#( takeda takahashi : bonds )
vctlan · 2 years
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starsurface · 4 months
Hii um I really like your blog I've seen a few awesome posts so um sorry I was wondering do you have any headcannons for Takeda ? I really like takeda ! Also hope you're doing well
Oh my goodness I love the Kombat Kids!!!! They're all my favorite characters, I love them so much!!!! <3 (We're gonna make Frost a Kombat Kid too, she should have been one)
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<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Regressor Takeda Takahashi Hcs
🏵 Regresses to about 2-7
🏵 Normally about a toddler headspace
🏵 But can go bigger or smaller depending on his day (has one of the biggest age ranges out of all his friends)
🏵 Clingy baby, constantly wants your attention
🏵 And asks a million question
🏵 What are you doing? Oh, boring big kid work? Can he help? Well why cant he help? He's smart enough!! Oh, it's really important big kid work? Well can he work beside you?
🏵 His ‘work’ is coloring, it's a tough like our here at four years old :(
🏵 Really likes coloring and making you pretty pictures :3
🏵 He's very proud of his pictures too!! (And he'll usually have you choose what he colors he uses)
🏵 If you put his pictures on the fridge, he'll get all giggly and blushy (and embarrassed when he's bigger because the entire Special Forces can see it on the fridge)
🏵 Has rarely ever regressed at work but has regressed quite often because of work
🏵 It's stressful, he's gonna do this, do that, beat this guy up, travel through a thick forest
🏵 The first time he regressed at work it was because Sonya kicked him a bit too hard and in a really mean voice told him to get up or quit
🏵 Usually it's a banter she has with the Kombat Kids, but he was already having a super stressful day and it kinda broke him :(
🏵 Don't worry, Johnny took him to the side to play and get patched up while the others got their training done, and Sonya said she was sorry
🏵 He's has a close few times where he's almost slipped during training, but usually ends up regressing during end of the day paperwork and his shifts almost done
🏵 Very much a go with the flow guy
🏵 He'll want your opinion on everything!!
🏵 What does he want for dinner? No, what do WE want for dinner? :D (he'd prefer Mac and cheese though)
🏵 Is NOT allowed to touch his weapons while small, but he wasn't the one who had the incident that established that rule
🏵 He did, however, prompt Jin on to use his bow to shoot an apple (it went incredibly poorly, thankfully no one got hurt)
🏵 Most preferred punishment is the naughty step because he feels too silly standing in the corner
🏵 (^ Will sit in a chair in the corner though, just not when its facing the corner)
🏵 Also, you've gotta be in the room when he's actively doing his punishment
🏵 And any attempt to leave the room will cause his immense stress
🏵 You know when I mention he's a clingy baby? He has a constant fear that your going to leave him too
🏵 (I think Kenshi did the best thing he knew to do at the moment, but should have kept somewhat in touch before coming back and trying to act like Dad)
🏵 On days this fear gets super bad, he'll cling to you like you'll turn into dust at any moment
🏵 Getting incredibly fussy when you have to even just leave the room
🏵 His relationship with Kenshi is . . . iffy, but not as bad as it use to be
🏵 His father figure is Hanzo, but he's grown to see Kenshi as a second fatherish or uncle like figure (close but never quite that father son bond)
🏵 Kenshi is actively trying to fix that bond, but also understands it'll never fully be there
🏵 Takeda never celebrated Father's Day until he was about 21 and when he was little, he made both Hanzo and Kenshi really messy picture drawings and those drawing have been framed and hung on their walls
🏵 Has had moments where he's clinged to Kenshi sobbing while being small, but only on really bad days
🏵 Kenshi and Hanzo are also in full support of this coping mechanism
🏵 Takeda isn't a rule breaker usually, but can lose common sense sometimes
🏵 Really the thought process of “We could bake these cookies at 350 for 6 minutes . . . Or at 700 for 2 minutes!! :D”
🏵 . . . Don't let him near a stove while small
🏵 Whenever he does break a rule, it's usually an accident and he never really means to
🏵 Borderline leash kid when he's regressed in public
🏵 Will wall off because he saw something interesting, but then wonder where you are and why your not following after a few steps
🏵 Just make sure to hold his hand, he'll be much less prone to just immediately wall off, and will instead try to drag you or tug on your sleeve excitedly
🏵 Not exactly a biter . . . But also not not a biter
🏵 He finds your reaction funny >:3
🏵 Will never bite hard though!! Only soft noms
🏵 If you really want him to stop, but I'm that one episode of Yo-Gabba-Gabba where the entire lesson is about not biting your friends, even if it seems fun
🏵 Likes TV, but likes older things (Shirai Ryu technology is outdated and has only recently got caught up)
🏵 Likes old shows like Rugrats (will play Reptuar while watching it) or Golden Girls (big or small, it's secretly a favorite of his)
🏵 Naptime with him is quite easy, you've just gotta convince him that he wants naptime
🏵 Again, very chill regressor, so if he doesn't wanna go to bed yet, just tell him that his body's getting all sleepy and it needs to go ni ni!!
🏵 Almost every single time, this explanation is good enough for him
🏵 Very rarely you'll ever have to put on a five minute timer so he can play a bit more
🏵 However, if you don't watch the time, he'll stay up playing until 2 AM
🏵 If you believe bedtime is a social construct and is silly, then y'all get to hang out until the sun rises!! :D (and pass out as soon as 6 AM hits)
🏵 Although if you gently remind him of the time, he'll get all surprised and fussy because he honestly didn't realize!!! Please don't get too upset with him, he was just playing with his dinosaurs :(
🏵 Main CGs are you or Jacqui
🏵 Will show his appreciation to you by making you pictures or other crafts
🏵 Or helping you out!! He'll put the clothes into the laundry, just tell him what buttons to press!! :D
🏵 Little lost puppy over here will follow you around everywhere while small, you don't have personal space (unless you ask for it) it's OUR personal space
🏵 Likes being babysat, although would prefer you
🏵 But that isn't fair because Cassie gives him extra candy and Jin let's him break rules
🏵 Frost has never babysat him, but she's a lot nicer around him when he's tiny
🏵 ^ However, she does take her title of Big Sissy very seriously and will secretly give Takeda stuff (candy, a new plushie, etc)
🏵 Loves any and all nicknames you give him!!!
🏵 Baby Boy, Sweet Thing, Rascal, Squirt, Little One, Sweetheart
🏵 ^ Those are just a few, but he'd melt at anything you said to him
🏵 Would giggle if you called him a brat (but you have to not actually mean it)
🏵 If you actually mean it, he'll start crying
🏵 Baby over here has some pretty big emotions
🏵 Also a very giggle baby (sleep deprived regressed Takeda can giggle for hours on end)
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3
Stop, I have so many more just of him, he's one of my favorites. 🥺
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May I please request headcanons for Erron, Fujin, Johnny, and Hanzo finding out about their female S/O being a competitive eater and doing various challenges for her YouTube channel?
Of course love! 🤍
He would be confused at first not really knowing what exactly you do but once he knows more he is supportive
He would later on be impressed by your skill watching in the background as you record each video
He will always go to your competitions and cheer you on loudly always going and hugging you after winners are announced being very proud whether you win or not
He always tells his friends and other fighters about you and your occupation earning many different reactions leading to meeting many new faces of varying races and types of people
Soon you become friends with a lot of his friends from Sub Zero, Kenshi Takahashi, and Johnny Cage to His ex wife Sonya Blade, Jax Briggs, Kenshin's son Takeda, Jax's Daughter Jacqui, Johnny and Sonya's Daughter Cassie, and Their Friend Kung Jin who come with the two of you to competitions and to your home for filming videos
There is always a wonderful time when they come from jokes behind the camera while filming, editing random things in thanks to mostly random chaos as filming goes on, to some of them mostly their kids joining you in your challenges
He had seen you do a challenge in Outworld and you met not too long after that and months later the two of you were together
He liked helping you film your challenges making jokes and helping if needed whether you weren't feeling good or just couldn't finish the challenge he would jump in to help
He is always holding a sign cheering for you when he watches you at competitions even shooting a safe gunshot in excitement which scared some but he apologized
He would always tell everyone how proud he was of you even when you didn't win a competition but that didn't matter to him he was proud anyway
He always tries to help spark ideas for your videos when you can't think of any or trying to think of something outside the box for your viewers and fans
He enjoys seeing how happy you get meeting and talking to fans when the two of you are on vacation, at a competition, or having dinner and taking pictures together
He would be confused and not understand it for the long while but he will be supportive and help when he can
He likes helping you film and doing challenges with you from sour candies, full pizzas, or Indian food challenges he enjoys the time with you
He likes going to your competitions bringing some of his friends along to cheer you on and support you always hugging you when you go to them after the competition is over
No matter if you win or not as long as you enjoy yourself and continue doing what you love he is proud of you always
He shows or sends your videos to his friends mainly his friends kids who watch plenty of videos on the Internet and they love you a lot considering you more than a friend almost like a mother figure or 2nd mom to them
Speaking of them the four like to show up and help you film and doing challenges with you from doing a Thai and Vietnamese food test with Takeda and a grilled and barbecue challenge with Jacqui to a stir fry challenge with Cassie and a pepper challenge with Jin
He finds your job amazing and immediately wants to see you eat something in one whole bit when you told him of your profession
He is always trying to get you deals with people he knows in Hollywood when he sees something of food competitions while working in a studio
He is always bringing Cassie with him and sometimes Sonya and a lot of his friends to your competitions
He likes filming with you but even more when you and Cassie film together warming his heart seeing the two of you bond and he smiles seeing you and Sonya bond even if she tells you embarrassing stories of when they were together
He is always recommending many challenges from ghost pepper, soup dumplings, and chicken wings, to pizza, burgers, and wontons earning great views from your fans who adored you and johnny together
He is always telling everyone even his friends when they are at your competitions how wonderful you were making you a bright pink mess but he loves you and is proud of you
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sasorikigai · 3 months
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Rate Hanzo/Scorpion's Traits (part 2)
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Recklessness : Hanzo, Scorpion, Modern Hanzo (9/10) -  If past Hanzo acted impulsively, making decisions or taking actions without carefully considering the potential consequences or risks involved, acting on immediate desires or emotions without pausing to think things through, canon and modern Hanzo acts recklessly in order to sacrifice himself more than the others. It is not an inability or unwillingness to learn from his past mistakes or alter his behavior accordingly, but it stems from his trauma and that .
