one-shot-plus-size · 1 month
The Past Comes A Knockin'
Pairing: Mafia!Bucky Barnes x Female!Reader
Word Count: ~2.7k
Warnings: angst, bucky threatening to kill people if you don't go to him
Summary: You've spent so much time running from the man of your dreams, the love fo your life. You found out something heartbreaking about him and now you run in fear instead of toward him. You should know by now that he will always find you whether you want him to or not.
Between Love and Hate Masterlist
Squares Filled: on opposing sides (2023) for @buckybarnesbingo
Author’s Note: any and all comments are appreciated <3
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Only that would happen in a movie. Pouring rain. A girl running to find the love of her life. Love confessions shared. Sometimes, you thought you lived in a movie. Any time spent with Bucky felt that way.
Bucky’s mansion sat on the top of the hill on the outskirts of town. The only people who went that way were either to see Bucky or because they made the wrong turn somewhere. The rain had not helped you see much in front of you but you still ran with purpose up to his big iron gates. Two armed guards stood outside of it to keep unwanted visitors away.
“I’m sorry, Miss, this is private property,” one of the men said.
“I’m here to see Bucky.”
Both men looked at each other before one of them placed his hand over his ear like he was talking to someone over his earpiece.
“Sir, we got someone outside asking for you… Miss, what’s your name?”
“Her name is Y/N… Yes, sir.” He nodded to the other guard who stepped back from the gate. “He’s waiting for you at the house.”
The gate started opening from someone with remote access, and you entered the property before you had a chance to talk yourself out of it. It seemed like the rain had gotten worse as soon as you stepped foot on his property.
No matter. It wouldn't stop you from doing this.
His mansion got bigger the closer you got to it. He knew exactly when you’d got to his doorstep because you didn’t have time to knock on the door. He opened it when you stepped onto the porch.
You were soaking wet while he stayed bone dry, safe inside his mansion.
“Fuck you,” you said, “for invading my head. I tried all week to get you out of my head but I can’t. I can’t stop thinking about you since we met so here I am like some desperate girl asking you out.”
He chuckles and you almost melt right there and then. He had such a dazzling smile and he knew it.
“You came all this way in the pouring rain to ask me out on a date?”
Bucky could say with confidence that he has never had a girl do all of this for him. Usually, he did the chasing. It was a nice change to be on the receiving end of it.
“Yeah, I guess I did,” you chuckled and squeezed out water from your hair. He continued to chuckle but this is not a laughing matter. “This isn’t funny, Bucky. You’re like a parasite.”
“Not the first time I’ve been called that.” He stepped out from his cozy mansion and joined you in the rain. “What if I say no to you?”
“I’ll make you say yes.”
“What if I tell you to turn around, leave, and never come back?”
“I’ll come back tomorrow.”
That was enough for Bucky to make up his mind. He grabbed you and lifted you into his arms. You wrapped all four limbs around him as a way to keep him close, afraid that if you let go, he would disappear.
He kissed you as he carried you into his mansion, not caring if he got water all over the ground. That was all he needed to make his decision: you’re his and only his.
That moment seemed like forever ago. Times have changed since then but would you go back to it? Living in ignorant bliss seems like the best way to live but then you wouldn’t have all the answers you want—need. Life seemed so simple back then but you have to keep your head high and try to move on as best as you can.
So, you ran and ran until you couldn’t anymore. You found a college on the other end of the country where you felt like you could try and live a normal life—a life away from Bucky.
You found your passion in fashion design while away from Bucky. You find joy in making clothes and blankets for people and hope to be a big designer one day. This college is going to help you do that if you can maintain your sweet girl facade.
No one here knows about your past. No one here is out to get you. No one here is going to bring you back to him no matter how much your heart aches for him.
You only started college nearly a year ago so you’re almost done with your second semester of your first year. It’s been a quiet experience only because you don’t let anyone in. If you do, he might get to them in order to get to you. Since you left, you know he’s been desperate to find you and you’re going to try as best as you can to remain hidden.
If he does happen to show, you’ll be ready.
You walk on campus, heading to your first class when someone from your fashion design class jogs to catch up with you.
“Hey, Rayne, right?” You gave him a fake name like you did with everyone. You’re not stupid enough to give him your real name. “You’re in my fashion design class.”
Yeah, you recognize him. He has short dark brown hair that fluffs out on top with skin that looks like light caramel. He has a sharp jawline and dark brown eyes that seem to hold mysteries. He’s a few inches taller than you but built like a baseball athlete. Not too muscular but enough to make him look strong.
“Yeah. You’re Giovanni.”
“Gio. Only my dad calls me Giovanni,” he chuckles.
“Right. What’s up?”
“We’ve had the same two fashion classes for two semesters. I know this is bold of me but I think you’re beautiful. Would you like to have a drink with me? Maybe dinner this weekend?”
Going on a date with another man seems harmless but if he found out about it, he’ll kill him. Plus, you’re not sure if you’re ready to move on from him.
“I don’t know. It’s not that you’re not un-datable. I just have so much shit going on in my life. It wouldn’t be fair to you if I couldn’t give you my all, you know?”
“Will you be okay if I asked for your number?”
Again, if he finds another man’s number in your phone, he’ll kill him. Then again, you’ve been on the run for nearly a year and he hasn’t popped back up in your life. Are you done for good? Can you finally move on and live your life the way you think you deserve?
“Sure,” you find yourself saying.
What’s the harm? He’ll have your number and if you don’t want to respond, you won’t. You’ll even block his number if you need to. It’ll be awkward in class but you’re saving his life if you do.
He takes out his phone and gives it to you so you can input your number into it. He calls you immediately after you have his number before putting his phone away.
“I gotta go to class but I’ll text you later.”
Gio runs off in the opposite direction to his next class while you continue to walk to your first one. This English class is a requirement for your degree even though you’re not interested in the subject at all. You’ve never been a writer or a reader, and you don’t have an interest in Othello or To Kill A Mockingbird. You read those books in high school. Still, you do your work and keep your head down like you have done every day for the past year.
About halfway through the class, an alarm bell sounds over the loudspeaker. Weird, you’ve never heard this alarm before. You’ve done fire drills, sure, but never with this alarm. The professor immediately walks to the door and locks it before pulling down every shade to cover the windows from anyone lurking outside.
“Alright, folks, that is our lockdown alarm. Until they give the all-clear, please gather to this side of the room and remain quiet.”
Every student gets up and huddles in one corner of the room, away from the window on the door. If anyone were able to look inside, they wouldn’t see a single soul. Is this a drill? Is this real? Are you in any danger? He’d never put you in danger but that only applies physically. He did a lot of damage to your heart and mind which is why you escaped from him.
Half the students are silent in fear that this is real while the other half are on their phones without a care in the world. You take your phone out to check the time when the loudspeaker crackles to life.
“Y/N… pisică, I know you’re here.” Your entire body floods with fear. “Come out, come out, wherever you are.” It’s no surprise he found you. He finds everyone eventually. Why did you think you’d be able to run from him? “I’ll be nice and give you five minutes to show yourself. If you don’t, heads will roll. Your choice. Time starts now.”
Everyone in the classroom is confused except for you--you’re paralyzed with fear. It takes you thirty seconds to break out of your shell and get up despite the professor calling your fake name. No one knows your real name is Y/N. No one knows he’s here for you.
You grab your bag from your chair and flee the classroom. With the halls empty, it’s easy to get to the stairwell fast. If you can get to your car in the parking lot, you can speed out of here and go someplace where he won’t find you. If you’d ever be so lucky to.
You walk outside and see multiple armed guards walking the campus in search of you. On one end are men you don’t recognize, but you do recognize the men on the other side. Sam Wilson and Steve Rogers. Bucky’s right-hand men. The two he trusts above everyone else. You need to be smart about this or your escape plan would have been for nothing.
You run down the stairs carefully and stay close to the buildings where there are bushes to hide in. If one of them looks like they’re going to spot you, you’d duck behind a bush and wait for them to pass. The parking lot isn’t far from your class but you still treat this as if it’s on the other side of the parking lot.
You sneak past Sam who has his back to you to the only bush separating him and your car. The parking lot only has a few trees but none of them are big enough for you to hide behind. If you want to get to your car, you’ll have to sprint and hope they don’t see you.
Sam scans the parking lot before turning away from it. You take this moment to book it to your car, hoping that he doesn’t turn and see you. You unlock your car by using the key to the door instead of the button because you don’t want to make a lot of noise. When you close the door, Sam turns back to the parking lot and notices you in your car.
If you happen to get caught, you have a knife in your bag that you’ll use. It won’t do good to the many guns Bucky and his men have but it’s better than nothing. Sam watches you peel out of the parking lot before tuning into his earpiece.
“Boss, I got her. She’s leaving the parking lot now.”
“Good. Follow her. I’m on my way.”
You push on the accelerator as soon as you hit the main road. It’s weird you don’t see any other cars on the road. Maybe that’s Bucky’s doing. Whatever. It makes for a quick escape. You look in the rearview mirror to see if you’re being followed and let out a breath of relief when you don’t. That is until you do, and fear spikes not only in your heart but your brain.
You don’t have a good car since you had to buy a junker with the little money you had for yourself. Bucky gave you a card to always use but the second you did, he’d have found you. To pay for the car, you’d take odd jobs here and there and always had them be cash, never checks.
The passenger’s window rolls down and a gun appears out of it. You duck down just as the person starts shooting at you. Well, the person is shooting at your car, not you. Bucky’s men are professional marksmen so it only takes two shots to puncture two tires. You grip the steering wheel as your car slides and skids to the side of the road.
Shit. You sustained maybe a few cruises from where your body hit the side of the car but you’re otherwise unhurt. You need to get out of here. You grab your phone and knife and leave the car. Everything else is replaceable. The car that was shooting at you is less than a mile from where you are but you can feel his eyes on you.
They’re far enough away that maybe you can run away from them. You turn to run the opposite way but another black SUV comes screeching to a halt in front of you. Maybe if you run into the woods on either side of the road, you might be able to get away. You run to the left onto to be stopped by Steve who looks as if he’d been waiting there for you. Behind you, two more men come out from behind trees. 
All of them with guns. All of them under Bucky.
The car that shot at you comes to a complete stop a few yards from you. The back door opens and Bucky steps out in a nicely pressed suit that should be illegal. He looks too damn good to be who he is.
“Steve, please let me go. Please!”
Steve doesn’t listen and ends up throwing you back into the middle of the circle. With nowhere to go, you turn to Bucky and grip the knife in your hand. When he gets close enough, you raise your knife to do damage to him but he is too quick for you. He takes out his own gun and points it at you, causing you to freeze in fear.
“Drop the knife,” he says calmly. You look around and try to think of a way out of this but he is one step ahead of you. As always. He steps closer and puts the gun to the side of your head, moving it down to your chin and lifting it so you can only look at him. God, he’s so tall. “Stop trying to figure a way out of this and do as you’re told.”
You have no choice but to listen to him. Seeing him again after nearly a year hurts your heart because you know you’re still so damn in love with him. You love him but hate the kind of person he is. He’s dangerous and ruthless and a killer.
“You won’t shoot me,” you confidently say.
“No?” You shake your head and he pulls the trigger. It’s a blank but the sound of the gun clicking is enough to send you right back into your pool of fear. “The next one might not be a blank.” He puts his gun away but his men are still on alert. “It took so long to find you. You’re getting creative with your escapes.”
“I’ll escape again. I’ve done it before.”
You’ve always been so amusing to him.
“I’ll deal with this when we get home. Get in the car.”
“No.” Bucky grabs your arm tightly enough to drag you next to him but not tight enough to leave bruises. He’ll never mark you like that. “What about my car?”
“I’ll buy you a new one. Steve, Sam, clean this mess up.”
Bucky puts you in the back seat of the black SUV before he slides in next to you. He has mansions all over the country so instead of taking you back to New York, he’ll go to the one he has right here in California near your college.
You honestly didn’t think you’d ever go back to the one place you tried so hard to get away from.
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Follow my library blog @aqueenslibrary​​​​​​ where I reblog all my stories, so you can put notifications on there without the extra stuff :)
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one-shot-plus-size · 10 months
She’s Not Mad
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Summary: Bucky Barnes was a known people pleaser, it was second nature to him. After meeting you and getting close you both try to navigate his eternal stressed state, working together you try your best to tone down his obsessive ways. 
Words: 9k (if you’ve been wondering where I’ve been…)
Warnings: Bucky has mommy issues, mentions of oral sex, nudity, angst, fluff, college!bucky, slow burn
A/N: thanks for the patience! 
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A Couple of Weeks Ago…
“So, you’re not a thing?” Bucky asked as he shoved his laptop and notebook back into his bag, grabbing the handle of his water bottle and choosing to carry it with him for the walk. 
The two boys were higher up in the rows of the lecture hall as they peered over the two girls talking to the professor. Steve had his eyes drilled into Natasha, the girl standing off to the side as her friend went over a question she had. 
“She told me she is still figuring out her feelings since her last serious relationship,” Steve sighed as he packed up as well, “and I told her I’d wait- apparently this guy’s parents had given their family engagement ring and everything.” 
Bucky pulled the corner of his lips out tight as they began to walk down the stairs, “who’s the other girl?” 
“The one that was just asking the question is Y/N,” Steve watched as both girls left the room, “good friends, met last year, live together now.” 
“She’s cute,” Bucky said purely, no smirk or innuendo.
Czytaj dalej
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one-shot-plus-size · 1 year
Pleasure - one shot series inspired by gifs
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Imagine : Olivia makes Sebastian's time more pleasant during the interview
Paring: Sebastian Stan and Olivia Mazru
Word : 1156
One shot
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Olivia sat on the couch and looked at Sebastian who was at the table preparing for another online interview. Something probably related to Marvel, Liv bit her lower lip while looking at him for a long moment. He looks really handsome today, his longer hair was pulled back but still looked fluffy, she wanted to comb her fingers through it. He was wearing a black sweater with white stitching it looked like he was wearing a galaxy on it and had the standard black jeans on his butt. His butt looked really good in those pants. Olivia rose from the couch and walked over to the table leaning over the laptop but so that no one would see her if by chance the interview had already started.
- What is it, honey ? - Sebastian shifted his gaze to her. 
- I want a kiss,- she smiled.
Sebastian picked himself up and smiled broadly.
- Always so needy what ? - he leaned over to her.
He roamed his eyes over her face until he stopped at her lips. He leaned in harder and kissed her gently embracing her cheek with his hand. Liv deepened the kiss by smiling, placing her hand on his neck. He pulled away from her when the timer on Zoom punched a minute into the meeting. 
- I love you - she whispered into his mouth.
- I love you more - he smiled - as soon as I finish the interview we are going to dinner. 
- Okay baby - Olivia nodded and returned to the couch. 
She looked at him for a long moment, she was really lucky that it was her that he noticed in the crowd of other women and then even proposed. They started to prepare for the wedding but the pandemic unfortunately prevented them from doing so. Together they wanted to hold a wedding for friends and celebrate this special moment so they held off at least until the restrictions were lifted. Liv broke away from her thoughts the moment Sebastian greeted the guests and the interviewer. The woman bit her lower lip staring at her fiancé as he smiled broadly. Liv smiled slyly as she rose from the couch and unbuttoned her shirt she was wearing. Sebastian watched her out of the corner of his eye, when he saw what she was doing he felt his pants getting tight in the crotch. He furrowed his eyebrows and looked at her as she stood behind his laptop in just her bra. He threw her a questioning look and already knew she was in trouble when her hands unhooked his bra. He loved her breasts were the perfect size for his hand, he glanced back at the screen and cast a meaningful look that only Anthony Mackie could understand. Mackie snorted under his breath and rolled his eyes; he knew Liv and knew what she was capable of. After all, he was the one who introduced them to each other and helped Sebastian choose an engagement ring. Liv crawled under the table and very quickly got to Sebastian's penis which was limited only by his pants. She moved her hand over it when she felt his body tighten, he waved his hand in an attempt to ward her off but Liv just grabbed his hand and slid her fingers into his mouth drooling. As soon as she did this Sebastian knew he was finished, he knew how she loved this activity. He slid his fingers out of her mouth and spread the saliva on his penis. He jerked off a few times, and as soon as he took his hand off he felt her lips on his. For a moment he tilted his head in pleasure biting his lower lip. 
- Everything ok Sebastian ? - the leading lady spoke up. 
Sebastian opened his eyes and looked at the monitor screen, at this moment he felt as if all eyes were directed only at him. 
- As much as possible, I only hit my little finger on the table - he smiled embarrassed. 
- Sebastian even sitting you can hurt yourself - Mackie laughed out loud.
