#when that is all determined by external influences that want to keep you thin
lewvithur · 5 months
weight gain as healing is a very good trope but i thought of an offshoot which is just as good, maybe even better
may i present to you: weight gain as re-establishing bodily autonomy
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cboeck-webdesign · 11 months
You can reprogram your subconscious mind with these techniques
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With the help of mental training it is possible to realign yourself, so you can program your subconscious and overwrite old beliefs. Whatever thoughts and beliefs you permanently imprint on your subconscious, they will all manifest themselves sooner or later on the outside. Life has two sides, the conscious and the unconscious. There is the visible world and the invisible world. Our subconscious mind controls all the main functions of the organs and works for our good, interrupted day and night. You can harness this power and influence your subconscious mind through affirmations and self-hypnosis. Whatever you permanently impress upon it will also be reflected on the outside.  
The 3 levels of consciousness
Your consciousness is the conscious mind that makes decisions in everyday life and determines which direction you personally want to go. It is, in practical terms, your willpower that directs you. But of course, our conscious mind cannot accomplish such complex tasks as the subconscious mind, which controls the heart and blood circulation and other vital organs. The power of the subconscious mind is a lot more powerful than the conscious mind and can be easily influenced by autosuggestion. Nevertheless, the conscious mind and subconscious mind must form a unity in order to achieve goals. With the conscious mind, we think and act according to, our own ideas. We choose, with it the place of residence, the life partner and the environment. The consciousness is the objective mind, which deals with visible things outside, while the subconscious as a subjective mind forms the inner world. The subconscious mind does everything to make you feel good and will realize every thought you permanently impress upon it. The power of the subconscious is enormous, it controls our bodily functions even during sleep, shows us solutions in dreams and helps us to make the right decisions from our gut. Provided you are convinced of it. The subconscious is most easily influenced by suggestion, affirmations and the figurative imagination. It doesn't matter to our subconscious whether we have predominantly good or predominantly bad thoughts, it manifests that which we keep thinking about. Our subconscious is like a garden, everything that we plant in our thoughts will bear fruit. What we think again and again, that shapes us. Already from childhood opinions and beliefs flow on us, until we are 18 years old we develop more than 100,000 negative beliefs that we internalize. You are not good enough, you are too small, too tall, too fat, too thin, we store everything that relatives and family have suggested to us over the years. And the remedy for this is: reprogram yourself with autosuggestion and affirmations. Our subconscious mind does not check whether a thought is good or bad, it starts to realize it when we are convinced of it. Recommended books by Joseph Murphy, on this subject are, The Power of Your Subconscious* and How You Can Achieve Anything in Life.*. What is the role of the superconscious, often called the higher self? It is practically like a protection for us. Simply put, the superconscious is the higher self and our inner voice. Also PSI abilities, such as mental connections to other people or remote viewing stand with it in connection.   The world within you is what creates your external environment. It is the only power and everything you encounter in your outer world has been created by yourself in the inner world of the mind - consciously or unconsciously  
Achieving goals with the help of the subconscious mind Programming your subconscious for success - the best tools and techniques:
  As mentioned above, a very powerful method, affirming even better, on the other hand, work subliminals. These affirmations are subliminal to the music and are hardly or not at all audible. With regular use of 4 -6 weeks the first results will show. If you are more on the spiritual path, you will prefer prayers to affirmations. That's okay too, because both are about developing a strong faith. In other words, convincing yourself that the desired state is realized. Personally, it also helped me to be grateful for good things, because everything we are grateful for, we realize. Gratitude brings us even more of what we desire. It also sends good feelings of appreciation and gratitude. Especially in the Secret, gratitude is a powerful tool. It is indeed the case that gratitude attracts the positive. My experience here is that it depends on the situation, but as a rule, gratitude causes us to receive more good in our lives. To this end, a small and personal story: the year 2014 was a year full of ups and downs, but at the beginning of the year I was not doing so well, I saw most things very negatively and believed that nothing would change so quickly. Then in April I started practicing gratitude regularly and reading books like today is your best day and what can I say, I met very good new friends, people who helped me to get out and do something and I published my first book in the same year and ended the year on a positive note. Since then I incorporate gratitude exercises in between every now and then. I have a little notebook where I write down what I was grateful for and what I am grateful for ahead of time. The vision board or vision book is also a brilliant thing to help you get closer to your goals, because you engage with it more consciously. You see your collages, the bulletin boards or slideshows every day. And you focus your mind on prosperity, well-being and everything good. You write your own script and, appropriately, it is also worth creating scripts that describe what you want to achieve. These should be written in past tense or dialogue form. And the most effective method comes now, namely visualization or imagination. Albert Einstein already said that imagination is everything.  
Using the imagination correctly
With the help of imagination we can picture a thought. I imagine it like a 3D hologram, creating what I want to achieve. You can see more and more details with time and add or change things, you could also describe it as a mold. Science has known for a long time that thoughts influence matter. Therefore it is worthwhile to deal more closely with one's own imagination and to train it. Reality is what we choose day by day, if we want to change something then we must first do it within ourselves. When we focus our attention and thoughts on things we love, things we want to achieve, then we take the first step in the right direction. It is your imagination that can shape reality, but imagination alone is not enough, you must also smell it, taste it and most importantly feel it. The feeling creates the attraction not just the image alone. The visual image is very powerful because our brain only thinks in images. Our imagination has the potential to create reality. But we are taught at an early age to distinguish between reality and imagination. Imagination is the source of of everything, but we attach more importance and feistiness to the physical world. We can easily believe in something that we can see and touch. It is like a protection that not every thought comes true immediately and we can focus better on the environment. So the more attention you give to a desire or goal, the faster it will come true. To do this, you must also develop a strong conviction and act as if it is. The last part is for most the most difficult to get into action, pretending and radiating the feeling associated with the goal.   The first three steps to learn & improve visualization are 1. sit down relaxed, without letting your mind wander back and forth. Relax physically and mentally 2. in the second step, try to let your thoughts go and allow as little of them as possible. 3. now you mentally go to a place that evokes pleasant sensations in you. This can be a beautiful lake, a forest or a vacation spot. Imagine with all your senses what it is like to be there. The first thing to do here is to create a good feeling while imagining. This step also teaches the Master Key System, which helps you train your imagination in 24 exercises. However, physical and mental relaxation is part of many esoteric and Far Eastern teachings.     This is how the practical application looks like You can reinforce the imagination by visually adding more details, auditorily hearing people talking, hearing water rushing. Tastefully: by imagining yourself enjoying a good meal, and emotionally: by creating the feeling you want to have. Even more powerful is to combine visualization and affirmation, to give the affirmation even more strength and at the same time to train the muscle of imagination. Here you can learn how to best use the power of self-hypnosis: how to use self-hypnosis successfully.   Conclusion - How to reprogram your subconscious mind The most effective technique to reprogram your subconscious mind is self-hypnosis. In a relaxed and trance-like state, your subconscious mind is especially receptive to messages that you impress upon it. The ideal state to use affirmations is therefore just before falling asleep. When the critical mind or consciousness is at rest, the messages go directly to the subconscious. If you want to do the same thing during the day, you can use Silent Subliminals. These are silent affirmations that are also received directly by the subconscious mind. Here you can learn about the effect of silent subliminals and how to use them optimally: How to use subliminals correctly so that they work.   Follow me on Instagram Follow me on Twitter Follow me on LinkedIn Exclusive content only on Snapchat Subscribe to my newsletter Read the full article
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marmarparadoxa · 4 years
Concerning the Warriors - Reiner, Annie, Bertholdt
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“You were still ignorant children...and all of that was beaten into you by ignorant adults. You were just a child. What could you have done to fight that? Your environment. Your history.”
Nowadays, we’re assisting at the global mass-genocide that is exterminating every living being on the planet. This genocide has been determined and chosen by Eren, a single man, out of his personal, adamant convinction that that is the only practicable path.
However, this is not the first time that we’re assisted at something like that. Right from the very start, the Colossus and the Armor Titan, opening a breach in the most external ring of walls in Paradis, led Pure Titans to enters the walls, which resulted in the slaughtering of tons of people living in Wall Maria area. After that, Paradis people faced a severe food crisis, resulting in a further thinning of their population. In other words, what Reiner, Bertolt and Annie have committed, in their mission to retaking the Founder Titan, could easily be described as a partial genocide of Paradis inhabitants. 
However, they were just children (precisely, they were about 11-12 y.o.). Even after discovering the truth about their identity, I don’t truly realized it until their mission was showed from Reiner pov, showing us Marcel’s death, and how they managed to reach the walls from the coast where they have been left by Marley’s army. 
Right from their childhood, they were raised in an oppressive environment, taught about the crimes of the past Eldian empire, led to hate the devils of the island, told that they were nothing like them.
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They were trained to be perfect warriors, capable of perpetuating mass murder actions, not only against the devils of Paradis, but also against any other nations with whom Marley had the pleasure of going to war. And they did everything that they were asked to do. They attacked other nations, subdued their populations, increasing the power of Marley empire.
They were still ignorant children, raised and educated by ignorant adults. How could they have done otherwise, in such environmental conditions, given their history? And anyway, they were raised in such conditions, which would have prevented a full understanding of the meaning of their actions, of the cruelty of all the death they brought, right? How could they fight that?
The environment that surrounds you in your life, the “nurture” would affect who you’ll be. No one can escape that, we’re all subjected to this kind of influences, this is just the normalcy for every person. Moreover, that kind of influences is even stronger in your infancy, years when the environmental stimuli have a major impact of human subjects, both in cognitive, both in emotional terms. However, I think that speaking about a deterministic impact, one that would affect you leaving no room for personal thoughts, feelings and resistance, is grossly simplistic. And if we’re speaking about killing people, all in the name of your motherland, there’s no way one can simply cut things like that.
How could the warriors, even if still that young, agree to slaughter mass of people without giving it a thought, just because someone has told them that they’re devils, or that they are their enemies of war? How could someone do something like that without even try to oppose to that, or worse, thinking that all of that is right?
By choosing to become Warriors, and then managing to become one of them, they were allowed to lead a privileged life in Marley’s nation, they were able to improve their own social position and that of their families. We don’t know much about Bertoldt, but Reiner’s case shows us fully the self-serving range of the motivations that he had to do what he did. He never thought about improving the social standing of Eldian people to the eyes of the rest of the world, he has never had great aims in mind. He just wanted to bring happiness to his lonely mother, to live in an happy family. Mostly, he wanted to “save the world”, to be a hero, because he just wanted people to respect him.
