#(rory/paris included OBVIOUSLY)
i have to say, i kind of think ayitl is a darkly genius means of resolving a not-quite-love-triangle -- a highly discoursed-upon love situation, if you will -- because i think both rory/logan and rory/jess shippers look at the revival like “this shows exactly why [pairing i don’t like] doesn’t work, and exactly why [pairing i do like] does work”
and i think it works equally well in either direction, hahahahaha
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piglet26 · 1 month
A Year In the Mess and the Millennial Cross Rory Bears. SPRING
Hell, this might as well be the identity crisis.
I will give the creators this credit and it is well earn.... In many of their scenes they have heavy lifting to do. Think of a show being only 6 and half episodes long. Beginning, middle, and end. That's all you got. Give us something new to watch but give us nostalgia as much as you can. Find time for 40 odd cameos and find a justifiable reason for them to be there. This isn't even mentioning scheduling around actor's schedules. It's also a credit to the Palladino's that all of these actors wanted to come back and work with them.
Rory turns down a job she obviously needs because she thinks she too good for it. I see what you're doing show. Why doesn't Rory just work at McDonalds?! Is she too good for that or isn't she? There is a moment here to get into relatable territory. What happens when your designated career path shifts? Literally the industry just shifts such as your plant closes down, or the business declares bankruptcy. Or, they reduce staffing size because people don't read anymore.
Interesting storylines. Relatable. Instead, we got millennial bashing. Uneventfully Rory thought she was too good for not one but two jobs. ShaddySacks or whatever and a teaching position at Chilton. FUCK YOU SHOW.
Emily is being exceptionally rude with everyone now, including Rory, but she's grieving so it's fine. For now. Again, this scene below is a glimpse of the original Rory we see in this show.
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The shrink Emily chose sucks. She doesn't encourage any talking nor does she direct Emily and Lorelai. It's literally Emily and Lorelai somehow flying even more blind than they did before. Their conversations are exhausting. Emily seems to be incapable of saying "Lorelai before I go, I would like to see you settled and married to the man you love." Instead, she scolds her. Lorelai actually got a lot accomplished on her own with the shrink. Like a lot accomplished. Emily also accomplishes a lot on her own.
I understand Emily's frustration though. Luke and Lorelai waste a lot of damn time not communicating when they should. Still. Maybe forever. Richard and Emily were couple goals. They are the only people to even hit a marriage anniversary on this show with the exception of Sookie and Jackson.
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Does no one else find it odd that for a husband and wife to be long term functional collaborators they don't find happy couples interesting?
Paris: "Aw Chilton, I cannot remember the books I have read any more than the meals I have eaten even so they have made me" BEAUTIFUL.
It felt good to be back at Chilton. I missed the uniforms. It felt like revisiting a high school you actually enjoyed going to. This feeling was short-lived. Instead, you get the sense of Rory used to be and why you liked her. Paris is highly intelligent, witty and funny, but she's bullish and she runs her surrogacy company like a sex trafficking ring. Rory on the other hand was always gentle with people, passionate and likeable. Frankly, she'd make an excellent teacher.
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Maybe that is the core issue at least in terms of Rory's character. Rory's inability to shift goals or career paths. Perhaps it's Rory dedication to her feminist stance. Hell, it's never made sense why she didn't marry Logan to begin with. She could've married him and achieved financial stability while pursuing her career with journalistic integrity.
Rory in so many ways is the heart of the show and I'm wondering what the show is getting out of going the route we're going. She's immature, annoying and unprofessional. WHY?!?!?!?! Dear God! Give us something. Something over the last 9 years that would've given us a clue as what the fuck is going on in this girl's brain.
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Paris Gellar continues to be amazing. Tristan Dugray oh the story arc you should've had. It would have been better had Tristan and Paris actually slept together and that's what triggered the divorce with Doyle. Something other than Paris and Doyle are both just neurotic and ultimately need Rory to be in their third to function. Paris and Tristan honestly could work as a couple if Rory was their third as well. Rory seems to only be destined for side boo status at this point as well. By sleeping with the Wookie she's cheated on Logan AND Paul. Unless Logan doesn't care who she sleeps with at this point.
MAE WHITMAN!!!!!!! We love you. Good Girls 4 Life.
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Doyle had me at hello and a part of me is thrilled that he's living his best sell out life in California possibly with a hot actress.
Logan also been given zero-character development up until this point. All we know is that he's seemingly success eating off his daddy's plate. Why? No idea. What's he do? No clue.
Again, they are trying, bless them, to fill out these gaps, but it's frustrating at this point. Like what's going on.
If this was a new show I wouldn't watch it cause this episode was all about creating the point that Rory (Millennial is entitled) You want to make a show that's a fuck you to millennials my fuck you back is not contributing to ratings. Alas, choice seasons of the original and characters will always have my heart.
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(Futzing around more with GG Season 6. Shit is resolved before Rory's bday, and before Jess comes to town)
Logan breaks up with her on a cold night, a few weeks before her birthday.
He talks about how she’s changed; or that maybe she was always this person and he never noticed. That she has all these “secrets” when really what he means is that he never took an interest in her life in Stars Hollow, and so missed the fact that her mother lives across the street from two famous and influential comedians.
Her having never mentioned it seems to be something Logan can’t get over, and so they’re done. She goes back to her mother’s house instead of Paris’ place, and curls up on the couch, letting her mother feed her junk food and expound upon plans for her twenty-first birthday.
But the breakup casts a gloomy shadow over it, and she excuses herself, saying she’s tired. 
She doesn’t sleep.
“Logan dumped her,” Lorelai explains at the diner the next morning.
“What the hell?” Luke asks, obviously offended by this turn of events. “What is wrong with that kid?” 
“He’s…he’s rich,” Lorelai shrugs helplessly. “He’s rich and he’s used to getting his way, and he’s not used to being with someone who has a life of her own that maybe doesn’t include him in every single corner.” 
Luke just looks confused.
“She’s talking about us,” Lenny says from his and Midge’s table. “Logan was angry that he didn’t know we were close with Rory, because we’re…us.” 
Luke rolls his eyes deeply. “I should go smack that kid in his mouth.” 
“Do not do that,” Lorelai orders. “Please don’t do that. She’s bummed. She’s…she’s having a hard time right now, the last thing she needs is for the guy she’s probably still in love with to get bloodied by her almost stepfather..” 
“You’ll let me know if there’s anything I can do?” Luke requests.
“I will,” Lorelai grins sadly, reaching up to peck his lips. “Her birthday is coming up, and I’m going to plan our Atlantic city trip, and hopefully that will cheer her up.” 
Midge frowns. “Atlantic City?” 
“Yeah,” Lorelai grins back at her. “We’re gonna drink and gamble and-” 
“Lorelai, sweetie. Atlantic City,” Midge says, her voice pained. 
“Midge,” Lorelai counters. 
“What about Vegas?” 
“I will pay for Vegas,” Midge promises. “Hotel, airfare, meals, the whole nine. Shy has a residency at the Four Seasons, you’ll love it.” 
Lorelai huffs out a soft breath. “I really appreciate it, Midge, but Atlantic City was going to be our thing.” 
“Vegas can still be your thing,” Midge promises. “Vegas is way less depressing.” 
Lenny concedes that point with a nod. “Also legal sex work.” 
“Thinking of going pro?” Midge asks him jokingly. 
“I do look great in heels,” he counters with a grin.
“You two don’t want to come with, right?” Lorelai asks. 
“God, no, I hate Vegas,” Lenny snaps. “Also I think I’m still banned from that one time.” 
Luke wrinkles his nose. “You got banned from all of Vegas?” 
“I accidentally sprayed Pearl Bailey with a fire extinguisher,” Lenny explains sheepishly. “Honestly, I didn’t mean to. It was a total fluke. But uh…it got me deep sixed for good.” 
Lorelai tries not to laugh as she turns to Midge. “And you?” 
“Will stay home and feed Luke and Paul Anka while you’re away,” Midge promises. “And tell Shy you’re coming so he can drag Rory up on stage and embarrass her.” 
Lorelai sighs and closes her eyes. “Am I going to regret saying yes?” 
“Not unless you intend to take your mother with you,” Midge smirks. 
Lorelai gives a whole body shudder. “Ugh, being with my mother in Vegas.” 
“Your mother at a strip club,” Lenny supplies evilly. 
“Just for that I’m not bringing you some guy’s g-string as a souvenir,” Lorelai threatens. 
“Shit, and I was so looking forward to that!” 
“So, funny thing happened today.” 
Rory blinks at her mother. “Funny haha or funny peculiar?” 
“Funny…unexpected,” Lorelai says. “I told Midge and Lenny about our Atlantic City trip, and they…offered to send us to Vegas instead.” 
“Wow,” Rory says. “That’s really generous of them.” 
“I mean, I can totally tell them that the birthday girl still wants to go to Atlantic City,” Lorelai says quickly. “We don’t have to take them up on it.” 
“It just-” Rory purses her lips. “Is this what Logan was talking about? Having and using connections?” 
