#wang daoling
wtfwuxia · 3 months
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Taoist Master (2020)
Yes! Another Taoist Master, and this one is apparently first in the series; I covered the Taoist Master: Kylin earlier. Kylin holds together better, but this is still an engaging movie, with some nice choreography.
Also, this movie had the highest per capita amount of centipedes in any movie I've seen so far.
Synopsis: Zhang Daoling received a letter of help from his friend Wen, an adult, and took his disciple Wang Chang to Bashu. However, he found his friend was dead and was involved in a terrifying conspiracy. Zhang Daoling insisted on his own heart and was not fooled by foreign objects. Eventually, he stopped the evil sacrificial activities of the local evil organizations to ruin the people and educated the local people.
You can absolutely tell Louis Fan has classical martial art training in this and the Kylin sequil. Some lovely work. Also look for him in Ip Man. Su Mao steals nearly every scene he is in.
Learn more about Zang Daoling
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apopcornkernel · 11 months
poppy's watched cdramas
與君歌 stand by me/dream of chang'an
i... did not finish this drama 😭 i only watched this because my mom was watching it and we were stuck in quarantine together, so. it was fun i guess but ultimately mid
蒼蘭決 love between fairy and devil
loved it, the ending was a little too abrupt for me but it still ended well! lived for the villain romance, had so much fun booing changheng (sorry), had even more fun staring at dylan wang's cheekbones. also i love how ride or die the main couple is for each other, it's absolutely not one-sided in that regard which <3 yes. and also episodes 30(?) to 36 i cried nonstop it was so cathartic. episode 35 specifically....... aha
琉璃 love and redemption
STUPIDLY long and rather cringe at times im not even gonna lie but the main characters had me by the THROAT i could not stop watching. yu sifeng is so so so unfairly pretty with bangs and chu xuanji in god of war mode,,,, i lvoe her sm. i loved how the gender roles of a typical cdrama relationship was more or less flipped, with sifeng always being the damsel in distress (not even joking or exaggerating about this one) and xuanji being the badass hero. i feel like a lot of cdramas tend to say their female mc is the hero and stuff but then in execution its ALWAYS the male lead saving the mc from danger and its just,,, idk i'm a little tired of it so i like that chu xuanji exists <3 and fuck haochen
傳聞中的陳芊芊 the romance of tiger and rose
REALLY REALLY GOOD one of the most perfect dramas ive ever watched. cinematography really high quality, an mc that i never got annoyed at and is so lovable, a petty murder cat love interest who is unfairly handsome at every angle. i was smiling and giggling with every episode. it's the true definition of a happy pill. i only wish Those 2 Specific Scenes did not exist
星落凝成糖 the starry love
i did not finish this 😭 i onyl watched it because it was the only thing i had downloaded on my phone. i don't recommend it tbh, sorry, the concept was interesting but the execution didn't do it for me. it was also really obvious how low budget it was and the acting & writing didn't really make up for it enough so,,,
今夕何夕 twisted fate of love
THIS IS THE BEST CDRAMA IVE EVER WATCHED I KNOW IM BEING SUBJECTIVE BUT LET ME BE SUBJECTIVE THIS IS MY BLOG okay okay so general travels back eight years to stop a great war but unfortunately she lands smack dab into feng xi's residence, who is an ally of the Bad Guy and very morally grey politician who will not hesitate to kill people for his goals. she keeps trying to assassinate feng xi's ally (the Bad Guy) meanwhile feng xi is just trying to put a ring on it. they are SO so funny and you KNOW i love villain(ish) romance so i ADORED this cdrama even though it was objectively mid and even though the last episode was trash. I DONT CARE i will defend this one with my life JUST WATCH IT im very incoherent ik but in my defense it's kinda hard to explain just trust me
星漢燦爛 love like the galaxy
currently watching!! it has zhao lusi who i trust with any drama, and the cinematography is great! some of ling buyi's dialogue i dont like but im still on board the main ship,,, i think i wouldve liked lou yao but i keep remembering he's daole from twisted fate of love and it jars me so bad.... also i have this thing where i automatically boo the second/third leads so really lou yao had no chance im sorry 😔 i find it really funny how obviously down bad ling buyi is update: i dropped this drama :(( i got all the way to episode 20 something and then i just couldn't be bothered to continue, i was honestly bored :((((
雲之羽 my journey to you
my sister rec'd this drama to me and oh man i tried. i was so ready to be hooked. but i just couldn't. like, it had gorgeous cinematography and beautiful costuming and i was happily surprised to realize the leads were clj's changheng and xiaolanhua, but omfg gong ziyu (changheng) pisses me off so bad he's like omg guys im an underdog they all hate me im struggling so bad i'm being oppressed etc etc AND THEN HE'S BEING OPPRESSED FOR BEING A RICH BABAERO NA PALAGING NAGBABAR LIKE BE SO FOR REALLL also shangguan qian and gong yuanzhi's scenes are infinitely more interesting than anyone else's, their one battle of wits already had me more interested than the entirety of the previous 5 episodes... and then when it switches back to include shangjue or gong ziyu or yun weishan i immediately feel all my energy get sapped. like they're so boring it hurts fgksjhg and the way yun weishan and gong ziyu speak don't help at all it's like 有時候……我也……睡不着…… DO NOT WASTE MY TIME LIKE THIS AND ALSO PLEASE SPEAK NORMALLY so yeah i got fed up by episode 6 and dropped it despite my sister's urging
天盛長歌 the rise of phoenixes
started watching this right after i dropped my journey to you BECAUSE FUCK YOU i swear that cdrama made me see cdramas as a chore again. anyways im loving it. ning yi looked so miserable in the first episode which is a great portend for things to come, and feng zhiwei is great i love her already and the cinematography is not bad as well, i'm just worried i'll get lost on the machinations and everything but i'm still having fun so far anyways hehe update from episode 19 or something!! i'm really enjoying it this is so good!!!! a little slower paced so if that's not your thing be warned but i am really liking it hehe
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tracydarrell179 · 6 months
Zhongchi Jingjia Wins 6-1 Over Yunshang in Amateur Football League Match
On the evening of April 6th at 8:40 PM, the 20th Guizhou Amateur Football League Third Division Match between Zhongchi Jingjia Repair Workshop and Yunshang Engineering concluded as the fifth match of the tenth round at Linquan Football Field. This match was hosted by Guiyang Online Sports and guided by the Guiyang Olympic Sports Center, co-organized by the Guiyang Olympic Sports Events Operation Center. Zhongchi Jingjia Repair Workshop defeated Yunshang Engineering 6-1. Gaochang Hi of Zhongchi Jingjing Repair Workshop scored five goals, while Li Jing of Yunshang Engineering and Hou Lin of Zhongchi Jingjia Repair Workshop each scored a goal. Zhongchi Jingjia Repair Workshop starting lineup: Goalkeeper: 44-Ren Peng (substituted by 2-Wan Li in the 46th minute) Defenders: 39-Huang Yi, 22-Wu Daoling (substituted by 10-Huang Chengni in the 46th minute), 15-Zhou Lu (substituted by 23-Mu Yong in the 46th minute), 20-Zhang Xiaowen (substituted by 17-Lu Zhou in the 46th minute) Midfielders: 25-Cao Fan, 7-Hou Lin, 2-Wan Li (substituted by 44-Ren Peng in the 46th minute), 3-Hou Bo Forwards: 31-Gao Xiang, 14-Gaochang Hi Yunshang Engineering starting lineup: Goalkeeper: 76-Yuan Youming Defenders: 21-Zhu Jiayin, 17-Wang Yong, 8-Zhang Yangyang, 16-Jing Yubin Midfielders: 6-Jing Yujiang, 7-Li Tingya, 45-Wang Zhi, 28-Wang Suo (substituted by 23-Li Jing in the 46th minute) Forwards: 36-Luo Yaoyang, 18-Zhou Xingbo Zhongchi Jingjia Repair Workshop's 3-Hou Bo was selected as the best player of the match, receiving a 500 yuan fitness and rehabilitation membership card (including 300 yuan for rehabilitation therapy and 200 yuan for fitness training) from the Guiyang Olympic Sports and Rehabilitation Center.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Legend of the White Snake - Episode 25
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Yay. Agaaaaiiiin. Of course, for the one post I forget to save drafts, my computer won’t let me have my ways! And I had to be almost at the end of the episode. However, maybe that’s a good thing that I have to rewrite this recap, because it was extremely... hm short compared to what I use to write. We’ll see how it turns out this time. Just maybe my reactions will be a little different than in the original post. Which is annoying because I really try to be extremely genuine with those reactions.