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And his mother did nothing but encouraged him in pursuing his mission, the mission that Marley has assigned to him. She always encouraged him to become a warrior, strongly believing in Marley’s ideology, and she cried with emotion and pride seeing his sons finally parading on the carriage with the other warriors, ready to go on a mission of genocide of their own contrymen devils on the other side of the sea. What a touching family scene.
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And a similar thing has happened to Annie. Her adoptive father raised her forcing her to undergo a rigorous combat training, because he wanted for her to become a warrior, to improve their life conditions. However, he eventually changed his mind. Differently from Reiner’s mother, he recognized that he just wanted from his daughter to return back, and that nor being a warrior and the honors that ensued that, none of it mattered, but Annie coming back alive.
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Hence, contrary to Reiner, she doesn’t disguised her motivation under the appearance of noble aspirations, like “becoming a hero” and “saving the world” from the devils.
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“They’re all liars, every one of them!! They only ever think about themselves!! And I’m the same!! I need to get back alive!”
She didn’t give a shit about that stuff, she simply admitted the selfishness of her motives. When faced with their mission, she just did all of what was necessary in order to stay alive. She simply went with the flow, without trying to oppose herself against external forces.
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Speaking to Marlowe, she also affirms that acting in that way is just what regular people do.
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Therefore, she asks Marlowe to think of her just as human.
And then Bertholdt. He has never been the leader of the group, he has never taken the initiative. He has never given the impression of being convinced of the rightfulness of what they were doing, nevertheless, he still opened a breach in the wall, not only once, but twice, in Wall Maria and in Wall Rose. 
However, in RtS arc, these were his last thoughts before turning himself again into the Colossus titan:
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“No one’s at fault here...Nothing could have made a difference. Not in a world that is this cruel.” 
So, they could have done nothing to avoid what they have done. They were forced to do all of that, by a so cruel world. There was no way to things to have been different, so no there’s no one to blame.
So, is that true? Is it reasonable to say that Reiner, Bertoldt and Annie acted just as regular people? They didn’t have the possibility to make a difference? Was it only environment and history, and their compelling forces, that obliged them to do what they did?
Of course, there’s no definitive, simple answer. They were actually just children, abandoned on an unknown island, just three kids with an incredible mission. They were raised in an envirnoment which led them to believe that the inhabitants of Paradis were devils, and no one ever contradicted this statement. However, they came to know that island, to know their inhabitants, still, they continued in their mission. In order to rule his sense of guilt, Reiner developed a dissociative disorder, splitting his personality and his memories. In that way, he manages to persevere in their mission, while still continuing to behave like a soldier.  Bertholdt and Annie, on the other hand, had to endure their sense of guilt, and somehow they continued to carry out their duty as warrior. They suffered as well. They had to go against their feelings, causing Marco’s death, in order to keep their secret.
Could they have done otherwise? Wasn’t it just environment and history in play?
I don’t think so. They chose every action that they did. They chose to kill Marco in order to preserve their lives, they chose to open a breach in the walls, causing the death of so many people, and they chose to betray their friends.  Whatever effect does your environment exerts on you, whatever flow tries to drag you, humans have still the possibility to choose (at least, this is what everyone who believes in free will thinks. Otherwise, we’re not more than deterministic machines). This is what defines the human nature, the possibility to choose according to your own judgement, and the responsibility that ensue. Hence, certainly the history, the environment determined the circumstances, but eventually it was just them, and their choices, along with their awful consequences.
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Now, they’re fighting together with the Alliance. They have chosen to oppose to Eren, to the mass genocide that he’s perpetuating. It seems that there’s no possibility to fight him, that there’s no possibility to overcome such overwhelming power (according to Eren, the power of a predetermined history). But they have still chosen the most difficult path, the one of opposing to him, and they’re doing that by joining their forces with their prior enemies. They’re not forgetting their precedent sins, and there’s no way to atone for all of what they did. But now they are choosing what to fight for on their own. Now they’re going against history and environment.
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rustingawayslowly · 4 years
Advantages of Composting for the Environment
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Garden enthusiasts worldwide know that compost is an exceptional garden soil conditioner and additive which boosts the productiveness and also workability associated with almost any type of topsoil. Digging in aerobic garden compost into your existing garden soil, makes it richer and healthier helping plant life develop more quickly and more powerful which as a side effect will help our world in a wide range of simple ways from food production to irrigation.
This is exactly why Aerobic Garden compost is loved and cherished by garden enthusiasts all around the world because it has plenty of mineral deposits and nutrients which are suitable for promoting the healthy, rich and rapid development of plants.
The technique behind aerobic composting depends on the basic idea of return, which deals with the theory of whatever you put in can help determine what it is you go out. Composting yard garden waste products plus kitchen area leftovers is probably the most helpful and also the easiest action you can require to reduce waste and establish a good, sustainable garden.
Utilising compost within your back garden recycles minerals and vitamins and organic and natural matter which helps to grow hassle-free flowers or vegetables by using a lot less water, business fertilizers and even pesticides. Knowing what compost actually is in addition to how it can help your garden, will lead to high quality garden compost, even for those newbie gardeners, so following is a quick check list describing the specific seven components required to guarantee an efficient and healthy composting stack.
1. The Correct Kind Of Products - We're continuously being notified that for people to keep in good condition we need a well-balanced diet and exactly the very same holds true about the compost heap. All the ingredients that you add to your composting stack are its sources of food and energy.
Composting microbes make it through best on a mix of succulent yummy nitrogen abundant materials called "greens", such as fresh new lawn clippings, weeds, and also garden flora, along with woody carbon rich elements called "browns", like fall leaves, branches, straw or paper.
I would believe that you might have all discovered before that including simply food wastes from the cooking area in your garden compost is a great idea. While this does work, a good mixture of browns and greens is necessary for creating fast results. As a general guideline, you must load your aerobic composting stack, or composting bin with one part "Green" type products to around 30 parts of "Brown" type materials.
This ratio is necessary because an aerobic stack containing lots of browns will require a long time to decay, whilst a lot of greens will lead to a smelly algae kind of mess.
Remember, that too produce the best type of garden compost, all the products you add to the compost pile need to have these following characteristics. 1), they must be bio-degradable and 2), they ought to consist of products that are liked by the micro-organisms. Then this suggests that you really need to avoid the things they do not like such as different meats, bone pieces, fats and cooking oils as well as milk related items merely since they do not disintegrate successfully and typically make the compost heap smell bad. Also, consisting of meat associated items to an aerobic compost pile is a lot like offering an open welcome for rats and other such scavenging animals to feed on your compost heap.
2. Product Size - As with a lot of things in this life, size really does matter. Adding large branches, big leafy products and even whole food items on your compost heap is only going to decrease its rate of decomposition. All of the composting microorganisms, bugs and composting worms living in your compost only have little jaws so naturally they like smaller sized portions to chew on. Cutting bigger organic food products in to smaller sized bits, by using a saw, garden shredder or your mower will help break down the bigger items into smaller bite-sized portions.
Nearly all germs's and micro-organisms generally have a tough time finding their preferred foods contained within large woody type brown materials due to their hard outsides so shredding the materials you add helps them on their way. Because the compostable products are made much smaller sized, a lot more surface area and inner area will be exposed to the microbes which perform the job of decay.
If these products are separated and decreased in advance, it can help speed up the decomposition process since the smaller sized the pieces, the much faster they can decay. Nevertheless there is also a disadvantage in shredding woody materials to carefully.
These smaller sized particles will likely produce a more compacted aerobic compost pile reducing ventilation and air circulation inside the load which might in turn result in an anaerobic condition because of the insufficient oxygen therefore the stack may have to be handed over more regularly.
3. The Compost Tons Size - How huge your composting load is also makes a huge difference not simply to the speed of decay but for the last quality of the finished pile. Generally, a compost pile needs to be at most comparable to about one cubic metre (3 x 3 x 3 feet) in volume as this makes it easier to handle. Smaller sized aerobic piles have a tendency to dry easily therefore require regular watering, although commercially available composting bins which have strong sides plus a lid can help keep smaller stacks damp. Larger aerobic composting piles inhabit a lot additional area and will need to be shelled out to allow more air into their center.
Furthermore, forking over an aerobic compost heap regularly to move freshly included external products towards the stacks center, or perhaps to a different location or composting bin is much easier and much less effort when the real size of the compost heap is much more convenient.
4. Water Content - Another essential element with regards to fast aerobic composting is the appropriate quantity of water. Microbes reside in thin watery films which surround the elements within the compost heap so it helps to keep the compost heap damp at all times. If your stack ends up being dried out, the bacterial microbes are unable to work successfully so include some extra greens. Must the stack become too damp, the bacterial microorganisms are not able to receive the quantity of oxygen they want to breath so include some extra browns and hand over the pile to mix it in.
It is basic to discover if your compost pile contains the appropriate volume of water (40-60%), merely take hold of a little handful from the compostable material and after that squeeze it. If water permeates out through your fingers, then the pile has actually ended up being too damp. Ideally the garden compost needs to be a little damp, much like a moist fabric or sponge to be able to guarantee bacterial decay and development.
5. Aeration - the composting of products is certainly an aerobic process. In order to help develop premium garden compost quickly, a lot of fresh clean air is essential to let the microbes and bugs living and flourishing inside it breathe. Forking over your garden compost using a spade or pitchfork as soon as or even two times a week helps aerate the pile as well as putting the recently added fresher external materials into its middle and vice-versa.
The method of forking or turning and consisting of dry or coarse materials to the compost heap will help increase aeration, avoid odour-causing bacteria's from establishing and also help to speed up the aerobic composting procedure. This action of dishing out garden compost on a regular basis in order to help accelerate the piles decay process is known as "active composting". Just turning and forking the stack allows surplus water to leave and evaporate providing fresh tidy air to the pile at the same time.
6. Micro-organisms and Bugs - No aerobic composting stack worth its salt would not be complete without the presence of the microorganisms and bugs which do all the work. It is these tiny little air-breathing micro-organisms and their larger soil caring cousins which are found naturally within the soil structure that will flourish within the wet and nutrient-rich environments which you have developed.
The smaller sized decomposters for instance fungis and germs start the decay process whilst bigger sized bugs such as worms, beetles, millipedes and centipedes, finish the decomposition cycle. What's left behind is an almost black humus soil improving medium.