“You’re not using anyone, Sweets,” Lorelai tells her soothingly. “Midge and Lenny love you. Love us. We may not technically be related, but we’re family to them, and they want to do something nice for you on your birthday.” 
“Are they coming with?” Rory asks. 
“Turns out Lenny is still banned from Las Vegas,” Lorelai snorts. “They just want us to have a nice time. Stay somewhere fancy. Eat good food, see Shy Baldwin live. And we can still do all the things we planned. Just…swankier.” 
“I just keep thinking about Logan,” Rory confesses. “I’m…I’m reevaluating things.” 
“Logan was wrong to say those things to you,” Lorelai tells her. “Midge and Lenny have known you since you were two years old. They changed your diapers. Lenny taught you how to read a newspaper. Midge made you chicken and rice soup when you had the flu for the first time. Lenny and Morey once wore tiaras to your birthday party because you required everyone to wear one because everyone was a princess. You watched BIll Clinton get elected president on their couch while eating sourdough pretzels. Whoever they are in their professional lives, they are, first and foremost, to us, the old couple who lives across the street and has always, always been there for us. And Logan’s opinion about that relationship holds absolutely no water because he didn’t start caring about your life here in Stars Hollow until he found out who they were.” 
Rory thinks that over, staying quiet.
“Midge and Lenny adore you,” Lorelai shrugs. “You and Jess and Lane. They love you guys. Don’t let some jerk who doesn’t understand what it is to be a part of a real community ruin that for you, Rory.” 
Rory purses her lips and stays silent for another moment. “So…Vegas?” 
Lorelai grins slowly. “Vegas.” 
“I’m going to throw Rory a birthday party,” her mother tells her the next evening over the phone as Lorelai works at the Dragonfly.
“Gonna be kind of hard without the birthday girl in attendance, but you do you,” Lorelai tells her. 
“What are you talking about?” 
“We’re leaving town for Rory’s birthday,” Lorelai explains with a grin. “We’re going to Vegas.” 
“You most certainly are not,” Emily snaps. “Vegas is vile, and tacky!” 
“And filled with gambling and lounge singers and booze and buffets and strippers,” Lorelai adds on. “And we’re gonna paint the town an undecided as-of-yet color.” 
“You most certainly are not.” 
“Flight and hotel are booked, Shy Baldwin tickets have been procured, I think we are,” Lorelai tells her. “We can do a belated birthday dinner when we get back.” 
“But Lorelai-” 
“Bye, Mom!” 
Lenny’s phone rings in the middle of the night, and he turns from his computer to pick up. “Hello?” 
He chuckles and sits back. “Rory. How’s Vegas?” 
“Vegas is nice. It’s all so nice.” 
“And someone’s had a few drinks,” Lenny grins.
“I have! I have had…three…and a half…martinis!” Rory tells him. “Just like Midge drinks them, in honor of her. Gin, dirty with two olives.” 
“Good girl,” Lenny says proudly. “I’m glad you’re having a good time.” 
“I have gotten the numbers of four guys,” Rory tells him. “Totally unsolicited.” 
“Well, what happens in Vegas…” 
“Stays in Vegas unless it’s you and then you’re banned from Vegas.” 
Lenny lets out a shout laugh, slapping his own knee. “Yes, yes, that’s very true. How does twenty-one feel?” 
“Good. It feels…it feels good. You know? I’m - I’m back at school and Mom and I are talking again and…and she and Luke are gonna for-real get married, and- and and who cares about Logan, right? Of all the things to be mad about! Of all the things to break up with someone over! Not disclosing that the elderly couple who live across the street work in the entertainment industry? What is that? Who does he think he is? Huh?” 
“A spoiled brat who doesn’t understand love,” Lenny tells her gently. “And that’s okay. Not everyone gets it, Kiddo.” 
“He was supposed to get it.” 
“I know,” Lenny commiserates. 
“I’m gonna end up alone,” Rory pouts. 
He chuckles gently. “You are so, so young. You have so many more chances to fall in love. You know, I didn’t meet Midge until I was in my thirties. I was pushing forty when we got married. And before she came along, after my divorce, I felt the way you feel. I had my shot, and there were no more to be had, and then…there she was. If a bitter old fool like me can find love after making a mess of his life, then you’re golden, Ponyboy.”
“It’s ‘stay golden,’” Rory corrects him.
“See? With a brain like yours, who can resist?” Lenny asks teasingly before growing serious again. “It’s okay to feel lonely sometimes. Everyone does. And I know as far as guys are concerned, you’ve been through the school of hard knocks, but the right person is out there. Give it time. You have so much.” 
“Lenny, you’re the best.” 
He smiles to himself. “You go have fun. Go flirt with some unsuspecting fratboy or something.” 
“Can you hug Midge for me?” Rory asks. 
“I will do that,” he promises. “G’night, Kiddo.”
“Night, Lenny.” 
 He hangs up and shakes his head, getting back to work.
They get home Sunday night, exhausted but happy, and Luke and Midge cook dinner for them at the Schneiders’ place. Rory doesn’t have any Monday classes this week, so she’s determined to crash early and sleep off some of her jetlag.
“And then a stripper threw his thong at Rory,” Lorelai says, regaling the small group with stories of their Vegas adventure. 
“That is so unhygienic,” Luke complains. 
“Your step-daughter-to-be got to see some stranger dick, you’re not supposed to like it,” Midge jokes, making everyone else laugh. 
Lenny nudges Rory gently at the dinner table. “Doin’ okay?” 
Rory nods and grins at him. “Yeah. I really appreciated what you said over the phone. It really helped put things in perspective, you know?” 
“Good. Breakups are hard, but it’ll be okay,” he tells her. 
“Have you heard from Logan at all?” Sookie asks, looking concerned. 
“No,” Rory admits. “I think - I think we really are done this time, you know? And it’s really for the best. I think we’re just- we think about life really differently.” 
“Sometimes, even though you love someone, you’re just not right for each other,” Midge says sympathetically. “But you’re smart, talented, and gorgeous. There is somebody right around the corner, you’ll see.” 
At that moment the door opens and closes and Jess’s voice rings out. 
“I’m not here!” he calls. “I just need a place to crash while I try to convince Andrew to carry my book in the bookstore in the worst town in the country!” 
Rory blinks owlishly, as Midge rolls her eyes and gets up to make him a plate.
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anxiouspotatorants · 3 years
I want to start a thread of Dave Rygalski headcanons because I miss the poor bastard and the potential he had on the show. Here’s what I have so far:
Dave is kind of a male Rory — he places way too much of his self worth on his achievements and ability to be there for others, is kind of an introvert and both can and will go into an hours long rant about specific nerdy topics (in his case music engineering and bands)
He gets a degree in sound engineering or something more technical and ends up working either as a sound engineer in anything from film to music to video games, or he works in a startup that creates and upgrades sound and recording programs/equipment.
He tries out joining other bands in California after Hep Alien, but doesn’t really find the tone with any. At some point he either gets back in touch with Hep Alien and jams with them from time to time, or he finds a band to jam with in the town he ends up moving to.
Inspired by Mrs Kim, Dave has at some point in his life read every major religious text. None of them convert him, but that wasn’t the point for him anyway. He also re-reads Tolkien.
In the case of a full Hep Alien reunion, Dave and Gil actually get along really well. Like so well it kind of freaks the rest out and they’re worried about what it will mean for the overall band dynamic.
In the case of Bible Kiss Bible 2.0 (either post series or post AYITL), Dave does not try to be a substitute father but rather a really sweet uncle who happens to be commited to the mom. In large family gatherings (including the Kim family, the Van Gerbigs, the Gilmores etc.) he often ends up having to be the voice of reason and has at least one melt down. Rory sometimes walks in on these melt downs and heals him with coffee.
Contrary to what one might think, it’s Dave and not Bryan who gets a serious DnD/Magic the Gathering-phase. He tries to hold campaigns/rounds with both the band and with the UQ (Lane obviously bring in Jess and Rory, who bring in Paris), but they all end in total chaos and wild debates about the rules and lore of the game.
Dave and Rory become digital pen pals during college, and once everyone is graduated/in the work force, they teach the others (Hep Alien, UQ) how to actually keep in touch.
When Dave and Jess first become friends, their hangouts literally only consist of silently playing videogames and giving the off hand remark on whatever cd they’re headbopping to. But at some point post season 3 the two guys reunite and get stupid drunk together. They cry into each others shoulders about their ex girlfriends, and from then on they are brothers in arms.
Seriously, in addition to being way more open and friendly with each other, Jess and Dave become each others number 1 cheerleaders in their love lives. Dave is so painfully obvious about being team Jess around Rory that Jess almost kills the guy. But Jess gets revenge by teasing Dave in front of Lane and about Lane. Dave’s revenge is forcing Jess to hold a speech at his and Lane’s wedding.
