#‘no no no; not this time. he is simply my muse…and i cannot live without him.’
What are your top 3 Peppino ships?
I feel like i am not the person to ask about this bc i only have one ship and its pepstavo 😭😭
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dotster001 · 9 months
It makes me want to read something sad. For example, there is a celebration at the college, but Remshekle does not participate in it because it is not official. Crowley tells MC and Grim that they can't participate in the preparations for the holiday and come to it because they are banned. MC agrees, but is still upset. What happened next I can't think of, but I would like some angst. How will the dorm leaders react to this?
That's What Friends are For
A/N: Hopefully this is what you were looking for. I got some angst in there, but also comedy and a nice ending, even if it's not the expected ending. I'm not super good at solely angst 😂
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"Due to budgeting constraints, we cannot allow unofficial dorms to participate in founder's day activities."
"Oh. Okay. I understand. That's fine. I get it."
"I appreciate your benevolence with this decision."
You stood up from your seat, and left Crowley's office.
You knew that you were living here for free, in an unofficial dorm, nonetheless, so really that you could even be allowed to attend the festival at all was generous in itself. But your friends had been going on and on about the stuff they got to present, and the new costumes they would get to wear that represented the icon of their dorm.
You were honestly more upset that you'd have to tell Grim. He had been so excited to have a cool new outfit. His sad little face would just devastate you.
But you'd get through it. And maybe he'd understand. One day.
"Where is my child of man?" Malleus asked. He had finally been informed about a housewarden meeting, and was distraught that his favorite person seemed not to be present.
"Ramshackle is not participating in the founders day parade," The headmage said off hand as he continued to inspect the paperwork Azul had brought forth regarding the founders day buffet menu.
"Pardon?" Riddle seemed startled.
"With having to feed, house, and teach them on our dime, the Ramshackle budget, which was nearly non-existent as an unofficial dorm, is completely drained."
"But it's founders day. Ramshackle was there at the opening, wasn't it?" Leona said with a glare, sparking some widened eyes around the table.
"Yes, but-"
"You only have an 800th anniversary once!" Kalim burst out. "I can pay for their outfits and exhibits if I need to!"
"As could any one of us at this table. And everyone of us would without a second thought," Vil mused. "So I think something else must be going through that bird brain of yours."
Crowley stood from his place at the table, feathers clearly ruffled.
"How dare you insinuate anything less than benevolence on my part! I am simply trying to care for this school-"
"You didn't think about it, did you? Lmao," Idia's tablet cackled.
Crowley's jaw opened and closed a couple of times, before he said, "I am aware of the monetary situation of our housewarden, I just did not wish to infringe upon-"
"Damn, the turnip was right. You really didn't even think about it," Leona laughed.
"So we'll fund their part of the festival. What is our next topic?" Malleus sighed out in relief. He didn't want to even be part of this festival without you. The stares and whispers without your gentle reassurances would be overwhelming.
"No, no, the decision is final. Besides, Ramshackle doesn't have a known founder. Whoever they are was lost to time!" Crowley snapped, clearly embarrassed, and also very stubborn.
"-They can just dress in the Queen of Hearts' inspired attire-"
"-Obviously they will borrow clothing from my grandmother's collection.-"
"-They would look fetching in the fairest Queen's robes.-"
Three voices spoke up at once, and all three turned to glare at each other.
"See! This is why they can't participate! Ramshackle's participation will only sow dissent amongst you. Now let's move on!" Crowley cried, beginning to sweat from the rising hostility levels.
"Oh, shut it!" Leona snapped, before turning back to the housewardens. "It's obvious they'd look the best in an outfit designed after the king of beasts."
"Imagine how op they'd look designed after the god of the dead!" Idia mused behind the tablet, seemingly not realizing he hadn't muted himself.
"Probably not as "op" as if they looked like an octo mer," Azul hissed through a tight smile. "Imagine the radiance and brilliance of-"
"Both of you are gross," Vil snapped. 
"Why are they gross?" Kalim asked.
"Because they don't care about the festival, anymore. They just want to see Y/N in looks they find hot, and can slobber over" Leona grinned.
"Like your intentions are oh so pure!" Idia's tablet screeched.
The table erupted into shouts, the meeting long forgotten as Crowley curled up in a ball in his chair.
"We've all discussed it," Ace said as he sat on your bed. It seemed he was the appointed spokesperson of the first year crew.
"We aren't going to let the two of you wallow in despair while we have fun. So we aren't going to have fun either," he said with his signature grin splitting his face.
"None of us are going to participate in the festival!" Ortho interrupted, clearly too excited to wait for Ace to be dramatic.
"Damn it, Ortho! I was supposed to say it!" Ace pouted.
"Language! He's a child!" Sebek hissed.
"He's in advanced potionomics with the third years. He'll be fine," Epel rolled his eyes. 
"But you were all so excited to participate," you said, covering Grim's mouth to keep him from immediately agreeing to their thought process without a second thought.
"It's not fun without you," Jack muttered, looking anywhere but you.
"Look, like it or not, you've woven yourselves so tightly into our lives that we wouldn't enjoy ourselves if you weren't a part of it!" Deuce stated factually, his cheeks turning red as he realized what he said.
"So, like they all said, we aren't going to wear any cool costumes, or work at an exhibit, or eat at an all you can eat buffet-"
"IT'S ALL YOU CAN EAT?" Grim screamed.
"Because we're gonna boycott the whole thing and have fun doing something else," Ace finished with a glare.
"Forget it Y/N. Forget them!" Grim cupped your face with his paws, looking earnestly into your eyes. "There's an all you can eat buffet! I don't need a fancy costume! Let's go to the buffet!"
You gently shifted Grim to your lap, and scratched his ears. "You guys, I don't know what to say. That's so sweet of all of you!"
"Yeah, we're pretty cool," Epel grinned.
"Buffet…" Grim sadly trailed off, knowing he'd lost.
"And we can find even cooler outfits while we're out!" Ortho cheered, excitement clear as he buzzed quickly around the room. 
"Honestly, it was less about the outfits, and more about feeling left out," you said with a sad smile.
"We know," Ace grinned, playfully nudging you with his shoulder.
"It's alright, we can beat up Crowley so he lets you participate next year," Deuce grinned maniacally, wrapping an arm around your other shoulder as he sat next to you, nuzzling his head against yours when you set it on his shoulder.
"Besides, if I let my Liege's dearest friend be sad, what kind of knight would I be!" Sebek said with a grin.
"Dude, don't pretend this is just about Malleus. You totally were about to cry when you heard they were sad."
You giggled, watching as your idiot friends began to yell at one another. This was what you really would have been disappointed to miss. But luckily, thanks to how amazing they were, and how much they cared about you, you wouldn't have to miss it.
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mncxbe · 6 months
Hiiii i hope you have a great day! I love your blog 🥰 been living my best y/n days lately hahaha
If you don't mind, may i request for chuuya with reader who is a photographer. One day the reader scouted him on the street, not knowing about him at all, just mesmerized by his appearance. So I'm wondering about how Chuuya would be someone's muse. Definitely got inspired by your chuuya x painter!reader one haha.
