random-fandom1 · 7 days
Billy's first detention he has gotten in Hawkins and, of course, he sits next to Steve fucking Harrington. Who is the reason Billy is on the edge every day, because he's just too pretty and Billy can't stay away.
He already feels worn thin, but it's even worse. Because the guy behind him is testing his patience every second. Eddie Munson tugs at his hair. Again.
"Wow, is this a perm?"
This guy has a fucking death wish. Billy turns around. Mr. Wilson fucked off ages ago to probably drink a bottle of whiskey and forget about his miserable life, so who's there to stop him?
"Are you fucking serious, freak?" Billy slaps his hands on the table.
Eddie doesn't move. Just grins at him, unfazed, mischief blinking in his eyes.
"It just looks so pretty. Too pretty to be real." He raises his hand, grabbing one of Billy's curls.
"Shut up." Billy blinks. His throat turns dry. Who does Munson think he is?
"Munson is right, you know."
Billy glares at Harrington. He pops a bubblegum, bright pink and oddly enough matching his polo. "Just sayin'."
"Finally we agree on something, Steve," Eddie snickers.
Billy didn't even know these guys were talking. Kings and freaks don't usually cross paths.
Eddie yanks his hair. Hard. It sends a spark down Billy's chest, lighting a little fire in his stomach. He can't move, stands there, sinking into cloud of cotton candy, colored just like Harrington's shirt.
"Not so threatening now anymore, are you?" Eddie asks, a low laugh accompanying his words.
There's another hand stroking his hair, Steve's aftershave tickling his nose.
"Too pretty to be real," Harrington repeats Eddie's words. Billy isn't sure he's even talking to him. He grows warmer.
"You wanna be good for once?" Eddie's voice is soft, a sharp contrast to his fingernails grazing along Billy's scalp.
Billy can't think. Maybe he doesn't have to, for once.
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random-fandom1 · 7 days
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Kindergarten teacher Steve (and his very concerned boyfriend) AU?
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random-fandom1 · 7 days
In my opinion, the lestappen hug isn't the thing that changed lives. It was Max waddling away only to stand just a little bit further back and sort of wait for Charles afterwards. It was the smile on Charles face afterwards, like he knew Max was there (because Max is a loser and even Charles has caught on by now). It was the way Charles' smile went from closed mouthed to full white teeth and dimples on display when he realised Max was there (I don't know about you, but I only smile like that when I'm around someone I'm really close to, maybe there's some deep-rooted psychology behind that). It was the way everything about it felt so normal. It was the way-
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random-fandom1 · 7 months
Grimmauld Palace, 1993
barty: nice onesie. Does it come in men?
harry, annoyed 13-year-old: oh I think you come in men enough for all of us
regulus: oh i'm so proud of you <3
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random-fandom1 · 7 months
I want a fic where Regulus, Evan, and Pandora were originally going to Beauxbatons, or whatever fancy rich French private school and recently transferred to Hogwarts or whatever and it's just a fic telling of their shenanigans of being the hot rich new french kids, eventually with Barty and Dorcas when they get integrated into the gang.
Pandora mostly switching in and out of English and French on her own whims despite whoever she's talking to bc she's a little manic pixie dream girl (/pos) and ends up comforting Dorcas late one night with her chatter because Dorcas finds it hard to sleep (which she eventually ends up bonding with Regulus over) and Pandora trying her best to not blow anything up in potions/chem class after the first time because she "just wanted to know what would happen" and ends up getting partnered with Lily
Evan needing tutoring because he can't focus in class because it's not *interesting* and the teachers use words he doesn't fully understand half the time and so he has to get help from the smartest motherfucker in town, Barty Crouch Jr because Reg will make fun of him if Evan asks him. and Barty, despite Evan thinking that he's probably actually insane half the time, isn't all that bad.