Now throw your headcanons at me, I crave it
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jakeperalta · 2 years
what would you have done with ayitl? or what would you have liked to see?
i mean i'd love to see all the characters just happy and thriving but obviously there needs to be some level of conflict. generally, the biggest issue is that it's treated too much like a replacement season 7, which means the characters and plotlines are sort of stunted at where they're left a decade earlier, often with little explanation. i don’t have many specific ideas of what i would have included, more just ways i would want to change what we got. i've only watched it once (besides seeing gifs/rewatching the rogan scenes for gif making purposes) so i don't remember that many exacts, but some big things i would've liked to have seen done differently:
not making rory into a total failure. like fair enough show her struggling with something but to just bring all her worst traits to the forefront is so frustrating. i didn't watch seven years of her being hardworking and passionate and caring only to lose all that as an adult!! i remember reading dan palladino said something about how rory's career in ayitl reflects the struggles of print journalism like i don't care about that! literally no one watches gilmore girls for the realistic takes on society! ideally, i would've had her have a successful career and then i can allow her love life being a mess.
on a similar note, logan not being regressed to his university self for no good reason??? like, where is the guy who stood up to his family and walked out when they said rory wasn't good enough, who literally proposed to rory, who rejected his family business to go out on his own?? he could still have his flaws but reducing him to just being the huntzberger heir who does everything his family wants makes absolutely no sense.
(personally, as a fan of them, i'd be very interested in seeing the development of them reconnecting as opposed to the affair)
let paris and doyle stay together! that just felt like an added unnecessary way to be like "yeah life is actually a bit worse than it seemed on the original show"
i don't have specifics about what i did want from lorelai and luke but i guess just.. better communication? that was never their strong point in the main show and if anything they've somehow got worse?? it makes no sense that they've supposedly been together for a decade but have never got married (despite being engaged the first time round) or discussed having more kids
the final four words!!!!! i don't mind rory being pregnant but i wish it could've been done differently. the whole full circle single mum thing is just kinda depressing (and, again, doesn't make sense when logan has had three previous seasons worth of character development to show that he's no christopher). maybe the four words could've been the ending to the first episode and then we see rory work through her love life issues? or even they're still the final four words but in a happier context (she and logan are properly committed again or even someone else) and it feels like everything has been a culmination towards this final happy moment
oh and no stars hollow musical. nobody needed that.
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allwaswell16 · 3 years
hey! I was wondering if you or your followers knew if a gilmore girls au has ever been written? have a nice day :)
Hi, anon! Thanks, hope you had a nice day, too! And yes, there are some! There are a couple of rare pair fics that I included, too, in case you read rare pairs. Happy reading!
Gilmore's Hollow by kassio / @fakedeepplantjerker (M, 65k, series, Harry/Louis)
Don't call Louis an empty-nester. Yes, his only daughter is is about to start university, but he's only 35, for God's sake. He finally gets to look forward to life as a young-ish bachelor in... the sleepy small town of Gilmore's Hollow. Okay, maybe that's not terribly exciting, but he'll get by with a little help from his friends, and plenty of pastries from Harry Styles' bakery.
(A Gilmore Girls inspired Harry/Louis AU. This is what happens when you start watching Gilmore Girls on Netflix, then get sucked into 1D/Larry hell at roughly the same time. You don't need to know anything about Gilmore Girls to read and enjoy this fic.)
go ahead, rip my heart out if that's what love's all about by wildestdreams / @butyouneverdo (E, 65k, series, Louis/Harry)
Nobody really understood Harry and Louis. Not even Louis. But for Louis, the world began and ended with Harry, and there were certain things he just wasn’t capable of explaining.
A NorCal AU where Louis is the town troublemaker and everyone hates him except for Harry.
where you lead (i will follow) by mozartspiano (T, 39k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw)
louis is harry's slightly eccentric godfather, nick owns a diner, and the entire town knows they're meant for each other.
(a gilmore girls!au)
And You Know For Me, It's Always You by takemeorleaveme (M, 20k, Zayn/Liam)
To be completely fair, the whole town fell in love with Zayn and his son, Tahir, long before Liam ever did.
The Gilmore Girls AU I thought would be a good idea and it turns out, it was.
Were We Ever This Young? by @letsjustsee (E, 17k, Louis/Harry)
“How did it go?” he asked, still not having gotten any hints from Louis’ face. “Obviously it went amazing, Harold,” Louis said, reaching for Harry’s hand, “Was there any doubt I would smash it?” Immediately after finishing his sentence a young girl burst out of the classroom behind Louis, pushing through her peers, sobbing her eyes out. Harry and Louis both took her in, watching as she rushed through the crowd and disappeared behind the many bodies. Harry looked at Louis in confusion, about to voice his concerns before Louis cut him off. “Teenagers, am I right?” Louis said casually, “So bloody sensitive. You hungry? Let’s go.” And with that, he pulled Harry through the groups of students by his hand, Harry too shocked to utter a word.
Hogwarts AU in which Harry and Louis both return to give talks to seventh years about the 'real world' with slightly varying results. Inspired by the Chilton scene between Rory and Paris in the new Gilmore Girls.
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gulmoregirls · 2 years
literati endgame
My obvious bias aside, I really feel like literati endgame could be in the cards as long as big follow-up themes for a second season go. And here I'll tell you why!
1. The parallels
The show is not about the mother-daughter duo sharing the same name and story, we all know that. However, it's impossible not to parallel their relationships, specially when after the revival, the cycle seems to be opened again. So, Logan is Rory's Chris. Rich, pretty and bad at really being there enough. I feel like it's almost a concensus on the fandom that Logan is the biological father, and the fact Rory consults her own dad about how he felt about Lorelai raising her alone confirms this parallel. She has no intention to break his engagement to Odette, intending to raise her kid by herself just like her mother did. Jess would be Luke, for obvious reasons. Not only do they share blood, but they are also a constant support system for the Gilmore Girls. Altough Jess is kind of ausent, he offered Rory finantial help just like Luke used to do, and helped Rory find herself multiple times: going back to Yale, making peace with her mother, writing a book...
2. The fanservice
After divided opinions from the audience on the revival, I feel like the writers would've learned a lesson or two for a second season. Jess if by far the fan favorite, proof being the result of the pools recently shared on the official twitter and instagram profiles. It would certainly be giving the people what they want. Jess stans would have their fav back, and Logan stans would have, as the consolation prize, him as the father. Dean stans are not being taken into consideration because honestly who cares about them? Dean is happily married and doesn't deserve to be ruined again.
3. Milo. Ventimiglia
I feel like I don't even have to ellaborate on this one. But I will, because I love to talk about it. The Palladinos are really close to Milo. They wrote the Jess part specially for him and were responsible for his big break. They attented Milo's ceremony after recieving his star on the hall of fame, and, after the end of This is Us, included him on the cast for the fourth season of their famous show Marvelous Mrs. Maisel. And Milo obviously likes the role of Jess, as he always speaks fondly of the character whenever asked.
4. The original storyline ??
To be honest, the OG show went really downhill when the Palladinos left after S6. I feel like they had some clear goals and preferences. For instance, they never really took Jess out of the picture. We can never really forget him, because there he is suddently back at Stars Hollow for his mother's wedding, or throwing pebbles at Rory's window, or publishing a book. They liked the character enough to give him an entire spin off that was only cancelled because of the costs of production of shooting in California. However, at the end of S6 Logan was sent to London. This was easily solved by the next season's new writers, but I always wondered about what were the Palladinos plans for Logan's and Rory's relationship. Maybe the long distance wouldn't have worked and maybe Jess could be in the picture again.
5. The cliffhanger
Not the cliffhanger, AKA the famous last four words, but MY cliffhanger, AKA the long stare Jess gave Rory on their final scene. He just said he was long over, but I can't really buy it when a minute later he procedes to give her heart eyes on what was a very unnecessarily intense scene.
6. Everybody moved on, I stayed there
This lyric might apply to me and the fact I'm still obsessed about gilmore girls, but the Palladinos made an effort to really make it apply to Jess as well. Everybody moved on: Paris has her kids, Dean is married and with kids, Logan is engaged. But when it comes to Jess, we know so little about him that he could be the president. Successful writer? Likely, but the only canon info we’ve got is that the press tour is going well. Dating? Probably not, as the only information we get is his vague response when he and Rory first meet on the Revival. It's really unfair, because Jess is a very complex character that had a major evolution throughout the series, even if his glow up happened off-screen. He deserves to be happy, not pining over his ex from 17 years ago. If the Palladinos didn't consider pairing him with Rory, I feel like their care for the character would be enough to at least make him have settled down and move on.
7. They're still in contact... right?
Right??? I don't know if I've read and written too many headcanons at this point, but as he was the one to pitch the idea to her, I really feel like Jess is the editor of Rory's novel. At the very least, someone with experience in the field who can help her through the writing/publishing process. It only makes sense that they stay in touch, right???