Ambition : Hanzo (8/10), Scorpion (5/10), Modern Hanzo (9/10) - In all his verses, Hanzo posesses strong self-discipline and self-control, allowing him to stay focused on his goals and make consistent progress toward them. He is able to delay instant gratification and resist temptation in pursuit of his long-term objectives, which is to seek balance of realms, especially towards Earthrealm's prosperity and peace. Scorpion's drive and motivation comes through the scorching hellfire, simply to seek destruction and decay, to reflect his charred heart and soul, which have been engulfed by wrath and vengeance. Modern Hanzo's own ambition causes him to demonstrate persistence and resilience in the face of obstacles and setbacks. He perseveres through challenges, setbacks, and failures, refusing to give up on his goals or dreams of seeking his own peace and happiness.
Loyalty : Hanzo, Scorpion, Modern Hanzo (100/10) - Once Hanzo has established deeply-held commitment and allegiance to someone or something, he is extremely devoted and faithful, more than willing to offer steadfast support. While it may be difficult and challenging to build a strong bond, Hanzo's own willingness to stand by all kinds of circumstances will be unyielding. For his hard-earned loyalty will often involve a willingness to make sacrifices or prioritize the needs and well-being of others above his own interests. It can be seen through Hanzo becoming a surrogate father figure for Takeda Takahashi, and even offering Shirai Ryu Fire Gardens as the 'Last Stand Stronghold' for Raiden's Army in MK11. Hanzo is such a loyal individual who will go great lengths to support and protect those he is most loyal to. In the opposite stance, it goes the same for Scorpion, for Quan Chi, or any other Oni who inhabit Netherrealm.
Love : Hanzo (10/10), Scorpion (2/10), Modern Hanzo (9/10) - Both canon Hanzo and modern Hanzo's way of expressing his affection, care, and appreciation for others in meaningful and genuine ways include quality time (publicly) and physical touch (privately). Spend quality time together, engaging in activities that Hanzo and his beloved both enjoy and that allow for meaningful conversation and connection is significant for him. Whether it's going for a walk, cooking dinner together, or simply sitting and talking, quality time fosters intimacy and connection. For him, physical touch is the most powerful way to communicate closeness and affection, but he would much prefer this in a private manner. While the concept of love exists in Scorpion, his lack of humanity and his fuel for wrath and vengeance masks his concept of love almost completely.
Sense of family : Hanzo, Scorpion, Modern Hanzo (100/10) - In every manifestation of Hanzo/Scorpion, having such strong sense of family have offered him emotional support, a sense of belonging, shared values and traditions, quality time and bonding, effective communication, support for growth, resilience and coping skills, positive role modeling, stability and security, and unconditional love and acceptance (even after the tragic loss of his family, as such positive aspects of such makes him one of the best husbands and father figures in MK universe). In a negative and skewed sense of family, as Scorpion, he sought to act upon vengeance and retribution, leaning towards unspeakable acts of violence and brutalism.
Attractiveness : Hanzo, Scorpion, Modern Hanzo (10/10) - While this can vary greatly on individual preferences and cultural norm, Every manifestation of Hanzo/Scorpion is extremely attractive, not only in the physical appearance, but of his confidence. He exudes charisma and charm with a healthy sense of self-assurance and poise. No matter what, he is also without pretense or artifice, which could help him be perceived as trustworthy and relatable. Hanzo/Scorpion is also an extremely driven, determined, and passionate and that also could appeal to his attractiveness.
Agility : Hanzo, Scorpion (8/10), Modern Hanzo (7/10) - While Hanzo may not be the fastest kombatant in the MK roster, his ninjutsu skills make him exceptionally stealthy and agile. Hanzo/Scorpion possesses the ability to teleport instantaneously from one location to another, which allows him to quickly reposition himself during combat, evade attacks, or surprise opponents with sudden appearances. Its combat utility is such a versatile skill, which could significantly help him outmaneuver his opponents at any given time. While Modern Hanzo may not possess such supernatural abilities, his professional training makes him an exceptional tactical commander with balanced power and agility.
Sex drive : Hanzo, Modern Hanzo (6/10), Scorpion (8/10) -  He likes to believe that he has a healthy sex drive, which typically involves experiencing a natural desire for sexual activity that feels satisfying and manageable. His sex drive encompasses a degree of flexibility and adaptability in response to changes in circumstances, such as fluctuations in stress levels, professional involvements, relationship dynamics, or life events. Hanzo is more than willing to accommodate not only his, but his significant other's sex drive accordingly as such. Scorpion may see the sexual act itself as a form of aggression, coercion, or control, rather than being consensual and mutually enjoyable experiences. He also has slightly higher sex drive, as he views such act as means to exert power, inflict harm, or violate the rights and autonomy of others.
Tagged by: @hexsreality
Tagging: @sonxflight, @somniaxperdita, @sunsctfcde and YOU
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summerwritesfics · 2 years
🩷I Was Once Like You Are Now And I Know That It’s Not Easy
Characters: Hanzo Hasashi, Takeda Takahashi Length: 2356 Words Rating: Teen Warnings: Training, Rock Climbing, Father and Son bonding, Dangerous situations, Falling from a height, Mention of broken bomes, I am aware there would be more safety measures IRL but this is the MK universe, Hanzo is a papa bear
Mortal Kombat Oneshots Masterlist
Notes: Third fic from my tumblr giveaway! This one is for @laismoura-art, who requested Hanzo and Takeda doing some father and son bonding. Title is from "Father And Son" by Yusaf/Cat Stevens.
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Some nights, it just seemed that Hanzo was not destined to sleep.
The creeping darkness did nothing to calm the thoughts swarming his mind. When he did sleep, it was often unrestful, memories of Harumi and Satoshi haunting him. Night likes this, where his brain just refused to shut off, were almost a relief. His mind was busy with the work he had to do, rather than his past mistakes.
He supposed there was no point in just laying down and doing nothing. He could at least walk the perimeter and check for weak spots. As he did that, he could build some ideas of what he needed to do. He pushed himself out of bed, slipping into a few spare clothes he kept out for emergencies. Not his full armour, but enough that should he have the need to fight he was vaguely covered.
The halls were silent, only the occasional snore from sleeping students. He moved without sound, ensuring they would stay asleep. As he approached the door to the training hall, he heard something strange. It sounded like someone groaning, huffing like they were out of breath with several other bumping and scraping sounds.
It was unusual for anyone to be training alone this late, and Hanzo hadn't permitted any sessions. This required investigation.
He slid up against the wall, choosing to advance with stealth. On the off chance this was an intruder, he wanted to have the element of surprise. When he was next to the doorframe, he stuck his head just enough for himself to see into the room. He was both relieved and a little alarmed by what he saw.
Takeda was clinging to the climbing wall on the other side of the hall. Hanzo relaxed briefly, knowing at least it was someone who belonged here. Concern quickly returned when it sunk in what Takeda was actually doing.
He was halfway up the wall, desperately trying to pull himself up to the next hold to grip onto but just falling short. It had been a task Takeda had been struggling with a lot lately. Hanzo hadn't thought too much about it. It wasn't something he expected someone of Takeda's age to pick up overnight. It would come with time, and Takeda hadn't seemed too bothered that he couldn't do it.
Clearly, he’s been hiding his frustrations well...
Hanzo swiftly made his way across the room, seeing that Takeda's grip was loosening. While the floor beneath was usually padded, it seemed Takeda had been either unable to find or move the pads, leaving a hard floor awaiting him should he fall. Takeda's foot slipped, and Hanzo broke into a sprint. The child was starting to drop down.
"Takeda!" Hanzo darted forward, just about catching the boy before he hit the floor.
"G-Grandmaster?" Takeda sounded mortified that he'd been found, and Hanzo carefully placed him down to the floor.
"Are you hurt?" He asked. He couldn't see any physical injuries, but Takeda was trembling. That was likely a mix of the shock from falling and the fear of being caught, but Hanzo couldn't take any chances.
"No. No Grandmaster." Takeda dipped his head down, refusing to meet Hanzo's gaze. Hanzo just had to take his word for it.
"What were you doing Takeda?" He finally asked, trying to keep his temper in check. It was important to know when to use his anger, when someone needed discipline verses when they required assistance. Hanzo got the distinct impression this needed the latter. "You could have seriously injured yourself."
