seahdalune · 2 days
i am PISSED. someone was about to exalt a travelling dragon of mine and thankfully i messaged them before it happened but like. HOW did they end up in an exalting lair?!
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Choosing a Tablecloth For the Garden Table
Table linens are an essential part of any outdoor dining experience, whether you're serving a formal dinner, hosting a garden party or setting up for a casual barbecue. The right tablecloth not only protects the table from spills but also sets a tone for the event. Choosing the right cloth style and color can make your table look elegant, casual, themed or even festive. Check their site to know more details ubrus na zahradní stůl.
How to Choose a Size
One of the first things you need to do when selecting your tablecloth is to decide how long it will hang from the edge of the table. This is called a drop and it affects the overall look of the table. For a casual dining area, a 6 to 8-inch drop is generally recommended; for a more formal occasion, a 15-inch drop is ideal.
A tablecloth's length is measured by measuring from the edge of the table to the bottom of the cloth. For a rectangular or oblong table, this can be accomplished by doing a little math. Multiply the desired drop by two, then add the actual measurements of your table. The result is the desired length of your tablecloth.
When it comes to round tables, the same rules apply: Measure your table's diameter and multiply your desired drop by two. For example, if you want an 8-inch drop, you'd add 30 to the diameter of your table.
The hem of the tablecloth should be about 6 inches tall. This allows for the cloth to be folded over on both sides without hanging too far off of the table.
If your tablecloth doesn't have this height, you may want to consider adding a short runner to the bottom of your cloth to give it a little more length. There are table runner options that can help you achieve this, and they are available in a variety of colors and patterns to suit your decor.
Your tablecloth will also need to be sized to accommodate the chairs that you plan on placing on the table. Most standard chairs can easily fit under a 36-inch tablecloth, but you may need a 70-inch or 90-inch cloth for a larger chair with more back support.
Lastly, keep in mind that the type of fabric you select is important. For instance, vinyl is a good choice for picnics, as it's stain-resistant and easy to wipe down. Other fabrics, such as polyester or acrylic, are suitable for everyday use and can be machine-washable.
How to Care for your Outdoor Tablecloth
If you're planning an outdoor event, the weather can be a factor. Luckily, there are several ways to protect your tablecloth from the elements, including fitted tablecloths, which can be tucked under the table or secured with clips or weights.
A good rule of thumb is to place a fitted tablecloth on the bottom of a chair to ensure that it will stay in place during windy weather. You can find a wide selection of fitted tablecloths online, and they come in many different styles and colors. Some of the most popular designs include tassels and hemmed edges to add interest to your outdoor tablecloth.
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stretchtablecloths · 1 year
Choosing a Tablecloth For a Round Table
The right tablecloth can set the tone for any event, be it a casual dinner party or a formal wedding. Whether you're looking for a fabric with classic florals or a seasonal fall design, BBJ Linen has the perfect tablecloth to match your needs. Check their site to know more details ubrus na kulatý stůl.
Use this tablecloth to host a festive Thanksgiving feast, or for any other family gathering where you want a welcoming, inviting place to gather and celebrate with your loved ones. This hemmed cotton tablecloth features muted reds, oranges and yellows that complement each other perfectly for an autumnal look.
To make your own round tablecloth, start with a piece of fabric the desired diameter plus twice as long, and add 1 inch for the hem. To determine the hem allowance, fold the fabric in half to form a half-circle and cut along the fold. Repeat the process with a smaller circle until you have a full circle of fabric.
You'll also need a rotary cutter, sewing machine and ironing board. If you're using a natural fiber such as cotton or linen, it's important to prepare the hem by ironing it all the way around before sewing it on.
Another option is to purchase a pre-made round tablecloth from your local retailer or online. These tablecloths can be made of a variety of fabrics, including linen and cotton-polyester blends.
If you'd prefer a more unique tablecloth, consider using tulle or a roll of craft or chalkboard paper. These alternatives come in a wide range of colors, patterns and textures and are easy to clean.
Tulle is a soft, thin material that looks lovely on both round and rectangular tables. It is perfect for a bridal shower or other special occasion, and can be made into a table runner as well.
Lace is another alternative that would look gorgeous on a wooden or other natural table. It can be layered over a white cloth for a more farmhouse style, or worn as a single tablecloth to match your overall color scheme.
A blanket is an interesting alternative to a tablecloth, especially if you're hosting a pool party or beach-themed gathering. Blankets are lightweight, absorbent and usually have fun patterns that will match the theme of your event.