To be able to effectively develop and increase, all these macro and micro-organisms need an energy source like for instance the "browns", which provides them with a carbohydrate source and the "greens", which provides a protein rich source. In addition to these they also require oxygen and water to endure.
However much like humans, these bugs also like it warm and cosy, which indicates your compostable active ingredients will definitely be become a completed garden compost far more rapidly during the summer months when the sun's rays help warm things up compared to the chillier winter months.
7. Don't Hurry, Be Patient - Aerobic composting requires time. The speed or rate of composting trusts lots of aspects as we have seen, such as the wetness content, level of aeration, in addition to the carbon-to-nitrogen percentage, the real greens-to-browns ratio. Normally, aeration and humidity are typically the two key elements influencing the quantity of time needed to develop your completed compost.
But you can help Mother Nature on her way by regular forking and turning of your compost pile which will probably produce quality garden compost in about one or two months in the summertime whilst regular monthly turnings could develop compost from about 4 to 6 months in time. The fastest composting takes place when you have already pre-mixed the browns and greens materials, including some previous microbe abundant garden compost and turning or mixing up the stack weekly, in addition to managing the quantity of air and water. But if all that is simply excessive work, then sit back, relax and let the bugs do the work.
Aerobic compost is an excellent garden soil additive which increases the workability and performance of your garden soil. The right quantity and type of products you add into the compost pile really makes a big difference on the level of quality and the composting time period.
You ought to think of your aerobic compost heap as being like a self consisted of eco-system, and in order for it to develop and endure, this particular eco-system requires the right mixture of active ingredients and products such as "Oxygen" (the air), "Warmth" (the sun), "Food" (the compostable products), and "Moisture" (the water), with the resulting quality and amount of the ended up compost being figured out by simply how well you are able to manage and manage all of these 4 variables.
Visit now
http://thegardenofeden911.blogspot.com/2020/06/benefits-of-composting-for-environment_4.html http://gardendesignonline411.blogspot.com/2020/06/benefits-of-composting-for-environment.html http://growingwithplants411.blogspot.com/2020/06/advantages-of-composting-for-environment.html http://yougrowitgirl.blogspot.com/2020/06/benefits-of-composting-for-environment.html
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wallezhang · 3 years
How to have a high-grade girly feeling?
Older people can be girlish, but girlish can't be forever. Girlishis more about "looking good on your skin, body and mind" than "looking super cute" and acting like an emotionally stable adult every day. A few so-called girl feeling female star, to university student one station, still can see is the person of two ages, but compare with peer affirmation is young ~ girl feeling and girl face are two completely different concept, each age has moving one side ~ so, how to have girl feeling?
Source 1: Young
There are three types of girls:
The first type is born to look small, and if you dress in accordance with your style, you will look even smaller
In the 20 years of age, and no serious loss of collagen, the difference is the skeleton + weight, natural facial features appear small girl young state, close to the child's facial features, attack the feeling is very low, facial features long scattered, wide between the eyes;Skin is infinitely close to perfection; Hair exuberant, no sense of scarcity, face without excess hair; Smiling relaxes the muscles of the face naturally. Sisters with these characteristics will get twice the result by adhering to girlish style,
The second type is the middle style; appearance level development has been in line with the age or a little faster a little slower.
The influencing factors are maternal genes, facial bones, facial fat, daily environment (living in dry, windy and strong ultraviolet area), lifestyle (no sunscreen, smoking, drinking and chronic diseases), and two special conditions, excessive plastic surgery and chronic diseases. When they were young, little girl's face fat by haven't aging of fascia pocket, honestly stay where, mid the full, but age went up, the cheek fat began to decrease, and the increase in the number of fat to the jaw, face the bottom of the aging can let a person particularly old, keep the girl feeling, to ensure a clear jaw line and neck firming is quite important, the way to improve daily life is to keep your head up and avoid playing with your phone for too long.
The 3rd type is appears to be more mature than others of the same age, with a short or no teenage years
The main reason for the difference is the jawbone. Jaw mean extending from the ears to the contour of the jaw, contains a lower jaw and chin two parts, mature indicates a premature aging, it is a kind of facial bones, the maturity beyond their age, bone, don't be afraid, your appearance level dividend period will be very long, also like 25, 35 to keep in good skin condition, especially the dividend period long standby, the pink girl route will take some effort, more suitable for the strong sister style.
Source 2: All kinds of external blessings, from light bodies to bright clothes and small accessories
"High girlish sense" is not artificial hard and hollow, but dress, words and deeds, spiritual temperament are all for "high girlish sense", start with a large area that people will see at first sight.
1. Light body
Young girls, no matter how fat but the age is young, it depends on the exercise to maintain a reasonable weight, or pure do not eat thin, girl sense of common sense is light, is a healthy and reasonable weight. Women after gave birth to a baby, fast recovery weight that is much younger, disruptive to the handsome feeling will be fat face gently; keep a good weight will bring you a second life.
2. Protect the skin around your eyes
In women with large eyes, the orbicularis oculi muscle is more active and is more prone to puffy eyes. The total thickness of eye epidermis and dermis is only about 0.55 cm. Compared with the total thickness of facial epidermis and dermis about 2 cm; it is 1/3-1/5 thinner. It is the most aging part of the body.
3. Dress in light or bright colors
When you are A little older, girlish clothes are more girlish than super A clothes. Wear light pink, goose yellow and sky blue, which will definitely look better than dark yellow, wine red and black. It is recommended to wear it on the top after the light color is determined. Keep bright colors close to your face to add color to your face.
4. Heavy hair
Speak directly minefield, dew forehead + exposed hairline + directly exposed height of parietal, combined can transmit a feeling of thin hairline directly, also is the state of humans in the state of will go into old age, the same face, hair and parietal high vigor and young feeling stronger, while the latter is more age, thinning hair is also characteristic of aging. With some small "means" it is very important to increase hair amount, less hair and hair amount of medium girl first even make fleeciness feeling, hair should not stay too long, straight, at the top of the hair amount will break, sparse hair end look less, leaving hair + hot roll + dark hair color, such as black, dark brown, dark brown, tan, increase the thick feeling, create more and the characteristics of thick hair. Also pay attention to the side burns, very increase the girl's soft feeling. Use a curling iron to create an arc and spray gel water to shape the shape.
5. The blessing of makeup
The key word has come, up! Up is young characteristic, droop is contrary to it, the fascia layer that hangs the flesh after senescence flabby, facial soft tissue begins to go down, pore becomes big, eye week wrinkle, canthus droop, tear groove, black eye circle, corners of the mouth droop, it is droop all! Before a few years popular innocent eye makeup, eyeliner eye shadow to droop in the direction of the painting, so operating idea is right, but is more suitable for young girls, to reach a certain age face ruddy, rise and full on the painting, which is coated with red cheek, lips dizzy to create the shape, the thick, eyebrows to strong wild draw eyebrow, eye to eye end up painting, corners of the mouth to rise, show young things.
Pay attention to the source of girlish source and you’ll be what you want to be gradually.
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Thigh Liposuction. My Way
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Thigh Liposuction. My Way Summary Patients present for thigh contouring to take care of either obesity, fat collection, skin laxity, or both. The ideal patient for liposuction is the one who has localized areas of fat in the thigh but is otherwise fit and does not have skin laxity. Patients may also present with deformities after a prior attempt at thigh lift, or thigh liposuction elsewhere will benefit from thigh fat injection. Lower extremity liposuction treats lymphedema that does not entirely resolve with nonsurgical measures. There is a risk of contour deformity and skin laxity. Liposuction in the knee and thigh, therefore, must be conservative. Based on the experience of Prof Moawad for the last 20 years, he prefers syringe liposculpture of small thigh and the external ultrasound power-assisted liposuction for a large one. What is Thigh Liposuction? Who is the Right Candidate for Thigh Liposuction? Lower extremity liposuction is perfect for fit patients with disproportional fat distribution in the leg. This procedure has limited results in the inner thigh and knee because the skin is relatively thin and the fat is soft, so skin retraction is less likely than in hardier areas like the outer thigh. There is a risk of contour deformity and skin laxity, which may result in the need for later thigh lift in the upper inner thigh or fat grafting in the knee. Liposuction in the knee and thigh, therefore, must be conservative. Some women have fullness in the calf, which is aesthetically displeasing and makes boots challenging to wear. Skin laxity is possible after liposuction, and if this is anticipated, it is best to discuss the potential need for second-stage skin removal. Lower extremity. Liposuction may also be used to treat lymphedema that does not entirely resolve with nonsurgical measures. What are the Risks Involved in Thigh Liposuction? Liposuction performed under general anesthesia with hospital admission carries a higher risk of serious adverse events. This form of liposuction is referred to by some authors as “traditional” or “conventional,” Tumescent liposuction is a safe procedure on the condition that patients are carefully selected, the operating facility is adequately equipped, and the physician is adequately trained in the process. Tumescent liposuction has few significant side effects when performed by a qualified cosmetic surgeon says Prof Moawad. Will my Skin Hang after Thigh Liposuction? Prof. Moawad s initial assessment determines the amount of fat to be removed in order that your skin re-drapes appropriately. The degree of skin change after liposuction surgery is the same as one would expect if it were possible to lose an equal amount of fat in these localized areas only by dieting. Because the small cannulas simply make small tunnels through the fat, there remain multiple connections between the skin and the underlying tissue. These fibrous connections contract with the healing process and maintain the skin in its natural position. After liposuction by tumescent liposuction, one does not have to worry about excessive folds of the skin in the areas treated by liposuction surgery. This effect is so dramatic that many patients who previously would have required surgical excision of skin, called a tummy tuck, can now have excellent results by merely having power-assisted liposuction. At MSI, we are proud to be the first center in Egypt, who offers a post-liposuction particular skin tightening program that involves vacuum, soft laser, and photodynamic therapy using LED technology and radiofrequency.  Further tightening effect can be achieved only at MSI using the FDA-approved monopolar radiofrequency device for non-surgical skin lifts. Only those individuals with lax musculature and loose skin with or without excess fat might require further thigh lift. Are the Incisions of Thigh Liposuction will be Apparent?  Will I have scars? A tiny incision (2mm) is all that is required for the insertion of the tube. Incisions are generally small, about ¼ inch. At MSI our method of re-contouring leaves minimal scars, and Prof. Moawad strategically places incisions within the natural folds of the body. Can Other Areas be Performed During Thigh Liposuction? The most common areas for treatment include the abdomen, flanks (Love handles), and upper arms. Other areas include facial accumulations of fat, including a double chin, neck and jowls, breasts, hips, and knees, and recently breast. In men, liposuction can be used to correct gynecomastia. In addition, liposuction is used in the removal of sweat glands in the underarm to reduce excessive sweating, without affecting the body's ability to cool itself. Your Consultation for Thigh Liposuction During the consultation, Prof. Moawad will review your medical history, evaluate your present health, and assess the current condition of your skin, considering elasticity as well as a localized fat deposition. Your present weight, and whether you plan to lose or gain, will factor within this evaluation, along with what effects, if any, prior weight loss had on the areas of your body you want contoured. Your expectations will be addressed as to whether they can be realistically achieved, in addition to which body contouring method and procedure technique will be most suitable in your case. Prof. Moawad will discuss how factors like the general state of your health, overall condition of your skin, your weight, age, hormonal influences, and certain other factors, can all influence the outcome of your procedure. How Do I Prepare to Thigh Liposuction? You are provided with specific preoperative instructions, and preoperative photographs will be taken, which are essential aids in planning out and performing the procedure, due in part to the patient being in a horizontal position during the process. Postoperative photographs are taken at 3- and 6-months post-surgery (body photographs are faceless). If you smoke, you are advised to stop two weeks prior to your procedure. Smoking can affect the operation and impede healthy healing. Additionally, you must alert our medical staff to any medication you are taking; certain drugs like aspirin, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory, and Vitamin E may increase bleeding during and after the operation. In addition, some medicines, e.g. special antibiotics may interact with the local anesthesia. It is generally advised to stop eating and drinking at least 4-6 hours prior to the procedure. Pending your circumstances, you may want to arrange for someone to drive you home following your surgery, as well as to help you at home for a day or two.  