sam-from-solitude · 7 months
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Happy Halloween!!! You can't stop me from re-uploading all this sweet art I did for the occasion!!
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sam-from-solitude · 8 months
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Another villain and her lore for the pile. Really love the redesign I gave her!! "The foul miasma of inferiority persists wherever I go. It's unacceptable!! When we control the world, I will rid it of this FILTH!!!!"
You ever wake up one day and say to yourself "I wanna take over the whole world" and then just do it? Well this lady has. This is Scarlet, and she already hates you. Scarlet believes herself to be the greatest being in all of existence, and views everyone else as beneath her, no exceptions. She believes this whole-heartedly and will feel disgusted if anyone she deems inferior so much as touches her; this will typically be followed by a crushing of the perpetrators' skull via her metallic talons. Indeed Scarlet has robotic legs, enhancing the innate kicking ability the Secretary Bird has. She also carries a small raygun that can shoot bullets of varying effects. Despite this, she does very little fighting herself. After all, her whole purpose is getting others to do her bidding.
Third in the line of cyborg birds, with the goal of taking over the planet, Scarlet was created as the perfect ruler (She even dubs herself the Princess of the New World) Deployed with unparalleled levels of charisma, her goal is to integrate into businesses and governments in order to sway them in the direction of unknowingly serving her. Scarlet herself rules a huge spaceport city from the shadows, with a lazy gullible mayor as a figurehead puppet.
Unlike her older brother Mekk, Scarlet lives for making connections with others, although usually just to benefit her and her cause. A cold-hearted, ruthless, opportunistic snake all the way through, Scarlet is unphased by the amount of treachery her line of work includes, in fact, her sadistic nature lets her find genuine joy in watching the suffering of those she's harmed or betrayed. What a monster!
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sam-from-solitude · 8 months
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Re-introducing my dark mirror antagonist in my 'verse. "If you think you can overpower me, go ahead. I have some new toys I wanna try out..."
The world of the future is home to many a strange sight, but none more so than the leader of a military force being a short green duck with cybernetics to make him an invincible superweapon. This is Mekk, and he's a tower of firepower!! First in the line of superpowered cyborg birds, Mekk is kitted out with just about any weapon you can think of, although his favourites tend to be huge green lasers, missiles from a hidden knee-mounted cannon, and various melee attacks via his giant metal claws! His combat abilities are unrivalled, as is his aggression. Despite this, he keeps things always aimed at the mission at hand, never straying from his current orders. No one lives to know who he gets his orders from... Mekk's past is unimportant to him, partly due to the fact it doesn't exist. He was born to serve the ruler of the giant dystopian spaceport he calls home, and was engineered specifically to fill the role of being a combat machine to maintain control over the fearful masses, as well as potentially take the rest of the planet by force! Mekk cares not for connections; friendship is not in his vocabulary as he was told personal feelings make him weak. He does share somewhat of a familial bond with his Secretary Bird sister Scarlet, however they come to blows a lot over basically everything...
Mekk fights for the thrill that comes with it, this was programmed into him to make him crave combat at all times, however he does exhibit behaviour hinting that he desires to be free of the constraints for which he was created. What he wants beyond that is unclear but it could mean that deep down, he wants a life of peace when his powers are no longer required..
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sam-from-solitude · 8 months
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So Friday 13th in October huh? If you go out late into the night, you might find some guy who's got a REALLY convincing Jason costume...
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sam-from-solitude · 8 months
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Halloween is HERE!! I don't really do much for the holiday in real life, but the same can't be said for these 4. They love to cosplay this time of year!!
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sam-from-solitude · 8 months
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They're all blue ✨
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sam-from-solitude · 9 months
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I return with big Pokémon art!! This is all of my favourite team members throughout my entire time playing the series, from Diamond in 2007 to Scarlet in 2022. In the middle there's me surrounded by my Starters, and around them are the rest, with Legendaries and Mythicals occupying the top. The Pachirisu wearing Volo's clothes is my Shiny Alpha from Legends Arceus, Chip. He singlehandedly took down GOD!!!!! Also this took an obscene amount of time to make, easily my longest single drawing...
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sam-from-solitude · 10 months
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It’s a lovely offer, Tumblr, but alas, I’m not aromantic.
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sam-from-solitude · 10 months
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They Group pictures like this are rare because only 3/4 of them aren't camera-shy. Also someone left the film out in the open while it was developing, yellowing the whole thing!
