andypikok · 7 years
Favorite Lessons from “The Shack”
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This movie is essentially about a man named Mackenzie whose daughter is kidnapped and murdered. In the midst of his deep pain, he is invited to meet Papa (his wife’s name for God) back at the place where he got stuck — the shack in which they found the evidence of his little girl’s murder. He spends a weekend getting to know the Godhead – Father, Son and Holy Spirit. He began the story drowning in his own pain, paralyzed by the pain of losing his daughter and the anger at her murderer. In the end, he comes back to his family a changed man, a man who knows God’s heart. A man who understands where God was in his pain.
If God is so good, then why does He allow for so much pain?
At the end of the day, we question: if God is so good, then why would He allow for so much tragedy, horror and pain to touch His children? It’s a question worth asking, and it’s a question worth knowing the answer to.
* Most of us stop. Right there. We don’t look any further, and we make the judgement that God is not for us*
But if we try to make sense of our world based on an incomplete picture, we will never understand God. We will never understand how He is at work in our lives for good. We’ll never trust Him. Essentially, we misunderstand the Mystery.
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Instead of going in to long detail about movie, The Shack, I thought a list of what I learned while watching the movie, would be more helpful.  So, here you go.  And, if you choose to go and see The Shack, I suggest bringing tissues and an open mind.  I would also suggest being prepared for an exhausting night, because this movie is intense!
The Shack:  10 Lessons Learned
 God is always good.
 Because of free-will, there will always be evil in the world, too.  God is NOT the root of evil.
 It is not our job to judge or “get even” with anyone.
 Forgiving doesn’t mean you forget or have to accept someone’s actions.
 Forgiving releases any burden you carry.
 For every action, there is a consequence – good or bad.
 Getting even is not our responsibility.
 Learning to let go of anger heals the soul.
 Having faith will give you the strength you need for the future.
 Everyone has a story that may lead to their actions.  It’s not an excuse.  But, it can bring understand.
P.S. : Thanks to styledarrow and lovedanamarie for such inspiring words!!
this article by Paul Young, the author of the book, it made complete sense to why this movie brought on so much emotion for me.  In fact, it’s almost crazy and ironic in a way.  I’ll let you read the article for yourself to see why he wrote the book
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andypikok · 7 years
"Something" to fill the empty place?
Have you ever wondered what God sees in us? Why would He send His Son to pay the price for all of us if we are so sinful from birth? God sees the immortal soul which He placed in each of us and that soul is worth more than the wealth of the entire world, even if it were just one of us that Christ came to save! Even if it were only you, Jesus would’ve given His life on a cross to save you! That is a love that we can’t understand or imagine! God also sees potential in each of us, the potential to be a voice which will be heard by those who will hear it. We are not all evangelists nor teachers, nor are we all to encourage and be ministers, but if you are a born-again child of the King you can be! In your own place of business or area where you are, you can be like Paul or Silas or John! You can be an ear for someone who needs one who will listen! You can be Jesus to some who may have never heard a sermon before. The life that Jesus gives to us is one which is supposed to be used for His Kingdom and glory, not for ours. God loves each soul on this planet and He doesn’t want any to perish, but if you or your friend refuse to hear His Word and respond to it by giving your heart to Him, then your eternity will be one of suffering and pain because of your decision not because God wanted to put you there. We make decisions every day about which clothes to wear or what shoes to put on, but what does your life mean in the grand scheme of things? It is a very deep question but it is one which we all need to find the answer to. The problem with the answer is that, for many people, the answer is usually found in things or careers or people instead of in the Person of Jesus the Christ! We search from our teen years on for something that we feel is missing, although we can’t put our finger on it. For a long while we can’t even give it a name because we don’t know what is missing, but it feels like something isn’t right. For some people it is a problem which they solve with drugs or sex or alcohol, and when they sober up it is still missing. Sometimes it makes us feel depressed, like life just won’t be enjoyable until we find that “something” to fill the empty place inside. It isn’t a ‘thing” at all, it is Jesus which fills that spot and until many more people realize this there will still be a drug problem and alcoholism and all of the other distractions which we use to try to “fill” that space. Learning about Him is great but asking Him to be your Lord and Savior is better! Living your life with the reality of walking with Him beside you is the next step. This is something which many people don’t understand and it isn’t taught in many churches. When you have asked Him into your life, not just saying it but actually meaning it, He comes into your heart and He is with you every minute of every day! He wants to be involved in your life, not just on Sunday or Wednesday but every day! You and I were not created to be observers of this world, but just like the disciples, we are meant to take His message to every place that we go! I don’t mean that we are supposed to be street preachers shouting that the end is near. Rather, we are to tell others about the Savior and what He has done for us!