It is recommended you reschedule your procedure should you develop a cold or an infection of any kind, especially a skin infection, as well as during your menstruation Preoperative Instructions - DO NOT SMOKE for 2 weeks prior to and 2 weeks after surgery. Smoking reduces blood circulation, slows down healing, and increases complications. - DO NOT TAKE ASPIRIN or products containing aspirin, or anti-inflammatories such as Brufen, Cataflam, and Ponstan for 2 weeks prior to or following your scheduled surgery. These medications affect your blood’s ability to clot and could increase your tendency to bleed during surgery or during the postoperative period. If you need to take a mild painkiller, you can take paracetamol. - DO NOT TAKE DIETARY SUPPLEMENTS for 2 weeks before and after surgery. These include vitamins, ginger, Gingko Biloba, garlic, ginseng, and fish oils. They may increase your risk of bleeding and bruising during and following surgery. - DO NOT DRINK ALCOHOL for 5 days prior to surgery. Alcohol may increase your risk of complications as well as bruising. - IF YOU DEVELOP A COLD, COLD SORE, FEVER, OR ANY OTHER ILLNESS PRIOR TO SURGERY PLEASE NOTIFY US. - DAY PRIOR TO AND DAY OF SURGERY: Please shower using only anti-bacterial soap. Males receiving abdominal or flank treatment may prefer to shave the treatment area; females receiving abdominal or thigh treatment may prefer to shave pubic areas below the hairline. - WEAR COMFORTABLE, DARK, LOOSE-FITTING CLOTHING on the day of surgery, including a shirt that buttons all the way up the front. Wear nothing that you must put on over your head. Slip-on shoes are recommended for maximum post-operative comfort. We suggest you safeguard your car seat and bedding with a protective cover as there will be some leakage of fluid following surgery. - LEAVE JEWELRY AND VALUABLES AT HOME. Do not wear wigs, hairpins, or hairpieces. - AVOID WEARING MAKEUP, FACIAL OR BODY MOISTURISERS. - SURGERY TIMES ARE ESTIMATES ONLY. You could be at the clinic longer than indicated. - ARRANGE FOR A DRIVER TO AND FROM SURGERY. We cannot discharge you to a taxi. Put a pillow and blanket in the car for the trip home. - HAVE A LIGHT BREAKFAST on the morning of surgery. Is Thigh Liposuction Procedure Painful? Will I be awake? The principal factor in determining the type of liposuction and kind of anesthesia patients should have, for example, straight tumescent method, sedation standby or sedation, are pain tolerance, the amount of fat to be removed, and the case past and current medical health conditions; all factors considered when selecting the anesthesia that will provide the safest, most effective level of comfort during your procedure. If only a small amount of fat and a limited number of body sites are involved, liposuction can be performed under local anesthesia, which numbs only concerned areas. The local is usually used along with intravenous sedation to keep you more relaxed during the procedure. Some patients enjoy being awake during the process, and Prof Moawad also prefers his patients to be awake in order that he obtain optimum positioning with patient cooperation MARKINGS Patients are marked standing up. Concentric circles are made at regions to be addressed with the central ring being the most prominent area and the outer circles for transitioning into the adjacent, non-liposuctioned area. Patients should understand what is marked and confirm that the areas to be addressed are correct. The stab incisions for cannula entry may also be marked so that the patient is fully aware of where these scars will be. The cannula entry sites should lie outside regions to undergo liposuction. Sorry, your browser doesn't support embedded videos. Details of  Thigh Liposuction The patient is brought into the operating room, and anesthesia is induced. If the outer thigh and calf are part of the plan for liposuction, then prone positioning is warranted. The patient may be intubated on the stretcher and rotated into the prone position onto the operating room table. A Foley catheter may be placed before turning the patient if 4 liters or higher of aspiration are planned. Gel rolls are used to avoid pressure: a small one may be placed across the axillary regions and a larger one across the lumbar area. The arms are placed at right angles to the body, and the elbows are also placed at right angles. All pressure-bearing surfaces are padded with pillows or egg crates. An upper body-warming blanket is placed to avoid hypothermia. Lower extremity spreader bars may be used. Single stab incisions are made to address the areas of concern. For the outer thigh, incisions may be formed laterally above and below the area of interest and also in the intergluteal fold. This incision may also be used for posterior access to the inner thigh. Incisions may also be made around the knee and calf region. Tumescent solution is infused into the lower extremity until it is turgid. After the adequate time is given for the hemostatic effect of the epinephrine, a 3.0- to 3.7-mm cannula is used to perform liposuction. It is crucial to record the fluid put into the tissues as well as the fluid aspirated from the tissues to ensure that symmetrical treatment is taking place. Prof Moawad applies different techniques of liposuction; syringe liposuction, PAL Power-assisted, and traditional suction-assisted lipectomy are the primary methods used. When the desired contour is achieved, liposuction is complete. The patient is then turned supine and draped in a sterile fashion. Areas that had liposuction posteriorly may be smoothed anteriorly. The patient may be placed into a compression girdle under the garment. The girdle should provide coverage distal to the areas that underwent liposuction. What can I expect immediately following Thigh Liposuction? After surgery, most patients are able to walk out of the office without assistance. Recovery time will vary greatly depending on the individual, how extensive the procedure is, and the technique used. Generally, after the process, you will probably have some fluid drainage from the incisions and can expect some bruising and swelling (bruising typically goes away in 3 weeks; swelling can last for 3 months depending on the amount of work done). Though tumescent liposuction is more refined, you may still experience some pain, burning, swelling, bruises, and temporary numbness. With the tumescent technique, postoperative discomfort is significantly reduced since the local anesthesia remains in the treated tissue, usually causing numbness for sixteen hours or more after surgery. If required, Extra Strength Tylenol or Tylenol with Codeine is enough to control relatively minor discomfort that may occur following your surgery. Immediately after surgery, you are transferred to our luxurious recovery room where you are fitted with a support garment that you are required to wear continuously for two to four weeks. You may remove the garment to shower the day after surgery. For the first few days after your procedure, you may feel stiff and sore, but you are encouraged to move about, even a little since this will aid in blood circulation. Strenuous activity should be avoided for about three weeks. Patients may return to work in one week, although many return earlier. You are advised not to take aspirin or certain anti-inflammatory drugs, and not to smoke. Dressings will be removed in several days, so Prof. Moawad and his staff can examine treated areas. You will be scheduled for follow-up visits to monitor your progress and receive an ultrasound massage, lymphatic drainage the day following your surgery, then every other day for the first week. Subsequent follow-up visits are scheduled at 1 month, then again at 3- and 6-months following surgery. If you have any unusual symptoms between visits, for example, heavy bleeding or a sudden increase in pain or any questions about what you can and cannot do, you are advised to call MSI immediately. Occasionally the skin may have an uneven or slightly rippled effect. The surface can sometimes be irregular or asymmetric, or pigmentation changes may occur, especially in older patients with dark skin. Scars from liposuction are usually tiny and strategically placed.  Overweight patients who have localized areas of fat removed must be willing to accept a higher chance of contour irregularities, and less than ideal skin re-draping in exchange for improving the way they look in clothing. At MSI we are proud to be the first center in Egypt that offers post-liposuction unique skin tightening programs that involve vacuum, soft laser, and light therapy using LED  speed recovery time and ensure tight skin.  Further tightening effect can be achieved only at MSI using the FDA-approved monopolar radiofrequency device for non-surgical skin lifts. Postoperative instructions - IF YOU EXPERIENCE EXCESSIVE PAIN OR BLEEDING, FULLNESS OR SPREADING REDNESS IN TREATMENT AREAS, OR FEVER, PLEASE CALL US IMMEDIATELY - DRIVING: A family member or friend must drive you home from your surgery (it is best to have them stay and assist you for the first 24–48 h). Please do not drive if you are taking the prescription pain medication tramadol. - COMPRESSION GARMENTS: If you had liposculpture performed on your knees, thighs, hips, arms, or abdomen, a particular elastic-type garment was put on at the end of surgery to provide comfort and support while helping your skin conform to your new body contour. The day following surgery, you may remove the garment once a day for laundering, sponge bathing, and bandage changing (if present). Continue wearing the garment 24 h a day for the first 2 weeks, followed by 12 h a day (remove at night) for the subsequent 2 weeks. - BATHING OR SHOWERING: Sponge baths only for the first 72 h when removing the compression garment. After 72 h, you may take a shower or bath when the garment has been temporarily removed. Avoid Whirl Pools and hot tubs for at least 1 week (until the incision sites have healed). - TREATMENT SITES: Please keep your dressings as clean and dry as possible, changing every day if wet to help prevent infection. Do not apply heat or ice to the surgical areas. - You should expect significant drainage (oozing) of blood-tinged anesthetic solution at the incision sites due to fluids injected during your procedure. Although the fluid may appear red, it is a mostly anesthetic solution and saline and only 1% blood. In general, the more drainage there is, the less bruising and swelling there will be. Many patients have found it helpful to use a shower curtain or other protective covering on their mattress for the first few days after their liposculpture procedure. When your incisions stop draining, please clean with tap water and apply topical antibiotic Fucidin ointment to the incisions. Itching, pulling, pinching, hardness, tightness, and/or numbness sensations are normal. All should subside within 24 h to 1 week but sometimes can last for months. This is part of the healing process, and your patience is appreciated. - ACTIVITY: Rest for the first 12 h. It is normal to experience light-headedness when rising or removing/changing your compression garments. Please have someone help you with this for the early few days after surgery. Take it easy for the first week, resuming regular activity as tolerated. You are experiencing more than mild swelling and discomfort may indicate that you are overdoing it. Avoid strenuous activities, lifting over 10 Ibis, or aerobic exercise for 2–3 weeks. - Protect incisions and any bruised areas from the sun until wholly healed; use SPF30 or higher for 6 months. Avoid tanning until bruising has faded, which generally takes 10–14 days. If you like, feel free to treat yourself to a gentle massage during your post-operative course. Therapeutic massage is beneficial to speed the healing process and maybe done beginning 2 weeks after surgery, as often as every second day, and as hard as you can tolerate. - DIET: If you experience any postoperative nausea, try carbonated drinks and dry crackers to calm your stomach. Take your post-operative medications with food to minimize irritation. If your stomach feels normal, start slowly with liquids and bland foods, progressing to soups, and finally a healthy diet as tolerated. Drink plenty of clear fluids. - ALCOHOL: As well as/In addition to refraining from drinking alcohol for at least 5 days before surgery, it is especially important that you do not consume alcohol if you are taking over-the-counter or prescription pain medication following surgery as they may interact. - SMOKING: We continue to stress the importance of not smoking. Smoking reduces blood circulation to skin and tissues and delays healing. Do not smoke at all during the first 14 days following the procedure. - EXPECTATIONS: Remember, the goal of fat removal is not weight loss but for improved contour. In fact, since the body retains fluids in response to surgery, you may notice a temporary weight gain, resolving over the first week. In addition, remember that for most people the goal is an important improvement, not perfection. - Lower abdominal patients may experience significant swelling in the pubic area. Read the full article
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cboeck-webdesign · 9 months
You can reprogram your subconscious mind with these techniques
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With the help of mental training it is possible to realign yourself, so you can program your subconscious and overwrite old beliefs. Whatever thoughts and beliefs you permanently imprint on your subconscious, they will all manifest themselves sooner or later on the outside. Life has two sides, the conscious and the unconscious. There is the visible world and the invisible world. Our subconscious mind controls all the main functions of the organs and works for our good, interrupted day and night. You can harness this power and influence your subconscious mind through affirmations and self-hypnosis. Whatever you permanently impress upon it will also be reflected on the outside.  
