#they’re t4t (real)
hidingoutbackstage · 8 months
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milolovesbmc · 9 months
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Long/shaggy hair Jeremy doodles because I love him now <3
(also, non binary Jeremy is such a cool head canon so it’s in here too!!!)
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skillbattle · 1 year
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umm reese and cyrus thoughts….
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birdinabowl · 2 months
volleypink !!
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stonecoldsilly · 2 years
Brennan: ‘I think that it's three stumbling steps that literally accompany me stumbling in the sand as I walk to where I'm going. The glamor starts to fade. Shock first, a deep admiration of a bravery that Hob recognizes in you that he does not possess, followed by a very clockable moment of marveling at the splendor of your true form.’
episode 4, seaside teatime hits different when you think about three little goblins watching rue cast off their glamour
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thevirtualvalentine · 9 months
Does anyone else write x reader smut for a fandom but also have such intricate gay head canons about those same characters?
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surelyskyrocket · 1 year
Bro is beautiful!!
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fireoinz · 2 years
I sure do love being trans -🔥
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petrigrofyaoi · 11 months
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You guys aren’t ready for this
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assbestos · 2 years
wanting him carnally right now so bad you don’t even know
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“🎵From my heart and from my hand, why don’t people understand my intentions?🎵”
They are so in love it’s insane.
Barney likes stickers bc he’s silly and he puts them on his helmet and he asked Gordon to steal a caution sticker from some dangerous radioactive thing for him and Gordon reluctantly did because he’s a real one.
They’re also both gay and trans men and t4t and autistic‼️‼️‼️‼️
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worst-t4t-couple · 1 year
I’ve seen this poll thing happening, and decided to try!
what’s your favorite T4T couple? You think they’re cool? Submit them!
No Harry Potter. Seriously, this is a poll about trans people. Anything else is okay!
Headcannons are completely okay!
No real-life people
Characters are chosen based off amount of submissions!
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yourrlocal-frye · 2 months
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They’re t4t real
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hey, yall like t4t lesbian steddie? how about transfem eddie beefing coming out to her girlfriend Real Hard?
also on ao3 here
Eddie has never been able to control her mouth. Honestly sometimes she wonders if she has some kind of medical condition that makes her incapable of saying normal things at the appropriate time. 
And this is a real problem when trying to figure out how to tell her girlfriend that she might kinda wanna be a girl too maybe. Because instead of sitting the love of her life down and calmly explaining that she’s been doing some thinking and might want to experiment with her gender more, Eddie just holds it all in until she projectile vomits the information at the worst possible time.
They’re snuggled in bed, hazy in post-coital bliss, Stevie burying her face in Eddie’s neck and nuzzling in with her nose like a kitten looking for milk. It’s adorable. Eddie half expects her to start making biscuits on her stomach.
And so when Stevie sighs contentedly, hums a little, “My boy,” with so much love in her voice Eddie kind of wants to cry, she’s not ready for the wave of wrongness that crashes over her, smashing the cozy, contented vibe in the room like it’s an actual tidal wave ripping the trailer to shreds.
So she does what she always does. Fucks it up.
“No I’m not,” she says, voice choked with panic.
Stevie stiffens against her. “What?” she asks.
“I’m not your boy,” Eddie says. “It’s not- I-”
Stevie draws away from her, and Eddie already misses the warmth. She keeps her eyes screwed shut, doesn’t want to see Stevie’s reaction to the information that her boyfriend is actually her girlfriend. And yeah, the logical part of her brain knows that it absolutely is not an issue. Stevie’s a lot of things (beautiful, wonderful, perfect, a teensy bit of a bitch but just enough to keep things interesting-), but she’s not a hypocrite, so the trans thing is obviously fine. And Stevie was well known for making her way through most of the female population of Hawkins High before she came out, so the girl thing is also obviously a non-issue.
But. That mean little voice in the back of Eddie’s head. The one that listened carefully to every bad thing anyone ever said about her- freak, monster, trash- and quietly stored them away just to take them out again when she’s alone at night. That voice is real loud right now. 
It tells her she’s imagining things, that she’s just looking for another way to be different. That Stevie will just think she’s trying to copy her, and worse than that, she’s copying her badly. It whispers that sure, Stevie liked her as a guy, thought she was attractive then, but she’s probably going to be so ugly as a girl that any attraction Stevie’s managed to muster for her weird lanky man-body is gonna just shrivel up and die. And she doesn’t even really like girly things, which she knows because she dressed up as Frank N Furter that one time they all went to see Rocky Horror, and the makeup had felt gross on her skin and the corset had been too tight and the heels had hurt- and if she’s not gonna commit to femininity what’s even the point of trying to tell people she’s a girl?