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andypikok · 8 years
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WHAT IS YOUR DREAM? @andypikok’s dream is making one people (at least) happy each day, even it’s me (Got inspired by Mr.Lovalsik). I think making the same person happy everyday is such a Blessing and just think how wonderful it would be if everyone took the time to stop and make someone laugh, smile etc everyday. Try to do it for total strangers like when I go to college, I always get silly and make a few people laugh just to brighten their day. I still hold out hope that the world can be a wonderful place if people would just stop and smile more. Today, give a stranger one of your smiles. It might be the only sunshine he/she sees all day. One smile can give One person One fine day. One smile can bring peacefull to someone heart, even its you. One smile can change almost everything. Simple thing you can do : giving SMILE To everyone who smiled at you first or if he/she asking you likes “Go, Ladies first’ , "Good morning, can I help you?”. . Try to count that blessing, try to count how many people you have made happy? If you do it from now on, it will be hunder thousand. If another people do it, it will be million or maybe billion people happy. Remember the goal is not only making people happy, but also making world to be a better place. . Well, last but not least, I’ll give you guys a quote from Lawerence G. Lovalsik. This quote reminding me about daily happiness. “Try to make at least one person happy every day. If you cannot do a kind deed, speak a kind word. If you cannot speak a kind word, think a kind thought. Count up, if you can, the treasure of happiness that you would dispense in a week, in a year, in a lifetime!” . This is my biggest dream. What’s yours? ________________________________________ [WTF Dream Challenge]
Speak Up your Dream!
Each of your dream is very important for all of us to help our brothers & sisters!
Participate in this DREAM Challenge :
1. REPOST this image 2. TAG @WTFMarketID @tiarahcraft & 10 of your friends 3. HASHTAG #wtfmarketid #wtfanniversary2.0 4. WRITE in the caption what your dream is & the reason behind the dream 5. DO NOT PRIVATE YOUR ACCOUNT 6. We are going to choose 2 amazing Dreamers who dream for the right reason to see a better future of himself, others, or the society. Check your DMs after you Re-posted
Your dream will be collected & exposed in WTF Dream Wall - WTF 2.0!