"I'm sorry I just... I really wanted to be able to do it." He still wasn't looking at Hanzo. "I thought if I practised by myself, I could do it."
"It is not worth risking your life," he stated, getting down on one knee and resting his hands on Takeda's shoulders. "I would rather you be safe, than needlessly endangering yourself."
Hanzo almost did a double take at his own words. Hadn't his own father said almost the exact same thing to him when he was a child? Oh how the tables had turned. I guess I understand what father meant now.
"Grandmaster?" Takeda prompted, clearly unsure of why Hanzo had almost zoned out.
"It is funny, those words were spoken to me by my father when I was your age." He leant back and settled down, crossing his legs in front of him. He gestured to Takeda and then to the floor. "Sit. I have a story to tell you."
Takeda did what he was told, sitting in front of Hanzo and carefully crossing his legs, clearly trying to mirror the way his Grandmaster was sitting.
"When I was a child, the Shirai Ryu had a wall not too dissimilar to this one," he started, and he pointed towards the top. "Only at the top was a flag. It was seen as a right of passage, of sorts, to climb up to the top and take the flag." He turned back to Takeda, linking his hands in front of him. "I was around 10 when I decided that I was more than capable of taking on this challenge. My father disagreed."
"Did he not think you could?" Takeda asked, frowning.
"I'd say his expectations were more realistic than mine. I was young, barely of age to be training, let alone take on that challenge. But if there is a trait I have always possessed, it is stubbornness." It was true wasn't it? His father had always said it, his teachers also. The only person he ever met who rivalled it was Harumi. He believed it was part of what drew him to her. She was the only person who could break his stubbornness by using her own. "So, like yourself, when everyone was asleep, I went to the wall to conquer it."
"Did you do it?" Takeda questioned, leaning forward on his hands.
"Get to the top and take the flag?" Hanzo clarified, and Takeda nodded. "Yes. I did."
"That's so cool," Takeda whispered, eyes wide and full of wonder. "Was your dad impressed?"
"Hm, he was impressed I had managed to get the flag," Hanzo started, grimacing as he remembered the next part of the story. "That said, he was not as impressed that I managed to fall and break my leg trying to get back down."
Takeda's face immediately fell at this news, and Hanzo only just held back a laugh at the abject horror he displayed. It seemed at least in part, his point was made.
"I learnt an important lesson that day. I was not ready to take on that challenge, and that was okay." He smiled, and Takeda began to relax again. "There is no shame in failure, so long as you learn from your mistakes." Takeda was bowing his head again, and Hanzo could feel the shame radiate from him. He reached over and gently tilted his head up. "You can not rush learning Takeda. You will struggle every now and then, but you can't put yourself in harms way in your pursuit. Your life is worth more than you realise, do not throw that away."
"Yes, Grandmaster," Takeda choked. "I-I'm sorry."
"There is no apology needed. Like I said, you made a mistake and thankfully you were not harmed, but you have learnt a lesson from it." He let go, and went to push himself off his feet. "There is also nothing wrong with requesting help, if you need it. I am here to guide you, and I can not do that if you do not express to me your frustrations."
Takeda stared up at him blinking, as if trying to decipher what was just said to him. Hanzo's eyes flicked to the wall, and then back to the boy, who finally got the message if his eyes widening had anything to go by.
"Grandmaster! Can- Can you help me climb the wall?" Takeda asked, clapping his hands in front of him. Hanzo had to admit, the kid had the puppy dog eyes down to an art form.
Hanzo held his hand out to Takeda, "let's see if we can't get you to the top, hm?" Takeda grabbed his hand with renewed excitement. As Hanzo hauled Takeda to his feet as he said, "let me go and get the safety mat."
Takeda waited patiently as Hanzo walked over to where they where stored. While in there he grabbed the supply of chalk. He quickly set up the equipment, before opening the chalk and pouring some over his hands. He gestured for Takeda to hold his own hands out, and he made quick work of covering them in chalk.
"What is this stuff?" Takeda asked, frowning as he followed Hanzo's lead to rub the chalk in.
"It's chalk, it helps to absorb moisture," Hanzo explained. "Because if your hand's are too moist-"
"They get slippery," Takeda finished. Hanzo could see the cogs working in the child's mind as he continued, "and slippery hands make it harder to hold on?"
"Exactly." Hanzo ushered him over to the wall. "Now, start with your left hand on this hold, and your right on that one." Hanzo helped guide Takeda's hands to the correct holds. "Now, right leg on this one." He kicked the hold in question as Takeda obeyed. "Left on this one." He repeated the action, as did Takeda.
As Takeda hung there, Hanzo went to the side of him, taking very little effort on clinging to the wall himself. Takeda watched him curiously, while Hanzo tried to plan the best course for Takeda to take.
"Try to keep your feet directly below you, it will give you more balance," Hanzo instructed, while he went to pat the next hold for Takeda's right hand to take.
Takeda did so, and automatically went to take another with his left. As he moved his foot to a hold directly under him, and then pulled himself up as he moved his other foot.
"Good job," Hanzo stated as he went to move up himself.
This continued, Hanzo telling Takeda which holds would be best for him to try. Throughout he gave him feedback. Where he should be consentraiting his body weight, how to focus on balance, how to take a break if he needed to conserve some energy. Takeda took it all on board and seemed to run with it. If Hanzo had figured anything about the boy since Kenshi had left him here, it was that he was a very quick learner.
Soon, he was barely needing Hanzo's guidance, making decisions on where his hands and feet should go on his own. Hanzo still climbed next to him, close enough that he could grab him if needed, but it seemed he was starting to get the hang of it. There were a few points, where he seemed a bit stuck, but he was getting more confident in requesting Hanzo's assistance when he needed it.
They were almost at the top, only a few holds left to go, when Hanzo felt comfortable going slightly ahead. He hauled himself up onto the ledge. He lay down on his front, making sure he had a hand secured on a nearby rope. He peered down, seeing that Takeda was at the last holds at the top, but seemed a little confused on what to do now.
Hanzo offered the boy his hand. A small hand grasped at his own and he held it tightly. A second hand took hold of his wrist. He began to pull, slowly lifting Takeda up as the boy attempted to keep finding foot holds. Soon, he was up and over the edge. Hanzo made sure his legs were up and he was on the solid platform before he released his hand.
Takeda stared at Hanzo for a minute, blinking as he realised where he was.
"I'm at the top?"
"Yes, you are."
"I did it?"
"Yes, you did it. Well done," Hanzo praised, watching as the boys face absolutely beamed. Since he'd got here, there had been few times he saw Takeda genuinely smile. He was glad this was one of them. "I am very proud of you."
Hanzo had no idea how, but Takeda's grin got even wider at that praise. He jumped to his feet, while screaming "Yes! I did it!"
Hanzo, as glad as he was for Takeda to have his little celebration, went to grab Takeda's arm and pulled him away from the edge. Takeda seemed to realise what he had done, and offered a sheepish smile.
"Sorry Grandmaster, I got carried away."
"It is fine, I am glad you are happy but-" Hanzo glanced down at the floor below, "maybe consider this another lesson, do not jump around recklessly when near the edge of a high place."
"Lesson learnt, Grandmaster," Takeda giggled and went to sit down.
They sat in a comfortable silence, Takeda still a bundle of energy from his victory, bobbing up and down. Hanzo pondered where they would go from here. He tried not to play favourites, it would be easy to give the son of his friend preferential treatment, but it would be unfair to his other students. He wasn't above admitting a fondness for the child however. It was clear Takeda was intelligent, he had high hopes for him in the future.
"Uh, Grandmaster?" Takeda suddenly asked, and Hanzo returned his attention to him. "How- uh... How exactly do we get down?"
Laughter irrupted from Hanzo's lips before he could stop himself. He was glad to know that Takeda, much like himself all those years ago, hadn't thought that far ahead. Takeda was very much like he was at this age, it was almost like having his younger self as a student. At least Takeda won't have to learn things the hard way.
"That's what the ropes are for," Hanzo said as he pulled on one. "Ready to learn how to abseil?"
"Yes Grandmaster," Takeda said with a nod.
"Well, then, let's get started."
Life had a way of testing him, but this was one he was glad to be taking.
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Just curious, who are your favorite Mortal Kombat ships?
Ah! Well, strap in folks because this is gonna be a long one!
• CageBlade (Johnny Cage x Sonya Blade): I know this is canon, a good few of these ships will be but my god the Cage Family were the hook, line and sinker for me getting into this game franchise! I love them so much and it broke my heart when they killed off present Sonya in 11 😭
• ErronJin (Erron Black x Kung Jin): Ok this one could be eligible for the RarePair branding but honestly would y'all believe me if I said I was hooked ever since I saw a mini comic piece of Cassie asking out Erron for Kung Jin? Love these two assholes and I love the dynamic that can be explored!
• SubScorp (Sub-Zero (Kuai Liang) x Scorpion): Classic duo, classic pairing. I find their story from enemies to friends in canon very compelling!
• LiuTana (Liu Kang x Kitana): Canon couple again, another classic pairing lol. I like the star-crossed dynamic they have and I'm a sucker for a power couple!
• Kotalade (Kotal x Jade): Ok so when this one came around in 11 I'm sure we were all confused. Hell I was! But honestly after playing storymode so many times and getting both of their tower endings they grew on me. Very sweet!
