finrad · 3 years
Wish I Were Him - Galadriel x Reader
I based this fanfic off of my interpretation of the song Heather because why not. Also this took me so long to write.
Warnings: None
It was a quiet winter night that night. Stars shone softly in the sky as you sat next to the lovely Lady Galadriel with one of her dresses on. You had been really into her for the longest time. But she wasn't aware of this. If only you could tell her how you feel.
"Do you like the dress I gave you?" Galadriel asked, looking at the outfit you were wearing. It looked very nice on you, in your opinion.
"I do!" you answered. "Thank you for letting me wear this."
"There is no need to thank me. You can keep it if you wish. It looks much better on you than on me." Galadriel smiled at you. Her smile was very nice to you. Everything about her was nice to you. She is a very pretty woman, on the inside and the outside.
For the rest of the night, you and Galadriel spoke quietly under the moonlight about the things that interested you. You felt so close to her, and that night would stick to your mind for a very long time.
It had been around a year since that night. You still had the dress in your closet, as it still fit you and it meant so much to you. The dress was still very clean and had some glitter in it. Not much has changed in your life since that day.
Well, not much except for the fact that you suspect that Galadriel had fallen for a man. Celeborn. He was just a perfect guy. He was polite, charming, and quite handsome. There was no way that you could ever compete with him.
So, for now, you had to deal with the fact that Galadriel, the woman you love, will never fall for you. It was so obvious that she liked Celeborn. Painfully obvious. The way she looked at him made it so clear. Galadriel would try to find excuses to be near him.
He's got her mesmerized.
And that really hurt you. The two of you had been friends for a long time. You have been in love with Galadriel for so long as well. It was so unfair. Why did he have to come in? There was no reason to hate him. He was so generous and treated everyone well, but every time you saw him, you would feel a little bit of rage.
What you were feeling was jealousy. There's no way that it is anything else. You wished that you were him. So that she could be in love with you. It's so hard to deal with all of these emotions that flooded in. The heartbreak and envy was horrible.
One night, you went searching for Galadriel and found her with Celeborn. She was holding his hand and smiling with him. You felt something like a stab to your heart when you saw that. They were clearly into each other. It was a harsh truth that you understood.
She would never even want to be with you. Celeborn is much nicer than you are. And she'll only ever see you as a good friend. Especially now that she fell for Celeborn.
Tonight, you laid facedown on your couch while sobbing. So many horrible thoughts crawled through your mind. You could never be Celeborn. He was an angel, and was so... perfect. And you were almost the opposite of that.
You cried and cried for nearly the whole night. It was terrible to cry over a girl, but you were doing it anyways. You really couldn't help but cry that night. Galadriel was quite possibly the love of your life, and seeing her fall in love with another was crushing.
Hopefully nobody was hearing you sob. It might be a little embarrassing to explain to somebody why you were feeling this way. You would most likely get laughed at or constantly teased. So, for now, you are going to hide all of your emotions inside.
This was a horrible idea. But you had no other choice. There's no way that you are gonna risk getting embarrassed. You would be constantly scared of people telling Galadriel how you felt. And she was not the person that you wanted to tell about this. Absolutely not.
The very next morning, you fixed yourself up and decided to get dressed. You opened up your closet and took a look at all of the clothes that you owned. You then saw the dress. The one that was given to you by Galadriel.
It gave you memories to that cold winter night. That night where you were nearly certain that she was in love with you. What a terrible assumption. Just because she gave you one of her dresses does not mean that she loves you like that. It was more of a friendly gesture.
You sighed and grabbed the dress and took it out of the closet. Maybe you should put it on today. It looks beautiful and you really liked it. So you decided to do it. Despite the fact that it once belonged to the woman that you love, but she doesn't love you back.
The way it shone in the daylight reminded you of the way Galadriel's bright hair shone in the sunlight and in the moonlight. Her hair was quite beautiful. And so was the hair of many elves, but hers is the prettiest to you. It is claimed that many have asked for just one strand of her gorgeous hair. You never have, despite the fact that you liked her so much. Though it wasn't because you were afraid to, it was because you found it a little weird to beg for a strand of someone's hair.
