wakingthefury · 2 months
I still cannot fathom how people can see Israel as the oppressor based merely on the fact that they are - literally - surrounded on all sides by Islamic nations.
But equally more troubling are the ignorant Americans who know next to nothing about history and still run their mouths as though they know something.
9/11. WWII. These are reminders of where this line of thinking goes.
Pieces of media to watch to educate yourself on Palestine’s long history of suffering from the zionist Israeli occupation :
“Jenin, Jenin” a documentary by Mohammad Bakri (available on Youtube)
“200 meters” a movie by Ameen Nayfeh (available on Netflix)
“Born in Gaza” a documentary by Hernán Zin (available on Netflix)
“Samouni Road” a documentary & animation by Stefano Savona (available on Netflix and Palestine Film Institute’s website)
“Edward Said on Palestine (1988)” a TV documentary style film by Christoper Skyes (available on Youtube)
“To My Father (2008)” a documentary style film by Abdel Salam Shehada (available on Palestine Film Institute’s website)
“Salt of this sea” a movie by Annemarie Jacir (available on Netflix)
“Children of Shatila” a documentary by Mai Masri (available on Netflix & Youtube)
“The Present” a short movie by Farah Nabulsi (available on Netflix)
“Frontiers of Dreams and Fears” a documentary by Mai Masri (available on Netflix & Youtube)
“The Crossing” a short film by Ameen Nayfeh (available on Netflix)
“Tantura” a documentary by Alon Schwartz (available on Youtube)
“3000 nights” a movie by Mai Masri (available on Netflix)
“Farha” a movie by Darin J. Sallam (available on Netflix)
“Arna’s Children” a documentary by Juliano Mer-Khamis (available on Youtube)
“Ma’loul celebrates it’s destruction” a documentary by Michel Khleifi (available on Youtube)
“A World Not Ours” a documentary style movie by Mahdi Fleifel (available on Netflix)
“Like Twenty Impossibles” a movie by Annemarie Jacir (available on Netflix)
“Omar” a movie by Hany Abu Assad (available on Netflix)
“Mars At Sunrise” a movie by Jessica Habie (available on Netflix)
[this list will constantly be updated with more movies & documentaries that i’m reminded of, or with new pieces that i find and watch… if you have any suggestions please send them my way so that i can add them to this list]
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wakingthefury · 2 months
Why Biden's Regime Wants to Brand YOU a 'Christian Nationalist' | Glenn ...
Come get some, Hoss. The real ones will not be taken alive. You got that? We must submit to governing authority, but we don’t have to obey.
You want to fight, you’re going to have to throw the first punch. But retaliation? Bet. On. It. But it’s going to be your provocation.
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wakingthefury · 2 months
"Jesus Is Never Mentioned In Historical Documents Outside of the Bible".
Flavius Josephus (A.D. 37-100), a Jewish historian, wrote the famous work Antiquities of the Jews. In this text, he mentions Jesus, John the Baptist, and Jesus’ “brother” James. Although there is some controversy surrounding the passage, Josephus confirms the existence of Jesus. Here’s an excerpt from his writing: “There was about this time Jesus, a wise man, if it be lawful to call him a man, for he was a doer of wonderful works—a teacher of such men as receive the truth with pleasure. He drew over to him both many of the Jews, and many of the Gentiles. He was Christ; and when Pilate, at the suggestion of the principal men amongst us, had condemned him to the cross, those that loved him at the first did not forsake him, for he appeared to them alive again the third day, as the divine prophets had foretold these and ten thousand other wonderful things concerning him; and the tribe of Christians, so named from him, are not extinct at this day” 1.
Additionally, Josephus mentions Jesus’ “brother” James:“Festus was now dead, and Albinus was but upon the road; so he [Ananus] assembled the Sanhedrin of judges, and brought before them the brother of Jesus, who was called Christ, whose name was James, and some others; and when he had formed an accusation against them as breakers of the law, he delivered them to be stoned” 1.
