#there's some Dralivia
dcbbw · 2 years
A Trio of Tales
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This story is my submission for the @choicesprompts​ exercise, where the prompts are story-starters. I chose to weave three(!) stories that probably don’t interconnect, but that was the goal. At this point, I’m just hoping it all makes sense.
It has come to my attention that @harleybeaumont​ and I share at least one head canon regarding Lucretia Nevrakis, and we both have interactions with the world’s worst aunt in our stories for this exercise, but I believe that is where the similarity ends. If anyone has issues with this story, my DMs are open and I’m a pretty reasonable person most of the time.
THANK YOU to all who read over snippets of this fic and THANK YOU to all who will read it. Your likes, comments, and reblogs are appreciated more than you know.
Please excuse any and all typos, missing/extraneous words, and/or grammatical errors. (I tried to do a decent edit, but you guys know who you’re dealing with) MS Word Editor gives me 98% error-free.
All characters belong to Pixelberry
Song Inspiration: Hearing Damage, Thom Yorke
Word Count: 4,571
The cool wind pushes my hair back as I walk along the familiar path, every step taking me deeper into the past. It’s been years since I’ve been here; everything is different.
Everything is the same.
I’m not paying attention to the present as I walk, I’m too lost in memories of long ago. That’s why I don’t notice the person walking towards me until I hear a familiar voice call my name.
I freeze. It can’t be. What are the odds?
I lift my head as my eyes dart wildly around before finally landing on a face I’d recognize anywhere, even now.
“It’s you.”
I pull my open cardigan tightly across my chest as my left arm reflexively covers my swollen belly. The temperature of my blood drops, rivaling the chilly air. Three feet opposite me, my Aunt Lucretia pulls the hood of her woolen cloak away from her face and hair. Her tall frame is thinner than I remember. Her face, though gaunt, remains unlined. Her eyes are brown flint as they appraise me critically.
My mind races; no one had informed me that she was free. I wonder if she has been released or managed to escape.
“Where are you going, girl?” she demands as if she hasn’t spent the last seven years of her life in a Cordonian prison cell.
I stand straighter, my expression indifferent. “You are on private property. I suggest you leave.”
She smirks at me as she pushes her hands into her coat pockets. “I’m still a Nevrakis. I’m still your blood.”
“When did you get out?” I hear the tremble in my voice, and mentally berate myself for showing fear.
I should have brought Misha with me.
“One week ago. I would have arrived sooner, but I had … business to tend to.”
“You are unwelcome here,” I reply coldly as I resume my walk, sidestepping around her.
She ignores my response and falls into step with me. “You never came to visit me,” she says quietly.
I abruptly halt my steps to look at her incredulously. “You REALLY expected me to VISIT you? You abandoned me as a child, and when you do return, it’s to overthrow the Crown! With me as your pawn!”
“I told you to study your history! You refused to do so. YOU could have stopped everything, but you were too busy chasing after a King who couldn’t be bothered to give a rat’s ass about you! In the end, you had to be a casualty.”
Tears sting the corners of my eyes. “I have had to rebuild the Nevrakis name, ALONE! Our history, my parents …” My voice breaks off as a sob fills my throat.
I convince myself it’s hormones.
Silence, except the occasional chirping of birds and rustling of unseen wildlife hidden in the surrounding brush as we continue our trek to the Nevrakis family cemetery. I am going to visit my parents’ unmarked graves, a journey I haven’t made in years.
Ever since the rumors of their treason were proven true.
My aunt’s steps slow as she fishes in her pockets for a pack of cigarettes and a lighter. She inhales greedily once the cigarette is lit. The glowing orange tip is a contrast to the gray gloom.
“One of life’s small pleasures,” she says by way of explanation, although I asked for none.
Her eyes are drawn to my stomach. “You’re with child,” she observes.
I nod briefly. “I’ve started a family, yes.”
“I recall hearing something about a wedding. What happened to the American?”
“She left.” My response is curt.
“Obviously. It’s for the best. That woman was not nobility material and Liam is a fool to ever think she was.”
I don’t respond; I’m too busy remembering the sheer heartbreak in Riley’s eyes when she realized that my love was indeed reciprocated as evidenced by the ring on my left hand. We would have come to blows had Liam not stepped between us.
“Why are you here?” I ask as black wrought iron gates rise before us. The spikes atop the glossy black rails seem to touch the gray clouds above.
My heels step carefully over the uneven terrain; exposed tree roots, thick and gnarled, are everywhere. I had promised my husband I wouldn’t venture too far out in his absence, and to never go anywhere alone.
Our baby is due in eight weeks.
“Where’s your husband?” she counters.
“America. He has business in New York City.”
My aunt raises an eyebrow in doubt. I ignore it, but her suspicions are mine as well: New York City is where he met Riley, and where she most likely returned upon leaving Cordonia.
We always go home.
“You didn’t answer my question,” I remind my aunt.
“To teach you your history,” she replies cryptically as we walk through the gates.
I stop just inside the gates to rub my aching lower back; my child kicks against my stomach, and I smile softly. I then pray she doesn’t decide to lay on my bladder. My eyes slide to Lucretia, who is watching me with an inscrutable expression on her face.
“There is no need to teach me anything. I am the daughter of traitors, and my ex-husband, whom I knew nothing about, is an attempted murderer,” I spit out. “Your history lesson is too little, too late.”
My aunt’s hand reaches out and I feel cold, bony fingers wrap around my wrist. A flash of fear jolts through my body, but I don’t pull away. Our eyes meet, and there is something … softness …regret, perhaps in hers.
“I didn’t warn you, but I can help save your child. Come with me,” she orders as she pulls me away from the graves, and towards a dense copse of trees.
I don’t know why I don’t pull away, and head back to the keep. My companion is a conniving manipulator, a traitor to her country, and an accomplice to attempted murder.
But she’s my blood relative. The last set of answers to so many questions.
My free hand digs in my hair for the dagger hidden there before splaying across my stomach as I follow Aunt Lucretia into the woods.
The cool wind pushes my hair back as I walk along the familiar path, every step taking me deeper into the past. It’s been years since I’ve been here; everything is different.
Everything is the same.
I’m not paying attention to the present as I walk, I’m too lost in memories of long ago. That’s why I don’t notice the person walking towards me until I hear a familiar voice call my name.
I freeze. It can’t be. What are the odds?
I lift my head as my eyes dart wildly around before finally landing on a face I’d recognize anywhere, even now.
“It’s you.”
A scowl mars her delicate features. “No need to sound so enthused, Your Majesty,” she remarks sarcastically.
Inwardly, I heave a sigh. Our next-to-last meeting had been heated, to say the least. The morning following that argument, she came to me to tell me she was leaving Court. The vicious gossip, the name-calling, the scornful judgement of not only Court, but the entire world … it was already too much to handle, and it had barely begun.
I begged her not to leave, citing Cordonia needed her.
It was of no use.
“I see we’re picking up where we left off, I remark dryly.
I see her struggle to compose herself. “What in the world are you doing in Paris, Liam?”
I move forward to draw the Countess into an embrace. She still smells of gardenias and powder. “I’m here with Lady Kiara before we go to Manhattan for the UN Gala.”
I pull away to take in Madeleine’s appearance. She looks good: Her hair is shorter and frames her face in golden waves. She’s put on some weight; not much, but she’s now more buxom than svelte. She’s no longer wearing her signature red lipstick; instead, her lips are painted a pale coral.
She shifts uncomfortably under my appraising glance. “I know I’ve put on some pounds,” she mumbles defensively.
I shake my head. “You look fantastic!”
It’s not merely an empty compliment. I mean it.
“Why are you here?” I ask as she falls into step with me.
I’m going to the Love Lock Bridge, to find the only tangible symbol of a love shared.
My memories of Paris are filled with her.
“Enjoying my sabbatical from Court by spending some time attending the Dior fashion show.”
I turn my head to take in her profile. “The time away has served you well.”
Her expression turns pensive as her Christian Louboutins click against the cobblestoned street. “I see why Leo abdicated. It gets … intense. It’s easy to lose both yourself and your way.”
“You grew up in a rigid household where your parents tried to reverse their failures in life through you. That could not have been helpful.”
“Yes, well being dumped the final night of the Engagement Tour didn’t help matters either.”
She does not look at me accusingly; there is no bitterness in her voice, but I wince at her words. “I love her, Madeleine,” I say quietly.
Now the slightest flicker of hurt washes over her face.
We are stopped at a red light; aromatic scents of coffee and savory meats drift in the air from a nearby café. I did not have breakfast, and my stomach rumbles. I suggest we partake of a light meal; it would give us an opportunity to finally clear the air between us.
After a few moments’ thought, she nods in agreement, and we literally follow our noses to the quaint eatery. Once we’re seated, she glances at her wristwatch before studying the culinary options.
“I have an appointment later,” she offers.
I nod in understanding and begin speaking. “I know I hurt you, and I’m truly sorry my actions caused you pain.”
“You embarrassed me in front of the entire world,” she accuses, keeping her eyes hidden behind the menu.
“We had an agreement, Madeleine. An agreement you presented to me.”
“An arrangement that I would be Queen, NOT publicly dumped and humiliated for a second time!” she seethes.
“You knew I was in love with Riley! You knew that!”
“And you would have had her in all the ways that mattered! Instead, you went back on your word to a faithful member of Court.”
I don’t think I like the emphasis she puts on the word ‘faithful.’
A waitress comes to take our order. We request sandwiches, salads, scotch. This conversation requires something far stronger than coffee.
“You didn’t love me, you merely wanted to be Queen,” I reply carefully.
“BECAUSE IT WAS PROMISED TO ME!” she thunders; the few patrons look at us curiously. I give them an apologetic smile before facing the Countess again.
“It was an arrangement between the Crown and your House, put in place for you and Leo,” I point out.
“One that you agreed to honor once you turned your back on Riley!” she counters acidly.
My jaw tenses at the mention of my biggest mistake, my one regret. My head drops and I train my gaze on the white linen tablecloth.
“I hurt her as well, Countess. Once the wrong against her had been righted, I had to take the chance in hopes her feelings hadn’t changed.”
Madeleine exhales a heavy breath. “We weren’t raised on love, we weren’t taught to love. It’s always been duty, duty, duty. I upheld my end of the bargain twice, and Cordonia repaid me with ashes. ASHES! The promises of the Crown were mere dust between my fingers. And after all that, you still expect me to fulfill a duty to Cordonia.”
“The country needs you. Your leadership, your expertise.”
“Just not as Queen,” she rebukes stubbornly.
“Madeleine-,” I begin.
She waves her hand dismissively. “Sorry for trading in my patriotism for self-care.” Her chin quivers slightly as she reaches for her glass of water. “I am finally doing what I want, discovering who I am.”
She sips, her green eyes holding mine. “I’m happy now. Away from Court and duties and expectations. Truthfully, I don’t know if I’ll return.”
I nod slowly. She’s correct: Cordonia has disappointed her twice; she’s labeled a crown chaser and bitter failure when it was the Crown who backed away from fulfilling its promise.
“How is Riley?” she asks just as our meal is served.
I sit quietly as plates are slid in front of us, realizing Madeleine doesn’t know. She didn’t return with us at the end of the Engagement Tour. She never returned at all.
The food looks appetizing, but I reach first for my drink.
“She left Cordonia shortly after her name was cleared.”
I have the Countess’ full attention; her facial expression is neutral, but there is a craftiness in her eyes.
