#why did I blow up Nostramo?
nevesmose · 1 month
Curze grinned at the First Captain suddenly, transforming his visage into a death’s head rictus lit by febrile eyes. ‘Now you have met my brother, you must surely prefer crows to ravens.’
That was a joke, thought Sevatar. He did not understand jokes. ‘My lord, are we finished?’
For some unfathomable reason, that made Curze cringe, and he nodded like a rebuked child.
Konrad Curze: The Night Haunter by Guy Haley.
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riku-izanami · 1 year
Thanksgiving in the grim Dark future
November 15, year XXXX, 
Beacon Academy:
Time: 1130 hrs
Nora: *humming a happy tune while leading a tall figure towards beacon* 
???: *groaning*
Nora: *turning around* Are you feeling okay, aunt Kanna?
Said figure, now revealed to be Kassandra Curze, Primarch of the traitor legion the night lords,  looked down at her niece/surrogate daughter.
Kassandra: It’s the sun; I’m not very fond of it, seeing as how I grew up in the dark recesses of nostramo’s hive cities. Even my current attire isn’t helping well. 
(think of lady D’s outfit but more gothic)
Nora: I see…..So We’ll Just *dramatic pose* BLOW UP THE SUN!
Kassandra: *blinking owlishly before laughing* Nora, sweetie, we cannot destroy the sun. Otherwise, life on this planet and others could cease.
Nora: Well, tell’em to get a lot of light bulbs cause….....hey, what’s that noise?
A faint humming can be heard across the landing pad, and it only grew louder as something approached. Many looked up expecting another bullhead but were surprised to see a massive ship flying over. While the masses watched in awe, Kassandra's eyes widened as she recognized it as an Astartes dropship and the color scheme of a particular legion.
Kassandra: *muttering* The Raven Guard…..
Nora: who?
Kassandra: *not looking away from the dropship* Nora…….. find Elena.
Nora: *confused* what? Why?
Kassandra didn’t get to answer as the Raven Guard dropship began releasing its passengers.
Location: JNPR Dorm;
Time:1150 hrs
Pyrrha: *packing* It was nice of your mother to invite our families and us for Thanksgiving
Jaune: Well, it is the first time I have actual friends over & not some d-bags who wanted to get closer to my sisters. Plus, I think she’s doing this to find me a potential wife.
Ren: Well, no matter the reason, Nora and I will be thrilled to celebrate with you. 
Jaune: speaking of which, wasn’t Nora supposed to bring her aunt Kanna?
On cue, Nora burst through the door, her clothes looked a bit ruffed, and she breathed heavily. 
Pyrrha: oh, Nora! where’s ……
Instead of answering, she immediately rushed to her bed, throwing random things around til she found magnhild. 
Ren: *concerned* Nora, what are…
He never got his answer since she ran back out, leaving her friends puzzled & seriously concerned.
Jaune: what was that about?
Ren: I don’t know. I’ve never seen her like this before. Well, except when some proclaimed waffles were better than pancakes.
Just then, the trio heard screams and what sounded like gunfire. However, it sounded heavier than a regular or huntsman-made firearm.
Ren: Is that?!
Jaune: Bolter fire *turning to Pyrrha* Pyrrha, find my mom. She was with emerald last I remember! Ren, with me, we must try to minimize the damage. 
Pyrrha nodded and rushed off to find Elena, while Jaune & Ren grabbed their weapons, running towards the attack, hoping to prevent any casualties.
Ren: WHat doing think is going on?!
Jaune: No idea, but somehow Nora is involved
Location: Beacon Courtyard
Time: 1215hr
Kassandra, now bloody and beaten from her nephew's attack, hung her head look as she lay helpless on the ground. She came without weapons or her armor, the students fled when the space marines began firing on her, and it seems the staff is unaware of her current situation. 
One of the more prominent Space marines, now known as Kayvaan Shrike, chapter master of the raven guard, steps forward. He motions to another then they both grab Kassandra's arms, lifting her so the voice can see her better.
???: LOOK AT ME, Curze!
Kayvaan Shrike: Our primarch speaks to you, traitor! 
Kassandra weakly lifts her head. The voice belongs to none other than Corina Corvax, primarch of the Raven Guard.
Corina: the imperium was made to believe you perished, but here you stand on this world. Tell me, how did you escape your judgment? How many have you slaughtered for your dark gods? 
Corina: So you finally speak. 
Kassandra: C….Corina…listen to me. I’ve changed. I no longer crave slaughter and have no contact with my legion. I found peace here. I just wish to be 
Before she could finish, Corina punched her gut, causing her to vomit blood onto the ground. Then Kayvaan grabbed her head, forcing her to look at Corina again.
Corina: *disgusted* I have no time for your excuses, sister. Your judgment awaits.
Corina raised her power claw, Ready to strike the finishing blow to her sister.
