#using very limited tags bc this is first and foremost bc i need you all to see how funny we are
theoldkyokodied · 1 year
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based on some incredible edits my dear friend made
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wecomrades · 4 years
Hi Linda :) I’m here for some advice, I could’ve just send you a dm and reveal myself but then I thought that maybe others can take advantage from your answer. I don’t know why I’m asking you, it’s just that you seem such a nice and smart person and I trust you? Anyway, I’ve been wanting to write for some time but I’m afraid.. I don’t know where to start and I suffer from anxiety, I’m afraid I will get anxious over hits and comments. What do I need to do? Hope you don’t mind, thank you ☺️
Hi! First, I don’t have enough words to explain how flattered and honoured I am, I’m just not over the fact that you choose me of all people to help you out. And I understand why you went on anon, I respect that, but I wanted you to know that whenever you need help my ask box and chat are always open. That said, let’s jump into the sadness.
Sadness because to be honest, the moment I read this ask, I was both overwhelmed and sad. I just kept asking myself: “why would someone be afraid of writing?” It just doesn’t feel right that a person has to feel like that. But at the same time I know where you get this fear from, I’ll come back to it later.
Where to start? Well, writing doesn’t exactly have a rule for that. I mean, I started writing about 16 years ago (omg that’s very long time) and it just... happened. I’ve always had my head filled with random stories, so I just started writing them down. Now, I speak for myself, if I have an idea I can’t just take my computer and start writing like that. I love plotting, it’s my favourite part, so I write my characters’ personalities, curiosities, random things like their favourite colour or music taste or just aspects of their characterisation. Sometimes even lines and random dialogues. I create them, I create the world around them so I have a full view of what my story will be. Then I start writing, I just let my thoughts flow through my immagination and try to stick to my main plot. Obviously once you get into it, things might change, I did sometimes change the plot while writing bc it’s just how it goes. So my main advice for that, if you have inspiration for a story or for just one character, create a world around it. Start viewing a story in your head, then the writing itself will be easier than you expect! For example, I’m currently writing a Band of Brothers fic with a female OC: I’d never imagined to write a long fic with an OC, but one day I was reading about a woman who was a hero in WWII, and she used to parachute into enemy territory... so my head connected her to the tv show and that’s how she was born. And from that, from just her, I create a whole story. It also happened sometimes that I had in mind a fantasy world (I’m very much into fantasy, my stories are basically just that haha bc you have no limits in creating that, it’s not that you have to do research - even tho I do like research, but it takes more time and energy), and from that I created characters and laws and entire countries... writing is this, is creating things, and there’s no way someone can teach you that. You can get some advice - like the ones I just gave you - but no one can tell you how to do that. You can take inspiration from everything and everyone, for me personally I get inspired from random people I see on the street. My final advice is: just go for that. If you have an idea, or a character in mind, create a background and go for it.
About the anxiety due to views and comments... well, that’s another story. But if you like writing and creating contents, you first and foremost are doing it FOR YOU AND ONLY YOU. Don’t write just because other people do. I know the feeling of being proud of something and then when you post it it gets zero response, or barely a few. If you think about fanfictions, that also depends a lot on the fandom. Back in the day, when I used to write a fic every two days (sob, those were good days!), I was part of a few fandoms; for example when I used to post in the Harry Potter section I usually got loads of views and comments, same with Merlin and Glee. Because they were popular back then. But when I would write a fanfiction about Chronicles of Narnia or Lost, they barely had 2 views per day. And it was always me, like, Linda’s writing. Only thing different was the fandom. Obviously if someone loves your writing but their not into the same fandoms as yours, they happen to read your stories no matter what. Others don’t do that, and I don’t blame them bc sometimes I don’t do that either.
So, basically, you just have to get used to it and not let it ruin your creativity. Believe me, I know how it feels; I stopped some long fics just because I didn’t have enough appreciation and I learned just after that that it was wrong. Because again, you write for you. For example (sorry for so many examples but I find them useful), when I introduced my fic Hélène here on tumblr I got so many enthusiastic messages and 61 notes on the post, so in my head I was expecting at least 100 views the first day! Why? Dunno, I just did. The first day I posted my fic had barely 50 views, but it didn’t upset me bc I’m passionate about writing and especially about this story I’m just creating, that I won’t let a few views and votes let me down. It takes time to realise that, it really does, but trust me when I say it works eventually. It also depends on the website you will rely on. If you post on tumblr you have people reblogging and so your post reaches other people and so on. With Wattpad or Ao3 or Fanfiction Net or whatever, it’s just a matter of luck and honestly how you present your story: the title, the tags, the warnings, the summary...! Also, I learned that here on tumblr time zone does half the work. If I post in the morning no one sees, if I post from middle afternoon/night I get quite enough views! It might sound stupid, but it’s just how social media works haha same when I post on Instagram.
But I’m gonna say this: VIEWS DON’T DEFINE YOUR WORK.
