#(I'm done)
elliespuns · 1 day
Okay, someone just accused me (in their anon confession) on one of the confessional Tlou blogs of posting "strange" stuff about young Ellie. Basically, what this person is saying is that they like what I post, but scrolling through my blog feels off to them.
First of all, this blog is about Ellie Williams. I post about Ellie in general; including ADULT Ellie. What I post about adult Ellie has nothing to do with what I post about young Ellie (like, do I even have to specify this here? It's so crazy to me). I'm allowed (same as anyone else in this fandom) to crush on adult Ellie Williams, yanno?
NEVER HAVE I EVER written anything CONCERNING or PERVY about YOUNG Ellie. I literally beg your pardon.
Second of all, you're always free to unfollow or block if you have a problem with what I post, instead of naming my blog and throwing dirt at it to make people who have never heard of it think poorly about its content. To think something that is not true in the first place. 
You could've easily slipped into my DMs and asked me about specific posts if something made you doubt them, and I would WITHOUT a PROBLEM explain the meanings behind them because my consciousness is crystal clear when it comes to content I share.
Loving young Ellie for the sweet, freckled goofball of joy she is is considered "strange" and off-putting? Why? No matter your age (I'm 30 if you need to know), if you feel like young Ellie's babysitter who would just love to squish her cheeks, there's literally nothing wrong with it. 
I know folks are not used to blogs posting about young Ellie, because it seems that here on Tumblr, Ellie Williams is only known as the hot stuff lesbian everyone yearns to write smut fics about. But I assure you that not everyone is like that, and I also assure you that some of us actually admire her as a character with no intention to disrespect.
Loving the hell out of young Ellie while crushing on adult Ellie (crushing with respect in my case) is completely okay. There's a line that no one in their right mind crosses.
There are A LOT of people who still love to see endearing post about her younger version, you know. If you don't like this blog's content, unfollow and move along without throwing rocks at someone you know nothing about (me).
I'm so disappointed right now. I need a break for a while.
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biscuithoney · 24 days
The sillies!
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They know Zane, they know...
Based on an interaction between me and my friends.
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dumblr · 7 months
Officially in my quiet era. I don't have much to say about anything anymore. It is what it is and life goes on.
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cinamun · 17 days
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Run me my money | Next
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monikalaprus · 3 months
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A perfect morning in Waterdeep
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gaylactic-fire · 11 months
Ok so I PROMISE this is my last post on Link and Zelda height comparison, but having two popular posts about manlet Link that blew up I get notes every day like "Link is shorter in ALL the games." (Not true!! Misinformation!!) and also people complaining about the references I used. So I decided to actually put effort into finding good, side by side height comparisons. For my own sake, but also for artists who need references!
[BTW this is also solely based on in game models and not concept / promo art. Come to your own conclusion there, bc some art directly contradicts the models]
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First off, pretty much all the pixel Zelda games have Link and Zelda's sprites in and around the same height, give or take. There's definitely wiggle room here for interpretation (Zelda 1 Link having one spare pixel dedicated to his hat and Zelda in Zelda 2 appearing like she's crouching) but overall it's safe to assume these Links and Zeldas are around the same height if you're staying faithful to the sprites.
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Spirit Tracks, Twilight Princess and A Link Between Worlds Links are undeniably shorter than their Zeldas.
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Wind Waker is kind of a weird one for me?? Tetra and Link don't have many shots of them standing together and I feel I'd have to open the game to get an accurate comparison (F to my WW copy in the attic). Originally I had stated Tetra was taller but they are actually very close. Tetra still looks taller by a tiny margin(?)
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Ocarina Of Time is also difficult to pinpoint! Especially with Link's goofy ass triangle hair! Once again the margin is so slim it's hard to say, but looking at both Zelda and Sheik's models I would say Adult Link is ever so slightly taller.
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Round of applause for Skyward Sword Link for being the only Link undeniably taller than his Zelda! Extremely funny that trend did not continue down the timeline.
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Finally, Tears Of The Kingdom Link is not only shorter than his Zelda, but arguably has the most notable shortness in comparison to her (him and ALBW are joint contenders for that imo). Short king, manlet, little guy, etc.
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meep-meep-richie · 4 months
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he did this twice....FOR MOBIUS?!
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freesonaisant · 5 months
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"Who is the liar?"
"The disappointment"
"¿who is the dragon warrior?"
Hi, how are u? Did ur year start gud? (Dementia)
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mix0tea · 3 months
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a couple of arts for today
in Russian and English:3
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raynoddle · 10 months
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The wheel is complete! One Dante for every occasion!
Red is for Lucifer, orange for Balrog, yellow for Skill Issue, green for Don't worry, cyan for Cerberus, blue for Alastor and purple for Nevan.
Thanks for everyone that gave ideas and encouragement along the way, it was a fun art challenge.
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mixmangosmangoverse · 2 months
Yeah so I need to learn to just stop going on Twitter but this specific tweet pisses me off
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Fuck you
Anyone who believes this? Fuck you
This is literally Nazi rhetoric. You are saying that Jews will just kill anything they can, because they want to, because they want to rule the world
"the Jews won't stop at Palestine!!! They're gonna go attack some place else, just because they can, because they're EVILLL!! It's not enough to just free Palestine, we must have a *final solution* so the world will be free of evil!!!!"
Actually fuck anyone who believes this
"punch Nazis" YEAH RIGHT
You're the fucking Nazis and yet you act like you still care about Jews
I would feel safer around a proud Hamas member.
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ave661 · 10 months
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rebouks · 2 months
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Ivan stared at the contents of his suitcase blankly, barely paying attention to what he was packing as he flicked the zip back and forth. “I didn’t think you’d be here.” He remarked, glancing over his shoulder.
