#yes I ripped the bg from the manga
sen-ya · 2 months
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u can tell this one is old but he did it!!!
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shinmegamitensei2 · 1 year
For the SMT ask game, #14.
14. Best soundtrack
how could you Fucking do this to me. this is the most impossible task because almost every smt ost bangs and fucks and rips and i go to bat for 99% of them
but uhhh. i can divvy this up by era i think. and none of this is going to be coherent in any way but i think you should take my word as gospel because i'm right
The Early Years (1988-2000):
this shit SLAPS. the music in majten2 is, uh, quite frankly incredible on the SNES, and the composers (hidehito aoki, misaki okabe, yoshiyuki ito) were on some next-level shit when they scripted out bangers such as A.D. 1995 Story and Smash Up and remakes of two of the previous game's songs (which already were AWESOME) Flame Up Fragment and Bicarbonate of Face and and and,
idk play majin tensei. i'm about to become a majin tensei blogger and stan. did you know that almost all of the majin tensei manga is translated, and all that's left is the rest of vol 4 and all of vol 5? (grabbing your face) DID YOU KNOW!@!!!!
Shin Megami Tensei II
i mean. okay. you knew i was gonna bring this up. who do you fucking think i am. the whole game is wonderfully done and atmospheric, and even with the odd dumbass-theme playing in the BG i just, i dunno, i think it still gives me chills. loading up the game and watching the text scroll to the Title Demo is a lot, listening to that banging Battle theme is intense in a way that no other smt game has reached since IMO, and the Makai map theme is just... really sorrowful! these are the PSX songs because i prefer them over the muddied instruments they used for the original SNES game, but the original isn't bad either!
Megami Tensei II
i think everyone should bare minimum play Kyuuyaku Megami Tensei (2) at least once in their lives, but replace the ost with the original NES version because ohhh my gooooood holy shit there is SUCH a world of difference between the synths used vs the really muddied KMT instrumentation. that aside, the music is just... Good. the battle theme, Death Match, is incredibly intense, TOKIO Adventurer is a fun song to walk to on the overworld map (even being interrupted by demons every 2 steps), OMEGA is a REALLY good final boss theme... it's a bummer they don't get referenced more often! the last time they were was in Majin Tensei, and then again as a total throwaway in SMT5...
The 2000s (2000-2009):
Digital Devil Saga 2
both games go on this list imo, but i uh, i personally really like 2's ost more than 1's. i have no reason for this i just think it's nice. the battle theme Battle for Survival especially, but i just like the whole thing in general? sorry i have nothing else to say here
uhhh. i don't. have. anything else to put here. the other games in this category are good but their osts don't stand out to me... except for Strange Journey, which i. never finished. oougrhghhgfdnjdfjgdgh explodes IT'S SO GOOD THOUGH SO I?? HEARTILY RECOMMEND IT ANYWAY
The Recent Age (2010-Now):
Shin Megami Tensei V
don't talk to me about 5, but if you DO talk to me about 5, talk to me about its ost. of anything in that game, the music and sound direction REALLY stuck with me, it's probably the best the series has ever had to offer
i REALLY like Strength, and yes that is entirely because it feels like OMEGA of megami tensei 2 fame; but the regular battle theme Da'at is great too, and i spent an uncomfortably long time listening to fan recreations of it from the trailers because it was that fucking good to me. honestly the fact that there's so many different battle themes and they all slap is great, they're all fun to listen to. especially Destruction, like fuck dude did they really have to go that hard? (yes)
Soul Hackers 2
gnawing and chewing on 2's ost. i don't care how many people didn't like it, i did, and i think it's really well-done. very very atmospheric! Karakucho is wonderful, COMP SMITH is the GOAT (and i'm glad so many people agree with me!), and even the idiot theme, Cats and ladle, is... very cute! i never thought it out-of-place whenever the team started goofing off, since the idiot theme was never too jarring
... also, Battle of Devil Summoner is bumpin, i'm glad we got to hear this song so many times over the normal battle theme, because. hot damn
i'm not picking a favorite out of any of these are you kidding. except maybe majin tensei 2 that one is undoubtedly a beast. but like. i think everyone should play all of these games and experience their music and have your taste in music irrevocably changed against your will
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i-may-be · 2 years
hello! thank you for participating in this exchange matchup <3
My immediate association with Osamu to the coffee shop au needs to stop but it's what fuels my soul. Anyway he worked at the coffee shop you usually go to and he just started reconising you when you as you came in often with friends and stuff.
He thought you were so cool but he wan't gonna say anything to you because the only conversations you've ever had are about your order and maybe a compliment slid in there because people are nice and friendly sometimes.
Shout-out to his co-worker friend who knew for a fact Osamu liked you and made it obvious as shit. Like yk the eye people give their friends when they're talking to their crush, deadass that.
But once you came in right when he was on break and somehow ended up talking and just became friends from there, so boo-yah!
I stongly believe he's a physically affectionate guy who hates pda because it makes him feel like a hypocrite for complaining about couples. When in more private areas, cuddles, kisses and hand holding galore; but in public you'll probably only get a quick peck on the check and a finger interlocked.
REALLY good listener and I'll die on this hill. Him hearing his loved ones rant about the things they enjoy or just about their day or literally anything is so comforting to him. Sit him down with a cup of tea and over an hour to spare, he's hands down here to listen.
He would make playlists of songs that remind him of you and send them to you <3 I think music would be ever present in your relationship, as you both have similar aesthetics+music tastes. But yall just being together and having music in the bg :]
yall watching horror and laughing at it>>>> Osamu is a big horror fan I think, like he would have had so many dvds and video tapes of horror movies from when he was a kid. OK but you guys on Halloween??? It's the best time for horror when all of the Halloween decorations are around and new horror movies are being released. No particular reason for this one but you guys playing competitive games(video and board). Like he will bat you down in Super Smash Bros but plays cluedo really calmly. Forbid Atsumu to ever play with ya'll because he gets so pissed at how good Osamu's poker face can be in games.
Cooking, yes cooking. I'm pretty sure he opens an onigiri shop post time-skip? But he grew up as the cook between him and his brother, I just think he has a couple cookbooks to share. You don't even have to cook with him just be their with him please he enjoys your presence sm :]
Through Gus, somehow. Idk I feel like Gus gravitated towards your vibes, claimed you as his friend and then pulled you into a trio of you, him and Willow. Short king shit fr.
Ok it wasn't that fast in fairness. But you had a project with Gus and you both became friends from there, so he wanted to introduce you to Willow, and you both just clicked.
rip to Gus seeing yall develope and then having to third wheel until Luz came in. Honestly though he's the N.1 hypeman for your relationship, and he encouraged Willow to ask you out first because he was getting tired of the pining. Gus is the root of this relationship fr/j
But Willow was very friendly to you from the start and was a very empathic person, so it was hard not to enjoy ehr company and it wasn't unlikely to form any kind of crush on her.
hI think she orignially got into anime and manga because of Luz, who knows a lil bit about them. When she found out you were into them she made a bee line towards Luz to ask where to start so that she could understand what you were talking about when you talked about the mangas and animes you're currently into.
Also isn't a big fan of big social events, so she understands your anxiety. I guess because she seems so level-headed she would be a comforting presence to have, and she kind of makes you feel like in this big place you're in your own comforting bubble. It doesn't help make the anxiety go away entirely, but she has her ways of helping you enjoy them a little more.
Her communication>>> Obviously she's not perfect at it, but she tries so hard to communicate because she doesn't wanna mess things up with you. I feel like it's important to her that you can both have your disagreements and still come out ok!
star/cloud watchers!!! No idea what my obbsession with picnics has been about recently but yall having picnics and watching the clouds <3 Like you have a special spot and everything where you just talk and look at the clouds and everything is so nice. Think Ellie and Carl in the Up intro but without the death. I think you'd both be very cute and would have a nice time!
Gardening core. Since she is like a prodigy in plant magic, she knows her stuff about plants and growing them. I think she would share some cool facts with you and would enjoy taking you to Hexides greenhouse to show you the plants the class is growing :] You can also find some cool bugs in there!! Plants and bugs in a garden what will they do. Anyway plant related things with Willow!
House dates... house dates. I think she would invite you over to her house often, where you can do art or watch movies in the comfort of a familiar place. Her dads adore you btw, and they have nice snacks in the fridge all of the time. Anyway Willow's home 10/10 so nice and comfy.
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godkilller · 3 years
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I wanna hear you rant about the Gin vs Hitsugaya anime fight bc I love seeing your pov and you clearly write better than whoever extended that scene :) pretty please
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          out of character.  DON’T ENABLE ME SO MUCH !!  No but I cackled when I first saw this ask because oh my god, clearly you saw a taste of my annoyance about the anime adaptation -- no, adaptation implies it was accurate, I’ll say the anime’s take was “inspired by” the manga’s quick run-in. I’ll start by saying this moment is supposed to be a bit important considering, via the audience’s point of view, THIS IS THE FIRST WE SEE OF TWO CAPTAIN-RANKED SHINIGAMI CLASHING. The only other captain-involved fight we’ve seen thus far in the manga is Kenpachi  ( who is an outlier and should not be counted... no, I joke... but, still, Ichigo was not an equal to him, his sword was sliced through like butter. )  The whole reason I enjoyed this encounter between Toshiro and Gin was simply this; it wasn’t some fancy multi-chaptered fight. IN THE MANGA, THERE ARE ONLY TWO BLOWS MADE. One, by Toshiro, to begin the fight. The second, to end it, is Gin’s strike.
          I want you to know that I’ve rewatched this specifically to answer this ask, and only due to this, as I wouldn’t have ever sought it out otherwise. HONOR MY SACRIFICE.
          Read more for length. I’m merciful.