Thank you so much ^^
Ps: can be sfw or nswf up to your imagination; please feel free to ignore this request if you don't feel like doing it^^
omg anonnie this!!! chuuya's got such model vibes I cannot even he could make it to the high fashion. also tysm I'm so happy I can make your Y/N dreams come true♡♡
it's a normal thursday afternoon and chuuya's walking down the streets of Yokohama, idly scrolling on his phone when you randomly stop him and ask if he's interested in having a few pictures taken. at first, he's a bit confused and suspicious but after you tell him you're a photographer and really love his style, he agrees. after all, a few pictures can't hurt.
the two of you walk to a neraby park. getting everything in place; you tell him how to pose and all and soon enough you manage to take a few good shots.
when you show him the photos chuuya's quite taken aback. he didn't expect them to turn this good: his scarlet hair paired perfectly with the yellowing autumn leaves in the background and the warm sunlight~ engulfing him in a veil of gold. it is mesmerizing. he simply stares at the little screen of your camera, mouth agape and you can't help but chuckle.
"there's just something about you, a certain energy you give off. i'd love to work with you more, if you're interested" you propose, giving him that sweet smile of yours.
and of course he's interested. how could he say no when he has the chance to work with someone so talented?
over the next months chuuya visits your studio from time to time. due to his busy schedule, your photoshoots are quite rare but still the highlight of your week. you both enjoy working together; you are calm and collected, don't pry too much into his personal life and he's receptive, always eager to try any new ideas you might have, your perfect muse.
and oh, how many ideas you have. for those blissful couple of hours in your studio chuuya can forget about his life and become something else; a black and white 90s supermodel, a pop of colour on a white background, an angel in the garden of Eden, whatever you want him to be. with each outfit you make him try on he turns into something else, something of your making and he loves that.
despite your constant pleas he refuses to let you use his picture for exhibitions or contests; after all, his identity needs to be kept secret. so instead you hang them around your studio~ little 3:2 pictures adorning your walls, lined up like celluloid scenes in an old picture movie.
with each evening you spend together chuuya finds himself falling more and more in love with you. it's not only the way you walk around the studio with your camera hanging around hour neck, gently biting down on your lower lip as you try to find the perfect angle for a shoot or how you always offer him a glass of his favourite wine when he comes over; you're his own form of escapism. you're funny and sweet and creative and see him for everything that he is and could be, not as a mere criminal working for the Port Mafia. he can talk to you for hours without getting bored too, which is something new.
things progress and one evening, after an especially tiring day at work and a few glasses of wine, chuuya finds himself entangled with you on the plush couch in your studio; worshipping every inch of your body just like you do with his on camera. it's heated and messy and he loves it so much he just can't get enough. and neither can you.
from then on, you two meet for reasons unrelated to work too; he drops by to bring you little gifts or flowers as a sign of gratitude, takes you out to dinner, visits art galleries with you and takes you on weekend get-aways. and so your muse becomes your friend and your lover. your one and only.
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faresong · 3 months
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eve of the sun.
(spoiler) musings on my design choices below <3
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Oh, my girl... I love her so much. I changed up her design slightly to draw in a gold tone due to my adjustment of her neck accessory: instead, it is part of a earring she was gifted by her grandmother that then broke. Though she doesn't remember why she had it, nor why it was only one of a set, she still holds a lot of sentimental value to it and couldn't bear to throw it out or sell its pieces, instead transforming it into a necklace.
I also gave her boots which, despite their look, are customized to better track up the mountain. These are her personal hiking boots! Additionally, since she lives up there, she has gotten into a few scuffles. While she's learned to hold herself well, there have been times she gets a bit overzealous—and the scar on her face is one of those cases. A nasty rock she was trying to remove had split her lip open and completely dragged down her shoulder before she could hit the floor and regain her standing. Nothing too dramatic, she'd say, but it reminds her to be careful... sometimes :P
Of course, because she's canonically the strongest of the group, I gave her more obvious muscles and fat to pad it out. As I've stated before with her living situation, eating is important to help her keep her strength up—and is also just something she enjoys! There are so many lovely recipes to try out, and before they died, she had loved bringing down ingredients of something new for her adoptive parents to try. They were all fresh, too, from her garden.
Here, despite the timeline regarding typical real-life immigration, I've portrayed her as mixed Indian/Portuguese. Her mother and grandmother were simply Indian immigrants, with Claire as the fourth-generation (Lady Dorothy had taught her Hindi, but with years without practice... she's lost much of it). Unfortunately for them, this was an additional motivator in the main town to persecute them sooner rather than later despite their people settling on the outskirts of Levine's ruling.
Onto Mr. "Bah!" now... As I've already mentioned, his moon earring is part of a set with Claire as a gift from Lady Dorothy. It was a gift in her hopes of bringing the two closer together.
Now, whether or not that worked out fully, Sirius feels he owes nearly everything to Lady Dorothy. Not only to provide him housing after his parents' demise, but tend to his leg injury wrought from when he'd been nearly crushed in the crowd. Everyone had pushed forward to see the alleged witches' deaths and hadn't cared when he'd fallen—Dorothy was there just in time to act as a barrier of sorts before they'd broken his ankle... but she still ended up crafting a small cane for his use.
As he grew up, however... the cane became more difficult to use. He was taller, and thus he began using Lady Dorothy'd old cane for himself. Whereas she had only needed it for balance, Sirius uses it to offset the pain/pressure on his left leg. Neither cane is pictured here, but it is still a crucial part of how his past pains continue to affect his present life—in a very literal way, albeit.
Due to how cold he tends to run within the mansion, he wears many layers. I've simplified his outfit to simply be: dress shirt, vest, pelerine. The last one is cut from the same cloth as Lady Dorothy's cloak (hence the slight star motif shared in both of their cloaks) and was initially a proper 'cloak' tailored for his younger self, though he still cannot let go of it.
I've added more prominent red to his design to tie in the ruby crest, as well as represent his resentment toward most others. In a literal sense, 'seeing red'—the reasons behind him becoming a demon clear. Unlike Claire who stands for nobility, Sirius cannot allow himself or Lady Dorothy that disgrace of leniency.
One last note: Sirius is portrayed as mixed Bengali/Portuguese. His great-grandparents had been one of the first Portuguese immigrants, with his grandfather brought over as a contracted engineer to figure out the water supply line for this area. He had never been given the chance to learn Bangla, as his mother didn't speak it... but Lady Dorothy had taken time to teach both Sirius and Claire Hindi, and he still reads some of the few books the Elfords had brought over. It's made him feel closer to the family, and he takes great care in trying to refine his language... even if it's difficult without another to practice with. (...I like to imagine, post-Sirius Conclusion, he teaches Claire again. It's only right.)
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prototypelq · 2 months
vergil for the ask game?
thank you and @river-muse for asking about the series #1 Motivated Loser!)))
favourite thing about them
First place - his inner softness. Vergil is very much his momma's boy, he is emotional, touchy, and he loves with his whole heart, he loves so much that he is scared of the feeling consuming him whole. I thrive on seeing him simply be the older brother, father (and adopted uncle) figure that he wishes to be.
