#tmnt 2014/ 2016
fluffytriceratops · 8 months
𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 - 𝐑𝐚𝐩𝐡𝐚𝐞𝐥 [𝐛𝐚𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞]
notes: raph reacting to y/n pulling him in for a kiss by his belt. last one~! asjfdgidhkgbnsalkgnadkbnla'dnvb;oadbnladkbf- that's how i feel. :D 
click here to read leo's ver.
click here to read donnie's ver.
click here to read mikey's ver.
warnings: mature language, nsfw mentions/sexual themes.
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @rheawritesforfun @s-s-ironnie @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @drowninghell @lec743 @raphielover  @raphslovemuffin80 @squirrelfurs @bibiz82 @pheradream-15 @kikithedreamerwriter @m1dnyt3-w0lf @scholastic-dragon @moonsua1
(if you wish to be tagged in my future tmnt x reader related work, feel free to lemme know and i'll happily tag you!)
i love you all sm! have a lovely day/night! i'm sending you the very many virtual hugs!! <33
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- he would be stunned at first. not expecting the move.
- his hands would immediately grab for your waist, pulling you even closer against him as if it was second nature. which to him, it was.
- you could feel his lips quirk up in a smirk during the kiss.
- his grip would tighten, fingers digging into you a bit.
- when you'd pull away, you would copy his smirk with one of your own. then you'd wink as you slipped from his grasp and moved to walk away.
- he would blink himself out of his trance and grab your waist, growling in your ear.
- "careful there, y/n..." he'd start, lowering himself so his face was inches away from yours. "that's how babies are made." he would finish, nipping at your ear.
- "don't be daft, raphael.." you'd whisper, looking up at him from under your lashes.
- your hands find themselves around his neck and you twist his mask tails between your fingers. "take me to the bedroom and i'll show you how babies are really made."
- you don't have to tell him twice.
- you barely get the chance to finish your sentence before raph throws you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes.
- he's just glad his family is out, because after all the pleasurable noises he's able to slip out of you, his family would be scarred for sure.
- then again, you were so loud, calling his name like that, he was sure they'd be able to hear you all the way from april's.
- he wouldn't complain though, not for a damn second. he loved every single moment of it.
- every time you lolled your head back.
- every time you gripped the sheets or clawed at his skin.
- every single fucking sound that escaped your perfect lips.
- the way your back would arch.
- the vulgar cursing that fell out of that pretty mouth of yours.
- the way your legs would squeeze around him.
- he wanted it all.
- and he sure as hell got it.
- not that you would complain either. you loved it just as much.
- sometimes, you loved it even more.
- the two of you would end up showering together, which would result in steamy shower sex.
- by the end of the whole ordeal, you highly doubted you'd be able to walk at all the next day.
- but you weren't worried, cuz raph assured you he'd take good care of you.
- and he always did.
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hir0s4nch3z · 1 year
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📚TIPO DE CAP.: Headcanon
📌CONTEXTO: Acho que o título já é autoexplicativo...
⚠️❗≫≫ ATENÇÃO ≪≪❗⚠️
Esse capítulo NÃO é recomendado para MENORES DE 18 ANOS, contendo os seguintes temas:
Insinuação sexual;
Nudez explícita;
Descrição sexual.
Leonardo: Nenhum.
• Okay, antes de me julgar, me escuta! Sei que muitos vão pensar em dominação e submissão, mas analisa comigo... Ele não tá nem aí!
• Já foram provadas por diversas vezes que ele não se importa com esse tipo de coisa. Sexo é uma coisa indiferente pra ele, quem dirá fetiche!
• Muitos chegam a especular a hipótese dele ser assexual ou demissexual, mas isso já é assunto pra outro capítulo...
• O que eu quero dizer é que pra ele o sexo deve ser feito de forma romântica. Ele não teria relações com alguém que não sente paixão e/ou amor (* cof-cof * demissexual *cof-cof *).
•Ele está acostumado a ser cortês, mas e quando sua parceira retribui o cavalheirismo? Simplesmente apaixonante.
• Inicie as preliminares e dê entrada no ato em si. Seja respeitosa e distinta. Isso irá satisfazê-lo de uma forma inimaginável...
Raphael: Dominação.
• Agora o assunto vai ficar tenso...
• Pensa num cara problemático. Ele não aceita ser dominado, não gosta de receber ordens e abomina a autoridade alheia.
• Mas e se ele achasse a pessoa certa? Uma pessoa que o compreendesse e respeitasse? E se ele se apaixonasse ao ponto de sentir que morreria por esse alguém? É aí­ que mora o suposto "problema".
• Ele não aceita ser dominado por ninguém... Exceto você.
• Raiva não é a única emoção que ele sente em demasia. Sua paixão, quando sentida, arde mais do que fogo. E ele saberá que te ama e quer se entregar pra você quando não apenas seu coração pulsar fervorosamente na tua presença, mas o seu amiguinho lá de baixo também - se é que me entende...
• Raphael é como um cão raivoso que só é leal e obediente ao seu dono.
• E não vai pensando que é assim tão rápido. Oh, não... Esse é um processo lento... Ele vai testar você centenas de vezes até se certificar de que você é a primeira e única. Até ver que você é digna de tê-lo. Digna de dominá-lo.
• Podem levar anos até ele confiar completamente em você... Pois é.
• Uma vez conquistado, pode apostar, ele vai virar um ursão!
• Quando ninguém estiver por perto, ele irá pedir um abraço - recostando o rosto nos seus seios. Ou, do nada, irá dizer besteiras no seu ouvido só pra ver qual será a sua reação.
• "Me use..."
• Faça sexo selvagem! Ah, ele vai amar... Aquela voz grossa e rouca vai gritar tanto que no dia seguinte não conseguirá nem falar.
• Reafirme ele quanto ao fato dele ser o único que pode te dar prazer. Ele sempre terá ciúmes de você e precisa ter certeza de que o ama de verdade.
• Ele é inseguro e carente, e não tem nada que você possa fazer sobre isso.
• Apesar de dominado entre quatro paredes, fora do quarto ele será o mesmo Raphael que você conheceu no início. Quem vê de fora acha que na verdade a dominada é você.
• Apesar de totalmente apaixonado e entregue a você, ele nunca vai admitir que é você quem o domina. Tenha isso em mente para não se frustrar.
• Enfim, é um jogo perigoso. Com o tempo você vai ter que aprender a dominar ele, entendendo aos poucos sobre o que ele gosta e não gosta na cama.
Donatello: Sapiência.
• Sapiosexual? Talvez.
• Deixar ele excitado não é uma tarefa muito difícil, na verdade. Sua inteligência e interesse em algo específico são tudo o que ele tem que ver pra começar a se sentir "agitado".
• Você + roupas sociais = perfeição.
