Hi. I'm trying to find a Jikook fic where Jimin grew up being bullied by his school mate (he did it because he had internalized homophobia and blamed Jimin for "making" him gay, because he was in love with Jimin). The last time when he took the bullying to far, Jimin changed schools and moved to another city. As he (the bully) became a man, he regretted what he'd put Jimin through and searched for him, found him on social media and has been stalking him ever since. He and Jimin are friends and have been chatting for years but Jimin doesn't know that the guy he's having conversations with every day is the bully who made existence a living hell for him. He's obsessed with Jimin and is jealous of Jungkook (even though Jikook aren't together yet) because he can see the chemistry and the feelings between them.
The last chapter I read was when the bully revealed himself to Jimin and had him cornered in the bathroom of a club. He became physically violent with Jimin (the way he used to when they were kids) because Jimin rejected him after he confessed his "love" to him.
Please I hope someone knows the title🙏
Oh wow...
Damn, I wish I could help, but I tend to steer clear of extreme bullying fics. Yet if I read your ask right, JK wasn't doing the bullying, which means I might have read it. Was it on a03 or wattpad?
Hmmm....it's not ringing any bells. Any of my fellow readers know this fic?
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I forgot the number of times their pic got leaked by different sources. As you can see majority of pics are getting posted in wiebo first. Do you think these pics are real 🤔 because I remember army/jikookers saying wiebo pics or videos can't be real as they are edits/cosplayers/set up. Or does that excuse only works if it's their idol's video got leaked while others are real ?
Um, am I supposed to be knowing who those two people are?
Am I supposed to care????
This is a Jikook blog. That looks like Lisa and some random white dude, so I don't know what point you're trying to make.
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I'm trying to find a clip, where JM was sitting on JK's lap while having their makeup touched up, out of no where JM made a sound "aahhh" and JK faux-scolded him.
The way JM said it sound a bit... erotic? I didn't even know why did he make that sound lmao.
I'm trying to find that clip again, hope you or your followers could help?
I know which one you're talking about.
It was during a photoshoot. It's the same one where Jimin had his hands in JKs pocket during a picture, and also the infamous tongue wagging JK towards Jimin.
They were wilding during that shoot.
I'll see if I can find it, but you might just try Googling JK scolding Jimin. It usually pops up.
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I get it, Jimin.
Trust me. I get it.
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Why do people think Jimin was in Yoongi’s room in that live from years ago! ??
Because when Hobi got to the door, supposedly people heard moaning.
But my man Jimin would have had to have the power to teleport since he was eating dinner the entire time with the rest of the band. Or he speed ran like the flash past Hobi, got to Yoongi's room in record breaking time and still managed to be there.
Either way, those people are desperate and full of shit.
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I always see people saying they don't think JK is into men. But look at him ???? Brave of you to think he's gay. He looks like he's pulling different girls different day but his few soft features made shippers thought he's feminine thus gay 🥴
Two gifs?
That's all you want me to look at and lo and behold you've changed my mind??
So because of his looks you're going to say he's pulling girls. But let's just ignore the hickey JK said Jimin gave him. And the other hickey JK blackmailed Jimin with in that infamous Jinjikook live?
Sure Jan.
Come the fuck on Bridget.
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My eternal 7
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This is just a random post thanking my fellow readers and writers on a03 who have ginormous bookmark pages.
Now I can find even more stories that I might have missed simply because of who the ship was.
Last night I finished a wonderful Hermione/Legolas fanfic. Good gods, I didn't know I needed a Harry Potter/LOTR crossover, but it hit all the feels.
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The war is barely a week over with, but Hermione needs time to herself. She needs to be on her own and heal. Traveling for a year, she returns to quite the surprise: Sirius has returned from the Veil.
Still under house arrest, Hermione gets him pardoned and all seems right until the Ministry unloads a soulmate bond mandate.
But what happens when Hermione and Sirius don't have a soulmate tattoo? Thrown together in their camaraderie as singles, Sirius takes his place among the Sacred Twenty-Eight, and Hermione is being trained under Kingsley to eventually take his place as Minister.
Except, are they really without tattoos?
This is quite possibly one of the gentlest love stories I've read in a long time. Their feelings for one another grow organically, and once their tattoos are revealed, it's a wonder to them both how they didn't realize they were soulmates to begin with.
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Yea read what you wrote yourself, do JM and JK sound like boyfriends? At best they're good bros who are NOT dating and fucking each other, otherwise they would have just met up privately instead of JK "begging" on live in front of millions of fans.
Good bros
Not good bros
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Good bros
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Not very good bros
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Extremely not very good bros
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Most Extremely inappropriate not very good bros
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I may be a pagan, but that doesn't mean I don't know the Bible.
Anyone who thinks Satan looks like a demon doesn't remember their history.
Lucifer Morningstar is considered the most beautiful angel. Just because he is fallen, doesn't mean he lost his looks.
Only someone as ethereal as he is purported to be could tempt believers and non-believers alike.
