randomimaginesideas · 28 days
In the end we're all alone (Valtor x reader) One shot
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Summary;  You are Bloom’s sister, despite not being the keeper of the dragon flame, you are a strong fairy with passion in your heart. But fire is all consuming, and can leave ugly scars in one’s mind. But when you come across a person who knows just how to add fuel to the fire, can you resist or do you destroy everything you love?
A/N; Remember when I said that I would post a one-shot a couple of weeks ago in that same week. Well, it’s a bit later but it’s here.
Somebody asked me if they could request a Valtor x reader, and I said yes. I liked the idea, and that’s where this fic came from. To keep the surprise on what will happen in this one shot I made a brief summary. 
Trigger warnings; Manipulative Valtor, slight stalking, jealousy, open ending
Most people would be overjoyed when it turns out that one of their lost sisters returns to you after so many years. And don’t get me wrong, at first I was overjoyed. The day Faragonda had called me to her office, and announced that Bloom had returned to Magix. She had been hiding on Earth. Or rather, she had grown up there, unaware of the power she held, and the history of her family. Our family, and we are the only two left of Domino. 
Bloom was a few minutes older than me, making her the keeper of the dragon flame. Our big sister Daphne had saved us both when Domino was attacked. The difference being that she had sent me to Faragonda, knowing that the Ancestral Witches probably wouldn’t come after me since I held no real power. At least no power like the dragon flame. To hide Bloom from the witches she had sent Bloom to earth, a magic-less place. Faragonda sent me to live with a family on Solaria, knowing the family would take good care of me. My adoptive parents were kind and gentle people, who raised me as if I were their own, and told me, along with Faragonda, the truth about my heritage. And then it was time for me to go to Alfea, where a few days later I discovered my sister was alive. 
And like I mentioned, at first I was overjoyed not being the sole survivor of Domino, and Bloom was a nice girl, who accepted me for who I was. We lived comfortably, she had her own friends, the Winx club, and I had my own. But things started to go downhill very quickly. I am not a jealous person by nature, but when your sister becomes the center of attention, the most important person in the whole magic dimension thoughts will get the better of you. Because in the end, I was just the fairy of fire, nowhere near powerful enough to compete with Bloom. Everything took a turn for the worst when Bloom and I had to duel in a battle, to test our strength. She was able to easily take me out, her dragon flame consuming my own. It was until after the battle, and she had received all the compliments she had gotten that she bothered to ask if I was alright. 
I started hanging out with Bloom and her friends more, losing touch with my own. I just wanted to have with Bloom did, a close friend group who stood by each other no matter what, and maybe show that I was strong, like she was. The winx accepted me easily as I was Bloom’s sister, and a sister of Bloom was a friend of theirs. But maybe it was the fact that I wanted to be accepted, that I didn’t notice the distance there still was between the rest of the winx and me. That they weren’t really my friends. 
But even though I was jealous, she was still my sister. So when she was kidnapped by Lord Darkar I didn’t hesitate to offer the winx my help to save her. During the fight the Trix had been able to beat me, not without a fight, but even with my Charmix they had been able to defeat me. I had been separated from the winx, and saw my chance to flee from the Trix who decided they had more important things to attend to. That’s when I stumbled through Darkar’s library. The books screamed dark magic, but they also screamed power. The moment I had picked up a book I felt the power surge through me, promising everything that I was and could be. I admit, I was weak. The promise of becoming stronger, of being worthy of my sister made the decision for me. With a spell I had learned when I was younger, I transported multiple books to a box in my dorm room, which only I got open with a spell. It’s where I kept my most prized possessions.
The winx, and mostly Sky, managed to save Bloom from Darkars hold. That night, I snuck into the woods outside of Alphea with a book in hand, and tried out my first dark spell. It felt wrong, my body felt wrong, as if it was pushing me to stop trying, but I was determined, and when the spell finally worked the impact it had on the trees surrounding me was far greater than any other spell I had. And that was when the first seed had been planted in my brain. I could do this, I could become stronger than I was now. And so I practiced. 
It didn’t take long for another villain to rise up, and claim power over the magic dimension. This time it was a man by the name of Valtor, a powerful sorcerer, set on becoming stronger and taking over the magic dimension. He had escaped the omega dimension together with the Trix, and had taken over Andros. The Winx had made this elaborate plan to go to Andros and face Valtor, leaving Stella behind to create a diversion at the school. I came along, as Layla had always been one of the nicer Winx to me, and I didn’t want the same thing to happen to Andros, as it had with Domino. 
After traveling to Andros, fighting the enslaved mermaids, and finding out the Trix had escaped the omega dimension as well, I found myself holding my sister as the platform raised from the ground. Icy had attacked her in the back, the rest of the winx immediately started fighting her, but I flew after my sister as I watched her hit the water and I dived in after her. Water dripped down the columns of the ruined castle, as I assumed it had been just that, and from the edge a man appeared.
I had to admit that at first glance the man was a beautiful sight. He was tall, a lot taller than I was even in my heels. His long golden hair looked sleek and well kept, and he had this dangerous aura around him, tempting just like the books in the Dark Phoenix library had. Everything about the man screamed at me that I should run away, that he was dangerous, but another part, the same part that had made me pick up the Dark books, wanted to talk to the man, find out more about him. But his predatory gaze on my sister told me I had to hold him back. 
My eyes glanced in the direction of the winx, who were too caught up in battle to watch me, or Bloom. “Dark fire.” I whispered as I held out my hand in Valtor’s direction, as to not draw attention to the dark spell I just cast. A smirk came on the man’s face as he easily held out his hand and caught the fire ball, with purple flames, in his hand and extinguished it. “Nice trick, but I can do better.” Was all he said before he held out his hand again, and the same fireball came back at me, knocking me in the chest and off the platform. 
Musa was the one to get me out of the water, and was able to cover my eyes just in time as a bright light came from the platform my sister and Valtor had just been standing on. When the light faded we all flew down to the platform. I was glad to see my sister was safe and sound, even though I was jealous sometimes. I didn’t want anything bad to happen to her, but Layla was a different case. Valtor hadn’t only taken her planet from her, but her eyesight as well. 
Valtor watched, arms folded together, as he stood in front of his scrying orb. Inside he could see the image of the little fire fairy. It wasn’t the redhead who held the dragon flame, although he kept a close eye on her as well. No, tonight the object of his interests was Bloom’s younger sister. 
Valtor couldn’t say for certain if she was part of their so-called Winx club. He had only seen her once, and now as he looked into the orb he could see a distance between the girls. Standing off to the side of the room, leaning against a table, while the others were gathered in the middle of the room, lying on the couch in their pajamas. “We’ll find a way to get your eyesight back, Aisha. And we won’t rest until you will.”
“What are you looking at?” Icy’s voice caught Valtor’s attention, glancing over his shoulders to see the Trix walk in. They’d just gotten back from a mission he’d send them on to Andros to cause trouble, to let them give their new powers a try. Before Valtor could answer Darcy had made her way towards the scrying orb. “What do you want with her?” She asked, curious as to why the orb would be following the spare domino princess as she walked towards her room.
Valtor could see the remaining two sisters also look into his orb. “Yeah, is one domino princess not enough for you?” Stormy commented, which earned her a glare from Valtor, but also from her sisters. 
“Not that it is any of your business, but this little fairy caught my attention the last time we fought.” Valtor waved his hand over the orb, and in it came the memory he had of standing on that platform, the fireball infused with dark magic - indicated from the purple glow coming from the flames-  coming towards him. “A fairy using dark magic?” Icy asked skeptically, as walked closer to the orb. The memory fading, and going back to present time where the fire fairy had made her way towards her bedroom, and towards a chest on the foot of her bed. 
The four of them watched as the fire fairy opened the chest with a spell and proceeded to grab a few books out of it. She placed them all around her, and then grabbed a notebook she also had in the chest. It was clear that she was translating some of the ancient books, or writing down the spells so she wouldn’t have to transfer the whole book with her. “Huh, don’t those books look familiar to you, sisters?” Darcy commented as she glanced at the rest of the Trix. Valtor briefly looked up from the orb, before returning his gaze back to it.
“Yeah, you think this little fairy is a little thief as well as just an overall nuisance?” Icy replied. “That’s exactly what I was thinking.” Valtor let the orb some in closer, to see the contents of the books more clearly. He knew that the Trix had worked for Darkar before him, and that the temple had been destroyed. He also knew that the Winx were the reason Darkar had died. He hadn’t expected a fairy to take some of the spell books the Dark Phoenix had in possession. Spells he could very well use himself, if only to make sure nobody else had them. It did explain how the fairy was able to cast the spell she did. Valtor felt himself getting deep in thought as the Trix continued their conversation.
“I’ve never seen a fairy use dark magic with her own free will.”
“Desperate sounds more like it.”
“What, are you surprised? You know how much she wants to be like Bloom. Now she’s even turning to dark magic like Bloom did.”
Valtor’s head snapped up, looking directly at Stormy. “What did you say?” Stormy felt herself getting nervous under Valtor’s piercing gaze. Not sure if the look Valtor was giving her was because he was angry, or curious. She sometimes found his emotions difficult to read. 
“Uhm, she’s turning to dark magic like Bloom did.” If Valtor was surprised by that fact his face didn’t show it. “When?” Was all he asked.
The Trix continued to explain about how Darker had captured Bloom by using one of his henchmen to infiltrate Alfea. And how Darkar casted something he called ‘enchanted darkness’ over Bloom's heart, resulting in her switching sides. They mentioned how much stronger she was then compared to her now, and that the Winx only managed to get her back to her normal self because of; “ugh…friendship and love.”
As Valtor heard the story he watched the second living domino princess, as she was alone in her room, making notes of the spellworks while the Winx were still where they had been previously, all together. “Something tells me that won’t be a problem here.”
A couple days had passed since that day on Andros when I’d seen Valtor. Aisha had even gotten her Enchantix and eyesight back all in the span of a few days. Luckily all in time for the party that would be happening on Eraklyon. Even as a child I had been invited to attend some of the more high end parties, seeing as I was still a princess of Domino. The invite was more of a formality, as there was no Domino more I would have been representing. But now Bloom also got invited to these types of parties. Me and Stella had helped Bloom the first time she had to attend one of these types of celebrations, and how the proceedings would go.