Honourable mention: just how Iconic he is. Vergil is THE anime katana wielder, he is THE Storm That Is Approaching, he is THE Rival Videogame Boss, he will kick your ass into Easy mode without breaking a sweat. Dante is an iconic protagonist for sure, but Vergil is one of THE Videogame Bosses Of All Time and that position is absolutely deserved. And, y'know. He is super fun to fight.
least favourite thing about them
V(ergil). I appreciate all the character development we got out of that time, but I also firmly believe it could have been achieved in other ways, plus V(ergil) just makes the story completely unrelatable. Dante faces human trauma and human struggles. Vergil faces those same problems, however, his path through them is an emotional mess human (and fans') experience cannot account for. For me, that dampens the emotional investment in the story, especially considering how much simpler, but no less impactful in Dante's in comparison to Vergil.
DisHonourable mention: 'Dreams of a black throne I keep on repeat' and 'Call me your majesty' lines from BTL and Fire Inside respectfully. None of those lines fit Vergil at all, and they only further the ginormous amount of misconceptions about him.
(I do adore the demonic pet therapy tho, it was adorable)
favourite line
'We've got plenty of time' (watch me bawl till final stage of dehydration to this)
I mean, it's in the name. Sparda Loser Twins, my beloved. I also completely support every opinion that Vergil will get along with Trish, Lady, Nico and Patty just fine.
I admit, I am intrigued by Vergil/Lady, I think they can have something good together. They both seek challenge, and could provide it for each other (by challenge I also mean just generally new experiences, I don't mean they have to fistfight each arguement). I can see them together in some post-dmc3 AU scenario, but also. Surprisingly. Post-dmc5. Cause Lady very much needs to retire if she wants to live any longer than she has, and Vergil has known nothing but violence for his entire adult life (which is also not much). Post-dmc5 both need to learn how to handle peace times, and this parallel is what I can see driving them together in this setup. Again, I think they can have something nice, also probably much sweeter than in post-dmc3 version.
nOTP fucking incest
random headcanon
Vergil is a freakin romantic to the core. He likes reading, he would enjoy himself in an art gallery, I think he would also like visiting theater and/or musicals. This man forced himself to weaponise his nerdiness and I'd love to see him slowly, badly, but surely, letting go and just enjoying himself and different hobbies. Also, just a totally random thing - I think he'd enjoy pottery (after he breaks a few dozen mishapen figures first, of course)
unpopular opinion
I doubt I can come up with something more unpopular than my previous rant about V(ergil)
song i associate with them
I have a few actually! Vergil would love Bring Me To Life and I Am Right About This. I can also see him enjoying Break The Silence.
This track is an absolute BLAST, and I have a concrete vision that Vergil would like to learn and play it. This vision was extended by the brainrot into Dante hearing the track, loving it, then bringing himself and Nero along to play the song (just don't ask me how, I have counted at least four different instruments, and it either means Dante and Nero have to switch drums and base guitar mid-song, or that Vergil and Dante have to switch on the guitars). This song is just so beautiful, and I think the losers will have an amazing time playing it together.
Musical Spardas, one of my most critical of weaknesses.
also I wish there was a way to mod Kitsune Dance to be the M19 bossfight music. beautiful song, it has very distinct musical phases which would easily match the fight escalation, and it just sound much more fitting for Vergil than the in-game track.
favourite picture of them
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this is one of those pics where the context of the original shot was painful, but the resulting image looks wholesome as hell and I love it. (pls share source if you know it)
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bungoustraypups · 3 months
@daught3rsofcain i made a separate post for this, btw, to respect creantzy and (try to) keep any more unnecessary fighting off of their posts, however i feel this needs to be addressed given how it caused issues over on twitter and i wanna make my stance clear as well as make it clear that this kind of comment is unacceptable
tl;dr for anyone who doesn't wanna/can't/doesn't have time to read my whole rant/already agrees with me and doesn't need to be convinced on why you should shut the fuck up if you see fanart/fanfic/other fan shit you dislike or that mildly bothers you but is otherwise harming no one online: curate your online spaces, block liberally and without question, do whatever you need to do to be comfortable, but never demand that other people bend to your will just because you personally think something is disrespectful to you
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i'm gonna keep it brief: don't say this shit on someone's art.
you might think it's disrespectful and "disgusting", but that doesn't actually make it so. i implore you to do a little googling into the history of romantic jesus depictions, because if you do, you'll quickly find that people have been doing this very thing for literal centuries.
yes, they had pushback even back then, as most artists who make any kind of art esp religious art often do no matter what they're depicting, but obviously the fact that people continuously do it and that most christians either don't give a fuck or at the very least ignore it and move on.
if you were truly so incensed upon seeing silly fanart of bsd fyodor dostoevsky and a very historically inaccurate depiction of jesus christ based off of leonardo da vinci's gay lover (yes, that is where this very popular depiction of jesus comes from, while there's some debate over who exactly was the muse as leo had a few gay lovers, most people agree the depictions of white or fair-skinned jesus today that are similar to the ones da vinci made are based off of someone he was in love with whether they were in a relationship officially yet or not) you simply could have blocked OP or the post or simply ignored it, and yet you chose instead to do this, which is why i bothered responding
people threatened creantzy on twitter and sent death threats to them over this, for much the same reason as you claim to have left this thoughtless, hurtful comment. even if creantzy doesn't care and can brush it off, which is a fair and valid response, the way people online feel entitled to force everyone they interact with to only produce material they personally agree with is childish, immature, cruel, entitled, and quite frankly, shitty behavior.
it would be one thing if this artwork depicted, for example, a marginalized religious figure, but considering Christianity is not just a major global religion, but is the current dominant global religion with approximately 2.4 billion followers worldwide, and most countries have no discriminatory laws against the practice of christianity or against christians themselves, when the same cannot be said for literally every other religion on the planet right now to varying degrees (if you live in the USA, for example, we may not explicitly forbid the practice of other religions, but hate crimes are rising, especially antisemitic and islamophobic hate crimes, and the perpetrators of those crimes are largely either atheists who were formerly christian, or current christians; and almost all of our major holidays are centered around christian religious holidays, even if the marketing no longer reflects this, that doesn't make it less true)...
basically you're causing a fuss over a non-issue. my grandma is very christian and thinks this art is pretty and even though she doesn't get it, has no real issue with it considering christians themselves have been doing this for... almost since christianity began, arguably. your opinions don't dictate what people should or shouldn't post online.
block, move on, and live your life. stop harassing artists.
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galaxicide · 8 months
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IMPORTANT CANON DIVERGENT POINTS: many of my divergency points are made due to the sore lack of context in the movies, messy writing, and a bit of downright terrible writing. most of these are probably already featured in my carrd. but this post will be directly accessible via my pinned post because the divergencies are important.
the og trio ALL survive, ben too. kylo injures han (the severity is up to rpers). leia does not die, neither does luke. why? well, I don't agree with the narrative of wiping out the old for the new. nor having kylo kill off han because harrison wanted out. given how close han and ben's relationship once was, this simply doesn't fit for me. and I also don't think there can be any true healing after the war for ben without his family there. this family is the HEART of the entire franchise. killing them all off was a bad move...as much as I enjoy a tragic narrative.