“I’m now engaged to Lady Kiara. The wedding is in a fortnight.”
Her body stiffens at hearing Cordonia’s final insult before downing her drink in one swallow.
Madeleine sets her glass harshly on the table before gathering her things. Her eyes are narrow slits shooting daggers at me. I watch her warily as she makes her way to my side. She bends her head, her lips next to my ear.
“Piss off, Liam. Piss all the way off!”
The cool wind pushes my hair back as I walk along the familiar path, every step taking me deeper into the past. It’s been years since I’ve been here; everything is different.
Everything is the same.
I’m not paying attention to the present as I walk, I’m too lost in memories of long ago. That’s why I don’t notice the person walking towards me until I hear a familiar voice call my name.
I freeze. It can’t be. What are the odds?
I lift my head as my eyes dart wildly around before finally landing on a face I’d recognize anywhere, even now.
“It’s you.”
I don’t utter the words aloud; rather I mumble them under my breath. Even through the sea of people impossibly crowding the Manhattan sidewalk, she stands out.
She always did.
Her hair is still flaxen blonde, but it’s longer; her skin is tanned, but not as deeply as it was in Cordonia. Her eyes are hidden beneath stylish sunglasses, and her long, long legs are encased in wheat-colored leggings. She navigates the throng swiftly, easily as she comes towards me.
I step back into a shop’s doorway, my eyes fixed on her figure. When she reaches me, it’s still second nature to wrap my arms around her. I deeply inhale her scent: ocean, sand, blue sky. When we pull apart, I see the bright smile on her lips, but her eyes are still covered.
“Brooks!” I exclaim. “How are you? What are you doing here?”
“I need to be asking you that question! You found me here, remember?”
“I found you in Brooklyn, not on Sixth Avenue,” I correct.
“Six in one hand, a half-dozen in the other,” she dismisses as she averts her gaze.
“Let me guess, UN visit?”
I nod. “Yeah. Usually Liv comes with Court, but this year they’re stuck with me.”
“Is … Liam here?” The hesitation before saying the King of Cordonia’s name is slight, but I notice it.
I shake my head. “Not yet. He and Kiara will arrive tomorrow. I flew out a couple of days early to get the lay of the land.”
She looks puzzled at hearing the mention of Kiara but shakes her head slightly before blessing me with another smile. “We need to catch up! Have time to grab a quick lunch with me?”
Everything within me is screaming, NO.
 “I’d love to,” is what I say.
She grabs me by the hand, and we stroll to the corner where we make a right and walk the longest city block ever before ducking into Retro Diner. It’s a galley-style eatery, complete with red-topped stools in front of a counter. The kitchen is actually grilling stations which line the length of the restaurant.
Despite it being lunch time, the place is fairly empty; the waitress leads us to a booth at the rear of the restaurant. Riley scoots into her seat, shrugging her purse off her shoulder as she does so. She removes her sunglasses and I’m lost in her aquamarine eyes.
“You’ll love this place! They have s’mores pancakes and the best steak,” she says as her eyes pore over the menu.
I arch an eyebrow in surprise. “S’mores pancakes?”
Her eyes briefly meet mine. “I still remember, Drake.”
I say nothing. I remember too.
“How’s life been treating you?” she asks nonchalantly.
“Things are great! Liv and I are expecting our first child in a couple of months.”
She closes her eyes briefly at the mention of my wife; her lips are pursed in pain or anger, I don’t know which one.
I reach for one of her hands. “Brooks …,”
She snatches it away. “You made your choice. In fact, you made a choice for both of us. We’re both living with it.”
“I loved you, Brooks. I wanted you. But you were still running around with Liam after hours.”
The waitress comes; Riley orders for us, and apparently the rest of the establishment.
“Don’t judge me,” she admonishes. “And for the record, YOU were the one who kept pushing me towards Liam. Even after … everything.”
“I really didn’t think I had a chance with you, Brooks. Even after … everything.”
“But OLIVIA made you feel what I felt for you? Not buying it! Mr. I-Hate-Nobility ups and marries the WORST of the lot!”
I let out a deep breath. “Liv is a lot like me; always has been ever since we were kids. She’s built walls around her for protection: Her parents were traitors to the Crown, she was basically abandoned by her only blood relative, and taken to the Palace where the man who her parents wanted to kill was expected to raise and care for her.”
“Spare me the poor little rich girl story,” Brooks mutters.
“It isn’t a story! It’s her truth.  It wasn’t so bad in the beginning; she was young, and Eleanor was alive. But Constantine kept her under surveillance, convinced Liv was going to finish what Lionel and Camilla started. When Eleanor was poisoned, Connie had Liv sent back to Lythikos, certain the Nevrakis Snake, as he called her, was behind it.
“Me, her, and Liam hung out a lot as kids. Hell, we all lived together, right? She saw Li as a savior of sorts; I was just the unwanted kid. Just like her. We were obligations to show that the Crown held pity and sympathy for the less fortunate. She loved Liam, but she … understood me. We were from the same bolt of cloth, so to speak.”
“She talked to you like you were shit and treated you worse! She treated everyone as lesser than!”
I shrug my shoulders. “It didn’t bother me because I saw through her act. Overcome your insecurities by making everyone else feel even more insecure.”
I pause as food arrives; she’s ordered me something called Poppa Pig: country ham in gravy, steak, eggs, grits, and s’mores pancakes. She has bacon, sausage, fried potatoes, and buttered toast. We both have orange juice.
It all looks delicious and smells incredible.
“Remember how I treated you when we first met?” I ask as I tuck into my meal.
“You were an ass, but only because you liked me,” she replies as she piles bacon, eggs, and potatoes between two slices of toast.
“And Olivia was the same with me. She knew nothing would or could ever come about with Liam, but me? The possibilities were definitely there but she hid behind sarcasm and insults until she knew it was safe to share her heart with me.”
She sets her sandwich down to give me a slow clap. “I applaud your defense of that shrew you call a wife.”
“I love her, Brooks. And she loves me. We’re happy. We just have weird ways of showing it.”
She chews slowly, thoughtfully. “You couldn’t tell me. Sitting there … making eye contact with me, chasing me down for hidden dinners and sweaty sex. Telling me how you feel about ME, and then she shows up one day, married to you!”
I swallow some orange juice, my eyes studying her over the lip of the glass. “I told you how I felt about you, and you said you couldn’t choose between me and Liam. I may be commoner, but I deserve more than to be the dirty secret part of a package deal. A woman who loves a man, chooses that man. Olivia chose me. No one else, no excuses. Me.”
Her eyes tear away from mine to stare at the tabletop. “I made my choice in New York. I told Liam.”
The knock on the New York City hotel room door caused Riley Brooks to utter an expletive. It had been a long day, and even longer night. But her name was cleared; she was no longer the Slutty Suitor. Tariq had come through for her, for himself. Riley wasn’t sure how she felt about Justin’s stunt with leaking the footage during the wedding shower, but that was a problem for another day.
She hurried through the large common area, yelling, “I’m coming!”
She pulled the door open, her eyes widening in surprise and confusion. “King Liam!”
Liam’s smile was uncertain as he faced the woman he loved. “No need to be so formal, Lady Riley.”
“You drop the Lady, I’ll drop the King,” she joked as she stepped aside so Liam could enter.
Liam strode directly to the bar cart. “I’ve just left the Countess. It did not go well.”
Riley curled up in a corner of the sofa. “She was used as much as I was,” she said softly.
The King looked over his shoulder. “Yes, she was,” he acknowledged sadly. “Would you care for a beverage?”
“Wine, please.”
He brought her the requested drink and sat next to her on the couch. “I have business to tend to in the morning but would be greatly honored if you would join me tomorrow evening. If you’re free.”
Riley licked her lips, tasting the remnants of wine on them before shaking her head regretfully. “I don’t think so. Liam, I’ve decided to pursue a relationship with Drake.”
She reached for his hand, but he had his palms covering his face. He exhaled a few shaky breaths as his shoulders shook ever so slightly.
“Liam … I didn’t mean to hurt you. I swear!” Riley choked out over the lump in her throat.
The King fished a handkerchief out of his breast pocket, patting it over his face. His eyes, though red-rimmed, held no malice when he met her stare. “I’ll be fine, Lady Riley. Your news … took me by surprise.”
She nodded her head understandingly. “I’m sorry. So sorry. But I’m not cut out to be a Queen. Not one person in that ballroom tonight even thought to apologize to me until you told them to. I can’t deal with citizens, press … I just can’t.”
“No need for apologies. You’re following your heart and intuition.” He looked at the American thoughtfully as the silence between them grew. “Would you consider becoming a Duchess?”
Riley shook her head vehemently. “Nobility? You do realize I said Drake’s name, right?”
The pair chuckled though tears stung their eyes.
“Excellent point,” Liam conceded. “Will you at least accompany me to the press release I’ll be giving once we return to Cordonia?”
Riley nodded. “Of course. And then I’ll tell Drake the good news.”
My forkful of pancakes clatters to the plate. “You … you … you chose me? And told LIAM?” I sputter angrily.
“He waited for my decision. He realized that my feelings were conflicted. YOU? You automatically assumed I was just being a crown chaser flinging it up with the commoner,” she answers coolly.
I stare at her, my appetite rapidly diminishing. She takes a huge bite of her breakfast sandwich.
“I was in love with you. And you betrayed me. I was ready to fight Olivia for you. Liam stopped the … situation before it escalated.”
I feel as if I have been sucker-punched. “He never said a word,” I croak out.
“It wasn’t his place to tell you. It was mine, but apparently I was in a race to the altar and lost.” She reaches for a napkin. “How’s he doing?”
“He and Kiara are getting married in two weeks.” My voice sounds distant, as it should. I’m lost in memories again.
Brooks nods thoughtfully. “It won’t be love, but sometimes that can be for the best.”
Her cellphone chirps from inside her purse. She grabs it and answers the call. A smile breaks across her face, a genuine one. She murmurs into the phone, and I see the glint of diamond on her left ring finger. She hangs up, and signals for the waitress.
“Your husband?” I ask, feeling a pang of jealousy.
“Fiancé,” she corrects. “His name is Parker Shaw, and he’s a detective with the NYPD. He moved here last year from Pine Springs, Oregon and has an unhealthy fear of deep bodies of water. We literally bumped into each other on the subway, and been together ever since.”
I realize this is all I know of her new life. “What do you do for a living?”
She laughs. “Not waitressing! I own an event planning company. I’m one of three firms hired for the UN Annual General Summit.”
I stare at her as the words sink in. She’ll be at the Gala.
With her fiancé.
I’ll be at the Gala.
With a pregnant wife at home.
The waitress appears and Riley asks for two buffalo chicken sandwiches with kettle chips to go. I assume at least one is for Parker.  “Well, I guess this won’t be the only time I see you this trip, huh?”
She shakes her head, her smile fading from her face. Her eyes fill with an entreaty as her lower lip quivers. 
“I still love you, Brooks. I never stopped.”
She nods her head briefly, a relief washing over her features. She rises from her bench, reaching over to get her purse. She fishes her sunglasses out and slides them over the bridge of her nose. I rise as well, but she motions me to sit down. “My treat,” she says.
I watch as she walks to the counter for her sandwiches and to pay the bill. I want to watch her walk out the door and let my eyes follow her until I can’t see her anymore, but my phone buzzes. I unlock the screen and pull up the text message.
My eyes feel as if they are bulging out of my head and ice settles in my stomach as I read.