Eddie is so lost in her own head that it takes her a second to realise that Stevie has gotten out of bed. Eddie sits up, watching in confusion as her girlfriend flits around the room in search of her clothes. 
“Stevie?” Eddie asks, her voice small. “Wh- what are you doing?”
Stevie sighs, shakes her head a little. “What does it look like I’m doing, Eddie?” Her voice sounds watery, and she won’t look Eddie in the eyes, using her voluminous hair as a shield as she pulls up her jeans with shaking hands.
Eddie’s heart breaks. She doesn’t think she ever expected this, that Stevie would just leave, even on her darkest nights alone. “But- why?”
Stevie finally looks at her then, her face incredulous even as it’s streaked with tears. “Why? Why would I stay, Eddie, if this- what, was it just- just bullshit?” she says, getting more heated as she speaks, hands flying in that way Eddie usually loves because it means her girl is really getting riled up. Now it feels terrible to see, like the final nail in Eddie’s coffin. 
“I can’t believe- fuck- this is the second time I thought- I mean it’s gotta be me at this point, right? Like, fool me once-” Stevie cuts herself off with a sob, before scrubbing her face furiously and looking around the room. “Where the fuck is my jacket???”
“I don’t- what do you mean, second time-”
Stevie scoffs. “I mean, sure, you didn’t actually say the word ‘bullshit’ but that’s- you see how it’s the same right? Like, even if you didn’t- if you didn’t want me anymore, how could you-? You knew about Nancy, Eddie, and you still just-” She scrubs her face again and heads to the door. “You know what, fuck my jacket.”
And Eddie is not the smartest. Her three senior years can attest to this. But she can tell she’s missing something here, because what the hell does Nancy have to do with anything? So Eddie goes over the last couple of minutes, everything Stevie said, everything she said, and- oh. Fuck.
“I forgot the second part of that sentence.” 
She literally cannot believe how stupid she is. Stevie’s already out the bedroom door, and Eddie prays to every god who’s never believed in her that she hasn’t left the trailer entirely, because fuck knows if she has Eddie will probably never see her again. At least not for several months, and even then, only with Robin standing off to the side trying to kill her with her mind.
“Stevie!” She calls, running through the trailer at a speed she frankly didn’t think herself capable of. “Stevie, please wait! I didn’t mean to- I forgot the rest of the sentence!”
Stevie stops at the door of the trailer, turns around with an eyebrow raised in the kind of ‘I’m waiting, make it good’ expression she uses whenever the kids try to explain why they were acting like little shits this time. It’s ruined a bit, by the tears still streaming down her face and the tremble in her disapproving frown, but she’s trying. 
“Baby, I’m so sorry, that’s not what I was trying to say- I didn’t even realise how it sounded- I love you so much and I’m sorry I made you doubt that for even a second,” Eddie pleads, her own tears running down her face.
Something in Stevie’s posture seems to soften a little, but her hand stays on the doorknob. “What- what else would you be trying to say there, Eddie?”
“I-” Eddie can’t look at her, so she looks at her own feet. “I’m not your boy, I’m your- I don’t really know. Girl? Something? Uh. If you still want me to be.”
It’s quiet for a moment. Eddie doesn’t look away from her feet.
But then, strong, warm arms wrap around her. A hand gently pushes her head into a neck. A pair of lips press into the top of her head.
“Oh E- baby,” Stevie says, softly. “I love you so much, no matter what. Of course you can be my girl, if you want.”
Eddie nods into Stevie’s neck, holding her so tight she’d be a little worried about hurting her if she wasn’t well aware Stevie was way stronger than she’d ever be. “Yes please,” she says, voice small.
Stevie presses another kiss to the top of Eddie’s head, pulls back to hold her face gently in her hands. “Love you so much, baby. And it’s with love that I have to ask- what the hell is wrong with you.” Eddie snorts, and Stevie smiles like that’s what she was aiming for. “That was the worst coming-out I’ve ever seen. And I’m including the way I came out to Dustin.”
Eddie fully laughs then, and Stevie smiles too. That really had been awful. Dustin had found Stevie’s collection of feminine clothes and underwear and had taken it upon himself to lecture her on how weird it was to keep ‘souvenirs’, until eventually Stevie had been so mortified by the picture he was painting that she had to come out just to get him to shut up. He’d since made up for it by being her staunchest defender (Eddie and Robin notwithstanding), but the whole thing was still painful enough that whenever he was being annoying Stevie could now get him to shut up with just a particularly pointed look.