However, you did take one of these tiny gems that belongs to and Galadriel. She already knows that you have it, and doesn't mind that you took it in the first place. It was just a little gem after all.
After dressing up, you left your room with a frown. You felt sad now that you reminded yourself about how much you like Galadriel, which reminded you how painful it is to know that she doesn't like you back.
Eventually, you ran into the fair lady, and she quickly noticed that you were wearing her old dress. She smiled and looked at the dress.
"Oh, you're wearing the dress I gave you." she told you. You nodded softly. "I gave it to you about one year ago. And you still look beautiful in that dress." That statement made you blush.
"Thank you." you replied. "I really like this dress."
Galadriel looked down to the floor and then back up at you. "Well, I must get going, I have something very important to tell Celeborn." she told you, before quickly walking away.
Your heart sank. She was going to tell him that she loves him, you just know it. And if Celeborn also loves Galadriel, there will be a worse pain in your heart. You would also have a much more severe feeling of jealousy.
A while after Galadriel had walked away from you, you waited anxiously for her to finish speaking to Celeborn. Soon, Galadriel would come to your door and tell you some news that you would not really like.
Finally, after about a couple of hours, you heard a knock on your door. Your stomach tied into a knot as you went to answer the door. It was definitely Galadriel. You would be very surprised if the first thing she told you was that she and Celeborn are now together. It was very obvious that they were very into each other.
You opened the door, and there she was. Oh goodness, this was not going to be good.
"Good evening." Galadriel began. "I talked to Celeborn, and I would like to take you outside to, um, tell you something."
You gulped, and then nodded. Galadriel then took your hand and lead you outside. The sun was setting and the air was getting cooler. You were glad to be wearing a dress with long sleeves, because it you weren't, you'd be freezing.
At last, Galadriel had found a nice spot for you two to sit on. You sat down and realized that where you two were was familiar to you. Very familiar. And then it hit you.
This was the spot where you and Galadriel sat together about a year ago. The day that she gave you her dress. So many memories flooded into your head.
"So, what are you going to tell me?" you asked.
"Well, I came here to tell you that you mean the entire world to me." Galadriel answered. "You really do. And you have for a while. I've considered you my dearest friend for a long time, and I want to consider you more than just that."
"What do you mean?"
"I love you. I want to be yours. You melt me, as if I were a candle and you were a flame." Galadriel began. Her words made your eyes watery, but not from sadness. From joy. "To be completely honest, you have for so long. It's just that I couldn't tell you out of fear."
"I thought you loved Celeborn." you said. "The way you looked at him made it so obvious."
"I never truly did. He sort of did grab my attention at first, but I was never in love with him." Galadriel told you. "That was because I loved you."
The elf grabbed your hands and leaned in closer to you. Her cool breath was hitting your face. It was quite gentle.
"May I give you a kiss, my love? That is, if you love me back." Galadriel asked.
"Of course, because I love you, too." you answered.
The two of you then kissed gently. As you kissed, you felt so happy. It was incredible to now be kissing the lady that you had been in love with for ages. It really did.
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finrad · 3 years
Matchup please if open?) I'm a tall plus sized female with cherry hair and black eyes. I'm a chaotic bisexual who probably has too much coffee in her system. I am the blunt type when I first meet people but it tends to chanhe from being blunt because of my nature to being blunt because I love/ care about you. I tend to hide my feelings and emotions in a relationship because I want my s/o happy. Some of my hobbies include painting, writing, philosophy, exercising, learning new skills. I'm basically a huge geek who dresses like a Teddy Girl/ gothic depending on the time of day. Thanks!
Thank you for the ask!
I ship you with Tauriel
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She would be a bit confused about how blunt you would be at first, until she gets to know you better and warms up to you. Tauriel soon figures out your nature and becomes very close to you.
The fact that you tend to hide your emotions from her has cause you two to argue a few times, but in the end, everything gets figured out and you two get along.
While Tauriel isn't an artist herself, she is very fascinated in your artwork. She also enjoys talking to you about philosophy because she finds it very interesting. Tauriel would also enjoy exercising with you.
Sorry for making you wait so long for the matchup 😅
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finrad · 3 years
Could I get a matchup?? Congrats btw and i adore your blog.
