#you should dm me yr discord if that's okay ^_^
cronenfag · 28 days
ur rad and ur music taste slaps and we should talk music and/or more about homestuck sometime :3
(sorry if this is random lolz)
hii thank you my awesome mutual <3 i'm kinda socially tired atm but i'd love to reach out sometime
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outofthiisworld · 2 months
Tumblr media
name: Boo! pronouns: She/They (no preference, i like both :3)  preferred comms: tumblr ims mostly! if we mesh well+spoken ooc a lot we can chat on discord too :) i uuh do tend to forget to check my discord messages outside of my webhooks however names of muse: Ophelia, Doc, Copycat and Father Necrosis rn! A few ✨secret-menu✨ muses/npc’s as well
experience in RP: been rp’ing since i was 13 so bout 14 yrs exp rn! (i say 10+ in my rules tho cause that’s one less number i have to change each birthday)— most of my experiences have been w/ a close knit group of buds that soon turned into 1+1 rp’ing with a bestie im still VERY close with :3c
i dabbled in online rp’ing around eeeeeehhh 2015ish but i certainly wasnt putting myself out there like i am now sdfsdfg
best experiences: the entirety of this blog tbh. a few bumps in the road and learning curves to get back into the groove of things, but ultimately i feel like a carved out a really excellent and chill lil’ corner on this site :”) special shoutouts to some really INCREDIBLE partners and buds that make rp’ing on here beyond delightful:
@pzfr is a phenomenal writer, a beyond thoughtful rp partner and perhaps a bit too powerful of a creative— personally if some horrific yet comedic demise should befall me then i trust full custody of doc & ophelia to him 100% HE GETS IT (don’t u worry i’ll live forever tho). For real though, there's such genuine love in the way he works with the genres that inspire him as well as with writing as a whole! @5mind GAAAARLIIIIIIIC. we continuously cook up dubious foods in the dms; our plots are forebodingly diabolical (affectionate) and [covering garlic's ears] i still plan to consume their brain for power. he’s got THE most creative and inspired never before seen characters on this side of the universe that i adore so so so much and tbh if you aren’t following her like…….bro be fr with me rn like why @riiese Mark’s writing legitimately inspires me. They are THE voice master dude. The way they weave words together feels right out of a fairytale with this whimsical magic to it that gets me lost in the moment!!! i can’t help but get swept up in their beautiful prose!!! @dynamoprotocol BRO lowkey i remember being shocked when I saw he followed me. From the writing, the care to detail, the art, Clarissa/Chance’s development, the worldbuilding, AND he’s CHILL AS FUCK??? and you wanna follow ME dude??? for real though, i cant sing enough high praises!! @natterghast i stumbled upon her by chance and sooooooo happy i did <33 their ocs absolutely captivated me, each one has this cozy cosmic horror vibe that im? obsessed with?? AND THE WAY SHE WRITES IS SO GORGEOUS AND FULL OF MEANING AND CARE THEY PUT IN AND [wrattling the bars in my enclosure]
there are so many more i can shout out but i will have to cap it here since this post has gotten ... so long and i am now so sleepy. Genuinely though, everyone I follow and get to see pop up on my dash both makes me day and inspires me as a creative each and every time!!!
pet peeves/dealbreakers: the biggest ones for me rn are like … needlessly aggressive ooc attitudes, be it towards anons, in rules, in posts— esp if someone is flaunting about being mean i uh. have fun i guess? not for me.
Condescending rules, especially those geared towards oc’s, might even result in an insta-block from me. (i promise it’s okay to just say ur selective overall and leave it at that).
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ): I generally like to lean more into light-hearted & comedic stuff, esp when first interacting but cus it’s fun! Once I get comfy with my rp buds tho i do loooooove to get into the meat n potatoes— the drama, the action, THE DRAMA!!! <- but a nice balance is important to me!
if everything is doom n’ gloom all the time without either a break, some sort of bitter-sweetness, and/or light at the end of the tunnel— then The Dread™ starts to feel too much for me :0 that being said … horror is … so much fun too <3
plot or memes: memes are a life savior esp when it comes to breaking the ice— i wouldn’t be cookin’ up like. any of the delectable plots i got brewing in the dms without em >:0
long or short replies: BOTH! i tend to naturally lean towards longer replies, moreso because i always have A Lot To Say™️ but i love goofing around with shorter stuff <3
best time to write: if i had my way it’d be an hour or two after i wake up in the morning and made myself my fancy energy drink + did my n.eopets dailies 💕 i try to make sure i get one day off like this each weekend it’s so lovely. Otherwise, i try not to stress about it too much and do what i can. i want my rp buds to know i genuinely dont mind waiting for replies or anything and i think it starts with how you hold yourself to that same degree too
are you like your muse?: ooooo aren’t we all in some way? it’s important to sprinkle some part or facet of YOU into them, especially ocs!
