#they dont provide benefits — the other way around. and they live with you
sorry for my inactivity, irl stuff is hitting me really badly AGAIN. i keep saying this but ill try to finish my queued comms
I appreciate your patience
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fr0ggs · 3 months
reposting and editing my ceasefire call script because it got taken down. don't lose traction now, none of this is over.
"Hello, *my name is [your name]. I am a constituent of [congressperson], and I am calling to inform you about the numerous genocides happening worldwide. At this point in time, you are likely already aware of the genocide of Palestinian and Ukranian people, but there are many more genocides happening in the world, and the overlooking of such happenings, while innocents continue to suffer, must end.
Currently, Congolese, Armenian, Tigrayan, Yemeni, Guatemalan, Rohingya, Haitian, Native American, Kashmiri, Kurd, Sudanese, Ukrainian, Palestinian, Argentinian, Afghan, Moroccan, Libyan, Syrian, Lebanese, West Papuan, Cameroonian, Burmese, Uyghurs, Iraqi, Somali, Hawai’ian, Puerto Rican, Senegalese, Kenyan, Ethiopian, Cuban and many more people are experiencing genocide (or close risk of it, according to genocidewatch.com), along with ethnic cleansing, displacement, restrictions on living necessities, and the like. Also currently, the United States government continues to be not only complicit, but supportive of these attacks out of ignorance and selfish benefit.
 In order to maintain current support, it is dire that you take action on the side of the people. Please do research on each and take a look into doing whatever possible to save the innocent people around the world from living a life of constant abuse and murder. 
 Some things you can do, for example, include: 
- Calling for (or implementing):
The appointment of special envoys
A reversal of the funding cuts to UNRWA
An increase in funding to and the development of NGOs providing humanitarian aid
A permanent and immediate ceasefire for relevant locations (such as Gaza)
- Voting NO on the supplemental funding package to send more weapons to Israel (if you are in the position to do so)
Thank you for your time. I trust that you will do what you would want other countries to do for us."
*before adding your name, check to see if your congressperson requires it. if not, dont give more information than required.
im going off of whats required in email forms for my congresspeople, but im not entirely sure if thats a good way to do it, so feel free to add if you have a better way, mainly for being able to know without having to ask directly, since i and others are calling while out of hours.
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drdemonprince · 1 year
While we are on the subject of eating disorders, I will once again send praise at the book Saving Our Own Lives by Shira Hassan, as it’s the first book I’ve ever read to apply a harm reduction framework to eating disordered behaviors. 
Nearly every available piece of writing or scholarship on the subject of eating disorders assumes that a goal of recovery should be imposed on every sufferer whether they like it or not, and takes an abstinence based approach. this frankly does not make any sense, given that such a large number of behaviors and choices humans engage in on a daily basis can be wrapped up in an eating or excessive exercise disorder and ripping them all out of your life at once to attain a state of abstinent ‘recovery’ is impossible. 
this is even more true when you take into account the fact that for many people, eating disordered behaviors serve many purposes. the book really helped firm up my own slow but steady realization that walking long distances each day, which i used to do as a form of excessive exercise was also a great autistic stim. it also provided me a satisfying way to zone out and drench my mind in podcasts when i was miserably lonely and consumed with compulsive negative thoughts. 
my almost religious adherence to a daily walking schedule was eating disordered, of that i have no doubt. but it also gave a structure to my day and got me out of the house. in addition, my tireless exercise habits & eating restrictions were one of the few areas in my life where i have always felt comfortable expressing my boundaries.i might not have felt comfortable telling people not to touch me or not to speak to me in a certain way, but i always had the courage to tell someone i wasn’t going to eat something that i didn’t want to or that i needed to leave a function early so i’d have time for my exercise. 
i also now realize that i have a very obsessive, ruminative mind, and fixating on numbers like miles walked was actually a better outlet than some of the other places my mind often went back then. eating disorders are one of the most dangerous and deadly mental health diagnoses around, so i dont say this lightly. it was still a less damaging outlet than some of the others i was flirting with at the time. my long ponderous hours of over exercise i found a lot of space and quiet to just simply think my little thoughts to myself, and a lot of that went some good places ultimately. 
in an abstinence-only view of eating disorders that posits a person must only and always strive for “full recovery,” acknowledging the positive role an ED played in my life is not allowed. and that kind of binary thinking simply isn’t helpful, because my needs for physical stimulation, and time alone, and a means for expressing my boundaries were always gonna be there, and needed an outlet, and would find one of some kind no matter what. 
over the years that i was not well, my eating disorder behaviors shifted, becoming less physically destructive while still scratching the psychological itch and not being “great” in a black and white sense. was walking long distances every day great for my health from a recovery or abstinence pov? no. but it was a lot better than what i did before. i had much more dangerous ED behaviors before that.  instead of feeling ashamed of myself for having “backslid” in my recovery and still resorting to such methods, 2014-2015 me ought to have just been proud of myself for finding a way to meet my needs that wasn’t as destructive as the ones that had come before, and actually had a few side benefits.
