#this is the opposite of bobby company and yet i’m going to tag him anyway
titriwrites · 4 years
A Different Kind Of Birthday
So, it was @devikafernando‘s birthday a few days back. And I thought what better way to celebrate than bringen Dev and Tom back as a one-shot? See? Thought so. A slight warning: There is mention of the lockdown, as I decided their situation could work as a fluffy setting. If you’re not comfortable with that, I won’t be offended, if you don’t read. It’s nothing heavy though and mostly fun and fluff.
Read under the tag or on AO3 here.
A Different Kind Of Birthday
Dev didn’t mind birthdays, probably because she didn’t mind getting older either. She had a lovely life, living her dream with the little Bed & Breakfast she was managing with her brother and sister in law right there by the Irish coast.
And that wasn’t all she had to be grateful for. She was in a lovingly relationship with a beautiful man, everything going swimmingly despite the few ups and downs every relationship was facing every now and then.
Dev even liked the date of her birthday. The 29th June meant there was a good chance for a sunny birthday, especially as a child she loved playing outside with her friends, using the garden shower to cool down, eating cake and then chips in the evening
And 33 wasn’t old in the slightest, either. Especially if you had a future with Tom ahead of you – there wasn’t an engagement, yet, but she did have the key to his house in the English countryside, and there was talk about their future together, either in England, Ireland, or both.
But this year, it was different. Boy, so very, very different. She got to spend her birthday with Tom, sure. And that despite his work on the Loki series in Atlanta. Well. He was supposed to be working. He wasn’t. Seemingly nobody was, Dev included.
She was also not supposed to be here at all, though there wasn’t much to do for her in the Bed & Breakfast, either.
No, on this 29th June she was stuck in a hotel suite in Atlanta with Tom. She’d come in March – initially for two weeks, and then the pandemic came. She was stuck. Stuck with Tom, but stuck nevertheless. It had been nice in the beginning too, for them at least. Of course, there was the virus and the very, very scary number of infections. But they had each other, they spent time together – and more than one or two weeks for once. They enjoyed it, as far as they could.
And so, today was her birthday, and Dev was stuck in this hotel suite. She was annoyed. As annoyed as she’d never been before, she didn’t even think it was possible to be that annoyed. At Tom of all people, on her birthday even.
But they’d actually never spent so much time together. And while Dev loved Tom – she really, really did – boy, could he be annoying with time on his hands and nothing to do with it. Of course, emotions were running high as well. When could she go back to Ireland, when could he resume filming? When could they go out for more than a walk with Bobby? Yes, they were in love, but no, they were not used to spend 24 hours a day in each other’s company.
He whistled, songs mostly. And when he didn’t do that, he hummed. Or mumbled. It could be little quotes from books and movies or scenes out of his scripts. It was the worst when they watched movies. He was talking along. Tom also talked with food in his mouth, when he got too enthusiastic about things. And sometimes he was chewing too loudly when he got too engrossed in his movies and books.
When they’d only seen each other for a weekend or a week, they’d never had enough time to notice these things. And yes, she knew she wasn’t easy either.
That didn’t change the fact though, that right now, Tom was bouncing his leg, sitting on the couch, reading a book and mumbling along. Bobby was on the floor by his feet, not caring at all. Oh, how she wished to be that dog now.
“Oh, fuck it!” Dev exclaimed as Tom popped another biscuit – or cookie, as they were in the US now – into his mouth and swiped the crumbs with his tongue. She would have found him licking his lips sexy not long ago, but they’d been in lockdown for three months now, and she missed her family and it was her birthday, and she needed to get out.
Tom’s eyes found hers, innocently searching for anything that set her off. “What?” he asked.
“What?” Dev snapped back, then stood up. “What what!?” She put on her shoes and called for Bobby, who looked excited to go out. Not as excited as she was probably. “I’m going with Bobby, don’t wait up,” she grumbled as she left, shutting the door with a bang.
