#theyre hugging and making up with marcy
kyoryu · 2 years
We have heard your gospel on the shitty finale. Now, dear prophet, I humbly ask for your fix-it ideas
you said FIX IT... so how would i fix it. oh in so many ways. but to make what we had WORK, its simple. ive said it before and i will say it again. 3 simple things:
- having no way back to amphibia is treated by the characters as something unfair and theyre all very broken up about it, especially anne. she's inconsolable. shes not accepting just cuz omg i changed i will just take every bad thing life keeps throwing at me here throw some more
- we get to see anne reunite with her parents when shes back (sasha and marcy with theirs too would be nice but thats another can of worms to open)
- after the trio hug in the timeskip, have an actual open end where we see a light flash when they walk off screen. like they went... Somewhere 😳 thatd be cool, like have they opened it before? is this the first time? is it even a portal? dont know, actual open end ✌️
(people keep saying what we got was an open end and the more i think about it the more i call bs. it wasnt open ended they just didnt go back to amphibia and ur in denial. cry about it ig)
anyways id be so happy with an ending like that. im not even changing much its just adding 3 things.
(also id probably skip on the trio growing apart and shit. like i keep saying, i dont think them growing apart in the situation where amphibia is closed for good works out. its just weird. like yeah we close this chapter that totally didnt mark us for life and we move on 🤟 BUT AGAIN JUST LIKE SASHARCYS PARENTS, THATS ANOTHER CONVO)
AS FOR AN ACTUAL FIX IT... to make exactly what we got work we'd have to rewrite the whole thing. not make it about saving the world, not making it so much about family, changing everything. cuz that ending just shits on everything lmao if the ending we got actually worked then amphibia would have to be a completely different story
ANYWAY a fix it would be what i said. tbh i like it when u add those 3 things. its genuinely bittersweet like that. it makes me angry about how its only 3 simple little things that couldve been added and i wouldve been content. but whatever
HOWEVER, A DELUSIONAL ENDING THAT WOULD MAKE ME HAPPY WOULD BE: annes given 3 full stones, bc i dont see why tf not if she meets god. i mean if its gonna be nonsensical then lets be nonsensical all the way and have 3 stones. each of them get one, and they can use it to travel back and forth by themselves. each time they have to charge it.
this means they dont usually Go together. they go separately, and if theyre ever in amphibia at the same time they might not even know. sasha always warps at toad tower, anne in wartwood, marcy in newtopia. they go to amphibia for their own purposes and business. and thus the trio grows apart.
it makes more fucking sense, ofc i think the trio growing apart makes sense, it just Doesnt when you add it up with closing off amphibia forever lol. but with amphibia being accessible i totally see it. theyre all doing their own stuff and making their own friends (both human and amphibians). even like this, after what they went through, sasha anne and marcy are intertwined for life. no matter how much time passes, how different they become, theyre unique to each other. they always come back to each other at one point. other than that, amphibia is open, they get to grow up in a place they love with people they love without having to sacrifice choosing one or the other bc that Sucks Ass and they've been thru enough, and have enough mental scars that will keep haunting them even after if they get to thrive in both worlds
this version is kinda. unrealistic. i get it. but the realistic ending we got was bullshit and shitted on everything, its sad and not to mention Boring. i think this ver still gets the point across (point that was already made so many times in the show anyway), sprig and anne grow up together, anne still becomes a herpetologist but now instead of fucking tragic and sad its very fun and cute, sasha has a getaway from her chaotic homelife and can be with grime who never ever EVER left her side, marcy gets to become close to olivia like shes failed to do and hence gain an actual mother figure in her life, etc etc. hehe
(and as adults sasha and marcy choose to move to amphibia. or as teenagers they just straight up stay there. but thats another convo as well)
i actually do enjoy a version where they only go back after 10 years and they have to reconnect, its fun to explore, but it never stops being Sad. i think of it and make hcs about it and comics about it but it never stops being full on sad ending to me and when i remember its not just a fun concept im exploring, its the genuine ending we got that is supposed to be Good and Satisfying, i become enraged. i continue not to see the sweet in the bitter. i wish people would at least admit its full on a very sad ending instead of pretending it was something else (people who liked it say it makes them want to d1e or say "idk i just like sad endings" so u agree. u agree it is a sad ending where characters end up sad)
anyways. kind of a stupid ramble here. i love amphibia (kicks the ending on the throat)
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maldito-arbol · 1 year
OKAY SO UHM. HEART YEAH?!? Yeah. Uhm. I didnt Know what to expect when i saw the ‚heart appears in this chapter‘ tw but. I will at least give them that it was not as bad a tw as normal with them.
