#x emiya : headcanon : alter
nasuversekinkmeme · 3 months
Weekly Roundup: Prompts
Shirou wakes up late for school (That's all).
Kirei Kotomine is having a good and nice afternoon.
smut, claudia pegging kotomine, older (f/sn) version
kotomine and caren are finally in chaldea together, and they manage to bond as parent and child over their shared enjoyment of watching people suffer
Hello! For the Anon who asked for queer requests: I've always liked to consider Achilles more genderfluid than he lets on, since his culture would have shamed him a lot for it but he seemed fairly relaxed about hiding out as a woman on Skyros. If this strikes a fancy in anyone, by all means!
unsanitary, Castoria piss kink. She needs to mark her territory on anyone she fucks, that includes biting, scratching... and peeing on them. Preferably I'd like some level of "oh fuck why tf am I wanting this" but feel free to just go wild with the og prompt. I'm ok with artfills too btw if you guys want to give me a blushing stuttering Castoria struggling to articulate "hey not to be weird for a sec but can I pee on you" that's fine by me too!
(Fanservant prompt) Alter Ego Zhao Sisters with the nine-headed pheasant and the jade pipa as their third ascensions. Basically the Zhao Sisters from Han Dynasty are mixed with Daji's "younger sisters" from Fengshen Yanyi: Hu Ximei, the nine-headed pheasant (Jiutou Zhiji Jing) is mixed with Zhao Feiyan, the older Zhao Sister while Wang Guiren, the jade pipa (Pipa Jing) is mixed with Zhao Hede, the younger Zhao Sister.
Shiki Tohno(from Archers timeline) gets summoned to Chaldea and on the same day he meets with his Gf(Archetype Earth 1st and 2nd ascension) and his friend(EMIYA) but for some reason on his first day he was walking funny and on his second he was walking funny again and didn’t want to sit on chairs
For the anon that submitted a request for queer headcanons, I headcanon Oryou as transfem non-binary, though she doesn't use the labels or even understands what those labels are. She is just Oryou, after all. However, she bristles when people refer to her old identity/dead name (hinted slightly in GG6, but unconfirmed, to be Hiruko, the abandoned son of Izanagi and Izanami from Japanese mythology). For a scenario, perhaps someone from the Japanese pantheon is summoned to Chaldea (if there is not someone already there) and recognizes Oryou as Hiruko.
Prompt (I can't believe I send this): A Naked and Afraid parody where Saitou Hajime and Nagakura Shinpachi (the younger one aja his 2nd and 3rd ascension) found themselves naked and stuck on an island with no clothes and weapons because they can't remember anything on last night until they found a letter say: "Two survivalists who meet for the first time naked and are given the task of surviving a stay in the wilderness for 21 days. Each survivalist is allowed to bring one helpful item, such as a machete or a fire starter. After they meet in the assigned location, the partners must build a shelter and find water and food." Can they survived on this island in 21 days? (A very juicy Saitou Hajime x Nagakura Shinpachi prompt).
Mash has an insane amount of rizz and accidentally makes her own harem
I just want some gudacas man
That "Rin Tohsaka summoned the literally devil himself" fanfic/prompt give me this idea: Rin Tohsaka summoned Adam (This Adam who is basically the one who still lived in the Garden of Eden before the whole Forbidden Fruit happened) from Hazbin Hotel
Your servants wake up one day as the opposite gender.
I'd love aromantic master representation, or perhaps a servant realizing that they're aromantic after being summoned to Chaldea. (Does not have to just be Ritsuka btw!)
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maningrey0204 · 1 year
for character ask meme, emiya alter ^^
(based on this post)
thank you, anon :D I hope I'm not too late to this ask meme thing in the FGO fandom, because I will happily gush about Emiya Alter to anyone who asks. that man needs more love.
favorite thing about them just one? all right. Emiya Alter's gone through so much-to the point where it clearly had lasting & damaging effects on him-the nihilism, abysmally poor memory, self-destructive tendencies, etc etc. he's symbolic of the "Hero of Justice" role to its furthest ends, a "weapon" meant to be of service whilst his own identity is pretty much an afterthought. but he also dives for Melt, giving her the second chance he never had. he guides Ritsuka out of his own hellish mindscape, and gives them a tow cable-a lifeline-for a Valentine's gift. he assists Voyager in saving Erice, and there's at least one or two lines where he can relate to her being an agent of death. there's hope for him yet, even though he's reached his own tragic ending. his ideas of "help" can be messed up, obviously, but he's going out of his way to try if nothing else. moreover, he needs some peace of mind after basically going through hell and back.
least favorite thing about them his original JPN design, obviously. the racism surrounding it has become indelible and synonymous with his character. obviously we don't know for sure, but it would not surprise me to learn that the reason he's received little attention in Craft Essence art is because of the controversy surrounding his character.