          In the anime, they monologue at each other, and it’s mostly a combination of Toshiro making three separate death threats  ( he starts this off by saying “I’ll kill you before Hinamori arrives” and then goes on rewording it each time, and then also repeats the death-threat he gave Gin prior to this conflict about “I’ll kill you if Hinamori bleeds” )  and then also Gin and Izuru talking about how truly powerful and amazing Toshiro is -- no, this isn’t me being bitter or petty, I literally shit you not, Gin has a line that is legit “AS EXPECTED FROM HITSUGAYA TOSHIRO, CAPTAIN OF THE TENTH DIVISION, A CHILD PRODIGY OF TH' SORT THAT ONLY COMES ALONG ONLY ONCE EVERY FEW CENTURIES. HOW VEEEERY DANGEROUS. YOU’RE SERIOUS, AIN’T YA?” like don’t get me wrong, love a good sarcastic little shit comment like that, but the amount of times the anime pumps Toshiro up like he’s their shinest new cash cow ( and he is, at this point, it is not even 50 episodes into the series and they’ve realized everyone likes him and he’s jumped to high ranks in popularity polls... earning him filler spotlights, and eventually his very own non-canon movie )  so everything coming out of Gin’s mouth feels like more bullshit than necessary. Izuru’s already literally monologued, internally, how powerful and amazing Toshiro is anyways. Why this ?
          Not to mention that, prior to saying that long-winded shit, Gin’s haori changed length three times  ( and once it was longer than his entire body by several feet, and no not in a ‘to show motion’ way )  and most importantly Shinso was drawn, consistently, at katana-length for the duration of their little spat where the following, too, happened: Gin frog-leaps after doing a backflip, Toshiro gives Gin two (2) haircuts, Gin ruins some floorboards and gives Toshiro at least one splinter in his arm, Toshiro whilst wearing socks lands on Shinso’s blunt edge and pushes the sword down with his footsie because that’s how that works, there’s another backflip somewhere in there that Gin doesn’t need to be doing, twirl, twirl, and ballet, Gin’s face elongates until his chin is bigger than his face, Gin spends ten+ seconds purely dodging very close strikes to his face as Toshiro is the only one making breathy growly and ‘tsuuaaah’ sounds, there is a brief moment of no gravity as Toshiro keeps hacking at Gin midair and Gin blocks it over and over again but they still stay in the air but they’re not standing or jumping or using reiatsu they’re just like, momentum-locked I don’t fucking know, Gin frowny faces as he blocks because like somehow this kid who doesn’t even have more reiatsu than him, whose arm strength should not be an issue, is like. making him nervous?? as sword sparks fly. if you know me at all you know I hate when they fuckin’ firework sparkler-ify swords clashing.
          Anyways, all of this happens whilst Shinso is the wrong length and Gin’s hair is getting purpler by the second and this entire thing is somehow a big jack-off to Toshiro’s immense strength even though he’s screaming and wailing at Gin like a child and Gin’s just a vessel at this point to Enhance Toshiro, which, fine, okay, but at least be more accurate with it god damn. ANYWAYS,
          THEY JOUST. They literally run at each other, swords centered, and run past / to the side of one another. Jousting. “Cause that’s how that works. No slashes, no cutting motion. Just swords centered, because the animators were like “no worries guys I know swordfighting basics that’s a legit pose” yeah it is WHEN STATIONARY. Not rUNNING IT DOWN.
          And then Gin’s sleeve is cut, somehow, from the Jousting, because wow Toshiro wow wow wowowowow, and then Toshiro comes back and starts wailing at Gin again and Gin blocks it, again, and it’s all very annoyingly repetitive, and Gin’s frowning and sparks are flying and Gin’s using Shinso, the katana-length wakizashi I guess, with two hands because like I said, the animators knew basics and basics are “katana are used two-handed” like. Okay, you’re not wrong, but I cannot stress this enough: SHINSO IS NOT A KATANA. It’s shorter and meant to be used single-handed!!!! sTop!!! So then Gin rips off the tattered part of his sleeve and throws it at Toshiro, who swipes it away from his face using his Zanpakuto because that’s intelligent and a piece of cloth was definitely threatening enough to use your sword to bat it away  ( btw, Hitsugaya wasn’t holding his sword with two hands at this precise moment, so he could have just... used his other hand )  and then Gin goes in for the classic “stabby stabby rapidly at you while the animation gets a little breather because we repeat this cycle a few times with flashy bgs and phew money made” ... WE ARE FOUR MINUTES AND THIRTY SECONDS INTO THIS FIGHT BY THE WAY. Gin does this for seventeen (17) agonizing seconds straight. Yes, I counted. That was sixteen and a half too many seconds for me, personally.
          Toshiro somehow lassos Shinso whilst Gin is stabby stabby-ing with Hyourinmaru’s chain component. I say component like it’s somehow some type of beauty guru’s lipstick holder, but really am I that wrong ? When else has he ever used this feature ? Anyways, he lassos Shinso because yeehaw I guess, god I’m falling apart at this point can y’all tell????? I need a drink.
          and so, because now Toshiro has Gin’s sword somehow trapped with chain even though it’s just looped around it, he backflips over Gin for a cool trickshot, no blow issued, just vibes, and Gin uses a big brain moment to tug Shinso and the chains slide off. okay now what. We’re past five minutes into this fight, nonstop.
          SOUNDS LIKE A GOOD TIME FOR GIN TO PAUSE AND APPRECIATE TOSHIRO AGAIN! “I see, I shouldn’t have underestimated you, HItsugaya Toshiro” I’m starting to have a feeling Gin’s VA was told to just wing these lines because the amount of times he fills silences / Gin’s mouth movements with Toshiro’s long-ass name is astounding, he’s definitely drawing blanks here but he sure as hell knows one thing: that damn ice-boy’s name. He continues by saying “I suppose I’ll end up regretting it afterwards.”
          Toshiro says that’s not enough, and it’s really dramatic and cool. His eyes even glow all icy and blue and pretty, like his flowy reiatsu. Aesthetic points were gifted entirely to Toshiro’s animations in this scene. Gin was finished in MS Paint and each new scene they had to draw Shinso from memory and try to remember what hue of purple his hair was at gunpoint. Toshiro lets off a big wave of reiatsu and then it vanishes, and he jumps up reaaaally high. like this guy’s flying. his eyes arent glowing anymore that’s sad. Bring Back Glowing Eyes For Strong Shinigami 2k21.
          Toshiro releases his Shikai, and it’s badass, the sky darkens, Izuru looks distinctly more worried than usual, and Gin’s frowning with his teeth out like Bugs Bunny’s having a bad day, all is right in the world. Toshiro and his released Shikai have a nice moment for the Pics, and a big epic freeze frame blur moment happens with it all coiled and swirling around him. Wrow!  ( click the ‘wrow’ it’s a link to my exact reaction )  Izuru narrates for the third time about how powerful Toshiro is, his reiatsu, his Zanpakuto being a deity who is only unlocked every few centuries. The strongest ice-type sword. Pardon the pun, but that’s... you could say, so cool.
          It can even control the weather. So hey, next time it’s rainy, cold, icy, or snowing and you’re unhappy, it’s time to direct a big fuck you at Toshiro.
          Gin dodges the first dragon, and blocks the second with Shinso because blocking water and ice with a sword makes sense right? This actually takes a solid amount of seconds as Gin cuts through the entire length of this ice dragon noodle. Things dissipate, and pause, too, to really drag this out. Surprisingly, this reveals that Gin’s made a boo-boo, his left arm’s frozen, which doesn’t even mean anything because Gin is right-handed, and Toshiro teleports himself behind Gin in true fighty fashion.
          We have arrived at seven minutes and just under twenty seconds of this fight, and Gin turns, DOES THE UNTHINKABLE, gasp! He opens his eyes. His red, dull, evil, gray-eyebrowed with purple hair eyes, and shoots Shinso through its hideout spot behind his haori. This nearly takes off Toshiro’s eye and upwards of his head, but the little guy dives down fast. The rest happens in slow motion, supposedly, because it takes an eternity and people talk entire full sentences in its span of time.
          Gin asks Toshiro if he’s sure he’d like to dodge that  ( it’s a little late for that ) and says that Momo’ll die if he does. SHINSO SCRAPING ALONG AGAINST HYOURINMARU STRANGELY MAKES NOT A SINGLE SOUND. Mute. Even though before they had no problem animating and adding sounds to them smacking blades earlier. There are soundless sparks though, so there’s that. Yay. Can you tell how exhausted this’s made me? I need a nap.
          Shinso is already more than halfway towards Momo, still unconscious, she most definitely has a serious concussion via Toshiro backhanding her midair consider she’s been unconscious for longer than ten minutes. Toshiro has time to get up off the floor where he dropped to dodge, realize with a shocked gasp, turn, shout her name, and watch as Rangiku arrives in a random glow of gold which never happens ever again and blocks the attack with Haineko. Haineko almost cracks on the impact, and continues growing in damage as Rangiku holds Shinso there, implying that she’s stopped it from reaching one-hundred sword’s lengths to pierce Momo. Yes I’m including that implication / note in here because we love to see Rangiku succeeding in life and being Not-Helpless, all while potentially damaging Haineko severely if it wasn’t able to hold him off. Yikes, Gin!
          Rangiku threatens to join the fight if he doesn’t withdraw his sword. Gin smiles, withdraws it, and then Shunpos away.
          Whatta mess. Oh, and the anime fight was pretty fucked up, too.
          This is a long post, but here’s the manga version:
Toshiro leaps into the air,
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This is where the fight actually starts between them:
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And end. 
Five pages. Two blows. Does not equate to ten minutes of non-stop fighting and monologues. Sometimes, and I mean this in the most unbiased way possible, less is more.
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space--cadet-glow · 4 years
Translation: German manga of “The Minish Cap”, Part 3: “Link and the Mountain-Minish”
Here we go: third chapter! We meet Chilta (yes, I’m technically using the correct name) and slowly discover that the official English translation is a joke.
