howl-of-the-blood · 2 years
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Tajena (the Anxious) & Elemir (the Asshole)
I was tagged by @bloodlessheirbyjacques to make some OCs. Thanks, love!
We used this picrew
I'm just gonna tag @pheita because I'm gonna use these two in upcoming smut piece 😉
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sotwk · 2 months
hi! in the spirit of showing oc love, I was wondering if there's a particular oc you're looking forward to introducing to people in upcoming projects?
I'm tripping over myself to answer this Ask! (Thank you thank you thank you, Ace!)
May I please introduce two?
I've been shy about sharing these because they're not only Silmarillion OCs (I'm still intimidated by the Silm fandom, even though I have many lovely Mutuals from there, you included), they're OC WIVES of Silm Canons. Two of the most popular Silm canons. I'm pretty sure OC creators have been flogged for that.
But since you asked... onward with SotWK AU reveals and spoilers! The stories are tragic because that's the First Age for you!
Velcálë Vanandur
Wife of Maglor and grandmother of Elvenqueen Maereth (wife of Thranduil)
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SotWK Fancast: Zendaya Coleman as Velcálë
Her name means "flame doer" in Quenya.
Velcálë had one child with Maglor, a daughter named Laurinwen, who was born and grew up in Tirion.
She was a Noldorin apprentice who served directly under Vána, and was thus given the prestigious epithet "Vanandur" (Servant of Vána).
She was a great tender of gardens, and her songs could cause plants to immediately flower or bear fruit.
Only out of love and devotion to Maglor did she decide to follow the Fëanorians in Exile, taking their daughter with them.
Velcálë was greatly affected by the violence of her kin and constantly homesick for Valinor. A lover of light and warmth, she suffered in the harsh lands where her family dwelt.
The toll of her heartbreak muted the strength and power she possessed in Valimar to nearly nothing, although she did her best to help sustain their people by cultivating the lands for limited-scale food production.
Because she tried to hold Maglor back from "necessary" violence and constantly made him question his commitment to the Oath, she was disliked by all of her brothers-in-law, except for Maedhros.
Velcálë was eventually slain in the battle of Dagor Bragollach when Himlad fell, leading to a permanent estrangement between Maglor and his daughter, Laurinwen.
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Wife of Glorfindel and twin sister of Elenwë (wife of Turgon) 
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SotWK Fancast: Vanessa Kirby as Elemírë
Elemírë had a fierce warrior’s spirit, but violence of any kind was considered unbecoming by her family.
She joined the Exile because she did not want to be separated from her sister Elenwë, a gentle spirit whom she always sought to protect.
She was loved by her childhood friend, Glorfindel. Although she reciprocated his feelings, he was the more passionate and demonstrative one. Elemírë factored in Glorfindel's own decision to (reluctantly) join the Exile.
Elemírë nearly died trying to dive under the Grinding Ice to save her sister, but she was held back by Glorfindel. This embittered her heart towards him. Instead of following Turgon to Vinyamar (and eventually Gondolin), she decided to join Fingon’s people. 
Over the course of the decades, she grew into a skilled cavalry rider, and was accepted into the ranks of Fingon. She became devoted to Fingon for personally mentoring and training her. 
During the Long Peace, Glorfindel (who had missed and yearned for Elemírë all those years), sought permission from Turgon to leave Gondolin so he could seek her out.
He came to Hithlum reaffirming his love for her and seeking her hand in marriage. Elemírë would not say yes, but could not bring herself to refuse him either. Glorfindel committed to staying for as long as needed to convince her, and this courtship lasted for nearly half a century.
Eventually, Fingon himself encouraged Elemírë to realize and follow her true desires for peace and love. She betrothed herself to Glorfindel and returned to Gondolin with him.
The couple married and bore one child, a son named Ingwil.
As the Lady of the House of the Golden Flower, Elemírë was also one of its fiercest warriors. She fought alongside her husband for the first time in the Nirnaeth Arnoediad.
Elemírë died during the Fall of Gondolin, rescuing her son from an attacking fire drake, which she successfully slayed before perishing.
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Thank you again for the ask @hobbitwrangler, and for encouraging my foray into the Silm fandom. I hope you (and anyone reading this) enjoy learning about these OC ladies! Maybe with the right amount of courage, time, and motivation, I may someday even write some actual one-shots including them!