Seb shook his head, he felt his cheeks blush furiously. He really needed to work on his facial expressions, but it was so difficult when his woman was playing with his penis while he was having an interview. He put his hand on her hair when she took it between her lips, pushing her harder until she choked on it. Since she had already taken after him anyway, why shouldn't he enjoy it. Sebastian bit his lower lip and directed the movement of her head, several times he had to bite his lower lip to keep from moaning. Really, a journalist would have a good topic for an article about him if she knew what was going on under his table. The internet would probably explode which is why he had to keep his poker face even though it was really difficult. And especially when Liv took his balls in her mouth and started playing with them. Sebastian slid down slightly in his chair and spread his legs wider, Olivia took advantage of this opportunity as much as possible. she squatted closer which gave her more access to what she just felt like doing. She moved her tongue over the thick vein on his penis, felt the man gasp and his hand resting on her thigh clenched into a fist. She loved Sebastian's penis, it was so sensitive and so easy to excite. She moved her mouth to the head and sucked on it for a moment then, without warning, slid it down her throat. As soon as she felt it pulsing, she sped up her movements, she wanted to feel the cum in her mouth. Each time she slid it down her throat, she had long since been able to restrain her vomiting reflex, which was a great delight for her partner. Sebastian clamped his hand over her head and forced himself down her throat and lowered himself profusely into her throat. Liv swallowed calmly being proud of how quickly she brought her partner to orgasm. She cleaned him when he got soft and slipped him back into his pants, slid out from under the table and wiped her mouth with her hand while staring at Sebastian. The man threw her a look that said he would definitely get revenge for this. Liv wiped her mouth, slipped her shirt on and went back to sitting on the couch. Sebastian took an active part in the interview but at the same time wanted it to end as soon as possible. He managed to sit down for almost two hours, was happy when he was finally able to turn off the computer and motioned to his fiancée. He snatched the book from her hands and threw it behind him. 
- What are you doing darling ? - Liv smiled sweetly. 
- You already know very well what I'm doing,- he smiled meaningfully.
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one-shot-plus-size · 1 year
Dispersion - One shot series inspired by gifs
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Imagine : Olivia provides entertainment for her fiancé Sebastian before the interview.
Paring: Sebastian Stan and Olivia Mazru
Word : 855
One shot
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Olivia sat on the couch in Sebastian's dressing room and watched as he put on his suit. She smiled to herself when he once again cursed under his breath while trying to tie his tie, he had always been hopeless at it. Liv put her foot down and waited for her fiancé to give up and turn to her for help, which was to happen in the near future. Sebastian stared at his reflection in the mirror and muttered discontentedly to the delight of his fiancée. He raised his head and looked at her in the mirror, snorted at her wide smile. Liv reached out to him and moved her fingers invitingly. Sebastian turned away defeated by his usual tie and approached her. He fell between her knees, Liv took in his beautifully styled hair and kissed him gently on the forehead.
- The tie defeated you darling ? - she smiled stroking his cheek. 
- I hate them - he muttered under his breath - will you tie it for me ?
Sebastian sent her the most puppy dog eyes he could do. 
- You don't have to ask honey - she grabbed his tie between her fingers and tied it just below his neck. 
She tightened the knot under his neck, adjusted his shirt and pulled him close by the material. Sebastian rose slightly and hovered over her, resting his hands on the back of the couch. 
- What would my kitty want ? - he purred right next to her lips. 
- Maybe some kind of thanks for his help ? - she raised her eyebrows.
The man smiled gently and kissed his fiancée as a thank you for his help with the tie. Liv moved her hand from his tie, to the nape of his neck pulling him tighter to her. Her hand slid into his perfectly coiffed hair, Sebastian groaned when she pulled at it. He pulled away from her lips and kissed his nose. 
- You ruined my perfect hairstyle,- he smiled at her. 
- And I'm not at all sorry about that," Liv smiled broadly. 
She moved her hands to his vest and undid a few buttons all the while smiling innocently. The man lowered his head and watched her hands shaking his head with disapproval. 
- I have a show coming up in a little while,- he muttered.
- You still have twenty minutes to start,-  Liv moved her lips to his neck and then his ear, - I'll help you relax.
  Sebastian glanced at his watch, smiled gently and kissed his fiancée. He could use a break from the interview and a moment to relax, his hands slipped under the woman's shirt and rested on her breasts. Their size suited his hand perfectly, fitting perfectly in his palm. Just as he was about to slide her blouse off her body a furious knocking sounded at his door. 
- Fuck, I forgot,- Sebastian growled and pulled away from his fiancée and walked to the door.
He swung it open and peeked through it then turned his head to Liv who was giggling while sitting on the couch. 
- Stop,- he shouted to her and walked out the door, closing it behind him. 
Olivia sat on the couch and stared at the door laughing all the while under her breath, imagining how awkward Sebastian must look now trying to keep calm and not show that he was excited. Liv knew very well that Sebastian would take revenge on her for this but she was ready for it. Sebastian returned to the room after a few minutes and immediately threw himself at his woman. Olivia laughed out loud at her man's efforts, he wanted to get into her body as soon as possible. 
- Are you that desperate ? - she moaned when he pulled down her panties.
- No. - he growled, - I had to explain through you why I look like this. 
He unzipped his pants, pulled out his penis and slid into her pussy. He immediately imposed a brutal bluntness, Liv knew he wasn't doing it out of anger or disappointment, she drove her nails into his back and moaned. The man leaned into her and kissed her passionately, all the while bumping his hips against her.
- No matter how many times I'm in that pussy she always squeezes me so fucking well - he sucked the skin on her neck - it always fits me so well.
Liv momentarily lost her clear train of thought as Sebastian pounded into her like this. He had a mission and Liv knew it, she lifted his hand that was squeezing her waist and slipped his fingers into her mouth. She knew what he liked and how he reacted to it all. 
- Such a good girl for me, always so good,- he growled. 
He could feel the orgasm building up in his woman because she was squeezing him impossibly hard, and he was already on the edge. He pounded into her all the way and came with a moan hiding his face in her neck, Liv followed right behind him squeezing him tightly. Sebastian took a moment to recover, kissed Liv and smiled softly. 
- We will repeat this at home.
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one-shot-plus-size · 1 year
Car Crash
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Imagine : James Barnes is a paramedic who must save the love of his life before he actually had her. 
Paring: James „Bucky” Barnes and Olivia Mazru
Word : 1980
One shot
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Bucky sat at a table in the firehouse where he had worked for the past five years. He became a paramedic right out of school and has loved what he's been doing ever since. James stared at his book, when there was nothing else to do he delved into the book that was currently occupying his thoughts. His partner Natasha plopped down in the armchair next to him and stretched, her head dropping onto the coffee table with a clatter.
- Another interesting night with Steve? - Bucky smiled slightly under his breath. 
- You have no idea,- Natasha groaned raising her head- for once I would really like to sleep and not absorb liters of coffee. 
Bucky snorted under his breath shaking his head, slid the bookmark to the page he was on and closed the book. 
- You're a wimp for him,- he laughed, settling back in his chair. 
- Maybe I am - Natasha shrugged her shoulders - and how about you and Liv ?
- We were on another date yesterday - Bucky felt his cheeks warming up - I think it's going well.
- Well, there you go - Natasha raised her eyebrows high - our eternal single has a partner. 
- Partner is a lot of words but I think maybe something will come of it. I think this is the first time I really care about someone,- the man smiled affectionately, thinking back to yesterday's date. 
- You're blushing - Natasha smiled broadly.
- Shut up - Bucky rose.
Just as he was about to enter the building and grab something to eat another alarm sounded, he started running back to the garage. He jumped behind the wheel and immediately after he was joined by Natasha they headed for the accident scene. They were immediately followed by two fire trucks, both looking quite relaxed. They had both been in the profession for more than a decade and the nervousness of the first action was long gone. Now, while on the road, they both mentally prepared themselves by seemingly remaining totally calm. Bucky glanced at his phone and breathed a disgruntled breath. 
- What is it? - Natasha looked at him. 
- I haven't heard from Liv since this morning,- he muttered under his breath - maybe our date wasn't as good as I thought. 
- You don't know that,- Natasha breathed - maybe she's busy at work, maybe she's at home and having an afternoon nap. So many reasons could be why she hasn't written to you. I think Olivia is the kind of person that would tell you if she didn't like your date. Do you want to know my opinion ?
- If I must,- he muttered under his breath. 
- Liv is in love with you - Natasha smiled affectionately - for some time now. Bucky glanced at his friend trying to judge her face for lying, but all he saw in her eyes was sincerity and concern. 
- Perhaps I have also been in love with her for some time - James breathed. 
- I knew it - Natasha threw her hands up in the air. 
James rushed through the streets of New York to get to the accident as quickly as possible, but in the back of his mind he had what Natasha had said. If she was telling the truth and he hoped she was, he wanted to form a relationship with Liv. He dreamed of having someone waiting for him at home when he returned after a hard shift at the firehouse. Someone he could just cuddle up with and with whom he could wake up in bed in the morning. He was already 32 years old and longed to settle down and Liv was the perfect candidate, maybe he could see his future with her. He smiled slightly under his breath, they had been on a few dates together and it really promised to be good. However, today's silence on her part brought him down a bit. He parked the ambulance near the scene itself, jumped out of the vehicle, grabbed a medical bag and headed toward the accident. He stopped at the nearest firefighter and looked at him.
- What do we have ? - he breathed.
- The truck skidded and flipped on its side - the firefighter corrected the helmet on his head. 
- Something happened to him ? - Bucky furrowed his eyebrows. 
- No - the firefighter shook his head - he is sitting there on the railing, the problem is that when he fell over on his side it crushed the passenger car. James furrowed his eyebrows, moved towards the truck and only after coming closer did he see the crushed passenger car. 
- Natasha - Bucky shouted to her and moved towards the passenger car. 
Only when he got close enough did he recognize the car, his heart stopped when he recognized the car. He threw his gear on the ground and ran up to the car from the passenger side. Made easier by the fact that the window was broken, he groaned loudly when he saw Liv sitting in the driver's seat. He reached out his hand to her and slid slightly into the car to touch her cheek. He shuddered when he heard a quiet moan. 
- Shh, baby,- he murmured - I'm here. 
- Bucky? - Liv turned her head slightly. 
- Please don't move - he stroked her cheek with his thumb - are you in pain ?
- Everything - she furrowed her eyebrows - what happened ?
- You had an accident but I'm here now. I'll help you, just don't move ok ? 
Liv nodded slightly and leaned her head against the headrest. She felt pain radiating from every part of her body. She turned her head towards the passenger side where she had just seen James. She watched him having a lively discussion with Natasha and the fireman standing next to them, the redhead was annoyed. She tugged on James' sleeve and pulled him close. 
- You're not going in there,- Natasha growled at him.
- I will go in there and save her - Bucky growled.
- This is dangerous - the woman glared at her friend. 
- I don't give a shit, the love of my life is trapped in the car and is in danger. I won't leave her there alone, she won't die on my watch. 
- My boys are already preparing the pillows, give me five more minutes. Then we'll cut the door for you to have better access to her. 
Bucky bit his lower lip and turned toward the car. He saw Liv facing her and groaned at the expression of pain on her face. 
- She's in pain,- he looked at his friend- I'll at least give her morphine, anything to help her get through this. 
- If you give her morphine she may not wake up again. You don't know what her injuries are, you don't know what's happening to her now. She needs to stay conscious as long as possible. 
- So I'm going in and don't want to hear the discussion,- he winked at Natasha and walked with a quick step to the car. 
Bucky slid into the car through the window, he had to bend down hard to fit inside.
- Hey, I'm back,- he smiled slightly - you need to stay with me as long as possible. 
- Mhm - she nodded slightly. 
James grabbed her hand and put his fingers on her pulse, he had to be sure it was continuous and stable. 
- I was going to you with lunch - she turned her head and looked at him smiling gently. 
- Really ? - he whispered staring at her. 
- Yes - she nodded slightly - I also had cupcakes packed, I wanted to make your day more pleasant. 
Bucky tightened his hand on her palm, tried to hold back the tears that appeared in his eyes. Liv felt increasingly tired, she leaned her head against the headrest and closed her eyes. 
- Hey baby - he touched her cheek - you can't fall asleep, stay with me.
- I'm tired - she turned her head slightly. 
- Stay with me for a while longer - he stroked her cheek - for a while longer, I can't lose you before I really had you. Don't leave me love. 
- I'll just rest a while - she smiled sleepily....
Bucky stared at her face and saw her face go blank, he felt tears running down his cheeks.
5 weeks later.
Bucky sat at a table in the firehouse and stared at the cover of a book. The same one he got from Liv for his birthday. He moved his thumb over the title and smiled sadly, he really missed her. 
- Hey - Natasha whispered sitting down next to him. 
- Hey - he glanced at her. 
- Any news ? - the redhead stared at her hands. 
- He's still sleeping - Bucky put the book down. 
- I'm sorry.
- Not your fault - James shook his head - I just wish she would wake up already you know. So that I could see those pretty eyes and smile of hers, I just miss her like hell. 
- And what if she doesn't wake up anymore ? - Natasha glanced at her friend. 
- I don't allow such a thought to enter my mind, she has to come back. 
When Natasha was already opening her mouth to say something from the building with a quick step ran out of the building his supervisor. 
- James you need to go urgently to the hospital, something has happened - he glared at him. 
Bucky sprang from his chair and ran to his car, he was not interested in anything that was going on around him. He had to get to the hospital, to her, as quickly as possible. Upon reaching the hospital, he ran quickly into the hospital and went straight to her room, his heart pounding in his chest.
Liv stared at the ceiling, her body dulled. She looked away from the ceiling when out of the corner of her eye she noticed movement in the doorway. She smiled softly at the sight she found there. Barely fitting in the doorway stood Bucky, his hair tied in a messy bun at the back of his head. She extended her hand to him, smiling all the while, he came up to her quickly and grabbed her hand. 
- Hey - he whispered quietly dropping to his knees. 
- Hey - she smiled again. 
- How do you feel ? - He smiled through his tears. 
- Stunned - she breathed improving on the bed - how long have I been away ?
- 5 weeks - he rested his forehead against her hand. 
- Jesus - she clenched her eyes and then looked at him.
She felt tears on her hand, gently grabbed James' cheek and lifted his head. Only now she noticed the sadness in his eyes, she wiped away his tears with her thumb and smiled softly. 
- I was so worried that you wouldn't wake up again, I was so scared,- he whispered. 
- But I'm here and it's thanks to you. You saved me Bucky, you gave me the strength to come back - she stroked his cheek all the time. 
- I was afraid that I had lost you before I really had you - he stared into her eyes. 
- You've had me since our first date and that's not going to change anytime soon. 
- I will have you if you will have me,- he kissed her hand. 
- Always Bucky. 
James rose to his feet and leaned toward her. He put his hand on her cheek and stared at her. 
- Can I kiss my girlfriend ? - he smiled slightly. 
- How could I refuse to kiss my man,- she smiled broadly. 
- I like how it sounds.
Bucky leaned closer to her and joined their lips in a gentle kiss. He had been dreaming about this for so long, fantasizing about them kissing for the first time but his fantasy wasn't even close to what he was feeling at the moment. And from now on he had it exclusive.
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one-shot-plus-size · 2 years
You are not alone, you have a family
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Imagine : Liv is an immigrant from Poland who manages to get a well-deserved place in Firehouse 51. She lands under the command of Kelly Severide with whom she befriends. However, what happens when tragedy strikes in her life.
Paring : Kelly Severide & Olivia Mazru
Words : 858
Part 2/2
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Boden stared at his hands while standing by his car and waiting for the rest of Firehouse 51's shift. The chief made a request to headquarters to exclude their crew from the calls, and fortunately headquarters agreed without hesitation. The guys had been grooming their cars and grooming themselves since early in the morning.
- Do you have any news from Liv ? - Boden approached Severide.
- Since leaving the day she found out about her parents' death, she hasn't answered my calls or opened the door when I went to see her. I have no idea what's going on with her, today I will see her for the first time.
The entire Firehouse 51 shift lined up along the road to the place designated to bury her parents. They wanted to say goodbye to them with honor; most of the team knew her parents. On more than one occasion they had been invited to a barbecue at their home, it was a tragedy for all of them but none of them could fathom the tragedy Olivia was experiencing. They wanted to support her but for the time being she didn't let them, she had cut herself off from everyone.
Kelly stared at his hands until he heard cars approaching.
- Attention,- Boden called back loudly and confidently.
Everyone lined up in an even row, all gazing ahead.
- Pay tribute to the fallen - Boden raised his hand saluting the fallen.
At the same time in the car.
Liv clenched her hands into fists, feeling that she was left alone. She was afraid to look at the coffins as they were loaded into cars. She had no idea what she would do with herself now and what her life would be like. She had support in her parents and it was because of them that she had a better life. It wasn't fair that they ended up like this, this wasn't how their lives were supposed to turn out. They were supposed to die of old age surrounded by grandchildren they would love with all their hearts. 
She raised her eyes the moment she heard Boden's shout. The driver slowed down entering the cemetery area, Liv lowered the window and stared at the guys standing at attention. Each of them was dressed in a gala uniform and raised his hand in tribute to her parents. Tears flowed from her eyes again, these people were now her family. Liv got out of the car as soon as the driver parked the car.
Kelly shifted his gaze to Liv the moment she got out of the car, she was pale as a wall and her eyes were puffy. A sign that she was still crying, he could not approach her until Boden called them away.