So staged. Ruyi runs towards the cliff, but she doesn’t even jump. She stops right at the edge and then Daoling disguised into an immortal pulls her back to Jiaorong’s side. That fake tells her that a snake demon is hiding next to his little brother and that he attracts demon.
Xiao Qing tries to spy on them, but they are too far away and can’t hear anything they say. But as she believes that that man is trying to dupe Jiaorong when he hands her a plate, she gets really and rushes to go fight that liar, but then she ate too much shaved ice earlier and she feels unwell so Yutang gives her a piggy back ride back to Baohe tang.
On their way back home they bump into an old man getting kicked out of a practice because he’s too poor to pay for medicine and treatments. His illness is very serious and he needs to be treated quickly. Suzhen offers to pay for his medical treatment so the clinic won’t have any reasons to refuse him. Since even so they don’t want to take him in, Xu Xian and Suzhen brings the uncle back to Baohe tang.
That ill person is really suspicious. He always keeps his eyes half closed half open and his disease is really strange, Xu Xian never saw something like that. Suzhen brings some rice porridge and he complains that she doesn’t give her anything good to eat and she explains to him that porridge is actually really good for health. When he’s better he can eat what he likes, she will even cook it for her.
Ruyi is really mad at Daoling for not saying that Suzhen is the white snake, that then she did everything for nothing. But he tells her that the plate he gave her is real, he took it from when he was an immortal. And I just realized, while watching a second time, why his face when he was younger looked so similar. If I am not wrong, it’s the guy that was playing the son of the second prince in Eternal Love, the poor little boy that was framed by Su Jin. Poor him. Anyways, that has nothing to do with the story here. He fell in love with an immortal looking like Ruyi and because of that neglected his duty, which resulted in him losing his status and becoming a demon. He believes Ruyi is that same girl and that she followed him in the mortal realm. For what I have seen, she’s probably forced to be there as a punishment, she seemed to have the same bad character, too spoiled.
The sick old man is going through Xu Xian’s notebook and even corrects mistakes here and there, adds more notes. Seems like he’s an immortal actually. When he hears footstep, he lies down again. Suzhen and Xu Xian prepared a special medicine for him, but he says it smells so bad, medicine doesn’t need to be so ill tasting, they could add dattes and and a few more things to make it less bitter. He accepts to take his medicine after Suzhen talks to him and when he’s complaining because it’s too bitter, she hands him some deserts she prepared to forget the taste. They even get him a bath with herbs ready. Since they treated him well, he gives to Xu Xian a medicine book.
Jiaorong’s prayers to the plate (which is kind of a token of authority or something like that) invokes a big storm which hurts Xiao Qing and she goes off Yutang’s back. Then lightning breaks a tree and Yutang uses his body to protect Xiao Qing. I ship. Very had.
When she sees that wather, Suzhen gets worried. I believe she knows it’s no good for her kind and the uncle pushes them back inside. He thinks it’s actually coming for him and he leaves. Seems like he’s  the Lü immortal, the real one this time. He wonders who dares use this plate without having the right to and it breaks down, making Jiaorong unconscious.
While Xiao Qing is taking care of Yutang’s injury, she’s crying, but she tries to hide it from him. How cute.
Suzhen and Xu Xian burn incense for Lü immortal, since they notice it was him. He seems happy with their thank, so he makes things appear on the altar they made for him.
Back home, Jiaorong wakes up screaming, she had nightmares in which she saw the real immortal Lü telling her not to believe again in demons, otherwise she’s going to pay the price. Xu Xian tells her that the first one must have been a fake, which is why the last one told her not to believe in demons again. Gongfu was very worried about her. Jiaorong then tells them that it was Ruyi who introduced her to that immortal, he really could use magic. Then Jiaorong is worried that Ruyi is also tricked by that fake, but right Xiao Qing comes in and says that Ruyi and that fake were together, that she’s trying to harm them. Suzhen asks Xiao Qing to stop saying that nonsense. She knows that Jiaorong still likes Ruyi and she doesn’t want the confrontation. Jiaorong still actually asks for forgiveness and then Xiao Qing is starting to feel unwell again.
While watching on her, Suzhen tells Xiao Qing that there is no medicine for her poisoning. Xiao Qing begs Suzhen then to take care of her four underlings and.... of Zhang Yutang. Who’s really worried about her. Then... Hahahaha! Okay, I love it. Actually, she’s just getting her first period. I love have how Suzhen teased her.
Awww. Yutang is so worried about Xiao Qing. He asks Xu Xian to tell him the truth, no matter what she has, he’s willing to take care of her. Cute <3 No matter how expensive the medicine, he’s willing to pay. Xiao Qing hears that and she yells that she’s not sick and leaves. Xu Xian then tells Yutang to make sure Xiao Qing drinks a lot of hot water, nothing too cold and that he doesn’t fight with her. Four or five days later, she should be completely healed. Hahaha.
Omg. Jiaorong and Gongfu looking for a husband for Xiao Qing and asking Suzhen’s opinin. Suzhen’s like... oh sorry, I want to keep Xiao Qing for myself a few years still, I will take care of that when the times come. But that worries her a lot and Xu Xian notices that she’s worried and they discuss that matter. Actually, Xu Xian is shipping too, but Suzhen isn’t so sure about that. Xiao Qing can’t be compared to her. It’s different. Feels like she doesn’t dare to tell him that her core is inside him so he wouldn’t die.
Moh. Xiao Qing tries to flirt with Yutang, but he’s completely oblivious to it and all dedicated to work haha.
Worried Suzhen makes it that Xiao Qing tells her what she really thinks of Yutang which is... like!
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caiusthecat · 5 years
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Happy birthday to my absolute favorite artist, @rienlen !! Drew some Trigar (and averian?) cuz why not? Thank you for being the greatest and have an amazing day!!❤️❤️
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chat-le-chat · 6 years
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It’s fucking 4am...but hey let’s fuckin meme about @rienlen ‘s oc Cigar (aka, perfect man)
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balikita · 4 years
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Mengenal TAO Thay Shang Men
Tanggal 9 Bulan 4 Tahun 2012 Qian Dao Ri Bao
Penulis kekurangan menulis beberapa kalimat pada bagian akhir dari artikel yang lalu tentang Tao Jia Taoyingsuk dan Tao Jia Qi Gong, yaitu berikut ini: Chikung yang dilatih oleh umat Tao Thay Shang Men semua disebut dengan Xian Tian Qi Gong. Dalam Qi Gong mengandung dua macam latihan, yaitu gerak (Dong Gong) dan diam (Jing Gong). Di jaman kuno, orang-orang yang Lian Gong dan berhasil mencapai tingkat tinggi bisa memperoleh kemampuan-kemampuan unik (Shen Tong), misalnya dapat melihat tembus, memindahkan awan, mengubah batu menjadi emas, dan sebagainya. Dalam Taociao, semuanya dipanggil sebagai Zhen Ren (Orang Sakti)
Orang Sakti Tidak Memunculkan Wajahnya Tahun lalu, seorang Taoyu sekeluarga lima orang (termasuk mertuanya yang sudah berumur 80), mengikuti grup jalan-jalan ke China; Jiuzhaigou dan sekitarnya. Dikarenakan tempat yang dikunjungi adalah gunung-gunung tinggi, penulis menyarankan Taoyu dan mertuanya tersebut untuk memeriksakan kesehatan sebelum berangkat. Selepas jalan-jalan selesai, dia datang ke toko saya untuk cuci foto sembari bercerita. Saat jalan-jalan, mereka berkunjung ke toko obat XX dan bertemu seorang master Qi Gong. Orang itu menyentuhkan tangannya ke tangan si Taoyu, lalu tiba-tiba muncul sepetak warna merah di tangannya. Dia berkata, Taoyu tersebut punya penyakit liver parah, dan menyuruhnya membeli obat (harganya setara Rp.7.000.000). Taoyu itu, yang baru saja check-up kesehatan, tentu saja tidak percaya. Master Qi Gong itu melakukan hal yang sama terhadap banyak pengunjung, menakut-nakuti mereka dengan “penyakit berat” untuk membuat mereka percaya dan membeli obat.