To sum it up: you have an idea? Perfect, that’s your start. You upload a fanfiction and it doesn’t get the appreciation you expected? Don’t stress about it, if you keep stressing about it you won’t write anymore. I don’t know in which fandom you’re currently swimming, but in the BoB fandom I swear to you that everybody is so nice and supportive! I didn’t expect that at first, I was so surprised and in awe and I just love being here and share things with y’all. If you’re new to the writing obviously it takes time before people get to know you and your works, so just bear with that! And for the comments, I personally love leaving comments, because I like the feeling when I get them and so I want other people feel like that. I love critics as well, as long as they have a purpose, bc most of the time they help me as a person and as a writer. Remember: if someone takes the time to help you out, it means a lot.
Well, sorry for this never ending essay, I hope it’ll help you somehow! I’m not used to people trusting me like this, so I hope I made sense! Please know that whenever you need something I’m here for you always.
I wish you the loveliest of days 💛
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thechekhov · 6 years
ahhhh I have so many questions about living in Japan bc I am seriously considering doing so! could you please tell us some general stuff? or what is the view on homosexuality? on anime fans? are they really frowned upon? how well would I get by speaking only English at first? is vegetarianism common? what about yoga? sorry you don't have to answer all of that pick whatever you like better! ty!!
I applaud your ideals of living in a new place! That’s always an exciting type of goal - and also a very difficult one. Moving to a new apartment is hard enough - moving to a different country is much more so. 
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Before approaching any of your other questions, I’m gonna play devil’s advocate for a second and ask you - WHY?
Now, I know that this seems a bit rude. You might say “Look, Chekhov, it’s none of your business. I’m trying to ask you a question, that’s all. It’s my decision, after all.”
And you would be right. But let me explain my reasoning.... Ever since I started blogging about my experience in Japan, I’ve started to get MANY of these types of questions. SO MANY. If I had to guess, everyone and their brother wants to live in Japan. And a lot of times... they want to do so because they are informed by only the media and tourism sold to them by Japan - in the form of anime, or manga, or TV. 
In other words... they’re misinformed, and they have a very narrow, warped view of the country, and they don’t really understand what they’re getting into. 
Now... I’m not judging you - or anyone else. But I want to be as realistic as possible. Because if you’re going to uproot your life and move somewhere across the sea, you need to have as much HONEST and straightforward information as you can before you end up coming here and realising that you didn’t fully prepare yourself. 
Still, you’re asking me questions now, so that’s great! It means that you’re seeking out the information and making an effort. That’s a great first step!
Let’s get started. 
I would recommend, first and foremost, starting with my ‘#japan’ tag on this tumblr. 
I have written lots about different topics - including LGBT discussions - from the perspective of someone who has lived in Japan a few years. Now, that is a disclaimer - a FEW YEARS! ONLY! I am not a Japanese native, I am not someone who has been here for a decade. I have lived here for 4 years, and no more. My point of view is limited, and my opinions should be taken with a grain of salt. 
The rest of your questions I’m gonna answer very simply, and you can read more on the tag if you want details.
1. Homosexuality in Japan?
Basically, there’s almost no violence towards lgbt community. However, there’s heavy ostracizing and ignoring they exist. Coming out as homosexual might still cost you your job, especially if you work with children. The homophobia and transphobia on national television makes this monster problem fatter. Also be prepared for “What’s ‘gay’?” and “That’s something the foreigners invented. We don’t have ‘gay’ people here.”
 2. Anime fans? In Japan? It’s more likely than you think.
I mean, I think this one is a little bit funny (sorry, I swear I’m not laughing at you). Anime is... it’s.... they’re cartoons! They’re cartoons, in Japan. Kids love cartoons no matter what country. Adults who like cartoons also exist in every country. How they’re treated usually depends on how they present themselves. Are you gonna get side-eye for wearing an anime-titties shirt to work? Hell yeah, don’t do that shit. But is someone going to bully you for having, idk, a Fullmetal Alchemist keychain on your backpack?? Hell no. Plenty of people like anime, especially the younger generation. 
The key is - there’s a solid difference between liking anime and enjoying it in your freetime, and... idk... not being able to identify the situations in which anime should not be your priority. 
3. "Can you speak English?”
Honestly, this one is something I’m gonna put my foot down on - as an immigrant myself, and as an English teacher, I say that.... If you are an immigrant that is WILLINGLY moving into a country, with plans to do so far in advance that you have a few years to prepare... you should study Japanese before you get here. It doesn’t have to be perfect, and it doesn’t have to be a lot. But you should at least do your best to pick up the basics.
If you’re planning to go into a metropolitan area like Tokyo or Osaka, then sure, you can get by with only English. But why should you wait to study the language until you arrive there? There’s plenty of free resources to at least learn the basic alphabet and a few key phrases before you arrive. It’s a giant help when you’re first settling in, and it’s also way more respectful to the people around you. They will also respond more kindly to you, knowing that you’re doing your best to communicate on their terms. 
4. “Do you have a vegetarian option?”
“Yes, sure, here’s a salad.“
“This has bacon bits on it...?”
“No, no, dear, that’s only for flavor. No meat.“
"Sorry, but I can’t eat meat.”
