wildtokyo-jp · 38 minutes
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A shriveled, dead-leafed, Neogurelca himachala, has arrived. The group including this species is called "bee sparrow" in Japanse, because they are members of the hawkmoth family (“sparrow moth” in Japanese), and dynamically fly from flower to flower during the daytime like bees to suck honey. This is an adult overwintering insect, so this one must have just awakened in the warmer weather.
縮れた枯葉のような、ホシヒメホウジャクがやってきた。 日中にハチのように花から花へダイナミックに飛び回って吸蜜するスズメガの仲間、というわけでホウジャク(蜂雀)と呼ばれるこのグループ。成虫越冬とのことなので、暖かくなって目覚めたところなのかな。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-17
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wildtokyo-jp · 1 day
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The last hero of the season of the winter geometrid moths, Protalcis concinnata, has finally arrived in my garden. In our region, adult moths can be seen until early May, and after that, I have to say goodbye to the winter geomtrid moths until the end of October. The appearance of this species heralds the joy of full-blown spring, and at the same time, it makes us feel a little loneliness every year.
フユシャクの掉尾を飾るトギレフユエダシャクが4月中旬にようやく���来。 当地周辺では5月初旬まで成虫が見られ、それが終わると10月末までフユシャクたちとはお別れ。 本種の姿は本格的な春の喜びを告げるとともに、そんな一抹の寂しさを毎年心に抱かせる。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-16
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wildtokyo-jp · 2 days
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The light in the garden these days are abloom with various moths of the genus Trichopteryx that bear the name “Short-winged Larentiinae” (characterized by their relatively small hind wings). Among them, my personal favorite is the neat coloration of this Trichopteryx ussurica. It is a story of a spring night in a cold country where the cherry blossoms are finally in full bloom as well.
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-25
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wildtokyo-jp · 3 days
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Lassaba nikkonis A large, beautiful gray moth of Ennominae, appearing on a still chilly spring night. The male in the photo has well-developed antennae in the shape of a comb, which are well-proportioned and add elegance to its appearance.
ニッコウエダシャク まだ肌寒い春の夜に現れる、美しい灰色の立派なエダシャク。写真の個体はオスで、くしひげ状によく発達した触角も均整がとれていて、その姿に優雅さを添える。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-13
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wildtokyo-jp · 4 days
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Anatis halonis This season's first beetle for the garden light is a stylish lady beetle in the mountainous area. Although I hardly ever saw this insect when I lived in Tokyo, I was pleasantly surprised to find it so often in this region.
ウンモンテントウ 今シーズンの灯火はじめての甲虫は、山地性の風格あるし��れた斑紋のテントウムシ。東京に住んでいた頃はほとんど目にする機会のない「図鑑の中の昆虫」だったが、当地では拍子抜けするくらいよく出会えるのが、またうれしいところ。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-20
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wildtokyo-jp · 5 days
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Perigrapha hoenei A big moth, symbolic of spring in the mountains, has arrived in my garden. It would be superfluous to describe the wonderful wing pattern, which reminds me of Jomon earthenware or Ainu patterns. Although the the other attractive species of the same genus, Perigrapha circumducta, is found only in Hokkaido, this moth is relatively easy to find in Honshu.
スギタニキリガ 山の春を象徴する大きな蛾が庭にやってきた。縄文土器かアイヌ文様を想起させるような強烈な造形の素晴らしさは、説明を加えるのが野暮というもの。やはり魅力的な同属種シベチャキリガは北海道限定だが、こちらは本州で比較的容易に出会える。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-14
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wildtokyo-jp · 6 days
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Triphosa dubitata This large moth of Larentiinae has a unique life history: after emerging in the summer, it overwinters in caves and other places, then mates and lays eggs the following spring. I had always wanted to see this species, so I was overjoyed to find it on the wall of my house. In fact, I saw the species in my garden last fall, so there may be a wintering site near my region.
ウスグロオオナミシャク 夏に羽化した後、洞窟などで越冬して、翌春に交尾・産卵する、という独特の生活史の大きなナミシャク。ずっと会いたかった種なので、自宅の壁で見つけて大喜び。実は昨秋にも庭で姿を見たので、家の近くに越冬地があるのかもしれない。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-13
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wildtokyo-jp · 7 days
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One of the recent mainstays of the garden light, Panolis japonica. As its Japanese name suggests, the larva feeds on pine trees. Although small for night moths, this wonderful species catches my attention every time with its rich fur and delicate colouration.
最近の庭の灯火の主役の一人、マツキリガ その名の通り、幼虫が松の仲間を食べて育つ。キリガとしては小柄だけれど、その豊かな毛並みと繊細な色彩の美しさには毎回目を奪われてしまう、素晴らしい種。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-16
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wildtokyo-jp · 8 days
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A recent common species of slender formed Ypsolophidae sp. in my garden light. (Although Ypsolopha longa looks similar, I am not sure...) On closer inspection, the wing surfaces are finely sprinkled with emerald-coloured scales that amaze me with their brilliance.
