#that's just not his main priority
nerdpoe · 1 month
Danny reincarnates into a test tube, with a grief-stricken Timothy Drake staring at him in shock. The 100th cloning attempt worked.
Danny, having been dead for a very long time, decided to reincarnate, because I love that trope.
He reincarnated into the clone baby of Kon that Tim was trying to make. But Tim couldn't ever get over the hurdle that kept making the clones inviable, so the 100th was just half his DNA and half Kon's.
Danny is the son of a teenage father, who is grieving the death of his other father, and apparently a lot of other people if the ghosts surrounding the teen hero have anything to say.
Danny had reincarnated for a go at a lazy, nice life. Just relive being mortal for a bit.
Instead, he's kidnapped by Ra's Al Ghul to force Red Robin to take care of the Council of Spiders.
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smalltimidbean · 3 months
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I am apparently having one of those weeks when I am drawing something, but it turns into something else dfgdf
Any way, Werewolf Peppino, bc I was thinking about him and the other beastpinos earlier - might draw them later hehe
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likearolloftape · 15 days
still pressed about the fact that rhett is literally the ONLY substantive character who now knows about the hole/time travel but whose discovery (and impact) of this information we didn't get to see. cecilia, autumn, perry, billy, luke, wayne, joy. we witnessed this life changing shift for each of them and the profound effect it had. but not rhett. that's some fucking bullshit
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dizzybevvie · 1 year
"Kingdom Hearts is so complicated" "Nomura made it up as he went along" "KH makes no sense" Have you considered that Riku is 15 and autistic and gay bc if you do I think itll change things
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mochapanda · 4 months
also isnt it kinda crazy how even thought kabru hates monsters and killing them is his main driving force hes never once considered learning as much as he can about monsters and instead chose to learn everything about dealing with people instead? to the point where he keeps getting killed by basic monsters but can handle just about any social conflict and kill other humans with ease
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packitandgo · 5 months
ok but WHERE is the fanart of Kenyatta in the kick ass (toothy, edgy) dress that jel designed for her???
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raayllum · 9 months
Viren + the "greater good" / weighing people's lives
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rayofmisfortune · 7 months
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ganymedesclock · 4 months
Out of curiosity, any thoughts on the anime Bleach?
I consumed a fairly good chunk of it when I was younger. It's since faded in my passions. I think Rolling Star by Yui is by far my favorite of the openings but a lot of them are very good.
I think the visuals are fairly stylish but it suffers the shonen problem- granted, I think a lot of this is in the format of how long running shonens are produced- of starting out with a bold exciting concept and then sort of petering out in weird directions the longer it goes on. In Bleach's case, I really loved the design and concept of the early hollows, but from the Soul Society arc onward, this entire fascinating afterlife concept boils down to Fashion Sword Boys Fightin' It Out.
Most of my residual fondness for it has me eyeing @gallusrostromegalus's An Elephant Is Warm And Mushy, because it seems to be taking a lot of the later series and injecting that sense of weird monsters and afterlife ramifications back into it.
#Bleach#I actually really liked the intro episode of Don Kanonji#the idea of a 'hoax' TV medium actually having just enough of a foothold in this world to do damage#and then having to realize that and acknowledge his own relationship with it#I think this is why many of the later arcs disappointed; I was most interested in seeing how this world impacted and related to the mundane#similar powerful early episodes to me were the 'haunted cockatiel' and the episode with Orihime's brother#later arcs absolutely have their perks#I actually unironically like the 'king and his horse' speech#even though I think it plays to some limitations of the genre that everything has to be settled by hierarchical power levels and fighting#like I dunno maybe your ~EVIL SIDE~ isn't actually evil as much as someone who has not decided if they want to obey you or not#because why would they#do they respect you enough to actually want to help you with your goals#wouldn't anyone 'act up' in that situation trying to have their own priorities#ALSO ALSO it aggravates me that the closer to main character you get#the more boring your weapon powers get#some of the secondary characters and temporary antagonists and such#have REALLY COOL powers#but Ichigo is like ok. here's my power. it's basically a laser gun#pew pew#sorry Ichigo. you are trying to be main character while that one guy is over there with the executioner's weapon that weighs opponents down#Hanataro's the objectively best character though hands down y'all can fight me#(nobody actually fight me I have zero horses in this race)
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littleseasalt · 10 months
this is just a quick comment I wanna make, but forever didn't suddenly woke up one day and decided he wanted to dig a hole around his base- the hole around the base had been planned for a while, it's in the concept art richas made of the base and when he showed his base to philza he mentioned he would dig out around the base. so what I'm saying is that when you talk about this action of his you shouldn't bring up the hole itself that much, but much rather the timing and how he acted about digging the hole!