Liv udała się do miejsca, w którym miała się odbyć uroczystość, usiadła na jednym krześle. Wpatrywała się w swoje dłonie, próbując skupić się na tyle, by znów nie płakać. Nawet nie zauważyła, kiedy Boden odwołał chłopców, obudziła się dopiero, gdy poczuła rękę na ramieniu. Wiedziała, czyja to ręka, Kelly chciała ją wesprzeć, poczuła inną rękę, gdy się zakopała. Tym razem była to ręka Bodena, czuła, że ​​starają się ją wesprzeć najlepiej jak potrafią. Od czasu do czasu Kelly zaciskał dłoń na ramieniu Liv, zwłaszcza gdy widział, że jest na skraju załamania nerwowego. Jego metoda musiała zadziałać, bo zaraz po pogrzebie Liv wstała i wtuliła się w jego tors. Kelly objął ją ramionami i ukrył w piersi. Liv objęła go w pasie i głęboko odetchnęła. Jego zapach zawsze ją uspokajał. Stali, dopóki tylko ich dwoje nie zostało pozostawionych przy świeżych grobach jej rodziców. Kelly pocałowała ją we włosy.
- Liv – szepnął cicho – powinniśmy wracać.
Olivia odsunęła się od niego i otarła policzki ze łez. 
- Nie chce wracać do domu, bez nich to tylko budynek, jest zimno i cicho - oparła czoło o jego tors. 
- Więc zostań ze mną – Kelly położył dłoń na jej policzku – możesz zamieszkać ze mną na stałe. 
- Ona nie chce ci przeszkadzać, nie będę naruszać twojej osobistej przestrzeni - pokręciła głową. 
- Wiem, że teraz nie jest na to czas, ale może chciałbym, żeby moja osobista przestrzeń była również twoją osobistą przestrzenią, może na zawsze - Kelly spojrzała w ziemię - Nie naciskam na Liv, wiem, że przeżywasz trudne chwile. 
Liv zmarszczyła brwi, wpatrując się w jego oczy.
- O czym mówisz ?
- Zakochałam się w tobie Liv i na stałe chciałabym cię w swoim życiu. Olivia wpatrywała się w niego, czując, jak jego ręce drżą na jej biodrach. Przygryzła dolną wargę i wzięła oddech. 
- Spróbujmy - Liv uśmiechnęła się niepewnie - Potrzebuję czasu, żeby się objąć. - Dam ci tyle czasu ile potrzebujesz.
Może jednak przydarzyło jej się coś dobrego w tym złym czasie.
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one-shot-plus-size · 2 years
You are not alone, you have a family
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Imagine : Liv is an immigrant from Poland who manages to get a well-deserved place in Firehouse 51. She lands under the command of Kelly Severide with whom she befriends. However, what happens when tragedy strikes in her life.
Paring : Kelly Severide & Olivia Mazru
Words : 1472
Part 1/2
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Liv sat at the Squad 3 table and stared at the newspaper. She had been trying to read a single sentence for twenty minutes but kept getting distracted by something. Eventually she put down the newspaper and looked at the people hanging around the garage. Matt was openly flirting with Sylvie. Liv smiled softly, the two really looked adorable together, they fit right in. Moving with her parents to the US, she hoped that much in her life would change for the better. And so in most things she was right, she graduated from the fire academy with honors, passed the relevant training, and only because of this managed to get a place in Squad 3 at Firehouse 51. In the three years she worked with Kelly Severide, she learned a great deal from him. As soon as she found herself in a new environment it was he who helped her overcome her shyness and after that everything went well. Everyone welcomed her with open hearts and accepted her as their own. However, regardless of where she lived, her heart situation never changed. She was too shy to openly flirt with anyone even when there was interest from the other side as well. She couldn't break through and most often nothing came of it. So she let it go and completely devoted herself to her work at Firehouse 51 and her passion for photography. On several occasions Boden allowed her to take photos at work but never at the accoutrements. 
She was snapped out of her reverie by a waving in front of her face. She furrowed her brow and slapped her hand in front of her face and then looked at the owner. Kelly was grinning from ear to ear at her.
- You drifted off somewhere again, - he leaned toward her.
- Someday I'll break this hand to you,- she snorted under her breath - I was thinking about a college credit paper.
- When do you graduate?
- This is my last paper to hand in and it all depends on the result. 
- I still don't understand how you embrace work, passion and still study,- Severide shook his head - How about your parents ?
- This morning they left for a vacation in the mountains, they are supposed to let me know when they are there,- Liv smiled. 
- So you currently have peace at home ? - Kelly smiled. 
- Yes, for the whole two weeks - Liv smiled. 
She loved her parents more than anything, but everyone needs some peace and quiet sometimes, and her parents could finally use a vacation. They are working hard to establish themselves in their new surroundings. Although can being in this country for 7 years be called a new environment ?
- That is, tonight I will come with beer, pizza and we are doing a night of horror movies,- Kelly smiled.
- If you let me sleep, otherwise I don't agree - Liv looked at him.
- Okay, let me know when you get up when you get home.
- Sure - Liv nodded and went back to staring into nothingness. She turned her head at the sound of the door opening and smiled at the sight of Jay Halstead. However, his expression suggested that something unpleasant had happened. He smiled weakly at Liv and headed straight for Boden's office.
- I think something is wrong,- Kelly furrowed his brow. 
- Jay is like a harbinger of bad news,- Liv smiled slightly.
Boden's assistant came out from inside the building. 
- Matt and Kelly, Chief asks you to come in,- she smiled with her lips tightened. 
- I told you,- Liv snorted. 
- You and your bad attitude - he rose up - change that attitude - he threatened her with his finger.
- Yes sir Lieutenant - she smiled saluting him.
Liv rapped the crossword puzzle that was reserved for her lieutenant, she knew he wouldn't be angry with her although he pretended to be annoyed and she pretended to be sorry, they had been playing this game for over a year. Many times Kelly left the crossword puzzle on the pretext of going to the bathroom. Liv knew that he only did this when a few of the entries in the crossword caused him difficulty. As she sat over one of the difficult crossword entries Kelly came out of the building and stood at the table.
- Liv - his voice barely above a whisper.
The woman raised her head and looked at him. When she registered the expression on his face, she herself furrowed her brow.
- Something happened ? - she put down her pen.
- Boden asks you to come to the office,- he grunted.
- What is going on ? - she rose.
- Chief will explain everything to you - he breathed.
Kelly tried to hold back the tears that were appearing in his eyes. He really had to be strong for her now, he could not break down. Liv although she didn't know it yet would need a lot of support and he was going to give it to her in whatever form she needed. Liv moved behind her lieutenant, not quite sure what had happened. When she entered the office Boden looked at her softly. His eyes shining with unshed tears, Liv furrowed her brow and looked around the office. Matt sat on the couch hiding his face in his hands. Jay stood against the wall staring at his feet.
- Will someone tell me what is going on ?
- Liv you'll want to sit down,- Boden pointed to a chair.
- I'll stand - Liv looked at the policeman - Jay what bad news did you bring today ?
The man raised his head and looked into her eyes.
- He doesn't want you to always associate me with coming with bad news, it just happens.
Liv turned to her friend, almost with pleading in her eyes.
- Kelly what is going on ?  - her voice was pleading.
- Liv - Boden breathed - Jay got a report that there was a car accident just outside Chicago. A truck driver lost control of his truck and collided head-on with a passenger car.
Liv furrowed her eyebrows, she didn't like the flow of this conversation, she didn't want to hear the end of the story. A shiver ran through her body that she did not like at all. She felt a hand on her shoulder, and after a moment she saw her friend in front of her.
- Liv you need to breathe - Kelly stared into her eyes.
Severide grabbed her hand and placed it over his heart.
- Wdychaj i wydychaj Liv, musisz oddychać.
Liv spojrzała mu w oczy. Dochodził do niej tylko hałas, nie mogła skupić się na jego głosie. Czuła, jak jej świat się rozpada, to nie mogło być prawdą, chociaż Boden nie dokończył tego, co miał do powiedzenia, ale Liv już widziała. Zacisnęła dłonie na koszuli porucznika, a potem zacisnęła oczy. Musiała się na czymś skupić i ugruntować się.
- Czy żyją? - wyszeptała.
- Przepraszam Liv, - Kelly potrząsnął głową.
Kobieta wpatrywała się przez chwilę w jego oczy, próbując zrozumieć, co do niej powiedział.
- Żartujesz, prawda? - wyszeptała.
- Nigdy bym ci tego nie zrobiła – Kelly przyciągnął ją blisko i mocno objął ją ramionami.
Liv stała, jakby została uderzona młotkiem, nie zdając sobie sprawy z tego, co się stało. Wreszcie potrząsając głową, odsunęła się od koleżanki i wyjęła telefon komórkowy z kieszeni. Próbowała odblokować urządzenie, ale jej drżące ręce nie ułatwiały tego. W końcu udało jej się wstukać kod odblokowujący i wybrać numer. Przyłożyła urządzenie do ucha, patrząc w oczy Severide'a. Połączenie zostało natychmiast przeniesione na pocztę głosową. 
„Hej, tu Maria Mazru, nie mogę odebrać telefonu, zostaw wiadomość po sygnale”.
- Mamo, - Liv zakryła usta dłonią - mama mówi, że jesteś, że wrócisz do domu i możemy być razem, mamo, proszę.
Kiedy połączenie zostało przerwane, Liv upuściła telefon na ziemię, a jej ciałem wstrząsnął szloch.
- Liv – Kelly podeszła do niej ostrożnie.
Olivia delikatnie pokręciła głową i rozejrzała się po pokoju. Każdy z mężczyzn unikał jej spojrzenia. Nikt nie chciał na nią patrzeć, nie po tym, co się stało.
-Ja...muszę...-otarła policzki-Muszę być przez chwilę sam, ja....
- Masz tyle wolnego, ile potrzebujesz - Boden spojrzał na nią.
Liv słabo skinęła głową, spojrzała na Severide'a i wyszła z biura. Skierowała się prosto do wyjścia, nawet nie zareagowała na wołanie jednego z chłopaków. Po prostu musiała się stamtąd wydostać tak szybko, jak to możliwe. Kelly chciał iść za nią, ale wezwanie do ognia pokrzyżowało jego plany. Zamierzał do niej dotrzeć jak najszybciej.
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one-shot-plus-size · 2 years
Wanna rp
what rp?
0 notes
one-shot-plus-size · 2 years
Don't leave me, please
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- No mom - Jeremy breathed while running his hands through his hair. 
- But I see the way you look at each other - the woman grabbed a cup of coffee.
- Mom for the hundredth time I'm telling you that I'm not dating my daughter's babysitter. We have nothing in common, I am not seeing her and I do not love her. You're making this up again. She's just my daughter's babysitter, come on. 
- If you say so. 
Jeremy was unaware that Liv was standing in the corner. She heard every word, felt the tears on her cheeks. She thought they meant something to each other, they had spent the last month together at his house. But now that she heard the words she knew it was just a game. She bit her lower lip, once again the guy had taken advantage of her. She knew from the beginning that this was a bad idea, but she couldn't help herself. She wiped the tears from her cheeks and went back to the baby's room. She wrapped the quilt around her one last time and kissed her head. She adored the little girl, they had caught a great connection from the beginning. She quietly gathered her things and packed everything into her backpack. In the bathroom she improved her appearance as much as she could, took one last look at the girl and smiled softly. She closed the door of her room and headed for the kitchen where she stopped. 
- Mr. Renner, Ava is already sleeping in her room. She has her school clothes ready for tomorrow, as agreed, I will take her to school tomorrow and then pick her up. As agreed, I will take care of Ava while you leave for work. If that's all, I'll go home, good night to you - Liv nodded slightly and headed for the exit. 
- You don't have to take care of Ava - Jeremy's mother said - I'll take my granddaughter with me for the time being. I will be happy to spend time with her. 
- Mom - Jeremy furrowed his eyebrows. 
- What, he wants to spend time with his granddaughter, and the vacations are about to start - the woman smiled. 
Liv looked at her employer she was his daughter and he was the one to decide. Jeremy looked at Liv and then at his mother. From the beginning he had tried to persuade Liv to go with him but she would have to look after his daughter but now that she was free she could go.
- Okay, Mom,- the man breathed. 
- Please let me know later if you want me to continue coming to you or if you will arrange for someone else to come - Liv breathed and headed for the exit. 
- I'll be right back, Mom - Jeremy took off after Liv. 
He caught up with her in the driveway and stopped in front of her. 
- I'm not going to slow you down - Jeremy furrowed his brow - I didn't know my mom would suggest it, I didn't ask her to. But that means you can come with me, just like I asked you to before - he touched her hand. 
Liv moved slightly away from him breaking the contact.
- I am your daughter's guardian - she breathed - nothing more. 
She felt a lump in her throat and tears burning her eyes. But she didn't want to cry in front of him. 
- What happened? - He furrowed his brows - this morning was fine between us. 
- I think I've just come to my senses, - she breathed, - Our affair was a mistake, a temporary blackout for the two of us. 
- The affair as you called our relationship lasted almost a year. I thought it was more than that - Jeremy rubbed the back of his hand. 
- I think you need to think about some things and talk to your mother - Liv looked him in the eye - please let me know when to report to work unless you can find someone else. 
Liv looked into his eyes, she could see the pain in them but it was reasonable to break it all off since he didn't think she was important. She took a breath and passed him heading to her house. Jeremy lowered his head and stared at his feet. Tears streamed down his cheeks, he thought Liv was happy with him but she wasn't. He rushed home without another word, slamming the door behind him. 
- Honey, what's wrong? - The woman looked at her upset son. 
- Nothing,- he growled, and headed for his bedroom. 
He sank down on the bed and hid his face in his hands. He growled at himself, he was angry or maybe broken. He grabbed his phone and opened a new text message to Liv. 
" I THOUGHT WE HAD SOMETHING DEEPER IN COMMON, I THOUGHT YOU WERE HAPPY. DID I DO SOMETHING WRONG? TELL ME AND I'LL MAKE IT RIGHT. I'm sorry, Liv," he clicked send. He hoped Liv would write back to explain what had gone wrong. A few moments later came the reply, "IT'S NOT YOUR FAULT, IT'S ALL ON ME. I...I JUST FALL IN LOVE WITH THE WRONG MEN. THE KIND OF MEN WHO DON'T CARE ABOUT ME, WHO TREAT ME LIKE I'M SOMEONE THEY CAN FUCK AND DON'T CARE ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS. JEREMY, I'M JUST TIRED OF THIS. MAYBE YOU'D BETTER FIND A NEW BABYSITTER FOR YOUR DAUGHTER WHO DOESN'T FALL IN LOVE WITH HER FATHER." Jeremy stared at the message, she loved him. She reciprocated his feelings and in that moment it hit him like a train. Hearing his conversation with his mother, he sprang to his feet. He grabbed his jacket from the rack by the door, his mother was still sitting in the kitchen. 
- Stay the night, I have to get something done,- he threw over his shoulder and started running to his car. 
He knew where she lived, he had to see her. He had to explain everything to her, it could not end like this. He didn't want to let her out of his hands, he loved her. He had known this for several months but didn't have the balls to admit it. He parked his car in the driveway of her house and started for the door. He knocked several times and all that was left was to wait. 
- Liv please,- he said, - I just want to talk. 
Finally, after several minutes, he heard the door unlock. The door opened and Liv stood in the threshold. Her eyes were broken, as if she had just cried. 
- Honey - Jeremy walked over to her put his hand around her cheek and ran his thumb over her wet cheek - I'm sorry. 
Liv closed her eyes and melted into his hand. She loved his warmth and the way he was towards her. 
- I know you heard me and my mom talking. I don't know why I said that, I didn't mean all that. You're important to me, you're important to my daughter. I just got tired of her constant questions, I know I could have played it better. 
He leaned over to her and kissed her lips softly. When he felt her melting into him he deepened the kiss. He walked deeper into the house with her, slamming the door with his foot. He only pulled away from her when the need for oxygen became too high. 
- I love you,- he whispered against her lips. 
Liv gasped at his confession, staring into his eyes. 
- I really love you, please don't leave me. It can't end like this.
- It's all so complicated, I won't leave but I have a condition. - She looked into his eyes. 
- Anything you want - Jeremy smiled softly. 
- You will tell your mom everything. She doesn't want to be your dirty secret anymore.
- I promise - he pulled her close and hugged her tightly - I love you Liv. 
- I love you - Liv whispered into his chest.
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one-shot-plus-size · 2 years
My best friend, my boyfriend, my husband
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Imagine : Liv goes with her friends to the lake to relax. One evening changes her whole life and makes her biggest dreams come true. 
Words : 1983
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Liv stared at the blazing bonfire, admiring the dancing colors. She smiled softly under her breath, she loved such scenery. Behind her, she could hear the sound of waves, and the sand of the beach crunched under her feet. She lifted her head slightly and looked around at her friends, she was surrounded by people who had accepted her into the group. Scarlett was sitting with her husband. The man had his arms around her and was hugging her to his chest. Near them sat Chris Evans talking to Jeremy, they were talking about something quietly laughing under their breath. Chris Hemsworth was hugging his wife whispering something in her ear. Anthony stared out at the ocean with a thoughtful expression on his face. Out of all of them he was the biggest thinker and often got stuck in his head. Sebastian was hanging around somewhere between them, currently disappeared somewhere. She loved being in their company even though she was not a star like all of them. She was an ordinary tattoo artist with several studios. She wasn't famous, she wasn't popular but she loved her work. And that was all that mattered to her, she loved the people who loved her work and made appointments to see her for sessions. 