And in Heart‘s defence they literally show up trying to make sure Anne‘s body doesnt start deteriorating and then while theyre there everyone starts yelling at them about how much they hate them and want them to leave immediately. Like all things considered they handled that Great with only the slightest bit of accidental violence
My notes started getting a bit sparce when they showed up because i just. If i didnt i would have put Everything in here. Its like. I dont even know where to start like What. The way they talk to Witney man…. And like. BRO WHEN WITNEY STOOD UP TO THEM SO REAL. that moment when u finally get the courage to stand up for urself because u wanna help out ur new bestie because shes missing her gf who almost died and just wants to hug her for a little bit. Don’t even get me STARTED on Marcy‘s argument about Witney being a different person now,,,,,,,,, the BELOVEDS. I love them. Time to be insane over Heartney forever and ever again now welp
Like I have said, having Heart show up was one of the parts I was MOST excited for.
NOBODY likes Heart. That’s the funny part. Besides Witney, everyone who interacts with them in this chapter harbors an intense amount of resentment for them, whether they’ve been harmed by Heart or had a loved one that was. And even Witney is starting to see them in a more negative light. Not one person was comfortable with them being able to just walk around. And can you blame them? The last time most of the Wartwoodians saw them, they were attacking Sasha and breaking the music box. This is all very dangerous territory, and they have no idea that Heart and Anne have been talking, or that Anne is giving them some trust. This is just another game, another trick.
Heart knows that’s how they feel. They’re used to everyone around them absolutely despising them. So they know now to handle this situation delicately. I also think it went great, even if there was some accidental violence. Harming Maddie was entirely an accident, and what’s extra interesting is that Maddie actually recognizes it as an accident while her friends are very quick to point fingers. Maddie is the least affected by Heart’s presence since she’s never had direct contact with them before now. So her bias about them is not nearly as awful, and it allows her to see when they didn’t mean to hurt her. We have to appreciate Maddie for keeping a cool head during this whole incident and largely being the one to suggest waking Heart back up. If not they might’ve been trapped in the purple void until Anne woke up. How horrible would that be?
Oh Heartney…. My beloved. There’s something that can be said about how Heart’s spoken to Witney like this for a thousand years and how jarring it is now that Witney just doesn’t take it anymore. I like how Heart is genuinely surprised when Witney says no to them. Imagine all the messed up things that Heart’s done that Witney’s just. Gone along with. Standing up for herself and deciding she can form her own opinions is huge for her character development. Witney deserves better and it’s about damn time he realized it himself. I particularly like this section:
“Forgive me for not trusting you at present,” Witney prefaces. “But I have someone to protect now. You understand, don’t you?” Even Marcy can tell this pains her to say. Every word is a struggle, every sound hurts more and more and it’s remarkable she can stand her ground in the face of their biggest threat at present, but it must be different now that she has Marcy. 
They let out a small chuckle. “Looks like I’m not the only one who’s attached. What happened to you, Wit?”
“Time,” she tells them. “And more kindness and care in one person than two centuries of twisted maniacs.”
They relax, finally, allow Marcy her clinging for now because Witney’s not going to let up either. 
“It’s a good thing,” they say. “What are we if not for our vessels? I was beginning to think you’d never care.”
The difference between Witney and Heart has always been their perceptions of their vessels. Witney spent so long being afraid of hers meanwhile Heart was extremely possessive and controlling of theirs. They believe now that Witney has changed for the better in terms of fiercely defending his vessel, but with it comes the territory of Witney gaining a lot more autonomy. Now she can make her own decisions, and that means Heart’s control over him has begun to slip. While this should be a good thing overall, it also means there will be arguments between the two of them, because now Heart can’t just get everything they want from Witney. They aren’t used to this. They will have to get used to it.
And I like how Marcy is so insistent that Witney’s a different person now. She out of the gems has changed the most drastically since a thousand years ago, but the other two don’t tend to recognize it. Heart in particular keeps trying to treat him the same way they did a thousand years ago, and it simply will not work anymore. She just isn’t who she was then. There will be a new dynamic between the three of them from now on.
