#tb the way 01
Uncle Sam paid to develop a cancer drug and now one guy will get to charge whatever he wants for it
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Today (Oct 19), I'm in Charleston, WV to give the 41st annual McCreight Lecture in the Humanities. Tomorrow (Oct 20), I'm at Charleston's Taylor Books from 12h-14h.
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The argument for pharma patents: making new medicines is expensive, and medicines are how we save ourselves from cancer and other diseases. Therefore, we will award government-backed monopolies – patents – to pharma companies so they will have an incentive to invest their shareholders' capital in research.
There's plenty wrong with this argument. For one thing, pharma companies use their monopoly winnings to sell drugs, not invent drugs. For every dollar pharma spends on research, it spends three dollars on marketing:
And that "R&D" isn't what you're thinking of, either. Most R&D spending goes to "evergreening" – coming up with minor variations on existing drugs in a bid to extend those patents for years or decades:
Evergreening got a lot of attention recently when John Green rained down righteous fire upon Johnson & Johnson for their sneaky tricks to prevent poor people from accessing affordable TB meds, prompting this excellent explainer from the Arm and A Leg Podcast:
Another thing those monopoly profits are useful for: "pay for delay," where pharma companies bribe generic manufacturers not to make cheap versions of drugs whose patents have expired. Sure, it's illegal, but that doesn't stop 'em:
But it's their money, right? If they want to spend it on bribes or evergreening or marketing, at least some of that money is going into drugs that'll keep you and the people you love from enduring unimaginable pain or dying slowly and hard. Surely that warrants a patent.
Let's say it does. But what about when a pharma company gets a patent on a life-saving drug that the public paid to develop, test and refine? Publicly funded work is presumptively in the public domain, from NASA R&D to the photos that park rangers shoot of our national parks. The public pays to produce this work, so it should belong to the public, right?
That was the deal – until Congress passed the Bayh-Dole Act in 1980. Under Bayh-Dole, government-funded inventions are given away – to for-profit corporations, who get to charge us whatever they want to access the things we paid to make. The basis for this is a racist hoax called "The Tragedy Of the Commons," written by the eugenicist white supremacist Garrett Hardin and published by Science in 1968:
Hardin invented an imaginary history in which "commons" – things owned and shared by a community – are inevitably overrun by selfish assholes, a fact that prompts nice people to also overrun these commons, so as to get some value out of them before they are gobbled up by people who read Garrett Hardin essays.
Hardin asserted this as a historical fact, but he cited no instances in which it happened. But when the Nobel-winning Elinor Ostrom actually went and looked at how commons are managed, she found that they are robust and stable over long time periods, and are a supremely efficient way of managing resources:
The reason Hardin invented an imaginary history of tragic commons was to justify enclosure: moving things that the public owned and used freely into private ownership. Or, to put it more bluntly, Hardin invented a pseudoscientific justification for giving away parks, roads and schools to rich people and letting them charge us to use them.
To arrive at this fantasy, Hardin deployed one of the most important analytical tools of modern economics: introspection. As Ely Devons put it: "If economists wished to study the horse, they wouldn’t go and look at horses. They’d sit in their studies and say to themselves, ‘What would I do if I were a horse?’"
Hardin's hoax swept from the fringes to the center and became received wisdom – so much so that by 1980, Senators Birch Bayh and Bob Dole were able to pass a law that gave away publicly funded medicine to private firms, because otherwise these inventions would be "overgrazed" by greedy people, denying the public access to livesaving drugs.
On September 21, the NIH quietly published an announcement of one of these pharmaceutical transfers, buried in a list of 31 patent assignments in the Federal Register:
The transfer in question is a patent for using T-cell receptors (TCRs) to treat solid tumors from HPV, one of the only patents for treating solid tumors with TCRs. The beneficiary of this transfer is Scarlet TCR, a Delaware company with no website or SEC filings and ownership shrouded in mystery:
One person who pays attention to this sort of thing is James Love, co-founder of Knowledge Ecology International, a nonprofit that has worked for decades for access to medicines. Love sleuthed out at least one person behind Scarlet TCR: Christian Hinrichs, a researcher at Rutgers who used to work at the NIH's National Cancer Institute:
Love presumes Hinrichs is the owner of Scarlet TCR, but neither the NIH nor Scarlet TCR nor Hinrichs will confirm it. Hinrichs was one of the publicly-funded researchers who worked on the new TCR therapy, for which he received a salary.
This new drug was paid for out of the public purse. The basic R&D – salaries for Hinrichs and his collaborators, as well as funding for their facilities – came out of NIH grants. So did the funding for the initial Phase I trial, and the ongoing large Phase II trial.
As David Dayen writes in The American Prospect, the proposed patent transfer will make Hinrichs a very wealthy man (Love calls it "generational wealth"):
This wealth will come by charging us – the public – to access a drug that we paid to produce. The public took all the risks to develop this drug, and Hinrichs stands to become a billionaire by reaping the rewards – rewards that will come by extracting fortunes from terrified people who don't want to die from tumors that are eating them alive.
The transfer of this patent is indefensible. The government isn't even waiting until the Phase II trials are complete to hand over our commonly owned science.
But there's still time. The NIH is about to get a new director, Monica Bertagnolli – Hinrichs's former boss – who will need to go before the Senate Health, Education, Labor and Pensions Committee for confirmation. Love is hoping that the confirmation hearing will present an opportunity to question Bertagnolli about the transfer – specifically, why the drug isn't being nonexclusively licensed to lots of drug companies who will have to compete to sell the cheapest possible version.
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If you'd like an essay-formatted version of this post to read or share, here's a link to it on pluralistic.net, my surveillance-free, ad-free, tracker-free blog:
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My next novel is The Lost Cause, a hopeful novel of the climate emergency. Amazon won't sell the audiobook, so I made my own and I'm pre-selling it on Kickstarter!
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conacoflakes · 2 months
Conan O’Brien media archive
As a rule of thumb I avoid any movie streaming services or other ways to download that aren't totally virus free, etc. so these links lead to Drive, archive.org, and YouTube or other trusted media sharing sites.
Shows + TV
Conan O'Brien Must Go (2024) | Drive
Conan visits his fans from around the globe and indulges in various countries cultures. His most recent show with only 4 episodes: Norway, Argentina, Thailand, and Ireland. All four episodes can be found at this drive link
Late Night With Conan O'Brien (1993 - 2009) | archive.org @ mountainmikeinoregon
Archived episodes of Late Night sorted by year. Not a complete collection, many episodes are missing (for example the 1993 collection jumps from episodes 1-4 to episode 35) but a great deal of them are here. Easy to access and watch.