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11/08 is considered Jikook day, esp in Korea & celebrated like a real holiday over there. Mainly because its Jikook who started it themselves. Jimin was posting selfies together with Jk on that day, even before Jk ever posted GCF Tokyo on that day. Both have made several references toward that date in particular, with Jk flat out writing 23:08 (11/08) in KST on his IG when Jimin was recovering from his surgery, as well as the cover of Hate Everything he posted when Jimin was recovering as well, where he cropped it at 1:18. Interesting he made two back to back posts references that date/time while Jimin was hurt/recovering. And he started his white day live at 8:11, where he spoiled Jimin's songs, talked about Jimin& randomly played There for you & brought up GCF Tokyo in that live and of course it worked & Jimin showed up, even tho he was overseas. Interesting coincidences. Regardless if you believe any theories, it is a date/time Jikook references & why its celebrated, but mainly celebrated due to GCF Tokyo being released on that day, which is NOT A MADE UP DAY. It's real & is still there for everyone to watch. Kinda sus how actual koreans go all out for Jikook on that day & funny that 85% of Jikookers are k-jkk. Businesses & civilians celebrating like its a real anniversary. Hmnn. Do they know something we don't?
At this point the cult is so desperate they've given Tk like 20 days & pray every year they come online on any one of them & reference it. They wanted Jk to say happy Taekook day, but instead he said, of course I went to Jimin's room and we hugged. Like him saying, I only remember this day because of what Jimin did. Too bad so sad. He really shit on both their days they celebrate. Their made up TK day & their fake private date. LMFAO. Savage.
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No matter how much I think about it, Jikook dating or not, I just can’t comprehend why so many people are literally OBSESSED with them and their relationship. All this energy to prove they’re not friends, denying every single little thing to make it seem like they’re nothing more than coworkers, even going as far as saying they don’t like each other. This is completely INSANE. You people sound crazy, this is actually concerning. So many these days are having a very hard time facing reality, on so many levels I won’t even get into, but it’s like living in another dimension reading through some anons.
I don't get it either.
All this energy spent on a bond that has nothing to do with them.
Regardless of whether you believe they are romantic or platonic, denying their closeness is something only haters and delusional yns seem to do. I don't know anybody else who sees issues with them except those who are extremely homophobic or believe they have a chance with them. Or the tuktukkers who want what Jikook have.
The majority of us just love their love, whatever shape it comes in. And I'm here to celebrate it. As long as they let me into their world, I'll be rooting for them.
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namjoon’s reassurance to jimin ♡
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anon do you know jk paid the money for"I'll be there for you" cause he wanted to use that song for his and jimin's trip? Yeah I'd be in love with the guy too.
Mind you anon he recently talked about japan trip in their book that was just released in 2023 so you wish he'd forgot the trip and his first ever GCF, i mean he also remembers the song for which he himself paid.
I'll just leave this here. I've got nothing to add that hasn't been said before.
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Wait a damb minute....i have been a jkkr for yrs now and how the heck i didn't know 11/08 is supposed to be the jkk anniversary? As far as i know we celebrate 11/08 as GCFT's anniversary and because gcft is special for us we might celebrate it in more excitement than anything else. And since it's the date he posted gcft we give it important cause again back to the point it's a gcft date. Where the heck anon got it's a jikook anniversary?? Do you think we're tkkrs who go around 1538352th taekook day in 365 days?? There's no such"jikook day" or "jikook anniversary" thing here. We celebrate the moment that happened at a particular date which we find big and important for us we don't call any day as jikook day. You'll never see any big jkk account calling 11/08 jikook day. Other small accts might think so but we don't do it like tkkrs here.
And his first ever gcf is still special cause jungkook himself said he'd never forget the trip in an interview, they have talked about the trip in multiple interviews. Even though they have already went to japan so they had other options to go for travelling yet they went to japan again. And do not forgot the fact that no one knew jk was going to upload gcft cause no one was aware of it neither the staff nor jimin or members. jungkook himself said "gcft was different and i did what i wanted cause it wasn't work" and said since other gcfs are work related he has restrictions which he didn't had for gcft so you can crawl back anon.
See, GCFT is not a Jikook event for me.
Because it's all about Jimin.
It's JK showing us the Jimin we never get to see.
Does it help that the song he paid to use is about LGBTQ love? Fucking absolutely.
And as much stock as I put into that GCFT and celebrate it as JK's debut as a filmmaker, the one that holds more weight to me, in my not so humble opinion, is GCF in Saipan.
Now that one?? Oh, that is a love ballad for Jimin from JK. Because he doesn't wanna hide no more. What he found in Jimin is "so real".
Do i think that GCFT holds a special place for JK and Jimin? Yes. But I've never looked at it as an anniversary for them.
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But you know what's funny? They use that date to post stuff all the time.
He use that date to post all the time but he don't even remember what was the speciality? OK perfectly makes sense 💀 maybe it's you who should try harder 😉
Maybe it's you who should get a fucking life.
Like I said, he's not stupid. You honestly believe he didn't know that was the date??????
Let me reiterate, I'm not here to change your mind. Nor do I fucking care to.
Fuck off with your small mindedness and your petty squabbles that you get off on because you have no happiness in your life. Must make you all nice and wet to think you're actually doing something here on my blog when you're just sheep who can't think for themselves. Go grind against a pillow thinking you're doing something new and life changing. You're just like the rest. Absolutely no originality at all.
You're not special.
You're not making the world better.
You're a useless cog in the machine.
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