Will join u for sure <3 I hyperfocus on each gem ship at different times but I come back to Heartney so often it’s ridiculous. I love these little funky dudes
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missallsunday · 2 years
She's fine now
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jaekaicx · 3 years
quick dont think abt an au where marcy ended up moving away from los angeles and amphibia never happened
dont think about marcy being disappointed abt the box not working and then hating themself for hoping it would work in the first place
dont think about marcy not telling anne or sasha abt moving away til the last second. abt how he just wouldnt be able to bring himself to talk abt it or bring it up. or how theyd hype themself up and try to force himself to just tell them, but couldnt.
dont think abt marcy planning something epic for his last full day in LA, working out an awesome, fun-filled, perfect day to try to make the most out of their last moments with their friends. dont think abt anne and sasha thinking abt how odd marcys been acting or how its strange how… desperate marcy seems today, but brushing it off.
dont think about marcy making every excuse to stretch out the day, trying to stay with his friends for just a couple more hours, another half hour, a few more minutes. how theyd scramble for more things to do and run out of reasons to continue.
dont think abt anne or sash saying they have to go soon because theyve been out for too long and they need to get back before curfew or their parents are gonna worry. dont think abt marcy begging them to stay for just a bit longer, but they just cant stay anymore, sorry
dont think abt marcy breaking and blurting out that “IM MOVING TOMORROW” and this is their last chance to hang out together. or abt the silence that follows
dont think abt the three of them cuddling together during a last-minute sleepover. dont think abt the drying tears lingering on their cheeks
dont think about them waking up early the next day bc “my parents wanna leave early so we can get to the new place before it gets late” and sasha and anne waiting at the doorstep as the wus pack up
dont think abt their final goodbyes. or their final hugs. dont think abt marcy diving into their arms and making annes shirt wet with tears and mumbling how he doesnt wanna leave and theyll miss them and they dont wanna lose them. dont think abt sasha being a bit awkward but trying her best, or anne comforting marcy as best as she can but breaking into tears soon after
dont think abt the group hug lasting for too long. or abt marcys parents calling him saying its time to go. dont think abt the whisper of “i dont wanna let go”
dont think abt anne and sasha watching the wus finally pile into the car. abt marcy trying to pretend theyre not bawling his eyes out, being ashamed abt crying so much.
dont think abt the car pulling out of the driveway as anne sasha and marcy lock eyes through the car window. how marcy holds their gaze for as long as he can from the back seat.
dont think abt anne running after the car, calling out marcys name. or sasha running after her. dont think abt marcy pressed up against the glass, watching as her friends slowly shrink into the background.
dont think abt anne finally stopping as sasha catches up. dont think abt how they can only chase after a moving car for so long.
and dont think abt marcys car turning onto the main road, falling out of sight. gone for good
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wisconsin2002 · 2 years
Okay I'm just gonna say something that should be obvious.
Everybody's take at Commander Anne and it being rushed.
Some people might feel like they shouldn't like an episode because of other peoples criticism on it or opinion.
I for one did think the episode zoomed by pretty fast but you are all within you're right to disagree or enjoy the episode. It's okay.. You form your own opinions on the show. Whether they be strong or soft opinions, It's still yours and you're very much entitled to it. Same thing with critics, yall have your opinions and whatever I'm about to say doesn't immediately mean you have to freaking agree with me or abandone your own opinion. Okay.
.. Back to the point
However I do also think a lot of people who are going around calling Sashas redemption rushed have not the slightest idea of what theyre saying. Especially when they bring up where "Anne forgave her".
Point me to the exact moment Anne says she forgave Sasha. I WANT TO SEE IT!
I don't see it. What I do see is Anne and Sasha literally agreeing to each other to put their differences asside to focus on... Oh..idk..maybe.....THE WAR! MARCY in TROUBLE...you know PRIORITIES! BIG ASS BLUEBERRY NEWT KING IN THE SKY READY TO BRING UPON AN ALIEN INVASION TO AMPHIBIA!
There's a time and place for Anne and Sasha to work on their emotional baggage and past issues. The Middle of a war isn't one of em.
"But Anne hugged Sasha and didn't yell at her and told her she changed"
Anne was stating the facts. Sasha has changed whether you think it's rushed or not it's true. Still doesn't mean she's fully redeemed or forgiven or has 100% changed every bad flaw about herself. It means she's on a path to doing so.