i have not seen many people at all talking about EDs from a harm reduction pov and i think that it is desperately needed. online, all we see is a lot of well intentioned encouragement to make a ‘recovery’ that comes with many prescriptions for how a person ought to be living and what they ought to want. if you are still active in your eating disorder and not committed to recovery, then, the toxicity of the pro-ana and pro-mia spaces is the only place left to turn to, and that makes matters so much worse. 
i wish we could develop the online, eating disorder equivalent of needle exchange spaces for people who use intravenous drugs and have no plan to quit. spaces where people can discuss strategies for mitigating the harm of their ED without being admonished for not valuing recovery yet, or ever. so much trauma is done in the name of forcing people to get ‘better’ when they don’t want to. 
liberatory harm reduction is all about embracing an individual where they are at and not imposing an external value system or set of goals upon them, trusting that they are the only and ultimate authority on what they do with their body. and this does not just apply to drug use or sex, it applies to what we typically call eating disordered behaviors too. people with eating disorders often have a fractured sense of selfhood and autonomy, and institutionalizing them against their will or forcing them to eat certain things or to not exercise just further reinforces those issues for them much of the time. 
 im very happy to be recovered from an ED now, but for many years i did not want to be recovered, and the recovery-fits-all approach to the disorder meant i lied to every medical professional i ever saw and all of my family and friends. i wonder what an explicitly harm reduction rooted approach to living with an ED would have looked like for me. 
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sokeanshu · 2 months
Bend But Dont Break
Bend But Don’t Break | read in full... . No matter who you are, we all have a limit as to how far we will bend before we break. . It does not matter if it’s personal, private or professional, nor does it matter if it is family, friends and relationships. There is only so far you will go, so much you can give, and so much you can endure, before you break. . I am the person that will always give and be there for everyone. Even if that means putting me in a bad spot. I will always do my best to help anyone that I can. I would rather be the one that has to fight out of a hole, than see the ones that I love struggle. . Most people would never take a “loss” for anyone. Most will only help if there is a benefit to them, or they know there is a “get back”. This is not me and it will never be me. . They say service to others leads to greatness and humility is the solid foundation of all virtues. I believe this as well. Many things that seem threatening in the dark become welcoming when we shine light on them. . Part of humility is being able to take grief, pain, frustration, sadness and insecurity for those that you care about. We all have people in our life that we go out of our way to help and provide for. Instead of wondering if there is going to be a “get back”, focus on the reason why you help in the first place. Sometimes, life is like this dark tunnel, you can’t always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you just keep moving, you will come to a better place. . Yes, I realize that there are bad people who are very selfish and have no problem leading people on, and taking advantage of people. So yes, you should have a breaking point. However, all of us are searching to find balance in our lives. There is energy all around us. The Yin and Yang, both Positive & Negative Energy. For every negative there is a positive, if you are humble enough bend, let go of your ego and look. . Sometimes, the best way to solve your own problems is to help someone else solve theirs. Remember Ninpo is not about being better than anyone else. It is about being better than what you were yesterday. Learning how to be humble and taking time to help others is part Ninpo. . The only thing we have in this life is experiences and when your time is up, so are you. Remember to give, help, love, and provide a service to others. You will be surprised at how your life will change for the better. ♥
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destinysbounty · 1 year
didnt want to add on to legogeek’s post since this would be divorcing from the original topic quite a bit, but responding to your tags, perhaps zane is immune to the usual negative effects a frozen electronic would get, not because of how he was built, but rather for the same reason that getting struck by lightning repeatedly doesn’t appear to leave Jay with any lasting effects. or at least, for his current body. it’d make sense for his original body to have resistance to that, because of a) the existence of the juggernaut, which presumably just wandered around in the snow for literal years without breaking and b) dr julien made zane literally indistinguishable from a human who the heck knows what other magic that guy could work. (this is rarl btw)
You raise a great point! It could very well be that Zane has a higher cold resistance due to his powers. It's certainly consistent with everything else we know about the (admittedly convoluted) elemental magic system.
Come to think of it that could actually explain why Zane is capable of such massive power outputs. Like, even when the others receive power boosts of a similar nature theyre still not capable of the same intensity as him (case and point, the Forbidden Scroll). The cold resistance not only keeps him functioning, but boosts his functions.