• Óculos. Se você usa óculos... Meus parabéns, ganhou um ponto extra.
• Ouvir você falar sobre algo que se interessa (principalmente se for uma matéria específica que você goste) com certeza vai fazer ele sonhar em te pegar de jeito.
• Não deixe a carinha de nerd te enganar, okay? Te chupar nos seus tempos vagos se tornou um de seus Hobbies...
• SENTE NO ROSTO DELE. Faça ele perceber que você está no controle. Depois, deixe-o comandar.
• Por nunca se sentir como o mais másculo dos irmãos, te dominar será prazeroso. Não como em BDSM, mas ele irá gostar de fazer tudo. Desde as preliminares até o ato em si.
• Ele quer e PRECISA te dar prazer.
• Provoque ele com o seu pé, massageando seu membro rígido enquanto ele está sentado no chão à sua frente.
• Lembre-se de quando for fazer isso, utilizar uma saia social curta e meia arrastão. Isso vai ser o suficiente pra que ele implore por mais...
Michelangelo: Mommy kink.
• E agora a parte que todos nós estávamos esperando... O nosso anjinho: DJ Mikey!
• Antes de qualquer coisa, você precisa entender que Mikey é - literalmente - um adolescente. Isso significa que muitas vezes ele agirá como uma criança.
• Algo recorrente na relação amorosa de vocês será ele pedir para tocar, massagear e acariciar seus seios. E não pense que ele vai ter o pudor de fazer isso apenas quando estiverem sozinhos. Não... Ele vai pedir coisas desse tipo na frente de seus irmãos e amigos.
• Uma coisa que você precisa saber, também, é que uma vez que se sentir inteiramente confortável ao seu lado, ele vai querer "fazer" toda hora. Ele vai te seduzir até que você ceda, gemendo seu nome pra te provocar.
• Tá implícito que ele vai te chamar de "mamãe" quando quiser algo de você...
• Fale coisas como "bom menino" ou "você está fazendo muito bem, querido" durante o sexo. Isso tem que vir sucedido de uma ordem, obviamente.
• Como disse anteriormente, dê ordens à ele. Emocionalmente ele precisa ser comandado.
• PROVOQUE ELE. Se toque na frente dele, mas não deixe que ele te toque. Mostre que é você quem manda na situação. Isso vai enlouquecer ele de prazer...
• No final do sexo, dê atenção à ele. Mime ele, beije ele e faça-o sentir seguro em seus braços.
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Me in kindergarten:
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Me in uni rn:
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druidic-focus · 2 months
reblog for sample size or don’t it’s up to you <3
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yuki2sksksk · 2 years
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I don't remember that much from 2003 Donnie, but compared to the other version of him, he's pretty less chaotic than them.
2012 Donnie blows up his lab, 2014/2016 Donnie jumps out of a plane, 2018 Donnie is thirsty for homicide.
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oozedninjas · 8 months
Who falls first and who harder?
Across the mutant verses
Leo - You fell first but he fell harder.
Raph - He fell first, and you harder.
Donnie - You fell first and harder.
Mikey - Fell first and harder.
Leo – You fell first but he fell harder.
Raph - He fell first and harder.
Donnie – He fell first but you fell harder.
Mikey -He fell first and you fell harder.
Leo – You fell first and harder.
Raph -You fell first and him harder
Donnie - He fell first and harder.
Mikey - He fell first and you harder.
Leo – you fell first and him harder.
Raph – He fell first and harder
Donnie – Fell first and you harder
Mikey – fell first and harder
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Raphael's First Love—A Talk With Splinter
part of the First Love Talk miniseries!
sfw 💫 word count: 1.2k
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The old metronome in the corner of the dojo ticked on incessantly as Raphael sat in indignant silence with Master Splinter. After four outbursts, a fight with Leonardo, and days of distance, Splinter had put his foot down and called his son in for a talk about his behavior. Beneath his stern exterior, Splinter was concerned.
"Raphael, explain yourself," Splinter demanded with a calm voice, treading a thin line with his angriest son's temper. Not out of fear—Splinter could and would easily put the giant back in his place even as an old rat. That was no issue. "What has gotten into you?"
Weeks of this crap, that's what, thought Raph bitterly. Weeks of feeling sick to his stomach every time she was around, trying to put up a good front and getting embarrassed by himself or his brothers; he felt stupid. Weak. Utterly at her mercy, and she didn't even know. Good. I don't want her to. Splinter gave him a skeptical eye. He shifted his position multiple times, uncomfortable and trying to look casual. Grunted dismissively. But he knew his father was not going to take that for an answer. He let out a scoff, dodging eye contact, "Things gettin' under my shell like usual."
"But not like usual, because you are worse-off than usual," observed Splinter.
His mental health was actively declining the more he deliberated on the pang in his heart he felt when he thought about her. It made his guts twist to think about why he was so angry, why he was even afraid of her, deep down. The last thing he ever wanted to admit to himself, let alone Splinter, was that he cared what she thought. A lot.
Too much.
All of his brothers seemed so confident, and yet he was self-conscious. Why? Why do I gotta be like this?!
Raph shrugged. "You know me, master. Comes with the whole package, whether all of you like it or not." He was already moody, prone to rapidly-changing emotions. That was never a guess, it was a given. "Look, I'll do us a favor and just end this convo now—I ain't in a bad way. And Leo needs to stay in his lane comin' to you over a little fight." He started to get up, leave the terrible silence of the training room and that god awful ticking metronome. Splinter jabbed his cane into his plastron, knocking him back, and then brought it down hard on his foot. Raph yelped and stumbled down, quickly reassuring his seated position.
"Enough!" Splinter barked. "Sit, Raphael."
Splinter had his full attention, now. The top of his foot ached dully.
Raph was seething on the inside. On the outside, he slumped over his knee, hiding his face behind his thick forearm.
This was all her fault. If she hadn't fallen—literally crashed—into their lives, he would be fine. There would be no question about what to do or what he was feeling. It was always them and the shadows—no people, no complications. He always knew that would never be accepted despite craving it with every ounce of his being. Why change that? Why suddenly bring more emotions into the mix? Before her, it was all straightforward. Now, he worried if he was too brutish, too much of a freak, if his normal habits weren't so "normal". He didn't want to feel like he was under one of Donnie's microscopes, with her eye looking through the lens.
Splinter furrowed his gray brow at him, resting his hands on his cane. "This is about your self esteem, is it not?" he questioned carefully. Prying.
"You couldn't know anything about it!" Raph shouted back. He swung his hand as he spoke. "I'm a six-foot turtle, there's no changing it! No changing me!"
Sighing a light breath, Splinter closed his eyes. This was going to be the challenge for the day. No day was without its challenges. He recentered his thoughts, looking for a different angle. He wanted to speak his son's language.
"Correct, there is no changing you."