Regulus being a little shit who terrorizes his brother in literally all the ways he possibly could, speaking to Sirius in only french because he knows he hates that, flirting with his brother's friends, getting on the football/ quidditch team, ANYTHING. Even if his flirting turns into something a little more real.
idk, I just think it would be a fun fic idea. Rosier Twins and Regulus dramatically walking through the halls and talking shit in French like the bad bitches they are
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random-fandom1 · 1 year
Morally grey James who joins the Death Eaters for his boyfriends
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random-fandom1 · 2 years
Found the best edit I’ve ever seen ohmygod
@/lvfrcptnswns on Twitter
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random-fandom1 · 2 years
@hadesxcunt asked for more headcanons so here’s pt 2 of wilmon headcanons ft. the boys being casually protective and besotted with each other <3
simon has a wide variety of pet names for wille and really just uses whichever he’s feeling in the moment, though he’s partial to “babe” and “mi cielo”
wille exclusively uses “sweetheart” or “sunflower” because he a) secretly loves flowers and b) loves watching simon blush when he uses it
simon encourages wille to talk to erik. he goes with wille to erik’s grave or sits with him while wille talks to the picture of erik in his room, and without fail, simon holds him when wille starts crying
they have like,, the most dramatic goodbyes when they have to be apart more than 24 hours. like you’d think one of them was dying with the way they refuse to let go of each other and act like there’s a perpetual rain cloud over their heads
they’re not that much better during regular goodbyes, though that’s less clingy and more sickeningly sweet. simon loves blowing a kiss to wille (who catches it and puts it in his pocket every time without fail) and wille will do the dramatic “stand there and watch him go until he’s out of sight”
all of their friends thought they were adorable at first but now that they realize it’s not just a honeymoon period, they tease them relentlessly and fake gag and roll their eyes
both of them have private social media accounts (wille also has a public one because he has to but the private one is just for friends/people he trusts) and they’re featured on each other’s stuff all. the. time.
simon and wille are each other’s lockscreens. wille has a photo of just simon, sitting at a piano with his head thrown back laughing while sunlight shines through his curls and makes his skin look like it’s glowing. simon has a picture Felice took of the two of them standing together, creating a heart between them with their hands
wille and simon always sit next to each other in class, and even their teachers’ watchful eyes aren’t enough to get them to stop touching each other. usually it’s something subtle, like their pinkies linked below the table or wille pressing their knees together or simon running a hand over wille’s shoulders when he stands up to go get something
trust me,,, i have more if anyone wants them
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random-fandom1 · 2 years
Bucky: I wasn't that drunk!
Steve: You went on a three-hour-long rant about Peter's ass
Bucky: Peter has a..very perky ass!
Steve: You cried three separate times during said rant
Bucky:....is that why hes started wearing short-shorts when we spar?
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random-fandom1 · 2 years
Eddie: this is my boyfriend, Steve, and this is Steve’s boyfriend, Billy. (#OT3)
Eddie and Billy picking on Steve for being a drama queen and just being the chaotic duo
Eddie getting Billy unwillingly into D&D and crushing every campaign
Billy being soft for Steve—but especially soft for Eddie
Billy being a chaotic gay disaster
Steve being annoyed with his two idiot™️ boyfriends
Group cuddles in at Joyce’s house
Steve really wants to pull on Billy’s hair but is scared he’ll get screamed at—Billy allows it one night, grabbing Steve’s hand and putting against his scalp because he secretly loves people playing with his hair
Eddie and Billy like to braid each other’s hair
Billy is really insecure but finds comfort in talking to Will, and talks to him about Will’s emotions towards Mike—Billy becomes Will’s second big brother
Eddie and Billy bonding over their love for heavy metal and rock music—going to concerts together and dragging Steve along with them
Billy being overprotective of Steddie and the kids, especially Will
Eddie being able to calm Billy down with just a small touch
Steve being the mother hen as always, Billy being the fun but stern dad, Eddie being the fun uncle in the gang
Billy and Steve beating the shit outta the Jock Squad for trying to harm Hawkins Gang while Eddie eats popcorn in the background
I really need ot3 fics. So bad.
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random-fandom1 · 2 years
| harringroveson / harringrove + eddie | n s f w | tw: drug use | part 1/? |
(ok this-- was eventually bound to happen bc threesomes are the single thing i just can't resist. thanks, @c0bblenygma for the ship name!)
~ ~ ~
The thing is, Eddie’s been selling Marijuana for years but he’s never, ever, shotgun it with anyone.
The other thing is that, two joints and a half after Billy Hargrove as always, banged his fucking door and, as always he and Steve Harrington invited themselves to his home and as al-ways took reign of his “Dirtier than a fucking rat’s, Edward. For dear fucking Jesus, you should call plague control”―bed, in Hargrove's words, Eddie―well. Eddie slips.