Tom blinked, then chuckled. He knew, of course he did. Hell, he was annoyed as well. And from his point of view, that was more than understandable. They’d never been a couple that was spending all their time together, quite the opposite really. They needed to get used to this. This was a low point now, but they’d get better again.
Plus, it wasn’t inconvenient, having Dev gone now. Meant he could get some work done. He smirked.
Dev felt bad when she got back a few hours later. First of all, Bobby was obviously exhausted from being outside so much, secondly they were in lockdown, and thirdly she’d left Tom alone. But then again Bobby had really needed the workout, it was very lovely outside – although she almost melted on the spot – and the park had been fairly empty, and Tom was a grown man. And surely being left alone for a few hours was better than being murdered by an annoyed girlfriend.
She opened the door, letting Bobby go from the leash and into the suite, and then she stopped in her tracks. It smelled delicious. But they’d said they wouldn’t do much tonight, despite it being Dev’s birthday. They couldn’t do anything anyway. But now, it smelled so nice.
Dev took off her shoes, pulled her hair up in a bun and patted into the pantry kitchen. Well, she wanted to, but she stopped in the doorway. Tom was kneeling on the floor, petting an excited Bobby, before letting go of the dog and looking up at Dev.
He smiled and got up. “Hey, there. Are you feeling any better?”
She opened and closed her mouth a few times. “Tom… what…”
The lights were dimmed, candles giving the living-room slash dining room slash kitchen a lovely, warm and soft glow. The delicious smell came from the large pizza in the middle of the dining table, which was set with wine glasses and the best tableware they had in this place. Soft music was playing, Dev recognised some Italian words. She felt so bad now.
“I thought we could have a birthday dinner?” He actually looked a bit sheepish, unsure of himself even. And Dev felt worse. “It’s not a ‘La Grotta’ original, but they were gracious enough to let me borrow their pizza recipe. And their chocolate-mousse recipe as well. Plus,” he held up one finger and pointed at the table, and now Dev could see the opened bottle of red wine, “they delivered two bottles of that wine we’ve tried, before this mess started.”
Dev covered her mouth with a hand, but it didn’t stop the sob from coming out. “Tom…”
“No, no, no,” he rushed over, “no crying, I want you happy.”
Before she knew it, she was in his arms, face pressed against his chest, her own arms wrapped around his waist, and felt his lips in her hair, leaving a soft kiss. “But I was so mean to you.”
“Hush now. You weren’t. And it doesn’t matter, it’s your birthday.”
“Nuh-uh. No but.” He squeezed a little tighter. “Let me pamper you now. And let’s eat, it’s been smelling like heaven in here for the past 30 minutes, I need to get my hands on that pizza and that pudding.”
She sobbed and laughed at the same time. “God, I love you. And thank you.”
“I love you, too. And you’re more than welcome.” Tom let go a bit, and Dev caught his cheeky smile. “And maybe I’ll get my hands on something else tonight as well.”
He only wiggled his brows and laughed out loud, when Dev slapped his chest with a “Hey, now!”
But who was she kidding? He was right after all.
Tagging  @itsliterallythis @justthelosersblog @avenger-nerd-mom @archy3001 @nuggsmum @majk78 @hakimo2015 @noplacelikehome77 @theheartofpenelope @messy-insomniac-bookgirl @pipolaki
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myinconnelly1 · 4 years
ArchAngel Ch 1 Lost But Never Alone (pt 3)
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Word count: 1,622
Natalie mulled over what she knew of ArchAngel Incorporated and what John was doing.  He had called the brothers and told them that he was hunting a demon.  It was a term she had never heard before, and she knew she needed to find out.  She got off at the California bus stop and looked around for a clue as to were to start.
Natalie realized as she wandered aimlessly for days that California was a huge state.  And she didn’t have a single lead on John Winchester.  She threw her hands into the air in frustration and turned right into a large alpha.
“Shit.”  She whispered, her eyes going wide.