“Well, okay, let me get you one with chicken instead.”
Now, are you ready to have this conversation? I hope so, because I guarantee you, this WILL happen at least once. Probably more than once. 
Well, I’ll let up. Sure, Japan is slowly coming into the vegetarian-options. However, by and large the vegetarian options are limited. Fish stock is so common that it’s added to everything without marking it as being an animal product. 
It’s entirely possible to live as a happy vegetarian. I know many people that do! But I guarantee you it will be 200% harder if you don’t speak Japanese and can’t read food labels. 
5. Yo.... ga? 
Err, I’m not sure I get this one, actually. Like, is yoga popular? Is there a yoga studio? Sure, probably? Somewhere? I’m a bit lost on this one. I’m gonna say ‘yes, yoga.’
Some other points to consider:
Where do you want to live. In a big city like Tokyo? Prices are high, and apartments are tiny. Are you sure you can afford it? Often, getting an apartment involves paying something called Key Money AND a deposit. A deposit is one of your rent month’s worth of money. Key money is TWICE the amount of one month’s rent, and you don’t get it back. It’s just a gift to the person you’re renting from. Also, I don’t want to be even more depressing but many lenders don’t want to deal with foreigners and won’t rent to them as a rule unless they bring along a Japanese friend to translate for them. Sometimes not even then. 
What job will you be supporting yourself with? If you’re limited to jobs that don’t need a knowledge of Japanese, this will definitely be harder. Many of the jobs that will take you on despite no Japanese knowledge are limited to ‘English teacher‘ positions. Can you teach English? Do you like kids? 
Most of Japan isn’t like Tokyo. There’s a lot of countryside - where people speak even less English, and there’s no nearby shopping malls, and only one train station to take you out to a big city - that’s an hour away.
Sorry, I know this is kinda harsh and very negative. But moving to a different country isn’t something to be taken lightly, and you need to be realistic about your goals if you’re going to be aiming high. 
If you want some alternatives, I would recommend checking out the JET Program. It’s a government funded Teach-English-In-Japan type deal that is very supportive with participants and helps them get living situations set up and gets them jobs. It’s probably the easiest way to get into Japan.... but it also requires you to become a teacher. It’s not a fun touristy trip. It’s also highly selective, and the application process takes about a year. 
Either way, hope I wasn’t too discouraging! Good luck!
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grailedsovereign · 6 years
i dont think i’ve talked about it much in my earlier post bUT NOW I AM HERE. I AM PREPARED TO SHOWER THE GROUP WITH MY LOVE???
the group is open. it doesn’t bar us in any way to interact with people who aren’t a part of it. this is a huge thing to me since i have a lot of mutuals that i dont want to lose just because i decided to join a group. i can interact with my friends freely and at the same time have fun with grailed people. i dont worry about who i have and who i shouldn’t write with. more cent for my good people.
you have so much freedom in grailed. it’s not like we were told to tag our stuffs (aside from triggering and heavy themes, which you should do because you are a person that is considerate of your followers, whether you are affiliated or not), to choose who to prioritize (i do this on my own accord, because i want the people in it to feel INCLUDED, because that’s the point of them joining.) or be here 24/7. the last part is important because i am someone who works every weekdays and i come home very late. it’s a challenge for me to jumble through my blogs and be expected to be here all the time. i can rp without forcing myself to come up with something just to meet an activity requirement. grailed doesn’t have that. it respects your limits and your being human. the mods themselves emphasize this as they, too, have a life outside of pretending to be a fictional character online.
MATCHING URLS BRO!!! this actually wasn’t a rule when it first opened. i am the guilty party who suggested it because i thought it was cute??? and it appeared that one of the mods and i shared that idea, so we decided to go through with it and it just feels?? really nice. to be included in something and to feel like you have a group of people you can rely on. as one of the mods have said to us ‘we are a family here’. isn’t that nice to hear though?? that you have a family in this community that you can always go to for stuffs without feeling like a bother. i’ve felt this a lot when i first started on the indie community, bc i never knew who to approach and stuffs. it’s just nice to see that grailed is making that effort to emphasize INCLUSION, which is becoming tame in the community. i also wish that the indie community could improve on this! this isn’t a sympathy that only extends on grailed. i hope for all RPCS to never ignore others in it. that we can be one whole community, you know? grailed isn’t attempting to discourage others or feel like the indie scene is a dying breed.
you can easily call all the members your friends. even though you’ve barely met or have barely talked outside of rping, when you’re in just one small chat, everyone can talk and have fun. you don’t have to worry about being judged when you feel like you have something that you need to say. everyone is just kind. what i want you to understand from this is that, THE GROUP HAS ALLOWANCE FOR MISTAKES. it doesn’t persecute you for what you do, what you did, what you want to do. we’re all human here. a lot of us had forgotten that over time.