• Jacqueda (Jacqui Briggs x Takeda Takahashi): Canon pairing again, so happy they're engaged!!! They're so sweet I wish them all the happiness *glares at netherrealm*
• Taleena (Mileena x Tanya): Honestly the overhype from the community over Mileena put me off her a bit but I am warming up to her, I love her and Tanya having a child and life together in Mileena's tower ending and they're just adorable!
Honorable Mentions:
• I used to ship Kitana and Jade just because everyone else did but since Netherrealm really drove home the sisterly-bond in MK11 it does make me feel a lil icky. Won't bother anyone else for shipping it though!
• Kenshi Takahashi x Scorpion isn't bad but I don't consider myself a shipper of it (since I greatly prefer SubScorp)
• I once shipped Kenshi and Johnny for shits and giggles just because it's funny. Fun fact I think their relationship is the equivalent of Liu Kang and Kung Lao's where you have the 'chosen one' friend (Liu Kang is Liu Kang and Johnny beat Shinnok) and the overconfident friend (Kenshi's attitude in X so reminded me of Kung Lao)
• I ship Sindel with being good for a fucking change :)))
• Honestly I don't ship Cassie with anyone, despite her being my main/fave I don't really see anyone who would suit her (her and Jacqui are basically sisters, Kung Jin is gay, Takeda loves Jacqui, and I can't think of anyone else) I'm kinda ok with it tho, we love an independent woman!
• I kinda ship good Sindel with Sheeva now that I think of it, and bad Sindel a teeny tiny bit with Shang Tsung just because their dynamic is a tiny bit interesting
• This is probably gonna be a RarePair too but Sareena x Skarlet slaps. Will I elaborate? Absolutely not :)
• Stryker x Kabal intrigues me. It's a shame we see so little of their interactions.
• This technically doesn't count as a ship but Vera Briggs and Jax are so cute despite her never being on-screen. Jax's tower ending in 11 was sweet.
• Kung Lao and Jade is a funny ship to think about just because of how horrified I feel Kitana and Liu Kang would be 😂😂
• D'vorah and Kotal have been implied to have had a thing previously and that just spices up Jade coming back in 11 and D'vorah's betrayel in X for me tbh
• I funny enough don't ship Raiden with anyone, mostly because he reminds me of my grandpa except he's not an alcoholic.
• Fujin and Nightwolf might be cute. I liked their dynamic in Aftermath.
And that's it!
I know it's a lot, but I hope it answered your question! As a disclaimer I've only had the pleasure of owning XL and 11 Ultimate, and I've watched a cutscene movie of 9 on YouTube so as to fill in the blanks until I can get the game. Needless to say I'm strictly reboot-knowledgeable since the past games beyond 9 are out of my ability to play ^^
Thanks for your ask!
Edit: I forgot to mention that if you do wanna see any of these ships content-wise from me that i'm not posting here then feel free to check out my Twitter @crimson_crimes !! I post game screenshots (I know I have a few MKX ErronJin, MK11 CageBlade and MK11 LiuTana ones I've posted) and Edits I make myself ^^
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liyawritesss · 4 years
Mortal Kombat Head Kanons #2
Takeda and Kenshi Takahashi Headcanon (inspired by @beanzwittoast): While Kenshi is blind, Takeda has the privilege of seeing little wonders of the world. Even as an adult he gets excited over the smallest things. So, when his excitement of seeing a Jack-in-the-box relic from a time when earthrealm wasnt fighting for survival leads to him wanting to show his dad how amazing it is, he forgets one tiny detail....
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Kenshi finds it quite endearing his son wants to show him something (having still felt very guilty about leaving the boy in the past), even though he cant actually see it.
Takeda, on the other hand, is kicking himself for forgetting his own dad is blind.
He apologizes profusely saying that he should've remembered.
Kenshi tries to comfort him by saying it doesnt phase him anymore (let us pretend Johnny has done something along these lines on several occasions, to the point where Kenshi just doesn't bother to remind the actor, as hes gotten used to it.)
Takeda still feels bad even a week or so later and is trying to find a way to make up for the incident.
Kenshi of course is able to determine this through reading his mind, and while trying to to let it slip that he may have overheard the boys plan, he says that he doesn't have to make up for anything.
Fast forward a month later and Takeda comes to Kenshi with another object. All that echoes in Takeda's mind is "I hope he likes it" on repeat, making Kenshi wonder what exactly is it that's gotten his son all giddy.
Takeda takes Kenshi's hands and places one of those rubber kiddie spike-balls in them. Y'know, the ones that squish and there are rubber spikes come out? Takeda may or may not have stolen it from Jaqui a while back (but she, don't tell!)
Kenshi takes the weird feeling object and plays around with it while Takeda lists all its positive properties: it's fun to play with during some downtime, a hands on stress reliever when access to sparing is limited, etc.
Of course Kenshi is grateful for the gift and thanks his son for the relic, saying that he'll cherish it deeply.
Cue a very smiley and proud Takeda, successful in giving his father a gift he can use with his other senses.
Thanks to @beanzwittoast I came up with this headcanon for the telepaths! I would like to think that as rough as their relationship started because Kenshi leaving Takeda with Hanzo for so long without any visits or anything, they have a very tight nit father-son bond, and that each of them strives to let the other know just how much they love them.
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recentanimenews · 3 years
WIT Studio Returns for New The Girl from the Other Side Feature Length Anime Adaptation in March 2022
  Alongside the release of the final chapter of Nagabe’s award-nominated manga series The Girl from the Other Side in Japan today, it was announced that the series will be adapted into a feature-length original animation DVD (OAD) produced by WIT Studio, who is coordinating a Kickstarter campaign for the anime. A teaser trailer, key visual, and lead cast and staff were revealed for adaptation.
      WIT Studio and directors Yutaro Kubo and Satomi Tani are returning to the franchise after originally animating a 10-minute OAD that was bundled with the manga's eighth volume in September 2019. Kubo and Tani are also working on the character design and screenplay for The Girl from the Other Side feature. 
  The other staff members include:
  Art Director: Yusuke Takeda (Bamboo) 
Director of Photography: Takeru Yokoi (WIT Studio) 
Editor: Akari Saito (Mishima Editing Room) 
Music: Schroeder-Headz 
Music Production: Flying Dog
Sound Director: Shoji Hatashi 
Sound Effects: Noriko Izumo
Sound Production: Sound Team Don Juan 
Animation Production: WIT STUDIO 
Production: The Girl from the Other Side Production Committee
  Voicing the two lead characters are:
  Jun Fukuyama as Teacher
    A cursed "outsider." He is cloaked in a pitch-black form, lacking any sense of taste or pain. He finds the abandoned Shiva in the Outer Lands, and they begin to spend time with each other. Shiva gave him the name "Teacher" because of his expertise in medicine.
    Rie Takahashi as Shiva
    Shiva is a young human girl who was found by Teacher after being abandoned in the Other Side. She has white hair and wears a white dress. Even though Teacher is in a different form, Shiva is full of child-like innocence and isn't scared of him. She excels at making flower crowns.
  To aid in the production of the OAD, WIT Studio has decided to start a Kickstarter with the goal of improving the quality of the animation and help increase the promotional budget for the feature-length anime. The campaign starts on March 10 and runs until May 9. The aim is to gather 3 million yen (US$27,837) to help out the production of The Girl From the Other Side.
  The Girl From the Other Side manga series, created by Nagabe, is published by Mag Garden in Japan, an I.G. Port subsidiary, with the final volume of the manga set to be released on April 9. It was nominated for the Best Comic award at the 45th Angoulême International Comics Festival in 2018, and was on the Great Graphic Novels for Teens list by the American Library Association's YALSA division in both 2018 and 2019.
  Seven Seas Entertainment is publishing the series in English, describing it as such:
  In a world split between the Inside and the Outside, those living in both realms are told never to cross over to the other side, lest they be cursed. A young girl named Shiva lives on the other side, in a vacant village with a demonic guardian known only as “Teacher.” Although the two are forbidden to touch, they seem to share a bond that transcends their disparate appearances. But when Shiva leaves Teacher’s care to seek out her grandmother, the secret behind her mysterious living arrangement comes to light.
  The Girl from the Other Side feature-length anime OAD will be released on March 10, 2022, with a special extra edition of the manga series.
  Source: Supplied Press Release 
  ©2022 Nagabe / Mag Garden, The Girl from the Other Side Production Committee
Daryl Harding is a Japan Correspondent for Crunchyroll News. He also runs the YouTube channel about Japan stuff called TheDoctorDazza, tweets at @DoctorDazza, and posts photos of his travels on Instagram. 
By: Daryl Harding
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cienie-isengardu · 5 years
MK11 Intros: Takeda Takahashi
The same as Kung Jin, Takeda did not appear in game but was mentioned in some intros. From those we actually learn that:
the reason of Takeda’s absence is classified info (maybe some top secret mission for Special Forces since even Scorpion wasn’t told details)
Scorp: Where is Takeda Takahashi?
Cassie: Sorry, that info's classified.
Scorp: Not from his Grandmaster.
Jacqui and Takeda are still together, get along well and may get married in near future:
Scorpion: You plan to marry my chujin.
Jacqui: Takeda got smart and put a ring on it.
Scorpion: First, prove you are worthy.
D'vorah: Where is your intended?
Jacqui: If I call, Takeda will come running.
D'vorah: I suggest you do, Jacqueline Briggs.
Jacqui: Any chance of a Shirai Ryu training mission?
