howl-of-the-blood · 2 years
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Tajena (the Anxious) & Elemir (the Asshole)
I was tagged by @bloodlessheirbyjacques to make some OCs. Thanks, love!
We used this picrew
I'm just gonna tag @pheita because I'm gonna use these two in upcoming smut piece 😉
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choooil · 1 year
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230209 Oc - Tayena McKenzie
A character I made when I played TRPG Magika Rogia. Her social status is that of a private detective, and her true form is that of a large wolf. Using tobacco pipe, a symbolic item for detectives, I designed the illustration so that the true figure can be seen through the smoke. thank you!
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444names · 9 months
Names generated from nut, seed, fruit, flower and herb names
Acats Accowatis Acink Ackonquit Acolia Alingonip Alkame Alloweeds Almel Alnugree Alnuts Amroseed Anditters Anter Apeadilia Apeppy Aperockra Appead Appeats Appyss Ashes Aspris Avaborian Aversil Avess Avockle Avorcard Azeaf Azeloweed...
Baleaf Balmis Balnut Bamsees Banelack Bapplant Bappyse Barciso Barther Basian Basille Beanne Begabass Begreeto Beloweria Berberb Bercarter Berchis Bereek Berryonge Bilana Blanar Blanats Blango Blockwery Bloquilp Bluce Bluebega Blumbsqua Bongon Bonipea Bopperry Brass Breed Brinaming Briseaf Brocoa Broniper Browber Buccollum Buniony Burdo Burnia Cabeava Cabon Cackwhers Caddlea Caddyhean Calar Calmige Camannia Camber Caminth Canbele Cangra Cannut Canthon Canutsum Carlip Carosa Carrona Caspinut Casprion Castnut Cathew Cayelle Cayll Celly Cemonya Cepea Cerria Ceyllowel Chermelia Child Chish Chium Choot Choybeed Chryse Chsian Ciang Cingold Clabash Cleedaff Clens Clenuts Clernut Cleyse Clicayel Clotullio Clowaly Cloweek Cocchese Cockber Cockpelot Cofforit Colin Colink Colip Collss Congoon Copped Corimes Corme Corns Corsle Counzell Crage Craspink Crealeaf Creed Crele Cucko Cudwed Culanha Culanney Culbeg Cullil Cumard Cumquit Curry Cyntrosaf Daiker Dailod Dallonia Damant Damellosy Damonia Damoseed Dange Dapriazel Darlice Dasand Dashto Dingons Dintha Disechea Dradole Dragonemp Dranpe Drapaza Drocorry Durgred Ellhe Eloserry Finelleas Finnip Flonbargo Flowdenut Flower Foxnuts Frenut Fruit Fucer Fucerrob Galac Galenna Galiged Galnut Garapop Ginged Glosa Gonbass Gongal Gonpe Grassaf Greenth Gress Halshail Hamelsia Hamingark Hazinkgon Hesta Hilacra Honmyrth Honquit Hoosalmia Hoyberuce Huatilyss Hucer Hunia Inese Irout Irryenut Ivelexans Jachile Jacicemon Jacin Japawat Japerry Jasallo Jestnut Jonamara Jonion Jorint Jorinuts Jícad Jícan Kalnut Kavabbad Kavesill Kelsh Kelysumme Kernsy Keypepic Kokchillo Koriand Kurnut Kurryme Labasmard Laching Ladberry Lambusro Landa Leencill Lenflow Lenut Liacches Lianowac Liarane Lilli Limrow Linetpon Lintid Lonber Lotarron Lowerb Lyches Lyroot Macaster Machalva Macks Maikorry Mairiness Malander Malea Mallwer Malvia Maman Mamonolum Manard Manat Manganut Mangetus Maran Mardgrob Maric Marisy Marle Marlia Marme Masia Masilower Mimelea Monianut Monpea Montroca Moybea Mulber Mullse Musflonk Musroures Myrint Myrtlehic Nariserro Niony Niparry Nolivy Oadber Oaddyhes Oadfroa Ogarrow Oldle Oldth Palmony Panberia Panut Papeaband Paranipea Parderry Parlemp Parlint Parry Parsnio Pazuchis Peadle Peafoxnut Pealmnut Pears Pearyle Peatane Peatora Pepanber Pepits Peples Pepot Pepowerry Pergon Pernut Petwood Pikorne Pileander Pinea Pinettle Pintay Pitante Plemoria Plueber Plumbil Ponquit Popay Poplet Popplum Prasa Priettoot Pringe Pringon Quaterel Quaves Quine Quits Quitte Quoia Rimerry Roaboke Roadfruck Roodereed Ropple Rourda Ruillemel Ruvion Saffoet Sager Sanfruts Sasabisia Sastan Savelen Scabasil Scado Scats Sconio Seenut Sehillout Serion Shamell Shania Shogalme Siane Skmats Snole Snowerry Sollidar Somer Somme Sorsnower Soybee Spalemon Spingarn Sprus Sterber Stnut Stnuts Sucenut Sugrenna Sugrey Sumbony Sunzall Swedewnut Sweed Sweek Swerbea Sweret Swerslet Tanut Tayena Teflonia Theaf Therry Thestnic Thickle Thonk Trestnut Trose Tungonge Turder Ulisy Vellify Venfruit Vestnip Wachea Walemince Wasagolil Watai Watemony Water Wather Watorea Whestnuts Wifruit Wifrus Wilber Willp Willsoy Wishoya Wisrosh Wooss Worry Xilint Xilliped Xyleypris Yapendens Yaphnut Yarasian Yaruinet Yenut
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kainablue · 4 years
I love you, you idiot
~ Sunday Romance - Week 1 ~
Talk about last minute! Sorry, @sunday-romance​, it’s messy and unedited, but I did write! 