i joined because i was kidnapped. i was being myself, minding my own business, having my own fun, being some nerd then ARTORIAS COMES AND ATTACKS ME ON MY DMS.. PUT A GUN TO MY HEAD AND SAID ‘join grailedrpg or i’ll murder you in cold blood’ blease… i feel so threatened :( that’s why i’m here. he threatened me so much and i am just one scared bean!!! of course that are lies. artorias came to me and gave me news about him opening an rpg. he is someone who used to be in the indie fate community and had disappeared, only to come back and give me this gift that is grailedrpg. he just asked me to check it. he didn’t put a knife to my neck and said i’ll stub my toe on a lego if didn’t join. he was very respectful and not forceful with inviting me. i wanted to give it a chance because i adored his writing and wanted to see how it could grow from here. so it was just me considering, and now i’m in this hellhole because artorias didn’t want to give me peace :(
if you decide to join: tell mod vixxey she’s the ultimate furry, mod skoll needs like five hugs and mod artorias need to stop bullying me i have done nothing :(on a more serious note: i highly encourage that you still open yourself to outside interactions! you don’t have to, but majority of the members are, because grailed strives for that kind of openness. never allow the indie community to feel like they’re being overshadowed or forgotten. never let others feel that joining grailed is a trend, because it’s not. it’s a place full of fun and promotes a healthy place for writing and encourages that WE SHARE THAT ENERGY TO OUTSIDE PEOPLE. we do not keep this to ourselves, nor would we deprive others of what grailed is teaching us and shaping us to be and become.while the usage of live action fcs are heavily recommended, you’re not out of the times for not using it. it’s not a mandatory rule, but something that most of the member base just want to do because it’s the core of the group first and foremost. it’s what the mods were striving in the first place. they have decided to compromise and have changed the mandatory rule to become an option in hopes of the people understanding that the mods want it to become a fun place. see?? the mods are even compromising a lot, and grailed hasn’t even been around for long. so when you do join, never forget to thank the mods for their hard-work. it’s never easy to handle a community!
that’s all! i had fun answering this
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temporalecology · 3 years
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The term fieldwork is used pretty much everywhere, to the extent that it can refer to an array of different tasks. Prior to this fieldwork opportunity in Smithers, my impression of fieldwork was limited to the classroom setting – walking around as a class with profs in Pacific Spirit Park looking at ferns and mosses and take notes, very chill and sweet… Undoubtedly, our Smithers field work exposed me to a different flavour: a challenging, exciting, and itchy (shoutout to our “welcome committee”) one.
“Are you ready for a road trip?” It all began with Deirdre - our lovely grad supervisor (more like a friend) -picking us up on that cool Saturday morning. Wait, back up back up back up: it began with me intently shopping for fieldwork two weeks earlier, making sure I’ve got the right footwear and raingear (which turned out to be lifesaving). In fact, 3 days before our departure, Deirdre alerted us with an email saying, “the risk of fries in British Columbia is very high at the moment” (her typo: fires) that we would need to play by the ear and be extra cautious. Obviously, on the ride there, fire was one of the many topics that we covered.
The ride was quite fun: Deirdre and Sophia shared driving responsibility while I sat at the back and ate apples. We managed to land a spot on a campground in Prince George the first night and that was my first time camping. Who would have thought it only got better from there.
After another 5 hours of ride, we reached Smithers, a small town with vibrant sceneries. Getting groceries, having a home-cooked meal, and lying down on my bed in our little cabin, only one thing was missing: running water. Well, how greasy can I get without a shower for a week? I calmed myself and fell asleep.
The first couple of days of fieldwork were not too bad. The weather was great, and PI Lizzie and Johnathan were there for emotional support. After a series of bushwhacking and trying not to fall over, I had some sense of what the research was about: essentially, we are testing the Janzen-Connell hypothesis in Babine Mountains Provincial Park, trying to see if the density of seedlings and their proximity to parent trees limit their survival and growth potential. There are around 15 square-shaped plots established on Mount Harvey, each was 400 m2 in size. All the adult trees were tagged and taken diameter at breast height (DBH) measurement to yield information on stand density for species within each plot. Along the transect (diagonal) of each plot, there were 6 0.5*0.5 plots where we measured seedling height and took germinant counts. The year 2021 is the 3rd year the lab came to this site, and ideally, at least two more years of observations will be made.
Working in the field came with many challenges. First and foremost, hiking. Since we are examining the gradient effect of elevation, plots are all over the mountain. Every morning we would hike up, and each following day we hiked up a bit further. Deirdre and Sophia are super fit while I am more of a slow hiker, setting my heavy pace here and there. Another fun thing adding to the hike is how much you would sweat. Since we would start the day super early in the morning, it was quite cold and therefore, we wore multiple layers. As we hiked up, our clothes and hair got super wet because of the sweat. Then when we reached the top of the mountain, it became cold again given the elevation, especially under the canopy where there was no sunlight. It got freezingly cold as the wind blew, not to mention locations like this are perfect as the breeding ground of mosquitoes (what my friend and I call the “welcome committee,” because in the wild where you hardly encounter a single person, worry not, you are always welcomed by swarms of mosquitoes). The mosquito jacket, though unsightly, was a welcome plus one.