Sebastian watched his friends while standing on the steps near the bonfire. He tried to observe each one individually but his gaze kept running to one particular person. Liv was the one who stole his undivided attention, he could never stay away from her. He adjusted the sweatshirt slung over his shoulder and moved toward her. He always tried to make her feel comfortable when he was near her, he smiled when he made eye contact with her. 
- Put it on - he handed her the sweatshirt - he doesn't want you to get cold. 
- Thanks - she smiled. 
She slipped his sweatshirt on and smiled as she smelled his scent. Sebastian sat down next to her on the blanket and looked at the fire. Liv rested her head on his shoulder and he embraced her and hugged her gently. He connected his gaze with Anthony who was smiling significantly. He was very aware of the feelings he had for the young woman. He tried to push his friend into her arms but he was terribly resistant. Sebastian told him every time that he was afraid that she did not feel the same and he would lose her. And he wouldn't survive that, he wanted her in his life at all costs. Maybe this would be his night, maybe tonight he would get himself together to tell her how he felt. He leaned into her gently. 
- Do you want to go for a walk?
Liv lifted her head slightly and nodded affirmatively. Sebastian was the first to rise, reached out to her and helped her up. He had to become a man and confess everything that was on his heart. 
- How are you enjoying your trip? - He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. 
- It is good to rest before a stressful month - she smiled at him.
- Are your parents coming this month? 
- They're not arriving, they're moving, the salons earn well enough that I could finally get them here. Their move coincided with the opening of another salon. So I really have a busy month ahead of me. 
- If you need any help please feel free to ask, I have some free time now. So I'm happy to do anything.
- Thanks Seb, I could use some help carrying boxes. - She smiled and looked at him. 
- So I don't have to use the gym this month -  he laughed. 
- At your service - Liv laughed. 
 - I love you - Sebastian pulled her to his side and hugged her.
He leaned in slightly and kissed her head, he loved the smell of her shampoo. Liv gently embraced his hand that was hanging off her shoulder. A pleasant silence fell between them. With Sebastian, silence was never stressful or awkward. She put her arm around his waist and breathed, his presence always calmed her. Sebastian enjoyed her closeness, he rarely had the opportunity to have her so close to him. 
- Can I ask you a question ? 
- Mh - Liv hummed as she gazed at the stars. 
- When you moved to the US, did you think you'd find the love of your life? 
Liv was silent for a moment, staring at the sky. 
- I think I was so stressed out that I didn't even think about it. I was too busy getting my life together. - She smiled slightly. 
- And now? Do you have someone in mind? - He glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. 
- Yes,-  Liv nodded, - but I don't think he's as interested in me as I am in him. Maybe I don't fit into his canons of beauty. 
- If he doesn't notice you, he's an idiot - Sebastian muttered under his breath. 
- Don't say that - Liv stopped looking at him - he's a great guy, smart, handsome and funny. I just think he hangs out with a different crowd. You know super models, slim girls, no tattoos, piercings or colored hair. I can understand him, I just can love him from a distance. 
- Do you love him? - Sebastian turned to face her. 
- With all my fucking heart. - Liv snorted under her breath. 
Sebastian ran a hand through his hair, his heart breaking at her challenge. He never thought he would hear such words from her, he had no idea she had someone in her sights. He lifted his head and looked deep into her eyes, biting his lower lip. 
- Are you okay? - Liv furrowed her eyebrows as she looked at him. 
- No - he shook his head - nothing is ok. This fucking idiot can't see the beautiful woman who is interested in him and how lucky he is. He wouldn't see her love even if he got hit in the face with it. 
- Maybe - Liv shrugged her shoulders - but I have him in my life as my best friend and that has to be enough. 
- He's your friend? - He came up to her. 
- Yes, for four years - Liv nodded. 
- I thought I was your best friend - he furrowed his brow. 
- This man is my best friend, he's handsome - she raised her hand and caressed his cheek - he's gorgeous, he has beautiful ice blue eyes and a wonderful wide smile. Sometimes he's goofy but that's what I love him for. 
Sebastian stared into her eyes, he felt like he knew this man. His heart swelled and he felt butterflies in his stomach.
- Is he from Romania ? - he whispered leaning towards her. 
- Yes - she nodded slightly, - but he lives in the United States now. 
Sebastian poked her nose with his and closed his eyes when their lips met. He had waited so long for this that he couldn't help but deepen the kiss. He cupped her cheeks with his hands and thrust his body against her. He groaned when she let him slide his tongue into her mouth. He pulled away from her when he ran out of breath, resting his forehead against hers. 
- This guy is an unimaginable idiot - he whispered against her lips - this idiot doesn't see the world outside of you. He loves you with all his idiotic heart. 
 Liv smiled and could not tear her gaze away from his eyes. She put her arms around his waist and snuggled against his chest. Sebastian kissed her hair and put his arms around her. He had the woman of his dreams with him. He rested his chin against her head and thanked the favorable stars. 
- So now I can call you my girlfriend? - Sebastian whispered into her hair. 
Liv pulled away from him and rested her chin against his chest. 
- If you want to - she smiled uncertainly. 
- Now I can legally kiss you so yes, she wants - he leaned in and kissed her. 
He would never get tired of kissing her, those lips were made for him. He was already looking forward to taking her to bed and having a wonderful time with her. 
Four years later. 
- Honey you need to calm down - Scarlett smiled rubbing Liv's shoulders - this guy doesn't see the world outside of you. 
Liv smiled, looking into the mirror.
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Her dark blue with silver bodice wrapped her body perfectly in all the right places. Diamonds sparkled beautifully in the light and her tattoos completed the entire look. Her hair flowed in a cascade of curls to her shoulders, with a diadem resting on top. She had imagined her wedding several times but never dreamed she would look this good. She moved her hands over her stomach, smiling tenderly.
- Have you told him yet? - Scarlett smiled.
- I'll tell him at the party, during the photo shoot - Liv smiled.
- Sebastian will be thrilled - the woman smiled broadly.
- I hope so - Liv nodded her head.
The door behind their back opened, the wedding planner entered the room.
- Liv it's time - Madie smiled - you look beautiful darling.
- Thank you - Liv nodded her head.
Scarlett handed her a bouquet of flowers and kissed her cheek trying to give her courage. Liv took one last breath and headed for the exit, her father was waiting for her just outside the entrance door.
- I've been waiting for this moment all my life - he smiled tearfully kissing his daughter's forehead - my little daughter is all grown up and getting married.
- I love you daddy, I'm glad you're here with me - Liv smiled on the verge of tears.
- I love you too baby - he smiled.
Liv grabbed her father's arm and breathed, trying to calm her nerves. This was really happening, she was getting married to her best friend. When the music started and the doors opened all she saw was Sebastian standing at the altar. He looked beautiful in a perfectly tailored tuxedo, there were tears in his eyes at the sight of his beautiful bride.
Two hours later.
Liv sat next to her now husband.
- I love you Mr. Stan - Liv smiled looking into his eyes.
- I love you Mrs. Stan, my perfect wife - he smiled widely.
- Time for pictures - Madie smiled.
- Sure - Liv nodded and got up.
She grabbed Sebastian's hand and pulled him towards the garden. Sebastian was smiling the whole time, he was finally happy. The lady photographer spent the next few dozen minutes snapping pictures of them. The two of them tried their best to portray their love in the pictures. At the end of the session, Madie handed Liv a small box tied with a ribbon. Sebastian furrowed his brow and stared into his wife's eyes.
- What is it? - He grabbed the box when Liv handed it to him.
- My surprise for you, - she smiled shyly - Unpack it.
Sebastian untied the ribbon, he had no idea what to expect. But after opening the box and pulling back the tissue paper, his heart stopped. On the white tissue paper were stacked little white baby shoes. He stared at the shoes, pulled them out of the box and stared at them for a long moment. Liv was biting her lower lip as she looked at Sebastian. The man finally took his gaze off the shoes and looked into her eyes.
- Are you pregnant? - he whispered in a cracking voice.
Liv nodded affirmatively, smiling. Sebastian sank to his knees and pressed his forehead to her belly.
- Hey - there were tears running down his cheeks - it's me your dad, Sebastian. This is the happiest day of my life.
Liv slid her hands into Sebastian's hair and tried to hold back tears. This day for both of them was perfect.
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one-shot-plus-size · 2 years
My girlfriend, my fiancée and my future wife
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Imagine : Sebastian Stan brings his girlfriend to Comic-Con in San Diego. Sebastian is about to propose to his girlfriend.
Words : 3237
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Liv sat quietly on the terrace looking out over the city skyline. It was her first time in San Diego and only because Sebastian had asked her to. She wouldn't have come here by herself, it wasn't her style. She raked through Sebastian's hair as he snuggled against her sleeping peacefully. His head was under her chin and his body lay between her legs. Immediately after arriving at the hotel he fell tired, he loved his job but lately he hadn't had a day off. 
- I think I'll take this role - he murmured in a sleepy voice. 
- I thought you were sleeping - she smiled. 
- Even in my sleep I think about this proposal - he raised his head slightly. 
Liv rubbed the sleep from his eyes and stared into his eyes, smiling gently. 
- If you feel that this role is for you, then accept it - she leaned over and kissed him on the forehead - but first you must rest. 
- I know - he breathed and hid his face in her neck - let's go on some vacation. Somewhere far away from here, where no one will bother us. 
- Whatever you want honey - Liv looked out over the city - whatever you want. 
She played with his hair which put him to sleep again, his arms around her waist. Only she could lull him to sleep and take care of him so well. 
- Hey folks - Anthony smiled broadly as he walked onto the balcony. 
Anthony was the only one of Sebastian's co-workers who knew about Liv. They didn't tell anyone else, they wanted to keep their bundle to themselves. Liv didn't like the whole Sebastian media thing and he respected that. 
- Hey - Liv smiled. 
- Is our celebrity tired ? - Anthony poked Sebastian in the shoulder. 
- Yesterday he came back from a movie set and today we are here. He hasn't had much sleep and he has a right to be tired. 
- Probably so - Anthony smiled - how was your first impression?
- I haven't seen much so I don't know. Ask me about it tomorrow - she smiled. 
- Not him - Sebastian groaned turning his head and looked at his friend - the most annoying person. 
- I know you love me anyway brother - Anthony smiled widely. 
- I hate you - he muttered sighing ostentatiously but there was a smile on his lips - how are you?
- Fine, how are you? 
- I'm just tired so forgive me if I don't get up but I'm comfortable here. 
- Yeah, your private pillow - Mackie smiled - how can you let Liv treat you? 
- He's at least handsome - Liv shrugged her shoulders.
- Oi - Sebastian pinched her side. 
- That's right - she smiled kissing his head.
- I'll leave you to it - Anthony rose - get some rest - he tousled Sebastian's hair and headed for the exit. 
- Asshole - Sebastian muttered and hid his face in Liv's neck again. 
- Sebastian Stan is not allowed to talk about friends like that - Liv poked him. 
Sebastian snorted under his breath and kissed her neck. 
- Are we going to bed? - he lifted his head and rested his chin on her breasts so he could look into her eyes. 
Liv ran her thumb over his cheek and then the skin under his eyes. 
- You really are tired, aren't you ? - She smiled softly. 
- I am - he nodded slightly.
- Go take a shower, I'll make you something to eat and then we can lie down.
- Thank you, my love - he smiled. 
Sebastian raised himself on his hands and kissed her gently on the lips. 
The next morning.
No one would have guessed that Sebastian was not a morning bird. If he could he would probably spend his days in bed. This morning was no different. 
- Five more minutes - he muttered hiding his face in the pillow.
- Seb darling you've been saying that for half an hour - Liv leaned over kissing his neck. 
- Do we have to go there? - he muttered. 
- Come on baby - she slid the comforter off him and ran her fingernails down his back.
A shiver ran through Sebastian's body, he groaned softly and lay down on his back covering his eyes with his hand. 
- Kitten - Liv sat on the edge of the bed and stroked his torso - you need to get up. You need to eat breakfast, shower and get ready. 
- And the coffee? - he murmured.
- There's coffee too - she smiled - you just have to get up. 
Sebastian groaned and opened his eyes looking at her and smiling softly. 
- Hey morning bird - he reached for her. 
- Hey sleepyhead - she smiled. 
She leaned over and kissed him on the lips - are you getting up?
- I'll get up - he breathed and stretched heavily. 
- You're cute baby - Liv smiled moving her hand down his torso - so sleepy.
- I'm not cute just handsome - Sebastian snorted under his breath.
- My lovely handsome - Liv smiled, kissing his torso - come on baby you have to get up, you don't want Mackie waiting for you. 
- What are your plans for tonight? - Sebastian took her hand and intertwined their fingers. 
- I'll leave a few minutes after you, wander around the fair, observe. I'll take pictures - Liv shrugged her shoulders. 
- But you'll be on my panel ? - Sebastian smiled. 
- I promised I would, so I will. I have a ticket, I'll be watching you to see if you're flirting with some beautiful actress. 
- I have a beautiful woman at home and I'm not going to lose her - Seb smiled at her - so I don't mind flirting with others. 
- Well I hope so - she leaned into him and kissed him. 
Sebastian slid his hand into her hair and pulled her closer to his body. He deepened the kiss, pulling her into his lap. Liv pulled away from him and looked into his eyes. 
- Sebastian Stan you need to get ready - she straightened up. 
- Mhm - Sebastian reached up and kissed her neck - this is going to be a quick round - he purred. 
- You are unreformable - she shook her head but agreed. 
After a quick morning sex Sebastian headed for the shower. Liv prepared his clothes and got ready to leave by herself. Liv sat on the terrace with a mug of coffee and looked out over the city, which was already waking up. More and more people were appearing on the streets, fans roaming the streets. Liv took a breath and squeezed her coffee mug tighter. She was stressing about all this, especially since Sebastian wanted to introduce her to the others at lunch. The man stepped out onto the terrace and leaned against the railing.
- How do I look? - Sebastian was wearing dark denim pants, a black T-shirt and a black shirt with yellow stripes.
- Perfect darling - Liv smiled - as handsome as ever. 
- Are you okay? - Sebastian furrowed his eyebrows and sat down on the edge of the deck chair. 
- Yes - Liv looked at him - ready to go?
- Liv I can see something's going on - he grabbed her hand. 
- I'm just a little stressed - Liv lowered her gaze - I'm afraid your friends won't like me. I'm not like all those women you deal with every day so it might be a bit stressful. 
- Kitten - Sebastian rubbed his head - you know I love you, we've been together for five years. If they don't like you that's their problem, my mom loves you and that's the most important thing. and I love you with all my heart baby. So there's nothing to stress about, this is supposed to be a nice time for you. For us, baby. 
He leaned over to her and kissed her forehead. 
- It'll be fine, I promise - he smiled - I'll text you when I'm free and we'll meet up for lunch with everyone. 
- Okay honey - Liv smiled. 
- I love you - Sebastian leaned over and kissed her softly. 
- I love you too - she whispered as he left. 
She waited twenty minutes and also left the hotel with her camera hanging around her neck. The streets were swarming with fans of all kinds; the closer she got to the hall where Comic Con was taking place, the more young people gathered in the streets. She walked up to the front door, Sebastian had gotten her a special VIP card. As soon as she showed it to the security guard he smiled warmly and let her in out of line. Once inside, the woman handed her a backpack with various goodies, Liv smiled and headed into the hall. Liv knew Sebastian's schedule, so she headed near the booth where he was going to give out autographs. She stopped a few feet from the table where they were giving out autographs. Sebastian was grinning from ear to ear and taking pictures with fans. Liv took a few pictures of him from a distance, she wanted to catch his candid reaction. She smiled as she watched him, he was very involved in all of this. He loved being an actor even though he was often tired.  Liv pulled out her phone and texted him " I LOVE YOU, YOU LOOK HAPPY sweetheart." Sebastian looked at the phone lying next to his elbow, opened the message and smiled. The corner of his eyes wrinkled as did his nose. He lifted his head and looked around the crowd, after a few seconds he managed to make eye contact with her. He bit his lower lip smiling the whole time, grabbed his phone and texted " I LOVE YOU DEAR, YOU LOOK LIKE A PROMOTION BETWEEN ALL THOSE PEOPLE." Liv sent him a kiss and moved on to explore new things. Sebastian followed her with his eyes which earned him a poke from Anthony.
- Is there someone here who has caught your eye? - He wiggled his eyebrows. 
- There's someone here who caught my eye over five years ago and I've had her with me ever since, - Sebastian whispered. 
- Are you stressed? - Mackie leaned his shoulders on the table. 
- I'm afraid she'll say no to me,- Sebastian breathed, - theoretically I know she'll say yes, but I have a concern. 
- Fear is always there but she loves you and I don't know what the hell for - Anthony laughed. 
Sebastian poked him with his shoulder and blushed furiously.
- She is my endgame - Sebastian smiled gently - he only wants her. 
- Well awesome do it - Anthony patted him on the shoulder. 
Sebastian nodded and smiled to himself. He was sure Liv was his last girlfriend, he wanted to make her his fiancée and then his wife. Biting his lower lip, he felt the weight of the box in his pants pocket. He had carried it with him for three months now. He had chosen it during one of his trips to China, he hoped she would like it. Around one in the afternoon he finally had an hour's break. He met up with Liv outside the restaurant. 