“Hey,”  He looked pissed as he swiped at the stain from a sloshed drink, then took her look in.  “Wait, I know you.  Your sister is looking for you.”
Natalie turned tail and ran as fast as she could away from the hulking man.
“Wait!  Don’t make me chase you!”  He shouted drawing attention to the two of you.  She turned a blind corner into a dead end.
“Fuck!”  She shouted slamming the sides of her fists against a solid wall.
“Well, that was anti-climactic.”  The alpha said coming around the corner.  “Seriously, Frankie says you are a trouble maker.”  He sneered then squeezed the lock mechanism on an ArchAngel canister.  Natalie covered her face with her jacket, knowing full well it was a useless move.
“Hey!”  Natalie’s head snapped up to see John Winchester standing behind the alpha with an ArchAngel issued tagging gun.  She saw her opening and darted out of the little alley past the two circling alphas.
“What do you want Winchester?  I thought they had you off on some goose-chase?”  He snarled.
“Well, I saw your name on the pick-up list and I couldn’t resist.”  John's smile was almost cruel.  But Natalie didn’t stay to see what else happened.
She ran as hard as she could down the sidewalk pushing people out of the way.  When she finally stopped hundreds of yards later she was gasping for air.  Sweat dripped down her body and her muscles all over her body ached and burned.  
She needed to know what was in that canister.  A hunger settled low in her belly, and she realized that she hadn’t eaten yet that day.  She would need to figure that out.  And she would need a place to hide.  A smell caught her attention.  It was familiar and tugged at that hunger in her body.
Natalie opened her eyes and took in her location after she had let her feet carry her toward her craving.  She was hot and clawing at her clothes by this point.  Everything hurt and she needed… something.
She was standing in the parking lot of a run-down motel that could have passed for a pay-by-hour establishment.  There was no food here that would be worth eating, but Natalie was in the fog to deeply to care.  She passed a black truck without a care about the owner then found herself leaning against the wall to hold herself up.
“You know, there was a time that you could’ve been in the same room as me, and I wouldn’t have known you were there.”  A deep voice said as Natalie struggled to turn her head to see him.
“Dean?”  She muttered taking a step toward him and collapsing into his arms.
John outstretched his arms and caught the omega activist before she could collide with the concrete they were standing on.  A brief look of confusion crossed his face as he considered why she had mistaken him for Dean.  To his knowledge, Natalie had never met Dean.  He looked around in a paranoid fashion, then scooped her up and carried her to his motel room to deposit her on the bed.
She seemed different from the last time she had scented her.  She was more mature now.  And for the first time since he had known her, she was in heat.  The scent was wrong though, and he remembered that the alpha in the alley had a canister in his hand.  She had been hit with an ArchAngel pheromone gas.
John knew that he should tag her, and leave her here for ArchAngel to pick up, but his recently gained insight into how the company operated left him doubting his current employer.  He glanced over at the pathetic girl on the bed.  She had no place in this fight, no way to protect herself from the dangers of the world. He noticed a strange mark on the inside of her leg.
He walked over to her and grabbed her leg, lifting it for inspection.  It was an old bruise that was starting to fade.  Natalie mewled pitifully as he touched her, but he ignored the noises.  The bruise was from a bite mark, he determined.  Someone had bit her.
John was about to let go of her leg and move away from her, intent on calling Caleb or Bobby for help when Natalie grabbed his arm.
“Please, Alpha, I need you.”  She groaned, her nails digging into the flesh of his forearm.  John thanked his years taking the green steroids after Mary died, as he was at a point now where he was practically immune to the throws of rut.
“Listen, I’m not who you think I am,”  John said detaching himself from her grip.  There was no way that John could leave her here, someone would find her and that would be bad.  “Come on, Natalie.  I got places to be.”  He wrapped her arm around his shoulder and walked her out to his truck.  He refused to stay in a motel room with her overnight, while she was in heat.  That would just invite disaster.