favorite line "Don't apologize. Good intentions are like sandpaper." I've probably analyzed this line to death, but I believe it summarizes Emiya Alter perfectly: a man whose own charity and constant vigilance for justice has eaten away at him. at the same time, he tries to disregard his own state of being as if it's no big deal; however, since he does not perceive himself as human anymore, the outcome is a lot more distressing than perhaps he might expect.
brOTP maybe Assassin Kiritsugu? I know, I know, Kiritsugu's basically a father to Emiya, but Assassin diverged from his own path in Fate/Zero so I'm sure it's fine here. my other brOTP idea is of him secretly thinking Hijikata's swordmanship is cool, even if he can't understand why Hijikata's so hellbent on upholding the Shinsengumi all the time. I can also see Alter putting up with Tamamo Berserker's outrageous behaviour towards him in a "I can't stand this, but she won't stop and it'd be a waste of energy" kind of way, and it developing into a strange but heartwarming bond later on.
OTP Emiya Alter x Yan Qing. I've only seen one (1) piece of content about it on pixiv, but they've got enough similarities (being Shinjuku villain Servants and having identity issues) and differences (Alter's serious and to the point, forging weapons-while Yan Qing is more flippant in a laid-back manner, using his fists & feet as weapons) that I'd love to write a fic shipping the two of them.
nOTP apparently a few people have shipped Alter with Kiara, of all people. I'm also personally not very fond of the Emiya Alter x Jalter pairing.
random headcanon Emiya prefers to eat alone, but he'll tolerate it if other Alters sit at his table. he wishes Nitocris Alter would stop talking about death so evocatively, as if it were a service she were performing upon other people; he sees death as an aid to his toolkit, and nothing more.
unpopular opinion I love his edgelord behaviour. it's incredibly comical how cynical he gets (his brooding over board games in BGA comes too mind), which is part of the reason. but there's something that just hits in how played straight his character usually is, and how genuine the depths of his despair go.
song i associate with them No title by Reol. a fitting song name for someone who's wholly embraced being Nameless. the chorus' lyrics particularly come to mind: Slowly and gently, it crumbles and breaks Wrap it slowly around my neck til I can't breathe And the me from yesterday was killed Slowly and gently, our scattered ennui When I hear you speak so unethically It turns to a voice I don't know
favorite picture of them he doesn't have a lot of FGO art, but I've always loved Emiya Alter's Formal Dress CE. it's sleek, sharp and overall just...so cool-looking. the pinstripe suit brings his self-ascribed mercenary role to a focal point; such suits are typically worn in professional settings, natch. then there's the smaller details, like the gears on his tie and how the tie bar on it has a Chaldean symbol. I also appreciate how his grey polo shirt is strained, emphasizing his muscles and torso.
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shikiii-skadi · 2 years
What it would be like if the Fate characters had a crush on you:
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Rin Tohsaka
She is a Tsundere as we all know so you wouldn't probably know that she has a crush on you. She is also very serious so when you two have a conversation it's school-related and you would feel like you have a business meeting with her.
But while it may not seem like it, Rin truly cares for you and would protect you from possible harm. For example, if someone made fun of you in school, that person has to get ready for a conversation with Rin.
Rin would also seek contact with you. For example, she likes to eat lunch together with you. While it may look like it's not a big deal for her, she will be sad and would sulk a little if you eat lunch with your other friends.
Rin would notice her crush relative quickly but she would deny it. She couldn't be in love with you, right?
She can't deny her feelings forever and would want to take your relationship a step further. But she is too flustered to confess to you.
You will have to confess to her first. She can be harsh sometimes because she has to figure out her own feelings but she will gladly accept your feelings.
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Archer Emiya:
He would notice his feeling for you but like Rin, he would deny and ignore them. But of course, no one can ignore such strong feelings forever.
He is such a mom honestly. Be ready to get asked if you had eaten enough 24/7. He would cook for you and make sure you sleep enough so you can give it your all.
He also sympathizes with you. You are a new mage and he knows too good what it is like to suddenly have this responsibility. He would train with you and show you some tricks so you can become better.
He cares for you a lot and would always be ready to protect you but Archer wouldn't tell you about his feelings because he thinks he isn't worthy of your companionship. It's enough for him to be a good servant to you.
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Alter Jeanne d'Arc:
Something will get burnt when she has a crush. Someone talked to you and made her jealous? Or someone said something rude to or about you? Yeah, they are now a burnt chicken.
Jeanne Alter wouldn't accept her feelings for you. That's why she will be pretty rude to you so no one will know about her crush. But her over-the-top reactions when you talk to her or her flustered face will make it pretty obvious for everyone.