Bloom knew that I would still get an invite to the party, and I suppose it was kind of her to invite me along when Sky dropped by to bring the winx their personal invitations. But I couldn’t help but feel the small sting that act caused me. Did Bloom really think that I wouldn’t go to the party if she didn’t ask me to tag along? Or did she assume I wouldn’t get one because she was the keeper of the dragon flame? 
I tried not to let my mind get the better of me regarding the situation. Bloom had a lot of things on her mind, perhaps she had forgotten that the two of them would have gotten an invitation regardless.
To keep my mind off the situation I had brought my notebook with me towards the forest surrounding Alfea. I had spent the last couple of days in the woods during nightfall. One of the new spells I’d learned let me sneak back into Alfea without Griselda noticing, so I had more time to study. Every time I returned from the woods I felt stronger, and I was sure that the next time Bloom and I were put together to duel in class I would win despite her having the power of the dragon flame.
I ended up in the open meadow a bit farther from the school grounds where I had been practicing almost every night. I pulled my notebook from the bag I had been carrying with me, and made it float in the air, pages open and on eyesight. Rereading the spell, and studying the drawings of the hand movements that I had made earlier, I focused on a nearby tree. “Withering fire.” Black smoke shot from my hands reaching the tree. As the smoke consumed the tree I could see the leaves turning brown, and the tree bark shriveling and falling off the tree.
“Impressive.”  Startled, I turned around, my hand still raised in the direction the face had come from. I found Valtor leaning against a tree, his arms crossed casually in front of him. “Valtor.” I said, keeping my hand raised. “You remembered my name. Impressive.” He replied nonchalantly, pushing himself away from the tree and sauntering towards me
“What do you want? The winx aren’t here so you’re out of luck.” I retorted, earning a chuckle from Valtor. His head tilted slightly to the side, as if in pity. “Is that what you assume of everyone? That they come to you for the Winx? No, my dear. I’m here for you actually.” I just looked at him skeptically, waiting for the Trix to arrive any minute and attack me. “Your little trick the other day caught my attention. It’s not often a fairy throws dark magic at your face.” 
“There is more where that came from.” I answered, proud that my voice didn’t betray the fear I was feeling. Because just as he had remembered she had thrown dark magic around I remembered how well he had been able to reduce her spell to nothing. “How hostile, and here I thought you fairies were all about love and peace.” He countered right back. I couldn't help the humorless laugh that escaped my mouth. “As you’ve perhaps noticed I’m not like most fairies.”
Valtor’s expression darked, a predatory smile coming onto his face. Goosebumps started on my skin as he looked at me like that. As if I was the prey who had walked right into his trap, and he had me cornered, just the way he had wanted too. “Funny you should mention that because it is exactly the reason why I am here.”
Valtor snapped his fingers, and feet started to get heavier like my muscles and bones were turning into stone, keeping me locked in place. “Hey, what are you,-” Valtor disappeared in front of me, and before I knew it I could feel his presence behind me but with my feet locked to the ground I couldn’t turn around. One of his gloved hands reached for my hair and pushed it over one shoulder so it was out of the way as he leaned closer and whispered into my ear.
“You impress me. A powerful fairy like you I could use by my side. Imagine all the things you would be capable of doing. You think you learn from those books you keep locked in your room, but I will show you what real power is like.” Along with the goosebumps a shiver ran down her spine. How did he know she kept those books in her room? Had he been spying on her? And if he knew this about her, what else did he know? Not about her but about the winx as well.
And I hated to admit it that his offer was tempting. She had seen the power Valtor was capable off and the possibility of him teaching her was very tempting. But I also knew that it wouldn’t last. The good would always win from the bad. And as long as she remained on the good side, she could dip her toe in the bad, even if just for a few dark spells. But if she would betray the wink, she would close that door forever. She would never fit in with them, and she would lose her sister all over again.
“No. No, you don’t mean that. You just want to use me like you use everybody else. And the moment you’re gone I will tell Miss Faragonda and the Winx you were here and they will get you.” Valtor laughed as he stepped away from behind her and into her view again, still laughing. “And what will you tell them you were doing out here? The truth? That you are secretly a user of dark magic, the magic that is currently destroying most of their home planets. I think you keep forgetting that the winx’s are Bloom’s friends, not yours. To them you are just an extra, a charity case to keep around.”
I flinched at this words, but I tried not to let them get to me. “They will see that I was just trying to protect myself, protect them.” I tried to reason, but Valtor just shook his head. “You keep telling yourself that. My offer still stands, but I think it’s time for you to figure out what you really want.” And with that he disappeared again, and the spell on my legs disappeared.
I sank through my knees, tears gathering in the corners of my eyes. Figure out what you really want he’d said.
“I just don’t want to be alone anymore.” I whispered crying into the dark. 
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randomimaginesideas · 28 days
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Twilight Series - Stephenie Meyer, Twilight (Movies), Twilight Series - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Aro/Caius/Marcus (Twilight)/Original Female Character(s), Aro (Twilight)/Original Female Character(s), Caius (Twilight)/Original Female Character(s), Marcus (Twilight)/Original Female Character(s), Carlisle Cullen/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Aro (Twilight), Caius (Twilight), Marcus (Twilight), Carlisle Cullen, Bella Swan, Benjamin (Twilight), Edward Cullen, The Volturi (Twilight), Original Volturi Character(s) (Twilight), Volturi Guard (Twilight) Additional Tags: Polyamory, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Foursome - F/M/M/M, True Mates, Character Turned Into Vampire, Vampires, Mates, No beta we shut down like ao3, powerful fmc, Queen vibes, A better look inside Bella's mind, Bella finally stands up for herself, Edward Cullen Bashing, Light Carlisle/FMC if you squint., Other Additional Tags to Be Added, english is not my first language Summary:
The butterfly effect; "How strange that even a very minor event, action or small shift can have such a tremendous effect. Like a butterfly's wing is capable of altering the path of a tornado. Certantainly everything, even the very thingy thing can effect everything."
Or alternatively;
How Bella's life could have gone if only the Volturi had met their mate earlier in their life times, and how she could be the butterfly in Bella's life.
Posted chapter two for the people who are intrested.
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randomimaginesideas · 2 months
Hello everybody,
Just a little update for you all.
I think this week I'll post a Valtor one-shot that I have been working on for quite some time. It had been requested, I had written a start and then just like with the Valtor's hand series, I kind of forgot about it/got in a writer's block. But it's almost finished and I will post it soon.
I am hoping to also work on the other Valtor request that I've gotten in the mailbox since I am currently just in the mindset for writing this character.
I am also working on a re-write of Together again, and the first part of let me rage. I wrote together again back in 2021, and feel like my writing style has changed over the years and I want to do this story justice since a lot of people still seem to be reading this work every month.
I want to thank you for the support that I still get even when I'm not publishing consistently, but I still see all the likes and reblogs as support to my work so still want to thank you all.
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randomimaginesideas · 3 months
Let me rage part 2
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Summary; Finally reunited Valtor and (Y/n) can get back to conquer the magic dimension. (Y/N) gets to meet the Trix and shows why she is Valtor’s right hand. Deciding to infiltrate Alfea she meets the Winx, and becomes an important player in this battle. 
This work is also published on AO3 under my username Acourtoffanficsandfeelings, if you prefer to read it there.
Continuation of Together again, and second part of let me rage.
A/N; First, I am incredibly sorry for the delay. I was having an intense writer's block for a certain part in this chapter and didn’t really know how to continue.
It seems that to this day Valtor is still a beloved character, and this fic still gets kudos, and comments. And that motivates me to write. So even if it has taken a while I hope I’ve managed to write a chapter you’re all very happy to read, as I did my best to make it as long as possible to make it up to you guys. While writing this chapter I concluded that this part of the series will be 3 chapters instead of the original two, as I felt it would have the story flow more. 
Also because I hope this way to fetch out the character of the reader more, to give her some emotions, and struggles, while still remaining an badass amazing villain lover. And to show you some more moments between Valtor and (Y/N).
So I want to thank everybody again for sticking around,and reading this after my long absence, and if you just found the fic and this was already out when you found my fic, I hope you also enjoy everything that I’ve written so far.
Monday morning. Idle chatter could be heard filling the classroom as some of the Alfea students were waiting for their new teacher to make an appearance. A teacher who was ten minutes late. When the wooden doors started to creak, and announced the arrival of somebody the chatter slowly faded out, and silence filled the room.  “Sorry class, I know I’m late, but as I’m sure some of you would agree with me, this school can be quite a maze.” The students, including the famous Winx, watched as the new teacher made her way towards the desk, and placed her bag on it before turning around to face her students. “Hello class, I’m Professor Whiteshade, and I am your new teacher specialized in Enchantix.”
While she was introducing herself (Y/N) could feel the eyes of the students observing her. They took in the white floor length dress that she wore, with the black belt across her waist. She could feel their eyes looking at her blond hair that was so pale it almost looked white when the lights hit it in a certain spot. It had been pulled into an intricate bun to keep the hair out of her face. (Y/N) didn't like the look she had currently on, but there have been worse faces she had turned into.
One of the students raised her hand, gaining (Y/N)’s attention who smiled at her. “Yes,-” She glanced down at one of the papers on her desk, pretending not to have seen Bloom before. Valtor had shown her some of the winx in his scrying orb and explained the most important facts she needed to know: like the fact that Bloom was the fairy of the dragon flame. “Bloom, is it?” The red head nodded, before asking her question. “Not to be rude professor, but why are we now suddenly getting this extra class in our curriculum?” 
“Not rude at all, and an understandable question at that. I understand you’re not looking forward to more homework, so I will try to keep it at a minimum. As you all are well aware there is a new threat trying to conquer the magic dimension.” (Y/N) voice got serious as she looked across the room, seeing multiple defeated faces of the fairies who’s home had been affected by Valtor. A good person would have felt bad when she looked at those faces, but (Y/N) knew that sometimes things had to be destroyed for a new world to rise again. A world in which she and Valtor ruled the magic dimension.