For more SotWK AU headcanons: SotWK HC Masterlist
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Elves HC Tag List: @a-world-of-whimsy-5 @achromaticerebus @acornsandoaktrees @aduialel @asianbutnotjapanese @auttumnsayshi @blueberryrock @conversacomsmaug @elan-ho-detto-elan-15 @entishramblings @glassgulls @heilith @heranintomyknife23times @ladyweaslette @laneynoir @lathalea @quickslvxrr @spacecluster @stormchaser819 @talkdifferently6 @tamryniel @tamurilofrivendell
Special Moots who might be interested tag: @emmanuellececchi @from-the-coffee-shop-in-edoras @scyllas-revenge @g-m-kaye @quillofspirit
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Other useful links:
Introduction to SotWK
Fanfiction Masterlist
Fanfiction Request Guidelines
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“Ho avuto solo qualche colloquio umano (o almeno tale è stato per me) con Elémir Zolla, di cui le dissi, mi sembra. Non posso dire molto di lui, ma dopo il saggio su «Tempo Presente» mi sembra di poter rischiare - puntare molto su quest’uomo, intendo. Se lo avessimo avuto a Firenze (quando ancora eravamo uniti, solitari e orgogliosi) l’«Attenzione» forse sarebbe nata. Ma lui allora stava solo a Torino, in una cameretta, scrivendo. Si è preparato per lunghi anni, con una ascesi indefettibile (che non ha rotto neppure venendo qui, buttandosi nella lotta), ed ora è una spada lucida, di nobile metallo. Credo di averlo incontrato al momento giusto - sulla via di ritorno al mio centro, dopo due anni di viaggio (necessari). Ma Z. di viaggi non ha avuto bisogno: aveva l’attenzione. È molto malato, mi dicono, di petto e di reni. La nevrosi, certo, gli gronda da ogni gesto. Ma nulla di tutto questo lo intacca (potrebb’essere un meraviglioso personaggio di Cechov).
Ieri, unico giorno di tregua dal 13 gennaio, parlammo insieme dalle 5 all’1 di notte. Non so che cosa pensi di me e non me ne importa. La sua intransigenza è un miracolo che mi basta; è il solo che non abbia ceduto, che l’ipnosi del costume non abbia mai attaccato. (E non ha fede, ch’io sappia, né altra dottrina che non sia il culto della verità).”
Cristina Campo, Lettere a Mita
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jjkfilth · 11 months
my yoonmin fic recs (masterlist)
some classics:
when you're in love all the lines get blurred by jflawless
oil, lube, service by embryonic grip
cleaning clam shells, raising children and falling in love by softarchive
only breathing by sharleena
浮世 U K I Y O by sharleena
the songbird and the sea by maia_archives
conflicting arrangement by prettyboykiller
love at first sigh by elemir
you got daddy issues (I do too) by sharleena
only breathing by sharleena
help desk ticket by ridejimin
blueberry muffins by springrain21
personal recs:
any road will do by shizukaxsakura
sunflower by ignooy
you make my palms sweat by heukhanuel
every 3:45AM by sonyeondan
sugar and spice (and a lot of coffee) by embyr
green corduroy and glitter by ititnotmyforte
kiss me when I'm sober by sharleena
maybe if our worlds collide (we could be together) by sharleena
(help me) I'm buried alive by hereigoagain
they say teenage years mess you up by boywithmin
weight of living by amazonqueen
buy me love by pornographicpenguin
I just fell in love with a gangster by jonghyunlisterine
ambrosia by momora
petal in the wind, butterfly in the wood by autumnjade
not crying on a sunday by abucketofchicken
stay here I'm there by momora (ONGOING)
im glad you're my first (first for everything) by heukhaneul
passengers by unclassified_lkg
pieces of you by lemongloss
been waiting for you to make a move by bangtanbananas
it's bad enough we get along so well by brightlight
just a wifi password by xalaskarose
waiting on the wine glass by momora
just down the hall by donateblood
sad eyes by whenitstarted
get it (size) queen by wannythefanboy
I like u by themininthemoon
浮世 : komorebi by sharleena
stroke of luck by whenitstarted
the way I fuck him (you'd think I love this --) by jonghyunlisterine
bound to fall by when it started
midnight snack by suga_cubes
lazy saturday at the mins by autumnjade
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zuqan · 1 year
Salam uşaqlar. Necesiz?)