Note : This challenge is opened to all dreamers in Indonesia
#wtfmarketid #wethefuture #wtfanniversary2.0
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andypikok · 8 years
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MY FIRST TIME!! Just a little though abt #DanceFestival2016 😢 For me this is my biggest stage ever in my history😌, usually I never get a chance to performing with my team(since my skill still far below them ). Nervous, anxiety and panic-attack is haunting me like crazy, i can't found any peace lately, feels like a 2 deadlines shows in front of my eyes. Think back to your last big audition or performance. What do you remember feeling, moments before you walked on stage? Heart pounding in your chest? Butterflies in your stomach? Cold, clammy hands? Feeling light-headed, tight, weak, or shaky? Perhaps you had trouble concentrating? Felt your mind racing? Doubts and fears popping into your head? A vague sense that something bad was going to happen? Kicking yourself for not practicing more? well, some of that condition happened to me in GR😫 Then I think.... Is It Just Me? For what it’s worth, anxiety is pretty common even amongst performer(dancer included). I asked my self..... Will It Ever Go Away? I think theres 2 side of answer. good news and bad news. bad news : unless you’re a robot, zombie, or just don’t give a crap, you will probably experience some degree of anxiety every time you go on stage.“Say WHAT? You mean I have to suffer through this for the rest of my career?”😪 Well, the good news is that no, you don’t have to let your nerves control you, and you most definitely don’t have to suffer.💪💪💪💪 Have you ever had a performance when everything just “clicked?” Where you felt like you were in total control, everything just flowed easily, and you sounded great (at least until you started thinking about how well everything was going)? You may have heard of this referred to as “the zone.” Well, this magical state pretty much requires that you experience some degree of anxiety. No anxiety, no zone. If you ever get to a point in your career where you start feeling nothing and walk on-stage as if it’s no different than going for a walk in the park (example: it’s just another day, another venue, and you’re just mailing it in), your audience is probably not going to get the best performance you have to offer. My point is this. If I want my performance to really reach out and grab the audience, I need adrenaline to give it that extra pop and sizzle that is missing in the practice room. The problem is not adrenaline itself, but not knowing how to control, manage, and channel it effectively into my performances. Hey guys, its alrdy H-2, less than 48 hours, we will rock @ciputrahall stage together as one, as @firstmovecrew 👆, as a family😊 WISH me luck. may our way to perform can inspire other to increase their nationality. MOVE MOVE MOVE
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andypikok · 8 years
What did I miss?
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picture source: wajibbaca.com
It’s easy to get caught up in the cycle of checking various sources of information to see what we may have missed.
We hate the idea of being the last to know, so we habitually and regularly check Facebook, Instagram, LINE and various news sites so that we don’t miss out on the latest gossip, news or pictures of cats(?).YES I LOVE CAT! XD
This seems like a nice idea until we realise how much time we’ve wasted in our constant, incessant clicking for the latest information.
Perhaps instead of asking “What did I miss?” we should be asking “What can I do?”
Instead of wasting massive chunks of time trying to keep up with the huge volume of (mostly) inane information coming our way, we can take action that will get us closer to our goals.
Instead of adding to this volume of (mostly) inane information in the world, we can create something meaningful, thoughtful, valuable or helpful.
I suspect that in using our time more effectively and resourcefully to create value, when we do come back to asking, “What did I miss?” the answer will be, “Not that much.”
For me, Time is valuable and we should value it and use it for our better good.
Do you agree with my statement and opinion? tell me what you think :)
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andypikok · 8 years
Do You Wish You Were Younger?
If you did it right, to have been young once was enough. You couldn’t pay me to be any younger than I am. A lot of my teaching colleagues feel the same way. While friends in other professions are waking up to their mid-lives (or what we choose to call midlife but how many people do you know who live past 100?) and frantically wishing they could return to their twenties or thirties, those of us who have been dealing with undergraduate and graduate students don’t want to time-travel back to those years. Don’t get me wrong: sure, there are afternoons during my twentieth year I wouldn’t mind revisiting on a regular basis (Tuesday afternoons in October, to be more precise). And yes, there are advantages simply assumed by some of my students (a wide range of role models, a culture which at least attempts to recognize diversity as a strength, advances in technology, science, birth control, and the replacement of Tab byDiet Coke) that might have made my life easier. Trust me, I wouldn’t mind being able to pull all-nighters and still feel bright and lively the next morning (as opposed to having to sleepfor three days to make up for making one stupid deadline).  