The 5 Marvel TV shows we need.
Marvel is an a very weird place right now. Marvel studios is dominating box office numbers with even films based on what were lesser known Marvel characters like Guardians Of The Galaxy, Ant-Man and Doctor Strange bringing in the big bucks. In the world of comics however Marvel is starting to slip while the big titles, Like Amazing Spider-Man, are still selling like always Marvel have lost a lot of popularity to DC and their Rebirth line. Lastly we come to TV, Marvel started their TV venture back in 2013 with Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D. and while it has gained critical traction in the last few years the ratings aren’t living up to it. On the opposite end of the spectrum we have the Netflix shows Daredevil, Jessica Jones and Luke Cage are all performing well on both ratings and critical acclaim. However Marvel are slightly behind DC when it comes to the TV universe, DC has had mega hits with it’s CW shows and is still succeeding with Gotham. Marvel has it’s plans though, the Netflix shows continue next month with Iron Fist and later in the year with the epic Defenders as well as The Punisher, The Inhumans is now becoming a TV show with a partnership with IMAX, Cloak and Dagger is about to go into production along with Hulu’s Runaways series. I thought I would take this opportunity to look at some of the best characters to take forward into 5 possible shows.
The Superior Foes Of Spider-Man
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The Superior Foes was a very special comic. After the new Sinister Six were defeated at the hands of the Superior Spider-Man the remaining 5 members came to star in this book. What came from this Nick Spencer series was a ridiculously hilarious caper book with flamboyant characters all doing mad things. Boomerang led a team consisting of c-list spidey villains including Shocker, Beetle, Overdrive and Speed Demon. The book was unlike anything else marvel had to offer at the time and when it ended it left a hole on the shelf. Luckily for Marvel Spencer went on to write the brilliant Ant-Man series but also went to Image to write The Fix which is a spiritual successor to Foes.
This book would make such a good show because of it’s very comedic nature. Other than Powerless (and we don’t want to talk about that) there aren’t any comedy based comicbook show on TV. These characters are also highly flawed and all have a genuine heart, plus you get the villain’s perspective another thing we are yet to have on TV. It’s a great way to introduce many of Spider-Mans lesser known and more zany villains, throw in a few crazy capers and a great ensemble cast and we could see a show unlike any other.
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Blade seems to have been forgotten about in recent years, He hasn’t been seen in the comics since way back in Mighty Avengers, we were supposed to recieve a book following Blade’s daughter back after Secret Wars but unfortunately it never came. For those who don’t know Blade is a half vampire that hunts other from his species. Before Spider-Man and before the X-men Blade was adapted into a film series and while they aren’t particularly remembered the first 2 had a lot going for them. The first film has one of my favourite opening scenes in a film. He later received a TV show and while the ratings where okay it didn’t a second season.
Why now? Blade would introduce us to a completely new side of the Marvel universe. As a vampire hunter it could lead to the introduction of Morbius and possibly even into Marvel’s Dracula, which in turn could introduce us to characters like those seen in the Howling Commandos like Vampire By Night (a half werewolf half vampire), Man-Thing and War Wolf. The show would have to be one for Netflix, one of the reasons the first film for me is so great is the violence, who doesn’t want to see a sword wielding vampire slicing his way through an army of Vampires, with Walking Dead level violence. And wouldn’t it be great if Marvel could get Wesley Snipes to return to the role, if not Snipes though i could see the titular role going to Moonlight’s Trevante Rhodes or Misfits’ Nathan Stewart-Jarrett.
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Nova has been a rising star over at Marvel going way back to AvX. While Richard Ryder has been Nova since the 70s, Sam Alexander has been the main Nova over the last few years. The Nova corps acts as intergalactic police force protecting the galaxy from the deadliest of threats. Richard Ryder was the driving force of Marvel’s cosmic line back in the 00s and Sam Alexander was built up and became a core member of the Avengers. Currently they both star in the new Nova comic.
While there is probably already plans for Richard Ryder to appear in the inevitable third Guardians Of The Galaxy film, it could be used as a launch pad for this show. The show could follow Sam Alexander a brand new Nova who catches the eye of Ryder and inspires him to train him. What could follow is a show set over two time lines Sam’s training and flashbacks similar to those in Arrow following Ryder’s early days in the corps. The show could be a great way of extending the world of the guardian’s, and if you cast a big name as Ryder you could have a mega hit on your hands.
