#with the bullshit the orgs pull. he’s just cool with this
blue-eli · 7 months
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Ink October day ten: Dichotomy
A division into two contrasting things or parts.
The phase of the moon, Mercury, or Venus when half of the disk is illuminated.
Branching characterized by successive forking into two approximately equal divisions.
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tslasvegas · 3 years
Episode 13: “What a depressing trip to Las Vegas” - Jaiden
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I just have one thing to say.
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HAPPY THANKSGIVING! It worked! I didn't expect Joey to vote with us. I feel bad about that, but hey, we couldn't see him being sincere. If he told us who the others were voting for, then maybe we would have changed votes. Jaiden was open to it already. Kailyn is probably the one who voted with John for Liv. Maybe she thought he would play and idol or maybe jury management. Anyway, she should have told us. 
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Joey got voted out. Which was not supposed to happen this round. Pat and Jeff are just so naive and easily to manipulate. I’m sure they could be convinced to self vote without any real effort. I don’t even want to bother working with them moving forward because of it. But I might have to. I can’t let grudges get in the way of getting to the end game. Honestly at this point I’d be happy going to F3 with Liv and Kailyn. Xavier is too nice. Jaiden is too... out there? Love him, but I don’t want to sit next to him at the end. And Pat and Jeff i just don’t think they deserve to make it that far
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I still can’t believe tribal tonight was real. It’s been like six hours and I’m still in shock that Joey finally went home. Like... what??? I’ve been dealing with that dude for three weeks and I’ve held his little secret in until it finally came of use to me, and... now I’m in the final seven. The game has NOT been won yet and while I feel like cheering and celebrating, I need to maintain my focus and center myself as the game is nowhere close to being over yet. We’ve still got at least four tribals to go, but after tonight I might be able to say that I’m exactly halfway through the merge (assuming it’s a final three... dear god please be a final three). Top eight was a really hard mountain to climb and once I lost immunity I felt a little out of touch with what was gonna happen next. I really felt like my time was going to come, and I’m so thankful that it wasn’t. Tbh Kailyn might’ve gone home today had Jeff not told me about a Palazzo chat still being alive and well. I don’t know how I’m gonna turn this bad situation around again but I need to convince Keegan and Livingston to work with me, Kailyn, and Xavier. It is critical now that Jeff or Pat go home because one of them is going to win. Before Joey left, he told me that there is a rumor that Jeff or Pat have an idol nullifier. While a nullifier won’t affect me right now, it’s not something that I want to see in the game going forward period and I want to use that little piece of information to my benefit and finally get rid of Pat. I’ve been saying for SO LONG that we need to get rid of Pat and now the time is ticking down. He has to go as soon as possible, fuck whatever Jeff says. Tbh I want to fly into the final six with no votes cast against me, still. I wonder if I can get Jeff and Pat to target like Keegan or Livingston and I really just need Xavier or Kaitlyn to bring up Pat’s name first before Jeff.. I doubt they have the smarts to recognize the danger that they pose, but we will see... Keegan is DEFINITELY pissed off at me now too. I made the mistake of telling him that I was “a little annoyed” about how tribal went, which was such a dumb thing to say bc tribal went exactly how I wanted it to. I’m playing off the fact that Kailyn must’ve known abt Joey voting for Livingston because her name was on the chopping block too so that’s why it went 4-2-2 rather than 5-2-1 like it was supposed to. I don’t want anybody to know that I was playing for Joey’s advantage which I’m sure people think I have right now lmfao... Anyways really I need to just make Keegan NOT hate me because he’s still part of my plan long term (I think)... he’s really smart tho and I’m not counting him out to win the whole thing but he hasn’t really done much of anything whereas people like Jeff and Pat and Xavier have kinda done a lot... If Keegan isn’t prepared to be fully loyal to me til the end then there’s nothing I can say to him except adios. All I really need right now is an immunity run til the end. I hope that the next challenge is something that doesn’t require a lot of skill because I am INCREDIBLY anxious just thinking about a competition, live. I need final seven immunity because then I’m guaranteed top five... the furthest I’ve ever been in Tumblr Survivor by a mile. I’ll break so many of my own personal records with that one single immunity win. In fact, if I make it to final five, that will be the best I’ve literally ever done in a Skype survivor org. I haven’t done that good since April and it’s just really affirming to me that this was the right decision for me to come back to Tumblr. Aside from winning challenges and making more moves, I also have gotta start fixing my bad relationships. Like I mentioned earlier, Keegan seems REALLY pissed off at me for how things went down with him being left out of the vote again. I can only apologize so many times before I am simply unforgivable. Maybe say sorry less and work to do better??? Idfk. But if Jeff or Pat can just say Keegan’s name, I’ll do what I can to prove to him that I’m loyal to HIM and not them. I hope that the Palazzos are falling to pieces now and realize that the only way to the end is to stick by us and nobody else. Jeff was also pretty mad at me for pushing his buttons a lot today. But honestly he was feeding me utter bullshit. I don’t buy that he was my savior and guardian Angel today, protecting me from having my name come up. I should honestly tell Livingston that Jeff sold him out to me not too long after Livingston said my name in their little chat. That would be hilarious. Kailyn and I are pretty close, but it could be better. I think I tend to revert all game-conversations with Xavier, so I don’t consider Kailyn my main ally unfortunately. If I want to go to the final three with her and Xavier, I need to really work on building that GAME relationship up because as a person I think we vibe well but it’s gonna come down to a couple factors and if she *has* to be sacrificed for me to get further, I can’t do anything but let it happen unfortunately.. As I just said, Xavier is kind of my main strategic ally right now which is super weird to say. He has definitely stepped it up A LOT in the strategic department and I have a lot of respect for him just as a person and I want to try and pick his brain a little bit more. The only thing with Xavier is that he seems to be playing really “safe” right now - I think had the opportunity presented itself to vote for Jeff with Joey, Xavier wouldn’t have gone for it and would’ve wanted to stick strong with voting Livingston instead. Which I totally get, but this game right now kinda requires we make bolder decisions than just what kinda didn’t work last time, you know? Okay now for Pat - god our relationship is just so weird. I have virtually not ties to Pat except the one alliance with Jeff and I feel like Jeff wants to control Pat rather than let Pat be his own player. It’s weird. I wonder if Pat would be down to vote out Jeff but fuck it’s gonna be hard to pull that off. I don’t want to hold off on Pat BECAUSE if I can’t get him out next, I will need him at final six and hopefully final five to serve as a sacrificial lamb or something. I’m wondering now if maybe Livingston needs to go because people are gonna always view Pat as a huge threat to win, even though he might not necessarily do so if he gets there. Livingston... yeah I really don’t like Livingston lmfao. I think it’s because of his super close connection to Rachael but it might also be because he is like, cool and nerdy and a bit of a try hard “around camp” so to speak. What REALLY gets on my nerves about Livingston is that he possesses zero of the charisma to convince me that he sucks at this game but enough social finesse to make me think that he’s actually gonna win if he gets to the end. He’s like, that cool dork everybody was friends with in high school. Even though parts of his game have been lackluster as fuck, he’s still a massive threat to win and I might just need to kick him off to the jury as soon as possible. :) And finally... me! I’m gonna try hard to be unbiased and self-aware but it’s so difficult to do that bc I genuinely don’t know how ppl are perceiving me this time.. I THINK it’s mostly positive but tonight was definitely one of my most negative episodes bc of how stressful I was being before tribal. Just ask Jeff. I think I’m definitely succeeding in getting votes to go my way and I have had a LOT of things go right for me since the merge. From Stephanie leaving right when I needed her to, to the double removal, to the super idol coming out and getting rid of Joey... It’s been so good so far. BUT I’m not being subtle about it. Subtlety is not a strength of mine that’s for sure.. I think I succeeded in being “subtle” about the Steph thing bc I was not making it overly obvious I wanted her out but otherwise I’ve been very clearly controlling other decisions and how certain votes went. Leaving two people I don’t trust in the game (Pat/Jeff) is tough but at least I worked with them on something, right? Joey was telling me so much that he was gonna lose to me and I think he was right. Now Jeff is saying that he’s probably going to lose if we’re in the end, but he doesn’t want to vote me out. Do I trust that? Not really... But fuck, I don’t even know anymore!!! I think if the game was over right now, I’m going to be grilled to DEATH for being fake as hell to Joey. I think that’s gonna come back to bite me so I need to start talking POSITIVELY about Joey to EVERYBODY. Read him for game, not for personal reasons. And maybe I’ll even talk his game up going forward just so that the person who goes into jury at least relays that I made a “good move” voting for Joey to leave (even tho I didn’t vote for Joey hehe). I wonder if people think I’m just playing tjem as pawns and not as real people.. bc these are definitely real people we are playing with here and I recognize that, but honestly in my mind nobody here wants this as badly as me. If that makes me the villain, I’m fine being the villain. But I’m not a human being that will ever play this game with a passion to play humanely. I want to win so badly. I’m going crazy in my own head, the wheels turning in hyperspeed. I’ve never been hungrier for something like I am for this win... I can hold out another year in this environment if I have to. I can and I will 🤠
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Darn third world slow internet connection! Anyway, it made others look like challenge threats more than me, so hopefully that gets me through more rounds if they think other people can win more :) 
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That was a very stressful and very tense immunity challenge. Jeff was the clear front runner for the first five rounds, being the first person to advance in all of them. He’s a quick typer which made me very worried I wouldn’t be able to pull off a win. However, the last round was “Name That Song” and with the help of Siri, I snagged the immunity necklace! Final 6 here I come! This round presents me with an interesting dilemma. Since I have immunity I can be a little more ballsy. So I could throw Jeff or Pat under the bus, try to sway Jaiden, Kailyn and Xavier to vote one of them out. Or I can stick with the OG Palazzo group that is saying (for the fifth time I might add) that they want to stick together. That hasn’t worked out at all yet this merge and we’ve voted 4 people out. Pat and Jeff seem pretty interested in targeting Xavier for being a social threat which I don’t disagree with. But Jaiden is a very strong player. This is one of those rounds where I’m insanely grateful to have immunity because there’s also a bunch of advantages out there. I know Livingston has a regular idol now. But there’s vote steals and extra votes and idol nullifiers out there somewhere and that’s so nerve-wracking. Also, Jaiden mentioned to me that this is the last round for a lot of those advantages and I just don’t think I buy that. Final 7 is a weird place for that. Regardless, I’m fully expecting this to be a wild and crazy tribal tomorrow. Can’t wait to see what happens because I get to sit there looking pretty with my new bling. Xoxo Gossip Girl
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I am terrified of tribal today and I have a bunch of different ideas in my head but I just want to survive. Kind of where I am at is I feel like I am getting 7th no matter what because I have never tasted top 6 in an ORG. I could play an idol here at 7, waste it, and then just get fucked at 6. One thing I thought about was "finding" the idol part of the way through tomorrow and then letting OG Palazzo know to build trust. The only issue with this is that the idol nullifier is in play. It could still be on the board. It was on the board when I got my auction advantage. But if it isn't, and Pat and Jeff turn on me, I could be fucked idol or no idol if the nullifier is played. I suppose that Pat and Jeff have both never voted me as far as I can tell, unless I have miscalculated one of the vote counts for the past 2 tribals. Maybe it'd be safer to hold onto the idol quietly and just hope I don't leave with it in my pocket. This is so stressful because if I leave with it in my pocket, I look like an idiot that had the luck to get two advantages but couldn't traverse the game much past that. 
