Person: *yelling for help* I'm drowning!
Lucifer: *waving* I'm Lucifer!
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i heard that adam and michael were back on tonight’s ep, “since when do we get what we deserve?” since season 15, after 10 years, finally
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John: Was I a bad father, Sean?
Sam: My name is Sam. 
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If we looked for everyone who tried to kill you, we’d do nothing else.
Bobby to the Winchesters, probably
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Okay. Rock, paper, scissors to see who has to kick Lucifer to hell.
Chuck, probably
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Dean: Cas, I need you.
Angels: Castiel broke.
Sam: Understandable, have a nice day.
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Dean, fishing: I can't swim.
John: How old are you?
Dean: Six.
John: *picks Dean up and chucks him in the river*
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Dean: Garth has a very strange patchwork of knowledge. It’s anybody’s guess about what he knows about any given topic. Watch. (to Garth) Hey Garth, who sculpted Mount Rushmore?
Garth: Gtuzon Borglum. Then his son finished it. Why?
Dean: And what state is it in?
Garth: I don’t know! Ecuador or something! What’s with all the questions!?
Castiel: So there is a savant half.
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So my foots totally stuck in there, right? I'm freaking out, the dog's having a seizure, and I still got half a pie left.
Dean Winchester
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Lucifer: How come whenever I have fun, it’s considered wrong? Chuck: Because people die when you have fun. Lucifer: … Lucifer: Right.
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this is how every interaction between dean and gabriel goes, right?
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It's not that I don't love our little talks. It's just... I don't love them.
Dean, to Crowley
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Gabriel: Let's not get caught up on who lied to whom, or which one of us created an entire fake reality in order to cause eternal misery to the others.
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Lucifer: Sam, just want to double check. How do ethical philosophers feel about murder?
Sam: ... It's frowned upon.
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Hey guys -
This is sort of random but I just wanted to say something about it because it means a lot to me (like, a lot). There’s this show - for anyone who hasn’t heard of it, it’s called Dirk Gently’s Holistic Detective Agency - and it got cancelled last year. I only recently started watching it - in fact, I knew almost nothing about it until a couple of weeks ago because BBCA didn’t advertise it properly - and let me tell you, it’s really something special. Not only is it overflowing with positive representation (of different races, of different sexualities), but it defies the television norm in so many other ways. It’s unbelivably strange and fantastical and original, and the characters are so charming and endearing. Their relationships with each other are amazing, too, and actually get obvious development throughout the two seasons that are currently out. (They talk about what they’re feeling, they help each other through mental illness and trauma, and they generally have some of the most heart-warming interactions, ever.)
I almost never finish a show (I lose focus too easily) and I never binge-watch, but I finished the two seasons in less than two weeks. The fan base is also incredibly dedicated, and they’ve been trying so, so hard to get this show picked up for another season or even just for a movie to wrap up the storyline. Tomorrow (June 14th) the second season becomes available on Hulu, and it would be so helpful if some of you would just put it on in the background. You don’t have to watch it if you don’t want to - although I can’t recommend it more highly - but even just tuning in as you’re doing whatever you want would be awesome.
I’ll probably reblog this again in the morning, but feel free to reblog it and spread the word, and thank you for your help!!
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Lucifer: Hold on! An angel's gotta have time to get ready. You think all of this happened by accident?
Chuck: Yes, yes you were.
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Let's not get caught up on who lied to whom, or which one of us created an entire fake reality in order to cause eternal misery to the others.
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