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While the name doesn’t suggest it, Spider-Woman actually has very little to do with Spider-Man. Jessica Drew was recruited by Hydra and trained as an assassin trained by Taskmaster. Eventually she was reformed and went on to join the Avengers and become a beloved character. Her current run by Dennis Hopeless has been a lot of fun bringing a new dynamic to her character. 
This show could spin out from a possible premise for season 5 of Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D., Taskmaster would be the main villain, hunting Drew down for turning against him. It could be a fun new take on the Hydra element while also developing an interesting flawed new female character.
Fantastic Four
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Marvels first family, the ones that started it all. The Fantastic Four is completely up in the air at the moment. The first movie series was a cheesy mess, and the 2015 reboot was a travesty. No one knows when or if there will be more live action Fantastic Four will be back. Not only are they gone in the movie universe, they are gone in the comics as well. After Secret Wars Sue, Reed and the kids joined the Future Foundation to help rebuild the multiverse. Johny went and joined The Inhumans and the Unity Squad, while Ben went and joined the Guardians in space. Marvel are not gonna give the four the love they deserve until they either get the movie rights back or they become a profitable property once again. 
So here is my pitch. The show would be a period piece set in the 1960s, and we stay completely traditional. Original origin, Doom, cheesy villains and the Baxter Building. By having it as a period piece you could tie it in to the Ant-Man movie with Hank Pymm and Janet Van Dyne appearing. Howards Stark could also be a link. At the end of the first season the Fantastic Four and Doom get trapped in the negative Zone. Reed escapes and finds himself in the 90s, he begins to find a way to bring back his family, but does not succeed until the late 2010s. The rest of the family has not aged. Neither has Doom. 
The main aim of this is finding a way to bring Doom into the MCU where he can keep his legacy with it still ,making sense in terms of the MCU as a whole. 
So there you go 5 shows that would be an excellent idea for Marvel to consider.  
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Number One Reviewer (releases from 15th of Feb 2017)
A lot has happened over the last week in the comicbook world: It now look as if Ben Affleck is not only done with directing Batman, apparently he now wants out of playing Batman, DC announced The Lazarus Contract a big new crossover that will involve Deathstroke, The Titans and The Teen Titans and Marvel released a Behind-The-Scenes look at Infinity war.
But instead of things that are yet to come we now look to the present and more importantly this weeks new releases. Emerald Outlaw comes to a close in Green Arrow #17, Dylan’s story continues in Kill Or Be Killed #6, more controversy comes from Captain America: Steve Rogers #11 and Slott’s latest Spider event comes to a close in Clone Conspiracy #5.
As for our brand new series we have 3. All from DC this week, Batwoman spins out on her own, Damian and Jon form the Super Sons, and DC gives The Wildstorm universe a Rebirth.
Batwoman: Rebirth #1
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Writers: Marguerite Bennett and James Tynion IV
Art: Steve Epting
The 6th book to join the Batman line in the DC Rebirth, Batwoman spins out of James Tynion’s Detective comic series. This rebirth issue is used to mainly reestablish Kate Kane as a character after her New 52 fiasco. We make away through important moments of Kates life up until now, where we see Batman tell her that the ‘monster venom’ has hit the black market, which i assume is what the main plot of the first arc will be in the new series
Each moment of Kate’s life we see have been perfectly chosen to give an almost perfect amount of emotional impact, we see at her at her very best and her very worst. These moments are so impactful that they really cement who Kate Kane is, a strong determined woman who will stop at nothing to serve justice. What is so obvious here is her difference from Batman, she is so much more human, mainly seen in the panels showing her several different loves. Kate Kane’s sexuality was what caused the controversy of her last series when DC stopped writer James Williams plan to marry the character with Maggie Sawyer, Just like their run however the sexuality is dealt with so well in this issue.
Epting’s art is super strong as always, many of his panels, especially those set in Coryana, have a very strong noir influence and remind me of Sean Phillips Fatale work. But what really stands out is Epting’s recreation of Eddy Barrows cover of Detective Comics 934.
The rebirth issue is showing a lot of promise for the ongoing, and if it follows the strengths we have seen from the character in Detective Comics this series could be one to watch.