i will say, Doc is far closer alike to me versus anyone else on this blog, esp when it comes to values! he’s just far more gung-ho that i could ever have the energy to be tho. also i hope im not as stubborn as him 💀
i did give Ophelia my weird girl tendencies tho but cranked that shit up into MAXIMUM OVERDRIVE!!!
tagged by: @pzfr
tagging: i uh. i think most of my mutuals already got tagged this SO if you see this and you havent........PLEASE do this and tag me weeheehee <3
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darkrpfinder · 3 months
Hello, my name is Atlas and I am a 25+yr old transman looking for roleplay partners that are interested in plot heavy smut. 
Particularly, I would like to interact with people who are interested in Dead Dove and other gritty themes. Noncon/rape, gore/guro, torture (excluding genital) are themes I would probably like to include. I have an F-List(kink list) and will provide it should you be interested in working together.
The settings I am most willing to work in are generally fandomless. Apocalyptic/dystopian, fantasy/high fantasy are my favorites. Depending on the dynamic you are interested in, I may be willing to do more modern settings.
I would especially love to do a zombie apocalypse type scenario (I like several different kinds of zombies!), but also like D&D inspired settings a fair bit. 
I have many characters, but can make new ones for our purposes as well. Generally I prefer writing the dom/top but I can do switches or bottoms too. Most of them are male, whether trans or otherwise, but I have a few ladies too. 
This is fairly open ended as I am looking to plot and discuss our characters and the stories we'd like to give them. However, somethings to note: 
I write multi-para/novella. While I don't expect you to match my length of post exactly (I know that sometimes one partner just has less to write, and that's okay!), but please be reasonable in the amount of effort you put forth.
I do not personally have the spoons to reply to threads every day, but I would love to chat and such between posts! Sometimes it may be a week or more before I can muster a reply. I wouldn't mind doing more than one thread at once for this reason(so we have multiple things to talk about and more things to toss in each other's court), and would prefer one of us make a discord server to organize in. 
Please like this post or reach out in tumblr dm if you'd like to discuss things, but it goes without saying that if you attempt to harass me for any reason I will simply block you. Additionally, since I'm looking to write smut, you must be at least 18+. Please be honest with me!
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prpfs · 1 year
☁️ hi ! i’m 21 yrs, she/her and looking for someone who would be down to write Howl Jenkins Pendragon (from the Studio Giblhi film Howl’s Moving Castle) for my female oc! i am dying to write something related to this film but i personally don’t feel much for writing Sophie so i’d like to replace her with an oc! i also lowkey prefer 50/50 smut to plot for this one. only interact if you are 18+ !! all characters should be 18+ as well. i can write as a bottom and a soft top so bottom/top/switch interpretations of Howl are all welcome and loved! i have also little limits regarding how you’d write Howl. im totally okay with delving into problematic themes.
we can talk wanted nsfw aspects in dm. i don’t have anything in particular in mind right now but i can share my overall fav tropes if that helps. i’ll also happily send my oc’s bio there so you can decide wether you like her or not.
there are certain things that i will not write under any circumstances: nsfw scenes with bodily fluids that aren’t cum or spit, animals, furry, incest, pregnancy, a/b/o, feederism or eating disorders/starvation.
anything else is not a guaranteed yes but feel free to ask me about it! i am fine with non-con. i’d happily write monsterfucking scenes. vore is not off limits but also not really sought after on my end.
i only rp on discord. multi-paragraph response length would be ideal but honestly, i like to think i’m flexible so anything, except for my limits, is definitely not set in stone. i wanna hear your ideas more than anything! ♡ if interested, please don’t hesitate to give this a like, i’ll get back to you! ☾ ゚。⋆
give a like and anon will get back to you
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audreyimagines · 3 years
soulmate au where u can only hear the thoughts of yr soulmate at specific times at night and ur just lyin there awake thinkin “worm on a string victorian style corset and dress” whilst ur soulmate who’s doin whatever is like “...😎🤏😐🕶🤏...WhAt?-“ nd then u actually do it and post it on twitter without really knowing about mcyts and atuff and mcytwt gets it trending and the mcyt of ur choice finds it and then you can decide what happens, any pronouns are cool fhshdhs anyways have a good day :D
BAHHA IM IN LOVE WITH THIS IDEA THANK YOU !!! have a great day mwah
worm on a string.
