mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
Body Confidence Tips for Halloween
Body Confidence Tips for Halloween
Halloween is just around the corner and you know what that means! …It’s the one time a year that it’s socially acceptable for adults to play dress up!
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Wearing Halloween costumes is honestly one of my favorite activities in the entire world! I love planning what I’m going to be and forcing my friends or boyfriend to join me in my theming. However – sometimes the idea of Halloween costumes can be…
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
Work and School in Recovery
It’s no secret that in recovery, the exhaustion and extreme hunger can be overwhelming. The physical and mental symptoms are enough to keep you on the couch for weeks. So how do we recover while in school or working?
It’s no secret that once you finally feed yourself and let yourself rest in recovery, the exhaustion and extreme hunger can be overwhelming. The physical and mental symptoms are enough to keep you on the couch for weeks (and there’s nothing wrong with that if you have the ability to do so, in fact – that’s the best way to ride out recovery.) For most of us though, we realistically can’t just sit…
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
Vacation and Post-Vacation in Recovery
Vacation and Post-Vacation in Recovery
  I just took a little 2-day trip to New Orleans for a friend’s birthday and while my brain and body slowly phase out of vacation mode and being drunk for 48 straight hours I thought it would be a great idea to write about how to handle vacations while in recovery from an eating disorder.
Vacation is of course meant to be a fun and relaxing or inspiring time spent away enjoying a new place with…
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
Is Body Positivity Promoting Obesity?
Is Body Positivity Promoting Obesity?
A concern I hear from time to time is that by promoting a weight stabilizing, non judge mental, and body positive model of recovery I am encouraging unhealthy lifestyles and promoting obesity. Most of the time the criticism comes from people who know very little about body positivity and are still deep in their eating disorder or in diet culture denial. They just somehow ~*know~* there must be…
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
Chronic Dieting vs. Eating Disorders
Chronic Dieting vs. Eating Disorders
A question I am asked somewhat regularly is: what is the difference between chronic dieting and having a full-blown eating disorder? Or more accurately, eating disordered vs disordered eating.
I consider dieting disordered eating because it often comes with disordered red flags: Feeling that your Self-worth is related to the size of your body, body dysmorphia, exercise addiction, obsessive…
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
Growing Up With Yo-Yo Dieters
Growing Up With Yo-Yo Dieters
Since before I was born my parents have struggled with their weight.
I don’t know every detail of their personal story and I don’t speak for them. I am simply going to talk about this from my perspective and the impact it had on me.
Pictures of my parents in their teenage years show them as very beautiful, classic, 70s looking people. I know because they’ve told me that when they were in their…
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
Calorie Counting is Dumb
You think you’re controlling your food with calorie counting but really, it’s your food that is controlling you. Take back your life and wake up to the fact that calorie counting is just another diet culture lie, and we know better.
If you’re here, then you know that here at Ladle by Ladle we (and by we I mean me) are pretty anti-diet.  One weight loss method above all is something that needs to be looked at under a bigger microscope. Calorie counting.
There is a dogma that exists in diet culture that claims, “less calories in, more calories out = weight loss!” I’m not here to say that isn’t true. Technically it is… but the…
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
Being Bigger Than Your Boyfriend
Being Bigger Than Your Boyfriend
Do you feel self-conscious about being with a partner that is smaller than you?
You’re not alone.
I think a lot of people feel this particular insecurity. One of the many many factors that went into me wanting to lose weight so long ago was feeling uncomfortable about weighing significantly more than my ex. That was very dumb because the weight loss and subsequent eating disorder put a way…
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
Have You Developed Binge Eating Disorder? (+Giveaway!)
Have You Developed Binge Eating Disorder? (+Giveaway!)
“I’m in recovery and I’ve been eating a lot more than usual. I think I’m developing binge eating disorder. I feel like I’m losing control around food. HELP!” I can empathize with this feeling, I felt this way at the beginning of recovery as well.  During the beginning when the extreme hunger was at its peak I didn’t know how to process what I was doing. I was scared, and it was emotional, and I…
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
Gaining Weight on A Low Calorie Diet
Gaining weight on a low Calorie Diet? Here's why.