Tagging:  @jared2612​​ @ao719​​ @marietrinmimi​​ @merridithsmiscellany-blog​​ @queenjilian​​ @indiacater​​ @kingliam2019​​ @bebepac​​ @liamxs-world​​ @hopelessromanticmonie​​ @mom2000aggie​​ @cmestrella​​ @iaminlovewithtrr​​ @liamrhysstalker2020​​  @neotericthemis​​ @twinkleallnight​​ @umccall71​​ @superharriet​​  @busywoman​​ @gabesmommie1130​​ @tessa-liam​​ @phoenixrising308​​ @beezm​​ @gardeningourmet​​ @lovingchoices14​​ @foreverethereal123​​ @mainstreetreader​​ @angelasscribbles​​ @lady-calypso​​ @emkay512​​ @jovialyouthmusic​​ @21-wishes​​ @princessleac1​​ @charlotteg234​​ @bbrandy2002​​ @queenrileyrose​​ @debramcg1106​​ @alj4890​​ @yourfavaquarius111​​ @motorcitymademadame​​​
 Fellow Prompters:  @dcbbw​​​ @bebepac​​​ @karahalloway​​​ @harleybeaumont​​​ @txemrn​​​@twinkleallnight​​ @kat-tia801​​​ @missameliep​​​ @jerzwriter​​​@twinkle-320​​​ @argylemnwrites​​​ @katedrakeohd​​
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andthatisnotfake · 2 months
40 for 40
Starting the countdown to my 40th birthday by posting a drabble a day until then (literally exactly 100 words each).
It'll be 40 different ships, some of which I've never written or even read fic for, so please bear with me. I hope they don't turn out too OOC lol.
I'm pinning this post and will be adding links to the drabbles here, after a read more.
I hope you all enjoy them and celebrate my birthday with me!
1 - Madirosh: Goal!
2 - Matt x Tommy: The sunset couldn't compete
3 - Runhlidia: Suffocating
4 - Dralivia: Home
5 - Elle x Tao: Flowers
6 - Taywhora: Good food, champagne and pretty girls
7 - Kurtofsky: Too sick for fashion
8 - FirstPrince: Suck on it!
9 - Diamond Chaney: Spilled coffee
10 - Branjie: Just be happy
11 - Ca$h x Darren: Darren and Ca$h sitting on a tree...
12 - Patrochilles: Silent Vows
13 - Haruka x Michiru: The Sun Inside
14 - Vegebul: The Only Alternative
15 - Quinlar: Better than sunball
16 - Asttimini: Catastrophe
17 - Ineffable Husbands: Teacher Aziraphale
18 - Ed x Stede: Offended
19 - Bertvannah: New Look
20 - David x Patrick: Cheap Tactic
21 - Darcy x Tara: Just like in old times
22 - Fiyeraba: Cliché
23 - Brittana: The Future
24 - Havolina: Shoot your shot
25 - Stedrika: Natural enemies
26 - Wilmon: Funny Coincidence
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To the ever lovely @twinkleallnight :
We've only interacted, like, a few times with each other but from these interactions I can see that you're a very sweet, kind and lovely person ❤️💝
You were my match for the @choicesfandomappreciation 's Valentine's Day Secret Admirer Event! I know that you like Dralivia a lot so I made some edits of these two!!
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A late post for Writers appreciation Day.
@dcbbw you make royals look normal... The DC AU is one of my favourites. I can't stop there though, there is Liara, Riam, Driam, there are so many AU you have written that I love to read, i sort of lost the count. And then you are capable of doing just the opposite when you make us commoners turn into royals with your magic wand ( your Remix series). You are one mature person who the fandom will always look up to.
@alj4890 My fav Dralivia person. It doesn't end there though. "While we are young" brings another level of creativity like we have season 2 of TRR. The way you have made me fall for Emerick and Juliette! There is always so much fluff in your writings i feel a sugar burst after reading them. Keep going. 💖
@phoenixrising0308 your one scene where Jessica was mishandled by one of the guards in the end of TRR1 carved a deep niche in my fluff loving mind. I hate that moment so much for what it did to Jessica yet I love how you have shown the face of the brutal real world to the readers. You are angst machine. Never stop resurrecting phoenix. ❤️‍🔥
@angelasscribbles rare to find someone writing Leo seriously. Your mind is a mine of fics, neverending with so much to give us. Always.
@flowerpowell my go to person for Drake fics. When i read your fics, it feels like I am in a movie theatre. Just need some popcorns, sir back n enjoy the show, the firecrackers, the oceans of angst added before we reach the paradise. Keep writing!❣️
@ao719 the angst queen as they call you.i haven't enjoyed any crossover as much (i hardly played any more books on choices after trh). But Vancross is mind blowing. It takes herculean efforts to bring all the PB royals and VIPs under one roof. You are doing it and we are reaping the fruits. ❤️
@sfb123 for the uncle Drake series. I miss them!
@choiceskatie Gone girl was one of my first fics that I read on Tumblr. You are the reason I started loving Leo. I wish someday you comeback and complete that fic.
@princess-geek my friend from the another fandom (desires and decorum) i love you not just as an author but the loving and caring human being that you are! I love how you make me keep going through thick and thin. Sending loads of love to our Lady Fordale. 💞
@lizzybeth1986 you can't be just into a writer's list.. but just for today I want to take chance to appreciate that part of your personality too. I look at you as someone more than a writer and i call you a critic. You have the flair of dissecting those characters in you gripping essays. They are sometimes more than an essay to me.. they are research work of a literature master. Thank for being there!💓
One person I miss the most is Pam of @speedyrascaloperaparty who left the fandom this year. My favourite author, i wish you happiness and success wherever you are.
@dcbbw, @alj4890, @phoenixrising0308, @angelasscribbles, @flowerpowell, @ao719, @sfb123, @choiceskatie, @princess-geek, @lizzybeth1986, @speedyrascaloperaparty
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alj4890 · 2 years
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(Drake x Olivia) in a Choices The Royal Romance/Heir fan fic.
A/N No reason other than I needed a little Dralivia. And I think it isn't a secret from previous fics how I feel about Drake's mom (in case you don't know, I can't stand her, LOL). Thus, for some reason, listening to the song while working on a fic for another Choices OTP couple of mine, this angsty idea somehow came about.
Rating: G
Song Inspiration: Hold My Hand by Lady Gaga
@krsnlove @sirbeepsalot @lodberg ​ @mynameiskaylabella @museofbooks @elbenmond @gibbles82 @twinkleallnight @thehonorarybeaumont @tessa-liam @moodmusicmonday @choicesficwriterscreations
The sun shouldn't be shining so brightly. Birds shouldn't be chirping their sweet songs. The cool breeze shouldn't be gentle and soothing. This wasn't at all how the world should look today.
Rain should be falling steadily. Perhaps a faint roll of thunder should rumble off in the distance. The wind should be icy, chilling one to the bone. The sky should be a slate gray color giving no hope for sunlight filtering through.
Funerals were meant for that type of atmosphere.
Drake swallowed against the lump of emotion in his throat. He tugged at the knot in his carefully contructed tie, causing it to become lopsided. He ran a hand through his hair. He next slipped on a pair of sunglasses when he noticed some people watching him.
He didn't need this audience. Over half of these people wouldn't have come to his mother's funeral if Liam hadn't made him a Guardian of the Realm. Nobody would have cared that the Walker siblings had lost their only remaining parent if he had not helped save Liam and Riley as often as he had.
Well, perhaps a few would have come. He could always depend on Liam to be there for him. Somehow he had become close to Maxwell, Riley, and Hana along the way. They were just as loyal as one could wish. Even if Bertrand was not married to Savannah, Drake suspected he would still have come to pay his respects.
But none of the others would have cared enough about him to come. No one would have flown all the way out here in to an insignificant Texas town for him.
Well, maybe one other might have.
As the pastor continued his sermon, Drake took advantage of his sunglasses to secretly search for Olivia in the crowd. It didn't take long to find her. Her rich red hair with sunlight shining upon it shone easily against the black clothed individuals.
He was surprised to see her head bowed. Her lips were not hardened in their typical manner. Her hands were loosely clasped in front of her black clad body. A few stray strands of her hair gently got caught in the occasional breeze.
He tried to swallow once more when his sister's muffled sob broke through his study of the duchess. He glanced to his right to see Bertrand wrap his arms around her, whispering against her hair.
Drake only caught a part of what he said.
"I'm right here."
That softly said phrase cut Drake to the quick.
He'd never felt so alone before. He'd experienced lonliness throughout his life, but he never realized how alone he was without a significant other. Liam often told him how much he needed and depended on Riley. Drake had witnessed first hand the changes in Bertrand and Savannah once they married.
But Drake didn't have that.
And now, he must say goodbye to the one parent who had caused nothing but conflicted feelings deep within his heart.
Drake didn't know what to do. Should he be angry and harden his heart against this woman who had abandoned him and his little sister all those years ago? Or should he only focus on the last couple of years and her attempts to makeup for her mistakes?
How uncertain could a man be?
Memories flickered through his mind of his mom when he was little. The gruff manner she would pull him in for a quick hug. The feel of her ruffling his hair. The way she would tuck him into bed at night.
Then thoughts of near silence. Wasn't that what she gave him for years until Liam got married? Actually, would she have shown her face at all if Liam hadn't made certain to invite her to his wedding? Would she have shown up if she hadn't known Savannah had given birth to her first grandchild?
Did she even want to see me? Or was her return to Cordonia for other reasons?
He blinked when people began to step forward to lay a final flower upon the mahogany casket.
Rubbing a hand down his face, he picked up his lone flower. He grimaced somewhat at the number of lilies and roses. His own wildflower he had picked seemed so out of place amongst them. It looked like he didn't care.
And he knew he was the only one left alive to remember the reason for picking the Firewheel for this final time.
The vibrant yellow and red petals were a stark contrast to the delicate, expensive, white flowers.
Tears burned his eyes yet refused to fall.
Stepping back, he went through the motions of thanking those who had come along with his sister and brother-in-law. His aunt was gruff were her murmurs of gratitude.
During one of the so sorry for your loss from a well meaning noble, Drake noticed Olivia slip away without a word. His brow furrowed over the fact she wasn't going to even bother to say anything to him. He'd thought that they were finally beyond being hateful to one another.
I guess I was wrong.
The next couple of days were spent as cohost to those who remained in Texas. Neighbors came by the old farmhouse with enough food to help feed the company of Cordonia's most respected.
Drake was thoroughly tired of it by the third day.
He sneaked out one evening at dusk. Sighing in relief once he was a hundred yards from the crowded house, he continued on toward one of the outer fields.
He leaned against one of the fence posts, watching the last rays of light disappear.
"It's beautiful out here."
He swung around in surprise.
Olivia stepped up beside him, eyes focused on the western horizon.
His eyes narrowed somewhat. He had seen her speaking to others, yet she had kept her distance from him ever since the funeral. It irritated him. She hadn't even bothered to say she was sorry for his loss, yet had somehow followed him out here when he wanted to be alone.
No, that wasn't right. He didn't want to be alone. Not really. But that was how he'd been during this whole process.
Olivia cut her eyes to study his profile. She'd never felt so out of her depths before. What she was about to do was something she'd never felt compelled to do for anyone else in her life. It was something she couldn't stop thinking about. It irritated her that she'd felt driven to do this for Drake, of all people. She couldn't rest and remain inactive any longer.