But to have to accept the whole re-do thing as a package deal? Are you kidding? To be adorable and energetic would be great, but to feel that perpetual trepidation that I’ll never find a job, a partner, a place in the world, or an apartment that I don’t have to share with six other people? No deal. To feel as if the whole world is open to me would be lovely, but to live with the anxiety that I’ll end up on the outskirts or end up an outcast? No thanks. To wonder whether I’ll ever do work meaningful to me, let alone anyone else? Not a chance. Not to know what professions to profess or what lovers to love—not to know whether you can trust your internal compass to lead to you home, or indicate your own, personal true north?  By the time you’re in your fifties and sixties, you might still wrestle with these demons, but at least they are familiar. Here’s another almost-secret: when my students, current and former, announce their successes, it is also a gift to celebrate with them wholeheartedly. It’s easier than it was when I was thirty because there’s a more clear definition between us: it’s their time to get their first piece of writing in print, to get their first interviews, to publish their first books.  In part because we are of different generations, I’m now able to say “Hooray for you” without some sneaky part of me thinking, “I wish it were me!” Not that everything is daisies and champagne after menopause: each age comes with its own baggage. Now I worry about things that would horrify the twenty- and thirty-year-olds. And fair enough. Okay, so now I worry about whether the work I’ve done will have any lasting value, whether the colleagues I’ve made will still remain friends after they (or I) retire, whether the profession itself will be able to offer the most talented and diligent of the students I’ve encountered in my classrooms and office a chance to show themselves at their best. I don't wish I were thirty because I know too well that thirty-year-olds are actually thinking. They are thinking “OH MY ACHING GOD I AM THIRTY AND WHAT I AM DOING WITH MY LIFE?” At least when you’re fifty, you know what you’re doing with your life, even if you don’t like it.  If I wouldn’t want to be their age again, I also wouldn’t trade the privilege of being around them. They remind me that youth’s a stuff will not endure. And I remind myself that if you did it right, to have been young once was enough. Adapted from : The Chronicle of Higher Education
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andypikok · 8 years
How I finally quit making excuses and got healthy habits to stick
“I’m just not a routine person.” “I guess I’m just a free spirit.” “But I don’t want to be boring! These were the excuses I made when I failed - yet again - to keep up a new habit. These were the things I’d tell myself when I thought about the things I wanted to do daily - journal, meditate, go to the gym - but never did. I had an excuse for everything. I had a reason to control every failure. The road to success may be full of curves, but the path to failure is much easier to predict. And I like to stay in control. Over the last few months, I went from not being able to be consistent with anything to genuinely doing the damn things I wanted to do. It wasn’t a matter of forcing myself, and it wasn’t a quick fix. It was a diligent, conscious, intentional, and vigilant process to bring about new, healthier habits into my life. Bottoming Out Late last year, I hit a breaking point. If I continued on the path I was on, I realised that in two, five, or 10 years I’d only have regrets, frustration, and a gnawing sense that I could have done better. I was tired of dreaming up goals and never achieving them. Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony. I hate to be stereotypical and quote Gandhi, but hear him out: "Happiness is when what you think, what you say, and what you do are in harmony.” The problem was that I was in disharmony with myself. I’d set a reminder to meditate every day, then ignore it. I told myself I’d walk outside every day (at the very least!), but always found a way not to go outside. I wanted to write often, yet writing consistently became impossible. In the past, I used shame to “inspire” me to change. I thought if I hated myself or loathed where I was in life enough, I’d have to change. A Positive Change But that’s not really how change happens - for me or anyone else. Ultimately, shame, hatred and loathing won’t provide lasting motivation. People, including myself, are inherently more interested in positive reinforcement. I started to think of the habits I wanted to create - journaling, working out and meditating - as ways to bring joy and positivity into my life. Thinking of them in this way helped me step out of the cycle of self-hatred and guilt. It helped me see my habits as expressions of self-love - as gifts to myself as opposed to punishments - and changed my entire attitude toward building new routines. Here are the six guidelines that helped me enact change. 