“I know, it was- I got all up in my head,” Eddie says. She places her hand over Stevie’s, gently turns her head to place an apologetic kiss on her wrist, right against her pulse point. “I really am sorry. I love you.”
“I know. Now, at least. Although I hope you realise I’m gonna be using this against you for like, the rest of our lives. Good luck trying to get me to turn off the ABBA, considering you very briefly broke my heart.”
Eddie groans, just like Stevie wanted her too, but honestly ‘the rest of our lives’ sounds pretty good to her.
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steampoweredwerehog · 5 months
Ok so to probably no one’s surprise William The Magical Girl continues to rotate in my mind at increasing & alarming speed. Condensing some thoughts while they’re still coherent:
Strawberry Seraph is a real cute name but hOW DID I NOT THINK OF SAKURA SERAPH I’m a FOOL!!!!!! 🌸🌸🌸🌸
William is either is a construction worker or used to be
Will is confidently a Man but goes by “she” when in Seraph Mode cuz he thinks it’s fun (& secret identity purposes)
There’s a good chunk of time where the family Doesn’t Know & shenanigans ensue
Wife is Yohanna, she’s an accountant ^.^
Francis: older daughter. She’s 6
Gina: younger daughter. She’s 3 Magical Girls:
Are a real established Thing
Are eligible for insurance & special protections
Are sometimes celebrities or feature in media
Bonus: I’m looking @ Will & Yohanna and my hands are hovering over both the “educated cis” & “t4t” buttons at all times
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sommerregenjuniluft · 5 months
@jegulus-microfic january 10 - lake - 1460words - bit of nsfw! in the end
t4t jegulus, mild foodporn, lotsa sweat, nude bathing, outside sex? nature sex?? (this one's for @stagpdf, @pupmotif & @veryinnovative)
The sun overhead is blazing, making Regulus’ body ooze with sweat despite his position in the shade of a tall tree. He licks his top lip, tasting salt. Sets the foot that was crossed over his opposite knee back down, feeling a drop of sweat trickle down the back of his calf there too.
His curls are wet in the back of his neck where his head is resting on a spare towel James had folded over their sneakers for him.
They’re still in the lake, going off of the occasional splash of water, rippling the surface whenever James makes a less smooth motion with their restless body.
It doesn’t take long however until Regulus hears the telltale sounds of someone resurfacing and trudging out the shallow side of the lake to rejoin him. 
Regulus lets his eyes stay closed, lets the measly breeze drift over him that does little to serve as a real relief from the unrelenting heat as he continues to rake his fingers through the grass and wait for James to pad their way uphill.
They’ve spread out a colorful blanket before setting down their towels on top, as well as their bags filled with all sorts of delectable snacks for a day lazing out by the repreaving cold wet.
Some of which is being generously rained upon Regulus as of right now too.
Drop drop, on his knee and stomach and collarbones. Regulus can practically feel James holding back their laugh as they no doubt stand soaking wet over Regulus’ nude, splayed form.
He’s had about enough when a drop lands directly on the tip of his nose threatening to be breathed in when he scrunches it reflexively.
“You’re dripping,” Regulus says, tone flat, eyes still closed.
There’s a noise like James is still desperately trying to stay undetected.
Another drop, on his chest this time and Regulus rolls his eyes as he blindly swipes a hand out to the side for James’ legs, “I can literally hear you.”
There’s only a hint of leg hair Regulus’ fingertips manage to catch before James plops down on the other side of him with a giggle.
Regulus does open his eyes now, blinking them open slowly. Giving himself time to take in his partner.
A plump bottom lip tucked between straight teeth in the manner of a cheeky smile. Lashes long and impossibly darker than the usual black by the wet glistening of the lake water. Hair in usual disarray, sopping wet onto their forehead and standing up comically in the back where James must’ve driven a hand along it. Doe eyes gleaming chestnut in the brightness of summer and warmly where they’re looking back at Regulus.
There’s no particular thought in Regulus’ head as he raises a pale hand to caress a soft thumb over the small mole on the bridge of James’ crooked nose.
James tips their head back a little to place a soft kiss on the heel of Regulus’ palm.
Regulus hums content and James’ smile turns toothy in response. 
They take a playful nip at Regulus’ digit, slow enough for Regulus to pull back. He doesn’t.
“Feed me,” they mumble around his thumb.
“You feed me,” Regulus counters, pulling his rosy lips into a pout he knows James is weak for.