Menim yazmağa vaxtım bol olduğu üçün uzun yazacam, ama sizin biliremki oxumağa vaxtınız yoxdu... Başlayım söhbete)
Çoxda uzun olmasa da ara verdikden sonra gelib sizinle yaxından uzaqdan marağınızda olmasa bele burda bir neçe şey haqqında (esasda özüm) yazmaq istedim. Çox qarişiq yazacam isteyirsiz başa düşün isteyirsiz düşmeyin. Neyse)
Bildiyiniz ya da bilmediyiniz kimi burda men qısa bir münasibet yaşadım. Ve bu yaşadığım münasibet mene bezilerinin gerçey üzünü gösterdi. Demek istediyim odurki menim ezizlerim sosialda münasibet yasayırsızsa en birinci hemin insani 50 defe süzgecden keçirin, çünki ne olub ne olacağını bilmey olmur. Rusların bir oyuncağı matruşka vare he baxın eynile onun kimisidi yeni. Bilmirem yoxsa menimmi qarşima ele birisi çıxmışdı?! :D. He sonraaa. Sonra dost dediklerinizde hemçinin. Üzünüze qarşi dost deyib arxanızca zarafat adı altında her cüre söhbetler edile biler. Ama bunun arxanızca danışılmış olması ne qeder zarafat olsa bele qebul edile bilmeyecek qeder iyrenc bir davranışdır. Hele bunu önemsediyiniz insanlarla birlikde edirlerse). Bu ondan da pisdi. İyrencliyin pro versiyasıdı. Hetda üzüme qarşi bir kelme demeyib arxamca (sizde meni üzrlü sayın) tehqir edici ifadelerden bele deyibler). Men buna önem veriremmi? Vermirem elbetde.. Niyemi? Niyesi sizlere çoxda maraqli olmasa bele önem verdiyim insanların arxamca danışdıqları zarafatyana murdar söhbetlere göre onları adam yerine qoymamalı olduğumu bilsinler deye. Ele bundan sonra ne qeder isteyirlerse, kimle isteyirlerse danışsınlar tüküm bele terpetmerem. Sadece bilsinlerki ahım üzerlerindedi :)
He yeniden başa qayıdaq. Bu münasibet belke de Allah terefinden verilmiş bir sınaq oldu. Belke de yox eledi. Başımıza gelen her bir şey ferq elemir yaxşi ve ya pis hamısı imtahandı. Ve Allah bizi bunlarla sınağa çekerek bizleri yoxlayır. Ve mende sınandım ama keçmedim ve bezi şeyler başima geldi. Bu başima gelen şeylerde meni yaradılan birine Yaradandan çox bağlanmamayı, Ondan çox sevmemeyi öyretdi. Allah keçsin günahımdan ama men cidden çox bağlanmışdım, yoxe olmaz falan deyirdim. Ama neymiş? Olurmuş, hetda onsuz daha da gözel olurmuş.
Bu münasibet ve bir neçe şeylere göre de dinden ağlınıza gelmeyecek qeder çox uzaq qalmışdım. Yeni il girenden beri belede çox yaxşı şeyler yaşamamışam. Texmin edirdimki bunların hamısı İslamdan uzaq qaldığım üçün idi. Bu Ramazan ayı gelenden beri ancaq demek olarki İslam haqqında oxudum, maraqlandım, beynimde yaranan suallara cavab tapmağa çalışdım. Evveller oyunlarda gecesini-gündüzünü qurban veren men aylar olduki oyundan uzaq durub. Demek olar heç deqiqesini bele oyundan ötrü serf elemir. Ancaq öyrenmeye , qelbindeki Allah sevgisini artırmağa çalışır. Ve bunların hamısına demek olarki bir münasibet sebeb oldu. Buna göre ne qeder şükür elesemde azdi.
Bu haqqda daha da etrafli yazsam Vallah bu postumu kitab olsa belke de vereqleyereq oxuyarsız. Dostoyevskidi, bukovskidi ve s. skili yazıçıların yazdığı eserden bele uzun olar. Hetda o eserin içinde burdakılardan bir çoxunun maskasının bele düşüreceyimin şahidi olarsız) özümün bele :d. Sadece özet keçdim. Sözümün canı odurki uşaqlar heçkese ama heçkese, Yaradanın yaratdığı birine sensiz olmur, ay nebilim çox bağlanmışam falan demeyin, ele onunla sınağa çekilersiz, eynile menim kimi). Özünüze yaxşı baxın. Oxuduzsa eger bura kimi gözlerinizden öpürem :)
He bu arada bu postuda men duyqu sömürüsüdü nedi ona göre atmıram. Nece deyerler blog menimdi men bilerem, ne istesem ataram :d.