‘Fuck. I’ve never done that’
He slips. Can’t help it. Just fucks up. Firs rule of survival: never, never slip about anything. There are stories. Legends. About Eddie Munson that keeps on slyly changing hands same as Eddie passes the good stuff. They’ve granted him, over the years, enough respect to make him almost untouchable. Respect. Envy. Fear. And the first rule is always this: never, ever let anything slip out.
There’s the juicy rumor that once Eddie did it with Tina and Julia Rusell like two Halloweens ago. The shotgunning. All Eddie remembers is having blown the smoke of his cig in Tina’s face. That’s how you become King of the unpopular: rumors and never. Letting. Anything. Slip. Out. But―
They’re laying down, the three of them, transversely on the old mattress Eddie's got on the floor, feet stretched out and sharing the third joint and―
Hargrove and―
Eddie’s got them one on either side, sweating in the toxic August heat, tears of laughter drying in their eyes, relaxed, thoroughly stoned. The two Kings of Hawkins spending their weekends in Eddie the freak Munson's trailer. One of the few rumors that are actually real. One that of course Eddie won’t go on denying.
Billy Hargrove. Steve Harrington. Their temples glistering with sweat and their shirts lost somewhere between the first and the second. Steve's chest covered in thick dark fuzz only half visible in between the denim of Eddie's vest because at some undetermined point Hargrove got one of those fits of malice that take over him sometimes and said "I bet even not even you can pull that off, Stevie" and Harrington got infected by it like he always does and slide vest over his bare skin because "The hell I can't."
Harrington and Hargrove.
This is how it happens:
Hargrove asks him “Want a hit?” and Harrington’s like “Sure” and they half rise up on their elbows. Hargrove sucks on the joint in a long long long inhale, the kind that fills your whole chest. Lips red, eyes glazed. He turns the joint over in his hand, offers the butt to Harrington and there, right there, that's where reality breaks through the invisible veil of magic because Harrington leans over to suck it from his hand, his bare belly pressing against Eddie's side and his eyes almost closed but then Hargrove pulls his hand away, staring at him with those melting-blue eyes of his and a tight-lipped smile, cocks an eyebrow and Eddie knows then, that he was just baiting him, because Harrington chuckles, licks his lips, looks up at him from in between those long lashes and―
Nods. Skims closer, closer. Parts his lips.
And fuck if that ain't magic. Because then Hargrove gets closer too, his fingers finding grip on Eddie's bony hip and his nails digging in and his lips parting for Steve Harrington and then smoke’s escaping though those red lips and they’re almost pressed against Harrington's and the tips of their tongues are almost touching and Billy's nails are digging so deep it hurts and― that magic’s running liquid and hot down the curve of Eddie’s spine, curling between his legs when Harrington inhales, and their mouths brush, and Billy Hargrove, Billy Hargrove moans, a low, lewd thing, and― Eddie. Eddie knows this kind of magic. Eddie’s used to feel it in his fingertips and for it to make his heart beat rabid, like it's just been electrified back to life. This magic is Heavy Metal and madness and Billy Hargrove and Steve Harrington are conjuring it with their mouths, with the hungry shimmer of their tongues and the way they’re breathing smoke into each other like all they want is to drown and. And―
“Fuck, I―” and what wants to come out of Eddie’s throat is a moan but he somehow manages to tone it down into a sigh. He feels like his skin is burning, right beside where Hargrove’s nails are buried “I’ve. Never done that. With anyone”
And never means but I want to and anyone means with you. I wanna do it with you two and―
By the time Eddie realizes what he’s just said, it’s late already. That’s the first of his mistakes and Hargrove throws him head first into the second with a broken laugh and bare white canines and Harrington with a sweet smile that slides down softly on the impossible curve of those pretty plush lips he’s got.
 “C’mon now, Edward. Really? Never ever?” Hargrove teases and, immediately―
“Wanna try?” Harrington reads his mind, whispers, “With us?”
And they break apart just enough to look down at him, the two Kings of Hawkins, half-naked and sweaty and stoned. They almost wring a second confession out of him. That something he’s never told anyone. That something that’s always harder to hide from when weed turns reality into mist and makes the things that matter too much seem like they don't matter at all.
What they do wring out of him is―
“I wanna try” a second mistake: “With you”
I wanna know how it feels like, to do what you just did.
Harrington’s smile melts, sugar and smoke and malice. And Eddie feels breathless when he suddenly remembers who’s actually the worse of them two, when he steals from Hargrove the joint he’s just slipped back to his mouth and takes a long drag and laughs.