WC // 500
WIP // Howl of the Blood [Modern AU]
Pairing // Tayena Viogor x Lalik Kohanov [they are engaged]
TW // just one naughty crotch grab *wink*
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It was a good night.
Lalik and Tayena haven't gone out with their friends for a few months and it was fun to dance their stresses away and have a few invigorating rounds of tequilas. Especially since Lalik is a great dancer and handles alcohol like a pro.
A bit after 2 am, they part ways with their friends and head out to a nearby park. After a hot and noisy club, taking a night stroll through this quiet sanctuary is a bliss. Cool morning air is cleaning their lungs filled with smoke, dust and human pheromones with every breath they take.
Tayena is still a bit tipsy, even after walking for a little while, and her legs are wobbly like a... like a...
"What is a baby deer called again?" she asks.
Lalik stops mid-sentence, confusion quickly changing to annoyance.
"You didn't hear a word I said, did you?"
"Oh, you were talkin'?" Tayena tries to think hard, but that is quite a difficult process when your brain is covered in cotton candy. "Could you repeat the last part?"
Lalik's lips crook into an amused arc. "You should've eaten more than just a chicken salad and a crepe before drinking."
"Yeah, I was hungry again after 15 minutes."
"You are a bottomless pit, woman!" Lalik laughs and prods in Tayena's belly surprised yet again how firm and toned it is even though there is constantly so much food in it. "Always hungry."
Tayena's flashes a devious smile. "And not only for food."
Her hand flies toward her fiance's crotch and he jumps away, giggling. "That tickles!" His voice hits a high and rather silly note.
Obnoxious laughter breaks through the calm. The couple turns their heads toward the source and notice two men sitting on a bench hidden in the shadows, not far away from them.
"Come here, doll, I'm not ticklish like that twink."
Lalik and Tayena sigh in duet, their eyes rolling almost simultaneously.
"Let's just move on," Lalik suggests, "I'm not gonna allow them to ruin our walk." Tayena nods, albeit a bit reluctantly.
With a whistle to emphasize his words, one of the men continues: "Hey, pretty boy, you can join in, too."
Tayena stops, grabs Lalik's arm and pulls him toward herself so hard that the tall man trips like a child. "This pretty boy is MINE, capiche? I'm the one who's gonna tickle him all night long and it's gonna be a-maz-ing!"
She then turns on her heels and marches forward, dragging Lalik behind her.
Men continue to giggle and comment, but Tayena and Lalik are now too far away to hear them. 
"Twink. Ha!" Tayena mumbles to herself while stomping off. "They say it like it's a bad thing. This pretty idiot boy is mine and my only. I would kick their asses if they ever--"
Something yanks her to a stop and she is suddenly in someone's embrace. Someone very tall and pretty like an angel.
"I love you, you idiot," Lalik presses his smile to Tayena's lips.
The sweet cotton candy flows over her lips now and she tastes it with delight.
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Tayena Taylor - Lowkey (Feat. Erykah Badu)
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cawolters · 5 years
Ahaha! You thought I just gathered all the info on your wips for fun?
No no my friends, I also wanted to show them to THE WORLD!
Here’s a list of wips and peeps that needs to be mentioned as grand writers, lovely people, and creators of killer stories!