In my research i found that cold temps tend to be better for mechanical function and, provided its not *too* cold, enhance a computer's function due to less ambient heat interfering with its processes. It's heat that causes computers to crash, and an absence of heat remedies obviously remedies that. There are, unfortunately, limits to this cold benefit, and the cold can also cause damage as well, so dont go sticking your laptop in the freezer or anything. So without elemental powers, Zanes mechanical nature already makes him more productive/mechanically efficient in colder temperatures, but he would still be prone to the risks that extreme cold presents. But! If his elemental power grants him a resistance to cold, that would not only raise the limits of how much extremity he can withstand without detriment, but would also make him even more productive as well. Itd theoretically remove all the dangers of extreme cold. He'd get all the benefits of cold temps without suffering any ill effects from it!
Which could be why he is capable of such intense feats with his ice. Not only does he have a magical cold resistance that mitigates the mechanical side effects he would normally experience, but the cold magically and mechanically makes him more powerful. Nindroid with ice powers, its like a match made in heaven.
(I know im kinda exaggerating the effects of cold on computer efficiency, but this is also a fantasy show about legos that spin fast so i think im allowed to exaggerate whatever i want)
The question is, would this resistance extend to the effects sustained when a frozen electronic thaws? Because thats the real danger zone. Water and heat are, in normal circumstances, the big threat. I feel like you could make the case either way - on one hand it makes sense hed be resistant to thawing, since its an inexplicable part of his powerset - freeze something, it eventually unfreezes. So its reasonable hed have thaw resistance too. On the other hand, thawing is an introduction of heat and therefore the exact opposite of his powerset. If Zane has control over cold, thawing him out is a complete dissolution of his powers. So it would make sense that under that condition, thawing out would be dangerous for him.
On the other other hand, Dr. Julien is a mysterious character and youre absolutely right, he may have been able to find a way to circumvent that risk altogether. I mean, he was able to craft a fully realized theory-of-mind AI 40+ years pre-canon, complete with the physical and intellectual means to pass as biologically human, presumably while living alone in the woods without help or extra resources. Either Dr. Julien is a tech genius decades ahead of his time, or he used magic. Or both. Who knows?
Thanks for the ask! <3
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acti-veg · 11 months
Hello Acti-veg! Im a big fan of ur blog. Ik ur no Vegan prophet/guru or anything, but i could really use another vegan to talk to. I'm vegan and also I have been trying to live as low waste a lifestyle as possible. Growing my own food included. My mom, despite my best efforts, refuses to go vegan. In fact she is a staunch Anti-vegan. Her doctor told her to go plant-based, her health is failing bc of her diet, and refused to change. But she's a stubborn until proven wrong type.
She made a huge fuss about how useless growing our own food was, but through ignoring her and making an effort, and successfully harvesting, I convinced her that growing food was a good idea, and have slowIy started including more vegetables and water into her diet. She expressed interest in backyard hen keeping. I always wanted to adopt rescue chickens, I could give them a good life, spay them so they dont have to be egg machines, and the manure/ free roaming habits for eating bugs could help around the garden and give them enrichment, and I briefly considered the option. But I know that Veganism is about harm reduction, condemning, and reducing the reliance on animal exploitation as far as possible of Human and Non-human animals.
I thought that by eating yard eggs as opposed to grocery store eggs I could explain the conditions of factory farm animals, and then teach her about the impact it causes on animals even locally, and then spay the hens properly. But it still feels shitty on the end of the hens..
I feel like by trying to get my mom to slowly transition to veganism full stop, I would be making non-vegan decisions along the way, but if I do nothing, I would have wasted the opportunity to make another activist and save more animals in the longterm, i was wondering what ur thoughts on it may be? Or anyone in the comments
I can totally appreciate the dilemma here, but honestly I think you may be taking on the responsibility of her choices a little too much. I could be wrong, but it sounds like you're taking her failure to reduce her harm as a personal failure, and therefore determining that it's up to you to directly change her behaviour.
I think that is probably how you have arrived at this dilemma - you are wanting to reduce her harm to the extent that you're willing to put yourself through something you'd not only find uncomfortable, but would actively go against your own ethics. You can advocate, you can provide opportunities for her to do better, but it's really not up to you to provide her with less harmful animal products.
Besides, I think it's an assumption that her having backyard hens would be more likely to lead her to veganism - in my experience, welfarism is not on the same continuum as abolitionism, one doesn't lead to the other. She will still think of animals as essentially there to provide things for her benefit, she will just also think they should be treated well while doing so, which she probably already believes.
I share that impulse to try to help those around you see the truth you have arrived at, and to some extent that is our duty as vegans and activists. However, you can't take on the burden of their choices as your own, and you shouldn't compromise your own principles to lessen someone else's harm.
Personally I'd take a third option - tell her you'd like backyard hens too, you think it'd be great to save some battery hens, but you'll be looking after their health by preventing them from laying, because that is the responsible thing to do given the health impact. You coul still educate her if she chooses to go down this route. See where she lands on that, but either way, I really don't think it's on you to try to make the animal products she consumes more ethical - that way you really would be making her choices your own.