And the next thing that happens is the animal riff of Stranglehold. Is November Rain when Slash makes it rip through your ribcage, exposing the bone. It’s the high of Thunderstruck and the fucking, fucking insanity of Bohemian Rapsody.
“’Course you do” And his voice, his voice’s Kashmir, when the Leds get the fuck out of their minds.
part 2
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random-fandom1 · 2 years
Steve getting trapped by Vecna and Billy desperately shout-singing Africa by Toto entirely out of key but it works and saves Steve
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random-fandom1 · 2 years
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I had to
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random-fandom1 · 2 years
Secret double life au, pre Bucky joing the team Winterspider hc
This is set after Civil War, and Bucky decided that hiding in plain site was his best bet so got himself a small flat in Queens and told everyone his name was James Rodgers
So the avengers except Tony and Nat dont know that Spiderman is Peter, and in his spare time, Peter works as a barista
He works in a small coffee shop in downtown Queens to help out May.
'James' is a frequent customer and Peter devolps a crush on him after seeing him only a couple of times
He knows that Bucky feels the same, and his suspicions are confirmed when Bucky approaches him one day asking if he can pick him up after his shift
Thats the start of their blooming romance, and its the happiest hes ever been
After about 9 month of dating, Peter gets called out on a mission. He makes an excuse to 'James' about May being sick, and jets off to Italy with Natasha, Bruce and Yelena
Long story short, Peter is on the mission swinging about and gets shot at. His suit tears and he has a broken leg.
Peter knows that his identity is about to be revealed way sooner than he would have liked. But he trusts the team, they're like his second family
Back on the quinjet, Bruce patches him up as much as he can while Yelena excitedly asks him a thousand questions a minute about his actual self
Peter knows hes found a new best friend
The trip back to the compound is quick enough, and before Peter knew it, he was hobbling through the compound in hopes to get to his room and go to sleep as soon as possible
He didn't bother trying to salvage what was left of his mask to cover his face
Hobbling towards his room, Peter starts to daydream about James lying in his bed at home, probably with his dog, Stanley
Peters gets caught up in his daydream, and gets pulled out when he hears the shocked gasp of Clint coming from the living room that hed somehow gotten to.
Without even looking at them, Peter says "Hey guys, Im Spiderman or Peter Parker. Can we save introductions for tommorow, I really want to go to sleep?"
He goes to keep walking, but stops in his place when he hears a soft "Pete?" coming from behind him
Peters eyes instantly go wide and he turns at the sound of his boyfriends voice
Standing there in the middle of the living room is his boyfriend, with the rest of the team frantically looking between them
"Baby..." is all Peter can say before Bucky walks upto him in four strides and embraces him
They stand there holding eachother for what feels like ages, Peter relaxing into his boyfriend
"What the fuck..." Clint breathes making everyone chuckle
Explanation can wait until later, for now Peter is happy and content hugging his boyfriend in a room full of his second family.
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random-fandom1 · 2 years
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normal!peter and celebrity!bucky AU drabble!!!! 
“Peter, would you put that goddamn phone away?” Bucky grumbled between shallow breaths. He sounded less than impressed with his boyfriend’s antics.
Peter knew Bucky got weird before a photoshoot but this felt a lot different. Though Bucky had been a pro soccer player (and a celebrity) for a long time, he had never been on the cover of a magazine.
Peter didn’t know why it made such a difference. He had done Gucci ad campaigns, interviews with Good Morning America and he’d even gone to the Met Gala last year. Why was the cover of Men’s Health so different? Why was it making him so nervous?
And Peter could tell he was nervous, even though Bucky was trying his hardest to hide it from the younger man. The two-a-days at the gym and new interest in Korean skincare gave that away. And the fact that he was way more exasperated and annoyed than normal.
“Bucky, come on!” Peter whined. “You know no one’s going to see it. It’s just for me.”
When they first started dating, Peter and Bucky decided that all of Peter’s socials would be put on private. He also had to change his handle. Now his Instagram handle is darthpeter67.
“Delete the damn photo,” Bucky said again, this time through gritted teeth. Peter didn’t think he should be doing the arm workout anymore but his trainer didn’t seem to think much of it.
Peter sighed before turning to Bucky’s trainer. “Dan, do you mind if I talk to Bucky alone?”
Dan looked between the two men, meeting Bucky’s intensity and Peter’s pleading eyes, and just gave a knowing nod. “Yeah, yeah. Be back in five,” he said, nearly out the door already.