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Okay so, Jeff is my closest ally at this point. Voting out Joey was our move and I am very happy we did. I don’t express the anger that I’m feeling and I think that helps keep my relationships good with people. I think I’m good with Livingston and Keegan and also Jaiden and Kailyn. I was Xavier out this round but I feel like something is going to happen. No one knows I have an idol which is amazing and I hope I don’t have to use it til final 5 and I have immunity and can play it on someone else for the fun of it. I can’t believe I made final 7 and am actually kicking up playing the game by voting correctly on Joey. I think so far I have 2 of the 4 votes at final tribal council, Andrew and Steph. I think I have a road there, I just hope I make the right decision because I’m still in I a weird phase of the game and anything can happen. 
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This tribal feels very weird. Jaiden is insisting he hasn’t heard anything at all about the vote. Which I find very strange considering he’s basically been running things most of this merge. Why would suddenly no one tell him anything? Especially Kailyn and Xavier. Seems like those three are fairly open with each other. I could not be more happy to have immunity this round. No matter what happens, I am safe and have not a thing to worry about. I really really hope that Pat and Jeff are being honest and actually voting for Xavier like they say they are. If they’re flipping and voting for Livingston.... I don’t even want to imagine that. But I’m getting some sketchy vibes. Fingers crossed it’s just me being paranoid, though any time I say that something unexpected happens.
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Ok I'm calling it, I'm going home tonight ! Literally nobody is telling me anything and it's really quite pathetic to see Keegan, who says we're super cool and good friends and will be friends once this is all over, win immunity and then not make a single attempt to pick me up and flip me to his side. Unless he's so confident that the Palazzo four will stick loyal to the very end... which they probably will, but Jeff is gonna beat all of them in the end and I think they see me as a big threat or something LOL I guess it's good gameplay for them but I hate it either way. I don't really have a lot to say bc now I just feel dumb. I wish I had an idol, but of course, I do not. Anyways, I'm going to have to stick with the fact that people are voting for Xavier tonight and hope my name doesn't come up at all. I'm going to lie and tell Xavier that I'm certain its me or Kailyn tonight and hope he holds an idol if he has it... or plays it on me heh. We'll see though... What a depressing trip to Las Vegas if it ends like this. 
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The last Confessional :( 
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nochanchu · 5 years
more than this
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pairing: park jimin x reader (unnamed oc) genre: college au | romance, not really drama drama but it’s internal, theme of pining, includes alcohol mention and player!jimin wc: 3,101 description: [based on number seven of this prompt list] Jimin struggles to express his feelings—it’s a given for such a frivalous lifestyle—but she makes it so hard and so easy to crave something else, something more. 
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It’s a chance meeting. Nothing more, nothing less.
Jimin knows how this interaction will go. He will talk to her, she will engage him in some witty repertoire, probably flirt back just a teensy bit, then before he can seal the deal, she will shut him out and wrap up her defenses as high as New York’s skyscrapers just to keep herself safe. It’s admirable, endearing actually, that she doesn’t fall into him, that she fires back responses with a curve to her lips and a hand on her hips, because when someone as divine as she gives him the time of day, he can hardly contain himself from returning with a measured grin and hazy eyes filled with interest and a dash of curiosity.
There’s something about her, he has often noted. She doesn’t care about him or his reputation. She doesn’t care for his dyed red hair or his piercings. Hell, she doesn’t comment on any of it, lest he tries to cross the platonic boundary with some teasing suggestions, then she reminds him of his previous flings with a raised brow and a pursed lip. It’s an effective way for him to shut up—something she has prided herself in for the last few months—and it makes him wonder how he has done it. He’s used to Yoongi shutting him up. Sometimes even the jeers of his friend group easily silencing him, but it’s good-natured and sometimes well-deserved. But her? When she shuts him up, he feels like he has done something wrong, like he’s playing with a boundary that can’t be crossed with that method, and yet in all his fucked up experience, he isn’t even sure how he can bridge the gap with just a simple, “Hi, how are you?”
It’s not him. Not anymore. He doesn’t know how to fucking function in normal relationships. What is normal anyway? Is it giving her flowers before a date? Walking up to her doorstep and watching her walk inside? Is he supposed to wait to kiss her or does he just do it because it feels right? When he takes her to the restaurant, is he supposed to open the door for her? How about the car—
He shakes his head at the thought, heaving a long and drawn out sigh along the way. Because he doesn’t fucking know. He has no clue at all. That part of him—the oh-so-romantic side—is long gone, and whatever conception he has left of love is nothing more than phone number exchanges at his frat parties, overnight stays in his bed or theirs and a few dark splotches as a temporary reminder, and the faint recollection of what may have transpired before he is back to step one, if you can even call any of that shit love, that is.
When she sees him, she throws a coy smile in greeting.
Jimin does the same, waiting for her usual jabs.
“This is a first,” she casts an up and down look at him. “No one’s hanging off your arm or sucking on your face.”
There it is, he thinks, feeling a little nauseous at the thought. He hopes he sounds as nonchalant as he thinks he does. “Is that an expectation for me?”
“Isn’t it for all you fuckboys?”
He sighs, a part of him already resigned to the label she has been keen on reminding him of since the two of them first met.
On any normal day, Jimin probably would’ve enjoyed this sort of thing. His own notoriety preceding him well if anyone knew him. Their crowds ran in different circles. Greek life meets org life. Which isn’t much different from one another, if not for the fact that she was the one making shit the Juneteenth happen while he made beer pong, mild hazing, and the frequent stomp performance at Rush Week a thing. It was inevitable for the two of them to meet, and yet it only happened when he found her moving in on his floor as his second year of being an RA.
“I suppose it is,” he replies before a sip of his beer. The bitter taste is without even a hint of the citrus fruits that were promised at the start of the night, though even as the alcohol dissipates into his system, he still feels that bitterness when he realizes that it isn’t the beverage bugging him.
Perhaps he should, instead, say that if this were with anybody else, then he wouldn’t have minded being withered down to a simple fuckboy status. But because this is her—the very active presence in the background of his thoughts with your kind, inquisitive smile and witty quips that get him to flush with laughter—he is bothered at himself than anything else.
She tilts her head at him and asks, “What’s wrong?”
He catches himself before he can ask how she knows something’s up, because he isn’t sure how he would respond. Truthfully, he doesn’t want to admit to the truth that has been bubbling up inside him like Coca-cola fizz, or the result of an extremely bad hangover. The aftermath is far from pretty, jarring even if she hasn’t suspected anything from him.
“Nothin—” Her glare stops him.
“You’re terrible at bullshitting, Jimin. I hope you know that.”
“I’m just tired,” he says, hoping to convince her (and himself), but he would take anyone’s belief right now. He would arguably appreciate one of his idiotic frat brothers coming over to steal him away, so he won’t have to face this reality.
“Let’s go then.”
“What?” he blurts out, unsure if he heard her correctly. 
She grabs onto his arm before he can say another word, already taking a few steps before tripping over herself. He reacts quickly, of course. Her own body now leaning against him as he navigates her both out of the too-warm house and into the cool, crisp air outside. It swarms them both and whisks away the smell of sweat and booze as they both walk down the street toward the dormitories. He almost can’t believe she isn’t pulling away. In fact, he almost goes into shock when she actually gravitates back to him when he tries to create distance between them.
“Stay here. I might trip and die if you keep leaving me,” she says with a small frown.
Jimin swears it’s actually a pout, but her pouting is an image he never thought he would live to see. Because while they both often talked casually, the space she puts between them is intentional. By disallowing him the privy of seeing her in any other aspect but surface, it is to make sure he knows that she has no intentions of falling for his charms and becoming one of his many fling casualties. He has long since accepted this, conditioning himself to the quips and the distance if only to remain in her life. It’s kind of pathetic. He never would’ve thought he would be like this with someone, walking on eggshells and still hoping to have a moment longer with them, but she makes it easy for someone like him.
“Are you sure you want me walking you home? I thought you didn’t trust fuckboys like me.” He doesn’t mean to sound so self-deprecating, but he figures he can pass off his behavior as being tipsy whenever she confronts him about it.
But she surprises him yet again when she doesn’t. Instead she shrugs with a sway as each steps on the blemished gravel makes a steady path harder.
“You’re my RA. Shouldn’t I trust you?” There’s a twinge of sarcasm laced between her words, but he knows the semblance of truth is still there. Even if he has to squint to see it.
“Well, true...” When she stumbles into his bicep, a realization strikes him as quickly as her cheek does and he has to make sure to be extra careful when walking with her. He’s dense as hell, so he has to ask to make sure. “Hey, are you drunk?” 
“No!” She tries to tell him with a straight face, but a peal of laughter escapes past her lips, making his heart beat out of pace and into some sputtering wreck. “Yeah, okay. A little.”
Of course, she’s drunk. 
Considering she has never really let him stand this close to her (something he has respected), it should’ve clicked before, what with her stumbling out of the house and clinging onto him like a lifeline. Normal circumstances would’ve put them at a whole meter distance instead of this millimeter one. Nor would he have an opportunity to walk with her unless it happened by chance. And, he doesn’t mind at all, really walking with her is its own bonus to keeping her safe.