Luke did NOT try to kill Ben. Ben finding out his relationship with Vader triggered his fall to the dark side, and he accidentally summoned a force storm during his rage (fanned by snoke too) that razed the entire temple, its students, and luke too, under bens impression. believing he'd murdered his uncle, ben ran. and wasn't seen again for some years. Though this divergence is negotiable if Luke rpers would prefer to write the actual canon!
Kylo does NOT kill Snoke. Snoke is the big bad here for me, not sOmeHoW pAlPaTiNe rEtUrNeD. Therefore, Kylo does not become supreme leader. He is so brainwashed by Snoke, that even though he suspects one day Snoke will eliminate him, he is still loyal. Snoke is ALL he knows.
I do not write the dyad as a romantic bond, at least not with rey and ben. their relationship is utterly atrocious, and kylo does exactly to rey what snoke is doing to him. it's manipulative and abusive and is not a good foundation for any relationship. i think they can achieve something akin to siblingship one day. but that's years away after tros.
ben's identity as kylo is only known to VERY FEW, including snoke, some highers up in the first order, and a few in the resistance. it's probably less than 10 people altogether. he NEVER removes his helmet in public for various reasons not related to this post. so if you're unsure whether your muse is or might be one of those 10 or so people, please feel free to ask.
it's honestly not as obvious in the movies as it should be imo, and is not a canon divergence. but it feels like it needs to be said often cus people still want to dismiss this fact in 2023. ben solo is a victim of decades of abuse and manipulation. no, it doesn't excuse his actions, but it gives context and explanation to them. i will never not make this point enough.
annnnd here comes the maybe controversial one. might depend on how well i explain it. han and leia are/were not purposely neglectful parents, nor perfect people...please, keep reading after that sentence. take a step back and think about it in terms of real adult life, okay. both of them are important people. leia is a senator. it would literally be impossible for her to be around all the time for ben. you simply cannot be a person that powerful and have a well balanced family dynamic. han, on the other hand, we know canonically was ben's primary caregiver for 6 years, which is a hot win, imo. stay at home dad, excellent. but he, too, eventually goes back to training pilots at the academy because it's what he's good at, and he deserves to continue it. i am in NO WAY saying that han and leia are bad people or parents. far from it. I've no doubt they tried endlessly, and they still are, even with ben falling to the dark side. they're just doing normal things that adults do. just because you have a child does not mean you stop being a person. BUT their busy adult lives paved the way for Snoke to move in and do what he wanted with Ben, which was to slowly turn him against them and make him believe he was unwanted and unloved by them. and that's not han and leia's fault, they didn't know what was going on. Ben was a child, and Snoke was an abuser that easily slipped through the cracks because he couldn't be seen. i realise this also wasn't really a canon divergence, but it needs to be said some more.
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ultfan · 9 days
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famous first lines of poetry
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BOLD the ones that apply to your muse. please repost in lieu of reblogging!
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i saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked  //  tyger tyger, burning bright   //  i have done it again.   // do not go gentle into that good night. //  the sea is calm to-night.  // let us go then, you and i, //  april is the cruelest month,  //  pretty women wonder where my secret lies.  // there is a place where the sidewalk ends // i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart)
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two roads diverged in a yellow wood,  // whose woods these are i think i know  // let us twain walk aside from the rest; // once upon a midnight dreary, while i pondered, weak and weary, // i taught myself to live simply and wisely //  it so happens i am sick of being a man  //  i wandered lonely as a cloud  //  does it dry up like a raisin in the sun ? // o my love is like a red, red rose // o captain! my captain! our fearful trip is done;  //  out of the night that covers me, //  it was many and many a year ago, // you may write me down in history //  do not stand at my grave and weep //  some say the world will end in fire, some say in ice.  // hope is the thing with feathers // the wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees,  //  no man is an island,
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remember me when i am gone away,  //  i met a traveller from an antique land // ‘twas brillig, and the slithy toves  // this is thy hour o soul,  //  when we wear the mask that grins and lies,  // death be not proud, // and death shall have no dominion. //  laugh, and the world laughs with you; // the art of losing isn’t hard to master; //  to see a world in a grain of sand // is there anybody there? said the traveller  //  nobody heard him, the dead man,  // that crazed girl improving her music.  //  come to me in the silence of the night; // where the mind is without fear and the head is held high //  when you are old and grey and full of sleep,  // in flanders’ fields the poppies blow // i thought of you and how you love this beauty  // life, believe, is not a dream // it may be misery not to sing at all,  //  if starry space no limit knows
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come live with me and be my love, // had we but world enough and time, // my heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains my sense  //  bright star, would i were steadfast as thou art– //  thou still unravish’d bride of quietness  //  how do i love thee? let me count the ways. // heaven is what i cannot reach ! //  my dear, my dear, i know // in visions of the dark night  // shall i compare thee to a summers day? //  break, break, break // she walks in beauty, // i had a dream, which was not all a dream. //   he clasps the crag with crooked hands.
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thelioncourts · 1 year
I mean are they gonna completely get rid of all those characters lestat hooks up with though? I think what’s causing all this anxiety about Jacob on the show is that you can’t really keep most of the storylines from the books and NOT have him be a supporting player at best. All these stories are about Lestat and his ho of the month. Either that or they scrap a lot of stuff in the books post TVL. Also it was the initial casting call that says Louis was a 2 season role vs lestat 5. Way before Jacob was ever cast. Also personally I’d rather he leave the show so I can stop watching then see him get pushed to the side and only show up one episode a season to be exasperated w/ Lestat.
I know you probably intended for a lot of this to be rhetorical and/or more of a general talking point, and I want to first point out that I totally get where you're coming from, and I next want to point out that if my answer here isn't extremely detailed, it's because I do feel like most of what I have had to say I have already said. I don't -- I don't actually know anything, I'm making guesses (educated ones, mind you! but guesses nonetheless) and am doing so with optimism because I simply have to for my own sanity.
What I will say about "Lestat and his ho of the month" stuff is that in a mostly complete (but not totally complete) list of Lestat's loves that I made on the last list (Nicki, Gabrielle, Louis, Akasha, David, Dora, Gretchen, Rowan, Antoine), we know that Nicki is dead; Nicki is in the past and while his story will be told, it's over. Antoine is Antoinette, we know that fate, and, as I said in the previous asks, whatever weird stuff Lestat has with his mom will (most likely) not be explored on a romantic level given the audience and network. That leaves us with Louis, Akasha, David, Dora, Gretchen, and Rowan really.
We know Louis. Love of Lestat's life. Soulmate. His muse!
Akasha is going to happen in a non-romantic, no doubt horrific, way.
Dora and Gretchen are not important. I don't say that trying to be mean or whatever, but they simply are not important. The stories they are part of can truly happen without them and I feel like it would be a waste of television time to try to work in their minor roles.
Rowan, as I stated in the last ask, is something Anne says she regrets. I hope, out of respect for Anne and for good storytelling, they don't even consider it. I also, however, have far less faith in Mayfair continuing long enough to ever even get to that point though so...