I’m female/straight. I’m 5’1 1/2, athletic build, long wavy black hair, brown eyes, tanned skin, cat eye glasses.
My style aesthetic is basically combat boots, vintage charm and leather bracelets, open button ups with camis and black tights.
I’m creative, independent, confident in my own skin, and quite laid back. I have a sarcastic and witty sense of humor and love banter.
However, i can be very impatient, impulsive, and stubborn. I also have zero filter and suck at sugar coating things.
I love digital art, video effects/vfx and design. I love playing video games and watching movies. I also love kickboxing, strength training, roller blading and caster boarding.
Thanks 💜
Thank you for the ask!
I ship you with Kili
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I really think he would like your style, I can't really explain why but it just makes sense.
Also, your personality just matches him perfectly. Kili would probably enjoy witty banter and will laugh loudly at your witty jokes.
Sometimes, he would get annoyed when you are impatient and might get a bit upset about the fact that you cannot really sugar coat things, but he would still love you dearly, even when you are a little impatient.
Kili would be a bit confused about your more technological hobbies, but soon grow to find them very interesting. He would definitely also help you with kickboxing and strength training, and he would be very impressed with your skill.
Sorry for being late btw 😅
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finrad · 3 years
Hello!! Congrats on 50 followers!! May I have a matchup? I’m 5’5 with a hot pink pixie cut. I’m v curvy and dress either bleh or dark academia. I’m very loud around friends but quiet with others. Im straight and def the wine mom friend, and despite my hyperness, I’m always sleepy. My hobbies include video games, reading, and writing! Thank you!! I hope you’re doing well.
Thank you!
I think I might ship you with Glorfindel.
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He would honestly love to spend loads of time running and being hyper with you. And he would allow you to rest every time you need to.
I also think Glorfindel might be very intrigued by video games and would enjoy your writing. He also would enjoy reading some of the many books that Rivendell has to offer with you.
Sorry for answering way after I promised to answer the matchups 😅
I had forgotten about it and only just remembered, so that's my bad
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finrad · 3 years
Requests are now closed
I will begin answering the matchups tomorrow, whenever I can! Again, thank you so much for 50 followers!
50 Followers Celebration~
I have made it to 50 followers on here! Thank you so much 💖
To celebrate, I will be doing some short match-ups! Just tell me a few things about your appearance, your personality, hobbies, and sexuality (so I don't ship you with someone of a gender you're not attracted to), and I'll ship you with a character from Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, or The Silmarillion. Place requests in my ask box!!!
I'll reblog this post when match-up requests are closed.
(Also a oneshot will be out soon, I'm still working on it)
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finrad · 3 years
50 Followers Celebration~
I have made it to 50 followers on here! Thank you so much 💖
To celebrate, I will be doing some short match-ups! Just tell me a few things about your appearance, your personality, hobbies, and sexuality (so I don't ship you with someone of a gender you're not attracted to), and I'll ship you with a character from Lord of the Rings, The Hobbit, or The Silmarillion. Place requests in my ask box!!!
I'll reblog this post when match-up requests are closed.
(Also a oneshot will be out soon, I'm still working on it)
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finrad · 3 years
Desire - Arwen x Reader
I had no idea what to write for so long until I finally got a good idea. I really hope you enjoy this!
Warnings: none
It was very dark out, and you could see the stars shine with the moon up above. There was a fire crackling nearby, and yet you still weren't warm. You felt cold and sad. Because you are far away from someone who means the world to you.
At the moment, all you craved was a warm and loving touch from Arwen, who you loved more than you loved anyone in the entire world. She lives all the way in Imladris, and you are somewhere distant. It is so painful to be so far from her. So, so painful.
Instead of being sad for longer, you decided to simply rest for the night. You thought of a memory before you went to sleep, and you saw your lover in it. She was dressed in a gorgeous gown, and she stared at you, the moon lighting up her skin, and the gentle wind in her hair.
"Would you care to dance with me?" Arwen asked, her soft voice giving you a calm feeling in your mind. "There might not be any music playing, but that will not stop us from dancing smoothly."
You smiled and nodded. A dance with Arwen is something that you most certainly want. "We don't need music to have a splendid time, melamin."