- Hey baby - he smiled putting his arms around her. 
- Hey honey - Liv hugged him around the waist - are you ok ?
- Yeah, -  he kissed her hair, - you ready?
- Mhm - Liv nodded slightly. 
She still wasn't sure, but she knew she had to do it. Sebastian took her hand, intertwined their fingers together, and they headed inside. The restaurant was closed to regular customers, a long table stood in the middle, set with plates, glasses, and drinks. Liv squeezed Sebastian's hand tighter when she saw people walking around. 
- Everything will be fine - Sebastian kissed her head. 
- Mhm - Liv muttered.
- There you are at last - Anthony smiled broadly and walked over to them. 
He hugged Liv - good to see you kid - he grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the others. 
- Hey guys - Mackie smiled - this is Olivia.
Liv looked around at everyone, suddenly she felt warm hands on her hips. Sebastian snuggled against her back. 
- Olivia has been my girlfriend for five years - he smiled. 
- Do you want to explain to us why you hid such a wonder for five years ? - Scarlett intertwined her arms across her chest - what explanation do you have for what ?
- We both decided to have this relationship just for ourselves, but after five years we decided it was time for you to meet her - he smiled. 
Liv was really well received among his friends. She sat next to Sebastian at the table and smiled at him. 
- I told you - he kissed her on the temple - they already love you baby.
Liv squeezed his hand under the table and smiled at him. She really felt good in the company of his friends. Scarlett mostly asked them about the details, how they met, what was the first date and so on. 
- We need to get going - Anthony rose first and the others moved behind him. 
- I'll be right with you - Sebastian smiled slightly and stepped aside with Liv. 
- Is something wrong ? - Liv furrowed her eyebrows.
- No honey - he shook his head - I was just wondering if maybe...- he breathed - if maybe you'd like to make our relationship public. I'd like to be able to show off my beautiful and smart girlfriend. What do you think?
Liv bit her lower lip, stared into his eyes for a moment and then lowered her gaze. Sebastian put his hand on her cheek and lifted her head so he could look into her eyes. 
- If you don't want to, it's okay, I won't push it - he kissed her forehead - it can stay the way it is. 
- I'd like that - Liv looked into his eyes - I'm just afraid of what your fans will say about me.
Sebastian pulled her tightly to him and hugged her. He kissed her head and hummed softly under his breath. He knew it calmed Liv and her nerves. 
- Let's do this - Liv pulled away from him - yes, I'm ready.
Sebastian smiled and kissed her gently - I love you - he smiled widely. 
- I love you too, now run away handsome because Mackie is about to drag you out of here by force. 
Sebastian kissed her again - You're coming with me - he grabbed her hand and intertwined their fingers together - now let everyone watch and admire. 
Liv smiled and kissed his shoulder. Seb smiled wide happy, his skin around his eyes wrinkled as did his nose. He looked adorable and sweet, he really was happy. Liv realized that she had been restraining him all this time wanting to leave their relationship a secret. 
- You two look so cute together - Scarlett smiled. 
- And we're happy, - Sebastian smiled, - we're going to have beautiful children. 
 Liv blushed and hid her face in his chest. Sebastian dropped his arm around her shoulders and kissed her head drawing her close. 
- How sweet, - Jeremy Renner smiled. 
Sebastian led her backstage and they locked themselves in his dressing room. Sebastian sank down on the couch and took a breath, patting his knees. Liv caught his suggestion and slid onto his legs. He put his arms around her waist and smiled kissing her neck. Liv snuggled up against him. 
- Kitten, what are you so turned on about today ? - Liv laughed as he pinched the skin of her neck. 
- I have a beautiful woman - he purred - and I can't help myself. 
- Sebastian - she moaned as he rolled his hips under her.
- I know you want this too - he slid his hands under her shirt - come on, the door is closed. 
Liv slid her hand into his hair and tilted her head back. Sebastian growled at the movement and stared into her eyes. Liv leaned in and kissed deeply, Sebastian growled. They made out in his dressing room, Liv trying to be quiet as much as she could. When it was over, she picked herself up and slipped her shirt on. 
- You look like a mess, - she smiled at Sebastian. 
She walked over to him and raked through his hair, running her thumb over his lower lip. 
- I love you - he leaned down and kissed her softly. 
- I love you more - she smiled - now go or they'll get really pissed. 
- How you take care of me baby - he kissed her forehead and left the dressing room and Liv a few moments after him. 
Liv gave up her seat to the older woman and sat on the stairs with the others. She watched the people smiling, so many young people were here for their heroes. Their favorites, they were here just to see them. And she was so lucky that one of the handsome ones was hers and she had no intention of letting him go. The lights in the room dimmed and the presenter announced each new person. Liv smiled widely as Sebastian entered the room, grinning from ear to ear as always. He loved his job and his fans, he sat down in his seat and moved his gaze around the room. He was looking for the one, the one he had sex with literally minutes ago in the dressing room. He bit his lower lip until he finally found her. He furrowed his brow at the fact that she was sitting on the stairs, but her smile said everything was fine. He smiled back at her and winked, tearing his gaze away from her when Mackie leaned toward him. Liv listened to all the questions directed at the actors and actresses. She was impressed by what questions people could ask. She looked at the young girl whose turn it was to ask a question. 
- I'm Lidia, I have a question for Sebastian - she smiled sweetly - we never see you with any woman anywhere. Does that mean Sebastian Stan is involved with a man ? or is Sebastian Stan single ? 
Sebastian smiled and shook his head. He glanced at Liv and winked at her, then stood up and straightened. 
- I officially announce to everyone here that Sebastian Stan has been free for five years. - He walked around the table and wiped his hands on his pants, "I have a loving, understanding and perfect woman. I have a woman who makes me happy and I wouldn't trade her for anything else. I love her with all my heart, although I know that she does not deserve even a minute of her time. But it is for her that I work on myself to be a better man, a better boyfriend and actor. She is the love of my life, I can honestly say that she is my soul mate. - Sebastian glanced at Anthony. 
Mackie smiled broadly and nodded slightly encouraging him. Sebastian jumped off the stage and walked over to Liv on the way pulling out a blue small box. He helped Liv up to her feet and he himself knelt down on one knee opening the box. 
- I would be more than happy for you to be my wife, - he grunted looking into her eyes, - Olivia Mazru, will you marry me?
Liv covered her mouth with her hand and tears fell from her eyes. 
- Yes, - she nodded affirmatively. 
Sebastian put down the microphone and slipped the ring on her finger. Then he reached up and hugged her tightly. Loud applause resounded in the hall, but at that moment they were in their happy bubble.  
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one-shot-plus-size · 2 years
I love you, Soldat.
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Imagine : Olivia talks to her husband one last time before leaving. Part of her heart stays in the room with him.
Words : 2001
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Liv stared at her hands sitting on the edge of the roof of one of the buildings in Wakanda. Tears streamed down her cheeks, she slipped the ring off her finger and took a breath. She had worn it on her finger for three years, she didn't know how she would manage without him now. He always came back to her, even in the worst of times he would cuddle her to sleep. And now they wanted to take him away from her, irrevocably send him away and take away the one person she had loved all her life. 
- Can you sit down ?
Liv turned her head and looked at Steve, standing awkwardly with his hands in his pockets and smiling shyly. 
- Who am I to forbid something to Captain America - she shrugged her shoulders and returned her gaze to the ring. 
Steve sat down next to her and took a breath while running a hand through his blond hair.
- I don't come here as Captain America but as Steve, your friend - he glanced at her out of the corner of his eye. 
- The friend who decided to take my husband - Liv snorted under her breath.
- Liv you know it's not like that - Steve looked at her wedding ring - if there was anything else we could have done we would have done it. 
- Come on Steve, don't give me that crap - Liv got to her feet - you're afraid of him, that's why you want to get rid of him. 
- Because he's dangerous - Steve growled rising to his feet. 
- You don't know him, you don't know my husband. You look at him and you see a murderer, you see the man you fought with, who wanted to kill you. But with me he is different, he is calm and . - her voice broke - he's just my husband. And you just so want to kill him. 
- He is a ruthless killer, he murdered in cold blood. - Steve scratched his chin - and I want my friend back. Doesn't he deserve to be himself?
- He does - Liv wiped her tears - but he won't be my husband anymore, he won't remember me. 
She slipped the ring back on her finger and parted her hair. 
- I won't stop you from doing what you want, but as soon as the trial starts I'm leaving here. 
- Where will you go? - Steve looked at her. 
- As far away from here as possible, as far away from people as possible. I need time to figure it all out.
- What about the missions? What about the Avengers? - the blonde furrowed his brow. 
- I'm leaving - she looked at him - I can't work with the people who took my husband. I'm sorry, Steve, but I can't live like this. Maybe someday, in a few years. 
- I hope you know what you're doing, - Steve lowered his head. 
- I hope Captain America starts living up to the values that matter and stops following his own personal whims. Now if you'll excuse me, Cap, I'm going to go say goodbye to my husband. 
Steve nodded and let her go, he knew she was hurting. But he wanted his friend back, at any cost. He didn't notice that he was hurting other people for his own whims. 
Liv walked into Shuri's lab, the young woman turned to her and smiled softly. 
- Is he okay ? - Liv stood next to her. 
- Yes, he's been acting up a bit. He won't let himself recover, and somehow we need to give him a sedative. 
Liv took a breath and looked at the monitor showing her husband's cell. The man walked from one wall to the other, his body tense. A cell constructed of Vibranium kept him from getting out. She swiped her finger across the screen, her man was like a caged animal. 
- Give me the drug - she looked at Shuri. 
- What ? - The girl furrowed her eyebrows. 
- Give me the sedative - Liv growled. 
- You shouldn't... - Shuri shook her head. 
- You want to get rid of him ? - she looked at her. 
Shuri nodded uncertainly, she could see the pain in Liv's eyes. She saw tears forming in the corner of her eyes. 
- So give me the medicine and let me say goodbye to my husband. 
The black woman handed her the syringe. 
- I'm sorry - she whispered. 
- Save yourself - Liv grabbed the medicine and headed for the cell. 
She slipped the syringe into her pocket and didn't look away from the floor. She didn't want to see other people's stares, she didn't need pity. She hated these people, they were taking away the love of her life. They were ripping her heart from her chest and didn't care about her well-being. She stood in front of the door leading to the room where the cell was located. She wiped her hands on her pants and turned the handle, slipping inside. Winter Soldier stopped in his steps and turned to face her. 
- Котёнок ( kitten ) - came to the door. 
- Самые дорогие ( dearest ) - she smiled slightly - Я хочу войти к тебе, но тебе нужно успокоиться, ты можешь сделать это для меня? ( - He wants to come in to you but you need to calm down, can you do that for me ?)
The man nodded and moved as far away from the door as possible.
- What's going on? - Steve joined Shuri in the lab. 
- Liv- Shuri breathed, trying to calm her emotions - she's gone to say goodbye to the Winter Soldier and she's going to give him the medicine. 
Steve furrowed his brow and walked over to the monitor. Liv was cuddling into her husband's much larger body, he was wrapping his arms around her and hiding his face in her hair. He looked calm and even relaxed, like he wasn't. 
- Do you think we are doing the right thing? - Steve spoke up suddenly. 
- The Winter Soldier is dangerous to all of us. He could kill us with one blow, but sometimes a man is faced with a choice that is never good. This is the best we can do - she walked over to him and turned off the monitor - let's give them some privacy, this is their last time together. 
Liv cuddled into her husband's warm body. She didn't care if it was the last time they made love, even if someone was watching the cameras. She wanted to feel him one last time, to feel his skin on hers. 
- Все кончено, не так ли? ( it's over isn't it?) - the Winter Soldier hoarse out.
- Что у вас есть на ( what do you mean ?) - she raised her head slightly and looked into his eyes. 
- Я видел шприц, он меня убьет? ( I saw a syringe, it's going to kill me ? ) - he whispered pushing his hair away from his face. 
- Нет, дорогая, это не убьет тебя. Это успокоительное, я должен дать тебе его, чтобы ты уснул. ( No darling, it won't kill you. It's a sedative, I'm supposed to give it to you to make you sleep) 
- Они снова вычистят меня? Забуду ли я тебя снова? Неужели я не вспомню свою жену? ( Will they clean me up again? Will I forget about you again? Will I not remember my wife ?)
- HYDRA ушла, никто больше не будет тебя чистить, обещания. ( HYDRA is gone, no one will ever clean you again, I promise ) - Liv smiled kissing him on the jaw - HYDRA создала вас в теле другого человека, и они хотят вернуть это тело тому, с кем вы его делите. Они не будут убиваь вас физически, они удалят из его головы слова, которые вас вызывают. They are not the same as the words in the book. ( HYDRA created you in another man's body, they want to give that body to the man you share it with. They will not physically kill you, they will remove the words that trigger you from his head. They will lock you in his mind. )
Liv pulled away from him and sat on the edge of the bed. A sob shook her body, she couldn't stop it. 
- Они заберут тебя у меня, я больше никогда не обниму своего мужа. ( They will take you away from me, I will never hug my husband again. ) - her voice was breaking with every word. 
The man sat down behind her and drew her back to his chest. He put his arms around her and kissed her neck. 
- Все в порядке, HYDRA создала меня, я опасен. ( It's okay, HYDRA created me, I'm dangerous.) - he tightened his arms tighter around her waist pulling her to him - Не забывай меня, малышка, помни, что я ЛЮБЛЮ тебя, что где бы я ни был, ты всегда будешь моей женой. Любовь всей моей жизни, женщина, ради которой я хотел стать лучше. ( Don't forget me baby, remember that I LOVE you, that wherever I am you will always be my wife. The love of my life, the woman for whom I wanted to be better. )
- Мне жаль, дорогая, что я не могу помочь тебе, что я подвел тебя. ( I'm sorry darling that I can't help you, that I let you down )
- Нет, дорогая, ты не потерпела неудачу. Я верю, что ты сделал все, что мог, я люблю тебя, и это все, что имет значение. ( No darling, you have not failed. I believe you did everything you could, I love you and that's all that matters.)
- Я люблю тебя, Солдат, и всегда буду любить. ( I love you Soldat, and always will) - she turned in his arms and kissed him. 
Winter Soldat deepened the kiss by embracing her cheeks. This was the last time he felt her close to him, he knew it was better this way. When they separated Liv helped him dress one last time, tears still flowing from her eyes. 
- Kотенок, не грусти. ( Kitten, don't be sad. ) - He took her face in his hands - Все будет хорошо, дорогая, все наладится. ( Everything will be fine honey, everything will work out.) 
- Я люблю тебя, Солдат. ( I love you Soldat) - she whispered gazing into his eyes. 
- Я тоже, котик. ( I love you too kitty) - he wiped her tears with his thumbs and kissed her gently. - Навсегда ( Forever )
Soldat left a lingering kiss on her forehead, grabbed a syringe from the table and lay down on the bed. - Давай, обними котенка. ( Come, cuddle kitty ) - he patted the place next to him. 
Liv slid in next to him, clinging to his body. She didn't want to lose him but it was too late. 
- Я люблю тебя, помни об этом ( I love you, remember that ) - he whispered staring into her eyes.
- Я люблю тебя, Солдат, у тебя мое сердце. ( I love you Soldat, you have my heart ) - she leaned into him and kissed him softly. 
Soldat slipped the syringe into his vein and let the liquid spread through his body.
- Спи спокойно, дорогая, отдохни.  ( Sleep peacefully darling, rest ) - Liv stroked his cheek as his eyes began to close - Я люблю тебя ( I love you). 
She felt the tears run down her cheeks, she brushed his hair away from his face and slipped it behind his ear as he fell asleep. She left a lingering kiss on his forehead and rose to her feet. Shuri walked into the room followed shortly by Steve, Liv didn't even give them one look. She took one last look at her husband, smiled sadly and headed for the exit. She was leaving a piece of her heart right there on that bed with that man. At the door she passed Shuri who didn't say a word to her. Just as she was about to walk past Steve, he grabbed her by the arm. 
- Can we talk?  
- No - she growled, pulling herself out of his grasp and moving to the exit. 
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one-shot-plus-size · 2 years
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Liv walked into her friend's house, the first to greet her was Ava. The girl threw herself into her arms. 
- Auntie - she squealed happily. 
- Hey, honey - Liv picked her up and put her on her hip. 
- I missed you - the blonde hugged her tightly. 
- Me too - Liv smiled. 
- Where did you run off to honey? - Jeremy walked out of the bedroom into the hallway. 
Liv lifted her gaze and her cheeks blushed. Jeremy was wearing nothing but his suit pants. Liv bit her lower lip looking down at his torso, despite his age he was still athletic. The man smiled and scratched the back of his neck. 
- Hey - he walked up to her and kissed her on the cheek. 
- Hey - she smiled - Your mom called me to help her with her makeup. 
- She's in the guest bedroom - Jeremy held out his arms to his daughter. 
- No - Ava hugged herself tighter - I'm staying with my aunt. 
- It's okay Jeremy, I'll take her with me. - She smiled and headed for the bedroom where an older woman was waiting for her. 
- Good morning - Liv smiled. 
- Hey honey - The woman smiled - I can't manage the makeup and I want to look nice for my son. 
- Of course, Mrs. Renner, Ava you sit still and I'll take care of your grandmother ok ?
