stephanebeart · 2 years
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800db-cloud · 8 months
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here take this
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turbobyakuren · 2 months
i think Gundam Unicorn has joined Final Fantasy XIV Endwalker in the category of "peak fiction but only if you’re willing to experience the hundreds of hours that precede actually experiencing the piece itself"
Endwalker is fucking amazing but requires all the buildup from ARR to Shadowbringers to properly grasp the themes it conveys
Gundam Unicorn is fucking amazing but requires all the buildup from 0079, Zeta, ZZ and Char's Counter Attack to properly grasp the themes it conveys
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toastedjeans · 4 months
Okay so i might make Siren AU into a thing. Got some very loose thoughts / this is basically just me brainstorming (if anyone has any ideas please don't hesitate to tell me)
Peppino can't swim. He just sits in his shitty little boat while fishing one day and suddenly gets attacked by probably Pizzahead or Pizzaface. Gustavo sees him struggling and panicking, and saves him from almost drowning.
I already made some concept doodles for Gustavo, he's basically a mermaid but with a shark tail and those fin thingies instead of ears. Round little shark man <3 He also doesn't inherently think humans are evil or something, when someone's in distress he tries to help as best as he can. He can get very protective over friends and loved ones tho. Don't anger him. You'll regret it.
The sirens probably can't speak human language, with a few exceptions. Pizzahead probably learned it from (obsessively) observing humans, and then tried teaching it to Fakey. Fakey can speak fractions of sentences or words, but it mostly sounds like gibberish. He doesn't speak often though, mostly communicates with croaks, gurgles, and other noises. I like to imagine Gustavo tries to learn to speak human language so he can communicate with Peppino better (bonus points if his first full sentence for some reason is "I'm going to kill you", not knowing what it means and scaring the shit out of Peppino)
Fakey stays a frog, but with like. A tail, like when frogs are in that transitional phase between tadpole and frog ya know. But still humanoid looking, i mean he has to look like Peppino, right? Created by Pizzahead out of literal frog DNA and.. anger? Jealousy? Unhealthy obsession? All of the above? Idk yet
Mr. Stick is probably one of the few characters that stay human, and he's one of Peppino's friends/acquaintances
Not sure if Brick should stay a rat, possibly even Peppino's (involuntary) pet, or some kinda fish that's already Gustavo's friend. Although it'd be fun if Brick just lives with Pep, and Pep can't get rid of him no matter what he does, so he reluctantly keeps him.
I literally have no ideas for Pepperman and Vigilante. All i could think of for Vigi rn is uh. Sea slug. But Pepperman?? Zero clue. Head empty. Help.
Got two thoughts for the Noises, either Noise is a human too, but Noisette is a siren luring him in (or vice versa!), or both of them are sirens. Option 2 would make more sense to me, but option 1 seems interesting too.. OR secret option 3, Noise and Noisette are both creatures that transform depending on if they're in water or on land. Peppino doesn't know this. The Noises act like it's the most normal thing in the world.
Pizzahead as either a regular siren or maybe like. An octopus/squid? Kinda like Ursula from Ariel idk. Or maybe an eel. Idk why
I still think it'd be funny if Pizzaface was a flat fish. I forgot what they're called but the mental image is so funny to me. Flat fuck.
Pizzahead probably got the idea of cloning Peppino cause he once saw how strong he is, and thought he would need that kinda strength for the war between him and.. other creatures.. i actually haven't thought about that one.. who would he even be against? Are the other bosses on his side? Is he trying to start a war between sirens and humans bc of people like Peppino fishing all the time? Or have humans started a war against the sirens in ancient times and it's still in their nature to despise humans because of that?
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andromeda3116 · 1 year
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wanting to share with my followers the absolute joy that @cozycryptidcorner is going to be bringing us, but without reblogging that vile post
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theorderofthetriad · 4 months
an interaction i really just fucking read on tumblr dot com
"antis of this character will make fun of her body which is gross considering she's a child for most of the story."
"so are you calling [character the same age her she marries as an adult] a pedophile" and guys it got so much worse from there
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jackklinemybeloved · 1 year
I always feel bad for how I post in certain fandom spaces because it’s a lot easier for me to obsess over pathetic little guys than complex women. I’m so sorry karna solara ravening war you’re so cool I’m just not smart enough to articulate meta about you.
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ruthlesslistener · 1 year
Pk would blind everyone because he gets brighter when he's nervous. Poor pathetic little shrimp needs one of those anxiety vests for cats.
