#tayena's a proper mary sue isn't she
howl-of-the-blood · 4 years
Modern AU - Jobs
...What would the career paths of my OCs be if they lived in modern times?...
Elemir - professional rally and racing driver
He went to uni, taking the same major as his mother did, because he was never interested in his own education. It helped quite a bit that his parents are wealthy and doting enough over him not to worry about anything. After a year of classes and not passing a single exam, he drops out and starts racing professionally (which he has been doing secretly for a year). He isn't the best out there (too much partying) but also not the worst.  
Sabeha - doctor
The best GP there is. No one can give a more precise diagnose than her and she is always up-to-date with all medical achievements. She isn’t the most popular one - not even close. Often harsh to patients and borderline rude to her colleagues, she had to change hospitals and clinics many times. She dreams of opening her own private practice so that no one could tell her what to do.
Lalik - freelance programmer
“Brilliant mind! They could do great things... if they would focus more on his classes,” is what 99% percent of Lalik’s teachers said. The 1% percent claimed they are a “ridiculous goofball who plays too many video games.” Lalik’s mother had great plans for them - she even forced them to enroll in law school - and they dropped out after just 3 months. After that they started living with roommates, working odd jobs to pay their rent, before discovering that they are a pretty decent programmer. 
Ino - mechanic
Not interested in studying, not interested in careers and (to be quite honest) not really interested in mechanical stuff either, Ino chose a career that didn’t require from him to move from his small hometown. His aunt owns a car repair shop so he started learning the craft there. After saving up enough money, he built a small house in the nearby forest, living in solitude... Well, mostly. Residing in the woods, unmarried but with quite frequent visitor of both sexes, the locals named him Satyr.
Tajena - bookshop owner / fitness trainer
According to her father’s wishes, she majored in political sciences. However, after working for couple of years in his office, she realized this job is too stressful for her. Without her father’s knowledge but with her mother’s help, she opened a modest bookshop in a nearby town. However, she's not earning a lot from just selling books. Luckily, since she’s been in good physical shape and pretty active, Tajena starts to work as a fitness trainer as well.
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