Super Sons #1
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Writer: Peter J Tomasi
Art: Jorge Jiminez
One of the best elements of DC rebirth has been Jonathan Kent. Superman’s son. Throughout Superman and Action comics we have already seen Jon develop so much in such a short period of time. We recently got to see the first meeting of Jon and Damian Wayne in the pages of Superman and now that spins out into a brand new series. 
The two issue arc following the first meeting of Jon and Damian was a lot of fun, and that fun continues here in this new series. It’s very much a book for those who have been reading and enjoying the latest superman books, it’s a lot more lighthearted than the Bat-books that re on the shelf. Jon once again is portrayed as this young kid with a desire to do good but with the moralistic issues of keeping his powers secret. There is nice little sequence that has an anti bullying message from Clarke and Lois. 
Damian and Jon couldn’t be more different, a hereditary thing i think. Jon questions the very fibers of Damian’s personality, that leads to a lot of fun banter between the two, the piggyback line is personally my favourite. The greatest part of this issue is that we get to see the difference in parenting styles of Clarke and Bruce and surprise surprise they couldn’t be more different, Bruce only knows what his son has done through Alfred where as Clarke cares about everything his son has to say. Seeing Jon waiting up for his dad to return warmed my heart.
The Art for me is where this issue falls down a bit. It’s slightly inconsistent, it’s hard to see the kids ages and the art is quite pointy that is until Batman and Superman are on the scene where all of a sudden the art becomes incredible.
Super Sons makes a fun debut, with a lovely pair of contrasting characters. This could become the a very strong series, becoming a complimenting companion to the Superman and Batman lines, while offereing something very different to the likes of Worlds Finest.
The Wild Storm #1
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Writer: Warren Ellis
Art: Jon Davis Hunt
The Wildstorm line has been with DC now since 1999 and was always a separate universe. That was until 2011 when with the events of Flashpoint the Wildstorm universe merged with the DC universe, however the Wildstorm characters popularity would dip pretty quickly with all of the titles being cancelled. In the DC You era Midnighter was a surprise hit and that continued with Midnighter and Apollo in the rebirth era. But what about the other characters well this is where this book comes in. The Wild Storm #1 is the first book in DCs new Wildstrom imprint, the second new imprint in the rebirth era, however unlike the Young Animal imprint, Wildstorm is once again a separate universe.
Warren Ellis uses this first issue to introduce us to several characters of the new rebooted universe, including Zealot, Engineer and Miles Craven. This first issue revolves around an assassination attempt on Jacob Marlowe the head of HALO, who is then saved by Engineer. While the plot is a very basic set up for whats to come, Ellis’s characterization is on point here, particularly for Engineer and Jacob Marlowe. What really elevates this issue though is Hunt’s art, it has this bleakness to it, that really differentiates this universe to the DCU and the redesign of Engineer is ridiculously cool.
#1 is a very intriguing start to the series but needs a bit more wow factor to keep it so and i have no doubt that Waren Ellis is capable of that.
So that’s this weeks new #1s, promising starts for 3 new series. Come back next week for reviews for the first issue of JLA and Elektra.
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Number 1 Reviewer (releases from 8th Feb 2017)
Here we are back for another week of new releases. While we will be focusing on the new #1s today, i do just want to point out some other books you should take a look at from this weeks releases. First off the mystery of Clarke Kent continues in Action Comics #973, Scott Snyder takes on Poison Ivy with some incredible art from Tula Lotay in All-Star Batman #7, comicbook legend John Romita Jr comes on board for art in Suicide Squad #11, Kieron Gillen’s excellent space archaeology adventure continues in Star Wars: Doctor Aphra #4 and lastly Odinson’s journey continues to reclaim his worthiness in Unworthy Thor #4. 
As for new #1s we have two big releases this week. I was initially going to look at John Carter The End but i have struggled to find it, so with out any further nonsense lets look at this weeks comcis.
Justice League Of America: Rebirth #1
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Writer: Steve Orlando
Art: Ivan Reis
Steve Orlando is DC’s new golden boy. After his critically acclaimed work with Midnighter back in the DC You era he was handed Supergirl, where he streamlined it to fit the TV show which for me personally was for the better. He returned to Midnighter with Midnighter and Apollo to again good reviews. This level of acclaim doesn’t go unnoticed at DC, so who better to take on the newly formed Justice League Of America.