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sam-from-solitude · 10 months
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Just a short comic strip I've been working on for a couple days, I like making these, but whether they're actually funny is anyone's guess. A lot of these sound funnier in my head...
It's a little insensitive to bring a vampire a stake for dinner instead of a steak, especially one so potent that she spontaneously combusts simply by sitting near it lol.
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sam-from-solitude · 10 months
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"You two are so cute together!! We stan Jettekk" Obligatory genderswap episode This is Tekk from the Girl Dimension, named Kitt. She's a rabid fanfiction writer and wielder of a magic notebook that brings to life anything it draws, if she can draw it (She isn't that good at drawing, only writing) She drew a portal to a new world and ended up in the one we follow in my OC art, and now she ships anyone and anything together!
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sam-from-solitude · 10 months
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I vaguely remember someone on Discord last night telling me to make a female version of my mascot OC Tekk. Her name's now Kitt. This is more of a genderswap of Tekk himself, I made the green on him a reddish brown, because female mallards don't have green feathers on the head.
I'll probably make her canon to my weird fictional universe from some time travel accident or something equally corny
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sam-from-solitude · 10 months
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"Out of my way. I'm hungry and you're annoying me."
One look at her and it seems you've already fumbled a first impression, Vex's permanent frown and moody exterior leaves her a difficult one to talk to without it feeling like you've already upset her just by existing. It also wouldn't help matters much if you were to learn she's a vampire... The stigma that comes with being a bloodsucker is something she doesn't want to deal with, so it's a secret she keeps from anyone she doesn't know well (although vampire hunters and other wannabe heroes are still an issue from time to time).
How Vex gained her vampirism is a mystery, it's possible she was born with it. If you ask her she'll tell you she grew up alone in a dark cave, with the only things to keep her company being the vampire bats littering the ceiling. Being trapped inside a cavern all your life naturally keeps you from learning things like English and manners, indeed until she got out, Vex was a modern-day Stone Age cavewoman. She would've remained in there forever if the entrance wasn't blown open by a crazed, pointy-eared woman on the hunt for sources of magical power, whom the savage Vex became fascinated by. Now on the surface with a new friend, she put her innate vampiric abilities to the test by speed-learning how to act "normal", coached by her buddy Astrid. She also learned how to cast magical spells. Magic came incredibly naturally to Vex, especially spells that manipulate the life force of others, and defensive spells such as summoning a protective bubble around herself and others. Since falling in with the elven sorceress Astrid, Vex typically tags along with whatever Astrid wants to do, however when not doing that, Vex has a more personal goal in her unlife that she wants to fulfil: Finding out who her people were, and getting an answer to why she was trapped in a cave all her life... But until then, the two mages live together in relative peace.
Vex's weapon of choice is known as the Scythe of Purity. Once a holy weapon decorated with a blue, heart-shaped diamond, Vex, upon touching the handle, unknowingly corrupted the weapon, breaking the heart and dyeing it red. Astrid only allowed her to keep it because the blade would only activate if held by an undead being from then on.
Vex's hobby, outside of assisting her friend with treasure hunting, is brewing potions. A lover of all things nature, she takes anything she can find off the ground and attempts to make a potion out of it. Anything she makes that can cure ailments, she sells. The taste is an afterthought... The only thing she won't add in a potion is strawberries, as they're her favourite food (aside from people, that is).
Vex, more than anything, is someone trying to fit in. She doesn't like that the world will hate her for what she is, and one day hopes to create a world where vampires aren't hated and feared. She may put on a scary face, but underneath is someone who is driven by the love she has for not only those close to her, but for the world as a whole, a true hero.
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sam-from-solitude · 10 months
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"Personally, I think this valley would look splendid with all of its inhabitants reduced to ash. Whatever do you mean? It was just my opinion!"
If on your travels you encounter a field devoid of life, the sky singed purple, the ground burnt black, you may have just stumbled into the aftermath of a run-in with Astrid... 