“Headmistress Feragonda has asked me to come to Alfea, and teach and guide you students as you learn more about Enchantix in these troubling times. From the information I’ve gotten, two of you have already received your Enchantix.” (Y/N)’s eyes found those of Aisha and Stella, whom she gave a reassuring smile. “You should be proud of yourselves for earning your Enchantix, despite how grave the situation was in which you’ve gotten them.” (Y/N) focused on the class again. Aisha’s and Stella’s expression grew dark as (Y/N) could see the memories of those moments come back to the girls.
“Enchantix isn’t easily gained, it requires great sacrifice. I know of fairies who’ve nearly died in their efforts to earn their Enchantix. And sometimes you need to sacrifice your own happiness and choose to do what’s right because not everything that makes you happy is right.”
“Are you sure this is the only way?” (Y/n) asked as she looked at the beaten and locked up form of professor Whiteshade, who was currently lying unconscious on the floor. “You know that there is nobody I trust more with this than you.” (Y/N) felt Valtor place his hands on her shoulders as he stood behind her. The two of them were standing in front of Whiteshade’s cell, which was located one floor above Griffins, where Valtor had told her his plan regarding Alfea. “We need to have an inside source, and find the hall of enchantment. They will notice if I or the Trix slip by but they won’t notice you.” (Y/N) rolled her eyes, knowing he was right, but not really agreeing with the plan.
“I’ve only just returned to you, and you wish to have me leave again.” She muttered, feeling rejected. Valtor quickly turned her around, guiding her by her shoulders. One of his hands grabbed her chin gently between two fingers, and tilted her head up. “That is a cruel thing to say, for you know that is not my intention. I’ve missed you with all my heart, and I dislike this plan as much as you do, but there is nobody I trust more with this than you. And the sooner this is over with, the sooner you can return to me.” Valtor said as he looked into her eyes, and pressed a brief kiss on (Y/N)’s lips. 
A sigh left her lips afterwards as she enjoyed the closeness between them for a moment, knowing that she would have to part from it again so soon, and then she relented. “Alright, I’ll do it.” Valtor smiled at her as he slowly released her from his hold. (Y/N) turned to look at the real professor Whiteshade again, as she whispered a spell, closing her eyes. As soon as the spell had crossed her lips the shadows around them in the room seemed to twist and turn as they started to glide across her body. Through the glimpses of shadow Valtor could see her clothing change from the black dress she wore to a red sundress. Her (Y/H/C) turned into the lightest of blondes. And when the shadows moved away, and (Y/N) opened her eyes, even her eye color had changed. 
She looked almost identical to the professor Whiteshade in the cell, only the trained eye would spot the differences. A mole that wasn’t there where it usually was, a scar that wasn’t there, perhaps a bit more weight on the arms or legs.  (Y/N) had always been able to manipulate the shadows, to make things seem different from what actually, but only small things like books, trinkets or furniture. But during her years with Valtor he had taught her to think bigger, to practice her spells, and now she was almost able to place the spell on almost anything. For everything in the shadows is not what it seems.
It had been two weeks since (Y/N) had arrived at Alfea and she was annoyed. She knew she was doing important work for Valtor, passing along information from the room of enhancement to Valtor, but those types of things took time. It turned out that Alfea had finally invested in a librarian who took her work seriously. Although it wasn’t difficult for (Y/N) to charm Barbatea, and learn all about the library. But it also meant that Barbatea  knew every nook and cranny, and would know it if things disappeared. So (Y/N) was forced to make copies of some of the lesser important spells, and tried to find substitutes for the more important books and scrolls. (Y/N) was particularly proud of the erotic romance novel she had managed to look like an ancient spell book. Now she just hoped that nobody would open the book. 
After spending seventeen years as a statue, her powers were still on the weaker side. Each week she felt her power grow, and Valtor had helped her by sharing his power. But from the moment she had woken up she had used her magic continuously. Pretending to be Griffin when anybody would try to contact her to keep up the appearance that Cloud Tower was still standing. Or that one time they had intercepted a call from Feragonda to King Radius to ask how things were regarding the fountain, and King Radius had replied that; everything was quiet but they would keep an eye out for anything strange and notify her when they did. And now, (Y/N) had to continue to keep up the appearance as professor Whiteshade, and keep the illusions of the books going even if she wasn’t anywhere near them.
And on top of all that she had to actually teach the students something about Enchantix. The first couple of days (Y/N) had mostly placed the focus on introductions in the class, and to Enchanctix, telling what she knew of Enchantix, but she was running out of information. So one day she had made a parkour course for her Enchantix students, before letting them race the others. To make the students see how much stronger they would become if they earned Enchantix, and why it came with such a heavy price.
But the thing that kept (Y/N) going was the fact that she knew Valtor was growing stronger every time she sent him something through the shadows. And Valtor also seemed to know when to say something to her, even when he couldn’t speak with her.
It was dark in the library, most of the Alfea students were in bed, as were most of its teachers. Barbatea had just wished (Y/N) goodnight, after (Y/N) had promised the librarian she would lock up behind her, but just wanted to research one more thing before her class tomorrow. (Y/N) had turned off the lights, preferring the light from the moon shining through the windows. (Y/N) always waited half an hour after everybody had left to make sure that Barbatea wouldn’t just reappear. 
When the half hour had passed (Y/N) slowly rose from the chair she had been vacating, and she closed the book she had been reading. From her bag, which was filled with her students' homework to keep up appearances, she grabbed a gardening book that she had taken from the greenhouse earlier today. After placing it on the table right next to the one she had been reading previously, she placed her hands on top of the books, one on each. (Y/N) closed her eyes, and tried to focus. “Mirror image.” She whispered as she felt her magic move beneath her hands. The headache that had been slowly growing bigger these past week, grew stronger with the new spell she casted. 
When (Y/N) opened her eyes she let out a sigh of frustration. It almost looked like the spell had only taken half effect. The title of the spellbook had been transferred to the gardening book, but the flowery cover could still be seen underneath.
(Y/N) lifted her head to look at the ceiling as she took another deep breath, trying to soothe the headache, and focus on the shadows she was already controlling. Her image of professor Whiteshade, and covers of around fifteen books she was trying to keep up, while focusing on creating a new one. If she focused, she could feel the shadow connecting the books together, although weak as it was, it was there. (Y/N) tried to imagine Valtor standing behind her, his hands on her shoulders, placing a kiss on her lips as she had her head tilted backwards. And his words he had whispered to her long ago that fateful day; that she was strong, that she was capable of anything, as long as she remained by his side. 
“I miss you.” (Y/N) confessed to the quiet library, with only the moonlight and the shadows as her company. It had been two weeks of no contact with either Valtor or the Trix. And after only a week with Valtor,before she had gone to Alfea, after being stuck in stone for seventeen years felt like a short time to be together again. But (Y/N) also knew that they would have all the time in the world together once Valtor and her conquer the magic dimension. 
Thinking with their end goal in mind (Y/N) returned her attention back to her task at hand. “Mirror image.” She said again, and this time when she opened her eyes, she had two identical books. Or at least when you didn’t look too closely. Perhaps a tear wasn’t in the place it always was, and maybe the letter R was a different font but didn’t look out of place at first glance. 
(Y/N) stood up and placed the duplicate copy back in the place it belonged, before grabbing the original and walking to a shadowed corner of the library, a place where the moonlight didn’t reach. (Y/N) squatted down and waved her hand, the shadows twisting underneath into a calm whirlpool of shadows. She imagined Cloud Tower, more specially Valtor’s desk, next to the scrying orb as she pushed the book into the shadows, and dropped it. 
(Y/N) stood back up again, and went to turn around when she heard a small thunk, and something hitting her ankle. The shadows had gone quiet again, no longer moving as their mistress had no longer any use of them. But that wasn’t what caught (Y/N)’s attention, for she had expected them to be quiet. No, on the ground near her ankle she saw a small circle with something sticking out of it. 
After picking it up, (Y/N) made her way towards the window. In the moonlight she saw she was holding onto a ring with a small note attached to it. Before (Y/N) studied the ring she opened up the note. It was a small letter, one that would sometimes have been tied to the foot of a bird. The only message on it was; As promised. Two days.
(Y/N) turned her attention towards the ring. It was a ring that was on the wider side. The first thing that caught her attention was how blue it was. When she looked closer she recognized the blue to be some type of coral, from andros more specifically. The whole inside of the ring was made of polished blue coral, the sides inlaid with gold to give it a more delicate effect. A smile came on (Y/N)’s face as she brought the ring to her chest and held it there for a moment. 
Seventeen years ago Valtor had promised her all the jewelry her heart desired when they were rulers of the magic dimension. (Y/N) had mentioned how her sister had gotten a ring from Andros, which had used coral instead of diamonds, and how she had always wanted a ring like that. And how some corals from Andros were worth more than some of the most expensive diamonds. So that was why her sister only had one small part of her ring infused with the coral. In response Valtor had promised she would have the most beautiful ring of Andros one day, even prettier than her sisters. 
(Y/N) remembered how Aisha hadn’t been in class today as there was another attack on Andros. Seemed like Valtor had remembered his promise. With a smile (Y/N) placed the ring around her, or rather professor Whiteshade’s, finger. She tore up the paper and threw it in the trash, making sure nobody would be able to read it, and even then it couldn’t be traced back to her. With renewed strength (Y/N) made her way out of the library, and towards her bedroom.
That had been two days ago. It was now Saturday, and everybody, teachers and students, were free to do as they pleased today. But (Y/N) had been on edge the whole day, just waiting for something to happen. She kept herself busy by making sure all her shadows were still where she needed them to be, and keeping her head ache to a minimum. But she did all that from the solitude of her bedroom. (Y/N) was in the habit of keeping her curtains almost closed, not a fan of the burning daylight. 
Her attention was pulled when the small streak of light that came from the crack in between the curtains turned dark. Opening her curtains she could see storm clouds gathering above Alfea as it started to rain. If (Y/N) hadn’t suspected something was amiss, the fact that the magic barrier was going up was a definite sign.
Relief and excitement coursed through (Y/N)’s body. Relief that her stay in Alfea would finally be over, and excitement to know the future that will be waiting for them. (Y/N) stepped out of her room and ran into professor Palladium and professor Wizgiz who had also been residing in their chambers. The tree of them ran up towards one of the rooftops, knowing that Faragonda had gone there to activate the barrier. “Miss Faragonda!” Professor Palladium called out to her, gaining her attention.