This book picks up after the events of Justice League Vs Suicide Squad and the 4 JLA Rebirth books starring The Atom (Ryan Choi), Vixen, The Ray and Killer Frost. This book is your typical team builder issue, Batman and Killer Frost make the rounds recruiting various members for this new team, including the previously mentioned characters, Black Canary and Lobo. 
This issue is very formulaic, but i don’t think that this is a bad thing. We see everything we expect from a 1st issue of a team book, a brief intro into each character and why Batman wants them in the team. What keeps this issue going though is its little moments, the new HQ is the Happy Harbor, Roxy Rocket turns up, and as always Black Canary is badass. It also helped by the incredible Ivan Reis on art, as always he delivers a stellar issue. What i struggle with is Lobo’s role in the team, it seems like he has been put in the team just to be the fun edgy character similar to Deadpool’s role in Uncanny Avengers, the problem with Lobo here is that he just comes off as annoying. 
All in all this is a solid issue that shows potential for the full series. Expect a review of the 1st issue of Justice League Of America in the coming weeks.
Kingpin #1
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Writer: Matthew Rosenberg
Art: Ben Torres
The second book of Marvel’s Running With The Devil run, Kingpin introduces us to a brand new character who is the audiences POV, Sarah Dewey. Sarah is an ex alcoholic divorcee reporter, who is offered a job by Wilson Fisk to write his biography. The main crux of this issue follows Fisk trying to convince Sarah to write the book.
This book’s high point is the way Fisk is portrayed, it really reminds me of the best versions of Lex Luthor. An oddly polite, suave business man that flatters people to get what he wants. Obviously we know it is all an act but we don’t actually see any aggression on panel from Fisk. The way Fisk is drawn in this issue makes him look really intimidating.
As for our new character Sarah, she seems as though she can develop into a really interesting character, from the first issue alone we can see that she has many flaws and that she has a little bit of an edge to her as shown when she meets Matt Murdock. Hopefully she will hang around longer than just the first arc.
Kingpin makes a very strong debut, that could set up an interesting new dynamic within the Daredevil universe.
So there we are, a relatively strong week for new books, come back next week where we will have reviews for Batmwoman: Rebirth, Super Sons and Wild Storm.
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Number 1 Reviewer (Releases from 1st of Feb 2017)
Welcome to a new regular article, here i will take a selection of new releases that are brand new #1s and give you brief reviews on these opening issues so you can have and idea on whether or not these books are for you. This week we have 3 books for you to look at from a visit to a future earth, a classic assassin and a galaxy far far away.
Planet Of The Apes/Green Lantern #1
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Writers: Robbie Thompson, Justin Jordan
Artist: Barnaby Bagenda
Comic fans often dread when they hear the word crossover. It usually involves books you are really enjoying going off on a tangent to tell some massive universe altering story. However, DC is currently doing crossovers right, this book belongs to the recent slate of IP crossovers that have been so popular. Just like Green Lantern/Star Trek, Batman/TMNT and Justice League/Power Rangers, this book takes another beloved sci-fi franchise and puts them with the Green Lanterns.
We begin this issue with Sinestro having captured the current leaders of the spectrum corps and Gnort for some bizarre reason, he is after something called the ‘Universal ring’, meanwhile on a future earth we see Cornelius from the original Planet Of The Apes movie where he stumbles across a ring in a crater. When Cornelius puts on the ring he opens a portal that brings Hal and Sinestro to this earth.
I’m not sure when this book was plotted but it seems that the ‘Universal Ring’ is poorly timed, as it seems to work in a very similar vain to the ‘Phantom Ring’ from the recent Green Lanterns arc. An unfortunate coincidence, maybe, but it doesn’t take away from the quality of this issue. It’s nice to see the leaders again as other than the Red Lanterns and Sinestro Corps we have barely seen the other corps in the rebirth era. Where this book is at it’s best is with the lantern’s Bagenda’s art really suits the elaborate designs of the many different alien species, his Dex-starr is adorable, however his art doesn’t seem to suit the apes. We get some nice references to the original movie with Hal mimicking a very famous scene.
All in all this issue is a solid debut with great potential to be an awesome sci-fi epic. The major issue though is that there is a complete lack of Dr Zaius.