My translation key: DT: „direct translation" (translated word for word) EQ: “English equivalent” (as in, as close to an English-sounding sentence as it’s gonna get) DT/EQ: „"direct translation/English equivalent" (for when the DT is so similar to an EQ that it’s practically English already) OE: “official English (translation as given in the English version of “The Minish Cap”)“ (NOTE:) "anything I need to point out” (exactly what it says on the tin) BG: „backwards German” for the Minish language in forwards form BOE: “the forwards version of the Minish language in the OE version” BOET: “the TRANSLATION of the forwards version of the Minish language in the OE version”
My translation work under the cut.
(NOTE: Yeah, you read that right. Despite using the "Picori" name throughout the manga, the English version still calls them "Minish" in the chapter title. BE CONSISTENT, DARN IT.)
Link: „Jetzt bin ich wieder groß!" DT: „Now am I again big!" EQ: "Now, I'm big again!" OE: "We're back to normal!"
Ezelo: „Das haben die Menschen vor langer Zeit erschaffen, um ihre Körpergröße zu ändern. Es heißt Portal." DT: „The (x) the humans before long time created, in order their body-size to change. It (is) call(ed) Portal." EQ: "The humans created this a long time ago in order to change their body-size. It's called a Portal." OE: "This is a secret door humans used long ago to change their size. It's called a Minish Portal!" (NOTE: It's not a door, English Ezlo... Funnily enough, though, this probably happened because they're called "Entrances" in the Japanese version...)
Ezelo: „Solche Portale findest du überall mit verschiedener Optik. Also pass gut auf deine Umgebung auf." DT: „Such Portals find you over-all with different optics. So watch well of your surroundings (out)." EQ: "Such Portals you'll find all over with different optics. So, pay attention to your surroundings." OE: "Other doors are scattered around in different forms. Keep an eye out." (NOTE: Idioms and „aufpassen" again.)
Link: „Aha!" DT/EQ: „"Aha!" OE: "Right!"
Ezelo: „Also los!" DT/EQ: „"So go!" OE: "Shall we go?"
Link: „Ezelo, wir bleiben jetzt besser klein." DT: „Ezelo, we stay now better small." EQ: "Ezelo, we'd better stay small for now." OE: "Ezlo, we should stay small for now."
Ezelo: „Wieso das? Der Weg zum Gongol-Berg ist weit." DT: „How so that? The way to (the) Gongol-Mountain is far." EQ: "How come? The way to Gongol-Mountain is far." OE: "Why?! It's a long way to Mount Crenel."
Link: „Tja..." DT/EQ: „"Well..." OE: "Yeah, but..."
Link: „Hopp!" DT/EQ: „"Alley-oop!" OE: "Hyah!"
Toneffekte: „Flap flap" DT/EQ: „"Flap flap" OE: "FWAP FWAP"
Link: „Dann können wir so was tun!" DT: „Then can we so what/something do!" EQ: "Then we can do something like this!" OE: "Now we can do THIS!"
Toneffekte: „FLATTER" DT/EQ: „"FLUTTER" OE: "FWAP"
Ezelo: „Verstehe!" DT: „Understand!" EQ: "I understand!" OE: "Of course!"
Ezelo: „Die Menschen überraschen mich immer wieder mit ihrer Courage... Sie tun etwas, wovon ich nicht einmal zu träumen wage." DT: „The humans surprise me always again with their courage... They do things, whereof I not once to dream dare." EQ: "The humans surprise me time-and-again with their courage... They do things I wouldn't dare to dream of." OE: "He has all these ideas I could NEVER imagine. Are ALL people as daring as he is?" (NOTE: Slightly idiomatic.)
Link: „Wah, so schnell!!" DT/EQ: „"Wow, so fast!!" OE: "Wow! Cool!"
Erzähler: „Gongol-Berg" DT/EQ: „"Gongol-Mountain" OE: "Mount Crenel"
Toneffekte: „Japs japs" DT/EQ: „"Gasp gasp" OE: "Huff puff"
Chilta: „Oh, nein!" DT/EQ: „"Oh, no!" OE: "Uh-oh!"
Biene: „?!" DT/EQ: „"?!" OE: "?!" (NOTE: RIP, Bee #1. You were so bee-ish to me.)
Link: „Geh weg! Husch, husch!!" DT/EQ: „"Go away! Shoo, shoo!!" OE: "Get outta here! Shoo! Shoo!"
Toneffekte: „Summ" DT/EQ: „"Buzz" OE: "Bzzzz"
Ezelo: „Wie gehst du mit mir um?!" DT: „How go you with (to) me at?!" EQ: "What are you doing with me?!" OE: "What do you think you're DOING?!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Link: „Na komm, er wollte sicher nicht gestochen werden." DT: „Well come, he wants certainly not stung be." EQ: "Come on, he didn't want to get stung." OE: "I don't wanna get stung by a bee!" (NOTE: Wow... Interesting... Because, in both English and Japanese, Link says that it was HIMSELF who didn't want to get stung... But, German went with saying it was CHILTA. Cool.)
Link: „Ist doch okay." DT: „Is still okay." EQ: "It's okay." OE: "Chill out!"
Link: „Das sieht wie ein Stein aus, ist aber auch ein Portal." DT: „That looks how a stone (x), is but also a Portal." EQ: "That looks like a stone, but is also a Portal." OE: "It looks like a normal rock, but it's really a Minish Portal!"
Ezelo: „Gut, dass wir es gleich gefunden haben." DT: „Good, that we it immediately found (x)." EQ: "Good that we immediately found it." OE: "We got here just in time."
Link: „Geht es dir gut?" DT: „Goes it (for) you well?" EQ: "Are you okay?" OE: "Are you all right?"
Chilta: „Ich bin überrascht... Ein Mensch, der heute noch unsere Sprache spricht!" DT: „I am surprised... A human, that to-day even our language speaks!" EQ: "I'm surprised... A human that speaks our language even to-day!" OE: "Jeepers! A person... ...from this day and age who speaks Picorese?!"
Ezelo: „Wir sind hier, um einer Mann namens Melta zu finden. Kennst du ihn?" DT: „We are here, in order a man named Melta to find. Know you him?" EQ: "We're here in order to find a man named Melta. Do you know him?" OE: "We're looking for a man named Melari. Do you know him?"
Chilta: „Oh, unser Chef Melta?" DT/EQ: „"Oh, our Boss Melta?" OE: "You mean Master Melari?"
Link: „Du kennst ihn?! Bringst du uns zu ihm?" DT: „You know him?! Bring you us to him?" EQ: "You know him?! Can you bring us to him?" OE: "You know him?! Can you introduce us?"
Chilta: „Nun, der Chef ist aber..." DT: „Well, the Boss is but..." EQ: "Well, but, the Boss is..." OE: "But the Master is... Umm..."
Link: „Hm?" DT/EQ: „"Hm?" OE: "He's what?"
Chilta: „Ach, egal. Folgt mir." DT/EQ: „"Oh, no matter. Follow me." OE: "Never mind. I'll just show you. Follow me!"
Chilta: „Aber wie kommst du hier durch...?" DT: „But how come you here through...?" EQ: "But, how will you come through here...?" OE: "Um... We have to go in THERE."
Link: "Moment!" DT: „Moment!" EQ: "Wait a moment!" OE: "Right! Hold on a sec!"
Link: „Und zack!" DT: „And quick!" EQ: "And done!" OE: "Thanks for waiting!" (NOTE: This was the only thing I could think of.)
Chilta: „... Ich bin überrachst!" DT/EQ: „"... I am surprised!" OE: "Jeepers! How'd you DO that?!" (NOTE: *throws hands up at English version*)
Chilta: „Ich bin Chilta, ein Berg-Minish." DT/EQ: „"I am Chilta, a Mountain-Minish." OE: "I'm Chiruta of the Mountain Picori." (NOTE: *punts English version out the window*)
Link: „Ich bin Link! Danke für deine Hilfe!" DT/EQ: „"I am Link! Thanks for your help!" OE: "I'm Link. Nice to meet you!"
Chilta: „Hier entlang." DT: „Here along." EQ: "Along here." OE: "C'mon! It's this way!" (NOTE: Chilta is a manga-original character. However, I have evidence to believe that he quite possibly is based off of Melari's "third-best" apprentice from the game-proper.)
Berg-Minish 1: „Hopp!" DT/EQ: „"Alley-oop!" OE: "Ho!"
Berg-Minish 2: „Hopp, hopp." DT/EQ: „"Alley, alley-oop." OE: "Diggity-dig!"
Berg-Minish 3: „Hopp, hopp!" DT/EQ: „"Alley, alley-oop!" OE: "Diggity-dig!" (NOTE: TRIO, TRIO, TRIO.)
Link: „Das ist Meltas Mine. Wah, so viele Berg-Minish!" DT/EQ: „"This is Melta's Mine. Wow, so many Mountain-Minish!" OE: "So this is Melari's Mine? There sure are lots of Picori here too!"
Berg-Minish 4: „Wir graben munter weiter..." DT: „We dig merrily further..." EQ: "We dig further, merrily..." OE: "We dig up the iron quick!"
Berg-Minish 5: „...und singen froh und heiter!" DT/EQ: „"...and sing joyfully and cheerfully!" OE: "Let's dig quick! Let's dig fast!" (NOTE: A possible way to get this to rhyme, maybe, would be something like, "We shall keep on digging, merrily... And singing oh-so verily!")
Berg-Minish 6: „Hopp, hopp!" DT/EQ: „"Alley, alley-oop!" OE: "Diggity-dig!" (NOTE: And Chilta's the seventh... So all seven of Melari's apprentices are present in this panel.)
Link: „Ein Schmied! Die selben Werkzeuge wie zu Hause... ...aber sie sind alle kaputt." DT: „A Forge! The same tools how at home... ...but they are all broken." EQ: "A Forge! The same tools like at home... ...but, they're all broken." OE: "A forge! And metal-working tools like at home! But they're all rusty."
Link: „Sie wurden lange nicht benutzt...?" DT: „They were long not used...?" EQ: "They haven't been used in a long time...?" OE: "They haven't been used for a long time." (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Chilta: „Der Chef... ...schmiedet nicht mehr." DT: „The Boss... forges no more." EQ: "The Boss... Doesn't forge anymore." OE: "Master Melari... ...has given up being a smith."
