#the caption is more or less abridged
monarchisms · 3 years
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thank you for the request, anon! it‘s around 10 minutes in, but it’s all good ♡
【Michael: And like, it’s funny because that’s another, I feel like, a fidgety thing, you know? Like, most of us, you’ll go back to an old Off Topic, when you see our legs, shaking our legs on the barstool or whatever; it’s just like a fidget thing, that’s another one. But you doing it yourself is totally different than someone going like this to you, for like, 30 minutes.】
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millenniumpuzzle · 3 years
a flaw in the code
Kaiba runs his Twitter more or less automatically, including a function to mass-block people who interact with Tweets he has blocked. Unfortunately, this sometimes means that he blocks people he doesn’t mean to block. When he gets confronted over this, how will he respond?
my introduction to canon x oc (the oc being kazuko kubota, the child of me and @duelistkingdom ) and it’s from kaiba’s pov (feat unrequited rivalship), because of course it is. enjoy! read on ao3 here
Kaiba’s spine stiffened at the familiar voice. He clutched his books to his chest, their reassuring weight giving him the courage to spin on his heel. As he expected, Yugi Mutou was behind him. Or, not Yugi, but the other Yugi. He was wearing the uniform jacket properly, unlike his tendency during Battle City, but he was no less imposing.
Kaiba swallowed, hoping his voice came out naturally. “Yugi. What’s this about?”
“My partner was discouraged this morning. When I asked him why, he pulled up his phone instead of actually talking to me. So, I will do the same to you: care to explain this?” With all the flair he usually saved for revealing a Spell card, the other Yugi flipped his phone towards Kaiba. Kaiba had to squint—he wouldn’t be caught dead in his reading glasses at school—but when he finally made out the text, he frowned.
“So you’re blocked by somebody on Twitter? Please, Yugi, this isn’t something to get worked up about. It’s not like it’s a personal attack.” He ignored the voice in his head reminding him that he had written a program for his own Twitter that would block anyone who associated with certain tweets. Tweets that featured Yugi boasting about his beautiful, talented, clever girlfriend in particular.
“Just somebody, huh?” The other Yugi fixed Kaiba with a stern look. It should have seemed out of place on Yugi’s round, friendly face, but Kaiba couldn’t help but feel suddenly small. “Try again.”
Kaiba sighed, but took Yugi’s phone in his own hand, finding the appropriate position where he could read the text with the least amount of eye strain. And— “What is this?”
The other Yugi was right; he wasn’t blocked by just any random loser on Twitter. The screen was on Kaiba’s own Twitter page. Instead of the Kaiba Land promos and Duel Disk news he had most recently retweeted, however, the screen was gray, apart from a block of tiny letters. “You are blocked by this user,” the website proclaimed, though as Kaiba met the other Yugi’s piercing eyes again, it felt more like an accusation than a simple statement of fact.
“I’d think you would know,” the other Yugi replied, voice startlingly cool.
To his horror, Kaiba found himself at a loss for words. “I don’t—I mean—” He cut himself off, squeezing his eyes shut and taking a couple deep breaths. As he did so, he searched his memory, but he couldn’t recall hitting the block button on Yugi. At least, not of his own volition.
“Use your words, Kaiba.”
Kaiba growled, but forced his eyes back open. “I didn’t block you.” At the other Yugi’s raised eyebrow, he rushed on, words running into one another in his haste to get them out. “At least, not on purpose. In fact, my account is more or less completely run automatically, using programs that I wrote specifically for that purpose. Some of these scripts do involve blocking users, so it’s possible that your account got caught in some filter accidentally.”
The other Yugi frowned, crossing his arms and tapping his fingers against his elbows. “So what you’re saying is, your computer programs blocked my partner by mistake?”
“Exactly.” Kaiba couldn’t help but feel a jolt of envy at how quickly the other Yugi picked things up. “It was a quirk of the system, nothing more. Tell Yugi that he can stop moping about it.” He felt ridiculous asking someone who, for all intents and purposes, was Yugi to pass along a message to Yugi. Ever since Battle City, though, he’d found himself a bit more amenable to the ridiculous, implausible things that happened around Yugi Mutou.
The other Yugi, for his part, perked up substantially at the mention of his own name. “I can do better than that!” A genuine grin spread over his features, drawing Kaiba’s attention to his plush lips, the dimple on his left cheek. “I can bring him out so you can tell him yourself!”
He continued speaking, but aside from a few mentions of the word “partner,” Kaiba was no longer listening. Ice had shot down his spine, while paradoxically, heat bloomed in his cheeks and sweat formed on his hands. “That won’t be necessary,” he snapped, interrupting the other Yugi’s joyful monologue. “Just tell him what I said. Goodbye.”
With that, he turned on his heel and fled the hallway, books still clutched close to his chest. He could feel his heart hammering in his ears, even as he turned into the men’s room and locked the door behind him. The wooden door was cool against his back as he sunk to a sitting position against it, letting his school supplies fall from his arms.
God damn it. Kaiba exhaled sharply, dragging his hands down his face, before pulling out his phone and opening Twitter. A rare occurrence, as of late; there wasn’t much that he needed to keep up with online, and he rarely wanted to check the inane tweets his contemporaries made. When his profile opened, he navigated to the “Blocked Users” page. There was quite a bit to scroll through, but eventually, he was face-to-face with Yugi’s smiling profile picture.
Almost immediately, he turned his phone off, pulling his knees to his chest and burying his face in his crossed arms. He really did block Yugi. Prevented from interaction with one of the only people he actually wanted to interact with by his own programs.
He allowed himself a moment of despair, before pulling himself back together, unlocking his phone once more. Even so, he still flinched at the reappearance of Yugi’s picture. Keep it together, Seto. You’re just seeing what triggered the block. Think about it like a programming error.
One of the benefits of Kaiba’s auto-block program (nicknamed “Crush Tweet Virus” by Mokuba) was that if Kaiba blocked a tweet, not only did it block the person who made it, it also hid the profiles of anyone who interacted with it. What’s more, it allowed him to see the blocked tweet a given user had liked or retweeted. This was a nominally useful feature. In Yugi’s case, however, the reason for the block made Kaiba’s blood run cold. God. Anything but that tweet.
Unfortunately, no matter how much he tried to blink it out of existence, the proof was there. Kaiba opened the blocked tweet in question, and his stomach immediately turned over. He didn’t have a name for the emotions burning in his gut. All he knew was that the image of Yugi pressing a kiss to Kazuko Kubota’s outstretched hand, the caption declaring “These two are couple goals,” threatened to overwhelm him with discomfort. He had blocked it for a reason.
In fact, there was a theme to the posts he had blocked. They all contained some reference to Yugi Mutou, Kazuko Kubota, and/or the fact that they were currently in a relationship. As much as he wanted to lie to himself, he knew what irked him so much about the reminder that Yugi was dating somebody. It was the fact that he wanted to be the person whose hand Yugi was kissing—the reminder that Yugi clearly didn’t have the same feelings toward Kaiba.
His face was burning. If only he could take his uniform jacket off, splash water on his face, anything to calm him down without ruining his composed appearance. Instead, he navigated back to his “Blocked Users” page, once again making eye contact with Yugi’s smiling headshot. If his fingers trembled at all as he hit the “unblock” button, Kaiba certainly wouldn’t admit to it. He would have to reprogram “Crush Tweet Virus” to exempt Yugi entirely, as he would almost certainly interact with other tweets about his girlfriend. Girlfriend—the word made Kaiba’s stomach do another unpleasant flip.
He thought he was done with the whole endeavor. In fact, he was almost at peace, comfortably eating his lunch on the roof a few days later. Part of that had to do with the fact that he hadn’t interacted with Yugi in all that time, but nobody needed to know that. Unfortunately, things couldn’t be so easy for him.
“Hey, Kaiba! They told me I could find you up here.”
Kaiba nearly spit out his mouthful of rice. Surely, his ears were playing tricks on him. Kubota went to Rintama, she wouldn’t have time to make it onto the roof of Domino High during her lunch break. Yet, as he craned his neck up from his lunch, his stomach dropped. Those baby-pink hair buns could belong to nobody else.
He jumped to his feet, uncomfortable with looking up at the much-shorter duelist, then cleared his throat. “Kubota. What are you doing here?”
Kubota just grinned at him, though it looked more like a hostile baring of teeth to Kaiba. “I was in the neighborhood. Figured I’d drop by and thank you for unblocking Yugi.”
“You knew about that?” Kaiba said, keeping his gaze fiercely locked with her lavender eyes.
“Of course! Yugi and I don’t keep things from each other,” she responded, sounding hurt. “He was really upset when he realized you blocked him, so finding out that it was a mistake made him feel way better. So, uh, thanks.”
Why was she thanking him? He and Kubota didn’t speak much, but when they did, she was usually admonishing him. The lashing she gave him at Duelist Kingdom flashed through his mind; he suppressed a shudder. Yet, analyzing her body language, he didn’t think she was being sarcastic.
She cleared her throat, then, and gestured towards him. Right, she had said, “Thank you.” What was the right response to give? He settled on a curt, “You’re welcome,” and a brief jerk of his head, an abridged bow. Yet, she didn’t turn to leave. Instead, she glanced up and down his form, hands on her hips. One side of her face twitched—a suppressed smile?
