unsolicited--advice · 29 days
You deserve to be surrounded by people who bring out the soft side of you, not the survival side of you.
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unsolicited--advice · 1 month
Have a girlfriend (gay lover) and convince yourself you're doing everything for her.
Need to study? I want to get a good job to spoil my girlfriend.
Want to become a better person? My girlfriend wants me to be the best version of myself.
Want to be nicer? My girlfriend wouldn't like me treating people this way.
Want to do anything other than be on your phone? My girlfriend would appreciate me writing her a letter or poem, or making her a little gift.
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unsolicited--advice · 2 months
Affirmations I Use to Manage My Social and Generalized Anxiety in Public
As someone with social anxiety and generalized anxiety, I try to remind myself of the following:
Others are too busy caring about how others perceive them to perceive me.
Even if others had awful perceptions of me, that's their problem.
Other's opinions have no effect on me unless I decide to give them one.
I can't control other's thoughts. Therefore, their thoughts shouldn't control me.
I'll never know what someone is thinking. So, it's useless to tear myself up hypothesizing.
Nothing will appeal to everyone. I should only try to appease the ones who matter and not compromise myself in the process.
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