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mysteriesofloves · 3 years
are there any other tv ships that remind you of dan and blair?
rory/paris from gilmore girls is THEE dair blueprint . hence the fic that i am “writing” (sitting untouched in my docs like everything else). it’s about the bickering the rivalry the first true friendship you find yourself choosing. most of the time i really hated you! i really hated you too! i know this is not a “canon” “ship” but yes it is.
seth/summer from the oc obviously was the actual blueprint i firmly believe had the s1 dair storyline panned out they would’ve done something similar. (also the “one kiss and that’s that” was a ryan/taylor scene first and i don’t ship that but know your history).
xander and cordelia from buffy the vampire slayer are also a blueprint ship 100%
haven’t watched hart of dixie yet but @strideofpride wrote me an ask here about george/AB being dair-like! i also haven’t seen all of dawson’s creek but joey/pacey is widely regarded as a similar ship
did a downton abbey rewatch recently so feel the need to include mary/matthew (someone talk to me about how mary and blair are like the Same Character). how matthew saw a kindness in mary that she believed was only there because of him. also just the whole “if you like to argue we should spend more time together”
RELATED i rewatched the emma 2009 miniseries and this specific portrayal of the emma/knightley relationship is so exactly dair!! it’s about LOVE and FIGHTING born out of familiarity. jonny lee miller’s knightley has something so charmingly geeky about him the dan humphrey energy is through the roof
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Since were both in a Kirsty & Richie mood - seven scenes, one for each season?
oooo okay let’s go!!!!
Season 1: in Forgiveness and Stuff, once they’re sure that Richard is going to be okay and they all go home, Richie makes hot chocolate and brings it to Kirsty’s room because he knows that she’s been really shaken up (both because of being closer with the grandparents than Rory and because of the hospital stuff) and they spend the night drinking hot chocolate and cuddling under a warm blanket until Kirsty stops shaking 🥺(I can see him including Rory in it or Rory having gone to bed when they get home!)
Season 2: just, Richie escorting Kirsty at the debutant ball 🥺at first it’s just doing a favour for his sister but he ends up getting really excited to have this special thing with her because they haven’t has as much time together since starting Chilton bc of school and everything, and the entire thing is just soft and sweet and adorable!
My Way —
Season 3: listen when Kirsty gets her early admissions to Yale, the first person that she tells is Richie and he’s so excited it’s adorable!  He totally respects that she’s not ready to tell Lorelai but he definitely struggles to hide his excitement
Season 4: okay these are technically two scenes but idk which works with your Richie plans!!!  In The Lorelais First Day At Yale, either Kirsty goes to crash in Richie’s dorm for the night because having Lorelai (and Rory tbh) there at all is already really shitty for her but then the whole food party makes it even worse, or Kirsty begs Richie to come to the dorm because she can’t deal with any of it alone (possibly including Richie reassuring Kirsty that she’s not a bad person for being pissed about Rory being at Yale/in her quad)
Season 5: oof oh boy okay so Rory and Kirsty have a huge fight over the Rory getting back with Dean thing (especially because Kirsty is like genuinely afraid of Dean after the Keg! Max situation), and I can just see Richie like basically dragging her to New York to spend a weekend in the apartment because he can tell that she’s kind of falling apart over it all
Season 6: okay so while literally everyone else is fighting with everyone else (hell, Kirsty even tears into Rory at one point), can we just have Friday Night’s Alright For Fighting with Kirsty and Richie absolutely defending each other all the way until finally the two of them just leave and Richie drives them out to New York to spend the weekend at the apartment because it’s home-home (and possible Richie calling Logan & Tristan and Kirsty calling Paris, and Jess already there, so they just have a family bonding time)
Season 7: oh god okay but at parents’ day, Kirsty continuously introducing Luke & Jess as her family and Richie just kind of laughing at her (but affectionately) but then when he sees Lorelai and Christopher he joins her in calling Luke dad (and they both run interference keeping each other away from Christopher and Richie basically telling Lorelai “you really fucked up so respect that Kirsty doesn’t want you in her life and leave her alone”)
Piece By Piece — 
Season 3: Just give me Richie defending Kirsty & Jess’ relationship to Lorelai pls 🥺like when she flips her shit at the end of summer party and Kirsty is like definitely close to tears, I really need Richie to just say something along the lines of “well she’s almost 18 were and Jess is involved, so she’s off to a better start than you were”
Season 4: ooh boy okay so obviously the Harvard-Yale game is a disaster so afterwards Richie goes back to Kirsty & Jess’ and the three of them eat takeout on the living room floor while watching a movie (probably a disney one bc of the twins) like they used to when Richie was staying with them in New York!!!
Season 5: okay but when the Christopher and Kirsty fight breaks out, Luke and Jess are each holding one of the twins (keeping them far away from Christopher) so Richie is the one who like just grabs her by the stomach and pulls her away and basically tells Christopher to leave before he lets go of her
Season 6: okay like it isn’t a specific scene but since Rory lives in New York for at least a chunk of the time that she’s out of Yale, just give me the triplets’ New York adventures like either in the summer or Kirsty and Richie going down for some weekends (and still studying super hard but also just spending time the three of them because like clearly they’ve grown apart a bit if Rory fell apart like that and couldn’t talk to them about it so they want to reconnect 🥺)
Season 7: goddd okay but the episode where Richard has a heart attack like in PBP Kirsty is still at Yale and she’s in Richard’s class so either Richie being in the class too or Kirsty calling him and like the entire ambulance ride to the hospital and like tbh the entire time at the hospital they just are not letting go of each other’s hands and just being each other’s rock through the entire time (and the second that Christopher finally shows up, Richie is just immediately pulling Kirsty out of the hospital)
Send me a crossover and I’ll talk about a scene that I could see happening in their story
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do you have songs you specifically associate with gellmore (or rory & paris individually)? for me it’s eternal flame by the bangles obviously, and gorgeous by ts, especially chilton era when rory is dating dean or jess ahaha
DUDE (if that’s okay to call you!) I was jUST going to say how my first pick would probably be gorgeous! it’s got MAJOR early chilton era vibes in paris’s feelings via rory, and, honestly, explains everything behind the gay-panic-anger she had towards her (’you're so gorgeous I can't say anything to your face, and I'm so furious at you for making me feel this way’/‘there's nothing I hate more than what I can't have, you are so gorgeous it makes me so mad’/‘ocean blue eyes looking in mine, I feel like I might sink and drown and die’ - hello???!!!). it’s such a good one, and everytime I listen to it I cannot not think of paris.
so that’s probably at the top of the list, but I also love dress and new years day. dress for me, perfectly encapsulates that exciting nervousness of friends-lingering-into-more feeling (‘I don't want you like a best friend’/‘flashback to my mistakes, my rebounds my earthquakes, even in my worst times you could see the best of me’/‘my one and only, my lifeline’) where paris and rory have moved passed the ‘enemies’ thing and starting to call each other friends, leaning on each other and becoming closer (think around s4).
and new years day shows when they’ve really become friends (late seasons), how they’ve cemented their friendship and grown to deeply care and love the other, supporting each other for all their fallouts and bizzare ways (’I'll be there if you're the toast of the town babe, or if you strike out and you're crawling home’/‘please don't ever become a stranger whose laugh I could recognize anywhere’/‘hold on to the memories, they will hold on to you, and I will hold on to you’) god just the soFTNESS of this song and it’s ‘the strongest love is between two friends who’re so deeply entwined with the other and care about each other more then anything’ ~essence~ put to gellmore truly makes me squeal like a child. honestly, I could write a whole meta on tswift vs gellmore (and I have, but lets be real, no one wants that besides me probably).
that’s really most of it, I feel. the playlist I made forever ago has some others I love for them on it, that I really think show the gellmore Vibe (esp ‘she’s a lady’, ‘shut up & kiss me’, ‘mess is mine’, and also ‘she’s so mean’ by matchbox twenty but I didn’t get to include that one).
but I love the question for which songs fit them individually! for paris, pink’s please don’t leave me is a big one - the lyrics are spot on, of being (unintentionally) cruel and seeming like you don’t need anyone, but underneath it all, you’re scared and frightened that you’re going to be alone/the person who matters most (rory) is going to pack up and leave one day and you’re going to be the cause of it. also, just like fire, which may be a little...obnoxious in it’s ‘girl power!’ message, but I can’t help but love it for paris. and blink 182′s misery, while doesn’t have perfect lyrics - except the ‘misery loves company (I don’t need anyone)’ - that fit, but just has this vibe of...angry misery in it, that I feel really correlates to the lonely sadness paris holds (wow this got dark, sorry I don’t have more happy songs). and for rory alone I don’t really have any, but for her feelings towards paris, I just got into this song does somebody love you by hardcastle, that has this v gentle energy that I really associate with rory’s potential hidden feelings for paris who feels like she’ll always be unlovable (’does somebody love you, ‘cause baby I want to’/‘can you think for just a moment, what we’d be if you would only let me in for just a moment tonight’/‘get out of your head, get into my arms, there’s so much more to love’).
thanks for the question and allowing me to blab! and this is an open invitation, if anyone else has any other songs that remind them of rory and paris (individually/together) to add on bc this is something I’m really interested in!
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for the ship game: george knightley/emma woodhouse, paris geller/rory gilmore, roy kent/keeley jones, anne shirley cuthbert/gilbert blythe
Knightley/Emma - SHIP IT!