Bullseye #1
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Writer: Ed Brisson (Main), Marv Wolfman (Back-up)
Artist: Guillermo Sanna (Main), Alec Morgan (Back-Up)
Villains are all the rage at Marvel right now, Doom is Iron Man, The Thunderbolts are in operation and now Marvel’s greatest assassin gets his own series. As part of the ‘Running With The Devil’ banner that will also include Elektra and Kingpin’s solo series starting this month, Bullseye is giving us a classic look at this mighty hit-man.
After the awesome latest issue of Daredvil this new series couldn’t be better timed. S.H.I.E.L.D. is after Bullseye and meanwhile Bullseye is being recruited by Losani to retrieve his son and take down the Black Knife Cartel. Not much actually happens in this issue and it mainly acts as a set up for this new series. The art makes this issue, it’s dark which makes Bullseye looks way more bad ass, unfortunately other than that this issue is pretty forgettable, that is until you get to the back-up story. Marv Wolfman does a great job with Bullseye’s cocky nature, he’s been captured by Eddie, the repetition of the ‘if i tell you i’ll have to kill you’ line really doesn’t prepare you for the final sequence which is absolutely brilliant.
Star Wars: Darth Maul #1
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Writer: Cullen Bunn
Artist: Luke Ross
When we realised that the Star Wars mini series were focused on fan favourite characters, it was only a matter of time before this book surfaced. Now the have tapped Cullen Bunn to write. Bunn has become to Marvel what Charles Soule was, writing as much as humanly possible.
While Darth Maul is killing it on Star Wars Rebels, this issue goes the other way. While it starts with an excellent sequence of Darth Maul hunting down Rathtors (As seen in The Force Awakens) on Twon Ketee, it soons turns into an issue where Darth Maul just moans about not being allowed to kill a Jedi. Maul is presented in this issue as what i like to call ‘the edge’, a character that completely revolves around killing. Where as Maul plays an excellent game of wits with Ezra and the rebels crew on TV here he just kills and then complains about it, this is not the Maul people love, this is not the Maul we want to see.
It’s not all bad though, Luke Ross’ Maul, looks very intimidating especially in the panels with the Jedi. He also draws the action sequences to almost perfection, with all the flips and elaborate moves you’d expect with Darth Maul.
So there we are this weeks big new books, unfortunately there isn’t too much to celebrate but look here next week for reviews of Justice League Of Ameirca: Rebirth #1, Kingpin #1 and possibly John Carter The End #1.
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The 5 Books We Need from DC Rebirth
Rebirth is exactly what it needed to be for DC. DC had lost its footing since its hard reboot in 2011. Relationships had been broken off, characters were missing and the quality of storytelling was down on what it was before. Now it’s not to say that everything from DC’s New 52 and You eras were bad, far from it. Some of my most beloved runs come from the New 52 like Snyder’s Batman (before DC You) and Azzarello and Chiang’s Wonder Woman. It also contained some great moments like Forever Evil and The Darkseid War. And let’s not forget about Rob Williams excellent 12 issue Martian Manhunter series.
Now we are in full swing with Rebirth, and the goal of Rebirth was to bring back the heart of DC, what truly means to be a DC comic. The Pre-Flashpoint Superman returned, so did Wally West, Green Arrow and Black Canary finally got to meet and instantly fans were rejoicing that they were back together, the Justice Society Of America were teased to return, and Ted Kord got back behind the wheel of the bug. While some are working better than others, i’m looking at you Blue Beetle, the initial novelty of a nostalgia filled DC line-up is starting to drop. So what can they do to grab the attention back, i have 5 book suggestions that DC could use to really elevate this new status quo of the DC universe.
Blue and Gold
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Where is Booster Gold? Well the Pre-52 version was last seen during convergence, where along with his New 52 doppelganger, his sister Goldstar and son from the future Rip hunter were key to the fall of Telos and Braniac. During this time the Pre-52 Gold fell into the earth-4 dome where he met the Charlton comics version of Ted Kord Blue Beetle a nice tease of what once was. 
Ted Kord was reintroduced into the DC Universe at the end of Forever Evil where he refuses to sell Kord industries to Luthor, since then he has developed the beloved vehicle known as ‘The Bug’ and has become the mentor of the current Blue Beetle Jaimie Reyes. This however is the New 52 version of Kord, so he has never actually been the Blue Beetle and does not have the history with Booster Gold.