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ayahuascadiaries · 9 months
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To live is to absorb light. Look at the vegetables in the gardens. Before turning green they were hidden, virtual, in the seed. And what made a hard rough grain seed? What makes the seed seed? The need for light, which, as little as it can, explodes out of that shell. The seed is a need for light, the vegetable is that need that is satisfied. By eating the vegetables, cooking them and distilling them in the stomach, the animal extracts an essence which it assimilates to itself, so that, at the height of the internal cooking and distillation, they become part of the animal that sees the light, they become a vision of light .
Life on earth is light that returns to light.
How could the light that illuminates the world not be light to itself as it is light to us? And we, when we come to embrace the whole cycle of light, that is, when we are enlightened, we are the place where the light returns to itself and knows it is returning to itself. Observing the bread we eat from light, we recognize the sun that extracted it from the wheat, and if we are what we eat, we are light that wants to return to itself, to itself:
lumen de lumine.
Quote from the book The Wonders of Nature: An Introduction to Alchemy of Elemire Zolla
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muqeddesblog · 1 year
Lezet elemir,atas
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kainablue · 2 years
To get your writing gears going again for something smutty "Don’t think so much, just let your body take control.” “I know, baby, I know. I’m right here, just breathe.”
Thank you!
Something very soft for starters. Since a lot of you don’t know my characters yet, here are some short introductions:
Tajena - let’s call her a princess, but she is far from a classical one. She is stoic and sarcastic, often very stubborn, very protective of her family and loyal to her father. Can be quite anxious at times. She is rather kinky and open-minded, but she is hiding it.
Elemir - let’s call him a prince as he is a classical albeit asshole prince. Full of himself, loud and cocky. Also temperamental and stubborn. But he is a loyal friend. He is not as kinky as he thinks he is, but he is sexually far more experienced than Tajena.   
Non-canon, fluff (none of the bad cannon thingies happened), established relationship
TW: gentle sex, strong language, first time
Pairing: Tajena x Elemir
WC: 1670
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Elemir has always loved spending time in the countryside. Spring, summer, winter - he didn’t care. He loved the basic life he could indulge there, forgetting about his noble blood for a few weeks. Owning several houses around his domain certainly enabled him to enjoy this lifestyle any time he wanted and in the best way possible. 
The light snow had just started and Tajena’s and Elemir’s horses were ready to rest. The climb, even though not too steep, was long and the path was in bad shape. They reached a small village hidden in the mountains. And Elemir’s winter cottage was unexpectedly small and quaint.
“Does it fit there?” Tajena asked while dismounting.
“What?” Elemir looked at the house from the roof to the foundation.
“Your ego.”
Elemir’s pout was adorable. “Not really. I’m afraid you’ll have to leave some of your bubbly personality outside.”
After taking care of their horses, they entered the house. Tajena was surprised with how modest but comfortable it looked. The single room had many blankets and floral carpets covering every horizontal surface, as well as walls. The wooden furniture was decorated with simple shapes just like the large stove that was ready to be lit. The bed, however, was a big and bulky thing. And it was one bed. She knew there would be one bed. And that they would be alone. Her mind conjured pictures and sensations she never felt before, excited and fearful at the same time.
Probably noticing her stare, Elemir moved next to the bed, a huge grin covering his face. “Do you like it? I ordered it a year ago. It looks amazing, doesn’t it?”
“It really does,” Tajena commented while removing the gloves from her hands. “Do you have any servants here?”
“None,” Elemir’s exclamation was so giddy, Tajena laughed as well. “We’re gonna do everything by ourselves.”
Tajena wasn’t sure how she felt about that idea, but she wasn’t about to let Elemir know about her apprehension. On the other hand, she was more than curious to see Elemir doing servant’s jobs. Imagining him cleaning the dishes or sweeping the floor was quite entertaining.
“You should put on your furs again,” said Elemir, “We’re gonna need some firewood first. It’s gonna be cold for a little while.”
He took an axe that was standing next to the stove and swung it around as if it was his sword. “Would you like to watch me chop some wood?” he asked with a wink.
“Why not. I have nothing better to do. I just hope you won’t chop something else while swinging that.”
“Awww, are you worried?” Elemir gave her a peck on the nose. “Would you treat my wounds if I hurt myself?”
“Only after I stop laughing,” Tajena’s retort was met with a chuckle. 
“Ah, my gentle goddess of love, I can always count on your healing words and hands.”