“So, the stowaway tells me your Twitter account is basically automated,” she said casually, slipping one of the straps of her bright red bag off so that it hung from one shoulder instead of both.
“Right, you don’t hang out with us much. That’s what I call the other Yugi.”
Kaiba flushed with embarrassment at the memory of the prior conversation. “I see. Yes, he’s right. That is how Yugi got blocked.”
Kubota leaned in, one eyebrow raised. “So, what program blocked Yugi? ‘Cause Stowaway tells me that he didn’t think you were lying about it being an accident, but I haven’t heard of anything that blocks people so liberally.”
“What do you mean?” Kaiba asked, frowning. “One person getting blocked by my program doesn’t mean that I’ve blocked everybody.”
“Are you sure about that?” Kubota wasn’t looking at him anymore, instead focused on her own phone. She scrolled for a moment, fingers moving in time with the rhythm she chewed her gum, before turning her screen towards him with a cry of triumph. “This thread says otherwise.”
Again, Kaiba was forced to squint at someone else’s phone screen, and almost immediately, he regretted ever signing up for Twitter in the first place. The first tweet was from Mai Kujaku, reading, “Lmao, guess I pissed him off somehow!” It was accompanied by a familiar screenshot: Kaiba’s own profile, with the text “You have been blocked by this user.”
The next tweet was from Kubota herself, remarking, “Lol, I’ve been blocked since Duelist Kingdom.” After that, the replies were full of Yugi’s friends, all posting similar screenshots and complaining about (Mazaki) or rejoicing (Jonouchi) being blocked by Seto Kaiba.
Damn him for forgetting that Kubota was an excellent strategist in her own right; he shouldn’t have let his guard down around her. He would never admit he had been thrown off, though. Instead, he straightened his posture, using the extra inch of height to sneer down at Kubota. “So my program kept the dweeb patrol from interacting with me. Seems like it’s working as intended.”
“But you didn’t want it to keep Yugi out, right?” Kubota said, a confident gleam in her eye that he recognized from when she dueled. She was right, of course, but he kept his mouth shut rather than admit it. “Whatever your program does, it obviously has a chain effect, since I haven’t interacted with any of your tweets. Maybe it doesn’t involve your tweets at all? I can puzzle this out all day, Kaiba.”
“Fine! If I tell you, will you stop talking?” Kaiba growled, frowning all the harder when Kubota grinned in response.
“Sure.” Her voice was as bouncy as the curls escaping her buns. Kaiba hated it.
Kaiba paused, trying to collect his thoughts. All the while, Kubota rocked on her heels, humming a melody he didn’t recognize. Finally, he happened on a good starting point.
“I thought I was aromantic.”
To his dismay, Kubota appeared to choke on air, coughing hard before breaking into disbelieving laughter. He crossed his arms, glaring at her, until she finally collected herself enough to say, “I’m sorry, I just— That is not what I expected you to say.” At Kaiba’s silence, she sighed, putting her hands up in a placating gesture. “Fine, I’ll be quiet. I guess you’re not aromantic?”
Kaiba thought about saying something in response to her air-quotes, but thought better of it. “I thought that I was above all of that. I didn’t have time for romance anyway—I still don’t. But then, you and Yugi got together, and it made me feel...ill.” Kubota’s face twisted, but he didn’t address it. “At first, I thought I was having romantic feelings towards you—”
“What?” Kubota’s horrified cry was a bit much, in Kaiba’s opinion, but he felt the same way.
“Calm down, that wasn’t the case.” He narrowed his eyes at Kubota’s exaggerated exhale, but continued. “After some thought, it became clear that… I was experiencing romantic attraction, but not towards you.” The other words on his tongue died once that horrifying revelation was out, and he snapped his mouth shut, letting his confession linger in the air.
Kubota’s brow was furrowed, however. Why was she confused? Kaiba had told her everything she needed to know! He was about to accuse her of taunting him when she gasped, eyes widening. “Are you… Coming out to me?”
Kaiba’s already-pale face became even whiter. “No?”
“Yes, you are! You’re coming out to me! And you started your coming out speech by telling me my boyfriend was your gay realization?” With every step, she advanced on him, until she was close enough that when she pointed her finger for emphasis, it brushed his chest.
“That’s—a blunt description, Kubota.”
She just shook her head. “I mean, it’s fine, I’m bi, but it’s a weird way to tell somebody you’re gay. And this relates to Twitter...how?”
Kaiba scoffed. “I could be bisexual.” When Kubota’s brow raised, a familiar irritation began coursing through him. Better than embarrassment. “I could! You don’t know that I’m—that I don’t like girls.”
Kubota scoffed right back, undaunted by his bristling. “Whatever you want to tell yourself. I just want to know what this has to do with blocking Yugi on Twitter.”
“It has everything to do with that,” Kaiba said, but his mouth dried up as he realized exactly why Yugi and the rest of his friends were blocked. He cleared his throat, then balled his fists and looked away from Kubota. The words felt like venom in his throat; the only way to alleviate the burning they caused was to spit them out. “I set up a program to block anybody who liked certain posts. Posts that talked about yours and Yugi’s relationship.”
A raised eyebrow. “Just talked about? That’s kind of a broad net, even for you, Kaiba.”
“Fine. They were posts which included photographic or video evidence of you being a couple. Usually with highly supportive comments. Those were the kinds of things I blocked, and the virus associated with it blocked anyone who interacted with a post I blocked using this system.”
Kubota shook her head. “Even your weird Twitter bots are like Duel Monsters cards. I’d say to get a hobby, but it seems like you’ve got your hands full already.”
“Are you challenging me? Because I’ll wipe the floor with you in a Duel, we both know that,” Kaiba growled.
“No,” Kubota said lightly, “but not because I think I’ll lose. You’re so predictable, Kaiba. I should have seen this coming, though I didn’t think you would be this weird about me and Yugi. Guess I was wrong!”
Arms folded, Kaiba surveyed his adversary. Five-foot-nothing, blowing a bubble of gum at him while she rocked back and forth on her booted heels, skateboard underneath one arm. Her Buster Blader cards came to mind, and he cringed internally. He made a mental note: find a copy of her Battle City deck and run simulations against it, to discern ideal counter-strategies.
But, he needed to respond to her before that could happen. “Hmph. As long as Yugi doesn’t forget who his true rival is, I suppose I don’t need to make a fuss about his romantic decisions.”
Kubota’s shoulders shook, but she looked him in the eyes and nodded. “Thank you, Kaiba. Are you...sure you’re okay?”
“Of course I am,” Kaiba said, more off-kilter than he’d ever been. “Now, the bell’s about to ring, and I haven’t finished my lunch.”
Checking her watch, her glossy lips parted in surprise. “Shit, you’re right. I gotta get back to Rintama. Don’t be a stranger, Kaiba!” With that, she ran toward the stairs, waving at him over her shoulder before the door slammed behind her. Kaiba exhaled slowly, and looked at the remains of his bento. He wasn’t very hungry, all of a sudden.
What had he done?
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autoplaysdigimon · 4 years
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Leaving the back page on for Reasons.
Anyway, this is the next issue I own! No Toy Town comic, sadly. Where are we up to in the story?
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Thanks, Devimon!
(is this why I thought Devimon did the seperation thing intentionally? gdi shitty supermarket comics confusing me)
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That’s some weird captioning.
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The obligatory!
Anyway, the same deal goes here. It’s a very abridged version of the episode, not much to differentiate. I like this panel though:
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If only because I feel like that second panel coud be an interesting reaction image.
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what the HECK is going on with Joe’s hair????
The taunting scene is cut down to this:
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which is great because what the heck?? It makes even less sense and it’s amazing.
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Anyway, Bakemon does whatever that is, the make him explode, all is well, they head off to Infinity Mountain. And that’s it! (If it feels like these are too short, it’s because they are. Hell, there was more text in the blogging that I did about the episode than this comic.)
So now it’s the ads and what the heck
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Literally only one of those characters featured there are in these comics. Only two of them are in the videos shown above. Good job, guys. 
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wheremytwinwatches · 4 years
[Where My Twin Watches]: Full Metal Alchemist Brotherhood Episode 2
All right, time for the next episode! Following anime tropes, since the last one was scene-setting I’m guessing this one will be more world-building and backstory. Not a hard deduction, given the post-credits scenes of Baby Elrics. Onwards!
“Alchemy: The science of understanding, deconstructing, and reconstructing matter.” Thanks for the definition! Caveat that it’s not an all-powerful art, though: You can’t create something out of nothing. To obtain something, something of equal value must be given. And what the heck is with all the creepy faces in what I guess is a blood drop? Anyways, that’s the Law of Equivalent Exchange...
Equivalent Exchange Count: 2
...cornerstone of Alchemy. Which leads to an Alchemy-wide taboo: Human transmutation is strictly forbidden.
First thought:
Abridged!Nail: “There’s a special ability our people share, forbidden even amongst our most sacred clans.” Abridged!Piccolo: “...and we’re just going to abuse it?” Abridged!Nail: “Oooh, maliciously!”
