thehapahulksblog · 6 years
Meet Prep starts soon!!
Well it's been so so long since I've written here, to be honest I kind of forgot that I had this blog (lol).
So I'm gonna start this blog again with my meet Prep which I'll be starting in a couple of weeks. This next meet is in the 8th of September and will be the GPC Perth Cup, I'll be lifting in the 110kg(242lbs) class.
I'm not sure on my goals for the meet yet as I'm still doing a bodybuilding program right now just to lean out a little bit more, but luckily I haven't lost too much strength as I've still been lifting relatively heavy.
But for now I'm feeling really good and moving into prep I'm sure I'll be able to put up a good show in the platform. Only problem I have right now is a shoulder issue which I've been seeing a Physiotherapist for and hoping to recover in time to start meet Prep. For this training block I'll be following the Calgary Barbell program, from what I've seen its a popular and effective training program which incorporates both percentage and the use of the RPE scale(rate of perceived exertion) which I haven't had too much experience with but very interested in its effects.
Well I guess for now I'll leave it here and write again at a later date, I hope y'all enjoy my journey to becoming a better powerlifter.
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
New program
Hey guys, Well as you all know two weeks ago I started a new training program known as PowerBuilding a style of training which combines the styles of bodybuilding and powerlifting. The program is intense and it has taken me a a couple of weeks to get used to it but I think I'm doing ok with it. Week one was rough as I wasn't use to using super sets or cluster sets and the 12-15 rep range is something I very rarely do and it really burned out my muscles but the worst wast the squat focus days, it really messed up my legs for the rest of the week, I had camps and the DOMS absolutely killed me I couldn't walk straight for a about three days. I got to tell you that after that I was rethinking the whole program whether or not to continue with it, but I really wanted to see it through and hope that the program would help me get the results I'm looking for. Week two was so much better I guess my body adapted to it very very fast, I was dreading squat focus day because of my experience with the previous one but it wasn't so bad this time I did have some DOMS and there was a bit of tightness in my legs among the vastus group but I could still work and walk without any discomfort. Now it's my recovery week and time for my body to have a small rest before completing the next part of this phase of the program, next part will be a further 4 weeks of the second phase which will be a more bodybuilding focus. Anyway guys I guess that's all for now, I'll keep you guys updated whenever I can. Ttfn
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
Life updates
What's happening peeps, How y'all been, hopefully you're all doing well😊 Well I can't actually remember the last time I blogged, or even what the topic was. I guess I should probably keep these a bit more up to date. Anyway not too much has been happened since I last did one of these, uni is going well and I'm actually getting some decent results for the first time and that's always a good thing considering I'm not the best student, I've stayed on top of most of the stuff I've had to do and also been getting some work done. As for the fitness and powerlifting side of things that's been going great too, I've been making so really good progress and hitting some decent numbers on my lifts, except for my bench which is still sitting at 140kg, I did try to pr last Sunday but it just didn't happen, I've really got to start hitting that upper body accessory work if I want to hit big numbers. Tonight was a pretty good workout too I hit some heavy deadlifts and topped out at some singles for 180kg, I tried to hit higher but my body was just not having it. I guess that's the biggest thing I've leaned this year in terms of fitness, is how to listen to when my body needs a rest and when it can go HAM, so I just settled for the 180kg this time. Tomorrow I'm having the day off from the gym as its my Stepdads birthday so I'll be heading over to my Mums place for a little bbq and to chill with the fam. Well I guess there isn't much more to talk about right now, I promise I'll try to do better at doing these blogs but until next time, y'all can keep up to date with me on my Instagram and check out my Facebook page too (https://www.facebook.com/ckamsrikerdpowerlifting/) TTFN
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
Dealing with self-doubt
So last night I was told that someone didn't know if I was worth it, worth waiting for or even maybe worth the time. To be honest throughout my life I've wondered the same thing sometimes, am I worth the effort some people give me? Is it worth even trying? To me this is the biggest thing I've had to learn to overcome, and while yes I have come to learn that what matters most is whether or not I think I'm worth it there is still a part of me that wants to feel like I'm worth it to someone else. At times we all feel it, you constantly question whether or not you're doing the right things, Am I studying the right course? Am I going to make enough money? I usually equate life to a game of Texas hold 'em poker, in the game just like life you're given the cards you're dealt now from there you have to make the best of whatever you've got, yes some people will have a better start and may win time after time while you're sitting there