1. Pick Habits you Honestly Want to Add I didn’t choose habits I thought I should add because of what anyone else was doing or because some silly article on the internet told me I should. It wasn’t about keeping up with other people; it was about listening to myself. Once I started to see these habits as things I wanted to add, my entire attitude toward building rituals and routines changed. For example, when I started viewing the exercise bike at the gym as a fun challenge, I would see how many more kilometres I could do each week. 2. Build Your Habit Your Own Way No more reading about productivity. No more berating myself by reading other people’s morning routines and expecting mine to mimic theirs. When I started to build up a consistent gym routine, I only went when I wanted to go. For me, that was around 2pm every day, after I had spent enough time working and wouldn’t be distracted by a long to-do list. It also meant that I gave myself permission to do whatever I wanted to do once I got there. If I wanted to do 20 minutes on the bike, I’d do only 20 minutes and then leave. 3. Start Small - Really Small I knew that if I tried to take on too much, I’d find a way to make an excuse. So my daily goals were tiny. I started with two minutes of meditation, which eventually built up to 10, then 20 minutes. Those 20 minutes on the bike at the gym built up to intense interval workouts and strength training three to four times per week. I realised that just doing the thing, no matter how small, meant I was more likely to do the thing the next day. It’s much more difficult to start again than it is to keep going. Developing a streak and gaining my own momentum were huge shifts in staying true to my commitments. 4. Be Kind To Yourself There is no place for perfectionism when developing new skills. If I missed a day or if life happened, I let it go. When I got sick with a cold and missed several workouts, I didn’t beat myself up. When I had a bout of depression and became apathetic toward my goals, I didn’t shame myself. Instead of thinking I could punish myself into changing, I tried to love myself into changing - and that had a more enjoyable and lasting effect. I had to silence the drill sergeant in my mind that expected me to never screw up. Executing my goals perfectly is not the end goal. The end goal is to feel better about myself. I refused to chase habits that were going to make me feel awful about myself in some misguided pursuit of future joy. 5. Celebrate Every Small Victory When I began journaling every morning - a habit I’ve wanted build for over a decade - I put a number in the corner of each page to indicate how many days in a row I had written. This became a huge motivating factor. I celebrated 30 entries in a row in my journal, then 100 entries, and now nearly 200. I celebrated my pen running out of ink. Finally, after I filled up an entire notebook, I celebrated buying a new Moleskine on Amazon.com. Achieving these tiny milestones kept me excited. I also downloaded an app called Way of Life, which you can use to mark off how many days in a row you’ve stuck with a habit, no matter how small or seemingly inconsequential it is. (I mean, I proudly mark off “brushed teeth” on there each and every day.) Acknowledging these achievements gave me something positive to look forward to: my own recognition and appreciation. It was revolutionary, and it continues to be the cornerstone of how I add habits to my routine. 6. Embrace The Boring Yeah, consistency and commitment may sound mundane and monotonous. But I’ve realised it’s better to be “boring” than to feel like crap about yourself all the time. It’s better to go to sleep at night knowing I did what I said I would do. Gandhi got it right: Happiness is when it’s all in congruence. And at this point, I’ll take that kind of sustainable happiness over a chaotic and free-spirited life any day.
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andypikok · 8 years
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Hovering over this discussion is a predominant but twisted American value long ago absorbed into our sports culture itself: Winning is everything in life, and losing is for losers. Winning is the ultimate worldly good in the sports culture; therefore, since God does “good” toward those who do “good,” the team reflecting the most “goodness” should win — or so the thinking generally goes.
Though most people might cringe at the unsophisticated nature of this argument, a recent Pew Religion Research Institute article reports that 48% of Americans believe athletes of faith are rewarded with good health and success, and the number jumps above 60% for professing Protestant Americans, regardless of racial background. We assume that God will bless the righteous with scoreboard victories and leave the less righteous sorting through their own limitations — both physically and spiritually.
Isn’t It Silly?
Christian athletes likely have fed this faulty theology in three decades worth of post-game interviews in which the victor ignores the first question and instead thanks God or his “Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.” While subtly he may be thanking God for both the physical body and competitive opportunity to play, disguised instead in this shout-out to the divine is a cause-effect deduction: “Thank you, God, for loving me by being on our side and causing us to win!”