She thinks she is subtle and no one knows about her feelings.
While she tries to hide her feelings if something would ever happen to you, she would be right there to protect you and burn whoever did this to you alive.
She would know that she has a crush on you but wouldn't accept it. Jeanne Alter tries to prove to herself that she is not in love with you by being rude to you.
But she is deeply in love with you and wants you all for herself. She will slash at everyone, who tries to make a move on you.
She would never confess to you first. You have to do the first move. And as always she would be rude to you when you confess. It will feel like a pretty bad rejection. But the way she will sneak into your room the night after to be with you will tell you that she is in fact happy you confessed.
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You will feel like her pupil. She wants to teach you everything she knows so you don't have to be dependent on her and can protect yourself in Battle.
She is very wise. So if you have a problem Scathach would have good advice for everything. She would support and help you but at the same time, she would leave you your space so you can search for your own answers and learn from your mistakes.
When you are successful, be it in battle, learning a new magic trick, or something simple as backing a cake you wanted to try out for a long time, she would be really proud. Everyone would notice. She would praise you as well.
She would notice her feelings for you as soon as they occur. But no one would notice that she has. Not even you. She is good at hiding it. Everyone would think you have this pupil and teacher thing going on. And you would probably see her as sort of a big sister.
She is wise and knows that a bond between master and servant should never be conflicted by anything. Her confession could change your relationship as master and servant. If you accept her feelings you could be ready to sacrifice yourself for her. She would never want that. And if you reject her feelings your trust could be broken and you won't have the same dynamic in battle as before.
So she is fine with just being your mentor and teaching you to be a worthy master.
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Ruler Jeanne d'Arc:
Jeanne is so sweet to you honestly. She is always trying to support and help in battle as well as in your everyday life. You can be certain that the moment you would walk into the kitchen to cook something, she would be there as well, so she can help you.
But at the same time, she would always respect your personal space. So you would never feel like she is babysitting you.
Ruler Jeanne is not aggressive and rude like her avenger counterpart. She would never say something that would upset you and if she made you upset with something she would apologize instantly and would feel so bad.
At first, Jeanne would be a little conflicted with her feelings for you. She never felt like this before and on top of that, she is a saint and war general and you are her master. She is not sure if it's alright for her to have feelings for you let alone be in a relationship with you.
It's not like Jeanne doesn't want to confess to you but she doesn't know how she should confess to you or if it's better if she doesn't confess at all because you are her master.
In the end, you are probably the one who confessed to her. Even if you didn't have feelings for her when she began to grow feelings for you, you would probably feel for her. After all, you spend so much time together and learned to trust each other unconditionally. And I mean how can you not fall for Jeanne when she is this sweet to you?
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Arthur Pendragon:
He is your knight in shining armor. Literally. You are his master as a knight he would be ready to sacrifice himself for you at any given moment. His feelings for you would make his devotion to you a million times stronger.
Arthur would be a little shy around you. Every time you would smile at him, his heart would flatter.
After some time, when you two are comfortable around each other he would start to tease you a little. Nothing too serious, of course.
He would notice his feelings for you the moment they appear.
He hesitates to confess because it could affect your master-servant relationship. And that could lead to you dying or getting hurt. That's the last thing he would want.
And of course, there is the whole thing of him disappearing after his purpose is fulfilled.
You are probably the one, who is confessing. Let's face it, there is no way you could not fall for him when he is this considerate of you and always ready to protect you from every possible harm. He is also naturally charming.
Even if he is worried about the consequences of your romantic relationship there is no way he could reject you, when his heart is beating this fast every time he sees you.
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You would definitely know that he is interested in you. He would just straight out tell you, that he wants you to be his wife/husband and that you should feel honored he chose you.
Your answer to his proposal doesn't matter. There is only one right answer. He will only accept a yes. He gets what he wants. That includes you as well.
He thinks you are desirable but I wouldn't call it love. Gilgamesh sees you as part of his treasure.
In some quiet moments, he might be a bit nicer to you. But his desire for you doesn't change the fact that he doesn't see you as an equal.
But he would see you in a higher position than everyone else.
He would go out of his way to protect you but it's not really out of affection. He doesn't want what belongs to him to get hurt by some low-level mongrel.
Also better no one is talking down on you when he is around because he will not tolerate that. These mongrels should know their places. No one is allowed to talk bad about someone he chose to be worthy of his companionship.
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Is angst allowed? And if so may I request a headcanon on how of the any of the Cú might react to overhearing their Master say in a conversation with someone that if by chance any of the Cú killed them whether by accident or not that their Master would tell them it's okay, forgive him and die smiling? I had of Lancer, Caster, Proto or Cú Alter in mind when I was thinking about this but feel free to choose however many of the 4 you feel like writing for.