Jimin’s only concern right now is getting her back to her dorm, away from the danger that lurks on dark, empty streets, from the copious amounts of booze offered at every corner of his frat house, and most of all, his brothers either lurking about to spill his dreaded secret or just to flirt to get a response out of him (though it would’ve also been out of their own prerogatives as well). He hates to think that there’s some need to stake claim to her, because he just can’t see that with her, or anyone really. He’s never been that territorial kind of guy, as raunchous as his reputation precedes him, things just happen. Perhaps there’s a game of hard-to-get, but too much hard isn’t his forté, nor is too easy either. He likes the middle ground, where there’s a push-and-pull, an equilibrium of sorts that can subdue and enthrall him all the same; where he’s more himself than just bits and pieces conjured at times that necessitate certain him’s; where as shitty as he feels, he can still somehow feel better, even in situations where he is simply walking back home. He likes, well, her.
It’s such a stupid thought when he reiterates to himself that she isn’t just anybody to him, because no fucking shit she isn’t just anybody. To anyone at all. She’s a godsend, a damn gift, a person that—if he ever had to guts to say—makes him want to connect, to finally bridge a gap with someone that hasn’t been his friend for more than five years, because he loves his friends. They’re the best people in his life. But her? She holds down her own tier, effortlessly.
He realizes they’re both almost back at the dorm, her room, to be very exact. He’s disappointed at not having been able to talk to her, but he blames his mouth’s current inability to open and create sound. He wishes to brave that jump and just let her hear what his heart wants him to finally say. But when he looks at her underneath the bright fluorescent lights, he suddenly finds any and all words caught and jumbled in his throat like a bad traffic jam on a three-day weekend. He just can’t stop looking at her. Like really looking at her. It isn’t her constant rejection that bugs him, or even her at all, it’s what he knows she sees that really gets to him.
“What?” They both seem to say, breaking away the faintest of tension in the air. He laughs and so does she.
The more he urges himself to speak, the less he feels brave enough to do so. Even though a part of him wants to hear the truth so he can finally get over this, another doesn’t want to. That part would rather live in the suspense and hope for reciprocation.
“You look like you want to say something,” she points out. Her gaze flickers over his visage with careful consideration, though it looks more adorable with the small pout adorning her lips. He can’t say this is the first time he’s seen her like this, but that memory is faint and fading in favor of this new one. Whether it’s good or bad makes him even more nervous. “Jimin, spit it out.”
“I—” He pauses. “You’re still drunk right?”
She snorts, giving a nod as she leans against your door. “That can’t fade in a ten-minute walk, J. Why?”
“Okay, good… I wanna ask you something then.”
“Is it another pick-up line? Because, c’mon now, those are getting old. At this point, they’ve become keep away sirens like ‘wee-woo, fuckboy alert! Wee-woo!’” He can’t tell if she’s joking. He wants to say yes, but the joviality in her eyes barely matches the fatigue in her tone, and the reality of rejection seems to sink in more than ever.
“No, not that,” he says in a small whisper.
“What then?” She tilts her head, either out of curiosity or increasing sleepiness.
For obvious reasons, he expects the words to refuse to come. His courage dissipating alongside them. He doesn’t want to face reality with her, he prefers the comfort of the usual, he likes her jabs and their banters, he likes being this close without being too close, and even though he hates the unknown, he likes not knowing whether she likes him back or not.
“I’d been planning on saying this for a while, but…” He shakes his head, instead he says, “It’s nothing. Have a good night, okay?”  
She blinks, unsure of what to make of the sudden change probably. “Are you sure?”
He nods. “I’ll just wait until you get in, and I’ll leave you be for the rest of the night.”
She softly says okay, fumbling with her keys but managing.
Jimin watches as she gets inside, he swears she pauses and it looks like she has more to say but seems to decide against it, and instead an exchange of small waves passes between them before she shuts the door.
He can suddenly breathe properly then.
Maybe next time.
Next time finds its way to him the following morning.
She sent him a text just to see if Jimin was awake and she came knocking not too long afterwards. The know is a simple beat, one of which she came up with for the sole purpose of having someone to corroborate a potential alibi with, not that any of the other RAs have ever cared. But it was something Jimin and she shared, and it was something he was grateful for nonetheless.
“What’s wrong?” she asks, just as she did last night but this time sober.
He opens his mouth before shutting it immediately, falling prey to the hard stare she gives him.
“No bullshitting, Jimin.”
He steps aside to let her in. She takes perch on his desk, while he remains leaning against the now shut door. His nerves are bubbling back up again, but there is no escape this time.
“I know there’s something on your mind. You were so… quiet last night, even brooding you has more to say than you did last night, so as your friend, someone that knows you were running away from something—I have no idea what—please talk to me. You sounded like you had something to say, but you didn’t and I’m both curious and concerned to hear it.”
“Can you be honest about something with me?” he asks softly. He sits on his unmade bed and meets her eyes. Despite how much he would love to read into the fact that she caught on to how odd he was acting, he chalks that up to her being the observant person that she is, not a testament to feelings she probably isn’t harboring for him.
She nods.
“Am I just a fuckboy to you? It sounds ridiculous aloud, but with all the jabs you throw my way, it makes me wonder if that’s the only way you see me. I get it, I definitely deserve it. My reputation and all that precedes me. But it’s hard when I hope you might see me otherwise… I guess, if that makes any sense.”
He says all this with a wandering eye, the bulletin board with photos of his friends and family looking a lot less intimidating to even the awfully patterned carpet. 
“See you otherwise…” she repeats, catching his attention with clearing her throat. “Jimin, do you want to know how I really feel about you?”
“Yeah, of course.”
She smiles a little. “I think you’re a great guy. Surprise, surprise right? I mean why else would I hang around you? You’re funny and sweet for the most part, and what you did last night stuck with me well into the night, because if I thought you were just like any other fuckboy on this campus, I would’ve accepted a walk home from any one of my other friends willing to do it. I wouldn’t have asked what was bothering you, in fact I was hoping you’d tell me on the walk, but Jimin, you didn’t try to make a move on me like any other asshole who would’ve when I was drunk, and besides that… I feel very fond of you.”
Jimin is speechless. The shroud of uncertainty lifting like clouds parting to make way for the sun. He can’t help but break out into a large grin.
“Does that clarify a few things?”
“It does. Thank you,” he says, running a hand through his hair. “Holy shit.”
“Who knew you were so shy?”
He wants to scoff, but he can’t and they both know it. “I’m sorry, I’m shit at this kind of thing. I don’t know how to do the fairy tale kind of love. I thought I could once upon a time, but you know how that went—poorly—and here I am, struggling and trying. Even if this wasn’t an ideal confession, I want you to know that I feel very fond of you too, by the way.”
“None of this has to be fairy tale perfect, or well, Disney fairytale perfect. It can be Brothers Grimm perfect, sans all the death and gore. I don’t mind that you’re learning. I am too, alright? We can learn to get something right together. That sound good?”
“It sounds Disney fairytale perfect,” he says, and she snorts.
“Good, because I think Disney fairytale perfect entails that we deserve some non-dining commons breakfast food. Me, especially for coming here despite having been drunk last night.”
“How does breakfast at Black Bear Diner sound?”
“It’s a date, you ready?”
“With you, of course.”
He grabs his keys and shucks on a sweatshirt from his closet, her soon following suit, as they have the first of many dates.  
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nobodies-png · 5 years
Yay, I'm glad that you're open! May I request what ORG XII members Axel, Demyx, Saix and Marluxia would be like as best friends. Thank you so much!
The askbox is always open so feel free to f l o o d it, lads. Also hell yeAH, WE STAN SOME GOOD PLATONIC LOVE AROUND HERE. I keep getting carried away and writing a shit ton for these asks bUT O H WELL
Saix : 
Let’s face it - you’re gonna need a lot of patience and understanding to be Saix’s best friend. The guy is always impassive and cold. From an outsider’s point of view, he treats you just like he treats the rest - so you’re gonna have to read between the lines and spot those subtle clues and hints to realize that he does, in fact, care about you in his own way.
If you were in the Organization with him, he would go a little easier and take your opinions into consideration. His sharp words and strict attitude would still be there, but he’s definitely more lenient with you than with the rest, often overlooking or covering up for your tiny mistakes - HOWEVER, you can expect a harsh scolding if you start slacking off ! Want a day off ? Be paired with someone ? Keep this cute puppy you found ? Sure but you’ll have to e a r n it. 
Because of his position in the Organization, he doesn’t exactly have free time to spend with you - which is something he feels somewhat guilty of. Saix works hard day and night so both of you can regain your hearts as fast as possible. You’re the only one (apart from Xemnas) allowed to visit and hang around him while he works, letting you ramble about whatever you want.
If you weren’t in the Organization, Saix would be t o r n between his loyalty to Xemnas and his friendship with you. It’s a neverending battle between mind and heart. He’d push you away in an attempt to protect you, as well as being extra careful to not send any potentially dangerous members of the organization to whatever world you’re in or let anyone know about what ties you two have.
iN A LESS ANGSTY SETTING (without Xenahort fucking up absolutely everything, cough) Saix would be that one friend whose discipline and responsibility just end up rubbing off on you. His critiques and advice might be harsh, but he means well and motivates you to be your best self. Doesn’t tolerate bullshit, but he sure as fuck needs your help to learn how to loosen up and relax. Wouldn’t hesitate to fight a bitch if they look at you the wrong way.
Axel : 
Everyone sees him as carefree and laid-back, always doing whatever he wants. But as his best friend, you’re able to see past that - Axel actually worries and overthinks quite a lot. He’s used to people depending on him so he automatically makes himself responsible of your well-being and happiness. You’d have to insist to let him know that you two are equals and that he’s your friend, not your mom. Axel would have a hard time learning how to rely on you, but he’ll slowly come around and open up.
But other than that, once you have his trust, then it’s yours to keep. Axel is a “ride or die” type of person - you can always count on him to have your back. As well as an endless supply of snarky and funny remarks. And ice cream. You bet your ass he’ll bring you sea salt ice cream or other snacks to eat with him at the end of the day.