最近よく庭の灯火にやってくる細身のクチブサガの仲間。 (マユミオオクチブサガに似ていそうだけれど、自信ありません…) 近くで見るとエメラルド色の鱗粉が細かくまぶされていて、その輝きに驚き。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-06
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wildtokyo-jp · 9 days
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Earophila correlata The geomterid moth given its lyrical Japanese name appropriate for a spring night, can be found only at this time of year. It has a delicate appearance like a layered chocolate cake that is unforgettable once you see it. Even as a larva, it is fashionable enough to grow up eating wild rose associates.
ミカヅキナミシャク 春の夜にふさわしい叙情的な和名を与えられた、この時期だけに出会えるシャクガ。層を重ねたチョコレートケーキのような、一度見たら忘れられない繊細な姿をしている。幼虫時代も野生のバラの仲間を食べて育つというおしゃれっぷり。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-07
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wildtokyo-jp · 10 days
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Anemone raddeana & Anemone pseudoaltaica These flowers herald the arrival of spring in the forests of Shinshu region. The genus name of both species “Anemone" is derived from the Greek word for "wind”.  Along with their gorgeousness, they also seem to possess a somewhat treacherous and bewitching quality, perhaps because of their deadly poisonousness.
アズマイチゲとキクザキイチゲ 信州の林に春の訪れを告げる花々。両種の属名「アネモネ」は、ギリシャ語の「風」に由来するそう。華やかさと共に、どこか油断ならない妖しさも湛えているように見えてしまうのは、その毒性のせいだろうか。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-17
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wildtokyo-jp · 11 days
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Drepanopteryx phalaenoides, appearing in a garden light. As its Japanese name suggests, this insect has a wonderful form, looking like an "hollowed" dead leaf. One of its unique features is that it perches with its neck bent. Whenever I encounter such fascinating insects, my heart leaps as if I were a child while squealing with delight.
庭の灯火に現れたエグリヒメカゲロウ その名の通り「えぐれた」枯葉のような、素晴らしいフォルムの昆虫。首を曲げてとまるのがその特徴の一つ。こんな魅力的���虫に出会うたびに、一人で快哉を叫びつつ子供の頃のように心が躍ってしまう。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-13
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wildtokyo-jp · 12 days
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Apochima juglansiaria A typical spring species, with its wings folded like a fan and perching with an eccentric form like the wings of an airplane. It is often seen in Tokyo from around March (and its appearance has ended by now), but here it has only just begun to appear.
オカモトトゲエダシャク 扇のように翅をたたみ、飛行機の翼のような奇抜なフォルムでとまる、春の代表種。東京でも3月ごろからよく見られるが(そしてもうそろそろ出現が終わった頃だけれど)、当地ではようやくぽつぽつと見かけるようになってきた。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-06
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wildtokyo-jp · 13 days
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Agriopis dira This late-winter geometrid moth is often seen around February in Tokyo. In our region, it was not until April that I finally began to see them. The colouration within the triangular shape of its trademark Mt. Fuji-like form varies from one individual to another, and the one in the photo is quite whitish.
シロフフユエダシャク 東京では2月前後によく出会う晩冬のフユシャク。当地では4月に入ってからようやくその姿を見かけるようになった。トレードマークである富士山のような三角形のフォルムの中の色彩は個体ごとに違いがあり、写真の個体はかなり白っぽい方。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-11
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wildtokyo-jp · 14 days
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Remnants of Winter, Inurois tenuis This is one of the late-winter species to appear finally in the winter geometrid moths, and its fluttering makes it look rather fragile among the powerful spring moths. Since other species of the winter geometrid moths are still seen in this area, it is likely that we will continue to be associated with this species for a while longer.
冬の名残、ホソウスバフユシャク フユシャク類では最後に登場する晩冬の種の一つで、そのはばたきは力強い春の蛾たちの中で、ひときわ弱々しく見える。当地では他のフユシャク類もまだ健在なので、本種とももうしばらくの間ご縁が続きそうである。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-06
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wildtokyo-jp · 15 days
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Biston robusta This giant geomtrid moth is a representative of early spring. The intricate spots on the wings of this species are so spectacular that it is as if there is an old map of a magnificent mountain landscape on one wing, the scale of the moth is just as it should be. I especially like the colouration of the female, which is not easy to find.
トビモンオオエダシャク 早春を代表する巨大なシャクガ。雄大な春の風景を描いた古地図をめくるかのような壮麗な斑紋は、その巨躯のスケール感にふさわしい。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-07
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wildtokyo-jp · 16 days
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Pseuderannis lomozemia This species is a member of the geomterid moths that seems to appear at about the same time as or a little later than yesterday's Pseuderannis amplipennis. Although not as spectacular as the previous species, it seems to have a rugged appearance in its delicate scales, like Mt. Asama where the snow has just begun to melt to reveal a volcanic brown ground.
ウスバキエダシャク 昨日のウスバシロエダシャクとほぼ同時か、少し遅れて現れる印象のシャクガの仲間。華やかな前種とは異なり、折しも雪がとけはじめ火山らしい茶色い地面を現した浅間山の麓にぴったりの、武骨な佇まいを繊細な鱗粉で描き出すかのよう。
Nagano Pref. 長野県 2024-04-07
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