She could see how much he was hurting yet was hiding it better than most could. She knew that kind of pain. Understood it. Lived with it all these many years.
And she'd known she couldn't approach him until the time was right and there was a lack of an audience.
"Why are you here?" He asked in a bitter tone.
Olivia didn't flinch. Didn't even bat an eyelash over the harsh accusation one could so easily hear. She knew what was causing it.
"I didn't want you to be alone anymore." She stated simply.
He snorted. "Did it ever occur to you that I have been surrounded by people for days?" He glared at her. "Was it not obvious since I asked no one to come out here with me that I needed to be alone?"
She turned to face him. Her normally hard gaze was soft, emerald eyes steadily meeting his angry brown. They didn't bother to probe to see where his questions were coming from.
And that unnerved him.
Instead of snapping back with an angry retort to set him in his place, she tentatively placed her hand over his.
His fist clinched upon the worn wooden plank. It was as if he fought against accepting her silent comfort.
Her fingers brushed along his knuckles until they settled along his fingers, curving over them as if in protection.
Drake could feel that familar burn of tears. His throat convulsed around that ever growing lump that threatened to choke him.
"I know, Drake." Olivia said softly.
And he knew she did. She understood without him having to say that he didn't know if he was mourning his parent or for the memories he once cherished or for what might have been if she had not left him.
He looked out at the meadow, seeing that same wildflower he'd given his mother dotting the slightly rolling land. During family trips here when he was a little boy, he had picked as many Firewheels as his arms could hold as a surprise for his mom. Even now, he could see her delighted smile. He could almost feel the kiss upon his forehead for bringing her such a thoughtful gift.
Stray tears slipped down his cheeks as he gazed upon Olivia's hand holding his.
When had his fingers eased? When had his hand turned to grip hers as if he was about to fall down a canyon of despair?
Her grip on his tightened as she waited patiently for him to say or indicate what he needed next.
His voice cracked.
"Liv. I--"
He wasn't certain who moved first. He only knew he had her crushed to his chest. Her arms were wrapped tightly around his waist as he shook. He buried his face against her neck, taking shuddering breaths.
Olivia closed her eyes tight. She could feel her own tears threatening to spill out. She knew deep down why she was here, allowing herself to experience the pain of losing a parent again. She knew why she was willing to allow her own memories to torture her once more.
She couldn't stand to see Drake have to face it alone. She knew he had Liam, the others, his sister, even an aunt.
But no one knew how to grieve for a parent who betrays you like she did.
As sweet as Liam, Riley, Hana, and Maxwell were, they couldn't begin to fathom the love/hate feelings that threaten to consume one when forced into this situation. To be denied the chance to say what it is you need, what you want, what you deserve from the parent; that is the true sorrow.
Time can't be reversed. Feelings cannot be healed by the person responsible for doing this to you. It is a frustratingly unfair situation.
Olivia was old friends with all of that. She knew soon Drake would be too. Yet, knowing him and seeing the type of man he had grown into, she knew he would only come out stronger and better in the end from all this.
Once he became a father, he would make certain his child never suffered a similar fate.
Just as she swore to her yet to be formed children.
Drake continued to hold on to Olivia, greedily taking every scrap of comfort she gave him. Of all the people in the world, he'd never have dreamed she'd be the one person to give him exactly what he needed in this moment.
And yet here she was, selflessly giving herself to him to use as his crutch, holding him up during this time of heartache.
Her soft whispered words reminding him she was there for him, that she understood touched his aching heart. It reminded him of Bertrand's actions with Savannah.
For the first time in his life, he felt understood. He felt cared for. He felt the stirrings of stronger emotions for the woman in his arms.
Drake knew from this moment on that he would no longer be alone.
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zigsexual · 6 years
sometimes i wanna make a dralivia playlist but then i realize it would literally only be songs by the 1975
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aworldoffandoms · 4 years
I Need to Write...
So, I am back again with wanting to write some prompts, however, this time, the prompt list will be allllll about the angst! Gotta love that angst! lol
You can find the list here and it’s from the same author of the previous prompt list I did. 
I write most TRR [Liam x MC] or Open Heart [Ethan x MC] fics but I wouldn’t mind doing other ships from either or crack ships too! I like them (especially Dralivia haha sorry not sorry). So send Bryce or Drake or any others too if you want! I’m open minded! 
Send through your preferences to my ask inbox and I’ll get on to them as quick as I can! 😁🥰
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bobasheebaby · 4 years
Hi! Could you pls answer 19, 22, 24 and 46 for the Fanfiction Questions? Thanks and have a lovely weekend!
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them?
Dralivia, there are some stories I’ve read that I can enjoy, but I just can’t see it.
22. Is there anything you regret writing?
Regret? Nothing that I can think of off the top of my head. I have stories that make me cringe so hard but I don’t regret writing them.
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit?
I have a few chapters of What Almost Was that I need to partially rewrite. The more that I write Athena x Percy I realize that Athena would behave differently in some scenes. At the time it felt in character and now I’m just seeing her clearer.
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why?
Crimson Rain (Liam x MC; Bastien x OC)- I love this series! I have completely stomped on canon and it was truly fun to do so. I took our favorite royals and stuck them in a world were they are mobsters and I’ve definitely been surprised by a few of the twists and turns it’s given me along the way. And don’t stop at chapter 18, you need to read Lucky Number 7 the little ‘side’ series within it. Basically I got my muse to agree to something but it was gonna take too long for me to get it in the series so I did a little jump ahead for my one family and it’s just made me love this series even more. Oh the fluff!
Cordonian Ruby (Liam x MC; Bastien x Olivia; OC x OC)- I love this alternative of TRH, it’s kinda dark in places but it’s been super fun to write. Writing Ruby in different stages of her life has made her one of my favorite characters. She ends up growing up without knowing she’s royalty at all after her parents are killed and Bastien escapes the country with her.
What Almost Was (Liam x MC; Drake x Liam; MC x OC)- PERCY!!! That’s it, he’s the entire reason! Percy was my first OC. I absolutely love him and have been astounded by how many people love him too.
Thanks for the ask Nonny, hope you have a wonderful weekend as well!
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blackcatkita · 5 years
do you have any masterlists for dralivia fanfic, ours or from other people?
Hi, Nonny! My first ever fanfic was Drake x Olivia! They’re the ones that started this crazy journey. There’s a few one-shots on my masterlist that are labeled for Drake x Olivia otherwise they are paired throughout The Consequence of Secrets but it does mostly focus on Liam and Jennifer. Here’s a link to my MASTERLIST.
Some other writers that write for Drake and Olivia are:
@alicars has a few one shots- masterlist
@alj4890 has a series The Other Friend- masterlist
@boneandfur has a one shot- This Never Happened and a follow up series What Happens in Lythikos- masterlist
@darley1101 has several one-shots as well as two series Uncommon and Broken Fairytales- masterlist
@itsstillnotwhatyouthink has a couple one-shots- masterlist​
That’s all I really know about... I thought there was more! Anyone else know of other writers who write for Drake and Olivia?
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dcbbw · 4 years
WIPs Folder Tag
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I got tagged by @bobasheebaby​ and @burnsoslow​ for this. Thanks, ladies!
Rules: I will post the names of all my WIPs, regardless of how non-descriptive or ridiculous. You send me an ask with the title that most interests/intrigues you and i’ll post a snippet of it or tell you something about it! Because it’s me, some titles will simply be the title of the series/ ship names/characters involved because while I have ideas for upcoming stories, I don’t have titles.
And here we go ... all WIPs under the cut
A Night at the Opera
A Tale of Two Couples
A Very Social Season
Aftermath of a Breakup/DC AU
Autumn in New York
Back Roads
Birthing Babies
Cordonian Arrangement
Desperate Measures
Dinner with Friends
Doctors & Ambassadors
Evil Driam
Goodnight, Moon
Guests and Visitors
Houses of Cordonia
KInktober Day 17
Kinktober Day 18
Kinktober Day 20
Kinktober Day 26
Little Nobles
Love in a Time of Betrayal
Object of Affection
One Big Happy
Remixed--The Social Season
Rendezvous in Ramsford
Secrets of Cordonia
Sin City
Sister Someone
Sixteen Candles, the TRR version
Sunday Brunch
The Commoner’s Wife
The Lunch Club
The Not-The- Nanny Interviews
The Queen’s Friendship
The Secret Rick Springfield Fan Club
Twenty Questions
Un-Romance AU
Untitled Drake x Penelope
Untitled Dralivia
Untitled Riley x Hana
Untitled Riley x Jusin/Anton
When We Were Young.
Wife Swap
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andthatisnotfake · 10 months
Dearest anon, I don't know which ask you wanted this for, so answering for both:
From the fic asks: Is there a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
Some of my old Gallavich drabbles and one-shots still get kudos nearly every day and it always surprises me.
Also, my Dralivia drabbles got more love than I thought they would (and my Bertvannah pwp got less love than I thought it would but... We live...)
From the YR asks: Which of Wille's outfits is your favorite?
This outfit lives rent free in my mind
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Honorable mention to the heart hoodie, which I'm obsessed with.
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julia-highstorms · 6 years
K A D E N (you know I HAD to do it, dont judge me lmao)
LOL Thanks for asking Davette @kadencantarella. I’m not judging you lol I love my OC af too
K - How do you feel about the other people in your current fandom
I love this fandom!!!!!!!!!! My only complain is let me love my backstabbers in peace, I’m not obliging anyone to stan them with me!
A - Your current OTP
Damien x Ellie (OC), Namien!!!!! And I like reading Jax x with anyone. This vampire can get all lol
D - A pairing you wish you like but just can’t
Dralivia. There’s a lot of fanfics of them from writers that I love but I just can’t see them together as a couple or at all.
E - Have you added anything stupid/craky/hilarious to your fandom, if so, what
Some shitposts lol my Val “I’m in lesbians with you” post still is one of my most popular posts lol
N - Your favorite fanfiction or fanauthor
I’ll put here my favorite authors and my fave ships of them here:
@boneandfur - Namien
@christopher-powell - Flynn x Elena
@kennaxval - Naomi X MC, Kenna x Val
@viktoriapetit - Viktoria x Istvan
@laniquelovely - Liam x Freya
@walkerismychoice - Jax x Lexi
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endless-vall · 6 years
Can’t imagine it any other way - Drake x Olivia fanfic
Summary: Drake seeks Liam’s advice about asking Olivia to marry him. He knows he loves Olivia and he wants to marry her, but with what it could mean to the duchy of Lythikos, it seems there’s a lot at hand to consider before taking such a step. 
Author’s note: anon requested a Dralivia proposal fic, and I obliged! Sorry it took a while, at first I had an idea but kinda lost it mid-way, only to get back to it today. Hahahaha oops. 
Hope you’ll like it! Enjoy 😊
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“Hey, what’s up?” Liam asked as he sat down beside Drake, a drink in each hand - one for Drake and one for himself.
They were sitting in a small, local cafe in Cordonia, one that the press probably never heard of, and by the time word got out both Liam and Drake would be gone already.
Liam handed Drake his drink, while leaning over in his chair.
“I’m fine I guess, how about you?” Drake asks, while taking the first sip of his warm beverage.
Liam was king now for a couple of years, and he and Amber had two kids but he still made time for Drake. He cherished all of his friends and even in his busiest times, he still could send a warm smile or an encouraging word.
Drake sometimes couldn’t believe how he’d doubted his best friend, since here he was - king of Cordonia, making time to go for a cup of coffee with a commoner like Drake.
