pinkrocketimagines · 5 years
Just came to my realization that Tom Holland will never be my London boy and neither will we ever walk through Cornelia Street hand in hand after having a beautiful conversation over high tea~
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pinkrocketimagines · 5 years
Just came to terms with the fact that Tom Holland May or May not have a girlfriend and I will never fill that position but even so, I’m just so happy my cutie patoootieee’s happy ❤️❤️
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pinkrocketimagines · 5 years
The fact that I will never be best friends with Tom Holland and that I will never get to share a cup of tea with him....honestly crushes my soul
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pinkrocketimagines · 5 years
The audacity of Tom Holland to go around looking all boyfriend material and shit when he KNOWS he’s not going to be my boyfriend......MAKE IT MAKE SENSE!!!!!??!
It’s just..not..adding up
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pinkrocketimagines · 5 years
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Tom holland, I’m begging you. Please stop being so boyfriend material if you’re not going to be my boyfriend
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pinkrocketimagines · 6 years
Hey hun ! Wanted to make sure you're ok . You haven't been active in a while ❤️
You're so sweet! Thank you for your concern! I'm back :) hope you're well too ! :) xx
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pinkrocketimagines · 6 years
hey I noticed you haven't been active lately... or at all for a few months! I hope you're doing okay and hope your fanfics are coming along!
Hi sweetums! I'm doing very well. I've used the time away to heal. Thank you so much for your concern and yes I will posting fanfics soon ! :)
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pinkrocketimagines · 6 years
New Kpop Stan
It's been a whole year since I wrote my last fanfic here in tumblr !
I'm back for good !! During my time away, I've been really productive..in stanning a lot of Kpop groups 😂 Don't worry I will still post a lot of Tom Holland content but I might occasionally post some Kpop contents here and there so please bear with me :)
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pinkrocketimagines · 6 years
Had a dream that I was a trainee at BIGHIT ACADEMY & BTS were my classmates 😭
I loved it so much, I think I might even write a new series on it. Would you guys read it ?
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pinkrocketimagines · 6 years
I hate how small the world really is. But then it’s like..it’s not. Like, it’s small enough for you to bump into your ex boyfriend’s girlfriend but not small to bump into Min Yoongi.
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pinkrocketimagines · 6 years
Every night I go to bed thinking “ Damn, I don’t think I can love Min Yoongi more than I did today,”
… and then I wake up the next morning loving him even more like ???????????
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pinkrocketimagines · 6 years
The School Kids ( Part 1)
Tom Holland X Reader X Cole Sprouse
What happens when the reader ends up in a school with her favourite celebrity crushes and other cuties in the campus?
Playboy Tom Holland and a quieter Cole Sprouse ~
The summer program at the Baltimore School ( for the Rich & Famous) has just begun and this time, your father, a  well known Author & Director Mr Mark Kent has applied your name for the program too, much to your dismay. Since your father is a very busy man who had his whole summer occupied with meetings and other book events, he thought it would only be apt to send you off somewhere where you might be taken care of and maybe you could have a little fun as well.
The Baltimore School is strictly confined to the kids belonging to the Upper class of the society, those whose parents form integral members of the Elite classes or those who come from the Hollywood industry and even Music. Most teenage celebrities get signed up to this school by their managers inorder to enhance and work on their skills while they’re on a break. 
Although you are quite nervous and a little out of place to be in the midst of some of the most controversial stars of the Millennium, you are also just as excited as you’ve heard that your celebrity crush Tom Holland will also be joining the summer program. 
Read about how you try to fit in, the celebrities you meet along the way and how you find yourself changing..for better or for worse. Maybe even a potential boyfriend on the way? I don’t know, let’s find out.
“My goodness, (y/n)! I can’t believe you’re finally here!”
The first person to greet you on stepping into TBS was your best friend Wendy. Wendy is the daughter of the highly controversial socialite London Cooper. She has been a student here for over a year now, currently taking acting classes. 
 “I know,” you pull your best friend in for a big hug,” I made it,”
 It’s your first day here and the academy has been kind enough to give you a day off to get settled. Right now you’re at the lobby with your handbags and luggages.
 ��Here, let me show you where the Girls’ Lobby is” Wendy, being Wendy, is quick to offer help.
Before you could proceed any further, you were distracted by the sounds of cameras clicking and the huge hoard of paparazzis outside.