Cú Chulainn (Alter, Caster, Lancer, Prototype) Being Forgiven If They (theoretically) Killed Their Master:
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Cú Alter
Unlike the other variations of Cú Chulainn, this version of Ireland's Child of Light doesn't have much of a reaction when he hears that you would forgive him if he killed you. Though to be fair, he doesn't have much of a reaction towards most things. Cú Alter is an inversion of the regular Cú Chulainn. This version of Cú finds no meaning in anything other than victory. Because of that, he feels indifferent towards many things, and that largely includes you too.
Perhaps due to his Berserker mentality and class, Alter has a very clear way of viewing & understanding situations. To him, he has been summoned as your servant. Therefore, since you are his ally, he will not kill you. So long as you do not betray him, his lance will never be pointed at you (Bond 4). If Alter did kill you, then you were/you became his enemy, and therefore he preformed his duty as both a warrior & as a king and killed you. Simple as that.
At higher bond levels or ascensions, Alter might be slightly displeased by what you had said, but wouldn't dwell on it too long or bring it up unless it affected his ability to complete the mission.
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Cú Caster
Cú Caster probably wouldn't be very happy to hear this line of thinking from you. That being said, of the various Cús recorded in the Throne of Heroes, his manifestation as a Caster has resulting in him being the calmest of the all Cús in Chaldea (April Fools). Because of that, he won't suddenly jump out at you right then and there and start reprimanding you for what you had just said.
But get ready to have a talking to in private. There's no avoiding it or putting it off. Caster he may be, but he's still the same stubborn dog as always so don't think you can escape from this. Will probably have a very long chat about why you think like this. Him killing you by accident is one thing, but you forgiving him for deliberately killing you is another. He isn't mad or disappointed, but is genuinely concerned since he does care about you.
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Cú Lancer
Hearing you say that you would forgive him for killing you, whether it be on purpose or by accident, pisses him off quite a bit since it hits a little too close to home. He already has to deal with Scáthach desire for death by his hand, so he'd rather not have to think about killing you too.
In life there were a lot of people who he failed to keep his promises to. His mentor, a princess, the goddess of death, and the queen of an enemy nation (Bond 4). He hopes to be a little bit more dependable this time around and would prefer to not have to add you to the list he has let down already.
Since he has a tendency to get caught up in the moment, he'd probably interrupt your conversation with that other person and let you know right there that he heard what you said. Cú when truly pissed isn't the type to get loud and yell; he gets harsh with a cold look on his face. He'll say some pretty mean things before leaving in a huff to go hit something (probably Archer). He'll forgive you eventually, it will be a while before he stops giving you some attitude.
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Cú Prototype
Cú Prototype's reaction is about same as his older variant, though with perhaps a bit more emotion when he confronts you. Being younger and having less life experience, combined with his greater enthusiasm, means that there's probably going to be a lot more yelling. Being the loyal pup that he is, the thought of killing you even by accident is abhorrent to him. He'll declare right there that he'd rather kill himself first before he'd let himself kill you.
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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Time for Archer/post Clocktower Shirou headcanon!
At one point, either during one of his vacations at the Clock Tower or soon after he left, Shirou went to China to study Jingluo.  It is a concept of traditional Chinese medicine that studies the paths throughout the “Qi” energy flows, known as “Od” among the western mages. It is slightly different from the mana , as it is around the life-force itself. With this knowledge, Shirou is able to use the structural analysis aspect of his magecraft on the human body far more efficiently.
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Archer displayed this knowledge during the UBW route when assisting Shirou with his magic circuits and when knocking Rin out during the kidnapping. Archer Alter also displays this knowledge during the Se.Ra.Ph. event.
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He also picked a few other knowledge, like a few Bajiquan techniques to be used in conjunction with his Projections or if momentarily disarmed for some reason; and Gongfu Cha techniques for preparing the perfect tea, along with techniques like the gaiwan (also known as zhong). Shirou also studied a few concept of Chinese aesthetics, Zen, Confucianism and Taoism, understanding better the concepts of Chinese blacksmiths such as Gan Jiang and Mo Ye.
Another instance in which Archer displays his knowledge on Jingluo and Bajiquan is when he faces Li Shuwen in Fate/Extra, his training on the later allowed him to dodge enough a surprise attack in the Arena that could have been fatal, along with his own Mind’s Eye. And thanks to his knowledge on the former he could tell the exact effect it was having on his magic circuits.
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supimjustwriting · 3 years
Bond Level 10 Servants When You’re Sick
Servant x Master Reader
Features: Gilgamesh (Caster), Medusa (Rider), Sakata Kintoki (Berserker), and Mysterious Heroine X Alter (Berserker) 
Author’s Note: I’m feeling under the weather. So, have some headcanons with my most used servants! I hope you’re all staying healthy during allergy season. Take care ~!