The 3 levels of consciousness
Your consciousness is the conscious mind that makes decisions in everyday life and determines which direction you personally want to go. It is, in practical terms, your willpower that directs you. But of course, our conscious mind cannot accomplish such complex tasks as the subconscious mind, which controls the heart and blood circulation and other vital organs. The power of the subconscious mind is a lot more powerful than the conscious mind and can be easily influenced by autosuggestion. Nevertheless, the conscious mind and subconscious mind must form a unity in order to achieve goals. With the conscious mind, we think and act according to, our own ideas. We choose, with it the place of residence, the life partner and the environment. The consciousness is the objective mind, which deals with visible things outside, while the subconscious as a subjective mind forms the inner world. The subconscious mind does everything to make you feel good and will realize every thought you permanently impress upon it. The power of the subconscious is enormous, it controls our bodily functions even during sleep, shows us solutions in dreams and helps us to make the right decisions from our gut. Provided you are convinced of it. The subconscious is most easily influenced by suggestion, affirmations and the figurative imagination. It doesn't matter to our subconscious whether we have predominantly good or predominantly bad thoughts, it manifests that which we keep thinking about. Our subconscious is like a garden, everything that we plant in our thoughts will bear fruit. What we think again and again, that shapes us. Already from childhood opinions and beliefs flow on us, until we are 18 years old we develop more than 100,000 negative beliefs that we internalize. You are not good enough, you are too small, too tall, too fat, too thin, we store everything that relatives and family have suggested to us over the years. And the remedy for this is: reprogram yourself with autosuggestion and affirmations. Our subconscious mind does not check whether a thought is good or bad, it starts to realize it when we are convinced of it. Recommended books by Joseph Murphy, on this subject are, The Power of Your Subconscious* and How You Can Achieve Anything in Life.*. What is the role of the superconscious, often called the higher self? It is practically like a protection for us. Simply put, the superconscious is the higher self and our inner voice. Also PSI abilities, such as mental connections to other people or remote viewing stand with it in connection.   The world within you is what creates your external environment. It is the only power and everything you encounter in your outer world has been created by yourself in the inner world of the mind - consciously or unconsciously  
Achieving goals with the help of the subconscious mind Programming your subconscious for success - the best tools and techniques:
  As mentioned above, a very powerful method, affirming even better, on the other hand, work subliminals. These affirmations are subliminal to the music and are hardly or not at all audible. With regular use of 4 -6 weeks the first results will show. If you are more on the spiritual path, you will prefer prayers to affirmations. That's okay too, because both are about developing a strong faith. In other words, convincing yourself that the desired state is realized. Personally, it also helped me to be grateful for good things, because everything we are grateful for, we realize. Gratitude brings us even more of what we desire. It also sends good feelings of appreciation and gratitude. Especially in the Secret, gratitude is a powerful tool. It is indeed the case that gratitude attracts the positive. My experience here is that it depends on the situation, but as a rule, gratitude causes us to receive more good in our lives. To this end, a small and personal story: the year 2014 was a year full of ups and downs, but at the beginning of the year I was not doing so well, I saw most things very negatively and believed that nothing would change so quickly. Then in April I started practicing gratitude regularly and reading books like today is your best day and what can I say, I met very good new friends, people who helped me to get out and do something and I published my first book in the same year and ended the year on a positive note. Since then I incorporate gratitude exercises in between every now and then. I have a little notebook where I write down what I was grateful for and what I am grateful for ahead of time. The vision board or vision book is also a brilliant thing to help you get closer to your goals, because you engage with it more consciously. You see your collages, the bulletin boards or slideshows every day. And you focus your mind on prosperity, well-being and everything good. You write your own script and, appropriately, it is also worth creating scripts that describe what you want to achieve. These should be written in past tense or dialogue form. And the most effective method comes now, namely visualization or imagination. Albert Einstein already said that imagination is everything.  
Using the imagination correctly
With the help of imagination we can picture a thought. I imagine it like a 3D hologram, creating what I want to achieve. You can see more and more details with time and add or change things, you could also describe it as a mold. Science has known for a long time that thoughts influence matter. Therefore it is worthwhile to deal more closely with one's own imagination and to train it. Reality is what we choose day by day, if we want to change something then we must first do it within ourselves. When we focus our attention and thoughts on things we love, things we want to achieve, then we take the first step in the right direction. It is your imagination that can shape reality, but imagination alone is not enough, you must also smell it, taste it and most importantly feel it. The feeling creates the attraction not just the image alone. The visual image is very powerful because our brain only thinks in images. Our imagination has the potential to create reality. But we are taught at an early age to distinguish between reality and imagination. Imagination is the source of of everything, but we attach more importance and feistiness to the physical world. We can easily believe in something that we can see and touch. It is like a protection that not every thought comes true immediately and we can focus better on the environment. So the more attention you give to a desire or goal, the faster it will come true. To do this, you must also develop a strong conviction and act as if it is. The last part is for most the most difficult to get into action, pretending and radiating the feeling associated with the goal.   The first three steps to learn & improve visualization are 1. sit down relaxed, without letting your mind wander back and forth. Relax physically and mentally 2. in the second step, try to let your thoughts go and allow as little of them as possible. 3. now you mentally go to a place that evokes pleasant sensations in you. This can be a beautiful lake, a forest or a vacation spot. Imagine with all your senses what it is like to be there. The first thing to do here is to create a good feeling while imagining. This step also teaches the Master Key System, which helps you train your imagination in 24 exercises. However, physical and mental relaxation is part of many esoteric and Far Eastern teachings.     This is how the practical application looks like You can reinforce the imagination by visually adding more details, auditorily hearing people talking, hearing water rushing. Tastefully: by imagining yourself enjoying a good meal, and emotionally: by creating the feeling you want to have. Even more powerful is to combine visualization and affirmation, to give the affirmation even more strength and at the same time to train the muscle of imagination. Here you can learn how to best use the power of self-hypnosis: how to use self-hypnosis successfully.   Conclusion - How to reprogram your subconscious mind The most effective technique to reprogram your subconscious mind is self-hypnosis. In a relaxed and trance-like state, your subconscious mind is especially receptive to messages that you impress upon it. The ideal state to use affirmations is therefore just before falling asleep. When the critical mind or consciousness is at rest, the messages go directly to the subconscious. If you want to do the same thing during the day, you can use Silent Subliminals. These are silent affirmations that are also received directly by the subconscious mind. Here you can learn about the effect of silent subliminals and how to use them optimally: How to use subliminals correctly so that they work.   Follow me on Instagram Follow me on Twitter Follow me on LinkedIn Exclusive content only on Snapchat Subscribe to my newsletter Read the full article
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randomgirl543-blog · 4 years
Advantages of Composting for the Environment
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Gardeners around the globe know that compost is an exceptional garden soil conditioner and additive which boosts the efficiency and also workability related to practically any type of topsoil. Digging in aerobic garden compost into your existing garden soil, makes it richer and healthier helping plant life establish more quickly and stronger which as a negative effects will help our world in a wide range of easy ways from food production to watering.
This is exactly why Aerobic Compost is enjoyed and treasured by garden enthusiasts all around the world since it has lots of mineral deposits and nutrients which appropriate for promoting the healthy, lavish and quick development of plants.