First Fall by @cirianne
Genre: fantasy and a murder mystery
MCs: Benedict Coldwell, Crown Prince Rufus, asshole and rival; Nathan Westen, admiral and love interest ; Oliver Swann, secretary and badass; Princess Catherine, a friend with benefits
Plot: Benedict Coldwell is a powerful and arrogant sorcerer needs to investigate a streak of murders conducted by magic. And on that course, his beliefs and values will be thoroughly shaken.
Through The Ashes by @blindandpassionate
Genre: New Adult dark fantasy/drama
MCs: Alma, Kali, Lotus, Freya, Terrence, and Stefano.
Plot: Slueth Alma continues to work undercover. While her broken found family tries to stick together and heal. Witches, warlocks, and magical creatures are vanishing. They never expected danger to be so close to home.
Howl of the Blood by @kainablue
Genre: Visual novel /17+/ slavic / dark fantasy / romance/ drama
MCs: Tayena Viogor and her Romantic Interests: Lalik, Elemir, Ino, Sabbeha and ?????
Plot: Tayena’s sister gets kidnapped and she sets off to rescue her. On that journey, she will meet Wolcheks, a race of half-humans, half-wolves that are very, very angry. Tayena will learn why and that will kinda turn her world upside down (and not in a good way). You play as Tayena, you can romance 5 characters and you will encounter witches, monsters, vampires, pagan rituals, family secrets and all kind of twisted shit.
A Year At The Opera by @james-stark-the-writer
Genre: urban fantasy murder mystery with soap opera/sci fi/thriller vibes
MCs: There’s quite a few pov characters but the main one is Aaron. The entire story revolves around him.
Plot: Aaron is a writer. All he wants is to have a happy life. But, it all comes falling apart when Aaron’s dad dies in a tragic accident. And Aaron makes a wish that the world was a soap opera and that his dad wasn’t really dead. It comes true. And now there’s a murderer on the loose. Aaron and his friends have to stop the murderer, and, Aaron has to find a way to undo his wish while his other friends deal with their own drama.
Lies and Death (working title) by @adie-dee
Genre: Modern Fantasy
MC: Bethany Norton
Plot: Bethany has been cursed to die on her 25th birthday, a curse which links her to a doomsday prophecy that’ll destroy the world. Until the day comes through, the curse is protecting her from all harm, and she uses that to try find a way to save her own life. Her parents would prefer she come home so they can say goodbye, but she doesn’t want to do that while she feels she still has options. Unfortunately, Bethany is a mess - she’s a slob, probably an alcoholic, and has zero self-preservation skills - and ends up falling for Blake, an attractive jerk who’s been sent to kidnap her and who always seems to know where she is. Along the way she also meets Marcus & Imogen, a battle couple who get struck by lightning if the try to tell a lie, but who are still hiding many secrets, and Kenneth, an older man working for an anti-magic organization who is strangely convincing and insists he knows how to break the curse. Aside from her best friend, Faith, Bethany has no idea who to trust. Can she survive? Who wants her dead? And why, of all people, was she the one cursed?
The Colors of War by @oceanwriter
Genre: Historical Fiction
MCs: Marjorie Borchert, Daniel Reynard, Nikita Savas
Plot: Marjorie Borchert was sent to America after the London Blitz in 1941. What happens to her there? Nobody knows anymore!
Sin Eater by @adenhamcreations
Genre: Young adult fiction
MCs: Jayde (main protagonist and narrator), her best friend Jenny, her crush/friend Parker, Jak (Jayde’s mysterious boss), Aiden & Amber (siblings that Jayde meets and befriends).
Plot: Jayde Holloway discovers that she has the ability to erase memories when she accidentally wipes her best friend’s at the end of their senior year. Full of guilt and a desire to escape, she flees and tells no one where she went. However, she is found and blackmailed into starting a business with her powers by the mysterious Jak, and she’s soon erasing memories for any client who wishes to forget every misdeed or bad thing that’s happened to them. While Jayde struggles with loneliness and her past, she is eventually forced to travel back to her hometown for new clients. There she meets siblings Amber and Aiden, two siblings with some secrets of their own. Once she befriends them, Jayde’s memories begin to overwhelm her, and she must decide what’s truly right not just for her old friends, her new ones, or Jak…but for herself as well.