“Brace yourself. The lighting is bewitched, and clearly the work of Valtor.” Faragonda warned them as she turned to look back in the sky. Up in the storm clouds the mark of Valtor had appeared, whenever the lighting struck it grew brighter. Faragonda turned her attention back to the professors at her side. “Keep your eyes open, be prepared,-” “Look, he’s using the witches from Cloud Tower.” Professor Wizgiz said, pointing towards the storm cloud. Professor Wizgiz was right. From the storm clouds, they’re hands outstretched came the lighting that had previously been in the clouds. The lighting struck the magical barrier, and with Valtor controlling them the magic of the witches was a lot stronger than they’d normally had, making the barrier fall apart.
Faragonda turned back around to face her colleagues. “Alright, get the girls. They’ll need our help, and we’ll need theirs.” Faragonda said with confidence before she was hit with lighting from behind. Luckily with everything going on it just seemed like professor Whiteshade stepped away from the blast to protect herself, and certainly not because she didn’t feel the need to catch the headmistress. (Y/N) had to give credit where credit was due, and Faragonda quickly got back up again. “Alright, you two,-” Faragonda looked in the direction of the professor's Palladium and Wizgiz. “Gather all the fairies and prepare for battle.” The two professors ran off as the barrier fully broke, and tiny glittering pieces fell down the sky. 
Then Faragonda looked professor Whiteshade in the eyes. “Go to the library and don’t let any of the information get into the wrong hands.” (Y/N) turned to walk towards the library when she heard Faragonda call out her lover’s name, which made her stop in her tracks. Faragonda was way too focused on Valtor who came down from the sky to notice that she had stopped.
Valtor landed with two feet on the ground, arms folded together in front of his chest. “We meet again, Faragonda, it has been a while.” Valtor smiled as he tilted his head slightly sideways, almost as if he pitied the woman standing in front of him. “You’ve grown old.” He added chuckling. For the briefest of moments (Y/N) saw his eyes go over Faragonda’s shoulder in her direction, before returning towards the furious headmistress.
“You’ve bewitched the girls from Cloud Tower.” She accused before throwing a spell at him in her anger. Valtor managed to easily catch the spell with his hand, before throwing it back in Faragonda’s direction, which managed to hit her in the chest. Faragonda flew backwards towards the edge of the roof, hitting the brick wall. She landed close to (Y/N), who was now calmly inspecting the spectacle. Now that Faragonda could see that professor Whiteshade had remained standing, (Y/N) could see the clogs in her head turning. “I’ve always been known to be rather persuasive.” Valtor said, walking closer towards them as (Y/N) slowly started to make his way towards him. “No, no!” Faragonda muttered, almost shocked, as realization slowly started to dawn on her.  “Or should I say, we are very persuasive.” 
“I suppose we are.” (Y/N) chuckled, as she let herself drop the image of professor Whiteshade for a moment. With each blink of Faragonda’s eyes a different person was standing next to Valtor. One moment in her place stood the professor, then Griffin, and then King Radius , and with the next blink shadows circled around the woman standing next to Valtor, revealing the woman lying behind the shadows, beneath all the false faces she created. A smile on her lips that Faragonda knew all too well from many years ago, then the professor was back in place but the smile still remained. “Well, as fun as this little reunion is, I was under strict orders to make sure the information in the library would not fall under the wrong hands.” (Y/N) told Valtor, who matched the smile on her face. 
“Well then, you better get going. Faragonda and I have a lot of catching up to do anyway.” 
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randomimaginesideas · 8 months
Hello, I’m currenly working on a Volturi Kings/FMC fic. It’s a canon - diverge of Bella’s story and how this ship implents her life. Eventually I will probably post a prequel fic of their story. But in case you are intrested here is a link to the AO3 page.
Chapters: 1/? Fandom: Twilight Series - Stephenie Meyer, Twilight (Movies), Twilight Series - All Media Types Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Aro/Caius/Marcus (Twilight)/Original Female Character(s), Aro (Twilight)/Original Female Character(s), Caius (Twilight)/Original Female Character(s), Marcus (Twilight)/Original Female Character(s), Carlisle Cullen/Original Female Character(s) Characters: Aro (Twilight), Caius (Twilight), Marcus (Twilight), Carlisle Cullen, Bella Swan, Benjamin (Twilight), Edward Cullen, The Volturi (Twilight), Original Volturi Character(s) (Twilight), Volturi Guard (Twilight) Additional Tags: Polyamory, Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Foursome - F/M/M/M, True Mates, Character Turned Into Vampire, Vampires, Mates, No beta we shut down like ao3, powerful fmc, Queen vibes, A better look inside Bella's mind, Bella finally stands up for herself, Edward Cullen Bashing, Light Carlisle/FMC if you squint., Other Additional Tags to Be Added, english is not my first language Summary:
The butterfly effect; "How strange that even a very minor event, action or small shift can have such a tremendous effect. Like a butterfly's wing is capable of altering the path of a tornado. Certantainly everything, even the very thingy thing can effect everything."
Or alternatively;
How Bella's life could have gone if only the Volturi had met their mate earlier in their life times, and how she could be the butterfly in Bella's life.
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randomimaginesideas · 2 years
Are you taking Valtor winx club requests? Your valtor series gave me an idea🤩
Technically yes, so you are always allowed to send it in. But I can’t promise you I will write it soon, if I like it enough and the idea motivates me I could. But I don’t want to make any promises for I hate to say yes, and then you having to wait a few months.
But I would love to see what you send it, and who knows maybe I get inspired and continue my Valtor series as well.
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randomimaginesideas · 2 years
I’ll remember you (Klaus x GN!reader) 1/2
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Summary;  One timeline where Klaus doesn’t remember you, and one where he does.
A/N;  This is my first gender neutral fic. If you have any notes on it, or things I could improve on, on that front please let me know. Let me know what you think of it. You can read this two-shot on AO3, if you prefer that.
This work is heavily inspired by the invisible life of Addie Larue by V.E. Schwab. And with heavily I mean; the reader is basically Addie. So if you like this reader I would suggest you read that book since it’s a masterpiece.
Triggers; Mention of suidicide, mention of death (car), mention of drugs/alcohol.
September 2017
It was 4 o’clock. The streets were filled with people going back home, getting dinner or on their way to visiting someone. Cars stood still in the busy city traffic. The sky was gray with clouds. It was one of those colder September evenings, one of those that signal autumn was just around the corner. If you close your eyes the city sounds would fill your ears. People talking, cars honking. The music coming from the stores when the doors opened to let people in or out. The call of someone hailing a cab. But in between all those sounds was the sound of a person calling. No, a person screaming.
There. A small clothing shop. A person ran out of it, a black jacket in their hands as they made their way down the street. “Stop it right there! Thief!” A retailer exited the shop as well, their legs carrying them after the thief. They were not going to get fired because of some smart mouthed thief. Though the thief hadn’t planned to get caught, they saw their way out of the situation quick enough.
They turned the corner into a little alleyway. And while they collided into somebody the retailer stopped in his tracks the moment the thief got out of sight. The retailer looked around confused. Why was he standing in the street? He had to get back to work. The retailer turned around and made his way back to the store. The thief is no longer on his mind, like they had been erased out of his memory. 
Meanwhile our thief had gotten themselves into another situation. “Watch it!” The man said to the thief as he looked defeated at the bottle which hadn’t survived the collision. The thief looked at the man in front of them, a small smile on their faces, but they quickly hid it away when the man looked up at them. “I’m sorry. I didn’t look where I was going.” They apologized to the man. They tore off the prize ticket from the jacket they had taken and pulled it on. “Yeah, that was obvious.” A laugh escaped the thief. “Let me get you a new one, a better one.” The thief offered and the man looked at them skeptically. “I may not be the most sober person right now, but from what I’ve just seen you don’t really have any money.” 
“Who says I need money?” The thief challenged and the man raised an eyebrow but looked the thief in the eye who looked at him with a challenging look. The man laughed and held out his hand. The thief saw the black lines of Hello on the inside. “I’m Klaus.” The thief shook Klaus’s hand. “(Y/N).” Klaus started to walk towards the street. “Nice to meet you (Y/), now let’s get some liquor.”(Y/N) quickly moved to stay next to him, always one step ahead. Always in his sight. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Klaus. As always.”
December 2018
The city was covered in white, and illuminated by the Christmas lights around the city. (Y/N) stood on the roof of a 20 story high building. Arms spread wide, eyes closed as they felt the cold winter air brush pass them. This way, they almost felt like they could fly. It would have been better. “Why are we jumping?” A sudden voice came from their right. Startled (y/n) lost their balance, almost falling over the edge. Two hands grabbed her wrist and pulled her back on the roof. (Y/N) lost their footing and fell against their savior. They both fell on the ground. The white snow covered them both. Their eyes fell on the man who had startled her. “Jezus, I thought we were joking about jumping.” Klaus said laughingly. (Y/N) softly pulled themselves off Klaus as they sat down on the roof. “We were, but you startled me.” They accused Klaus as they slowly stood up, petting the dirt and snow of their clothes. The jacket they had stolen last year still adorned their body. They sat back down on the edge of the roof, feet dangling in the air. “Oh, you’re fine. It’s not like you’d die anyway. I survived a fall from 20 stories high before.” Klaus said as he sat down next to them. 
They could see the way his body swayed slightly, his pupils bigger than a normal person. “Somehow I doubt that.” Klaus looked at them, with a look of pretend shock on his face and a hand placed on his chest. “I’m offended that you wouldn’t believe me.” They laughed. “I’m sorry, if I don’t believe a stranger on the roof.” They pointed out and Klaus immediately held out his hand. The same black lines on the inside of his hand. “I’m Klaus, and you are?” They shook his hand. “(Y/N).” Klaus leaned back on his elbows as he looked at them. “Well, (Y/N), what’s a person like you doing on this roof? Surely there are more exciting ways to spend your Christmas eve.” Klaus pointed out, and they laughed again. 