Second thought: And “human transmutation” means what, exactly? You can only cast on objects like walls or elements? Cause my understanding is that the body is an object too. Last episode I saw people launching boulders and summoning fire. What makes the body different?
“For what could equal the value of a human soul?”
… well ok then, question answered? Alchemy only works on inanimate objects? Maybe a stretch to boil the water of another person or manipulate your own blood, but nothing beyond that? In any case, souls in this setting are off-limits. You hear that, Incubator?!
I’d then ask why the Elrics would attempt this forbidden technique… but given the sight of the grave in the last episode, I’m afraid I can guess. This isn’t going to be a happy episode, is it?
Intro sequence! Second viewing I can recognize a few more people, and can tell the difference between Roy and Hughes this time. Still don’t know the names of some others.
Ah well, even if things get sad later we can have fun with captions now! “[train whistle] chugga chugga choo choo”. Ed’s scowling out the train window. Finally caught their ride out of the city that Mr. Freeze delayed? Al asks Ed about ‘this priest in Liore’, if the stories of his miracles are true. Ed doesn’t seem that convinced that someone can transmute flowers out of thin air, thinks it might just be slight of hand… but it could be the “real thing”.
Flashback! Captions helpfully date Ed as Age 11, reading about a “celestial stone” that destroyed the Xerxes in one night. It goes by many names, but goes back to one consistent trait: some kind of object that amplifies alchemy. The Philosopher’s Stone.
Shot of Ed in a chair? Aw dang it’s after the botched Human Transmutation, isn’t it? Ed’s in a wheelchair sans arm and leg, and a big suit of armor’s sitting nearby. Ed’s saying that if they could get ahold of the Stone, they might be able to get Al’s body back. And then starts ranting about how the damn books tell everything but how to find it. Well, sure. If this Stone can actually subvert Equivalent Exchange, get something for nothing, it’d be the most valuable thing in the world. The only thing with value, really. Nobody’s going to write out “here’s a map to this priceless object” rather than go off and get it for themselves.
Flashpresent! Ed’s in a better mood now, says he has a good feeling about this one. Whelp, that settles it, this trip’s a bust. Buddy, it’s the second episode of a two-season show, and you just showed optimism. You’re doomed. Al just digs them deeper as the title comes up.
Episode 02: “The First Day”
Flashback, 10 years earlier in Resembool. A lady named Trisha is calling for Ed and Al. Momma Elric? She finds them *daaaaaawwww lookit the widdle babies with their books and chalk and dawww so cute!* Ahem. She finds them in their dad’s study, Little Al reading while Little Ed sketches out a Transmutation Circle. She says they shouldn’t scribble, but Little Ed says they weren’t and summons a small wooden bird in the circle with an electric shock. Trisha seems a bit shocked. Well, yeah? This is magic, in any setting an extremely dangerous tool, and these are a couple of kids, not even 11 since Little Al looks even younger than Wheelchair Al. Even Hogwarts knew better than to give kids wands before they were 11.
Trisha asks if their dad taught them that, Al fires back “How can he teach us anything if he’s not here?” Hmmm, that’s twice she’s said “Your Dad”, is she not actually Momma Elric? And dang, absent father already, that’s got to be a record. In any case, they just read the books. Oh, but Trisha’s happy about “her little geniuses”? So she is their mother? Yup, Ed’s saying Mom’s encouragement made them obsessed with learning alchemy.
But then, that same year, an epidemic came. And the sickness took her.
...Well dang, that’s what, thirty seconds screentime? What a ripoff, I was just getting to know Momma Elric! I demand more screentime!
(Edit: Oh good Alchemy why did I ask for this?!)
The Little Elrics are sitting in front of their mother’s grave. Little Al says that he’s cold and hungry, asks if they can go home. Once Dad gets back- Little Ed burst out yelling at the mention of Absent Dad, says that bastard doesn’t care about them. He didn’t even come for Momma Elric’s funeral? What the hell, Absent Dad?
So, yeah. Sad motherless kids sitting at a grave, sad music… and now comes the part I’ve been dreading, knowing that the Elrics are the way they are now from a botched human transmutation attempt. Little Ed suggests there might be a way to bring their mother back. Little Al says that all the books say that trying to make people using Alchemy is “A STUPID IDEA, DON’T DO THIS, SERIOUSLY DON’T”. Like, kids? I know it’s sad that your Mom died, but if it was possible to bring a person back using Alchemy, then there wouldn’t be any death in your setting rather than books saying “DON’T TRY IT IDIOT”. But no, Little Al says it’ll be their secret.
Someone named Winry thought she’d find them there? Oh, it’s the third Blond Kid! She says her Grandma says to not cry for lost loved ones, because it makes them feel sad in the next world too. Little Ed insists that they’re not crying, and that she cries anytime her own parents go somewhere. Little Winry insists that she doesn’t, Little Ed keeps teasing her. First off, if Momma Elric’s looking down she’s not very pleased with you teasing a girl in the shadow of her headstone, buster. Second, love interest? Because nothing says “potential love interest” between two anime children like teasing. Little Winry runs off saying she’ll tell her Grandma not to make them dinner, Little Ed immediately caves under the threat to his stomach and runs after her.
Later that night, all the kids are saying thanks for dinner at a house with an “AutoMail” sign out front. Ooh, is this where Ed got his metal parts from?
Granny - oh hey, it’s the lady with the dog from the intro! - says that Little Ed should drink his milk too. He refuses because he hates milk, she just says that if he doesn’t he’ll stay short forever. Ha! Whoa, and here’s a “You’re short!” “No, you’re short!” argument between the two. I like this Granny! Little Winry and Little Al are just eating their food with closed eyes that scream “I am so tired of you two.”
School bells! And the Blond Kids sound a bit older now but not Present age, I’ll call them Kid ____. Kid Winry’s asking about the weird books they’ve been reading in class, Kid Al says it’s a secret and Kid Ed’s a little less refined in his response. Kid Winry does not like this and pfft that is a silly face.
Later Kid Ed’s gushing about how the inventor of stew was a genius: it tastes good even though it has milk in it! But he might actually have a point: the leap of imagination to pour milk into soup for the first time? That’s how a scientist thinks!
I like how this setting is treating Alchemy as a science, all rules and stuff. For one, I get to have fun exploring the rules and trying to minmax it. For another, as much as I like some mystery in fantasy, I feel like it’s more impactful when you can grasp the reasoning behind it.
Although Kid Ed isn’t taking the best lesson from this, talking about how “all it takes is one leap”. Sure, some science comes in leaps, but you’ve gotta be careful where you land.
And so they studied, trained with a humourless-looking alchemy teacher, researched for years to see their Mom’s smile once more.
[optimistic, yet ominous music playing]. Well, that’s encouraging!
Kid Ed’s signing off on a piece of paper with a TC on it, says that they’re ready.
Gah crow! Ok, screw you show, did not need that. Guessing it’s sunset now, given how the spookily-angled house is in shades of red. I get it show, shit’s about to go down. Kid Ed’s reciting chemical amounts, pouring water and drawing out the TC. And finally, some “soul data”, aka blood.
Damnit, stop smiling boy. You don’t know it, but you’re about to cripple yourself and lose your brother in this effort.
The Elric Kids kneel by the TC, and there’s the noise of an eagle screeching as it lights up and starts sparking. Both boys look eagerly at the chemical mix in the center… and then start looking uncertain as the edge of the circle starts smoking and the light turns red. Not good. Al says something doesn’t feel right and music turns ominous as JESUS CHRIST THAT’S AN EYE.
A great big eye just opened up in the TC and oh no Al’s hand just shattered he’s screaming as small tendrils reach out. Ed screams as his own leg breaks and he falls down, seems shocked that it’s “a rebound”. And Al screams and screams as the tendrils tear away at him, his arm reaching for Ed is shattering and his face and
There’s a big black door against a white background, Kid Ed standing in front of it. Where is he? Kid Ed seems uncertain what he was just doing gah creepy voice. “Truth”? Kid Ed’s looking at a white humanoid form, specks of black around it. String instruments start plucking as Kid Ed asks who they are. Truth seems happy to be asked that, says that (she? voice seem female) is the world, the universe, God, Truth, all, one, and him. The door opens behind shocked Kid Ed and argh the Eye is back.
“You have dared to knock on the door. Now, the door is open.” Gah the tendrils are reaching for Kid Ed he tries to get away but they grab him and drag him back. Truth tells him to be quiet, isn’t this what he wanted? Kid Ed screams in terror as Truth says she’ll show him the truth, and then it slams shut. A piano plays as Kid Ed’s dragged down to streams of pictures. Present!Ed says that it was like all of the information in the world was being poured into his brain, he screams for it to stop. Pieces of him are flaking away… but he says for an instant, he was the truth of everything. Getting shades of black hole event horizon here.
The light solidifies as the form of Momma Elric, Kid Ed calls out to her. She reaches out
Kid Ed stands before the Door again, gasping for breath with hand still outstretched. Truth sounds smug as she asks “How was it?” I don’t think I like you, lady.
Kid Ed turns back to the door… and starts rambling that his theory wasn’t wrong, just missing something. Oh dear. Kid, your alchemy theory is great and all, but I think you have more pressing concerns, like the demon you just turned away from.