Corina: *softly* May the Emperor’s peace be with you,
Nora: *flying towards Corina, full of rage, magnhild raised high above her head* GET AWAY FROM HER!
Magnhild connected with the force of a goliath on Corina. She successfully knocked her back a few feet, surprising the Primarch and her Space Marines. 
Raven Guard: How?! No mere mortal can do that to a Primarch!
Kassandra: *looking up*N…Nora?!
Nora: *turning to the RG holding her surrogate mother. Already charging at them, hammer raised* GET……OFF……MY…….MOTHER 
Kayvaan quickly dropped Kassandra’s right arm as he went to counter Nora. Activating his power claws, he was surprised when he couldn’t slice through the hammer but promptly followed up with a knee to her more petite body, knocking the breath from her body, shattering a few of her ribs, and forcing blood to erupt from her mouth.
Kassandra: Nora!!!
Kayvaan: Hmph, as I suspected. *he picked magnhild up, giving it a light inspection, before bending the handle, tossing it away* Nothing but a child. Though your strength is comparable to a Space marine’s, you are untrained and cannot fully use it. That is good, seeing as how you consider this…heretic your mother. For this world to survive, I must purge you. I am genuinely sorry, child.
Kassandra’s eyes widen at the chapter master’s statement. She didn’t want to believe what she had heard, but she knew it was possible.
Corina: *staggering up in thought* “How is this child so strong? Her strength is comparable to a primarchs! If Kassandra is involved….then. This might be the only way*........
Kassandra watched her sister remain silent as the chapter raised his power claw. As time slowed to a crawl, her curse of visions returned. What she saw horrified her.
Nora lay dead at her feet, Elena And Corina battling over the smothering remains of beacon academy. Daemon spawn ran rampant as people screamed in terror. Then she saw herself sitting on a throne of corpses, and a smiling scorpion was draped over her shoulder as a baby’s cry could be heard. The final vision was of remnant burning from imperial bombardments with the dark gods laughing.
Mustering all her remaining strength, she tore herself free from the RG holding. Crawling her way to Nora as fast as she could before Kavyaan could strike. She cradled the heaving Nora against her, begging with all she had left.
The loyalist stood in shock, especially Corina. The night haunter, protecting a child like a newborn. The idea was unheard of during the great crusade and solidified during the horus heresy. Seeing it now made them question themselves.
Kavyaan: *looking towards Corina* My Lady?
Corina said nothing as she approached her weeping sister. Part of her wants to believe that this is all a farse and that she'll attack once they lower their guard. But seeing her in a vulnerable state and finally seeing her attire,  perhaps she miss judged her. Maybe curze, no Kassandra had truly changed heer was. Was this girl the cause? 
Whatever the reasoning, it still didn’t matter. Kassandra was active in the drop site massacre, the torture of vesta, the slaughter of countless innocents and more. There is no redemption for traitors, only the emperor’s peace.
Corina moved to strike Kassandra down until a sizeable green gauntlet grabbed her shoulder.
???: Enough, Cori
Kassandra lifted her head towards the voice, eyes widening at her savior. Her skinned dark with fiery red eyes, her hair a shade of cyan that seemed to flicker like fire.
Tumblr media
 Vesta, primarch of the salamanders and mother of emerald sustari, held Corina back, her gaze directed at her. Behind her stood a small squad of salamanders, standing at the ready in case of conflict with their cousins. 
Corina: Vesta! What are you doing? 
Vesta: She’s changed. She is no longer the night haunter nor a traitor.
Corina: Vesta, listen to reason. After everything she’s done, people tortured, children slaughtered, the drop site massacre! There is no redemption for a traitor like her!
Vesta: I know, Cori. I can’t say I will forgive her for everything she's done. Yet somehow, I think that girl has made her change for the better. 
Vesta made her way to Kassandra, kneeling before the cowering primarch, smiling warmly as she saw Kassandra cradling Nora.
Vesta: I guess she made you strive to be better, too huh
Kassandra nodded in response. Still shaken that Vesta, of all people, came to her rescue before Corina could execute her and Nora. Said woman was now flying towards their position from an unknown force. 
Vesta: *seeing a downed Corina* Corina! 
Seeing their combined squads completely frozen, Vesta looked towards Corina’s attacker, her eyes widening at the sight of Elena staring down the space marines & the primarchs
Elena: Raven Guard, Salamanders, What is the meaning of this attack!?
 Around her were Pyrrha & team Rwby. Their drawn weapons because supposed allies attacked the friend/cousin. Shortly after their arrival, Ren and Jaune charged with the Glynda, Ozpin, Ironwood, and a small flight of soldiers behind them, aiming at the Imperials.
Nora: *wheezing* ook…..em…..ong…. Enough,
Kassandra: Quite now, save your strength.
Ren: *staring past the imperials* Jaune….if she’s injured for life…
Jaune: I know. And I’ll be there beside you,
Ozpin: *glaring* Now….Which of would you be so kind as to explain why your attacked my student and her family?