“Who do you think is outside?” you ask Wendy.
“Oh, I don’t know. I think it’s the cast of Riverdale,” Wendy casually answers. “I heard they all signed up for the summer program.”
You can’t deal with the fact that Wendy is so casual and cool about it. “RIVERDALE?” you gasp.
“Yeah, you know, KJ Apa, Lili Re-”
“My god, Wendy. I know what RIVERDALE is!! They come here often?” you try to peep through the glazed walls. You could only catch a glimpse of Camila and Madeline . They had their mouths covered by huge mufflers but you could easily make it out from their sharp beautiful eyes.  
“Oh (Y/n), I was also flustered at first. But trust me, you’ll get used to it. They come here quite often. Also, there are many other celebrities to catch up on, so trust me, you’ll get used to it.”
“Anyway, let’s get going” Wendy picks up your luggage.
“Wendy! Room 403! Now!” you hear a guy call. He looked like he was also in a hurry.
Wendy sighs,”(Y/n), I’m so sorry. You know how it is with the ac-“
Rubbing her shoulders, you warmly tell her to go on and about,” Oh go on you. I completely understand. Besides, it’s not like I’m in first grade!”
“Aww,” Wendy cups your face,”Thank you, thank you thank you. And I’m sorry,” she abruptly takes the elevator,” I’ll see you soon!”
Sigh. Although you did tell Wendy that it was okay for her to leave but now you’re more lost than ever.
“Excuse me,” you ask the person at the first counter,” Could you please me where the Girls Lobby is?”
“Take the elevator to the 7th floor, take the first left,  then right and then left again,”
7th floor. First left. Second Right. Third left.
That should be easy.
You sigh at the sight of your huge lullagges gawking back at you.
Alright, (y/n). you can do this!
You put the handbag aside for later. Then try to carry your duffle bag, and then your red hand bag, then your smaller luggage, and then-
“You’re going to carry all that by yourself?”
You hear a quiet chuckle from behind. You don’t think you have heard that voice before.
You turn around to see a guy leaning across the stair. He had brown coloured effortlessly wavy hair, he had an oversized jacket on,  and his face was very familiar. Where have you seen that face before…
You immediately drop all your bags.
Oh my god.
Tom Holland.
Your stomach suddenly drops as you realize it’s really him. You don’t know what to say, what to do, you don’t wanna scare him off or make him bored, you don’t-
“Need some help with that?” he chuckles as he makes his way towards you. “You look like you need help.”
“I-I-It’s fine, I can just-“
He bends down to take a better look at your baggages,“Damn, that’s a lot of bags. You know you can just call the help right?”
“Oh, I didn’t know. I’m new here,”
Tom chuckles, “Clearly,” he offers his hand,” I’m Tom Holland by the way,”
“I know. I I-mean, hi. I’m (y/n),” you shake his hand.
His hands are so soft, it slips right through yours.
“So (y/n), let me call a help for you.” He taps on few buttons on his pager.
Not even a second of doing so,  a short guy in a red uniform comes running towards you two.
“Where is it you want to go?” Tom asks you.
“The Girls’ Lobby. Seventh floor, I think-“
“Oh right,” Tom nods,”Seventh floor, first left then right, then left” he instructs the lobby boy. Coming close to your ear, he whispers “I know all the right places,”
Oh boy.
You don’t really know what to answer to that, so you just return a shy smile instead.
“Anyway (Y/n), it was nice meeting you. I have to run now though,”
“Me too. T-thanks again for the, uh, help,”
He chuckles on his way to the elevator, ”See you around, darling”
 Did he just call me darling?
You cannot believe what just happened.
It has barely even been 10 mintues since you stepped foot in this academy and you’ve already met the guy you’ve been meaning to meet for the longest time- Tom Holland And he was..beautiful.
You’re taken aback by how humble and down-to-earth he actually is. He talked to you and helped you like he had known you forever.
This is, this is nice.
“Maam,” the lobby boy interrupts your reverie, “Are you coming along or should I just drop the baggage at your door?”
“Sorry! I’m coming.”
The first day at TBS ended as abruptly as it began. You got the room adjacent to Wendy’s so that’s pretty cool. You couldn’t make any new friends because the new students still hadn’t arrived. Also, the old  students were too busy doing what they do best- act, sing,write,etc. 