Melta: „Na, wie ungewöhnlich. Ein Mensch. Was willst du von mir?" DT: „Well, how unusual. A human. What want you from me?" EQ: "Well, how unusual. A human. What do you want from me?" OE: "Hmph. A visitor from Hyrule. How rare. Whaddaya want?" (NOTE: Chef/Boss Melta, AKA Master Melari retained his name.)
Link: „Äh... Ich möchte das Schwert reparieren lassen." DT: „Uh... I would like the Sword repaired let." EQ: "Uh... I would like to get the Sword repaired." OE: "Um... I want you to reforge the sacred Sword... Sir."
Melta: „Schade. Ich schmiede keine Schwerter mehr." DT: „Unfortunate/Too bad. I forge no Swords more." EQ: "Unfortunate/Too bad. I don't forge Swords anymore." OE: "No dice. I don't do that kinda thing anymore."
Link: „Was?!" DT/EQ: „"What?!" OE: "B-But..."
Link: „Ginsta hat uns gesagt... ...dass nur du in der Lage bist, dieses Schwert zu reparieren! Bitte!!" DT: „Ginsta (x) us said... ...that only you in the position are, this Sword to repair! Please!!" EQ: "Ginsta said... ...that only you are in the position to repair this Sword! Please!!" OE: "...Gentari sent me! I came all the way here because... ...you're the ONLY Picori who can do it! You HAVE to! Please!"
Melta: „Meine Schüler machen die Arbeit für mich. Ich bin aus der übung und kann jetzt nicht einmal mehr hämmern... Ha ha... Gib auf und verlass den Berg!" DT: „My students do the work for me. I am out the practise and can now not once more hammer. Ha ha... Give up and leave the Mountain!" EQ: "My students do the work for me. I'm outta practise and can't even hammer anymore. Ha ha... Give up and leave the Mountain!" OE: "My apprentices do all the work now. I'm retired. I'm so outta shape I couldn't even swing a hammer. Give up. Go home."
Link: „Was... Waas...?!" DT/EQ: „"What... Whaat...?!" OE: "No... No! I won't!"
Link: „Das kann ich auf keinen Fall machen!!" DT: „That can I of no case/means do!!" EQ: "I can't do that by any means!!" OE: "You have no idea what I went through to get here!"
Chilta: „Link!" DT/EQ: „"Link!" OE: "Link..."
Link: „Wenn ich jetzt aufgebe, kann ich Prinzessin Zelda nie vom Fluch befreien!!" DT: „If I now give-up, can I Princess Zelda never from (the) curse free!!" EQ: "If I give up now, I can never free Princess Zelda from the curse!" OE: "If I give up, Princess Zelda is doomed!"
Melta: „Prinzessin Zelda...?" DT/EQ: „"Princess Zelda...?" OE: "Princess Zelda...?"
Link: „Melta!! Ich bitte dich!!" DT/EQ: „"Melta!! I beg you!!" OE: "Please, Master Melari! I beg you! Help me!"
Toneffekte: „Pack" DT/EQ: „"Tap" (?) OE: "Clomp"
Melta: „..." DT/EQ: „"..." OE: "..."
Melta: „Kind... Wir haben hier keine Holzkohle mehr, die wir zum Schmieden brauchen!" DT: „Kid... We have here no charcoal more, the how to (the) forging need!" EQ: "Kid... We don't have any charcoal here needed for the forging!" OE: "Boy... I... ...I don't have enough charcoal to make a Sword!"
Melta: „Daher geht es nicht. Wenn du das verstanden hast..." DT: „Therefore goes it not. If you that understood (x)..." EQ: "Therefore, it's impossible. If you understood that..." OE: "So it's impossible. I'm sure you understand." (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Melta: „Geh jetzt!!" DT/EQ: „"Go now!!!" OE: "Leave!"
Chilta: „Tut mir leid, Link." DT/EQ: „"Sorry, Link." OE: "Sorry, Link."
Link: „Was... Was soll ich nur tun...?" DT: „What... What should I only do...?" EQ: "What... What should I do now...?" OE: "What... ...What should I do?"
Chilta: „Die Berg-Minish nutzten Holzkohle und Eisensand, um das Eisen... ...für die Schwerter herzustellen. Aber dafür wurden auch viele Bäume gefällt..." DT: „The Mountain-Minish used charcoal and iron-sand, in order the iron... ...for the Swords to produce. But therefore were also many trees felled/chopped down..." EQ: "The Mountain-Minish used charcoal and iron-sand in order to produce the iron for the Swords. But, therefore, many trees were also felled/chopped down..." OE: "For centuries the Mountain Picori have used charcoal and black sand... ...to make steel and forge it into Swords. But to do that, we needed lots of trees."
Chilta: „Daher stritten wir mit den Wald-Minish am Fuße des Berges." DT: „Therefore argue we with the Forest-Minish at (the) Foot (of) the Mountain." EQ: "Therefore, we argued with the Forest-Minish at the Foot of the Mountain." OE: "But there was a fight between us and the Forest Picori."
Chilta: „Die Frau vom Chef war eine Wald-Minish und sie... ...litt sehr unter dem Streit." DT: „The wife of (the) Boss was a Forest-Minish and she... ...suffered very under the argument." EQ: "The Boss's wife was a Forest-Minish and she... ...suffered greatly under the argument." OE: "Master Melari's wife was from the Forest Picori tribe. Thought it hurt her greatly, she intervened."
Chilta: „Dadurch wurde sie krank und ging vom uns." DT: „Thereby became she sick and went from us." EQ: "Thereby, she became sick and left us." OE: "But the tension made her sick, and she died." (NOTE: Another possible translation could be, "Thereby, she became sick and passed away".)
Link: „Seitdem hat er aufgehört, zu schmieden." DT: „Since-then (x) he stopped, to forge." EQ: "Since then, he's stopped forging." OE: "And Master Melari quit being a smith."
Chilta: „Er ist davon überzeugt, dass sie seinetwegen gestorben ist." DT: „He is thereof convinced, that she his-account died (x)." EQ: "He is convinced that she died on his account." OE: "He believes it's his fault that she died." (NOTE: Likewise, this could also go as, "He is convinced that she died because of him.")
Link: „..." DT/EQ: „"..." OE: "..."
Ezelo: „Verstehe... In dieser Mine wird es jetzt nicht möglich sein, das Eisen für die Schwerter herzustellen." DT: „Understand... In this Mine will it now not possible be, the iron for the Swords produce." EQ: "I understand... In this Mine, it will now not be possible to produce the iron for the Swords." OE: "So you can't make sword-quality steel here at the Mine anymore."
Ezelo: „Aber man könnte mit dem Feuer-Element die Holzkohle ersetzen!" DT: „But one can with the Fire-Element the charcoal replace!" EQ: "But one can replace charcoal with the Fire-Element!" OE: "But if we had the Fire Element, we could use the iron ore here instead of charcoal!"
Link: „Ezelo, wirklich?!" DT/EQ: „"Ezelo, really?!" OE: "Really, Ezlo?!"
Chilta: „Ist das wahr?!" DT/EQ: „"Is that true?!" OE: "Will it work?"
Ezelo: „Klar, das versichere ich euch als Alles-kenner!" DT: „Clearly, that assure I you all as all-knower!" EQ: "Clearly, I assure you all of that as a jack-of-all-trades!" OE: "If someone as wise as me says so, it must be true!" (NOTE: Okay, "know-it-all" would be „Besserwisser"... But another direct translation for „Alles-kenner" is "everything-connoisseur"... So, all I could think of that came close was "jack-of-all-trades".)
Ezelo: „So oder so werden Elemente benötigt." DT: „So or so are Elements required." EQ: "Either way, Elements are required." OE: "We need the Fire Element anyway!" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Link: „Genau! Wir suchen nach dem Feuer-Element!" DT: „Exactly! We seek after the Fire-Element!" EQ: "Exactly! Let's seek the Fire-Element!" OE: "Right! Let's go find the Fire Element right away!"
Chilta: „Ich komme mit, Link!" DT: „I come with, Link!" EQ: "I'm coming along, Link!" OE: "I'll go with you, Link!"
Chilta: „Ich will, dass der Chef sich wieder fängt." DT: „I want, that the Boss himself again recover." EQ: "I want the Boss to recover himself again." OE: "It'll be good to see Master Melari back on his feet again."
Chilta: „Da vorne findest du eine Mine, die die Menschen gegraben haben. Wir nennen sie die »Höhle der Flamme«. Es heißt, dass dort das Feuer-Element liegt." DT: „There up-front find you a Mine, that the humans dug (x). We call it the »Cave (of) the Flame«. It (is) says/said, that there the Fire-Element lies." EQ: "There up front, you'll find a Mine that the humans dug. We call it the »Cave of Flame«. It's said that the Fire-Element lies there." OE: "An abandoned big-people Mine is just over the ridge... ...We call it the Cave of Flames. They say the Fire Element can be found there."
Link: „Na, dann mal los!" DT: „Well, then (softener) go!" EQ: "Well, let's go!" OE: "Okay! Big Mine... Big Link!" (NOTE: Idioms. Nasty idioms, good sir.)
Chilta: „Hier war schon lange niemand mehr. Es heißt, das ist ein Monsternest." DT: „Here was already long nobody more. It (is) said, that is a Monster-nest." EQ: "Nobody has been here for a long time. It's said that it's a Monster-nest." OE: "No one's been here for a long, long time. They say that evil spirits lurk in the tunnels."
Link: „Puh, ist das heiß hier!" DT: „Phew, is that hot here!" EQ: "Phew, it's hot in here!" OE: "Whew! The air is so HOT!"
Link: „Eine Draisine!" DT/EQ: „"A draisine!" OE: "A minecart!" (NOTE: A "draisine" is a specific type of rail-car that I cannot for the life of me find a better synonym for.)
Chilta: „Ein... was?!" DT/EQ: „"A... what?!" OE: "What's a cart?"