He placed her in the passenger seat of his truck, leaning her head against the opposite door, then listened to the message from Dean again.  His sons thought they had a lead on the demon that killed Mary.  John was pretty sure that it was a too good to be true situation, but he was not about to let the chance slip by if it wasn’t.  He put the truck in gear and drove away from California.
“Hey!”  Dean shouted as he and Sam walked into their motel, bloodied and a little worse for wear.  “Dad?”  He asked as John turned around and they could make out his face from the shadows.
“Hey boys,”  John whispered.  It was a heartfelt reunion between the boys and their old man.  Apologies were issued along with many hugs before John revealed that he was getting close to finding the demon that had killed their mom, and he was intent on killing it.
“What is a demon?”  Dean asked hoping to glean more insight into what the hunt was on for.
“Some kind of twisted amped alpha or omega.  I heard of a few of them breaking free from headquarters.”  John explained.  But before he could get further, the alpha from the warehouse had found them.  He tore the three of them apart until Sam had the brilliant plan to stun it with a flare.  They ran out of the motel and out to where their cars were.
“You can’t come with us,”  Dean said to his dad as they reached their cars.  Sam protested but in the end, they all knew it was true.
“Maybe you boys can do me a favor,”  John said as he opened the door to his truck.  “I found this one in California.  I couldn’t leave her there, and I don’t trust the company with her.  Her sister works there and has been looking for her.”  John hauled a nearly delirious Natalie from the cab.
“Nat?”  Dean gasped when he saw her.  The boys cleared their throats as they got a whiff of the tainted scent of her heat.
“Yeah, she was caught by a pheromone bomb.  Be careful.  They want her, and are looking for her.”  John seemed to let the fact that the boys knew her to slip to by the way.
“We will Dad,”  Sam responded helping Dean hold Natalie up before they all piled into the two vehicles and leaving.
“This feels strangely familiar,”  Dean muttered as they made to leave the state, and he rubbed his cheek against the top of Natalie’s head.
“Yeah,”  Sam grumbled keeping his distance and sighing hard.  “Why didn’t you tell me you two were sleeping together last time she was with us.”
“I figured you’d get all up in arms about it.  It was just sex.”  Dean tossed his little brother a look that spoke volumes.
“Yeah, well you were right.”  Sam shifted in his seat uncomfortably.  “You were with like three different chicks in the time that Natalie was gone.  What is with you man?”
“Nothing,”  Dean said scrunching his brow as pushing his brother’s question away.  “So she has a sister that works at ArchAngel?  Well, that at least explains why she knew so much about it.”
“We are gonna have to do something.  The pheromones will wear off after a couple of days but she is still in heat.”  Sam said chancing a glance at the panting omega on Dean’s arm.  “Why would she have gone to Dad anyway?”
“Most of the omegas try to find the closest alphas when they are hit by those gases.  That’s why they are so effective.  Dad must have been closest.”  Dean shrugged, not wanting to delve into the omega psyche.  “Besides it’s not like we can just order her an alpha hooker.”
“I know.”  Sam shrugged uncomfortably.  “So any ideas?”
“Yea a bad one that you will hate,”  Dean said looking at his brother over Natalie’s sleeping form.
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@waywardbaby​ @destielhoneybee​ @snffbeebee​ @deangirl7695​ @spnbaby-67​ @maddiepants​ @tabrown2021​ @ladywinchester1967​ @woodworthti666​ @miraclesoflove​ @tumbler-tidbits​ @emilyshurley​ @akshi8278​ @mannls​ @wendibird​ @bobasheebaby​ @flamencodiva​ @theoneandonlymelol​ @chelsea072498​ @donnaintx​ @justsomedreaming​ @supernaturalenchanted​ @kalesrebellion​ @prettydeaneyes​
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My Immortal
Chapter 4: All of These Unknowns
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Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3
Once you got to Bobby’s camp you realized why it had been such a long walk. You and Mary landed in the desert and the base camp was buried deep in the woods. Covering the length of a football field, maybe more, there were big green tents sprawled out every few feet, other than the couple clearings for makeshift kitchens and firepits. It definitely wasn’t what you were expecting, but then again did you really even know what you were expecting? 