“Why not? A beautiful view, peace and quiet, all alone with your thoughts.” They pointed out and Klaus rolled his eyes. “But I could say the same thing about you? What are you doing here?” Klaus pulled out a cigarette case out of his pocket. He grabbed one and offered one to the other, took one, and mumbled a thanks. “I just came here to talk to my dead brother.” Klaus said as if it was a normal thing to say. 
They both talked for a few more minutes, both enjoying each other's company. But then a loud crash could be heard behind them from somewhere in the city. “What was that?” Klaus as he turned to look behind him, turning his face fully away from (Y/N). “No!” (Y/N) called out as their hands shouted out to prevent Klaus from turning but it was too late. When Klaus turned back to look at them confusion spread across their faces. “Uhm, this is going to sound really stupid, but who are you? And why are we here?” He asked them.
A defeated smile came on their faces, but quickly turned into a polite one. “I’m (Y/N), and we were just discussing if we would survive a jump of this building.” She explained and Klaus looked down. “Of course, we would. I have done it before.” He said proudly. “You don’t say.”
On the 12th hour of the first day of October 1989, 34 women around the world gave birth. This was unusual only in the fact that none of these women had been pregnant when the day first began. 
Sir Reginald Hargreeves, eccentric billionaire and adventurer, resolved to locate and adopt as many of the children as possible. One of those children he found was the person now known as (Y/N). But when he went to pay for the child, his head turned away, he had forgotten why he had come to the family in the first place, and quickly left.
When their mother had placed them in bed and left the room, they had forgotten that they had given birth. The shock in the family was quite big when a baby suddenly started crying in the house. They decided that the best course of action was to place the baby in the foster system. Claiming they had no idea where the baby came from, and which for them was the truth.
The first few years were hard for the child. Everytime a caretaker would look away they had forgotten about the child. No records were kept on the baby, as if they had disappeared or never existed. But luckily for the baby, which slowly turned into a toddler over the years, the caretakers never turned away a child in need. Eventually the toddler grew into a child and they started to understand things. They took on the name they remembered the earliest. (Y/N), their last name long forgotten the day their mother gave them up. The child grew up, watching the umbrella academy save the day.
The child learned about their powers, or rather curse as they saw it, and tested it’s full potential and its limits. As they grew into a teenager they learned that they could leave small marks on the world. They could be filmed, or a photo could be taken. Apparently their powers couldn’t affect electronic devices. But things like paper, records disappeared, the ink just wouldn’t stay on. They learned that as long as they remained in eyesight of a person they would remember. They could walk next to a person and as long as they remained in the corner of their eye they were good. They never figured out how to turn off their power.
But as soon as a person turned their head, lost sight of (Y/n) they forgot everything. They couldn’t remember talking to them, or everything that surrounded her. The reason for going to a certain place, or why they suddenly had another liquor bottle then they had previously. It was a very lonely life, it was a tough life. When everybody you meet forgets you, what would be the point in existing?
(Y/N) learned how to use the power to their benefit. Ask to try on some clothes, and then ask the nice retailer if they could grab a bigger size. As soon as they turn their head, you run for it. Ask for a room in a hotel, get the key and throw the key on the ground behind the reception the next morning to let them think the key just dropped. (That one got harder when more keys turned into electric cards.)
They learned it was a very hard life, and it got quite lonely. But they also figured out that sometimes you find someone worth living for.
“I’m Klaus, what got you into this fine establishment?”
“I’m (Y/N), and I’m here to pretend to be sober.”
“Great, me too! Let’s work together.”
March 2019
“Klaus! Klaus! Get up. You’re not dead, you can’t be dead.”
Klaus opened his eyes as he heard a voice in the distance. The world gray around him. “Not again.” He groaned as he slowly rose up. He was in the city, but everything was abandoned and quiet. “Okay, come on Klaus. You have to get back.” He muttered to himself, hands rubbing his face as if to wake himself up. He needed to get back to his family, he needed to stop the apocalypse. He had to get himself hit by a car didn’t he? Klaus stood with his eyes closed. “Go back, go back, go back.” He muttered to himself. Ding.
He opened his eyes, the little girl stood in front of him again. Another annoyed grunt. “What now? I know you don’t like me but I don’t have the time for another reunion with dad.” He told her. The girl only looked at him annoyed before she turned her head. Klaus followed her gaze to a media store. He looked back at the girl, pointed at himself and then at the store. The girl only looked at him. 
“Ugh, fine.” He said before he reluctantly made his way towards the shop. He walked in, the bell above the door making a soft ding. The shop was empty, except for tv’s lining the walls, or standing on tables. “Hello?” He called out, making his way further into the shop. silence, a static noise and then all the tv’s turned on at once. Klaus jumped back, nearly falling into a tv which stood on a little table. He could quickly grab it before it fell down. Klaus looked at the screen. “Who are you?” He asked out loud. 
He didn’t remember the person next to him on the screen. He saw himself laying on the car, right where the car had hit him. The person was pulling him by the shoulders, checking for a pulse. “Klaus! You can’t be dead. Don’t you dare be dead!” They called out desperately. Klaus turned around to look at the other screens. They were all of him and you. One tv showed the scene on the roof. The two of you talking, him looking away and him not remembering you. 
All the scenes were from different times and places, he recognized himself when he was sixteen years old, talking to a sixteen year old you. When Klaus looked at all the footage, or rather memories he had forgotten he recalled all the times he met you. All the times they laughed, or got drunk together, and that one time they had spent a whole evening together and kissed, and that one they had both gotten incredibly drunk and had one night of passion together only for Klaus to forget you in the morning and he had the embarrassing conversation with you about not remembering it.
“All these times and you still stuck around?” Klaus mused out loud as he watched, for his feeling the 100th time, him forgetting you. Klaus didn’t know how he felt. It wasn’t love for you. Love was something that developed with time, and even though he saw all the imagines he felt a distance between the two of you. But the feeling he felt more at the moment was admiration. The fact that you stayed around him all these years, and enjoyed the moments given to you. But Klaus was sure. He would do his best to remember you, because if he did. He was sure it could turn into love. Then static noise, silence and Klaus opened his eyes again. 
Klaus opened his eyes and gasped for breath. (Y/N) let out a sigh of relief, happy that he had returned to them. Klaus turned to look at them. “(Y/N)?” He asked them carefully. They nodded, a happy tear ran down their face. “I remember you.” He said to them, and they just smiled. “You do.” Klaus said as he sat up and grabbed their hands. “Listen, I’m so sorry that I forget you everytime.” He sounded genuinely sorry. A small laugh escaped (Y/N) mouth. “Don’t worry, you’re not the only one.” They told him. Klaus slowly rose up, their hands still holding on to each other. “Listen (Y/N), I have to go. End of the world and everything. But I will come back to you okay?” He sounded hopeful and apologetic as he looked them in the eye. 
They nodded. “Yeah, I understand. Go save the world.” Their voices calm, as if they knew something Klaus didn’t. “I promise, I’ll come back. I’ll remember you.” Klaus squeezed their hands, convinced that he would. Before they could reply Klaus pressed a quick kiss to their lips, then he let go of their hands and started to walk backwards, not turning their face away from them. “Promise. I’ll remember.” He called out before turning his head away and making his way out of the street.
A small smile came on (Y/N) face as they watched the man they loved run away. “No, you won’t.” A breeze passed them which dried the small tear that ran down their cheek. This hadn’t been the first time Klaus had died in front of them, there had been many more times. Like the time he fell off a building 20 stories high. But two years ago the same had happened. Klaus died watching (Y/N), and woke up remembering them, they had been so hopeful. But the moment he had turned away he had forgotten again. (Y/N) watched as Klaus turned the corner. 
“But that’s okay. I’ll remember you.”
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randomimaginesideas · 2 years
Klaus two shot snippet
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You know, back in the day I made a lot of Umbrella one shots? Yeah, I do too. And remember how I always promised to come back, but didn’t and just now post what ever I feel like posting. Yeah, same. 
But S3 came out, if you haven’t noticed, and now I feel like writing again. The next thing I will post will be the first part of a two shot focused on Klaus. If I feel like it I will try to work on the request I still have in my inbox, till my inspiration runs out. 
So here’s the snippet, I hope you guys enjoy: 
“Who says I need money?” The thief challenged and the man raised an eyebrow but looked the thief in the eye who looked at him with a challenging look. The man laughed and held out his hand. The thief saw the black lines of Hello on the inside. “I’m Klaus.” The thief shook Klaus’s hand. “(Y/N).” Klaus started to walk towards the street. “Nice to meet you (Y/), now let’s get some liquor.”(Y/N) quickly moved to stay next to him, always one step ahead. Always in his sight. “It is a pleasure to meet you, Klaus. As always.”
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randomimaginesideas · 2 years
Will you ever continue the valtor series
I am planning on one day continuing the series. I’m just waiting for inspiration to hit, and have time available to write. And seeing how many people like that series I do want to continue.
So short answer yes, but I don’t know when.
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randomimaginesideas · 2 years
I am begging you for more stories with Valtor. It can be one shot (as long as possible) or a story with several parts. Your will (I mean Valtor x reader) And sorry for my most likely terrible English
Hey hey reader,
I have posted a new/old part in the Valtor x reader “series” in case you haven’t seen it yet. I’m hoping to continue working on it again when I’m feeling inspired.
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randomimaginesideas · 2 years
Let me rage Part 1
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Summary; Finally reunited Valtor and (Y/n) can get back to conquer the magic dimension. (Y/N) gets to meet the Trix and shows why she is Valtor’s right hand. Deciding to infiltrate Alfea she meets the Winx, and becomes an important player in this battle. 
Continuation of Together again (1) (2)
A/N; So I made like 1 valtor x reader one shot and to this day I still get likes on it, either on tumblr or on AO3. And I was planning on writing more parts but that didn’t happen, and now every once in a while I get a Valtor dream dragging me back into this one shot- universe. So you can thank my subconscious for this one.
Also if you want to follow this “series” more you can find it on AO3. This has been posted for a while but I just forgot to post it on here as well, so sorry for that. 
And please if you have a certain thing you want to see, please feel free to leave a request in my inbox.
Trigger warnings; Mention of abuse, mentions of death.
The door to Griffin’s office creaked open. The spell that Valtor had placed on it vanished. Icy’s head peaked around the corner looking into the empty office. ‘It’s safe.’ She said to her sister’s who were standing behind her. The door opened wider as the Trix walked in the office. 