Scorpion: Training outsiders is Sub-Zero’s passion.
Jacqui: Huh. Takeda thought you’d be interested.
At the same time, Jax is not overly happy that his daughter may marry one of Shirai Ryu:
Jax: Jacqui needs a man like yours.
Kitana: I've heard good things about Takeda.
Jax: He sure ain't no Chosen One.
Jax: Not sure I like Jacqui with one of yours.
Scorpion: Takeda is worthy, Commander.
Jax: He damn well better be.
Scorpion: Your daughter will soon be Shirai Ryu.
Jax: I'm supposed to feel good about that?
Scorpion: Her enemies will become ours.
even thought Hanzo did not react enthusiastically to Jacqui’s ask for training (seen above), he accepts her as “chosen wisely” and already keep talking to her about Shirai Ryu’s respect for family & traditions:
Scorp: Shirai Ryu family bonds are sacred.
Jacqui: That's how things rolled in the Briggs home.
Scorp: Takeda has chosen wisely.
Jacqui: What's this about a blood ceremony?
Scorpion: Marry Takeda, you marry the Shirai Ryu.
Jacqui: Do we get matching rope spears?
Hanzo did not forget - and is not happy - that Kotal Kahn attacked his student (and New Generation in general):
Scorpion: You betrayed my chujin, Takeda.
Kotal: Not by choice, but necessity.
Scorpion: Do not expect me to forget.
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ivewashere · 5 years
Cassie Cage, please!
Character Meme
First impression: Before Mortal Kombat X final release, didn’t know of its existence yet until a college friend showed me. He told me a rumor that Cassie might have been Johnny Cage’s wife or something. As if that was Johnny’s second attempt with somebody else if Sonya didn’t work out. Was hilariously confused at the time, shrugged with what he said but thought she looked like a decent character. Lol’d knowing much later that was Johnny’s and Sonya’s daughter. I just didn’t expect Johnny and Sonya to have babies honestly.
Impression now: Sensual as her mother, daring as her father. Can have a stern attitude during missions and can toy with her opponents in fights. She’s a pistol whipping, shooting badass, reminds me so much of Revy from Black Lagoon who is just as great.
Favorite moment: In story mode chapter 11, when she devastated a small area with grenades and caused the trees to fall on a lot of Osh-Tekk warriors. Why the hell didn’t she pull those grenades out in earlier fights? I don’t know. Was satisfying having Kotal Kahn, Ermac, Erron Black and Ferra/Torr freak out seeing the power of modern weapons like that. Never underestimate the power of a soldier, fellas!
Idea for a story: The idea that Cassie Cage is a pilot if the Special Forces in the MK universe is a multirole force. It could explain why she is dressed differently with a suit while other soldiers like Jacqui Briggs, male Sergeants, female troopers and Lieutenants are uniformed differently. One of Cassie’s concept arts has an aircraft in the background (possibly an F-16) while her character badge is an F-35. No other SF character has an aircraft but her. Why would she even have an F-35 badge anyway I wonder. Hmm.
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Unpopular opinion: I think Cassie can be a serious character than what many might think. Even if she can toy, tease and mock her opponents in a fight, on a mission she’s more stern and serious like her mother. There’s a reason why Kuai Liang thinks she is more like Sonya, and it wasn’t because of her looks. That’s why I’m glad this detail was brought up, she’s more than just the sassy trait.
Favorite relationship: Erron/Cassie. Two different sides of the same coin. Back then I thought the ship made no sense until I found the possibility that Erron might have a secret thing for the Sergeant from his (“Let’s teach you some manners”) dialogue and how she fits his type of attraction “girls with guns.” Their gameplay interactions don’t feel threatening, there’s teasing involved and how Cassie was able to know Erron was amused behind his mask from far away was surprising (“Is something funny?”). Found their Mercenary/Soldier dynamic interesting later on as it could work for understanding each other since their purpose is to serve under their masters but with different intentions. They both twirl their guns VERY fast so it would be cool if they could bond through weapons too. There’s a certain equal balance to me that I like between the two. The ship played an important role after my grandmother’s passing…helped me cope so the ship stuck strong y'know? Made a gif to show what I mean. :)
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Favorite headcanon: I guess the headcanon of her using the NATO phonetic alphabet on other people and then they get confused by them? Could cause some comedy. Who knows?
Cassie Cage: We will head to the rendezvous point, Whiskey. Then we recon the enemy’s position through there.
Takeda Takahashi: …Are we going to the liquor store or are we going to the Lin Kuei temple?
Cassie Cage: …Dammit, Taquito! No!
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Daisuke, Takahiko & Nobunari (3BK) Interview on QuadAxel Pt.1/2
This interview didn’t feel long when I read it, but it sure as hell does now that I’m trying to translate and format it, so I’ll split it in half :P  
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Some notes: I’ve honestly no idea how Takahiko came to call Nobunari “Naru-kun” but it’s adorable and I refuse to alter it, so Naru-kun = Nobunari. I had to let myself use lol and ahahaha for laughter (it’s what the magazine editors did!). Haven’t had anyone proofread it for me yet so there might be some minor edits later.  Part 2 here
The Vancouver Team: An everlasting bond
Daisuke Takahashi, Nobunari Oda and Takahiko Kozuka, eternal friends and rivals who helped popularize the sport, discuss the first time they met, their memories of the Vancouver Olympics, future plans for their skating careers. [summarized intro]
Thank you for granting us this precious opportunity today. Is this the first sit-down with all 3 of you since the 2009 program (Figure Skating Opening of the Season Special by TV Asahi)?
Dai: Oh, is it?
Nobu: Yeah, we haven’t had one since then, right?
Dai: I guess not.
Taka: Right. Do you remember on that program there was a question about what Doraemon items you wanted? And when I answered, “The Dictator Switch” [“Dokusai Switch” a switch to erase the existence of bothersome people], you both went, “Wow, how scary!” lol.
Dai: I don’t remember.
Nobu: I don’t remember.
Takahiko: I remember very well.
Dai/Nobu: Ahahaha LOL
Anyway, I would like to start by asking you about when you first met. Between the 3 of you, were Takahashi-san and Oda-san the first to meet?
Dai: Wasn’t the first time we met at that competition in Kyoto?
Nobu: Yeah, the Western Japan Elementary and Middle School Championships.
Dai: Yeah! That was the first time I saw Nobu.
Nobu: Yeah, that’s right. My impression back then was, ‘Wow, there are some talented guys coming from Okayama.”
Dai: And then I started to commute to the Takatsuki rink, and we started talking in the 1st  or 2nd year of Middle School.
Nobu: Yeah, it was around that time we started getting closer [talking more intimately].
What did you call each other back then?
Nobu: Everyone was already calling him Dai-chan back then.
Dai: What did I call Nobu back then?
Nobu: Didn’t you call me “Nobunari-kun”? Yeah, it was “Nobunari-kun” lol. Back then, Dai-chan already had the status of a junior champion. When his music came on during practice, everyone would scramble to get closer to the walls, like “I’ll get in trouble if I get in his way.” So I already had the image of him, like, “Wow, what an amazing person.” But even so, I still called him Dai-chan lol.
Dai: Everyone called me Dai-chan.
Nobu: Yeah. And then I think I first saw Takahiko at the Novice Japanese National Championships (1998). He’s two years younger than me, so he was in the Novice B championships. That was the first time I caught a glimpse of him.
Taka: Yeah.
Nobu: I had been hearing people talk like, “Kozuka-san’s son is so talented,” so I thought, “Ah, so this is Kozuka-san’s kid.”
Taka: When I first met Naru-kun it was at the Osaka Junior Nats (1999). You were there, right?
Nobu: Yeah, I was! I was eliminated from the preliminary rounds after the short program. My first Junior competition, I ended up 27th lol.
Dai: Ahahaha lol
Nobu: That was when I performed at a Junior event by invitation for the first time coming from Novice, and I was so excited to compete in Osaka, I ended up putting too much energy into everything and screwed up all the jumps lol.  
Taka (looking straight at Nobu): You kinda always did that, you put too much energy into it lol.
Nobu: Yeah, yeah! That’s why I’m skating better now lol. Way back then it was like I’d get too tense.
At that time, were you at a point where you’d share lodgings and meet at competitions and stuff?
Nobu: I went to a competition in Belgium with Takahiko. That was my first international event.
Taka: Oh, that’s right.
Nobu: Takahiko had already gone to many international events and knew how to get by overseas, so he taught me all sorts of things. I was just about to start high school and I was studying for the entrance exam. While we were abroad, he’d always sit next to me and tutor me.
Dai: LOL
Nobu: I’d be like, “I really don’t get math!!” lol.
Dai: Really?
Nobu: He was always in my room, solving my math problems for me. He’d teach me math the entire time.
Taka: I’d get lonely on my own, so we’d just stay together the whole time lol
Nobu: Takahiko’s mother (Coach Kozuka Sachiko) and my mother (Coach Oda Noriko) were really close, so we’d often have meals together, too.
Taka: We had waffles too, right?
Nobu: We did, we did!
Taka: They wouldn’t let us give any to the girls. We were told that it was only for the guys.  
Nobu: Yeah, that’s right! We were with Aki Sawada and Nana Takeda and the others.
Dai: Ah, that’s nostalgic.
Nobu: Yeah.
Taka: And everyone’s gotten married already. It’s been a long time. And then, the first time I met Dai-chan at a competition, it was in Croatia, right?