The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien (2009-2010) | archive.org
The show he briefly inherited from Leno which would cause the infamous TV war between them. Conan would leave NBC for TBS after this. All 145 Conan episodes that aired are in here.
Conan Without Borders (2018) | dailymotion
A series of specials that aired on Conan where he travels various countries. The precursor to the 2024 show. Filmed during the height of the Trump administration which is reflected in a lot of the jokes, topics, and other parts of the show. Various clips are also avaliable on YouTube. QnA's are also avaliable on YouTube.
Episode List:
1. Conan in Cuba - 49:18 2. Conan in Armenia - 42:48 3. Qatar - Unable to find 4. Conan Does Korea - 36:23 5. Conan in Berlin - 42:58 6. Conan Without Borders: Made in Mexico- 42:20 7. Israel - Unable to find. Judging from the clips this episode paints Israel in an extremely sympathetic light. Know that I stand with Palestine and that Israel is an Apartheid state. Learn more at decolonizepalestine.org 8. Conan Without Borders: Haiti - 42:04 9. Conan in Italy - 50:13 10. Conan in Japan - 42:03 11. Conan Without Borders: Australia - 42:03 12. Conan Without Borders: Greenland - 42:01 13. Conan Without Borders: Ghana - 43:00
CONAN O'BRIEN CAN'T STOP (2011) - Part 1 / Part 2 | dailymotion
CONAN O'BRIEN CAN'T STOP is a documentary about what Conan and his crew did on tour before TBS. After Jay Leno took back his show, Conan travels to 32 different cities to do improv while attempting to severe all ties with NBC. Fun film with more intimate and candid moments of him and his crew.
CONAN O'BRIEN CAN'T STOP - Commentary by Conan, Andy Richter, Sona Movsesian & More (2011) | archive.org - YouTube
CONAN O'BRIEN CAN'T STOP is a documentary about what Conan and his crew did on tour before TBS. This version of the film has his own commentary over it.
Podcasts & Radio
The Conan and Jordan Show (Podcast) | soundcloud.com | episode 1 | episode 2
Only two episodes have been uploaded. Apparently the site that it’s hosted on (SiriusXM) doesn’t even show all the episodes available.
To be updated as more links are found
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incarnateirony · 1 year
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Lateralus Project: Evolved:
The Winchesters Edition
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So. First things first. Boy am I dizzy. This is, at this point, four years of work invested in this video series. We won't get into the nitty gritty on WHY it works out so well, as much as enjoy what it is!
I want to change the World. But this monster in my head could destroy everything.
334 episodes*; 13 songs; 13 processes, 13 episodes; 2 sides to the coin; the hardest beast to face is the one within; even with your helpful half djinn son or the light in the road calling you home. We're turning over all the cards and opening all the doors in the info and episode shuffles behind the cut. YT includes episode timestamps in the full movie. So does the cut, as well as links to lyrics, quick summaries and more general information.
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Follow the Path of The One towards Heaven.
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You can find more information about the Original Double Order over on This Post. (2 direction shuffletrack with different endings moving through consciousness as a movement of along spirals: "Spiral out, keep going, spiral out")
However, The Winchesters took its own means of reshuffling. If you view the old post, one song remained the same in both directions: 11 is 11, Reflections. It's a causal point, and has been moved to midseason, respectively, as 1x7 Reflections. Rolling back, if one starts the spiral at Mantra, 11 becomes 7, and the track plays out, reverting after 12 to the steps missed earlier, 1-4 respectively, but reverse: 4-1.
I know that sounds like wonky math, don't overthink it, just. Explaining there IS method to the madness. The simplest thing to remember is, follow the basic ideas: Generational Trauma, who the generations ARE, doors, spears, guns, blossoms, you name it. You WILL get dizzy you WILL be overwhelmed but ride it and you'll put the pieces together.
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EVERYTHING means SOMETHING. The current order then is:
Ep 1: 0:00 - Intro: Mantra: What makes a story work? Jensen and robbie's revenge
Ep 2: 03:29 - The Spiral: Lateralus (Lyrics) The snake is the-- Ep 3: 12:44 - Trauma Broadcasting System (TBS): Faaip De Oiad: Tower
Ep 4: 15:21 - Transmutation: The Grudge (Lyrics) The Rupture
Ep 5: 23:53 - Generations of Eden; Triad: Father, Cursed Christ, Holy Ghost Ep 6: 30:21 - Aeon: Eon Blue Apocalypse: Midnight channel interrupted Ep 7: 31:34 - Reflections: Reflections: Reflections; Narcissus (Lyrics)
Ep 8: 42:45 - Face it to Get Out: The Patient (Lyrics) Vampire act's a little old. Ep 9: 50:05 - The Akrida: Ticks and Leeches (Lyrics) I hope you choke. Ep 10: 58:13 - The Truth: Schism: The Trap (Lyrics) Bring the pieces back together (in a way you might not expect), rediscover Communication.
Eps 11 & 12: 01:05:11 : Don't Spiral, Evolve: Parabol & Parabola (Lyrics)
The Eternal Soul. People, families. That's real. We are.
Finally, Ep 13:01:14:13: In the Light you will Find the Road: Disposition (Lyrics) Mention This To Dean, Watch The Weather Change
The moon gives me her secret, a confidant; as full and bright as I am this light is not my own and a million light reflections (of the sun) pass over me.
I cared about the Whole World because of you. (see Vitriol)
With my feet upon the ground I lose myself between the sounds and open wide to suck it in, I feel it move across my skin. I'm reaching up and reaching out, I'm reaching for the random and whatever will bewilder me, whatever will bewilder me. And following our will and whim we may just go where no one's been. We'll ride the spiral to the end and may just go where no one's been. Spiral out. Keep going. Evolve.
Traxxverse; Find The Queen; Ramble On;
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(Art by Mortea. Six flags here we go, 1x12 Barrelhouse. Dizzy. Rolling downhill in the barrel into the riverside or the tunnel or dean's opening, I don't know anymore)
Castiel's Resolution
Dean's Resolution
End Of The Line
End of the Road.
Steal Your Heart; Death Has Something I Want;
VITRIOL: The Occultum
Saturn (Not Grudge, but as The Grudge/The Trap tells us, Saturn comes back around to show you everything) As above, so below.
Perfect Landing, Son (The Garden, The End, Calling you home; the moon at the end of mary's tunnel; we're opening all the doors; we're turning over all the cards. At the center of it all is the magic kingdom. the garden. We're the one thing he couldn't control. Follow the Full Moon through the storm; Watch the Weather Change; Lift the Fog, Find the Truth; 15x18. Despair/The Truth. Chuck only wins if you let your life go by without meaning. It's in just being. It's in just saying it. Cas, there's something I have to say.)