True but I also think that he just does it out of a mixture of spite and overstimulation. You made him come out here and listen to your banal chatter about shit that does nothing for the kingdom? You get a headache. It inspires awe enough for him to reap the worship he needs but hes also doing it bc he's at a constant low grade irritation that slowly builds the longer he has to waste his time chatting with nobles who do jackshit when he'd really rather be designing more sewage systems or discussing city repair with someone actually useful
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patriciavetinari · 3 months
Also, btw, when people start on their ~weight loss journeys~ and all as if reading a script state how much better they feel already on day 2 of like skipping dinner and not eating a brownie – that's 100% the euphoria of conformism and sense of accomplisment talking, not physiology in any real sense of the way.
I should fucking know because even with my anti-dieting stance (aside from literal decades of actual dieting) I still get the black worm of a feeling that I'm being so good right now when I skip a meal due to poor time planning or if none of the treats in the coffee shop appeal to me and I go without.
I get the same euphoric feeling of being such a correct adult human being that has its shit together when I fucking brush my teeth or do my skincare. It's the same feeling of 'I'm conforming, I'm doing what is deemed Good For You and Healthy and Wholesome'. Or when I tick stuff of my to do list or if I cook instead of buying pre-made or when I mend my clothig while watching a movie instead of scrolling my phone.
And this is not to say all of the above is as harmful as disordered eating behaviors or dieting. The point is that certain behaviors are deeped Correct and Morally Good and Wholesome by society. For most of them, even when a grain of truth is there somewhere (ie with skincare) – the surrounding notions around it have been inflated so much by false science and capitalism in order to make it profitable and cash in on your insecurities and ignorance that the behavior really should be scrutinized and re-evaluated down to finding that grain of truth.
But we don't do the scrutiny. For almost none of those. Especially not for dieting behaviors. Those harmful behaviors (just like grinding and supporting capitalism and keeping your head down and resolving every political issue by calling for any votes necessary and not rocking the boat and not questioning authority) are deemed Morally Good and Correct and Wholesome. So when you participate in them after a period of non-participating (or feeling you're not participating hard enough) – it will grant you this euphoric feeling and hormone spikes.
It's the feeling of accomplisment. Feeling of finally getting your shit together and moving out of a slump. Feeling of fitting in. Feeling of doing your part. By dieting. Dieting propaganda sells it as a virtuous behavior so when you don't scrutinize it and take steps to prticipate in it, you will feel like Accomplishing Something. It will feel good, yeah.
Doesn't mean there are any real material benefits from this behavior. If you'll suddenly become a respect the grind person without examining the harmful causes and effects of this philosophy – you will likely feel good about yourself and will find a large community of supporters who will cheer you on. It doesn't prove the grind or dieting to be 'right' or 'good for you', it just proves they are a Social Norm and you are Conforming which yeah is always easier that fighting norms and calling them out for their problems and non-conforming.
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vitamin-zeeth · 1 year
i have an exam in 7 1/2 hours
uh oh
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othystt · 5 months
guys i have the worst writers block i need help
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liberty-spiked · 6 months
love it when my parents talk about my bro and how great he is and how he may work on feeding AI's prompts!! yeah! he's your pride i know! you didnt even asked about how i'm doing at school rn! :D
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salsflore · 8 months
i Will do the project by today. affirm
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limelocked · 2 years
look not to be a recovering mlp fan on main imagine a spin off sequel to friendship is magic and its about how the mane6 have passed away and twilight has become isolated and delegates most if not all of her work to other people as shes going deeper and deeper in a corruption arc that ends in her groundhog day-ing all of the known world while simultaneously either summoning past versions of her friends to the future or bringing half of equestria with her to the past (this is the start of the season btw) and the new mane6 (with at least one or two ponies who will not be alive in the future) spend the season trying to solve the groundhog daying and dealing with the grief of losing someone close to you
the past mane6 (prolly having gotten a cool name after how many years) would be told about whats happened and idk anyways the lesson is (and twilight would send this as a letter to celestia) that the friendship is still there even after someone passes away and that maybe she needs to go back to ponyville and make new friends
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connief1sher · 5 months
❛ what should we name our snowman? ❜ - belly
winter themed sentence starters    -    isabel conklin. what should we name our snowman? accepting.
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a shiver danced its way down his spine,   standing in awe before their handcrafted snow friend.  visible breath ghosting amongst frigid temperatures as he placed the finishing touch upon the rounded head.    conrad had made many snowmen in his life,  and he’s sure belly has too—  they’ve made many together.    few as special as the one sat before them,  he’s willing to bet.  the first they’ve made together since he’d started calling her his fiancee.    a title he was proud to bestow upon her,  and one he knew she was even happier to don.   ❝   are we thinin’ of names already?   ❞   lips pursed briefly in thought,  thumb nudging tiny black beads firmly into place.   cerulean hues scanning across the grand expanse of the snowman.   ❝   frosty mint,  because why?   it’s just—  poetic.   ❞ 
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