Link: „Damit werden Steine transportiert." DT: „Therewith are stones transported." EQ: "Stones are transported with it." OE: "You put stuff in here to carry it in or out."
Ezelo: „So ist es!" DT: „So is it!" EQ: "So it is!" OE: "Right, right."
Chilta: „Ah... eine Erfindung der Menschen." DT/EQ: „"Ah... an invention (of) the humans." OE: "Wow... You big guys think of the neatest stuff!"
Link: „Wir steigen einfach rein!" DT: „We climb right/simply in!" EQ: "We'll climb right in!" OE: "It's just the right size. Hop in, everyone!" (NOTE: BUT YOU'RE CARRYING THEM BOTH, ENGLISH LINK. ...BE CONSISTENT, DARN IT.)
Ezelo: „Wirklich?" DT/EQ: „"Really?" OE: "Are you sure it's all right?"
Toneffekte: „Zooosch!" DT/EQ: „"Zoooosh!" OE: "GTUNK"
Toneffekte: „Wooooooosch!" DT/EQ: „"Woooooooosh!" OE: "VWOOSH"
Toneffekte: „Zisch" DT/EQ: „"Zip" OE: "ZOOOOM"
Ezelo: „Wa... Was war das denn?!" DT/EQ: „"Wh... What was that then?!" OE: "Oooh... W-W-What just happened?!"
Link: „Klasse! Lasst uns noch einmal fahren!" DT: „Classy! Let us still once travel/ride!" EQ: "Classy! Let's ride one again!" OE: "That was awesome! Let's do it again!"
Chilta: „Ja, irre!" DT/EQ: „"Yes, insane!" OE: "Yeah, that was fun!"
Ezelo: „Ungh, das sollten wir auf keinen Fall tun! He!" DT: „Ungh, that should we in/by no case/means do! Hey!" EQ: "Ungh, we should not do that by any means! Hey!" OE: "I kn-knew Hyrulean vehicles were no good! No good! Hey!"
Ezelo: „Du solltest besser auf deinen eigenen Beinen laufen!" DT: „You should better on your own legs run!" EQ: "You should just run on your own legs!" OE: "Can't we WALK? Just for a little while?" (NOTE: Idiomatic.)
Ezelo: „Kindchen... warum bist du so... glücklich?!" DT/EQ: „"Kiddo... why are you so... happy?!" OE: "B-Boy, why are you grinning like thaaaaaat?"
Link: „Fantastiiisch!!" DT/EQ: „"Fantastiiic!!" OE: "This is awesome!!"
Link: „Huch?!" DT/EQ: „"Huh?!" OE: "Uh-oh!"
Toneffekte: „Flatsch blub blub blub" DT/EQ: „"Flup blub blub blub blub" OE: "Sploosh pop glub sizzle"
Toneffekte: „Schweb schweb" DT/EQ: „"Float float" OE: "Ploof waft"
Link: „Puh... Hoppla!" DT/EQ: „"Phew... Whoop!" OE: "Whew! Ungh!"
Toneffekte: „TAPP" DT/EQ: „"TAP" OE: "Tump"
Link: „Du bist ja nützlich, Ezelo." DT/EQ: „"You are indeed useful, Ezelo." OE: "That's a neat trick, Ezlo!"
Ezelo: „Was soll das denn heißen?!" DT: „What should that then mean?!" EQ: "What does that mean?!" OE: "Are you tryin' to k-kill me?!"
Link: „Chilta? Suchst du was?" DT: „Chilta? Seeking you something?" EQ: "Chilta? You seeking something?" OE: "Chiruta? What're you looking for?"
Toneffekte: „Blick Blick" DT/EQ: „"Blink blink" OE: "Peer glance"
Chilta: „Da ist er!" DT: „There is it!" EQ: "There it is!" OE: "That!"
Link: „Dieser Stab?" DT/EQ: „"This Rod?" OE: "A hook?" (NOTE: *retrieves English version just to punt it out the window again*)
Chilta: „Der heißt Wirbelstab. Ein Zauberstab, den die Minish früher für Menschen geschaffen haben." DT: „The call(ed) Swirl-rod. A magic-rod, that the Minish earlier for humans created (x)." EQ: "It's called the Swirl-rod. A magic-rod that the Minish created earlier for humans." OE: "It's another anceint item made... ...for big people by the Picori! It's called the Cane of Pacci." (NOTE: The „Wirbelstab"/"Swirl-rod"/"Cane of Pacci" retained its name at least.)
Chilta: „Schwing ihn mal in Richtung der Töpfe." DT: „Swing it (softener) in direction (of) the jars." EQ: "Swing it in the direction of the jars." OE: "Wave it at those jars."
Ezelo: „Er hat die Macht, alles umzudrehen." DT: „It has the power, everything upturn/turn-over." EQ: "It has the power to turn everything over." OE: "Whatever the Cane's light hits will flip over." (NOTE: Also could go, "It has the power to upturn everything.")
Link: „Das ist ja witzig!" DT: „This is indeed funny!" EQ: "This is funny, indeed." OE: "This is fun!"
Toneffekte: „Buzz buzz buzz" DT/EQ: „"Buzz buzz buzz" OE: "Flip flop flip"
Ezelo: „Was ist das?!" DT/EQ: „"What is that?!" OE: "What was that?!"
Toneffekte: „Plubber" DT/EQ: „"Blubber" OE: "Glupglub"
Ezelo: „Das ist Glirock, der in der Lava wohnt!! Schnell weg hier!" DT: „This is Glirock, that in the lava lives! Quick away here!" EQ: "This is the Glirock that lives in lava! Quick, away from here!" OE: "The Gleerok! A monster that LIVES in lava!! Run, Link! Get us outta here!"
Toneffekte: „ZAMM" DT/EQ: „"BAMM" OE: "Skiiiid"
Link: „Eine Sackgasse?!" DT/EQ: „"A dead-end?!" OE: "A dead end!"
???: „So geht es!" DT: „So goes it!" EQ: "There it goes!" OE: "They're flat on the bottom!" (NOTE: No clue who actually said this.)
Toneffekte: „PUZZ japs japs KRACK KRACK" DT/EQ: „"BUZZ gasp gasp CRACK CRACK" OE: "FLASH huff puff CRUNCH SMASH"
Link: „Da kommt er!" DT: „There comes it!" EQ: "There it comes!" OE: "It's still coming!"
Ezelo: „Das wird übel! Wir können uns nirendwo verstecken!!" DT: „This is bad! We can us nowhere hide!!" EQ: "This is bad! We can't hide anywhere!" OE: "Link, think of something! There's nowhere to hide!"
Chilta: „Ein Weg für die Minish!!" DT/EQ: „"A way/path for the Minish!!" OE: "A Picori road!"
Toneffekte: „Hüpf" DT/EQ: „"Hop" OE: "Sproing"
Chilta: „Link, hier!! Werde schnell kleiner!!" DT: „Link, here! Become fast small!!" EQ: "Link, here! Become small-- fast!!" OE: "Link, this way! Hurry up! Shrink!"
Toneffekte: „GROH" DT/EQ: „"GROH" OE: "FWOOSH"
Link: „Dafür brauche ich das Portal!!" DT: „Therefore need I the Portal!!" EQ: "I need the Portal for that!!" OE: "I CAN'T shrink without a Minish Portal!" (NOTE: *sobbing at the English version's usage of both "Picori" and "Minish" on the same page*)
Toneffekte: „Buzz" DT/EQ: „"Buzz" OE: "FLASH"
Glirock: „?!" DT/EQ: „"?!" OE: "?!"
Link: „Der Panzer ist gewendet?!" DT/EQ: „"The armour (x) upturned/turned-over?!" OE: "Its shell flipped off!"
Ezelo: „Link! Greif jetzt seinen nackten Rücken an!!" DT: „Link! Attack now its bare back (x)!!" EQ: "Link! Attack its bare back now!!" OE: "Now, Link! Strike at its bare back!" (NOTE: „angreifen".)
Link: „YAAAAH!!" DT/EQ: „"YAAAAH!!" OE: "Hyaaah!"
Toneffekte: „Zisch zisch zisch" DT/EQ: „"Hiss hiss hiss" OE: "Poof puff hiss"
Ezelo: „Super!" DT/EQ: „"Excellent!" OE: "There's so much steam..." (NOTE: ...Wot???)
Link: „Uff, der Dampf... Hä?!" DT/EQ: „"Ugh, the steam... Eh?!" OE: "...I can't see... ...anything...?"
Link: „Was...?" DT/EQ: „"What...?" OE: "Wow!"
Ezelo: „Das ist wohl dein wahres Aussehen? Vermutlich warst du wie Prinzessin Zelda verflucht und wurdest in ein Monster verwandelt..." DT: „This is surely your true appearance? Presumably were you how Princess Zelda cursed and were into a Monster transformed..." EQ: "This is surely your true appearance? Presumably, you were cursed like Princess Zelda and were transformed into a Monster..." OE: "This must be Gleerok's true form. A curse must have turned it into a MONSTER like one turned Princess Zelda to STONE."
Glirock: „Pirrrr!" DT/EQ: „"Purrrr!" OE: "Purrrr"
Ezelo: „Er bedankt sich wohl." DT: „It thanks certainly." EQ: "It's certainly thankful." OE: "I think it's saying thank you." (NOTE: Not sure...)
Glirock: „SMAK! ♥" DT/EQ: „"SMACK! ♥" OE: "SMOOCH ♥"
Link: „Das Feuer-Element!!" DT/EQ: „"The Fire-Element!!" OE: "Look! The Fire Element!"
Berg-Minish: „Hoppla? Hopp, hopp, die Steine verwandeln sich. Hopp, hopp, das Eisen verwandelt sich?!" DT: „Alley-oop? Alley, alley, the stones transformed themselves. Alley, alley, the iron transformed itself?!" EQ: "Alley-oop? Alley, alley, the stones transformed. Alley, alley, the iron transformed?!" OE: "Diggity-dig? Diggity-dig! The stone CHANGED! Diggity-dig! The STEEL changed!" (NOTE: ...PLOT TWIST- THE ENGLISH VERSION WAS PREDICTING ALOLAN DUGTRIO ALL ALONG.)