Tajena watched him as he walked to the wardrobe, opened it and started removing his own clothes. Raising an eyebrow, she asked: “What are you doing?”
“Well, I won’t chop wood in my clothes. I don’t want to get them dirty.”
Tajena giggled. Of course. This still was knežević Elemir. His precious Ubejan silk, summer lynx fur and high quality leather should never get soiled. She turned around to give him privacy, even though she honestly didn’t want to. She saw him almost naked several times. Never completely, though. Not yet anyway. She smirked. 
“You don’t need to turn around, you know.” Elemir’s voice was like honey, coating her very core in sweet warmth. He stood behind her back and placed his hands on her shoulders, brushing her neck with his thumbs. “All I am is yours.”
When his fingers caressed her jaw, she shivered in delight. Elemir kissed her neck, slowly, leaving wet marks. “My goddess… “
“If you continue like this,” Tajena spoke in a faint voice, mind already foggy, “you’re never going to chop that firewood.”
“Fuck firewood.” Elemir grabbed her around her waist and spun her around. His face was flushed, eyes deeply coated in something carnal. Her warm breath mixed with his. Tajena looked down - he was completely naked, his cock standing up and high, pulsating against her belt. The cottage was quiet, filled only with their shallow breaths and aroma of their sweat. It felt like they were the only two people in the world. Tajena felt a surge of impudence, took his manhood, maybe too forcefully since Elemir jerked a little bit. “Fuck me.”
A sly smile spread on Elemir’s face before turning into a wolfish grin. He shouted at the top of his lungs before grabbing Tajena into a bear hug, smooching her and shattering the sensual moment into small pieces.
“Why did you have to roar, you ox?” Tajena’s annoyance was as sharp as her morning star.
“I couldn’t help it.” Elemir’s smile didn’t waver even for a second. “I have you for myself. You’re mine.” He placed his forehead on hers. “You’re mine.”
Tajena looked into his eyes. They were gleeful, glittering like a pure spring stream. “But you know that already.”
“Say it again,” he requested.
Tajena’s chest filled with warmth. “I am yours.”
He kissed her, sharply but less messy than the last time. “Again.”
“I am yours.”
Elemir cupped Tajena’s face into his hands. “Say my name.”
“I am yours, Elemir…”
Their lips connected, sending a spark into their veins. Tajena’s skin lit up, igniting inside out. Elemir skillfully removed her garments, piece by piece, only breaking their kiss when absolutely necessary. When her breasts were free, he stopped. He knelt in front of Tajena, looking at her face in burning submission. Tajena’s face flushed. This was a step further than everything they’ve had done before. This was new for her. 
“Are you fine?” he asked softly.
Tajena nodded, gently placing her palms on his cheeks. He kissed them both before continuing to undress her. Soon they were both bare and vulnerable in front of each other. Elemir smiled mischievously and picked Tajena up before almost throwing her on the bed. He immediately covered her entire body in hot kisses. And every kiss was touching deeper parts of her being. Tajena’s heart and mind raced, experiencing her own body in a more different way - through another man’s touch. It was unfamiliar, it was overwhelming. 
“Are you fine?” Elemir repeated his question.
“I don’t know.” 
He immediately stopped, his amber eyes sharp from worry. “What is wrong?”
“I don’t know.”
He sat down next to her, pulling her into his lap. “Talk with me, my moonlight.”
His features were so kind, so soft, Tajena could just smile, nervously biting her lip. “This is all new for me. Am I… doing everything right?”
Elemir tried not to show it, but soft annoyance spread across his face. Tajena hit him in the shoulder. “I’m serious.”
“Tajena, you… Do you like what we’re doing?”
“Yes, of course.”
“Then let’s do it until you stop liking it and you tell me, okay? Don’t think so much, just let your body take control.”
Tajena was silent, inspecting his face. “And you’ll be there?”
Elemir blinked, surprised. “Of course. I’m not going anywhere. Ever. Where would I go without you?”
He asked this in an innocent way, but… Tajena knew it was a promise. She placed her hands on his neck and kissed him, pushing her tongue into his mouth, tasting him until they were both out of breath. Her body was trembling, but it was wanting something too.
“Hold me,” she whispered, taking his hand, tangling their fingers. 
“I’m here.”
Tajena took his manhood and placed it under herself. It was strange, so strange, but it felt so good to rub against it. Elemir groaned, holding her, not pushing her or guiding her. He was just supporting her, whispering words of comfort. But she needed to feel him deeper. Once, twice, she tried to lower herself but it hurt too much. The third time it stung but his cock entered her and they both gasped. Elemir smiled and kissed her, slowly guiding her hips up and down. Tajena followed, swaying, gliding up and down. She needed more but it was too uncomfortable.