Walking in the forest itself is, difficult. It is more like crawling than walking, especially in forest stands where there are a ton of down snags. They are too high to go over, and the branches are incredibly poky. Finding the plots was another big challenge. Living in a modern city certainly does not prepare me for wayfinding in the wild. There is nothing to use as references. Every direction you look, you see the same dense understory. The ground is covered with thick carpets of mosses, leaf litters, and nurse logs, and finding a tiny germinant in such a setting is like finding one particular grain of sand on a beach.
Besides taking measurements of seedlings and germinants and identifying trees, we were also tasked to set up new 20*20 plots at higher elevations than did previously. This is super interesting to me because as an oftentimes clueless undergrad reading the method section of journal articles, despite seeing people say, “we had this many plots so and so,” I never used to think about how those plots were established. Again, in the wild, there is no reference to help set up the boundary, so GPS and compass are key. To delineate a square-shaped plot in a dense forest, we first determine one corner of the plot by selecting a lucky tree candidate and flag it. Then we want to take the measuring tape and walk – in this case – 20 meters straight following the compass. This sounds a lot easier than reality because when you picture walking 20 meters in your head, you picture walking on paved and level ground. Now think again, only this time picture a windy and rainy day walking in a dense forest with bushes above your waist and trees blocking your straight path ahead with painfully poky branches ready to mess with you (remember also the welcome committee). Moreover, you are not walking on level ground: the slope can get as high as 60 degrees plus, and you are at risk of falling to the ground at any moment. If you are not completely walking in a straight line, you will need to go back and redo the boundary. Once you are finally happy with the direction and straightness of the measuring tape in your hand, you select another tree closest to you after you’ve walked 20 meters and this tree becomes your second corner. You then change direction to find the next corner and hopefully, by the time you get to your last corner, you are not too off. Now that you have a plot, you then go on to sample within the plot, taking measurements of trees and soils and whatever is of your interest.
Most days are like this. We hike, we do some sampling, we eat sandwiches, we do some other sampling. Not having access to running water made me realize how bad it is that we take running water for granted in cities. However, one silver lining about being dirty is that I got to sit whenever and wherever I wanted in the forests. Because of the worsening of the wildfires, we had to head back to Vancouver earlier than planned, but good enough that we finished our tasks in time.
Some good perks we had during this field season included a couple of great hikes beyond the tree line (Hudson Bay Mountain), a visit to Jim Pojar’s house (the author of the BC plant book, my forestry friends were so jealous), the Kombucha beer Lizzie bought me, and the detour to Jasper, Alberta that we took on our way back to avoid the fires. With no doubt, this fieldwork was invaluable to me as it helped me gain insight into what field ecologists do and made me think about what kind of work, I would like to carry out for my graduate studies one day. I was quite tired after the fieldwork, but of course, I was barely scratching the surface here. On our way back to Vancouver, seeing the smoke of forest fires rise to the sky, so tragically beautiful that many people were taking pictures, I thought to myself: Patience, endurance, and curiosity are for sure, major ingredients to make a good scientist, and they are attributes that need cultivation. I hope there is something we can do for the planet’s tomorrow. I hope it is not too late.
- Alina Zeng, August 2021
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
video game-based originals + more!!
hello hello!
i’m niamh, i’m 26, and i am looking for new partners!
i’m just going to write a confusing blurb about myself and my preferences so you can get an idea of how i roleplay and whether we’ll be compatible!
my foremost goal is for both of us to get some kind of fulfilment and enjoyment out of this thing we’re embarking on. i’m a very laid back partner and pretty much all i want is dynamic characters in interesting settings with complex relationships.
i’m very into doubling (though i don’t require it!). if we’re doubling i’ll play whatever gender in whatever pairing my partner wants and hope that you are willing to do the same for me, my preference being to play f in m/f (so if you exclusively do m/m or f/f or nb or you don’t play male we probably won’t be compatible).
i use gdocs, email, and discord to rp and prefer to ooc over discord but email is fine as well! i don’t have any other messengers.
i’m super ditch friendly. i’m not gonna hunt you down or anything if you go AWOL and if you want to pick up later just let me know!
my limits are very basic. no kink/fetish-driven roleplays, nothing obscene involving minors, etc. i’m not someone who really enjoys writing gratuitous smut so if you’re hoping for a lot of that you’ll probably be somewhat disappointed.
i do require that my partners be 20 or older. i’m wallowing in the second half of my 20s so it’s just more comfortable for me if we’re in the same general age group!
if we use faceclaims, i only use real people. feel free to request an fc if you have one in mind!
now for the difficult part: articulating what i want to roleplay.
i don’t have a lot of ideas and the ones i have are pretty big and general so i’ll try to sketch them out in a semi-coherent way!