- Yes - the girl reluctantly nodded. 
Liv sat her down on the bed, put her bag of makeup supplies on the dressing table. She looked at the dress and smiled, long, black and elegant. Appropriate for a woman of her age.
- Sit down and I'll take care of you - Liv smiled. 
- You fell from heaven - the woman sat down and smiled. 
- No problem.
Liv did a delicate make-up perfectly matching the dress and her beauty. She helped her put on the dress and the appropriate shoes. 
- Perfect - Liv smiled. 
- Thank you - the woman hugged her - I'll shine. 
- As always - Liv fixed her hair slightly. 
- Mom, which tie should I take? - Jeremy entered the room already thankfully dressed. 
- This one - the woman smiled. 
- Mom you look perfect - Jeremy smiled widely.
- It's all thanks to Liv. - the woman smiled. 
- If I have one more request for you will it be too much ? - Jeremy scratched the back of his neck.
- Of course not, -  Liv shook her head, - Spill it. 
- My daughter's nanny called me twenty minutes ago to say she was sick and couldn't come. Could you stay with her? - Jeremy looked down at his feet. 
Liv looked at the embarrassed man and then at the girl. 
- Do you want to stay with me tonight ? - She smiled. 
- Shall we make waffles? - the girl wiggled her feet as she sat on the bed. 
- Of course, with whipped cream and chocolate - she took her in her arms. 
- Then she wants to stay, - she nodded, hugging her neck. 
- Don't worry Jeremy, I will stay with Ava - she looked at him smiling. 
- Thank you - he raised his gaze and smiled shyly - I promise I will return the favor. 
- Just coffee - she smiled walking past him. 
She patted him on the shoulder and headed to the kitchen with the girl. Jeremy blushed and looked at his mother who was already smiling. 
- What? - He furrowed his eyebrows. 
- You should go to that gala with her and not me - she walked over to her son and adjusted his tie - you've both been hanging around each other for two years now, you're such an idiot son. I raised you better than that sweetheart. 
- I know mom, I just don't want to lose what I have with her if she doesn't feel the way I do - he looked into her eyes - I just don't want a repeat of Ava's mom. 
- She feels the same, I'm sure - she patted his chest - believe me, Ava loves her just as much as you do. 
Jeremy took a breath - let's go now, he doesn't want to be late - he grabbed his mom's hand. 
Three o'clock in the morning. 
- I'll tell you this again - the older woman entered the house - I'm proud of you. 
- Thank you, Mum, now go and rest - he kissed her on the head - I love you, Mum. 
- I love you too, son. - the woman smiled and went to her room. 
Jeremy entered the house and looked into his daughter's room. Ava was sleeping peacefully in her bed, Jeremy walked in kissed her on the forehead and quietly withdrew. He untied his tie and walked into the living room. He smiled softly looking over at the couch. On one of the backs slept Liv curled up and covered with a blanket. The TV played quietly in the background, Jeremy crouched down in front of her face. He gently pushed a strand of hair away from her face, she looked so peaceful. From this distance he could see every mole on her face, every wrinkle from her smile. 
- Hey Liv, - he whispered softly. 
It took Liv a moment to open her eyes, she blinked several times until she finally focused her gaze on him. She smiled softly, reached out and touched his cheek. 
- How did it go? - she murmured softly. 
- Good, really good - Jeremy smiled. 
- I'm glad - she moved her thumb across his cheek - I'm proud of you. 
Jeremy, in a fit of good humor and courage, leaned over to her and gently kissed her lips. Almost uncertainly, afraid he'd crossed the line, he pulled away from her after a moment. Liv stared into his eyes, drew him to her again and kissed him. She slid her tongue over his bottom lip asking for access, which Jeremy gladly did. Liv deepened the kiss by lifting herself up slightly on the couch. Jeremy put his hands around her neck and pushed against her lightly. They pulled away from each other only when they ran out of breath. 
- Why don't you go on a date now? - Jeremy smiled. 
- I agree,- she smiled.  
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one-shot-plus-size · 2 years
New changes Part 3
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Imagine: Tony Stark enlists his friend Liv to help construct upgrades for the Avengers. Who catches Bucky Barnes' eye.
Words : 1879
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Bucky would sit by her bedside for hours, holding her hand and whispering comforting things. He'd tell her about his day, what they'd done on their last mission, or how he felt. He didn't know if she could hear him for the last three weeks she had been unconscious. Bruce had been watching over her health and taking care of her. Liv was still stuck between consciousness and her power, she could hear every word the people next to her were saying. She could hear the hint of fear in Clint's voice, she was sure no one gathered in the room sensed it. Maybe Bucky with his super hearing. She wanted to give them some kind of sign that she was here, that she was among them, but she couldn't move her body. She couldn't get the words out of her mouth even though she wanted to so badly. She could hear James' broken voice as he held her hand and stroked her hair. She just wanted to take away all his pain, she wanted to take away all his negative emotions, she wanted him to be happy. Bucky kissed her hand gently and rested his chin against her palm. Even though she had slept for so long her body was functioning normally, it was warm. 
- Come on Liv, we've all been waiting for you for so long - he stroked the skin of her palm with his thumb - I'm waiting for you, you need to see what kind of man I've become. I'm trying to be better, to work more, I want you to be proud of me. 
- Hey - her hoarse voice broke him out of his monologue - I'm proud of you. 
Bucky jerked his head up and looked at her face. Her blue eyes were staring at him and a gentle smile wandered on her lips. 
- You're awake,- he rose to his feet. 
- I guess so - she breathed improving herself on the bed. 
- Hey, you need to rest. I will call a doctor to examine you - he looked into her eyes. 
- Wait, I'm fine - she got up and threw her legs off the bed. 
She sat on the edge, her hands clenched on the edge of the bed, she breathed looking at James. 
- You cut your hair - she looked up at him, she lifted her head slightly and Bucky leaned into her.
She moved her hand through his new haircut, James purred like a cat. Liv smiled softly, his hair was so soft. She moved her fingers to his face, over his stubble. Bucky felt a shiver run through his body, he grabbed her hand and kissed her skin gently. 
- Everyone missed you - Bucky smiled softly - Clint was out of his mind. 
- Panicking - Liv snorted under her breath - I'm fine. 
She gently pushed herself off the bed and rose to her feet. However, her muscles were stagnant and she stumbled forward. Bucky caught her around the waist and pulled her to his chest. 
- Relax, - he murmured in her ear, 'you need to watch yourself.  
Bucky leaned down, slipped his hand under her knees and the other over her ass. He lifted her bridal style, Liv laid her head on his chest and clung to his shirt. 
- I'll take you into the common area, I'm sure everyone will be glad you're finally awake. - Bucky smiled softly.
- It's good to be back but I think he needs a little stretching - Liv breathed as she listened to James' steady heartbeat. 
- It's all right, I'll be there for you like you've been there for me - Bucky smiled gently and kissed her hair. 
He walked up to the floor where the common area was, everyone was sitting in the living room busy watching a movie. 
- Hey - Liv smiled at them. 
- Jesus Liv - Clinton jumped to his feet - finally. 
He walked towards her with a quick step with tears in his eyes. He touched her cheek gently and smiled broadly. 
- You look good for such a long sleep - Clint laughed.
- You, on the other hand, look like shit - Liv snorted. 
Bucky sat her down in the chair and stepped back allowing her friends to greet her. He didn't want to invade her personal space, but before he could move away Liv grabbed his hand and squeezed hard. Bucky gently nodded and sat back in his chair. Liv didn't let go of his hand for the entire conversation with her friends, she felt him grounding her. After an hour she felt overwhelmed. 
- I think she needs a rest - she breathed. 
- Sure - everyone nodded in agreement. 
- Come on, let me help you - Bucky leaned over to her and took her in his arms. 
Clint smiled at Nat meaningfully, he felt that as soon as she woke up Bucky would be close to her. He would take care of her as best he could. 
Bucky carried her to her room which had been unused for a long time, Bucky cared about this room, he had happened to sleep in it a few times. He wanted to be close to her as much as he could. He planted her gently on the bed and moved away from her. 
- If you need anything my room is opposite - he smiled slightly.
- Bucky - she spoke when the man stood in the doorway - maybe you could stay? I don't want to be alone right now. 
- Sure - he nodded and closed the door. 
- Can you help me take a shower? - she looked at him.
- I don't know if I'm the right person, why don't I call Wanda or Nat? - Bucky blushed. 
- I trust you,- Olivia lowered her gaze, - but if you don't want to, it's okay. I'll handle this on my own. 
Bucky took a breath and moved towards her, if that was what she wanted then he would help her.
- Come on, baby - he leaned over to her and helped her up - I'll help you. This is how I can repay you for all you've done for me. 
Liv smiled softly as she clung to his body. 
- I haven't done anything that requires you to repay me.
- Let's drop the subject, we'll talk after you've rested,-  Bucky breathed as he walked with her into the bathroom. 
He sat her down on the cabinet and went back into the room to get fresh clothes for her. After so long she definitely needed a hot and long shower. He returned to the bathroom and put the clothes back on the cabinet. Liv had managed to pull her shirt up but her whole body ached and she couldn't manage to slip it off. She muttered under her breath frustrated. Bucky stood between her legs and grabbed the shirt. 
- Let me help you - he smiled uncertainly. 
He pulled the t-shirt off her body and tried not to look at her breasts. After all, she was not wearing a bra and her breasts tempted him He lowered his gaze to her belly where there were blue marks. He ran his fingers gently over them, he didn't want to hurt her but he couldn't control himself. 
- These are runes, runes of my magic. They appear on my body every time I use it, some disappear and some do not. As you can see, I think these will stay with me, they're cool. 
- Yes - Bucky nodded - they are fascinating - he ran his fingers over them. 
He knew that these marks would remind her of what he had done to her. What had happened because of him and his fucked up life. 
- Hey - Liv slid her fingers under his chin and lifted his head up so she could look into his eyes - don't blame yourself for this. I knew very well what I was getting into and I did it willingly. 
- I... - his voice faltered. 
Liv pulled him to her, stood between her legs and hugged her. He hid his face in her neck and sobbed, he hadn't let himself break down since the beginning. But now it was just the two of them, Liv stroking his hair. 
- It's okay now, nothing bad happened. It's going to be okay, don't blame yourself, it's not your fault James. - She whispered in his ear. 
Bucky pulled his head away from her shoulder and wiped away the tears looking into her eyes. 
- How can you put up with my company when I've done you so much harm? - he whispered, staring into her blue eyes.
- Good people need help - she put her hand on his cheek - and you are good, you always have been. 
- I've hurt so many people - he looked at the ground. - I saw everything they did to you, every pain you felt, and none of it is your fault. HYDRA are fucked up people, if I could I would kill them in cold blood.  
- Thank you Liv,- he smiled softly. 
Liv smiled back and pulled him gently to her. She kissed the corner of his mouth, not daring to do more. She had no idea if he wanted it or not, and she didn't want to pressure him. Bucky put his hand on her cheek and in a burst of courage kissed her on the lips. He pulled away from her with flushed cheeks. He smiled shyly, avoiding her gaze. 
- Did the super soldier get embarrassed,- she smiled happily. 
James' cheeks earned even more pink, he breathed leaning into her and kissing her again. Liv put her hands on his muscular shoulders, moaning into his mouth. They only pulled away from each other when the need for oxygen became urgent. 
- Help me with the shower, I'd like to lie down,-  she smiled softly. 
- Shall I go under the water with you ? - Bucky looked over his shoulder. 
- I'd appreciate it if you did, my legs are still pretty weak. - She breathed. 
Bucky nodded slightly, stripped naked, took her in his arms and stepped into the shower running the water. He let her stand on her feet, Liv propped herself up on his shoulders. He meanwhile washed her body thoroughly, trying not to look at her naked body. He was already aroused which made him feel very uncomfortable. As soon as he had washed her again he grabbed her bridal style and carried her into the room. He slipped on his sweatpants and helped her get dressed. Liv lay down in bed and Bucky covered her with a blanket, when he wanted to leave Liv grabbed his arm. 
- Can you stay? - She looked at his face. 
- Are you sure? - He furrowed his brow.
- If you want,- she let go of his hand, - I don't insist, I just don't want to be alone. 
- Okay- Bucky slid under the blanket beside her. 
 Liv snuggled up to him, laid her head on his chest. And she breathed. Sebastian slid his hand into her hair and combed through it gently. He was glad Liv was okay, that nothing had happened to her. Now he would have a chance at them after they kissed. 
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one-shot-plus-size · 2 years
New changes Part 2
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Imagine : Tony Stark enlists his friend Liv to help construct upgrades for the Avengers. Who catches the eye of Bucky Barnes.
Words : 3415
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Liv was already scrambling around the lab at seven in the morning, getting everything ready for the procedure. She made sure she remembered every word she had to scrub out of James' head. - You ready? - Wanda entered the room with two mugs of coffee. 
- Sure - she nodded slightly - thank you for the coffee, it raises my blood pressure and it's not advisable today - she refused to take a cup of coffee. 
- Sure - Wanda sat down on the desk - I can see that you have everything perfectly prepared - she looked around the room. 
- Yes - Liv nodded - remember what you promised me.
- I remember - Wanda sighed - but I still think it's bullshit.
- Just do it - Olivia looked at her. 
- Do what? - Tony walked into the lab. 
- Nothing - Liv looked at Wanda - nothing that concerns you. 
- Oh I see you're not in a good mood this morning - Tony smiled broadly. 
- Hey - Bucky appeared in the doorway.
- Here comes our star - Tony smiled broadly - welcome.
Liv looked over her shoulder at James, smiling softly. Bucky was already staring at her himself, smiling uncertainly. 
- Hey - Wanda smiled back. 
- J.A.R.V.I.S you ready? - Liv looked off into space. 
- Yes Ms. Mazru - a metallic voice spoke up. 
- You will start work fifteen minutes after I take care of Bucky, you know what to do - Liv breathed. 
- Yes, Mrs. Mazru.
- Okay, ready? - Liv turned to face James. 
- Yes, I think so - he nodded slightly. 
- Lie on your back, you need to take off your shirt. For your safety and mine we'll strap you in. I'll eventually get inside your head. 
Bucky walked over to the chair, took off his shirt which he threw in the corner. He laid on his back and readjusted himself in his seat a few times. Liv walked over to him, smiled softly - You'll be fine, I promise - she patted his hand. 
Bucky stared into her eyes but nodded gently. 
- I'll buckle you in now, you can't move from your seat - Olivia grabbed the straps and slowly buckled him in. She noticed how his body tensed, touched his hand and smiled reassuringly. She wanted to comfort and support him, he tightened his fingers on her hand. Tony and Wanda looked at each other and the scene unfolding before them. Liv, after getting Bucky ready, sat in a chair near his head. She pushed his hair aside and smiled. 
- At first you will feel numbness, you will feel a little pain. Eventually you will drift off as I take control. At this point J.A.R.V.I.S will take care of your arm. Wanda is here to help if anything goes wrong, Tony to oversee the arm replacement. Can we get started? - She looked into his eyes. 
Bucky took a breath staring at her, she nodded slightly. 
- It will burn a little - Liv put her hands to his temples. 
Liv closed her eyes, when after a few moments she lifted her eyelids her entire eyes were blue. Her lips gently parted whispering forbidden words. Blue threads moved from her fingers straight to James' head. James stiffened, his eyes staring at the ceiling. He felt his body stiffen and his thoughts stop. There was a void in his head and his body relaxed. After fifteen minutes .J.A.R.V.I.S began replacing the arm with a new one, separated all the metal from the living tissue and replaced it with black and yellow metal made by Liv. Tony controlled her work while Wanda watched Liv and her keeping James unconscious. Liv tensed when she saw James' first memories, felt his pain and fear. She saw what Hydra had done to him, how they had experimented on him, how they had frozen him and modified him.How they had put things in his head that he had never been a fan of. She saw and felt how they erased his memory, how they programmed him from scratch. She hardly ever saw the good moments, there was only anger, sadness, brokenness and pain. Groaning at the feeling, Wanda rose from her seat and walked over to her. She placed a hand on her shoulder to ground her. She herself knew what it was like to feel and have the memories of others in her head. She knew very well what she was experiencing now, and she could only guess what was in the Winter Soldier's head. After almost two hours, Wanda used her powers to enter Liv's head and tell her that she could finish. That it was all done, Liv slowly stepped back and released James from under her power. She moved her fingers away from his temples, but her eyes did not return to normal. She could see and feel how they had cleared his memory,how they had programmed him all over again. She hardly ever saw the good moments, there was only anger, sadness, brokenness and pain. Groaning at the feeling, Wanda rose from her seat and walked over to her. She placed a hand on her shoulder to ground her. She herself knew what it was like to feel and have the memories of others in her head. She knew very well what she was experiencing now, and she could only guess what was in the Winter Soldier's head. After almost two hours, Wanda used her powers to enter Liv's head and tell her that she could finish. That it was all done, Liv slowly stepped back and released James from under her power. She moved her fingers away from his temples, but her eyes did not return to normal. She could see and feel how they had cleared his memory, how they had programmed him all over again. She hardly ever saw the good moments, there was only anger, sadness, brokenness and pain.Groaning at the feeling, Wanda rose from her seat and walked over to her. She placed a hand on her shoulder to ground her. She herself knew what it was like to feel and have the memories of others in her head. She knew very well what she was experiencing now, and she could only guess what was in the Winter Soldier's head. After almost two hours, Wanda used her powers to enter Liv's head and tell her that she could finish. That it was all done, Liv slowly stepped back and released James from under her power. She moved her fingers away from his temples, but her eyes never returned to normal. Sadness, brokenness, and pain. Groaning at the feeling, Wanda rose from her seat and walked over to her. She placed a hand on her shoulder to ground her. She herself knew what it was like to feel and have the memories of others in her head. She knew very well what she was experiencing now,and she could only guess what was in the Winter Soldier's head. After almost two hours, Wanda used her powers to enter Liv's head and tell her that she could finish. That it was all done, Liv slowly pulled back and released James from under her power. She moved her fingers away from his temples, but her eyes never returned to normal. Sadness, brokenness, and pain. Groaning at the feeling, Wanda rose from her seat and walked over to her. She placed a hand on her shoulder to ground her. She herself knew what it was like to feel and have the memories of others in her head. She knew very well what she was experiencing now, and she could only guess what was in the Winter Soldier's head. After almost two hours Wanda used her powers to enter Liv's head and tell her that she could finish. That everything was done,Liv slowly backed away and released James from under her power. She moved her fingers away from his temples, but her eyes did not return to normal. She knew very well what he was experiencing now, and she could only guess what was in the Winter Soldier's head. After almost two hours, Wanda used her powers to enter Liv's head and tell her that she could finish. That all was done, Liv slowly backed away and released James from under her power. She moved her fingers away from his temples, but her eyes did not return to normal. She knew very well what he was experiencing now, and she could only guess what was in the Winter Soldier's head. After almost two hours, Wanda used her powers to enter Liv's head and tell her that she could finish. That it was all done, Liv slowly stepped back and released James from under her power. She moved her fingers away from his temples, but her eyes did not return to normal. 