Raph stuttered on his response as his face fell almost imperceptibly, but Splinter knew every minute expression of his kids.
If she knows, I'm done for. Raphael's mind was swirling and his thoughts were reaching dead-ends left and right. There was no changing. No hope? He couldn't tell. He'd given up before he'd even tried. Because like his weapon, he was defensive, and did everything possible to protect what? Himself. His big, soft heart in there that needed some serious attention. The thought of telling her made him want to hurl. But like a moth to a flame, he kept coming right back to her, torturing himself with "what-if's" and doubts he had all the while.
"What do you want me to say, Splinter?" Raph spat with a low voice.
"I want you to be honest with yourself," Splinter replied.
Raph poked the tip of his sai into the mat before him, digging it into the material. "Okay, I'll bite," he said, "what do you think I'm lyin' about? Huh?"
He already knew the answer to that. It was everything; he rejected the shyness he felt inexplicably when she was around. He felt dirty next to her, or if he accidentally touched her, it was an ordeal. Because he was a mutant and she was a human. Out of all of her pick of people, he never could have been at the top of her list. He doubted he even made the list as an option.
Knowing Raphael was lying then, too, Splinter simply lifted his chin at him, and waited for the real answer.
The silence was getting to be too much for him. He jammed his sai into the mat, stabbing through it. But in his face was sadness, not anger. He finally admitted, "I just want to be accepted. Even just by her." Fiddling with his sai, he averted his eyes to stare at something random next to him, adding quietly, a little bashfully: "Aaaaaand sometimes I think Leo has a…better shot than me. That's why we were fightin'. I went nuts because he was gettin' along with her and it made me feel some stuff I don't want to feel."
There it was, thought Splinter, bingo. "Well, you are certainly not the first young man to make a fool of yourself over a girl."
"Master, I don't even know what to do with myself. How am I ever gonna know what to do with her?"
"The first step would be to stop ruining my mat," Splinter said as he bonked his son's head with the end of his cane, irked that he was creating a hole in it with his sai. Raph quickly tucked his weapon away. He muttered an apology. Splinter cleared his throat before continuing. "The second step would be for you to face your fears, Raphael. Accept them, conquer them. You are as you are—what humanity thinks of you is not your concern. You know who you are. I would like to think that [y/n] does as well."
Raph shifted, uncomfortable. "Yeah, I don't think she does. I don't really…"
She was all too kind, beautiful, and smart; a deadly, terrifying combination, in his predicament. He'd been plagued with dreams of being with her night after night. Not worrying about a single thing until the moment he woke up—he was stressing every morning. His anxieties always seemed to curse him cropping up in his dreams; not even in sleep could he escape her sphere of influence.
Placing a gentle hand on Raphael's shoulder, Splinter looked down at him, "Then, you show her who you really are. Raphael."
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hitwiththetmnt · 3 months
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Happy February lovelies♡
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faith-forgxtten-land · 2 months
You haven't written anything NSFW for TMNT so its okay if its not something you're comfortable writing but do you think you could write something for Bay Donnie? I don't really have any preferences of requests other than squirting
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Soaked | Donatello
okay, fair warning, i haven't written anything explicitly nsfw for like two years so be nice; i was hesitant in posting this because i have no faith in my writing, especially nsfw, but i hope you like it! bayverse!!
warnings: NSFW, squirting? swearing, mentions of cunt etc., not much else i don't think. everyone is 18+!! awful titles, never proofread
summary: donatello likes it when you soak his sheets
word count: 1691
The world is bathed in darkness when you finally manage to open your eyes. The lair is quiet, and your head feels heavy as you squint. A hand is trailing your torso softly despite innumerable callouses, fingers sweeping delicately along the length of your spine in some silent rhythm. Your skin is warm, the cool touch of his palms soothing the heated flesh, and you giggle quietly as you imagine puffs of mist rising from where your bodies and their contrasting temperatures meet.
“You awake?”
With a humming reply and languid grace, you raise your head and try to make out his face in the dim light. You can’t see much, just a pair of soft eyes that make you feel more embraced than the blankets piled on top of you, as his other hand cups your cheek and you melt into him. He makes you feel like that a lot; like molten gold, pliant under his assured touches, burning and boneless and so, so precious.
“You fell asleep in the middle of movie night,” he says softly, lips brushing against your forehead in a gesture so tender it makes your heart clench. He traces his mouth down the swell of your cheek, caressing the lines of your face until he reaches your jaw. His kisses are indulgent and full, and you feel gluttonous as your hands seek his plastron eagerly. Even half-asleep, you want him wholly and desperately and you feel him huff a fond laugh, smiling knowingly against your throat.
“So needy,” he teases affectionately, the hand that had been mapping your back now beginning to move further downwards until the flesh of your thigh is in his grip. He squeezes it once, twice, and parts your legs. His beak presses harder into the delicate skin of your neck, and he inhales deeply before biting sharply. The contrast of his gentle hands and the sudden sting of his teeth causes your hips to stutter, and you can’t hold back a whine.
“I can smell you.” His voice is low and you shudder at the rasp in his tone. He pulls back to look into your eyes, and you swallow thickly; his irises have disappeared into blackness, as if they’re drowning in ink with pupils blown wide, and you feel yourself grow wetter at the wild look. You still can’t make out his face, but you know he looks wrecked, and a smug satisfaction settles deep within you.
The thought that your scent alone can ruin him, make primal need overwhelm him, make him look wanton, causes your toes to curl. His large hand, so huge on your body, grasps your thigh tightly again and you gasp as he squeezes hard enough to bruise this time. “You’re soaking already,” he groans, and you buck your hips, silently begging him to pull your sleep shorts down and feel it for himself.
Despite his teasing, he must feel as desperate as you because he’s quick to do exactly that and rub his finger against your folds. He curses loudly, the sound echoing in the quiet, and you spread your legs wider. “So fucking wet,” he chokes out, rubbing your swollen clit as he pushes his first finger inside of you. You’re so warm and tight and you feel yourself flutter around him.
“Donnie,” you gasp as he curls his finger just right. It’s the first word you’ve uttered, and he groans darkly at the desperation that coats the sound. He fucks you faster, his finger stretching you, drawing the most obscene sounds, wet slaps reverberating so loudly you’re sure everyone can hear them. You’re panting and flushed, hips grinding as he pumps in and out, and you moan loudly as he slips another digit inside.
He’s back to pressing open-mouthed kisses against your throat, lapping up the sweat that trickles down. “That’s it,” he murmurs reverently, sucking purple marks into your sensitive flesh and scissoring his fingers faster and harder, forceful pumps bordering on brutal. Your name is a growl on his tongue as he hits that perfect spot over and over, and you can’t stop yourself from mewling as he presses harshly against your sensitive nub, pleasure and pain blending in a way that makes you dizzy.