If you'd like to chat this through more with another vegan then please feel free to message me - my inbox is always open.
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narakussy · 10 months
For le ship game! Nezuko and Zenitsu? 👀 Really curious about your take on them… 🌸⚡️
oh lawd... 😅😅 im gonna preface this by saying i do not dislike this ship at all, it just isn't my preferred ship for nezuko! i do think they're cute, but i think their canon status was a little undeserved. anyways here's me showing you my vision!
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okay so i have complex feelings about the ship. thats because nezuko is one of my favorites, while i don't really love zenitsu (i don't hate him, i just wish he'd shown more personal growth) in my head, since we don't really see much of the progression of their relationship outside of some post-canon side stories, i think zenitsu would have to do some leveling up to woo nezuko.
hear me out! in canon, all we ever really see in terms of dynamic from them is him thinking shes pretty and trying to act like her protector while she's mostly oblivious. i dont think this is in any way indicative of her snubbing him, she just didnt really get it. one thing that bothers me about the depiction of his affection for her is that it seems to all be centered around her beauty. i think love takes more than that.
zenitsu obviously has a lot of growing to do with how he engages others and handles himself. i think as the squad lives together in the kamado house, zenitsu likely struggles for a while before adapting to live on the mountain and away from the city and you know, not being in constant danger. he was the most ill suited to their lifestyle as demon slayers, and i think with that part of their life over, he would have the hardest time adjusting because where and how they decide to settle down is also very foreign to him.
i see him doing his usual antics at first, and nezuko being the caring person she is, indulges them. i like the idea that theres a time when zenitsu is at home with her more often than anyone else is, and he begins helping her with chores and begin to really forge a dynamic that goes past "hey i think you're pretty"
i don't think zenitsu is a bad person, i just think he can get a little caught up in himself and is a little immature. but i believe nezuko is the kind of person that would inspire him to be better. his affection for her will spur him into finding a goal for himself, something to occupy his life with, because he wants to eventually marry her and provide for her and have a family with her.
i think they could be a really good couple if given time to really forge a bond. he could benefit from her maturity and in turn, i think she finds his city boy sensibilities pretty charming. he would undoubtedly worship her and while he may not be as used to hard work as the rest, i think he'd really step up through his desire to be a good man for her.
so like yea they're cute in theory but i CANNOT ship them just based on what canonically happened ig?? the duality of man 😂
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sleep-safe · 2 years
Post about mutual aid.
TLDR i'm happy to help out in non-monetary ways. please dont send inbox messages or any time-sensitive/urgent requests, because i wont see them.
hello! i am pinning this on my blog because i just saw a bunch of messages in my inbox asking for donations or boosting. firstly, i am not a good person to ask/send those to, because i never check my inbox. besides, i honestly am not really sure how. i literally have a 20 minute daily limit on the tumblr app, so i come and look and leave.
thing number 2 is that i dont really have money to give. i know we're all living off a circular crowdfund hoping to make it to next week, and i dont mind anyone shooting their shot. just a warning that i cannot often donate (usually when I do it's because someone has just given me money specifically to donate to others. thats what i ask for as a gift typically). i dont reblog a lot of posts about MA because they make me feel panicked and guilty over not being able to contribute, although I reblog the ones that aren't pressuring. i'm setting this boundary and won't elaborate further, thank u for understanding.
however i would love to help people put if i can in other ways. you can try sending me a message and i'm slightly more likely to see it. i still dont check very often, but at least i know how.
I have lots of experience with The System and research in general. i can provide informal advice on government benefits (esp food stamps), registering to vote, getting access to your legal documents (like if they were lost/stolen or someone is controlling them), finding and affording medical care including abortion and therapy. i also have medical training, so i can provide advice (peer to peer, not professional) on treating minor stuff and telling you went to go get treatment.
i do a lot of activism around disability, healthcare, and housing (and lack thereof). i problem solve for fun and help people compulsively (like actually, it's come up in therapy). i can help you get a bus or train or plane ticket. or find community support near you. if it's not too expensive, i can probably help/find people to help pay for things, or find the right forms to fill out to get them for free.
I want to help everyone, as much as possible, all the time. its overwhelming and literally impossible, but i do what i can. for my health im setting boundaries, some visible but most not, which are just for myself. no one has ever been rude or hostile, and we're all going through it, this is not a grudge against anyone.