- Something is wrong - Tony furrowed his brow. 
- It's his memories - Wanda muttered - she can't go back because her feelings are blocking her. 
Bucky moved in his seat, blinked several times and looked around. 
- What's going on? - He furrowed his brow and looked at Liv. 
- Nothing you need to worry about - Wanda muttered and pulled Liv away from him to a safe distance - I'll get her back but it will take time. Tony get him out of here and don't let anyone in here. 
Tony nodded, pushed out the beds with Bucky and headed for the other room. 
- What's going on with her ? - James looked at him. 
- I don't understand it all, all I know is that Liv has locked herself out. She can't get back from where she is - Tony closed the door and unbuckled his seatbelt - check how the arm is. It should be fully compatible with you by now. 
Bucky sat down on the edge and took a breath moving the metal arm. 
- It's perfect - he moved the human hand over the metal. The black matched the gold perfectly. He clenched his hand into a fist and stretched his fingers. Everything worked and looked perfect - she has talent. 
- Pray for her return, because we will need her again - Tony scratched his head. 
As he was about to say something he was interrupted by a loud explosion coming from the next room. 
- Fuck, J.A.R.V.I.S. What's going on? - Tony furrowed his brow. 
- Mr. Stark, lab number two has been destroyed. Mrs. Maximoff is hurt. Unfortunately, I can't find any readings on Mrs. Mazru. 
- Stay here, J.A.R.V.I.S call the rest of the Avengers. - Tony left the room and made his way through the rubble to where lab number two was until recently. He stopped and looked around, when the crossbow dropped he saw Wanda lying against the wall with a bleeding arm. - Is she okay? - Tony knelt down beside her. 
- I'll be fine, we have bigger problems. 
Clint rushed into the room followed by the rest of the Avenger. 
- What's going on? - Barton looked around - oh fuck. 
He froze, staring inside the destroyed room. Tony lifted his gaze as did the others. Liv was floating a meter above the ground, blue energy wrapped around her body. It swirled across her skin, her head tilted back as if she were gazing up at the sky. Her eyes were still blue 
- I think we have a problem - Natasha ruffled her hair. 
- What's going on? - Bucky walked towards them. He stopped in his tracks when he saw Liv, his pupils dilated in surprise - what happened to her ?
- The Ligue has taken control of her, she's locked inside her own mind.
- What the hell is a Ligue? - Bucky furrowed his brow. 
- Blue light - Clint breathed - I thought she'd mastered it by now, nothing had happened for so long.
- It's his memories - Wanda pointed at Barnes - he's had so many bad moments, felt so many bad emotions that it became fodder for Ligue once she entered his head. I wanted to free her so she could become Liv again but that shit got mad and well the results we can all see. - Wanda hissed grabbing her arm.  
- Come on - Captain America took her in his arms - I'll go with her to the medical center.
- She will need to be secured somehow, if she escapes from here who knows what could happen - Clint walked closer to her - Liv ? 
The figure lowered her head and looked towards him, tilting her head, her burning blue eyes staring into his soul. 
- I know you're there, I know you're fighting this. And I'm sure you can do it, you have to come back to us Liv. 
The figure moved closer to him, its eyes still watching him.
- Be careful - Sam spoke up.
- Relax, I know you're there. My friend Liv is there, come on woman I know you're stubborn - Clint stared at her - I know you can win this fight. 
Everyone watched the figure approaching Clint, her hand rose and stopped a few millimeters from Hawkeye's head. His body tensed but after a moment he relaxed. He stared into the cold blue eyes. 
- I know - he nodded slightly - Tony open the cell where Loki was locked up. She wants it herself - he looked at his friend.
Tony nodded, moving towards the cell, he felt a cool breeze behind him. When he looked over his shoulder he saw a figure gliding behind him. He knew it was Liv but he found it hard to believe that a human could become someone like that. He opened the cell door and stepped aside, Liv slipped into the cell, Tony closed the door. 
- What did she tell you ? - Nat looked at Clint. 
- That she'll be back but she needs time - Clint smiled - she's fighting. 
- Let's hope she succeeds - Nat sighed - this mess will have to be cleaned up. 
- Don't worry about that, I already called the right people - Tony smiled. 
- It's all my fault - Bucky whispered under his breath - he shouldn't let her get inside my head, I should refuse - he tugged at his long hair. 
- Hey - Nat looked at him - if I hear words like that again I'll personally hit you myself. Nothing is your fault, she knew very well what she was signing up for, she knew what the risk was from the very beginning. 
Bucky retreated to the room where Liv was locked up. He stared at her as she levitated several inches above the ground. A voice echoed in his head that it was his fucking fault.
- She'll be fine - Clint put a hand on his shoulder - she'll be back, you'll see. 
- Hopefully - he muttered under his breath. 
Some time later.
Bucky came to see her every day whenever he was in Avengers tower. He spent nights outside her door staring into her blue eyes. He couldn't forgive himself that it was his fault that she was in this state. He knew it was his fucking fault and he was the one who had caused all this. After another mission in a row Bucky jumped out of the helicopter and headed for the building. He needed to take a shower and go see Liv. They had been gone for almost two weeks and he wanted to finally see her. As soon as he entered the building he felt a jolt. He stopped in his steps and looked around trying to locate the source. 
- J.A.R.V.I.S what's going on? - Bucky looked around the room. 
- Mr. Barnes since the Avenger's departure I have recorded 43 attempts to breach the security of Ms. Mazru's cell, from the inside. 
Pepper jumped out from behind the corner, out of breath and sweating.
- Jesus, I'm so glad you're here - she breathed, leaning her hand against the wall - something's been going on with Liv for days. I can't get it under control, any more and she'll blow out the walls of the cell. 
- Fuck - Bucky growled under his breath and took off running to the floor where Liv's cell was located. His feet carried him straight to her room, he had to see what was going on. After a few moments he finally made it to the door, at the perfect moment as the building shook again. In the small window, he saw blue energy come out of Liv's levitated body. It reminded him of an energy discharge or maybe a blast of energy like when a nuclear bomb explodes. Bucky leaned against the wall to keep his balance, when it was over he returned to the window. 
- Bucky - he heard his name in his head - you're not missing so much already. 
- Liv - he approached the window - hey, I'm here, I'm here for you, just like you were for me. Come on, baby, I know you can come back, we're waiting for you here - his voice hesitated - I'm waiting for you. 
He hoped his voice would help her come back, maybe ground her. He rested his hands on the cold metal. 
- Come on, you have to see the arm you created, it's perfect. But I have a few comments - he smiled under his breath - I've always liked to pick on things. 
After a while Tony, Wanda, Clint and Nat joined him. 
- What is going on? Why do I feel like this is all going to come crashing down - Tony muttered under his breath. 
- It's Liv - said Bucky staring at the figure in front of him. 
- I'm so tired - a voice in his head moaned - I don't have the strength anymore. 
- Come on, don't do this to us - Bucky held back tears - we need you, I need you. I know you're strong, I know you can do it. 
Clint looked at Barnes, put a hand on his shoulder. He could see what the man was feeling, knew how he sat outside her cell for hours. He mumbled something under his breath, he had become attached to this girl. And that was okay, he was trying to do something to get her to come back. Bucky looked at Clint and sighed. 
- She'll come back, won't she? - he whispered in a cracking voice - it's been so long. 
- I don't know Bucky - Clint shook his head - I wish she would come back here but it's up to her.
James returned his gaze to the figure as another pulse of energy emanated from it. This one was stronger, more powerful and more intense, knocking him back against the wall. The momentum of the impact knocked the air out of his lungs, Bucky took a moment to get to his feet. As soon as he got to the door he saw Liv's body lying inert on the ground. He opened the door impetuously and ran over to her. 
- Hey - he grabbed her face in his hands - Liv.
He moved his fingers to her neck looking for a pulse that would tell him she was alive, that she was okay. He sensed the faint beat of her heart, took her in his arms and rushed with her to the medical center. His body tensed, and all he could hear in his head was the voice that it was his fucking fault. That he had caused her to be in this state, that he would never forgive himself for hurting her, that his memories had caused her to suffer. 
- Bruce help her - he laid her body gently on the bed. 
He moved away quickly and covered his mouth with his hand, holding back a sob. He didn't want to break down, he didn't want to show anyone that it had affected him this way. He sat down against the wall and hid his face in his hands, no sound could reach him. Despite his above average hearing, he cut himself off from the outside world. He had no idea how long he had been sitting here, but he only woke up when he felt strong hands on his face. He looked up and saw Steve kneeling before him, he could see his lips moving but the words were not coming out. Steve took a breath. 
- Bucky - Steve stared into his distraught blue eyes. 
- What about her? - he muttered in a hoarse voice. 
- She'll be all right, she's weak and unconscious, but there's no danger to her life. 
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one-shot-plus-size · 2 years
New changes Part 1
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Imagine : Tony Stark enlists his friend Liv to help construct upgrades for the Avengers. Who catches the eye of Bucky Barnes.
Words : 2033
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"It's good to see you Liv " Tony smiled widely hugging her. 
 If you're calling me that means I have a lot of work ahead of me and not many sleepless nights," Liv rolled her eyes pulling away from Stark. 
"How well you know me," the man smiled broadly.
" So lead the way to the lab and on the way you can tell me what I have to do "Liv slung her backpack over her shoulders and grabbed two sports bags. How long do I have to stay?”
Stark led her to the lab she already knew so well. "I can't deny we could use you on a permanent basis," he smiled, glancing at her.
"So you need someone to do the dirty work," Liv rolled her eyes, "I could see that coming."
"Not true." Tony shook his head. "I'm offering you a permanent job, I'll pay you. I'll give you a place to sleep and the best equipment you can get on the market today.
"Offer an unlimited budget and I'll consider it." Liv smiled under her breath. 
" A year ago you would have categorically refused and now you're considering it, that's some progress " Tony looked at her. 
Liv rolled her eyes and took a breath, she knew she was going to miss her sleep but what doesn't one do for the Avengers and the famous Tony Stark. In one of the hallways they came across Nat and Clint talking. They both fell silent when they saw them. 
" Liv " Nat smiled walking up to her " Good to see you " she hugged her. 
" You too Nat " Liv smiled and hugged her back " You too Clint " she looked at the man. 
" I'm already dreading what you're going to come up with with my shots " Clint smiled and took Nat's place hugging Liv tightly " Good to have you there, I have some new ideas "
" Clint give her some peace her priority will be Barnes arm. Then we'll think about what to do next." Tony smiled and pulled her into the lab. 
" I promise Clint I will take care of you too " Liv threw over her shoulder as Tony pulled her along.
Finally they reached the lab Liv dropped her bags and backpack on the ground. She took a breath as she looked around the place " I see new equipment and new capabilities " Liv parted her blue hair " will you give me time to spread out or should I get to work right away?"
"I'll give you time to review the medical records of the facility you'll be working on, but the sooner you start the better for us." Tony smiled broadly. "Make yourself at home."
" Thanks Tony " Liv nodded and sat down at the table where all the documents lay. Liv focused her attention completely on the documents and the technology she was dealing with. 
" Hey " she heard a male voice. 
She lifted her head from above the documents and looked towards the entrance. There was a man standing in the front doorway. He was somewhere around 185 cm tall, his long dark hair framed his face perfectly and his gaze pierced her deeply. However, what interested Liv was a metal hand. She walked up to him with a confident step, grabbed his hand and lifted the metal hand looking at it. " Amazing " she ran her fingers over the smooth metal. " Unbelievable " she muttered under her breath. Bucky watched her actions without saying a word. It was the first time he had seen someone so fascinated by his hand. 
" Bend your fingers" Liv moved his fingers. 
Bucky wordlessly did as she asked, she watched the movements of his fingers. Liv smiled to herself. " She looks really good, why do you want to change her ?" She lifted her head and looked into his eyes. 
" I'm not always in control of her, besides she's my connection to a past I want to forget as soon as possible " Bucky said staring into her eyes. 
" I will have to run some tests, I have to look at it carefully. Then I can create something new based on this " Liv scratched her chin and motioned to the documents.
" Is this going to hurt ?" Bucky walked into the lab. "These tests?"
"No," Liv nodded. "I won't do anything to make you uncomfortable." She looked at him, putting her hair up in a bun. "Do you want to start right away or in the morning?" 
"The sooner I get rid of it the better. Bucky sat down in the chair. I'm James Barnes, but everybody calls me Bucky.
"Nice to meet you James, I'm Olivia Mazru but everyone calls me Liv. 
At the same time Nat, Bruce and Tony looked at the monitors displaying the lab image. 
"Do you think it's a good idea to leave them there together?" Nat looked at Stark.
"Yeah." He nodded. "Liv has a healing effect on people, and that's what Bucky needs right now. They'll get along." Tony clapped his hands. "Give me a hand."
"Jesus," Nat rolled her eyes. 
"Can you take your shirt off?" Liv stood next to James' chair.
"Why don't you ask me out first?" Bucky smiled gently taking off his shirt. 
Liv snorted under her breath but her cheeks blushed softly. She slid her fingers along his arm " Does it hurt ?" she touched the connection between his skin and the cold metal. 
" Not anymore " Bucky shook his head.
Liv nodded, she examined his arm for range of motion, anatomy and connection to his body. She downloaded his measurements, sat at her desk drawing something out and jotting down key notes. Bucky sat in the chair watching Liv but not feeling comfortable in the lab. He didn't say a word and covered his face with his long hair. After an hour Olivia turned and looked at him.
"I have two options," she scratched the back of her neck, "I can design you a frame that you can take apart, upgrade, change parts and so on. The other option is to build you a permanent arm, without the ability to take it off or break it. Unfortunately both options involve a lot of interference with what you have now. I will have to put you into a state where you will not feel pain."
" How are you going to do that ?" Bucky furrowed his brow. 
" The best way would be to use cryogenics. But the procedure is quite specific and unpleasant. I can put you to sleep for an extended period of time with gas, drugs, or fluids," Liv breathed. 
Bucky looked down at his hands sighing, his past catching up with him, memories coming back. Liv looked at him, she could see the emotion in his eyes though he hid it behind his hair. 
" We can do this one more way. " Olivia whispered " but there is one catch, or even two "
" What's that ?" he murmured looking up at her.
" I can put you into a state of unconsciousness for an hour maybe two, you will feel nothing, remember nothing. But I will know your memories. Every memory, every emotion. The other thing is, during that time it will be Jarvis who will remove your current arm and install a new one. If something goes wrong I won't be able to help her" Liv got up and walked over to him " this is the best way, the least invasive way for you. But think it over calmly, what are you comfortable with and so we have a few weeks until I create something new " she smiled softly. 
Bucky rose from his chair and took a breath, nodded and left the lab. Liv looked after him, let her hair down and scratched her head. She knew she had a lot of work ahead of her now. 
" There is one more thing " Tony entered the room. 
" What's that ?" Liv looked at him. 
Tony clutched a red notebook with a Russian star in his hand. He handed it to Liv and scratched the back of his neck.
" Are these the words ?" Liv flipped through the notebook. 
" Yes " Tony nodded smiling uncertainly. 
" I know what to do with them " Liv put the notebook back on the counter " Don't worry about it, I have a plan. I'm going to need J.A.R.V.I.S."
" I'm at your service " a computerized voice spoke up. 
" Exactly, do what you need to " Tony nodded. 
" Thanks " Liv nodded. 