His pace is unrelenting and unforgiving, and you can feel the thrumming of your pulse, a delirious concoction of sensual agony shooting through your veins as you babble senselessly. “Donnie, please, please—”
He fixes his teeth over an especially delicate part of your throat and bites so hard you see stars, chest heaving and unable catch your breath as your walls clamp around his fingers. There’s going to be an outrageous mark, dark violet bruises and blatant indents of teeth in a place you have no hope of covering up, and the thought only makes you cry louder.
You think you might pass out for a minute or two as Donnie continues to finger-fuck you through your orgasm. You’re shaking and sensitive and sore, but he doesn’t let up even as you shiver and whine. “You can take it,” he tells you simply, and you nod quickly because you can, you’ll take whatever he gives you.
It doesn’t take long for you to reach the edge again, little gasps and whimpers slipping through your lips with every pump. He’s toying with you, a teasing grin pressed against the column of your throat that turns into a low laugh as you curse him for slowing whenever your thighs begin to tremble. Just as you think he’s about to slow again, he pinches your clit harshly and you can’t stop the wail that wrenches itself from your burning lungs.
His fingers fuck you through this orgasm too, spreading your legs wider as they spasm and weakly attempt to shut without his permission. Only when you fall still does he pull out, and you whimper more at the aching emptiness. He makes sure you’re watching as he brings his fingers to his mouth and tastes them; his tongue is playful, thick and flicking, and you feel the muscles of your stomach contract.
“Tease,” you croak, and his eyes somehow darken even further at just how wrecked you sound, your voice rasping and slurred.
“You’re right,” he agrees, brushing your folds again, digits stroking your puffy slit. You gasp as he pushes two fingers back in, squirming at the satisfying and sensitive discomfort shooting along your spine. “You’ve been so good.” He’s making those perfect curling motions inside of you and your back arches, tears gathering on your lashes as that agonising pleasure sparks, lighting up your blood and forcing your eyes to roll back.
There’s a pressure building, somehow more intense than before, and your thighs quiver as his fingers continue to fuck you without faltering, even as your legs threaten to snap closed at the unbearable sensitivity when he finds your clit once more.
You’re not sure if the sounds coming out of your mouth are words and you’re pretty sure you’re drooling, tongue lolling, but whatever noises escape your parted lips have Donnie pressing that spot inside you harder and harder, churring darkly. It's a sound that clatters through you as he returns his teeth to your throat like they belong there, like your neck is meant to be a canvas for his marks. “You can do it,” he groans. "You’re always so good for me.”
His fingers curl even more, and you choke on a moan as you realise what he’s asking for, what he’s building towards with every pump. Your own hand desperately grasps his forearm, not sure if you’re begging him to stop or urging him to keep going as you pant and whine, body writhing as he tears a sob from you that rattles your bones. “I can’t—”
“Yes, you can.” He’s tense, the muscles of his arm flexed and hard under your touch, and you can feel his sweat on your damp skin as he presses impossibly closer, almost lovingly nuzzling your neck now even as his fingers fuck you stupid.
You feel like you’re about to explode, the pressure agonising and tipping over into pain, blood boiling under your skin, and you can do nothing but cry wildly, screaming loud enough for everyone to hear, when you feel that tension inside you shatter like glass.
Donnie holds you as you convulse, shudders racking every inch of you, soft praises rushing from his lips as he presses gentle kisses along your jaw. He groans feeling your wetness gushing against him, soaking his plastron and his bedding, knowing your scent will cling to him and his bed for hours even after he showers and changes his sheets.
It's his favourite part, he thinks privately. It soothes something primal and animal within him, something he didn't even recognise until he had you writhing and coming undone under him for the first time. Making you lose control, satisfying you so good you can't help but squirt… He swallows the thought and scissors his fingers in you, watching the way you whimper with your eyes closed as he glides in and out of your pretty cunt with ease, your body always so responsive for him no matter what state you're in.
You’re certain you passed out this time, and when you come-to, Donnie still has his fingers inside of you, still pressing those feather-light kisses to your skin. You feel heavy and weightless all at once, eyelids fluttering, unsure whether to whine in relief or displeasure when his fingers retreat slowly and he brings them to his mouth again.
It takes you another minute to realise just how wet you are, your thighs glistening even in the low light, and the bed beneath you is completely drenched. You can’t muster any shame, only satisfaction coiling deep in your gut when you see just how soaked Donnie is too.
“Next time,” he breathes, voice guttural and promising, still sucking his fingers clean, “I want you on my face so I can drink every drop.”
You clench your thighs together, sore and aching and still so needy, and lick your lips. “That can be arranged.”
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mar-iiposa · 11 months
prompt: the boys find out that their s/o snorts when they laugh
tag(s)/warnings: GN reader, suggestive comments/themes/jokes, vv fluffy
requests: open
authors note at the end for readers!! stay tuned :D
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he’s trimming his bonsai (you know how much he treasures them)
he’s slightly humming “boy’s a liar too
you’re reading a book whilst in the dojo
the dojo is quiet except for the calculated snips
you decided to save the next chapter of your book for later, so you quietly go on your phone
until you see a cute couples date idea on your ‘for you’ page
“hey, leo?”
you didn’t expect your voice to come off as wayy louder than intended
and neither did your boyfriend
the blue-masked ninja jumps at the unexpected noise
so much so that he knocks his bonsai over
his heart stops and he swiftly dove to the floor and scrambled to juggle the plant before finally catching it
he wipes his forehead and breathes a loud sigh of relief
however, you’re laughing your literal ass off
never have you seen him so visibly stressed
you were convinced he was gonna have a heart attack
hunched over and gripping your own sides, you’re hollering
and out comes snorts while you laugh
but as soon as you realize you’re snorting, you put a hand to your mouth
as you blink in embarrassment and security,
leo smiles over at you in adoration
with those criminal cute dimples too
“what was tha-?”
“you heard nothing.”