And then there's David. David is only important in TVC for his contributions of storytelling the other vampires' lives. There have already been a lot of theories that David won't ever come to exist within the show and his work will be relegated to Daniel and/or Louis as a means of keeping Eric in the show as well as Jacob. I think it would make more sense to give most to Daniel and work it from there, but either way, I hope these theories hold some truth and I never have to actually see David Talbot and that mess on screen.
I also think there is a lot to have Louis be part of if they choose to. Louis is always in Lestat's life, even when Anne was pushing him to the side, and I don't think it would be hard to make him a constant. I also have a theory that Trinity Gate (the place Louis lives with Armand at for, like, almost 15 years in the book and he's away from Lestat during) is sort of what we're witnessing in Dubai and, therefore, is not yet another era of separation for Loustat. Again, just a theory, but one based in educated guesses.
I could go on as to what I think Louis may be up to in later seasons, but I truly don't really know. I feel like we'll all have a better idea post-season 2, but I really do believe we're going to have him long-term. I wouldn't just be saying that if I didn't believe it. In fact, if there's one thing I believe above all else, I believe that this show cannot succeed without both Sam and Jacob. They are both amazing and beautiful actors individually, but together they are something else entirely and people will notice the lack of it and people will be upset by it should it not be in the show.
As for your last bit, I didn't know the original contracts were like that; I think it makes sense, I get why they did it, and I can talk about that too. But I also don't think Rolin Jones is going to say all he did without intention of backing it up, especially because the fandom is loud enough to call that shit out were it to happen.
And lastly, I do agree; if the show were to sideline Louis dramatically in the way the books do, I would also want Jacob to go somewhere where he's appreciated and his talents are being used and he can show off his beautiful skills and face. But I also truly believe the show wants to utilize him as an actor and see the worth of him. I do. And I hope I'm right there because to be proven wrong would be a devastation.
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daybreakrising · 3 months
NAME: lauri
PRONOUNS : he / him
PREFERENCE OF COMMUNICATION : discord absolutely over anything else, IMs next. people i write with are always allowed to ask for my discord, and i recommend that you do bc it's easier for me than IMs as the notifs are 1000x more reliable. and i find it easier to share stuff / ramble about our muses/dynamics there
NAME OF MUSE(s) : i... have many. main ones at the moment are wrio, vautrin, baizhu & blade, bc they're the loudest at rattling their cages rn.
BEST EXPERIENCE : honestly? joining this rpc. it's the first one that (so far, please don't change-) i haven't had any issues with regarding shitty behaviour or shittier people.
- vague-posting. i cannot tell you how fucking irritating i find this. it's a shitty & unnecessary thing to do and i will call you out on it if we're friendly and i see you doing it. being vague about something is just inviting drama, and given that so many of us have anxieties, you have no idea who you're subsequently stressing out with your passive aggression.
- plotting, even loosely, with someone & then taking that plot to another version of the same muse. thankfully i don't see too much of this happening these days but, man, it infuriates me.
- hating on someone's headcanons simply bc they don't align with yours. everyone writes a muse differently - that's the beauty of rp. you are allowed to disagree with a headcanon, sure, but if you think your opinion is the only correct one... get out. take your insecurities elsewhere thank u.
MUSE PREFERENCES: morally grey characters, characters who have several layers to wade through and delve into, characters that provide a good challenge for me to write, dogboys.
PLOTS OR MEMES : both. i love plots but i can & will create plots from memes too - and memes are a great way to get things going, to prompt dynamic development & can also just... be fun.
LONG OR SHORT REPLIES : listen. LISTEN. if you've followed me for any length of time you know i love long replies. LIVE FOR THEM. being able to freely write several paragraphs without feeling guilty for dumping essays on my writing partner is delicious. but i'm not opposed to short replies either - they're good for when muse is low, or my energy levels are limited.
BEST TIME TO WRITE : literally the middle of the night. my most productive hours are between 10pm and 4am.
ARE YOU LIKE YOUR MUSE(S) : i have enough muses to be able to say: probably. i do tend to pick muses that resonate with me in some way, whether that's something in their personality or their background that i identify with, or some other aspect of the character that is familiar. that doesn't apply to all of them, necessarily, but certainly the majority.
tagged by: @ruinare (thank u!)
tagging: idk who hasn't already been tagged so feel free to yoink this from me & say i tagged you !
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tayfabe75 · 4 months
Hello! So for a couple of days my feed was filled with videos from Super Bowl and the afterparty and I was like, I just can't believe it can be faked like that. She even posted a TikTok with him. It seems to me that in her world this is just a different level of relationship. So I just thought that there’s no way this is not true and then I came across a video where Matty says: “this show is about what you should or shouldn’t believe that you see on the screen.” I was just 😑 and it got me thinking again. One side of me believes that this simply cannot be faked, while the other begins to think after such conversations. But Matty is Matty and he could only mean his show and this thought slipped through very quickly and I don’t think it will reach the general audience. But it's funny because I look at the video of Taylor and Travis kissing and I think, well, everything should be clear, shouldn't it? And then there this little thought on my mind that you shouldn’t believe everything you see on the screen and I don’t even know what to believe anymore…
Also I can’t understand why she needs this, she can live a great life without any plans to prove something to someone in this way 
Hi anon! First and foremost, if you see Taylor with her new partner and see or feel that nothing is amiss, that's understandable! It's perhaps even counterintuitive to see a couple kissing on television and think it's fake at first glance. For me, it's less about what I directly see, and more about how what I'm seeing is incongruent with what I have learned about Taylor Swift.
While I've always enjoyed pop music, I never really got "wonderstruck" with a pop star quite like this (at least not since I was a kid!) Even when I'm utterly obsessed with a band or singer, chances are good that I don't know the name of their PR agent, you know? lol However… Taylor is not just a musician. She's a phenomenon. She's not simply writing albums and touring, she's building mystique and self-mythologizing a whole universe of lore. Each fan is entranced by a different facet of Taylor Swift - be it the music, the spectacle, the celebrity, fashion, easter eggs, lore, muses, or the mystery!
"We think we know someone, but the truth is that we only know the version of them they have chosen to show us."
The Reputation prologue is bookended with this quote! That is how important the message is, that she both opens and closes the prologue with this quote. I must stress: I do not claim to know anything about Taylor Swift. Please understand that when I theorize, it's based on my own personal subjective knowledge of human nature or what motivates us, and I apply that to what I see and hear (of course, I think everyone does this, it's just good to acknowledge!)
You said: "One side of me believes that this simply cannot be faked"
Again, bear in mind that Taylor Swift is a celebrity with access to more resources at her disposal than even other celebrities. If she wanted to create a "simulated" version of her life to throw people off the scent of her real personal life, I don't see why she wouldn't or couldn't (the greatest of luxuries is your secrets…) PR relationships are definitely a real thing that celebrities engage in for a variety of reasons. Here is an interesting list with some more insight (of course, this is BuzzFeed so take it with a huge grain of salt). Speaking of which, Taylor's current partner's PR agent has teamed up with Jack Ketsoyan, who openly admits to setting up "fake romances" between celebrities. If you can stomach it, the next time you see the PDA videos from the field or the club, try looking through the comments. I suspect you'll see a lot of people who aren't buying it (here's a good tweet about how these two were mic'd up! lol) Here's some additional insight into Taylor's current relationship with some stats that might shed light on the "why" of it all.