still trying to make a decent go at it, but here's the thing just like in the game and in life you can always be dealt a new hand, and to me that hand gets dealt to me everyday I wake up, I try to make the best of what I can on that day. Now don't get me wrong there are still times I worry if I'm doing the right thing or not and there are still times I have self doubt but hey that's apart of life. In life, in my studies, and in my fitness I do what I can on the day and make the best of what I've been given. So no matter what anyone says to you never think that it's over because you can always start the next day with a clean slate. Dealing with self doubt is just a matter of remembering that you are worth every second of time that you or someone else gives and if you ever think otherwise take a second look in the mirror and say I am worth it to remind yourself. People can only make you feel like that if you yourself believe it, hold your head high and don't be afraid to be you. Peace and love to you all
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
Isn't it sad
Is it sad or depressing that if someone asked me to describe the world in a few word that the words used would be hateful, corrupt, greedy, unjust, war filled. In this day and age there is more war and hate then any era in history. We have reached the moon but yet can not figure a way to live in peace with one another, this is not the fault of a single group or a certain type of person, this is a direct result of a collaborative effort to segregate people into different groups. It reminds me of high schools with the different cliques of teenagers, you have your nerds, jocks, the "burn outs" and the bullies Thankfully most of us grew out of those phases and decided that all that didn't matter, So why haven't nations and leaders learned this. Why do they insist on fighting over things that do not matter. As a Buddhist I am taught that all emotions such as hate, anger, and jealousy are delusions that keep us in a constant state of unhappiness and halt our pursuit of peace, that is why most Buddhist focus on the happy feelings that give a sense of joy and fulfilment. But let's not bring religion into this too much, that's a whole different blog lol. Since the dawn of time the world has never known peace, there has been war after war, when one ends another begins we are a generation of people who have seen nothing but death and destruction. Don't get me wrong if someone tries to harm you or your family then you have every right to defend yourself, but do not judge the person by anything except the content of their character. I do not write this to be preachy or to tell people how to think, I write this as my own personal view. The world has become a world in where violence and death is the norm while compassion,love, tolerance and brotherhood is not only rarely shown but seen as a weakness, and difference of opinions are met with threats of violence or someone questioning your intelligence thinking that their way is the only way of thinking, in the end I believe that says more about you then it does about the person you're insulting. I say this now that my children will be taught that these things are the symbols of strength and wisdom not of weakness, I will teach them to fight intolerance and hate with compassion and understanding to listen to the views of others with an open mind and to be an example for their generation, they will walk this world with love in their hearts that my friends is true strength. And ask yourselves this, if you were to be judged tomorrow how would that turn out?? I know my answer This is just my opinion of the world today.
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
Long time
Hi all, Well it's been a while since I did a blog. Mostly because I suck at doing things like blogs and journals or whatever, but anyway I thought I'd do a little update. Well as you all have seen from my Instagram posts that I share all over my Tumblr I've been a busy bee when it comes to my fitness and have made some pretty decent progress, my lifts have gotten better and I've made some good leaps into becoming a better powerlifter, although I do say that I will eventually return to training Muay Thai right now my main focus is on powerlifting. I've also returned to University for a new year as a sports science major and am trying really hard to make sure I don't repeat my mistakes from the previous semester. In February I competed in my very first powerlifting meet and it was an awesome experience I was happy to learn a couple of days later that I ended up in third place for my weight class with a total of around 530kg, I was a bit disappointed that I missed my final bench attempt of 145kg but it just shows that I have a long way to go in my journey of being a competitive powerlifter. In another note I'll be heading to the Philippines in July to see my beautiful Girlfriend and will be spending two weeks there for a bit of r&r in between semesters, it's gonna be an amazing experience as I've never left Australia before. But before I blab on too much I'll leave it here as there is still yet more to happen and I promise that I'll try to keep y'all updated as best I can. Oh and thanks so much for all the follows I've gotten lately I really appreciate it. Until next time Peace be with you all
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