Love Fern 🌿
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Gilgamesh (Caster)
The King of Heroes knew something was wrong the second you trudged your way to the cafeteria. He could practically see the ghost of pestilence looming over your sluggish form. Gil demands Emiya Archer to prepare his finest dish, (the red archer was already waaay ahead of him but a fight in the kitchen is the last thing Chaldea needs at the moment).
He’s well aware that you’re not a child but you’re tendency to put others before yourself always seemed to shine through. With this in mind the golden king delivers the dish himself and will (force) feed you should you refuse to finish your meal.
Sighing deeply, the blonde leads you back to your room earning some surprised looks from the other servants. A true king cares for his people, to him this is nothing different. The sight of your weak form resting in bed tore at his heart a bit. If only he caught on sooner. Will you yourself possibly- Shaking the thought of his death aside, a soft smile paints his lips. He won’t let the savour of humanity have such a boring demise.  
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The youngest of the gorgon sisters timidly knocked upon the door of your room, curious to see if you would give her the time of day. One of her favourite moments since being summoned has to be your kind smile whenever you greet the rider. For some reason it reminded her of a sakura blossom.
Worry took root in her gut upon hearing no response. There was the slim chance you were somewhere else in the facility but that can’t be right. You always resided back to your room at this hour like clockwork.
 “Pardon the intrusion master.”
Letting herself in, a frown graced her features as she gingerly checked your temperature.
Medusa took it upon herself to care for you, following Romani’s instructions to the tee. She’d wave away fellow servants who’d do more damage than good, asking Mash to help with any excess paperwork so you wouldn’t be overwhelmed once you were better. 
It felt nice to be useful. She was used to running errands for her sisters all the time but this was different. The tranquility of your face while you rested, the way your chest slowly rose and fell. Every little thing was leading to something bigger.
She might not be the best servant at fighting but that won’t stop her from being by your side.
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Sakata Kintoki (Berserker)
Poor boy was in a panic. How could his golden master get sick! Was it something he did? Something he didn’t do? Pushing aside his rampant thoughts. Kintoki remembered what Reiko would feed him when he was feeling unwell. With cooking not being his area of expertise. He reluctantly asked his mother for help when it came to preparing the dishes.
“Boss. They’re not my favourite thing either but I promise these pickled plums will get you feeling golden in no time!”
It was mostly Reiko who cared for you while Kintoki fetched whatever you and his mother needed. He isn’t the sharpest knife in the drawer but he’s trying his best.
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Mysterious Heroine X Alter (Berserker)
She didn’t notice anything was wrong until her supply of high class sweets was depleted. Wasn’t master in charge of her stock? Curious and a tad annoyed at the lack of sugar. Alter waltzed herself into your room only to grow concerned at your sickly form.
“Master! Why didn’t you tell me sooner? I could’ve ordered you something hot at spacebucks by now.”
And that she did. A few sips were taken before it got to you but that’s her little secret.
“I’ve read somewhere that sugar helps fuel the body. Master, please drink this and get better soon.”
Once your drink was finished Alter crawled under the covers with you.
“Think nothing of it master. I’m simply making sure that your bed is at optimal temperature,” 
Cue the berserker stealing half of your bed. At least she was good company.
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in honor of her tidal waves of terrible merch, jeanne alter for the askmeme?
Jeanne d’Arc [Alter] (Fate/Grand Order)
favorite thing about them
I love Jalter. I love that despite her introduction in Orleans as an intimidating and completely evil enemy, when you get to know her in subsequent events and story chapters you discover that she’s just a big fucking loser. Winner of Chaldea’s biggest buffoon 3 years in a row. When she tried to become Santa by stealing the sack from Santa Alter it cemented her in my favorite character realm. 
least favorite thing about them
This is my gripe with a lot of female fgo characters where the writers don’t take them to their full potential in order to maximize their “waifu” status. Let Jalter cry, let her rage, show us the completely broken shadow of a heroic spirit filled with loathing for both herself and the world that created her. Let her lash out against the protagonist rather offhandedly telling them “don’t tell me what to do” but still being beholden to everything they say anyway. Let her hate, yet pity, Jeanne for the righteous anger she won’t allow herself to accept. And in the fire burning in Jalter’s eyes, let Jeanne see the emotions she truly felt at the very end; that she tries so hard to bury. 
Jalter x Salter
Gilles x Jalter
random headcanon
Jalter has still not given up on becoming santa ruining christmas and has spent her afternoons plotting increasingly intricate ways to steal santa alter’s sack. All of which play out like a looney toons short. 