Tall, athletic and pretty, she belongs to the spacefaring race of Lunar Elves, an incredibly rare sight after their departure from the Earth.  Astrid's cheery, enthusiastic attitude is sure to rub off on you. She adores the company of others and believes there's no such thing as too many friends. Despite this, she has very few, all for one reason... She's a terrifying unstable force of destruction!! Astrid's status as a walking doomsday device leaves those who recognise her too petrified to run, however the reason for her insanity stems from a moment of tragedy, not malice. The Lunar Elves, her race, all hailed from one central kingdom on Earth, very few ever left the capital. Within their culture, there was a belief that celestial bodies orbiting a planet, moons, were what granted them the ability to perform potent magical spells and live exceptionally long lives. There also was a belief that they would one day ascend beyond the confines of their planet and live on the surface of the moon itself to become all-powerful godlike beings. Astrid was only young when it happened... As if overnight, the entire Lunar Kingdom vanished, leaving only a few elves to roam the planet their brethren abandoned. It drove her crazy. Enraged and distraught at the same time, Astrid wandered the vacant land aimlessly, eventually concluding she simply wasn't strong enough to join her friends and family in space. From that point on she dedicated herself to searching for magical artifacts in order to hoard enough power to reach her people on the moon. If anyone got in her way, they would be obliterated. In the absence of her home, Astrid mastered the art of casting fire and lightning in order to defend herself. Of course her damaged mind also enjoyed levelling entire valleys just for fun too. One lead she followed involving a magical artifact brought her to a dark cave containing an eerie book. Upon touching it, an unnerving black magical substance enveloped her right arm! If it weren't for a gold warding bracelet she had on hand, she'd be dead within the hour. Of course, having a malevolent energy living in her arm didn't do her mind any favours either. It did make her a fantastic necromancer though.
Despite everything stated above, Astrid is not evil. She genuinely wants to make friends and is constantly battling her inner demons to make that happen. Anyone patient enough to remain with her during her struggles, she will love and trust until the end of time.
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sam-from-solitude · 11 months
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"I've been practicing this one since before the dub was even out. Let's see you dodge THIS!!"
Every character needs a partner, a foil (minus the tin). For Tekk, it's this guy.
Born on an icy archipelago, the remains of the South Pole, the Little Blue Penguin Jett Bifrost grew up with a love for one thing: the living room TV. Name anything with any kind of nail-biting action and Jett's definitely already seen it, ESPECIALLY if it's an anime. From a young age he would try to copy the attacks of characters on his favourite shows, which miraculously made him incredibly strong! Upon reaching adulthood, he located a remote iceberg to train on all by himself. Out of all his TV idols, none influenced him more than the famous explorer: Captain Sid. He was a household name until his disappearance, and after his show ended, Jett created a replica of his outfit to carry on his spirit. This also gave him the inspiration to go out and see the world, taking a rusty trailer, he now travels the world looking for adventure, all with the goal of learning what happened to Sid, and to become a proud, strong warrior in the process. Oh, and he also has the power to manipulate water. He discovered it after yelling for five episodes-worth of his favourite anime. He uses it to form ice around his hands to help smack things harder!
Jett's kind of a paradox. He's fiercely driven, passionate and competitive, but lazy at the same time. He also has a hard time making friends due to his know-it-all attitude to his hobbies and interests. Ironically, despite being a strong fighter, he barely has any experience in a real fight. Despite how abrasive he comes across at first, he would want nothing more than to be anyone's friend. Loyalty is something he values more than his own life, and will fight on behalf of anyone he trusts without question. He's kind of a huge nerd, but he always means well.
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sam-from-solitude · 11 months
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"I've got a tool in my arm for any occasion!! Except unblocking the toilet. Trust me, I tried..."
Tekk is an anomalous specimen. This short, eccentric green mallard possesses a large cybernetic left arm, filled with both lethal weapons, and useful tools. He was seemingly born with this metal arm, however it is unclear as he has no memories of any of his early life. The earliest thing he remembers is waking up in a bin on the outskirts of a city... Tekk's mysterious past doesn't bother him at all, however. From a combination of blind optimism, and astonishing oblivious-ness, he goes about his day never questioning it, instead committing himself to building various contraptions for his own personal enjoyment. Said contraptions tend to have... questionable utility, and are often dangerous. He doesn't mind one bit. Having no known connections to society, or anyone at all, he lives in an abandoned bunker deep within a forest. It's packed with resources that he uses for his strange machines too, also a TV.
Tekk's goal in life is to be able to fly, like the non-humanoid ducks of the ancient past. In Tekk's era, the world's animals have evolved to look and act similar to humans. Ducks still have the ability to fly, but Tekk's heavy robot arm prevents him from doing so. After watching a documentary detailing the ducks from the year 2012 AD, he made it his life's goal to be able to fly like his ancestors!!
Giving my cool mascot guy some love, gave him this nice introductory piece, attempting to visually convey how he typically acts. I'm gonna have one of these for all 4 of my main guys.
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sam-from-solitude · 11 months
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I ran outta steam doing the background, but the guy himself looks great!! I finally got the blade to look like the official art!! feels good man
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