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Now take my life Save me from this sorrow and strive Don't care whether rope or steel Just take away the pain I feel She's gone now left me alone The once warm heart will turn stone So when I close my eyes to sleep My soul is yours to keep And don't give me another birth I don't wish to be on this earth For I am lost nowhere to be found From me you hear no sound My life is forfeit I've had enough of it Now I sleep forever Please don't wake me, not ever
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
Now take my life Save me from this sorrow and strive Don't care whether rope or steel Just take away the pain I feel They don't know and don't care The people don't even know I'm there So when I close my eyes to sleep My soul is yours to keep And don't give me another birth I don't wish to be on this earth For I am lost nowhere to be found From me you hear no sound My life is forfeit I've had enough of it Now I sleep forever Please don't wake me, not ever -Corey Kamsrikerd
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
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Heading to the gym for bench day, Can't wait to try the Mr Hyde pre workout shot, Pro supps is my fave brand ans been wanting to try this for awhile #fitness #health #powerlifting #bodybuilding #backonthegrind #barbellbandit #perth #gymrat #prosupps #gymjunkie #powerlifter #benchday (at Perth, Australia)
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
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Back to the gym tomorrow, Had my time to kick back now to get back on the grind, Still deciding whether to compete in April in the GPC state titles or not #fitness #health #powerlifting #bodybuilding #barbellbandit #gymrat #lazytimeover #backonthegrindtomorrow #perth #powerlifter #gymlife (at Perth, Australia)
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
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Hell yeah #fitness #health #powerlifting #bodybuilding #barbellbandit #mydrug #gymrat #gymjunkie #fitlifestyle #powerlifter #thisismyaddiction #illtakethegymovertheclubanyday #perthpowerlifting #addictedtoiron (at Perth, Australia)
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
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Hi! I’m Chels and i’m a 21 year old Photographer from Perth, Western Australia.
From the age of 15 I have been relentless about photographing and following my dream of one day becoming a successful Live Music Photographer, in particular for @taylorswift. I have worked very hard and In result gained opportunities that have given me a chance to prove my creative skills.
Lately, i have started to feel a bit held back by using my beginner equipment, especially as i’m starting to get booked for much larger artists and events. I really need higher quality equipment to be able to continue achieving and growing as a professional. As a full time university student, I’m working hard to balance my photography and my studies which doesn’t leave me with a lot of time to earn money to put towards new equipment. 
I’ve recently been booked for a massive event and I’m worried the equipment I’m using at the moment isn’t up to scratch with what they will expect from me. They have so much faith in me as a photographer and I really need to do the best job possible.
I’ve started a Go Fund Me campaign in hope to raise a little bit more money to go towards new equipment. I have recently been gifted $600 from beautiful friends and family on my 21st to go towards new equipment and i am also working four jobs to try to get enough hours to support myself through uni and also put towards this. 
I’m not one to usually ask for help, and everything up until this moment I’ve earnt by myself but I honestly need some help this time. 
If you wish to help me achieve my goal you can here. I am deeply appreciative of any donation.
Thank you for wanting to be apart of this journey this me!
xx Chels
P.S There is absolutely no obligation for you to donate. Even just a reblog to show your support means so much to me!
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
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Relaxing on my recovery week, Only 4 more days till I get on the platform for my first powerlifting meet, So excited #relaxing #recoveryweek #4daysleft #fitness #health #powerlifting #bodybuilding #barbellbandit #perth #almosttime #feelingchill #cantwait (at Perth, Australia)
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
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Great workout today, Felling really strong and ready for the meet next week, So excited Next week will just be a week to recover and chill #fitness #health #powerlifting #bodybuilding #perth #barbellbandit #beastweek #lastdayofprep #gymrat #gymlife #excitedforcompetition #letsgo (at Goodlife Health Club Carousel)
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
Come hell or high water I ain't missing my workout, Last day of prep abs and cardio Let's go #fitness #health #powerlifting #bodybuilding #barbellbandit #rainorshine #gymrat #gymlife #letsgo #perth #nothingcanstopme (at Perth, Australia)
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
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Another day another work out done #fitness #health #powerlifting #bodybuilding #barbellbandit #lastprepweek #legdaydone #gymrat #gymlife #perth (at Goodlife Health Club Carousel)
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thehapahulksblog · 8 years
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Accessory leg day, #legday #fitness #health #powerlifting #bodybuilding #barbellbandit #gymrat #gymlife #perth #perthpowerlifting #beastweek #lastprepweek (at Goodlife Health Club Carousel)
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