Santa Alter eats at the same spot in the cafeteria every day. It is an optimal spot, just close enough to the kitchen to catch someone’s attention but too far away to be yelled at by an angry emiya for being a nuisance. After several weeks of detailed surveillance Jalter had determined Santa Alter’s eating patterns. How long it took her to finish a cheeseburger. Her reflex time when someone called out to her while she was eating. How on her 4th helping, approximately 34% of the time she would leave her sack behind for the 20 seconds that it took to get more food. Jalter had it all planned out. After stealing the plans to the chaldea air vents she calculated and placed herself in the area of the ceiling right above where santa alter would be. Using her sword and magic, jalter managed to weaken the area of the ceiling just enough that a certain amount of pressure would make it fall to the floor and allow her access to the room below. 
She waited until lunch time and she could hear the voices of chatting servants. Just when Santa Alter was getting up for her 3rd helping, it happened. The stove, and all the food cooking on it went up in flames. You see, the night before Jalter had sabotaged the stove oh so slightly that after 311 minutes of operation the leak on the gas valve would open and subsequently create massive amounts of flame. 
Santa Alter was distraught by all her potential food burning and rushed over to try and quell the flames and salvage whatever she could. In that instant Jalter sent the ceiling panel plummeting to the floor and leaped towards the sack. Just as her fingertips were about to graze it, something incredibly fast banged into her and sent her careening towards the wall. 
It was Lobo, who grabbed the sack in his mouth and booked it straight out of the cafeteria. You see, Santa Alter had been collecting presents for all the servants and staff in Chaldea, one of which included: a massive amount of doggie treats. the good kind. It seems that even the great king of Currumpaw couldn’t resist treat-treats. 
In reaction, Santa Alter runs into the hall followed by an excessive amount of Excalibur Morgans and what sounded to be part of a wall collapsing. Laying against the wall, her master plan foiled by the innate desires of a dog, Jalter wondered why she even bothered. 
unpopular opinion
Jalter is good but not for the reason that a large portion of her fans like her. If you like her, but refuse to recognize that her main personality trait is “loser” you are weak. 
favorite picture of them
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merlinscloset · 5 years
Here is the Masterlist for this blog.  I’ll try to keep this as current as I can.
-Mod Tori
Single Servant/Person Headcanons
Romani Archaman (Fluff)
Romani Archaman (Relationship)
Gawain (Fluff)
Billy the Kid (Fluff)
Okada Izo w/ a shy Master
Merlin (Flirting)
Florence Nightingale (Fluff)
Florence Nightingale (Snow)
Tristan (Fluff)
Ereshkigal (Fluff)
Saber!Lancelot (Fluff)
Saber!Arturia (Relationship + Family)
Lanling Wang (Relationship)
Robin Hood (Yandere)
Fuuma Kotarou (Pre-Relationship)
Astolfo (Romantic)
Mephistopheles (Crush)
Mordred (Kissing)
Merlin (Relationship)
Merlin (New Year’s)
Nero Claudius (x Shy!Reader)
Caster!Gilgamesh (After the events of Babylonia)
Multiple Servant/Person Headcanons
Antonio Salieri, Okada Izo (Fluff)
Achilles, Arthur (Relationship)
Cu Chulainn (Alter), Archer!Emiya, Bedivere (Headcanons)
Ozymandias, Caster!Gilgamesh, Gawain (Relationship)
Archer!Gilgamesh, Robin Hood (Relationship)
Robin Hood, Okada Izo, Antonio Salieri (Shy Master)
Knights of the Round Table (Headcanons)
Romani, Merlin, Gawain (Relationship)
Archer!Emiya, Caster!Gil (Relationship)
Mata Hari, Circe, Chevalier d’Eon (Fluff)
General/Open-ended Headcanons
The Toddler Master
Mod Replies
My Beloved Ozymandias
Mod’s Favorite Servants
Mod’s Least Favorite Servants
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masitadibujante · 5 years
Well Caster Cu and Lancer Cu are like....98% the exact same person. One is just a bit more lax. Berserker Cu is a different guy altogether though. So Caster Cu x Ishtar is also great by default meanwhile I have no idea about Berserker Cu... Berserker Cu probably works better with Ereshkigal. She's a gentle soul but also the mistress of hell. Berserker Cu being her lover/hell hound. Works right? :D also that's SO CUTE. I LOVE THAT SKETCH. God they just work too well honestly.
They have so much chemistry!! sadly I thought Lancer Cu would say something about Ishtar being the “missy from back then” just like Emiya and it didn’t happen :’( but I’m pretty sure he’d do that. On a side note, you’re right about Cu Alter being more compatible with Eresh than Ishtar since the first one is more level headed and behaves the same way as him.
ngl tho even if Cu Alter is a different person compared to his other versions, he’d look pretty badass alongside Ishtar but their relationship is bound to be full of problems lol (wouldn’t be great if Ishtar ends up being just like Medb with all that cringey clinginess). So Lancer Cu or Caster Cu are best shots.