The downside is that a blanket can tear easily. However, if you're willing to be extra careful about cleaning, this is a great alternative for any occasion.
Depending on the size of your table, you might need several widths of fabric to cover it. If so, you can buy several pieces of different widths at a craft store or a fabric shop.
You'll need a measuring tape, scissors or a rotary cutter, a mat, a quilter's pencil and thread to complete the project. You'll also need a tablecloth topper or runner that will be used as a template for the tablecloth.
To begin, you'll need to fold a length of string that is half the width measurement of the tablecloth, plus double the desired drop. Tie the string to one end of the tablecloth and a quilter's pencil to the other, and measure from the fold point to the other end of the fabric. Once you've got the arc, mark it on the fabric by folding it in quarters and marking an arc with the quilter's pencil before cutting it.
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lieselotte-sky · 4 months
Nemám ni zbytku soudnosti pozbyla jsem lidský vlastnosti Přes lidský maso i kosti nemám už žádný ctnosti Až mi úspěšně hrábne dejte si bacha na mne
Potoky krve vlaží zem Zde děs, tu peklo, já přišla jsem Já nepřišla vraždit s rozkoší neb na světě nic mne netěší
Ponurost smrti, věčný to chlad chtěla bych z lásky pochovat smrt umím dávat, však nikoliv brát prokletá žitím, živá setrvat
Včerejšek, zítřek, jen další den po smrti klidu už toužím jen já hýčkám ten zbytek naděje že duši mou chlad hrobu zahřeje
Čepel se blýskla, svištivý zvuk toť strašlivý sklizně mé hluk By jeden syt byl, jiný nesmí žít Smrt, jídlo, hlad, musí to být?
Zabitá těla, toť potrava má zvířecí, lidská či rostlinná Hnáty či mrkve do hrnce dám na jídle ráda si pochutnám
Ach jaký to hrůzný hodokvas v hrncích jsou paže, jinde hnáty zas A uprostřed stolu z talíře smutně ční hlava rytíře
Jaký to konec chrabrého reka na čistý ubrus omáčka ztéká Rytíř již nespatří domov svůj víc hrad svůj, či chlívek, kdo může říct
Moje cca 10 let staré dílo. Blbě se mi to tvrdí, ale mám dojem, že jsem bývala ujetější…
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gagagrne · 1 year
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Aromatične mortadela ćuftice Potreban materijal: 500g mortadele 350g mlevenog mešanog mesa 80g očišćenog crnog luka 100g suvog paradajza iz ulja (ne cediti ulje) vezica peršuna 2 kašičice dižonskog senfa 1 kašičica aleve paprike 1 kašičica soli pola kašičice mlevenog bibera 1 jaje 2 pune kašike prezli ekstra devičansko maslinovo ulje za prženje kukuruzno žuto brašno za valjanje ćufti parmezan i sveži ruzmarin za dekoraciju Priprema: Mortadelu, crni luk, paradajz i peršun usitniti u secku. Masu zatim izručiti u drugu posudu, pa dodati mleveno meso, senf, začine, jaje i prezle. Sve rukama dobro izmesiti kako bi se svi sastojci lepo sjedinili u kompaktnu masu. Ostaviti da odstoji u frižideru 30 minuta. Posle tog vremena, nauljenim rukama praviti ćuftice (jedna kašika mase, za jednu ćufticu). Svaku zatim uvaljati u kukuruzno brašno. U šerpi zagrejati ulje, spuštati formirane ćuftice, pa ih uz povremeno okretanje pržiti na umerenoj vatri sa svih strana dok lepo ne porumene. Pržene odlagati na papirni ubrus da bi upio višak masnoće. Ćuftice poslužiti uz prilog po želji. Ja sam poslužila svoje uz špagete i sos od paradajza. Sos od paradajza Potreban materijal: 15g očišćenog belog luka 2 pune kašike gustina (kukuruznog skroba) 750ml soka od paradajza malo ekstra devičanskog maslinovog ulja Priprema: Na zagrejanom ulju u tiganju propržiti gnječeni beli luk dva-tri minuta. Od potrebne količine soka od paradjza uzeti malo pa u njemu razmutiti gustin da nema grudvica, a ostatak sipati u beli luk, promešati, pustiti da zavri, a onda dodati razmućen gustin, po ukusu posoliti i uz mešanje kuvati dok se sos ne zgusne. Sos je najbolje napraviti baš pred posluženje ili ga kasnije podgrejte, ako se hlađenjem stegne. . . . #mojegrne #recepti #recipes #receptizadusu #comfortfood #instasrbija #foodblogfeed #cufte #meatballs #arhivabloga (у месту Bor, Serbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CpnsF2AMcYk/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bydlenisnu · 1 year
Čistý a lesklý ubrus je vizitkou každého domu, takže je dobré věnovat mu pozornost, a to hlavně během oslav nebo svátků. Olejové skvrny nebo skvrny z jídla se mnohdy nedají řádně odstranit ani pomocí praní.