“I’m good,” Liam nods, and Drake can tell his answer in genuine. Then, Liam leans in, gaze considerate. “But I asked about you, y’know?”
Drake watches him for a long moment, with a mixture of shock and amazement, before chuckling and rolling his eyes. Of course Liam would catch up on something that was weighting over Drake, even if he didn’t say a word about it.
“I should’ve known you’d see right through it,” Drake commented, preparing himself mentally to come clean.
“Of course,” Liam smiled, reassuringly, before letting his face turn into a serious expression once again.
“Is it about Olivia?” He asked, referring to Drake and Olivia’s growing relationship.
“Something like that.”
It took them a while to finally announce it, but he and Olivia were dating for a while now. Two years - Officially. Even the media already knew all about it
(The tabloids exploded when they’d just found out, but Drake and Olivia were sure enough of their relationship and were ready to take the blow).
Unofficially? Three years, give or take.
Drake life... Turned very different than what he thought it would be. But... For the better, he realized.
He loved Olivia. He truly did. Deeply, passionately, contently.
“Is something wrong?” Liam’s concerned tone cut off Drake’s line of thought.
“Oh,” Drake realized he was too deep in thought and didn’t exactly answer Liam’s question.
After all, Drake did want to talk about Olivia with Liam. He just didn’t know how to do that.
“Nothing like that, actually.” Drake said, comfortingly. Fortunately, everything was okay between them. More than okay, even.
“Quite the opposite, actually.” He admitted, and let that sink in.
He and Liam continued drinking their coffee, but apparently Liam didn’t quite take the hint.
“So?” Liam finally asked, the anticipation crawling on him.
Drake lowered his glass, now almost empty, to the wooden table.
He non-audibly sighed, before starting.
“I love her, you know?” He said, looking at his best friend.
“I know.” Liam nodded. Something soft forming behind his eyes.
Drake knew he’d have to say more than that, to make his point clear.
“I... Wanna spend my life with her, Liam.” He finally breathed out.
Liam nodded, at first, before the words made sense.
Drake stared him down, waiting for something - Anything - To happen.
“Oh.” The realization finally downed at him, as he studied Drake’s face.
The side of Drake’s lips curled just the slightest upwards. “Yeah.”
“I think she’d like that,” Liam said, in a considerate tone.
Olivia loved Drake too, there was no doubt in that.
She also never made him feel like he wasn’t enough, that he wasn’t good enough to be dating her.
But dating was one thing... And marriage?
Could he... Could they really?
Drake’s mind was a whirlwind of questioning, doubts and emotions ever since the first thought of proposing crept to his head.
“You think so?” Drake’s voice broke a little, not as sure-of-himself and confident as always. It was just a tone higher than his usual voice, but enough for someone who knew him that well to notice.
His eyebrows arched upwards, into a somewhat frown. His plumped his shoulder.
“We’re in such a good place right now. I don’t wanna ruin it. What if she doesn’t want to marry me? I mean yeah our relationship is great, but I’d be no good in running a duchy. Especially one such as Lythikos.” Now Drake’s barrier was finally burst through and the words came spilling.
Liam signed for the barista to bring a couple of more coffee cups, before turning to face Drake again.
He put a strong, reassuring hand over Drake’s shoulder. “Hey, calm down.” His voice was soothing.
“You really think she wouldn’t want that?” He asked, only half rhetorically, before continuing.
“Yes the Olivia we knew as kids probably wouldn’t,” He commented. “But she’s not that Olivia anymore. She’s proved so countless times. She stood by my side even when I broke her heart, even when I chose Amber over her, and she stood by your side, too. Even when her aunt conspired to make her queen, she chose us over the crown. You think someone like that would care that you’re not a nobleman?” He said. Drake wanted to counter that it wasn’t about that part, but Liam continued before he even had a chance.
“And anyway. You’d become a nobleman, once you marry her.” Liam noted.
“But can you imagine me being one, though?” Drake asked, voice more firm now, interrupting Liam.
“Honestly? Yes.”
Drake blinked at Liam for a few seconds, hazed in shock.
“You’re just saying that to-”
“No, I’m not.” Liam assured.
“You’re loyal, you’re brave. You’re confident and you have a strong word. A strong sense of duty, and a lot of love for Olivia. What more can she want, need from a match in marriage?”
Drake considered for a long moment.
He wanted to marry Olivia because they loved each other. And under different circumstances, that’d been all.
But in their current circumstances, was he really everything she needed? Could he really be a duke?
A quick shiver ran down his spine. He spent most of his life hating nobles (Except for Liam, of course), and now he was considering becoming one?
And that would only be true if Olivia would choose to marry him, to accept his proposal, that is.
He was still cautious when he raised his gaze back to Liam, but with more resolution than before. 
“Thank you,” He said, reaching for his shoulder. He gave Liam’s shoulder a tight squeeze before downing the rest of his drink.
“Any time, pal.” Liam flashed him a bright grin and they headed back to the palace.
The next few weeks flew by.
Olivia was on some business abroad, and by the time she was back in Lythikos Drake was aching to be with her.
Really be with her, wholeheartedly. 
Or, at least he’ll offer himself up, and leave it up to her whether to accept his proposal or not.
He was waiting for her in the gates to her duchy, a fancy white button-down under a warm winter coat decorating his features.
He wasn’t really someone who cared about fashion, but even the Drake Walker knew when to dress up.
“Drake!” She exclaimed, clearly pleasantly surprised, when she reached the top of the stairs and threw her hands around him. “What are you doing here?” She asked, only half seriously, while beaming.
She pulled her into his embrace and his hands immediately reacted on pure instinct, wrapping around her lovingly.
“Aren’t you glad to see me?” He whispered the question in her ear, noting the way it made the hairs on the back of her neck stand up.
“Of course i’m glad,” Olivia pulled away, still smiling and only a bit flushed.
Maybe it was the cold, she’d definitely accuse that, rather than admit she was blushing because of him.
“But you usually tell me before you decide to pay me a visit.” She explains, and Drake takes her bags from the maid that’s carrying them inside the duchy, motioning for Olivia to enter with him.
“You don’t have to do that,” Olivia noted.
All of her servers were fully-qualified and hand-picked, and even the most fragile-looking maid could kill a man in his sleep, so carrying a few bags wasn’t a problem.
“I know,” Drake nodded, shrugging. “But I want to.” They walked together, almost in silence. But the comfortable kind.
A content feeling surrounded the both of them, and they only walked a little faster when Olivia’s room was in sight.
“You can leave the bags here,” Olivia noted, before entering. “The staff will know what to do with that.” She explained.
Drake dropped the bags where she showed him to, and followed her inside.
Once the door closed behind them, they were in each other’s arms.
Warm kisses and longing touches, their skin burning from the desire to experience the most they can from one another.
It was no secret, that they were together, and they’ve kissed murmurous times in front of Olivia’s servants and even the media.
But those kind of kisses were all pg-rated, whilst this one was less family-friendly.
Olivia clung to his shirt, and Drake’s hands explored her body.
By the time they broke apart, they were both panting and out of breath.
This time, undoubtedly, Olivia was blushing. Because of him.
He smirked, and she knew exactly why, and she let her eyes drift somewhere, anywhere - to change the subject.
Her hand traveled from his neck, down his shirt. Her long nails playing with the buttons of the white undershirt. “Drake Walker, I have to admit. You clean up good.” Olivia noted, a smile forming on her lips.
“What’s the occasion?” She continued further, teasing him.
Her lips copied his, witty and sly and just a glint in her eyes, pleased with herself.
But Drake’s smirk wavered just for a moment, because there was an occasion, after all.
Just for a moment before he caught himself, and truthfully admitted. “You.”
Olivia seemed pleased with his answer, as she pulled him in for another quick kiss.
They were having a private dinner, at one of the duchy’s balconies. 
‘Candle-lit and everything.’ As Drake asked the staff to arrange. Admittedly he could’ve been more specific, or at least more helpful, but they didn’t complain and came up with everything he’d hoped for.
Olivia didn’t seem to suspect his attention. Drake loved doing those kinds of things for her. Carrying her bags was also a part of it.
It let him feel like he was dating just Olivia, the person - and not Olivia, the duchess.
Even though, he didn’t hate the idea of dating Olivia the duchess. He loved all the sides Olivia had to offer. All the layers of her.
They finished their dinner, making small talk and letting Olivia go on and on about her business trip, Drake listening to every word and looking at her like she’s the most beautiful person in the world.
To him - she was.
A waiter came out, carrying a fine red wine. Dark, and bitter, fit for Lykithos’ winter, but with a sweet, savory undertone to it, perfect for the occasion.
Hell, even Drake couldn’t complain it wasn’t whiskey.
He poured two full glasses for them, before placing the bottle on the table and disappearing.
“What to?” Olivia asked, raising her glass towards Drake. She loved letting him come up with the toasts, since he always had a new line, a new toast that either made her snark, raise an eyebrow, or sigh in content. Basically? It always made her fall in love with him further.
“Actually,” Drake noted, standing up and circling the table, to her side. “I think we should wait a moment before we drink.
“Oh?” Olivia didn’t oppose to the idea, but was intrigued what Drake had up his sleeve.
Not up his sleeve, though, but in his inside pocket - Drake had his late grandmother’s ring. A beautiful diamond ring, that he hung to dear life. He never before thought he’d actually use it, let along on Olivia - whom he’d known his entire life, but right now he couldn’t imagine using it on anyone else but her.
“Olivia,” He started. She listened carefully, placing her glass back on the table. Her eyes were tingling in the moonlight, and she had something innocent flash in them. Something vulnerable, as Drake stood before her with a just as vulnerable expression as well.
“There’s something I've been meaning to ask you, for a while now.” He confessed.
“And the longer I wait, the more I can’t resist doing it.” He added.
“It’s like this question’s burning holes in the back of my head, and I have to say it out loud, at last.” 
“I love you, more than anything in the world. More than I could ever imagine. I fell for you and suddenly it’s like the world makes sense. And at the same time, when you’re not here, it doesn’t.” He didn’t really have an emotional speech prepared, but he just started talking and the words came out by themselves.
He said what felt right and by the look on Olivia’s face, it was right.
“I want to love you for the end of my days. I want to be with you and for you to be mine.
I know I can’t offer you the world and maybe we weren’t meant to be but I can’t help but hope that we were. So Olivia Vanderwall Nevrakis, will you-”
His proposal was interrupted by Olivia standing up, almost bumping into him while taking his hands in hers. “Will you marry me, Drake Walker?” She asked, taking the words right out of his mouth.
He stared at her, wide-eyed for a long moment. 
His mind taking a long moment to wrap around what just happened.
“I -- Yes.” He finally breathed out, when he found his words again.
Olivia beamed at him, raising to her tip-toes and planting a kiss on his lips. 
Their hands were still intertwined. They broke away, just a moment later.
“You’re sure? You really want that?” He asked, making sure he wasn’t dreaming, or making it up.
“Yes.” Olivia assured him, and they shared another kiss.
Then, Drake took a step back, dropping to one knee. He took out the ring-box out of his jacket pocket and presented it in front of Olivia.
“I know I took my time with the speech but you didn’t have to steal the spotlight,” He teased, opening the box and showcasing the beautiful ring to Olivia’s eyes.
“Oh!” She exclaimed, clearly in awe. 
She couldn’t even come up with a witty comeback, since she was so delighted with the gesture.