But Truth says she can’t show him anymore, all that was for the toll of his leg. And suddenly Truth has a smug mouth, says it’s the law of equivalent exchange-
EEC: 3
-and Kid Ed seems to come to gripping the bleeding stump of his leg by the sparking circle. Well, that ain’t good. And crap those are Kid Al’s empty clothes, he’s really gone isn’t he?... ok, all this badness is kinda being undercut by the bouncy, almost carnival-like music playing right now. What’s up with that?
Kid Ed cries about how Kid Al’s gone, how this wasn’t supposed to happen, calls for help, calls for Mom
Oh. Oh God.
The… the TC has stopped glowing. And in the middle there’s an overturned bucket and…
Something that I really hope isn’t alive.
Kid Ed, still bleeding profusely from his missing leg, knocks over the suit of armor and drags himself over saying that they won’t take Al too. Draws a bloody pentagram while calling out that they can take his leg, arm, heart, anything. And casts Alchemy.
Wow. Ok then, that was brutal.
Whoa, hold up, that was only the first half of the episode? Jeez, I wasn’t even looking at the time, what else is gonna happen?
Hmm, seems it’s the present again. Clipboard with file on Mr. Freeze? Ah, Hughes is surprised to see Roy still in Central, who says he’s heading back to Eastern Command in the afternoon. Hughes jokes that he expects Roy to come back with a promotion. He gives Roy the final report on Isaac McDougal/Mr. Freeze, since it… hasn’t reached his office yet? Any reason for that?
Roy checks it out, seems shocked to see “Xingese Alkahestry”. Hughes says it’s something “they” have. Who’s “they”? Neither of them know what it is. Something for later?
Walking down the hallway now, Hughes attempts conversation by asking how the Elrics are doing, Roy says that he’s their CO, not their father. Where is good old dad, anyways? Still not shown up? Hughes asks why Roy decided to make Ed a State Alchemist, even though he’s just a kid. Military life’s rough, after all. Roy doesn’t seem to say anything, just waves goodbye… but walking away he thinks that both boys have seen plenty of hell already.
Flashback, four years earlier. [epic strings] as a slightly younger Roy looks down at the bloody TC. Someone named Hawkeye asks Roy oh hey it’s that short-haired blonde lady who had his dry gloves, she reports they aren’t in back either. Roy demands to know where the Elric brothers are. Looks like the authorities know what they attempted. But seriously, Hawkeye? First Fury, now Hawkeye? How many other Avengers are we gonna get out of this?
At the AutoMail building, Granny tells the dog Den to not bark and opens the door- before Roy strides right past her. She chides him for barging in, but Roy just looks around… and sees Kid Ed sans arm and leg, wheelchair held by giant suit of armor with glowing eyes. Roy grabs Kid Ed by the shirt and yells at the shocked kid. Kid Ed lowers his head, and an armored hand gently grabs Roys arm and a far, far too young and sad voice says that they’re sorry, that they didn’t mean it what the HELL is wrong with this show?
Roy’s sitting at the table now talking to Granny as Kid Ed and Al stand by, says that he’d heard about a brilliant alchemist in town so he came to check them out. But he didn’t expect to find someone skilled enough to attempt Human Transmutation or bond a soul to armor. More than capable to become a State Alchemist. If he accepts the position, he’ll serve the military in times of national emergency, in return for privileges and access to restricted research materials, with the potential to recover their bodies, “or even more”. Well, that’s one hell of a carrot. What’s the stick?
Granny raps the table, says that after the boys arrived at her house she went over and saw that… thing. She says that alchemy created that abomination, nearly killed them, and now Roy wants to throw them headlong into it:?
Hawkeye is sitting in the living room, when Kid Winry offers her some tea. She then takes a seat and talks with the Lieutenant, who says to just call her Riza (thank goodness, I couldn’t take her seriously as just Hawkeye), who seems pleasant enough. But Winry seems too subdued for a handshake… and then asks if Riza has ever had to shoot anyone. Jeez, going for the heavy questions here.
Winry says that she hates what “you soldiers” do, that they’re the reason that her mom and dad left during the war, and the reason they’re dead. Um. Wow, ok. And now they’re there to take Ed and Al away too. But Riza says the decision to go will be theirs and theirs alone? Really? Cause here I was expecting a pretty sizable “You attempted a forbidden Alchemy so we have cause to lock you up and throw away the key” stick.
But no, it’s just an offer of a possibility, the chance to move forward rather than stay still. Sit in the chair and wallow in self-pity, or stand up and seize the chance of the military. Their choice, their own path. The slim hope of getting their bodies back. This doesn’t seem to be getting through Ed though, he’s staring ahead with dead eyes.
Winry seems thoughtful now, asks why Riza became a soldier. Riza just smiles and says that there’s someone she has to protect. Roy walks out and says they’re leaving, but Winry shakes Riza’s hand before they go. Roy seems confident that the Elric brothers will follow, but Riza says she’s never seen someone look so defeated. But Roy says he saw fire in those eyes.
Back to the present with [train whistle] chugga chugga chooooo. Aaaand back to the past, Granny asking if he’s sure they won’t regret it. Not why we needed a few seconds back with Present!Ed, but whatever. Kid Ed’s in an operating room now, looks like this is when he turns cyborg. Surgery and rehabilitation will take about three years. Determined Ed says that he’ll do it in one. Granny remarks that he’ll be spitting blood doing that, but he’s eager to get Al his body back soon.
[inspiring chamber music] as a longer-haired Ed spars with Al, trying out his automail arm and leg. Al remarks that he seems to be in perfect shape, and now to try alchemy… huh. Al is surprised and amazed that Ed can now perform alchemy without a TC, like their Teacher. But he can’t, and didn’t see the same Truth that Ed did.
...and then wrench to the head, from a frustrated Winry telling him not to mess up her automail. Heh, ok, after all the gah that’s been this episode, seeing this simple-drawn scared Al and beat-up Ed is a nice change of pace. Heh, and the snarking continues between Ed and the girl who made his automail. Ooh, and a smirking Al? Methinks there’s a shipper on deck!
At Central now, a man with the unfortunate designation of [Subordinate] remarks it’s unusual for Fuhrer Fury to observe the examinations, I assume for State Alchemists. But it’s also unusual for a 12-year-old take the test as well. Fury cheerfully asks about Ed’s automail arm, and Ed’s… confused about who this guy is? You’d think that he’d recognize the Boss, who his neighbor says is… ok, what? “Fuhrer King Bradley”? So the title is Fuhrer King? Pretentious much. Ed likewise does not seem that impressed with the title.
Fury starts the examination as Roy watches on, an Alchemist asks if Al needs something to draw with. [chugging adventure strings] start as Al casts on the ground, Roy is shocked to see he’s not even using a TC as he pulls a spear from the ground. Only Fury seems nothing more than cheerful as he remar- Ed what the hell are you doing? Ok, um. Ed just charged at Fury and got his spear to his neck, at gunpoint he remarks that the examination as is would be a good chance to take out a VIP. Yeah, “nerves of steel” is one way to put it Fury. But Fury walks off saying he still has much to learn about the world… and wow the tip of Ed’s spear just slid off. And now we see Fury walking off with sword drawn, cartoony “ha ha ha ha” symbols above him. Ok, legitimately impressed there. Fury is fast to put it mildly. When did he draw his sword?
Wind blowing the hair of an older-looking Winry, she’s standing next to Al. So Al’s not a State Alchemist, just traveling with Ed? Aw, but Winry’s asking if they’ll go away if Ed passes the exam and becomes a State Alchemist.
Oh, we don’t see the rest of the exam? Just Ed getting a silver pocket watch for his badge? And Fury shows his ironic streak, assigning Ed the code name of “Fullmetal”. Officially Ed is now known as “The Fullmetal Alchemist” (titledrop!). And aw no kid, don’t make that face. Yeah, the name is “nice and intimidating”, but thanks to my lovely commenters I understand the snark behind it.
Back to the train again! [thundering train sounds] chugga chugga. And Ed’s finally sleeping, before being woken by Al because they’re almost there. And yup that’s the cathedral we saw the Goths in last episode. Things are about to go down. Ed’s thinking “Could it really be there? The key to finally getting Al his body back… The Philosopher’s Stone!”
I’m gonna go with “No.”
Post Credits! In Liore, the Elric Brothers encounter Father Cornello, a priest who claims he can perform miracles. Ed does not seem impressed in this scene, though. A lady kneeling at an altar? “Blinded by his promises”, his followers fail to see the blood-red stone on his finger. Which… isn’t a Philosopher’s Stone, is it? Because seriously, there’s no way it can be the all-powerful macguffin this early. So what’s the secret?
Episode 03: “City of Heresy”
“What happiness can possibly be gained by looking away from the truth?”
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roseharlaws · 4 years
Much like Helene, this friend was enchanted by books in a way that animated his every word; what resonated between Helene’s voice on the page before me and my friend’s in my memory, was the respect, need, and love for books that characterized their mutual passion.
books provide: a way of reaching out across time and space to friends and strangers, and to the absent presences that play such a large part in all our lives. I
The books arrived safely, the Stevenson is so fine it embarrasses my orange-crate bookshelves, I’m almost afraid to handle such soft vellum and heavy cream-colored pages. Being used to the dead-white paper and stiff cardboardy covers of American books, I never knew a book could be such a joy to the touch.