It had been a couple hours after they had left Valtor alone with his new company. When they had arrived at Griffin’s cell all blood had drained from their faces, making Icy even paler in the face than she already was. The Trix had been convinced Valtor had killed Griffin. In the middle of the cell lay Griffin, barely moving. It was when the Trix saw the slow rise of the chest, they let out a slow breath. 
It had been clear that Valtor had used any means necessary to get the information he wanted out of her. Icy quickly shed the shock of her face as she stepped forward and leaned against the bars. ‘You did this to yourself.’ She said her voice barely a whisper. Griffin had raised her face up at them, had said nothing. Just crawled towards the wall to lean against it. Cuts and bruises covered her face as she kept her eyes to the wall opposite her. 
Icy had tsk’ed and walked away from the cell door. When a couple of hours had passed and they were sure that Griffin wouldn't die, they had decided that they would see if Valtor had need of them again. 
Only just before they excited the hallway they heard Griffin’s voice, softly. If they had walked any faster or had been talking they wouldn't have heard her. ‘I would advise you to play nice, if you don’t want to end up like me, or worse.’ Griffin saw from her position against the wall how the Trix shared a look between them, but they quickly continued their way back up stairs. 
Griffin let out a low laugh, which sounded more like a gasp of pain, which could be because of the 4 broken ribs. She knew that there could only be two reasons she survived. Either Valtor had spared her because of their shared history, even though it didn’t feel like it. Or because Griffin had a strong will, and refused to die here in this cell of her own school. And she knew the Trix had neither. 
And now the Trix stood in her office, thinking about her words for themselves. Wondering what they mean. Icy was just on her way to sit on the desk when the door to Griffin’s bed chamber opened. The room seemed to darken the moment she set a foot into the office.
She was barefoot, her dirty black dress ended just above her knees. The dress wasn’t in the perfect state it had always been in. There were tears and stains in the skirt, showing the white fabric beneath. The Trix had seen the zipper was torn off the side of the dress quickly before the woman placed a coat over her shoulders. The coat of Valtor they realized. It hung over her shoulder, past her knees, the arms loose around the coat. Her (H/c) hair hung loose around her face, messy like hands had pulled and gone through them a thousand times. 
The (E/C) eyed woman looked over at the three ladies in front of her. This must be the Trix she thought, as they matched Valtor descriptions which had been told between passionate make out sessions. ‘Where is Valtor?’ Darcy asked the woman standing in front of them. Her head turned looking into the bedchamber she just excited from. There she saw her world, sleeping on the bed, sheets covering his legs. A slight smile ghosted her lips. ‘He’s meditating.’ She said as she closed the door behind her, and continued her way towards the desk, wisp of smoke vanishing where her feet left, as she sat down in the chair. ‘You must be the Trix.’ A friendly smile across her face, but not reaching her eyes. 
‘And you must be (Y/n).’ Icy stated, remembering what Valtor had told him. The woman in front of them didn’t look much older than them. But she had been with Valtor 17 years ago, making her older than she looked. Apparently you don’t age as a statue. Valtor had called (Y/n) his right hand. The Trix hadn’t known Valtor for long, but if they knew one thing about Valtor it was that you needed to be strong, and powerful if you wanted to be important to Valtor. And the woman in front of them didn’t seem impressive. 
‘How sweet, Valtor told you about me.’ She said with a smile, but a distant smile, a smile people get on their face when they think of somebody they care about. ‘It would be hard not to tell them about you. I needed their help to get you out of your prison.’ Valtor’s voice added from the bed chamber door. He stood fully dressed except for his coat that was still on (Y/n)’s shoulders. His hair combed, not a hair out of place. A grin placed himself on (Y/n)’s face. Always the perfect gentleman, no one would see him differently, no one but her. 
(Y/n) rose from the desk chair as she shrugged the coat of her shoulders and placed it in his outstretched hand. Valtor pulled the coat on in one swift motion. ‘Yes, and thank you for that.’ (Y/n) said to the Trix, who straightened their shoulders, standing proudly. ‘No problem, it was nothing. Stormy said, waving her hand. ‘I mean, not everybody could break out that spell but for us it was nothing. ’ She continued and (Y/n) raised an eyebrow. ‘Well you have my thanks anyway.’
‘(Y/n) will need new clothing, i’m sure you have something she can wear.’ Valtor stated. Not asking, stated. Leaving no room for an argument. (Y/n) would have new clothes and they would be from them. His eyes focused on the Trix. ‘I’m sure we have some clothes around her. Otherwise we have enough witches to pick from.’ Darcy said as she walked towards the office doors. ‘Come ladies, we will be back in a few minutes.’ Darcy said as her sisters followed her. 
When the door closed (Y/n) looked up at Valtor. ‘They are an interesting company to keep around.’ She raised on her toes and placed a haste kiss on his lips. ‘Shadows, I have missed you. ’ She muttered as leaned against him. ‘I want to kiss you so bad.’ (Y/n) looked into his eyes as she twirled a piece of his hair around her fingers. ‘Then why don’t you?’ Valtor asked with a smirk leaning closer. ‘The problem with that is, that if I start kissing you I won’t be able to stop.’ She said as he leaned closer to her lips, and she pulled away. 
Valtor watched her move, the way her feet barely touched the floor as she walked. Little wisps of black smoke twirling and then vanishing as she continued to walk. The dress that hung across her body, the dress he had gifted her a few days before their defeat. Her bare shoulders, which were now bare because of an illusion spell, but he knew were full of bite marks and bruises.
After all this time she still managed to pull him in, to make her the only source of light in the room. The pull he had only felt for her, until recently. Until a little red head fairy showed up. But he hadn’t told (Y/n) about that pull, he knew his right hand, he knew that her emotions would get the better of her. Her raw emotions always got in the way if they became too much, and he didn’t need that. He needed her by her side, in control of herself, and fully invested into him. Like it always had been and how it always will be. Not like it was before he showed up.
While Valtor had been distracted by his own thoughts (Y/n) had placed herself on the desk, her feet dangling a few centimeters above the ground. Valtor walked towards her and placed his hand against her cheek. ‘I’m just happy you’re here with me again. Nothing has made me sadder than imagining myself not seeing you ever again.’ Valtor said as (Y/N) closed her eyes and he pressed a kiss on her forehead. 
‘I’ve searched everywhere for you, I didn’t know what had happened to you after I had been captured, so I questioned Griffin until she told me.’ Valtor said as (Y/N) opened her eyes, a fierce look in them. She grabbed Valtor’s hand and gave it a light squeeze. ‘It was horrible, seeing and hearing everything around you, not being able to move, standing in the sun day in and day out, not knowing what had happened to you. But we will show them, we will show them what happens to people who stand in our way.’ Her voice sounded broken at the beginning and became stronger, and stronger with each sentence. The look in her eyes almost made Valtor want to drag her back into the chamber to prevent the world from taking her away again, but he knew that because of that fierceness she was his right hand, and he needed her in this quest. She was going to be a game changer, because if he knew anything from their past is that when the shadows are fierce, let them rage.
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randomimaginesideas · 3 years
Valtor one shot Snippet
So today I’ve been working all day on the next part of my Valtor one shot, following the one that i’ve posted a while back. So it will be a super long part, but I thought it would be fun to post a little snippet of my next part, so please enjoy and let me know what you think ;) 
‘It was horrible, seeing and hearing everything around you, not being able to move, standing in the sun day in and day out, not knowing what had happened to you. But we will show them, we will show them what happens to people who stand in our way.’ Her voice sounded broken at the beginning and became stronger, and stronger with each sentence. The look in her eyes almost made Valtor want to drag her back into the chamber to prevent the world from taking her away again, but he knew that because of that fierceness she was his right hand, and he needed her in this quest. She was going to be a game changer, because if he knew anything from their past is that when the shadows are fierce, let them rage.
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randomimaginesideas · 3 years
Together Again Valtor x Reader Part 2 (SMUT!)
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Read part 1 here
Or just read the full part here at AO3
Read the follow up here (1) (2)
TW; Smut, Oral recieving (Male), fluff?
“I will be back, promise.” Valtor said again, and he felt your strength loosen his hand. He stood up and walked out of the room to find the Trix still in Griffin’s office. “Are you going to explain yourself Valtor?” Icy demanded placing her hands on the desk. “What should I explain then dear Icy?” Valtor asked as he walked towards his crystal ball.  He waved his hand and saw that Griffin was still in her cell. “Who is she? And why did we just save her from being a garden accessory?”
“Not that it is one of your business but that woman is (Y/N), and she was a statue because she helped me 17 years ago.” Valtor noted as he looked at the Trix. He could see the doubt in Stormy and Darcy’s eyes. He could see them thinking that they could end up like that one day. “She is my right hand, as some would say.” Valtor said and he saw the hurt in the Trix his eyes. Did they really think that they were his right hand? Who could ever replace (Y/N)? Valtor thought to himself that he may have played the charming gentlemen a bit too well with these women. ‘And what are we? Your minions? To do as you command?’ Ivy snapped, ice forming under her hands as she was holding the desk.
Valtor raised an eyebrow at that behavior. He knew he had to play his cards right. The trix were useful, even if they did fail at some missions he had sent them on. They could also be useful as a distraction, so he knew that he needed to play his cards careful. “Of course not, do you think that low of me?” Valtor asked, placing a hand on his chest. “After everything we have been through, you even saved me from the ice in Omega. You are more than just minions. You three are my left hand, just as imported as the right. You really think yourself as low as that Countess we just encountered? She is a minion, a means to an end. ” Valtor said and he saw the fury in the Trix eyes die down. “I could not have done the things I have done without you ladies, and for that I am grateful. So never see yourself as just my minions.” Valtor finished and he saw all the doubt leave the trix eyes. 
“Now, while I make sure our companion is healed fine, I ask you to make sure I’m not disturped and that Griffin remains in her cell.” The trix nodded and made their way down the hall. 
When the trix had left Valtor sealed the door towards the office, and he made his way back towards the bedchamber. He gently opened the door and looked inside the room. You were still lying in the middle of the bed, your chest rising slowly. The door was cast into shadows coming from under the blankets. The windows were covered in the shadows, blocking all the rays of the sun. 
