
He lived in Tasmania and has an Australian accent kinda like Hugh Jackman. Some humans said they were going to take there home unless Slam comes up with 100,000,000,000,000,000 dollars. ( Which is impossible) so he signs up for American wrestling. He goes to America but finds out it's not what he thought. However a meteor changes his life forever. He has a younger kid sister who is his biggest supporter and lived with his mom after there father walked out on the family. Loves to cook. His birthday is May 4th and yes the others do joke and say May the 4th be with you much to his annoyance. Zodiac is Taurus ♉
Next up Tech e Coyote
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His backstory is kinda complicated. He was diagnosed with Asperger's when he was 4 and was often bullied to the point where he is TERRIFIED of public speaking. He has lots of stim toys and sometimes didn't feel like talking. During college he befriended a shy bullied girl names Mallory and eventually fell in love with her. Unfortunately there was an accident he caused by mistake and she ended up becoming the Mastermind. He tried with inventing again but after several accidents he was kicked out of the university. However a meteor changes his life forever. Birthday Dec 30. Zodiac Capricorn ♑.
Next up Ace and Lexi
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I decided to do these two together since there twins so they basically lived the same lives. Ace is the older twin and is a daredevil who got in trouble with his parents alot. As for Lexi she was a very sweet girl who everyone liked. She was definitely the angel to aces devil personality. However this came at the cost of her getting bullied and Ace getting detention alot in high school. ( Because no one messes with a guy's younger sister especially if she is your twin) at college though he seemed to mature a bit and Lexi learned how to deal with bullies with her one passion Dancing. She loves Ballet. And Ace wanted to be a Actor like his Great Grandpa Bugs bunny. Unfortunately try outs didn't go well for either. But a Meteor changes there lives forever. There birthday is Oct. 13 making them Libras ♎
And now for everyone favorite talkative roadrunner Rev Runner.
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Ok so like I said Rev is a girl runner. She had a pretty standard life. However her parents never believed she had ADHD just thinking she was faster than normal or not paying attention to them. Her younger brother Rip is 10 in this world and as far as she is concerned. She is more his mother than there own. Harriet and Ralph are pretty rich and practically use there kids to help make money. Rev being the oldest was put under a lot of pressure growing up. Ralph often would push Rev to her limits. To make things worse he was Willing to Marry her to some Creep to get more money. Luckily she got away. Unfortunately she couldn't take her brother with her. Something that still crushes her. She started work at a diner as a waitress. She was miserable until a certain meteor struck earth changing her life forever. Her birthday is Feb 1. Her Zodiac is Aquarius ♒
For the Final loonatic. My personal favorite Danger Duck
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( this is the only gif of him are you kidding me 😂)
Anyway like Rev she is a Girl. And the youngest of the team. Her life wasn't exactly easy at all. Her parents were murdered in front of her by psycho clowns at age 5. Then she went through several foster homes with all of them sending her back cause she was a ' problem child'. None of them realized she was lashing out in grief. She practically grew up in the system. She had only one friend. Pinkster Pig. However when he got adopted he started changing and bullied her throughout high school. When she hit 18 she was kicked out of the orphanage and was homeless taking off jobs just so she can sleep somewhere. Her latest job and place was at a pool place. After a hard day of work. A meteor changes her life forever. Her birthday is July 25. Her Zodiac is Leo ♌
As for Zadalvia. Since she is an alien I decided to make her more like avatar. She has a striped tail. And is green skin. Her outfit is Blue. And she has Orange hair. She is 35 years old. Her backstory is pretty much the same. Except I decided to have Optimus ( I dont know how to spell his name) is possessed by the robo stuff he wears. There parents died when she was young and he became an adult. After years of ruling freleng he found a robot costume and put it on. Unfortunately it possessed him. He imprisoned his sister but she escaped with the help of a rocket. Resulting in the meteor. Her birthday is September 3. Her Zodiac is Virgo ♍.
And that's basically my version of the Loonatics hope you like them 😊
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