Dai: Right. With Hirokazu Kobayashi and others.
Taka: Hirokazu was a senpai from my rink, so I became friends with Dai-chan through him.
Dai: Right, starting from there.
And when did you first start to become aware of each other as rivals?
Nobu: It was the season after I won the Junior World Championships (2005). Even if I wasn’t really aware [of a rivalry], people around me started comparing me to Dai-chan.
Dai: There was also the fact that it was the Torino Olympic (2006) season.
Nobu: And that spring I got into the same university (Kansai University), so that drew even more attention.
Dai: Right, yeah.
Nobu: And, when I was asked, “Who is your rival?” I’d answer, “It’s Dai-chan.” Because I knew that was the answer they were looking for lol.
Dai: And that was when we started appearing in competitions together more often.
Nobu: Right, yeah.
Dai: There wasn’t a lot of overlap during Juniors right? Because I went to Seniors early.
Nobu: We didn’t overlap at all.
Taka: At what age did you rise to Seniors, Dai-chan?
Dai: I think I was 16?
Nobu: At the Kyoto NHK Cup (2002) when Dai was competing, I was really excited to go and root for him. I was yelling, “Go, Dai-chan!” with everyone else from the rink.
Dai: Hahahaha.
Nobu: Now that I think about it, I didn’t run into Takahiko much at Junior competitions, right?
Taka: There was some overlap, but I messed up a bunch of things, so it was very scattered. I played soccer too much, I did too much warming-up…
Nobu: And you forgot your costume…
Taka: That was at Nats, actually!
Nobu: At Nats, huh!
Taka: Yeah, the Nagoya one (in 2006). That was so bad, man.
Dai: Ahahaha LOL.
As Takahashi-san and Oda-san were being called “rivals,” Kozuka-san joined in, and the three you of you went on to fight fiercely against one another for a long period of time. Looking back, what are your thoughts now?
Nobu: We were always told that we were “in a fierce battle against each other” but that’s not how it felt to us, right?
Dai: Right, yeah.
Taka: Yeah.
Nobu: Dai-chan was always great at the interpretation and steps, Takahiko had amazing skating skills, so what I felt the most was that I wanted to absorb their skills.
Dai: We were at the same rink so we had a lot of opportunities to watch each other train. When you notice the other person is working hard, it makes you work hard, too. So it was good to receive that kind of stimulation. The thing is, when it’s time to compete, you can only think about your own performance.
Nobu: Right.
Taka: Yeah, that’s right. When we were together in competitions, we weren’t that aware of each other, it was more when we were in different competitions and I heard someone got good results that I’d think, “I better do my best, too!” That was often good motivation for me.
Nobu: When I found out that people from other sports, both men and women, don’t speak to their rivals that much, I was surprised. After I retired, I realized that in figure skating the atmosphere doesn’t get tense like that.
Dai: That’s true.
Nobu: People are so surprised, like, “Wow, you get along really well.” And for us that was just normal.
Taka: Yeah, that’s normal.
Nobu: That’s why when people asked me about rivals, I think my true feeling was that it didn’t quite make sense.
Was that because you’ve been seeing each other often since you were little?
Dai: And I think it’s also because our sport isn’t 1 vs 1 [there is no direct confrontation].
Taka: Because it’s an individual competition, yeah.
Dai: You get your results from what you do on your own.
Taka: Since it’s a competition where judges decide the scores, it makes it easier.
Dai: Right, since other people are giving you the scores.
Nobu: Yeah, that’s right.
Dai: And it’s whether you yourself were able to get good results or not.
Taka: Sometimes you get results, sometimes you don’t. When you do, you’re happy, when you don’t, you’re sad…
Nobu: It’s all your responsibility. It felt more like fighting against yourself. 
Out of the many competitions in which you were all together, which one left the biggest impression?
Dai: For me it was probably the NHK Cup in Nagano, when the three of us got 1st  (Takahashi-san), 2nd (Oda-san) and 3rd  (Kozuka-san) places.
Taka: In 2006, right?
Nobu: Right, all 3 of us skated the FS clean! I went after Takahiko, and I saw that he did so well and I thought, “Aaaah, I better work hard!”
Taka: That was when I came in 4th in the SP. Chengjiang Li was 3rd.
Dai: Chengjiang Li! Ah, that takes me back!
Nobu: I wonder how he’s doing these days.
Taka: Back then, during the press conference, somebody asked, “Are the rumors that you’re practicing a Quad-Quad true?” And he said, “Yes, I am.”
Dai: Seriously?!
Taka: Really!
Nobu: That time in Nagano, Takahiko and I went to the bathhouse every night, didn’t we?
Taka: Oh yeah! We did lol. We asked Dai-chan, “Won’t you come?” and he said, “My body feels sluggish, I’m not going.” Lol
Nobu: Oh yeah, yeah, we got rejected, didn’t we! We got rejected and went by ourselves lol.
Dai: LOL. Oh, but there was also Vancouver (Olympics 2010), of course.  
Taka: Vancouver was so much fun.
Nobu: I have some hilarious memories from after the competition was over lol
Dai & Taka: LOL
Nobu: We kept using skype nonstop lol.
Dai: Even though we were right next to each other lol.
Taka: I was using Skype, and Dai-chan was like "What's that?" So I set it up, and it was like, "let's try it out, let's all try it." "There is also a chat function." "Let's try that, let's!"
Nobu: Even though the distance was like this [measures with his hands].
Dai: LOOL We were right next to each other!
Taka: Yeah.
Nobu: And we kept using the chat but somehow we were silent. No one would say anything.
Taka: We would just talk through the text chat instead.
Dai: Yeah, we were just quiet the whole time!
Nobu: That will always be funny lol
Taka: It was so funny, right? lol
Nobu: And then we went to the Olympic village to stuff ourselves with McDonald’s lol.
Dai: It was like, "Do we go?!"
Nobu: What time was that? It was quite late wasn't it. I feel like it was the middle of the night.
Dai: It was.
Taka: It was like 3 or 4AM.
Nobu: Yeah, yeah!
Taka: The McDonald’s was open 24/7, so we went to grab a bite.
Nobu: It was so much fun.
Dai: So much fun.
Taka: And then when we were going to support the girls at the ladies' event, we put on face-paint lol.
Nobu: We did, we did lol.
Taka: Dai was going to write Japan on his cheek, but he wrote it backwards lol.
Dai: LOOL Because I was writing it while looking in the mirror so I got it wrong!
Nobu: And we were like, "No, Dai-chan, no! It's wrong!" lol
Taka:  Yeah, like, “That clearly just says ‘today’!” lol
Dai: “Today” LOL
(T/N: 日本 (Japan) backwards becomes 本日 which means “today”)
Was there a service in the Olympic village where you could get your face painted?
Nobu: Well, we decided we all wanted to paint our faces, so we bought art supplies and did it ourselves in the men's bathroom of the Pacific Colosseum (Sports Arena).
Dai: Wasn't it Takahiko who went to buy the art supplies?
Taka: Yeah!
Dai: That was a lot of fun. And at the closing ceremony there was a ball flying around for some reason lol.
Nobu, Taka: Ahahahaha yeah!!
Nobu: Before I knew it, we were chasing after it LOL. It was so cold that day, right?
Taka: Yeah, at the closing ceremony it was freezing cold.
You three chasing the ball in the closing ceremony became a hot topic among fans.
Dai: Really?
Nobu: I didn't think they would film that!
Dai: We didn't know, yeah.
Nobu: Chasing after a giant ball...
Taka: Like it was Sports Day or something.
Dai: We were running after it with all our might lol
Taka: We were so hyped up.
Nobu: Now that I think about it, we were so innocent when we did that, right? Even though we were all over 20.
Dai: Ahahaha I was well over twenty lol.
You were able to make such good memories because the three of you were able to go together, isn't that so?
Dai: Yeah, that's right.
Nobu: I don’t think we could even imagine not going together, all three of us.
Dai: Yeah, and not doing all this weird stuff lol.
Taka: Yeah, we wanted to go together.
The season before that (2008-09) was when Takahashi-san sustained an injury. What kind of effect did that end up having on Oda-san and Kozuka-san?
Nobu: That year there was the Worlds in Los Angeles (2009, when the number of spots for the Vancouver Olympics would be decided). Back then, I went thinking that we had to get the 3 spots also for Dai-chan’s sake. But then I just crashed and burned; I jumped too many times, and it was like, “Oh, crap, this is bad!”
Dai & Taka: LOL
Nobu: And then Takahiko really put in the work for us. Somehow we were able to save the 3 spots by the skin of our teeth, because our combined placements were exactly 13.
Taka: We were 7th (Oda) and 6th (Kozuka). That was really nerve-wrecking.
Nobu: If either of us dropped a spot, it’d be hopeless.
Taka: I was in the last group at the time, and Naru-kun was the last of the 3rd group.
Nobu: Yeah, yeah! And I thought I’d skated clean!
Taka: You even did a fist bump and everything.
Nobu: I jumped too much...
Taka: I can never forget the look on the coach’s face when you came back.
Dai: LOL
Nobu: And then I just watched the last group kind of like in prayer. It was such a feeling of relief when we just barely secured the 3 spots.
Taka: The Worlds from the year before (2008) was in Sweden and that was my first appearance at Worlds. And the year before (2007), it was just Dai-chan and Naru-kun, right?
Dai: Yeah, it was in Tokyo.