So, Arwen gently held your hands and began to dance. She had such grace that you heavily admired. Many have mistaken her for Lúthien, who also happened to be able to dance gracefully. Sometimes, you feared that you would embarrass yourself because you weren't as good at dancing as she is.
But then you remembered: she doesn't care if you are a mess. Arwen will always love you for who you are, even if you can't dance. You know this because she's told you so many times. And you trust her.
"What are your thoughts of the stars?" Arwen asked suddenly. "Aren't they beautiful? Sometimes I wish I could grab one and put it in a little jar to admire. But then I remember that I have a beautiful star with me."
After she spoke, you looked at her necklace, the Evenstar. It was gorgeous, and you liked it. "You're talking about your necklace, right?" you said.
Arwen shook her head. "It's you, of course." she told you. "You guide me to hope, joy, and love. And you are so beautiful to me. I don't care if you, or anyone tells me to think otherwise."
Blushing, you responded, "Thank you. I think that you are absolutely stunning. I feel so lucky to have you as my love. It feels like I beat the odds that are around one in 7 trillion." You chuckled, and pressed your forehead against Arwen's.
For the rest of the night, you and Arwen slowly danced with each other, under the night sky. You felt relaxed and at peace. Perhaps you two should do this more often. Dancing under the lights of the sky made you feel happy. And being with Arwen made the night better.
You then shook awake from the memory and felt gloomy. Being far from her made you miss the old times where you would love each other under the sun and moon.
A tear slid down your face. Tonight made you realize how long it really was. It has been over a year. It felt so short and so long. And every day that you lived through while away felt the same. At this point, you had forgotten exactly why you left.
After your wave of sadness, you fell asleep and had a dream. The dream was lovely and sweet, similar to the memory that you thought of tonight.
Your lover was in it, and she sat on a comfortable chair with her arms out, so she can hold you in her arms. So, you went into her arms and pressed your lips against her cheek.
"Melamin, I have missed you." Arwen whispered.
"I have missed you as well." you replied. "Being far away from you has shattered my heart into pieces. Arwen, I love you, and whenever we are in each other's arms, I feel safe, I feel hope."
Arwen smiled and held you closer. "It's because we love each other. We were meant for each other. I just feel it, and very strongly." she told you. "Believe me when I tell you this, my star, I am going to love you forever."
After she finished her sentence, you woke up from the dream, now having the strong urge to leave where you were to run to the love of your life. It seemed to be the best thing to do, as there is no point in being so far away anymore.
So, you ran outside and saddled your horse. Then, you gathered your belongings and quickly sped off to the home where you truly belong. If only you had a way to tell Arwen that you were on your way to see her again. But maybe it will be a lot sweeter if you surprised her.
<Arwen's POV>
Arwen laid on one of her couches, feeling a bit sad. She was waiting for you to return to her. But it has been a year and yet you still haven't come back. Her hope was starting to fade. What if you were never coming back?
This year felt like the longest year that Arwen has gone through. It felt like it had been an eternity. Which is quite unusual, because as a Peredhel, half-elven, a year feels like absolutely nothing.
Slowly, Arwen thought of the times when she was with you. Where she laughed with you. Those days were when she was her happiest, and she longed to live those days again. Tears came from her eyes as she thought of you.
As she cried silently, Arwen's father, Lord Elrond opened the door to the room she laid in to check on her. He had noticed the tears on his daughter's face. Elrond sat near Arwen with a concerned look on his face.
"Why do you weep?" Elrond asked. "What concerns you at this moment?"
"Well, ada... I miss someone who I really care about. I haven't seen them in ages." Arwen answered. "I wish I could see them again." Elrond knew exactly who she was talking about. It was clearly you.
He nodded. "I understand. Trust me, they will come back. I assure you. They miss you dearly as well, I'm sure of it."
"Thank you ada..."
"There is no need to thank me."
The lord of Imladris comforted his daughter for a bit longer and then left. Arwen felt a lot better after that, but she was still not healed from her sadness.
<Your POV, a few days later>
After days and days of riding, you felt weary. But you had finally reached Imladris. At last you can see Arwen again.
You put your horse somewhere where it was safe and ran to the home where Arwen usually is at. As soon as you reached it, you knocked on the door with a cheesy smile on your face. She is going to be so happy to see you.