“Not good, huh?” he asked. Tajena shook her head. “Nevermind. Come here.”
He lifted her off his cock, and turned her around, so that she could lean her back on his chest. Between her thighs was Elemir’s throbbing cock, needy of release. Elemir started kissing her neck, slowly rubbing her breasts with his hands. Tajena’s breath quickened. When he pinched her nipples, she moaned, feeling her flame becoming stronger. 
“Please…” she whispered.
“I know…” he replied into her ear, moving one of his hands between her legs. He quickly found her bud, swollen and sensitive. Tajena's hips jerked and he moistened his fingers before pressing them on the little eager bundle of nerves again. 
“Please… Oh…” her whimpers were getting louder. But it was too much. Everything was too much. But it was too good as well. “Elemir, I’m… I’m…” She couldn’t verbalize her thoughts. Will she burst? Will she shatter?
“I know, my moonlight, I know. I’m right here, just breathe. I’m holding you. I’m here.”
His fingers circled around her bud, lighting her desire, pushing her over the edge where she couldn’t feel anything else but endless pleasure. And it was given to her by him. Something she’s never experienced before. While still on her high, Elemir grabbed his cock and started rubbing it, smearing Tajena’s wetness all over it. He growled into Tajena’s hair when he sprayed her thighs and stomach with his warm seed.
While catching their breaths, Elemir caressed Tajena’s hips. “Well… how was it? Not too bad, huh?”
Tajena mulled over before touching her sticky legs. “Very messy.”
Elemir snickered. “True. Unfortunately, it can get a lot messier than this."
"I don't understand one thing. Why did you say unfortunately?" Tajena's eyes had a hungry glimmer and all Elemir could do was grin.
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rencelott · 2 years
eziz qohumlarim allah wp istifade elemir dualarinizi statusa atmayin artıq aw
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jamyangking · 7 months
20.Yoonmin . This Side of Paradise by Elemir
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444names · 9 months
the entire article on "electron" from norwegian wikipedia + tolkienesque forenames
Adane Adûnakk Aeron Aeronets Agash Aikan Aiwendre Alach Alcar Alcaratar Alcariën Aldad Aldan Aldarin Amanwë Amline Amlinelyë Amraphant Amrodel Amrodre Amrotha Amrothmog Amroton Anbor Ancal Ancalmir Andir Andis Andur Annon Antius Anáro Arach Aragund Aragunde Aragundin Arahared Arahil Arahir Aranairë Aranamil Arannata Aratom Aravanien Aravia Aravitivt Aravoron Arazôn Areth Argel Argino Aritoneth Artikk Asfalad Atarahil Ausirimë Avrandre Avrannon Baldir Barach Baradan Barand Barant Baranthor Baravi Bardacil Bardamir Bardil Bauge Baugline Bauglúk Beleb Belebrim Belebrían Belegorm Belendil Belian Berendir Berendur Bereth Bergi Beryllas Berúthing Bestoher Beston Bestë Boldbert Boldwine Bombaryon Bombul Boromiel Borone Brandras Brassen Bregon Bregorlas Bregorn Bregrim Bryttar Calatanar Calimon Calin Calmo Caram Carin Carion Celeg Celektron Celemir Celendil Celenna Celenwë Ceorlimt Charn Ciryandur Curufinga Curunde Curundor Curundt Curung Daeriador Denel Dennatar Dennon Dibar Dikvark Duilas Dwaling Ecthori Egalanori Egative Eilino Eksten Eland Elberegon Eldir Eldur Eleborn Elebrin Elebrían Elekyl Elemendir Elemendui Elemir Elennatar Elephan Elfhil Elfhildë Elfwindis Elwine Emeriador Emeros Endui Enduil Endur Enerdamir Eradagast Eregol Erendir Erkenbras Erktøy Esten Estorin Estår Eären Eärendin Faloth Falothak Falothmog Faranamir Fastir Fengon Ferucalin Finalcar Findil Findomir Findui Finglor Fingol Finvairë Fortindo Fotone Frerilt Fréawinga Funne Fysikk Fírien Fírildor Galadd Galandil Galmacil Galmo Gamir Gammakil Georl Ghânburin Gildur Giminar Giminast Gimlin Gimlindir Gimloth Gingant Gingoldor Gjendoher Gjenducal Glandre Glingant Gluin Glórin Gollo Gollor Gormacil Gortegnon Gorthain Gotha Gramir Grimula Gwatha Gwindir Gwine Gwinel Gwingling Halbaryon Haldacil Hallador Halmarë Handil Handin Handreth Harahad Helmar Herumavi