Di Indonesia sendiri, banyak “Master Qi Gong” yang datang dari China dan Hongkong yang melakukan penipuan. Dua puluh tahun yang lalu, seorang kawan mengundang seorang master Qi Gong dari China untuk datang memeriksa kesehatannya. Dia juga merekam “Shen Gong” dan cara-cara pengobatan dari master tersebut, tapi hasilnya, kawan saya itu tetap saja sakit parah dan akhirnya meninggal. Di Indonesia, juga ada dukun ahli yang bisa menggunakan pisau mengiris tubuh pasien dan mengeluarkan paku, kawat, rambut, beling, dan sebagainya. Teman-teman penulis melihat sendiri kejadian-kejadian seperti ini, entah itu ayah mereka, atau istri, tapi bagaimanapun, hasilnya jika tidak mati, malah harus operasi ke rumah sakit. Logikanya, jika dukun tersebut benar bisa mengeluarkan barang-barang yang membuat pasien sakit, seharusnya pasien itu sembuh kan?
Di masyarakat juga sering muncul orang-orang sakti seperti ini. Tapi karena dia tidak mengerti Tao, dia akhirnya hanya bisa melakukan trik-trik sekelas ini. Dia juga tidak mungkin diikuti banyak murid, dia muncul dan lenyap sendiri. Juga ada banyak yang melakukan atraksi menggunakan batu-batu ajaib dan sihir-sihir semacamnya, mulutnya pintar mengambil hati orang, lalu menipu uang dan kabur. Beberapa waktu yang lalu, di Jawa Timur juga muncul seorang “anak sakti” yang menggunakan “batu ajaib” untuk menyembuhkan sakit. Anak sakti ini mencelupkan “batu ajaib” ke dalam “air ajaib”, yang kemudian bisa menyembuhkan orang sakit. Berita menyebar dari satu ke sepuluh, dari sepuluh ke seratus. Hingga hari ini, beritanya telah menyebar luas melalui media massa, hingga akhirnya menjadi berita sensasional. Ribuan orang sakit datang ke sana mengantri panjang untuk mendapatkan air ajaib itu. Anak ini terus menerus mencelupkan batu ke air dari pagi sampai malam, sampai dia kelelahan dan badannya lemas. Dalam kondisi setengah tidur, ia digendong ayahnya yang masih lanjut mengangkatkan tangannya. Jika polisi tidak menghentikannya, anak ini pasti sudah mati kecapekan. Dari sini kita bisa melihat mengapa orang sakti tidak ingin memunculkan diri. Jaman dahulu, orang sakti yang berilmu dikatakan hidup tersembunyi, karena mereka mengerti, saat kemampuan mereka diketahui orang, hidup mereka pasti akan terganggu. Tapi di dunia ini, ada saja manusia yang berpura-pura menjadi master dari perguruan XX atau master dari agama XX yang bisa menyembuhkan sakit atau menghilangkan sial, beratraksi ilmu, dan menipu orang. Menghadapi orang-orang seperti ini, murid-murid Thay Shang Men semuanya sudah paham, tidak akan tertipu. Orang-orang Tao mengerti bahwa kekuatan ini datangnya separuh dari diri sendiri, separuh dari langit, juga berhubungan dengan kondisi manusia menyatu dengan langit (Tian Ren He Yi).
Pendiri Thay Shang Men Ada seorang bijak yang mengerti tentang Tao, yang rendah hati tak menonjolkan kemampuannya. Ia tak banyak bicara tak pamer kepandaian. Kata-katanya, gerak-geriknya, tingkah lakunya, pakaiannya, makan minumnya, semuanya sangat biasa, tak ada bedanya dengan orang biasa. Li Shanghu Shifu adalah orang seperti ini. Di luar dari ribuan murid-muridnya, tak akan ada yang menyangka beliau adalah pendiri dari Perguruan Thay Shang Men agama Tao Indonesia, juga merupakan seorang bijak!
Sama halnya dengan Zhang Daoling yang mendirikan Zheng Yi Pai dan Wang Chongyang yang mendirikan Quan Zhen Pai, di Indonesia, Li Shifu adalah sang pendiri Thay Shang Men.
Seperti dalam sejarah agama Tao di China, semua pendiri dari berbagai macam perguruan dan aliran memiliki ilmu, rahasia, mantra, dan kitab masing-masing. Thay Shang Men pun begitu. Li Shifu memberikan Taoying, mengajak umat masuk Tao menggunakan ilmu Taoyingsuk dan Zhenyan – yaitu ilmu rahasia Tao yang sudah lama hilang dan tak ada duanya. Ada sebuah sajak mengatakan: “Kata-kata yang dapat menembus kegaiban, mengapa masih harus membaca buku ribuan kali……”. Mantra Zhenyan ini adalah sebuah misteri enigma. Cara (Fa) yang diajarkan oleh Thay Shang Men adalah Wu Shang Da Fa, dan latihan (Gong) yang diajarkan adalah Thay Shang Shen Gong.
Dari jarak ribuan kilo mencari guru, mencari ilmu, mencari zhenyan, tidaklah mudah, semua bergantung pada kejodohan. Bahkan ada orang yang sudah mendapatkannya, malah tidak menghargai, menganggap berlian sebagai beling.
Dari saat Li Shifu melakukan Taoying dan memberikan mantra, kamu telah menjadi murid Thay Shang Men. Setelahnya, Li Shifu tidak akan mengajarkanmu cara-cara pasti Lienkung (Lian Gong), beliau hanya memberikanmu sebuah buku Xiu Dao Bao Jian yang beliau tulis sendiri, serta memberitahumu untuk sering-sering mendengar ceramah (Ting Dao), dan pergi ke Taokwan belajar ilmu Tao.
Mengenai kitab suci, Li Shifu mengarahkan muridnya untuk mempelajari Thay Shang Lao Jun Zhen Jing (Kitab Suci Mahadewa Thay Shang Lao Jun). Bagi siapapun yang ingin masuk Tao, atau tertarik mempelajari Tao, dapat mengunjungi Taokwan dan mengambil buku Xiu Dao Bao Jian. Buku ini merupakan panduan belajar bagi para umat (gratis).
Bicara mengenai perguruan, di China, sejak dulu hingga sekarang, segala macam perguruan, baik itu Tao, Wushu, Seni, atau lainnya, semua memiliki panggilan masing-masing. Thay Shang Men pun begitu. Murid yang telah di-Taoying dan masuk Tao, maka sudah memiliki hubungan Guru dan Murid, sehingga harus berpegang teguh pada prinsip “Zun Shi Zhong Dao”.
Pilar instruksi yang ditegakkan oleh Li Shifu dalam Thay Shang Men adalah: jujur rajin dan bersih, tulus hati memperlakukan orang, kerja keras tak kikir, murnikan hati, jaga tubuh dan cintai diri sendiri. Beliau menginginkan murid-muridnya melaksanakan ini, semua berhubungan erat dengan proses siutao.
Di tahun 1970an, saat Li Shifu mulai menyebarkan Taoyingsuk merupakan hal yang sangat sulit, di lingkungan menerima banyak cemooh dan penolakan dari banyak orang. Ada yang mengatakan Taoyingsuk adalah ilmu memanggil setan. Di Jawa Timur, kelenteng-kelenteng Tridharma menempelkan pengumuman dilarang berlatih Taoyingsuk, karena ilmu Taoyingsuk dianggap berbahaya. Tak ada yang mengerti, tapi karena mendengar berita-berita mengenai perilaku umatnya yang memperagakan menjadi medium spirit di kelenteng, ataupun tentang kemasukan roh dan arwah, semua menimbulkan salah paham tentang Taoyingsuk.  Mereka sama sekali belum merasakan sendiri bahwa Taoyingsuk adalah sebuah latihan dalam kondisi sadar penuh, tapi sudah menyebarkan komentar-komentar ngawur. Tak heran, 2000 tahun yang lalu, Laozi pernah berkata, “Orang level rendah, tertawa saat mengenal Tao”. Tak lama setelah jaman Laozi, Ge Hong juga menuliskan pandangannya mengenai manusia dan Tao. Ia berkata, manusia hanya mengakui hal-hal yang dapat terlihat oleh mata, segala yang tak dapat terlihat dikatakan tidak ada. Hal yang dapat dilihat oleh manusia sangat terbatas jumlahnya, sementara hal yang tak dapat dilihat tak terbatas. Ge Hong menertawakan pengetahuan manusia yang bagaikan mengukur lautan menggunakan jari.
Kini, 30 tahun setelah Li Shifu mendirikan Thay Shang Men dan menyebarkan Tao, pandangan orang telah berubah terhadap Tao. Berkat penyebaran dari ribuan muridnya, orang-orang baru menyadari bahwa Taoyingsuk itu benar, pantas untuk dipuji. Mereka menyadari bahwa Taoyingsuk beliau telah membangkitkan agama Tao Indonesia  yang telah mati terkubur dalam debu. Beliau juga meneruskan tradisi baik agama Tao dan budaya timur (Zhonghua) kepada Taoshi penerus generasi berikutnya. (Selesai)
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Legend of the White Snake - Episode 19
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So. I was half way through the episode when my computer decided it was the perfect time to reboot. Again! Yep, I think it’s sulking because I now have a desk computer and uses it a little more often. So pardon me if the recap of the first half of the episode is lacking, I have already seen it and have to rewrite what I did. I should save drafts way more often hahaha. Saving just now. Just in case.