“babe, I know what I heard.”
you look away in pure embarrassment, heavily avoiding eye contact
“I know it’s weird-“
he’s now visibly confused
like wtf??? wdym ‘weird’??
he thought, if anything, that he’s the weird one
considering he’s a mutant turtle
“how is that gorgeous laugh weird?”
you’re about to respond when you pause
your cheeks grow warm
“you heard me.”
and he’s giving you that little coy yet sincere smile of his
“you should laugh like that more often, princess.”
your jaw has dropped
he takes a few steps towards you
and he gently holds your chin, lifting it so that you look up at him
eye contact (l o r d)
“I like that raw beauty.”
you sink into your seat, oh my god
he chuckles softly and pecks your lips with a kiss before walking out of the dojo
you’re stunned.
and why are you turned on-
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so we all know raph
and he is the biggest “gym rat”
( no offense to master splinter )
and you guys know those squats that you do with weights???
yeah, well, raph wanted to try those out today
and so he did
but it didn’t go by unnoticed
you were spotting raph (gym term) when mikey passed by
and my god, does mikey always have something to say
right as raph was mid-squat
“nice ass-popping, raph”
in tears laughing
mikey instantly fled from the scene
the look on raphael’s face just made it so much better
and so did it make you laugh much harder
thus, you began to laugh your “real laugh”
snort after snort surrounded your laughter
uncontrollably snort-laughing
“ya got the hiccups there?”
and just as quickly as he mentioned it, you were just as quick to stop it
you stood from your seat and your brows furrowed together
he knew that look
that was when he knew he was screwed
and off you went, grabbing your things and ready to head up go the surface and back home for the night
he strides after you, reaching out for your arm
but you pull it back before he can get the chance
“babe, what’s wro-“
you stop briefly outside of the lair’s entrance, tears pricking at your eyes
you feel the droplets on your lashes, and you can’t look at him
so, he stands in front of you
and his heart stings
“I feel like a pig,” you cough slightly as you begin to cry
raph’s expression instantly softens
“baby… yer speakin’ nonsense.”
he gently takes your hand in his big, rough and calloused one
“everyone always says that when they hear my real laugh.”
your pout quivers as your lips do so, your shoulders shaking slightly as you cry
you move to cover your mouth and half of your face with your other hand as you cry
but he stops you
and he carefully places it on his cheek
and his left hand rests on your cheek too
“I love ev’rythin’ about ya. sweet cheeks, look at me.”
your gaze flickers to meet his amber eyes
“you could have a million laughs… but this one right here? jesus, that one’s my favorite. now that’s for sure.”
you get on your toes and desperately hug your much-taller boyfriend
now this is one of the reasons he’s the love of your life
“I love you, raphie.”
“I love you too, sweetheart.”
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that’s it
he’s convinced you are 110% his soulmate
and here he thought that he had the worst and dorkiest laugh
this snort-laugh of yours occurred when donnie had accidentally taken a sip of scorchingly-hot coffee
he was sleep deprived
thus, he forgot how hot coffee could be
directly after pouring it
and you weren’t quick enough to stop him
so you snort laugh, stomping a little as you throw your head back in your chair
he used to hate his own laugh that involved tons of snorting sounds
but now you’ve effortlessly convinced him that it’s the best laugh in the entire universe
“what was that?”
donnie’s got the biggest and most goofiest grin on his face
“I can explain-“
his grin expands
“yeah, huh? give me another demonstration, darling.”
you shake your head in disagreement
just as you open your mouth to further reply, he continues
“oh, I bet I can out-snort you, jellybean.”
a wicked grin plastered on his face
and a mirroring grin begins to grow on yours too
“how much are we talkin’?”
“un-licked poptarts.”
“annddd I’ll have to be out of the lab for a week.”
this dude was serious
“deal. pleasure doing business with you, an-“
“nuh uh, no stalling. let’s hear it, you first.”
donnie gestured towards you to start off the competition
you give a purposely-snarky little laugh, snorting near the end
your boyfriend gives a nod of approval
“very cute, might be hard to beat.”
then he gives it a go
“such a rookie”
he shoots such a devastatingly-cute yet playful grin over at you
he then cracks his knuckles
“game on.”
and so now this just sparks your competitive side
you two spend the next 15 minutes just going back and forth
and those passing by right outside of the lab are so confused
“what the hell’s going on in there-”
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thank god he’s a comedian
you’ve giggled countless times around mikey and towards his jokes
he’s a funny one
indefinitely getting giggles and chuckles straight out of you
but your actual laugh???
it had yet to be unleashed
until today
your boyfriend’s trying to show you how to get creative with your art
lately, you’ve been out of the zone
and who better than than the master of creativity himself to help you out of your art block?
so here you are in the sewers, spray painting on the walls
“angelcakes, you’re too stiff! you gotta relax, chillll”
“but I’m trying!”
he moves to stand directly behind you, covering your eyes with the tails of his mask, his hands over them as well
“what’re you doing?”
“just spray with your eyes closed and move, babes.”
you inhale and then exhale
with a few movements here and there, you decide to start off small until you could hopefully gain inspiration from there
instead, all you got was a surprise
apparently, you accidentally drew one
mikey yelped, falling to the floor as he banged his fist against it in fits of laughter
he had the humor of a middle-school boy
and so did you
top tier comedy imo
you kneeled down to the floor beside him
clapping your hands, you feel yourself losing control of your body
and that accounts and goes for your laugh too
least expecting it, you begin to snort as you uncontrollably laugh
some squeals in there too as you try to regain your composure
he laughs harder, pointing at you
you nearly feel the insecurity start to seep in
that is until you hear him go “awee!”
and your heart melts
but not as much as his has
“you like my snorting??”
“who wouldn’t?! it’s the cuuutest thing ever, baby!”
you swore that you fell deeper in love with this man
you both just sit there in those sewers
laughing over an accidental penis drawing
and continuing to laugh like a couple of fools
lovesick fools
author’s note: hello, everyone!! glad to be back! I’ve been on hiatus recently, but I hope to be more active and produce more fanfics and headcanons for you guys :) I am currently open to requests, so please send them my way! and don’t limit yourself, you can send as manyyyy requests as you want!! please leave comments and stuff, they fuel my motivation and validation tbh 🫶 thank you for reading, thrilled to be back!!
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fabuloustrash05 · 9 months
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I have been advancing my research on the TMNT Multiverse!!
Check out the previous chart
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fluffytriceratops · 9 months
𝐁𝐞𝐥𝐭 𝐊𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐞𝐬 - 𝐋𝐞𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐫𝐝𝐨 [𝐛𝐚𝐲𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐞]
notes: leo reacting to y/n pulling him in for a kiss by his belt. ;) i'm doing this for all of them and it's in headcannon style because i'm in a rut and lazy. bayverse spefically for now, but let me know if you want this for other iterations as well. ^v^
click here to read donnie's ver.
click here to read mikey's ver.
click here to read raph's ver.
warnings: mature language, nsfw mentions/sexual themes.
tags: @thelaundrybitch @turtle-babe83 @leosgirl82 @rheawritesforfun @s-s-ironnie @post-apocalyptic-daydream @mysticboombox @drowninghell @lec743 @raphielover @tmntspidergirl @raphslovemuffin80 @squirrelfurs @bibiz82
(if you want to be tagged in my future tmnt related work, feel free to lemme know and i'll happily tag you~!)
i'm sending all the love and virtual hugs to you! love you guys!! ^w^
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- eyes would widen a fraction, and if you weren't paying attention you probably wouldn't notice.
- at the feeling of your hands on his belt, he would raise an eye ridge.