i recently played dear esther and i’m still reeling. this would obviously be impossible or at least very difficult to straight up roleplay but if you have any familiarity with the game or are just a fan of super isolated, moody, slightly spooky settings then this might be an idea for you. to give an idea, just picture an abandoned island in the hebrides (or anywhere) with derelict little structures, remnants of long-ago human occupation, challenging landscapes and nothing but gulls and scrubby flora in terms of native life, and a vague sense of dread. this really doesn’t have to have anything to do with the game at all unless you want it to but i was thinking of throwing maybe a married couple on the rocks or a pair of old flames or even some people who don’t even know each other at all together. maybe they’ve come to spread the ashes of a loved one who wanted to be put to rest there, maybe they’ve inherited something on the island, maybe they’ve uncovered a series of mysterious letters or dredged up some secret to do with the island—whatever we want. we can definitely throw in supernatural elements or at the very least perilous elements (maybe the island isn’t really abandoned; maybe there’s a deadly storm moving in, etc.). i’m kind of thinking that the focus will be more on the relationship than the external dangers, however. if we go with some kind of pre-existing relationship, maybe they end up talking about what went wrong or coming to terms with some shared trauma or whatever we decide. if they’re strangers, finding out what individually brought them here and maybe finding some common thread in their lives that ultimately led them to being together, all set against a really rugged, super isolated backdrop. we can definitely find ways to double for this, either by having two pairs on the island or even having one pair from the past and one pair in the present. i’m down for anything! and like i said, you definitely don’t need to be familiar with the game, it’s just what made me want something like this!
in the continuing theme of me playing video games and getting emotional about them, something like firewatch could be cool? obviously the solely conversing over radio part could be difficult, but basically if you aren’t familiar with the game or the premise, just envision an enormous national park in the rockies or elsewhere, almost complete isolation except for a few other scattered campers and hikers, potentially no access to cellphones or wifi (either bc we set it pre-cellphones and wifi or because they’re just unusable), and imminent danger. we could have two park rangers or two firewatchers or two hikers or any combination thereof who end up spending a stretch of time in this beautiful setting and end up in some kind of danger (fire/wildlife/other campers/etc.). basically this is the same as my first idea but set in a national park and i don’t want to take flack for it.
finally, and this is actually not based on a video game, but i'm just super super into the 70s and 80s right now and kind of craving some kind of campus drama? sort of the secret history meets... idk... how to get away with murder and... the 70s. it's not my best premise, tbh. i really really hate using teenagers as protags, so ideally these would be either grad students and young profs or older undergrads.
for a more general idea of what to roleplay, i’m a little stuck. i’m not good at making those lists of keywords to pick and choose from, partially because i’m bad at remembering things on the spot and end up forgetting most of what i like, and partially because i always end up with something so vague that i get very left field suggestions that are completely out of my range of interests but it’s not the person’s fault because it relates to one of the words i mentioned just not in a way that i would like to see it manifest. so if you’re not specifically interested in the ideas i listed but have some adjacent ideas or you think they sound kinda like an idea you have i’m definitely willing to give a listen! basically, like i said at the start, i like character-driven stories with cool settings that focus on and explore relationships. i like historical settings of all kinds up to the late 20th century and i’m a big fan of romance (and tragedy).
to give a very general idea of the sorts of things i’m not into, i don’t do anything futuristic, cyber/steam/any kind of punk, most post-apocalyptic settings, neighbourhood/college/apartment/coffee shop type roleplays, high fantasy, sub/dom or slave/master type relationships, roleplays with teens or children as main characters, big age gaps, pwp, and yeah.
if you’ve come all this way and still want to get in touch, my email is [email protected]. if you wanna drop your discord tag in your email i can add you there as well! if in your email you could just tell me what i can call you and generally what you’d like to rp that would be awesome!
thanks! xx
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redroomfcrged · 4 years
This blog is private and extremely selective.  
If you wish to interact with Natasha but do not receive a follow black or get a soft block from this blog it’s nothing personal, I’m just trying to limit the number of followers and interactions here because otherwise I’ll get overwhelmed and not do anything here.  You are always free to follow my multimuse at mysticandskepticmuses, where I also have Nat - much more open to aus and interactions. 
Content here is rated R for mature.
While I still will tag everything, I’m not going to be very likely to censor much and there will be content here that is potentially triggering and dark including graphic violence and sex with heavily prevalent themes of mind control, brainwashing and some things that traverse into the realms of dubious consent in Natasha’s backstory and may be mentioned in modern day threads or written out in ‘flashback’ or past threads. 
Mixed media influences including movies, comics, headcanons & plots.
While my interpretation of Natasha is primarily based on the MCU movies first and foremost there are some comic influences, but there’s also a lot of stuff that’s just me filling in the blanks with my best guesses and from plots and things discussed with roleplay partners to fill in the blanks.  This is not and never will be an entirely canon compliant blog, be that MCU comics.  It’s a grab bag of what I like from canon stuff and lots of my own interpretations thrown in.  I am happy to adapt things to best suit each partner’s plots but please do not harass me because you don’t like something about my interpretation of Natasha.
I am open to a lot in terms of shipping with Natasha - most of the Avengers et al, be it Bucky, Steve, Tony, Wanda, Clint, Bruce, so on and so forth.  It’s all really just dependent on writing chemistry and what everyone involved is comfortable with - a few notes: I am also open to a poly ship with Bucky and Steve & Nat but outside of that any poly ships would have to be super duper worked out bc it’s hard enough for Nat to trust and open up to one person much less more.  