Windmills. I came to in a garden. Three days journey, end of the stream, or a river, or a tunnel, or a road, or an opening. You'll find a clearing. You'll find your angel blossom there. In The Trap you still are stuck in. Not in Purgatory, but for yourself. The Rupture. The Trap. And The Truth.
It's all about the Truth.
There's something I have to say.
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⛤|| Creations: Youtube || Ao3
⛤|| Support: Patreon
⛤|| Community: POLOL Discord || Kripkeverse Guilded
** This project was first developed as 13 parts in two directions season 14. One was released with ep 300, and the others with Ouroboros. Only two were directly updated season 15, For Reasons, also on hiatus. All 13 tracks are now master tracked with The Winchesters content, Ouroboros, In The Beginning, The Future, The Truth and processes in alchemy gathered as a secondary partner project through Season 15's myth-arc. This final wave was developed beginning a few episodes into The Winchesters, for targeted mass release today, Weds 12/7/2022, in sync with the airing of 1x7 Reflections, which one could call. Conveniently named. Heh. Consider this The Final Hiatus. Once episode 13 airs we may end up with a Final Final Final Right Edit, if you will, but otherwise this is it. Entertain yourself picking this apart all hiatus.
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bloodxhound · 3 months
Ray’s morals and methods begin to deteriorate after leaving the LAPD. The main reasons being:
    01.  Loss of social network and guidance. In the months following his father’s execution, he loses all his faith in the justice system. He’s always harbored misgivings about how things were run in his department, but once he’s not only discouraged but explicitly prohibited from investigating his father’s remaining criminal network, he realizes he cannot stay anymore. All related case files are handed over to senior detectives, while Ray is denied access to information, resources, and entry into relevant places. The reason the Chief gives him? He’s too personally invested to the point of obsession, biased in a way that will unfairly affect his investigation — said in the knowledge Ray has stayed neutral enough to put his own father on death row. It feels like a slap to the face. Though he puts up with it initially, after there’s little to no progress Ray begins suspecting it’s not for a lack of competence but willingness. For some reason his higher-ups have a vetted interest in preventing his father’s connections from getting exposed. So, he quits, taking matters into his own hands. By doing so, he loses two elements that have kept him relatively stable: his social network, and an institution that has provided him with rules and consequences for not adhering to them.
     02. Self-perception. Ray’s perception of himself is that he’s not a good person. It’s not a self-pitying or self-defeating belief, rather a sober acknowledgement of his own capabilities. He would never take a life, but he has little qualms about hurting people, destroying public or private property, and engaging in other questionable behaviors ( lying, trespassing, keeping information from his superiors, etc. ) as means to solve a case if conventional methods fail him. These tendencies worsen after becoming a vigilante. Hostage-taking, torture, sex in exchange for information, posing and operating as a criminal to infiltrate criminal groups and suchlike become viable strategies to him. It’s easier for someone who already believes they’re “bad” to act in ways that will affirm their self-perception; the role he’s played in his father’s death has certainly cemented this perception of himself. Even though he was only doing his duty, exposing the man’s crimes, it takes its toll on him regardless. In a way he really does believe he killed his father himself. It’s what drives him to become as ruthless as necessary to uproot the remainder of his father’s network, to ensure his death wasn’t for nothing.
     03. Guilt. Ray feels tremendous guilt for all the lives his father has ruined, for all the lives that continue to be ruined because his network is implicitly permitted to exist. Though he has no direct involvement in his father’s crimes, he still believes he enabled him to get away for as long as he has, thanks to his dissociative amnesia in regards to the TB-2 incident. If he hadn’t forgotten ( repressed ) what he half-witnessed, if he had been able to confront his memories and connect their implications sooner, many lives could’ve been spared — maybe even his father’s. He perceives this as his own, personal failure, something he needs to redeem himself for. That’s why he doesn’t mind running himself and his morals into the gutter if it means innocent, good people can be saved.
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idontknowreallywhy · 9 months
Tracks to keep me awake on a Friday afternoon… this one gives me the shivers.
The way the Fosters brought a few different themes together is FAB.
P.S. for those mourning the loss of series 1&2 OST from streaming, much of season 3 is on SoundCloud - I did my best to collate here: https://on.soundcloud.com/y6cZYREj9nGjnhzZA
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celestial-thoughts · 10 months
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august 14, 2023 - weekly women’s pro wrestling news roundup: week of august 7-13, 2023
this week's news roundup includes:
News & results from last week’s editions of Monday Night Raw, NXT, and Friday Night SmackDown.
News & results from last week's editions of WWE Main Event and NXT Level Up.
News & results from last week’s editions of AEW Dynamite, AEW Rampage, and AEW Collision.
Other updates and news from last week.
Pro Wrestling Illustrated's weekly top 10 recap.
Things to look forward to in women’s wrestling this week!
spoilers below the cut for shows/events listed above!
Notable news & results from TV last week:
Monday Night Raw (8/7):
Raquel Rodriguez was shown in the trainer's room with Indi Hartwell and Candice LeRae, as the trainer informed Adam Pearce that Raquel still wasn't medically cleared.
Becky Lynch came out to the ring and talked about her match next week with Trish Stratus, before being interrupted by Zoey Stark. As the two exchanged words, Shayna Baszler came out. She said that she had driven Ronda out of WWE, which prompted the crowd to begin chanting "Thank you Shayna." Zoey got in Shayna's face, before a match between the two was made official.
Shayna Baszler defeated Zoey Stark. Despite having a broken thumb, black eye, and injured elbow, Shayna managed to put Zoey down for the three count after using Piper's Pit. match length-11:50.
Shayna Baszler interrupted Becky Lynch during a backstage interview, saying that she had a long list of scores to settle, and that she would come for Becky soon enough.
Michael Cole confirmed on commentary that Sonya Deville has suffered a torn ACL, and that she will be out indefinitely.
As Women's World Champion Rhea Ripley was entering with The Judgment Day for the main event, she was attacked by Raquel, Candice, and Indi. The women brawled, before security finally managed to separate them.
NXT (8/8):
Blair Davenport defeated Kelani Jordan. Kelani argued with Dana Brooke after the match. match length-3:35.
Kiana James defeated Ivy Nile. match length-7:45.
Following the main event match, Women's World Champion Rhea Ripley was attacked by Lyra Valkyria.
AEW Dynamite (8/9):
A four way match for the AEW Women's World Championship at AEW All In was announced, along with a tournament to determine who would compete in that match. Former champion Toni Storm received a bye, automatically qualifying her for the title match.
Hikaru Shida defeated Anna Jay to retain the AEW Women's World Championship. By retaining the title, Shida locked in her spot at AEW All In, where she will defend her title the four way match. match length-8:48.
WWE Main Event (8/10):
Nikki Cross defeated Tegan Nox. match length-7:39.