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Tacitus, a Roman historian (circa 116 CE), also references Jesus in his work Annals. Although brief, this mention confirms Jesus’ historical existence:“Nero fastened the guilt and inflicted the most exquisite tortures on a class hated for their abominations, called Christians by the populace. Christus, from whom the name had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hands of one of our procurators, Pontius Pilatus” 2.
This begs the question: Why do Atheists just simply lie about stuff? I mean, you have to know this will be refuted and you'll simply be exposed as one with an axe to grind.
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wakingthefury · 2 months
A man can no more diminish God's glory by refusing to worship Him than a lunatic can put out the sun by scribbling the word, 'darkness' on the walls of his cell.
-CS Lewis
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wakingthefury · 2 months
Israeli Movement to See Temple Rebuilt in Jerusalem | Jerusalem Dateline...
See, the bible predicted a lot of things, which isn’t really the unreal part.
The unreal part is the things predicted? Keep happening.
I’m sure this is another “straw-man” or ”coincidence”. Whatever.
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wakingthefury · 2 months
Is There Proof Outside of the Bible that Jesus Existed?
According to Atheists, no proof exists which is beyond delusional. 
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wakingthefury · 2 months
Undeniable Historical Evidence for the Existence of Jesus (Dr. Gary Habe...
Dear Atheists,
Jesus existence has NOT been debunked. Stop lying and face your anger with God.... Unless you’re being dishonest even to yourself.
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wakingthefury · 2 months
If you know how to cook, you know bacon goes on at the end.
Advisory: that recipe for bacon-wrapped whatever that you found on the Internet is a trap. If it's not AI-generated, nine times out of ten somebody took an existing recipe for prosciutto-wrapped whatever and search-and-replaced the word "prosciutto" with "bacon" because the word "bacon" gets better SEO scores. Store-bought bacon is typically too thickly sliced to substitute for prosciutto in most contexts, and what you're going to end up with if you try that recipe is a soggy whatever covered in half-raw bacon.
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wakingthefury · 2 months
Atheism should be redefined as "A belief system in which the members are angry with the perceived "Wrong doings" of God.
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wakingthefury · 3 months
ABC News reports "Free Palestine" was written on the long rifle belonging to a man dressed as a woman who opened fire at the Lakewood Church in Houston, according to a law-enforcement official briefed on the investigation.
You're on the wrong side, handlers. And you'll find out the hard way when Jesus comes to clean house.
But hey, play the odds.
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wakingthefury · 3 months
Atheist PRESSED on JESUS FACTS for 6 Mins Straight!
In the absence of facts, make crap up.
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wakingthefury · 3 months
Houston Authorities Asked Whether Lakewood Church Shooting Is Being Cons...
The bigger question is: Who is setting up these shootings, how are they doing it, and what is the political end game?
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wakingthefury · 3 months
Doctor sounds alarm on Biden: This is 'absolutely a medical issue'
This is an issue that has been talked about since 2020 but everyone denied it.
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wakingthefury · 3 months
Autism: The World Doesn't Care Unless You're REALLY Bad
It's unacceptable the way employers, schools, even the government treat people with Level 1 Adult Autism.
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wakingthefury · 3 months
Why Science CANNOT Prove the Earth Is Billions of Years Old
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wakingthefury · 3 months
What they WON'T tell you about the Joel Osteen Lakewood Church ATTACK......
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wakingthefury · 3 months
No, that's NOT what the movie is saying....
Additionally, at one time the average Joe Lunchpail could afford a house. Your government and their elite handlers did this to you.
Stop blaming Christians for the failure of corrupt, bought and paid for, bureaucrats. Following men always leads to a cliff, following God leads to acension.
if any Christian conservative tells you they love it's a wonderful life for its wholesome Christmas story...
tell them they're a fucking communist.
that movie suggests that poor people should be able to afford a house, and that's the most unchristian message in the world.
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