- his jaw would clench, and again, if you weren't watching him closely you wouldn't notice.
- hands would slide to your waist. grip would tighten a little at the feeling of your breath fanning his face.
- his cheeks would warm at the close proximity, his gaze would study you.
- so intense it made your skin prick in delight.
- he'd pull you closer at the feeling of your lips against his own.
- and once you'd both pull away he'd send you the most breathtaking smile. the type that literally takes your breath away and make your heart clench.
- leo would lean closer to you, so close you could feel his breath against your ear. "that was a very bold move, y/n.." he would murmur, his voice low, husky, and laced in a teasing tone.
- his voice alone would bring you pleasure, giving you goosebumps and causing a shiver to snake up your spine.
- your cheeks would dust in a soft rosey glow, but you'd force a smirk on your delicate lips.
- "exactly why i did it, leonardo." you'd all but purr. grabbing his bandana tails and twirling them around a finger with a coy smile that had his heart stuttering and thoughts to falter for a moment.
- leo loved hearing you say his name like that.
- he'd bite his lip subcontiously and study you with those intense blue eyes of his.
- "and what spurred on this bold move?"
- leaning closer to him, brushing your lips against his once more-
- "i was hoping you'd pull an even bolder one~"
- if you were in a secluded area, and especially if no one was around, he'd take you right then and there.
- if you were more in public, he'd find the most hidden place he could and mark every inch of you as his. ;)
- either way you're covered with love bites.
- leo wants you all to himself, and he'd be deliberate with his markings. putting them in places where they wouldn't be seen by the naked eye normally. that way, you two are the only ones aware of their existence.
- and when you guys were with company again, he'd brush his hand over the spots, despite not being able to see them, he'd know exactly where they were. he would apply a bit of pressure, to make it known to you, and only you, that he was very aware of this,
- leo likes to watch you squirm.
- and he makes you squirm as often as he can.
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hir0s4nch3z · 1 year
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📚TIPO DE CAP.: Headcanon.
📌 CONTEXTO: Digamos que, ao envés de nascerem em Nova York, as tartarugas fossem criadas aqui no Brasil...
Nasceriam no país do acarajé, da feijoada, do açaí, pão de queijo, chimarrão e tapioca.
Mas, espera. Hoje o assunto não será comida... Hoje nós vamos falar de música!
E aí? Qual estilo de música brasileira você acha que cada um iria se familiarizar?
Já pepara a caixa de som, fone de ouvido ou headphone... Vamos viajar!
ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯
Leonardo: Música Popular Brasileira (MPB)
•O romantismo em pessoa!
•Sabe a música "Quem de nós dois" da cantora Ana Carolina? Pois com certeza ele dedicaria ela à você...
•Se fosse humano, seria o famoso "cara do violão". Sabe aquele mano na hora do intervalo, na escola, que sempre tá com um violão na mão e rodeado de gente? Pois é.
•Além do violão, saberia tocar outros instrumentos de corda, como cavaquinho e banjo.
•Leonardo vê esses instrumentos como forma de poesia. Poesias essas que escreveria e cantaria com a ajuda do seu violão.
•Falando nisso, É ÓBVIO que escreveria poesias cantadas pra você.
•Quando vocês não pudessem se ver ou ele não pudesse cantar pessoalmente pra você, enviaria cartas de amor com suas letras escritas.
•Sim, ele é do tipo que envia cartas... 💞
Raphael: Rap Brasileiro
•Baco Exu do Blues, Costa Gold, Xamã, L7nnon, Kawe e por aí vai!
•Não sabe ouvir música em volume baixo... Na primeira oportunidade que tiver ele vai colocar a caixa de som gritando.
•Falando nisso, não consegue treinar direito se não tiver tocando alguma música.
•Uma clássica e que ele provavelmente adoraria treinar ouvindo é "RAP LORD" de Haikaiss Ft. Jonas Bento.
•Além do Rap, acredito fielmente que R&B seria uma ótima opção pra quando vocês dois estivessem a sós...
•Pode não demonstrar muito na frente dos outros, mas quando estão sozinhos entre quatro paredes ele pode ser bem romântico.
•"Brigas Demais" de Ludmilla Ft. Delacruz e Gaab será a trilha sonora perfeita pra esses momentos.
Donatello: Rock brasileiro
•Mas é claro que um bom rock não poderia faltar durante seus experimentos científicos e maquinários!
•Ao contrário de Raphael, Donnie não estoura as caixas de som.
•Prefere privar os ouvidos dos demais habitantes do covil quando decide dar play em alguma música...
•Ele é do tipo que não larga os headphones, os quais geralmente estão em volume máximo. 😅
•Se comunicar com ele pode ser complicado, principalmente quando está trabalhando no laboratório, que é onde mais usa seus fones.
•É uma das poucas pessoas que ainda ouve "Admirável Chip Novo" da cantora Pitty simplesmente por gostar da música, e não por ela ter virado um meme... Kkkkkkk!
•Ama a icônica cantora Rita Lee. Ouve quase todas as suas músicas.
•Aliás... Quer saber um segredinho? Se quer deixar ele caidinho de paixão, cante a música "Xuxuzinho" da cantora Rita Lee.
•Vai se derreter toda vez que ouvir você cantar!
Michelangelo: Latin House
•Eu sei... Eu sei. Não é um estilo puramente brasileiro, mas convenhamos que se encaixa no padrão.
•Não deixa de fazer parte da América Latina, certo?
•Bom, vamos aos fatos... De todos os estilos musicais brasileiros/latinos que encontrei durante minha pesquisa pessoal pra confecção desse capítulo, esse foi um dos poucos que REALMENTE passa a vibe do Mikey.
•Particularmente falando, é claro. 😉
•O cara é hiper mega hypado! Tinha que ser alguma coisa à sua altura.
•Mas falando sério, Mikey é do tipo eclético. No caso, músicas agitadas, rítmicas, são o que chamam a atenção dele. Qualquer ritmo rápido o suficiente pra que satisfaça seu gosto musical.
•Então Samba, Pagode e Sertanejo — por exemplo — também se enquadram.
•"Mas então, por que não um desses?" — Você me pergunta.
•Porque o point dele são as raves. Simplesmente música eletrônica.
•Ou seja, nada melhor do que Latin House: Uma mistura perfeita entre Eletro e ritmos latinos!
✍️ Se não conhece/reconhece o estilo musical, vou deixar um link de exemplo: https://youtu.be/Dd29BPrn3QM
•Sempre vai arrumar um jeitinho de fugir do covil pra entrar de penetra em alguma rave. Ou melhor dizendo, na tubulação do local onde tá rolando a rave.
•Já que não pode ser visto, pelo menos pode ser ouvido...
•Isso mesmo! Ele se infiltraria o mais perto possível da festa e, com a ajuda prévia de Donatello, hakearia o equipamento do DJ da vez.