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sparrowmoss · 7 days
sorry this is spurred on by something i saw on my feed and i dont mean it as an attack on anyone, whoever reblogged it (i already dont remember) or whoever originally posted it but it just. made me sad because it was so close to hitting the mark but just not quite there
i really do believe people should get housing and food and healthcare including eyes and teeth and everything else that is part of your body, for free, full stop. regardless of if they are able to Work and Create Profit for some nebulous higher ups. do what you can, take what you need. everyone needs food and a place to sleep and medicine and help. not everyone can work. but we clearly have enough to go around if there are people in this world living so richly that they can pay hundreds of thousands for a vacation, or hundreds of millions for a home.
it almost hits the mark to say you don’t want money for free but you just want a job that pays enough, you don’t want housing for free but you just want housing that doesn’t take up all your income, you don’t want free healthcare but you just want your taxes to pay for healthcare. almost. its so close. people who are very disabled, temporarily or permanently, should also have these basic benefits for living, even if they cannot do a job. people’s lives aren’t only worth sustaining if they help someone else make money. people’s lives aren’t only worth sustaining if they can completely provide for themselves
we have progressed far enough with technology and societal structure that no one NEEDS to be suffering from lack of food or housing or anything. there are so many vacant homes and there is so much food wasted and the only reason it is this way, that that surplus exists and yet people are going without, is because we have made it that way. we have put necessities and comforts and safety behind a paywall. there is no good reason there should be hundreds of billionaires while children are starving
a lot of other people far smarter than me have said this in better ways with sources for everything and im not here to provide something comprehensive but please if you think what im saying is unreasonable ask yourself why and do some research or reading idk. people who cannot work don’t deserve to be discarded. thats all
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europa-news · 6 months
Bitcoin schemes in South Africa
The question of how to ‘join bitcoin’ or ‘invest’ in bitcoin in South Africa, is a common one, usually from someone looking for the next way to make fast money, not from someone genuinely interested in bitcoin, the Blockchain, or crypto currencies in general.
There happen to be a wide variety of ‘get-rich-quick schemes’ and ‘systems’ running in South Africa that use bitcoin as well as Rand. Almost all of them are a variation of a pyramid scheme or High Yield Investment Program, and will eventually fail, causing many people to lose their money.
With the rise of bitcoin over the last couple of years, many of these programs are now jumping onto the bandwagon and spreading half truths and misinformation about bitcoin, to promote their system.
Bitcoin Accumulation programs
There are ‘bitcoin accumulation’ schemes and ‘systems’ where you can earn ‘interest’ or more money than you ‘invest’ with bitcoin. THIS IS A SCAM!!! Often disguised as FREE BITCOIN EDUCATION, the information provided is factually incorrect, and filled with affiliate links to sub standard and questionable websites that will financially benefit the authors when you sign up.
The bitcoin supply is finite, there is NO INTEREST to earn, and if you believe you will buy bitcoin for one price, and after some time you will have more bitcoin than you bought….you are being scammed. Dont believe everything you read on the internet….ask yourself, if you are ‘earning bitcoin’, where does it come from? In most cases either you are getting completely scammed and you will not get back all your money, OR, you are recruiting others and scamming them without knowing it, as it is them who are funding your ‘earnings’, and they are the ones who lose all their money…making YOU the one who is literally stealing money from other users. Do not contribute to this problem in the bitcoin community! Normally these are the same people who are promoting a variety of ponzi schemes and dubious ‘systems’ to make money, and they have a reputation for questionable conduct in the bitcoin community
Bitcoin has performed well since it started
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Quack Financial advisor newsletters
These ‘advisors’ keep sending out newsletters and updates with so called ‘proof’ of their predictions of the markets and now that bitcoin is around, they are suddenly experts in cryptocurrencies too.
Membesr and users are shown all sorts of bitcoin information, and then told they can join in and make lots of money with bitcoin, by joining the scheme or program. Most of the time the scheme has NOTHING to do with bitcoin, other than it uses it as a payment method, but users are led to believe it is all part of the same thing.
The people running these schemes are well organised, and have ‘wealth seminars’, as well as conferences, meetups, and live chats online, where they talk about bitcoin as if they and their scheme are part of it. It is shocking to see how the people running these ‘wealth growing’ and ‘investment’ systems have themselves very little knowledge of how bitcoin works, but since it is more than the people who are there to participate, they look like gurus.
Every day we are inundated with emails, Facebook messages and calls from people who think that they have ‘joined bitcoin’ and now they dont know what is happening, but they want their money! Unfortunately many poor users even think they are bitcoin miners, because they are part of a system that is ‘mining bitcoins’, yet they dont know much about anything except the name of a website.
Here are some points to note when you are told about bitcoin:
You do not have to pay anyone to become a member of any scheme to buy, sell, or use bitcoin. If you would like to trade bitcoin, or ‘invest’ in bitcoin, just buy some bitcoin. You do not need to be a member of a ‘system’ to do that. To be part of the bitcoin community, and to take part in the bitcoin revolution, all you need to do is own some bitcoin. Join a bitcoin exchange, buy some bitcoin, and you have officially ‘joined bitcoin’.