Chilta: „Chef! Hier, das Eisenerz! Nun müssen wir keine Bäume mehr fällen!" DT: „Boss! Here, the iron-ore! Now must we no trees more fell/chop down!" EQ: "Boss! Here, iron-ore! Now we don't have to fell/chop down trees anymore!" OE: "Master! Look! Iron ore! Now we can make steel without cutting down trees!"
Melta: „Meine Güte..." DT/EQ: „"My goodness..." OE: "What?" (NOTE: ...The diamonds! MAH GOD!)
Chilta: „Chef, seien Sie bitte wieder ein Schmied. Bitte lehren Sie uns, wie man Schwerter schmiedet." DT: „Boss, be you please again a Blacksmith. Please teach you us, how one Swords forges." EQ: "Boss, please be a Blacksmith again. Please teach us how one forges Swords." OE: "Please, Master! Pick up your hammer! It would make your wife happy..."
Chilta: „Ihre Frau wäre sicher glücklich." DT: „Your wife would certainly happy." EQ: "You wife would certainly be happy." OE: "She always knew how much you loved to work!"
Toneffekte: „NRG!" DT/EQ: „"NRG!" OE: "CHAK"
Melta: „Okay, entfacht das Feuer im Ofen! Benutzt den Blasebalg!!" DT/EQ: „"Okay, kindle the fire in (the) oven! Use the bellows!!" OE: "All right. Light the furnace! Stoke the flames! Inflate the bellows!"
Berg-Minish: „Hopp, hopp!!" DT/EQ: „"Alley-oop, alley-oop!!" OE: "Diggity-dig!"
Melta: „Kind, zeig mir das zerbrochene Schwert!" DT/EQ: „"Kid, show me the broken Sword!" OE: "Boy, bring me that broken Sword!"
Link: „Chef!" DT/EQ: „"Boss!" OE: "Y-Yes, sir!"
Melta: „Mit dem Erz könnte ich viel stärkeren Stahl herstellen!!" DT: „With the ore can I much stronger steel produce!!" EQ: "With this ore, I can produce much stronger steel!" OE: "With THIS I'll be able to make even STRONGER steel!"
Toneffekte: „Grins" DT/EQ: „"Grins" OE: "GRIN"
Melta: „Die Reparatur dauert noch eine Weile! In der Zeit suchst du die fehlenden zwei Elemente." DT: „The repair takes still a while! In the time seek you the missing two Elements." EQ: "The repair will take a while! In the meantime, you go seek the two missing Elements." OE: "It will take some time to reforge the Sword. While I'm working, go find the other two Elements!"
Toneffekte: „Klick!" DT/EQ: „"Click!" OE: "TING"
Melta: „Das Heilige Schwert wird erst dann fertig, wenn alle vier Elemente übertragen werden. Ich warte auf dich!" DT: „The Holy Sword will only then finished, if all four Elements transferred are. I wait on you!" EQ: "The Holy Sword will only be finished if all four Elements are transferred. I'll wait for you!" OE: "The Sword won't be complete unless we fill it with all FOUR Elements. I'll be waiting!"
Link: „Danke, Chef! Ich werde alle Elemente herbringen!" DT: „Thanks, Boss! I will all Elements here-bring!" EQ: "Thanks, Boss! I'll bring all the Elements here!" OE: "Thank you, Master Melari! I won't fail! I'll come back with all Four Elements!"
Melta: „Ich danke dir, Kind. Du hast mir die Augen geöffnet. Dabei hatte ich als Minish dir gleich helfen müssen..." DT: „I thank you, kid. You (x) (for) me the eyes opened. Therewith/Yet have I as Minish (for) you equally help must..." EQ: "I thank you, kid. You opened my eyes. Yet, as a Minish, I'm supposed to help you..." OE: "I should be thanking YOU. You gave me my life back. Even though it's the Picori who are supposed to help YOU!"
Melta: „So, und nun geh!" DT: „So, and now go!" EQ: "So, go now!" OE: "Now, hurry on your way!"
Chilta: „Den Rest überlässt du uns!" DT: „The rest entrust you us!" EQ: "You entrust the rest to us!" OE: "Don't worry! We won't let you down!"
Link: „Danke, Chilta! Chef!" DT/EQ: „"Thanks, Chilta! Boss!" OE: "Thanks, Chiruta! Thanks, Master Melari!"
Melta: „Link!" DT/EQ: „"Link!" OE: "Link!"
Melta: „Ich konnte meine Frau nicht retten... ...aber du wirst die Prinzessin retten!" DT: „I could my wife not save... ...but you will the Princess save!" EQ: "I couldn't save my wife... but you will save the Princess!" OE: "I couldn't save my wife, so... ...I've got to make SURE you save the Princess!"
Ezelo: „Noch zwei Elemente... das Tropfen-Element und das Wind-Element. Wo sie sind..." DT: „Still two Elements... the Droplet-Element and the Wind-Element. Where they are..." EQ: "Still two Elements... the Droplet-Element and the Wind-Element. The twin-brother of Ginsta," OE: "I don't know where the last two Elements, Water and Wind, are..."
Ezelo: „...müsste der Zwillingsbruder von Ginsta... ...der Älteste Lexts wissen. Er lebt in der Bibliothek der Stadt Hyrule." DT: „...must the twin-brother of Ginsta... ...the Elder Lexts know. He lives in the Library (of) the City Hyrule." EQ: "...Elder Lexts, must know. He lives in the Library of Hyrule City." OE: "But Elder Gentari has a twin brother... ...Elder Librari, living in the Royal Hyrule Library. He's SURE to know." (NOTE: ...Now, the moment you've been waiting for. Elder Librari retained his name in the English version... But for some unknown reason, Älteste/Elder Lexta SOMEHOW got renamed to Älteste/Elder LEXTS... And I have no idea how this happened considering that his original Japanese name was Chourou/Elder BUKUTA.)
Ezelo: „Pass gut auf dich auf, wenn du in der Stadt klein wirst. Achte vor allem auf Katzen!" DT: „Watch well on yourself (out), if you in the City small become. Watch for all out cats!" EQ: "Really watch out if you become small in the City. Especially watch out for cats!" OE: "Be careful turning small here in town. Especially around cats!" (NOTES: IDIOMS.)
Link: „Aber ich muss klein werden... Gibt es hier nicht ein Portal...?" DT: „But I must small be... Is there here not a Portal?" EQ: "But I must be small... Is there not a Portal here?" OE: "Okay, but I must be small to find the Elder. Is there a Minish Portal nearby?"
Ezelo: „Link, dreh den Topf da hinten um." DT: „Link, turn the jar there over (x)." EQ: "Link, turn over that jar there." OE: "Try looking under that jar." (NOTE: „umdrehen".)
Link: „Ein Portal!" DT/EQ: „"A Portal!" OE: "Hey! A Portal!"
Ezelo: „Wo die Minish leben, gibt es immer ein Portal." DT: „Where the Minish live, there is always a Portal." EQ: "There is always a Portal where the Minish live." OE: "There's ALWAYS a Portal near a Picori village."
Link: „Gut!" DT/EQ: „"Good!" OE: "Good to know!"
Toneffekte: „Plopp" DT/EQ: „"Plop" OE: "Sproing"
Link: „Woah! Die Bibliothek ist wie ein Schloss. Fragt sich nur, wie ich jetzt da reinkomme?" DT: „Woah! The Library is how a castle. Question itself only, how I now there in-come?" EQ: "Woah! The Library is like a castle. The question is, how do I get in there now?" OE: "Wow! The Library is like a castle now! The foundation is so tall! How're we gonna get in?"
Toneffekte: „Snif snif" DT/EQ: „"Sniff sniff" OE: "Sniff sniff"
Link: „Vielleicht finde ich ein Mauseloch... Hm...?" DT: „Perhaps find I a mouse-hole... Hm...?" EQ: "Perhaps I can find a mouse-hole... Hm...?" OE: "I wonder if there's a mouse hole around here somewhere... Huh?"
Toneffekte: „SCHOCK!" DT/EQ: „"SHOCK!" OE: "YIPES!"
Alle: „WAAAAH!" DT/EQ: „"WAAAAH!" OE: "POUNCE" (NOTE: Yup. In German, it's a scream; in English, it's the sound-effect of the cat pouncing. In Japanese, it was the cat's eyes SPARKLING. ...I wonder what Italian chose...?)
Link: „Und da kommt schon eine Katze!!" DT: „And there comes already a cat!!" EQ: "And here comes a cat already!!" OE: "Where'd that cat come from?!"
Ezelo: „Da rein!" DT: „There in!" EQ: "In there!" OE: "Quick! Into that crack!"
Katze: „Miau Miau" DT/EQ: „"Meow Meow" OE: "Meow Meow"
Toneffekte: „Kratz kratz" DT/EQ: „"Scratch scratch" OE: "Scritch scratch"
Ezelo: „Ein Haus neben der Bibliothek..." DT/EQ: „"A house next (to) the Library..." OE: "This must be the house next to the Library."
Katze: „Miau Miau" DT/EQ: „"Meow Meow" OE: "Meow Meow"
Link: „Husch! Geh weg da!" DT: „Shoo! Go away there!" EQ: "Shoo! Go away!" OE: "Shoo! Scram! Beat it!"
Link: „Sie ist noch da... Gib auf!" DT/EQ: „"It is still there... Give up!" OE: "Give up already! Stupid cat!"
Toneffekte: „Kratz" DT/EQ: „"Scratch" OE: "Scratch"
Link: „Wie komme ich hier wieder raus?" DT: „How come I here again out?" EQ: "How do I get out again?" OE: "We're stuck here for now."