Arwen answered the door, and when she saw it was you, she pulled you in closer as if to kiss you.
"May I?" she asked.
"Of course." you answered.
The two of you then engaged in a soft kiss. It was so lovely and sweet. You felt nothing but pure joy. That is because you were so happy to finally see your lover in a place that isn't a memory or a dream.
After a bit, you and Arwen separated, giggling like little girls. Both of you were giggly because you two were very excited to see each other in person again.
"My star, it has been many days since I have been able to hold you in my loving arms." Arwen said. "I have longed for you every single day that you were away, so I am filled with happiness at this moment."
"Same goes for me." you replied. The two of you did an elvish embrace. Then, you two walked inside the home, holding hands. Today was definitely a very good day.
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finrad · 3 years
I love this meme set with my entire heart
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finrad · 3 years
i’m obsessed with the thought of boromir smoking with the hobbits and getting absolutely fucking blasted
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finrad · 4 years
This is very accurate
The Silmarillion with accurate chapter titles
Ainulindalë: What Happened At Band Camp Should Have Stayed At Band Camp
Valaquenta: Good Luck Remembering All These Names
Of The Beginning Of Days: Melkor Is Evil And Breaks Furniture
Of Aulë And Yavanna: This Creation Myth Was Obviously Written By Elves
Of The Coming Of The Elves And The Captivity Of Melkor: The Valar Decide To Do Something And Accidentally Destroy A Continent In The Process (1)
Of Thingol And Melian: Future Opponent Of Interspecies Marriage Marries Woman From Another Species
Of Eldamar And The Princes Of The Eldalië: Good Luck Remembering These Names Too, But At Least The City Is Called Tuna
Of Fëanor And The Unchaining Of Melkor: Abort Mission, Abort Mission
Of The Silmarils And The Unrest Of The Noldor: Fëanor Tells The God Of Chaos To Get Off His Lawn
Of The Darkening Of Valinor: Spiders Were A Mistake
Of The Flight Of The Noldor: Fëanor Was A Mistake
Of The Sindar: Meanwhile In Beleriand A Lot Happens But We Don’t Care
Of The Sun And The Moon And The Hiding Of Valinor: The Valar Have One Bright Idea
Of Men: Just Get To The Action Already
Of The Return Of The Noldor: A Series Of Unfortunate Diplomatic Incidents
Of Beleriand And Its Realms: The Geography Lesson Literally Nobody Asked For
Of The Noldor In Beleriand: Obvious Foreshadowing Is Obvious
Of Maeglin: Curufin Chooses The Worst Possible Moment To Not Be A Kinslayer
Of The Coming Of Men Into The West: Haleth’s Dad Is Called Haldad And That’s All You Need To Know
Of The Ruin Of Beleriand And The Fall Of Fingolfin: If You Thought This Would Have A Happy Ending You Haven’t Been Paying Attention
Of Beren And Luthien: Werewolf Cosplay And Unrealistic Relationship Goals
Of The Fifth Battle: Nirnaeth Arnoediad: If You Thought This Would Have A Happy Ending You REALLY Haven’t Been Paying Attention
Of Turin Turambar: Despite The Incest And Dragons This Is Not Game Of Thrones
Of The Ruin Of Doriath: Hurin Destroys Everything His Son Missed
Of Tuor And The Fall Of Gondolin: That’s What You Get When You Ignore Obvious Foreshadowing
Of the Voyage of Eärendil and the War of Wrath: The Valar Decide To Do Something And Accidentally Destroy A Continent In The Process (2)
Akallabêth: What Happened In Atlantis Should Have Stayed In Atlantis
Of the Rings of Power and the Third Age: Oh Good, Gandalf Is Here
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finrad · 4 years
Please do as much as you can! His life matters!
On December 10, 2020, Brandon Bernard is scheduled to be executed by the federal government for a crime he committed when he was 18 years old. He has spent 21 years on death row. Five out of the nine surviving jurors that found him guilty and one of his prosecutors no longer agree with his sentence. Please spread his story on social media, email President Trump, and call the Justice Department to ask them to commute his sentence to life without parole. Brandon Bernard’s crime is incompatible with his punishment and we cannot allow the federal government to follow through with this.