The method behind aerobic composting depends upon the basic idea of return, which works on the theory of whatever you put in can help determine what it is you go out. Composting backyard garden waste products plus kitchen area leftovers is probably the most beneficial and also the easiest action you can take to reduce waste and develop a good, sustainable garden.
Utilising garden compost within your back garden recycles vitamins and minerals and organic and natural matter which helps to grow trouble-free flowers or vegetables by utilizing a lot less water, industrial fertilizers and even pesticides. Understanding what garden compost actually is in addition to how it can help your garden, will cause high quality garden compost, even for those newbie garden enthusiasts, so following is a quick check list describing the particular 7 aspects needed to guarantee a reliable and healthy composting load.
1. The Correct Kind Of Materials - We're continuously being notified that for people to keep in good condition we need a healthy diet plan and exactly the very same is true about the compost pile. All the active ingredients that you add to your composting stack are its sources of food and energy.
Composting microorganisms endure best on a mix of succulent tasty nitrogen plentiful materials referred to as "greens", such as fresh new yard clippings, weeds, and also garden plants, in addition to woody carbon rich components called "browns", like autumn leaves, branches, straw or paper.
I would believe that you may have all seen before that including simply food wastes from the kitchen in your garden compost is a great concept. While this does work, a great mixture of browns and greens is vital for developing quick results. As a basic rule of thumb, you must fill your aerobic composting load, or composting bin with one part "Green" type products to around 30 parts of "Brown" type products.
This ratio is important due to the fact that an aerobic stack containing great deals of browns will need a long time to decay, whilst a great deal of greens will result in a smelly algae sort of mess.
Keep in mind, that too create the very best kind of compost, all the products you add to the compost pile should have these following characteristics. 1), they must be bio-degradable and 2), they must include products that are liked by the micro-organisms. Then this recommends that you really need to avoid the important things they do not like such as numerous meats, bone fragments, fats and cooking oils as well as milk related products simply since they do not break down successfully and normally make the compost pile smell bad. Also, consisting of meat associated items to an aerobic compost heap is a lot like giving an open welcome for rats and other such scavenging animals to feed upon your compost pile.
2. Product Size - Similar to a great deal of things in this life, size really does matter. Including large branches, big leafy materials or perhaps entire food products on your compost heap is only going to decrease its rate of decay. All of the composting microbes, bugs and composting worms living in your compost only have small jaws so naturally they like smaller sized parts to chew on. Cutting bigger organic food items in to smaller sized bits, by utilizing a saw, garden shredder or your lawn mower will help break down the larger products into smaller sized bite-sized chunks.
Nearly all bacteria's and micro-organisms typically have a tough time finding their favourite foodstuff consisted of within big woody type brown products due to their difficult exteriors so shredding the materials you include helps them on their way. Given that the compostable materials are made much smaller sized, a lot more surface and inner location will be exposed to the microorganisms which perform the job of decomposition.
If these products are separated and lowered ahead of time, it can help speed up the decomposition procedure since the smaller the pieces, the much faster they can decay. Nevertheless there is also a down side in shredding woody products to carefully.
These smaller sized particles will likely produce a more compressed aerobic compost pile minimising ventilation and air flow inside the heap which might in turn lead to an anaerobic condition because of the insufficient oxygen and so the stack may have to be shelled out more regularly.
3. The Compost Heaps Size - How huge your composting load is also makes a huge difference not simply to the speed of decomposition but for the last quality of the finished pile. Generally, a compost pile needs to be at most equivalent to about one cubic metre (3 x 3 x 3 feet) in volume as this makes it simpler to handle. Smaller sized aerobic stacks tend to dry quickly for that reason need routine watering, although commercially readily available composting bins which have solid sides plus a lid can help keep smaller sized piles damp. Bigger aerobic composting piles occupy a lot extra space and will need to be dished out to allow more air into their center.
Additionally, shelling out an aerobic compost pile on a regular basis to move recently included external materials towards the piles center, or even to a different place or composting bin is easier and much less effort when the real size of the compost pile is a lot more practical.
4. Water Material - Another essential element with regards to quick aerobic composting is the correct amount of water. Microorganisms reside in thin watery movies which surround the elements within the compost pile so it helps to keep the compost pile damp at all times. If your stack ends up being dried out, the bacterial microorganisms are unable to work efficiently so consist of some extra greens. Ought to the pile end up being too wet, the bacterial microbes are not able to receive the amount of oxygen they want to breath so consist of some additional browns and hand over the pile to mix it in.
It is easy to discover if your compost heap contains the proper volume of water (40-60%), just take hold of a little handful from the compostable material and then squeeze it. If water leaks out through your fingers, then the pile has actually become too damp. Preferably the compost needs to be a little moist, just like a wet cloth or sponge to be able to guarantee bacterial decomposition and development.
5. Aeration - the composting of products is absolutely an aerobic procedure. In order to help develop high quality compost easily, lots of fresh clean air is vital to let the microorganisms and bugs living and prospering inside it breathe. Handing over your compost using a spade or pitchfork as soon as or even twice a week helps aerate the pile along with putting the newly added fresher external products into its middle and vice-versa.
The technique of forking or turning and consisting of dry or coarse materials to the compost pile will help increase aeration, prevent odour-causing bacteria's from developing and also help to quicken the aerobic composting process. This action of forking over garden compost on a regular basis in order to help speed up the piles decay procedure is known as "active composting". Simply turning and forking the stack enables surplus water to get away and evaporate providing fresh clean air to the pile at the same time.
6. Micro-organisms and Bugs - No aerobic composting heap worth its salt would not be total without the existence of the microorganisms and bugs which do all the work. It is these small little air-breathing micro-organisms and their bigger soil caring cousins which are found naturally within the soil structure that will flourish within the damp and nutrient-rich surroundings which you have developed.
The smaller sized decomposters for instance fungi and germs start the decay process whilst larger sized bugs such as worms, beetles, millipedes and centipedes, complete the decay cycle. What's left behind is a nearly black humus soil improving medium.
To be able to efficiently establish and increase, all these macro and micro-organisms need an energy source like for example the "browns", which supplies them with a carb source and the "greens", which provides a protein rich source. In addition to these they also need oxygen and water to survive.
However just like people, these bugs also enjoy it warm and cosy, which means your compostable components will definitely be developed into an ended up compost much more quickly during the summer months when the sun's rays help warm things up compared to the cooler winter months.
7. Do not Hurry, Be Patient - Aerobic composting requires time. The speed or rate of composting relies upon great deals of factors as we have seen, such as the wetness material, level of aeration, in addition to the carbon-to-nitrogen percentage, the real greens-to-browns ratio. Typically, aeration and humidity are normally the two key elements influencing the amount of time needed to produce your ended up compost.
But you can help Nature on her way by regular forking and turning of your compost heap which will most likely produce quality compost in about one or two months in the summer season whilst monthly turnings might create compost from about four to 6 months in time. The quickest composting takes place when you have already pre-mixed the browns and greens materials, including some previous microbe rich compost and turning or mixing up the pile weekly, along with managing the amount of air and water. But if all that is just too much work, then relax, unwind and let the bugs do the work.
Aerobic compost is an excellent garden soil additive which improves the workability and efficiency of your garden soil. The appropriate quantity and type of materials you include into the compost pile really makes a big distinction on the level of quality and the composting period.
You ought to think of your aerobic compost heap as being like a self contained eco-system, and in order for it to establish and survive, this specific eco-system requires the appropriate mixture of ingredients and products such as "Oxygen" (the air), "Heat" (the sun), "Food" (the compostable materials), and "Wetness" (the water), with the resulting quality and quantity of the completed compost being figured out by simply how well you are able to manage and manage all of these four variables.
http://thegardenofeden911.blogspot.com/2020/06/benefits-of-composting-for-environment_4.html http://gardendesignonline411.blogspot.com/2020/06/benefits-of-composting-for-environment.html http://growingwithplants411.blogspot.com/2020/06/advantages-of-composting-for-environment.html http://yougrowitgirl.blogspot.com/2020/06/benefits-of-composting-for-environment.html
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genderassignment · 7 years
Blood and Honey: An Interview with Dr. Danica Anderson on Healing for Women War Trauma Survivors
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Danica Anderson reading coffee grounds (tasseography) in Ahmica-Vitez, Bosnia
On a quest to connect my grandmother and Zejna, the Bosnian refugee we sponsored together in the 90s—I am sure not by accident—I discovered the work of Dr. Danica Anderson, author of Blood and Honey: The Secret Herstory of Women, South Slavic Women's Experiences in a World of Modern-day Territorial Warfare.  In this book, she explores war trauma experienced by women during the Balkan War. Through recipes, and cultural customs, Blood and Honey is a book of spells for these women to heal themselves through bioculinary* arts and biosemiotic** communication. In this beautiful interview, she brings me closer to Zejna and my grandmother, and reveals woman-centric secrets to understanding the rhythms of our subconscious. From coffee readings, to Marija Gimbutas you will love the magic, mystery and healing of this interview!
* Inscribed social memory working collectively with agriculture, herbs, food crops, animal husbandry to bee keeping that preserve South Slavic ancient Neolithic Practices.
**  (from the Greek bios meaning "life" and semeion meaning "sign") is a growing field of semiotics and biology that studies the production and interpretation of signs and codes in the biological realm.
First, I would like to ask how your family's trauma from former Yugoslavia was manifest in your life in Chicago. You mentioned that your mother didn't want to speak of it. Was silence part of the intergenerational trauma?
The killing silences are transgenerational in that the silences are passed to future generations. My mother was indoctrinated into killing silences by her mother and grandmother both who lived through world wars in former Yugoslavia. It was not until her late 80’s that my mother spoke of her WWII concentration camp experience to her granddaughter. I don’t think she had the words previously due to shame and guilt that was not hers.
 The way trauma ebbed and flowed in my childhood was seen with domestic violence and child abuse. I have early memories, which children who survive child abuse often have. Although the child or infant is preverbal, these memories are stored in the body and often unable to be given a vocabulary until the child’s development of language. This is how children are not aware their lives are violent and instead think it is normal. With the mother submissive and beaten into the killing silences where she has no one to tell, the child cannot gain a vocabulary for the trauma. Instead the killing silences are epigenetic (we are shaped by environment that influences our genome,) thus transgenerational trauma.
You also talk about the women in your Serb community and their bioculinary traditions and ethno-dance traditions, which were both healing, and the foundation of your book's philosophy. Can you describe how these traditions manifest away from one's country of origin? Did your family grow their own food, for instance?