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kaibacxrps · 4 years
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YOUR FANDOM: Yugioh & Pokemon YOUR MUSE(S): Seto Kaiba and priest Set OTHER MUSES YOU HAVE PLAYED FROM THE FANDOM: Uh none actually, Seto is my newest muse. I’m extremely new to the YGO rpc.
MUSE(S) YOU’D WANT TO PLAY FROM THE FANDOM: Actually, no one else caught my interest. I’m quite content with playing Seto, Set and having Mokuba as a NPC to go along with his brother.
FAVORITE CHARACTER(S):  Seto, Mokuba, priest Set, Joey, Mai, Tristan, Shadi, Ishizu, Noah, Aknadin. FAVORITE EPISODES/BOOKS: Virtual world arc will forever have a soft spot in my heart, memory world slays me with all of that ancient Egyptian stuff that I’m weak for, and the orichalcos one was so interesting- even though I feel like it could have been used/implemented so much better. From season 0, I actually enjoyed a lot the HS stuff, the yo-yo focused on Joey may have been my favorite one tbh. I have yet to read the manga. FAVORITE PLOTLINE(S): I KNOW HOW FLAWED MEMORY WORLD IS-- But I’m sorry, I’m so biased and such a sucker for Ancient world stuff. Egypt has always been one of my favorite civilizations to read/study, and this arc just hits me in this spot. Just uh, can we forget that Zorc’s design is a thing? tyvm. Also the dubbed version of this season is like, a holy grail of mess and y’all know how much I live for dubbed!Seto over the original sub. LEAST FAVORITE CHARACTER(S): RIP every female character that is pushed aside. They all have potential, but unfortunately YGO, suffers a lot of the same problems that other anime series of this similar genre do. Which is a shame :/. SOMEONE YOU FEEL IS UNDERRATED: Anyone else that isn’t Yugi, Atem, Seto and Joey TBFH. So basically, the rest of the entire cast.
FAVORITE THEORY:  While reading on the YGO timeline, I came across a video discussing that Yugi is alive by the Zexal events. I liked it because, I find it to be a more hopeful/better ending to the other characters than the one we are presented to by 5Ds. & before anyone says anything: no, I haven’t watched anything from either series. So please don’t give me an essay about why one is better than the other, PLEASE-- LEAST FAVORITE THEORY:I don’t know that many theories within the YGO community. But uh, I really am not a fan of the takes that try to reduce Seto as some sort of “hopeless uwu romantic uwu gay babu uwuwuw” character and nothing else. And unfortunately, I feel like this view may have tainted with my perception of DSOD... Which makes me, NOT REALLY want to follow it- and stray as far as possible from it. A STORYLINE YOU’D CREATE: Ah yes, give priest Set the attention he deserves TYVM. Also I’m having way too much fun, working with my buddy on the Yami!Set AU. Nothing like rewriting the entire canon, HUH. A STORYLINE YOU’D CHANGE: ............................... Capsule monsters-
WHAT CROSSOVER DO YOU WANT FOR YOUR FANDOM: @ my pokemon mutuals: I need to yeet my boy @ ur direction like... I have a pokemon AU all set up for Seto. Despite how tired I currently am of the RPC’s shit, pokemon still IS my passion. I love it to death. I’m also debating on working, on a castlevania AU- I just really love this serieholy shit buddy. WHAT CHARACTER FROM ANOTHER FANDOM WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE APPEAR IN YOUR FANDOM?:  ........ Anyone else from another konami property? Castlevania? Hello? IN THE WORLD OF MY FANDOM, I’D BE: I’m the still-frame character in the BG just to fill in space. Stolen from @kaibacorpbros​
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hiraethstill · 5 years
IMMEDIATE assault by eijun's handsome face
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every time the OP comes on im like where are the babies? THERE THEY ARE @ firsties
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the way i GASPED
haha poor audience member doesnt know sawamura is mostly good at swinging from the bunt stance
eijun... you have every right to be frustrated
ugh... the way he looks when he was a doormat to the ace... i feel this too much my chest hurts
"if i had pitched like furuya did today i wouldve been subbed out" TOO TRUE AND OUCH
lmao did eijun learn to run bases from mochi? now i want this
uhhh the announcer was wrong? the STANDS were all cheering and happy, it was mostly the dugout that was surprised
bc this is level of trust he gets from first string sigh
sorry all my frustration is here
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HAHA OKAY BUT why does this look gayalso sawamura's little "na!" with the pew pew is so cute wtf
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his lil cheeky face in the corner im hashjdlkdgj
haruichi and toujou in that shot look like they'd been helping him practice batting and it paid off 
hslkhg eijun and his "hips!" i cant
nice eijun is safe
haha i never know who to root for bc i love all the bois
okay but
has anyone ever talked about how cool amahisa's eyes are???
i mean
look at this
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so cool
yoooo wtf amahisa's voice in this part is really appealing??? damnn
so... kanemaru's a capable batter even if he's not top tier, why you gotta keep making him bunt
oh well, i like that face you're making kanemaru
it's okay kanemaru you did your best
cmon mochi bring him home!!!!!!!!!!
yeah thats right mochi + other batters, give him the run support he deserves
"did he shave his eyebrows? he looks like a strong fighter" are you just checking him out
you'd want him to do those jump kicks amahisa
omg i feel the tinglings... of a rarepair... amakura.....................
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what was i saying about his EYES??
come the fuck ON dont leave eijun stranded on second!!!!!!
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(and u rite yall amahisa is yabai)
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whoaaa that slowmo pitching sequence!
oh hello eijun upping the tempo and looking great doing it
wow this super HD sparkle miyuki
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EIJUN IS BEAUTIFULLLL and lowkey this looks like the OP
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okay sun we gettin a lil cap happy
another pretty eijun shottttt
N* H* TT * R
i feel like i jinxed him sorry eijun
also i LOVE when the stands yell OSH OSH OSH back
wow toujou's voice was. so cute??
noriiiii i love you so much and thank you
furuya silently reflecting huh?
awww theyre all patting him i wanna pat eijun too
kanemaru's eyes are gray??
kousei-san.......... mayhaps i have.......... Feelings about this
"gureato" man tahara is great
kuramochi, amahisa, hyuuga from knb, alla dem yankees
oh my god is that suddenly shaved head amahisa still in first year he's so smol
wow kousei is so eccentric haha i love it
omg yakushi cameo!!
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wow this is so pleasant to look at and idk why??
his eyeeesss
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and this too omgg
omgggg are they who i think they are
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sorry mimei that was too much tension in a single glance not to be homoerotic
go shirasu-senpai!
wellll shit, rip zono and rip seidou
142 pitches???????? are they throwing out amahisa's arm imma fight
"that wouldnt be any fun" uh you do realize you're talking about a person's physical health right audience member???
the. ace. is. not. the. only. player.
its okay this is the peanut gallery they dont matter in the long run
omg are the first years wearing their school uniform slacks
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taku always worried about everyone and sawamura looking rather nice actually
omg was that a little bow eijun made at amahisa before moving on?
"something i want to ask you" are you boutta ask him out amahisa
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im sorry i love eyes too much
and also! eijun getting the recognition he deserves!! buuuut from another team rip
cmon eijun he's trying to be nice tbh
lmao koushuu and shirakawa should meet... resting bitch face club 
"i've never seen kousei-san take interest in another pitcher" THERE ARE SO MANY THINGS TO UNPACK IN THIS STATEMENT
my sonsssss
yes asada and kuki, be free! go move around!
asdkfh i just squee every time taku
and these lines on koushuu look so nice??
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intense son
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he's so happy and fired up to see koushuu fired up im
wholeass Sons™
lmao koushuu getting mad for sawamura
my inexperience... yes kataoka
teito and inajitsu coaches lmao
500K rivals to fwb to lovers
ive always thought kunitomo's neck crack is so funny
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mochi looking mighty fine in this shot
aw... ejun sitting alone....
just wanna say oda and kuroki very lesbian in the ED
ooh mei batting
sawamura and furuya watching so intently!!
aw... eijun turning to harucchi for support
oh man third years...
SUMMARY (7/16):
eijun DOUBLES!! 
rip seidou tho 
amahisa's eyes??? pretty??? 
taku offering to carry eijun's bag + serious senpai face 
careful amahisa your gay is showing 
koushuu mad on eijun's behalf lmao
inajitsu vs teito next!
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ah yes, that tension-filled mimei look
ooh this parallel of mei and mukai #1s
why does mei look so young at bat lmao
rather nice shot of mukai tbh
omg that tiny background akamatsu is adorable
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WOW i love this shot
hell yeah mei kicking ass and taking names
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boi... what you doin
kuraharu rights too!!
wow mochi's voice, never over it
lookit mochi bein a good senpai
ooh eijun finally said no huh
mochi and harucchi look so concerned tbh i am too
mm and miyuki and furuya too huh
oowada always cracks me up lmao
esp when mine is so grave next to her
oh so mukai likes gambling? im not surprised lmaooo
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omg the way tetsu says carlos sounds all proud and im soft
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omg two RBIs too good job shirakawa!!!
omg im so glad mei encouraged itsuki
have i ever mentioned
inui x mukai RIGHTS
that toujou face... some toujou and mukai art i saw comes to mind
also is carlos actually wearing his compression undershirt holy wow
he didnt used to at least
omg was that a little tiger next to inui SO CUTE
oh my god "mei-san mei-san" too cute
yoo mei you okay there
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okay why does he look so good please
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do you know how many times i had to rewind for this screenshot
shirakawa also looks good frustrated fuckle
mei stop shakin off signs dammit
ooh nice akamatsu shot
seidou shares one (1) brain cell in this screen
much too short a game damn...
ive heard we were robbed of itsuki's blush??? cause hello i need catcher catcher goodness with him and inui
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omg... they're literal children
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hahaha anyway im just laughing at carlos being a momentary harada
"mei-san" !!!
mei x mukai... so chaotic
wow amahisa looks so nice???
lmao they really didnt HAVE to put harucchi in the bg when miyuki's talking to furuya but they DID
miyuki... looking at mei too long not to be homo there
eijun :c
oh man
that really hurt
the face of a SON tho
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"so you are human after all" so many things i want to say about this
sawamura... doesn't seem to hold a grudge against furuya at all and honestly wow...
tho its def not furuya's fault i think thats a mark of him being pretty mature!
anyway im glad furuya wants to watch the video too
also nabe!!!!! i wonder how close eijun and nabe are and how many times eijun has bothered him for the videos haha
ochiai, a backup catcher... interesting
"he must overcome this on his own" do you know how many problems there are with this statement
yeah it wasnt fair
"for better or for worse" are you kidding
oh furusawa lmaoo
and nabe just patient over there
oh hello masayui and kanetou
anime fist clench
oh man miyuki introspection......... i know where this is going.........
appreciating sawamura's hard work and optimism!!!!!
how many more times does he have to prove it to you
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loveLY but also reused?
and the shadow of miyuki in the background... WOW
three months............. until the third years retire...........................................
im not okA Y............................