•Assim ele poderia tocar pra centenas de pessoas sem ser descoberto.
•"DJ Mikey tá na área!"
🎊 B Ô N U S 🎊
Mestre Splinter: Calipso
✍️ Gente, o tanto que eu tô rindo enquanto escrevo isso não tá escrito! KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!!!!
•Tá preparado(a)? Porque eu não tava quando achei a música mais icônica que já foi produzida no Brasil...
•"Eu sou Stefhany (crossfox)" de Stefhany Absoluta.
•Se o Splinter brasileiro não gostar dessa música, então eu mudo de nome!
•Todo o covil seria acordado sete da manhã de domingo ao som de Stefhany Absoluta. TODO DOMINGO. Sem excessão.
Mikey: Mas que horas são, hein...?
Leo: Sete. Em ponto...
Rapha: Todo domingo é a mesma coisa. A culpa é do Donnie por ter ensinado ele a usar a MINHA caixa de som!
Donnie: Eu não tive escolha, valeu?! Se não ensinasse, ele me castigaria...
Rapha: E o que, princesa? Tá com medo de ir pro hashi, é?
Donnie: Cala a boca! Não é pro hashi que ele me mandaria...
Léo: Então pra onde?
Donnie: Pra um lugar onde não existe um Deus... Um lugar de dor, onde pais se viram contra filhos, a irmandade é desfeita e a amizade já não existe...
Mikey: O-Onde...?
•Claro que a banda Calypso de Joelma e Ximbinha não poderia faltar.
•Seria um clássico que Splinter usaria para cumprir os afazeres domésticos. Afinal, nada melhor do que lavar a louça ao som de "A lua me traiu".
Todos: Funk
•Se tem um estilo musical que uniria todos os irmãos Hamato, é o Funk.
•O Funk surgiu, na verdade, nos Estados Unidos por volta dos anos 60, mas se popularizou no Brasil não muito tempo depois — na década de 70.
•Hoje em dia nós temos uma visibilidade muito mais desenvolvida de funk acoplado à outros ritmos.
•Temos um exemplo clássico disso: A cantora Anitta, que levou o funk consigo mesmo atendendo a outros estilos musicais.
•A cantora Ludmilla também é um ótimo exemplo dessa mesclagem.
•O que quero dizer com isso é: apesar dos irmãos serem diferentes, conseguiram conciliar um único estilo que agrada a todos.
•Leonardo curtiria uma pegada mais romântica. "Malandra" de Bernard e DJ 2F seria um bom exemplo.
•Raphael já ouviria algo mais... Picante. Como "202 (Remix) [Prod. Donatto]" dos cantores Kweller & Enzo Cello Ft. Sotam, ou "Kika Com Força & Não Para" de MTG Feat. DJ Ws da Igrejinha.
•Donnie com certeza ia viver pelos cantos do covil dançando a música "Desenrola Bate Joga de Ladin (DJ Biel do CDD e Biel do Furduncinho)" de L7NNON e Os Hawaianos.
•E Mikey, claro, não poderia deixar de juntar o Eletro ao Funk com a música "Se Tá Solteira" de FBC & VHOOR Ft. Mac Júlia.
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raphaelsrightarm · 4 months
Watch pt 2
Part 1
Uh ohhhhhh
Words: 1653
Warnings: NSFW 18+ only
Tags: @lovelyladylavie @auggiemty @serpentinefairy @miranexx @drowninghell @monsterroonio
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He is a tidal wave. 
Moving and moving, sweeping along anything that may get too close. 
His hands found your waist without faltering for another second. His fingers twitched as he struggled to keep his grip loose. He wanted to touch you, he’s dreamed of touching you. Now that you’re standing before him with nearly as much need as him he’s worried he’ll do it wrong. That he’ll hurt you.
That he’ll scare you away. 
You pressed yourself against him, tracing the pathways of his scales as his breath quickened. You felt the skin of his arms, his shoulders, tracing the border of his plastron. He pressed his lips to your neck as you explored him, the evidence of his want hardening against your stomach. 
You moved to meet his gaze. Your face was only inches from his, and you felt any sense leave your brain as you closed the distance. He was stunned for a moment before you felt his arms wrap further around you. Strong hands splaying out on your back, desperate to have you as close to him as he could manage.
He broke away from you only to kiss your neck again, madly inhaling the scent of your skin before releasing a low groan. A grumble coming from his chest followed soon after, your heart raced at the intensity. 
You thought back to how he had touched himself just moments ago. The image of him stroking himself slowly, twisting his fist as the head that will now forever be imprinted on your mind. You mimicked him as you wrapped your hand around his cock. He let out a strangled gasp, and you realized how sensitive he must be. 
His eyes shut for a moment before returning to meet yours. Deep pools of malachite lit with the fervid flames of his lust. There was something else there that you couldn’t place. He watched you 
You figured it would be best to move slowly at first, since he had just cum moments ago. It wasn’t long before you felt his hips buck against you, urging for more friction. 
“You have no idea,” He whispered against your cheek before he kissed you again. 
Your hand moved faster, twisting at the tip just as he had done, as his lips traced your shoulder until he was met with the neckline of your shirt. 
There was the sound of stretching fabric until you felt your shirt tear completely. You gasped his name as the fabric slipped from your body and you felt him smile against your skin. His hands now roamed along the skin of your back, tracing the shape of your spine, the curve of your hips. 
You felt his legs twitch as you began stroking him faster. His restlessness grew with each passing moment of your hands working on him. He wanted more. He has wanted more for so long that it has turned itself into an unforgiving blade wedged into his side. 
Touching you, the feeling of you touching him, were the only things that eased it. Even in his frenzied state he was still in awe of you. 
So he allowed his hands to roam over your body. He wouldn’t last much longer with your hand working him the way it was, and he didn’t want to cum yet. It would feel too much like a waste. 
He felt you gasp again as his hand slid down the front of your leggings, toying with you through the thin fabric of your underwear. Your pace faltered slightly, burying your face into his shoulder as he formed circles over your clit. 
“Don’t get shy now,” His lips brushed against your ear as he spoke. “Tell me how it feels.”
Your body felt like it was on fire. Every inch of your skin was set ablaze the moment you arrived. But words slipped away everytime you tried to form them, too focused on his hand between your legs and yours between his. How the two of you moved together like you’d done this hundreds of times already. 
His free hand moved to grab your ass, kneading the soft flesh against his palm. “Now.” 
Your heart pounded as desire rolled through you like waves. “It’s so good, Raph, please,” You weren’t sure exactly what you were begging for, but just after he pushed your panties out of his way, his finger slipping between your folds to continue his work on you, savoring each whimper and moan that he pulled from you. 