Nobu: Ah, I remember!
Taka: I was in the audience rooting really hard for you guys. And then Naru-kun found me and was like, “We got the 3 spots for you, kiddo, so do your best!”
Nobu: I wasn’t really in a position to say something so arrogant lol.
Taka: But I was thankful you worked so hard.
Dai: He worked hard.  
Part 2/2 posted here: Their thoughts on the popularity of men’s figure skating, what they admire about each other, their views on their careers after retirement, plans for the future, how to contribute to the development of the sport, Quad revolution, Pyeongchang Olympics, what kind of ice show they would create if given the chance.
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sasorikigai · 6 months
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Hanzo is more attuned to input from his environments, which includes anything that activates the five senses, as well as heightened attunement to emotional experiences. That helps him often be more easily perceptive of the emotions of others, making him a wonderful person to have as a friend or a partner, because he is more able to understand what other people might be going through.
Also, his own unique and traumatic human experience can allow him the opportunity to have highly meaningful and supportive relationships and positively impact social and family systems. The bonds and relationships Hanzo has with certain people (most notably Takeda Takahashi, Kenshi Takahashi, and Kuai Liang through MKX/MK11 storylines and MKX comics) proves this. They are rich, deep, and complex, and easily interchangeable (not solely defined by Hanzo being a mentor and a father figure to Takeda, Kenshi serving as Hanzo's 'rational anchor,' and Kuai Liang helping Hanzo to tame his volatile emotions, etc.)
Although Hanzo is known to be extremely impulsive, rash, and obstinately determined, in his good days, he can be more empathetic and be able to process information at a deeper level (this is how I write him in verse iii). However, being more acutely aware of other people’s emotional architecture can lead him to feel distressed and anxious, which could likely exacerbate his negative characteristics.
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ao3feed-victuuri · 6 years
Hot and Bothered
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2wtCo0k
by That_Weird_Fangirl221
Takahashi Takeda/Kung Jin
The team assemble for a meeting and everyones not paying attention. Except for Jin - is he actually listening or just spaced out?
Takeda's gonna find out!
Words: 678, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English
Fandoms: Mortal Kombat (Video Games), Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), dan and phil, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Love Simon (2018)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kung Jin, Takahashi Takeda, Viktor Nikiforov, Yuri Katsuki, Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Eren Jaeger, Levi Ackermann, Simon Spier, Bram Greenfeld, Jean Kirstein, Marco Bodt, Reader (possibly)
Relationships: Kung Jin/Takahashi Takeda, Viktor Nikiforov/Yuri Katsuki, Dan Howell/Phil Lester, Eren Jaeger/Levi Ackermann, Simon Spier/Bram Greenfeld, Jean Kirstein/Marco Bodt, ALL x Reader (possibly)
Additional Tags: Awkwardness, BDSM, Biting, Bottoming, Boys In Love, BL, Bonding, Gay, LGBT, Comfort, Crushes, Cuddling & Snuggling, pillowtalk, Dating, First Time, First Kiss, First Love, Domestic, Falling In Love, Flirting, Awkward Flirting, Fluff, Smut, I'm Sorry, Intoxication, Romance, Explicit Sexual Content, NSFW, Topping, Teasing, Anal Sex, Rough Sex, Sex Toys, Gay Sex, Wall Sex, Daddy Kink, Inspired by Music, Harry Potter was Raised by Other(s), no regrets, I should be asleep but idc, I'm Bad At Tagging, I'm Bad At Summaries, I'm Bad At Titles
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2wtCo0k
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ao3feed-yurionice · 6 years
¡¿...My Gay Works...?!
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2wtCo0k
by That_Weird_Fangirl221
Takahashi Takeda/Kung Jin
The team assemble for a meeting and everyones not paying attention. Except for Jin - is he actually listening or just spaced out?
Takeda's gonna find out!
Words: 678, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English
Fandoms: Mortal Kombat (Video Games), Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), dan and phil, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Love Simon (2018)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kung Jin, Takahashi Takeda, Viktor Nikiforov, Yuri Katsuki, Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Eren Jaeger, Levi Ackermann, Simon Spier, Bram Greenfeld, Jean Kirstein, Marco Bodt, Reader (possibly)
Relationships: Kung Jin/Takahashi Takeda, Viktor Nikiforov/Yuri Katsuki, Dan Howell/Phil Lester, Eren Jaeger/Levi Ackermann, Simon Spier/Bram Greenfeld, Jean Kirstein/Marco Bodt, ALL x Reader (possibly)
Additional Tags: Awkwardness, BDSM, Biting, Bottoming, Boys In Love, BL, Bonding, Gay, LGBT, Comfort, Crushes, Cuddling & Snuggling, pillowtalk, Dating, First Time, First Kiss, First Love, Domestic, Falling In Love, Flirting, Awkward Flirting, Fluff, Smut, I'm Sorry, Intoxication, Romance, Explicit Sexual Content, NSFW, Topping, Teasing, Anal Sex, Rough Sex, Sex Toys, Gay Sex, Wall Sex, Daddy Kink, Inspired by Music, no regrets, I should be asleep but idc, I'm Bad At Tagging, I'm Bad At Summaries, I'm Bad At Titles
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2wtCo0k
0 notes
ao3feedphan · 6 years
Hot and Bothered
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2wtCo0k
by That_Weird_Fangirl221
Takahashi Takeda/Kung Jin
The team assemble for a meeting and everyones not paying attention. Except for Jin - is he actually listening or just spaced out?
Takeda's gonna find out!
Words: 678, Chapters: 1/20, Language: English
Fandoms: Mortal Kombat (Video Games), Yuri!!! on Ice (Anime), dan and phil, Shingeki no Kyojin | Attack on Titan, Love Simon (2018)
Rating: Explicit
Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Categories: M/M
Characters: Kung Jin, Takahashi Takeda, Viktor Nikiforov, Yuri Katsuki, Dan Howell, Phil Lester, Eren Jaeger, Levi Ackermann, Simon Spier, Bram Greenfeld, Jean Kirstein, Marco Bodt, Reader (possibly)
Relationships: Kung Jin/Takahashi Takeda, Viktor Nikiforov/Yuri Katsuki, Dan Howell/Phil Lester, Eren Jaeger/Levi Ackermann, Simon Spier/Bram Greenfeld, Jean Kirstein/Marco Bodt, ALL x Reader (possibly)
Additional Tags: Awkwardness, BDSM, Biting, Bottoming, Boys In Love, BL, Bonding, Gay, LGBT, Comfort, Crushes, Cuddling & Snuggling, pillowtalk, Dating, First Time, First Kiss, First Love, Domestic, Falling In Love, Flirting, Awkward Flirting, Fluff, Smut, I'm Sorry, Intoxication, Romance, Explicit Sexual Content, NSFW, Topping, Teasing, Anal Sex, Rough Sex, Sex Toys, Gay Sex, Wall Sex, Daddy Kink, Inspired by Music, Harry Potter was Raised by Other(s), no regrets, I should be asleep but idc, I'm Bad At Tagging, I'm Bad At Summaries, I'm Bad At Titles
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2wtCo0k
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sasorikigai · 4 years
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My muse in a relationships || @ephemeralkryonics​ || accepting (Part 2)
👫Do they display affection in public? What about in private?
Publicly, Hanzo may come across as stern, reserved and repressed with his affection (even when he attempts to sneak in knowing gazes, brush of hands and any part of exposed flesh, etc.), as he’s running high on rampant, prompted introspection and overwhelming onslaught of responsibilities that come as freight train of thoughts. So it may prevent him from fully capable to display physical and mental affection, compared to the private setting. 
In private, he is definitely much more at ease, without tension and hardened countenance and aura, which makes it effortless to commit to both physical and mental affection. While he feels more than comfortable expressing his affection with vocalizations, such would not be a possibility when he is fulfilling his Grandmaster’s responsibilities and duties. 
💕Are they open to threesomes or a polyamorous relationship?
It’s a hard no; Hanzo is a strict believer of the ethical philosophy and that “what’s good is what feels good” approach of polyamory or non-monogamy relationship repulsive. This can be more gross, as in the orgiastic pleasures of indulgence, or more subtle, as in weighing long term vs. short term pleasures and pursuing sustainable pleasures, seeking more subtle pleasures such as art and community, and considering the greatest pleasure for the greatest number of beings. While he understands that that it’s not only about sex, and being about the intimacy surrounding sex, Hanzo doesn’t that the pursuit of pleasure is as important to human beings nowhere near as to live a meaningful life, and I think the monogamous family model has been preferred for many good reasons. 
He is a traditionalist by heart, so he prefers one woman or one man is an equal balance with himself, instead of having primary and secondary person whom he could divide his attention. He isn’t very open regarding polyamorous relationships either, so trying other arrangements is out of the option too. Hanzo thinks polyamory is very egocentric and exploitive of participants. There is a primary lover and then secondary lovers, so there is an inherent caste system in Polyamorous relationships. So he would much prefer to have and thinks that it’s better to just find one person to make love with, and stay open to a community of friends. 
Also, time demands and emotional complexities may hinder Hanzo from ever pursuing it for himself. While Harumi and Kuai Liang share self-responsibility and integrity when it comes to their emotional strength and jealousy and commitment wouldn’t be an issue for them, he doesn’t think it’s sustainable long term as it is selfish in nature, even if the premise is that he can love a lot more abundantly than he originally believed we could. Monogamy is not just a belief system – it’s called pair bonding. Nature wants him to team up with and fall in love with one partner. Monogamy doesn’t mean he has to mate with one person for life, but Harumi will always be the one whom he’d consider his soulmate even before Kuai; Kuai just happens to share many paramount traits which Harumi possessed. 