If you want to hear my guess as to what all the football stuff is about, well, I'll start off with two of my favorite Taylor quotes:
"People often greatly underestimate me on how much I'll inconvenience myself to prove a point."
"Having the world treat my love life like a spectator sport in which I lose every single game was not a great way to date in my teens and twenties, but it taught me to protect my private life fiercely."
Obviously, Taylor doesn't need the money. And frankly, the NFL does not need nor deserve any additional female fans, considering women are excluded (unless they'd like to strip down and get objectified as cheerleaders, I guess). So, what is she up to? Well, everyone loves to call her "Mother" and I think she's about to teach us all a lesson - likely about media literacy and how much she's had to perform her celebrity persona and keep the media attention away from her real life, whatever that may be. I am one of the believers that she's intentionally oversaturating the market to recreate conditions appropriate to launch Reputation… Others think that idea is absolutely too wild or too "absurd" (fair lol)
I think the simplest explanation that makes sense to me is that she and Matty only ever intended to be public for one blissful month so that he could finally attend her shows as her boyfriend. But, she didn't want the heat of her fans on his back when he went on to do SATVB. Matty did not need cruel Swifties making fun of Peanut, for instance. That's a super vulnerable thing he's doing each night his band performs. So, what would get the most heat off of each other's backs? New relationships, but especially ones that fans would love because they were the manifestation of pre-existing fandom memes from circa 2020:
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As for Matty… if his comments have anything to do with what's going on with his or Taylor's respective "relationships" (and I think they do), then they're not really meant to reach a wider or more general audience (yet). But the fact that The 1975 are (maybe) about to go on hiatus, yet Matty predicted The 1975 would be the most important band of the 2020's… might mean that he and the boys have some kind of trick up their sleeve! Perhaps their collaboration with Brad Troemel, who helped co-write SATVB, which ends March 24th, I think (unless more dates have been added). If you're familiar at all with the kayfabe theory, it comes directly from Brad Troemel, himself. I'll just say that it's highly interesting to me that SATVB should kick off in September, the same month as Matty and Taylor's new relationships! (If you're interested in a good rabbit hole, I'd check out my tagged posts on Brad).
Anon, please know it's okay if you don't know what to believe! Sometimes I don't know, either. As you might've guessed, I'm a big supporter of Taylor and Matty together. Based on all I've seen and heard, my deductive reasoning tells me they will be endgame and that we will get back there eventually. So, obviously, I'm not thrilled to watch the current turn of events, either… but they're strange enough that I also can't look away lol I am compelled to keep looking into why things aren't adding up, and these searches have been, and continue to be, fruitful. But even if I'm wrong and endgame doesn't end up happening, then I have to trust that they know what's best for themselves better than I do! And regardless of what Taylor or Matty decide to do in their personal (or simulated?) lives… they've both reeled me in as a dedicated fan, completely independent from whatever relationship they may or may not have with each other or other people.
In the meantime, I'm gonna keep studying their music, following their live shows, and filling this place with fun clips, connections, and edits! Even if they're truly over for now, or heaven forbid - forever, I'm still interested in archiving this unlikely yet inspiring love story of reconnection (especially when many big Taylor sources refuse to acknowledge him - like here, where they refuse to name whose concert she debuted Anti-Hero at, or this one, where they cropped him out of a photo from his own damned tour zine! lol So needlessly petty...)
Perhaps this desire to archive all things "Tatty" acts almost like a shield from current events for me lol Here's something I'll suggest if you want some Tatty-related reassurance: take a scroll through my blog... any time you see a tag that begins with "overlap:", click on that to see how that topic relates to both Taylor and Matty. Some of them are reaches! Some are silly. Some just show how similar they are. Others are... compelling!
Lastly, what I can also suggest is that, if social media is upsetting you, it might be nice to take a small break! I strongly encourage everyone on the internet to use the block and mute buttons as often as needed, and to mute any names or keywords you aren't interested in seeing content for. Curate your own experience! Your brain and your heart will thank you for it, I promise!
Hope any of that helped lol Thanks for the ask! 🤍
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randomfoggytiger · 6 months
Thanks for dropping in! :DDDDD
The below might seem like I'm gassing you up or being overly sugary and sweet; but I cannot underestimate how much I mean every single word. Your fics were in my first round of xfiles fics ever; and they were cemented into my cracks before I ever got adventurous enough to feed the addiction and read 800+ authors.
This'll be long, so I included a cut.
(**Note**:Editing and proofreading my paragraphs? What is that?)
I begin, again, after 20 minutes of thorough combing
I spent 15-20 minutes grabbing link after link after link because... quite simply, your fics are grafted into my brain because of how many rereads I've done-- I can't separate them from each other, I can't pick favorites, I can't. I had to go by my tip top, cannot-pass-by-without-reading fics:
Whispered Words (Tumblr): Everything about this is perfection. Every time I read someone else's cancer fic, I immediately think of this one (and hunt it down for a reread.) Scully's symptoms, how and when Mulder notices; the blend of sickfic and angst and fluff together, no parts outrivaling the other... it's, again, perfection.
A New Day Has Come: It's such a cornerstone of my earliest cancer fics that this is how I always expect Mulder to react in other fics I read-- it's automatic programming at this point.
Every. Single. IVF fic you've written. I kid you not. To name a few (because it's not fun to just read "I liked it, lol" without some examples):  Name Calling/Archive is the pinnacle post IVF failure: the best, ohmyword. Unnamed post IVF treatment fic and Five Minutes - Chapter 1 are seared into my brain as a part one and two; but if it's a sheer numbers game? Five Minutes - Chapter 2 wins out. It's just... how do you hold a moonbeam in your hand, y'know? How can I describe something that IS me? I refer you to Scully's Memento Mori speech-- she says it more eloquently than I do. ;))))
Every. Single. AU Requiem fic and S8 fic and S9 fic and S11 fam fic. You do loving relationships so well: they talk, they breathe, they exist like real people. I treasure the S8 fics you wrote from my prompts and reread them frequently--though I forgot to label the second and need to find that link hmmmmmm. This is exactly how it appears in my docs: Here's a prompt (if you want): Scully goes into... (tumblr.com) THIS WAS MY PROMPT Ao3 By Your Side Is Where I Belong - Baroness_Blixen - The X-Files [Archive of Our Own] LOVE THIS
And for nonspecific genre fics that I adore and cannot live without:
#58 Mulder to Scully thanks! Ao3 Prompts & Drabbles - Chapter 3 - [Archive of Our Own] Scully gets hit in the head with a baseball bat and you nailed every. single. aspect of this fic and I can't read it enough (going to read it again right after this.)
Since you were looking for an angsty prompt for... (tumblr.com) Ao3 We Will Find Our Way Home - [Archive] Scully and Mulder on the ice and Scully makes Mulder go alone to the Snocat? YES PLEASE.
 I hope your muse comes back. I know she will soon!... Ao3 Things You Forget - Chapter 1  Mulder has amnesia and he and Scully have dinner with her mother and Bill while he remembers-- iconic.