Please click the source link to be taken to his website, which details his life in prison and ways you can advocate for him. In the replies are a page with specific actions we can take to help his case and an Instagram post to share.
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finrad · 4 years
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Hello please look at this screenshot I took from the 1977 hobbit movie
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finrad · 4 years
Unworthy - Celebrimbor x Reader
I know I said that an Arwen fic was next but I'm really burnt out so I'm still trying to work on it...
Warnings: none
You were standing by yourself one night, your eyes looking up at the moon. It was quiet, and you liked it exactly like that. The quiet night was the perfect place to wind down and admire the nature that surrounded you. There were flowers, fireflies, and plants all over the area.
As you were staring at the sky, you thought about somebody that you loved with all of your heart. His name was Celebrimbor, and he was so soft with you. Of course he was, as you were his closest friend. There was a chance that he loved you as well, but you weren't too sure. The elf didn't look to be the type of person to fall in love, but you never really know.
Thoughts flooded into your mind. What would life be like with him? He always went to the forges, so you knew that you wouldn't be able to see much of him. But when you would be able to, what would happen?
Your imagination ran wild. You visualized a wonderful life full of only happiness and love. This only made you long to be with Celebrimbor even more. Now should be the time that you tell him how you feel. These feelings cannot be caged in anymore.
Today, you needed to plan on how you were to do this. Obviously, you wanted to impress him. Perhaps that will ensure that he loves you back. However, you had just realized that you had to remember that you could get rejected.
Dealing with pain and heartbreak was no easy task. But would one person rejecting you really break your heart? It's not like your love for Celebrimbor was that deep. One simple rejection will not break you. So, you felt confident. And it was good that you felt confident. It helped you a lot.
Though you had the courage, you didn't have a full plan. What were you going to do to confess your love? A plan had to be formed. Where should you admit, what wording should you use? This felt as if you were planning something enormous. Truth is, you kind of were. Elves only love, and truly loved, once in their life. So, this was your one and only chance to tell him how you feel.
After many hours of thinking, you had a plan set up. You would lead him to a nearby field of flowers, and there you would hope that the night sky looked enchanting. As soon as the two of you were standing in the flowers, you would grab his hands softly, and fully tell Celebrimbor how much you love him. You hoped that he would tell you that he loved you as well.
Now that you had a plan, it was time to execute it. You had the confidence and the setting, so you felt ready. Before heading out to find Celebrimbor, you put on one of your favorite outfits and topped it off with a nice hairstyle and a flower crown.
Slowly you walked to your friend's quarters. Hopefully, you would be able to do this often as lovers. The moon was in the sky, shining in the night. You briefly peeked out of a window and saw the land, looking gorgeous in the glow of the moon and stars.
Finally, you were at Celebrimbor's door. Just for a moment, you felt so nervous. You had confidence, but for only a second, you had lost all of it. But then, you gained it again and knocked on the door. This was the moment where the elf that you wanted to give your heart to would open the door.
And that he did. The door creaked open, revealing him in a clean outfit with his hair neat and combed. Simply looking at him made you want to be his lover. Let alone talking to the elf. He was just so kind to you, despite being seen as slightly cold to others.
"Hello." Celebrimbor told you plainly. "I wasn't expecting you."
"Erm, I'm sorry if this gets in the way of any of your plans, but I would like for you to join me outside." you explained. "I have something that I must confess." You held out your hand so that Celebrimbor could take it. Hesitantly, he grabbed it and walked outside with you.
His hand was warm, and your palm was beginning to sweat. You had always imagined that you would feel only joy when holding Celebrimbor's hand. But sometimes dreams and fantasies don't come true, so you shrugged it off. Maybe it was just that you were nervous as you were about to confess your love.
It took a few minutes for you two to walk outside. And it took longer for you to find the perfect spot. You found a little area where flowers of many colors and types grew, and the grass was green, and fireflies shone in the dim night. The stars reflected onto the eyes of the elf that you had secretly loved.
There, you took deep breaths to prepare yourself. Everything was going to be okay. If things get messy, then you are absolutely fine. It was now time to tell the truth.