Xiao Qing is trying to keep herself cool by swimming in West Lake. Then Fahai comes and traps her in her bowl. But he grows a flower so she would be feeling a little less the heat. Can Xiao Qing build a harem and have many lovers? Am I weird to ship her with almost every body?
Xu Xian comes back home with a bottle of alcohol for him to drink with Suzhen for the Duanwu festival. So Ruyi asks Xu Xian if he added realgar inside of it, as it tradition, but he didn’t so she adds it in for him. So Suzhen won’t have choice but to reveal her true form. She’s so mean. Suzhen is still feeling unwell because of the heat and it worries Xu Xian. He came back earlier to spend time with his wife and pours wine for her. She tries to not drink it, but in the end she can’t really find a reason good enough to refuse. So she ends up drinking it anyways.
Fahai finally releases Xiao Qing and she asks him why would he help her. Then he just ignores her. Then, due to the gift his master left for him, he realizes that Xiao Qing is half immortal and warns her that as soon as she hurts people, he won’t show mercy even if she’s half immortal. Xiao Qing is of course asking for a duel someday later and finally realizes he called her half-immortal and asks him about it, but he just leaves, so she can only run after him.
Back home, Suzhen is experiencing problems to maintain her human form and because she’s wearing the buddhist beads Ruyi gave her, she can’t use her spiritual energy. So she asks Xu Xian to go out. It takes her a lot to make him go out. Why won’t she just  take off that bracelet? Gosh. It’s so simple, why does she not know those things when she was reluctant even to accept it as a gift... Outside, Xu Xian is getting really worried about his wife. Then Ruyi comes in yelling that a snake went inside the room where Suzhen is. Which is bad because Suzhen is transforming back. A panicked Xu Xian breaks the door only to see a huge white snake inside the house. He thinks it ate his wife and dies out of the shock ): Well at first I wasn’t sure if he died or just fainted, but he literally dies on the spot.
When Ruyi comes back with Jiaorong, it’s only to see a big white snake fleeing away and a dead Xu Xian. I hope Ruyi is happy now. She killed Xu Xian with her harmful ways.
Fahai runs into Xu Xian’s house to see he’s dead and believes that the White Snake killed Xu Xian. Suzhen then comes back, so sad because she knows she’s the one who hurt Xu Xian and then big sis asks her how come she escaped by herself, leaving Xu Xian alone. Then as he sees her and his staff doesn’t react, Fahai is doubting again. He blamed her but she’s not the culprit? Is it true? Suzhen blames Ruyi for giving her the buddhist beads and Fahai prevents her from hurting Ruyi. But what actually stops her is that she sees Xu Xian’s soul trying to leave his body. She asks Li Gongfu to take Jiaorong and Ruyi to rest, she will stay by Xu Xian’s side. Then she begs Fahai to save Xu Xian, she’s willing to pay any price. But Fahai has no way to save him.
Suzhen traps herself into pain and sadness over the death of her husband. She’s desperate to find a way to bring him back to life. Then the rest of the family comes to take Xu Xian’s corpse. Xiao Qing warns them that Suzhen won’t allow it and indeed she doesn’t. Big sis is a little unhappy with her and blames her for not having been by Xu Xian’s side when he was attacked by the snake.
Suzhen tries to convince them that there’s still a way to save him, that he’s not dead. She says he’s not dead and takes big sis in to show her. How dare that Ruyi follow and come in? Doesn’t she feel guilty for what happened to Xu Xian? And she even has the nerves to tell Suzhen that if she really likes Xu Xian, she should let him go? WHAT? Did I hear her say that? That little. Okay. Now I hate you. You pretend that you have nothing to do with this? You should be a mess and cursing your own stupidity.
And now big sis accusing her again of running away without him when the snake came. Poor Suzhen. Jiaorong orders to take Xu Xian’s corpse and says that Suzhen is crazy thinking she can still revive him. But Suzhen begs her to have three more days. In that span of time, she can revive him. Jiaorong agrees but if after that he hasn’t been saved, she shouldn’t come back. Poor Suzhen. Now the in laws dislike her. Get that awful Ruyi out of that room. She has no right to stay when she harmed that much Xu Xian.
Xiao Qing is mad at Suzhen for promising to save Xu Xian, but she says she knows a way and begs her to go get Fahai for her as she needs his help. Even though at first he’s not really willing to help, he ends up agreeing. She needs him to help Xiao Qing looking on the lamp, that fire is going to prevent Xu Xian’s soul to disperse. She’s herself planning to go to Kunlun mountains and get an herb to save him. Xiao Qing tries to prevent her from doing so, because it’s a place for immortals where demons shouldn’t go, but Suzhen is determined. She’s rather die than not try. Xiao Qing wants to go with her, but Suzhen convinces her to stay and keep an eye on Xu Xian and her core because in this world, the only person she can trust now is Xiao Qing. Suzhen really knows how to get Xiao Qing’s feelings.
Okay, out of that random moment of happiness. He’s like happy to learn that Xu Xian died. Well I guess anybody would like to see their rival out of the way and it was kind of bound to happen. Suzhen is clearly going to live longer than Xu Xian. I can’t dislike him for being happy. Even though my heart screams for that poor Xu Xian. And he’s going to stop her. Oh god. Jin Ling. Poor little thing.
Wow. The set of the Kunlun mountains is just sooooo beautiful. At first, when Suzhen sees Jin Song, she’s kind of happy. I think she misses him a little, but as soon as she understands he’s here to try to convince her to stop, she gets sad again and asks him to mind his own business. As they are about to fight each other, they get distracted by something and Suzhen takes that opportunity to flee.
Back home, because Xu Xian’s body isn’t degrading, Fahai has to repulse evil spirits. She needs to calm down to be able to help him take care of the body.
The spirit that try to come in was actually Wang Daoling. He couldn’t get any information and asks Ruyi to distract at night the monk so he can fight with Xiao Qing. Because he’s no match for Fahai. Gosh. That Ruyi. She’s going to kill Xu Xian twice. And she doesn’t even... what? She has no guilt for what she’s done? She blames it on Suzhen. That girl has mental issues. Please somebody take her away.
Suzhen gets discovered by one of the disciple of the master of Kunlun mountains and fights with him to get the medicine. However, without her core, she’s no match for it and if it wasn’t for Jin Song, she would have died. He takes her away and is so worried when she doesn’t wake up. He tries again to convince her to go back with him to Emei, but she won’t give up and she’s willing to sacrifice herself to save Xu Xian. Then he tells her he can save Xu Xian. At first she doesn’t believe him, but he insists. He gives him the opportunity to go in the past 5 times, it’s super dangerous though.
She then uses that little disciple’s appearance to trick the other disciple only to learn that the master took all the magical herbs away to make it a present for some immortal. She follows to there and her way of getting in is to use the younger disciple’s appearance. One of the guards is doubting, but the other convinces him it’s all fine so she gets in without trouble. For now. More obstacles are waiting for her.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Legend of the White Snake - Episode 17
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Ruyi is so happy that Xu Xian bought her the desert she likes. He tries to talk about how he hopes she doesn’t marry somebody without moral like that Wang Daoling, as her big brother he hopes the best for her. However that makes her angry, she believes he has not his say in this. So Xu Xian leaves, seeing it’s useless and hearing a woman crying to save her son. The price of the medicine got higher and she can’t afford it. Right then, Suzhen comes right in with her medicine, which is free, and save that little boy.
Oh look, Fahai is back again. Just when people rushes to Baohe tang. Fahai is so confused about Suzhen. Why a demon would try so hard to help humans?
Some people go to Jishi tang because the medicine is actually just flour and they have to give back the money. Wang Daoling goes and checks on his medicine only to realize it was replaced by flour. So he goes to get a free one from Baohe tang and yep, that’s his medicine. He’s going to try and take revenge.
They almost used up all the medicine and Suzhen finally tells Xu Xian she was also doubting that Wang Daoling so she followed him and found the antidote. He scolds her a little, because they should discuss that kind of things together and also her technique isn’t stopping Wang Daoling from poisoning the people. So they have to find a way and they invent a new medicine. Well it’s fake like. Anyways, he got trapped.