The day Hazlitt came he opened to “I hate to read new books,” and I hollered “Comrade!” to whoever owned it before me.
I require a book of love poems with spring coming on. No Keats or Shelley , send me poets who can make love without slobbering—Wyatt or Jonson or somebody, use your own judgment. Just a nice book preferably small enough to stick in a slacks pocket and take to Central Park.
Please write and tell me about London, I live for the day when I step off the boat-train and feel its dirty sidewalks under my feet. I want to walk up Berkeley Square and down Wimpole Street and stand in St. Paul’s where John Donne preached and sit on the step Elizabeth sat on when she refused to enter the Tower, and like that. A newspaper man I know, who was stationed in London during the war, says tourists go to England with preconceived notions, so they always find exactly what they go looking for. I told him I’d go looking for the England of English literature, and he said: “Then it’s there.”
The Newman arrived almost a week ago and I’m just beginning to recover. I keep it on the table with me all day, every now and then I stop typing and reach over and touch it. Not because it’s a first edition; I just never saw a book so beautiful. I feel vaguely guilty about owning it. All that gleaming leather and gold stamping and beautiful type belongs in the pine-panelled library of an English country home; it wants to be read by the fire in a gentleman’s leather easy chair—not on a secondhand studio couch in a one-room hovel in a broken-down brownstone front.
Thank you for the beautiful book. I’ve never owned a book before with pages edged all round in gold. Would you believe it arrived on my birthday? I wish you hadn’t been so over-courteous about putting the inscription on a card instead of on the flyleaf. It’s the bookseller coming out in you all, you were afraid you’d decrease its value. You would have increased it for the present owner. (And possibly for the future owner. I love inscriptions on flyleaves and notes in margins, I like the comradely sense of turning pages someone else turned, and reading passages some one long gone has called my attention to.)
Thank you again for the beautiful book, I shall try very hard not to get gin and ashes all over it, it’s really much too fine for the likes of me.
Write me about London—the tube, the Inns of Court, Mayfair, the corner where the Globe Theatre stood, anything, I’m not fussy. Write me about Knightsbridge, it sounds green and gracious in Eric Coates’ London.
P. S. Your mother is setting out bravely this morning to look at an apartment for you on 8th Avenue in the 50’s because you told her to look in the theatre district. Maxine you know perfectly well your mother is not equipped to look at ANYTHING on 8th Avenue.
You may add Walton’s Lives to the list of books you aren’t sending me. It’s against my principles to buy a book I haven’t read, it’s like buying a dress you haven’t tried on, but you can’t even get Walton’s Lives in a library over here.
You can look at it. They have it down at the 42nd street branch. But not to take home! the lady said to me, shocked. eat it here, just sit right down in room 315 and read the whole book without a cup of coffee, a cigarette or air.
Doesn’t matter, Q quoted enough of it so I know I’ll like it. anything he liked i’ll like except if it’s fiction. i never can get interested in things that didn’t happen to people who never lived.
Boy, I’d like to have run barefoot through THEIR library before they sold it.
Fascinating book to read, did you know John Donne eloped with the boss’s highborn daughter and landed in the Tower for it and starved and starved and THEN got religion. my word.
You want to be the murderer or the corpse?
You’ll be fascinated to learn (from me that hates novels) that I finally got round to Jane Austen and went out of my mind over Pride & Prejudice which I can’t bring myself to take back to the library till you find me a copy of my own.
I houseclean my books every spring and throw out those I’m never going to read again like I throw out clothes I’m never going to wear again. It shocks everybody. My friends are peculiar about books. They read all the best sellers, they get through them as fast as possible, I think they skip a lot. And they NEVER read anything a second time so they don’t remember a word of it a year later. But they are profoundly shocked to see me drop a book in the wastebasket or give it away. The way they look at it, you buy a book, you read it, you put it on the shelf, you never open it again for the rest of your life but YOU DON’T THROW IT OUT! NOT IF IT HAS A HARD COVER ON IT! Why not? I personally can’t think of anything less sacrosanct than a bad book or even a mediocre book.
The Book-Lovers’ Anthology stepped out of its wrappings, all gold-embossed leather and gold-tipped pages, easily the most beautiful book I own including the Newman first edition. It looks too new and pristine ever to have been read by anyone else, but it has been: it keeps falling open at the most delightful places as the ghost of its former owner points me to things I’ve never read before. Like Tristram Shandy’s description of his father’s remarkable library which “contained every book and treatise which had ever been wrote upon the subject of great noses.” (Frank! Go find me Tristram Shandy! )
THOU VARLET? Don’t remember which restoration playwright called everybody a Varlet, I always wanted to use it in a sentence.
I shall be obliged if you will send Nora and the girls to church every Sunday for the next month to pray for the continued health and strength of the messrs. gilliam, reese, snider, campanella, robinson, hodges, furillo, podres, newcombe and labine, collectively known as The Brooklyn Dodgers. If they lose this World Series I shall Do Myself In and then where will you be?
Have you got De Tocqueville’s Journey to America? Somebody borrowed mine and never gave it back. Why is it that people who wouldn’t dream of stealing anything else think it’s perfectly all right to steal books?
I write you from under the bed where that catullus drove me. i mean it PASSETH understanding.
Up till now, the only Richard Burton I ever heard of is a handsome young actor I’ve seen in a couple of British movies and I wish I’d kept it that way. This one got knighted for turning Catullus—caTULLus—into Victorian hearts-and-flowers.
And poor little Mr. smithers must have been afraid his mother was going to read it, he like to KILL himself cleaning it all up.
I go through life watching the english language being raped before my face. like miniver cheevy, I was born too late. and like miniver cheevy I cough and call it fate and go on drinking.
I am starting with a script about New York under seven years of British Occupation and i MARVEL at how i rise above it to address you in friendly and forgiving fashion, your behavior over here from 1776 to 1783 was simply FILTHY.
When, as a little boy, William Blake saw the prophet Ezekiel under a tree amid a summer field, he was soundly trounced by his mother.
I will read the three standard passages from Sermon XV aloud,” you have to read Donne aloud, it’s like a Bach fugue.
i am going to bed. i will have hideous nightmares involving huge monsters in academic robes carrying long bloody butcher knives labelled Excerpt, Selection, Passage and Abridged.
Thought of you last night, my editor from Harper’s was here for dinner, we were going over this story-of-my-life and we came to the story of how I dramatized Landor’s “Aesop and Rhodope” for the “Hallmark Hall of Fame.” Did I ever tell you that one? Sarah Churchill starred as Landor’s dewy-eyed Rhodope. The show was aired on a Sunday afternoon. Two hours before it went on the air, I opened the New York Times Sunday book review section and there on page 3 was a review of a book called A House Is Not a Home by Polly Adler, all about whorehouses, and under the title was the photo of a sculptured head of a Greek girl with a caption reading: “Rhodope, the most famous prostitute in Greece.” Landor had neglected to mention this. Any scholar would have known Landor’s Rhodope was the Rhodopis who took Sappho’s brother for every dime he had but I’m not a scholar, I memorized Greek endings one stoic winter but they didn’t stay with me.
Wasn’t anything else that intrigued me much, it’s just stories, I don’t like stories. Now if Geoffrey had kept a diary and told me what it was like to be a little clerk in the palace of richard III—THAT I’d learn Olde English for. I just threw out a book somebody gave me, it was some slob’s version of what it was like to live in the time of Oliver Cromwell—only the slob didn’t live in the time of Oliver Cromwell so how the hell does he know what it was like? Anybody wants to know what it was like to live in the time of Oliver Cromwell can flop on the sofa with Milton on his pro side and Walton on his con, and they’ll not only tell him what it was like, they’ll take him there.
“The reader will not credit that such things could be,” Walton says somewhere or other, “but I was there and I saw it.”
that’s for me, I’m a great lover of I-was-there books.
We had a very pleasant summer with more than the usual number of tourists, including hordes of young people making the pilgrimage to Carnaby Street. We watch it all from a safe distance, though I must say I rather like the Beatles. If the fans just wouldn’t scream so.
I introduced a young friend of mine to Pride & Prejudice one rainy Sunday and she has gone out of her mind for Jane Austen.
I hope you and Brian have a ball in London. He said to me on the phone: “Would you go with us if you had the fare?” and I nearly wept.
But I don’t know, maybe it’s just as well I never got there. I dreamed about it for so many years. I used to go to English movies just to look at the streets. I remember years ago a guy I knew told me that people going to England find exactly what they go looking for. I said I’d go looking for the England of English literature, and he nodded and said: “It’s there.”
Maybe it is, and maybe it isn’t. Looking around the rug one thing’s for sure: it’s here.
We all lead busy lives—perhaps it’s better so.
If you happen to pass by 84, Charing Cross Road, kiss it for me. I owe it so much.
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the-grendel-khan · 7 years
Letter to an interested student.
I had the good luck to chat with a high-school student who was interested in doing the most good she could do with hacker skills. So I wrote the letter I wish someone had written me when I was an excitable, larval pre-engineer. Here it is, slightly abridged.