Thank you for the ask and your kind words!! :D Do you have any headcanons?
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siverfanweedo · 5 years
favorite thing about the AHHH not to be weird but i like how..she likes food idk why but i remember the scene in UBW and she is just eating all them sandwiches and it  was cute and the stuff in Emiya Gohan it’s cute i love seeing her be cute  least favorite thing about them how she treats mordred favorite line it’s really hard for me to have a favorite line  brOTP I like her being bros with Cu and Emiya and like the cool servants from Zero not gilgamesh OTP does Lancer Alter X Nightingale count??? this ask never said what form of Artoria oh i also i guess like her and Irisviel is cute  nOTP i said it b4 i will say it again her and Mordred ALSO don’t go fucking shipping Artoira with Morgan le fey also Artoira/Gilgamesh random headcanon i totally forgot any hc i have of her unpopular opinion she needs to stop being mean to mordred and make up with him  IN FACT she needs to actually face her problems i swear she just wants to run away from them and pretend they aren’t a thing face ur problems girl
song i associate with them IDK favorite picture of them to many hard to choice one
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cariosum · 5 years
✏ x 5 !! topics: food, music, social thoughts ( like how they think about how some people act, ect ), literacy, && how about... uhm... style of dress !!
send ✏ for a headcanon // accepting // thank u !! goodness i have rambled. the long one is first! the others are shorter and behind the cut but hey put the in depth-ish shit first yknow
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LITERACY. Alter can read, but often dislikes to. Documents that are long expanses of text or that have some kind of plot are very difficult for him to follow because he has trouble paying attention or remembering things that aren’t objectively important. He tends to lose his place in text easily, slipping over chunks of text without realizing, forgetting where he’s at, losing track of what the sentence he just read said, etc. Understandably, it’s a lot of work for him to read much of anything that doesn’t have large line breaks.
It’s much easier for Alter to read things that are bullet-pointed lists or short notes. His own diary is written in this style, largely bullet points and drawings with accompanying notes as to what the drawing is and why its subject is important to remember, rather than linear sentences about his day.
If someone reads to him, he’s better at remembering it (providing he finds it important, still), and even if he doesn’t find it important, he tends to like listening to the cadence of someone else’s voice. He’s the type to prefer audiobooks if there’s something he feels like reading. As such, if you try to give him a document and say “read it, it’s important”, he’ll either demand a verbal summary or ignore the document entirely because he knows it’s a waste of effort/energy to try and slog through a paper he’s not going to remember any of.
MUSIC. Alter doesn’t often listen to music, because it is one of many things he’s usually too apathetic to seek out. However, when he does bother having an opinion, he tends to prefer songs with a heavy bass line or synth use. He’s not really picky in terms of genre or content otherwise, though. Sometimes, when his tinninitus acts up, he’ll listen to music to distract himself from it/drown it out. That’s usually the only time he actively goes and seeks out music, though.
FOOD. Alter is beginning to get rather irritated with people often offering him food or bringing it up to him. He does what he can to remind people he doesn’t eat, doesn’t cook, and doesn’t want to do either, and yet people keep giving him food or asking him to cook. It irritates him mostly because it reminds him that he is still seen and will be seen as bargain bin sad Emiya rather than a different individual, and he is still the Inferior Emiya.... and also it’s a goddamn waste of food. That takes work to get, and there’s actual humans living in Chaldea! Give them the food, stop wasting it on people who gain nothing from eating (huffy Alter noises at the waste of food).
SOCIAL MORES. Alter understands proper social interactions, but that does not mean he feels like following its rules. He comes off as very cold, very blunt, and pretty rude just because he finds being polite usually a waste of time. He will be nice if he needs to lull someone into liking him, and he’s more likely to be polite when he’s tired. People who are overly formal to the point of not directly delivering information annoy him greatly.
Because he doesn’t bother with a lot of social niceties, Emiya comes across as a lot more angry and callous than he actually is. He is rather angry and callous, but usually not as much as he acts. It just serves to keep people from wanting to hang around and playact nice with him, which Emiya is all for discouraging.
DRESS. Alter, when told to blend in with human society and not wear his Servant garb, has exactly two modes of dress: ‘mobster in the 20s attending a highbrow formal event’, and ‘a thrift store exploded and coated some poor man in hoodies three sizes too big for him’. There is absolutely no in between. When he’s going out and actually doing things he tends to wear button-ups and suits, all fitted and made of nice fabric, and then spend his down time in three jackets, none of which fit, and sweatpants tucked into military boots. Alter is an enigma. (This also applies largely to his humanverse.) He’s either unnervingly well dressed or looks like a fabric monster pulled from a gutter. 