So where would this book come from? Well Jaimie doesn’t really want to be the Blue Beetle anymore, we could see Ted reunite with the Scarab. This is where we innovate, this time Ted finally bonds with the scarab giving him all the powers that Jaimie has. As for Gold, similar to how Wally has managaed to bring back the stolen memories of Barry and his fellow Titans, Booster when reunited would trigger Ted to remember his true best friend.
I argue for this book because while the whole line up ha become a bit more optimistic, DC are currently lacking comedy titles. Blue and Golds relationship has always been a fun but yet endearing and genuine aspects of the DC universe going way back to the days of the Justice League International. DC is really missing a big best friend duo and this book could be the answer.
Justice Society Of America
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Team books have been great in Rebirth and the JSA is what started team books. Way back in the 1940s these heroes were keeping the world safe and while for many years they were made redundant, they made an epic return in the modern age and became a beloved aspect of the DC universe once again. In the new 52 the gang were re-imagined in Earth 2 as the Wonders Of The World, however many DC fans really didn’t like this.
Now DC have set the stage for the return of the JSA, Johnny Thunder was seen in DC rebirth as an old man in a retirement home where he is told to find the Justice Society, Kent Nelson Doctor Fate has been turning up in Blue Beetle and when Barry Allen entered the Speed Force he saw Jay Garrick’s hat.
So the premise, once they have all returned it would be nice to see them back in full force in a similar position to that of the JSA run by Geoff Johns where the older veterans were training newer heroes as part of the team. It would be nice to see Jay, Carter, Ted and Kent dealing with this new universe and training some new members, while reminiscing about their times in the war. Possibly using the same technique of the Wonder Woman comic telling two separate stories.
Wally West
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When we talk about Legacy there is no character more important than the Flash. For 20 years, Jay Garrick was the flash, then for another Barry was the flash, but after the universe altering Crisis On Infinite Earths Wally West took the mantle. He stayed as The Flash for years to come and for a younger generation Wally is often seen as the definitive Flash.
In the New 52 Wally was replaced with a younger more brooding version of himself. This change did not please fans and for 5 years people were waiting for the return of the original Wally West. DC gave us that with the rebirth one-shot. Barry and his nephew were reunited and everything felt right again, Wally went on to reunite with the Titans and down the line hopefully rekindle his love with his wife Linda Park
While Titans first 6 issues has mainly dealt with Wally, it looks like it is about to head into some important Rebirth developments. For this reason it would be nice to see Wally break out into his own solo series where he can fight classic rogues, outsmarting their every move because he knows them all so well, while also trying to restart his relationship with Linda. Also we still await for the moment that Wally and Iris are reunited.
Black Adam
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DC needs a Doom equivalent, a villain that is more complex than your average criminal but also has the capacity to do good. With Luthor tied up trying to be Superman and being the ruler of Apokilips, this role should go to Black Adam.
With DC now planning on splitting the Shazam movie into two with one focusing on The Rock’s Black Adam, now is the perfect time to launch this book. Following Black Adam being the ruler of Khandaq, where people worship him like a god, and having run ins with the some of the biggest names in DC. As Shazam himself hasn’t had the best of growths since the New 52 I feel it he would struggle to hold his own title. However that doesn’t mean he can’t face of with Black Adam, this book could reintroduce the Marvel family and even possibly Black Adams love Isis (they may want to change that name though).
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Now i’m not usually a fan of cashing in off the movies or TV but sometimes it works. Legends could be a very special book. While a books called Legends Of Tomorrow gave us 4 ongoings in one including Metamorpho, Firestorm, Sugar and Spike and The Metal Men, this book would be a team book. It wouldn’t necessarily have to have the same roster but it should be a similar premise
Where this book could shine is ability to showcase unused characters, just imagine Rip Hunter could lead a team of Martian Manhunter, Firestorm, Red Tornado, Zatanna, Fire, Ice and Mister Miracle on an adventure through time. The roster could be ever changing and could act as more of anthology series showing short stories of the team stopping time aberrations. 
The Show has taken a bunch of lesser characters and turned them into something really special, hopefully this book could do a similar thing. 