If you were in the Organization with him, then your friendship would be just like his friendship with Roxas and Xion ! Axel will always side with you if Saix ever gets on your case and, if the perfect moment arrives, he’d definitely tell you all about his life as a somebody. And some spicy info about how Saix used to be too, h o h o h.
Sometimes, his cynism can get the best of him and you’ll hear him go on and on about deep cryptic and phylosophical topics. But hey, that’s a normal thing among Nobodies. In these rare moments of weakness, you just have to reassure him that what matters is the present and he’ll bounce back onto his charismatic self in a heartbeat.
If you weren’t in the Organization, Axel would keep you from getting involved and learning anything about them. As well as everything that he has to do under their orders. His mind would be complete chaos. What would you do if you found out about his lack of heart ? What would Xemnas do if he ever found out about your friendship ? Axel is willing to betray the organization and take a leap of faith. But only if you asked him.
Demyx :
Okay, being Demyx’s best friend wouldn’t be as angsty as being Saix’s or Axel’s best friend. He believes he has a heart despite what the rest tell him, so he’s not as emotionally constipated or in denial as them. You won’t even notice he’s a Nobody unless he tells you. And he WILL, but mostly as a warning. If you decide to risk your safety just to hang out with him, he won’t stop you. You’re your own person, after all. 
If you’re not in the Organization, you can expect Demyx to hide from his responsibilities in your world and spending all of his time just goofing around with you. He’d try to teach you some water magic, play the sitar or put on little shows for you and if you’re up for it, he’d also take you on little secret adventures to other worlds. In return, you can just show him all the cool things to do around your world.
And if you ARE in the Organization with him then it’s the same thing - except that you two get in trouble with Saix a lot. You and Demyx stick together like glue and everyone knows better than to try and separate you. No one wants to deal with Demyx’s whining or his constant sitar strumming in the Grey Area. 
You’re the first one he goes to whenever he writes a new song. Or for cover if he’s in trouble. Hell, you’re the one he goes to for everything. It can be a bit overbearing but can you blame him ? He’s surrounded by really depressing people all the time ! Around you, he doesn’t have to put on an act - he can just be himself without the pressure of “yEAH SORRY, NO FEELINGS ALLOWED IN THIS BITCH.” If you ask him for more s p a c e, he’ll understand though.
Demyx trusts you more than enough to tell you about his past as a Somebody. As well as everything else that he has to keep from his coworkers : his fears, insecurities, dreams, goals… And he’d love to hear your story too ! It’s one of the very rare moments in which he’s completely serious.
Marluxia :
It doesn’t really matter if you’re his best friend, you’re gonna be kept in the dark a lot. Don’t take it personally, though - Marluxia is just. Naturally shady and private with everything. As well as a perfectionist. If you do end up learning anything about his plans and such, it’s because he allowed you to know - and cause he’s aware of what your reaction is going to be. Well, or at least thinks so. This fucker just needs to be two steps ahead.
But of course, he does have a soft spot for you. Marluxia’s cruel and aloof façade has slipped more than once in your presence and you’ve been able to see a more human side of him. Like you sometimes get the feeling that you’re nothing but a pawn to him, but hell hath no fury like Marluxia if anyone tried to hurt you. (”What did you say about Y/N? Dear, hold my fucking flower, gotta tear this thot a new one.”)
If you were in the Organization with him, you’d be the first one to know about his plans to overthrow Xemnas and the first one he’d ask to join him. And trust me, he won’t accept no for an answer. Marluxia would do everything in his power to convince you to side with him should you refuse his offer, but there’s a tiny chance that you can end up changing his mind instead. From his point of view, you’re the only one worth listening to.
If you weren’t in the Organization, then Marluxia would keep them from knowing about you. He knows that your friendship, no matter how strong and beautiful, can be used against him - so by being his usual cryptic and shady self, he’s protecting both of your asses ! You’d probably wake up to a different flower on your window every day.
Marluxia is actually a cheeky bastard. He’d tease and pull little harmless pranks on you for funsies only to pretend that he’s “too classy for tasteless jokes like that.” He’s not the type to get emotional and sentimental, so don’t expect a tragic backstory reveal - but he’s surprisingly gentle when you’re the one in need for comfort. If you wake up to find that your problem has been magically solved, then you bet Marluxia pulled some strings behind the scenes.
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purplesurveys · 5 years
If someone's laughing, do you instantly think they're laughing at you? Egh no, not really. I’ve had people laugh at me but I do know about it; I’ve never felt paranoid like this. What is the strangest thing you've been asked? My mom’s masseuse asked me if I was pregnant after taking a good look at me and deciding I looked familiar. It felt weird and eerie until I told my parents about it the next day and they said “Oh yeah, she’s the one with the third eye.” Didn’t feel as strange after that, but at the time when she looked me dead in the eye and asked me that question it was definitely so weird lmao. What’s the weirdest thing about life that people just accept as normal? Sometimes I wonder how people from the far past got to decide how certain animals were safe to eat even though they a) clearly scream danger, b) have such a complex way of being consumed (like crabs), or c) ARE STRAIGHT UP POISONOUS (like the pufferfish in Japan). But hey, we’re all eating them right now.
What was your favorite game as a child? I liked local games. We had langit-lupa (heaven and earth), piko (hopscotch), ice-ice water (freeze tag), Chinese garter, 10-20, and patintero. What’s the stupidest thing you've ever heard? Anything that comes out of conservative Catholics’ mouths.
What's the most random thing you've done out of boredom? It would have to be that time that I got really depressed last December and I spent all my Christmas savings meant for friends and family on a bunch of coloring books and my own set of coloring pencils. All for myself. It’s a little morbid, but whaever.  What show did your parents not let you watch as a kid? My parents were pretty liberal and weren’t too strict about shows. My mom absolutely hated Mr. Bean though because she was convinced he was the reason my brother didn’t start talking until he was like 6. She would change the channel if it was on, but she didn’t outright ban us or anything. What is your personal catchphrase? I don’t have one. What is the most pleasurable feeling that doesn't involve anything sexual? Biting into your favorite food after a whole day of not eating. What was your 'Oops, wrong person' moment? I don’t think I have one. I’d die of embarrassment. What do you find attractive that isn't considered 'normal' attraction? I really can’t bring myself to be into the muscular/buff look and don’t mind if someone is on the bigger side, is skinny, or is generelly not a gym person. What’s the dumbest thing you’ve done drunk? Fell asleep in the pool. What's your proudest moment in the bathroom? ?????? What’s something you own that gets you lots of compliments? Technically not mine, but Gabie would lend me a windbreaker-type of jacket that was very colorful. It was green, yellow, pink, basically a very bright and gay jacket. I got complimented on it EVERY SINGLE TIME I wore it by nearly every single person who passed by me in school – and I wish I was kidding lmao. She got it in Baguio for 50 pesos ($1), it’s insane. I think it was lost by another person she lent it to. A damn shame. If money was no object, where would you want to live? Canada. Who is your favourite mythological character? In the brief moment I was into mythology, I really liked the way Rick Riordan wrote Apollo to be in his Percy Jackson series. Big ol’goofball. What's something that's happened which couldn't happen at a worse time? [continued from this afternoon] > Had the sign for my gas start blinking while I was stuck in standstill traffic > Get into a car accident while finally making a turn to the gas station > Get pulled over by an officer for changing a lane and nearly hitting a car, because unbeknownst to me, the accident had closed my right side mirror, making me not see my entire right side and I almost hit the car to my right All happened within ten minutes. I was a freshman in high school and couldn’t be more terrified. Police let me go when I started having a panic attack. What is the best pickup line you've ever heard? I don’t like pickup lines. What did aging ruin for you? Dreams. What is the most hilarious thing you’ve ever heard? Idk, I’ve found a lot of things hilarious. What is the darkest thing you have seen on the internet? It would be either Don’t Hug Me I’m Scared or Too Many Cooks. What's something you really enjoy, but can't have? A regularly luxurious life. What Wikipedia article have you recently read? OMG hahaha so there were times in internship where nothing was tasked to me FOR HOURS and I would get super bored. Then I remember hearing from somewhere that Wikipedia has a whole article that’s just a list of unusual deaths that’s happened from modern history until the present, and I gobbled that shit up until I was given a responsibility. I found out more listicles they apparently had – list of last words, list of people who disappeared mysteriously, etc; read all of those too. What's a book you were made to read in school that you really liked? My #1 would have to be Without Seeing the Dawn by Steven Javellana. It’s the most honest narration of the Philippines’ Japanese occupation I’ve ever read. It’s painful to read, but it’s the beauty of it. What objective did you fail to complete this week? I told myself I was gonna start externals work for my org, but I’ve just been so burned out in the last month that I haven’t gotten around to starting yet. I definitely have to this week, though so it’s not like I’ll completely fail it. What could have gotten worse for you but it didn't? Tbh the desire to end my life? I threw in the towel by the time I was 12, but I’m still here so I guess life is doing something right.
What subject should be taught at schools, but isn't? Adulting. Like being taught about taxes, social security, insurance, documents they ask when you apply for a job, etc. I’m 21 and I know nothing about these. I didn’t even know what insurance meant until I was 20. What is the best thing about having a Significant Other? The idea of having a go-to person for everything is very comforting for me. What makes you unusually uncomfortable? Distorted sound effects. It’s probably not unusual though. What is an upcoming purchase you're excited about? It’s no longer future tense because I was finally able to find Pop-Tarts at the nearby mall! I couldn’t find it ANYWHERE in the last couple of years and I’ve been craving it for the same period of time. Then Gab convinced me to try the supermarket at the mall we went to today and we found a box of Chocolate Fudge gloriously sitting on one of the shelves. It was way more expensive than I remember it being, but I waited for so long that I just grabbed it and didn’t care about my budget anymore. What is the worst game you've ever played? The Hannah Montana game for the Wii that I had was so bad it was good. What’s the oddest thing you like to do? I don’t think I have particularly odd habits. What's the funniest news story you've seen in the past few weeks? There’s a satirical article I came across a week ago that was about how dinosaurs got extinct because they ate pineapples on pizza. It was made even more hilarious by the fact that it included a graphic of dinosaurs and there were slices of pizza with pineapples on them photoshopped into the graphic. Definitely pissed off a number of pineapple enthusiasts that day lmaaaaao. What do you really really want right now? I’m so excited to eat my Pop-Tarts but I think I should save them for tomorrow. What do you hide from people? Suicidal thoughts, because I never wanna bother anyone. What was the first sign you knew you had a crush on someone? When I actively avoided her because it hurt to see her. HAHAHAH yuck drama What's the best lemonade you've made from the lemons life gave you? Lasting long enough to create a family in the form of my orgmates. Who was your cartoon crush while growing up? Sam from Totally Spies. What's the best way to deal with religious door knockers? We don’t have that culture here but I most likely would just never open the door. What’s the most hypocritical thing you’ve ever seen or heard? A large chunk of Catholics. Who’s the most interesting person you’ve ever met? When I was still interning at my PR firm, I shadowed my supervisor in an interview that one of our clients had for that day. Our client’s representative is the biggest badass I’ve met. He’s from South Africa and was born and raised at a time when apartheid was still around. He’s white, so he was brainwashed in school to think that they were superior and for a time, he really thought his race was. Then he got to work under Nelson Mandela’s party when he was much older and that was the only time he realized how backwards that mindset was. Anyway he had Mandela’s spies stalk his ass every single day because of his background and he ultimately got shot twice. There’s loads more stories to tell but I don’t want to give him away. 