We quickly devolve into silliness when forced to imagine God wearing a particular nation’s jersey during the World Cup, or a Seahawks jersey this Sunday — or that he is somehow predisposed toward one major institution or another at the conclusion of March Madness. Yet even if God operated in this cartoonish way, even if we could put all the “righteous” on one team or another, God has a history of allowing his people to lose on the field so they can somehow win in the deeper, soul-centered arenas of life. His view of what constitutes a “win” or a “loss” couldn’t be more contrary to what we typically are fed as American viewers and participants of sport and life. (See the life of Joseph in Genesis 37–50, for instance.)
Yes, He Cares
But God most certainly does care who wins — just not in the way we do, and certainly not in the way implied by most post-game interviews. He cares about everything that happens in the universe. His sovereignty extends to the sub-atomic level, where every part of every atom arranges itself in relation to every other according to his plans and purposes — all of this in a world where humans make real choices that matter and have real consequences at every level of society.
To suggest he doesn’t “care” who wins is to be pressed into a corner opposite, but just as ridiculous, of the idea that he remains vested like a Vegas gambler. Indeed, his concern regarding games extends far beyond our own thin ideas of victory and defeat, profit and loss, success and failure.
God’s concern regarding games extends far beyond our own thin ideas of victory and defeat.
The Final Victory
So God cares about the game. He knows that game conclusions will put individual lives on different trajectories, but also knows exactly how those trajectories fit into his plans for those same lives. Indeed, he is blessing both the Christian “winner” and “loser” with another opportunity to be rich toward God, to serve him with their bodies, responses, and general Christ-likeness before, during, and after the game itself. He even uses outcomes to allow non-Christian players to realize their need, to experience the hollowness of both victory and defeat within themselves, to move them toward a saving knowledge of Christ.
God jealously promotes his own glory. Everything that happens will ultimately point all things toward Jesus and his rule. He cares about the games and their final score, as circumstances that ultimately contribute to his own final victory
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andypikok · 10 years
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It's nice to update my tumblr since august :O
Very Busy yet too Busy :p
Kinda sharing this Video is truly inspiring and being "reminder" about true love.
For me,
True love doest exist and don't easly give up for "unconditionally love".
I mean who can give you an unconditionally love aside from parents?
Friends? Mr Canteen? Teacher?
no... Its Jesus :D
He give the whole world unconditionally love
Kinda Check this Video for Inspirational Short Movie.
Maybe can fill your boredom and make you inspired
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andypikok · 10 years
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andypikok · 10 years
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Wolrd War 3? Humanity is at a dangerous crossroads. War preparations to attack Iran are in “an advanced state of readiness”. Hi tech weapons systems including nuclear warheads are fully deployed. This military adventure has been on the Pentagon’s drawing board since the mid-1990s. First Iraq, then Iran according to a declassified 1995 US Central Command document. Escalation is part of the military agenda. While Iran, is the next target together with Syria and Lebanon, this strategic military deployment also threatens North Korea, China and Russia. Since 2005, the US and its allies, including America’s NATO partners and Israel, have been involved in the extensive deployment and stockpiling of advanced weapons systems. The air defense systems of the US, NATO member countries and Israel are fully integrated. This is a coordinated endeavor of the Pentagon, NATO, Israel’s Defense Force (IDF), with the active military involvement of several non-NATO partner countries including the frontline Arab states (members of NATO’s Mediterranean Dialogue and the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative), Saudi Arabia, Japan, South Korea, India, Indonesia, Singapore, Australia, among others. (NATO consists of 28 NATO member states Another 21 countries are members of the Euro-Atlantic Partnership Council (EAPC), The Mediterranean Dialogue and the Istanbul Cooperation Initiative include ten Arab countries plus Israel.) The roles of Egypt, the Gulf states and Saudi Arabia (within the extended military alliance) is of particular relevance. Egypt controls the transit of war ships and oil tankers through the Suez Canal. Saudi Arabia and the Gulf States occupy the South Western coastlines of the Persian Gulf, the Straits of Hormuz and the Gulf of Oman. In early June, “Egypt reportedly allowed one Israeli and eleven U.S. ships to pass through the Suez Canal in ….an apparent signal to Iran. … On June 12, regional press outlets reported that the Saudis had granted Israel the right to fly over its airspace…” (Muriel Mirak Weissbach, Israel’s Insane War on Iran Must Be Prevented., Global Research, July 31, 2010) In post 9/11 military doctrine, this massive deployment of military hardware has been defined as part of the so-called “Global War on