Hirion Histori Hjelperin Hundt Hyariel Hyariën Hyarmadoc Hypervi Húrindis Idrildor Ikkeleb Ilúvatan Imboldor Imilkhâd Iminarth Indil Indor Induil Ingandil Ingolar Inziladd Iondil Isild Isilmacil Isilmaras Ivrin Kaladil Kalanel Kalthôr Kanárie Kanáriel Konium Konto Krino Kvaraglor Kvard Kvardacil Kvarkonto Kvasipar Ladin Ladoc Lador Laladning Lalaton Lendor Lepton Lessar Linde Lugduf Lúthirion Maedhel Maegnon Magnets Magnor Magolith Majoran Maladde Malven Mantius Marahir Marion Mastreke Meldar Meldir Melia Melion Mendir Mendur Mentakyon Merilt Minar Minsar Model Molektron Morgon Mothor Muonia Muonisk Mírie Mírielse Mírildog Narmador Negatom Nerar Nerat Nergi Nimli Norsk Nynor Nynorin Nytta Nyttarcil Nólim Nólimt Nólimë Nøytrak Nøytrisk Ohtan Ohtanatar Olóred Ondir Ondor Onium Opphel Oromiel Orond Orondil Orone Oroney Oronium Ostori Palas Palla Parth Partindil Pelebor Peleg Pengel Periën Perparth Phando Phant Phardamir Plandin Plandur Planhír Plantius Polas Polasmon Pomet Positone Primborod Proth Påviss Radan Rotoney Rómendui Rómenel Rúmilkhâd Rúmilzôr Sakalla Sakallas Salmacil Salmarach Salmarë Salmo Samanel Shelm Silmacil Silmarion Silmo Skalanhír Soron Sorophelm Storining Streke Stund Stundel Stundor Stundt Superatan Superiën Tatan Tativt Telchared Telcharon Telenne Telmo Thedain Thomsonia Thorn Thorone Thranui Théod Théodel Théodre Tinúvien Turamir Tverkelse Tvert Uglino Ugliton Uldog Ulike Umbranui Umbrastir Undacil Undel Under Valadang Valand Valanduil Valanel Valas Vanimloth Vanna Verstreke Vidugavi Waldamil Waldorl Waling Wormacil Wormton Yavalacar Zimroth Éomeronet Éomet Éomundor Éomundt Éothoron Írilt
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howl-of-the-blood · 3 months
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ao3log · 1 year
side dishes (ao3)
– cr elemir
– yoonmin | famous actor yg rookie actor jm
– yg’s been numb to the world for a long time now, until a risky script lands in his hands and a bright smiled boy enters his life making him feel again
– the end :(
– 10,9k
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ao3feed-tolkien · 1 year
stop, you're losing me
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/xFkz4OX
by LadyNoir
The trials and tribulations of one Elemmírë Celebriel, or as she was better known, Elemir of the Falas.
Words: 1665, Chapters: 1/?, Language: English
Fandoms: The Silmarillion and other histories of Middle-Earth - J. R. R. Tolkien, TOLKIEN J. R. R. - Works & Related Fandoms
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: F/M
Characters: Celegorm | Turcafinwë, Original Female Elf Character(s), Círdan | Nowë, Other Character Tags to Be Added
Relationships: Celegorm | Turcafinwë & Original Female Character(s)
Additional Tags: Good Dad Celegorm, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Kid Fic, Angst, I Wrote This Instead of Sleeping, Complicated Relationships, First Age, Beleriand, Post-Nirnaeth Arnoediad, Other Additional Tags to Be Added
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/xFkz4OX
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aj-the-satyr · 1 year
Despite the difficulties of the train journey here, Zamil was…. Pleasant enough, Borvath thought. He’d already dealt with the paperwork involved with registering their stable in the upcoming tournament. The fact that they’d bumped into Elemir while doing so still preyed upon his mind. The fact his compatriots had shown their displeasure at another meeting with a fairly harmless showcase of their magical abilities, rather than the ice knife Morrigan chose upon their first encounter, was….. Borvath paused as he walked. He really wasn’t sure how to classify the response of his compatriots. The fact that Elemir was here at all either meant he had not yet learnt of the case building against him in Arcanum or was here to see the complainants were dealt with personally. Or at least as personally as someone with his kind of money ever did. He sighed as he started walking again. Either way, it mattered not. He was here, so were they.