"Celebrimbor, I have something to say." you told the elf. Celebrimbor nodded, waiting for your response. There was a few moments of silence before you continued. "Well, I love you, and with all of my heart. No matter how hard I try, I fail to stop loving you. It has been years since I first realized my feelings for you, and now I figured that I can no longer remain bottled up. I don't care if you love me back, but I wanted to tell you the truth. I wanted to tell you how I feel."
You sighed, glad to have finally let that out. Celebrimbor, however, didn't say a word. In fact, he just stood still, not moving a single muscle. This moment was the one where you began to feel uneasy. Was this a sign that he didn't love you back?
Then, he whispered your name. "I love you, too." he admitted. "I was too afraid to let it out, in fear that you would not return my love. I believed that a beautiful elf like you would never love me. I feared that I was unworthy of your love."
"Are you telling me that you found yourself unworthy of my love?" you asked. "You, a crafter of only the most gorgeous things, a brave soul, thought that I would never love you? Wow, that was unexpected."
Then, you grabbed his hands gently and placed your forehead against his, smiling softly. Right now, you were seeing a soft part of Celebrimbor that only you have ever seen.
"I love you, and I hope you know that I am speaking the absolute truth." you muttered.
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finrad · 4 years
without saying your favorite character’s name, put in the tags a quote said by your fav.
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finrad · 4 years
I wasn't tagged but I wanted to give this a try!
I used the 5th link
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Guys pls help I am super obsessed with making these picrews.
Here are the links!!
1st pic: https://picrew.me/image_maker/259399
2nd pic: https://picrew.me/image_maker/415524
3rd pic: https://picrew.me/image_maker/230257
4th pic: https://picrew.me/image_maker/94097
5th pic: https://picrew.me/image_maker/283552
For all those The Hobbit/Lotr fans, reblog and show me what you would look like as an elf, or what you would look like in middle earth!! Idk if i want to make this a tag game but okay lol
No pressure tags: @elles-writing @moony-artnstuff @kumqu4t @trxblemaker @claraofthepen @fizzyxcustard @aredhel-of-gondolin @wzrd-wheezes @lonikje @guardianofrivendell @fandomgalcentral @bluebellhairpin @incorrect-lotr-trash @tolkienblackgirl @wellfuckmyexistence @luna-xial @rowandor @legolaslovely @legolasoftherings @lily-ivu and so many others that I forgot 😅
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finrad · 4 years
I agree
Finrod is pansexual.
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finrad · 4 years
Celebration - Lindir x Reader
I'm planning on writing another Arwen x reader fic so please keep a lookout for that!
Warnings: None
Today was the day of a large event in Imladris. It was a party, and many elves were going to attend it. There was to be music, food, and drink. So, it was going to be pretty fun. The party has been planned, and it took a few weeks to fully plan. It had to be perfect and up to the elves' standards.
You were one of the elves that were going to be attending this party. Honestly, you weren't the type of person to go to parties, and the only real reason why you were going to attend the party was because your friend, Lindir was going.
Not only was he your friend, but he was also the love of your life. He was the one and only elf that you'll love for the rest of your life. And he does not have a clue about the fact that you are in love with him. So of course, you didn't know if he loved you back.
Right now, it was early in the morning, and you found Lindir, sitting by a fountain, singing to himself. His voice was gorgeous, and he was very good at playing the harp. One day, he played his harp for you, and that made you fall for him.
"Good morning, Lindir." you told him. Lindir smiled; his smile was adorable. So adorable, that it makes you smile. A wave of joy flowed over you. "Are you excited for the party tonight? Because I'm a little excited."
"Good morning." he said. "I am excited for the party. For I heard that there will be music and dancing." Lindir loves singing and music, and his name even means "song man" in Sindarin. You hoped that he would dance with you tonight, even if he was only dancing with you as a friend.
Most of your friends already had someone to love. Some of them were even married. You wished that you could be like them. You wished to be able to admit your love to Lindir. But you were far too scared to tell him how you feel. Sure, he was the friendliest elf and if he had to reject you, he'd do it in the kindest way, but that didn't make you any less scared of being turned down by him.