Hi! You said you were interested in learning IT skills and using them for the greater good. I've got some links for learning to code, and opportunities for how to use those skills. There's a lot to read in here--I hope you find it useful!
First, on learning to code. You mentioned having a Linux environment set up, which means that you have a Python runtime readily available. Excellent! There are a lot of resources available, a lot of languages to choose from. I recommend Python--it's easy to learn, it doesn't have a lot of sharp edges, and it's powerful enough to use professionally (my current projects at work are in Python). And in any case, mathematically at least, all programming languages are equally powerful; they just make some things easier or more difficult.
I learned a lot of Python by doing Project Euler; be warned that the problems do get very challenging, but I had fun with them. (I'd suggest attempting them in order.) I've heard good things about Zed Shaw's Learn Python the Hard Way, as well, though I haven't used that method to teach myself anything. It can be very, very useful to have a mentor or community to work with; I suggest finding a teacher who's happy to help you with your code, or at the very least sign up for stackoverflow, a developer community and a very good place to ask questions. (See also /r/learnprogramming's FAQ.) The really important thing here is that you have something you want to do with the skills you want to learn. (As it is written, "The first virtue is curiosity. A burning itch to know is higher than a solemn vow to pursue truth.") Looking at my miscellaneous-projects directory on my laptop, the last thing I wrote was a Python script to download airport diagrams from the FAA's website (via some awful screenscraping logic), convert them from PDFs to SVGs, and upload them to Wikimedia Commons. It was something I was doing by hand, and then I automated it. I've also used R (don't use R if you can help it; it's weird and clunky) to make choropleth maps for internet arguments, and more Python to shuffle data to make Wikipedia graphs. It's useful to think of programming as powered armor for your brain.
You asked about ethical hacking. Given that the best minds of my generation are optimizing ad clicks for revenue, this is a really virtuous thing to want to do! So here's what I know about using IT skills for social good.
I mentioned the disastrous initial launch of healthcare.gov; TIME had a narrative of what happened there; see also Mikey Dickerson (former SRE manager at Google)'s speech to SXSW about recruiting for the United States Digital Service. The main public-service organizations in the federal government are 18F (a sort of contracting organization in San Francisco) and the United States Digital Service, which works on larger projects and tries to set up standards. The work may sound unexciting, but it's extraordinarily vital--veterans getting their disability, immigrants not getting stuck in limbo, or a child welfare system that works. It's easy to imagine that providing services starts and ends with passing laws, but if our programs don't actually function, people don't get the benefits or services we fought to allocate to them. (See also this TED talk.)
The idea is that most IT professionals spend a couple of years in public service at one of these organizations before going into the industry proper. (I'm not sure what the future of 18F/USDS is under the current administration, but this sort of thing is less about what policy is and more about basic competence in executing it.)
For a broader look, you may appreciate Bret Victor's "What Can a Technologist Do About Climate Change?", or consider Vi Hart and Nicky Case's "Parable of the Polygons", a cute web-based 'explorable' which lets you play with Thomas Schelling's model of housing segregation (i.e., you don't need actively bitter racism in order to get pretty severe segregation, which is surprising).
For an idea of what's at stake with certain safety-critical systems, read about the Therac-25 disaster and the Toyota unintended-acceleration bug. (We're more diligent about testing the software we use to put funny captions on cat pictures than they were with the software that controls how fast the car goes.) Or consider the unintended consequences of small, ubiquitous devices.
And for an example of what 'white hat' hacking looks like, consider Google's Project Zero, which is a group of security researchers finding and reporting vulnerabilities in widely-used third-party software. Some of their greatest hits include "Cloudbleed" (an error in a proxying service leading to private data being randomly dumped into web pages en masse), "Rowhammer" (edit memory you shouldn't be able to control by exploiting physical properties of RAM chips), and amazing bug reports for products like TrendMicro Antivirus.
To get into that sort of thing, security researchers read reports like those linked above, do exercises like "capture the flag" (trying to break into a test system), and generally cultivate a lateral mode of thinking--similar to what stage magicians do, in a way. (Social engineering is related to, and can multiply the power of, traditional hacking; Kevin Mitnick's "The Art of Deception" is a good read. He gave a public talk a few years ago; I think that includes his story of how he stole proprietary source code from Motorola with nothing but an FTP drop, a call to directory assistance and unbelievable chutzpah.)
The rest of this is more abstract, hacker-culture advice; it's less technical, but it's the sort of thing I read a lot of on my way here.
For more about ethical hacking, I'd be remiss if I didn't mention Aaron Swartz; he was instrumental in establishing Creative Commons licensing, the RSS protocol, the Markdown text-formatting language, Reddit and much else. As part of his activism, he mass-harvested academic journal articles from JSTOR using a guest account at MIT. The feds arrested him and threatened him with thirty-five years in prison, and he took his own life before going to trial. It's one of the saddest stories of the internet age, I think, and it struck me particularly because it seemed like the kind of thing I'd have done, if I'd been smarter, more civic-minded, and more generally virtuous. There's a documentary, The Internet's Own Boy, about him.
Mark Pilgrim is a web-standards guy who previously blogged a great deal, but disappeared from public (internet) life around 2011. He wrote about the freedom to tinker, early internet history, long-term preservation (see also), and old-school copy protection, among other things.
I'll leave you with two more items. First, a very short talk, "wat", by Gary Bernhardt, on wacky edge cases in programming language. And second, a book recommendation. If you haven't read it before, Gödel, Escher, Bach is a wonderfully fun and challenging read; it took me most of my senior year of high school to get through it, but I'd never quite read anything like it. It's not directly about programming, but it's a marvelous example of the hacker mindset. MIT OpenCourseWare has a supplemental summer course (The author's style isn't for everyone; if you do like it, his follow-up Le Ton beau de Marot (about language and translation) is also very, very good.)
I hope you enjoy; please feel free to send this around to your classmates--let me know if you have any more specific questions, or any feedback. Thanks!
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Context & The Most Famous Artist: Why the Boring Bro of Art Needs To Shut TF Up
A video has been circulating Facebook recently of Matty Mo, self proclaimed Most Famous Artist, and his Snapchat nudes project. Many of you will already be familiar with Mo as the guy who walked into a gallery and displayed one million US dollars, which he sold off as chunks for an inflated value, or perhaps you’ve seen one of his more innocuous projects such as Selfie Wall. 
The premise of the project is simple: Mo put a call out on Instagram, asking for people to Snapchat him nudes with the caption Happy birthday Most Famous Artist. In the video, Mo speaks at length about how he makes art for the internet age, an age where ideas of shock or shame are disconnected from daily reality and the act of sending nudes is a normal part of life. We see him setting up for his show and directly interacting with young art buyers who pay up to $1200 USD for a large size print (printed on “high quality art paper,” which is a technical term for “trying to compensate for the low resolution delivered by front facing cameras” by the by).
Understandably, the internet is critical. 
Firstly, many are understandably skeptical about how this constitutes Art, which admittedly is a debate held around the wider context of contemporary art and how it can often be difficult to read, appreciate or enjoy. Mo receives nude photos which someone else has composed, shot and edited, and has applied an opaque curatorial process in deciding which of the hundreds of photos he used is makes the final exhibition. Many are responding with questions about how Mo’s input has elevated the photos from snapshots into pieces of fine art. 
The artist defends himself by drawing heavily on the Duchampian concept of the readymade, which was birthed just over one hundred years ago and first defined in the Abridged Dictionary of Surrealists, published 1938. Interestingly, Duchamp’s best well known and most controversial readymade, Fountain, was first exhibited one hundred years ago in 1917, and in May of that year, the following text was published in The Blind Man, a magazine run by Duchamp and two friends: 
Whether Mr Mutt with his own hands made the fountain or not has no importance. He CHOSE it. He took an ordinary article of life, and placed it so that its useful significance disappeared under the new title and point of view – created a new thought for that object.
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Readymades were, and still can be, incredible pieces of art (although I suspect many viewers would disagree with me there), because of the Duchampian act of transformation applied to the object. This was often a simple twist - when Duchamp painted a fake name on the side of a urinal and placed it on its back, on a plinth, he was transforming it from simple commodity into objet d’art, simply by deciding it would become a piece of art. 
At the time, of course the public viewed his work with scrutiny, but the artistic merit of his work was also contextualised by other artistic movements and scientific developments in the world. The problem with the readymade now is that our nearest and most immediate contextualisation is the work of the YBAs - Tracy Emin’s My Bed (1998), for example. 
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My Bed illustrates the difference between a Duchamp readymade and a late 20th Century readymade, which is the theoretical and contextual framework which surrounds the work. 
Duchamp’s Fountain was made at a time when Dadaism was a huge force for change in contemporary art, and his practice of readymades was supported by the Dadaist tradition of lifting things from their original context and putting them into new ones, creating ridiculous and nonsensical objects and scenes. (Although, to be clear: Duchamp was not directly associated with the Dadaists and was careful of his use of the term.) The Dadaist movement was a forerunner of Surrealism, and made work in a specific time in world history - surrounding the First World War - when modernisation and industrialisation was happening before the eyes of the artists. 