Also, I am fine with plots where she and her partner discuss adoption etc. if they are at a point where it makes sense but I am probably not going to do a plot that retcons her barrenness.  It’s. big part of her character development.  That also means I am not going to be open to any original character that is a birth child of Natasha’s unless it’s something along the lines of genetic cloning and it all depends on history and presentation.
Face claim.
Yes, I use Scarle.tt.  No I don’t want to hear about why I shouldn’t.  
I will not interact with anyone ic on this blog that is not at least 18, preferably 21 and if your age (or general age) is not listed on your rules or blog, I will not be responding to any requests for interactions, ic or ooc.
I accept headcanon questions, prompts, questions to Natasha etc. from anyone but IC interactions are for mutuals only.
Varies.  Typically?  Very fucking slow.
Icons made by me.   Icon PSD found HERE.  Base code theme found HERE.  Theme graphic made for me by @timeforgcd​ Do not steal my graphics.  If you need Natasha icons you can find icons of every MCU movie for free HERE.  I do not currently have any fancy banners or a promo - that might change.  
Questions about Natasha? Check the links below.
Nothing is currently in these but this is where you’ll find info about VERSES., POWERS., SKILLS., BIOGRAPHY.,HEADCANONs., ANSWERED. memes, IC. posts, EDITS, PLAYLISTS. and whatever else. If you need a link for anything specific feel free to ask.
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child-of-hurin · 3 years
  20 questions meme post
1. why did you choose your url?
Derivative from my original tumblr url croclock; no idea where that one came from... I was really into albino crocodiles at some point of my life though, maybe that’s why? I don’t remember
2. any side-blogs? if you have them, name them and why you have them.
I have a couple: @croclock for my art, @crocstuff for occasional nsfw art, @child-of-hurin for reblogging posts with references and recommendations, a couple like that but for fandom-specific recs, etc
3. how long have you been on tumblr?
since 2010 I think 😬
4. do you have a queue tag?
yeah ‘queue cutie’ just bc it’s nice to say it out loud... sounds dumb nowadays but I’ve been using it for so long
5. why did you start your blog in the first place?
As a portfolio! My art friends were moving, it was a good place to keep checking each other’s stuff.
6. why did you choose your icon/pfp?
It’s fanart by me, I just like how it looks and the colors.
7. why did you choose your header?
It’s a type of tree from my hometown that I love, um pé de castanhola, and my friend took that picture to how me how the leaves were changing colors, it made me very nostalgic :’(
8. what’s your post with the most notes?
An ancient Walter Crane post that keeps getting notes bc it’s very the aeshtetic
9. how many mutuals do you have?
I have no idea, how do you even check this? << (2)
10. how many followers do you have?
I have like, a ridic large number of followers theoretically, but literally most of them are just long dead blogs and porn bots - I’ve always been bad at blocking them consistently
11. how many people do you follow?
864 - again, a bunch of long dead blogs
12. have you ever made a shitpost?
Not as many as I wanted to/ought to 😔
13. how often do you use tumblr each day?
I (try to) limit it to two accesses a day during weekdays & deleted the app from my phone
14. did you have a fight/argument with another blog once? who won?
2013/14 silmarillion fandom drama was weird like that bc we were destroying each other psychologically but acting very polite all around in our main blogs so it was never like, a “fight” until at the very end me & my friends got “threatened” with a “callout post” for some bs reason. It was all very dumb lol. I think ultimately I lost, cause one of my fave moots was so upset by the ongoing situation that she left fandom altogether and I miss her (Jess if u ever read this ILU and I hope you’re doing well xoxoxoxo).  
15. how do you feel about “you need to reblog this” posts?
hate, never reblog them anyway
16. do you like tag games?
Yup :) though I can be bad at actually doing them
17. do you like ask games?
I looove sending asks for those even more than answering, though I haven’t seen many ppl doing them in a while
18. which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
Phoenix @alienfuckeronmain who tagged me might be the most tumblr famous person I know :^) I am friends with people who I know have a Presence in their circle of interests, like elizabeth or heget, but idk about tumblr famous specifically
19. do you have a crush on a mutual?
first and foremost my wife @kareenvorbarra if she hasn’t unfollowed me here yet... 
20. tags?