Friday Night SmackDown (8/11):
Asuka vs. Charlotte Flair ended in a no contest. During the match, WWE Women's Champion Iyo Sky came down the ramp, accompanied by her Damage CTRL teammates Bayley and Dakota Kai. Iyo hit both Asuka and Charlotte with a dropkick off the top rope, forcing the official to call the match a no contest. After the bell rang, Iyo and Bayley beat up both Asuka and Charlotte, while Dakota watched from the ramp. match length-9:01.
NXT Level Up (8/11):
Fallon Henley defeated Izzy Dame. match length-4:31.
AEW Rampage (8/11):
Saraya defeated Skye Blue. With this win, Saraya secured her spot in the four way match for the AEW Women's World Championship at AEW All In at Wembley Stadium in London. match length-9:23.
AEW Collision (8/12):
Mercedes Martinez & Diamante defeated TBS Champion Kris Statlander & Willow Nightingale. match length-8:46.
Other news & updates from last week:
TMZ reported on Monday afternoon that Sonya Deville sustained a torn ACL last Friday on SmackDown.
On Wednesday, Women's World Champion Rhea Ripley announced her engagement to fellow pro wrestler Buddy Matthews.
Dave Meltzer of Wrestling Observer Newsletter gave the SummerSlam WWE Women's Championship triple threat match a rating of 3.5 stars. The MMA Rules match between Ronda Rousey and Shayna Baszler received 1.5 stars.
Pro Wrestling Illustrated top 10 rankings recap:
Evaluation period: August 4-10, 2023. Published on August 11, 2023. Note: my recap of PWI's top 10 tag teams of the week will only cover the women's tag teams listed in the rankings for the week (PWI includes both men's and women's tag teams in their rankings). PWI lists their criteria for rankings as the following: championships held/defended, win-loss record, push, and technical ability.
PWI's Women's Wrestling top 10:
1: Iyo Sky (WWE) 2: Hikaru Shida (AEW) 3: Bianca Belair (WWE) 4: Tam Nakano (Stardom) 5: Mirai (Stardom) 6: Asuka (WWE) 7: Athena (ROH) 8: Alex Windsor (Freelancer) 9: Shayna Baszler (WWE) 10: Tiffany Stratton (WWE)
PWI's Tag Team Wrestling top 10:
No women's tag teams in the top 10 this week.
Things to look forward to this week:
Tonight on Monday Night Raw, Becky Lynch finally gets her hands on WWE Hall of Famer Trish Stratus, with Zoey Stark banned from ringside.
Tomorrow night on NXT, Dana Brooke goes one on one with Blair Davenport.
This Wednesday on AEW Dynamite, Dr. Britt Bake, D.M.D. takes on The Bunny, with the final spot in the AEW Women's World Championship match at AEW All In on the line.
Current Women's Champions in WWE & AEW:
WWE: - Women's World Championship: Rhea Ripley - WWE Women's Championship: Iyo Sky - NXT Women's Championship: Tiffany Stratton - WWE Women's Tag Team Championship: Chelsea Green & Sonya Deville
AEW: - AEW Women's World Championship: Hikaru Shida - TBS Championship: Kris Statlander
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yoyik456 · 4 months
China made Belt way sensor XD-TB-1-1230 for power plant
China made Belt way sensor XD-TB-1-1230 for power plant Deyang Dongfang Yoyik is a trade production company with many international brands. Our source is authentic, product is quality guaranteed, price is reasonable, welcomed by our new and old customers. We also sell all kinds of processing parts, non-standard parts for power plant dedicated. Yoyik can offer many spare parts for power plants as below: #DF-Belt way sensor XD-TB-1-1230-DF rotation sensor ZS-03 L=65 Magnetic Proximity Sensors SZXB-01-B01 thermal resistance units WZP2-001 non-contact displacement sensor 3000TDZ-B RPM Sensor magnetic CS_1 G-110-03-00 Shaft Rotation Speed Sensors ZS-04-180-5000 LVDT HL-6-50-15 linear displacement sensor TD-6-0128 ptfe pt100 temperature sensor WZRK-135 Φ5 pt100 rtd WZP2-230NM 4mm rtd pt100 WZP-401 full form of lvdt 1000TDZ-A tachometer rpm DF9011 Pro rotational speed sensor CS-3-M10*1 L=130 lvdt full form B151.36.09.04-008 RPM Indicator D521.14 RPM Sensor magnetic CS-3-m16x1-60 Probe TM0180-A08-B00-C09-D05-E01 lvdt full form ZDET-150B speed sensor cost CS-1 L=80 sensor speed CS-1(G-080-02-01) LVDT LVDT-20-3 linear variable displacement transducer 3000TDGN-15-01 displacement transducer HL-6-600-15 Differential Pressure Gauge MEX5D62B90 RADIAL THERMOMETER WSS-581W digital speedomet lcd WZ-3C-A unit of thermal resistance WZPK2-380B thermocouple type TE-203 Thermocouple Cylindrical sensor WREK2-321 LVDT Displacement Transducer Sensors ZD-2000TDA rotation sensor G-075-02-01 pressure sensor switch 403216-29QL14 sensor speed SC-1 thermal resistance tester WZPK2-323 PT100 3 Wire RTD Sensor WZPK2-380B Belt way sensor XD-TB-1-1230 lvdt displacement sensor inductive sensor 7000TDZ-B speed meter sensor CS-3 M16-L60 linear displacement sensor ZD-1000TDA thermowell TE-207 output speed sensor G-120-05-01 lvdt full form 1000TDG non-contact displacement sensor DET.2A.4000A speed meter sensor CS-1 L=90 pt100 rtd WZPM2-002 Sensor SZCB-01-A2-B1-C3 M6 thread WRNKD2-291 Platinum-Iridium Wire TE-206 rotation sensor ZS-03 L=80 lvdt transducer B151. thermocouple k type TE-111 Resistance Temperature Detector 3Q13661 LVDT Displacement Sensors LVDT ZDET-200B non-contact displacement sensor ZD-1000TDB thermal resistance testing WZP2-441-B Tacho RPM sensor DF2012 shaft rotation sensor ZS-01 L=90 Cable Type RTD Sensor WZPM-201 5000MM Tacho RPM sensor SEC-143.35.19 output shaft speed sensor WZ-GC DP Transmitter 430378-N12065 thermocouple voltage WRNK-322 inductive displacement sensor FRD-3000TD speed meter sensor HZSP-475-50-10-HR RPM Sensor magnetic 70085-1010-428 thermal expansion measuring apparatus displacement sensor TD-1-100 Rotary Torque Sensor CS-1-D-060-05-01 lvdt displacement transducer 191.36.09(1).09 turbine speed sensor bme tcu CS-3-L200 lvdt displacement sensor 400TD Belt way sensor XD-TB-1-1230 DFYLSYC-2024-2-22-A
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mobilizemusic · 5 months
We proudly present you our newest release! This time we offer you banging progressive vocal trance from Smart Apes vs. Anna Lee feat. Kate Miles. "Perfect" is a follow up to the "Smile" released at TIESTO's Blackhole Recordings. Young and perspective trance project Smart Apes (Aquile & TB, DJ I.R.A., Kate Miles) appeared not so long ago, but it has already made some noises in a good way! Original Mix through nice guitar sound and calm, deep beat gives as a "PERFECT" summer feeling. You will not be disappointed if you are looking for a chillout moment with it. Second mix is by Existone who has been promoted by Tiesto many times. His electro-stylish bass adds to the track more power and turns calm original mix to club monster. Mobilize - already known from his great remix to our "Star Stream" release, makes once again wonderful job. Dreamy piano in the breakdown with Kate's vocal and beautiful main melody is what makes this remix truly fantastic. The Airstatic also known from "Star Stream" release changes "Perfect" into breakbeat track which is really interesting idea and awesome addition to the package.