Things like food and other amenities were in short supply as Ellen made sure to point out. Bobby however, he said this win should be celebrated and threw a huge dinner to welcome you and Mary and to thank you for rescuing Chuck. Before that though, you and Mary were led to the tent you were going to be sharing and told to wait for when someone could come help you get situated.
“Well it’s something right?” Mary stated, plopping down on one of the cots. “Better than being on the run from Lucifer.”
“Yeah, sure.” Taking the free bed on the other side of the tent, you sat down and dropped your head in your hands, massaging your temples. “Of course Lucifer is still out there. He will catch up just like he always does but now we’ll have all these people for him to use against us. People who we may or not be able to trust might I add.”
“Maybe, but until then we will be grateful for a place to lay low, and we will help them until we have proof that they can’t be trusted. All of them y/n.”
You nodded in agreement, but the eye roll you added had Mary responding with a glare in no time. She was just about to scold you for it too, when a soft-spoken voice came from outside the tent. “Y/n? Mary?” A couple seconds later Chuck slowly stepped through the flaps of the tent. 
“It’s okay Chuck you can come in,” Mary reassured.
“I brought you both a couple blankets and a change of clothes,” he replied, handing a pile to Mary. As he turned to hand you the rest of the items, he stopped and swallowed nervously, opting just to set them down on the edge of the cot. “If you guys want to change now I can wait outside, that way I can help show you to the dinner area.”
“I’m actually pretty hungry. What about you y/n? What do you say we just go eat.”
Scrunching up your nose in disgust, Mary shot you one more warning glance.
“Fine,” you whined. “Lead the way Chuck.”
Dinner consisted of some sort of stew, probably one of those soups out of a can, which ended up not being all that bad. The beer that they had also wasn’t bad and quite frankly after the day you had, it was much needed. Not long after people had started eating, Mary disappeared somewhere with Bobby, leaving you sitting on a log on the outside of what they considered the common area. You were perfectly okay with that too, until Chuck seemed to get it into his head that you needed company.
“I- uh- I thought maybe you could use something a little bit stronger.” 
Holding out a bottle of whiskey and two plastic cups, he stared at you with pleading eyes. God you hated those eyes. Those piercing blue orbs that could always look straight through to your soul. He always looked like he was giving you puppy dogs eyes too. Unless he was angry that is, then they just had the ability to break your heart. You had really hoped you were immune to them by now, but by the way you were getting ready to give in, you couldn’t help but wonder if that was really the case. Maybe it was just because you really did want something stronger.  
Letting out a sigh, you nodded, motioning for him to join you. “Just do me a favor though and keep the chit-chat to a minimum.”
Pouring whiskey into the two glasses, he handed one to you which you started to drink right away and the more you did the drink the easier you found it was to distract yourself from the fact that he was right beside you. Of course that was until he just had to start talking.
“So, Bobby told me that you were the one who came up with the plan to get me out of there. You’re good at stuff like that huh?”
Taking another sip from your cup, you tried to push the sound of his voice out of your head, but the fact that you didn’t answer only made him feel like he needed to keep going. 
“He also said you guys aren’t from around here. Does that mean you were in the military or something? Is that where you learned all that stuff?”
“Really?” you scoffed, with your jaw dropped in awe that he completely ignored your warning. “Did I not just say to keep it zipped? How can you not understand that I don’t want to talk to you?”
He looked like he was going to say something but instead he just frowned, stood up, and walked away. “Dammit.” you thought, silenting cursing yourself. You actually felt bad for the poor guy. Why? All he was doing was toying with you. You had no reason to feel bad. 