It had taken her exactly five weeks to prepare a new arm for James. Bucky sat with her in the lab when he could, they had short but substantive conversations. He tried to get to know Liv as well as possible, he liked her. He really enjoyed her company, he wanted to learn more about her but he noticed that Liv was a rather closed person. Not revealing her past so they mostly sat in silence. 
" I think everything is ready, we can do the procedure tomorrow. " Liv looked at James smiling softly. 
" Good " Bucky nodded " get some rest, you've been working a lot this time " 
" Sure " Liv nodded " I'll just check everything and go rest. You rest too, you need to be strong tomorrow " Liv smiled softly. 
" Sure " Bucky nodded slightly, he walked over to Liv, leaned down and kissed her on the cheek. " See you tomorrow "
Liv stood still as if frozen, when Bucky left the room Liv touched the spot where he kissed her. She blushed and smiled like a fool, she grabbed her cell phone and texted Wanda that they needed to talk. She grabbed a bottle of orange juice and went to the roof where she liked to sit to think and clear her head. She sat down on the edge and breathed while looking up at the stars. After a few minutes Wanda sat down next to him. 
" What's up ?" She looked at Liv.
" Listen to me carefully " Liv looked at her " If something happened tomorrow, anything went wrong you have to save James Barnes. He's the most important one."
"What are you talking about?" Wanda furrowed her brow. "You've done it a hundred times. Why wouldn't you do it this time? "
"It's just that things can turn out differently. You know what Bucky's been through, his memories, his feelings might not work out in our favor. So please promise me you'll take care of him when things start to go wrong."
"It's the first time I've ever seen you care that much about someone." Wanda smiled under her breath. 
"He's been through hell, he deserves something good in his life. And besides, I think he's cute." Liv blushed and smiled.
"I knew it." Wanda clapped her hands. "I knew you'd catch his eye."
"Shh." Liv nudged her.
"You gonna get involved with him?" Wanda smiled meaningfully.
"No," Liv shook her head. 
"He's cute," Wanda looked up at the sky.
"He's cute, but I haven't gotten involved in anything serious in a long time. It's just that maybe I'm scared, you know, I'm not looking for one-night stands, it's not fun anymore. And I think Bucky's more of someone who doesn't get involved in relationships. "I'll help him because he deserves it," Liv looked up at the stars, "but I don't expect anything in return.
"You've always given people yourself, but you've never taken anything in return. Maybe it's time she took care of herself." Wanda looked up at the sky.
"This conversation has gone off the rails. "Let it go, Wanda. Just let it go." Liv sighed and got up. "I'm gonna go to bed. We've got a big day tomorrow."
"Liv, I hope you know what you're doing." Wanda looked at her. 
"As always. Liv smiled. Good night, Wanda.
"You too, Liv." Wanda nodded. 
Liv went to her room where she could finally rest before tomorrow, where she could clear her head and calm any thoughts. 
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one-shot-plus-size · 2 years
Hair Stylist Part 2
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Imagine : A hair stylist on a Marvel set falls hopelessly in love with Sebastian. Liv has no idea that Sebastian is also interested in her.
Words: 3174
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As soon as Liv lay down in bed all the memories overwhelmed her. A sob escaped her lips, her body shaking. She couldn't control it, couldn't stop it. She tried to suppress it so as not to wake Sebastian up, she didn't want to make trouble for him. It was well after midnight when she heard a quiet knock on the door.
- Hey - she heard his muffled voice on the other side of the door - can I come in?
- Yes,- she whispered, sitting down on the bed. 
She wiped the tears from her cheeks and stared at the door, Sebastian stepped carefully inside. 
- Are you okay? - He was standing in the middle of the room, rather hesitantly. 
- I'm sorry if I woke you up,- she whispered, staring at her hands. 
- It's okay, I wasn't sleeping anyway, can I help you? - he stared at her. 
- Can you stay with me? At least until I fall asleep? - she glanced at him. 
Only now did she notice that he was wearing only sweatpants. His broad and muscular torso was impressive. She blushed furiously and lowered her head quickly. 
- Sure honey - Sebastian sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her cheek. 
- Will you lie down with me and cuddle ? - She looked up into his eyes.
Sebastian smiled and laid down behind her. He put his arm around her and drew her back to his chest. He kissed her neck and leaned against her, resting his chin on the bend of her neck. Liv slid her hands under his and breathed. She absorbed his warmth and steady breathing, shivers ran through her body when she felt his breath on her neck. 
- Relax, I'm here for you. - He whispered softly - you can sleep I will be here when you wake up. 
- Thank you for everything Sebastian, it means a lot to me - she tightened her hands on his palms. 
- It's okay, get some rest - he kissed her neck and adjusted his position behind her. 
Liv fell asleep in his embrace a few moments later. Sebastian lay back and relished her in his arms. He had dreamed of this for so long, wanted her in his arms for so long. She was everything to him, though he hadn't admitted it yet. But maybe now he would have a chance to do that only he would have to play it right. He couldn't put pressure on her now, not when she had lost her mother. And she was in the hole of her life, but he could be there for her and help soothe her nerves. He fell asleep a few hours after her, hugging her body to his all night. Liv awoke just after sunrise, she was facing away from Sebastian's chest. She lifted her head slightly at the look on his peaceful facial features. He looked relaxed and calm, she smiled softly. In the past she would have dreamed of him cuddling her in bed, but now she had no idea what to think about it all. Sebastian shook his eyes and yawned protractedly. As soon as he opened his eyes he saw her beautiful blue eyes staring at him. 
- Hey, - he murmured in a sleepy voice. 
- Hey - she lowered her eyes. 
- How are you feeling? - He lifted her chin so that he could look into her eyes.
- Better - she nodded slightly - thank you.
- You're welcome, sweetie - he leaned towards her slightly and kissed her cheek. 
He slipped a strand of her hair behind her ear and smiled gently. 
- Stay in bed, I'll make some breakfast and bring it to you - he got up from the bed. 
- I don't want to - she shook her head - I'll get myself together and I'll be fine. 
- No - Sebastian answered quickly and without hesitation. For his taste a little too fast and too aggressively - I mean if you want it's ok. But maybe it would be better if you stayed here. I have a few days off and you wouldn't be alone with all this. I will help you with organizing everything, I only have interviews but I will be here for you. 
- Why are you doing all this for me? - she shifted slightly on her feet as she got out of bed. She stood on the other side staring at him. Sebastian took a breath and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. He could confess now or keep quiet and find a better moment. 
- I care about you, I really do - he walked over to her and touched her hand gently - I was captivated by your radiant smile, and it all deepened when we could talk. I've been in this state for two years now, I just didn't have the balls to admit it - he lowered his gaze - Hell, I'm an actor I shouldn't have a problem getting along with women. But with you it's different, I care about you I was just afraid that if I did something wrong I would lose you. I'd rather be able to be with you every day than not have you at all. I'm sorry Liv - he didn't dare look her in the face. 
Liv's eyes widened in surprise, no one had ever confessed such feelings. Not towards her, and now Sebastian was standing in front of her and giving her his heart in the palm of his hand. Her heart beat faster and a knot formed in her stomach. She was afraid that as soon as she moved he would run away. She hesitantly lifted her hand and touched his cheek. 
- Can you look at me? - she whispered.
Sebastian raised his head and looked at her, straight into her eyes. He could feel tears streaming down his cheeks from the relief of getting it all out. Liv moved her thumb across his cheek and wiped the tears away. 
- I care about you too Sebastian, a lot - Liv smiled.
- So can you stay ? - he whispered. 
- I'll stay - she nodded slightly and kissed him on the corner of his mouth. 
- Go back to bed, I'll make some breakfast - he kissed her nose. 
Liv bit her lower lip staring into his eyes, she nodded slightly. She walked around him and laid back in bed covering herself with the comforter. Sebastian smiled and left for the kitchen. When he returned twenty minutes later he found her sleeping with the television playing softly in the background. He set the tray of food down and sat on the edge of the bed. He pushed a strand of hair away from her face and smiled, feeling like a teenager in love. He had this woman by his side at the worst time of her life but he promised himself he would never leave her. Liv muttered something in her sleep and after a moment she opened her eyes. She smiled at the look of concern on his face and placed a hand on his cheek.
- You should eat something, I brought toast and scrambled eggs. 
- She doesn't want to - she nodded. 
A burping sound came from her stomach.  
- He thinks otherwise - Sebastian laughed. 
- He was always against me - she snorted under her breath. 
Hours turned into days and days turned into weeks. Sebastian helped her arrange the funeral, helped her deal with her mother's house. He let her live in his house so he could always be there for her whenever she needed him. Their relationship if that was what you could call their relationship moved slowly. They went on a few dates that went really well. However, they still slept in separate bedrooms. Liv woke up in the morning hearing voices coming from the apartment. She rubbed her sleepy eyes, threw on a sweatshirt and moved to follow the sound. She stood in the doorway of the living room and smiled at the sight of Sebastian fooling around in front of the phone. She leaned against the doorframe watching him, he was really cute interacting with his fans. 
- So this is how videos are made for your Instagram ? - she smiled. 
Sebastian turned quickly at the sound of her voice, he locked the device and smiled sweetly at the sight of her sleepy look. 
- Hey, I didn't mean to wake you up - he walked over to her. 
- It's okay - Liv smiled - did you sleep well ? 
- Mhm - Sebastian nodded and leaned over and kissed her cheek - and how did you sleep ?
- Short - she muttered. 
Liv took a step forward and wrapped her arms around his waist and hugged him. 
- You've lost weight again - she purred into his chest. 
For the past two months, he had been on a restrictive diet to lose as much weight as possible to make his appearance compatible with the demands Marvel was making on him. He also shortened his hair and grew a beard.
- I know, - he kissed her hair, - the diet is working. 
- Soon you will be skinnier than me - she purred, resting her chin on his chest and looking into his eyes. 
- But you will still like me, won't you? - he moved his eyebrows significantly. 
- Of course I will - she smiled slightly. 
Sebastian leaned over and kissed her nose smiling. Liv hid her face in his shirt and took a breath. 
- Have you thought about my proposal ? - Sebastian rested his chin against her head. 
- I don't know if it's a good idea - Liv pulled away from him - I'm not sure. 
- It's only a few days in San Diego - Sebastian smiled - it'll be fun. 
Liv bit her lower lip and looked down at her hands. 
- I've actually never been to a party like this, and I've always wanted to go. - She passed Sebastian and went to the kitchen - but my finances won't allow me to go this year. Maybe next year, when I save some money. 
- Hey - Sebastian came up to her and hugged her back - I'm inviting you and I'm paying for everything. I have a room booked there, already paid for, so you don't have to worry. If you want to buy something, I'll give you my account card and you can get yourself something nice. - He winked at her ear.
- Sebastian - Liv breathed - You've done so much for me already, I can't use your money - she leaned her head against his shoulder. 
- But I want you to, I trust you Liv - he sighed kissing her on the temple - he would like you to come with me. I know I'll be busy during the day but I'll have the evenings free for you. 
- That sounds good - Liv murmured.
- So just say yes - he hugged her tighter. 
- Okay - Liv smiled - I'll come with you. 
Sebastian smiled widely and kissed her neck. Liv bit her lower lip, they acted like a couple even though they weren't one. She herself didn't know what they had in common, on the one hand she liked it and on the other she was stuck in constant uncertainty. She turned in his arms and looked into his eyes, Sebastian smiled at her. He stared into her blue eyes, leaned in harder and searched her eyes for defiance. But when he didn't find it he leaned in harder and kissed her lips softly. Liv moved her hands to the nape of his neck and stood on tiptoe closing her eyes. Seb deepened the kiss when she let him, his hands resting on her hips. They pulled away from each other when they ran out of breath. 
- I'm sorry, - he whispered, resting his forehead against hers.
- You're welcome - she brought their lips together again. 
San Diego
Liv was roused from her sleep by the sound of Sebastian's alarm. She groaned, burying her face in his neck. 
- Turn it off - she muttered.
Sebastian slapped his hand on the phone and turned off the alarm. He rubbed his eyes with the palm of his hand and stretched hard. The weight of Liv on his body and her warmth surrounding him suited him. 
- Time to get up - he murmured kissing her hair. 
- No - she hugged him tighter. 
Sebastian giggled looking at her, it was the first time they had spent the night together, the fact that they had only slept. But it was already a big step for him that they were lying in the same bed. 
- I don't want to get up either, but I have to. 
- I do not agree - she murmured kissing his neck. 
- You are charming in the morning - joy could be heard in his voice. 
- I am a monster in the morning - she raised her head. 
- A cute monster - he leaned down and kissed her. 
Liv smiled and returned his kiss. She pulled away from him and hid her face in his neck. 
- Come on baby - Sebastian murmured tickling her sides. 
Liv laughed, moving to the other side of the bed and burying her head in the pillows. Sebastian moved behind her, kissing her neck and the arm her shirt had slipped off. 
- We have to get up - he muttered between kisses. 
- You have to, I don't have to - her voice was muffled by the pillow. 
- Come on, don't you want to accompany me? - he bit her lightly on the skin. 
He turned his head to the side and she looked at him sleepily. She smiled softly and ran her hand through his disheveled hair. Sebastian kissed her hand and laid his head on the pillow. 
- I'm going to take a shower and maybe you can get up, huh? - He smiled at her.
- Mhm - Liv dipped her head smiling at him. 
Sebastian leaned over and kissed her lightly on the lips, then got up and headed for the bathroom. Liv watched his muscular back and shapely ass, biting her lower lip. Sebastian was a truly handsome man, and the fact that he'd chosen her to spend time together made her optimistic. When she heard the shower flowing she rose from the bed, losing her t-shirt and panties on the way. She walked into the bathroom, Sebastian was standing with his back to the entrance, washing his hair. Liv smiled under her breath and slipped into the shower. She put her hands on his hips and kissed between his shoulder blades. Seb flinched but eventually relaxed, he had hoped she would come but could never be sure. Liv moved her hands to his torso and teased the skin with her nails. Her lips kissed his back and her hands slid down to his penis. Sebastian groaned resting his hands on the cold tiles. She moved her hand over him, sliding her thumb over his head. 
- Liv - the man groaned - he wants to see you. 
Liv let him go and hesitated for a moment, unsure how he would react when he saw her naked. Sebastian sensed her hesitation and turned around himself. He swept her around with his gaze, big breasts, a bigger belly and full hips. 
- You are beautiful,- he whispered and kissed her. 
He turned with her in his arms and pressed her against the tiles, his hands tightening on her hips. Liv felt his penis resting on her stomach, she moved her hand to it and tugged gently. Seb leaned down and hid his face in her neck, his muscles tensing with each stroke of her hand. 
- She wants you to fuck me, - she whispered in his ear.
She didn't have to tell him twice, he grabbed her leg and rested it on his hip. He slid his penis over her clit, when he felt the entrance he thrust, burying himself in her all the way to the handle. Liv tightened her hands on his shoulders and tilted her head back. 
- You're so tight - he groaned burying his face in her neck - so perfect for me, made for my cock. 
- You stretch me so well - she gasped. 
She felt him stretching her perfectly, her walls surrounding him. She squeezed him so perfectly, moving her hips slowly testing if he would hurt her. When a protracted moan came out of her mouth he began to work his hips. Each time he hit her bottom, poking her G-spot in the process. 
- I'm close - she moaned scratching his shoulders. 
- I can feel you clamping down on me, fucking hell, you're perfect for me. - He growled leaving marks on her neck.
Sebastian felt her orgasm piercing through her as she squeezed him hard enough that he had trouble moving. He thrust his hips harder and lowered himself inside her, clamping his hands on her hips. He felt her body relax, he hugged her to him and slid his softened penis out of her. 
- You are perfect baby,- he kissed her neck. 
Sebastian helped her wash up, when they came out of the bathroom Sebastian put on his underwear, dark jeans, a white t-shirt and a red jacket. He combed his hair back with gel. Liv dressed in light blue jeans, a t-shirt, and a loose hoodie. She came out of the bathroom putting her hair in a ponytail, looked at Sebastian and smiled. 
- You look handsome - she walked up to him. 
She put her hands on his chest and kissed him on the lips. 
- Thank you - he blushed and pulled her to him - you look beautiful baby - he kissed her hair. 
Liv smiled resting her head against his chest, this moment was perfect. She didn't know if they were a couple now or not but she didn't want to bring up the subject lest she ruin something. She didn't want to lose him, Sebastian pulled out his wallet from his back pocket and pulled out his account card. He set a limit of several thousand dollars on it. He slid out his hand with the card between his fingers and brought it to her face. 
- Please, - he whispered.
Liv tensed and pulled away from him. 
- Seb I told you I don't want it - she shook her head - I can manage, you've already done a lot for me, put it away. 
- And I'll do even more for you - he touched her cheek - I'll give you the whole world if you ask me to. 
Liv put her hand on the back of his neck and kissed him. Seb deepened the kiss by embracing her cheeks with his hands. He pulled away from her when he needed to get some air. 
- I love you, Liv,- he whispered. 
- Really? - Liv raised her eyebrows high.
- Of course I do, I have for some time now,- he smiled shyly, - but you don't have to say anything, I'm not forcing you to do anything. 
- I love you Sebastian Stan, with all my heart - she smiled and kissed him again. 
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