A hug and a couple words of encouragement does not immediately mean that She's forgiven. Not even close. Sasha can have closure and support, she can have people who have her back leading her on to make a change for the better and the people leading her on can still not forgive her, they can still carry the trauma and the betrayals. Sasha did a lot of wrong that's not easily forgiven for, shes gotta earn that and the fact that shes working her way up to earn that is what Anne said herself, Proved she's changed. Big change or small change, Change is change. If Sasha is willing to put in the work to better herself, something we didn't get a sign off from past Sasha..Past Sasha was all talk no walk while this Sasha is clearly taking baby steps,.. What would you call that? I call it the beginnings of an actual change in character and the steps into redemption. Not yet redemption.
I think fandoms always get redemptions wrong or don't understand them very well.. Usually in a fandom there's. Two sides.
One side appreciating glorifying the character to the max and somewhat not taking actions and consequences into account
And then there's the other side.. THAT DOES THE COMPLETE OPPOSITE. Takes all actions into account and literally thinks of nothing else but putting the character down.
It's always too much of one or the other side
Which is why when I see critics and fans at eachothers throats I always think about how they both are two sides of the same coin with different misunderstandings of the equal and opposite argument.
Like fair play to critics right. Pointing out flaws and shit but come on. Do you pay attention to any of the conversations or Dialogues? Any time skips? Or do you just straight up look at the minute mark or the episode length and go "OH YEAH its Rushed." Amphibia looking like Mad Max, looking like Thanos home planet, and you want them to Talk about emotional baggage? Dude. And then yall say you wan't a longer episode and I know for a fact you still wouldn't be pleased because that's still not gonna solve emotional baggage at all. Do you know how long that's gonna take? How long for Anne and Sasha to talk about all their past issues and heal from them? That's not a one or two episode thing man that's months of talking to eachother, forming trust and figuring things out. That's not something we can give time to right now and clearly Amphibia is not trying to go into that yet. Let the girls fight the big fight and in the end when Amphibia is not ruled by a crazy blue bitch. Let them go back to earth, see their families and then talk about emotional baggage once they're not in danger. Let the story play👏 out👏.
Whether you think the episode is rushed or not is your own entitled opinion and thats fine but it's not opinion to say that the story still needs to play out cause it very much does.
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inkist · 2 years
Some info on your Amphibia OC, Van, please?
Can do!
I'm v tired, and I don't do a lot with Van so he's a lil underdeveloped compared to my other ocs, so things may change if I have reason to use him and develop him more. but here's what I have for him on my discord server:
more disco ramblings
emo fucker, cool kid
trans dude
like 14 during show canon, but in my mind, he won't really make an appearance until after canon so like when he's 17ish and anne's 16 but shhhhh that doesn't matter rn
deadname: vanessa
name: van
ends up dating anne and they’re a power couple as fuck
because i s2g as much as i love anne x sasha x marcy that shit is toxic
Van is tall ™
Van has pet frogs.
Because I can lol
He has poison dart frogs
And he is v fascinated by sprig lowkey because dude wtf
Anne tells him about amphibia and he kinda just takes it in stride
And like Anne’s like “I know I sound crazy”
And he shrugs and “I mean, even if you made all of that up, which like no idea how you could but if you did— that doesn’t change the fact that you feel like it happened. Either way, you’re still dealing with the effects of it and that sucks. And like I’m not gonna tell you to not feel hurt or upset about something because like feelings are weird and stuff…” and he trails off before opening his arms and “I can however over hugs and cuddles and as many kisses as you want.”
And van never dismisses Anne’s feelings but he’s never quite 100% on if amphibia was real or fake or what until he meets human sized talking frogs or sees the videos Anne took in amphibia then he believes her even more and tries to comfort her even more. like he just wants to take care of her but also support her in all that she does lmao
So Van has 2 moms and 2 sisters. He’s the middle child lmao
my idea is that both the sisters are super super girly. i mean regina george lookin.
pink, pink, pink. skirts, heels, glitter, pastels. etc etc
one is dirty blonde leaning brunette, the other has black hair. because ~van doesnt dye his hair~
the eldest looked up how to do emo/scene/goth make up looks to help van learn how to do his make up
the youngest sees things that are black / skulls and takes photos and sends them to van with ‘this made me think of u’
The sisters will sit on the couch with van in the middle, and watch him play a video game
the youngest: “can’t you make friends with them?”
“no, they’re the enemy.”
“yeah, but like, you’re killing them! can’t you-”
“Not how the game works.”
“Well it should be”
“Then you should make a game.”
“maybe i will.”
And now the youngest wants to become a video game designer simply to make a game where you’re supposed to befriend enemies instead of kill them
the eldest just sat there, looking up secrets about the video game so they could make fun of things that van missed.