You spent half of the day arranging your room, your wardrobe, bed, etc. As night fell, Wendy brought ramen takeouts  to your room and you spent the entire night catching up on all the months you spent apart. You also told her about your encounter with Tom Holland. Wendy said Tom was the school’s playboy. She didn’t know much about his girlfriends, she thinks he’s never had any but he’s just seen with a lot of girls a lot of the time around the campus. I mean, with a face like that and an accent so thick, any girl would be a sucker for him.
You called it an early night and fell asleep soon after.
 You didn’t plan on waking up so early. Maybe it was because you went to bed really early the other night. Anyway, today is your big day. Although you’re pretty excited about it, you’re just as nervous. Since you have hours before your class starts, you decide to put on some tights and go for a morning walk to ease your mind and mentally prepare yourself.
          The campus is much bigger than it looked in the pictures. You couldn’t explore the campus the other day because you were too caught up in arranging your room and getting settled. But now, as you walk along the campus, you can actually see how big it really is. There are two huge buildings with one of the finest architectures you’ve ever come across. There are gyms, swimming pools and two tennis court on the other side of the campus. The campus,overall, is covered by a dense forest. Not too dense to get lost into though. 
Increasing the volume on your ipod and plugging your earphones in, you jog up towards the forest.
After a brief 10-minute walk, you come across a plain area. The small patch of Greenland is quite pleasing to look at. You decide to take a break for sometime. On sitting down, you realize one more thing. You can literally see the entire campus from that spot. The feeling is divine. The sun is just about to rise, the wind, although cold, is breezy and calm in its own way. It’s so peaceful.
Although you haven’t even attended your first class you’re glad dad signed you up. Something tells you that this is going to be a wonderful experience. I mean, under the same roof as your celebrity crushes? What could be better?
While waiting for the sun to rise, you decide to pass the time by practicing your vocals.
You choose to sing Fast Car by Jonas Blue because you think it really complements your voice. Singing on the hilltop of a dense forest in amazing. You wonder why you’ve never done that before.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, who are you trying to wake up at this hour?” you hear a voice call out from behind.
You stop singing and shudder at the very sound of it. Who could be here at this hour? The thought of psycho killer murdering you in a dense forest suddenly rivets your entire mind.
You quickly get up and turn to see a masked person. Okay, not the mask from Friday the 13th but a red mouth mask. He had really dark coloured hair and sharp raven eyes. Could it be..
“I’m sorry,” you’re quick to apologize,” Was I too loud?”
The ‘unknown’ guy walks over to you. “Loud enough,” he says as he uncovers his mouth by removing the mask,” You woke up the sun,”
It’s Cole Sprouse
Okay, it’s only Cole Sprouse. Chill. Wendy said you’ll get used to seeing celebrities in and around the campus but it’s only the SECOND DAY! - How are you supposed to keep your cool this soon? Someone give me a break.  Honestly though, if you weren’t a student here, you would’ve screamed and ran towards the Riverdale cast the very second you saw them for the first time through the glazed wall.
Cole Sprouse is standing only few inches away from you right now. You contain your excitement and turn towards where his eyes are- the spectacular sunrise.
“You have a nice voice, by the way” he bluntly says. You can’t tell if he’s actually complimenting you or is just being sarcastic because the tone of his voice is so..blant.
“Uhm, thank y-“
“Even then,” he turns to you,”This is my spot,”
Wait what.
“Oh,” you turn red,” I’m sorry, I didn’t know. I’m new,”
“I-I-I’ll leave then, sorry-“
“It’s fine. You can stay,”
You’re shook at his statement. You’re not exactly sure what to make of him yet. He’s so..lukewarm. Hot and cold. Maybe mostly cold as of now. But then again..
“Just don’t bring anybody here,” he sternly warns.
His sterness makes you chuckle. You don’t know, you just find it humourous. I mean, it’s somewhere around 4am, everybody’s asleep, the nature is wide awake, the sun has risen and it’s beautiful, isn’t that enough to put a smile on anybody’s face?
“What’s so funny?” he asks, confused.
“No, nothing. I just,” you clear your throat,”You sound very stern,”
“I am stern.”
“Nice to meet you, Stern. I’m (Y/n),”
He chuckles,” That’s not my na-“
“I know,” you smile at him,”You’re Cole Sprouse aka Cody aka Jughead Jones the IIIrd aka I should really shut up right now,”
He shoots you a weird look and shakes his head. “You’re weird. Anyway, nice to meet you, (y/n),” he says, offering his hand.