Lindir decided to pat the space next to him so you could sit there. You reluctantly sat down, and then you rested your head on his shoulder. There was some blush on his cheeks. Oh, he was so cute. You couldn't help but be in love with him. After a few moments of hesitation, he put a hand on your hip and blushed even more.
"I love you, Lindir." you sighed. Oh no. Why did you say that? You've been so nervous to tell him how you feel, and then now you just let it out as he holds you gently. But you tried your best to remain calm and appear nonchalant. So, you just stayed in the position you were in, with your heart pounding in your chest.
"Um..." Lindir hesitated and had widened eyes. He was red in the face. "I-I love you, too." Then you two continued to stay in that position for some time, until you realized that it was nearly time for the party.
You ran home to change your outfit. Trying on multiple outfits, you found a really good one that you really liked. Maybe tonight, Lindir would ask you for a dance, and he'll whisper lovely things into your ear. That only seemed to be nothing but a simple daydream.
Finally, it was time for the party. You were very scared. What if Lindir was going to confront you about what you told him earlier today? Part of you wanted to avoid him throughout the party, but another part wanted to follow him and have a wonderful time with him in the party. You decided to listen to the latter.
If you avoided Lindir, you could lose a friendship that you had cherished for many years. Losing your friendship with Lindir would be your worst nightmare. You have been close friends with him since you were pretty young. Meaning that you knew so much about each other.
At the party, you looked around for Lindir. There were so many elves standing around, dancing, or eating. Eventually, you found your friend, and after you called his name, he looked up and down at you with light pink cheeks.
"Y-you look lovely tonight." Lindir told you, looking a little nervous. No matter if he was a bit of a wreck, you still found him so adorable. You loved him, and you always will no matter what. The elf looked towards the table with many platters of food on top of it. "Would you like to eat something with me?" You nodded, taking his arm and walking up to the table.
The two of you ate some bread and a couple of small snacks. As you were trying to eat, Lindir fed you a piece of lettuce. It looked like you two were lovers having a nice time at a party. However, that wasn't true, although you really wanted it to be true.
Soon, you finished eating and pondered about what to do now. Lindir had an idea. "There's beautiful music playing right now. So why don't we share a dance?" This was exactly what you wanted to happen. Your dreams were starting to come true.
You nodded, and then Lindir put one hand on your waist and held your hand with his other one. His touch was soft and he had the most adorable smile on his face. You never knew how good he was at dancing. The way he moved was absolutely perfect.
"Lindir, I never knew that you can dance with such grace!" you exclaimed. You really meant what you said. Lindir was so good at dancing, and he never really showed his skill. "Perhaps we should dance more often."
"Perhaps we should." said Lindir. Then, he leaned in closer to you so he can whisper something in your ear. "You are very beautiful tonight. I swear, you are more beautiful than all of the stars, and you are sweeter than the songs of the elves." This was working out almost the exact way you had imagined it before.
"L-lindir?" you stuttered. "That was very sweet of you. And I believe that you are quite dashing. I mean, I can hardly believe that I am dancing with an elf like you. You're cute, talented, and the best friend."
"I would like you to be able to say something else." Lindir told you, his voice a little flirty. "I love you. And you love me, and know that this is true, for I can tell by the look in your eyes."
Lindir decided to take you to another one of the tables that had some drinks, getting a glass of wine for you and him. He took a small sip from his cup and smirked. This was a side of Lindir that you have never seen in your entire life. This was probably because you have never let the fact that you loved Lindir slip.
After he took a long sip of his wine, he walked up to you and said, "I love you.  And I mean it. Once you told me that you loved me back at the fountain, I could hardly believe that someone like you loves me. So, will you take my hand and be my lover?"
"Of course I will, melamin." you replied. As soon as you said that, you quickly crashed your lips against his. Lindir was at first surprised, but then he melted into the kiss and began to play with your hair.
You felt so happy and loved. And with good reason, because the elf that you have always wanted to call your love had his lips on yours. While you were kissing him, you learned that he was quite a good kisser.
Once the two of you separated, you told Lindir, "Wow, so you are a good singer, dancer, and kisser? It appears to me that I found a good one." Lindir laughed, and then gave you a more elvish embrace, making you do the same.
Thank the Valar that you didn't avoid Lindir, because if you did, none of this would have happened.
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