So, you’ve been restricting calories to lose weight. For whatever reason, perhaps because you have an eating disorder, because you think you need to look a certain way to wear a bathing suit, or because the media and our culture have forced you to look upon yourself with distaste and wish for something better.  You’ve googled what to do and low-calorie diets and meal plans come up immediately. …
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
"Beach" Bodies???
"Beach" Bodies??? What the f#@! does that mean? The ONLY thing you need to do to achieve a “bikini” body is to put a damn bikini on your body!!
Bikini Body Season. What the f#@! does that mean? Typically, it refers to the months in late spring/early summer right before the weather is right for pool parties, beach days, and barbecues (aka reasons to put on a bikini).  Since diet culture attempts to make women feel like they don’t deserve to wear a swimsuit unless they have thigh gaps and visible rib cages – women spend this “season”…
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
Dealing with Weight Gain: Set Point Vs. Minimum "Healthy" Weight
Dealing with Weight Gain: Set Point Vs. Minimum “Healthy” Weight
What is your healthy weight? I talk a lot about set point weight vs. minimum “healthy” weight (if you’re new here or have no idea wtf I’m talking about check out this post) but today I wanted to get into the difference between them. I will also touch on a few tips for dealing with the weight gain that comes with recovery and finding your set point. Your lowest “healthy” weight is the minimum…
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
Food & Guilt
Food and guilt, two concepts we often conflate when we shouldn’t.  How does this happen? and how can we change our perception of food so that guilt never comes into the equation again?
Food and guilt, two concepts we often conflate when we shouldn’t.  How does this happen? and how can we change our perception of food so that guilt never comes into the equation again? The truth is food is food – it is not innately good or bad. Whether or not someone has an eating disorder has nothing to do with the food itself and everything to do with the person’s perception of the food. Eating…
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
The Defense For "Junk" Food
Health is subjective and means something different to everyone. For a recovering body health is often found at the bottom of a bag of potato chips and that is a good thing.
Junk food, processed food, packaged food, or fast food has been universally acknowledged as “bad” or “unhealthy”. It’s not the same as eating whole foods in their raw, “clean”, unprocessed, natural, blah, blah, blah, blah, sorry was someone saying something? The truth is these foods are the BEST foods you can be eating in recovery from an eating disorder.  THE BEST.  And there are a few reasons…
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
Minnie Maud Recovery
My explanation of the Minnie Maud eating disorder recovery method. How to follow it successfully, and how it worked for me!
Minnie Maud is an eating disorder recovery method developed by Gwyneth Olwyn.  It has since been rebranded as the Homeodynamic Recovery Method.  The website with all of the pertinent information can be found here. What follows is my own analysis of the method and a brief overview of my successes with it. MinnieMaud Guidelines are the guidelines for recovery from restrictive eating disorders such…
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
The Minnesota Starvation Experiment
An in depth look at the most groundbreaking study of human starvation and recovery. The Minnesota Starvation Experiment provides an excellent blue print for modern recovery from disordered eating and chronic dieting.
The Minnesota Starvation Experiment was a study done by Ancel Keys in the late 1940s to study the effects of famine on war torn countries in Europe post World War Two.  Besides fulfilling its intended purpose – the study also ended up shedding the first light on how dieting and food restriction effects the human body. Here is an overview of how the experiment worked: The subjects were all men. …
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mi-gran-viaje · 6 years
Relationships in Eating Disorders and Recovery
Relationships in Eating Disorders and Recovery
Happy Valentines Day to all of you!  I hope you have a wonderful day celebrating all of the love in your life.  Love between family, friends, pets, and romantic partners!  Being in a romantic relationship  while suffering or recovering from an eating disorder is not an easy task.  Often it is difficult for a partner to handle the stresses of the disorder by watching their loved one hurt…
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