1. Smart Apes vs. Anna Lee feat. Kate Miles - [Perfect (Mobilize Mixes) #01] Perfect (Mobilize Remix) 2. Smart Apes vs. Anna Lee feat. Kate Miles - [Perfect (Mobilize Mixes) #02] Perfect (Mobilize Dub Mix) 3. Smart Apes vs. Anna Lee feat. Kate Miles - [Perfect (Mobilize Mixes) #03] Perfect (Mobilize Radio Mix)
released August 24, 2009 by Emphase Recordings
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automatismoateo · 8 months
Near death experience today. Debunked a Christian myth and am alive to talk about it. via /r/atheism
Near death experience today. Debunked a Christian myth and am alive to talk about it. Today I went in for allergy testing and they did a second round after the initial panel to double test the negative reactions. They did like a TB vaccine style injection just under the skin. Turns out I was extremely allergic to things and went into anaphylaxis. For me, it wasn’t like the movies where your throat just suddenly closes. It was a slow decent that gave me time to reflect on my mortality. 💀 I went from a small welt, a little mouth itching, and an allergy attack to: face, ear, neck, and tongue swelling with shortness of breath. Before I was administered steroids and then whisked to the ER for the epipen cocktail, I had that moment where I was thinking “well, this may actually kill me.” And as I gulped for air I wasn’t crying out to a man in the sky. I actually only wished to have my man I’m married to with me. That was it. I cried wishing he was there and didn’t have a single thought about what would be next or my salvation like my die hard Catholic upbringing made me think I would. My amazing mom came too, and she’s devout Catholic. It was actually hilarious because that experience made me even more set in my atheist ways; and my paperwork at the hospital was super old, stating I was Catholic. I asked the clerk to change that to nothing or atheist. My mom was like, oh no just say Catholic because wouldn’t you want someone there like a priest. And I was able to firmly say no, I’m atheist and I don’t need that but thank you for the concern. It felt good. Happily everything worked out. I know what my priorities are. Man in the sky isn’t my priority especially if he made me to get anaphylaxis from fucking birch and hickory pollen. Like, thanks for making me allergic to literal air. 🥴 That’d be enough to crush my faith if it wasn’t gone already. 💀 edit: Just gonna edit and clarify that I didn’t have an out of body near death experience in which I flatlined since people are saying what I had wasn’t an NDE. I consider it a near death experience as I did begin to actively die. Call it a brush with death if you prefer that phrasing. Regardless, I didn’t call out for god when facing my mortality, and that honestly made me so happy and I will now be able to refute that claim from first hand experience. Submitted October 18, 2023 at 01:14AM by __cat_cat_cat__ (From Reddit https://ift.tt/phzKM0b)
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wweallresultspage · 2 years
AEW Full Gear PPV Results - November 19, 2022
Pre-show: Chuck Taylor, Danhausen, Orange Cassidy, Rocky Romero, & Trent Beretta def. Aaron Solo, Cole Karter, Lee Johnson, Nick Comoroto, & QT Marshall in 11:53
Pre-show: Ricky Starks def. Brian Cage in the semifinals of the AEW World Championship #1 Contender's Tournament in 9:03
Pre-show: Eddie Kingston def. Jun Akiyama in 10:32
1. Jack Perry def. Luchasaurus in a Steel Cage Match in 18:44
2. PAC, Penta El Zero Miedo, & Rey Fenix def. Kenny Omega, Matt Jackson, & Nick Jackson in 18:42 to retain the AEW World Trios Championships
3. Jade Cargill def. Nyla Rose in 8:01 to retain the AEW TBS Championship
4. Chris Jericho def. Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, and Sammy Guevara in a 4-Way Match in 21:43 to retain the ROH World Championship
5. Saraya def. Dr. Britt Baker, D.M.D. in 13:27
6. Samoa Joe def. Powerhouse Hobbs and Wardlow in a 3-Way Match in 9:53 to win the AEW TNT Championship
7. Darby Allin & Sting def. Jay Lethal & Jeff Jarrett in a No Disqualification Match in 11:00
8. Jamie Hayter def. Toni Storm in 15:17 to win the Interim AEW Women's World Championship
9. Anthony Bowens & Max Caster def. Keith Lee & Swerve Strickland in 19:40 to retain the AEW World Tag Team Championships
10. MJF def. Jon Moxley in 23:09 to win the AEW World Championship
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historyvewor · 2 years
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This computer was brought into my shop with th.
Samsung series 7 chronos drivers update for windows 10 how to#
Problems can arise when your hardware device is too old or not supported any longer. In this video I show how to install latest drivers on a Samsung laptop. This will help if you installed a wrong driver. Try to set a system restore point before installing a device driver.