Emin’s My Bed has been referred to as a readymade, but draws from a very different conceptual root from Duchamp’s Fountain. Emin made her bed in the heyday of the Young British Artist, in the 1990s, after years of postmodernist thought. Her work is inherently personal, and My Bed is allegedly a faithful recreation of the scene of a four day depressive episode. It’s impossible to read My Bed without putting it into perspective of the decades of feminist art which came before it - My Bed wouldn’t and couldn’t exist without the work of artists like Valie Export, Yayoi Kusama or Louise Bourgeois (although, please trust me when I say I have multiple issues with that era of feminist art).
To compare Duchamp’s readymades to Emin’s readymades forces us to ask what they really have in common - which is ultimately very little, other than the fact that they both come from pre-manufactured objects. 
This is what brings us back to Matty Mo and his use of Duchampian buzzwords to justify his work. He may say he draws from Dadaist thought on the readymade and the contextualising of items, but the problem is that his work exists in a hugely different context to Duchamp’s Fountain. When Fountain was first presented, the world was just coming to terms with its own modernity, and mediums like photography were still difficult to access for many. 
Now, photography is a staple of the 21st Century. We live in a more visually exciting and explosive time than ever before, and imagery floods our eyes and minds constantly in advertising, popular culture and social media. While the nude portrait has long been a staple of art, we now live in a time where the nude, as a medium, moves between Art and Ordinary. This is probably where Mo draws the link between the readymade and how he sees his “work,” but it is a lazy and shallow comparison. 
Today’s nudes represent a type of self portrait which has previously only existed within the art world. Now, anyone can be both model and artist, anyone can define the parameters in which their body is seen, consumed, transformed into an objet d’art. The power of the nude is in the ability to self define, which is removed by Mo’s clumsy curatorial efforts. 
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Look at the images that Matty Mo surrounds himself with - bodies which are traditionally aesthetically pleasing - generally white, generally slim, generally a reflection of the beauty standards applied to society. While Duchamp changed the world with his readymades, Mo merely reiterates oppressive power patterns which are already a part of daily life. As any young woman who’s ever sent or received a nude knows, those power struggles find their way into every aspect of our lives, including our sex lives. 
I fail to see the power or the glory in an artist upholding the same oppressive standards which the feminist artists above worked to subvert. In fact, I see this less as a genuine curatorial effort and more as a man’s way to make himself feel a sense of power and control, by selecting the bodies worthy enough to be transformed into “art”. 
(You’ll also notice a particularly gross moment in the video, where Mo sends a heart-in-eyes-emoji in response to a sexy picture and looks far too pleased with himself. Gross.) 
We don’t gain any conceptual ground from this rehashing of oppressive practice, because Matty Mo is unable to critically reflect on it. He deflects, pointing to Duchamp, pointing to the ephemeral nature of Snapchat, claiming his screenshotting of images is a crucially transformative act instead of a repetition of dynamics seen both inside and outside of the contemporary art circuit.  
Readymades no longer have any inherent value, which means we fall back onto the second most prominent element of Mo’s work: shock. 
The images are designed to be inherently shocking. Snapchat has distinct visual cues, the greyed out text bar or comically enlarged emojis, which feature in most of his images. The shock aspect of his work is broken down into two components: 
Firstly, the idea that people have volunteered to send their personal images to a man they do not know and will probably never meet. Mo banks on the controversy that he gains here, which is made apparent by the lengths he goes to in the video to explain how he gathered the images. 
Secondly, the images have been blown up to large size and hung in a prominent location. Mo speaks at length about how he managed to get a gallery space on Wall Street, which we see features large glass windows. A woman walks past and covers her eyes as she sees the sexualised imagery, emphasising the supposed horror felt by members of the public.  
Both of these factors are designed to shock the viewer with Mo’s brazen curatorial choices. But the problem is? I don’t find it shocking. I find it terribly dull and reminiscent of regular, daily life. Wow, a man asking for nudes which he’ll use for his own personal gain. Colour me surprised. 
Shock art only works where the normal is subverted, bastardised, turned inside out - and even then, you have to be willing to do some pretty weird stuff to be shocking in this day and age. Mo is trying to appeal to a generation who grew up linking each other to shock sites on the internet, he’s trying to market himself to young collectors who probably have memories of the weird stuff we used to send via MSN and AIM. But now? There is very little that can shock a desensitised audience, and children of the internet generation are our most desensitised audience yet. The idea that we are meant to be shocked by nude bodies is a weirdly Victorian throw back, considering the feminist movements of the 1960s and 70s, and today’s contemporary body positivity movement. Perhaps Mo intends for us to be shocked by their method of distribution - he does harp on at length about how he’s ‘subverting’ Snapchat and how humanity have used our base nature to turn it into a sex tool rather than for ‘ephemeral conversation,’ but I find that line of thought just utterly boring and unworthy of being followed up on. Wow, the consumer base has had a huge input in this app is used, humanity is so base and driven by sex, yadda yadda, some crap about the lowest common denominator, so deep, wake up sheeple. 
Besides which, shock art has been thoroughly explored. Artists have worked with shock for decades to disrupt conversations and turn them on their head. Hell, in 1961, Piero Manzoni produced 90 cans of Artist’s Shit and since then nothing has been off limits. We’ve seen artists pull scrolls of paper from their vaginas, tattoo lines across the backs of paid participants, crucify themselves on cars, and generally do anything and everything that has been seen as taboo or off limits. 
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Matty Mo’s work is inherently derivative, and he embraces that with open arms. A quick scan of his website, which I will not subject you to, shows work which is openly reminiscent of Yves Klein, Damien Hirst, Jeff Koons and Roy Lichtenstein - that’s without even talking about the parallels between his Snapchat series and Richard Prince’s appropriated (and also gross) nudes. 
While there’s nothing wrong with being derivative, nor drawing on the work of artists who have inspired you in the past, Mo’s work shows a level of entitlement and a sense of ownership through his framing of his use of artistic trope as new, exciting and original. His personal branding as The Most Famous Artist reflects the privilege most white male artists have - repeating a pattern seen many times throughout history before - where a male artist commodifies and uses the bodies of non-men as “inspiration” or “muses,” all the while giving little respect, or financial renumeration, to his subjects. 
Frankly, I am not surprised or startled by Mo’s work. His “work” has the conceptual depth and agility of a first year art school student, which is probably ungenerous to first year art school students. He is the product of a long line of entitlement, an entitlement which does not invite him to critically reflect on his “creations,” but allows him instead to continue to push flat, boring and derivative ideas out while retaining media attention - and that’s without even fully exploring the ethics of the project, the issue of intellectual property, the way viewers and collectors have responded to it, but frankly, I’ve already devoted enough time and attention to him. 
If you’d like to take a look at a really interesting internet artist instead, check out the work of Darius Kazemi, artist and botmaker. I particularly enjoy the Bureau of Nice Stats project, which automatically sources “nice statistics” in a fabulously surreal and hilarious way. 
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Keto diet pictures
Keto diet before and after pictures; The keto diet accentuates weight reduction through fat-consuming. The objective is to rapidly get more fit and at last feel more full with less yearnings, while boosting your state of mind, mental concentration and vitality. As indicated by keto advocates, by cutting the carbs you devour and rather topping off on fats, you securely enter a condition of ketosis. That is the point at which the body separates both dietary and put away muscle versus fat into substances called ketones. Your fat-consuming framework currently depends mostly on fat – rather than sugar – for vitality.
While comparable here and there to recognizable low-carb abstains from food, the keto diet’s outrageous carb limitations – around 20 net carbs a day or less, contingent upon the rendition – and the conscious move into ketosis are what separate this inexorably famous eating routine. Truth be told, other eating plans are pulling in keto components, so you can discover renditions like eco-keto and at any rate one business diet that consolidates keto-accommodating items. Keto diet before and after pictures.
The keto diet has its foundations in the decades-old remedial ketogenic diet. Clinically, the ketogenic diet is utilized in neurologic medication, most remarkably to diminish hard-to-control seizures in youngsters. Concentrates additionally recommend potential advantages in other cerebrum conditions, for example, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s maladies.
Reasonably as of late, the eating regimen was presented as a weight reduction diet by an Italian teacher of medical procedure, Dr. Gianfranco Cappello of Sapienza University in Rome. In his 2012 examination, around 19,000 calorie counters got a high-fat fluid eating routine through a taking care of cylinder embedded down the nose. The examination demonstrated a normal weight reduction of in excess of 20 pounds in members, a large portion of whom kept it off for in any event a year. The scientists announced a couple of minor reactions, similar to weakness.
The clinical network is observing the high open enthusiasm for keto. An article in the Jan. 16, 2018, Journal of the American Medical Association abridged a few regions of guarantee: Many individuals feel less ravenous on the high-fat keto diet thus may normally diminish their general calorie consumption. Past weight reduction, there was uplifting news for diabetes the executives, with improved insulin affectability and glucose control for individuals following a ketogenic diet in an early, as yet continuous investigation. Nonetheless, a publication seeming on the web July 15, 2019, in JAMA Internal Medicine inferred that “eagerness outpaces proof” with regards to a keto diet for corpulence and diabetes.