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surasitton · 1 year
🎉 บรรยากาศก่อน #พิธีเปิด 🎈
#งานศิลปวัฒนธรรมอุดมศึกษา ครั้งที่ ๒๑
#ราชภัฏอุบลราชธานี #ubru 🎓
#ડꪊ𝕣ꪖડⅈ𝕥_𝕥ꪮꪀ 17.2.2023 ✌️
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Ana bitches eating
Pass the ubrus bitch
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plivatohen · 2 years
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nechtěný děti a zapomenutý rodiče umíraj na následky alkoholismu a bez přátel. do týdne je najdou v zapáchajícím bytě. takhle to bejvá. stavení postavil za mlada plnej síly a odhodlání v lepší zítřky. naděje ho časem opustila a s ní i všichni ostatní. horní patro uzamknul jednou provždy jako vzpomínky a přežíval především v kuchyni se sedačkou a oknem na dvorek. celej zašedlej stářím a chlastem, podobal se vypuštěnýmu balonku, když mu podali obálku s fialovým pruhem. na stůl z ní vyndal psaní, co uměl jen podepsat. otřel si čelo šátkem po zesnulý ženě, kterej z náprsní kapsy ošuntělýho svetru nevyndal už několik let.
holka podej mi brejle, skla jako popelníky vyleštím o krajkovej ubrus.
vymlouvá se, že sou špatný, protože sou levný. stydí se za to, že neumí číst. otírá si oči, brejle, mlží na papír. vytáhne lahev z mezery v gauči a cucá, potají, abychom to neviděli. snaží se porozumět signálům z dálky děsivýho černýho inkoustu. tělo mu pomalu chátrá. mozek rychleji. ví to a ani se tolik nebojí smrti, jako bolestnýho odcházení. proto pije. vodku mu do půlky ředíme vodou. ani to nepozná. natáhne se na kanape a leží do večera, dokud ho žízeň zase neprobudí. chvilku bloumá po kuchyni, zblajzne rohlík, vypije druhou půlku flašky a zase spí. takhle žije už nějakej pátek a doufá, že se brzy dočká konce týdne. když pohřbíval syna, nechal na náhrobek napsat svoje jméno. teď už na hrob nejezdí, otevíraj se mu nohy. když je ráno převazuju, občas zahlídnu sebe. hniju a prosakuju stejně. teta Marie jednou za čas přijede uklidit zbytnělý nánosy prachu a bordelu lidskýho těla. teď si potichu balí kufry. poprosí mě, ať ji najdu spolehlivej spoj, co jí doveze až do prahy. je mi smutno z toho, že mě tu s ním nechá samotnou. cejtim se malá na to, vidět furt někoho umírat.
jestli máš nějaký drahý věci, měla by sis je někam schovat. brzo to tady přijdou zabavit a bude jim jedno, že ty věci nejsou jeho. a sebe bys měla uklidit taky, jestli nechceš bejt zabavená děcákem. pronáší slova jako proroctví.
vytáhne z kapsy upnutých džínsů pětistovku a položí před něj na stůl. pohladí mě po tváři a beze slov zmizí z baráku.
on si zatim hřebenem s vylámanýma zubama přečeše zbytky prošedivělejch vlasů, dobelhá se k lince a třesoucí se rukou oddělá pryčny. šmátrá a přehrabuje kopečky prachu. vytáhne naditou obálku a vloží mi ji do rukou. se zavřenýma očima hodí hlavou ke dveřím, dobelhá se zpátky na gauč a usne. obálku uložím na spodek červenýho batohu s klokanem a zahážu svejma krámama. našlapuju opatrně, abych ho neprobudila ze smrtelnýho spánku. ještě jednou si pozorně prohlídnu každou část jeho zmuchlanýho těla a ztratím se.