A few hours later, early into the next morning, you had yet to fall asleep. There was too much to think about, too many unknowns. How long were you going to be here? Was there really anyway Sam and Dean could get to you? What about the son of Satan? Then there was Chuck. You really wish you hadn’t even gone down that path. You felt a little guilty about the fact that you apparently hurt his feelings earlier, but it was only a matter of time before the real Chuck was going to come out… right? Was there really a chance that this version of him was different? Back and forth, you went over everything you could think of, when you thought you heard someone yelling. 
“No don’t. No, Please.” Slowly sitting up, you listened some more. Where was it coming from? One thing was for sure, it sounded very familiar. “No! Please Stop!” This time the calls were followed by panting, like someone was running. Was the camp under attack? It sounded like someone was being chased. Seeing that Mary was completely unaware of what was going on you tiptoed out of the tent and looked around before following the sounds to the tent just across from yours.
The closer you got to the tent, the more it started to sneak in. It was Chuck. He was having one of his prophet visions which a lot of the time just ended up being nightmares. At first you couldn’t help but feel the sting from all the bullshit your chuck had put you through, but just as you were about to turn around and go back to your bed, you stopped. You couldn’t let him keep it up all night right? Sure he was probably just acting, but it was going to be more annoying to keep listening to him. Unzipping the folds to his tent, you walked in to find him, tossing and turning, almost making the cot flip over.  
“Chuck!” you yelled shaking his bed with your foot. “Chuck wake up!”
Eyes wide open, he shot up, trying to catch his breath. “Please don’t hurt me!”
“Hey it’s just me,” you said holding your hands up in defense. “I’m not going to hurt you.”
“No but you’d like too.” Sitting up on the edge of the bed, he ran his hands over his face. “I’m sorry I disturbed you y/n.”
“Don’t worry about it Chuck, just uh, maybe try to keep it easy.”
As you turned to walk back out of the tent you quickly surveyed the area and couldn’t help but notice all the empty beer and whiskey bottles. It was funny how Bobby and Ellen seemed to be the complete opposite of your worlds version, but Chuck so far, was completely the same. Especially with how he had just woken up and was already going for another bottle.
“You know,” you said looking back at him. “The alcohol just makes things worse. I mean I’m sure alcohol doesn’t really have an affect on you, and I guess it was really all an act anyway, but from experience I can tell you a hangover doesn’t help you recover from a nightmare.”
He nodded and for a brief moment it looked like a soft smile had formed on his face. “Okay y/n. I’ll give it a try.”
Walking out of his tent, you couldn’t believe what you had just said. You didn’t care about his “visions,” or how he did or didn’t handle them. You just couldn’t get Mary’s voice out of your head. “Trust them until you have a reason not to y/n. Does this guy really look like could be God y/n?” You trusted Mary, trusted her judgement. After all she was your family. Then again she didn’t make the best call when it came to the British Men of Letters. 
There were just no possible answers. There were all these questions and unknowns but for the first time you had no idea how to begin to even try to solve them. You hated it. You were always the one who could find the ways out of impossible situations, or the way to work around the people in those situations, but right now you were at a complete loss.
  Tag List: @tas898 @natasha-cole , @shanghai88 , @collinscosmicentity , @two-sidedsoul , @klinenovakwinchester , @lara-bradbury, @i-hear-crazy-calling-my-name, @missihart23 , @internationalmusicteacher , @sherlockedtash88 , @narisjournal-blog , @itsfunnierin-enochian , @rblstrash , @princess-of-erebor1992 , @sirraxa , @wontlookaway , @burningrupture , @brokencasbutt67-writer , @winchestergirl-13 , @marichromatic , @notfunnystillhere , @kocswain , @apeshit7x , @spnmightkillme, @cyrilconnelly , @dropthepizza346 , @queenofhellwithcrowley , @pinkykayley , @lauragail2007 , @idabbleincrazy , @probably-writing-something , @hunterpuff , @regandm , @lucerospn1detc , @draiela , @zeddlocket , @jayyx3oxo , @deanwherescas   @linki-locks11   @marshmallowfroggy @smoothdogsgirl @chelsea-shurley @vic-shadowz @mewjacki @poemfreak306​
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