Keto diet before and after pictures
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Keto diet pictures
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robot-radar · 7 years
2017 Infiniti Q50 Review
The 2017 Infiniti Q50 refined against adversaries, particularly in the range of extreme wear on vehicles. Anyway, for the individuals who need to take the case of Q50 a practical option by the solid execution of huge numbers of the fragments and a constrained cost to counter.
2017 Infiniti Q50 design demonstrates its age, it is in a general sense the same as the G37, it has supplanted a few years, yet the utilization of critical esteem materials and difficult to keep substantial space. That is, the battle BMW 3 arrangement Audi A4 and Mercedes Benz cClass have done every single resulting refresh and imperative to push them to the front of the class and maybe chop Q50 a couple pegs down. Along these lines, we suggest investigating every one of the offers in this class.
Basically, as with expansive sections of its adversaries, the Q50 is in wealthier or all the more effective variants and with a selection of motors. It is a similar way a cream demonstrate all things considered, we have been assessing ourselves to check whether it has been appropriately fortified follows the other way of the mistake we encountered with the past setting.
2017 Infiniti Q50 with the 3.0T motor goes on a solid execution and run with more unbridled parts. Its cost is excessively sensible. The decision between the game or premium trim relies on upon your driving style, however extensive parts of the games sections can be coordinated as decisions. In the event that nothing else occurs with the extra gives you a specific adaptability.
The choices are as anyone might expect assessed, they are abridged in expansive packs. We were genuinely fair-minded with the most recent Q50 mixture yet we doubted late changes to a fragment of the issues we have encountered.
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2017 Infiniti Q50 2.0t Base
2017 Infiniti Q50 2.0t Premium
2017 Infiniti Q50 2.0t Base Rear
2017 Infiniti Q50 3.0t Premium Rear
2017 Infiniti Q50 2.0t Premium Side View
2017 Infiniti Q50 3.0t Premium
2017 Infiniti Q50 Trim Levels and Segments
The Infiniti Q50 is an extravagance five-situate vehicle with seat. It is in four trim variations: the 2.0t 2.0liter with a turbo motor with four rooms (208 drive 258 feet torque pounds); The 3.0T with a turbocharger 3.0liter V6 (300 hp 295 lbft); Red’s most persuading 400 game that uses a similar motor V6 (400 hp 350 lbft); And Q50 crossover display, which utilizes a 3.5-liter V6 facilitated with an electric engine 50 kW (360 hp seals). A seven-speed custom is the main open transmission yet the purchasers look over the back and all-wheel drive.
Regardless of the order trim choices, there are different assortments. Rule two are games and premium, yet until an essential model for the 2.0t is.
The fundamental components of the 2.0t essential model will connect the 17 inch wheels blended. Driven headlights and mist lights. Custom wipers. Selectable driving modes. Keyless sections. Begin plant two changed regions. The touch-screen shows (8 inches high and 7 crawls down) and a CD player with six speakers with two USB ports and a satellite radio.
The 2.0t and 3.0T premium renditions incorporate a sliding sunroof Bose premium speakers 16 feet with a strong structure and a suspended air channel framework.
Notwithstanding these things, the 2.0t games expand combinations 19-inch wheels with summer execution tires to auto dropped brakes modified outside mirrors a fun set magnesium paddle suspensions on the calfskin upholstery manual administration portion mounted thighs improvements for the fore-end and lumbar control changes to the hangman’s tree for the driver keep the memory working a power tilt and expanding control/40 split tear in the back seat bunches.
Brandish 3.0T fairing is also orchestrated and has an adaptable suspension. Red Sports 400 gets the suspension to spruce up and more extensive back tires (not on AWD models).
The half and half premium wires most premium parts and incorporates 19-inch wheels the programmed darkening mirror a versatile controlling framework begin remotely unwind away a movable suspension and warmed tilt and more organized warmed seats wheel front driver lumbar vertebral likenesses an Infiniti InTouch structure telematics crisis And wood inward cladding.
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2017 Infiniti Q50 3.0t Signature Edition Rear
2017 Infiniti Q50 3.0t Signature Edition
2017 Infiniti Q50 Coupe Black
For instance, success fragments, for example, an early cautioning framework with custom brake and an envelope, can be found in the structure of the front and back camera, stop sensors and check the structure blind sides painstakingly in the back. The arrangements for rescission are not open.
Most segments are accessible on models of self improvement gatherings bundled in chose bundles. Particular addons merge the adaptable versatile experience control administrator to a beginning way and adjusting the business structure of senior tailor-made versatile headlights trees and fantastic cow cowhide upholstery.
  2017 Infiniti Q50 Drive
The Q50 is a to a great degree capable delight in vehicle that is enjoyable to drive. It drives like an auto and more diminutive that is a compliment. The Q50 Sport trim can show its actual capacity, with a more keen administration.
The more prepared 326 horsepower V6 we attempted in 2014, gave a solid extension rate and speed of seven exclusive advancements were brimming with vitality and the lodging stayed calm. We held a champion of the powertrain in his class. The two Turbo-V6 motors accessible in 2017 are exemption equal.
The brakes have a decent environment and are positively not hard to change by the divisions on the track shockingly. Fortifying stop charges are roughly run of the mill of this class in which tires were masterminded.
The control feels keen and right and lifts the exertion well in spite of the fact that it is to some level of light for our taste. Q50s with the adaptable coordination of the choice are less crucial.
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2017 Infiniti Q50 Red Sport
2017 Infiniti Q50 3.0t Sport Rear
2017 Infiniti Q50 3.0t Sport
To Treat
The feels sick of the finish of the season Q50 sports suspension and suspension more tense the Q50 help change constrain in a fun auto. It is sharp and fit as a fiddle and moves around with bizarre safety efforts and state of mind.
The Q50 2014 we attempted was a shockingly appealing and standard auto with a lively and proper drivetrain. He said a mind blowing advance in typical driving conditions and marking. We expect almost indistinguishable properties for the 2017 Q50.
2017 Infiniti Q50 Comfort
This assortment of more prepared, game moved better and was furnished with seats supports on various fillings. It was pleasant and calm with everything taken into account however turmoil ride up ‘was currently noticeable.
Sort out Solace
The seats of the Q50 Sport have been more lovely and more grounded than the base seats in view of more irrefutable, yet not prevalent side holding.
Driving Solace
Q50 in most arranged ride (before changes in float in 2016) was more enjoyable than the Q50 base furnished with punctured tires. The visit was illuminated all the more captivating flaws of apt dark top. We speak to as firm, yet unsurprising.
There was unbelievable detachment from windblades, yet the street was perplexity until “now conspicuous.” The motor was better laid tumult in the past G37 emphasize.
2017 Infiniti Q50 Interior
Q50 The lodging makes utilization of materials good and a solid development, be that as it may, the course of action has not changed a significant part of the G37 incredibly in more than eight years. Regular summons are however fruitful Touchscreen hand has a few disadvantages. In any case, it remains an enchanting and expansive, in which the essentialness contribute.
2017 Infiniti Q50 Comfort
Most frameworks are controlled by the gathering touch screens, which can here and there be overpowering. Input reactions are speedy and the menus are common, however the stands are frequently obscured by reflections and fingerprints.
The little size of the Q50 and wide seats permit areas and simple courses out. To the course of action significantly more entries effortlessly open sweeten.
#gallery-0-20 { margin: auto; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-item { float: left; margin-top: 10px; text-align: center; width: 33%; } #gallery-0-20 img { border: 2px solid #cfcfcf; } #gallery-0-20 .gallery-caption { margin-left: 0; } /* see gallery_shortcode() in wp-includes/media.php */
2017 Infiniti Q50 Hybrid Front
2017 Infiniti Q50 Sport
2017 Infiniti Q50 Interior
2017 Infiniti Q50 Coupe
2017 Infiniti Q50 Interior 2
2017 Infiniti Q50 Hybrid
The vaporous lodge and the shaped edge board give an extensive bolster surface. Six footers can turn around an activity with the save edge sit.
Demonstrated Quality
The view forward is balanced by higher band, be that as it may, windshield line and by and large high back deck beat the view behind you and from the back window. The screen of the discretionary envelope of each baffle can be seen in restricted space.
In spite of how he makes his age, Q50 holds wants for materials and workmanship chose. Seemed distinctive form an extravagance autos infiniti looks wear and feels ordinary for the class.
2017 Infiniti Q50 Utility
The control point freight Q50 is typical for the class, yet inside the breaking points in connection to your own particular things to a specific degree is an absence of contemporary pins.
Simple to Store
Within pockets and entryway pockets are pleasantly your store measured at any rate, they are not as liberal as those of a few adversaries.
Payload Space
The payload is an adequate volume to 13.5 cubic feet and the wide opening takes into account a less stack requested. Emphasize that the choice to some degree to acknowledge a standard additional tire cargo volume rebates.
It takes a touch of theory to familiarize the double touch screens, yet most visitors discover normal menus. The reactions to information sources are quick and InTouch framework is intense Infiniti has kept immense.
2017 Infiniti Q50 – Is an attractive Sport Sedan with good road feel, though some rivals have sharper track moves 2017 Infiniti Q50 Review The 2017 Infiniti Q50 refined against adversaries, particularly in the range of extreme wear on vehicles.
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