They see right through him too, narrowing their eyes at him and giving a nib to the round of his shoulder on their way to lean over for the bag with snacks.
James’ skin is nearly dried already but still pleasantly cool from the dozen minutes they’d spent in the water.
Regulus groans in delight as James’ fleshy body presses against his, immediately followed by a sound of protest when James lifts back down on their elbow, setting the bag between their middles.
“Hush,” James says with a grin and Regulus huffs. 
Still, they set their chilly, curled knuckles in the crook of Regulus’ neck, cooling his heated skin pleasantly as they dig around in the backpack with the other hand.
They procure a tupper and clip it open to reveal the cheese fruit sticks Regulus had prepared earlier.
Regulus moans, body giving a shudder and he opens his mouth expectantly.
James shakes their head, hair already drying and wild curls starting to form, before they pick one and hold it up to Regulus’ mouth.
It’s grape, gouda, kiwi, honey melon and Regulus feels salvia pool under his tongue before his mouth even closes around the toothpick.
He hums in approval and watches James pick out one with strawberry, emmental, blackberry and blueberry.
They make a bit of a show of it. Holding their beefy arm up in the air, elbow a rounded peak, the fat supply around the muscle Regulus knows is underneath.
The pose reminds Regulus a bit of the many white marble statues you see in museums. That being the only similarity given the bronze skin and the amount of fat on James’ bulky body.
James’ physique is a little insane to Regulus, even after all those months being witness to their progress in all its stark nude glory.
Their shoulders are wider than before. What little fat remained from their chest now chiseled into voluptuous pecs, nipples dark as always, though no scars as opposed to Regulus. There’s still a slight dip to their waist that makes Regulus’ head spin. The muscles at their center have grown, as has the pouch over their belly. Smooth, supple skin that makes for the sexiest pillow and space to suck lovebites, severed by a dark happy trail that’s grown since James started on their low dosage of T. 
Regulus lets his eyes wander to where James, too, had foregone their swimming trunks in favor of jumping into the abandoned stretch of lake naked. The blurry line of tan skin turning darker where the hem of it should usually be resting, the dark hair curling towards their center and then switching direction, coiling down their legs in a generous dusting.
The hand against Regulus’ neck moves, fingers sliding back and thumb settling over the hinge of his jaw, guiding his head back up.
Regulus doesn’t know when James had unearthed another snack. The red net of oranges peeking out the zipper of James’ bag next to where they’re currently peeling one of them.
James slowly breaks off a piece but before they can reach Regulus’ parted lips they pull back with a small knit in their brows. Regulus is confused for all but the two seconds it takes for James to bite in the spine of it and suck, before spitting out the seeds onto the grass.
There’s a trickle of juice on the corner of their mouth and Regulus’ squirms as he presses his legs together. Panting a strangled breath as a thumb pulls down his lower lip before the mangled piece of orange is lowered into his mouth.
It’s so weirdly fucking sensual and James’ gaze is burning Regulus up from the inside, belly fluttering and cock throbbing, he can’t exactly help the low keen that escapes.
“’m here, love,” James mumbles, eyes fixated on Regulus’ face. 
Then there’s a touch to the naked bone of his hip, fingers trailing inward over coarse hair and pale skin and Regulus’ hips jump.
“Baby,” he pleads.
“I know, I know,” James responds, dipping down for a quick kiss that’s more tongue and panting breaths than anything else.
Regulus’ hand finds a meaty chest, sliding down, down before he’s raking blunt nails through black hair, making James hiss of their own.
“Wanna suck you off,” Regulus breathes, groaning when a cool finger slips right into his slick entrance.
“Me first,” James argues, curling the digit, pumping out and slipping right back in with another—Regulus’ body making space for them without problem.
Still he shakes his head, stubborn. If he doesn’t get to taste the musky slick aphrodisiac of James in under a minute he’s going to burst.
“Fine,” James says with another lick into Regulus mouth, teeth capturing his lower lip when they pull back.
But before they settle on their back suddenly there’s a strong arm under Regulus’ knees and before he knows he’s being lifted and hoisted over James’ chest.
In another single motion they scoot down and spread Regulus’ legs over their face how they need him, big arms curling around his pale thighs.
There’s a tongue inside him not a moment later, then a suck on his swollen cock and Regulus falls forward with a whine, hand propped on James’ belly for support.
That’s when Regulus realizes the purpose of the position he is in on top of James, taking in their spread legs, slowly starting to tremble from arousal and neglect.
Regulus dives down, ready to feast. 
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