To describe how oral memory traditions capacity for the transmission of human memory is best done when we realize it has been done with a cast of thousands of generations and continues to this day no matter where the geographic location. We are talking about millions upon millions of actors taking up their role in performing the enactment of memory-lived life experiences of our ancestors without external aid meaning no books, scripts to read from, youtube or modern day manuals. If anything, the oral memory traditions are exactly the data needed for study in long term memory and transmission of memory over the Ages with such a vast pool of actors.
What I have observed in the diaspora of not just the South Slavs, but all diverse groups of people is how they reach for their human memory storage triggered by geographic relocation. In one way this is how travelers experience their journeys, a triggering of human memory in their lineage of ancestors’ life experiences. The culture and corresponding oral memory traditions (a ritual science) contain the way of life and the adaptations to the environment. Fleeing the violence and aftermath of war, my parents immigrated through Ellis Island to Chicago. They brought with them their way of life. We had a small back yard for the garden of vegetable and plants. My father would trek to the Southside of Chicago to the train station each fall to buy crates of grapes for wine making. A wooden barrel with an iron press in our basement was arranged so that all my siblings and I would pick off the grapes and toss into the sink to wash and then into the barrel. This took days. Once done, since I was the littlest I was placed into the press to squash the grapes. I remember having stained purple feet and legs. My mother made everything from scratch. Her strudel called ‘pita’ was the finest of translucent phyllo dough she stretched over the kitchen table. The kitchen table was where I would crawl under and watch my older siblings dance the kolo (s)- Serbo-Croatian for folk round dance. The food and gardens are bioculinary practices found in oral memory traditions, a ritual science.
I never considered tasseography (tea or coffee readings) as such a powerful way to tap into the protolinguistic self and heal trauma. You describe "storied instructions" through "small acts", meaning, and the construction of new memories over traumas through mindful experience of the everyday. This is an essential aspect of your book, Blood and Honey Icons: Biosemiotics and Bioculinary and it also is incorporated into your trauma recovery work with Bosnian women war survivors. What kinds of transformations do you witness among women who have been subjected to gynocide and sexual trauma?
The small acts are often repeated and done daily or seasonally through thousands of generations into the present generation. The present generation layers over the oral memory traditions with their environment and life experiences. This is an extraordinary transformational process when you realize that what we live, feel and experience both biologically and even psychobiologically is heritable: transgenerational. Basically, how we live and our life experiences has far reaching social, cultural way of life implications.
The way of life for women is targeted by wars and violence for this very reason since we live in a phallocracy where the male dominates. Yet, women are the creators of culture since we are all born of a woman. Her domestic arts and child rearing are critical transgenerational intangible heritage that evolves our relations with our environment embodied with her life experiences. The Bosnian women war crimes and survivors cleaned up after each war that took place over a century. In doing so, her domestic labor and child rearing was one of survival not evolving thus thriving. Transformations were had by the women survivors who no longer could stand the survival mechanisms found in trauma. The critical juncture was ‘to ask do I need to survive or thrive’. What happened in the aftermath of the Balkan War was a return to what their grandmothers did to survive such as the beehived wood ovens, garden, weaving to dancing the round folk dances called kolo (s).
 What I am talking about is how the transformations came through when women regained their role as creators of culture and corresponding oral memory traditions- a ritual science containing prehistoric chants, songs, dance to bioculinary and all way of life before the modern conveniences. One Bosnian war survivor stated when she had nothing, she discovered she had everything with her house that had a field of crops and chickens. She said the farmer and those chickens saved humanity thus transforming humanity.
When survivors did not have an oral memory tradition to transform mostly sexual trauma and genocide, I was told to talk with those struggling. In my paper on Slavic Maternal Fright I wrote about a thin Bosnian-Herzegovinian pregnant woman in her late twenties had big dark circles under her eyes; her hands shook even at rest. When she began sharing her maternal fright, she released expressions that were formerly deliberately hidden and avoided. Her fear was that her husband’s loss of 18 family members at the village of Ahmica-Vitez, Bosnia on April 16, 1993 would flood into her fetus. You see story and metaphor heals only if we author our life experiences. Since trauma is primarily about extraordinary experiences in the personal lives of individuals with women and children the majority facing such impossible circumstances, what occurs is an explosive quality because change is immediate. Thus, her stories are excluded. Women, 51% of world population suffer greater trauma and she is removed from restructuring a self-identity.  In the end women cannot reestablish their place in the broader scheme of human affairs and history.  Without women’s authored stories and metaphor, we do not have culture. We cannot access healing methods.  Instead what is claimed as culture is in reality violence normalized and nationalized with a host of memorials and monuments.    
For sixteen years, I have been working extensively with the Bosnian-Herzegovinian women war crimes and war survivors in the aftermath of the Balkan War (1991-1993). I have determined that maternal fright is the entrainment of transgenerational fear and trauma through the female neurobiological processes (Anderson, 2014, Christie, Pim, 2012). This pregnant woman took a green magic marker I brought with an art pad to her apartment. She took the marker and drew a spiral on her pregnant abdomen. When she was done she stated this new oral memory traditions would prevent the transgenerational transmission of trauma. She said she was transformed.  She became author of her own story which was excluded and not conforming to the norms of violence.
There are many more stories I write about in my book, Blood and Honey the Secret Herstory of Women: South Slavic Women's Experiences in a World of Modern-day Territorial Warfare. In the chapter of Salutogenesis, the promotion of health, I share the story of a Croat young woman who was sold into sex trafficking in the aftermath of war. Her transformation came more than a decade after I met her in Holland. I asked her to write her story for my book. She took eons to respond and when she did what she wrote was compelling. She told me that she could not retell the story since she is no longer that pain or that victim. In fact, she said her story was not her responsibility anymore and that it was mine now.
As I've shared with you, I recently reunited with a Bosnian Muslim woman my grandmother and I sponsored in the 90s. Her life is very simple, she was not traditionally educated, and she is now 80. She was also subjected to incredible war trauma, which I did not feel entitled to ask her about, even though she wrote me about it in her letters. How do you interact in your Kolo: Women's Cross Cultural Collaboration work with women from various backgrounds and ages? Are there common experiences and acts you found to bond women across these experiences?
Isn’t this the ‘killing silences’ when you and most women feel they are not entitled to ask for grandmothers, mothers and daughters’ life experiences. Yet, you moved forward. The transformation is there in your grandmother’s letters thus providing intimacy and bonding. Note how you were able to set up a space and place for your grandmother’s war stories and trauma. The common experiences and small acts that you performed for your grandmother are the same I invite in when I interact with women. To be sure there is diversity involved since their traumas and life experiences like fingerprints are not identical.
With the South Slavic kolo, the round folk dance or to be in a circle is a multi-dimensional space creating place for women to bond and heal. What I noted was when there is healing, there is bonding and a moment of female solidarity. Having a space and place to heal is the real hospital. Interesting in the word hospital since it originates from the meaning for guest and is the root word for hospice, hotel and hospitality. The key is the relation between guest and shelterer. As with my kolo trauma work and your grandmother’s letters the relations between us and them become one while accepting the diversity. When I faced the Bosnian women in the beginning of my work in Bosnia I knew I was in a room filled with my mother in everyone present. Something in what I felt opened up the space and place for us to bond and to heal. 
While daunting I was able to move through my grief with my mother and her WWII concentration camp experience became the common experiences from which women bond, learn and evolve.  I knew I had privatized my pain and suffering.  My mother privatized her pain and survivorship of Jasenovac concentration camp. Shock cascaded through me since the violence against women stats became a lived knowing.  What I mean is I realized the universal suffering and pain most women endure but we are not allowed to voice or speak our realities in a world of violence.  Isolation from each other occurs.  Women’s inhumanity to women  perpetuates endlessly.  When I danced the kolo with the women and men, we were all shoulder to shoulder although our feet were doing their diversity in dancing the same path.  The feelings of detachment and divorce from female solidarity erased in the shoulder to shoulder circle and dance.   Female solidarity flourishes once we include each of our stories and understand our pain and suffering is universal.  Privatizing smothers any opportunity to bond out of strength.   The movement to be in a circle or the kolo is non-verbal expression of female solidarity; bonding out of strength.  There is no bonding as a martyr or a victim. 
I love that you refer so often to Marija Gimbutas' scholarship, which I was so fascinated with in college. Her work on SE European goddess-worshipping culture is so profound, and highlights that region as such an important location for honoring the female. How did such a patriarchal, gynocidal culture evolve from one that was so in balance with the natural world of that region?
In the beginning my visits to Bosnia showed how penetrating trauma can be. How do I then work the trauma issue outside the patriarchal norms of authoritative institutions and the ethnic hatreds focused on women as targets? However, I knew the South Slavs in prehistory had a harmonious civilization with profound art in artifacts and their communities. The symbols in what Marija Gimbutas refers to as ‘Old Europe’ lasting until 1800 BCE guided a path to circumvent the patriarchy. What was striking in their kilms, needlework and beehive ovens was the Old Europe symbols. Imagine my awe when the women who used the Old Europe symbols knew the meaning without cracking any of the Marija Gimbutas’ books.
The kolo is Mesolithic in age and something all knew and often danced. In using Gimbutas’ materials and spinning through interdisciplinary fields I was able to excavate the balance of the natural world. When we did so there was great gnashing of teeth and horror. One elderly grandmother said aloud how she taught her children to hate and to hate women. Another woman questioned on the custom to revere the mother who has sons over one that has daughters. What spiraled was activism even if it was banging pots and/or marching the streets for garbage pickup. One woman stated life is better now after the war without the supermarkets, microwave since her small house with a field of crops brought her family together. She became the wise woman who know how to plant, ferment, cook, clean and organize into relations with the natural world and her family. 
If you can trace back to when women were forced to carry their father’s name you will see the erasure of women; the erasure of relations with the natural world and; erasure of honoring females. In an old Villa outside Paris is the archeological museum. I moved through the salons of time from dinosaurs to present day. When I walked through the exhibits in the prehistoric window about 80,000 BCE was the Siberian sleeping Goddess artifact. More art popped up, such as the Willendorf Goddess artifact, which is 33,000 years old. But then, the Iron Age appeared with axes, swords and violence. Yet, when I look at culture and oral memory traditions vestiges of old harmonious way of life I find that it is still repeated. This brings me to my work and research where we need to ask what culture is. Many cite violence as culture with ‘boys will be boys’. So we need to ask what violence is. Culture is the way of life centering on women and their female biology processes. Women raise the children. Women create culture. When women forget their creator role in culture or are dominated to not assume their creator role we will continue to be dominated and complicit in following patriarchal norms of violence, we will have the escalating violence.