Valtor let his coat fall down his shoulder as he laid it onder the edge of the bed, slowly taking off his shoes and placing them next to the bed.  He slowly lifted the blanket and laid down next to you. He placed his arms over your waist, and he felt you grab his arm and pull it close to yourself. 
Thinking you were asleep Valtor just laid quietly next to you, keeping you close. He slowly started to drift off to sleep when you spoke. “I thought I had lost you forever.” You muttered into his hand. “I promised you I would always come back to you, did you doubt it?” Valtor responded. You slowly turned around to face him, his arm still around your waist but was now stroking your hair. “I saw them turn you into an icicle, I tried to save you, I really tried but..” You closed your eyes, couldn't look Valtor in his eyes. “I failed you, and for that I am sorry.”
Valtor pressed a kiss against your forehead again. “We failed yes, and that’s not your fault or mine but it’s the vault of that idiotic company of light. ” Valtor muttered as he stroked your cheek with one hand. “But now, we have a new chance. I already have the strength of Solaria, the secrets of Andros, Domino is destroyed and Griffin is in the dungeon and her school is under my power.” Valtor looked her in the eye, his eyes sometimes slowly dropping low to her lips.
“And now, with you back at my side there is nothing that could stop us. Not even those stupid winx.” Valtor continued. ‘Winx?’ You questioned looking up. “Just a bunch of fairies who think it’s their duties to save the magic dimension.” Valtor explained and you rolled your eyes. “So a bunch of self proclaimed heroes?” You asked with a giggle. “Let me guess, they go to Alfea.” Valtor only nodded. “Though some of them have gained Enchantix and have managed to break some of my dark spells.” You nodded and then smiled. “What a surprise I will be.” You said with a grin and Valtor grinned back. 
“You seem to slowly start to feel better.” Valtor noted as his hand, that was in your hair, started to glide down to your back and towards the curve of your butt. You looked at him and laughed. “I’m starting to think you missed me.” You said sliding your free hand into hair while the other, which was pressed against his chest, started to open up his blouse. “I did, 17 years.” Valtor noted while he gave your butt a slight squeeze. 
“What a hard time that must have been.” You say with a wink at the word hard. Valtor laughed. “Sometimes I forget how much of a child you can be.” Valtor said pressing himself closer to you. “Just shut up and kiss me.” You said and you pressed your lips against his.
Valtor kissed you back immediately, the hunger for your touch noticeable in his kisses. You sat up and straddled his waist, his excitement for you pressing against your thigh. His hand slid towards your back where they found the zipper of your dress. When the zipper was all the way down his hands slid down to the bottom of your dress to pull it over your head, leaving you bare in front of him with just your panties and bra. 
“No, this just isn’t fair Valtor.” You noted with a wink when you pulled his blouse loose. Valtor snapped his fingers, making all his clothings except for his underwear disappear. You looked at him and Valtor grinned. “I would like for you to do the honours.” He joked as you rolled your eyes. You pressed your lips against his and kissed him passionately. Then you started to kiss down his neck, his chest, his V-line. Your hands found the edge of his underwear, slowly pulling them down. Valtor raised his hips so you could pull the underwear fully down. When his underwear was around his ankles, Valtor kicked his underwear off, so he was now laying fully naked before you.
“If you just keep watching I will find other ways to entertain myself.” Valtor noted as he sat up and pulled you on to him again. His hands finding your bra straps, and sliding them down. One of his hands opened your bra clips with ease. ‘Have done that before have you?” You joked, and Valtor laughed and started attacking your neck with kisses and bitemarks. The only other mark of Valtors he will ever leave. 
His hair tickled your perky nipples as the bra was removed, your hands found their way into his hair as you lean back slightly so Valtor could attack your nipples with bites and licks. His hands still holding your hips, pressing his erection to your still clothed private part.  His hands slowly found the edge of your panties and then he ripped then off. A shocked gasp came from your mouth, but if it was the shock of your panties being ripped or the bite on your sensitive nipple you didn’t know. 
With one of your hands you push Valtor back into the mattress and you slowly slide down his body. Pressing kisses on his chest, and leaving bite marks near his v-line. When you arrived near Valtor’s erection you slowly started placing kisses and small licks along his shaft, when you came at the tip you placed one more kiss on the tip and then slowly you brought your mouth over his shaft. Placing your hand over the part that you couldn't have in your mouth you started to move your head. 
Looking up towards Valtor you saw him with his eyes closed, his hands fisting the sheets, which made you swallow lightly around his tip, making Valtor buck up his hips. When you feel the tip become salty you raise up and slip up. Valtor placed a hand in your neck, pulling you close to him, while he slid his shaft into you. 
You both let out a moan and Valtor pulled himself out and pushed himself back in. Valtor started pounding into you, making you moan his name out loud. Both of you having missed each other so much these past 17 years.
You pressed your lips shortly against Valtor’s but you quickly pulled up to get some air. Valtor continued to make bite marks and hickey across your neck and shoulder. Valtor moved his hips a bit making your clit rub against his skin, driving you higher to your release.
When Valtor’s free hand slit between the two of you to make circles against your clit you saw white, and came all over Valtor’s shaft. The feeling of you squeezing his shaft tight, and the juices that spilled from you make Valtor trust even harder, his release close. When your hand found his hair again, you gave a slight pull Valtor came. He gave a few last trusts into you, making sure that you took everything he gave you.
You collapsed into Valtor, feeling his and your juices slipping down your legs. Valtor slowly slipped out of you, making the juices run even faster down your legs. Valtor wanted to snap his fingers but you grabbed his hands. “Don’t. We can always clean each other later.” You said with a jawn. Valtor nodded, grabbed you and laid you on his side. His chest against your back, and his arm around your waist again. “Never leave me again.” You muttered softly. “I won’t.” He muttered back.
Soon you both fell asleep together, against each other for the first time in 17 years.
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randomimaginesideas · 3 years
Together Again (Valtor x Reader) Part 1
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Summary;  Valtor saves you from your prison which separated you for 17 years. When you two are finally together again, plans must be formed and you two need to have a good look at each other after 17 years.  
A/N; This is no request. A friend of mine and I started talking about Valtor because of the winx adaptation, then we started to get thirsty for Valtor X reader, but there are almost none. So I uppered to write some, and I just place it here in the hope some other people enjoy this. 
Read part (2) part of this fic here
Read the follow up to this one shot here (1) (2)
Also this turned out longer than I thought it was so even this I turned into two parts because otherwise this post will be long. I will place the full post on AO3, so you can wait for part two, or wait a bit for the final product. 
Trigger warnings; None, I believe in this part.
The door from Griffin's office flew open, making the Trix, who were previously complaining about their lack of action, jump up and stand up straight. “Valtor, you look like you are about to bring down this whole tower.” Icy noted when she saw the fury on Valtor’s face. ‘and us with it.’ Stormy muttered under her breath.
This made him look up and quickly straighten his face, not one emotion to see on his face, but for one who looked closely could still see the fury in his eyes. “I just had a lovely chat with your previous headmistress.” Valtor walked towards the crystal ball on the desk and waved his head over it.
The ball showed a garden, the sun shining brightly on a fountain in the middle of the garden. From this distance the Trix couldn't see any more in the ball. Valtor stood up and he waved his hand again, a portal open in front of him.
‘Valtor, where are you going?’ Icy called out to him. ‘Solaria.’ Was the only reply they got before Valtor walked into the portal. The Trix quickly exchanged a look before they followed after him. ‘My lady, I humbly ask you for permission to the royal gardens, where I will not be disturbed. ’ Valtor asked, looking at the woman, who had previously been Countess Cassandra. ‘Of course, Valtor. After everything you’ve done for us I gladly offer you this request.’
The countess spared one look at the Trix who had formed behind Valtor. “They are with me.” He simply explained. Cassandra let out a slight huff, but turned around and opened the door. Valtor and the Trix followed her down the hallway. All the guards in the hallway bowed when Countess Cassandra walked past which earned her a slight chuckle from Valtor. “I see you’ve already made yourself at home.” He noted and the Countess just looked over her shoulder. “I have.”
Two tall glass doors swung open, leading to the royal garden. The sun of Solaria was shining again, making the Trix cover their eyes slightly, while the Countess and Valtor kept walking. “Ugh, how are none of these people wearing sunglasses?” Darcy noted, looking slightly up at the two suns who are illuminating solaria. 
At the end of the path leading towards the fountain stood two guards. Valtor walked himself into the wall of green that was next to the path. The trix followed him into the bushes. ‘You may go.’ The countess ordered with a wave of her hand. ‘With all due my respect, your majesty, King Radius ordered us to stand guard here on advice of headmistress Feragonda.’ One of the guards said with a slight bow and a slight tremble in his voice. “And who’s order do you follow? Mine, your queen-to-be, or a headmistress who isn’t even on this planet?” Cassandra noted. “Actually we follow the orders of King Radius, your majesty.” The guard bravely countered. 
“After King Radius the orders you follow come from me, I allow you leave now once more, before I fire you from this position and you can go home without any means of ever getting another job on this planet.” Cassandra ordered, fury in her eyes. She hated that after all this time the people were still loyal to King Radius, she was soon going to be queen, she was the puppet master here, and they would obey or they would disappear
The guards quickly changed two glances at each other and then bowed again. ‘Yes, your majesty.’ They said and then they walked away, unbeknownst to them passing Valtor and the Trix. When Cassandra entered the clearing she saw even more guards, she let out a sign. “All of you, dismissed.” She called out and the guards, who had heard the exchange with the previous guards, bowed and went their own way.
When Valtor knew it was safe, he emerged from the bushes and walked straight to the fountain in the middle of the garden square. Now that the Trix weren’t looking at it from a distance they could see the fountain more clearly. 
The fountain was square shaped with on each corner one of the suns and moon represented. The first layer in the middle of the fountain were pixies and the ocean gate keepers holding watering cans and wands where water sprouted out in the water.
The next layer stood 4 life size figures. A man holding a sword in his right hand, and holding a miniature scale of the old red fountain building in his left hand. The outlines on his body defined the signature red fountain clothing. Moss and green algae covered up most of his feet, and legs.