Terrorism”, targeting “non-State” terrorist organizations including al Qaeda and so-called “State sponsors of terrorism”,. including Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan. The setting up of new US military bases, the stockpiling of advanced weapons systems including tactical nuclear weapons, etc. were implemented as part of the pre-emptive defensive military doctrine under the umbrella of the “Global War on Terrorism”. War and the Economic Crisis The broader implications of a US-NATO Israel attack on Iran are far-reaching. The war and the economic crisis are intimately related. The war economy is financed by Wall Street, which stands as the creditor of the US administration. The US weapons producers are the recipients of the US Department of Defense multibillion dollar procurement contracts for advanced weapons systems. In turn, “the battle for oil” in the Middle East and Central Asia directly serves the interests of the Anglo-American oil giants. The US and its allies are “beating the drums of war” at the height of a Worldwide economic depression, not to mention the most serious environmental catastrophe in World history. In a bitter twist, one of the major players (BP) on the Middle East Central Asia geopolitical chessboard, formerly known as the Anglo-Persian Oil Company, is the instigator of the ecological disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. Media Disinformation Public opinion, swayed by media hype is tacitly supportive, indifferent or ignorant as to the likely impacts of what is upheld as an ad hoc “punitive” operation directed against Iran’s nuclear facilities rather than an all out war. War preparations include the deployment of US and Israeli produced nuclear weapons. In this context, the devastating consequences of a nuclear war are either trivialised or simply not mentioned. The “real crisis” threatening humanity, according to the media and the governments, is not war but global warming. The media will fabricate a crisis where there is no crisis: ”a global scare” — the H1N1 global pandemic– but nobody seems to fear a US sponsored nuclear war. The war on Iran is presented to public opinion as an issue among others. It is not viewed as a threat to “Mother Earth” as in the case of global warming. It is not front-page news. The fact that an attack on Iran could lead to escalation and potentially unleash a “global war” is not a matter of concern. The Cult of Killing and Destruction The global killing machine is also sustained by an imbedded cult of killing and destruction which pervades Hollywood movies, not to mention the prime time war and crime TV series on network television. This cult of killing is endorsed by the CIA and the Pentagon which also support (finance) Hollywood productions as an instrument of war propaganda: “Ex-CIA agent Bob Baer told us, “There’s a symbiosis between the CIA and Hollywood” and revealed that former CIA director George Tenet is currently, “out in Hollywood, talking to studios.” (Matthew Alford and Robbie Graham, Lights, Camera… Covert Action: The Deep Politics of Hollywood, Global Research, January 31, 2009). original The killing machine is deployed at a global level, within the framework of the unified combat command structure. It is routinely upheld by the institutions of government, the corporate media and the mandarins and intellectuals of the New World Order in Washington’s think tanks and strategic studies research institutes, as an unquestioned instrument of peace and global prosperity. A culture of killing and violence has become imbedded in human consciousness. War is broadly accepted as part of a societal process: The Homeland needs to be “defended” and protected. “Legitimized violence” and extrajudicial killings directed against “terrorists” are upheld in western democracies, as necessary instruments of national security. A “humanitarian war” is upheld by the so-called international community. It is not condemned as a criminal act. Its main architects are rewarded for their contributions to world peace. With regard to Iran, what is unfolding is the outright legitimization of war in the name of an illusive notion of global security. A “Pre-emptive” Aerial attack directed against Iran would lead to Escalation At present there are three separate Middle East Central Asia war theaters: Iraq, Af-Pak, and Palestine. Were Iran to be the object of a “pre-emptive” aerial attack by allied forces, the entire region, from the Eastern Mediterranean to China’s Western frontier with Afghanistan and Pakistan, would flare up, leading us potentially into a World War III scenario. The war would also extend into Lebanon and Syria. It is highly unlikely that the bombings, if they were to be implemented, would be circumscribed to Iran’s nuclear facilities as claimed by US-NATO official statements. What is more probable is an all out air attack on both military and civilian infrastruc
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andypikok · 10 years
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HAPPY SUNDAYS! Why Ice Cream? Because Ice Creams are Smooth like TODAY! Wake up every morning with the thought that something wonderful is about to happen! Wish you a happy Sunday! Have a lovely day♥
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andypikok · 10 years
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More Successful #andypikok #quote #qotd #motivational
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andypikok · 10 years
Focus on being the right person instead of finding the right person.