“I was waiting for you-.. where’s Pixie?” Bruno asked, as though he didn’t already know the answer. “Oscar’s.” “Are you coming back, or..?” Bruno mirrored Ivan’s fidgeting, picking at the fluff on his old joggers. “I don’t know, I need t’think for a while-.. I’m goin’ away with Tilda n’ Mia for a couple weeks n’ all.”
Ivan snapped his attention back upon his luggage. It would’ve been easier if Bruno hadn’t been home, he was bound to forget something now, distracted as he was.
“Ivan, I-…” Ivan interrupted Bruno before he could continue, “Explainin’ ain’t gonna change anythin’ is it?”
Bruno fell silent, struck with inertia at the edge of the bed. He should’ve explained, pleaded, threw himself at Ivan’s feet and promised he’d never return to Oasis Springs-.. but he couldn’t bring himself to do so.
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“I’m probably gonna find someplace else when I get back-.. dunno what you wanna do with the house, but I don’t want it. Y’could buy me out, I guess, or we could sell it.” Ivan filled the void with practicalities that Bruno didn’t want to envision just yet.
“We don’t have to decide anything right now.” He offered, instead. Ivan shook his head, “I ain’t gonna change my mind.” Bruno thought as much, but he still couldn’t help himself from adding, “I still love you, for what it’s worth.”
Ivan paused for an excruciating moment before sighing, deflating Bruno’s glimmer of superfluous hope, “I ain’t sure what it’s worth anymore…”
“It’s not the same as before.” Bruno pleaded, “Kaden’s-…” Ivan rose to his feet, dismissing Bruno’s words with a wave of his hand, “I don’t want nothin’ t’do with any of ‘em-.. apparently, that includes you.”
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Bruno tugged at Ivan’s wrist before he could leave, manoeuvring himself between him and the door; his unusually calm, cold shoulder cut far deeper than Bruno expected it would.
“You don’t have to have anything to do with them-.. no one’s in any danger.” Ivan huffed disbelievingly, sidestepping Bruno’s efforts to stop him from leaving, “Keep tellin’ yourself that.” “It’s different with-…”
Ivan finally lost his air of composure, cutting Bruno off mid-sentence, “Was it not excitin’ enough for ya?  D’ya not feel alive unless y’pushin’ folk around, fuckin’ someone over-.. is doin’ whatever y’please the only thing that gets your blood pumpin’? Does it make life worth livin’?” Bruno blinked as Ivan confronted him, not quite expecting such a succinct breakdown of all his supposed failings.
Ivan’s steady gaze faltered somewhat once he’d said his piece though; his brief flash of anger replaced by sadness as he asked, “All this time-.. why’d y’even pretend, B?”
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Bruno avoided Ivan’s gaze for a moment, unable to form a response; he hadn’t always been pretending, but as much as he hated to admit it, Ivan wasn’t too far off the mark. He didn’t particularly enjoy the lifestyle that he’d described, but it felt a hell of a lot more natural than trying to fit into this one; he wasn’t made for domestic bliss, he didn’t make Ivan happy, nor was he. They both knew he was playing pretend by now, but letting go was easier said than done, no matter how much you loved someone. In fact, love only made things more complicated.
Ivan pulled away from Bruno, punching through the silence than hung thick between them, “I just need some space, okay? Do whatever y’want with yours.” Bruno tugged desperately at Ivan’s shirt as he turned away, “Wait-.. can we just talk about everything when you get back?”
Ivan sighed morosely, offering a weak shrug, “Sure, let’s prolong the inevitable-.. what’s a few more weeks?”
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Bruno hung his head as another rogue tear escaped down the side of his nose. Ivan’s demeanour felt so wearisome, so final-.. but Bruno didn’t want to let go, not that it felt fair to try and convince him to stay either.
“Don’t fuckin’ cry, B! Don’t act like this wasn’t on you!” Ivan spat, his uneven tone betraying the lump that resided in his own throat.
Bruno stuck his fingers beneath his glasses, jamming them into his eye sockets; he thought Ivan’s familiar anger would’ve consoled him, but it didn’t.
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“I tried, okay? I really did-.. n’ you did too, I know y’did…” Ivan added a little more softly, as though he understood; as though it wasn’t really Bruno’s fault, like he wasn’t truly angry at him-.. even though it wasn't true.
Bruno nodded; the tips of his fingers still pressed firmly against his eyes in a vain attempt to stop the pain from overcoming him completely.
“Bruno, don’t…”
Ivan tried to pry Bruno’s fingers away from his eyes, wordlessly begging him not to make this harder than it already was.
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He acquiesced, dropping his hands to his sides as Ivan gently caressed his cheek, his eyes brimming with a million different emotions at once-.. but that was Ivan, and that was the problem.
He hated, loved and felt everything with intense fervour, unapologetically wearing his heart on his sleeve for all to see; a heart so full of love and passion that Bruno felt inadequate in comparison. He couldn’t reciprocate any of it the way Ivan deserved; it would never be enough.
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Hollow and empty in contrast, Bruno could never hope to give as much as Ivan was worthy of, and he was worth the world-.. but maybe it wouldn’t hurt to pretend.
Maybe just one last time…
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dumblr · 4 months
I'm done liking people, you all disappoint me everytime.
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umika · 15 days
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The leather pants, the boots, the way he's sitting, and his hands🫠 I mean…🫠
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Day 7 — Birthday / Anniversary ₊˚✧ ゚
Submission for @minthe-drawings #BaxterMCWeek!
MC: Ai/Sky
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