Late at night, when he’s about to put more poison in the well, he gets arrested by Li Gongfu for poisoning the people, but he escapes using his spiritual energy powers. Suzhen and Qing Er hurts him, but he had a core in reserve so he healed faster. And he’s really mad.
The people are mad and they try to get back at Jishi tang because of what Wang Daoling did. Well, Ruyi didn’t know he was poisoning the well. Xu Xian runs to save her, with Suzhen.  But then she’s mad again, she blames everything on Suzhen and when Xu Xian realizes he can’t put some sense into, he just leaves and takes Suzhen with him. Then Ruyi threatens to kill herself and while saving her, Xu Xian hurt himself. She tries to give him medicine for his injury, but Suzhen declines and they leave her behind.
Suzhen is so angry about what happened and she doesn’t want Xu Xian to go try to persuade Ruyi again, what if she hurts him for real next time. Xu Xian is surprised to see so angry, since she’s a living bodhisattva but Suzhen tells him that she didn’t do anything because there were people to watch and that’s the only time she will spare her from doing something like that. Awww. Suzhen is so protective of her hubby. Nobody hurts my Xu Xian.
Frog guy rescued Ruyi when she fainted in the rain and brought her to his den. This is not good. But it’s kind of cute how much he tries to get her to like him.
Yutang comes back to give medicine to Xu Xian, he even got some herbs for Qing Er. No more snakes since she fears them. Xiao Qing is just me? Afraid of snakes? Since when? hahaha. She’s about to say that she’s a snake but Suzhen interrupts by having a look at the medicine and praises it. When it comes to payment, they argue a little bit, like happily, and Xiao Qing ends up pushing Yutang and he has not much energy. It’s because he has a heatstroke. She wants to make him some medicine but he says, it’s fine, he just needs to sleep and rather points out that everybody is having that problem and not making enough money to afford the medicine. Especially the old people.
Ruyi followed Wang Daoling and discovers that he’s a demon. She then screams out of fear which alerts him of her presence. Poor little frog guy. She’s so scared of him and she threatens to stab him with her hairpin. He’s in love with her since he first saw her. If it could help her feel better, he’s letting her stab him, but in the end, she doesn’t do it. So basically, he’s the same as Jin Song? Sent back to the mortal realm, but used to be an immortal? To prove it, he says he’ll take her somewhere.
Suzhen and Xu Xian fight again, but you know... Xu Xian is so good at making his little wife happy. She wanted to give medicine for free, but it’s a little more complicated than that. If they do so, they will irritate all the other doctors’ office, plus they won’t be able to survive without the money. So he suggests that a few days they have a small clinic and give free advices to the people how to fight against the diseases. Suzhen is then happy.
Xiao Qing seeing them is quite happy that she has no interest in those human behaviours. But then her eyes meet Yutang’s eyes huhuhu. Is she really not interested?
It’s late. I am having breakfast tomorrow morning with my grandad, my aunt and my cousin... I should probably go to bed, but I am afraid that if I do, my computer will die again on me and I want to keep watching haha. Help. Please.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Legend of the White Snake -Episode 16
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Hahaha, when he tries to give her the medicine, Qing Er goes wild she’s like get out with your garbage. Poor Zhang Yutang, he has no idea. Xu Xian goes to have a look and thinks the medicine is good quality, but Qing Er won’t let him buy, thus Yutang leaves angry. Qing Er is angry too an follows him to prevent him from hunting anymore. She invokes some fog and he chases a green snake, but in the fog, he falls down a cliff. Then Qing Er saves him. Well, she doesn’t like him that much it seems. I believe that would be the cliff Ruyi fell down from hmmm.
So made up and he even gives her a piggy back. Would that be Qing Er’s first love? I mean, after Suzhen, because she’s definitely in love with Suzhen too. Anyways, he does kind of like her too, because she’s not like all of the other ladies. Of course. She wanted to be a boy. She took a girl’s form only to stay with Suzhen.
What? Why is frog guy putting something in the well in the middle of the night? This is like... so random?
Awww Xu Xian is getting jealous. Basically, some ladies came in pushing and pretending they had a problem to see Xu Xian the cute doctor, but to drive them away, he said that girl patients should consult with his wife instead. When they are gone, he asks Suzhen to work with him and she worries that if she comes in people will stop coming, but he’s not worried, people were eager to consult with her back at Jishi tang. Then, she says that he should  take care of the girls and she takes care of the boys so everyone’s happy. Then he says, everyone except me hahaha. Sorry, I am not sharing my wife with anyone else.
So an epidemic diseases starts to kill people in town, even one of the doctors catches it. There’s no medicine able to heal it. Jishi tang says they have it, but it’s really expensive. Okay. So basically, what is probably happening is that frog dude poisoned the well with is demon poison. And he’s the only one to be able to cure it. And with that he’s going to make money for Ruyi and a name for himself.
Most people can’t afford the medicine, but Xu Xian didn’t know and is surprised to that some people are not going when he learns they really have the medicine for it. He is really surprised to see that Ruyi would allow something like that so he decides to go and convince her to sell the medicine at a reasonable price. She won’t budge a notch, unless he gets rid of Suzhen. That girl. She’s making it harder and harder for me to at least pity her. I mean, she didn’t have mom and her dad spoiled her because he felt bad for her about that, plus he was a man that lover money. But wow. You’re willing to let a whole town die just to break a couple because it happens you like the husband? I am sorry. That’s asking a little bit too much from me.
NO. WHAT? I AM NOT HAPPY WITH THAT. That ugly frog dude. He poisoned Xu Xian. Wow. Suzhen, when the little boy’s mom was sick, you knew right away it was the poison from a demon, why can’t you feel it now? She’s going to ask Ruyi for the medicine now... of course she’s going to try and tear them apart TT
Ok. She redeemed herself a little bit in my eyes. She is just heartbroken. As soon as Ruyi hears that Xu Xian is sick, she gives all the medicine that is left to Suzhen. Suzhen thanks her and she’s wondering to herself, since when as it come to a point that between her and Xu Xian, they should be thanking each other. Just to put into context, in Chinese culture saying thank you shows that you are not that close with somebody, like you have to be moderate with how you say it if you are close to each other? And especially between family members. Even though Xu Xian doesn’t think of Ruyi in that special way, they grew up together like brother and sister, that Suzhen would thank her like that excludes Ruyi from Xu Xian’s family somehow. Not in a mean way, it’s just like.. a feeling. It’s complicated to explain. But basically, Ruyi and Xu Xian are drifting away from each another and that bond that they shared might be broken forever.
Suzhen rushes back home to feed Xu Xian with the medicine. And the first thing I am thinking is: did she even check what’s in it? Nobody knows where that Wang Lingdao comes from, I wouldn’t want to feed my husband something bad. Well, I don’t understand a thing about medicine, but if I did, I would check thoroughly. And I bet she didn’t check because... IT’S DEMON’S POISON! And I know she can recognize that. Or maybe it worked with Qing Er because they are both snakes? I hope it’s that, because otherwise, I’m starting to think it doesn’t make sens AT ALL.
Xu Xian is saved. And he’s so smart. Excellent, Suzhen isn’t too dumb. She didn’t know what was inside the medicine so she didn’t want to give him too much. Xu Xian takes a look at what’s left and is thinking it’s impossible for medicine to act so fast. It looks more like... anti-poison. That’s what I have been saying since the beginning. He notices that it’s probably not made with herbs, but rather with stones? Like, boiling the stones? It’s probably something more complicated than that, but as I said already many times I know nothing about medicine, and especially Chinese medicine and for all that I know, they might just say whatever and any doctors watching this would be pointing everything that is wrong. But I feel they keep it very general and don’t really go into detail about the diseases.
Now that Xu Xian determined that it’s poison, I hope Suzhen finally notice that there’s a demon involved. Xu Xian is also wondering, if it’s poisoning, how come Jishi tang happens to have the antidote. It’s a little bit too much just to be a coincidence, right?
Suzhen decides to investigate and she follows Wang Daoling. With Qing Er, she notices that he put something in the well. Oh finally. Since she doesn’t have her core anymore, that’s why she can’t see his real form. And Qing Er is too young to have that ability yet. Jing Song, that would be the perfect moment for you to come out and redeem yourself. And I kind of miss you, so come back soon.