There are no ‘Administration fees’ for your bitcoin account Since you open your bitcoin wallet yourself, there are no other people involved, and never should be. You do not need to pay someone to ‘administer’ your account for you. If anyone is offering you that ‘service’, you are probably about to be scammed. There are zero ‘admin’ fees or ‘activation’ fees with your bitcoin account.
Minimum investment to join bitcoin There is NO minimum buy in or investment for bitcoin. Beware is people who try to tell you there is! You might want to make it worth your while by starting with R500 or R1000 worth of bitcoin, but if you want to buy R50 worth of bitcoin, you can do that. There is no minimum investment amount for bitcoin, you can even buy R5 worth of bitcoin if you desire. Do not let anyone tell you that there is a minimum amount you MUST invest to be part of bitcoin!
There is NO table of monthly profit/interest or earnings with bitcoin Bitcoin is traded like a stock or forex on exchanges. The price goes up and down all the time, and nobody can predicct the price in 10 minutes, let alone one month. If someone is showing you tables with figures of earnings you will get, you are most likely involved in another scam.
If you know anything about bitcoin, you will know that ANY system that offers interest on your bitcoin deposits is a scam or pyramid scheme. Stay away!
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ekkurea · 9 months
(im the anon who sent the rendering ask and tips) AS SOMEOEN W STEM BACKGROUND WE’re always yk making things easier for us with ai.. im gonnaa divert a bit..i asked a professor (this was a neuroscience conference) why dont we perfect ai and develop a new artificial brain instead of studying the human brain… he had the most simple basic reply … why wouldnt you want to usee ai to understand yourbrain first… its a tool that can help us understand an actual brain why not use it there… i didnt really have an answer back then… but with your insight i resonate his answer w yours.. any other field ai is a helping hand and as much as i am against ai art … i see the potential it offers …. and obviously one needs to knoww their basics to use ai ot any tool !! and i just wanna say KUDOS FOR DOING IT :))) !! LITERALLY ALL SO MYCH LOVE FOR YOY!! GO YOU !!! 🫶
Hello! ⸜(。˃ ᵕ ˂ )⸝♡ I want to thank you from the bottom of my heart( ᴗ͈ˬᴗ͈)ഒ These are really important words for me. I needed to read them to make my heart feel better. I love your every word! ଘ(੭◌ˊᵕˋ)੭* ੈ♡‧₊˚
And I was very interested when you said about the neuroscience lectures! Apart from the fact that I love to hear people talk about their fields of study, I am also interested in their perspective on my field (*^ω^)八(⌒▽⌒)八(-‿‿- )ヽ
Next, I want to share my thoughts on what drawing means to me and what I think is the value of drawings (and not only). Sorry, I'll share some new art soon. m(_ _)m
I'm not a fan of AI art either, but I don't devalue the work of AI artists either.
I really like the process of creating drawings(ღ˘⌣˘ღ) For me, it is not only therapy but also a way of preserving a piece of my soul in a drawing (or anything else "created by hand"). I keep drawings that may seem unsuccessful now. Because they reflect my view of the world at the time when I created them. Looking at them, I travel through the memories of my life. I think it's like a photograph. It stops time, conveys the focus, where the author's gaze was directed and shows what and how he sees. We can talk about this endlessly. 彡゚◉ω◉ )つー☆* I'm one of those people who understand the popularity and value of Malevich's black square. (By the way, he is a Ukrainian artist. I say this because you might have heard a lie somewhere, if you know what I mean)
I also want to expand a bit on the topic of values that I emphasize in things. It's cool if they go hand in hand.
(੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭̸*✧⁺˚ The first is the author. We can be supporters of a person, their life, their worldview... I'm ready to pay more if it's created by a person I'm interested in and like. This way I get a piece of him and support him. I think people who are fans of someone will understand me.
(੭ˊ͈ ꒵ˋ͈)੭̸*✧⁺˚ The second is the finished product. Recently, there were campaigns in my country and around the world about how artificial intelligence sees the exploitation of animals. It really doesn't matter to me that the machine created these images in a minute. The main thing is the benefit that came from it.
For example, another area is medicine. Doctors used to practice all their lives to move more and more perfectly during operations. And yet there is a level of precision that we will never be able to match. But a machine can do it. So why not let technology do it?
(((><))) We are afraid of change. Artists, actors, construction workers, everyone is afraid of losing their jobs. I am too! But if it's not something that is aimed at destroying all life, then maybe it can help us on the contrary. We'll see where it takes us. And if it happens that no one wants my drawings at all, I know what I want to do with myself. This is about the fact that when people trusted progress, they found time and opportunities to improve other areas of life.