Your hand left from between his legs and flew to his shoulder in an attempt to steady yourself. Though he ached from the sudden lack of pressure, he was too caught up in your breathy moans and pleas for him to make you cum for him to care. 
You were feeling yourself nearing the edge. Your heart pounded like you were running as you ran your hands down his arms, feeling the thick bands of muscle underneath his skin. 
He groaned into your hair. “I wanna fuck you so bad,” His voice almost sounded pained, desperate. 
You fell. 
Effortlessly, he held you against him as your knees buckled. His endless strength was something that had left you stunned a hundred times over by now. 
Your hips ground against his hand as you rode out your orgasm, eyes clenched shut, your fingernails no doubt digging into the back of his neck. 
He was breathing as hard as you were as you came down. His lips traced the curve of your neck. His hand slipped from between your legs, fingers covered in you. 
He inhaled deeply, tasting it off the tip of his finger. The fire inside you sparked back up. 
“Raph,” His name had never sounded more beautiful. “I need you, please.”
He was already helping you slide your pants down, your underwear following soon after. With the fabric in his hand he had the sudden impulse to keep them, just so he could breathe you in whenever he missed this. Though there was a bit of guilt, he dropped them behind him, separate from the rest of your clothes.
You were weightless as he lifted you, bringing you to rest your head on his pillow. He kissed you hungrily, settling on his elbows over top of you. You pressed your knees to his sides, spreading for him as far as you were able in an attempt to make your desperation clear. 
He entered you slowly, his other hand holding a firm grip on your thigh. He watched closely as your head fell back and eyes shut as you took all of him in. 
He knew now that he would never be able to replicate this. His fist would never be able to make him feel the way your cunt is, his body shuddering as he bottomed out.  
He couldn’t think straight, his mind melting from the heat of your velvety core. The churring from his chest had gotten deeper, and already he felt his end drawing near.  
You sucked in a breath through your teeth. His hand slid between the two of you to run circles over your clit. Slowly, he felt you begin to relax around him. 
He forced himself to go slow. Every inch of him was begging for another release, to cum inside you and claim you as his. His mind was so clouded with the scent of you and the strength of his own urges
He waited until you began lifting your hips to match his thrusts to start moving a bit more freely. 
“You’re fuckin’ tight, I’ll make you feel so good.” He felt like he was floating, lost your scent and your whines. “You’re mine.” His body twitched as you tightened around him. “Say it.”
“I’m all yours, Raph.” You tried saying more, and you would have if it didn’t feel so good. Your brain was empty of all thoughts other than his movements. His hands gripped your thighs with enough force you knew it would bruise and didn’t even care. 
Part of you wanted it to.
He watched every movement you made, like he was memorizing you as intensely as you were trying to do to him.
His thrusts picked up, falling out of the rhythm he had created. 
“So good,” He breathes out almost to himself. “So fuckin’ good”
He moved faster. The change of pace nearly made you see stars as his hand continued toying with your clit.  
He watched as your back arched as you met your second release. You held onto him so tightly as your legs shook against his sides. He could feel you pulsing, clouding his vision. 
He breathed you in one last time before his head fell back as he spilled inside of you. He lifted your legs up to his shoulders before he could convince himself not to. He held you there for a minute, kissing your ankles and rubbing your legs, whispering praises of how good you felt before he laid beside you. 
You pressed yourself against him, clinging to his body. The feeling of your bare skin pressing against him was something he never wanted to part with. 
He didn’t know what would happen tomorrow, and he couldn’t force himself to care either. He had your breath against his neck, your arm draped over his stomach.
The moon could fall from the sky at this moment, and the only sorrow he would feel would come from him never again being able to see how the light would fall against your skin. 
It hit him harder than it ever had before, the realization of how important you had become to him. He thought back to the days before you had entered their lives, and they all felt incomplete. 
You nuzzled your face closer into his neck and immediately, almost instinctively, his arm tightened around you. With a light sigh, he accepted that he was absolutely fucked. 
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ragnarockz · 1 year
OBSESSED with how this movie is picking up on so many previous styles but it’s SO GOOD like
Certain angles of Leo in the MM trailer makes him look like Jim Henson’s 1991 Leo
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You got the first time Donnie was ever loaded with gear and accessories Michael Bay style circa 2014/2016
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Raph got the combo-wombo of Bay 2014/2016 and ROTTMNT. Not only his bandana but even the shape of his body/plastron (more square/stocky)
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MIKEY! BABY BOY WITH THE DEEPST VOICE OF THE 4. He is so interesting because he doesn’t look like any other version of Mikey other than really the 1987 cartoon and a teeeny bit of 2k3. They kept him very classic but SO iconic.
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cyanhydrangea · 4 months
Unexpected [Bayverse TMNT x Reader]
Summary: Imagine the four turtle brothers falling for the same sweet, shy, innocent girl only to find out she's a ruthless fighter
Type: headcanons
Warnings: violence, mentions of blood
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Sweet, shy, innocent, cute, adorable, lovable. The list goes on but that's how the turtle boys would describe you.
That soft smile of yours melt the boys heart every single time they see it.
You always support them like making meals or giving gifts for them.
Raph and mikey often tease you for your shyness, and leo often told them to stop teasing you
You and leo share the same love for books and often read books together in silence
You often praise donnie whenever he finishes his new invention, resulting on blushing donnie
The four turtles bros sworn to themselves to always protect you from dangers, well because they didn't suspect anything
(Although mikey once see you able to move lots of heavy boxes in one go when you help the boys clean the lair, and mikey only commented "wow you're strong, [name]!")
You guys were hanging out on top of some rooftop on one night.
"Umm, guys?" Donnie pointed at some thugs in an alley attacking some women and leo told you to go back to the lair, for your safety.
The turtles fight the thugs and their fight was intense, but the worst thing happened was they were electrocuted, weak on the ground
Little did they knew, you never go to the lair and were watching their fight the whole time.
One of the thugs were about to attack raph with a knife
Before he managed to do so, you jumped from the rooftop, and kicked the thug in the head, knocking him out.
"[Name], get away from here!" Leo ordered you, but you only steps forward to the thugs.
Another thug tried to punch you but you grabbed his arm and twisted it before you grabbed his elbow and smash them to the ground
One thug tried to attack you from behind with a knife but before he did so you kicked him on the stomach that sents him flying
So you took the knife and proceed to attack the rest of them with it.
The brothers just sit still shocked watching the scene unfolds infront of them, mostly because blood starts to splash here and there by your doing
When they gained their strength back, the turtles continue their fight with you alongside them.
When you guys finished fighting all the thugs, you asked the boys "Are you guys alright?" with the blood stained face with that sweet voice full of concern of yours, like you didn't just finish anyone in front of them
Don't worry, they still love you, but they make mental note not to mess up with you (they might ask you to sparring with them in the future)
Date Written: 06/01/2024
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