Okay, so they get into the frog’s den and steal all of the antipoison. But they have to make sure he doesn’t notice so they can catch him. While they prepare to save everybody, Xu Xian wants to go again and see Ruyi to convince her to stop what she’s doing. If that Wang Daoling took good of Ruyi, it would make Xu Xian at ease, but now that he uses such ways, he can’t bear to see Jishi tang in the hands of such a man and feels like as a big brother he should help Ruyi keep off going the wrong road. Qing Er is really mad that Xu Xian would go and see Ruyi and is about to tell him how Ruyi treats Suzhen, but Suzhen won’t let her, because she doesn’t want Xu Xian to be caught in between two people he holds dear. Such a good wifey.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Legend of the White Snake - Episode 34
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So Suzhen and the four immortals fight with Fahai to free Xiao Qing. They manage to do it and only Suzhen stays to fight with Fahai. But then, the staff won’t hurt her because she’s pregnant with an immortal. That’s why also she could get her powers back and everything. He wants to take her to Jinshan Temple, but she wants  to stay with Xu Xian, so she agrees to get her powers sealed. When the baby is born, he will come back for her.
Xu Xian is waiting for Suzhen at home. Jiaorong is sorry that she was unfair to them in the past. When she finally comes, he’s so happy to see her. Slow motion running before a spinning hug. Awww. So cheesy, but still so cute. Even Jiaorong is so happy. They promise to never separate again. Even Jiaorong is crying. This would be a perfect ending for this drama, even though the inner demon thing hasn’t been solved yet. How can they do that in like... two episodes, knowing that both Suzhen and Xiao Qing can’t fight it any more?
Xu Xian is just the cutest. He tries to feel Suzhen’s baby move. Like... the baby is probably still the size of a worm. How could you feel it. However, it makes my heart so at ease to see them so happy. He then asks her why she decided to come back in the end, even him wanted to stay in that dream. She says that Fahai deduced it’s the kid that forced her out cause it wants to be born in the real world. And she couldn’t bear to be apart from him, even though the dream was nice. She just regrets that she came back too late and that the inner demon almost won. Which made Xiao Qing commit such a big mistake.
The four immortals went back to the water underworld. The Dragon king ask them why did they come back earlier. He sends them back to protect her. One of them says she now has the shape of a beautiful lady, she looks a lot like her mother, does he want to see her once? But he won’t. He looks so sad actually. They ask if she gets rid of the demon blood and become an immortal, would he take her in, but he says he can’t. It could give an opportunity to others to take his place.
Jiaorong is buying longevity locks when two ladies come in and ill talk about Suzhen. She steps in for her brother’s wife and then the merchant won’t sell it to her anymore and she gets kicked out of the shop. In the street, people avoid her too. Poor Jiaorong. Even when Suzhen walks in the street people fears her. Since their employees all take a day off, they decide to go back home and not open the shop.
Ruyi is  going crazy at her old lady appearance (she doesn’t even look that much older, I actually think she’s prettier like that) and Daoling makes her happier by giving her an enchanted mirror. But when it comes time to eat, she feels unwell and he looks at her pulse. She’s pregnant. Ok. I am sorry but... wtf? So wow. Every night, he transformed himself to look like Xu Xian and they slept together. Wow. How bold. She goes crazy. Wang Daoling looks so hurt.
Back home, Jiaorong talks to Gongfu about how nobody wanted to sell her ingredients to cook, saying Suzhen is a demon. They try to hide it from her, but she already knows. How cute too. Jiaorong and Xiao Qing are like best friends. Probably because Jiaorong is always taking care of her (where’s the baby though?).
So Ruyi is getting older because of the baby eating her energy. Even she tries to hurt it, there’s no use. Her only way to survive is to stop being a human and become a demon. Wow. She’s already a demon. She’s a fox. Anyways, he tells her she needs a demon’s core to do so. So she’s going to kill Wang Daoling... no. I don’t like the guy but still. Poor guy. He’s so excited about the baby and wants a little daughter beautiful like Ruyi. But then, she stabs him. He looks so sad that she betrayed him. Even in death, he still loves her so much.
In the graveyard, Suzhen and Xu Xian bumps into Ruyi. At first, they don’t recognize her and she attacks Suzhen to kill her. Then the inner demon tells him to kill Xu Xian, but she doesn’t want to. Suzhen asks her who is the child’s father, if she tells her everything she could help. Xu Xian is like what? You’re pregnant? Suzhen tries to take out the inner demon, but since her powers were sealed, she can’t do it. She takes him go get Fahai. Why didn’t she take Ruyi with her? Like, bring her to Fahai? That would be quicker. By the time they come back, she might already be gone.
Woops. Fahai found Ruyi before they get him. He manages to extract the inner demon from, which put her in a lot of pain it seems, well she deserves it anyways. Then she decides to stop the inner demon so Xu Xian would forgive her and still remember her. Okay so the inner demon’s plan is to take over her baby’s body. Wow. Scary. So she enters the furnace since they are one body. Did it work? Did she killed the inner demon?
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Legend of the White Snake - Episode 29
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Wow. Suddenly everybody who disappeared come back. That Wang Daoling goes to meet Minister Liang disguised as a cultivator or a monk, I don’t know at this point. Anyways, minister Liang kicks him out so to gain his confidence, he organizes on purpose and accident to pretend to save him. He must have learnt with Ruyi.This is starting to get confusing. I think I’m going to go to bed and continue tomorrow morning, because I don’t understand why all of the doctors are out and none of them can help the lady from a few episodes earlier to give birth. Moreover, it’s too early? I’m lost.
So they fetch for Xu Xian and he refuses at first because he has no experience, but then hasn’t really a choice but to go. Suzhen knows something is wrong and someone is trying to frame Xu Xian again (Wang Daoling). So she asks Xiao Qing to come with her and help. She’s invoking some immortals using the fact that Xiao Qing is half immortal too. Those two are really unhappy to be summoned by demons, but they try to convince them that somebody is using evil aura to injure the innocent. And it works, Wang Daoling get struck by lightning.
Mu queen gives birth to twins and everybody is safe for now! Mu King thanks deeply Xu Xian but then Xu Xian thanks him for saving him back then. Wooops. It wasn’t the real Mu King, so he’s a little bit confused. Then he thinks about how the Mu King was worried about him and understands it probably was Suzhen.
Xiao Qing is happy that her half-immortal blood could be of any use for Suzhen, but Suzhen is still worried that it hasn’t ended yet.
Back home, Jiaorong puts grapefruit leaves in the water. In Chinese, grapefruit is 柚子(yòuzi) and is pronounced like 有子(yǒuzǐ) which translates literally as having a kid. Cute. I love Chinese because of that. In what other language can you make so many riddles with words like this? Anyways, that’s good fortune for them to have kids.
An evil spirit comes in at night and gives a bad dream to Jiaorong in which Suzhen is revealed as the big White Snake. Jiaorong wakes up scared to death.
Ruyi hears people talking about Suzhen and praising her, saying she’s a bodhisattva. She gets angry and people call her crazy for saying that Suzhen is a demon. Then she throws on the ground all the medicine. Jiaorong happens to pass by and pays for he medicine Ruyi ruined, even though she doesn’t speak to her. She’s then kind of possessed again by an evil spirit and she decides to join forces with Ruyi to kill Suzhen.
An old man comes to seek Xu Xian’s help to save his wife, but while he follows the old man, Xu Xian feels there’s something wrong and finds a way to escape. However it’s too late and to add to that, Wang Daoling is using his powers to enhance the man’s martial abilities. Right as he was about to be killed, King Mu comes and saves Xu Xian. But they can’t manage to kill that man. Wow. For once, Ruyi is useful. She stops Wang Daoling from controlling that man and breaks the spell.
Xu Xian suspects that Minister Liang is still looking to cause him trouble because he believes he has stuff left from his father. So Suzhen suggests they find the evidence so it will all stop. And she uses Jin Song’s mark he left her to travel to the past and they go meet with Xu Xian’s father. They have a nice little talk, but before they can get any information, soldiers come to get Xu Xian’s father.
I’m starting to feel that there are too many unresolved plot in this drama and there are like... 7 episodes left. That’s not enough.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Legend of the White Snake - Episode 20
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Back home, the flame is getting weaker. If Suzhen doesn’t come back any time soon, the chances of Xu Xian surviving are really low.
Suzhen gets caught as snake demon. The Emperor wants to kill her right away, but the emperess says they should first ask why she came in before punishing her. She begs for the medicine to save Xu Xian, no matter the price, but the guard that caught her wants to get rid of her right away, because she’s necessarily lying. An old man though intercedes in her favour, well probably not exactly, he mostly says let’s not ruin the party with this. Another person also suggests that they release her. Someone else objects because it would make them look bad. Thus the Emperor asks his wife what she thinks about it. She sentences to reflect in the dungeon because they shouldn’t interfere with the way of life. Suzhen won’t submit and tries to take the medicine away, but she’s really not a match for them, especially without her core.