So there you have it 5 books that could elevate the DC Rebirth line-up, and while some are more likely to happen then others (i’m looking at you again Blue Beetle) i truly believe that they would grab back those few DC fans that still haven’t found new hope within DC. While you wait for the slight possibility that these books come out, we are getting some new rebirth books in February. Marguerite Bennett and James Tynion take on Batwoman, Steve Orlando takes gives us a new Justice League Of America and Jorge Jiminez hits us with a new generation of World’s Finest with Super Sons. We also have Scott Snyder and Greg Capullo’s Batman centric JLA event and Geoff Johns Watchmen story to look forward to.
DC are back on the rise with Rebirth and we can only hope for more greatness as DC continue to unravel the mysteries of this new status quo.
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Batman and the Flash by Jason Fabok
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Riverdale Review Season 1 Episode 1- Chapter One: The Rivers Edge
What do you know about Archie? Betty Vs Veronica, Jughead’s Crown and Josie and The Pussycats. Riverdale takes the classic Archie Comics characters and puts them in the center of a dark murder investigation. Jason Blossom and nobody knows whose done it, meanwhile the teenage citizens of Riverdale deal with their teenage problems of high school, romance and friendships.
The first episode of this new show, consists of the Riverdale students returning to school after their summer vacation and the death of Jason Blossom. Joining them this year is the new rich girl from New York, Veronica Lodge, who catches the eye of our lead character Archie Andrews, however his longtime friend Betty Cooper is trying to get Archie to see her in a different light. 
The Good
Riverdale is quite the unique show. It is framed within the omnipresent narration of everyone’s favorite crown wearing teenager, Jughead, in the form of a novel he is writing. This is an interesting perspective as it seems Jughead is being portrayed as the loner type, it’s unsettling but clever that he is the one that knows all the coming and goings of Riverdale. 
I feel that the strongest aspect of the show is the Betty and Veronica. Betty is straight away portrayed as the ultimate girl next door, and while she is a very stereotypical nerdy girl who really wants to be a cheerleader, there is something about Lili Reinheart’s performance that just makes her instantly lovable and within the first episode you are with her and so desperately want her to get with Archie. As for Veronica, she is instantly shown as feisty girl who is not afraid of anything and tries to carry herself as a cold bitch, but it becomes clear that she is respectable and and a genuinely nice person, but is still capable of making mistakes.
Lastly the first episode of Riverdale sets a very bizarre but intriguing tone, from the eerie theme music to the ‘Twin Peaks’ like setting, makes you feel as if no one can be trusted in this town and that everyone has their secrets, which makes it so much harder to figure out the murderer. It takes this tone but then seamlessly jumps into the high-school teen drama tone.
The Bad
My major gripe with Riverdale is similar to that of Gotham, i don’t care for our main character. Archie is yet to have grabbed my attention, his subplot of balancing his time between school, music, football and work is just hard to care for and whatever him and Miss Grundy are up to just seems unbelievable and a bit off. The only time he becomes interesting is when Betty and Veronica become involved.
The teen drama aspect of the show is very cliched, which while i feel it works well for the show and goes back to Archie’s roots in the comics, it would have been nice if they could have tried to innovate a bit more there. 
All in all Riverdale made a strong debut, it boasts a colorful characters, even if some are better than others, and blends the high-school drama with the murder mystery very well. It stands out as the possible next big teen drama.
Riverdale airs in the US on the CW on Thursdays at 9/8c and is available in Netflix in the UK on Fridays.
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Welcome to Comics Relaunched. 
We are a popular culture podcast that specializes in comics. We are based in Cornwall in the UK.
The show is hosted by me, Jake Archer, and Aaron Fowler. We are both longtime comic fans. These days our hearts lie with DC comics but we have both be known to enjoy a good Marvel comic.
What we do here mainly is discuss news. Our show usually consists of us having a brief discussion about what we have been reading/watching an then we break down the most important news from the time we have been away. We usually throw a couple reviews in their and then end the show with a themed discussion.
As for here on tumblr, I will be writing a selection of articles on different aspects of the industry, whether it is a discussion of an important development in the latest comics, an expanded reaction on a major news story, a review of an important TV episode or comic issue or something i just really want to write about.
We hope to attract lots of new listeners, and now readers, in 2017 and we are always open to feedback to help us improve and make the show more fun to listen to. 
We hope you will enjoy following us in our 2017 endeavor.
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