“You too,”
“Oh no, it’s already 5!” Cole  panics as he looks at his watch.
Whoa, it’s 5 already?
You hadn’t realized how fast time flew as you had been talking to Cole since the weird encounter earlier. He gave you an overall about how things run in the campus and also told you how he found this spot and tamed it the first time. You told him about your friend Wendy and about your huge crush on Tom Holland
           Although he does have an incredible sense of humour, you’ve also noticed that it’s really easy to tick him off. But instead of getting scared, you actually find it quite hysterical. At one point, he even said “I haven’t even known you for a full hour and you’re already annoying,”.
Now that made you laugh. Hard.
 “What work could you possibly have at 5am?”
“Ah, it’s a meet and greet event, “ he yawns,”It starts at 6am and we have to cover 4 events altogether, and then come back here to attend the night classes,”
Whoa, that’s a lot. “Well, good luck. Have fun,”
“Sure, I’ll see you around okay?”
Sure, you will.
You first day at TBS hasn’t even officially begun and you’ve already had two  memorable encounters the two cutest guys in the campus. You begin to wonder what the rest of the months will bring. Anyway, whatever it may be, you have a feeling it will all be well. 
 A/N: Hey guys, I'm back again with another Tom Holland and Cole Sprouse fanfic set at a school scene! What do you guys think of the story so far? Also, who do you want to end up with? Team Holland or Team Sprouse? Please let me know :)
Also, I’ll be writing the requests which you guys have sent so stay tuned for those as well.
Since I haven't been active for quite some time, I'm just using my old taglist. Please let me know if you wanna be removed or added ~
@xbobaaa  @riverdrew @dandelions-inthewind @ashleyykabob @punkrockandchemicalx  @thevioletmarkey @simbatastisc @acidbabytears @ceruleanjones  @riverdalemami @simbatastisc @desicookie @allthelove-marz  @butterybra @margauxthemuse @tcmhollnd @desicookie @calums-band-tee @pinkglitterycactus @laa-rose @moonlight53 @oceantostars @jasmineeee85 @1022bridgetp @peachy-jordyn @prtmnstr @nano-fantasy @theweaknessstories  @castellagreen @louloudeug99 @tear-in-my-heart14  @imstillinlovewithyou  @peachy-jordyn  @mypotronus @hehaditcoming @jugheadjonnes @satansconcubine @julesimba @superfangirl2004 @ohhdarllingg  @rock-n-roll-queens @baileyfulkerson @swiish1 @shootingstarsfillthesky @5-seconds-of-4australianboys @swiish1 @ilvermornyqueen  @noraskaar  @ajisantisocial  @boobearlover2469 @sincerelylisalynn @jriles123 @sara-black-heart  @tremendouskittytree @siathemarauder @paigem1210 @kittybeez @peterparkersayingmrstark @aussie-mantle @wonderlust-luna @sunnivahauge @jughead-babe @everything-tholland @starkintcrn @clairesrainbow @allthingsfangirl101 @kelly27crickett @nbraniff1-blog @sugglife @raavadakedavra @tomhollandupdated @positivethoughtsforever @roselilysmith
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pinkrocketimagines · 6 years
I wanted to ask if you can write KJ apa imagines, like your writing is phenomenal and I would love to see you write an awesome series about KJ x reader ❤️ Keep up the amazing work.. Xoxo
Hi desi cookie ! :) It's been a while But yes, I will definitely start a KJ Apa series soon. Maybe a love triangle! Ahh I can't help myself from writing angsty fanfics #guilty. But stay tuned :)
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pinkrocketimagines · 6 years
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The most important gif you'll see today. After Tom's first screen test :) I'm so proud of how far he has come since ❤️
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pinkrocketimagines · 6 years
Hi! I’m seriously in love with your works. So could please please please tag me to every single one of them?😻
Sorry for the late reply, but sure :) let me know your preferences though 😉
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pinkrocketimagines · 6 years
i just read "better with you" and was listening to somebody else by the 1975 ngl i was cryinG
Awww sorry for making you cry though 💘😿
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pinkrocketimagines · 6 years
Omg guys I feel so bad 😩 sorry for being so inactive off lately !! But I'm gonna start writing again ;) more Cole sprouse / Tom Holland / even BTS fanfics on the way ✨ stay tuned 💫 love yaaa ❤️
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