On my Heart by @corishadowfang
Genre: Urban Fantasy
MC’s: Aiden Cooley, Kiru, Gertrude Ferry, Jackie Williams
Plot: In an alternate version of earth, humans have created Familiars from the remnants of dragons. These creatures allow them to use magic, as well as transform their owners unto dragons –though the latter is illegal because of the damage it does to the user. When Aiden is knocked into the river by an unknown assailant, Kiru –his Familiar– forces him to transform into a dragon in order to save his life. Now on the run from the law, he enlists the help of a former police officer –Jackie– and a hermit with an unusual amount of knowledge on dragons –Gertrude– in order both to help him avoid arrest and to understand why the transformation hasn’t harmed him like it has others.
Shift by @vhum
Genre: Dark YA Fantasy with themes of identity and revolution.
MCs: Flint, Shanna, Buck, Margot
Plot: In the prosperous seaport city of Oversea, a hidden society of shapeshifters recruits four young adults to their cause: infiltrating and influencing the corrupt rule of the Governors. But shifters have been outlawed for two hundred years, with good reason. In spite of the risks, the new recruits submit themselves to the magic of shifting, quickly learning that faces and allegiances are equally deceptive in this shadowy underworld.
More to come!!
Thanks for sharing your work with us guys!
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custsup-blog · 4 years
Adobe Photoshop Customer Support
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Vi ska nu forsoka aterge lite av det var grymma guide gick igenom pa denna 4-dagars vandring. Jhon som han heter har sjalv varit guide har i 18 ar och hans pappa var med och gravde upp staden pa 1970-talet. Har kommer ett litet utdrag fran vara minnen:
700 e.v.t. borjade manniskor fran folkgruppen Tairona hitta genom djungeln och upp till platsen dar den gamla staden Ciudad Perdida idag ligger blottad. Namnet ar sedan 1980-talet omgjort for att locka turister. Ursprungsbefolkningen kallar det for nagot annat, typ Tayena. Fran 700-talet tills dess att spanjorerna hittade till Santa Marta ar 1585 bodde ursprungsbefolkningen isolerat i bergen. Efter motena med kolonisatorerna dog uppemot 90% av befolkningen av sjukdomar. Staden overgavs av och forblev igenvaxt fram tills 1972. Lokala bonder upptackte av en slump dom 1200 trappteg som leder upp till staden. De upptackte gravar fyllda med rikedomar som de plundrade och salde pa svarta marknaden for inga pengar. Rykten om dessa foremal som saldes i omradet kring Santa Marta gick. En grupp lokala arkeologer tog saken i egna hander, hanfort av en man vid namn Francisco Rey som aterfann staden 1976. Den colombianska staten skickade dit militar som kunde gora specialisternas arbete sakert och undvika fortsatt plundring. Resten ar historia, en historia som ar otroligt gripande. An idag bor det 200 manniskor i omradet, isolerad fran omvarlden. De lever enligt gamla riter. Alla bar vita skynken, kvinnor bar ej skor, man och kvinnor sover i olika hus, barnen ar med modern till dom ar 8, sedan gar sonerna over och bor med fadern medan dottrarna stannar hos modern. Cocablad tuggas ihop med ett pulver fran brandra snackskal och rituella hogtider loper om vartannat. Patriarkalt och till viss del hemskt. Men ack sa fascinerande.
Vandringen i sig var kravande men fantastisk. Vi gick med en grupp bestande 3 irlandare, 1 fransyska, 1 walseare, 1 hollandare och en oversattare fran Venezuela. Tolken har en historia i sig. Hon ar utbildad larare och har flytt fran den politiska krisen (inbordeskriget?) i Venezuela for att kunna forsorja sin dotter, familj och slakt. Hon gor denna vandring varje vecka trots att hon egentligen inte tycker om att vandra. Men hon var trots sin livshistoria forvanansvart positiv och hur pratglad som helst. Alla var fantastiskt goa vilket saklart forgyllde upplevelsen. 4 dagars tuff vandring i valdigt kuperad terrang, ca 60 km. Djungelklimat, runt 35 grader och en luftfuktighet som fick vara kroppar att drypa av svett. Det ar plagsamt nar svetten dryper av att endast sitta still... Men vi ar en haftig upplevelse rikare!
Just nu ar vi i Taganga och strandhanger, samt laddar batterierna. Imorgon aker vi upp i bergen igen. Destinationen ar Minca!
Pa aterseende.
