Day Six - 04/11/2020
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The dog wanted to say hello! The dress came from Rue 21 and of course the cardigan came from a thrift store. My fingers look so bent in those photos but oh well 😅
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Day Three - 04/01/2020
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Hi again! I wore this today because it's finally getting warm enough that I don't have to wear leggings under dresses anymore! The dress was $4 at a local thrift store, the socks (which are my favorite pair) came from my aunt, and I got my shoes about a year and a half ago from the kids' section of Target. I went on a walk with @mink-mesentery and I think my eating today had been good... mostly carbs but that's infinitely better than nothing!
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Hello! I realized I haven’t made any original posts yet but now I’ve been thinking about doing an outfit of the day blog, and I finally got the guts to do it!
Content Warning: Eating Disorders
So basically I’ve had a pretty rocky relationship with food and even my therapist is having trouble trying to decipher what eating disorders I have, and I’ve been one of her clients for a few months now (this is my first time seeing a therapist). One of the ones for sure though is ARFID, which for those who might not know of it, stands for Avoidant Restrictive Food Intake Disorder (recently known as SED, Selective Eating Disorder). In short, it’s like “extremely picky eating” which is why it’s harder to detect in children. When I was younger (like five-ish) I spent a lot of dinners waiting for two to three hours before throwing them in the trash since my parents did the “you can’t leave the table till you eat all of it” thing.
Anyway, it got worse when I was about twelve or thirteen and some stuff outside of eating happened, and I started to basically just starting hating food all around. I ended up weighing almost half of what I was supposed to (now I’m just barely underweight at 100 lbs) and I developed a fainting problem, so I had low blood pressure, anemia, and low blood sugar. Looking back at that, my therapist says it could’ve been anorexia just because I would try to see how long I could go before I felt like I had to eat, but then at the same time I never actually wanted to lose weight so I wasn’t officially diagnosed with it. Nonetheless, because of my food restricting I’m going to therapy and next month, I’ll be seeing a dietician to start this ‘refeeding’ process (if you ignore your physical needs for too long, you eventually just stop feeling hungry or full because your brain knows it’s going to be ignored, is the best way I can explain it; the closest I get to hungry is when I go too long without eating and my stomach starts hurting). To conclude, because I’ve definitely rambled, I’ve gained some weight and I wanted to share! But also I just think the outfits would be kind of fun to do so, uh... yeah. Just wanted to share stuff about my recovery :)
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