pairing - irl dream x gn! reader
word count - 514
two am? again? you groan and flip over onto your other side in an attempt to fall asleep. the insomnia this week has been horrible, and even watching your favorite streamers hasn’t helped. you reluctantly shut down dream and george’s stream in an attempt to get your brain to chill out, and just close your eyes. but alas, without the racing speech and wheeze of dream in the back, your brain starts to drift into random thoughts and ideas. it ranges from netflix shows to murder, and all of sudden your brain is stuck on the mental image of a worm on a string, in a victorian corset and dress. it will not leave, no matter what you think about, no matter what stream you put on. it’s just there, in the corner, nagging. not even in a soulmate way, but in a your-brain-being-dumb-way.
in a last ditch attempt to sleep you drag your phone out from under the pillow and open twitter, grumbling at the bright screen. your fingers somehow manage to cohesively spell out, “who’s going to help me make a worm on a string in a victorian style corset and dress” and post it to your 1k followers you’ve somehow amassed. finally, sleep crashes over you, and you pass out, phone in hand.
contrary to most days, it isn’t the sun that wakes you up. instead, the steady pinging of your phone does.
“too..early,” you mumble, hand rubbing across your face. once your eyes focus, you unlock your phone to find twitter BLOWING UP. now you really are awake, shooting up straight in bed to pour over the notifications shooting across your phone at record speed. you find the tweet that blew up, and it’s the stupid worm on a string one.
“why the fuck...” you say to yourself quietly while continuing to scroll through the 5,000 comments, before a common factor catches your eye. half of the comments are tagging @dream or mentioning his name. your fingers are flying faster than your brain is as you check his main twitter. nothing. quickly to the alt and there you find...oh my god.
“wondering why my soulmate is insisting on thinking about worms on strings in victorian dresses right now. trying to stream.” he tweeted, three minutes after you turned off his stream.
“holy, SHIT!” your morning voice cracks as you stare at the phone, and notice he’s replied to your tweet with a simple two words, “check dms”
and your fingers are off again, flying to the message tab when you stop. there’s his icon, with two missed texts.
“hey um. i’m not sure what’s going on but maybe we should talk.”
“maybe you’re asleep? but when you do wake up, add my discord okay?”
the link sits below his texts, waiting. your eyes bore it, and then you...click it. you add him and wait, pacing around your room. what only takes one minute feels like an eternity, and all of sudden his icon is ringing you on the screen.
“hello? y/n? it’s uh...it’s dream.”
and just like that...it clicks.
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soul-skaterz · 5 years
unfortunately Melissa and isa are both kissing jack and gab asses they might as well Marry them they are a bunch of arrogant people who only care for jack and gab and will protect them no matter what, but Melissa made a post on jack she wanted more than just friendship with him it’s gross. Melissa is a manipulative she will talk to you in dm over a post or if she wants to know drama once she knows she will block you and black your name out and post it on her blog with a long as bs rant because she has the community wrapped around her little finger you think your cool with the support of the community on your side vomit I can’t believe they put up with you and your obsession over jack it’s unhealthy to a point we’re you need to delete your blog and go outside and stop worrying about a 30 yr old man who’s the worse content creator atm with everything that’s happened with jack and gab and how you are all up thier asses being knights and chanting PMA like cultists is suffocating. You can’t accept criticism on jack and gab it’s true and not hateful grow up and open your eyes and see the change and don’t act like everything is alright. Melissa is obsessed with jack in so many ways I want to vomit. You constantly tag jack in everything you do why should he pick you? Oh that’s right your a big blog kissing the ground he walks on because you think you will get something out of it no you are nothing but a FAN that’s all you are to him
The anons who have called you out on things are right you know accept it get over it move on stop acting like a white knight over jack and gab your 23 acting like a horny teenager with her first high school love. Stop getting your jse followers to protect you from salt 🧂 it’s perfectly okay to have a normal conversation over jacks faults and what he can work on but no community see it as negative and causing drama no you cause the drama on discord and chant bs and run people down over a comment that wasn’t even offensive you are all just as bad.
Gab is a racist she’s been racist towards her own people and she has been really offensive with game characters too making fun of thier voices and she has been saying stuff about jack on social media which has been uncomfortable and she thinks it’s okay her followers preach queen oml no stop it.
Oh yea I know jack doesn’t give a flying fuck about all this he’s to bust hiding behind her and defending her ass because she’s perfect in his eyes but there is racist stuff in videos of hers and the amount of stuff she says on stream too is way to far. Omg she said sorry for the diet thing apologise for the racism gab. Or how your relationship with jack is unhealthy and your controlling him and making him into someone we barely know you were a mistake to his life.
No I’m not being negative don’t even come into my inbox I always get people being abusive and harassing me. Watch your tongue.
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