Next to the red fountain was clearly a fairy, her short petite wings behind her, and holding with both hands a small signature building of alfea. A big smile was carved on her face, she was also covered in moss and algae for the most part. 
The last two were more difficult to separate from each other but one girl was holding a small building from Cloud tower in her hand. She stood facing away from the other three, symbolizing her difference between the other three. As the other two before her she was mostly covered in moss and algae, even more than the other two. 
The last figure stood out from the other three, no moss covered her body, but she also wasn’t holding a magic school in one of her hands. The statue, which resembles a girl by the way of the build and the dress she was wearing. The details in the statue were also more detailed than the other three. The girl stood straight, one foot in front of the other and her hand stretched out, as if she was reaching for something. A look of hurt carved into her face.
“Put on display for everybody to see.” Valtor grumbled, his shoulders tensing. ‘When was this build?’ He asked Cassandra who looked at him. ‘I think about 17 years ago, it was to symbolize the build of the magic schools. It’s been here since I've been at court, I’ve never found it particularly pretty.” Cassandra explained.
Valtor nodded. “Thank you for your help… Your majesty. But I’ll handle it from here.” Valtor said which was for Cassandra a hint to get out. And so she did. “So what is so important with a fountain that you have to drag us all the way here Valtor?” Darcy noted looking at the fountain which for her was nothing important. ‘I didn’t ask you to join me now did I? You followed me so I suggest you keep your mouth shut Darcy and do something useful.’ Valtor said coldly, glancing over his shoulder. 
Darcy took a step back out of instinct. She had never seen Valtor act so cold, to her or anybody else. He always tries to keep his appearance of a nice gentelement intact. “Now that you are here you might as well help me. It will save me my strength.” Valtor noted and turned around at the trix. “I want you to point all your magic at the middle statue, the one statue which isn’t covered in filth, to undo the curse placed on her.” Valtor ordered strictly. The Trix just simply nodded and flew up and made a semi circle around the fountain. 
“You always hated being filthy didn’t you (Y/N)?” He muttered under his breath and he looked up at the statue. The anger in him started to slowly rise but he kept it down. He was about to see you again, after 17 years he would have you next to his side again. He nodded at the Trix and not soon after energy beams streamed from their hands towards the statue. 
Then Valtor also shot an energy beam at the statue. Feeling the power of the sun from Solaria in his body he sends all his energy to the statue. When he saw slow cracks form in the statue he quit. “Keep going.” He ordered the Trix. A slight gleam of sweat covered their foreheads. Apparently this took a lot more from them than Valtor anticipated. Then when a light came from the crack Valtor held up his hand and the Trix stopped sending their magic towards the statue. 
Then the statue cracked and a big explosion of light came from the statue, making the trix cover their eyes. The gust of wind blew them back, letting the trix fall into several bushes spread across the garden. Valtor had quickly covered his eyes but opened them again. He saw your body falling forward so he quickly flew towards you and caught you in his arms bridal style. He quickly put his coat a bit over your head to shadow you from the sun. He knew how much you hated the brightness of Solaria.
“Why does she get the special treatment?” Icy grumbled annoyed under her voice. “V..Valtor?” You voice croaked, opening your eyes slightly. The brightness of Solaria still hurts your eyes even through the coat. “Ssh, rest (Y/N), you’re with me now.” Valtor said softly, not wanting for the Trix to hear him. “Valtor, we need to go.” Stormy said as she could hear the metal clanking of the guards running towards the source of light. Valtor just nodded and opened a portal in front of him, as he stepped through it landing in the office of Cloud Tower. The trix followed quickly, and the portal closed behind him. Valtor walked towards Griffin’s bedchamber and laid you on the bed, the blankets covering you. He wanted to walk away to give you some time to rest but before he could turn away he felt you grabbing his hands. “Don’t leave me again.” You muttered, a tear falling down your cheek. 
“I will be back shortly, I have one more task to do and then I will not leave your sight.” Valtor muttered as he sank down on his knees down next to the bed. His free hand wiping away the tear on your cheek. His other hand, which was holding your, rubbed his thumb over the back of your hand. He pressed a kiss on your forehead.
Behind the closed doors of the bedchamber, Valtor wasn’t afraid to show the affection he had for you. Your relationship had always been this way, behind the scenes when it was just the two of you all the love could be seen on your faces and the way you act. But as soon as you both would step over the threshold of the bedchamber it would seem that you two would just have mutual interest in the cause, but not that you also have mutual interest in each other in the bedchamber. 
“I will be back, promise.” Valtor said again,
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randomimaginesideas · 4 years
Low blow (Aged Up!Five x reader)
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Request; mxchaellangdxn requested Five x reader with prompts 31 and 43?  and Can I request a five imagine with prompts #31 and #48?
requested by 2pmlover 49 with number five please 
31. “You cheated on me?”
43. “I wish I had the power to ignore you like you ignore me.”
48. “Take it back! Take it back and tell me you didn’t mean it!”
49. “Stop running away from your feelings.”
Summary;  You are a member of the commision and are dating an 27 year old number 5. But he starts acting strange and you try to found out what he is hiding.
A/N; So I made Five a lot older since we ain’t about that underage life. And I got two request by the same person so I put them together. And other request which I thought would go perfect with this one.
And note I had a fight with my boyfriend when I wrote this soooo, this may be extra sad.
Trigger warnings; Mention of cheating, heartbreak, mention of sex
The shot could be heard two streets away, and the yelling that followed could be heard 2 blocks away. The men fell down on the pavement. The blood ran down into the sewers. In the chaos nobody saw two girls putting down a snipe gun and grabbing a briefcase and disappearing with blue light. 
The girls landed on a green field in front of an old victorian building. ‘Well that was a job well done.’ One of the girls said to the other. ‘Certainly, quite an easy one too. It’s nice to have a break once in a while.’ The other girl said as they walked inside the building. 
‘So how is your relationship with Five doing at the moment?’ One of the girls, Scarlett, asked the other girl. ‘I haven’t seen him in while. He’s busy with his own assassinations.’ The other girl, (Y/n), answers as you walked with your sister towards the cafeteria.
You were a member of the commision together with your twin sister Scarlett. You two were known in the commision as the snipers. A couple of years ago you had met Five, he was 25 then. The commision had just picked him up when he was living in a apocalypse. You had started talking, and even done a couple of assassinations together. Something grew between you two. Five would leave little notes in timelines he knew you would visit. 
But lately you didn’t find anymore notes, and you had the feeling dat Five avoided you. Whenever you saw him he would just suddenly start talking to anyone, or he would just jump towards another room.
But not today, today you would make him talk with you. ‘I have an appointment, I will meet with you up later okay.’ You asked your sister who just nodded and waved. You walked up the stairs towards the hallway where you knew Five would be passing. 
He walked around the corner and saw you and wanted to turn around immediately. ‘Oh no you don’t.’ You said grabbing his wrist and shoving him into the broom closet. You saw a blue light cover him so you gave him a slap across the face. ‘No! No jumping. You’re staying right here in this closet or let the commision help me Five I will shoot you.’ You said, anger in your voice. 
Five nodded and looked at you. ‘I wish I had to power to ignore you like you ignore me Five but I don’t, so you will have to talk to me.’ You said and Five looked at you to continue. ‘Five, being ignored by someone who means the world to you is the worst feeling so please just explain why you keep running away when you see me. Did I do something wrong?’ Five looked at the ground and them up at you.
‘You didn’t do anything wrong. I’ve just been busy.’ He said slowly, thinking over every word. ‘No you’re not. I know you schedule Five, and I know when you have been ignoring me. Either I did something wrong, or something happened that you don’t want to talk about. ’ You said pointing a finger at yourself and then at him. ‘Again, (y/n), it’s nothing. Just leave it be. I have work to do.’ Five said wanting to go past you. ‘Stop running away from your feelings.’ You said pushing him back into the closet. 
‘You are so paranoid (y/n), can’t you just imagine that there may be nothing wrong? And I’m just tired and have ton of work to do. I can’t deal with a whiney girlfriend that doesn’t trust me. Or just can’t leave me alone for 5 minutes.’ Five snapped as he looked at you angrily.
When he looked at you like that, the stories he had told you about his father came to mind, and you knew that you had a way to make him talk, even though it was a low blow but you were desperate. ‘You know, when you talk like that you sound like your father. I guess you look more like him then you think.’ You said folding you arm over each other. 
‘Take it back! Take it back and tell me you didn’t mean it!’ Five sneered at you, stepping closer looking you right in the face. ‘No, you always told me about how your father kept ignoring you, and downgrading you well you just sound like him. So either you tell me what’s wrong or you’re just like him.’ You said looking him back in the eyes. ‘Screw it.’ Five said jumping away from the closet. 
You were on your way towards the briefcase room where you would meet up with your sister. You opened the door to come face to face with Five kissing your sister. His pants lowered and your sister bend over the desk with her pants down as well. 
Five saw you and quickly pulled back. ‘(y/n), I can explain.’ He said and you let out a laugh. ‘Oh so know you can talk about it.’ You said and you looked from your sister to Five. ‘You cheated on me? How long?’ You just asked. ‘2 years.’ Five answered. You just nodded, turned around and walked away.
And that was the hardest part for (Y/N), because the hardest part about walking away from someone is the part where you realize that no matter how slow you go, they will never run after you. 
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randomimaginesideas · 4 years
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You’re not my homeland anymore
So what am I defending now?
You were my town, now I’m in exile, seein’ you out
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randomimaginesideas · 4 years
hi can i get a ship? i’m 5’4 with a little longer than shoulder length hair, which is blonde/ brown. blue eyes, i like rock music like rolling stones and the doors. my personality is like kinda like chill crazy if that makes sense, i’m carefree on the outside but like hyperactive and i do like weird and kinda unexplainable dumb stuff ahahah.
I think you want TUA ship, because even though it doesn’t look like it I do other fandoms but TUA is the most populair on my page so I think you mean TUA ship, if not you may always message me.
I ship you with Diego.
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You meet with Diego during a rock concert. Your personality matches that with Diego, and you both get in crazy situations together, but you always figure it out together too. When Diego is not saving the world you would often just sit on the couch and listen to songs and dance to them.
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