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seahdalune · 3 months
thing i wrote for my little Flight Rising newborn, Ubru. a little nervous it might get exhalted at some point so i'm posting it's bio here JIC (dragon in question V)
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I was born from an unexpected crossroads romance. You've heard something like it in every old love story. Two dragons from a different elemental clan find each other, fall in love, have a forbidden relationship, and eventually, an egg. Though, my circumstances are a little less... dramatic. Mother is an ambassador from the nearby water clan, and traded places with a dragon of this clan as a peacful jesture between clans. Where she settled was at a hub where mostly foreign dragons resided, and that was where she met Father. Mother hasn't retold details after that period to me yet (She would only giggle and groom my scales, saying 'Maybe when you're older!'), but the important thing is, eggs were made, and that was how me and my siblings were born. An Earthly child, from parents of Shadow and Water. How outrageous, if a little amusing. Our clan has been accepting of this situation. Despite being in the domain of Earth, there are more dragons of different elemental origin, that we joke about being a "bigger melting pot than Baldwin's cauldron". An Earthly child of Earth origins would be more out of place. We are made to feel welcome. But I feel out of place anyways. When Mother tells me stories about her time in Water clan, as well as the community, the culture, of Water-born drakes, she often has a look of longing in her eyes. Despire our community bustling population, our roots are still shallow, so most celebrations are taken from the dragon's previous clan. Rarely do two dragons share the same heritage, so many celebrate alone, including my mother. I wonder sometimes; if I was born in a place where culture has already been established, would we be able to find our place easier? Could a united culture help our community thrive and support each other? Could it make Mother happy? I want to know. So, today I will pack my bags, and give an embrace to my family that I won't give for a long time. See you where the sand resides.
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libor-jiranek · 3 years
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Velikonoční ubrusy
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mishalampe · 3 years
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DRžaČ zA uBRuSe @zappa__joe_grooming Za brisanje ŠapiCa... VaŠiH LjubiMaCa kaD dodŽu nA ULePŠaVaNje MaDe iN #MiShALaMPeWoRKShoP #miShaLamPE #ubrus #držač #ubruSoDrŽ #steAMpuNk #steAMpuNkdecoR #burningmanart #burningman #loftliving #dogbeauty #doghaircut #frizerzapse #ulepsavanje #salonzaljubimce #kitchenaccessories #kitchendecor #handcraft #custommade #upcycling#recycling #upcyclingart #designdecor #designmilk #irondecor MusiC bY @starimajstor (у месту MishaLampe workshop) https://www.instagram.com/p/CLq0_vTpjQc/?igshid=1vbp4e1wvhjp9
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vesmir-v-hrnci · 2 years
Jednoho dne začnu vyšívat obří ubrusy v parku a bude to váš konec
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gagagrne · 1 year
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Pohovane heljdine palačinke Potreban materijal: testo 2 jaja 100g heljdinog brašna 80g crnog pšeničnog brašna 300ml mineralne gazirane vode pola kašičice šećera 1 kašičica soli 2 kašike ulja ulje za pečenje potrebno je još oko 20 režnjeva tanko sečene šunke oko 14 režnjeva tost sira oko 14 kašika kisele pavlake sa 20%mm 3-4 jajeta brašno i prezle po potrebi Priprema: Umutiti sve potrebne sastojke za palačinke uobičajeno, pa ih takođe ispeći u tiganju uobičajeno. Od ove mase izađe 6 do 8 palačinki. Na svaku ispečenu palačinku premazati po čitavoj površini 2 kašike pavlake, a zatim na sredinu staviti 3 režnja šunke i 2 tost sira, bočne krajeve blago uviti unutra, pa smotati kao rolat. Ponavljati dok se ne utroši sav materijal. Svaku palačinku prvo valjati u brašno, umućena jaja i na kraju prezle, pa pržiti sa svih strana na vrelom ulju dok ne porumene. Pržene ređati na papirni ubrus kako bi upilo višak masnoće. Poslužiti uz prilog po želji. . . . #mojegrne #recepti #recipes #receptizadusu #comfortfood #instasrbija #instacooking #instafood #pohovanepalacinke #arhivabloga (у месту Bor, Serbia) https://www.instagram.com/p/CnNHSQ1MALF/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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bydlenisnu · 1 year
Hladký a bílý, obdélníkový nebo kulatý, barevný nebo čistě bílý – každý ubrus činí stůl elegantním a slavnostním. Aby však vypadal dobře bez ohledu na materiál, ze kterého byl vyroben, musí být vyžehlený.
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artani · 3 years
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Ubrus, Maria
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