(*˘︶˘*).。.:*♡ I would hold drawing lessons, creative evenings... Experience has shown that the Internet can provide a lot of knowledge, but live classes, the creative process, conversations, support, discussions are something that no machine can replace. And the way students and their parents call and write to me and say that they miss our classes warms my heart every time. I also miss this atmosphere.
(人´∀`).☆.。.:*・° And if you didn't know what to do in the evening, take it as a sign. Take pencils, paints, paper or anything else, turn on your favorite movie or music and create. Do what you want and what your heart tells you to do. Alone or with someone. Don't worry about being perfect and professional! No, that's not the point. Just have fun!
I will end. Haha!
I don't know how it happened, but sorry for the sea of text! m(_ _;m)三(m;_ _)m
I love you and thank you for supporting me! (*꒦ິ꒳꒦ີ) ☆
P.s. I also want to say that English is not my native language and I am very bad at it. So if I made a mistake somewhere and someone wants to correct me, no problem! I am happy to learn!
Also, let me know if it's boring, obvious, and not interesting to anyone. I will not be offended in any way! I'm just not going to talk about things that I wasn't even asked about and will leave these conversations for my friends. Haha.
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sassycollectivenerd · 2 years
Cheers to peace, I feel much more relieved compared to yesterday , and just hope that they will keep their word, I have come to terms with the fact that there will be a child of my own but surrogacy is an option now and it will be someone else' s task. This being is mine, a part of me, when you have a child you care far too much about it and your life revolves around it, and whatever my feelings on the subject since this is essential i look upon it favourably, and yes for some a family is their dream, to be noted that the dreams in retrospect don' t appeal as much for you forfeit much to care for a child, there isn't always a helping hand around but yes nothing to be done but to make compromises, I accept it, ultimately I had wanted some money and a life free of conflict, to attain this a child of my own is unavoidable, it is to be hoped it fashions itself after myself, and is receptive of everything I try to instill in it. Mom is very reasonable although very temperamental, and when I was young I had the firm faith that she could turn anything around, and I thought i would like to continue to attend to tasks in and around the house to free up more of her time and so that order prevails for she never was a good housekeeper, she would ignore much and only the most pressing tasks say cooking was attended to, and she is allergic to dust and asthmatic too, i might continue to live with her or make changes to our lives for the common benefit of all. What makes me happy isn't the money, some money is of course needed to buy stuff that cheers you for shopping is supposed to be enjoyable and you are supposed to find happiness in your possessions ,again this is me, I dont set store by human contact , being in the company of others never cheers me but the table all gold is fascinating, and I like to be secluded,I have always been secluded, and I dont hate anybody just their attitude, particularly women who let themselves be persuaded, swayed and go with the flow, the point is you should remain unmoved by it all, you should be rational and sensible while making the all important decisions that will define you forever, never succumb to pressure, and remember if you haven't had it easy in life you are all the better for the fight, it only makes you more discerning for experience is the best teacher, and I will admit when you are young you haven't the exposure or wisdom to make the right decisions, most often the way you have been raised and what you have been led to believe colours your entire thought process, I had all the advantages because mom was somebody much ahead of her times, and we were brought up to be independent and sensible, most women haven't had that advantage so my advice to young girls is please read, read the papers, read about life, know that many women have shunned family life alltogether in the west and lead far different lives free from that of domestic drudgery which is the lot of most women here, and i read an article about women well into their 90' s, women who will vouch for the fact and attribute their longevity to being single and childless, remember it isnt your lot in life to be always accountable, and when you have kids you are the one most accountable for they have a very firm grip on you, they are yours and they come first with you always , you are willing to go to great lengths to ensure that you provide them with a stable environment, but you bet their father will mostly be unavailable, so please remember and think twice before limiting your existence thus, and a single child policy later in life is is the one most favourable to you. To most people money makes life look promising, to me a life on my own terms finally is what I look forward to.