Bucky placed down the workout band, refastened the towel around his waist, and crossed his arms. Peter wished he was allowed to take another photo right now because to him, this alone was deemed worth for the cover of Men’s Health.
“What?” Bucky asked, still giving an attitude to try and hide his nervousness.
“You know how you asked I always had to be honest with you?” Peter asked. The day that Bucky asked about the honesty thing it was in the context of whether Bucky’s celebrity life was becoming too much for Peter. It tended to be intense for civilians. Peter liked to think that he rose above the ‘civilian’ moniker but who is he kidding? He works at the DMV.
“Sure. I remember,” Bucky answered curtly. Peter wanted to slap him across the face right now with the look he was giving but he knew that wasn’t the proper tactic with his boyfriend.
“You need to chill the crap out,” Peter said clearly, concisely, and directly into Bucky’s eyes.
Bucky’s face folded into something between confusion and further annoyance. “Excuse me?” he scoffed.
“Whatever picture of you they put on the cover of Men’s Health is going to be amazing. And hot. And handsome. And sexy. And–”
“Okay, Pete, I get the idea,” Bucky said, a slight warmth starting to show through his words and demeanor.
“Then would you quit freaking out?” Peter exclaimed, with a smile so his boyfriend knew not to take it too seriously.
“I’m no–”
“You are, Bucky,” Peter said, bulging his eyes and nodding for some kind of emphasis. “Just chill. You know the pictures will be better if you do.”  
Bucky sighed and tightened the towel around his waist again. “Fine. I’ll stop freaking out,” he said. “I’ll chill.”
“Promise?” Peter stepped closer to the older man, now deeming it safe to do so. He gets his face closer to his boyfriend’s. He could smell all the hairspray they put on his two inches of hair and the oil on his muscles.
Bucky looked as if he was going to roll his eyes but he seemed to resist the temptation.
“I promise,” he answered earnestly before giving his boyfriend an good, honest kiss. 
more winterspider content on my ao3 ;)
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random-fandom1 · 2 years
It's the way Ian asks, Now? in the softest voice possible, with his eyes teary and a look of dazed wonder on his face like Now? Can I kiss the guy I've been in love with since I was 15? Can I kiss the guy who's my husband at last?
It's the way they smile so fucking wide while they lean into the kiss like Come here, let me kiss you, husband
It's the way they pull back but they've still got their hands on the other's cheek, caressing it so tenderly, and they've got tears in their eyes and nobody else exists in that moment except for them.
It's the way Mickey's smiling while he looks up and down Ian's face like You're mine, you're mine and Ian's just looking at right into Mickey's eyes like I can't believe you're mine
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random-fandom1 · 2 years
Peter and Bucky have random karaoke sessions
It starts after one of Tony's parties, when both of them are brushing their teeth in the bathroom
Bucky softly sings something like 'Meet me at our spot' which Peter finds adorable
He joins in halfway through and before they know it they're dancing around their bathroom just belting out the lyrics
They normally just both start singing to the radio in the morning
They just somehow manage to start singing the latest shitty pop songs on the radio
Peter always sings along to disney films, hes not afraid to just sing his heart out to 'Do you want to build a snowman?'
Buckys a bit more reserved, and only sings along when they're safely by themselves in their apartment
Clint and Sam managed to get a video of him singing 'I can't wait to be king' from the Lion King and use it as blackmail against him to this day
They sing in the shower, either together or through the door
They also have their own carpool karoke
Bucky normally loudly sings along to what Peter calls 'the music of his childhood' while Peter turns into a giggling mess beside him
A video of him singing 'Roar' by Katy Perry may or may not have been posted on Peters Instagram
Peter sings post sex, mostly some sappy love song or sometimes the complete opposite.
He once sand 'E-girls are ruining my life' by corpse which scarred Bucky, like they were just lying there and suddenly Peter starts shouting "Choke me like you hate me even though you love me" in a deep ass voice
Peter sings on missions through the comms, mostly to ease the tension
Bucky joins in sometimes at a chorus, but on their private comm
He once forgot to switch from their 'public' one to the private one, and got caught singing 'All too well' by Taylor Swift
The only time Bucky isnt afraid to belt out a duet with Peter is when hes drunk as a skunk
They mostly just cling onto eachother, Peter also drunk, and lazily sway and sing 'Sweet Caroline'
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