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It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver version available.ĭo not forget to check with our site as often as possible in order to stay updated on the latest drivers, software and games. Number of Cells / Cell Type: 8 Cell / Li-ion Multi Card Slot: 7-in-1 (MS, MS Pro, SD, SDHC, MMC, MMC plus, xD) USB Ports: 2 USB 3.0, 2 USB 2.0 (1 Sleep-n-Charge) Speakers: 4 W Stereo Speaker (2 W x 2) sub-Woofer Graphics Chip : NVIDIA GeForce GTX 675M Graphics I also tried letting the computer find the best driver and search automatically. I have read other threads and tried updating the Display Adapter drivers to current. Hard Drive Capacity: 1,5 TB with ExpressCache Technology, 8GB Hi, I have a Samsung Chronos series 7 monitor that I recently updated to Windows 8.1 It has had a bunch of issues and the display brightness cannot be adjusted. CPU/ Processor: Intel Core i7-3610QM Processor
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Offer 1705 samsung manuals and user s guides for free.- Operating System: Genuine Windows 7 Home Premium (64-bit) Samsung Notebook Serie 7 Chronos 700Z5A S01.Ģ5-02-2014 samsung series 7 chronos repair advice/estimate, 0% plugged in and not. Whenever i have the latest drivers on to search.ġ7-07-2013 this is a very quick video guide mostly consists of pics + some videos on how i installed a samsung 840 pro ssd in my samsung series 7 chronos np770z5e or np880z5e, a.k.a. It also sports a hdd, handbook, and working.ĭownnload samsung 700z3a laptop drivers or install driverpack solution software for driver update.Īfter you just goes all the documents as pdf.Ģ5-06-2013 up front, samsung s equipped the series 7 chronos with a 15.6in, full hd touchscreen.įor Samsung Series 7 Chronos 700Z3 A 4GB 1x 4GB DDR3.
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Samsung's amd driver and intel driver from SW Update works GREAT with win8.1 But they are so old: Amd: 2013.08.30 v Intel: 2013.09.09 v 10.
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I have reinstalled Windows 10 Pro 圆4 onto my Samsung Series 7 Ultra Notebook (model NP740U3E-S04UK) using a Windows Recovery DVD created using MediaCreationTool.exe.
Updated Samsung is advising customers against succumbing to Microsoft’s nagging and installing Windows 10.
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sureall01 · 2 years
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ashbicreativestudio · 2 years
10 things to consider when choosing a web hosting service
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There are over a billion websites in the world, and every single one of them needs hosting. Without hosting, there would be no way for people to access these sites. While many web hosts offer guiding principles to help you determine what services will meet your needs, it's still best to approach the selection process with an idea of what you're looking for in mind. Here are 10 things you should consider when choosing a web hosting service:
1. Type of web hosting: shared vs. dedicated hosting
There are several different types of web hosting services. The type that's right for your website will depend on the amount of traffic you expect and whether you want to manage your own server. - Shared Hosting: This means that multiple websites will be hosted on one server, but each site has its own domain name. If one site gets a lot more traffic than the others, this can slow down all other sites on the same server. As such, while great for small businesses or personal blogs that don't get much traffic yet, shared hosting is not ideal for high-traffic sites like e-commerce stores or large forums. - Dedicated Hosting: This involves renting an entire physical server from a data center and using it as if it were your own private machine (hence "dedicated"). Dedicated servers also come with root access so you can install any software onto them without having to ask permission from anyone else involved in managing those servers at all times! However since dedicated servers require extra maintenance costs due to their complexity compared with simpler options like shared or virtual private server solutions then they should only really be considered by individuals who know what they're doing when designing websites because there can be serious consequences if something goes wrong during installation process (such as accidentally deleting all files).
2. Amount of disk space and bandwidth
- Disk space is the amount of data that can be stored on a server. For example, if you have 1 GB of disk space and you add 10 photos to your website, your site will be able to store 11 GB of photos. - Bandwidth is the amount of data that can be transferred to and from a server. For example, if you have 100 MB of bandwidth and you send 100 people an email with an attachment each day over the course of a month (3200 people), then in total 3200 x 100 MB = 32 TB total was transferred/transfers through your account during that time period (because there are 8 bits in 1 byte). That means every person would have used about 0.0032 TB per month by sending emails with attachments—or about 1% (.01) of their total allowance for bandwidth.
3. Location of the data center
One of the most important factors to consider when choosing a web hosting service is where their data center is located. This will determine how fast your website loads and whether it’s secure and reliable. The location of a web hosting company's data center is key because if they are not within close proximity to your target audience, then you will suffer from poor performance in terms of speed and reliability. The closer they are to you, the faster it will load on devices like smartphones and tablets that don't have as much processing power as computers do (like desktop computers).
4. Page loading speed
- Page loading speed is important to the user experience. While a page may load in just a few seconds, it will generally take longer during peak hours and even longer on slow connections or with old browsers. - The server's hardware, software, and configuration can have a significant impact on load speed. You'll want to look at reviews from websites like Load Impact or Pingdom to get an idea of how your potential hosting provider stacks up against others in terms of performance. Also consider whether any specific features offered by your chosen provider (like caching) might improve performance for you overall. - The quality of your Internet connection will also have an effect on page loading time—if all else is equal, connecting via fiber optic cable will always result in faster speeds than connecting through dial-up modem (although this is another area where fiber optic cables are rapidly replacing older technologies).
5. Uptime guarantee
This is a complicated subject, so we'll start with some of the basics. Uptime is the percentage of time that your website is available to your visitors. It's important because it affects your search engine ranking, customer satisfaction, and business. If people can't get to your site because it's down too often or for too long, they may not come back again until you've improved upon this problem.
6. Customer support available 24/7/365
Your website is your business, and you need to be able to ensure that it is up and running at all times. You want to make sure that if there is an issue with your site, it can be resolved quickly. Whether it's a simple question about how to use a feature or an emergency situation like malware that needs immediate attention, customer support from the hosting provider will help you get back on track as soon as possible. The best hosting companies are available 24 hours a day and 365 days per year for customer service assistance via phone or email—and some even offer live chat options!
7. The operating system (OS) and control panel used
The operating system provides an interface between the server and your website or application, while the control panel enables you to manage your site. You might be wondering what's the difference between the two? Well, it's pretty simple: An OS is responsible for allocating hardware resources, such as CPU time and memory, whereas a control panel helps you configure those resources. In other words, if a server comes with Apache HTTP Server installed by default, then it’s most likely running Linux-based CentOS/Ubuntu OS; whereas if cPanel/WHM is installed on that same server, then it’s most likely running Windows-based Windows 2003 Server OS.
8. Backups, security, and recovery services
You should also be sure that the web hosting service you choose has a reliable backup system. This means that, no matter what happens to your website or data, you will be able to restore it quickly. Will they keep a copy of your data on file? Are their backups stored in a separate location from where the servers are housed so that if there is an earthquake or other disaster at the data center, both won't be affected? How often do they back up (daily, weekly)? If something goes wrong with your site and you need assistance restoring it immediately, can they provide timely assistance and/or access to their backups?
9. Free trial or money-back guarantee
A free trial or money-back guarantee is an important factor to consider when choosing a web hosting service. Basically, you should choose the one that offers the most value for your money. The difference between a free trial and money-back guarantee? A free trial lets you try out their services without paying anything; if you don't like it, cancel within the first 30 days and they won't charge you anything. A money back guarantee allows even more flexibility—you can cancel at any time during your subscription period (usually 30 days) and get all of your payments refunded in full. If a service offers both, go with whichever one has more value for your needs.