A realization
...I'm staring at 20+ pages of your fic links (and 84 specifically marked ones that have LOVE THIS in bold and caps) and thinking that there is no way I can fit all of this into this ask. XDDDD
I'll close this by thinking of random moments in your fics that twirl around and around in my brain and put them down here:
Mulder waking Scully up by sneezing in her hair in Rain King.
Mulder and Scully crying after her recovery in Redux II.
Scully's annoyance and Mulder's complete stillness in the airport while waiting for their luggage in Five Minutes Chapter 2.
The hilarious way you wrote Mulder and Scully and Krycek and Doggett and Reyes in an Essence AU (Will is born in the car while they drive away from the FBI.)
Scully's head being squeezed like an orange in the baseball bat attack fic, and Mulder's irate panic from afar ("HE HIT HER")
Mulder's tie got stuck in a copier and Scully has to help him out (and Skinner doesn't even want to know.)
Maggie's not a fool when she catches Mulder and Scully a day or two after Chimera.
Scully gasses in the car and Mulder evens the playing field.
Mulder having amnesia after Millennium and only remembering his partnership with Diana (for a couple hours.)
Mulder delicately taking and holding and smiling over his scratchy list of baby names.
Scully feeling woozy in Three Words and Mulder helping her sit down.
Mulder panicking after Lamaze in Alone.
S8 Scully including Mulder in her late night snack and waltz session, as they discuss her neighbor's recently deceased husband.
Mulder swallowing the suddenly-too-sweet cake at Scully's baby shower (AU Essence~)
Mulder swapping places with Reyes in Essence-- it's he and Scully on the road, just like always.
Post Existence Mulder papa bear with little Will.
Revival baby girl being born on Mulder or Scully's birthdays (and the unique ways you changed the details of both versions.)
Mulder and baby Will showing up for Scully's "take your kid to work day" (and him rubbing Will in Colton's face, my word.)
(I'm not kidding when I mean every. single. one. of your IVF and S8 and family fics, so I'm not even going to BEGIN.)
All of your Millennium fics. All. But particularly the one where Scully is woken up by a grumpy Mulder who felt betrayed that she'd left and drove over, despite his injured arm, before calling her and asking for permission.
Mulder sobbing and holding Scully after the other agents tricked him into thinking she'd died in a car accident.
Diana locks Mulder and Scully up in the One Son fort for the night; and Scully's hurt and Mulder's hurt and their reconciliation and re-understanding is one of the fics I turn to when I need to sleep but also need a story to focus on. Makes my brain go wild.
TFWID Mulder having nightmares of his past lives with Scully. Another one of those stories that sets my brain on fire.
Revival Mulder's psychic powers comes back and he tells Scully in the restaurant (part I) and later senses their daughter's heartbeat (part II.)
An ending
And while I could go on and on and on, there's already a lot I put down. XDDDD Maybe I'll make a fic list with my top 85? fics that cannot be passed up-- although, I don't know if Tumblr will allow me that enough word space to fit them all in. Hmmmm.
Anyway, thanks for dropping in! :DDDDD And hope this was a good enough answer~. ;))))
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lunaxriax · 5 months
the truth about Adelaide ( Jaehwan )
★ - Send “The Truth about *Muse*” ☞ @unfinishedjulyrain
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"Where to start with this..." He let out a quiet chuckle. "There's a lot I have to say, so please bear with me. Okay so, I still remember the very first day I met you quite vividly. Because as curious as I was, I was equally as anxious. Of course, that didn't have anything to do with you, it's just how I am. I'm honestly not the type of person to let others in that easily and even so, I prefer to keep people at a safe distance, for a multitude of reasons. But with you, it was very different. For one, I couldn't stay away from you and I didn't want to. And two, everything about you made me want to get to know you. And while, at first, that scared the living hell out of me, I honestly couldn't be more grateful for it today. You became my best friend in such a short time, someone that brightened some of my darkest days, even without knowing or without much effort. Somehow, you always seemed to know when I needed someone and you were always there without question. And that is still the case today, with no exception. You had my heart way before I was willing to admit that to you, and to myself. I wasn't scared of that but I was scared of losing you. Yes, even when you weren't mine to lose I was afraid of that. Back then I already couldn't imagine a life without you, now even less. I mean, I can imagine it but I simply don't want to. Because I know that without you, I wouldn't be me. I would be nothing. Sometimes, most of the time I probably worry too much, when I'm not around. Whether you're doing okay, if you're happy, if you're safe. I try to limit the worries but well that's not really something I can control. You already know you're the love of my life and that I have never been happier than when I am with you, but I will never miss a chance to tell you again, and again. And again. Because you deserve to know how wonderful, loving, caring, awesome and so many more things you are and how you changed my life for the better. In every possible way. You accept me, whether I'm being my moody awkward self or playful annoying self and there isn't a day that goes by that I'm not extremely grateful and beyond thankful for that. You're my person, my love, my comfort and my home. I know that I keep saying that words alone cannot describe my love for you, and they really can't, but I truly do love you with every fiber of my being and nothing or no one will ever change that. My love can only grow for you, and it does, every single day. You have all of my love and all of me. I love you to the moon and back times infinity, forever and always."
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fuckandfable · 7 months
okay. so you're an optimist with depressive tendencies.
Hello infinite nothingness. You look stunning. I look stunning. We all look stunning.
I have been thinking about him lately. I find myself convincing my heart that he does not care about me. It makes the pain easier to bear.
I wish I could be a true free spirit. I think a free spirit suffers no mental or emotional pain. Everyone has this skewed perception of what it means to be truly free spirited. Running a muck without attachment. Because I have so many unanswered thoughts I do not consider myself free just yet.
I go back and forth a lot. From hate to appreciation, this is how I know I am not ready. But when will I ever be ready?
I want to do things alone with myself. I want to create within my own self. I want to choose me. I want to up my wolf mentality while nurturing my heart shaped sheep. I cannot let the sheep in me die. I no longer wish for some type of salvation. I do not need saving.
I want a constructive kind of love, not destructive. Love can be destructive and I thought it was the will to die by its sword over and over again 🗡️ but I’m finding out it’s more like the will to live over and over again.
Love is learning how to let it be free.Im learning how to love without being loved. That will make my spirit truly free. In order for me to do that I need to love myself endlessly not selfishly.
last night I was a little sick of my urge to look at love in the light. I feel like I almost forced myself to write about the darkness of love. my mind wouldn't really let me. and it just reassured my belief in love and its light. Yes, I can look at all the shitty possibilities of love, but love is accepting those too. Love is not holding it against itself. love is total acceptance.
I always wanted to be a fierce woman. I wanted to be a dominate woman. I am in some aspects, I can be in some aspects. but I am built a soft woman, accepting that has been difficult in such a harsh world. I feel like I am protecting myself most days. I have been failed by the protection and guard of the male species to many times. I need to conjure my own protection and I personally dont think women were made to do that, so we turn into some evil demon. I am impressed with the way I have been protecting myself from my own rage. Rage is a tricky bitch. Rage is counterproductive, but it can feel so protecting at times. There is a fine line between our anger and how we choose to protect ourselves. There is no hierarchy among the female brain because we are aways at the top, and whenever we feel low, we allow that rage to carry us.