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icechuksblog · 7 years
Dancer/model and mother-of-one, Teyana Taylor walked the runway for quirky fashion label The Blonds' Spring/Summer 18 collection on Tuesday night. She wore a high-cut neon blue latex leotard under a rainbow-colored graffiti-patterned biker jacket. Her husband, pro basketballer Iman Shumpert attended the show and cheered her on from the front row. Now Tayena shared a photo of herself strutting down the runway via her IG page today and while tagging her team, made sure to tag her husband directly on her vagina. Iman of course appreciated the gesture and signified this in the comment section.
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howl-of-the-blood · 3 years
I’m finally reediting HotB again! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!
Also big important change: I will spell all the names and words that originate from my country or Old Slavic faith in their native form.
Which means that, first and foremost, Tayena will no longer be called like that but - Tajena.
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ellenswift06-blog · 10 years
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Split second of Taylor crying during Selena's performance of The Heart Wants What the Heart Wants
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kainablue · 4 years
Happy STS! I don't know if you are done figuring out Tayena deeper so as a continuation to an older ask about her opinion on the kingdom and its rules, this time I would like to ask Tayena her opinion on Filipa and Oliver. These two characters are very different to what she's used to, I suppose, and it might help. Also I'd like to know, since Lalik keeps running away, which one is his favorite place to run off to.
Let me answer the shorter part of the ask. Lalik runs off to his father’s estate. It is not too far away from Wolkobran, but enough for him to feel safe and secure.
Now... Tayena’s opinion on Filipa and Oliver.
Tayena *frowns* : Well... ummm... they are really interesting people. Very... open.
Me: Elaborate open.
Tayena: They express their feelings and opinions freely. When they want to. Especially Filipa. I mean, she doesn’t express them a lot, but that’s because she decided to keep them hidden. She is in control, always. The power of her personality is... overwhelming. You just know how she feels, but not entirely *frowns even more* She’s really complicated.
Me: Do you admire her?
Tayena: Definitely! She is poised, graceful, feminine and strong. She could be an amazing queen *she rubs her neck uncomfortably* but probably lethal... Hmmm, I wouldn’t want to be her subordinate.
Me: *chuckles* *whispers*  But you might want to be her sub.
Tayena: What?
Me: Nothing. How about Oliver?
Tayena: He needs more control. He is risking too much for sake of his... urges. And he knows that. I understand how hard it is to balance it out. How stressful it is. But he is really REALLY pushing his luck. He ought to be smarter. His position, his reputation. Everything is at risk... But he is a human. He has needs. He has desires. It’s not easy...
Me: Are you talking about him or yourself?
Tayena: *blushes* Both?
Me: Well, honesty is always good. Thanks for your answers, dearie. Try to find someone else as inspiration, Filipa is... extreme.
Tayena: *nods*
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howl-of-the-blood · 4 years
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Tayena texting the ‘I want a baby’ to her SO
I wanted to do this for a looooong time 😆
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howl-of-the-blood · 4 years
OC Cuddle Scale Tag
Thanks for the tag @silver-wields-a-pen!
Tajena: 4/10 not really used to them, but she could learn fast. they seem... nice.
Lalik: 11/10 CUDDLES! give this boy cuddles. he’s not used to them either but once he is allowed to hug he’s not letting you go! ^^
Elemir: 8/10 big bear hugs. warning: can cause minor rib fractures.
Ino: 2/10 he’s just not into them (he’s lying)
Sabeha: 5/10. she won’t let just anyone feel the wonders of her touch. if she’s in the mood they can go as high as 9.
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kainablue · 4 years
Happy STS! What's your MC's first happy memory?
Happy STS too! Thank you for the ask! 💙
Tayena’s first happy memory actually happened absurdly early in her childhood,  but she still does remember it. Here’s an excerpt.
I truly like to spend my free time in our getaway. In fact, one of my oldest memory is of me and Lalik playing on the grass in this very garden.
I was only a little baby and Lalik was about seven years old. My nanny fell asleep on a blanket nearby and Lalik started to goof around. He performed some magic tricks for me and I remember very well how joyful and excited I was.
Lalik "Do you like bubbles?"
Tayena "Yes!"
Lalik "Of course you do - you’re only 19 months old. Here you are…"
Tayena "Hehehe! Pretty! Fly! Fly! Weeee!" 
Lalik "Hey, would you like to fly? I can make you fly."
Tayena "Yes! Yes! Yes!" 
Lalik then cast a spell that lifted me in the air and started spinning me around. I wasn’t afraid at all. All I felt was joy.
Of course, all that excitement and laughter woke nanny up and she chased Lalik all over the place until one of the guards caught him. After his punishment, he could not sit properly for a week.
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