When I was watching him get interviewed he proved to have a lot of knowledge on history and current events too so that’s another plus. He was just super cool and it was a breath of fresh air to talk to a foreigner that was more aware of social situations than the average Filipino. What just doesn't impress you? Carly Rae Jepsen. What’s the worst possible way to introduce yourself? There’s no worst way; just don’t try too hard because the bullshit can be detected so easily. What makes you wish that you were born in the past or the future? How easy it was to make a living and score a job decades ago. What tragic event was coincidentally beneficial to you? My breakup. What's something people are proud of, but it doesn't impress you? ‘Miracles.’ What's the worst possible moment to go and play on a bouncy castle? Doing it with a bunch of sweaty, rowdy kids. Who is the greatest ever comedian? Not really into comedians so my recommendations might suck for some. What’s your irrational fear? Commercials at night. What's your oldest memory? Playing in a Winnie the Pooh tent when I was 3. What can you not wake up without? Checking the time. What did you think was cool when you were younger that you now think isn’t? Wristbands. What are your favourite or most memorable lines from any movie/show? “How do you like them apples?” from Good Will Hunting. What's something people love to hate? The Kardashians. What’s something that is underrated but extremely useful? Being polite.
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queenbeedr · 5 years
Random Thought for KH3
Looking at the new Organization XIII and going back to past events, how much you wanna bet Xeanort pulled some time travel bullshit. Please tell me there is another explanation. 
For instance, how did he bring back Vanitas (who by the way better be good in the end. Ahh my poor baby)? And Repliku (my other poor baby), didn’t Namine break his heart or something? Also really Repliku. Having him in the game is fine but as an Org.XIII member, kinda lackluster, but that’s just my opinion. 
Hoing back to Vani, I wonder if Xeanort took him when they kidnapped Sora in Dream Drop Distance. That’s weird and I only thought of it because Sora “fell to darkness”.
Finally (for now) when are we gonna get Demyx’s backstory (and Luxord too I guess). With his appearance  I doubt Luxord will be from Union Cross or whatever that one’s called, but please for the love of Gods don’t put Demyx in KHUX too like Marluxia and Larxene. Marluxia I guess makes sense with the whole Strelitzia thing, but now they’re just stretching it. 
Not angry just super confused and a bit disappointed with the Org XII backstories. Except Zexion, Axel, Saix. I’d be cool if they made a DLC or something with all their backstories, or why the were chosen for Org. XIII.  
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ts-indonesia · 5 years
Episode 4: “cutthroat kitchen but make it sex” - Owen
As episode four hit, it was time for a swap! The swap tribes were a Cahaya majority on NuCahaya and an Obor majority on NuObor, with Stoner sent to exile!
On NuCahaya, Owen finally had his dream of getting to work with some newbies, namely Lorelei/Leigh/Chris O & remained sceptical of Foxx. On NuObor, Trent/Anabel ingratiated themselves with the returnees, leaving Dylan vulnerable on the tribe. 
In the music video challenge, despite some... upsetting banana moments that should never be spoken of again, NuCahaya snatched up immunity! At NuObor’s tribal, under threat of rocks, the tribe settled on a consensus of Kenny. 
At tribal, the original Obor majority was squandered, with Kenny sent out unanimously, and Stoner taking his place on the tribe. With that, a totally untwisted and simple round was what faced the Indonesia players next!
I hate the swap
Not a tribe swap! Ahh!  At least I ended up with good people from my tribe, and we have Owen who I bonded with when he visited.  Foxx, I played with him in my first ORG in 2017.  I voted him out.  But Chris blindsided him then even worse.  I'm HOPING Foxx doesn't hold a grudge.  But even if he doesn't hold a grudge, he could still be aware of what a strong player I have been in some of my past games.  That makes me nervous.  But oh well, we'll see what happens.
So far im glad that i got put with Annabel and Trent as I feel they both trust me, especially Annabel. I feel i connected well with Jess and Olivia when they were infurtrators so all though I'm in minority in terms of tribe vs tribe I think im still in a good spot. but holy fuck my tribe is actually annoying the shit out of me. Theyre acting like this music video is rocket science or like they have to build the fucking 97th wonder of the world. Pick a fucking song. If you want a theme pick a fucking theme. Its not that hard. JUST FUCKING PICK SOMETHING
Back to trusting Jess again! And I’m with Isaac 😍 and Michael who is cool too. I like the newbies we’re with they’re literally the only three i talked to lol
So everyone gets super paranoid before Tribal and tries to change the plan. I’m telling everyone to remain calm and lo and behold everything is just peachy and Julian leaves, although not especially gracefully. Considering the circumstances, though, can hardly blame the dude. New tribe consists of Kenny and Lorelei, as well as Leigh and Chris. I actually met Leigh in an unrelated Facebook game and we talked a bit. She didn’t have the nicest things to say about me on my way out but that’s neither here nor there! :’) And we swap! And we’re fucked! Matt, Owen, & myself are against four Obors, completely outmatched. However! We have the Infiltrator Twist at our disposal. If we don’t win next immunity, we can hope the infiltrators are in fact ex-original Cahaya. My plan is if they do in fact come from Cahaya we have them vote with us three and force a tie. With a 4-4 tie we can go to rocks. However! Since the person with votes is safe on a rock draw only two former Cahayas are drawing rocks and three former Obor draw rocks meaning we have a 60% chance of us not getting eliminated. It’s definitely not doomsday and if that plan works it’ll be the Outfoxx of the uh...first four episodes? Whatever. Frankly I’d rathercwin the challenge and get over it.
Well. I guess swap could have gone worse. But going in without the majority is not ideal.  Luckily, I already know Jess and Olivia because they were infiltrators and we talked a pretty decent amount. Luckily I went with Anabel, who I know has an idol, and dylan who i have a pretty decent relationship. I've talked to jess quiet a bit and being pretty open with her trying to show that I trust her and I think shes doing the same. She's claiming to now want to make it about Newbies vs Returnees, which if true could help us a lot. My plan is to keep working jess as much as I can the next few days, to the point that she trusts me talking mostly about IRL stuff and not talking about game much at all. I THINK i can make her flip if we lose, I have a plan and I already know what I'm going to say, I just can't guarantee it will work.
Sooooo I have to edit the video which is gonna be stressful af but I’ve done it before and it turned out amazing but I accidentally deleted everything an hour before it was due and the hosts wouldn’t give an extension so that was rough and I’m scared of that happening again lol. It’s great to be here with Jess and Isaac but I don’t think she trusts him like I do and I think on the call last night we were too friendly and probably revealed to her that we’re close which I was hoping to keep on the down low since I’m in two other alliances that he’s not a part of lol but hopefully she thought it was generic friendly chatter. I really like Jess she’s super cool and I’m glad to be here with her. Michael is also a sweetheart and I’m glad he’s here like he seems trustworthy and this is a good opportunity for us to get to chat more hopefully? We all agree Trent is a bit blunt and slightly odd putting because of that but he’s cool to talk to. Dylan is on vacation, of course, so I’ve only talked to him a little bit? Anabelle (idk how she spells it sorry) is pretty cool but a bit of a depressed crackhead like she def wants to fuck serial killers which I know is trendy but concerning. Again, hella nervous for editing but hopefully if it turns out well we’ll win and if we don’t win but the edit is still good I’m safe lol. 
Tribe swap. Minority. No idol. This is like Psychological BDSM with no safe word. Kinky! I’m trying to be as friendly as possible and help with the challenge because I really, really don’t want to go to tribal like this. I have solid relationships with Leigh and I even played with Chris O. in another ORG, which he won. He’s a really good social player. We’re doing a Destiny’s Child song because ORGers don’t know any artists that aren’t Beyonce but tbh I’m ok with anything as long as I can prove my worth and loyalty to my new tribemates. I didn’t come out of retirement to get Swapfucked. Just gotta be cunning and charming. If only there was a thing - maybe even an animal - that exemplified those traits. Like a tapir. Yeah, gotta outtapir people.
So I burned my dignity in effigy for this challenge so I hope we have enough to muster up a win but I’m nervous as hell. As a backup I’m trying to talk one-on-one with my new tribemates so they might be inclined to keep me. Thoughts so far: Kenny: Both gamers so we have stuff to talk about  and he seems like a real nice dude but he’s also a bit inactive. Leigh: Hilarious. She’s very likable and easy to get along with. Lorelei: Has so much energy and good at conversation. Chris: Very sweet but I can definitely tell he’s good at buttering people up. I would prefer to not have to turn on Owen or Matt because they’re great dudes who worked their ass off in this game but I really need to keep my options open. Better to live with guile than die with honor.