He looked at his hands as he went and smiled. To the outsider this gesture was probably, at the very least, odd, but to someone who hadn’t been able to remove the leather half-gloves, ne knuckle dusters, due to the curse that they bore for months; It was a welcome sight for Borvath, his bare hands. Almost instinctively he dropped his hands to his sides to check that those same gloves were still at his sides, ready and waiting to be slipped on if needed. He rubbed a thumb against their supple leather and reinforced, weighted knuckles. To think something like this needed a baptism of the blood of many, including his own, reminded Borvath that magic was no mere plaything, despite how his companions treated it at times.
That was when something poked him from his reverie, a sense that had been building over the course of the last few months. One that grew from the fact that he was technically on someone’s hit list, an instinct for trouble he was learning to trust.
He continued his path but noted a few figures around him had slipped into more advantageous positions for an ambush, so he stopped.
“Here is as good as any place.”
He caught muffled whispers of “too crowded” and “spotted”
Borvath clapped his hands together, catching the attention of many around. The minotaur merely smiled. “It appears that I am about to be mugged, if you could be so kind as to give my assailants and I some space please.”
Many pairs of eyes in the street went wide and Borvath watched as various people skittered about until he was left facing a group of six.
There was a laugh. “Almost as if you want to die. You’d have been better off losing us in the crowd.”
Borvath sighed. “I stand at almost seven feet tall. I’m a Minotaur. If you lost me in a crowd I would despair for your ability to even dress yourself in the morning.” He turned to face the speaker, finding a large, orange furred cat person with black stripes and an eyepatch. They were flanked by a half orc and a dark blue scaled Lizard.
“You’re large for a Tabaxi.” Borvath said.
“And you’re mouthing off a lot for someone who is outnumbered. I think we might have been underpaid on this one, boys.” They gestured and Borvath caught the sound of several blades being unsheathed both in front and behind him. “Got someone we should deliver the body to?” they grinned.
Borvath ignored the comment, this chatter was pointless. They were here for a fight, so either he gave them one or simply laid down and died. While he slid his hands into the gloves at his sides, their newfound magics forming a comfortable fit ready to reinforce his blows, Borvath reached inside of himself to a well that he had long feared to draw from, a well that contained his anger, his shame, his despair and a multitude of other feelings mixed into a roiling maelstrom of sorts. A well that until recently the cursed gloves had sought to overflow and drown him in his own rage. One that the blood he had spilt filled to its brim. But now he realised that it was his well. He could build the sides higher, control that which threatened to drown him before. He had attained a clarity born of anger by not giving in to his fear of it. Instead he mastered its flow, its waves.
It had taken but a moment but the first strike came from behind. A dagger bit deep into Borvath’s side, but the rage dulled the pain and simply allowed him to turn and strike at the wielder. His fist found the face of a hooded figure. The dagger was left behind as the assailant crumpled, revealing a bloody faced human.
“Shit!” came a cry.
Borvath followed the sound to see the large cat man backing off a little, the two allies to his side unsure whether to advance or not.
“Idiots! Get him! Break out the swords!” The cat man gestured, drawing his own longer blade.
Borvath turned as he heard a scraping from nearby, the knife was tugged from his side and hurled towards one of the two that remained behind him. Despite it being meant as naught more than a distraction, the blade found its mark while Borvath caught the wrist of a second man attempting to draw a sword.
Borvath growled as he simply squeezed until he heard a crunch of bone before kicking them away. He turned back to the cat man and his friends.
“Your turn.”
The cat man held his arms out to stop the advance of his comrades. “Not today. Not here. We certainly weren’t paid enough for this.”
Borvath smiled. “Now I know you’re coming, cat man.”
“Please, call me Gustav.” He flourished his blade a little and gave a bow. “Until next time Mr Van Traask.” And with that he withdrew, leaving the three cloaked figures Borvath had taken out on the ground, seemingly content to escape with the others for now.
Borvath felt his rage subside. He could have charged, taken the fight to them, but he knew the city guard would be on their way and with the various witnesses around he would be better served by waiting for them and talking. Better to sort this matter out now. Have it written up as a mugging gone wrong, rather than anything more.
“Until next time, then.”
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celokjin · 1 year
Love at First Sigh by Elemir
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