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insjust · 2 years
Flight of the puffin
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Vincent's letter helps Jack start thinking more deeply, as does meeting Libby, who is astounded at how much change her small act of hopefulness has wrought. To bolster herself, she makes a card with the message You are amazing. She wants to be different, but sometimes that doesn’t work out. Jack gets misquoted in a newspaper that Vincent reads, and Vincent sends him a letter explaining how we all need to listen better and let people be who they are. Written by Ann BradenhardcoverOne small act of kindness ripples out to connect four kids in this stirring novel.Libby comes from a long line of bullies. One of them is to add a gender-neutral bathroom-making transgender students a hot-button issue at the school board meeting. He's been petitioning to keep his small school open it might lose funding if it doesn't make some changes. Flight of the Puffin Braden, Ann Told in multiple voices, seventh-grader Libby sets off a chain of events that brings hope and encouragement to four different individuals across the country who are dealing with bullies, acceptance, homelessness, and grief. As T and Vincent get to know each other, T helps build Vincent's confidence, and inspires him to write to a kid he saw in the newspaper recently.That kid is Jack. T doesn't identify as male or female, and ran away from home because their family wouldn't accept them. He starts bringing food to T, who's homeless and living on a sidewalk. But when he gets Libby's note, he's so moved by her gesture that he wants to help someone, too. His plan to stop the bullying backfired in a big way, so he's stopped going to school. When she hears about a kid on the other side of the country who's getting the bully treatment, she mails him a postcard saying: "You're amazing."That kid is Vincent. Its an airplane concept conjured up by the mind of aerospace engineer Mark Moore. To cope, she leaves motivational postcards around town for others who might feel as belittled as she does. The Puffin: A Passion for Personal Flight. Puffin Hostel, Istanbul: See 62 traveller reviews, 25 user photos and best deals for Puffin Hostel, ranked 126 of 1,879 Istanbul specialty lodging, rated 4 of 5 at Tripadvisor. Book enhanced with curriculum aligned questions and activities. All the characters find ways to encourage each other, be less alone, and connect.The author of The Benefits of Being an Octopus delivers a stirring novel in which one small act of kindness ripples out to connect four kids in need of support.Libby comes from a long line of bullies. Read Flight of the Puffin by Braden, Ann, lexile & reading level:, (ISBN: 9781984816078). Braden sensitively demonstrates how isolating it can be to live with people who, despite good intentions, force their children to fulfill expectations that run counter to their own senses of self. The Flight of the Puffin is a metaphor for perseverance and hope for very special children. Her charaacters face bullies in school and in life and rise far above them to celebrate their amazing individuality. * “The narrative develops each individual’s story, gradually providing clues about their homes, families, and schools. Braden is so obviously an amazing middle school tracher with a heart for students whom dont quite fit. One small act of kindness ripples out to connect four kids in this stirring novel by the author of the beloved The Benefits of Being an Octopus.Libby comes from a long line of bullies. The balance between urban and rural as well as popular and uncool promotes the value of building a network in this striking entry.”- School Library Connection, starred review A great read aloud for classrooms that are dealing with bullying in any form as well as an inspiration for sharing art. This includes an understanding of how treating those who identify as transgender with respect is just another way of appreciating and celebrating our differences. Braden takes these disparate threads and weaves them together in a way that will not just appeal to young readers but will lead to an empowering acceptance of themselves. Reviews * “Four narrators spread across small towns in Vermont and the city of Seattle establish meaningful connections in this highly satisfying examination of the power of small, positive actions.
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hyd7am · 2 years
Avail all the local news with hyd7am
If you are addicted to reading news and want to get the hyderabad breaking news, financial news today and online telugu news today and other news categories then don't forget to visit our website https://www.hyd7am.com/ .
Indeed we believe that the news plays an important role in our life and from morning to night we all are surrounded by news. Research from many years shows that abundant reading of local news  increases the efficiency of making decisions for the  state government. And also strong local journalism builds social cohesion, encourages political participation. Local news is important because it can generate quick and on the spot information about the facts which are going on and make the people aware of it.It is a very good medium for getting news instantly. We can trust local news as it is reported by the people based in the area. You can get the online telugu news today, Hyderabad breaking news, financial news today and business news today at hyd7am.
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Benefits of reading local news:
Newspapers play an important role in communities all around the world. Many people's news consumption habits have changed as a result of the Information Age, but local newspapers remain vital resources for readers interested in learning more about and getting more involved in their communities.
Now we will see some of the benefits of reading local news:
Local newspapers keep readers up-to-date on their own communities: Globalization may be here to stay, but it doesn't mean that important events no longer take place in local areas. National and international newspapers, as well as 24-hour cable news programmes, can keep men and women informed about national and worldwide events, but in many cases, local newspapers are the only source of information on what's going on in their own areas. Local politics has a daily impact on citizens' lives, and local newspapers cover it extensively.
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Local newspapers can strengthen communities: Residents who want to become more involved in their communities and learn more about local events might use local newspapers as a resource. Community events such as carnivals, local theater shows, and projects such as park cleanups are frequently featured in local publications. These are excellent ways for readers to become more involved in their communities and, as a result, develop stronger communities.
Local newspapers can benefit children: Local newspapers tend to include more soft news items than national periodicals, and such stories are typically appropriate for young readers. National newspapers may have little age-appropriate content to offer young children, but local newspapers tend to include more soft news items than national periodicals, and such stories are typically appropriate for young readers. Students in a Florida NIE group did much higher in spelling and vocabulary than nonreaders, according to Newspapers in Education. According to other research, students who read newspapers in class perform better on standardized reading tests than students who do not read newspapers in class.
Many local newspapers have played an important role in their communities for decades, serving as a go-to resource for residents and business owners alike.
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