Ali is a booli https://youtu.be/Afm_l7ATHp8
Every time I’m in Japanese class and someone says domo arigato I have to physically restrain myself from saying mr roboto. Also these results can’t come fast enough. I worked my ass off on this video as did everyone else and I hope the judges see that :(
*Channel her inner Lizzo* Why is Trent always freaking trying to call me? Woo! I just took a DNA test, turns out I'm 100% crackhead Even when I’m really not a target Yeah, I got alliance problems, that’s the crackhead in me Bling Bling, now I’m paranoid, that’s the virgo in me. You could had a chill game, just a little Help you with your jury management, kinda simple You’re supposed to calm it down, but you ain’t doing that And that’s the sound of you having a panic attack Why is Trent always freaking trying to call me? Stop texting me, unless you got some real tea. No new friends, I don’t really really care. Shampoo press, pulling out all my hair. Fresh wounds, with another tribal. New enemies, probably need a bible. Truth hurts, this is giving me more anxiety. Bom bom bi dom bi dum bum bay Now I’m stuck again In a weird position Got two alliances, going head to head. Hey I’m glad, you’re back with number one I mean why you gotta tell me this? I will never, ever, ever, ever, ever be your returnee chick I put the paraaaaaaaa in paranoid. Always worried about everything, I’m kind annoyed. So you can tell your friend “Jess is probably really losing it” It’s Okay, they probably already knew it. Why is Trent always freaking trying to call me? Stop texting me, unless you got some real tea. No new friends, I don’t really really care. Shampoo press, pulling out all my hair. Fresh wounds, with another tribal. New enemies, probably need a bible. Truth hurts, this is giving me more anxiety. Bom bom bi dom bi dum bum bay Now let’s side track for a minute. (yeah yeah) Got returnees and newbies in this. We don’t fuck with ties, it’s probably all lies We just keep on bullshitting like aye vi vi I bet you Chris Stoner has an idol (yeah yeah) This game has got me homicidal We don’t fuck with ties, it’s probably all lies We just keep on bullshitting like aye vi vi Why is Trent always freaking trying to call me? Stop texting me, unless you got some real tea. No new friends, I don’t really really care. Shampoo press, pulling out all my hair. Fresh wounds, with another tribal. New enemies, probably need a bible. Truth hurts, this is giving me more anxiety. Bom bom bi dom bi dum bum bay
So tribe swap finally happened. I'm actually okay with my tribe? Trent was the one newbie I really "connected" with on the newbie tribe when I "infiltrated". Anabel so far seems cool but I already can tell this girl is going to be a BEAST in this game. She's pretty, charming, and you can tell she has more than my two brain cells combined times 1000. Dylan is.................... something else. I honestly have no idea. He could be an easy push under the bus if we lose? I'm also just here waiting for the results of probably the most NERVE WRACKING challenge of my life. Why you ask? Well if my tribe loses this challenge I'm going to be forced to show my hand way tooo early in this game. I somehow positioned myself right in the middle of the vets and the newbies. On one side I have Olivia, Michael, and Isaac. On the other I have Dylan, Trent, and Anabel. Us losing LITERALLY will force me to pick a side I will probably ride with until merge. The safer move would be obviously to stick with the returnees if they give me no reason to doubt them before this potential tribal (I'm not too confident in this video). However, the SMARTER move may be to take out a returnee who will be threatening down the line. Let's just pray to Katy Perry we did her justice and won't be seeing tribal. xoxoxoxo gossip girl.
Soooo I filmed 4 different bits for that music video and only one was used. I'm a little irritated about that because it doesn't reflect the level of effort I put into it.  Also cuz I slightly bruised myself when I dramatically fell taking off a sweater, and I really hoped that would be respected. Oh well. I know how much content I filmed, at least. And editing it must have been tricky.
I feel like since the majority of what was included was the lip syncing (though everyone slayed it!), the message was lost and now the bits of people falling over don't really make sense. I think the judges won't get what we were going for.
i just realized that with the intruder twist it's pretty likely the vote will be 4-4 and uhhhhh im a scared boi plz someone help me
I'm very nervous about the music video results. I really hope we win, if we don't I may be going home because I didn't want to film myself because of personal reasons. I'm very scared. For the music video, it's a very tough challenge because I know that the people on the other tribe are very creative and talented, Anabel is a singer and loves to perform, Dylan is a rapper, Jess and olivia seemed creative. There's a very high chance that they'll win. But I really hope that my tribe does. We really need this win. I really need this win if I want to stay in the competition. 
heyo friends.  So we voted Julian’s ass out and that’s alright with me!!!!     Unfortunately i predicted a swap was happening after tribal and i was correct (boo!). The results came out, and Owen, Foxx, and myself are in the minority on the NuObor tribe. At first look, you would think we’re fucked, but i think we have a good chance to survive.  I think the three of us are totally willing to stick together, so it’s just a matter of convincing one to flip.  owen feels confident about flipping someone.  And if worst comes to worst, we throw foxx under the bus, and try to survive another round.  HOWEVER foxx brought to my attention that if we lose, the infiltrators twist is still in effect. So if we lose, the OG Cahaya tribe still has majority on the other tribe, which means they can vote in 2 of us and send them over our way.  That way we can at least force a tie, and force rocks.  I think i would go to rocks for both owen and foxx. Owen and i have become good allies and foxx is a really cool dude.  i do wanna tru and go far with them if we make it out of here
Wow. What the fuck did I say? I included 4 fucking scenes and he CUT THEM OUT.  And I got called useless and 0? How fucking embarrassing.  Jesus christ.  We agreed on a theme for the video-- and nothing with the theme was included.  Awesome.
I do feel bad and feel like i might be in danger but 1. Oboe has majority on this tribe and 2. I feel like I have a pretty good connection with most. And after I say that, I’ll most likely go this round. These hoes ain’t loyal.
😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎😎 Jones’ mom 🤬 The other judges 🥰😘
I really hope this wasn't on purpose. If it turns out it was, that's so fucked up to me.  Literally sabotage.  And if it were an honest mistake, then that's at least a bit better.  Although I LITERALLY put the idea in the chat that "We can put the fails in the beginning, and put the successful clips at the end" and Foxx agreed.  I literally gave out ideas, I filmed, I did everything I needed to do and now no one will even know it.
LMAOOOO IM A FUCKIN MESSSS ok so i like confirmed with leigh/chris before we lost tht we wouldnt vote each other out. i rlly rlly like them, and lorelei. more than I like talking to foxx/matt/most ppl from my tribe. I love matt, but he's not the best at bein social apparently and for some fucking reason foxx is. chris + foxx were bonding hella in the tribe chat tonight which made me MAD. first foxx has to snatch chris/jess/olivia, now chris o???? BYEEEE not gonna lie, I irrationally want so badly to vote foxx out this round. i dont feel comfy with him in the game even though I'm pretty sure he'd work with me for now. and I want to make myself build trust with leigh/lorelai/chris o. But I rlly think they're gonna want to vote matt... :((( luckily the infiltrators came and I think rn we're gonna vote kenny bc they'll be least likely to  keep him around + he didnt submit???? so if they vote matt and we ote kenny it's 4-4 and then....rocks....? ill tell u rn, my ass isn't drawing a rock. idc if they vote for foxx or for matt, im not drawing. so I guess best case scenario is they flip on kenny, but second best is they vote foxx and I flip and vote foxx out.... but even then, that's stressful I called with chris and basically told him this. I maybe shouldnt have said that I'd flip on foxx bc now im paranoid he'll go tell foxx and get the votes on me.... but idk. he said he wouldnt mind flipping on kenny but he's worried about next round if chris comes and we have majority, which i rlly dont blame him for. but if kenny goes, i promise im not voting for lorelei/leigh/chris o next round xoxoxo ideally chris o/leigh/myself could start some s ort of alliance. I wish they liked matt so the four of us could get one going... idk. maybe chris could be pulled in??? i dont wanna be in that foursome with foxx bc eventually im gonna write foxx's name down unless im out first faskjdfhkdsjf IDK WHY IM SO PRESSED ABOUT FOXX. I like him as a person like it isnt personally i think im rlly just still mad he got into an alliance and I didnt LMAOOOO also sometimes he uses big words will my messiness bite me in the ass? prob :P but itll be fun anyways
Well, I've calmed down, like I do.  I tend to react at a 10 and then come back down.  It's why my social game sucks so much sometimes.  I don't believe I was set up. It was probably an oversight.  Being embarrassed is like the one emotion that really sets me off. I always want to come across as smart and confident and important.  So when I'm told I am useless, and all people saw me for is a dog pulling me over, it's really embarrassing.  It makes me feel vulnerable and I don't like it.  And when I feel vulnerable, I snap and get mad as a defense mechanism.  It's shitty of me.  I'll apologize to Matt, because he deserves it.  Hopefully I didn't torpedo my chances with my temper but if I did, that wouldn't surprise me hahaha and I would've done it to myself.  I'm hoping people will just look at my little freak out and say "At least she's honest".......
The challenge was frankly not even close. It really hurts to go from a tribe of overachievers to a tribe that loses more challenges. I genuinely like everyone on my tribe. I think frankly I get along *better* with this group than the Cahayas. But I still think I need to secure myself a place in the merge. I was so bummed to lose the challenge but Michael, not unlike Gandalf at the Battle of Helm’s Deep, arrives *precisely* when he means to completely onboard with my plan before I say a word. The plan is to have Chris/Michael, Owen, Matt, & your plucky vulpine friend vote for Kenny. He’s relatively inactive, didn’t help much in the challenge, and has received a vote  at both tribals he attended. Once again, I genuinely like the dude but he’s the most logical target. Leigh & Chris, whom I’ve bonded the most with, have told me they have no plans to vote for me and you know I 100% believe them. Their target is Matt. The goal is to set a tie and it’d be Leigh, myself, Chris, Lorelei, & Owen drawing rocks.  They have a 60% chance of going how and I don’t think they’re willing to do it to spare Kenny. It’s Alliance Chicken and our car is smaller but it has less damage. Stoner will be joining the tribe which means I 100% will have another Cahaya in our side but I had to explain to him, “No Stoner. You aren’t on the tribe yet. No, Stoner. You and Michael don’t each have a vote.” He’s a riot and a half as well as a badass player but he really does live up to the name. The fact there’s an alliance of guys named Foxx & Stoner is just. I can’t take it. It’s too stupid to be true but too ridiculous to be made. God...sometimes the world is good. I really don’t want anyone to leave. I like everyone here. No one here *deserves* to leave. But I gotta use my brain and not let someone cut my throat because I was too nice to get to them first.