What made you ship it? I honestly can’t remember when I started! (A very Austen sentiment.) I think I read Emma for the first time when I was around 18, and I remember really liking them together and feeling very giddy during the part where Emma asks him to ask her to dance. 
What are your favorite things about the ship? I really enjoy how they’ve known each other for a long time and get a lot of enjoyment out of being so honest with each other and kind of testing each other’s nerves constantly in an affectionate way, and the specific familial-but-not connection of “Our siblings married each other” just tickles me. And they go on such a great journey together!! My fondness for the pairing was renewed by the ‘09 version, since I really love Romola Garai and Jonny Lee Miller’s chemistry, and let’s not even GET INTO what Emma. (2020) has done for this situation.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? I don’t know if this is unpopular, but I do really like the read of Emma as demi/on the ace spectrum and the way that ties into her contentment with not planning to marry and then being sort of shocked by the epiphany of her romantic feelings for Knightley, I think that interpretation tracks really well, and it’s really neat to see a sexual orientation that has only really been recognized recently portrayed so accurately in a novel from so long ago! (I feel similarly about the depiction of Fanny having severe anxiety in Mansfield Park, which is something I really cherish.)
Rory/Paris - SHIP IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!
What made you ship it? It is my love?? It is my life??? Honestly, it started as a joke of the “Rory needs to give up on men, her true soulmate Paris is RIGHT THERE!” variety, but then it immediately became God’s honest truth to me, and has been these twelve years since I first decided to watch GG with my Raris goggles on.
What are your favorite things about the ship? EVERYTHINGGGGGGGGGGG! I guess my VERY favorite thing is that I just think they are such funny and awesomely matched scene partners. That comedic chemistry! *chef’s kiss* And also that they have tons of scenes together in every season. I love that.
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? This isn’t about the ship, necessarily, but: I do like Rory with Logan almost as much as with Paris (obviously not as much because it’s impossible), so I am kind of a diabolical multishipper in the Rory department. (I like Paris with Doyle a lot too, in the universe where she and Rory are tragically heterosexual.)
Roy/Keeley - SHIP IT!
What made you ship it? Um, the show being EXTREMELY CHARMING in all things, including their depiction of this relationship? And besides: who among us does not ship the cheerful one with the grumpy one?
What are your favorite things about the ship? I actually have only seen Ted Lasso once so far (except for the first two episodes, which I finally rewatched!), so I haven’t seen their relationship in awhile, but I feel like this moment sums it up completely. Like. How do you not fall for that?
 Also, I think I’ve posted about this already at some point, but I love Keeley coming into the locker room and holding Roy to comfort him at the end of the season -- I feel like that, paired with Rebecca comforting Ted outside the karaoke club, shows women as capable of really being a pillar of strength in an m/f dynamic in a way that I feel is ... really rare to see in movies and on television? I felt like I was watching something new seeing those two moments toward the end of the season, and I really value that depiction of women as a solidly STRONG, grounding presence with whom a man can be truly vulnerable and kind of fall apart in the ... guardianship of? If that makes any sense. I think it is something that’s way more common in life than we get to see represented. (Yes, I did just sneak some Ted/Rebecca love in there. Bwa ha ha!)
Is there an unpopular opinion you have on your ship? Nope!
Anne Shirley Cuthbert/Gilbert Blythe - Don’t Ship It! (Sort of, it’s complicated!)
Why don’t you ship it? I would count the AOGG incarnation of Anne/Gilbert as a lifelong favorite ship, but I had a trickier time with AWAE’s version. I like all the stuff that happened between them in canon just fine, and find a lot of it very dear and sweet, but this pairing is just so low on the list of things I love about this show, and it makes me sad how it’s like 97% of the fandom response. I get why it is, because that’s always going to be the situation with a show that’s got a will-they-won’t-they pairing, but it still makes me sad!
What would have made you like it? Honestly, I don’t think anything needs to change for me, I just want people to be paying more attention to the rest of the ensemble in fandom, hahaha. This is such a weird complaint! If there was no such thing as fandom, I would be 100% down with their relationship as it exists in the text of the show. (Though I would’ve liked to see them do their own version of a few more of the book haps, like THE LADY OF SHALOTT RESCUE!)
Despite not shipping it, do you have anything positive to say about it? Oh yeah, I think they’re lovely! I just don’t really think of them as, like ... a me ship? You know how some ships make you go “THAT’S ME!” at the center of your soul, like, it just gets you and speaks to you? That is not me and this version of Anne/Gilbert. But that’s okay! (Also, like, obviously I’m an adult and maybe not the target audience for this, which totally makes sense but is also sort of disorienting due to Anne/Gilbert being a favorite pairing from the time that I was very small and could not imagine being as grownup and mature as they were in comparison to tiny moi. Retellings of your lifelong faves, man! They’ll confuse you emotionally!)
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stellaluna33 · 4 years
Literati was doomed before they even started part 2: Rory never actively choose Jess over Dean. Jess tried to move on and Rory stayed with Dean until Dean dumped her. Dean told her to be with Jess and then started to pick fights with Jess behind her back which lead to Jess looking like a “jealous bad guy”.
Yes!  You are absolutely right.  (I've written about this in SEVERAL of my fanfics, so clearly I agree... Haha!) And as the flip side of what I wrote about last time, I wonder what would have happened if Jess had waited for Rory (again with the caveat that I can't blame him for making the choice he made).  Because if he had, I think she might have actually chosen him.  She clearly had spent the entire summer thinking about him, and her conversation with Paris about "finding someone who complements you" was obviously a reference to Jess.  She was looking for him at the festival, but then... He was with another girl.  I think she felt that the choice had been taken out of her hands at that point, and she had no other option than to try to make things work with Dean.  (The mature choice would be: "break up with Dean anyway, because it's better to be single than to drag out a dead-end relationship," but we've established that Rory was Not Mature, so...)
I HATE that people (including Lorelai) act like Rory "dumped Dean for Jess," because as you said, Dean was the one who dumped HER.  I don't actually blame him for dumping her, but the way he did it was terrible and cruel.  It should have been private.  But I'm getting distracted.  That anxiety about making the wrong choice, that I mentioned last time, never really left Rory, perhaps because the choice was kind of taken away from her both times (this falls into the "explanation, not an excuse" category).  Dean or Jess, Jess or Dean... she couldn't make up her mind, no matter WHICH boy she was with.  I think Jess definitely felt that sense of insecurity.  It would have been nice if they could have talked about it, but good luck getting those stupid kids to communicate about ANYTHING...
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dodgergilmore · 4 years
3: after Jess came back/their argument at the Pub because Rory went back to her mom and basically 'rejects' the whole preppy rich lifestyle after getting her drive back. I think it would've been interesting for Rory to maybe stay single for the rest of the season and work on herself more (and get some actual serious therapy), it would've also been an interesting contrast to her mother finding herself in a very serious relationship that is also riddled with some serious
4: questions and conflicts (though I know that all of this goes against Amy's plan for Rory and her mom, but still. I just wish there was a more original positive ending/development to Rory as a character). Rambling aside, this makes me wonder. If you could change anything in the OG series/revival for the general plot/characters, what would you change?
Definitely agree there should’ve been more single Rory! That’s a good point, too, that after Rory goes back to Yale the story really just marches right on without really unpacking the events of 6x01-6x08. It doesn’t help that the April plot comes immediately after, so there’s not room for the Rory/Lorelai story to breathe because we’re right into the next conflict. Again, what a shame!!
I find season 7 to be a real slog to get through where it feels like those moments where you’re reading and you suddenly realise that you didn’t internalise a single word you just read, but they stick the landing with 7x22 especially with where Rory is concerned!
It’s easier for me to think about what I would change about the revival, maybe because there’s significantly less material to pull from? I always love hearing what other people would change about the series/revival, though!
With the revival.......the way for me to change as little as possible is just if the character motivations were better fleshed out or, in some cases, given at all.
I like the idea of Rory’s conflict centering around her professional life and even shifting course (similar to how it was Harvard until it was Yale) but let’s begin the episodes with more success for Rory! Let’s see the exact moment where journalism stops clicking for Rory – it doesn’t even need to be this big dramatic moment, it can be as simple as it no longer feeling fulfilling and I think there’s plenty of material there for conflict given that this was always the plan so what happens when that’s no longer the plan?
Let’s just scrap Paul altogether. Please. Please. Luke’s wifi passwords may have been the only running gag I liked?
I know people hate it but I can see how the Rory/Logan mess could fit in as a way of clinging to the past and escapism, which was how I interpreted it in the revival anyway but I need clearer character motivations!! The relationship is given so much real estate in the revival but we still know so little about what’s going on there? Instead of dropping the audience right in the middle of the affair, let’s see the actual moment they see each other for the first time after however long and see the struggle of the situation there, like addressing the whole ‘he proposed’ elephant in the room.......idk I have zero emotional investment there so I’m not too interested in delving into what that story would look like, but, importantly: let there be consequences! Again, it doesn’t even need to be this big dramatic thing but some disapproval from Lorelai’s end, even if it’s just in conversations with Luke, and some guilt on Rory and Logan’s end would be appreciated! I can actually see a path for Logan regressing in the time since Rory rejects his proposal, but I do feel for his fans here. If we see those beginning moments of the whole affair, though, we could get an explanation for how he ended up here.