💔Do they have a certain type of person they will not enter into a relationship with?
Anyone who is shallow, one-dimensional, goes against the Bushido Code, which are code of eight virtues he will follow with all his heart. Those individuals don’t deserve Hanzo Hasashi’s hard-earned trust, loyalty, devotion and love. 
💝How long until they feel secure and comfortable in a relationship?
Because of his past as a misguided hellspawn spectre and being used as a pawn without self-governance, Hanzo’s trust towards others and the time it takes to be completely comfortable with his significant other may take a while. With Kuai Liang, the duration which it takes for Hanzo to become more comfortable may be significantly reduced, simply because they have a long history between them. Even as mortal rivals and being a prominent member of opposite factions that had been in such a bitter rivalry for centuries, only exacerbated by Quan Chi’s machinations, the gravitational force of attraction was always there. 
There was an intrinsic intrigue, ever since the OG time where even as Scorpion, he caught up on how significantly different Kuai Liang was compared to Bi-Han. Kuai Liang’s major story arc revolves with the fact that the death of older brother had big impact on Kuai Liang, who in Bi-Han’s honor took name of Sub-Zero as he sought revenge against Scorpion. It was one of his biggest motivation during all MK stories - at least until he made a peace with Hanzo Hasashi. Kuai Liang is idealistic and naive, and Hanzo finds his sympathy, kindness, empathy and mercifulness (despite being absolutely ruthless and ferocious when he’s engaged in kombat) and Hanzo finds that endearing. 
Elder Kuai Liang may seem very composed, but Hanzo now knows in the Lin Kuei’s youth, he was driven by emotions (anger, guilt) - just like he is, anger fueled by guilt - and forced to do many things against his will by various powers (Lin Kuei, Quan Chi’s magic, cursed blade) and still he stayed on the heroes’ side. Kuai Liang even made peace with murderer of his brother - himself - and blamed only Quan Chi for what happened to Bi-Han. Hanzo forever feels indebted and grateful for Kuai’s forgiveness.
🤐Would they ever confess their feelings first?
Hanzo most likely would to Kuai Liang, than having it the other way. While Hanzo isn’t much experienced when it comes to having romantic/sexual relationships, for his one and only partner for life had been Harumi and I headcanon that they were friends from childhood years, in which Hanzo soon became Harumi’s suitor and they became lovers from friends, which also lead to them becoming soulmates. Because Hanzo is more emotionally in touch with himself and have no qualms of expressing his thoughts and feelings, it would come much more natural to him than Kuai Liang, who is rather naive and hasn’t experienced all the life’s joys as his childhood and normalcy to experience various appropriate things in Lin Kuei. 
❌Would they ever cheat on their partner?
Cheating is wrong, because it breaches his hard-earned trust, devotion and love. The golden rule for arguing about morals is the golden rule itself: One should treat others the way one would like others to treat oneself. The special exclusive bond he shared with him/her would degrade to become never exclusive or special. It would feel like such a violation and make him doubt his own self-worth, that maybe he is not deemed worthy enough. A relationship is heavy, involves a lot of opening up and intimacy, and breaking that trust makes him feel vulnerable and betrayed. The searing mental image of his loved one being intimate with someone else is hard to erase completely from your head, and would haunt him for long. It’s a shattering blend of impotent anger, envy, loss of self-confidence, possible erosion of faith in love, disgust at having opened up to such a person, and mind-numbing  regret and sorrow. 
👨‍👩‍👧‍👦Do they want children?
Hanzo always thrived better with having his offsprings; regardless of biological (Satoshi) or surrogate (Takeda Takahashi), Hanzo’s paternal prowess has not only kept him in check from his severe depression and sole survivor’s guilt, but it boosted his hellfire and fighting capabilities, making him even capable of coming on top of Raiden and Sub-Zero (albeit he was injured before their battle). 
🐶Are they a cuddler?
As I have mentioned before, physical intimacy is one of the most crucial and profound part of romantic/sexual relationship. Cuddling often gets conflated with sex because it releases oxytocin, a hormone that promotes bonding, and like sex, cuddling can lower blood pressure, ease pain, and increase sexual and life satisfaction. While cuddling doesn’t always make sex as an end result, Hanzo regards cuddling itself as one of the most important communications in relationships, as those subtle, grounding touches anchor him to reality. It only fosters tight-knitted bonding opportunities and cuddling increases his sense of security with Kuai Liang, which in turn, increases his desire to be emotionally intimate and vulnerable with him. There’s no denying the positive effects cuddling has on his relationship.
🔮Do they believe in soul mates?
I think Hanzo both believes in destiny and growth beliefs; it’s the same with Harumi and Kuai, that he was destined to be with a specific person (in this case, people) and that he would have one person who is meant for me in different timelines (if Harumi hadn’t met her gruesome death, Hanzo would have dedicated his life for her). And this is especially important with Hanzo’s relationship with Kuai Liang, and that their relationship slowly progressed and they both grew to fit together - like yin and yang - as they both made conscious effort to become needed and fill in the gaps of their imperfections. While he believes that he and Kuai can be the most compatible person on the face of the earth, but he doesn’t believe there's an invisible force that draws complete strangers towards each other; they have to continue to make conscious effort to understand and perceive each other, even as they begin to know them in-depth. 
⚔️ Are they protective of their partner?
Extremely. Although Hanzo knows Kuai is a strong and ferocious warrior who can very easily protect himself from peril and throes of death, it’s the past trauma of losing his clan - not once, but twice under supernatural forces he couldn’t control nor predict - and most definitely his family. 
🚀 How far are they willing to go for the person they love?
Once Hanzo commits in romantic/sexual relationships, he will literally go to the ends of the earth and to Hell and back; it’s literally the entirety of his story arc regarding Harumi/Satoshi when you think about it. It it weren’t for Hanzo’s love, Hanzo Hasashi as a character we know as of now may have been nonexistent, and so does Scorpion. 
❤️ Do they fall in love easily?
While the severity of his trauma may have been slightly mitigated by the decades of his desiderium and deep longing, Hanzo still has dreams and nightmares about Harumi, whom he considered not only as a longtime friend, a lover, a beloved and devoted wife, but even more so, his soulmate. She was a quiet, but a strong presence who served as Hanzo’s emotional pillar and guidance. 
📺 Do they share information about their relationships freely with friends and family?
Initially, Hanzo would be very discreet and hesitant about their relationship; at least until it becomes truly serious and fully devoted. For Hanzo, strategic disclosure and manipulation of co-presence (especially in regards to their shared Grandmasters’ positions and being Earthrealm’s protectors) signals will become the most frequent ways in which information was managed. The most frequent reasons for revelation were felt obligation to reveal based on the relationship with the target, the desire for emotional expression and the desire for psychological support from the target. The most frequent reason to withhold information was the anticipation of a negative reaction from his surroundings, specifically to the Shirai Ryu and perhaps beyond.  
This sharing of personal details about his life - your feelings, thoughts, memories, and other such things - Hanzo’s self-disclosure is on the low side; while he is completely open about sharing them to the most trusted, loved individuals, he is much more reserved about such things. 
♦️Are they concerned with the social status of their partner?
Social status is most likely the least facet Hanzo is concerned about, but I think Hanzo certainly has a type for someone who is either 1) a commanding leader in any manifestations and forms - Grandmasters, Commanders, those who have been in the leading position where they are responsible for numbers of individuals under their wings, so to speak, and 2) possesses insistence, the iron-will stubbornness that is able to meet his own hot-tempered decisiveness. 
💭 Do they tend to sleep better when in bed with their partner?
One of Hanzo’s most absolute favorite things to do is to cuddle naked; while he is much more of a sensual being than sexual, Hanzo does enjoy both physical or emotional closeness. While the term intimate relationship usually implies the inclusion of sexual activity, the term is also used to indicate a relationship with more than just sexual activity. Intimate relationships maintain a key role in his overall human experience because they involve emotional connections with others. This may be romance, physical or sexual attraction, sexual activity, or emotional support, while also helps him to develop strong interpersonal connections. 
Hanzo desires physical intimacy of some sort at least occasionally, being that it is a natural part of human sexuality. Because this is most often sensual touching of any sort, it requires an entrance into another's personal space, while it may be an emotional or sexual act anywhere from a hug to a kiss or sexual intercourse. Emotional or sensual touching of this sort aids in the release of oxytocin, dopamine,and serotonin, which reduces stress. Also, without physical intimacy, there are increased feelings of loneliness or sadness and Hanzo is highly prone to suffering both without the intimate proximity with his significant other. 
Specifically with Kuai Liang, he finds the quality of his sleep significantly improved; he finds the cryomancer’s coolness extremely comfortable, relaxing and natural. Even as a pyromancer and someone who is more or less used to stifling heat of Japan, regardless of humidity, he finds majority of summer and fall a bit unbearable - since he is the type to sweat a lot in those hot seasons and it’s hard for him to cool down rapidly without feeling significant discomfort beyond where he feels unhygienic and disgusting. Having some kind of weight under him is also a comforting presence, and he dreams less nightmares and unpleasant dreams because of it. 
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