“Olivia, will you marry me?” Drake asked once again.
“Yes, yes yes!!!” Her smile reached her eyes, and Drake swore he wanted to make her that happy for the rest of his life.
He slid the ring over her ring-finger, and the rose up to his feet and captured her in a passionate kiss.
The Drake Walker that knew Olivia as a kid never intended to grow up and fall in love with her, but right now where they were standing? He couldn’t imagine any different outcome ever.
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alj4890 · 2 years
Choices 12 Days of Fictmas
Day 6 Homemade Ornaments
(Drake x Olivia) in a Choices: The Royal Romance holiday drabble.
A/N It's no mystery that I am a diehard Dralivia stan, LOL. For this prompt, I'm going to the AU @krsnlove and I created for the TRR characters and their adult children. In this drabble though, we will see them when they are little.
Rating: Fluff!
Length: 1,246 words
writers: @katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @ofpixelsandscribbles @queenrileyrose @burnsoslow @darley1101 @blackcatkita @debramcg1106 @cordoniansgonewild @leelee10898 @kat-tia801 @emichelle @twinkleallnight @arosentinel @bebepac @nestledonthaveone @txemrn @thegreentwin @karahalloway @annekebbphotography @cordoniantrash @sincerelyella @aussiegurl1234 @boneandfur @thehonorarybeaumont @chemist-ana @lucy-268 @jerzwriter @sillydg @mynotsohealthyobsession @camillemontespan @texaskitten30 @axwalker @argylemnwrites @twinkle-320
readers: @iaminlovewithtrr @tessa-liam @tinkie1973 @lovingchoices14
New Ornaments
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Lythikos, Cordonia...
"A little more." Olivia motioned with her hand in a downward motion. "There! That's perfect."
Drake finished attaching the lighted garland along the balcony overlooking the den.
He came downstairs to study this part of their home decorated for Christmas.
It was quite a change from how Olivia once decorated. When she was on her own, she would only have a tree decorated in the harsh, old Lythikosian style. Rough, plain wooden ornaments were intermingled with lighted candles upon one of the infamous talon trees that grew deep in the woods of Lythikos.
His nose wrinkled over the memories of that overpowering smell.
Once she became close to his group of friends and well, himself, she began to be a little more open to adding some color with lights and ornaments to her usual display. Soon the plain wooden cutouts were given new life amidst the glittery balls that Riley had gifted one year. Twinkle lights replaced the candles.
And Drake got her to compromise their first year of marriage by getting a Balsam Fir tree.
He took a deep breath of the heavenly evergreen scent mixed with the spicy steam wafting from the Lythikos nog that had recently been brought in by a servant. All was how it should be...
"Wait, where are the kids?" He asked.
Olivia carefully lifted some ornaments from a nearby box. "In the playroom. With the snowstorm earlier, Hana decided to do a zoom meeting with all the kids to keep the Christmas craft tradition going."
Drake chuckled at that. Leave it to Hana to want to make sure all her friends' children along with her own had everything she had missed out on growing up.
"I wonder what they'll make this year." He took a few ornaments from his wife to hang on the higher branches. "Hana is so good with all of them. I'm amazed at the creativity she brings out in them."
"We'll find out soon enough." Olivia smiled at the notion. "I'm certain it is something we will want to add to their memory boxes."
"But I want the yarn!" Juliet shouted.
"I don't!" Jackson shouted back. "Aunt Hana said I could pick!"
"And you can!" Hana tried to speak over all the excited voices.
It might have been expecting too much to zoom six children along with her own son and daughter.
"Candy cane swords!" Prince Emerick handed his little brother Ellis one to start an epic fencing match.
"Aunt Hana." Nicky Beaumont called out sweetly. "Can Emily and me use glitter?"
"Pleeeeaaaase!" Her little sister pleaded while bouncing up and down. "Glitter! Glitter! Glitter!"
"Mommy!" Alex pulled on Hana's hand. "Izzy won't let me hold the glue!"
Hana wanted to bury her head in her hands.
Eight pairs of eyes zeroed in on her. Little mouths were parted in surprise. Their sweet aunt/mother never shouted, not even on a rollercoaster.
The group of seven- and four-year-old's began to pout and tear up.
"We're sorry!" Nicky rubbed her eyes.
Emily blubbered her own apology.
Emerick and Ellis hung their heads in shame while discreetly setting their candy canes on their table.
Izzy and Alec looked up at their mother, whispering their own apologies.
Jackson and Juliet Nevarkis-Walker reacted differently.
"This is all your fault!" Jackson pointed an accusatory finger at his little sister.
"Nu-uh!" Juliet stuck her tongue out at him. "It's yours. You won't give me the yarn!"
"Please, everyone." Hana pleaded, overwhelmed with guilt for losing her patience. "I must apologize to each of you." She cuddled her sniffling two in her arms, wishing she could do the same with the little faces on her computer screen. "I allowed my disappointment of not being able to be with all of you to make me lose my temper."
"We wish you was here, too." Emily Beaumont blew her nose loudly.
The others mumbled the same.
"You know what we are going to do?" Hana decided. "We are going to forget directions this year." She crumbled up the papers she had printed off with the homemade ornament ideas and tossed them over her shoulder. Her heart warmed with the giggles she could hear.
"Whatever you want to do for your Christmas ornaments is what we will do."
The kids cheered while each scrambled around to get the supplies they needed.
Hana released a frustrated breath once she was alone. Lifting her eyes to the ceiling, she whispered a brief prayer that whatever they came up with would be something they would always remember fondly.
An hour later...
Drake and Olivia turned toward the sound of the pounding footsteps of their offspring running down the hall.
The pair came barreling into the room, hiding something behind their backs. Jackson and Juliet each had the proudest smiles gracing their faces as they stood before their parents.
"How was craft time with Aunt Hana?" Drake asked.
"The best!" Juliet exclaimed. "She let us make what we wanted."
"Oh?" Olivia wondered how Hana had managed that. "What did you decide to make?"
"You go first, Jax." Juliet whispered.
He grinned at her before producing what he had created.
Drake and Olivia's eyes widened.
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"It's...er..." Drake began.
"That's...definitely..." Olivia stuttered.
"It's a peppermint star!" Jackson told them. "For the top of the tree!"
Drake and Olivia looked up at their beautifully decorated tree.
Sharing a grin, Olivia reached for it. She traced the lopsided star with her finger then handed it over to Drake to hang on the tree.
Picking the highest branch, Drake set it directly in the center. He couldn't stop smiling over Jackson beaming proudly up at his ornament.
"My turn! My turn!" Juliet pushed her thick red curls out of her eyes before presenting her ornament.
Olivia choked back a laugh when Drake managed to ask, straight-faced if she was inspired by the Beaumont's. Whatever that thing was that their youngest created, it did appear to have come from the mysterious depths of the ocean.
"No. Why?" She asked.
"No reason." He took the ball of tangled yarn from her. "This is beautiful, Jules."
"I love how it looks like he's melting." Jax complimented before falling to the ground in a reenactment of a snowman dying a gruesome death.
"He lost a battle." Jules told her family with all the seriousness a four-year-old could muster.
Her green eyes met her mother's. "He wasn't made of Lythikos snow."
Olivia picked her daughter up, hugging her close. "Then he never stood a chance."
Juliet nodded, knowing out of everyone in her family that her mother would understand.
"We'll hang him here." Drake decided, chuckling softly to himself.
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"You know," Olivia spoke up once Drake had lifted Jackson in his arms, "I think this is the best our tree has ever looked."
She gazed about at the sight of her home decorated for the holidays. For the most part, it was beautiful with the greenery and lights. She knew though that it was those two poorly constructed ornaments that proved that this cold castle was indeed a home.
They were the proof that she had achieved the one thing she had wanted most in life: a family. Those ornaments were worth more than any medal or recognition she had ever earned simply because they came from the two, she loved with her entire heart.
"I think you're right." Drake smiled first at her then at their children. "I've never seen a better tree."
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zigsexual · 6 years
Theoreticals; part 2 (maxwell x mc)
part one.
merry christmas and merry maxwell-is-finally-an-LI!!!!! this is part two of theoreticals, the third part will be the last one and then this will be done, i promise.
this is the final companion piece to hypotheticals and empiricals, and honestly if you haven’t read those then u probably should because this one has a lot of plot throwback and also tbh its like very divergent from the main storyline seeing as i started writing it in JULY
summary: the coronation is actually happening feat. private planes, maxwell as a baby????? an unfortunate run in with some potpourri, dancing, drake, and an uber driver
word count: 4100+
In what can only be described as a full circle moment, Riley grips the sides of the gilded sink in front of her and stares herself down in the mirror yet again, willing some semblance of courage to emerge and push her out the bathroom door into the waiting ballroom. So far, no such luck — though she’s at least kept from crying this time around. A small victory, considering how long the assembly line of official royal makeup artists had spent on her face.
She’d never even seen Liam on the plane — he’d been stuck in the so-called “diplomat suite” the entire flight — but the anxiety of the potential encounter had kept her on-edge the whole time. Perhaps she could’ve deluded herself for a moment that she’d escaped unscathed, if it weren’t for the familiar crest on the tiny card left for her in the palace powder room. Of course Liam would apologize for not being able to see her, of course he would send a note. It’s the royal thing to do.
Her red dress, albeit beautiful, feels like a lie. Maybe that’s what’s keeping her stuck in this room. She wants nothing more than to go unnoticed, to slip away quietly, as softly as the satin of the gown.
“Riley?” Hana’s waiting at the door, having promised she wouldn’t head into the celebration without her. “Do you need help with anything?”
Wordlessly, Riley turns away from her damaged reflection and opens the door, managing a weak smile for her equally as flustered friend. Honestly, she shouldn’t be the one causing a scene when Hana has enough on her plate to topple even the most practiced façade. “Nah, I’m good. Shall we?”
They find Drake easily enough: he’s sulking by the appetizers. Riley is fairly certain her presence won’t help his mood much, but there isn’t anyone else she and Hana can hang with. He looks up when he sees them approaching, then right back down at the glass in his hands as soon as his eyes fall on Riley’s dress.
Riley plucks some shrimp cocktail off a nearby plate and sinks against the wall next to him.
“You look… nice,” he manages, still deliberately not catching her eye. Hana has been apprehended by some noble near the pâté bar and is shooting furtive glances in their direction, but he doesn’t seem to be letting up.
“Looks like you’re stuck with just me,” Riley says, biting into her shrimp. “Sorry.”
“Eh,” Drake shrugs. “You’re not the worst person here, Aldridge.”
Riley glances over at his drink. “Whiskey?”
In response, he merely raises it up and takes a long sip. “Maxwell?”
Drake nods, surveying the room. Riley follows his gaze through the throngs of dancing courtiers, the exact opposite of the lives they both should be living. Liam is at the center of it all, shaking hands with dignitaries and bowing to nobles, pressing kisses to cheeks as he greets what must be the hundredth well-wisher today, each time still somehow fresh. Something in her heart aches for him, though she knows it’s not the ache he would want it to be.
“If it makes you feel any better, it just… happened,” she says. “I mean, it wasn’t like — god, I don’t know.”
“Does anyone?”
She reaches over, pulls the whiskey from his hands, and throws back a long drink. He surveys her warily as she swallows, holding it back out to him.
“Well, I guess if I’m offering.”
Riley leans her head back against the wall, staring up at the intricately decorated ceiling. Trust the palace to keep even their ceilings interesting. “I know he’s great. Liam, I mean. Like, I know that.”