More Jess, obviously! The stuff we got was good but I would especially loooooove to see some Lorelai and Jess hijinks. I can’t cook up something worthy but I want it to be an actual plot line and just be something light-hearted so we can explore that dynamic further!
Give Lane something to DO!!!!!!!! I’ve seen people mention maybe she runs the music shop in Stars Hollow or gives lessons, which I can absolutely vibe with! But I would also love some Lane/Rory/Paris fun-times! I don’t know what this would look like or where it would be but this revival needed more friendship moments.
Luke and Lorelai have moments of poor miscommunication in the original series, yes, but nine years later and they haven’t actually discussed kids? They’re only now getting married? Not to sound like a broken record but I need better character motivations here!! The kids stuff gets completely dropped after, I believe, the second episode? anyway so I wouldn’t even include that stuff – let’s get Paris involved with the plot in other ways, even though I liked all that we got of her. I think Richard’s death could’ve been used as a turning point for Lorelai – same with Rory, actually – with regard to getting married.
With the LL wedding, I totally buy that they would do a quiet little secret wedding before the big event and it was a sweet moment, but knowing that it only happened this way because of budget reasons is kind of annoying! I would think that this wedding would be, like, top priority because it’s The Ship of the whole show and also because it’s a natural way to bring all of these characters we’ve come to know into the same space: Emily, Jess, April, Sookie, the townies, etc. they all should have been there!
Also, because I am me...........Rory and Jess would share a dance at the wedding and there would be a callback to how he owes her a whole prom. Pepper in a little romantic tension from both sides, y’know?? Just a peppering, though, because I am shooting for a slow burn here and I actually like the foundation the revival sets up with them and her book writing.
The pregnancy................sigh. My feelings on this are very complicated and I am still unpacking them tbh! My biggest issue with it is that this show has a weird history when it comes to pregnancy/sex that it feels kind of......icky. Given how much the show focuses on parent-child relationships, I think there is potential there for a what would Rory as a mother look like? story. How does that change the dynamic between her and Lorelai and Emily? It would be very different from Lorelai’s experience because Rory is an adult and has a huge support system. The lack of build-up to this in the revival, though, is so questionable. Like, we see Rory with both Paris’ and Lane’s kids and they don’t really do anything with that???? I’ve decided that I don’t like it as an ending, but I can see how it could work as the beginning of a story if that makes sense? As an ending, it’s just this big, ‘gotcha!’ plot twist that we don’t know how we’re supposed to respond to, and Lorelai looks horrified! Again, it feels icky. As a beginning, though, it opens up stories to explore and I think it would allow for Rory to let go of some romantic dependencies and invest herself in a non-romantic relationship – even moreso in the actual revival, obviously, but girlfriend needs to be single for a bit, phew!
Emily is actually my favourite character so I come out of the revival feeling very validated lmao BUT I am scrapping that “Berta has an indistinguishable accent, isn’t that hilarious???” mess! I am scrapping it right out of my redux!!!
I really liked the Michel stuff! All of that stays!
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celloface · 5 years
Christopher is always despicable, but he is even worse after he becomes a single dad. I don't know how Lorelai could sleep with that. Everything he does after she sleeps with him disgusts me to my very core, including but not limited to:
- getting up in the morning to half-ass say goodbye to his daughter as she is being shuffled off to school by the nanny
- not bothering to shield her from the sudden presence of Lorelai in his bed, in their house, to explain beforehand
- incessantly calling Lorelai to talk about what happened even though she makes it so clear from the very beginning that she wasn't looking to start anything
- THEN when that didn't work, calling Rory and making plans to go to dinner with her. I don't care what anyone says. He did that as a way in.
- not being considerate of the fact that she just ended a major important relationship and is obviously hurt and can't be trusted to make good decisions (which to me kind of means she wasn't even in the right frame of mind to consent to sex); he should have cared more about that than the sudden opportunity to finally have her, in bed or in a relationship
- his whole "I'm rich and can do whatever I want" attitude that NEVER. ENDS. "I can force a restaurant to open in Paris. I can afford anything so there's no reason for you not to get pregnant immediately."
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perpetuallyfive · 5 years
ten lines
So I said the other day I wanted to make my own meme where people post a top ten of favorite lines from their own fic.
So that’s what I did! 
Any publicly available fic is eligible, even WIPs, although I personally only included ones I think still have a chance of being finished. These aren’t necessarily all time best lines I’ve ever written, just ten of the ones I loved the most when I made this list that I also think are a good representation of variety in my writing etc.
Other people should do this because I really want to see what you guys pick. Do it and tag friends! Do it!
10. Some people are just born ready to be made into verbs. / Lust, break, fuck, trust.       - Biting (Both Franken and Otherwise) [UnREAL, Rachel/Quinn, WIP]
9. So it makes very little sense to her -- quite frankly, it's annoying -- when she looks at Rory, that pained look on her face, and can't think of anything to say. Words feel insufficient.      - Manuscripts and Mistakes [Gilmore Girls, Rory/Paris]
8. Some of Chloe's memories are like a bruise somewhere in the muscle layer of her mind, too deep to repair. Too sharp to forget.       - The Casual Creation of Monsters for Enthusiasts and Beginners [Pitch Perfect, Beca/Chloe, Pacific Rim AU, WIP]
7. Now maybe that particularly smug walk — who knew someone could walk smugly, Laura certainly didn't until now — is because her pants are so tight, that might be a possibility, and those leather pants do not look as good on her as she obviously thinks they do.      - all the feeling and the rain [Carmilla, Carmilla/Laura/Danny]
6. She touches herself thinking of Jeremy, thinking of Adam, thinking of anyone who has paid her the time and attention. (She tries not to think about that. How the want is almost pathological, or how her mom would have some diagnosis on hand.)      - Self-Diagnoses for the Consistently Disengaged [UnREAL, Rachel POV]
5. Most likely she's just hanging out with a different class of person, doing dumb preppy kid things. Like the modern equivalent of a soda shop, whatever that is. Beca actually doesn't know. Maybe it involves meth?      - The Party’s Crashing Us [Pitch Perfect, Beca/Chloe, High School AU]
4. She scrubs until her skin begins to feel raw, a different bright shade of red than the water. / When Yang drains the filth from the bath, it all disappears. / The only remaining signs that any of it even happened are the marks left on her body.      - much sweeter than it ought to be [RWBY, Blake/Yang, Dishonored AU]
3. The point is that Chloe has started to treat Beca like the little alt girl that could. Like Chloe's adopted her to keep her from doing raves in the street or selling crack or whatever it is punk shits do. Aubrey really wouldn't know.      - Bulletproof Use of Bullet Points [Pitch Perfect, Beca/Chloe, Aubrey POV]
2. They breathe against each other, saying, "Enough," but it isn't true. / It isn't enough.      - Do Not Remove Cover [Pitch Perfect, Beca Stark/Chloe Barton, Marvel AU]
1. Maybe that's what healing is. / Learning to ignore the parts of you that will never be completely fixed.      - You Can’t Become Unreal Again [Pitch Perfect, Beca Stark/Chloe Barton, Marvel AU]
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larryfanfiction · 6 years
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Harry Potter AU
🔮 Firebird by sweetlouist91 @spookylouist91 (8k)
Half the time Harry wanted to strangle his soulmate and the other half, well, no, the other half he wanted to outright murder them.
- the hp/soulmate au where your soulmate can control your patronus. Featuring pranks, frustration, friendship, and a whole lotta magic.
🔮 Tainted Saints And Velvet Vices by Toomanytears @toomanylarrytears (126k)
A self-fulfilling Hogwarts AU in which Louis is new to seventh year and Harry is the resident devil-may-care Slytherin set to make his entire experience a living misery. Due to less than favourable circumstances they’re forced to forge an unwilling, tentative relationship for their own survival. Repressed emotions, decidedly unromantic ballroom dancing, Triwizard Tournament tasks, creative jinxes and twilight flying above the Forbidden Forest ensue.
🔮 The Oldest Magic Word by FullOnLarrie @fullonlarrie  (18k)
Louis gets called up to play Seeker for the English National Team and when he gets there, he finds out that Harry Styles, his old school crush, is the Team Healer.
🔮 a fully armed battalion (to remind you of my love) by MediaWhore @mediawhorefics  (5k)
“He was flirting with you by the way,” Niall says casually once he’s finished saying goodbye to Louis and he’s joined Harry outside.
“No he wasn’t,” Harry replies automatically, feeling his heart clench at the thought. Was he?
Niall simply raises a mocking eyebrow in response before wrapping his scarf twice around his neck.
“Not that it matters!” Harry says quickly, eyes widening. “I wouldn’t care even if he did because he’s awful and the worst.”
Everyone at Hogwarts knows that Professor Styles and Professor Tomlinson absolutely despise each other. It's too bad that they're in love.