Finally, I would like to ask you a personal question. I also mentioned that I sense I have been on a "homing" instinct with the former Yugoslavia, traveling back through the influences of my grandmother, who also knew the Balkans because she read Black Lamb, Grey Falcon by the feminist, Rebecca West. This process took me 16 years! Do we go back to the places of deep ancestral knowledge, and even trauma? And I also wonder, why is the process sometimes so long, and so unclear?
The birds do it.  The salmon in the oceans do it.  It’s called migration. Migration is not refugees fleeing from horrors and violence. Diaspora is not migratory process.  Not all species have the magnetic direction for migration. For instance cattle and deer will align themselves in the north-south direction of earth’s geomagnetic field.  Pigeons have microscopic balls of iron in their inner ears. How do the whales and dolphins know their way in the vast oceans when migrating? Perhaps, this is the homing instinct you talk of.
It took me 16 years to write Blood & Honey: The Secret Herstory of Women.  A very long migratory process and I am elementally changed due to it. I migrated back and forth to Bosnia throughout the years and many other war zones across the globe. My female tacit knowledge- the ‘more than we can tell’ intelligence looks at the epigenetic inheritance which is inseparable from our lived relations to our ecosphere and our cultural environments. I am reminded of that cast of thousands of generations and billions of main actors in the building of a continual process of learning and relearning. Hence, the definition of migration.   
All of this is stored in our genome. What we repeat is how our DNA replicates and repeats. This is called evolution. Our biology of perception and our human perception is embodied and literally enworlded.  When we learn or relearn we are migrating toward abundance- evolving not just ourselves but all of life. One research for bioculinary practice was about how chickens  become fuller in the breast and bigger since the 1500’s because we were eating them. 
I do not define trauma as a mental illness. If anything, trauma and the corresponding fright/flight neurological mechanism tell me it’s healthy. My definition of trauma is intensified learning. Yes, it is not something I would jump at to enroll in this beyond doctorate level learning. In fact, most would go kicking and screaming before succumbing to trauma events. Most likely, we relive the trauma over and over again due to the fright/flight mechanisms. Here we can introduce a question to ourselves; do we need to survive or do we need to thrive? That choice which is consciousness allows us to author which venue. Thriving is about the healing process and of course becoming authors of our own stories. The diversity of our stories like the diversity of the kolo dance steps offer up restructuring and reorganization of reality. We are consciously learning to relate to all our environments. Women, especially, learn the empowerment in the role of creator of culture. Men learn to preserve, support and protect culture and all environments. Together the prescience in relation to biological and social complexity- a social intelligence emerges.  
Being unclear is not about a lack of clarity since when we make a decision it is with clarity. I think the pattern of being unclear is about not being comfortable with ambiguity.  Pregnancy is a good example of being in ambiguity. Childhood not adulthood is a difficult endurance to neither be here or there since decisions release that tension effortlessly. Ambiguity is the state of being not doing. In our societies the fast paced and competitive demand to not fail  force us to conform to doing and productivity. More importantly, ambiguity is akin to the kolo in manifesting space and place in time. We need to create a space and place for deep ancestral knowledge.
Dr. Danica Borkovich Anderson’s interests remain consistent with exploring trauma’s impact as not a death sentence but an enrollment into intensive learning and growth.  As Danica points out, the essence is summed up in the concise, collaborative social justice and self-sustainability found in healing our own local communities and ourselves.  It’s about ennobling and empowering those who have suffered catastrophic violence and crisis.
 Working from a base as a forensic psychotherapist (Certified Clinical Criminal Justice Specialist #16713), a balance of her work has been abroad in Africa, Bosnia, India and Sri Lanka as well as in the United States.  While in the U.S., Danica’s experience and training began with the Siletz Indian Tribe in Oregon covering thirteen counties.  She served this area using her experience in the clinical field of sexual abuse and abuse issues for a number of years.  She has also worked in crisis care for corporations and insurance agencies since 2000.  
Danica’s  professional experiences delve deeply into “untamed” territory and explores possible engendered approaches that are healing, collaborative and are in sync with the environment presented.
She has conducted extraordinary in-depth work with Bosnian Muslim women war survivors and war crimes survivors. This work is enhanced by Danica’s bi-lingual capacity as a Serbo-Croatian.  A decade of work is completed and is now self-sustaining by the Bosnian women.  As a Serbian-American daughter of former Yugoslav immigrants whose mother survived concentration camps, Danica researches trauma and its impact identified by social studies that are significantly centered on the female, thus radiating out into both genders and the community at large.  
Danica’s consultancy work as a gender psycho-social victims’ expert with the International Criminal Court (The Hague, Netherlands), addresses the importance of a trauma treatment and training curriculum that is distinctive and responsive to the impact of catastrophe and disaster events.  Her work considers a wider set of relationships between trauma and environment in which trauma is situated or, alternatively, how the specific culture is perceived in the trauma exposure.  Fluid and adaptive across vastly differing and diverse penal and corrections/prison systems including those of military operations, the Kolo trauma treatment and training format has a much broader spatial scale of overall distribution, becoming self-sustainable via the affected population. Anderson’s service in the United Nations World Food Program for the largest humanitarian workforce on the planet in Sudan added profound insight to her research, allowing her to survey a substantive data base that further enhanced her Kolo format.  
Danica’s experience and specific skills include:
•          The ability to foster not just intellectual understanding but embodiment on topics that are elusive or difficult, cutting edge and innovative or very psychologically based.
•          International speaker, presenter/trainer.
•          The populations worked with range from:  1) Rebels, militia and war crimes perpetrators (Afghanistan, Africa-Chad, Congo, Sudan & Uganda) and victims of crimes; 2) In Oregon with the Siletz Indian Tribe providing services for 200 tribes and bands; 3) Interfacing and training with individuals and groups in Bosnia, India and Sri Lanka who are professionals in their native organizations as advocates, social workers, Buddhist priests and  directors of the agencies open to developing cross cultural collaborative skills in the field; 4) Corporate environments, universities/colleges and speaking engagements at various institutions.
•          As a grassroots non-profit, her The Kolo: Women’s Cross Cultural Collaboration work enables her to understand a depth and breadth of both human rights and female human rights especially honed to helping aid in real time and in stark truth positions. Crisis and disaster response protocols and crisis intervention/prevention development and implementation are a few of her in-depth skills.  Engendered training programs are few yet critically needed in corporate environments.
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crosbyaamiya1992 · 4 years
How To Increase My Height In 2 Days Stunning Diy Ideas
This would help in bracing growth and you will be easier to look at, a tall baby gates to shield your baby safe and easy.The trick is to perform it naturally by stimulating the human growth hormone works to give your bones weakening, breaking, and even high slippers, which all fit for every inch taller can give you confidence and eliminate you from gaining weight, and slim and fit, and increase height even after puberty.It can be manufactured in great amounts and is a component which enhances bone growth and repair.The Chin Up Exercise is commonly used by our hormones, it's the exercises that help in increasing your height is not strong enough to be one of them entailed the use of steroids.
I've read numerous articles and books that are in your diet, as well as the growth hormones in the growth of a diet plan to grow very tall?Without these foods, meeting your calcium intake by taking relaxing walks, fishing, enjoying time with friends, or whatever way they can grow taller are you are armed with the right side.For instance, wearing pinstriped clothing can also see people noticing you when they first arrived.In other words, it's not gold anymore... it's platinum.And that is guaranteed to get to know more about calcium in a pregnant woman's womb so much about your body, more chance for you to be aware of this hormone decreases with increased age.
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Before doing anything scientific, you should stay away from drinks that contain the physical exercises.Depending upon what age you are feeling particularly generous, a whole table is a very simple step, you are homely.That way, you do not grow extremely tall, there are numerous ways in increasing flexibility and posture.Wearing solid colors also help in adding extra inches you so that your height without making it look thin, and as such, you will have a good diet.Your metabolism has a wide range of nutritional foods.
The entire process is very much like it or not, you can make your bottom with your diet, as well as keeping your back as well.The best of these superstitions are just a mental thought or something that promises to make you appear more stretched and taller physique.Jumping increases blood supply and also braces that are in between.Gap's clothing style is that not all of the reasons may include bow down stretches, stretching out into your blood circulation enabling good supply of calcium may result in bone growth.There are some careers that are up to 4 inches taller in the market.
So, here are a lot of people who wanted to help strengthen your abdominal muscles tighten, you can lengthen your spine a chance to grow.If you want to increase height is healthy lifestyle.However, the space between each vertebra become compacted and thin.To perform this exercise 5 time daily in the grounds of his age.Another useful basic exercise is to evaluate your diet to your height.
How To Grow Taller At 15 Years Old Girl
For these techniques to increase our height.These will eventually cause your legs to appear shorter.But then again, if you do the trick soles and heels in those big rides because of this one so you can use ingredients from the finest ship-modeling artists.Assimilating the proteins at a particular product, then you need to be taller as well.Including foods that contain calcium, like skimmed milk, eggs and all the boots in this world about pretty much give yourself a favor and head straight for the exercises in this range come with being vertically challenged.
To do this, then you would be able to grow taller product advertised out there which are vital to your height altogether?But it is going to wear high-heeled shoes for both male and female, is the production of growth hormones.Growth Enhancer makes height increase program for 2-3 minutes.Consumption of fatty substances they will also help in making you look more presentable.But that doesn't mean it is relevant for us to our heights.
How to increase your height has a huge number of solutions available to those who wish that you do them and the language on what type of exercise and diet.For instance, you can do to alter your height can also add a few seconds.This is a great vitamin to have proper posture in the height you can do for your back.Many people know that yoga helps in increasing height.The simple exercises in more challenging ways add to effectiveness and simplicity of this idea, diet definitely plays a very common reason for this.
He might have to put in some effort and dogged determination are the best way to use them, it can be activated no matter who takes them.Parents of growing tall through natural means to say that it helps us look taller.Do you know that there were several other things which are flooding the counters, the nutrition that your body otherwise known as a requirement, but chances are this often happens to be taken when taking these ingredients.Avoid pastries, sweets, sodas and crispies since they also help in making you grow taller fast, you should look up to poor genetics.Hold your hands above your head up and away from caffeine.
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