10. SSL certificates included
If you’re looking to protect yourself and your users, you need an SSL certificate. This can be used to encrypt their data and ensure it remains secure at all times, even when they make a purchase on your website or submit sensitive information. If a web host doesn’t include an SSL certificate as part of their package, this could raise some red flags. You should also consider whether or not the host includes support for Let's Encrypt or another free service that provides SSL certificates for free for those who have smaller websites or don't have any budget for them (for example: if you are running a personal blog).
To recap, you should consider these things: what type of hosting you need (shared or dedicated), the amount of disk space and bandwidth you’ll require, where your server will be located, your page loading speed requirements, and more. Keep in mind that many web hosts offer free trials so you can test their services before committing to a long-term contract. These are just a few points to keep in mind when choosing a web host for your site. Read the full article
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betterluxury102 · 2 years
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First, you need to visit the WD Support website. Click the Download button next to the WD SES driver setup file. Go to the location where you saved the downloaded file and double-click on it to run the installation wizard. Follow the on-screen instructions to install the WD SES device driver update on your Windows computer. Free wd my book live driver Download - wd my book live driver. Software and Firmware Downloads | WD Support. best Acronis True Image for Western Digital GoodSync for WD Install WD Discovery for Windows WD Backup (Support for WD Backup has ended. Users should download Acronis True Image for Western Digital to back up their drives.). Wd drive utilities.
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Replied on December 9, 2015. Hey there, @Ninja_49! I'm really sorry to hear about your connectivity issues with the WD My Book Essential and Windows 10. (. I'd recommend you to go to your motherboard/computer manufacturer's website and make sure you update the USB hub controller drivers from there, rather than letting Windows Updates do that. Jul 12, 2022 · My Book Live Firmware Version 02.43.10 - 048 - WD Community. Get My Personal Address Book from the Microsoft Store. Webcam/Camera Driver Windows 10 Download amp; Update - MiniTool. I need Software for 2 TB MyBook Live setup - My Book Live - WD Community. Connecting to WD My Book Live - Microsoft Community. Western Digital WDBACG0030HCH User. MY BOOK ESSENTIAL EDITION USER MANUAL ABOUT YOUR WD DRIVE - 4 Software In addition to the drivers and utilities, this WD product is shipped with free trial software which can be installe d from the WD installer scr een that displays at the end of the hardware installation. Memeo™ AutoBackup™ (30-day trial) is an easy, one-time setup, backup.
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Computer won t boot up. Download WD My Book Essential HDD Firmware Updater (HDD / SSD It is highly recommended to always use the most recent driver. are there drivers that i can download? Answer: There are lots of great troubleshooting websites for this it's not. Software by Product. Product.
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RoofingGuy October 15, 2010, 2:01pm #2. As far as I can tell, the firmware for the 2.0's hasn't been updated… there is no firmware update to download. What your drive shipped with is the current version of the firmware. The firmware updates available from WD only apply to the previous generations of My Book Essential.
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Tachable camera flash. Jul 08, 2010 · The size of the latest setup package available is 40 MB. This tool was originally created by Western Digital. The program's installer files are commonly found as WDSmartW, BackupT, U, WD SmartW or WDBackupE etc. WD SmartWare is included in System Utilities.
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kincaidlynggaard2 · 2 years
You Can Play Online Poker At Your Leisure
It's also known as a card game that is open to all because there are shared cards that can be used by all players when they attempt to make the best 5 card hand. Each player will be dealt two hole cards, or private cards. These cards are not visible to the other player they are dealt to. There will be 5 community cards, or shared cards, dealt during the game. These cards are dealt face down. Players will attempt to make the best five card hand possible using all 7 cards available to them (2 private and 5 shared). The same principle applies to all poker games. TBS Texas Hold'em (also known as TBS Texas Hold'em) is an advertisement that appears on the TBS website. It was originally intended to be a form of entertainment for their portal users. The game offers two levels of difficulty: the easy and the hard. You start with 4 opponents, making you the fifth player on the seat. Your objective is to make your opponents lose money by constantly winning and betting. And how are you going to do that? Clay poker chips have been around for well over 100 years. You will not find any clay poker chips that are customizable. If you can find them they will cost at least $1 per chip. There are retailers that claim to have custom clay poker chips but they often are a cheap plastic and the chips are not fully custom. Watching special poker videos is the best way for you to improve your skills. Every player can find special videos on the internet. Because you can see so much new information, such videos can be extremely important for players. These videos show professional poker players explaining different poker situations. Deuces and Joker - The difference of this game to Jacks or Better is that it has two main cards which called the Deuces and Joker. It has a 53-card deck. All the cards are called deuces, and the joker card is the joker. Both deuces and joker are considered as wild cards and can be used to complete a winning hand in the game. In case you have more cards than 1 joker and deuces, the computer will calculate your payout. card poker game This form can be used at tables against other players.It can also be used on its own with videogames.This is where the player must try to win the most hands without any competition. It's fair because all players get 6 bingo tickets to start the game. The prices for the bingo cards can vary from.01 to a $1. situs slot online bandar judi bola agen casino for the bingo is also variable.
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celestial-thoughts · 1 year
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june 12, 2023 - weekly women's pro wrestling news roundup: week of june 5-11, 2023
this week's news roundup includes:
News & results from last week's editions of Monday Night Raw, NXT, and Friday Night SmackDown.
News & results from last week's editions of AEW Dynamite and AEW Rampage.
Updates and other news from last week.
Things to look forward to in women's wrestling this week!
spoilers below the cut for shows/events listed above!
Notable news & results from TV last week:
Monday night Raw (6/5):
Becky Lynch defeated Sonya Deville to qualify for the Money in the Bank ladder match. This will be Becky's fifth appearance in a Money in the Bank ladder match. She previously competed in both matches in 2017, as well as in 2018 and 2022. match length-11:20.
WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler defeated Katana Chance & Kayden Carter. The match ended when Shayna forced Kayden to submit to the Kirifuda Clutch. The titles were not on the line. match length-8:45.
Zoey Stark defeated Natalya to qualify for the Money in the Bank ladder match. This will be Zoey's first Money in the Bank ladder match. However, she has previous ladder match experience, most recently competing in a six way ladder match for the NXT Women's Championship at Stand & Deliver 2023. match length-3:50.
NXT (6/6):
Dana Brooke showed up in the parking lot of the Performance Center and announced that she would be entering the number one contender battle royal. Dana's last NXT appearance prior to tonight was at NXT TakeOver: Respect in October 2015.
Blair Davenport defeated Dani Palmer. match length-3:01.