“No one’s arguing that point.”
She turns her head to face him, even as he doesn’t meet her eyes. “You’ll make sure he gets someone great, right? That he’s happy when all this mess is over?”
“I wish I could promise you that.”
He looks tired.
“Don’t lecture me, or whatever.”
“I wasn’t.”
She eats another shrimp.
He sighs. “Look, I know it’s been kind of… weird, between us.”
Riley scoffs, still chewing. “Oh, you think? I can’t catch a date in New York for four years and now suddenly I’m like, a Cordonian ten. I mean,” she swallows, shaking her head, “what are the standards in this country when it comes to women? Have any of you ever seen one, or is it just like, Madeleine and Olivia all the damn time?”
“You underestimate yourself,” Drake says.
“Okay, well, you would say that, since you’re a biased Cordonian party.”
He laughs, rolling his eyes. “Sure, whatever. I’m just trying to say… obviously I care about you, regardless.”
“Yeah,” Riley nods. “Yeah, I know.”
The background chatter of the room fills the silent space between them, an amicable sort of antisocial moment blooming, like a flower you never particularly wanted, but aren’t entirely unhappy with. Riley looks out towards the ballroom floor and sees Hana, caught up in a traditional dance with the same guy from the pâté bar. She looks about as thrilled as she did near the appetizers, and Riley makes a mental note to plot some diversionary tactic to save her.
Drake seems to be lost in thought. He looks rather sheepish, worn down by their moment of honesty and clearly dreaming of anywhere but here. God, he has this brooding loner shit down to an art by now.
“So,” She elbows him as he lifts up his glass to take a sip. “When did you first realize you wanted to jump me?”
He coughs violently, tensing up and glaring at her. “Jesus, Riley.”
She tilts her head and smiles. “Just curious.”
“Fine, two can play at that game. When did you first realize you wanted to jump Maxwell?”
“I don’t know, I told you. It just happened.”
“He’s just…” She looks up, searching for the words. “He’s the only one who makes me feel like all of this crazy shit is worth something, y’know? Like… like I’m actually supposed to be here.” She gestures out at the crowd of guests. “Even with all this, he doesn’t ask to me to be anything other than who I already am. He’s always treated me like I matter, even back in New York in my godawful bar clothes — he believed in me. He believes in me. Even when I don’t.”
She turns to Drake, and his expression is one of somber resignation.
“Cool.” He looks at his glass, then downs the rest of the drink. “Can’t wait to give the wedding toast.”
She makes a face in an attempt to hide the blush rising in her cheeks. “Who said you were invited?”
In response, he merely raises an eyebrow.
She sighs. “Sorry. I don’t know why I’m telling you all this.”
He shrugs. “Who else is there to tell?”
There’s a pause between them, and then she hears the voice.
Distant, but. It’s him.
Drake rolls his eyes, but there’s a hint of a smile at his lips. “I’m gonna get a double,” he says, sidling away from the wall and raising his glass to her in exit. “Cheers.”
She opens her mouth to reply, but the moment is lost as he slips away through the crowd, head down. The image of his shattered face in the study washes over her; the way his eyes traveled down her dress just now. She recalls how just yesterday his expression had hardened, guarded, as she stumbled over her words trying to explain the circumstances of her and Maxwell; only the ghost of a feeling left in his eyes as he stood behind the desk like it was a shield.
Her heart aches a little for him too. But it could never be enough.
When she turns, Maxwell is just a few feet from her, adorable as ever. “Sorry. Did I interrupt?”
“Actually, your timing is uncharacteristically impeccable.” She holds out her hand. “Shrimp?”
“I’ve already had like fifteen,” he laughs.
“Oh, well, in that case.” Riley pops the last bite in her mouth. “What’s up?”
“It’s the sponsors dance,” he says, running his hand through his hair absently, “It’s sort of a tradition, for the suitors to have one last display together.”
“Oh, fuck,” Riley squeezes her eyes shut, grimacing. “I have to dance in front of everyone again, don’t I?”
“Well, pretty much this entire thing has been in front of everyone, so…”
“Not helping.”
Maxwell puts his hand on her shoulder. “Hey, don’t worry. It’ll be fun. Unless you want to dance with Bertrand?”
She finally cracks a smile, and he lets his hand fall down to hers, pulling her gently in the direction of the assembling couples in the ballroom.
When they step out onto the floor, Riley is struck with a sudden acute awareness of how ridiculously enormous the ball is. It feels like the entire population of Cordonia is smashed into this one room, watching her.
She tightens her grip on Maxwell’s hand. “I really don’t know how to dance, Maxwell. Like I truly have no idea what I’m doing.”
“It’s okay,” he says, “I’ll lead you. You did fine with the waltz at Olivia’s place; you just have to follow what I do.”
“Yeah, but Olivia’s place wasn’t the biggest fucking event of this entire country.”
“Neither is this one, to be honest.” Maxwell glances around at the crowd. “We had a much better turnout when One Direction toured here.”
“I’m serious!” Riley hisses, but the laughter in her eyes betrays her. Maxwell smiles, taking her other hand in his and placing it on his shoulder.
“You keep your hand here, on the seam,” he explains, slipping his free arm around her to rest his hand against her shoulder blade. “Then you hold your arm with mine out at an angle like this.”
The music is starting up, and she can feel her heartbeat quickening.
“I’m sorry,” she says, “My hand is like, really sweaty.”
“You’ll be fine,” Maxwell reassures. “It’s three steps, okay? Just do what I’m doing.”
She nods, looking down at his feet, trying her best to memorize the one-two-three of the tempo.
He watches her watching him. “You’re awfully calm, all things considering.”
She flicks her eyes back up to his face, raising an eyebrow. “’All things considering’?”
“Ah — you know what I mean.”
She ducks her head to hide her smile, focusing on the movements of the rhythm. Honestly, it’s hopeless and she knows it, but he doesn’t seem to care. She’s a little stiff, a little cumbersome, but when she steps on his foot for the third time he conceals the twinge of pain that flashes across his face fairly well.
“Sorry,” she says.
“It’s fine. You’re fine.”
“Well, also the hand, too. It’s really sweaty.”
“Not that sweaty.”
“That’s so sweet, but you’re lying.”
She holds his shoulder tighter, pulling him imperceptibly closer. He looks at her, like he’s seeing into her soul, like he knows exactly how her fingers have found purchase in the same place the night before.
“I, um,” she has to look away, to regain her composure for a moment, “I’m gonna… I’m gonna miss —”
“Tell me more about New York,” he says suddenly.
“Oh. Okay. The bad stuff, or just the good stuff?”
“All the stuff.”
She thinks, and the music fills the silence between them. She only stumbles a little on the twirl.
“Alright. So there’s this homeless guy outside my subway stop — well, let me clarify, there’s almost always a homeless guy outside every subway stop, but this one is the same guy every day. I usually pass him if I’m working a night shift, and I guess he must recognize me by now because he always says, ‘keep fighting!’ whenever I see him.”
“Keep fighting what?”
“I don’t know. ‘The Man,’ I guess? Anyway that’s not even… that’s not even a good story, I don’t know why I told you — shit! Sorry, oh god, that’s your foot.”
“I’ve been through worse, promise. Keep going.”
“Okay. Um, anyway, what I was trying to get at there is that there’s a local camaraderie, almost like… patriotism? I guess you could call it that. Sort of this feeling that you’re all in it together, but no one’s going to fuck with you. Or maybe that’s just the US in general.”
“I wouldn’t know, you’re one of the only Americans I’ve met.”
“Apples aren’t the biggest tourist attraction.”
“You know they call New York ‘The Big Apple’?”
“Yeah.” She shifts her weight, trying to match his pace. “Your turn now; tell me about Cordonia.”
“What do you want to know?”
Riley shakes her head at him. “You always say that! Maybe I don’t want to ask. Maybe I want you to tell me what you think I should know.”
Somehow throughout the course of the dance, they’ve gotten considerably closer: his hand has fallen to her waist, her fingers curled around his shoulder like a lifeline. Riley feels a rush of something warm and dizzy, struck with the thought of leaning in and resting her head against his chest, of closing her eyes and giving up on the pretenses and just — being.
“Okay,” he looks up, thinking, “Well, my family had this country estate, sort of out more in the hills, near Applewood. Really ridiculous house with a vineyard and a stable and tennis courts and all that. And before my mom died, we used to spend the summers there, get away from the court for a while.”
“How old were you? When… when your mom…?”
He tries to smile, to reassure her maybe, but it doesn’t hit his eyes. “Not old enough.”
She squeezes his hand.
“So, um, the summer, that’s when most of the noble houses get out of the capitol. A lot of them go to the beach, or to the lake, but we were out in the fields and there wasn’t much else around for miles. I used to think it was so boring, just us out there playing doubles or polo, and I’d try and convince my mom to have all these garden parties just so I could see someone else my age. I’d take the horses out as far as I could get them, and I was always getting lost, and Bertrand always had to come and find me — god, I must have annoyed him to death —”
“You, lost?” Riley grins. “I’d never believe it.”
“Very funny.”
There’s barely a whisper of space between them now.
“Anyway, I —” he purses his lips, “Well, my dad sold the estate after my mom died. We just… never went back. I wish I could take you; I keep thinking about it, wondering what it’s like there now. Sometimes I feel like that place is all I have left of my mom. And it’s been so… comfortable, having you in the house all the time. I… I don’t know what I’m saying. I just wish she could’ve met you.”
“Max…” she starts to say, trailing off before anything of substance emerges. Her mind floods with memories: laughing with her dress stuck over her head, the swell of bravery with his hand in hers at the breakfast table, his sad smile as he stood in her room holding her suitcase.
She bites her lip hard against the feeling, but it wells up inside her anyway, unquenchable and strong. It’s almost freeing, finally having something so terrifying being so palpable. Her hands are trembling.
“Hey,” Maxwell says, his voice lowered. “Riley, are you crying?”
“No,” she says, but she is.
He looks both startled and shattered, and seeing him like that breaks apart her final shreds of composure. The tears blur her vision, cut down her face in crooked lines.
“I just…. I, um,” she swallows hard, shaking her head. “I have to… give me a minute, okay?”
She doesn’t wait for him to reply, only pulls away, wiping roughly at her eyes with the back of her hand. This isn’t how she wanted tonight to go; this isn’t how she wanted him to remember her.
She walks quickly off the ballroom floor, head bowed and cursing the flamboyant red dress she had thought so momentous at the time. She’d give anything to be back in her forgettable blue thing right now.
The bathroom is just outside the ballroom entrance, much to her relief, and she crumples against the door the moment it’s shut. The wave of emotion is beginning to subside, but the aftershocks are brutal and raw. She reaches for one of the ridiculous monogrammed hand towels hung about the room and presses her face into it, breathing slowly.
It’s barely been a minute before the door swings open and Riley lets out a tiny shriek, stumbling forward. She hears a loud scoff from behind her, and whirls around in defensive mode, only to find herself face to face with a scowling Olivia.
“What the fuck?” Riley squeaks out, steadying herself on a towel rack. “This bathroom is occupied!”
Olivia puts a hand on her hip, rolling her eyes. “Yeah, I know. And it’s about to be even more occupied, so move over.”
She shoves herself in even as Riley stands agape, still clutching the towels. Olivia motions towards the door, but when Riley continues to stare, she sighs and kicks it closed with one strappy stiletto.