Back home, Ruyi is scheming again. She makes sure both Gongfu and Jiaorong will think she’s such a good girl. BUT SHE’S THE ONE WHO KILLED XU XIAN. Don’t be fooled TT The time limit has come and she makes sure to turn Jiaorong against Suzhen. Li Gongfu tries to excuse her, saying she’s so sad that she can’t face the reality, but... he’s not a good talker and Ruyi is so vicious. It just adds oil to the fire.
Suzhen was about to get killed when she’s saved by Guanyin! FAST! RUYI IS RUINING EVERYTHING! Please go back Suzhen. She even convinces them to let Suzhen save Xu Xian. Quick! I’m so worried she will be late now.
Jiaorong orders to bury Xu xian. I hope Suzhen made it back on time. Okay, not right now. Going back to the past, she comes back only to see a dying Jin Song. What? No.... I don’t want this. He just came back. I liked that character. I don’t want him to disappear. He even sacrificed himself for Suzhen. They better not move Xu Xian. Jin Song died for him to come back to life. I’m crying so loud right now. I don’t want this to happen.
And now they come to take Xu Xian before Suzhen came back. Hopefully Xiao Qing is there and she begs Fahai to tell them there’s still hope to save Xu Xian. I am already so depressed that Jin Song died, please give me a break.
Suzhen came back and the flame is still burning. Xiao Qing asks them to get out, but Ruyi again. Mind your own business. Who are you to decide with what happens to Xu Xian? Thank you Li Gongfu for still having faith in Suzhen and taking those two ladies away. Jiaorong, get away from that Ruyi. I hope you see soon enough what an evil person she is. At least, she still hopes that Suzhen can save him.
So the immortal herb, if given to humans can bring them back to life. However, the price to pay is that Xu Xian is going to forget all of his memories. Omg. What? No, why? That would be so sad. To Suzhen, as long as she can save him, she doesn’t care if he doesn’t remember her, as long as he’s alive. So she asks Fahai to help her and he’s bewildered to see that such a demon can exist. So the three of them work together to save Xu Xian. They manage to do it ;^; THIS IS SO SAD. I don’t want him to forget about her. He loved her so much ): What even is this.
WHAT THE HELL? Why is Ruyi the person next to him when he wakes up? What is she doing there. Kick her out of that room right this instant. Every time they talk about Suzhen, he doesn’t remember her and it gives him a headache. Poor thing. And why must of all time Ruyi be there? She’s for sure going to use that information to get rid of Suzhen when she sacrificed everything for Xu Xian, while Ruyi took everything away from him.
Suzhen also finally wakes up after having a nightmare where Xu Xian bids her farewell. Or was it true? It’s not really clear. Xiao Qing informs her that Xu Xian woke up and asks her if she would go to see him, but Suzhen doesn’t want to, anyways he doesn’t remember her and seeing her would only cause him worry and pain. Such a good wife TT I feel so sad for her. She goes out for a walk and fresh air.
While she’s standing on the bridge, Xu Xian runs to her, telling her to be careful. Then when he sees her face, he feels unwell and asks her if they met before. Please don’t answer. She just tells him to rest and is about to leave when he calls her name. She’s so happy and asks him if he remembers who she is, but he just guessed that she’s the wife they told him about. He asks her if they a good relationship because every time he hears of her, he gets such headaches and she tells him to forget everything, to not hold onto it since they now don’t have anymore a relationship. But he doesn’t want to. Even so she leaves and tells him to rest well. Of course. Ruyi had to hear all of this. OF COURSE. Can we get rid of her already?
OH wow. What the hell? How can someone think like that? Ruyi wants to make Xu Xian ill in a way that Suzhen can heal him and only Ruyi could give him the antidote. Because Wang Daoling would give it to her only. Poor Wang Daoling. Ruyi will never like you. Great. Now Jiaorong hates Suzhen.
Hahaha. Ruyi, you can’t pass through Suzhen. She smelled the poison and takes it away from Ruyi. But oh gosh. Now it comes in that Suzhen is bullying Ruyi. I hate that girl. But hahahahaha! Get out Ruyi, you can’t win over Suzhen. Suzhen says she didn’t do enough those last days and that from now on she’s going to take care of Xu Xian, it’s not good for Ruyi’s reputation to keep on doing  so. And big sis agrees. Until Ruyi mentions the fact that Xu Xian gets headaches every time they mention Suzhen. Yikes. And like. As soon as Xu Xian wakes up, he’s calling for his wife, but when he sees he gets a headache and Jiaorong kicks out Suzhen.
Just... Poor Suzhen, really. I feel so bad for her. And just... I used to pity Ruyi but she’s the devil. I can’t pity her anymore and want her to just... go away. And get punished for her evil doings.
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caiusthecat · 6 years
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these are fantastic ocs, that are totally not mine! love them? Check out @rienlen
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Legen of the White Snake - Episode 18
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Wang Daoling took Ruyi back to his den to show her something that will prove his identity. If she’s willing to stay, all of his treasures are hers. She asks him if he has any magic powers and he demonstrate by lighting a candle. She tells him to change into Xu Xian’s form, but he tells her that about the most handsome form he can get, since frogs are just ugly in the beginning. Going for a handsome avatar would be a waste of energy. Like big time. Well he changes, but he can’t hold it more than a few seconds, which makes Ruyi angry. And here’s why Xu Xian could never be with her. She only likes him because he’s handsome. If he were ugly, she wouldn’t even think of him ):
Awww. Suzhen ships Xiao Qing and Yutang. How cute. They did has planned and are giving free consultations. Fahai happens to pass by and is still confused. Then he hears people, other doctors, say that they only do that to increase their income, so when it’s not free, people would still come to them. Right then he sees people giving stuff to Xu Xian’s big sister. Nooo. They are really genuine about it.
Ruyi tries to leave Wang Daoling’s place and he tells her that it’s not he doesn’t want to get rid of Bai Suzhen for her, it’s just that she’s a snake too old and powerful for him to win over. Ruyi rushes to go tell Xu Xian about it but Daoling stops her from doing so. If she doesn’t show her real form, there’s no way Xu Xian is going to believe it. Right then, Fahai comes in. Oh no. I don’t like this. Well it’s to be expected that Xu Xian will know someday, it’s in the legend. Oh crap crap crap...
I’m just having one little problem with that. It’s like... Why does Fahai comes in and out of the story like that? I mean, he’s there for a few seconds in here and there. As if they don’t have time for his story? I don’t know, it does bother me a little because it lacks... hm, how do I say that? Consistency? I don’t know, it’s not continuous, I really lose track about what’s happening to him. I feel like there’s too many plot right now. I can see how they can be linked, but it’s still a little confusing.
As I thought, Minister Liang took his underling back. Well, at least he kind of takes care of his people. I can’t decide wether he’s just evil or if it’s only because he’s hurt since his kid died. I don’t know. But he’s probably at the very least a little bit evil.
Dragon boat festival is at the corner and Jiaorong is teaching Suzhen to make zongzi. Have you ever eaten zongzi? That is just one of the best things in the world. I especially like the ones with dates in it! Anyways, Suzhen notices that Jiaorong wraps the zongzi differently. She explains, it’s a different kind of zongzi and the name is actually homophones with like... a wish to have a son haha. They are thinking of Xu Xian and Suzhen getting a baby how cute. But why don’t they make one themselves first? Hahaha. Big sister is trying to play the matchmaker for Xiao Qing too. How cute. I love Xu Xian’s big sister.
Xiao Qing thus invites Yutang to drink and complains about how they are pushing her to get married, but Yutang suggest that they go to the temple and pray together haha. Poor Xiao Qing.
On their way to the temple, Minsiter Liang posted assassins to get rid of Xu Xian and Suzhen, but their car intercepts by accident a consort of high rank and since the lady heard of them, she was eager to actually meet them. They are all going to  the Guanyin temple and decide to travel all together. So the assassins have no choice but to retreat. All three of them wishes for a son.
Xiao Qing and Yutang get to the temple and  Yutang prays for a gentle spouse someday. Xiao Qing isn’t really interested and thinks it’s better to live a happy life free and by herself. At that temple, there’s a tree wrapped in red ribbon and it is said that if two people catch the same string, they are meant to be. It’s a little more complicated than that hm. It’s a kind of fate. Without it, no matter how hard you try, your couple won’t hold on the long run. Xiao Qing tries it and ends up pulling the same string as Yutang. Seeing that, she says that’s just bullshit and she decides it’s time to leave haha. Those two <3 Yutang keeps the red string.