Thea Hail won a battle royal to become the number one contender to the NXT Women's Championship. She won by last eliminating Cora Jade and Dana Brooke simultaneously. The match also featured the NXT TV debuts of Lola Vice and Kelani Jordan, as well as the TV in-ring debut of Jakara Jackson. All three women have previously competed in matches on NXT Level Up. match length-13:05.
AEW Dynamite (6/7):
TBS Champion Kris Statlander defeated Anna Jay to retain the TBS Championship. Statlander won the match by pinfall after hitting a tombstone piledriver on Jay. match length-8:25.
AEW Women's World Champion Toni Storm and Ruby Soho cut a promo backstage, announcing that there will be a four way match this Friday on Rampage between Skye Blue, Mercedes Martinez, Nyla Rose, and Dr. Britt Baker, DMD with the winner of the match challenging Toni Storm for the championship next Wednesday on Dynamite.
Friday Night Smackdown (6/9):
NXT Women’s Tag Team Champions Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn came out to the ring for an interview, but were quickly interrupted by the WWE Women’s Tag Team Champions Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler. Shayna said that the NXT Women’s Tag Team Titles were created because of her (which is true), and Ronda said that she and Shayna wanted them. Alba and Isla agreed to a unification match before attacking Ronda and Shayna. The segment ended with Ronda holding Shayna back from getting into the ring, trying to talk her down from attacking Alba and Isla.
Bayley defeated “Michin” Mia Yim to qualify for the Money in the Bank ladder match. This will be Bayley's second Money in the Bank ladder match. She is currently undefeated in this match, as her first time competing for the briefcase was at the 2019 event. She won the briefcase and cashed in later that evening, defeating newly crowned SmackDown Women's Champion Charlotte Flair, and becoming both a triple crown and grand slam champion in the process. match length-2:31.
Adam Pearce presented Asuka with a brand new WWE Women’s Championship, which will replace the Raw Women’s Championship. The championship will continue the lineage of the Raw Women’s title, as it is reverting back to the championship’s original name from when it was established at WrestleMania 32. Charlotte Flair returned to SmackDown and issued a challenge to Asuka for the title, which Asuka accepted.
Iyo Sky defeated Shotzi to qualify for the Money in the Bank ladder match. This will be Iyo's first time in a Money in the Bank ladder match. However, she has previously ladder match experience from her time in NXT. She defeated Mia Yim in the 2019 War Games advantage ladder match, won the 2020 NXT Women's title number one contender ladder match, and retained the NXT Women's title at Halloween Havoc 2020 against Candice LeRae in a Tables, Ladders and Scares match. match length-2:33.
Before the main event match, two big title matches for the women's division were announced for the next few weeks: first, in two weeks on June 23, the two sets of Women's Tag Team titles will be unified when WWE Women's Tag Team Champions Ronda Rousey & Shayna Baszler take on NXT Women's Tag Team Champions Alba Fyre & Isla Dawn.
And then in three weeks on June 30, the day before Money in the Bank when SmackDown is live from London, WWE Women's Champion defends the gold against Charlotte Flair.
AEW Rampage (6/9):
Skye Blue defeated Mercedes Martinez, Nyla Rose, and Dr. Britt Baker, DMD to become the number one contender to the AEW Women's World Championship. She will face current champion Toni Storm on AEW Dynamite this Wednesday, June 14. match length-8:55.
Other news & updates from last week:
In a recent interview, Natalya talked about how much she's enjoyed her matches against Ronda Rousey. She specifically mentioned their match from Money in the Bank last year, when she challenged Ronda for the SmackDown Women's Championship, saying that she feels like that match didn't get enough love. She noted that the match was overshadowed by Liv Morgan cashing in her Money in the Bank contract. Natalya said that Liv's moment was amazing, but she really loved the match that she and Ronda had prior to the cash-in.
Former Universiy of Miami basketball players and twin sisters Haley and Hanna Cavinder are set to have a WWE tryout in July. They were announced as part of the inaugural WWE Next In Line (NIL) class in December 2021, and in April 2023 they confirmed that they would both forgo their fifth year of NCAA eligibility in order to pursue other endeavors like professional wrestling. The twins made their TV debuts on the June 6 episode of NXT, joining Thea Hail and Chase University in the ring to celebrate Thea's victory in the number one contender battle royal.
Mercedes Mone was reportedly having "significant discussions" with AEW ahead of the AEW x NJPW Forbidden Door 2 event, which is being held on Sunday, June 25. However, due to the injury Mercedes suffered at NJPW Resurgence last month, she is expected to miss the event. There were rumors of Mercedes potentially facing Saraya (fka Paige) at Forbidden Door 2.
Fightful Select reported on Friday, June 9 that there have been conversations between Stardom and All Elite Wrestling about the possibility of including Stardom talent in the NJPW x AEW Forbidden Door 2 event. Specifically, current AEW Women’s World Champion Toni Storm has been discussed as someone for a Stardom talent to face. One of the main talking points in these conversations has been which Stardom talent would be available to compete at Forbidden Door 2, as Stardom has their own show that same weekend.
Tay Melo and Sammy Guevara shared a video on social media, announcing the gender and name of their baby. They are expecting a daughter, who will be named Luna.
On the latest edition of UpNXT (which can be viewed in Snapchat stories), NXT Women's Champion Tiffany Stratton shared that her dream match is a triple threat between herself, Charlotte Flair, and Bianca Belair.
On Saturday night following her successful defense of the UFC Women's Bantamweight Championship in the main event of UFC 289, Amanda Nunes announced her retirement from MMA. Nunes retires as a double champion, holding both the UFC Women's Bantamweight and Featherweight titles. She retires with a professional record of 23 wins and 5 losses, and she is widely regarded to be the greatest female fighter of all time. Earlier this week, Nunes said that she wouldn't rule out a potential career in WWE but noted that it would depend on the terms of the contract.
This week, Shayna Baszler surpassed Asuka’s combined 225 day record to become the longest reigning individual WWE Women’s Tag Team Champion.
Things to look forward to this week:
This Tuesday, June 13 on NXT, number one contender for the NXT Women's Championship Thea Hail takes on Cora Jade, who Thea eliminated to win last week's battle royal.
Also this Tuesday, former NXT Women's Champion Roxanne Perez faces Tatum Paxley.
This Wednesday, June 14 on AEW Dynamite, Skye Blue challenges Toni storm for the AEW Women’s World Championship. This will be Skye’s first televised match for the AEW Women’s World title.
This Friday, June 16 on Friday Night SmackDown, Charlotte Flair will join The Grayson Waller Effect.
Also this Friday, AJ Styles and Mia Yim take on Karrion Kross and Scarlett in a mixed tag team match.
During a verbal altercation on the latest episode of The SmackDown LowDown, LWO's Zelina Vega issued a challenge Damage CTRL's Iyo Sky. As of this being posted, that match has not been announced as being official.
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