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all the things this smile hides
wow too many sons
SUMMARY (7/26):
mei kicking ass and taking names 
mukai and his fooken BLEP 
inui/mukai rights 
mei + mukai actual CHILDREN 
carloshira stop attaccing sun challenge f a iled 
eijun @ harucchi :c 
three months... 
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franeridart · 7 years
CAN I JUST SAY THAT I SPENT THREE HOURS GOING THROUGH YOUR ASKS AND ART AND YOU SEEM LIKE THE NICEST PERSON EVER and then i met this one person in rl and she was following you and we bonded and it was very nice ily and your art so muchhhhhhhhhhhhhh
This is honestly surreal for me oh my g o d - I’m glad I could??? help you make a new friend??? Holy shit I don’t know how to answer this uHHHHH!!!!!!!! thank you??? yes, tHANK YOU!!!! that’s definitely the most important part, I’m super happy you like my stuff!!!!
Anon said:i would like to say that I really really love your art and it inspires me so sooo much and yeah, thanks for sharing your art with the world
Gosh!!!!! Thank you!!!!!! And I don’t kind what kind of inspired you mean but whichever it is I’m happy I can make you feel like that!!! Oh boy!!!!!
Anon said:Is it okay to use your art as a phone background? I'm asking bc i saw your no reposting post and I was wondering if using it for phone bgs etc is allowed?
Sure!! As long as it’s for private use I don’t mind at all!!!!
Anon said:i watched boku no hero academia and im currently reading the manga because of you and your art. you dragged me into hell. thank you.
Dragging this many people into bnha is slowly becoming my biggest accomplishment tbh omfg I’m happy you ended up liking it!!!! 
Anon said: It's nice to see another goofy Scorpio like myself haha, most people assume we're all mug faced and full of vengeance;; But we're actually really nice lol
!!!!!!!!!!!! you notice it mostly with those signs-posts, right? It’s all drak and night and murder and hate and I’m like, oh well - I don’t really believe in this kind of things tbh so it’s whatever, but it’s also why finding scoprio characters like Kuroo (huge dork, super sweet, a total disaster but so so good) makes me really really happy haha
Anon said: Dave and Buster's anon here! Anyway, it's a huge place that has a bar, a restaurant, and like, A LOT of games all together. When you go in, you get a card that allows you the play the games and save your points(?) I guess. Once you're done, you can go to this little prize store to cash in your points and buy neat little things. I can imagine Kuro, Bo, and Teru turning it into some kind of competition before trying to buy each other prizes
I just looked pics up, that does sound like their type of place!!! Omfg!!!! Teru would love it there the most I think, it really looks like a Johzenji type of place... he’s probably the one that drags them there for the first time but I can definitely see that become some sort of favorite place for them, what a good!!!
Anon said:just..... kirishima being infatuated w bakugou either bc he did something different w his hair like an undercut or the scar makes his jaw line look sharper or.... He's A Good
B o i yes BUT ALSO here’s my most fave thing about Kirishima’s huge endless ridiculous cursh on Bakugou, up till USJ he was like yeh Baku’s strong I guess but he’s really not my thing - being cool wasn’t enough to make up for his being an ass AND he was too much to handle anyway, but THEN USJ happened and for a split second Bakugou was calm and focused and Kirishima read into it whatever the hell he wanted (Bakugou pretty much went “if our classmates can’t deal with these small fries they don’t even deserve to be our classmates why would I want to help them” and Kirishima’s brain somehow heard that and translated it into “I have FAITH that those guys can handle themselves, I BELIVE in them” HOW) and starting from there the same things that used to make him go no thank you about Bakugou suddenly made Bakugou manly and strong and cool and worth crying over ???? if Bakugou had made an enemy out of the whole school before USJ Kirishima most probably would have been right there with Kaminari but instead he started vibrating over how manly Bakugou is god Kiri you’re gay
tbh at this point Bakugou wouldn’t even need to do anything to make Kirishima’s gay heart go into overdrive rip him being infatuated with everything Bakugou is is a normal state for him - Bakugou brushes his hair back? Kirishima nearly chockes on his own spit, Bakugou smirks at anything he finds amusing? Kirishima’s heart does a triple backflip and lodges right into his throat he can’t even breath, the first time he saw Bakugou first thing in the morning? Kaminari literally had to drag him away to make him stop staring, once Bakugou caught a cold for a couple of days and Kirishima couldn’t even hear him talk with that cough-rough voice without needing to suppress shivers rip him Bakugou’s existence is his kryptonite
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franeridart · 7 years
So what was your thoughts when kirishima told bakugou that he will be a horse that will never waver. I honestly love it because to me it felt like he was telling bakugou that he will do anything to always keep him away from harm/he will always protect him no matter what. Or maybe I'm crazy oh god you got me in kiribaku hell and I'm totally fine with just burning in there!!!
You’re not crazy anon omfg there are some lines one can read into whatever they want !!!!! that’s the fun of it !!!!! Though as far as my thoughts on it go I’m pretty sure Kirishima meant it literally? “You’re an unstoppable force and you need an unmovable object if you don’t want your team to crumble on itself and right now I can be that for you”, I think that’s what he meant to say - the one who read too much into it is definitely Bakugou, lbr, Kirishima was talking about it literally and in relation only to their game right then and Bakugou’s brain went “This!!!! Asshole!!!! Is!!!!! The!!!!!! Definition!!! Of!!!!!! HERO!!!!” one hundred and six chapters and about half a year in the canon of the manga later and he’s still thinking about it, amazing - you know what, I love how these two’s friendship started with each of them reading too much into what the other was saying and preemptively deciding they’re the best person in the whole universe you go you precious gays do your thing
Anon said:  I love Kami.sero!!! But watching episode four. Am I the only one that caught Sero x Bakugou feels????? Like??? Sero grabbed bakugou midair, pulled him back and caught him lowkey princess style??? And it didnt even pHASE him?! Am I alone?! QvQ
BOI ANON you might have noticed that I fell headfirst into that Sero carrying Bakugou deal so you can safely assume you’re not alone - and I’ve always been a huge sucker for the Baku.Sero friendship anyway, so!! I ship it, I do like them best as friends but I ship it, a l o t, you’re really not alone in that at all haha
Anon said:Don't get me wrong I love BakuKir.iKami to death but what is your opinion on Bakugou x Ashido? I just think that's a really great pair tbh haha, they'd be unstoppable and all over the place (Eventually Ashido x Sero because that's just really good too)
I love it????? It’s definitely my favorite m/f ship for Bakugou, I drew them once too!! Aside from drawing them in the squad doodles, obviously - they’re incredibly appealing to me, both visually (they’re both gorgeous?? and also pastel colors??? they look so good next to each other?????) and also personality wise, though the second is really because Mina is a lot like Kiri on a lot of things, I can’t deny that
Anon said: Pls consider Tokoyami and Sero please I love my sons
I CAN consider it!! And it might probably be an interesting ship!! But have I ever seen them interact at all, anon? Like, even in a bg panel, has that even ever happened...? How can they have never interacted before I must be missing something what am I missing
Anon said: Think you'll ever draw any Sero x Mina? There's so little content of them
I will!!! I mean to draw all my Mina AND Sero ships sooner or later and that one is a weakness so yes, I will, gimme some time I’ll definitely get around to it!!
Anon said:How do you feel about taking KamiKi.riBaku and adding Sero? Turning an ot3 into an ot4?
Anon said:Pssst, since KamSero is a thing... Please consider my ultimate kryptonite: Bakuka.mikirisero. It's too cute to be legal >
SINCE I ship all pairs separately and you know I love the ot3, I don’t really have any problems with the ot4 either!! I do prefer them as friends, though - just a lot of intense and endless but platonic love and jackassery going around between them, I’m all for that drown me in that content - that said I don’t exclude the possibility of dumping on all of you some ot4 romantic loving in the future, because I’m weak, so there’s that too haha
Anon said:What is your opinion on iid.eku??? Btw ily and your art!!💖💖💖
Anon said: Imagine how dorky and blushy cute iid.eku would be lmaooo
SHIP, definitely, I’ve been meaning to draw for that one for ages it’s a very soft and pure ship, what a good (...tbh generally my shipping habits inside the dekusquad are the same as the ones I have with the bakusquad, every ship is good and I love all of it - though I’m more of a fan of the Extra™ and noisy and all over the place type of characters, I find them more entertaining to draw for, so my focus ends up on the explosive squad all times every time hahaha rip)
Anon said:hey just wanted to say ily and thank u for posting ur art bc honestly i love how u portray bakugous friendships n relationships
OH MY GOD!!!! Thank you SO MUCH I’m always saying this lately but this means a lot, so thank you!!! Really!!!!
Anon said:I'm- You- How- How dare you with Kami.sero I'm dying now thank you actuallyIlovethisneverstopbutImeandostopifyouwanttoandwanttodrawotherthingsofcourseIwouldnevercomplainaboutwhatyoudraw.
AWWWWWWWWWWWWW anon, you’re so sweet!!!!! I’m happy you liked the kami.sero??? It’s a good ship it needs more love!
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