If you read this, you’re it :^) 
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fyrapartnersearch · 6 years
hello hello!
i'm niamh, i'm 26, and i am looking for new partners!
i'm just going to write a confusing blurb about myself and my preferences so you can get an idea of how i roleplay and whether we'll be compatible!
my foremost goal is for both of us to get some kind of fulfilment and enjoyment out of this thing we're embarking on. i'm a very laid back partner and pretty much all i want is dynamic characters in interesting settings with complex relationships.
i'm very into doubling (though i don't require it!). if we're doubling i'll play whatever gender in whatever pairing my partner wants and hope that you are willing to do the same for me, my preference being to play f in m/f (so if you exclusively do m/m or f/f or nb or you don't play male we probably won't be compatible).
i use gdocs, email, and discord to rp and prefer to ooc over discord but email is fine as well! i don't have any other messengers.
i'm super ditch friendly. i'm not gonna hunt you down or anything if you go AWOL and if you want to pick up later just let me know!
my limits are very basic. no kink/fetish-driven roleplays, nothing obscene involving minors, etc. i'm not someone who really enjoys writing gratuitous smut so if you're hoping for a lot of that you'll probably be somewhat disappointed.
i do require that my partners be 20 or older. i'm wallowing in the second half of my 20s so it's just more comfortable for me if we're in the same general age group!
if we use faceclaims, i only use real people. feel free to request an fc if you have one in mind!
now for the difficult part: articulating what i want to roleplay.
i don't have a lot of ideas and the ones i have are pretty big and general so i'll try to sketch them out in a semi-coherent way!
the first one is probably not going to be that surprising if you're familiar with the video game i threw into my thread title. i recently played dear esther and i'm still reeling. this would obviously be impossible or at least very difficult to straight up roleplay but if you have any familiarity with the game or are just a fan of super isolated, moody, slightly spooky settings then this might be an idea for you. to give an idea, just picture an abandoned island in the hebrides (or anywhere) with derelict little structures, remnants of long-ago human occupation, challenging landscapes and nothing but gulls and scrubby flora in terms of native life, and a vague sense of dread. this really doesn't have to have anything to do with the game at all unless you want it to but i was thinking of throwing maybe a married couple on the rocks or a pair of old flames or even some people who don't even know each other at all together. maybe they've come to spread the ashes of a loved one who wanted to be put to rest there, maybe they've inherited something on the island, maybe they've uncovered a series of mysterious letters or dredged up some secret to do with the island—whatever we want. we can definitely throw in supernatural elements or at the very least perilous elements (maybe the island isn't really abandoned; maybe there's a deadly storm moving in, etc.). i'm kind of thinking that the focus will be more on the relationship than the external dangers, however. if we go with some kind of pre-existing relationship, maybe they end up talking about what went wrong or coming to terms with some shared trauma or whatever we decide. if they're strangers, finding out what individually brought them here and maybe finding some common thread in their lives that ultimately led them to being together, all set against a really rugged, super isolated backdrop. we can definitely find ways to double for this, either by having two pairs on the island or even having one pair from the past and one pair in the present. i'm down for anything! and like i said, you definitely don't need to be familiar with the game, it's just what made me want something like this!
second, in the continuing theme of me playing video games and getting emotional about them, something like firewatch could be cool? obviously the solely conversing over radio part could be difficult, but basically if you aren't familiar with the game or the premise, just envision an enormous national park in the rockies or elsewhere, almost complete isolation except for a few other scattered campers and hikers, potentially no access to cellphones or wifi (either bc we set it pre-cellphones and wifi or because they're just unusable), and imminent danger. we could have two park rangers or two firewatchers or two hikers or any combination thereof who end up spending a stretch of time in this beautiful setting and end up in some kind of danger (fire/wildlife/other campers/etc.). basically this is the same as my first idea but set in a national park and i don't want to take flack for it.
third, and in the continuing theme of isolating people and putting them in danger, i'm kind of craving something set in a super remote town that's just... spooky? like an unspeakable kind of spookiness that takes no form and has no name but gives the whole town an overwhelming aura of creep? weird things happen and people just accept it and maybe we have some new residents who aren't so complacent with this nightvale-esque stuff or some longtime residents who are fed up or someone who grew up there and moved away and has to come back for some reason and wants to finally figure out why they had such a messed up childhood? this could literally take place anywhere in the world, past or present. this is possibly the most vague of my ideas so help me out.
for a more general idea of what to roleplay, i'm a little stuck. i'm not good at making those lists of keywords to pick and choose from, partially because i'm bad at remembering things on the spot and end up forgetting most of what i like, and partially because i always end up with something so vague that i get very left field suggestions that are completely out of my range of interests but it's not the person's fault because it relates to one of the words i mentioned just not in a way that i would like to see it manifest. so if you're not specifically interested in the ideas i listed but have some adjacent ideas or you think they sound kinda like an idea you have i'm definitely willing to give a listen! basically, like i said at the start, i like character-driven stories with cool settings that focus on and explore relationships. i like historical settings of all kinds up to the late 20th century and i'm a big fan of romance (and tragedy). 
to give a very general idea of the sorts of things i'm not into, i don't do anything futuristic, cyber/steam/any kind of punk, most post-apocalyptic settings, neighbourhood/college/apartment/coffee shop type roleplays, high fantasy, sub/dom or slave/master type relationships, roleplays with teens or children as main characters, big age gaps, pwp, and yeah.
if you've come all this way and still want to get in touch, my email is [email protected]. if you wanna drop your discord tag in your email i can add you there as well! if in your email you could just tell me what i can call you and generally what you'd like to rp that would be awesome!
thanks! xx
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