Both moms are also very ‘normal’ and they’re both lipstick lesbians lmao
and they both just smile and pat van’s head and hand him a new black skull shirt
they be cool moms
the whole family sees van’s gothic nature and goes ‘how can we help?’
also van’s been out since he was like in 2nd grade
its never been a question, and his family had no issue
and they started calling him 'van’ cause he didnt like his deadname
and it kinda just stuck
theyre v healthy !!
i think i mentioned it but van also has pet poison dart frogs
hes v attached to them lmao
van is v thrown off when he sees sprig tho because jesus christ giant poison frog
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cometcrystal · 3 years
Ive been thinking abt my scooby 2nd gens all morning. Specific images
Baby annie holding onto scoobys snout while she learns to walk
Herman with annie on his shoulders
Daphne doing yoga with slider
The older kids, shaggy, and scooby wrapped up in blankets and watching jeepers creepers
Cass, herman, and slider age 5-ish using scooby as a horse while playing pretend
The whole family shoved in the mystery machine (which fred has had to install more rows of seating into)
Slider on the cheerleading squad at school
Daisy and annie plotting mysterious little girl things like making potions
Daphne and cass dancing together to the radio, distracted from spring cleaning
Velma handing the twins their lunches as they head out the door and she grabs their arms to kiss their cheeks bc theyre both taller than her
Shaggy hugging velma after she offers to be his surrogate and he says he loves her and shes like i love you too norville
Marcie putting a bright red lipstick on 8yr old cass
Shaggy putting annies hair up for her
Daphne and fred threatening to hurt the doctor if they dont let scooby into the delivery room to meet the new baby bc shaggy forgot the service animal papers. Scooby is like i rassure rou sir i ram rery rivilized
Fred breaking down in tears when first meeting his daughters BOTH times
(Velma doesnt think she'll cry when they first bring her sons to her but she does)
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jaekaicx · 3 years
Spare Sasharcy boyfriend hc?
Preferably Marsh x Ev
since we dont know anything abt their homelives yet, im gonna say that marsh ends up living with ev in one of the spare rooms in his house after the show, since theres plenty of extra space there and marsh would rather not go back to their parents
“and they were housemates” “oh my god they were housemates”
it gives them a lot of time to bond and make up for the time they didnt spend together before. also to yell at each other abt how dishes should be done
marshall and ev are shaking hands in TRANSMASC GAYMER BFS
they got a whole room set up for gaming and everything gjfjsjk (before theyd just be screaming at each other from their own rooms)
i like the thought of ev being at least a little interested in gaming before amphibia. before he’d only really listen whenever marsh ranted abt games she liked. after amphibia, tho, she tries harder to listen to all of them
i can totally see them setting up their own joint gaming yt channel, or separate channels that collab all the time
they’d debate all sorts of lore for their favorite games, talk abt stats, theories, news, all sorts of stuff. its especially nice for marcy bc hes got a gaming buddy to talk abt all this with
(ofc theres also mr boonchuy, but ev is p much there all the time so its more convenient ig)
they peer pressure each other into going to their therapy sessions
marsh initially went to ev for fashion tips once he decided to start presenting more masc (before ev had his gender awakening), but after a couple minutes at the mall ev realized he had no clue what she was doing. her only knowledge came from the handful of guys he dated before
neither of them are great at deeply connecting with each other emotionally. i mean, theyre definitely trying a lot more now, but its still hard. they were even worse before amphibia though.
the two liked to just hang out with each other, no words said, and enjoy the comfort of being in the presence of the other. they’d sneak out to the other person’s house often to just sit/cuddle together
one of their favorite places is the rooftops. theyd climb out from the window and onto the roof, lie back, and watch the night sky
marsh fell first, and they stewed in it for years. ev probably fell early on too, but she was in denial for years bc she was still dealing with his crush on anne (he didnt know abt polyamory yet)
ev loves carrying and hugging his partners randomly
marsh would rly like to try carrying ev or anne but hes not allowed to bc of his injuries. being carried is still nice tho
do not leave these two alone together in the kitchen. something will burn
they cried at home by cavetown together
some nights before amphibia theyd sneak out through their windows to meet up and just hang out (usually after something bad happened but not always). sometimes theyd wander around the neighborhood, sometimes theyd just cuddle in one of their rooms, it didnt rly matter much. they just enjoyed the other’s company
marsh sends all sorts of random pictures and memes to their partners. ev just sends simple replies (or none at all) and likes to tease marsh abt it, but he saves every one of them and has a whole image album on his phone for them
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