🔮 With You In Your Dreams by lululawrence @lululawrence (5k)
“And how are you boys doing?” Professor Trelawney asked as she came to their table. Her wide eyes blinked at the two of them before peeking into the cup. “Ooh, a heart! How interesting…”
Harry’s eyes widened and he looked at Louis. Louis was just looking into the cup in interest. “Should I note that as well, then?”
“Absolutely, Tomlinson. What others do you have?” Trelawney looked at his scroll and she let out an overdramatic gasp. “Oh my my. It looks like someone definitely has love in their future! Those signs all stand for love, marriage, stability, togetherness, and when combined like this predominantly new love! Very interesting reading you’ve done there, Mr. Styles.”
She gave a wink at Harry and then whisked herself off to the next table.
Or the one where Professor Trelawney plays a very unlikely matchmaker.
🔮 Home For The Holly Days by LadyLondonderry @londonfoginacup (2k)
There he is, bowl of batter in one arm and whisk in the other. The wireless is blaring something that distinctly sounds likeFairytale of New York, which would make sense with how much Harry loves muggle music.
But. The thing is, is he's doing some terribly odd moves, swaying his hips slightly out of pace with the music but with so much more passion than Louis thinks he's ever seen anybody display about this song. His apron, down to his knees, is swishing back and forth as he moves and - dear lord - his shorts don't even reach as low as the hem of his apron.
Louis has to get out of here.
Or, Louis’s participating in the Secret Santa exchange between all the Hogwarts professors stuck at school over the winter holidays, and the Sorting Hat may fancy itself a bit of a matchmaker.
🔮 You Are The Blood by sarcasticfluentry  (175k)
A seventh-year Hogwarts AU in which Niall gets all the girls, Liam goes on a journey of self-discovery, Zayn falls in love, Harry wants something more, and Louis tries to figure out once and for all why he, a Muggleborn, was sorted into Slytherin.
🔮 your certain charms by deLILAh @tequilila (20k)
harry potter au. louis is the reserve-reserve seeker, harry is the quibbler’s brightest new voice, and the quidditch world cup is as good a place to stargaze as any.
🔮 What Good Are The Stars Above by ultravioletInk (loquaciousEscapist) (68k) 
A gratuitous alternate universe where Harry is more interested in the Slytherins than a Gryffindor Muggleborn has any right to be, Louis has settled into his preordained role, and Liam just really wants to get his friends through their final year of Hogwarts without accruing any casualties.
🔮 You Can Read Me Anything by lululawrence @lululawrence (7k)
“So wait, why are you upset over having five classes so far with Louis?”
Harry heaved a dramatic sigh. “Because! It’s so exhausting trying to pretend to be somewhat cool all the time, Li!”
Liam stared at Harry, obviously unamused. “For Merlin’s sake,” he muttered before standing from the table. “I don’t have time to deal with this.”
Or...the one where Harry has pined over Louis from afar, but his sixth year at Hogwarts is when it all changes.
🔮 Magical Soup by gloria_andrews @gloriaandrews (28k)
Slytherin prefect Louis Tomlinson's seventh year at Hogwarts takes an immediate turn for the worse when he's made to be potions partners with Harry Styles, Hufflepuff's resident heartthrob and class clown. Louis has always considered Styles to be a terrible show-off who coasts by on his charm and good looks, but the more they work together, the more he questions that idea. As term goes on, will Louis be able to admit to himself that he might actually like Harry Styles after all... and maybe, just maybe, as more than a friend?
🔮 Follow Me Down This Time by supernope (27k)
Harry first noticed Louis in his second term at Hogwarts, and despite three years of inventing ways to stumble across Louis, he's never managed to actually work up the courage to speak to him. Also known as, self-indulgent Hogwarts AU, because every fandom needs Hogwarts AUs.
🔮 Don’t Let Me Drown, Don’t Breathe Alone by supernope (31k) (Sequel to Follow Me Down This Time.)
Harry tries not to think about how he and Louis only have two nights left together in the castle. Instead, he focuses on Louis’ hand on his thigh, the warm press of Louis’ shoulder against his own, and the pumpkin risotto he’s just piled onto his plate. He’s going to live in the moment, he tells himself firmly. Live in the moment. Right.
🔮 Frog Prince by wouldneverseethesun (4k)
Hogwarts AU: Harry is pining and Louis‘ patronus is a frog.
🔮 Been here all along by Cherrie (28k)
Harry is 11 year old wizard who was brought up in muggle home and now is on his way to his new school. Everything is new and exciting, and nothing can hold his attention for more than two seconds at the time, expect for this one boy with blue eyes, silver tongue and green tie around his neck. He can hold Harry's attention for two seconds, or you know... forever.
🔮 Every Little Thing He Does Is Magic by perfectdagger (sincerelyste), star_k  @perfectdagger  (92k) 
There were only a few things Louis didn’t believe in. You could include in that list the Easter bunny, the tooth fairy, and also Father Christmas. Having four little sisters, though, he had to pretend that all of them were real for the sake of keeping their imagination alive.
Surprisingly, there was one thing, that not until his oldest little sister turned 11 did Louis believe in and did he think would actually be real: magic.
Louis’ sister was a witch and everything he knew would never be the same again.
🔮 Were We Ever This Young? by letsjustsee  @letsjustsee (17k)
“How did it go?” he asked, still not having gotten any hints from Louis’ face. “Obviously it went amazing, Harold,” Louis said, reaching for Harry’s hand, “Was there any doubt I would smash it?” Immediately after finishing his sentence a young girl burst out of the classroom behind Louis, pushing through her peers, sobbing her eyes out. Harry and Louis both took her in, watching as she rushed through the crowd and disappeared behind the many bodies. Harry looked at Louis in confusion, about to voice his concerns before Louis cut him off. “Teenagers, am I right?” Louis said casually, “So bloody sensitive. You hungry? Let’s go.” And with that, he pulled Harry through the groups of students by his hand, Harry too shocked to utter a word.
Hogwarts AU in which Harry and Louis both return to give talks to seventh years about the 'real world' with slightly varying results. Inspired by the Chilton scene between Rory and Paris in the new Gilmore Girls.
🔮 The Art of Reading Tea Leaves by evelynegrey, fortunefavorsthebrave  @evelynegrey (28k)
"If he were such a good person, he'd be in here," he smiles jokingly. "You know that house elitist stuff doesn't make sense, right?" It's a comfortably old debate, one they both know the outcome of, and Harry takes it gratefully. "Harry Potter was Gryffindor, is all I'm saying," Niall argues easily and Harry opens up his books again. "And Voldemort was Slytherin," he fills in with a smile. "But Romeo was a Montague, you know. A rose by any other name and all that." "What?" "Never mind."
Hogwarts AU where Harry decides to take Divination without his friends, Niall wants to get laid, Liam and Zayn are the dream team in Potions and Louis has a secret. He also happens to be a Slytherin.
🔮 We found love (right where we are) by dea_liberty (6k)
Harry Styles hadn’t meant to come back to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry as a celebrity. Except, somehow – by accident - he sort of had. Now he can't go anywhere without someone (or a lot of someones) screaming hysterically and or trying to charm him into falling in love with them. To make matters worse, he couldn't even eat anything he found just anywhere because it might be laced with a love potion. The absolute kicker though was the fact that the one person he'd been trying to impress when he'd apparently impressed the whole bloody world was probably the only person whose attention he hadn't managed to catch.
🔮 Reckless Serenade by boyfrombradford (10k)
A Hogwarts AU where Harry and Louis hate each other, but then an acromantula makes them not. Also, there are lots of awkward moments involving erection éclairs and Drarry erotica.
🔮 A Little Bit Blue and Yellow (A Little Bit Eye of Newt) by andresurrected (30k)
The boys attend Hogwarts. Liam is the Gryffindor Quidditch captain, Harry is a beater. Louis and Zayn are Slytherins. Niall is a Hufflepuff. There is a misunderstanding, and there are shenanigans in the Room of Requirement. Also, a lot of Quidditch matches.
Liam says, “Don’t repeat that. I’m not meant to have favourites.” Harry claps him on the back, grasping his shoulder and bringing him in for a hug. “Noted for blackmail,” Louis assures him, nodding once. Liam smiles at him like he doesn't believe him.
🔮L'Été en Azur by FannyT, RedOrchid (26k)
In which Hogwarts students Louis, Liam and Niall go on a summer exchange to Beauxbatons.
🔮 Beneath the Sheets of Paper by missberrycake (55k)
In which Harry Styles is about to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. While his best friends Liam, Niall and Zayn battle with the trials and tribulations of another school year, it’s all Harry can do not to fall head over heels for Slytherin prefect Louis Tomlinson. Harry soon comes to realise that discovering Louis was a far greater piece of magic than anything Hogwarts could teach him. Magic, though, is not always what it seems …
🔮 Potions and Presents and a Partridge in a Pear Tree by b0yfriendsinl0ve (7k)
Harry has a bit of a crush, it's Christmas and there's chocolate.
🔮 Like Master, Like Pet by orphan_account (10k)
In which Louis's cat apparently wants to date Harry's frog, intense studying of eyebrows is a thing, pillows can turn into flamingos, and a lot of really lame-ass jokes are made.