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carnation-damnation · 11 months
shadow raced against the clock in a wet and eerie jungle (scared) to save somebody he didn't even know well just because he was reminded of maria's values that mirror his own (that he was forced to forget)
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And you're telling me that he doesn't have any friends? That he doesn't care about people?
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Now that characters are getting their own post, and i'm not posting them in batches anymore i'm gonna go back and give some characters I already designed their own post, or shared post with a characters that are very connected to plot wise.
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gloriousmonsters · 1 year
the tendency for people to go 'well (x) person we found out was shitty always made bad art anyway!' is just... so tiring. no rowling wasn't the best writer ever but she was (WAS) a decent and compelling one, there's a reason her books sold. no scott cawthon's games weren't always shitty and dumb, they were simplistic but in a very appealing way, they literally kicked off a whole mini-genre of games with similar mechanics and a wave of animatronic related horror.
you can acknowledge that people are hugely harmful assholes without immediately derailing into 'and everything they made was bad and useless anyway!' it enforces a bad-person-bad-art concept that makes you remain unwilling to examine art and consider negative things about the creators if you like the art or think it's well done, and it hurts and pushes away people to whom that art was important. it's always ok to talk about a work's flaws, including in the context of finding out bad shit about the creators, but a lot of it just feels like... people retro-justifying their dislike of something popular, you know?
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legendsofentity · 2 years
the fact that they really tried to make us not like soldier boy in the finale but i ended up rooting for him more than the boys themselves and felt that he was the only one making the right calls lol
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piosplayhouse · 2 years
Just came across the first unironic scum villain hate I've seen in months wow my blocking system is good. How do you , as a tgcf stan, say that mdzs has "some bad parts but is still ok to publish" but that scum villain "needs to be burned"
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aria0fgold · 3 months
Okay I got Magic Kaito in Persona 5 in the brain again (not just kaito now so ig ill call it mk in p5???) It's cuz I'm dragging Hakuba in p5 this time too. I just think it'd be sooooo funny to give Akechi a headache inducing detective partner.
Not even in a shipping sense, I like to think that they're just friends but Akechi is definitely the "I do Not wanna be here" one but has no choice cuz the dude gotta keep his image perfectly clean and if the higher ups assigned him a partner then fine. Also Hakuba is helpful with the whole magician thief problem as someone that's mainly pursuing that particular thief so Akechi can focus on the other problem which is the Phantom Thieves. But unfortunately for Akechi, Hakuba is a Menace.
For one thing, Hakuba LOVES Sherlock Holmes (he got an outfit and everything. also has a pet hawk called Watson). He's also... very punctual with time. He has a pocket watch for that. Imagine being Akechi meeting your assigned partner for the thieves' cases that you aren't really looking forward to meet cuz you think you can handle Two menaces to society with one being an entire group but then you meet this guy, all smiles (fake ones) and before you even greet him, Hakuba just "You're late by 2 minutes and 12.8 seconds." You can just SEE Akechi's sanity crack cuz oh boi... there's Another Menace in his hands.
Also Hakuba isn't That serious in wanting to catch Kaito KID. Like, he does wanna catch him but that's not really Hakuba's priority (hakuba alrdy knows kaito kuroba as kaito kid but doesn't even do anything to him other than mess around with him cuz hakuba wants to catch kaito kid in the act). Hakuba's priority is Kaito's safety and like, I love that for him.
#aria rants#hakuba is similar to conan in that regard but also very different cuz hakuba Knows kaito kid's actual identity and doesnt#even do anything to it. hes like mishima that knows the phantom thieves' identities and kaito is like the phantom thieves in that#he keeps denying that he's kaito kid to hakuba even tho hakuba doesnt buy it At All. hakuba doesnt even threaten kaito too#hes using that knowledge just to mess with that guy. he literally joined that group aoko made to catch kid for fun cuz if he wants to#he couldve alrdy caught kid but he wants to catch kaito kid in the act AND figure out wtf is happening cuz he has Some idea#bout kaito's whole predicament considering how hakuba saved him that one time kaito nearly got in danger from one of the org's#ppl. so if anything hakuba's priority is uncovering the truth as to why kaito kid is doing the thing that he does#(stealing gems but returning it right after and theres the Whole Mess with that organization after kaito kid too)#so like in a way his priority is also kaito's safety and like-- honestly if i wasnt alrdy shipping kaito with joker#id be shipping him with hakuba (or shinichi too. id be a kaishin shipper as well) but alas-- i want my thief x thief instead#i could give kaito a poly. kaito can have akiren AND hakuba. thatd be so nice and also SO FUNNY cuz theres two thieves and one detective#my main will always be jokid but a poly between joker kaito and hakuba is a fun idea to have too. now what will be the shipname for that?
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