Accepting that I am simply not made to be a crude woman, helps diagnose what my true needs are. it helps me get to know me and grow into something fierce. Knowing the weaknesses of the sheep allow the rage to maneuver in a wolf like manner. I will not let my rage bring me down, I will allow it to protect me. I will not allow my rage to pity me, I will allow it to protect me. I will not allow my rage to consume me, I will allow it to protect me.
Rage can be damaging and now that I am more aware of the damage it can cause me specifically, I can almost always use it to constructively trigger my creative mind. Drawing, writing, thinking. yes, we need practice. yes, we need an outlet. Rage is only detrimental when you hold it inside and let it settle in your bones. You have to ignite your ability to create. It is a muse. Emotion is only a muse!
I love where my emotions are taking me. I love that they enhance my ability to think, create, and manifest. I am no longer feeling like I'm drowning in it all. I feel like I'm becoming something much deeper, like the abyss, where only I can breathe underwater.
I am learning how to create something positive out of a negative in hope to receive belief. The same certain belief that I feel I have in what is negative, or the things that I hate. Sometimes, I just hate to hate. Sometimes, I'm a mouthy bitch. Sometimes, when I trick it into thinking it has a voice, it stops wanting to talk. Hate does not like the spot light, it likes to linger in the background in hopes that our minds will entertain it into full blown thought and action. I laugh at my anger, and it leaves. I feed my negativity to the creative mind and I swallow it whole, spitting out literature and art. That is the power of the human mind. Our capabilities are endless and infinite. The only thing that is limited is our vessel, and even that can endure for quite sometime.
Do not wait until you feel the pain. the pain is only something we think we want until it is there. I am learning that only I am responsible for creating my own pain, no one else. By taking accountability for my own self sabotage I am able to progressively turn it into something I can understand and easily create it into love. PRACTICE. you need to practice maneuvering through your mind, You cannot avoid it. You can not ignore it. It's there and you aren't fucking brain dead.
I no longer wish for anyone to understand my ideology when I can't even understand it yet. That would be unfair, so I remain receptive and curious about the world, and gain the ability to conquer anything. And with my rage there to protect me, it reminds me that I am built to ask questions, and that one day I will wake up unafraid.
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historias-multorum · 7 months
famous first lines of poetry pt. 1: bold the ones that apply to your muse.
repost, don’t reblog.
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i saw the best minds of my generation destroyed by madness, starving hysterical naked // tyger tyger, burning bright // i have done it again. // do not go gentle into that good night. // the sea is calm to-night. // let us go then, you and i // april is the cruelest month// pretty women wonder where my secret lies // there is a place where the sidewalk ends // i carry your heart with me (i carry it in my heart) // two roads diverged in a yellow wood, // whose woods these are i think i know // let us twain walk aside from the rest; // once upon a midnight dreary, while i pondered, weak and weary, // i taught myself to live simply and wisely // it so happens i am sick of being a man // i wandered lonely as a cloud // does it dry up like a raisin in the sun? // o my luve is like a red, red rose // o captain! my captain! our fearful trip is done; // out of the night that covers me, // it was many and many a year ago, // you may write me down in history // do not stand at my grave and weep // some say the world will end in fire // some say in ice. // hope is the thing with feathers // the wind was a torrent of darkness among the gusty trees, // no man is an island, // remember me when i am gone away, // i met a traveler from an antique land // ‘twas brillig, and the slithy toves // this is thy hour o soul, // when we wear the mask that grins and lies, // death be not proud, // and death shall have no dominion. // laugh, and the world laughs with you; // the art of losing isn’t hard to master; // to see a world in a grain of sand // is there anybody there? said the traveller // nobody heard him, the dead man, // that crazed girl improving her music. // come to me in the silence of the night; // where the mind is without fear and the head is held high // when you are old and grey and full of sleep, // in flanders’ fields the poppies blow // i thought of you and how you love this beauty // life, believe, is not a dream // it may be misery not to sing at all, // if tarry space no limit knows // come live with me and be my love, // had we but world enough and time, // my heart aches, and a drowsy numbness pains my sense // bright star, would i were steadfast as thou art— // thou still unravish’d bride of quietness // how do I love thee? let me count the ways. // heaven is what i cannot reach // my dear, my dear, i know // in visions of the dark night // shall i compare thee to a summers day? // break, break, break // she walks in beauty, // i had a dream, which was not at all a dream. // he clasps the ring with crooked hands.
Tagged by: Yoinked from @chaosworthy
Tagging: @thuganomxcs @thexsenjuxheirs @apocalypta-secundus @reddawnmultimuse @hana-akari @erthlyheavn @ervaurem and anyone who wants to give it a go!
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booksandabeer · 2 years
for the fic asks:
🔁 A fic you’ve re-read several times
📆 A fic you’d re-read 10 years from now
Hello & thanks so much for the ask! Here we go:
🔁 A fic you’ve re-read several times
Oh boy, so many. I think I've reread most of my ao3 bookmarks. But one of the stories that I've probably reread the most is:
time on my hands (could be time spent with you) by @thedoubteriswise | 23 K, Mature
What can I say, it's the Soft Stucky in Wakanda™ fic of my dreams. The author tagged this with 'everybody needs a break', and yes, this is the story that I return to when *I* need a break. It's probably my number one comfort fic. This is not entirely without angsty moments, but the whole thing just feels like a warm hug or like a beautiful sunrise.
📆 A fic you’d re-read 10 years from now
Okay, I simultaneously hoped and dreaded that someone would ask this because my answer is a fic that I simply cannot be normal about:
The Interrogation by magdaliny | 51K, Mature | Part 1 of 2 in Notebook No. 6 series
It’s always difficult to throw around words like ‘the best’ or ‘fave of all time’, etc., but this fic has been in my top 3 ever since I first read it. If someone were to say to me ‘from this day on you are only allowed to read one stucky fanfic’? I might pick this one.
I don’t have the words that could ever sufficiently describe what this story did to me. How it’s carved out a little piece of my heart, stole it away, and then made its home in the empty space left behind. I know this may sound like hyperbolic fangirl screeching (and believe me, I’m rolling my eyes at myself), but this story has moved me in such a profound way that only few other literary works have ever done. And that is what this is to me—an honest to god piece of literature.
Come for the spectacular Bucky-voice and his exquisite descriptions of the transcendent love he feels for one Steven Grant Rogers, and stay for his musings on travel, science, religion (Bucky is Jewish in this and the way he confronts, explores and lives his Jewishness is one of my favorite aspects of this fic), history, philosophy and just humanity in general.
This is a story that is at once full of despair and pain, but also brimming with hope and life and love. Yes, it gets very dark at some points, and it will destroy you multiple times before the end. But it will also help you pick yourself up off the floor, gently take you by the hand and say: But look at all the beauty in the world—don’t you forget about the beauty.  
I really cannot praise this fic enough. If you want a story that you can really sink your teeth into and that will in turn sink its teeth into you and never let go again: This is the one.
So yes, this is my answer. Not only would I reread this fic in ten years, I know that I will still reread this in ten years. Over and over again. It is that good. 
Thank you to everyone who has sent in asks so far! I’m a little under the weather today, but I will get to all of them eventually, I promise!
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