🔮 put your hands on me (I'm worth it) by troubleinateacup (18k)
A professional Quidditch player AU where Louis won’t be caught dead wearing green, Harry has an iPhone 6 and no knowledge of the most important game on earth, Liam is Louis’ long-suffering personal trainer/best friend, and Niall hangs out with models.
🔮 hey angel by vanillabeanniall  @vanillabeanniall (6k)
When Louis had first arrived at Hogwarts, he was more of a spectacle than he was now; Harry remembered when he first saw him at the sorting, just as entranced by his beauty as most everyone else. They'd all gone quiet when they saw Louis and his veela genetics, but because he was only one-eighth veela and also because of the natural progression of time, everyone’s infatuation had eventually worn off. Well, for the most part, anyway.
It had faded a bit with Harry, but the veela effect had never really gone away, and he knew Louis noticed that, though he never voiced his curiosity towards the subject.
🔮 i'll be yours to keep by midnights  @harryindallas (17k)
louis should've thought a lot more about who he said his fake boyfriend is, especially since he and his "significant other" kinda hate each other. most of the time.
🔮 Take a lover who looks at you like maybe you are magic by larrycaring @mystupidamours  (38k) 
Call him hopelessly romantic, but Harry is convinced Louis is the one for him. He didn't really believe in love at first sight. Until that special person came along and stole his heart. And really, as soon as he first met Louis in the train, Harry had felt something. Their love at first sight started when they met, and never ended since they found each other, heart to heart. He knew it when he felt this fluttering feeling from deep down inside, when Louis smiled at him. It was like gravity moved, and nothing mattered more than him.
or even in a magical world, Louis and Harry's love is the most magical and beautiful thing in the world, Zayn is the smart Ravenclaw who falls for his best friend, Liam's true feelings are revealed and Niall is Niall.
or just another Hogwarts AU I had to write.
🔮 The best smell in the world is that man that you love by larrycaring @mystupidamours  (10k) 
"Amortentia is the most powerful love potion in existence. It has a different aroma for everyone who smells it, reminding each person of the things that they find most attractive, even if the person doesn't acknowledge or is unaware of their fondness for the object of their affection themselves."
Louis looks down at his own container inspecting it suspiciously, as if the liquid could turn into a creature and absorb him. He bends his head down a bit, and Louis' nostrils are filled with the most comforting scents he has ever inhaled. Somehow, it reminds him of home, something rich and warm, something he strangely feels familiar with, but he can't quite place it. He also has the feeling he smells burnished copper.
He inhales more deeply and then he can smell apple and cinnamon, and he really does not understand. He moves back and frowns. If it was up to Louis, he would not mind inhaling the odour forever.
🔮 fake it 'til you make it by tempolarriefics (13k)
“So.” Louis clears his throat, trying to prompt the curly haired boy into speaking.
“You want me to what?” The boy asks incredulously, speaking slowly in a way that emphasizes the absurdity of what Louis has just asked.
Louis clears his throat, hoping he doesn’t look as completely mortified as he feels. He shrugs nonchalantly before squeaking out, “To go to the Yule ball with me, to make my ex-boyfriend jealous?”
or, the one where Harry and Louis are seventh years at Hogwarts and while trying to make Liam jealous, fall in love along the way.
🔮 An Underrated Type of Trouble by anchortied  @anchortied (22k)
When Harry walked through the doors of the Great Hall his mind didn't immediately register what he was seeing. A chorus of giggles started throughout the hall. A few coughs and the sounds of muffled, embarrassed laughter. Some shocked gasps, but not many. Harry, who had been readjusting the badge on his chest, glanced up. When his brain finally caught up to him, a horrified look settled onto his face. Everyone was doing their best to remain still in fear of alerting the ghosts. The Hogwarts ghosts. The ones who, currently, had an array of different, multicolored and silly hats on their transparent heads. Harry was dumbfounded. All he could do was stare, his hands hovering above the badge he, moments before, had been trying to straighten. His mouth formed a big, round ‘O’ and all of the blood went rushing to his face. How had he done this? Harry thought, for there was no doubt in his mind that this was the work of Louis Tomlinson _ Or, Harry is the Head Boy, Louis is a troublemaker and they both like each other too much to get in each other's way.
🔮 Crying lightning by frenchkiss (42k)
Louis doesn't remember the accident, and when he wakes up he finds that he doesn't remember any of the last ten years of his life either. All he knows is there's some curly-haired bloke by his bed claiming to be the husband he shares a house, a dog, and a life with, two siblings he's never met before waiting for him in the waiting room, and more niggling questions at the back of his head than anyone can physically answer.
This really isn't how he planned to spend his Wednesday.
🔮 if you'll be my star, i'll be your sky by g_uttertrash (62k)
Louis smiles in the smuggest, most infuriating way, like he knows every thought filtering through Harry’s mind. He probably does.
“I thought you were a student, yeah,” Louis says, voice quieter now, leaving Harry to lean over the baluster somewhat to hear. “But I hoped you weren't.”
(or, Harry Potter AU where Harry takes a teaching post at Hogwarts and gets a little more than he expected when he meets the fit Transfiguration professor, Louis, who looks oddly familiar... Featuring Messrs. Horan, Malik, and Payne as well, along with some familiar faces from the HPverse)
🔮 Bronze and Gold by yoshi09 (7k)
“And we’re back, Hogwarts! Another amazing day at the Potter Pitch, with clear skies and a brisk forty-one kilometer wind speed making for some fantastic plays today-- it’s cold up here in the stands but it’s a good thing I’ve bought myself an official Quidditch jumper, available outside the pitch for only nine galleons, six sickles and one knut-- we’ve got Ravenclaw leading Gryffindor thirty to ten, but after that classic Wronski Feint led by Gryffindor’s Lacey Kim, Ravenclaw is down a seeker for at least ten minutes while Devine gets medical attention giving Ravenclaw beaters more work to distract Kim’s efforts-- it looks like we’re about to start again. Brooms are up, they’re off-- the quaffle is immediately snatched up by Tomlinson, Merlin look at that form-- only appreciating, Headmistress, that’s my best mate out there--”
* * * * *
Slice of Hogwarts life fic just in time for Halloween. Everyone knows 7th year Gryffindor Quidditch Captain Louis Tomlinson and 5th year Ravenclaw prefect Harry Styles are dating-- except for Harry. Fluffiest fluff to ever fluff.
🔮 Sweeter Than Wine by letsjustsee (15k) @letsjustsee
Walking up, the bass still pounding loudly in his ears, he furrowed his brow in confusion as he noticed one lone figure still sitting at the bar. Almost every other person in the club had fled to the dance floor, but here was someone that obviously hadn’t been caught up in Louis’ spell. Confused, Louis thought perhaps this muggle was just so determined to get drunk that his spell couldn’t penetrate. “You must really need a drink tonight, mate,” Louis said, his tone biting as he slid up next to the stranger and clapped him solidly on the back. The sarcastic tone he displayed a second before must not have flustered the man, because he smiled widely, his cheek dimpling endearingly. “I do, actually,” he said, gesturing to the stool next to him. “Why don’t you join me for one?”
When Wizard!Louis goes to a muggle club for a change of pace, his one night stand ends up being much more than he bargained for.
🔮 Keep me where the light is by frenchkiss (198k)
A post-Hogwarts era AU featuring a wedding, a fake relationship, lots of sex, a cat named Hermione, a string of terrifying murders, and two young Aurors who are about to embark on a case that will change their lives (and the lives of the ones they love) forever.
🔮 Can’t Hide It, You Might As Well Embrace It by supernope (67k)
Together since they were teenagers, Harry and Louis are professors at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. They may also secretly be married.
🔮 Hypnotize Me Then Rewrite Me (Anything But Fight This) by Newbornpony (24k)
It's probably not what his counselor expected Harry to do with his advice when he sat him down and rambled, "Do what you love, what you're good at. Don't get sucked into a 9 to 5 job you hate and end up drinking yourself to an early death with just you, your cat and Corrie reruns."
In which Harry is a successful gay porn star who falls in love with Louis Tomlinson, arguably the most famous porn star in the industry, other than Harry of course. The only problem is that Louis' straight. Like sleeps with women for a living straight. Harry hates his life.
🔮 I See London, I See France by incandescentlight (5k)
Harry Potter AU. Louis is working at the coffee shop when the most gorgeous boy walks in. Harry is an eighth year Beauxbatons student and Louis is determined not to fall in love because Harry returns to France in four months.
🔮 where we go, nobody knows by hazmesentir (95k)
"Do you ever think," Niall said, quite calmly, as they stood among the hoard of students staring at the quite frankly grossly disturbing writing on the wall, "that so much more stuff goes on in this castle than we're ever told about?"
Hogwarts AU where Harry's just trying to be something more than 'that other Harry', and if his best friend could realise he was in love with him it'd be really grand; Louis has normal Slytherin problems like having to hide his friend's illicit pet lizard, though maybe it's all OK if Harry's paying attention to him; and somehow they always end up missing all the drama.
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