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andypikok · 10 years
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LIFE OF MODERN PEOPLE - MONEY IS NOT EVERYTHING I know it’s a hard pill to swallow and I know it’s obvious. But truly, money isn’t everything. Sure, we all want to be comfortable and cared for, we want to feel secure in our lives, and money helps with that. The endless pursuit of money, the inability to know when enough is enough, however, can have the opposite effect on us. If all we can think about is money, if it consumes us, where is the comfort? Where is the security? Similarly, unfettered spending can feel comforting in the moment but feel heart-wrenching when we look at our monthly credit card statement or when we look at a cluttered house of items we never use. Where’s the happy medium? We live in very difficult times when it comes to money, I think. Television focuses on those who have money, and we idolize those people who can spend frivolously. But it’s created a nation in debt. We overspend because we feel we’re missing out. There’s always something bigger or better out there for us to buy, something we just need to acquire. Something that will fill the void. Look around your house, look at what you own, think about your recent purchases. Do you own frivolity? Have you tossed money at a problem to see if it would go away? Retail therapy? We’ve all done this, we know it doesn’t work, yet we go ahead and do it again. Who can blame us? It’s what we know. It’s the natural hoarder inside all of us, the little voice in our brain that tells us this thing, whatever it is, will be useful someday. Maybe spending just makes us feel good, like all that time we spend acquiring the money wasn’t in vain. “This is a meaningful purchase because I worked for it.” Well, think about it. Your money is your lifeforce. You spent your time acquiring it, you trade time for money. While time is infinite and shapeless for the universe, your time is not infinite or shapeless. Spending your money is spending time that is already past. I think that’s a pretty powerful sentiment. What you place value in and how you utilize your money is important to finding meaning in life. Do you feel that the cheapest item possible, the item made of inferior quality goods and manufactured far away by people paid an unfair wage, is worth spending your money on? Is that how you want to define your own meaning? Do you feel spending money on something that isn’t any better or worse than a similar item, yet is more expensive because of a logo, is a good thing for which to trade all those hours? What exactly are you buying? These questions are rhetorical and we shouldn’t judge others by how they spend their money because it is not our place to do so. But you, how do you feel about where your money goes? Is it meaningless or meaningful? Money isn’t everything, despite its immense power in our culture. But that power is only what we define on an individual level. Being conscious of every spending decision, considering its meaning not just to us but to the person to whom we’re giving that money, is a way to honor money’s power and simultaneously control it. Money’s power is indeed user-defined. If you control money, money cannot control you. The old adage goes “time is money” but I tend to think it should be flipped. Internalizing the idea that “money is time,” adding up in your head just how much time you need to spend to use a certain amount of money, will you give a different, perhaps a new, appreciation for how money is spent in your life. Spend wisely.
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andypikok · 10 years
Human is pathetic,they like to judge the other,like to change,like to leave old friend for the new one,and the others..so get used to it human!!
Rivaldy Stanley Lukito
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andypikok · 10 years
Some are Hurt Some are Motivating
But,its all GOOD
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