In all styles of clothing, Alter prefers dark colours with yellow or red accents. All of his modern (re: not his Servant garb) clothing has space for gun holsters and probably a knife or three.
His Servant outfit falls under the ‘fitted’ category, and upon inspection the fabric it’s made from is very high quality and remarkably durable, even if the coat-tail-thing is getting worse for wear around the bottom by his final ascension. That part he just can’t be arsed to care about. It’s the default outfit, so he’s just gotten used to it and become rather apathetic about its upkeep when it tends to regenerate much like everything else on his saint graph.
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Request list
Basically all the requests I’ve received and accepted so far ^^ Ahhh I’m so so happy to see all your ideas and requests and hope that I can do a good job at answering them! 
Thank you angels ♡ (especially for all the fluffffff)
Gilgamesh + catching his master wearing his clothes
Paracelsus relationship headcanons (SFW & NSFW)
Iskandar + video games
Lan-chan, I meant Lancelot relationship headcanons (SFW & NSFW)
Alexander + Iskandar interactions
Edward Hyde relationship headcanons (SFW & NSFW)
Mordred birthday headcanons
Mini Cu-Chan headcanons
Edmond Dantes + Master with self-confidence issues
Beowulf relationship headcanons (SFW & NSFW)
Romani Archaman + s/o that used to be an idol
Amakusa x Semiramis
Oda Nobunaga relationship headcanons
SCENARIO: Emiya (Assassin) - fluff/smut? I haven’t decided yet fufufu
Ozymandias NSFW + aftercare headcanons - for Nefertari tho, hey I ain’t stealing another woman’s husband ;)
Karna + cooking for his master
Fatherly Gramps, I mean King Hassan headcanons
Cuddling with the Cu’s
Set of headcanons of my choice for a servant of my choice (thank you ♡)
Salter dating headcanons
Karna + master getting turned into a child
Waver - romantic fluff
Achilles + Cu Chulainn bromance headcanons
Cu Chulainn (Caster) + overhearing his master’s feelings for him
Diarmuid/Cu Chulainn reactions to Master with bad eyesight (ain’t that me tho)
Gilgamesh (Caster) + master getting lost together
Mata Hari + reactions to receiving grails
Merlin + receiving a confession from his drunk Master
Mozart + master playing his songs on the piano + crush
Moses + crush
Jeanne + Jeanne (Alter) + Jalter Lily
Solomon + pampering his master (like the world is going to end - oh hey, it did^^)
Emiya not taking any shit with your garbage diet
Shakespeare + master that is his descendant
Gawain relationship headcanons (SFW & NSFW)
Gilgamesh (Caster) + date in Uruk 
Mordred + female s/o relationship headcanons
Cu Chulainn (Caster) + s/o almost dying
Sieg-kun headcanons
Amakusa Shirou + marriage headcanons
Medea relationship headcanons (SFW & NSFW)
Archimedes relationship headcanons 
Amakusa Shirou falling asleep on your lap
Galahad headcanons (hehe actually I’ve already been writing for him in secret because there is such a lack of prompts for him but still thanks for requesting him ;))
Tamamo Cat relationship headcanons
Mash relationship headcanons
KotR + getting called “my love” for the first time
Cu Chulainn (Caster) relationship headcanons
Robin Hood NSFW headcanons
Cu Chulainn (Alter) + Master getting injured on the battlefield
Achilles + Chiron parenting headcanons
Karna parenting headcanons
Cu Chulainn (Lancer) + Master adopting adopting a puppy and mini Cu-chan
Dantes + marriage headcanons
Merlin fluff headcanons
Bedivere + confession headcanons
Yan Qing + sick master
Arthur + first time (NSFW)
Arthur + marriage headcanons 
Hessian Lobo + affectionate master
Cu + Gil + Emiya going to the beach
Cu Chulainn (Caster) & Cu Chulainn (Prototype) + pocket sized Master
laughs like a maniac
Here i go down again  (。•̀ᴗ-)و ̑̑✧
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- Mod Silver
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cantillat-moved · 2 years
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@nobuverse​ ( I have this personal headcanon that Emiya is the one that taught Okita Alter to make her own lunchboxes because she was she couldn't eat his food while on missions. What's your take on this ? )
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❝ Making a lunchbox is different than preparing a meal. You need to take into consideration how you are going to store it, the temperature it should be consumed, even how much seasoning you should use. As you move the contents might shift around, so the distribution is also something to be aware of. ❞ the bowman got carried away and started rambling, giving a lecture on bento.
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