Not a word was said until Elena spoke once more.
Elena: *staring down the imperials* Well!? Speak!
Vesta: E…Eleni?
Elena: *Staring down Vesta* Vesta? You’re…..alive? Hmph, it doesn’t matter now. What is important is why are Corina & you attacking Kassandra.
Vesta: Corina would be best to explain this. *sweat dropping at the knocked-out Corina* When she wakes,
Elena: *putting away her sword* Very well, tell your sons to escort Kassandra to an apothecary. We, dear sister, have much to talk about.
As all the people involved began to fill out of the courtyard, no one noticed the scorpion watching the entire ordeal from the shadows
???: *snarling* How…dare she…..
The scorpion’s tail curled in anger
???: How DaRe ShE hArM My bEloVEd
  End of PT. 1
First off, it's not color coded like my other posts main because i did this in Google docs and that didn't transfer over so not doing that again.
2nd i do intend to do a pt. 2 later. Might be a bit more light hearted than this so expect that.
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luwupercal · 3 years
i figured out some thoughts recently on vulkan, specifically how i personally would write him, and since i’ve been telling people i thought i’d post it on here and just put it up for public record. this isn’t really based on anything from canon, just Thoughts, so... it might contradict canon, if it does don’t sue me, i’m a dumbass by trade. anyways
i’ve already talked about how i think vulkan isn’t as blindly optimistic as people portray him as, but i wanted to sort of clarify and reiterate. i think vulkan isn’t a diehard optimist as much as he’s horribly scared of losing hope. back in nocturne, many people Lost Their Hope Completely during vulkan’s childhood, as the drukhari raids took their toll. many others were heavily traumatized, including vulkan’s foster father, who’d lost his spouse just before vulkan arrived. so vulkan isn’t, actually, as much cheerful and optimistic as he is trying really hard to keep a flame of hope burning within him-- something that’s hard to do sometimes, in this galaxy.
he’s also very interested, more than any of his brothers, in one specific subject: how people tick. not necessarily in a psychological way, but moreso in an... i can’t describe it other than an almost pratchettian way? he’s interested in how people’s brains swing in their pendulums back and forth on a daily life, finds comfort in the mundane parts of existance, like having an old man who thinks he’s smarter than he actually is have his ego popped like a balloon by a well-placed question, or understanding that despite grumbling the entire way through it, people will come to help each other. he does believe very hardly in the inherent goodness of humankind, so sometimes the conclusions he comes to are biased or skewed, but yanno. he’s human too
(he also has a problem with nuance in terms of morality? he’s willing to accept people who aren’t perfect obviously, but he does divide people in Good People and Bad People (and Eldar, as a subcathegory of Bad People). it’s not... out of anything bad, this is just kind of a natural consequence of trying to believe people are inherently good against evidence)
my headcanon is that primarchs didn’t grow to 10 feet tall in 3 years and that they didn’t reach, like, middle-adulthood in three years but instead they were more like... 16-17? old enough to be independent in a pinch but young enough that they shouldn’t. and at 15ish they were some 7 feet tall or so, and they just kept swelling bigger and bigger afterwards. with that said: anecdotically, a young vulkan took that extra growth especially hard, combined with his regenerative powers (which imhc had first manifested during his childhood). he kept having logicless anxieties and weird nightmares about being some kind of gray goo
(as an addon: he finds horror about immortality sucking particularly tough to digest. it’s a good thing harlan ellison’s been long, long forgotten by the 30th millennium, isn’t it)
he intuited something not just good but almost akin in konrad, before everything went down, and it really genuinely did freak him out. he couldn’t quite name it, since he didn’t have the full context of what rules konrad lived by and why he did what he did, but he could sense that they both, in completely opposite ways, had struggled extremely hard to believe in the inherent goodness of humanity while allowing for “bad” people to not lose said faith (at least before konrad’s legendary freakout / blowing up nostramo). but where vulkan had seeked to reward the good, konrad had instead punished the bad. and vulkan could intuit that, even without all the information, and it made his skin positively crawl
(another parallel is that vulkan’s too afraid of the darkness to stop being optimistic and konrad’s too afraid of the light to stop being cynical. there’s material here and it’s going underused!! it’s really cool material!! come on)
also, vulkan has a really hard time even thinking about his own mental struggles? he thinks a lot of how he thinks that’s due to trauma is just an obvious conclusion everyone’s ought to eventually reach, and so he only realizes too late, sometimes, when he’s doing something unhealthy or irrational
(like torching a planet)
anyways i think about vulkan a lot. i hope these thoughts make you think about him a bit because i think he deserves more people who actually have smarter thoughts than me to think about him. i think that’s all on my thoughts for now
one last thought: it’s really fucking cute that he was friends with ferrus. they played xbox together. vulkan has the oldest xbox knownnnnn to mannnnnnnn
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