I talked to matt and he was super nice and understanding. I'm aware I went off the handle and was a complete bitch in my other confessional and for someone who doesn't like to be embarrassed, well, it was pretty embarrassing.
we fucking lost the challenge.  and it’s upsetting, but while i was editing the video i kinda figured we would anyway.  Only Owen and Chris sent videos of the actual song, and then i recorded a whole bunch of filler material.  Foxx and Leigh only sent me b-roll footage, lorelei sent the voice over for the beginning of the video, and kenny did jack shit.   Losing the challenge is one thing and i can handle that,  but when Leigh starts ranting in the tribe chat about how her entire 90 seconds didn’t make the cut, and how her feelings are hurt and how it should’ve been edited better and yada yada ya, it pisses me the fuck off. like i’m literally the only one who could edit the damn thing .  Lorelei said she might be able to, but had limited time, so i stepped up to the plate and did it.  If you didn’t fucking like it, then you can fucking edit it next time.  How dare I try to edit together these crappy videos into a decent music video.  Like fuck off.   On top of that, apparently my name is already floating around as a potential vote...like why?  Because the other tribe doesn’t wanna respond to me?  Because i wasted my time editing a losing video? because why the fuck not?  it pisses me off.  Luckily for me, Michael and Stoner are here as infiltrators, and can help us at least tie the vote.  We’re planning on getting them to flip on the revote, if not, we go to rocks.  If we go to rocks, only 2 of us draw compared to 3 of them.  it’s a big risk, but it’s one i think we need to take.  If the rocks don’t go in our favor, and Foxx or Owen leave, i die next round anyway.  So fingers crossed this round goes well.
The Game Begins!!! https://youtu.be/X0JJ6wpKw-8
I don’t like this. I don’t want to vote anyone out. The plan still seems to be planning to vote Kenny and get someone to flip on a tie. Leigh & Chris are the most likely candidates imo. Frankly they proposed an alliance of those two, Owen, & myself and I’m super into it but I need to make sure an Obor goes home so it can happen. I’m trying to convince Michael throwing challenges on Cahaya is a good idea so we can keep the majority on both tribes especially since he sees Anabel as a social threat. If that happens I can keep my strong relationships with Chris, Leigh, & Lorelei intact without having to turn on them or the Cahayas. I’m playing well; I just need to not get reckless and drink the Big Movez Kool-Aid. This is the most stressful night of the game.
I’ve been avoided like the plague today, by even my old tribe mates. Lmao. I’m 90% sure it’s me but we’ll see.
Unless people are bamboozling me, Kenny is the vote.  Today I joined forces with Foxx and Owen, I believe.  Along with me and Chris.  So hopefully it works out.  I jutst took another hit and am full of alfredo so I aint got much to say that'll make sense
Voting Kenny sucks and is sad though cuz I'm a liar to him now and I haven't lied yet I don't think
0 notes
Episode #1: “I Have To Offer Him As A Pagan Sacrifice AGAIN” - Andrew
Confessional: my tribe literally annoying people, but I’m pretty sure we are going to win the scavenger hunt
Well Cole is the only person who has talked to me so far, we both like turtles! It’s good to have at least something in common in this group of strangers, but I hope to learn more about them as they open up to me :D
It’s been a few hours now since the cast reveal and I really like my tribe so far! I feel fairly confident that we’ll win. I’m trying to get to know Cole and Kelsey right now, Kelsey seems like someone I can really come to trust. I’m working to complete the scavenger hunt spreadsheet so I can prove I’m a strong team player.
It’s an hour until the scavenger hunt closes. I’ve been talking personally with Kelsey and Regan and they both seem trustworthy. I don’t know if I should go to them and form a girl’s alliance or if I should keep them as allies separately. I really wanna vote the guys off, starting with Porcupine.
Results are in and our tribe is safe. I think Porcupine might be an ally but I think he’s also a bit flip floppy so I don’t know. I can’t wait for this to progress so I can show everyone my competitive side and win
After chattin with Porcupine/Bodhi/whatever I feel like we could get along better than Kelsey/Regan who I no longer trust. He also agrees that Regan is unstable and would rat a friend out at the first chance she got. I think we may be a good team together. He also dislikes Cole and thinks he is untrustworthy
umm so my tribe.. yeah i think they are okay, i’m worried because everyone seems more experienced than me and I hope they aren’t just going to try and take out the new bitch.
rigger morris. These people going to vote me out first chance they get i just know. They be knowing each other since preseason? They literally… don’t even talk to me, like a couple do and i know its still early, but i don’t like it. When can i flip on them? bring me a tribe swap pleath!
I’m working my ass off in this immunity challenge, hopefully my hard work will help me convince my tribe not to vote me out if we go to tribal. Best case scenario we avoid tribal until a swap happens and I can hopefully make better connections with a new tribe.  
the level of unprofessionalism, it is 40 minutes until the end of this immunity and there are still things blank that people have said they’d be doing! Like the lipsync? I could have filmed that last night while working on the daisy song but didn’t, because someone claimed to have it done.. fuck that bitch! I know i complain a lot and really just use this confessional as a place to vent but honestly! its day two and i’m done with this tribe! send them all home! fuck these bitches!  
i fucking can’t. Austin & Andrew posted an OLD ASS lipsync from an old game THEY WERE IN TOGETHER?! I fucking can’t right now? are they daft? are they thick? They’ve played before they should understand the fucking rules… Thanks for putting me on the developmentally disabled team I really appreciate it.  
i’m really disappointed in my tribe this week. It seems clear that austin, andrew and jay have each other’s back and honestly I think they feel as though winning immunity doesn’t really matter at this point as they have two easy votes being jacob and myself. I don’t know where nicholas is at with the tribe but I feel he’s closer to the three than I am. I’ve definitely put the most effort into this challenge and don’t want to end up in tribal because of a lazy fucking alliance. I’ve said this before, but I really hope I make it to merge and live to see their downfall, and hopefully play a role in it.
i’m really happy we won this challenge, I was worried but am starting to get more confident in my team. I still think that *those three* are still a big threat and although I like them all personally I think it would be best for me if they get split up.
I’m trying hard af to find this idol! its seeming impossible at this point. I fell like I’ve tried everything from survivor castaways from saints from the bible! I’m not giving up though even if it takes all night!
I’ve spent all day looking for this bullshit idol and i’m about to go crazy tbh. I’ve tried everything like twice but it ain’t working. I might just have to give up and hope to get a second clue in the future. I def don’t want to share the clue I do have, because I don’t trust anyone on my tribe. I’ll keep thinking of possibilities but im felling pretty hopeless at this point.  
I think i’m about done with looking for this immunity right now. I really thought I was on to something with these damn birds, but i guess not.
well i’m fucked. Jacob just came back from the dead? not cool. He was my easy vote for tribal and now he’s not inactive anymore… not cool. That would at least be manageable if it wasn’t for the fact that one of the first things he says in the chat is that he knows everybody. like WHAT THE FUCK. I thought i was making progress but now im back to being on the bottom of my tribe, but in an even worse spot since everyone already knows this zombie! ya’ll need to slide me an extra clue to that idol or something because your bitch is fucked!
Hey everyone! Sorry I got a late start, timing was horrible for me this weekend, but I’m here and ready to give it my all! Let’s DO THIS THING!!!
ZACK I mean people are being cool right now. Polite, cordial, and the like. I’m not sure how long that will last though. My main issue will be keeping my jokes to myself since most people don’t get my dry humor.
I pulled my weight to the best of my ability in this challenge. For this vote, I’m thinking it’s best to go after a weak link in the tribe.
Brian has so far been the least sociable in the tribe and I’ve been trying to convince Roxy, Shea, and Ali to vote him out with me. Out of everyone so far, I’m thinking about getting Ali and Shea together for a solid three with Roxy as an add on.
whew!!! this sure is a tribe, it has some people on it, and idk if ill get far in this game but honestly im just here to have a good time
First impressions of my tribe is that we actually may be strong. I know Ninjohn who is going by Kelsey in this game and Idk about our relationship. We met from Tengaged but I never played an org with him so trust with him idk if that stands. I just got voted out of an org that Cole and Bodhi was in and i connected with them before my vote out so I’m most definitely gonna try and pick back up those relationships and better myself in the future. I have to get to know trixie a little bit better and Regan i’ve played with before and i actually like Regan so all in all it’s a good tribe.
Anyways, I love my tribe because I’m safe if we lose. I hope Zack doesnt get voted out because he’ll vote with me come swap or merge :)
Nervous AF
This tribe is dead and I’m with Nicholas and Jay I guess and also Austin Trevino is here *eye roll* I killed him in a main so now I have to offer him as a pagan sacrifice AGAIN y'all are really trying me 🔫🦆
Trixie Cole and I have a 3 way showmance
So roxy came to me and wants to vote out Owen so I went to Owen Ali and Shea looking to vote out roxy literally just to see if I can do it or if it will blow up in my face WILDCARD BITCHES
Hello, It’s me, the flop from Devil’s Lair. I’m back to take my revenge on everything and everyone. So far, this tribe is super nice. I know Roxy, Lily and Ali. I didn’t know Zack or Brian but everyone seems super cool and chill. So far in the challenge, Me and Roxy have contributed a lot. I think we might not lose this one if Brian and Ali do what they said they were going to. If they don’t, we’re probably in trouble.
Jake ali and shea all told me theyd vote w.e I wanted
Ok so I have like no signal for 9 days lmao. Only spoke to Jay bc mobile and I’m close friends with him outside of this game. I love Dana. Haven’t seen the cast bc signal. Quinn or whatever their name is has reached out, so I guess I’ll engage, but I’m just focusing on my tribe comping their way to merge for 9 days bc I’ve legit had like 30 mins of signal in the past two days. Fuck T-Mobile
hello so i am feeling good i like my tribe and i think i will do well! i will submit a longer cf when more stuff happens i promise adios!
0 notes
Ep. #11- “This Game Is Crackedt” - Sam
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After a 10 day break for the holidays, the game started back up again and the players were presented with their next  immunity challenge, Tile Flip.  In the challenge Tommy claims he threw it to let Sam get the largest section of the grid to himself and Sam won immunity.  By this point everyone in the game knew that Jay was the biggest threat but Jay was trying to round people up to take out Tommy.  She had some success actually convincing Leah to vote for Tommy.  Jay made a mistake though trying to cause paranoia by telling Tommy that Leah brought up his name.  This caused Tommy to go back to Leah with this information which made Leah flip out and change her vote to Jay.  Jay was sent home in a 7-1 vote.