So Ruyi tries to trap Fahai and seems to be quite successful at it. She pretends to be attacked by a demon and makes sure Fahai saves her. She then asks him for something to defeat demons because she’s scared. Well, she just want to take down Suzhen. Then, he gives her a hm... I don’t how to say this, like... the necklace thing with beads? It’s going to protect her from demons if she wears it and if a demon wears it, it won’t be able to use their powers.
Ruyi and Wang Daoling makes Suzhen use her powers which makes her pretty weak, especially since that period of the year is the worst for snakes. Xiao Qing scolds her for using her powers to heal somebody, but Suzhen thought that the poisoning was weird and that if she didn’t act, they would use this opportunity to bother again Xu Xian. Suzhen also tells Xiao Qing to go in hiding, since her cultivation is not high enough to maintain her human form, but she herself won’t go because she has a bad feeling that something would happen. No ): If she does that, she’s trapping herself and without Xiao Qing to help her... aoutch...
Ruyi pretends to be sick in front of Xu Xian’s house so she would get in. And then it works. Xu Xian believes in Ruyi and won’t listen to Suzhen who fears she still hasn’t given up. Well Xu Xian is  too naive. Suzhen is still feeling unwell and he worries that he has to leave her alone now that Xiao Qing is gone. Right then, Ruyi offers to take care of her, but Suzhen won’t agree because she’s a guest and sick. Then Ruyi offers her the beads from the monk, but of course, Suzhen can’t accept that... That girl.
But you know what, it’s really sad. Because even if she managed to harm Suzhen, she won’t even get what she wants and she will end up being the one who hurt so bad Xu Xian. Like... why does those girls never notice something so easy to understand. Maybe because I am the opposite and don’t go for what I want in life, so I to me it’s evident? I don’t know but gosh. Please, just stop.
And please, bring back Jin Song. We need him back. Because I liked him.
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dreamingsushi · 4 years
Legend of the White Snake - Episode 22
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They both miss each other so much. Those two. Stop breaking my heart, please.
Xiao qing tries to cheat by using her powers to copy the books, but Fahai won’t let her.
Next morning, when Ruyi goes to see Xu Xian, she notices he fell asleep while looking at a portrait he made of Suzhen and she gets angry.
Xiao Qing is finally done with copying and gets angry about being called half immortal. She then says that Fahai actually doesn’t understand what is having fun and offers to take him experience it a little, but he’s... well he’s a monk, and a very strict one at that. That obviously wouldn’t be easy.
When Xu Xian goes back to his room, it’s only to find people moving his stuff away. Ruyi asked a fengshui master and he said to change everything in the room because it’s not proper for good luck. Then Jiaorong reminds him he has  to get married with Ruyi and that his previous wedding was shattered because they didn’t take care of arranging his room properly. Big sis then forces him to take Ruyi out for a walk and she won’t listen to him. This is so unfair for him. He doesn’t like Ruyi...
Hahahaha. Wow. Xiao Qing takes Fahai to drink. That’s so funny. He doesn’t want to drink it because to him alcohol is only changing someone’s behaviour wildly. But Xiao Qing tells him that if he wants to go around in this world, he needs to understand why people experience sadness and happiness. Actually, Xiao Qing is pretty smart. If he wants to take her back to read rites, he must first answer that question and she leaves him.
Xu Xian tells once again that he can’t marry Ruyi, because she’s just a little sister to him, there’s no feelings between a man and a woman. So he asks her to retreat from that wedding, but she won’t. And if he doesn’t want to help organizing the wedding because he’s too unwell, she’ll take care of everything with Jiaorong. Poor Xu Xian. Why is everybody working against his happiness?
While looking out for Xiao Qing, Suzhen ends up in the shop where Xu Xian bought for her the hairpin. Then Ruyi comes in asking about wedding pins. Poor Suzhen. Hearing that must be so painful. She knows that if Ruyi is getting married, it’s probably to no one else but Xu Xian. Ruyi then notices her and invites her to her wedding. Then just as Suzhen tries to leave, Xu Xian gets in and Suzhen rushes out. Xu Xian doesn’t care for Ruyi and runs after Suzhen.
It rains a lot in this drama. But actually, it does rain a lot in Hangzhou. That’s pretty convenient hehe. Seems like he couldn’t catch her and asks a boatman if he can take shelter from the rain in his boat. Boat in which Suzhen is already sitting. She’s about to congratulate him for his wedding, but he stops her. Because he doesn’t understand if they are going a separate path, why does everything he lays his eyes on reminds him of her. Awww. Cell memory. Your eyes remember how much you cherished her, but your brain can’t process the information. Poor darling. He doesn’t understand why she pushes him away. Since the rain stops, she leaves first, but he follows her.
Just right then, Xiao Qing is again running after Ruyi to kill her. Awww. Xiao Qing. From the beginning, you should have poisoned her <3 When Ruyi is about to reveal Suzhen’s real identity, she uses magic to silence her and takes her away for a private talk. She’s scaring Ruyi so bad hehehe.
Xiao Qing almost revealed everything to Xu Xian again, saying how much Suzhen sacrificed for him.
Suzhen threatens Ruyi that if she dares to hurt again Xu Xian, she’ll come and kill her. For now she doesn’t not because she’s scared of her, but because she doesn’t want to hurt Xu Xian’s feelings.
Yikes. They are really holding that wedding? I am so unhappy about that. Xu Xian too. He doesn’t wear his wedding clothes. He’s firm about it. He won’t marry her and his sister is saying on and on again how Ruyi took care of him when he was sick. He says that there are many ways of thanking someone, so why should he get married with her? Well if he doesn’t marry Ruyi, he should never call her his sister anymore. Here, I think she’s really selfish and doesn’t even care about his little brother’s happiness. I mean, what the point of being alive to be forced to live with someone he doesn’t like. He would never be happy.
Xiao Qing isn’t happy about that wedding so she starts a huge storm. When Ruyi falls down on the ground, Xu Xian helps her up and tells her to go home since the weather is so bad and he’s going to explain to everyone it’s his mistake. Ruyi is still acting like everything is going to go her way.
Fahai has a fight with Xiao Qing because she started the storm but this time he won’t spare her and he traps her inside his bowl.
Suzhen realizes Xiao Qing went to cause ruckus and rushes out to stop her.
Jiaorong comes out to see why Xu Xian hasn’t come back with Ruyi yet and she’s surprised that he’s not wearing his wedding clothes. Then he sees the umbrella she’s using and the engravings on it are the one he made for Suzhen. Is he going to finally remember?
And just when he remembers everything, he sees Suzhen in town. No matter how Ruyi and Jiaorong tries to stop him from going, he runs to Suzhen. Right then, Wang Daoling tries to kill Xu Xian twice, but Suzhen stops him. That’s just what you deserve Ruyi. Being humiliated like this for trying to impose that wedding. Now they won’t separate ever again. True love always win aww. I’m just so cheesy, I’m disgusting myself.
Fahai says Xiao Qing was killing people, so he’s taking her to Jinshan to cultivate. Then she asks him if he’s blind. She didn’t kill anyone, she just made the wind blow to ruin the wedding. He doesn’t believe her and then... HIS LOVE RIVAL COMES IN AND SAVES XIAO QING. I was starting to think it was a long time since we hadn’t seen Zhang Yutang. That’s a problem with this drama. New characters come in and disappear before coming back again. Anyways, he makes Fahai run away.
Xu Xian apologize to everybody for this aborted wedding, but he already has a wife and it’s Suzhen, he can’t marry Ruyi. Because of his illness, he did many stupid things. Ruyi and Jiaorong tries to convince him again, but he’s decided. He won’t marry Ruyi. Ruyi then suggests she becomes the wife and Suzhen becomes like... the second wife. Jiaorong asks Suzhen to be reasonable, but she answers that she won’t leave Xu Xian ever again. So Jiaorong then suggests that they both become wives, equally. Suzhen doesn’t say anything, but Xu Xian refuses. He can only love Suzhen. He would do anything to repay Ruyi, except marrying her.
Ruyi then gets angry and decides to tell everybody that Suzhen is a demon, but Xu Xian is like dudette, I know better than anyone who she is and she’s my only wife in this one and the next. Ruyi tries to kill Suzhen, but woops. She ends up stabbing Xu Xian. Finally, Jiaorong wakes up and sees Ruyi true face. So Ruyi promises that she’ll take revenge for that day.
Wow. Xu Xian lies to his big sis  to protect Suzhen. He tells her she wasn’t even there when she was hurt, because he sent her get something. But then she doesn’t understand why Suzhen never tried to explain herself. Xu Xian says he and Suzhen can still take care of Ruyi, but she probably won’t let them, so he asks his sister to help him with that.
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