ao3 writers when asked what they’d do differently if DC comics let them:
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I'm just putting this out there because I'm thinking about it and because I want people to know it's not just them.
I don't really read fic anymore. It's not because I stopped liking it, though. It's because I made a rule for myself that I'm not able to follow.
I told myself that if I read a fic, I should comment on it. And not just "I loved it!" but a detailed comment. A live reaction or at least quoting favourite lines. Maybe talk about symbolism or about references I caught or about characterization etc.
I did that because I loved the authors I was reading and because I'd received so many lovely comments like that and I wanted to be able to pass that joy onto others. But then I found it hard to actually comment like that.
I could manage it sometimes? Oneshots weren't too hard, for example, but multichaps? My rule was that I had to comment every chapter. And the kinds of comments I wanted to write, well that meant reading on my laptop because I hate typing on my phone.
Eventually, I felt so guilty when I read fic without commenting on it that I stopped reading fic altogether. Better to just not read if I wasn't able to hold up my end of the bargain.
I shifted out of my fandom not long after that, and I haven't found a new one that's sparked the same interest (ie obsession), so I don't know if I might be able to fix this habit if I ever get into a new fandom in the future. All I know is, don't be like me.
Comment as you can and when you can, but don't set up strict rules like I did. I can't speak for all authors of course, but I know that personally, I'd rather you enjoy my work without commenting at all rather than make yourself feel so guilty you stop reading it altogether.
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i read this fic the other day that gave me an interesting idea for a jaydick fic. i have never written them i probably won't ever write this idea. it'd have to be a long fic for it to be satisfying
but the premise is just: what if dick was visiting jason's grave the day superboy prime decided to punch reality and therefore bringing back jason? and in this version superboy prime's punch reverts jason back to how he was before the joker got to him, none of his physical injuries present. the psychological damage is still there. i think i remember that his brain damage came from being hit by a truck as soon as he got out of his grave
but just dick visiting jason's grave, sitting down and talking to his gravestone when there's a sudden shift in the air lasting barely a second and then he can hear muffled cries from underneath him.
dick unsure how to react for a moment but the muffled cries continue and then he's running to borrow a spade from the groundskeeper. maybe they're there and try to stop him, maybe they're not and dick is alone in the graveyard except for the cries coming from jason's grave.
just dick being there to meet jason halfway as he tries to breakout of his coffin and crushing him to his chest because somehow jason is alive and they can figure out how and why later.
and maybe jason is confused because him and dick weren't close before he died and he's still disoriented from waking up in a coffin and why is dick crying and clutching him. but he lets himself be held because the last thing he remembers is being alone and knowing he's going to die and now he's not alone.
it'd be so interesting to explore how much that would change his dynamic with the family as a whole. wish i had the writing chops to flesh this more out.
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Sorry, sorry, but manipulative hurt/comfort is fucking cocaine to me. The predatory aspect of it. The vulnerability—500% better if the hurt party knows they're being manipulated and is past the point of caring. The juxtaposition of sweet and sharp flavours. Barkbarkbark
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sorry i just wanted to call batman funny names
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Black Widow (2010) #3
BLACK WIDOW WEEK ➟ Day 8: Free Choice ⧗ Favorite Outfit
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"I don't excuse the actions of this character--" well I do. I kiss them about it directly on the mouth. I think they should have done worse things. I think that would have been funny.
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Dick doing up Jason's hand/wrist wraps for him and tying them off with bows.
Jason lovingly strangling Dick with them in retaliation.
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Need a fic that puts an immortal!Jason in an Edge of Tomorrow kind of situation
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Who makes the world? Perhaps the world is not made. Perhaps nothing is made. Perhaps it simply is, has been, will always be there… a clock without a craftsman.
Watchmen (1986)
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Call out post for Jason Todd
- Tiddie tasers - Literally where the fuck do you get the idea for that Jason - There are tasers. on your tiddies. - Why?? - “Hey I wanna upgrade my armor what’s something we could do Roy?” - “What about a taser in it?” - “Sweet, I’m putting it on my tiddies” - You’re shocking people with your tiddies Jason Todd
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the-name-of-the-rose · 12 hours
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brainworms said "draw that boy having nicotine withdrawals"
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the-name-of-the-rose · 15 hours
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Not mine 🫶
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