“What the fuck are you doing?” Riley squeaks.
Olivia surveys her warily. “You’re hardly the one who should be asking that. What are you doing crying in palace ballrooms? God, you’re embarrassing.”
Riley wipes at the smudged mascara under her eyes. “Just my luck that you’re the person who follows me in here.”
Olivia sighs, examining her nails. “Look, I’m not here to give you a pep talk. I’ve been trying to get you alone all night.” She glances back up, her expression unreadable. “We need to have a chat. This is as good an excuse as any.”
Riley sets the towels down near the sink, reaching up to rub at her temples once her hands are free. “Well, get it over with. This night couldn’t possibly suck more.”
“And people say I’m dramatic.” Olivia crosses her arms, but the guarded expression doesn’t change. “Look, you know what this is about. You’re not exactly subtle. Flirting at brunch? That atrocious shirt dress that was clearly unplanned? All those long-suffering looks?”
Of all the things Olivia might want to fling at her now, this was the last one she could have expected. Riley freezes, then slowly lowers her hands down, staring up at Olivia. “Sorry… what?”
She rolls her eyes. “Don’t bother being coy about it. I make a point of knowing everyone’s business, especially when it’s juicy. And you, Miss America, are fresh squeezed.”
“God, really?” Riley grimaces. “Can’t you just accuse me of some shit like a normal person?”
“Fine.” Olivia steps back, surveying Riley disdainfully. “How long have you been fucking him?”
“Fucking who?” She stares. “Liam?”
Olivia barks out a laugh. “No, oh my god! Don’t flatter yourself. Liam is such a virgin. Trust me, if he so much as saw a boob, I would know. I’m talking about your man on the side. You know: brown hair, blue eyes, always wears the same shirt?”
Oh god. Oh, shit.
“I—” Riley tries to come up with an excuse, but Olivia just stares her down even more, and look — everyone has a breaking point.
“Fuck.” Her shoulders slump, and she falls back against the sink, running a hand through her hair. “How did you know?”
Olivia throws up her hands. “God, I just told you how. Honestly, you think nobody saw you come out of the Beaumont hookup study with your hair looking even worse than usual? I know scandals when I see them. I only came on Liam’s plane today to confirm my suspicions. I do have my own plane, you know.”
“Of course you do.” Riley replies dryly.
“But that’s beside the point.” Olivia leans against a table laden with potpourri, tapping her fingernails against one of the bowls. “You’re really going to stand here and cry about your double life while the rest of us get flushed down the drain? This isn’t a joke, you know. This is a crown.”
“I know.”
“And to think that Liam is out there probably planning to make you the Queen, god knows why, and you’re off dreaming of sucking some broke asshole’s dick —”
Riley straightens up, eyes wide. “Who told you that?”
“What?” Olivia blinks at her, disinterested. “That you suck dick?”
“No, I was talking about the Beaumonts being broke. God, Bertrand is going to absolutely slaughter me for letting that one get out.” She groans, twisting her fingers back into her hair, before narrowing her eyes at Olivia. “Hey, and you know what? Fuck you, really, because it’s not like I wanted —”
Olivia cuts her off sharply, “Holy shit, you’re fucking Bertrand?”
“What?!” Riley screeches. “God, no! No, Jesus fucking Christ, no.” She gags, partly in pantomime and partly at the sheer horror of the mental image. “I would rather peel all the skin off my whole body and bathe in bleach.”
“Then why are you even talking about the Beaumonts?” Olivia’s veneer of authority has begun to wear down, and she looks almost confused now, her fingernails tapping even faster.
Riley swallows.
“What you said, before…” She can already feel the blood draining from her face, the sweat pooling in her clenched hands, “My, um, my ‘man on the side’? Uh… who were you talking about?”
“Who the fuck do you think?” Olivia says. “The only broke asshole in everyday chambray who you ever talk to.”
“Oh my god,” Riley’s mouth falls open. “Drake?”
She can almost see the wheels in Olivia’s head spinning full gear now, desperately piecing together the new information that she, in all her punchdrunk idiocy, had quite literally volunteered. God, truly her finest hour. Shitshow part three.
Olivia is lost in thought, eyebrows furrowed, crunching pieces of potpourri into dust between her fingers as she thinks.
“So,” she finally says, “You’re… not fucking Drake.”
“And the Beaumonts are… broke?”
Riley bites her lip. “Yeah, can you maybe not tell —”
“Shut up.” Olivia holds up a hand. “You’re telling me that when you disappeared during that god-awful croquet game, you weren’t inside getting it on in the Beaumont study?”
Riley hesitates.
Olivia raises an eyebrow. “I see.”
She studies Riley for a moment, then her entire expression changes to one of absolute dumbfounded shock.
“Oh my god,” she whispers, stepping closer and looking Riley directly in the eyes. “… Maxwell?”
Riley’s resolve fails, and everything comes tumbling out before she can stop it, “Olivia, please, don’t say anything, I am going to talk to Liam tonight I promise I am going to set everything right and then I’ll leave court okay? I’ll leave, I don’t want to keep fucking things up anymore, but just please don’t tell Madeleine or whoever else in your harem of cronies wants to ruin my life, because frankly I am just done, I’m tired, and I just —” she takes a deep breath, then sinks down onto the toilet seat in a heap of red satin. “God, I don’t know.”
Olivia watches her talk, expression unreadable, her eyes flickering across Riley’s face. She appears almost like a movie critic, surveying an art, pen poised to decide its fate.
When Riley stills, Olivia squats down, level with her. “Okay, first of all? Let’s get one thing straight. Never in my life would I tell any sort of information to Madeleine. That woman is a scum-sucking witch plucked from the ninth circle of hell and stapled into the body of some 90’s has-been CW actor with a penchant for off-season jewel tones. She is the bubonic plague in human form and I loathe her.”
“Oh,” Riley says. “Um. My mistake.”
“Second,” Olivia stands, brushing off her dress, “You’re an idiot. A prince wants to marry you, and you seriously want to jump Maxwell? You do know that when he was thirteen he still believed in Santa Claus, right?”
Riley shrugs.
Olivia waves her hand dismissively, “You know what, whatever. Your funeral. I just wanted to know that I was right, and seeing as you’re just as guilty as presumed, I’m counting this one as a win.”
Riley stands up begrudgingly, shaking out the wrinkles in her dress. “I hate you.”
“Aw, that’s sweet. I hate you too.” Olivia has a hand on the doorknob, but at the sound of Riley’s shoes on the marble floor, she turns back.
“Hey,” she says, “Question: if you’re not fucking Drake, do you know if anyone else is fucking him?”
“Uh, not that I know of.” Riley cocks her head. “Why?”
“No reason,” Olivia says coyly, shutting the door behind her with a decisive click.
part three.
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boneandfur · 6 years
20 Questions - Writer’s Tag Game
for some reason, tumblr app won’t let me post... no clue why. I was tagged by @queen-among-writers & @kennaxval
Respond to the following writing questions and tag me in your response! I look forward to hearing your answers as I’ve always been curious about these!
1) When/what age did start writing?
I grew up literally right behind my town’s public library, so I was reading voraciously at a young age. But it wasn’t until I was seven that I started enjoying writing my own stories.
2) What inspired you to start?
For Choices fanfic, I’d been playing for awhile on my own. I was in The Hunger Games fandom at the time and went hunting for Choices fics on ao3, where I learned about Choices Creates on tumblr which was run by @clonedhayden . I was a huge rarepair addict from my time in Harry Potter/Death Eater fandom (pair anyone with anyone! Hermione x Neville! Seamus x Astoria! Draco x Hannah! Thorfinn x Fluer! Etc), and I’d noticed that Drake and Olivia had the whole love/hate trope thing going on which I LOVE, so I wrote a Dralivia called This Never Happened. And the rest is history.
3) Where and when does inspiration usually strike you?
I’m thinking about them all the time. Usually I can get inspiration from prompt lists, music, or the characters themselves. Often I’ll think of a scenario and just drop the characters in. Some characters work and some don’t. I don’t know how to explain that exactly.
4) Where and when do you usually write? Morning? Late at night? On the bus? In bed?
I usually write during the day on my day off, or at night when I get home from work. I can write on my work break but I get sucked in so hard that suddenly the whole hour vanishes. I prefer to do other things on my break.
5) Do you listen to music while writing? If so, what genre/playlist?
I listen to a lot of music while I’m writing or right before. I can write with total silence, but I like the mood certain songs evoke as I’m writing. So for example, when in writing about Flynn I’ll listen to Dropkick Murphys and Flogging Molly. Edmund and Perdita get The Chainsmokers and instrumentals from movie soundtracks. Maxwell is Avicii. Drake is often country, strangely.
6) Which category do you like best? Angst? Fluff? NSFW? Other?
I enjoy writing angst and drama that also includes smut.
7) Which category do you find most challenging to write?
Fluff! I have a really hard time with it oddly enough. It’s always a little angsty or a little smutty.
8) If you had to pick your favorite Choices book, which one would it be and why?
My favorites are: TRR, because I love the rags to riches story and the customizable MC. VOS, because it’s set in New England… and because I’m a diehard mystery fan. Last but not least PM, because of the insane plot line and the amazing characters.
9) If your Choices LIs were real, which one (and only one) would you personally want to be with?
If I were single, and not happily married, my type is pretty across the board: guy who plays music and has some sort of job in the trades. Can you guess? Oh yeah, it’s Flynn. We’d have a lot in common, both being from New England, plus he plays music (check) and works in the trades or has done (check). Plus I can’t resist those hard drinking, fist fighting, loyal as fuck Irish-American men (reader, I married one).
10) Do you share any physical characteristics with your Choices MCs? Pics/Selfies optional 😊
Hmm… There aren’t any Slavic-American looking MCs, so no not unless you want to list every baby face MC.
11) Which MC do you share the most personality traits with?
Probably Vos Mc. She’s very observational.
12) Which Choices character do you feel you have the best grasp of in terms of personality?
I feel I’m best at writing Damien, Olivia, and Maxwell to some extent.
13) What’s your favorite Choices pairing to write for?
Shit. My faves are, in no particular order: Perdita(MC) x Edmund, MC x Flynn, Nadia x Damien, Jax x Priya, MC x Maxwell & Drake x Olivia.
14) What is a pairing(s) you hope to start writing for?
Sooo… I replayed BSC. And bought scenes. Now I like it. It’s the pure romantic trash we deserve. Sawyer x Juliette x MC. I also want to write a Dames x Hayden. [And a love island the game fic.]
15) What do you hope to improve in your writing?
Finishing projects before I start new ones!
16) Any pet peeves related to writing?
17) Are you inspired by any IRL experiences when you write? Care to share?
Nothing specific, just observational things on the way humans interact with each other.
18) Is there any particular piece of work you consider to be your ultimate writing goal? Something so amazing you hope one day you’ll be up to that standard?
I hope I can write a story as good as The Witch of Truro. For fanfic, I’d love to write one as good as Splint(warning: it’s 70+ chapters of the love story between a female orc and a ranger in LOTR).
19) Did/do you write for any other fandoms? If so which ones?
I’ve written for: Disney, Harry Potter, The Hunger Games, POTC and many many many others.
20) In your spare time (when you’re not writing) what other hobbies do you pursue?
What spare time? Haha! I work part time as a shopper for online grocery orders which I just started last week. Otherwise I knit, read tarot, hang out with my kids, and our friends come over and chill every other weekend.
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