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Well, I've never been on the bottom in an ORG before, so that's a fun development. If nothing else, losing all my allies except for one (Linus, shout out to you for not being a giant bag of small dicks) means I'll get to really flex my game skills. I'm going hard as fuck on the next challenge because if I lose, it's probably the end of me. But if I make it to the end, assholes, then thank you for putting someone who loves me on the jury.
You know what sucks? Still being in the game but feeling like people are already campaigning for your jury vote.
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since i promised this I MADE THE CHRISTMAS BREAK!!!! what kind of survivor magic you know as much as playing on the bottom sucked, I needed to figure out how to play the game differently. I used to just have this rogue-esque style of gameplay that never put me on the "bottom" because I was usually just thinking about myself and not my allies. now, I'm back in a majority (that is still very fluid), but I safely feel like I'm no longer at the bottom of a specific group. I feel like I've refined my game and made it more social, and I needed the experience of bottom-feeding to do that. I need momentum for when we come out of the break; it's time for me to start winning this thing.
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"The best laid schemes of mice and men often go awry" -Robert Burns Well, that tribal sucked. What's running through my head right now is I must be considered such a non factor in the game to people that they just aren't attempting to play the social game with me. My reason for thinking this is because unless they are actually jury threats somehow, this vote was absolutely moronic for Leah, Amanda (and Ting if she's lying about her reasoning for the vote). The only person this helps at all is Ashley from my perspective, which means either I'm playing with idiots, or my perspective is way off. I feel from a strategy perspective for myself I have to assume the latter. Leah, Amanda and Ting need to get to the end with a goat from what I see, so why cut a goat when the goats could have formed a majority in the alliance once Tommy and Sam are gone? Ting's reasoning is that the vote was already in Christian and she just wanted to be in the majority (which is reasonable, I did the same on the Brett vote), and Ashley claims she heard about the vote 10 minutes before tribal. I am more prone to believe Ting on a logical level, but Ashley's story actually does kind of check out too since she was gone all day. The problem now is figuring out h approach to move forward. I feel like if I play my cards right I can stay safe, but I have to figure out if Amanda and Leah secretly are some social beasts or something and I need to appeal to a strategic mind, or if I need to make a serious call out post in the main chat and maybe wake some people up to their position in the game.
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Linus is not funny but I'm not funnIER
i just typed a huge game confession and my internet went out happy 2017... i'll try again tomorrow
oh wow i won something! i'm not really sure how this vote is going to work out; i'm expecting that jay will have something to offer me tomorrow. that, or she'll try to blindside me so that i'm at the point at which i have to win immunity. anyway, it's dope to at least make it back to 7th again. but i'm not done. time to go to work.
okay apparently people are paranoid that tommy is gonna play an idol like I WANNA SEE THE CHAOS
this game crackedt.
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[1/4/2017 10:50:34 PM] Nigel (Linus) Silversides: How are you feeling on the vote? [1/4/2017 10:51:27 PM] Ashley Hudson: Ummmm I am really not sure because I dont really know where anyone's head is at [1/4/2017 10:53:15 PM] Nigel (Linus) Silversides: Yeah, people have been quiet :( . You're kinda the one calling the shots right now though so I was hoping you'd maybe heard something. [1/4/2017 10:53:31 PM] Nigel (Linus) Silversides: (Thats not meant as an attack on you for being in the power position in any way, sorry it was worded badly ahdfjlhads) Well... This is new. A power position?! Me?! How?! I guess people have been assuming Leah, Amanda and I are a thing but I odn't quite see how that would make me in a powerful position. Help.
So Tommy called with Amanda and I and told us that Leah ran to Jay before the last vote and told her that the plan was majority on Christian. Thankfully Leah didn't flip or anything, but just the fact that she told Jay about it before tribal is annoying as heck. Like idek if I can trust her anymore. She is in an alliance chat with Tommy, Amanda, Sam, and myself. So I have been trying to not talk much in the chat and work more with Tommy and Amanda. Amanda and I are tight still, I guess you could call it a F2. My second person I would say is Tommy. I really want to trust Ting Ting but all she is saying to me is that she will go with whatever I say which is kinda sketchy so I will be cautious with that one. For tribal tonight I have no idea what is happening, so that is cool. I think if people play their idols I might too. Might as well be safe rather than sorry. Jay is supposedly trying to pull in the ranks because she thinks that it will be her tonight, so if she does that, and if people fall for it, she could get a group together unfortunately. I however, don't think I will be the initial target they choose. Jay has suggested Amanda before and unfortunately she might again. So we really need to be careful. I can't go losing my biggest ally tonight. But I also need to keep an eye out for myself.
People I trust?: Amanda Tommy People I am unsure about: Sam Leah Ting Ting People I will be looking out for anything, and I mean anything sketchy: Jay Linus Maybe we will see a split vote tonight? Tommy Amanda and I were talking about it. maybe a 4 and 2? Like our most trustworthy people on the 4, and then the 2 could be like Leah and Ting Ting. In case they flip, it would be 4 and 4. However, we may have to make it seem as if Leah and Ting Ting are voting in the majority so they don't feel any urge to switch. So possibly lie to them and say Linus, then have the majority vote Jay? That could be messed up if Ting Ting or Leah flip, and Jay plays an idol... So tbh our ideas have cons and pros and I am not sure what is going to happen tonight.
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My kink is being on the bottom, knowing I'm on the bottom, and still having to play nice. Like, I wish people would stop bullshitting me. Don't campaign for my jury vote before you murder me. Assholes. At least if I go tonight, it won't be a blindside.
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okay uh now jay is brewing up some bubble bubble toil and trouble shit and saying that ashley is some kind of strategic mastermind?? I agree that ashley is in a good spot but I'm not sure she's the one calling all the shots over there. then again, I could be very wrong. I've been wrong before.
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Well this is quite the yikes fest. I literally don't even know how to describe what's hopefully going to happen. So the overall plan is to vote Jay out. So I definitely know that we have me, Tommy, Sam, Amanda, and Ashley which is good enough to have a majority. But let me tell you, there are fireworks. Like it's the 4th of July out here. Bc first, Jay wanted to get me out, because apparently she doesn't trust me anymore, which is totally understandable, but like she thinks that I'm cocky and act above her and like always expect her trust, which I don't. But like sorry i lied to you, i know that sucks, but you've done it to me so... Anyways, everyone's worried I have something from the cave but like all i've gotten is scuba gear WHICH ISN'T EVEN HELPFUL ANYMORE, LIKE THANKS A LOT TREVOR AND OWEN. I just have the stupid legacy advantage which i don't even know what it is yet but like anyway Leah helped to get Jay to not vote me hopefully, so like go her love you. And then Leah and Jay were like let's go vote Tommy. And I was kinda like well shit how about not bc he's like my numero uno. So then Tommy like outed Jay to Leah and then Leah got paranoid so hopefully she changed her vote to Jay. So yeah. Also Linus' name was thrown in there by someone (idk who) so I kinda convinced him to vote Jay to keep himself safe in the upcoming votes. So hopefully all goes well. I mean if she has an idol then we're kinda fucked but you know life also kinda fucks you up too. It's all about the challenge brochachos.(also like i'm the only asian left. plz keep me in. all the asians of the entire world will love you 5ever)
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okay so now jay is coming around saying "hey i've only heard linus and ting ting" like WHAT????? you were just taking to me about how you think you're going and ALSO you're pushing for tommy and you aren't even throwing out either name! i feel kinda bad for everyone they seem really like stressed and shit because jay has literally thrown out everyone as a possible target. i'm kinda lucky that i'm immune and i guess it couldn't have come at a better time but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ i still got the feels
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Back from the break... I threw immunity to Sam so he owes me like A LOT! Like he owes me his life in this game. Amanda/Ashley/Myself talked about a target and we all agreed on Jay and I gave them tea that Jay was after them. So it's been a crazy turn of events Leah tried to vote me out by telling Jay to vote for me then Jay told Linus and Ting Ting. Jay also mentioned Ting Ting's name and I told her. Also Linus was messaging me about hearing my name and it all turned crazy af. Basically I went back to Leah and told her Jay told me that she was after me and Leah went bizerk, Ting Ting ended up helping me by using her paranoia (or so I think) to get Leah to think Jay was after her. Basically this tribal is just a train wreck and the only people I kind of trust are Sam and Ting Ting. If all 3 of us can survive until Final 6 I think we'll be good for a majority of the game if that's what they want to do as well. This game is crazy af and I have a huge possibility of going home tonight.... I really need Jay out this vote so everything falls into place. I'm just hoping nobody plays an idol on her and I hope I don't go home.
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okay this is a call out confession trevor these tribal questions have such an ATTITUDE like WHAT??? i'm ready to fight
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"Nothing to win and; Nothing left to lose" -U2 Well damn. It looks like the run of Linus may be coming to it's end, or at best I may be losing my number 1 closest ally in the game :( . If I go home, than Ill be disappointed I never made my big callout move, but I gotta go with the info I have and it looks like laying low is my best chance at not going. If Jay goes and is reading this after, know that I'm sorry and this isn't personal in the slightest.
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I dont remember the last thing i wrote so i might be backtracking-- - Ashley told me she has an idol - People think me Ash and Leah are a trio...yikes - Me Ash and Tommy actually have a trio chat....and another chat with Sam included lmfao Now to the vote, this shit is confusing as FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK So me Ashley and Tommy want to vote for Jay, and Ting Ting and Leah came to me wanting to vote for Jay but then Ash heard Ting say Tommy and Jay wants Tommy and IDK WHATS GOING ON ugh i'm so confused I have a really bad feeling that a ton of powers and shit are gonna get played and i'm gonna end up going home. I know Ashley's most likely playing her idol cause she's nervous and that might spark shit and UGH. MY ASS IS PROB GONNA LEAVE CAUSE OF THE CAVE AND I DIDN'T EVEN GET MY DAMN CHICKEN. Im gonna die. I have a gut feeling. Its the same feeling I had the week Steffen left and its not a good feeling.
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